#fortune result 8 8 2019
officiallordvetinari · 3 months
Below are 10 articles randomly chosen from Wikipedia's Featured Articles list. Brief descriptions and links are below the cut.
Bride of Frankenstein is a 1935 American science fiction horror film, and the first sequel to Universal Pictures' 1931 film Frankenstein. As with the first film, Bride of Frankenstein was directed by James Whale starring Boris Karloff as the Monster and Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein. The sequel features Elsa Lanchester in the dual role of Mary Shelley and the bride.
Chew Stoke is a small village and civil parish in the affluent Chew Valley, in Somerset, England, about 8 miles (13 km) south of Bristol and 10 miles north of Wells. It is at the northern edge of the Mendip Hills, a region designated by the United Kingdom as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and is within the Bristol and Bath green belt.
David Hillhouse Buel Jr. (July 19, 1862 – May 23, 1923) was an American priest who served as the president of Georgetown University. A Catholic priest and Jesuit for much of his life, he later left the Jesuit order to marry, and subsequently left the Catholic Church to become an Episcopal priest.
Denbies is a large estate to the northwest of Dorking in Surrey, England. A farmhouse and surrounding land originally owned by John Denby was purchased in 1734 by Jonathan Tyers, the proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens in London, and converted into a weekend retreat. The house he built appears to have been of little architectural significance, but the Gothic garden he developed in the grounds on the theme of death achieved some notoriety, despite being short-lived.
Courbet was the lead ship of her class of four dreadnought battleships, the first ones built for the French Navy. She was completed shortly before the start of World War I in August 1914.
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate dietary therapy that in conventional medicine is used mainly to treat hard-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.
The football match between Manchester United and Ipswich Town played at Old Trafford, Manchester, on 4 March 1995 as part of the 1994–95 FA Premier League finished in a 9–0 victory for the home team. The result stands as the joint record, with Southampton having subsequently lost by the same scoreline at home to Leicester City in 2019 and away at Manchester United in 2021, while Bournemouth also lost 9–0 to Liverpool in 2022.
M-185 is a state trunkline highway in the U.S. state of Michigan that circles Mackinac Island, a popular tourist destination on the Lake Huron side of the Straits of Mackinac, along the island's shoreline. A narrow paved road of 8.004 miles (12.881 km), it offers scenic views of the straits that divide the Upper and the Lower peninsulas of Michigan and Lakes Huron and Michigan.
Santa María de Óvila is a former Cistercian monastery built in Spain beginning in 1181 on the Tagus River near Trillo, Guadalajara, about 90 miles (140 km) northeast of Madrid. During prosperous times over the next four centuries, construction projects expanded and improved the small monastery. Its fortunes declined significantly in the 18th century, and in 1835 it was confiscated by the Spanish government and sold to private owners who used its buildings to shelter farm animals.
Sarcoscypha coccinea, commonly known as the scarlet elf cup, or the scarlet cup, is a species of fungus in the family Sarcoscyphaceae of the order Pezizales. The fungus, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, has been found in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, and Australia.
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annoyed-galaxy · 1 year
So I finally got to a doctor yesterday and man, it was nerve wracking at first. I haven't been to the doctor in five years (the last time being 2019 when I got my diagnosis for PMDD) and this was the first time I was going without my parents. So it was really terrifying for me.
However, I was fortunate to have the sweetest doctor and nurse and they helped me get my prescription back for my medicine and a new "inhaler" (it was, in fact, not a new inhaler, but something for a nebulizer which I do not have resulting in me having to contact my doctor later about that). I also was able to finally do the wretched pap smear. And ever since hearing about that shit, I have always dreaded it. However, ovarian and cervix cancer is in my family so my mom urged me to get that ASAP. And when I told the doctor, she was like: "We can do it today." I cried inside because I really didn't want to, but better not to procrastinate. So that's out of the way and we'll see in two weeks whether or not I have anything.
AS for my medicine and inhaler stuff, here is where y'all can see the true trash of the American healthcare system (since I know a lot of my moots are not American): 1263$ was the total cost of my medicine and inhaler stuff. Yeah that's right. One thousand, two hundred and sixty three god damn dollars for medicine. Around 200 of that was for my medicine alone and the other thousand for the inhaler stuff.
Obviously I can't fucking afford that as a full-time student and part-time worker. But, I have MedicAid. So when I went to the pharmacy to have them put me in the system (because this was a new pharmacy therefore they did not have my information yet) they told they couldn't bill me because MedicAid thought I still had insurance...I have not had health insurance for two god damn years. So they told me to call MedicAid and try to figure out what the fuck was going on. While I'm on hold with MedicAid, I get a call from the pharmacy; I hang up on MedicAid and answer the call. They say they were able to fix things and put me in the system and that the MedicAid stuff went through. They told me the new price because of my copay:
Eight. Fucking. Dollars.
It went from twelve hundred to eight. EIGHT.
It's a 4$ copay for each medication. So 4 for my medicine; 4 for the inhaler stuff.
We already knew the American healthcare system was bad but holy FUCK. There's no reason that should be a fucking thing. Why not just offer the shit at four dollars anyway???
Anyways, I'm medicated once again!!! The medicine probably won't kick in before my next PMDD week, but I am going to attempt to keep track of myself and journal some more for the time being just to keep an eye on the effects of my medicine.
I'm so fucking happy that I finally got that shit done and am pretty much perfectly healthy. Hoping the medicine kicks me back into gear.
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koreaguides · 2 years
10 Top Korean Movies For A Fun Movie Night
1. Parasite 
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This movies follow a poor family who schemes to become employed by a wealthy family and invade into the household by acting as unrelated and highly qualified individuals. It was premiered at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and was the first South Korean to win Palme d’Or. 
2. Train To Busan 
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There was a zombie apocalypse that began when Seok Woo and his daughter got on a train to travel from Seoul to Busan by a fast train. The planet was overrun by zombies throughout their voyage, compelling the passengers to battle for their lives and protect their families from the zombies. 
3. The Beauty Inside 
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A guy wakes up in a different person’s body every single day and transform into someone else. Whoever he transform into is regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. However, he is still himself in the soul but he looks different when other people looks at him. 
4. My Love Don’t Cross That River 
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This is more a documentary where a long-time married elderly couple who always hold hands and where couple “hanbok” wherever there go. They enjoy every single day together throughout the four seasons. One day, the husband starts coughing and get weaker day by day. The wife then prepares for a farewell. 
5. The Age of Shadows
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This movie depicts Korean resistance fighter attempting to smuggle bombs into Seoul under Japanese rule in the 1920s. The story full illustrates and shows how friends and fellow countrymen find themselves on opposing side during times of political persecution, as well as the enormous personal difficulties that can result. 
6. The Handmaiden 
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This movie is about a young woman who is engaged as a handmaiden to Lady Hideko, a Japanese heiress. Without Hideko knowing, the new aide con artist collaborates with forces from the outside to have committed to an asylum as well as lose all her of her fortune. 
7. The Wailing 
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The Wailing is an award winning horror film and had may viewers who loved the show. The story was set in a tiny village where a weird ailment has begun spreading among locals after the appearance of a mysterious stranger who is assumed to be an evil ghost. It is definitely suitable for a scary movie night. 
8. Burning 
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This story is about a guy who desires to be a writer but is current working part-time for a distribution company as a delivery man. One day, he ran into his childhood friend while doing his delivering job. They happen to form a bond but everything becomes confusing when she came back from a trip along Steven Yeun’s well-to-do- Ben. 
9. The Witch
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A female high school student was trained to become a murder weapon and medical experiments are used on living bodies in the process. This student then happens to suffer through an identity crisis and gets involved in a crime. There is a Part 2 for this movie as well where a girl becomes a lone survivor of the secret laboratory. 
10. Space Sweepers 
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This is a Sci-fi movie which shares about a ragtag group of space junk collectors and the reprogrammed military robot Bubs Scavenge space trash to make a living. In this story, there is then a growing sense of divided society where the poor is forced to survive by sabotaging systems. 
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jaymendoza · 5 months
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❛❛ 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 , snake and mouse . surely , our genetic material runs rife with strands of the conquered and the conqueror . –––––––––––––
FULL NAME. Jayden Ariel Mendoza
BIRTHDAY. December 17, 1989 ( 35 )
OCCUPATION. Retired Bull Rider and Horse Handler @ Willowing Pines Stables
RESIDENCE. Orchird Park
GENDER/PRONOUNS.  Cismale / He/Him
HOMETOWN. Atlanta, Georgia
personality .
zodiac chart: sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, aries rising
mbti personality: estp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
ennegram: type 7 (x6, x7)
hobbies / interests: racing, horse/bull riding, poker, horology
positive traits: spontaneous, daring, creative, analytical, intelligent
negative traits: secretive, indecisive, selfish, greedy
family .
mother: angelien coeman
father: misael domingo mendoza
children: julian "jude/jack" mendoza
other: estranged wife named megan
breakdown .
tw: infidelity, divorce
Jay Mendoza was born on December 17, 1989, in Atlanta Georgia, to Miseal and Angelien "Angie" Mendoza (née Coeman).
His maternal grandfather was a former Big Sky region champion bull rider and a professional saddle bronc rider who taught him everything he knows about the sport. The Coemans grew up on a 12,000 acre ranch outside of Atlanta where they raise about 400 head of cattle per year.
As a small child, Jay could remember crawling on his grandfather’s back before he was bucked around their living room for eight seconds. He would then turn to his mother and ask her, "How many seconds was that?"
After awhile, Jay craved more of a challenge and moved on from riding sheep and calves, to steers and bulls.
Jay started exclusively riding bulls when he was in the 8th grade. By 2006, he was the Northern Rodeo Association year-end champion, earning $60,000 in his junior year of high school. His following senior year (2007), he was homeschooled so he pursue bull riding full time.
In 2009, Jay turned pro. He was a champion in the PBR circuit for 8 seasons before an accident (which resulted in a broken jaw and broken ribs) and the threat of losing his family forced him into retirement (2019?).
In the height of his bull riding career, Jay had let his fame and fortune get the best of him. Despite marrying his wife, Megan in 2010 and falling head over heels in love with her... he strayed from their marriage with a woman he met in the stands at one of his rodeos. (timestamp, tbd.)
Little did he know, she was a Georgian herself and came from a rather affluent family. Georgie took him by surprise and their whirlwind affair carried on for 2.5 years before it inevitably crashed and burned. Although it was wrong, Jay fell for her too and the two promised each other the world in the height of their romance.
That was until Megan found out about Georgie and issued Jay an ultimatum: he either end things with the homewrecker who threatened to ruin their lives for good and he choose her or he risk losing not only his marriage but his soon to be child on the way. Jay, having endured a life without a father figure of his own (because his father had been an actor who always cared more about his fans than his family at home) chose his wife and therefore their unborn child.
A month later, Jay discovered the truth. That, his wife Megan had actually not been pregnant at all and she only lied that so he would cut Georgie loose.
Devastated, angered, and betrayed, Jay walked out on her. But it wasn't long before he came crawling back. It was at that point, Jay made a more conscious effort and decision to work on his and Megan's rocky marriage.
A few more good (and bad) years came to pass, before the two finally welcomed a beautiful, baby boy into the world named Julian "Jude" Mendoza. Who Jay has resolved to calling "Jack", if not only to piss off his wife but because it's what his grandfather used to call him and it was done so in his memory.
As much as Jay loves Jack and has truly adapted to the role of being a father, his arrival into the world did little to hold his and Megan's marriage together. In fact, it only drove the estranged couple further apart.
Two years since Jack was born and no amount of marriage counseling had been enough to fix the cracks that kept appearing in their relationship.
Eight months ago, Jay and Megan decided to move forward with a separation. According to the law, they would have to maintain this separation for a full year in order to then file for divorce. That's why Jay has returned to Georgia.
But, rather than making himself at home on his mother's family's ranch again, he's settled into Covington where he lives with one of his best friends Stevie, who he met while cruising the PBR circuit many years ago and who helped set him up with a horse handling gig at Willowing Pines.
As of now, he shares custody of Jack with his (still legal) wife and gets him every other week for 7 days. It helps having someone like Stevie who not only keeps Jay in line but also humbles him and offers constructive guidance.
headcanons .
His dad is a famous actor (a Mexican Patrick Dempsey type) who films many of his projects in Atlanta where Jay was born and raised.
His mom, however, is a Kama Sutra coach (and former equestrian rider) who met his dad while helping him hone his sexual skill set for a film. They hit it off on the set of a television production similar to Game of Thrones.
Since he was a young boy, Jay sort of grew up in the public eye however, as he got older he realized he wanted less and less to do with it and gravitated more so to his mom's side of the family (having bonded so closely with his Grandpap who he sometimes calls 'Pappy').
He's always loved engaging in dangerous stunts and garnering praise and attention that way. Hence how he got into a lot of his current vices, such as: bull-riding, motorbiking, drag racing, etc. He lives life on the edge and is known for being an "adrenaline junkie".
In his early 20s, he tried his hand at acting for a brief, fleeting, period of time (mostly for the money and also because he was bored) and was featured in a few adult/porn films. One of which he roleplayed a cowboy lol. Though, he used an alias similar to a stripper name in case anyone ever tried googling his name. They called him "Johnny Steel".
Jay is the only one who exclusively calls his son Julian (Jude), "Jack". Besides, of course, Stevie too sometimes. As mentioned above somewhere up there ^^, it's mostly because it pisses off his wife and she hates it. But it's also because that's what his Pappy used to call him and it's what he wanted to name him but Megan wouldn't allow him.
He's made a fortune bull-riding but has hidden 75% of it away for Jack for when he comes of age. Jay wants him to use it for college or for whatever his heart desires.
Jay's super into horology which is the study of time and the art of measuring it. His Pappy, aside from being a rancher and bronco rider, built watches and took them apart growing up. He used to let Jay help him which is where his fascination with time really began.
He's very into masculine activities. And loves racing and fixing up cars too. If he hadn't gone into bull riding, Jay fully believes he would've opened up an autobody shop and become a mechanic.
character inspirations. luke collins (the longest ride), han solo (star wars), damon salvatore (the vampire diaries)
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longwindedbore · 9 months
Trump’s Dominos
According to allegations by the New York State, Attorney General, Trump has been engaged in serial fraud for decades.
But neither the Feds nor any State agency had the beginnings of an understanding of what was criminally amiss.
Until Trump ripped open the curtain for them.
These appear to be the dominoes lead to his catastrophic reversal of fortune.
Domino #1 October 2016. Trump has Michael Cohen set up a corporation with the purposes of paying hush money to cover up his adult ties
Parenthetically in 2016 he could simply have “a gentleman doesn’t comment on such matters”. If he’d not made the Stormy Daniel payment.
Instead Trump himself knocked over the domino.
Domino #2 October 2016.: Cohen makes an apparently aborted offer to pay hush money to Karen McDougal. The story of Trump with McDougal subsequently appears in the Wall Street Journal prior to the election of 2016.
Domino #3 October 2016: Stormy Daniels retains Karen McDougal’s attorney. Michael Cohen does make a hush money payment of $130,000 to Ms. Daniels.
Domino #4 January 2018: The Stormy Daniels story breaks in the Wall Street Journal.
Domino #5 April 2018: Paying hush money payment is apparently a violation of federal election laws regarding interference. Accordingly, the FBI executed a search warrant for Michael Collins records.
Domino #6 March 2019: Michael Cohen trial opens for charges of tax fraud for unreported income from the Trump organization, as well as election interference.
Domino #7 March 2019: federal prosecutors serve a subpoena on Trump CFO Alan Weisselberg who testifies under a grant of partial immunity from federal prosecution.
Domino #8 August 2019: Michael Cohen pleads guilty to tax fraud and election interference. CONVICTION #1 (Criminal Tax fraud resulting from payments by Trump Organization.
Domino #9 2019: based on testimony by Weisselberg, the state of New York, seeks the Trump organization financial records
Domino #10 July 2020: the Supreme Court ruled the trump organization tax records to be handed over to the Manhattan district attorney.
Domino #11 2020. NY State District of Manhattan opens criminal investigation into the Trump organization. Subpoenas bank records.
Domino #12 mid-2021: NY State Attorney General opens civil executive law case for fraudulent activities.
Domino # 13 August 2022: Alan Weisselberg pleads guilty to 15 counts of criminal tax fraud. As part of his plea agreement agree to testify against the trump organization. CONVICTION #2 (Criminal Tax Fraud)
Domino #14 December, 2022: Two Trump companies convicted of criminal fraud. CONVICTION #3 (Criminal Tax Fraud).
Domino #15 January 2023: Further criminal proceedings set in Manhattan District.
Domino #16. September 2023: Judge rules for the State in a Motion for Summary Judgment for the seizure and disgorgement of Trump business assets due to systemic fraud FOUND LIABLE #1. (Fraud).
Trump Losses:
Involvement by the Trump Organization in the three criminal fraud convictions noted above.
Being found Liable for Fraud in the civil Executive Law case.
PLUS the dissolution of the Trump Charity and the 19 Admissions of Wrongdoing as part of that resolution.
Innumerable appeals rebuffed I ncluding to the US Supreme Court.
Trump Wins: ZERO
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excessexorcism · 1 year
Item #22
3 Canisters from David's Tea - Fall Faves 8 Tea Sampler
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I ordered this tea sampler from David's Tea, and it's moments like this that remind why I'm tracking this. It really helps me reflect on past purchases and helps me differentiate between wanting to want things, and actually treating myself to something I know I will enjoy.
This fall tea sampler was part of a set I purchased from David's Tea. It included a total of 8 canisters like this, and I managed to snag it on sale for $13.50.
Tea used to be one of my obsessions. I went through a phase where I wanted to try every type and brand out there. It didn't help that I was watching a lot of Simply Nailogical on YouTube at the time, and she was a huge fan of David's Tea. As a result, I ended up accumulating far more tea than any one person could reasonably consume, even after hosting tea parties. Unfortunately, upon trying various teas from David's Tea, I discovered that many of them didn't suit my taste. While I don't have an issue with the tea leaves themselves, I found that they often added ingredients like stevia, sprinkles, and other flavorings that I wasn't a fan of. Their more basic teas, on the other hand, were fantastic. I should have known better than to delve into the more specialty offerings. Even the name "S'mores Chai" sounds like something that would never appeal to me. It was a mistake on my part to order this particular set.
Fortunately, decluttering these teas won't be a problem, considering I already have an extensive collection. There's no need for them to take up unnecessary space. However, I must confess, the toxic part of my brain is tempted to keep the canisters, even though they're the last thing I need.
Verdict: I purchased this tea sampler back in October 2019 for the price of $13.50. While it may not have been a significant sum, it was still a regrettable purchase. Drinking some of these teas felt like a chore rather than a pleasure—I consumed them simply because I had them, not because I genuinely wanted to or enjoyed them. It's time to let go of these teas so that I can focus on the ones I truly desire. For now, I'll dispose of the tea and rinse off the containers, in case I can repurpose them in the future. Who knows, maybe they'll find a purpose or maybe they might make an appearance in a future post.
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theghostpinesmusic · 1 month
I'm taking a few days off from writing for work/research/etc., so it's time for some more jam write-ups! I really like doing these, but it starts to feel like work when I've already been downstairs in the office staring at a screen for 6-8 hours on a given day.
Fortunately, I've been out hiking for the last two days and don't plan on getting back to the grind again until Tuesday, so for right now it sounds super-fun to get exceedingly caffeinated and write about Goose!
I've got some posts in the queue about their recent Capitol Theater run (in April) as well as one follow-up on Phish's Sphere run, and then a few "throwback" posts, as lately I've been watching video of a bunch of Goose shows I attended in person in 2022 in Colorado and Ohio.
I'm gonna start with this "Drive" from 4/7, though.
I'm not sure if I've ever covered a "Drive" before, but it's been a consistently huge jam vehicle for the band since before I started listening to them in fall of '19. Like a lot of Goose tunes that I have covered before, though, "Drive" has gone through a few compositional changes over the years.
In my admittedly human and flawed memory, there have been a few different ways the song has been played since 2019. First was the "two part" version, that features most of the composed portion of the song, then a jam, then a short instrumental/vocal bridge, and then a "second jam" (not unlike "Mike's Song"). The quintessential version of this arrangement is probably the Buffalo '19 version, in case you're interested. Somewhere in the last 2-3 years, the bridge and the second jam went away, replaced by a single jam that started from the funk-styled ending of what had once been the "first" part of the song. Even more recently, the song still only has one "part," but it usually ends with a swerve into a minor key, that kicks off the improvisation.
This particular version came three songs into the band's four-night run at the Capitol Theatre in April, a surprise run of shows announced and played as a prelude to summer tour and as an introduction to Cotter Ellis, the new drummer. 4/7 was his first show in front of an audience with the band, and I was able to watch it live from home, as the band streamed the whole run for free over YouTube. The first two songs of the night, "Flodown" and "Rockdale," were both solid takes on those songs, but stayed inside the box, as they usually do. So I was excited when the band launched into "Drive" next, hoping to see Cotter go deep with Goose live for the first time. The result was this 31-minute monster, which is probably my favorite jam from the whole run, despite there being many, many other highlights from the rest of 4/7 and the following three nights.
The first thing you'll notice is that two-guitar Goose is objectively better than one-guitar Goose. I love when Peter comes out from inside his Keyboard Cave to play with Rick, like the camera captures here at 2:45.
As is typical for this arrangement, Rick takes a regular solo at 4:40 or so, setting up the transition from the song to the jam proper at around 6:20. There isn't a key change here initially, but the tempo slows down a little and things get generally more mellow. Peter (I think?) switches to a tone that sounds a ton to me like the one Trey uses on "A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing" and the lights kick into We're Going To Weird Town mode. I really like the way the two guitars are playing off of each other here, instead of the usual, where one takes over playing rhythm and the other guy solos.
Trevor in particular seems to have leveled up through playing with Cotter, and to my ears he's the one holding things down melodically here, while Rick and Peter both play around him.
One thing I've noticed pretty much immediately (see Ted Tapes 2024) is that Cotter's playing seems to have made the rest of the band more patient than before when it comes to exploring these mellow, downtempo spaces. And that's for better and worse: as I'm sure I'll talk about more at some point, I do find myself missing the kinds of balls-out, rockfest jams and sets it often felt like Ben's metronomic, power playing drove them to. At the same time, the first few minutes of this jam seems to be the vibe of a lot of New Goose's improvisation. And, yeah, I love it too.
The pace starts to pick up a bit around 9:30, coinciding with a camera shot of Trevor rocking out. Pete starts chording more and Rick starts layering melody playing over top of that. Then, Cotter switches up the beat at 11:00, which definitely gives this "Drive" more...drive.
The trilling/wah pedal combo that Peter busts out right before 12:00 is a brilliant addition to the proceedings, and Rick matches it shortly with some trilling of his own. The crystal-clear tone and the distorted tone together here sound incredible. This is the kind of jamming where Cotter's jazzy, light(er) touch really adds a lot.
I loved the light setup for this run while watching over the streams, finding it to be a neat, scaled-down version of the setup for December's Goosemas (probably on purpose?), it really shines in particular during this part of this jam. I'm selfishly hoping they keep it (or replace it with something even better) until September so I can see it in person.
I can't overstate how great and essential to the feel of this jam Peter's chording/wah combination is from, like, 14:00 until 16:00. It's a thing he does a lot during two-guitar jams, but it feels way more powerful and central to the sound of the band here than usual.
To me, the entire jam to this point, from 6:20 on, is a slow, patient build on a particular theme and sound, and it works wonderfully. And then, without significantly changing the feel or the direction of the jam, Rick caps things off at 16:12 by suddenly ripping into this perfect riff that feels like it must have been composed ahead of time. It's ridiculous. Trevor is absolutely crushing the bass here and Cotter's cymbals are perfectly accentuating what Rick is playing and it's fucking nuts.
This is literally the first jam the band has played this year and, watching it live, I put a note in my setlist that said, unironically, "Jam of the Year 2024?"
Then, just as things are winding down naturally around 17:40, Cotter changes the beat up again to something faster, as if to say "Hell no, we aren't even close to done yet!"
Trevor continues being an absolute monster as we switch to Heavily Distorted Funk Mode. Peter's strumming goes from chunky to downright evil. Then he turns his guitar into a 1980s computer because why not? I'm not sure what effect he uses here, but it reminds me of the lightly-distorted Robot Tone that Trey used a bunch with Phish in summer '21. Whatever it is, it prompts Rick to jump down and start playing his looper, which in turn prompts Peter to move from guitar to the xylophone patch on his keyboard. Again, things get weird.
They stay in this groove-driven, loopy space for a few minutes and we get to hear Trevor go to town again in the meantime (seriously, he's my favorite player in the band lately). Then, around 22:30, Rick turns off the looper and starts quietly soloing over the groove. I really love his otherwise clean, reverb-y tone here.
Around 25:10, Rick starts to play variations on a really blissful, major-key melody and it starts to feel like the jam is building to a big finish. It feels even more that way when Peter switches to a clean piano sound, moving us into classic Goose Peak Jam territory, and at 28:45 Rick takes to the finish line with a huge high note. From there, we get a little complimentary shredding, and then the intensity builds and builds until it's almost comical (the lights turning to smiley faces at 30:30 really puts it over the top in the best way), and then we get a big ol' rock-and-roll ending without a return to "Drive" at all.
And that's the story of how New Goose obliterated my brain twenty minutes into their first-ever show together!
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lotterycorners-blog · 2 months
Lottery Corner USA | California (CA) Winning Numbers | Results
Unveiling the Top 10 Biggest NJ Lottery Jackpots: A Journey of FortunesThe New Jersey Lottery has long been a beacon of hope for dreamers and fortune-seekers alike. With its array of exciting games and the promise of life-changing jackpots, it's no wonder that millions of players eagerly participate each year. Among the most searched topics on Google are the tales of those colossal wins that capture the imagination of players across the state. In this blog, we embark on a thrilling journey through the top 10 biggest NJ Lottery jackpots, showcasing the monumental wins that have left a lasting impact on the lives of the lucky few.1. $390 million Mega Millions Jackpot (March 2019)In March 2019, the Mega Millions jackpot soared to an astonishing $390 million, making it the largest jackpot in New Jersey Lottery history. The winning ticket was sold at a QuickChek store in Phillipsburg, instantly transforming the lucky player into a multimillionaire overnight.2. $533 million Powerball Jackpot (March 2018)March 2018 saw another monumental win when a single ticket matched all six numbers in the Powerball drawing, resulting in a staggering $533 million jackpot. The winning ticket was sold at a Lukoil gas station in Riverdale, forever changing the life of the fortunate individual who held it.3. $429.6 million Powerball Jackpot (May 2016)In May 2016, the Powerball jackpot reached a record-breaking $429.6 million, drawing widespread attention and excitement across the state. The winning ticket was sold at a 7-Eleven store in Trenton, solidifying its place in New Jersey Lottery history.4. $390 million Mega Millions Jackpot (March 2007)March 2007 witnessed yet another massive Mega Millions jackpot, this time totaling an impressive $390 million. The winning ticket was sold at a Liquor Store in Cape May County, instantly catapulting the lucky player into the ranks of the super-wealthy.5. $331 million Powerball Jackpot (May 2010)In May 2010, a single ticket matched all six numbers in the Powerball drawing, resulting in a jaw-dropping $331 million jackpot. The winning ticket was sold at a Super Stop & Shop store in South Brunswick, marking one of the largest wins in New Jersey Lottery history.6. $314.3 million Powerball Jackpot (December 2004)December 2004 saw the Powerball jackpot swell to an impressive $314.3 million, capturing the attention of players across the state. The winning ticket was sold at a Food Mart in Middlesex County, forever etching its place in lottery lore.7. $284 million Powerball Jackpot (May 2009)In May 2009, the Powerball jackpot climbed to a remarkable $284 million, fueling excitement and anticipation among players. The winning ticket was sold at a grocery store in Hunterdon County, sparking celebrations and dreams of newfound wealth.8. $211.7 million Mega Millions Jackpot (March 2010)March 2010 witnessed a monumental Mega Millions jackpot totaling $211.7 million, drawing players from far and wide in hopes of securing the life-changing prize. The winning ticket was sold at a convenience store in Morris County, forever altering the course of one lucky individual's life.9. $202 million Mega Millions Jackpot (June 2009)June 2009 saw another significant Mega Millions jackpot, this time totaling $202 million. The winning ticket was sold at a liquor store in Bergen County, igniting celebrations and speculation throughout the state.10. $196 million Mega Millions Jackpot (March 2018)Rounding out our list is the $196 million Mega Millions jackpot from March 2018. The winning ticket was sold at a Wawa convenience store in Middlesex County, adding yet another chapter to the annals of New Jersey Lottery history.These extraordinary wins serve as a testament to the boundless possibilities offered by the New Jersey Lottery. With each drawing,
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win4midday · 8 months
A Look at the Record-Breaking Jackpot Wins That Made Global Headlines
Lotteries have a magical allure, with the potential to transform everyday individuals into instant millionaires or even billionaires. Every so often, the stars align, and a fortunate ticket-holder beats the staggering odds to claim a historic jackpot prize. These life-changing moments not only make headlines but also capture the world's collective imagination. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the record-breaking jackpot wins that have etched their names into lottery history and made headlines around the globe.
1. The $1.586 Billion Powerball Jackpot - January 2016
The Powerball lottery, a household name in the United States, achieved international fame in January 2016 when it shattered all previous jackpot records. The jackpot had rolled over multiple times, resulting in a breathtaking prize of $1.586 billion, which was shared by three winners from California, Florida, and Tennessee. The world watched in awe as this colossal jackpot made headlines and fueled dreams of unprecedented wealth.
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2. The €190 Million EuroMillions Jackpot - October 2019
The EuroMillions, popular across multiple European countries, reached a historic moment in October 2019. A lucky player from the United Kingdom won the €190 million jackpot, making them one of the biggest EuroMillions winners to date. This incredible win solidified the EuroMillions' reputation as one of the most captivating lotteries in the world.
3. The $1.586 Billion Mega Millions Jackpot - October 2018
Not to be outdone by its counterpart, the Mega Millions lottery in the United States set its own record in October 2018. The jackpot reached a staggering $1.586 billion, shared by a group of friends in South Carolina. This jaw-dropping prize led to a media frenzy and further heightened the allure of playing the lottery for players across the globe.
4. The $768.4 Million Powerball Jackpot - March 2019
In March 2019, a single ticket-holder in Wisconsin hit the Powerball jackpot worth $768.4 million. This impressive win showcased the enduring popularity of Powerball and underscored the dream of winning big in the lottery, resonating with individuals worldwide.
5. The $1.586 Billion Mega Millions Jackpot - January 2021
The start of 2021 brought another historic moment for the Mega Millions lottery when a winning ticket worth $1.586 billion was sold in Michigan. This astronomical prize underscored the ever-increasing allure of the lottery, with players dreaming of what they could do with such a life-changing windfall.
6. The $656 Million Mega Millions Jackpot - March 2012
Before the billion-dollar jackpots became more common, March 2012 witnessed a historic moment when the Mega Millions jackpot reached a then-record-breaking $656 million. Three winning tickets shared this immense prize, with winners from Maryland, Illinois, and Kansas. This jackpot made headlines worldwide, serving as a testament to the lottery's incredible potential.
7. The €210 Million EuroMillions Jackpot - February 2021
In February 2021, the EuroMillions lottery struck gold once more with a €210 million jackpot won by a player from Switzerland. This remarkable prize reminded the world that the EuroMillions can generate life-changing wealth, as it continued to captivate players across Europe.
8. The $435.3 Million Powerball Jackpot - February 2017
The Powerball lottery added another jaw-dropping jackpot win to its legacy in February 2017 when a winning ticket worth $435.3 million was sold in Indiana. This substantial win showcased the enduring popularity and potential for life-altering prizes in the world of lotteries.
9. The £170 Million EuroMillions Jackpot - October 2019
The EuroMillions lottery celebrated another monumental win in October 2019 when a player from the UK won a £170 million jackpot. This record-breaking prize highlighted the EuroMillions' capacity to create instant millionaires, attracting hopeful players from multiple countries.
10. The $590.5 Million Powerball Jackpot - May 2013
May 2013 marked a significant moment in the Powerball's history when a single ticket-holder from Florida secured a $590.5 million jackpot. This win garnered significant media attention and sparked conversations about the life-changing potential of lotteries.
These record-breaking jackpot wins serve as a testament to the extraordinary allure of lotteries worldwide. They make headlines, capture imaginations, and inspire countless individuals to dream of hitting it big. While the odds of securing such colossal prizes are astronomical, these historic moments illustrate that, occasionally, the stars do align, and life-changing fortunes become a reality for a fortunate few. The allure of lotteries, with their promise of instant wealth, continues to captivate people across the globe, with players always hoping that the next record-breaking jackpot win may be just a ticket away.
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mirecalemoments01 · 10 months
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
Poverty Solutions
Finding poverty solutions is more important than ever.
For the last 25 years leading up to the pandemic, global poverty had declined steadily and significantly. But COVID-19, changing weather patterns and conflict has reversed that trend. Extreme poverty increased more from 2019 to 2020 than at any other time since the World Bank started tracking global poverty.[1]
The economic fallout from these issues could increase global poverty by as many as a half a billion people—8% of the world’s population. This is in addition to the 10% of the population, or well over 700 million, who already live on less than $1.90 a day.[2]
Even before the pandemic, extreme poverty rates went from dropping an average of 1 percentage point a year from 1990 to 2015 to less than half a percentage point annually between 2015 and 2017.[3]
Violent conflict, which affects more than 40% of people living in poverty, has increased, ruining people’s livelihood, homes and natural resources. It has also discouraged development and investment.[4]
It is estimated that changing weather patterns will drive 68 million to 135 million more people into poverty by 2030.[5] Those hit hardest live in the already impoverished countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Changing weather patterns result in higher food prices, worse health and natural disasters like devastating floods.[6]
How does poverty affect society? Poverty destroys wherever it can; it affects every aspect of life, not just for the individual or their family, but for their communities and beyond. Poverty cripples. Once caught in it, it can be extremely hard to ever shake loose. The cycle continues to spin, pulling in future generations and completely changing what these communities will look like in the coming years.
“The immediate highest priorities everywhere must be saving lives and restoring livelihoods,” say those at The World Bank, adding that food support, digital connectivity and preventative measures against COVID are urgently needed. Though the solutions to poverty seem like a constant uphill battle, there is plenty of hope. “Reversing even a massive reversal of fortune, such as we are seeing with COVID-19, is possible,”[7] The World Bank stated.
It added that the world has overcome great adversity in the past and will once again succeed. But, to address these crises, “the world must commit urgently to work together for resilient recovery and ensure no stone is left unturned to help millions …”[8]
GFA World has been working on solutions to extreme poverty for decades.
During that time, it has transformed hundreds of thousands of lives with Jesus Wells that provide clean water to entire villages; outdoor toilets for sanitation; education for adults and children; and income-producing gifts, like farm animals, sewing machines and fishing nets.
Here are just some ways we’re finding poverty solutions:
Supporting children
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Devastating effects of poverty begin in the womb when mothers can’t afford to eat enough. Malnutrition leads to low birth weight, cognitive deficiencies and other physical problems that can impair children for a lifetime.
One out of five children live in extreme poverty. Deprivation in children’s early years has impacts that can last a lifetime.[9]
GFA intervenes in children’s lives, supporting a quality education, providing nutritious food and free medical care. We also teach them proper hygiene.
Our child sponsorship program provides tutoring to help children excel in school so they can set their sights on pursuing a career. They learn to socialize through sports and recreational opportunities and participate in cultural songs and dances. They also experience the importance of being an integral part of their community as they serve their neighborhoods on Community Day and learn about societal concerns like tuberculosis, AIDS, illiteracy and child labor.
Supporting adults
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Breaking poverty and providing solutions to the cycle of poverty involves providing more opportunities and support to both children and adults.
GFA’s literacy programs teach adults basic skills they need to not only care for their children but also themselves. We teach adults how to read, write and do basic math so that they can buy food at the market without being cheated, read essential medical information, help their children with homework and obtain better jobs.
GFA’s income-generating gifts allow families to sell their products in the marketplace. For example, families can sell offspring and products like milk and eggs from their gift of a farm animal. After learning how to sew from GFA’s vocational training classes and receiving a free sewing machine, they can become tailors and sell clothes. With gifted fishing nets, they can catch enough fish to feed their family and have extra to sell for income.
Click here, to read more about this article.
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rlfqhrtn · 1 year
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon) 링크<<
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길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)
길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon) 영화
In the 3rd Junior Grand Prix 2018 JGP Lithuania short circuit, the triple lutz + triple toe loop combination was judged under, and the triple flip showed an overall uneasy appearance, such as stepping out. Fortunately, he showed strong performance in the non-jumping element [8] and scored 61.63 points. In the free race, he neatly succeeded in the triple lutz + trip길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)le toe loop combination, which was judged under in the short, and earned a high bonus of 2.11 points, and perfectly succeeded in all six subsequent jump tasks. The strong non-jumping element also showed a good performance, receiving a high score of 130.26 points in the free and raising the overall ranking to second place with a total of 191.89 points [9], showing off its potential to win the silver medal following Alexandra Trusova. The free and total points recorded this time are길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon) the highest among all Korean female single players who have appeared on the junior stage, and are the third highest free and total points in Korean female singles after Kim Yuna (150.06 points) and Choi Da-bin (131.49 points). In the meantime, she has been evaluated as being far behind Yoo Young and Lim Eun-soo in terms of her performance and topicality, but this tournament provided an opportunity to be reevaluated by changing various records.
She competed in her first senior event of the season to secure skill points for the 2019 Four Continents Championships. She competed at the 2018 CS U.S. Championships in Salt Lake City, USA from September 12-16. At the International Classic길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon), she won the bronze medal behind Satoko Miyahara and Eunsoo Lim.At the 5th Junior Grand Prix 2018 JGP Czech Republic, she broke her personal best with a score of 69.45 in a clean shot in a series of mistakes. In the free, she also performed without any major errors and received 126.89 points with a one point deduction from the time limit as the music ended midway through the final spin. Although scoring slightly lower than her third competition, she again broke her personal best with an overall score of 196.34. She then won anothe길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)r silver medal following her last 3rd event, behind Alyona Kostornaya. As a result, she became the first Korean female athlete to win medals in two Junior Grand Prix events in a row following Kim Yu-na and Choi Da-bin. has become She is also the only non-Russian player to qualify for the Junior Grand Prix Final Women's Singles this season.[10]
In her first appearance, at the 2018-19 Junior Grand Prix Final Short, she received a score of 62.51 when she landed on her hand while being judged under in the linking jump of the triple lutz + triple toe loop combination. In the free, she fell on 길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)her triple flip and was under judged on her other two jumps, giving her a score of 115.40. She finished sixth in the final with a total score of 177.91. Since all of the contestants in the women's singles were Russian except for herself, she appeared at the gala with winner Alyona Kostornaya.
In the short game of the 2018 President's Cup Ranking Competition, she was clean but lost a little in the non-jumping element, scoring 64.58 to finish second. She performed rather poorly in the free the following day, where she scored only 116.86 points to place fifth, but with a total of 181.44길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon) points, she won the bronze medal behind Lim Eun-soo and You Young. This earned her a spot at the Four Continents Championships.
She missed out on the 2019 World Championships and 2019 Junior World Championships, finishing 5th in the final standings due to several mistakes in the free at the 2019 All-Around Championships.
At the 2019 Four Continents Championships short, she was judged by attention on her triple flip, and she only scored 64.42 points, but in the triple lutz + triple toe loop combination, she received first place in additional points among all players who길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon) competed. In the free, she failed to connect the follow-up jump in her scheduled combination of double axel + triple toe loop and faltered slightly on the steps, but overall impressed her composition points, receiving a total of 123.51 points. She finished the season with a final score of 187.93 in 8th place.
After her fifth tournament at the Junior Grand Prix, she ended her season with treatment for a sore heel that had deformed her bone due to her boot change. Although she regretted not being able to continue participating in the World Championships, she achieved the highest score in short, free, and total points for Korean junior players, as well as entering the first junior women's Grand Prix final after Kim Yuna, and placing in the top 24 of the season's best ranking. It was also a season to receive.
Appeared at the ice show held from June 6th to June 8th. Prior to the Grand Prix series, they participated in the 2019 CS Lombardia Trophy and the 2019 CS Nebelhorn Trophy, where they placed 4th and 2nd, respectively. After this tournament, coaches were changed to Shin Hye-sook & Lee Eun-hee.
She competed in the 2020 Youth Olympic Trials and made up a layback spin for the first time in a long time in the short, but misunderstood the double Axel sequence in the free and placed third, thus failing to qualify for the Youth Olympics.
She made her senior Grand Prix debut by participating in Skate Canada 2019. She finished in 8th place with a score of 61.23, placing attention on the triple lutz, under judgement on the single triple loop, level 2 on the step, and level 길복순 다시 보기 무료보기:(Kill Boksoon)3 on the flying camel spin and sit spin. In the free, she handled her first 3-3 combination jump alone, and in the triple flip, she was downgraded and fell down. Overall, she performed poorly, earning 115.70 points and finishing 7th in the final. In a situation where she was waiting for an additional assignment with Yoo-young, she herself did not perform well, so she virtually finished her Grand Prix competition with her debut.
In the short of the 2019 President’s Cup Ranking Competition, he received 68.61 points with equal bonuses in jumps and spins, except for level 2 in step. In the free, she got a score of 140.06, clean all the jumps she performed, and took her first win in the President's Cup Ranking Competition with a total score of 208.67. She has placed second and third in this event before, but this is the first time she has won. Fans were worried and disappointed due to the lack of additional assignments in the Grand Prix series this season, but they returned to the ranking competition with a solid appearance and won the championship, securing the right to participate in the 2020 Four Continents Championships.
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herpoetryshelf · 1 year
[Blog #3] Fall 2022, Hanif Abdurraqib’s A Fortune for Your Disaster (2019)
This week’s centerpiece is Hanif Abdurraqib’s A Fortune for Your Disaster (2019).  
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Before we unravel Abdurraqib’s 103-page journey, I would love to greet anyone who happens to stumble upon this blog post.  
This is the link to my first blog post on Ada Limón's The Carrying (2018): 
My Contemporary Poetry Seminar professor assigned a poetry book collection every other week. My main objective was to dissect a few poems (4-5) that left an impression on me while using his T.R.I.F.F.I.D. method.   
Tone: the voice, mood, or attitude the reader believes the author is conveying through subject and word choice. 
Rhythm: the pattern and beat between the stressed and unstressed word syllables. 
Imagery: the details told through the five senses (touch aka physical, sound aka auditory, sight aka visual, taste aka gustatory and smell aka olfactory).��
Figure: or figure of speech, is the non-literal expression of language. Figures of speech include hyperbole, irony, metaphor, simile, anaphora, antithesis and chiasmus. 
Form: the way a poem is presented on paper or a screen. Think of how the author physically shapes the poem -- the use of dialogue, line spacing, paragraph breaks, rhythms and patterns. 
Idea Density: how the author expresses their ideas throughout their poem. Can be literal (concrete) and/or figurative (vague or hidden).  
Diction: the word choice and arrangement within a piece. 
These were the results for Hanif Abdurraqib’s A Fortune for Your Disaster (2019): 
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The tone in Hanif Abdurraqib’s poem, “Welcome to Heartbreak” is nostalgic, sorrowful and bittersweet as seen in lines 1-3 when the narrator says,
it is the version of me fading in the photos that I most wish to dance with. Just once before the coughing
black makes a ghost of him. No one asks me to smile these days & so here is my mouth, again
straight line.
All 3 tones correlate to the poem’s title and message: Abdurraqib reminiscing about an old flame and missing -- not only his lover, but the happier, loved version of himself.  
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He reiterated his feelings again in the last three lines of the poem when he offers the reader his perspective on love and heartbreak:
Imagine, instead: the place where you have a bed of your own & a table to sit across from someone
who laughs thick & echoing as an open palm at your smallest joy & then / the fingers close. (8-10) 
In other words, Abdurraqib describes love and heartbreak as an “open palm” -- love and “fingers close” -- heartbreak; the hand metaphor representing how sudden and unexpected feelings can change.  
One day there is love, the next day it is gone.  
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Abdurraqib’s “Glamour on the West Street/Silver Over Everything” uses visual, auditory and tactile imagery, which altogether, conveys the hectic heatwave the narrator experiences (resembles and references Spike Lee’s 1989 movie, Do the Right Thing).  
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Readers are shown visual imagery in physical objects such as the building, cardboard box and pizza: “from the humid brick building below my humid brick building” (1), “no cheese atop the crust & its red river of sauce,” (2-3) and “warmth spilling from the edges of a cardboard box” (7-8).  
For auditory imagery, the poem illustrates sound from dialogue, actions (yell, shout, etc.) and environmental sounds: “a woman bellows at the pizza man” (1-2), “as he shouts above the sirens of State Street” (1-2) and “man yells there are only three ingredients. you can’t even get that right” (19).  
Abdurraqib utilizes tactile imagery through the heat of the pizza/box upon skin contact: “lonely people who will seek the warmth spilling from the edges of a cardboard box & onto their laps & into their fingers” (7-8).  
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Abdurraqib’s poem, “With Boxes Piled at the Foot of the Stairs, I go to see Logan” is dense with its subtle ideas of love, betrayal, trust, brotherhood and mental health (suicide) through the narrator recounting his friend’s death and funeral as well as his role in the overall matter:
my pal died not when the pill bottle
rolled empty from his unfurling
palm. It was sometimes after
that, when I told his old girlfriend
I have maybe been in love
with you the whole time. (12-16)
The readers can only insinuate from the clues given that the narrator’s friend took his own life, which the narrator insists was his (Abdurraqib) fault.  
This all started when the narrator confessed to having feelings for his friend’s girlfriend -- one can only speculate that caused a betrayal between the narrator and his friend.  
Moreover, in terms of form, Abdurraqib’s poem, “With Boxes Piled at the Foot of the Stairs, I go to see Logan” is 8 stanzas, 2 couplets each. In the narrative, the poem is split into 4 parts: the narrator’s notes to the reader, the funeral, the suicide and the confession (the inciting incident).  
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The first part features the narrator providing exposition about an “ending” to the poem’s subject:
I will not spoil
the ending, though
what is there to spoil. (lines 1-3)  
The second part focuses on the speaker attending a funeral and highlights how the funeral (the intended ending if the events of the poem were told chronologically) is not the main point of the poem:
but to say there was
a casket in the place
you would imagine
a casket to be.
depending on how
you define burial, ending is unspectacular. (4-10) 
The third part reveals the narrator’s friend’s cause of death (physical death) and the narrator denying it as such:
my pal died not when the pill bottle
rolled empty from his unfurling
palm. it was after that. (line 11-14)  
The final part conveys the inciting incident or what the narrator genuinely believes was the ‘ending’ -- not just the poem but of his friend’s life (emotional/spiritual/metaphorical death):
when I told his old girlfriend
I have maybe been in love
with you the whole time.  
Overall, Abdurraqib purposely made the poem out of order to showcase what he believes was the emotional gravity of the poem and of his friend’s life: the confession portion negatively impacted his friend’s love life and made him feel dead inside (numb).  
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Who is Hanif Abdurraqib? 
Many of Abdurraqib’s poetry and prose works have been a finalist, nominated, long-listed and/or recommended by numerous journal and literary outlets. Reading his book, especially his poem, “Welcome to Heartbreak,” I understood Abdurraqib’s it factor: how easily he displays the euphoria, fleetingness and heartbreaks of love. 
Lastly, are there any poems that makes you feel happy, nostalgic or heartbroken?
Feel free to comment some below?
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serve-update · 1 year
Utah Jazz Owner Net Worth: Who Is Utah Jazz Owner Ryan Smith?
American business mogul S. Ryan Smith is worth a cool $1 billion. Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A., in 1978 was the site of his birth. Qualtrics is an experience management firm headquartered in Provo, Utah, and he serves as the firm's executive chairman and co-founder. When he was 40 years old, he made Fortune magazine's "40 Under 40" list.
Utah Jazz Owner Net Worth
Smith, an American businessman, and entrepreneur with a $2 billion net worth is a native of the United States. Ryan became wealthy as a result of his work as a co-founder of the online survey firm Qualtrics. This man is now widely recognized as the proud owner of the Utah Jazz of the National Basketball Association. Qualtrics was founded by Ryan, his brother, and their father after Ryan dropped out of Brigham Young University to focus on the company. He planned to finish his education at BYU. With an $8 billion price tag, SAP bought Qualtrics in 2018. Smith continued in his position as CEO. Ryan spent $1.66 billion in 2020 to acquire a controlling interest in the Utah Jazz. While Gail Miller and her family still held a minority stake in the team, he bought it from them. The Miller family bought the Jazz in 1985 and quickly gained the support of the local community. https://twitter.com/gautamkapoor54/status/1626984479955845120 Fortune magazine included Ryan Smith on their 2016 list of 40 Under 40. A lifelong devotee of the Utah Jazz, his loyalty is unquestioned. The Qualtrics headquarters in Provo, Utah, features a half-court floor, and Ryan built a basketball court in his basement. It has been said that he spends one hour of each morning shooting hoops. Before this, he and the Jazz had raised $25 million for cancer research together. you might also be interested to read about this article Bill Maher Net Worth.
Who Is Utah Jazz Owner Ryan Smith?
Ryan Smith, the owner of the Utah Jazz and executive chairman and co-founder of Qualtrics, a Provo, Utah-based cloud computing company, is an American billionaire businessman. Ryan Smith's parents, Scott M. Smith and Nancy Smith welcomed him into the world in 1978 in Eugene. His mother has a Ph.D. in information systems and is an entrepreneur, while his father was a university professor and co-founder of Qualtrics.
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Young Ryan enrolled at the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, but he eventually left to concentrate on developing Qualtrics. check this Jason Tatum Age. Because of Ryan's efforts, Qualtrics grew to the point where it was acquired by German software giant SAP in 2019 for $8 billion. Among the world's top 40 young business leaders, he was included in Fortune's 40 Under 40 list in 2016.
He Bought The Utah Jazz In 2020.
The Utah Jazz was purchased by Ryan and his wife Ashley (with whom he has five children) in 2020 for a rumored $1.66 billion. Smith bought out Gail Miller, whose family had owned the team since 1986. Smith is also a part-owner of the Real Salt Lake Major League Soccer team. In 2022, he and investor David Blitzer bought the squad from Smith Entertainment Group. we hope you like this article Post Malone Age. The Jazz, which he bought and now owns, is a powerhouse in the Western Conference. Smith also played a role in this year's All-Star Game being hosted in this city. https://youtu.be/mCUTnLfh7WI We are a basketball state, this is a basketball town," Smith proclaimed. Our state has a chance to shine, and now is the time. In 2023, analysts predict that Ryan Smith will have a net worth of $1.5 billion. Read the full article
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outsourcingbd · 1 year
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reportstore · 2 years
Cybersecurity experts reveal the mistakes that give them the biggest headaches
Organizations can't bear to commit errors with regards to their cybersecurity. Notwithstanding, they in all actuality do make them and frequently. Regardless of how immaterial the blunder or apparently little these slips of the psyche might be show up, they could have colossal results.
No big surprise then that the cybersecurity specialists we've addressed have become fed up with the security bloopers organizations make. Fortunately, they've likewise made sense of what the greatest cybersecurity botches are and given a few experiences into how to keep away from them.
Before we get to that, we should talk about why this is so significant.
Cybersecurity mix-ups could demonstrate expensive There is no lack of guides to feature how terrible it can get when organizations and associations flop in their advanced watchfulness. A fast web search will uncover exactly the way that pervasive the issue is.
In late 2020, it was uncovered that Russian-based programmers had broken into programming organization SolarWinds' IT foundation. The assault was a supposed "production network assault."
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A Kremlin-connected hacking bunch, regularly known as Nobelium or Comfortable Bear, hacked into the organization and introduced a secondary passage of sorts into a SolarWinds update. The malevolent code slipped by everyone's notice and the update was carried out to the undertaking's clients. That empowered the programmers to think twice about 18,000 associations, including the US government divisions including Energy, the Depository and Trade.
A comparative assault happened in July 2021 when Russian mavericks REvil sent off a cyberattack against IT seller Kaseya. Up to 1,500 organizations overall were impacted in the assault, including the installment frameworks at Swedish Centers supermarkets and the IT organizations of schools in New Zealand.
Cybersecurity is large business With dangers like these, organizations can't bear to neglect to set up unbending cybersecurity frameworks or to commit errors.
The fast digitalisation of the world throughout recent many years is one reason behind that. The more individuals carry on with their lives on the web, the more open doors cybercriminals have had needed to use the pattern for their own evil plans.
Coronavirus exacerbated the circumstance. At the point when legislatures forced social limitations to control the spread of the infection, it coincidentally sped up the shift towards a more digitalised world.
Organizations who had recently been hesitant to acknowledge cross breed or remote working needed to acknowledge the new typical where those arrangements became pervasive.
Individuals went to streaming sites for their diversion, to food conveyance new companies for their culinary fixes and to Amazon for essentially all the other things - every last bit of it accessible through a couple of speedy swipes on a telephone or a tablet.
With the fast digitalisation of the world, danger entertainers moved in, sent off assaults and attempted to use the wellbeing emergency for their own closures.
To try not to commit any errors, organizations put resources into cybersecurity arrangements. Besides the fact that organizations purchased their items, however financial backers likewise began to move new companies in the area furiously
The cybersecurity blast was a reality. The pandemic moved the measures of investment (VC) financing raised higher than ever.
In 2019, VCs infused $16.8bn into the cybersecurity area across 747 arrangements, as per information from research firm GlobalData. In 2021, VCs prepared 729 arrangements at a grand all out of $25.3bn. As of August 8, financial backers have infused more than $9.6bn across 348 arrangements into the cybersecurity area in 2022.
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