#forgive me if these characters look whack - I don't go here
regionalpancake · 6 days
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for @robosexualunderground 💕✨
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diacripticcomplex · 10 months
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Yui x Shu Fic (Not Smut, but it is rather violent so TW)
Yui POV:
To have all this blood on my hands..I didn't think it would get this bad...but I couldn't stop drinking. "Alright that's enough.." Shu's voice sounded so muffled at first, ever since he turned me into a Vampire, all my senses feel out of whack. I could smell things from far away and hear things as well, I was faster and stronger, it was frightening. I became the very monster I detested. All of the Sakamaki brothers, besides Shu, were against me becoming a vampire. Reiji thought it would be best for me to stay dead, so did Laito in fears of Cordelia reviving. But since I chose Shu, it was his decision to make and he chose to turn me into a vampire, therefore I was now his responsibility and burden. This is all Shu's fault..My train of thoughts were interrupted by the human girl I was draining. We were at school, in the music room so I knew the chances of anyone coming in here while Shu was here was rare.
"I feel like I'm dying.." this human girl said, I knew that feeling all too well, to be drained like this. I hated these new sadistic vampiric urges, I did not want to stop devouring her but I knew that I should, however the way she was whimpering and crying...I don't understand why but I found it so amusing...I wanted to throw up at my own behavior and thoughts. I pull away from her. "God...please forgive me.." I fall onto my knees and clampse my hands together, praying for divine forgiveness. "heh...doing something like that while being a soulless creature isn't going to help you.." Shu comments, I glare at him. "Turning me into a vampire wasn't going to help me either, why did you condemn me to such a fate?!" I snapped at him, I never yelled at him like this before, I never had some much pent up rage within me. He looked at me, with his cold eyes and then sighed, he got up and headed for the door. I snatched his wrist with my bloodied hand.
"Let go.." he said, I could feel the irritation in his voice but I did not care. "You will answer my question" I said firmly, I have no idea what's gotten into me, this felt out of character...perhaps this is the power of blood? "I do not have to explain myself to the likes of you..let go or there's going to be some consequences.." he sounded serious, I usually would back down, however something was compelling me to not be myself tonight. Shu turned, he was now facing me and I punched his chest, to my surprise he tumbled to the floor, I did not understand just how strong I was now. He was on the floor now, and I got on top of him punching his chest. "I hate you so much.." I started saying out loud, tears rolling down my cheeks. He took each hit, with no reaction, his face remained emotionless. I stopped punching him and buried my head into his chest, sobbing. I hated being this way. I felt his arms wrap around my waist to hold me in a tight embrace? No, he was applying too much pressure, he was squeezing me. I try wrestling out of his grasp but to no avail.
He flips us over, slamming my head to the floor. It did not hurt as much. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it so hard I knew that if I was still human, he would have broken my neck. He leans his face close to mine. "I condemned you to an eternity with me because you are mine...I will do whatever I want with you whenever I want to as well..your little pathetic hits did nothing to me, I'm going to show you a world of pain.." he says to me, if I was still human I would be scared right now, but I do not feel scared. He took out his trusty little blade, the one he used to cut me up so many times before..."Stick your tongue out." he demanded, pressing the blade to my cheek. I do as he says, "now lick it.." he orders, he was such a demented pervert. I did so, once it was covered with my saliva he looked at it and smiled faintly, he held the blade right in front of my eyes. "What are you doing..?" I question him. He ignores my question and digs the blade deep into my eye socket, tearing out my right eye. I let out the most agonizing scream, then he does the same thing to my left eye. I could feel the blood pour down my cheeks from my now empty sockets. I was crying and sobbing so much that felt like the pain I would deal with as a human. "Since you weren't seeing your fate, I had no choice but to permanently blind you..' he says, his voice dripping with sadism, this is my dark fate. "..hate me all you want, you're never leaving my side.
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nonhumanhottie · 5 months
Tales of the empire reaction
I'm gonna be so real I really don't care much for Morgan. Her being a nightsister was very random and I don't find her that interesting lol
Why are cartoons so visually dark you have the ability to make them viewable give me light
Aw am I supposed to feel sorry for Morgan?
Hey is that Pellaeon??
Oh it is!!
Okay they were much better at doing angry crowd shouts 15 years ago lol
Oh I do not like how Thrawn looks in this he looks like a sim
Here comes the organ music at least there's that
Okay but she's not really a witch anymore right how can she be faster than blaster fire?
Is it just me or at the grunting and panting sound effects just way too much? Like they're just awful and distracting to listen to
Oh hey Bo
This overall feels like supplementary backstory to a character who wasn't fleshed out in other media tbb
Like i can definitely feel the backstepping they were doing to make this work
Sorry for being a little hater but it wasn't my fave
On to the second half
God palpatine really had everyone believing he was attacked and that swinging hard to fascim was a normal response he is the girlboss of all time
Inquisitor Island
The grand inquisitor is acting so... normal lmao
Yesss pit the children against each other
We are going a mile a minute!! These alledged tales aren't designed for 15 minute episodes lmao
Now is Vader gonna recognise Barriss? Does he hate her?
Oh Barriss I think you've chosen the wrong job path babes
Barriss girlie what have you gotten yourself into?
Oh a non binary jedi?? Werk
That was a quick turn around lol
Bare hands in those weather??
Shes old now wait where are we in the timeline why are we jumping so far forward??
At least Barriss recognises she made some Choices and that the Jedi would ultimately good
Okay I love the change from holding back makes you predicable to anger makes you predicable
I'm gonna say it. I don't think lightsabers are good light sources. Have you ever tried to find something in a coloured light?
Oh it's giving the ending of the shining in the hedge maze hahaha
This felt kiiiinda lazy lol. Sure, it's gorgeous, but imo the hyper-realistic backgrounds and textures don't suit the more blocky style. Also aesthetics alone don't really work in a format like this
I feel like I'm being harsh but I didn't really feel like anything stuck out to me in a good way, other than I guess Barriss reenforcing that the Jedi way is about light an forgiveness, but the pacing and timeline is whack lmao
I get this isn't designed to be a standalone piece of media but the Vader thing is especially annoying to me because it doesn't add anything to this. I think the Grand Inquistor referencing him would have been enough
In fact if I was to rewatch Tales of the Jedi, I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as I did the first time. I don't think this a good format for these stories
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arsonforcharlie · 5 years
What are your opinions on found footage, if you don't mind me asking?
frienderino i absolutely do not mind you asking my opinions about spooky movies, i love talking about that shit
here’s a list of questions that will yeet me out of a found footage movie faster than an owl in the hands of my old sorcerer dnd character
cut for length because i have WORDS
hey how the fuck does your camera even work
why does every single camera in this movie, from security cameras in convenience stores to one mounted on a drone to old film cameras that record on vhs tapes to a high-quality dslr to some dude’s phone camera to little ones mounted on the characters’ ears that are clearly just bluetooth headsets get OFF that shit have the exact same video quality? or the same video quality but with a black and white filter over the ones that are supposed to be shitty? i know you have the cameras except those ear ones those are CLEARLY FAKE i have USED that bluetooth headset in a play so, like, use them, that goes so far
why is your camera still charged up? i’m a lot more forgiving of this with movies with older cameras with replaceable batteries, but, like, how the fuck are you charging your phone in the woods or the haunted hotel or whatever? did you bring enough charging blocks to charge all five different kinds of cameras you have on you? you left your bag behind three in-movie days ago and you’ve recorded at least 40 minutes of footage since then, plus everything else you’ve been using your phone for. how is it still at a half-decent battery level?
why does your camera malfunction like that? a digital camera is not going to cut to tv static when the ghost finds you or a tree knocks you down or whatever. it’s not going to get a broken vhs-looking scanline, either. and for god’s sake, no matter what kind of camera you’ve got, they’re not going to show a SMPTE test pattern when you whack them off a tree because that’s not anything works.
bonus points if the footage starts malfunctioning because the person holding the camera is undergoing difficulty- like, the sound on your camera is not going to start getting distorted because you personally fainted, i know whoever made this movie has at least touched a camera before, why the fuck would you make that hot choice
hey how the fuck did all this footage get out
like, this is a short thing, but it still tends to bug me. blair witch project and that sort of thing did it very well because, like, there was one source. they found one tape with everything recorded on it. cool, okay, i can buy that. when there’s multiple sources? there needs to be some sort of explanation behind how someone found cameras that were on four different people’s ears that died in four different locations, plus a trailcam that got left behind, plus at least 2 different handheld cameras and so on and so forth. at least have some sort of revelation like “the monster WANTS PEOPLE TO FIND OUT ABOUT IT” or something. please, throw me a bone, my family is dying
hey what the hell is going on
i’m not asking for everything characters do in a horror movie to make sense. like, i watch horror movies. i know sometimes you gotta get scared and run into the haunted house and straight up the stairs to the attic where thirteen people died on this very night thirteen years ago. sometimes life be like that, i’m not an idiot. but i am asking for the world to have some sort of logic. like, you’ve already established that as a group you only brought one headlamp (side note, those are like 7.50 at canadian tire, maybe grab a few fuckin’ extras for your friends, you dick) but then someone runs off with the headlamp and gets killed with it, and then in a later scene someone else is clearly wearing it because bullshit when you’re running terrified through the woods you’re managing to hold a flashlight steady to point directly where the camera on your ear is pointing. and then after that, that headlamp-using character is suddenly just using a flashlight again because the light jags away from the direction their bluetooth headset camera is pointed
do i think about lighting more than the average person? yeah totally. fight me.
like, as i mentioned before, found footage relies on a basic sense of realism. and when the unreal elements don’t come in as “whoa no how did we get turned around we were headed due south on the compass” but “how the hell do you have five full outfits plus a tent and a bedroll plus all the charging equipment for your five hundred cameras plus enough food for however long you thought you were spending in spooky woods plus beer for some reason” that’s really super distracting for me
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