#fox: they have twenty years of work experience and I'm a workaholic
varpusvaras · 2 months
"So, like", Bly starts. He is definitely drunk at this point. So is Fox, to be honest, but he is still judging.
"So like what?" Fox asks.
"So, like, what is it?" Bly asks. "The thing."
"Maybe we should have this talk when your brain is not made of 80 percent of alcohol", Fox says.
"No no, we are having this now", Bly says. "Like, the thing. With the Queen and the Senator. Like, you know, I like Aayla because-"
"He's asking you what it is about them that makes you like them that much", Wolffe explains, promptly interrupting Bly, before he can start rambling about General Secura.
Fox knows he shouldn't say anything.
But then he looks at everybody else around the table. They are all grinning.
Yes, his brothers have been teasing him about his choices. Oh, Fox has gotten fancy while on the Triple-Zero. He does not care for the same things as us common folk. No, Fox likes the finer things now, like all the rich people around him.
Fox knows that his brothers are not really taking Bail and Breha seriously. They all respect them, like they should. Bail is not constantly putting himself in the middle of battles to help them and the people out, nor is Breha constantly pushing more credits and aid and trying to handle diplomatics to get better things for the army, for them all to disrespect them.
But Fox knows that they don't take Bail and Breha seriously. They are still rich people, royalty, nobility, people who have gotten used to nice things and nice things only. People who are nice and aspire to do good, but are still soft and delicate in their eyes.
So Fox opens his mouth.
"They are nice", he starts, because that is the starting point.
"Yeah, yeah, we all know that", Rex says. Fox glares at Cody, who in turn, smacks Rex on the arm.
"They treat me well", Fox continues. "And they are fun to be around."
"I'm starting to think that we have a very different understanding of fun these days", Bly grins. "What do you even do for fun? Sit on fancy couches and talk poetry? Do they kiss your hand as a good-bye when you leave?"
"Sometimes", Fox says. Wolffe gags. Fox glares at Cody again, who, in turn, smacks Wolffe on the back of his head.
"Hey, you all have to admit, it's very romantic", Ponds says. "It's very nice."
"Yeah, if sappy romance is all you want", Bly says.
Fox should really keep his mouth shut.
But no. No, he has been listening to this enough. It's time to shut them all up for good.
"You know that they have been married for well over ten years now?" He asks.
"Yeah?" Bly says.
"Do you know how much sex people have on average in long-term relationships?" Fox asks. "According to several databases, at least once a week. That's sex on average every four days. Now, count in your little alcoholic head, how much that is in over ten years."
Bly squints his eyes. Ponds leans his head on his hand.
"It's a lot", Fox says. "And how does it go, Rex? In your book, experience outranks everything?"
Rex pulls a face for being included all of a sudden. Too bad, he opened his mouth first.
"Yeah, but", he says. "Isn't Senator Organa on Coruscant a lot, and not at home on Alderaan?"
"Yes?" Fox tilts his head.
"So like, the calculation is off, then", Rex tries.
Fox grins.
"It is not", he says. "I'm here, too."
Rex looks disgusted. Wolffe gags again.
Cody smacks Fox. Fox smacks him back.
"Is everything alright with your brothers?" Bail asks.
"Yes?" Fox asks back. "Why?"
"I met up with a few of the Masters at the Temple earlier today", Bail says. "Some of your brothers were there, too. They seemed a bit...strange, all of a sudden."
"They are all idiots", Fox says. "Don't mind them."
Bail shakes his head.
"If you say so", he says. "Oh, by the way, Breha is coming to Coruscant, to attend a couple of galas and session for educational aid budgeting. She'll be staying a little over a week."
"Oh, that's nice", Fox smiles. "Sorry, I need to send a quick message."
CC >>>>>>>>
Fox: Hey I have to cancel our next two nights out, Breha's coming over
Cody: Okay, say hi to her
Wolffe: Why next two
Fox: She'll be staying for over a week
Wolffe: And?
Fox: Remember, on average, once a week. gotta get that second week's average as well
Fox has been temporarily banned from CC >>>>>>>>
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