#forgood ���多咖啡
fyeahcindie · 2 years
How about this combination?!  甜約翰 Sweet John featuring 魏如萱 waa wei  
3 beautiful voices on this track!   =D
Lyrics: 石裕獎 Duncan Shih / 魏如萱 waa wei Music: 石裕獎 Duncan Shih Producer: 鍾濰宇 Yu Arrangement: 甜約翰 Sweet John Vocal: 吳浚瑋 Genwie Wu Guitar : 陳冠宇 Can Chen (aka 陳罐頭 Can Chen) Drums: 鍾曜年 Jay Chung (小J JJ Jhong) Keys/Voc: 梁丹郡 Mandark Liang (also in I Mean Us) Bass: 石裕獎 Duncan Shih
Full a/v credits and lyrics back at YT.
Sweet John links: YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram,  Weibo,  StreetVoice,  Bandcamp
Waa links: Instagram,  Spotify,  YouTube,  forgoodmusic YouTube,  添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC YT playlist,  weibo,  forgood café 好多咖啡,  Hit FM聯播網,  Hit FM YT channel
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janzwang · 3 years
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整個城裡的人都跑去咖啡店(在 forgood 好多咖啡) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNemHu9pmm9/?igshid=1ql8xzal2465c
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funkyruru · 7 years
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#latte #cafe #pratice #練習多好(在 forgood 好多咖啡)
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keetkaatart · 7 years
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Embracing the fact that I *really* like drawing clothes, finding inspiration in Da'an, practicing drawing from memory + using limited colour palettes 👙 #art #illustration #sketch #sketchbook #katjweissart #fashion #streetstyle #taipei #travel (at forgood 好多咖啡)
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tvcat0104 · 7 years
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檸檬+抹茶 也太好喝了吧! #新品 #好多咖啡 #檸檬抹茶 #永康街 #taiwan #taipei #forgood #想吃的蛋糕又完售了(在 forgood 好多咖啡)
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shan971015 · 8 years
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#好多咖啡 #forgood 冰檸檬抹茶,$170 草莓生乳酪,$90 榛果拿鐵,$170 檸檬抹茶是個奇妙的味道但好好喝,草莓生乳酪一掃上次吃到壞東西的陰霾💙 #170119 #eatingwithshan (at forgood 好多咖啡)
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chunhuan-blog · 7 years
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騏哥跟娃娃的風味!(在 forgood 好多咖啡)
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tyhaodiary · 8 years
日期:2017年2月12日(日) 天氣:晴 氣溫:12。
今天來介紹一間有個性的咖啡館「好多咖啡」forgood ,當然我也不是第一次來這裡,只是以咖啡館是一個作…
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Absolutely beautiful song from Crispy脆樂團, and the arrangement is perfect, just the right amount of strings & percussion.
作詞Lyricist & 作曲Composer:盧羿安Skippy Lu   
製作人Producer:陳建騏 George Chen   
編曲Arranger:陳建騏 George Chen / Crispy脆樂團   
弦樂編寫 Strings Scoring:陳建騏 George Chen   
和聲編寫Chorus Arranger:丁不拉丁 Christine “DingBuLaDing” Ting / 黃建為 Bodhi   
吉他Guitar:盧羿安 Skippy Lu 
鼓 Drums:賴聖文 Peter Lai   
第一小提琴First Violin:朱奕寧 Jupiter   
第二小提琴 Second Violin:陳泱瑾 Nick   
中提琴 Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan   
大提琴 Cello:葉裕新 Shin   
弦樂指導Strings Leader:許義昕 Eddie Hsu   
錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳以霖 Yi-Lin Chen@大小眼錄音室 Twin Eyes Studio / 李心鼎 Lee Shing-Ding@好多聲音 FORGOOD SOUND / 錢煒安 Zen Chien@112F Recording Studio   
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:Simon Li@nOiz Studio
Crispy will be keeping busy in early winter:
Crispy脆樂團 - Asia Tour 亞洲巡迴   
〖特別場〗 2017/12/19 台北Taipei forgood 好多咖啡 (特別場詳細參與方式近期公佈!!)   
12/3 上海Shanghai 育音堂 
12/7 杭州Hangzhou 酒球會 
12/8 北京Beijing 蝸牛的家 
12/9 成都Chengdu 成都小酒館 
1/25 東京Tokyo 青山 月見ル君想フ(ライブハウス) 
1/27 大阪Osaka 中津Vi-code 
2月 新加坡 Singapore、馬來西亞Malaysia coming soon
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perrywu · 8 years
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在 forgood 好多咖啡
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
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魏如萱 waa wei is about to open up her 花室 maison de waa store/showroom, directly across the lane from her cafe (forgood 好多咖啡)  Very convenient!  =D
(Previously, she only sold her maison de waa goods at an online store)
FB announcement with Bing translation:
[Opening notice.]​ ​ 我們準備好了,​ 明天要與你相見,​ 小小規定大家一起遵守。​ ​ 06.10 13:00-18:00​ ​ *僅提供現金付款​ *響應環保請自備購物袋,如需紙袋另收取費用​ *開幕日為確保店內選購品質,將視人潮控管入內人數​ *入內配戴口罩,門口將實施體溫測量及手部消毒​ *入內需脫鞋,請盡量穿著襪子​ *為維持居民生活品質,交談請降低您的音量​ *巷弄內請勿吸菸
[Opening notice.]​
We are ready,
I will meet you tomorrow,
A small rule is followed by everyone.
06.10 13:00-18:00​
* to respond to environmentally friendly, please keep your own shopping bag and charge for paper bags
* open day to ensure the quality of in-Store Purchase, the number of people will be controlled depending on the crowd
* wear masks inside, body temperature measurements and hand sterilization will be carried out at the door
* take off your shoes in, please try to wear socks
* to maintain residents' quality of life, please lower your volume for conversations
* don't smoke in the lane
Maybe some of you will recall this set Waa and Lovely Baby band played at the cafe, back in 2015, this is Part 1:
Waa Wei Ruxuan 魏如萱 - Voc
韓立康 LiKang Han - Gtr
賴聖文 Peter Lai - Drums
黃少雍 Huang Shao-Yong - Bass/Keyboard
Achino Chang 張瀚中 (阿雞) - Accordion/Percussion
Part 2 is HERE.  There is an occasional live series at the cafe called  forgood live 好多聲活, you can see many clips at that YT channel.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 3 years
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Waa Wei 魏如萱 looming over Times Square! =D
From her IG:
waawei 前幾個星期我還在節目上和聽眾分享之前去布魯克林跑馬拉松的事情,就好想念那時候去的所有地方,一直說好想再去紐約喔什麼的,也好喜歡那時候住的Hotel 1。 那天看見妹姐的照片登上時代廣場,覺得很震撼,同時她也是代表Spotify 《EQUAL》為女性平權發聲。我那天還在節目上聊了那時候在Times Square看到的一些景象,附近有一間很大的muji,我和朋友們還在旁邊的日本料理店吃晚餐。 其實上星期已經有人幫我p圖,我覺得很幽默很想發文,但公司說不行,結果今天我的照片真的出現在紐約了!天啊~~~尖叫~~~好激動、好開心、好驕傲,真的好囂張喔! 可以接棒在張惠妹和莫文蔚的後面感到榮幸,一個地方媽媽的照片出現在世界的十字路口,為了女性平權也給所有母親們加油,「電影哪有我們瘋狂 我是你媽 變形金剛 」我們
Waa links: Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, forgoodmusic YouTube, weibo, forgood café 好多咖啡, hit fm hitoradio fb, Hit FM YT channel
Let's have a listen to the title track of her new album:
Music/Lyrics: 魏如萱 waa wei
Arrangement: 韓立康 Gummy Bear Man (aka 韓立康 Likang Han)
Producer: Gummy Bear Man / 陳建騏 George Chen / Shao-Yong Huang 黃少雍
Guitar/Synth/Vocal Producer: Gummy Bear Man
Drum Sample: Gummy Bear Man / 賴聖文 Peter Lai
Bass: 陳弘禮 Hung-li Chen (fr. Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車, Come on! BayBay! 來吧!焙焙!)
Backing Vocal Arrangement: Gummy Bear Man / 梁丹郡 Mandark Liang
Backing Vocal: waa wei / Gummy Bear Man
Full a/v credits and lyrics at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Newest MV from Crispy 脆樂團.  =D
Filmed at forgood café 好多咖啡, and they got onscreen help from Wen Chiang Liao 廖文強, ShuShu 舒舒 舒國銘, Celine Ling from 猛虎巧克力 Chocolate Tiger, and Sunny 咨咨 from 四枝筆樂團 Four Pens.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
what exactly is the connection between waa and forgood 好多咖啡? Somehow I got the impression she is the owner of this coffeeshop, but now I can't really support that impression. All I seem to know for sure is that she's always posting pictures of the desserts on her instagram.
Hi there!    I see you already figured out she’s the owner  =)   
One thing I remember reading a few years ago, is that forgood coffee is  connected to another small cafe/live venue, some ownership/partnership in common between the 2 places.  I don’t remember where I read that, so I can’t verify that.  
Maybe someone with a good memory can help us out?
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shan971015 · 7 years
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- 每次都跟這位來,第四次? (at forgood 好多咖啡)
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funkyruru · 7 years
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和可愛的小毛球自拍 #狗 #啾比 #dog #taipei #taiwan(在 forgood 好多咖啡)
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