#four is basically her only connection with the hamatos and the only one she'll talk to when he's with them
darth-sonny · 2 years
do you have any lore or more information on venus from your weary and wild au?
OH BOY DO I!!!!!!
i have a lot. but i'll tell you about two specific bits that are really important to her arc
i wasn't kidding when i said that Venus was the first mutated. i think Yoshi was in Draxum's clutches for longer than what was seen in goyles, goyles, goyles, probably a day or two. in that time, Draxum took some of Yoshi's blood samples and mixed it with his mutagen, which was still in development and not perfected at all. still very unstable
Venus was the turtle baby he chose to mutate first to see what kind of kinks and bugs he needed to work out. tl;dr., she was basically the test subject for the test subjects. if her mutation went well? then great! more soldiers for Draxum's army. if it didn't go so well and something bad happened? oh well, at least Draxum will know what to work on
(this, naturally, gave her some personal issues when she grew up. Draxum unfortunately never hid that tidbit from her)
so, by the time Draxum decided to mutate the boys, Venus was already mutated and toddling around somewhere
as stated before, the mutagen used to mutate her was in beta stage and unstable, which meant Venus wasn't fully humanoid as the boys ended up being. since she's a leatherback sea turtle, she was an aquatic mutant, and thus Draxum had to keep her in a tank full of water for the first few months. after he mutated her again with his perfected ooze, she ended up having the humanoid soldier form her brothers have
as a result of being mutated twice, Venus is much more bloodthristy and sadistic than her brothers. however, unlike her brothers, she has better control of those urges and can choose whether or not she falls into them. a direct result of her upbringing. she could kick Raph, Donnie, and Mikey's asses if she wanted to, but when it comes to Four, he will beat her in a fight
to put it simply; girlie has a beast mode
hoo boy. this is gonna be a mess, so strap in
while, yes, Draxum is redeemed and becoming a better person, the guy did start out as a villain whose main goal was to wipe out humanity. he raised Venus as a soldier, running her ragged with training meant for five instead of one. she was well aware that there were meant to be more of her, but she's the only one Draxum has now
Venus... does not like the Hamatos. her reasons aren't because of the family in particular, but because she's projecting her (rather justified) hatred of Draxum onto them
Draxum was. just the absolute worst for Venus during those times. he's changed now, but back then, the goat-man was – for a lack of a better term – abusive. he wasn't satisfied with her and used to take out his anger at having lost four of his soldiers out on her
and then, of course, came the day when he sold her to Big Mama. or, as the spider puts it, "gifted" Venus to her
whatever sort of hope that Venus had that maybe Draxum could one day turn around and start treating her better got destroyed on that day
she hates Draxum. plain and simple
however, she can't hate Four. he's her little brother, her baby brother. she doesn't like the others, but she 1000% likes Four
when she found out that Draxum suddenly became a good guy because of he had nothing else going on and because of the Hamatos, she... well. she immediately began hating that family, too. doesn't matter that they're her family by blood. she hates them
(her ninpō, as a result, is basically buried under D E E P rubble. not that she knows about it anyhow)
she'll call the other three her brothers (because that's what they are), but she doesn't consider them to be her brothers. they're as brothers to her the same way a stranger on fifth avenue is her friend. Four is the only one she actually considers family
it's the same to Splinter. she knows he's her biological father, the donor that made her mutation possible, but she doesn't really think of him as a father. a fatherly man, yes, but as her actual father? no, not really
and she'd rather die than call Draxum her father
all in all, my girl has a lot of personal issues to work out, and i am excited to get to them
(she does consider Big Mama to be her mother, but the girl's way too emotionally constipated to let that title spring out)
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