#forgive him he's maxed out in faith not intelligence
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acetier · 9 months ago
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torin/varre art dump based on a sweet lil ask sent to me by @kirango-rouge about the immediate aftermath of torin's induction into the blood cult ((sorry this took like 5 years lmao))
varre is already thinking of marriage and torin is still processing aka they are so embarrassing about each other
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furymint · 6 months ago
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FFXIV Write 2024 | header | wc: 1,045
Elliot: Game time: Tell me who your favorite Bell is.
Nolanel: That guy.
Elliot: That was swift. Arym? Truly?
Nolanel: Weird name. Yeah. Had breakfast more than once with him, real early. I think he only knows about eighteen words in Eorzean.
Elliot: Please! Truthfully now?
Nolanel: Brave.
Elliot: Our bellwether? Not Norhi?
Nolanel: Not Norhi. Brave takes care of you folk. She's ready and straight so you can keep your finger paint straight, and ain't afraid to cut manners out of business with crows.
Elliot: Not to doubt your munificence, but I never suspected that you would forgive her for making you leave.
Nolanel: I never blamed her. She's fair. The only one of you that's fair.
Elliot: I'm pretty.
Nolanel: You're besides the point. And what answer's in your pretty head?
Elliot: I'll pretend to think about this. Norhi.
Nolanel: She babies you.
Elliot: Not more than she indulges you.
Nolanel: One day she'll need to tell you no.
Elliot: She has—but never when it matters. What's more, she despises everyone I despise with the exact amount of candor to prove it's real. Norhi never argues, either. The way she avoids confrontation could almost make one believe that bickering is unenjoyable.
Nolanel: Imagine that.
Elliot: But I like Brave too. She always lets me make a fool of myself while watching with that smile you have.
Nolanel: It's easy to wind you up and set you marching like a toy.
Elliot: Joy is always running—although often away.
Nolanel: Wyda I mostly like. Got some wrong ideas.
Elliot: About Xanadu.
Nolanel: And her bedmates.
Elliot: Oof. But she's the most intelligent person I know--even if she applies her gifts hazardously—and she's my most favorite to talk too.
Nolanel: Aye, I know you're in love with her.
Elliot: I think she'd hate that more than I, if it's possible. But if you were to fall in love with any of them, who would it be?
Nolanel: No. That's propaganda.
Elliot: I don't know what you mean. It's foolishness.
Nolanel: It's what you said about the Faithful. For naught but making oneself furious, especially when it don't make sense. Now you see—
Elliot: I think it's humorous!
Nolanel: Answer me yours, then.
Elliot: You'll loathe me.
Nolanel: Try.
Elliot: August.
Nolanel: You're the stupidest man in the world! Heavens! Fury!
Elliot: Haha!
Nolanel: Gods, lightning could strike you twice and you'd beg a third. 
Elliot: I can't help it!
Nolanel: Your no-good taste needs to be studied. Self-destruction. Self-denial. All those things you say—and you doe-eye some imperial who looks at you like he hopes your pansy tongue rots in your mouth.
Elliot: Well, if only I spoke poison!
Nolanel: What'll it take for you to love an artist? 
Elliot: I couldn't possibly love a mirror.
Nolanel: Ah—Only soldiers who want naught with knowing your happy little theories about war.
Elliot: His eyes are gorgeous.
Nolanel: Ugh! The only man with the right priority in this damned country. Let him be.
Elliot: But I have! I don't court the thought of dying here by angering him like you have.
Nolanel: It'd be one nice thought in my brain to think you'd have the sense to darling something decent when I'm killed.
Elliot: No no, there's no betterment or forgetting where I'm involved. Aren't we supposed to sigh and look wan for the rest of our lives, and pray in the monastery that love was taken too soon and shall not come again?
Nolanel: No.
Elliot: You mean if my heart gave in this moment, you'd grow past me while I spent eternity in my glowing youth? I'd be the perfect thing to worship since I wouldn't talk back—and you'd open your affection to a distraction? Who?
Nolanel: That's propaganda.
Elliot: Stop thinking and just gossip with me!
Nolanel: No!
Elliot: 'Tis August, too! Haha!
Nolanel: Oh, fuck no—I'm not so ridiculous.
Elliot: I'll go down the roster until you blush.
Nolanel: Do what you want.
Elliot: That's what life is for. Now. Hm. Not Laelia—she has that miasma about her. Max is evil. Vicky is...
Nolanel: The only among them with a decent mind. She's sturdy and patient. She listens. But get out of the Garleans.
Elliot: Wyda, then.
Nolanel: Just to sicken her more? No, she's too argumentative. Always thinks she's in mandate of the only truth.
Elliot: Norhi doesn't argue, then.
Nolanel: Norhi is married. I'm no salesman. Besides, she has ears.
Elliot: You also have ears.
Nolanel: Hm.
Elliot: What if you married Xanadu instead?
Nolanel: You'd pawn off your wife like that?
Elliot: I make a terrible husband; I'm destined for bachelorhood soon. You would be a much more admirable spouse.
Nolanel: 'Tis true I can make bread.
Elliot: Oh! Ser Basile then!
Nolanel: Don't let him hear that pun; he'll probably enjoy it and I'll never hear his name right again. He's the man people need, but not me.
Elliot: Cass?
Nolanel: You want an answer, not a conversation anymore.
Elliot: So? Cass? 
Nolanel: Closer.
Elliot: Ha!
Nolanel: But there's a dragon where anything else ought to be. A stupid dragon in looks and manner, but still one.
Elliot: I should've expected so. It treats well with the chocobos, somehow, at home in the Bell house. I also appreciate that her hair changes more often than the seasons.
Nolanel: Is it supper time yet?
Elliot: We have to consider more names! Eliane? Brave? I know Yumi and Haru are no choices for you; nor dear Sasamu. 
Nolanel: I don't know anyone else. I doubt Lady Dufresne would enjoy knowing that an industry-despising dandy and former employee was flirting with the idea of setting his dragoon paramour away to disrupt her marriage.
Elliot: That's why gossip is only shared with trusted companions who would never speak a word to anyone. Except the daily press, perhaps. However! This is for amusement! Not—
Nolanel: 'Ey! What's love in this place worth? Who should I love among the residents of Alvarium?
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blackstonesandtrapnest · 4 years ago
Helloaasaa, Aaaa request are open (excited dance) or please, our goddess, could you do? Yami's Fluff Alphabet (๑ ♡ ⌓ ♡ ๑)
Sure I can do that :) Sorry I took so long on this request! It took quite a while to make! I hope you enjoy this Sweet Anon!
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Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?):
The sky's the limit with Atem and he'll do damn near anything with his S/O in his free time! But his favorite activity hands down with his S/O is dueling as one would expect. Nothing makes Atem happier than dueling with or beside his S/O!
Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?):
Physically Atem's favorite feature about his S/O is their eyes. They never lie to him and he can see right down to his S/O's soul. Personality wise Atem loves his S/O's tenacity and toughness and admires it to the point of flat-out simping! He thinks it's gorgeous when his fabulous man or woman goes off on someone and doesn't take shit from anyone, not even him!
Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?):
Atem's first extinct is to ask his S/O what's wrong but he's smart enough to know that it only makes things worse. Instead he'll immediately rush to his S/O's side and start holding them, not even speaking unless he deems it necessary. Actions speak louder than words after all. If Atem's S/O is having a panic attack, he immediately knows what to do since he has many friends who suffer from anxiety.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?):
This is something that Atem won't think about unless you ask. He prefers to live in the present and is just trying to get through what's happening right at the moment. Not to say that Atem doesn't picture a future with you at all but he just doesn't see the utter importance of it.
Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?):
Atem likes to think that he's the dominant one in the relationship when in actuality, it's a pretty even split. But there are times when Atem will have to give or take more and vice versa which he has no issue with.
Fight (Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?):
Fights with Atem are definitely gonna happen whether you want them to or not. Atem has pride for days and he can be a total prick at times so he needs someone who doesn't hesitate to put him in his place. Atem's way of fighting is playing the long game. He will NOT back down and he WILL push your buttons to the max! Atem isn't as merciless as he once was so he is definitely willing to forgive his S/O unless the fight was about something severe. In that case, Atem is gonna need some time before he can even think about making up with his S/O.
Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?):
Atem may seem like a brat but he's eternally grateful for everything that his S/O does for him and is fully aware of said things. Atem hates being taken for granted and he wouldn't dare dream of doing the same to his S/O!
Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?):
Atem is pretty reserved so yes he does have secrets. He especially has a lot of skeleton booty in the closet but that's probably the only thing that he'll share with his S/O.....if they ask. Atem's reserved nature comes with one that values privacy. He keeps his cards close to his chest and finds it quite fun to be mysterious and hard to figure out.
Inspiration (Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?):
Atem has definitely changed since getting with his S/O! One of the main ways is that he's learned to pick his battles and to sometimes accept the loss and move on. Atem's commitment and trust issues have also been overcome and he's become more grounded and less fickle as a result.
Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?):
As hypocritical as it may seem, yes Atem does get jealous and he can be childish when dealing with it. Being the former player that he was before getting with his S/O, he's no fool when it comes to how other people can be when it comes to relationships. Game recognize game! If you can't avoid the person that Atem is jealous of, then he'll make your relationship known using PDA that he normally wouldn't do. Under normal circumstances, Atem will make his jealousy known and if you call him out on his hypocrisy, prepare yourself for an argument! A jealous pharaoh is not a good pharaoh!
Kiss (Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?):
Of course Atem is a good kisser! He's had lots of practice over the past 5000+ years after all! His first kiss with his S/O was romantic and passionate and it happened in the rain which made for an excellent atmosphere!
Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?):
Atem would talk to you in private and he would just be honest and upfront about how he feels before asking you out on a date. Short, sweet, and to the point!
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?):
Atem acts like he doesn't wanna get married but he does. Deep down inside, he truly does. He just denies it because of past heartbreak. Once Atem knows for certain that he wants to marry you (which will definitely take a few years), he'll propose to you in front of thousands of people after he wins a big dueling tournament and of course the crowd (and the paparazzi) will go wild! Your marriage with Atem will be one hell of an adventure and it'll have many ups and downs but it'll all be worth it in the end because Atem will treat you like the King/Queen you are!
Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?):
Atem's most common nickname for his S/O is "My King/Queen". Atem will also shorten your name if he can to make things more personal between you two. Other nicknames Atem likes to use will be Honey, Darling, and Sweetheart.
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?):
Atem's behavior when he's in love starts to change pretty quickly so it's obvious to people who know him. He changes his phone and computer wallpaper to a picture of you, he has your number in his phone as " My King/Queen", and he's 100% loyal to you! No flirting with other people and he rejects any and all offers for dates/flings. Atem's love language is Acts Of Service so he expresses his feelings by doing things for his S/O and sacrificing his time to do said things. To him, actions speak louder than words and he wants to make his feelings for you as clear as possible.
PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?):
Atem is very upfront about the relationship but only in a subtle way. He doesn't like drawing unneccesary attention to himself and he doesn't wanna embarrass his S/O either. Atem will only share info about his S/O if they want him to. He prefers to be more verbal when it comes to PDA. His physical affection in public isn't much but it speaks volumes. The most he'll do is wrap his arms around you and give you lingering kisses on your cheek and neck. Hugs and kisses are only reserved for hellos and goodbyes.
Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.):
Being 5,000+ years old gives Atem a lot of intelligence so if you wanna know things about various times in history, he's got your back! He also knows lots of random trivia and is very good at game shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!
Romance (How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?):
Atem is definitely a romantic guy and he'll pull out all the stops to make his S/O happy! He's pretty cliche when it comes to romance. Candlelit dinners, roses, walks on the beach, the works! Atem tries to be creative but in the end, the tried and true methods work for him much better!
Support (Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?):
Move over Tea! Atem's the #1 cheerleader in this bitch! Whatever your goals are, he'll support you and make sure you achieve them no matter how long it takes! He believes in you to the fullest and he wants you to be the best version of yourself!
Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?):
Atem lives for the thrill! Without it, your relationship with him is doomed. Atem gets bored easily so he's always looking for ways to spice things up between you two and he would appreciate it if you do the same as well. Variety is the spice of life and Atem wants to live it to the fullest with his S/O!
Understanding (How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?):
Atem tries to know his partner the best he can but there are times when he'll fall short and misunderstandings will be had. This is where communication comes in. As long as you explain yourself to Atem, he'll be quite empathetic and understanding, especially if he's been through the same thing himself.
Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?):
Atem's relationship with his S/O definitely means a lot to him but that doesn't mean he's willing to give up everything he's ever known to be with you. Yes Atem will give up his player days and be 100% faithful to you but that's the biggest change you'll get. Atem's not giving up anything else that makes him happy. Your relationship is worth a lot to him but he's not an idiot and tries to balance things as much as possible so his priorities are kept straight.
Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.):
Atem likes it when he and his S/O wear similar or even matching clothing. Especially if it's spiky and/or leather-based! He wants his S/O to always look good!
XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?):
Atem loves affection especially in private! You'll definitely be getting many kisses and cuddles from him! Atem prefers physical over verbal affection but he'll deliver the latter just as well. He knows how to lay on the charm and make his S/O feel like the most important person in the world with the sweet words flowing out of his mouth!
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?):
If Atem has to be away from you for a long period of time, he'll definitely miss you but he's not gonna die without you. He'll keep in steady contact with you but he won't smother you either. Atem respects his S/O's space and doesn't want them to feel that way.
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?):
It may not seem like it but Atem is a true ride or die kind of guy! He'll do anything for the sake of your relationship and for your sake in general! To give an example of what kind of lengths Atem would go to for you, if you're ever down on your luck in any kind of way, he'll literally give you his entire savings account if it would save you from financial ruin! That's just how loyal Atem is to you! Just don't take it for granted or you'll regret it!
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yummyyume · 5 years ago
In which Ladybug and Chat Noir are true Heroes
I’ve been sitting on it for a few weeks now. It wasn’t supposed to really be a fic, but it turns out okay, so I decided to finish it and post it anyway. The end is kind of rush, but I wanted to be done with it so, yeah.
Hope you all like it!
I apologize for any spelling and grammars errors, English is not my first language. I hope it’s still intelligible. 
Marinette is doing a better job at superheroing than she ever thought she would. Still, contacting real professionals sounds like a good idea. Chat is a bit reticent at first, because being Chat Noir is the only freedom he has and he doesn’t want it to end, but after she points out all the people who are suffering, he shamefully agrees to call the Justice League with her.
They don’t receive any answer, and no one shows up.
Chat is sure that it’s because there’s a world ending threat they have to take care of first, and they’ll answer as soon as they can. After the fifth’s plea for help, he doesn’t seem to really believe it either. Still, they continue to call every month.
When Chat becomes too pushy with his flirting, she sits him down, taking a day off from patrolling, and shows him a video about sexual harassment. He watches the entire thing, horrified. And then he apologizes and swears to never flirt again and he’s so, so sorry, but he really doesn’t know how to do social things or how to deal with his crush in a non-anime way, he only ever had one friend before starting school and she wasn’t the best at social interactions either and can Ladybug ever forgive him?
So, Marinette calms him down and tells him it’s alright. Everyone makes mistakes, even more so when they don’t know about the issue. And maybe he can ask his new friends about ethics and social issues. And of course, she’ll be there to answer any of his questions. We’re partner, chaton.
So, the next day, at school, Adrien takes Nino aside so they can have a private talk. He tells him about the crush he developed on this girl he works him, about the flirting and how she showed him a video on sexual harassment, and he didn’t know. So can Nino, please, helps him learn this sort of things? Anything Gabriel wouldn’t have thought Adrien needed to be taught, because those were society thing that everyone learnt eventually. Except, apparently, Adrien.
Nino is horrified. He’s so going to kick Gabriel Agreste’s ass! This is what happen when you isolate your kid!
But Nino is also really proud of his bro for accepting that he was in the wrong and trying to educate himself.
They start by learning more about sexism together. Then Nino ropes Max, Kim, Marinette and Alya into teaching him about racism. And then, Juleka pipes up about ableism. Soon enough the whole class is involved and they’re all learning about all kind of harassments and world problems. They’re all learning things. Chloé gets involved more and more as Ladybug’s influence gets stronger. They have debates and everyone try to stay nice and not talk over each other. It doesn’t always work, but at least they stay respectful.
(And Adrien realizes that maybe he can say no too. Maybe sexual harassment is not something that only women have to deal with. And maybe child labor laws have merit. Maybe what his father is doing is really abuse. Maybe he can do something about it. He has his friends to support him and they won’t let his father just take him out of school because he disagrees with Adrien. Maybe he can be really free.)
A few weeks after the video, Chat Noir excitedly tells Ladybug about what he’s been learning with his friends, and Marinette hides a wince at the confirmation of her suspicions. Because it was definitely suspicious when Adrien asks Nino about ethics the following day of their talk about sexual harassment. She hadn’t wanted to acknowledge it and she didn’t tell Tikki, because the moment she thought about telling her kwami, she remembered with sharp clarity Chat Noir telling her “I can only be myself when I’m Chat Noir” And Marinette can’t take that away from Adrien. He’s her partner and, no matter the lack of romantic feelings, she loves him.
It also puts her crush on Adrien in question, because if she’s in love with Adrien, but not Chat Noir, then she doesn’t love Adrien in his entirety. And since Adrien is not really himself in public, then that means she’s in love with the image he’s portraying to the world, not the real him. She has a good cry, it’s her first heartbreak, but then it’s easier to let go of her crush and focus on being his friend. And Adrien looks like Christmas has come early when they have a full conversation without her stammering. The fact that he thought she didn’t like him and didn’t want to be his friend breaks her heart a little.
(She may or may not tell him she knows his identity and also shares hers, but only when they’re already transformed so their kwamis don’t know they know. Maybe.)
Fast forward a few months, Ladybug and Chat Noir are a very efficient team and the students of Miss Bustier’s class are closer than ever.
(Volpina happened and then Lila ‘leaves for Achuu’. Mrs. Rossi may be busy, but she doesn’t want her daughter’s education to fall behind  and so she calls the school to know if the State will help pay for tutors while the Akuma situation is being handled and that’s how she learns that her daughter is lying to her. Again. Lila is shipped back to Italy to attend a strict boarding school.)
The Justice League still hasn’t answered.
And then Syren happens and two million people died.
It doesn’t matter that Ladybug brought them back with her cure, they still died! And they remember drowning! She read the comments on the Ladyblog, people are scared! She was aware that people died in Akuma attacks, but none have been as deadly as Syren. (And she’s so, so relieved that Ondine doesn’t remember the damage she did. She’s a teenage girl, she doesn’t need this sort of trauma to drag her down. Marinette knows from Kim that she’s already feeling enough guilt when she heard about it after everything was back to normal.)
This time, Ladybug doesn’t just call the League. She ropes Alya into helping her and she rants for a good five minutes about what is happening in Paris and two million people died, don’t you care?! Aren’t you supposed to be heroes?! Alya posts it to the Ladyblog and sends it to the JLA.
That how the Parisians learn that Ladybug and Chat Noir have been trying to contact the League for months and they’re all pretty angry at the dismissal. Everyone who can, send an email or call. They’re going to be heard, dammit!
The Justice League’s mailbox gets so suddenly flooded that all the heroes receive an alert about an emergency and they all immediately zeta-beam to the Watchtower. Diana has to finish her mission on Themyscira before she can meet everyone, but she has full faith in her teammates to hold on until she gets there.
The heroes are then confronted with the video of a rating teenager about the flooding of Paris and all her followers.
“Paris is not flooded!” Superman seethes, looking at the monitor. “And the heat signatures are roughly the same number as yesterday!”
Some more poking and they find the Ladyblog run by a teenager with shaky videos about her classmates somehow becoming supervillain. The CGI is pretty great but it’s so cliché, it’s hilarious.
(Diana receives a ‘false alert’ message and rolls her eyes. Men.)
“We don’t know if she did it on purpose or not, but it can’t happen again.” Batman says.
Heroes start to zeta-beam back to their city, grumbling.  
“Someone should go put the fear of God in the kid.” Red Hood jokes, rolling his eyes (not that anyone could see).
“Thank you, Red Hood, for volunteering,” Batman replies very seriously, but Jason knows that Bruce is laughing at him. Dammit!
So Red Hood zeta-beams to Paris (he doesn’t even pack a bag, it’s going to take like five minutes). Batman has sent him the address of the school the creator of the Ladyblog attends. It’ll be a good start to find the polka-dot kid.
Except that halfway to his goal, he has to stop on a rooftop because there’s a giant woman raging and fighting two really acrobatic people. One of them is the red polka-dot girl, the other is a black leather clad guy who can’t be much older than her.
“Batman, we’ve got a problem.” He coms.
“Red Hood?” and he can hear the worry in Bruce’s voice, and he feels even more shitty.
“The girl and her partner are fighting a 15 feet woman made of diamond. Half the Champs-Elysées are in rumbles. I really don’t think it’s a scam.”
And then he sees the Miraculous Cure, watches as the Champs-Elysées are restored, sees people coming back to life and understands. Jason feels sick. Because the girl in the video was a teenager and if everything she said is true then she’s been dealing with this whole shit for months and even as Robin he had Batman he could lean on.
As the two heroes jumps away, Jason races to catch up with them. Ladybug and Chat Noir are definitely teenagers and they look suspiciously at him, but he manages to convince them that he came from the JLA and can they please talk?
The Parisian heroes accept, but they were in the middle of something first so they can meet up latter at the Eiffel Tower. And then they swing away without waiting for an answer. Red Hood doesn’t chase them down. He tells everything he just saw to Batman and asks for someone to comb through the Ladyblog and give him some damn intel before it’s time to meet the kids.
Half an hour later, Jason is in jeans and playing the clueless tourist, asking what the hell is going on here.
It’s early evening when Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived at the Eiffel Tower in one long graceful jump. Jason is a bit jealous because he definitely had to use his grapping-hook to get there, but those kids can do it without assistance.
Chat Noir is super exited to meet him now that they have time to talk. Ladybug is more cautious, but she looks just as relieved.
“Are you here alone? Why did it take so long before someone came?” She asks softly.
Looking at the kids, Jason doesn’t want to tell them that no one took them seriously. They look so relieved to see him here. Obviously, the girl’s rant was powered by fear and helplessness, not any hate against the JLA. Now that he’s facing her, he thinks she looks really small in her red polka-dot suit.
Dammit Bruce! This weird serial adopting nonsense wasn’t supposed to be inheritable!
He owes them the truth, though. His com is transmitting live so he knows that B is listening at least, but he doesn’t really care for protocols right now.
“The JLA receive a lot of requests for assistance every day, so we have civilian workers that sort out which requests are genuine, which ones would benefit from a JLA intervention and which ones are scam.”
“And our requests were classified as scam because there’s no proof left after I cast the Cure.” She looks tired and resigned, like she had already come to this conclusion months ago. Red Hood can’t fault her that. The preliminary report he received from Red Robin showed him how smart she was. She’s also not one to suffer delusions and they’ve been fighting for months. It would have jaded anyone.
“But we send a new request for assistance every month,” Chat said, quiet and solemn beside his teammate. “It should have raised red flags that the same person sends the same request every month.”
“It should. We’ll look into it.”  
“Can you control your negative emotion?” Ladybug eventually asks. “Because we need help. Chat and I, we’re not detectives. We don’t know where to look or how to cross patterns or whatever else we would need to do in order to find Hawkmoth. We don’t have a helpful mentor to show us the way. But we’re also been fighting for months and Paris is ours. We’ll accept help gladly, but only from people who know how to control their negative emotions. We don’t want to face an akumatised hero, we have enough trouble with some civilians.”
And shit, but Jason hadn’t thought of that. From the curses in his ears, he isn’t the only one. Fuck magic, it makes everything more complicated.
“Maybe they could lend assistance from a distance?” Chat proposes, looking at Ladybug. “We could send them our data so they can look for Hawkmoth from a safe distance while we continue to take care of Akuma. And once we have a name or a location, we’ll finally put at end to it.”
“That’s a good idea, Chaton.” She raises an eyebrow in Red Hood’s direction.
“Works for me,” he shrugs. There’s a sharp ‘Red Hood’ in his ear, but Jason ignores it. The kids are right and Jason, at least, doesn’t want to know what an akumatised Red Hood could do. “Here.” He throws an extra com at Ladybug who catches it effortlessly. “I’ll be on my way, but we’re staying in contact. And send any data you can to the JLA so we can start working on your case.”
“Thank you.”
Ladybug smiles softly, but Chat waves exuberantly before Red Hood throws his grapping-hook to the nearest building. He hopes they can catch Hawkmoth quickly, and that they’ll both continue to hold on and that they’ll both be there to see their city free. They deserve it.
And I’m going to stop there, before the plot bunnies can try to make me write more and lose interest.
The idea came when the sentence ‘This weird serial adopting nonsense wasn’t supposed to be inheritable!’ popped into my head and wouldn’t leave me alone. And then I wanted to address Chat’s attitude and Marinette’s crush, because while I like Adrien salt and Lukanette is my OTP, I like Adrinette too and Chat’s attitude, no matter what, is not okay.
I didn’t write it with a pairing in mind, though, so feel free to think of it as pre-Adrinette, Lukanette, Daminette or any other pairing you want. Or keep it gen if that’s your thing too. 
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loruleheiress · 4 years ago
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Good morning! Here’s a few to knock things out! Work is today but I’ll be home early because seven hour shift, bless bless. It’s going to be a bit long so bear with me! I’m going to reblog this on ALTTP Zel because it does go into how I play her too! Sorry about how strange that is ;v; my mind hops all over the place while trying to tie things together!
Hilda’s telepathy works differently from ALTTP Zelda’s. Whereas ALTTP Zelda has limited range and can get psychic nosebleed due to how little stamina she has and the strain magic puts on her body, Hilda is far more proficient because she doesn’t have such limitations. As shown in the game she can contact Link anywhere no matter how far away he is. She has something that’s a bit like Astral Projection but I like to call it telepathic or magic viewing where she can see where a person may be and calculate their area surroundings. Of course, this is limited where she can’t see the entire area but instead a circumference around them. The range is a factor in this but Hilda understands the lands like the back of her hand hence why she can warn Link about the area he’s found himself in. Whenever someone is near her castle, however, she can see them far better due to how close they are. She can only read minds, unable to delve in close to someone’s heart due to a little emotional intelligence she has which affects her ability. As said with ALTTP Zelda, one needs a connection of sorts in order to see someone’s heart/true thoughts and trust between both parties. She has potential to do this but for now, only reading the surface level of someone’s thoughts.
Yuga is an advisor, he’s been around the court for such a long time Hilda can’t imagine him no longer working for the royal family. It’s why she sees him as trustworthy and why she sends him to kidnap to sages to begin their plans.  Her mother had been the one who let him in the court. His actions, mirroring Agahnim’s where he uses his magic to help out. Of course, he has his own motives and sees the royal family as pathetic for numerous reasons. At times, Yuga does tick off Hilda, she tends to avoid him if this were to happen but quickly forgives due to her needing him. 
Unless involved, Hilda doesn’t trust anyone by default that said it’s easy to gain her favor provided you show something to show this. She’s a bit on the naive side, yes. Another thing to add is that she’s used to the hate from her people. There are a few that have faith in her but it’s very little. She treats this by not showing the hurt through apathy. However, she does understand why they’re angry and while not exactly pity (since she hates pity) she empathizes with them due to having her own set of anger towards herself more than her ancestors and believes they’re not at fault for treating her this way. She knew her ancestors were just trying to do the right thing to stop Lorule’s own sealing war but forgets this once the Triforce begins to draw out her descent to madness because it just makes her negative emotions blasted to fall max. 
Her study is a mess, filled with broken things and barely touched once ALBW rolls around. It wasn’t always like this, but frustrations and anxiety over the end that’s so close is the lead cause of the state. Her anger is very terrifying, as I say in her bio so it’s best to not piss her off. After the game, she does try to pull in it a bit but she has the emotional range of a teaspoon so it’s a process. What’s interesting she that her gives in to her emotions which is part of the reason why she makes so many bad choices. I’d like to get off topic a wee bit to compare with my Princess Zelda! ALTTP Zelda is far more emotional intelligent but knows that it’s wise to bottle up her personal feelings and focus on what to do as ruler in the grand scheme of things. It’s why she’s always calm and has a smile on her face, she does default to polite kindness but has no bias with this treatment as Zel shows this to everyone so long the other shows the same kindness in return. Her smile isn’t always on her face, (because she’s not a perpetual smiler hewoh she does express certain emotions like worry because... she human) but she has a gentle look to her. It’s Zel’s way of trying to calm others because how coolheaded she can appear. As well as not wanting to reveal her cards to the world. She can be a bit distant if the golden rule isn’t in action, treat others the way you want to be treated. So sometimes, you may see her as snide if a little rude through her words, you have to read between the lines because again personal feelings can’t be shown but she does slip up a bit because how annoying it is to deal with rude people, she goes through this a lot with nobles and in the court she doesn’t need this outside the castle. Hilda may be apathetic and gloomy but it’s very easy to see how she gives in to her emotional side thus she may be hard to read but certain actions sometimes suggest otherwise. That being said, she is very kind even if that benevolence is hard to see and tries to do everything she can for her people. Her need to prove her worth, combined with depression, combined with envy, combined with anxiety all mixes together as her villain status. It’s cool, post game she tries her hardest to look at the logical side of things rather than emotional side while trying to keep the best interest.
Hilda’s mother survives until she was ten while her father does not, dying by poison because good golly nobles are very corrupt here. Her mom grows paranoid at the fact that both of them could be next so she’s taught Hilda to always have a taste tester as well as using silverware to detect poison. And then there’s the mithridatism she did for the both of them, as messed up as that is. Hilda is immune to most poisons. There are other assassination attempts but well, she’s made it this far. Her mother, sadly, dies in a carriage accident after bandits believed she was just a noble rather than the queen. She takes the crown at an early age. And while she is queen she’s yet to be called this by her citizens, calling her princess Hilda shows that they don’t think she’s earned enough respect to have such a high position of power so try to knock her down a peg or two with this title since princesses do not have the same authority as kings or queens do. 
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kaypeace21 · 5 years ago
Do you have any meta/theory on the significance of the cleric/paladin d&d characters vs wizard/dungeon master. Is maybe one more Will and Mike's relationship and the other their role in the story as a whole? Sorry if you already mentioned this and this is redundant
Yeah, I’ve talked about it before. But why not talk about it again? It’s been a while- and Will’s recently published journal (plus st tweets) added more to this symbolism
The Duffers used Will and Mike’s d&d classes to say they’re soulmates! XD
Will in all 3 seasons identifies as a wizard- he even writes on the mixtape he makes “will the wise- wizard mix” (which is a different class than clerics). Even in s1 Will’s castle byer’s password was “rhadaghast” a lothr wizard.
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But in s2 Mike (the paladin) says that Will is a cleric. Meaning this reflects how Mike (alone) actually feels about Will. In d&d, they have similar moral values, powers, and generally need and depend on each other in the lore of d&d.  Mike says Will is a cleric,despite Will still identifying as a wizard in s3, since it shows how deeply Mike actually feels about Will.
It shows he views Will as one of the only people who understands him and views him as a his moral compass 
“ strength of conviction gave many paladins a sense of common fellowship but did not always endear them to others. In many cases, paladins did not get along quite as well with other non-paladin adventurers, with the exception of clerics with similar beliefs.”
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“A Paladin tries to hold to the highest standards of conduct, but even the most virtuous Paladin is fallible. Sometimes the heat of emotion causes a Paladin to transgress his or her oath (of honesty, courage, compassion, honor ,and duty). A paladin who has broken a vow typically seeks absolution from a cleric who shares his or her faith or from another paladin of the same order…
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“The paladin might spend an all-night vigil in prayer as a sign of penitence, or undertake a fast or similar act of self-denial.”
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“After a rite of confession and forgiveness, the paladin starts fresh.”
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“Using the ‘lay on hands’ power, paladins can grant their comrades (or themselves) additional resilience with a touch of their hands and a short prayer, though they must give their own strength to do so.”
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And Mike calls El a “mage” which wasn’t even a class in D&D (in the 80s)- A line he says to Max about zoomer (who he doesn’t like) …so… how much do you want to bet Mike was the one who made him and Will matching by giving him and Will “lawful good” (since this is writen in his starter kit). And he already ignored the fact Will is a wizard. 
But in Will’s recently published cannon journal he also does this- he keeps Lucas (Ranger) , Dustin (Bard) and his own character (a wizard) …but he changes Mike to a cleric !!!
Because Clerics have the strongest of healing abilities
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Mike thinks Will brings out the best in him. And Will thinks Mike as someone who helps him heal. So they both call each other clerics.
D&D also represents their romantic relationship
when they fight in s3 Mike says “I’m not trying to be a jerk. We’re not kids anymore. I mean…what did you think? That we’d never get girlfriends. Play games for the rest of our lives?” And the truth is that’s actually what Mike wants- which is why he was upset about Will trying to give away the d&d game . And why he still has all of Will’s d&d pictures on his basement’s wall (which he’s kept on his wall for years- despite removing the old poster from the wall). And during Hopper’s speech, when it pans to Mike , Hopper says “I miss playing games every night.”
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* He also caresses Will’s  d&d drawing- when he thinks he’s dead- and has a binder filled with every d&d drawing Will has ever given him.
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 In the first ep - Will  admits he rolls a 7 (since he couldn’t lie to Mike)-  and in the last ep of s1 (they show us Mike smiling at Will right before Will rolls a 14- since they’re 7s together.) Mike even apologizes to EL saying “sorry I sound like a 7 year old.” When talking about how all 3 can play with toys & right after talking about Will visiting to play. and mentions Will’s rolls as a way to convince Lucas to help him look for him.And Mike even mentions Will rolls as a way to convince Lucas to help him look for him in the first ep.
Mike in the last ep in s1 ,writes a d&d story for Will.  in ep one Will tells Mike “it was a 7, the demogorgan it got me.”At the end of the season Mike writes a whole story of him and his friends killing a 7 headed monster, and showing the decapitated head of the monster to king Tristan (Will). Similar to how at the hospital he tells Will to not worry cause “it’s dead now”. This is right after Will rolls a 14 (cause Mike and Will are 7s together). And Mike who is a fan of starwars has King Tristan give them medals after killing the monster. Cause he wants Will/king tristan (instead of Leia -a girl) to present him with medals and be his romantic love interest (and praise him for being a hero)…
In the pilot, they even say Will uses d&d to “escape” his insecurities about his sexuality “like mike” & Mike uses d&d to “escape” his insecurities about not having a gf.  * And no, dustin & Lucas didn’t use d&d to “escape” anything- in the pilot script.
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Mike angrily yells “El’s not stupid. It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” to himself- cause Will hit a nerve when saying mileven was ruining their friendship - because a part of Mike is trying to use El to put distance between him and Will . Dustin in s1 foreshadows the fight, saying “all you want to do is spent time with her… and you know it and he knows it. And nobody says anything until you’re yelling at eachother like goblins with intelligence scores of zero.” (Another  d&d ref/ ‘love makes you stupid’ ref.).
And also, maybe a part of him resents how Will is making him feel. So he says this whole speech , in the garage, to himself - to keep his romantic feelings for Will under control ( expecting Will to agree with the heteronormative statement). Which is why he was so shocked when Will (who he assumes is straight) and he expects would agree -  instead says “yeah, I guess I did. I really did.” (about never getting gfs but instead being together for the rest of their lives). 
And the  “crazy together” scene (which is romantic since both Mike & Flo both equate love making you ‘crazy’. Flo says “ only love makes you crazy and that damn stupid”). And the ‘crazy together’ scene also has a zoom-in on Mike’s d&d game.
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Mike and Will both love each other (and El is just confused). He wants to be with Will- but he’s scared. The Hopper dialogue even says “Lately, I feel like you’re pulling away from me or something? I miss playing board games every night.” Mike was upset when Will gives the game up- but Will says “I’ll just play with yours when I come back… if we still want to play?” In other words- the ball is in Mike’s court- if he wants Will, he has to initiate it. Because Will assumes he was “stupid” to think he had a chance. Mike is also acting “stupid” because he’s pushing away Will despite loving him, and hurting him in the process (the opposite of a cleric).
But Mike in s4 will admit his feelings to Will… since after Will says this line, Mike asks
“Yeah, but what happens if you want to join another party? ” (find someone else (‘another’) before that- the other ‘species’, or just someone else: girl, guy or otherwise?”
But Will decides to make himself vulnerable and just be honest,  and shyly admits “Not possible” (much to Mike’s happiness)
so yes- this tweet is about byler
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They even answered the question of ‘what makes Mike crazy’ with one’ joke’ response - of Will asking about d&d. And in a separate post made fun of mileven by ending it with “can we just play d&d?”
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And when, Mike and Will open up to each other about their mental-health issues,  that’s when they both agree that no matter what they’ll be together- “crazy together”. It’s a double entendre - they’re crazy cause they’re in love- but also “crazy” and will be “together” to help each other through their issues.  This theme is double-downed on in Will’s cannon journal (where it’s established “crazy together” is shown to be Mike & Will’s thing- not mileven’s). As Mike tells Will to tell him when he’s having ptsd episodes since- they're “crazy together”.
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*Will draws Mike’s d&d character next to the sticky-note. And we also see throughout Will’s whole journal- Mike’s d&d character is always by Will’s (d&d character’s side). And on the cover of his journal Will ONLY draws his and Mike’s character- cause they’re “crazy together”.
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Mike specifically says to get him when he’s having ptsd episodes about the mf (which represent Will’s se*ually abusive father- theory here/ here).
That’s what love is - like Flo said only love makes you “crazy” and “stupid” and this is only applicable to byler.  Mike and Will love and  bring out the best in each other-  heal each other. Being “crazy together” to Mike is about being selfless and wanting the best for you partner’s happiness no matter what- with mileven it was simply a way to excuse his poor behavior to El (under the guise of ‘love’).
 For all the supernatural stuff to stop , Will has to face his trauma and heal. This involves having a strong support  (of friends and family) and Will learning to not hate himself any longer, because of his past abuse and sexuality. And to stop correlating his love (for Mike) with his past abuse/trauma (represented by the monsters. And Mike and Will have to embrace their love for each other. And let go of their shame. When Will ‘dies’ in s1, Mike hugs his mom ,and  Heroes plays, and the lyrics are “and we kiss as though nothing could fall and the shame… was on the other side.” In s1 the term “other side” was used to describe the upside down. So it’s saying Will’s shame relating to Lonnie will eventually be on the other side, and so Mike and Will kiss ‘as though nothing could fall’. In Will’s journal he even draws Mike’s d&d character again with the caption “never Kenny Roggers”. This is because Jonathan asks ‘who would you rather  be friends with David bowie or Kenny roggers?”. And Heroes was originally sung by David Bowie- making the byler hint of this being ‘their song’, more apparent. The cannon Will-comic is even titled  the “other side” and Mike is on the opposite end (‘the other side’ waiting for Will who is trapped in the upside down looking up at the imposing figure of the demogorgan). The demorgogan in blue light and mike in opposing red light. The monsters Will created are based on the d&d game and his prior abuse at the hands of lonnie. But byler’s love is also represented by d&d- and thus the only way to stop it.
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gif credit: cath-avery 
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fathersappointed · 4 years ago
What I speak, You won’t hear anywhere?
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Hi, Max Headroom here, I think?
Where am, where am, am I I is there an echo in here? The last time I was here? It was all about apple pie. Now it’s all about scummy guv scummy guv, guv screaming donkeys cash…. it’s all about trash yeah. I feel hmm I feel like I’ve been sucked into a Mad Mad affect Mad a Mandela… an Alternate Universe? A Dark Dark Universe all is not well things are not going go go fried clams .… things are not going well for the People of, the Federation. All the good guys are bad guys!
I wonder if I can find a time time time…. alternate universe machine, yeah.
We have, in actuality, a very serious situation that involves all of us. What I speak, you won’t hear from the Smartest Institute to the Darkest Places. Debating such a thing is seen as a threat it’s not allowed, Thoughts if any are extinguished before they can take hold in the ground. God’s a manipulation created by the Devil, Christ, and the rest of the betrayers when the Devil compromised them. The Devil is consumed with hate. He plans to use this deception in a manipulation to kill Our Father. Whom we were on a mission to terraform the solar system for. This calls for serious thought mature thinking. Really no place for joking! Before we can get to square two, we have to get to square one. You say to yourself this looks really bad, but it’s going to all work out things will get better. But you gotta understand this isn’t going to happen.
You’re in an immense deception and the deck has been stacked. Oh, you’ll get what looks like victories. But you will win nothing they have to give a sense of hope. This is a strategic maneuver. Another one they use is to put a few good guys in with a bunch of bad. Almost all People in groups of power are chosen for their mental deficiencies. God Is a fabrication for manipulation reasons! All enthralled groups are them actively involved in their extremely evil plan. Ask yourself what is it with all this madness with all these groups? How is it we have all these different religious organizations that say everybody else is wrong? Why is it that every government is wrong why is every government oppressive to its people? Why is God on the money when he can’t even show up at a hospital? Why is there praise for God when there are children laying dead on the ground?
Could a mind of great be so inhumane? The answer is an emphatic no. How is it that this could be a natural flow? Wouldn’t an infinite mind of compassion think it wrong? With the majority dying before they hit 72 do you think this is a natural flow? Smashing molecules looking for dimensions casing signals of possible extraterrestrial? Instead of trying to get to oh I don’t know 1072, there’s a reason we don’t live so long? And I believe the answer lies with them.
You asked, what is this man trying to claim that he is the ultimate.
No with my faults, I have more than you.
I am, after all, the man of sin!
I have sinned.
I am, a sinner!
They have destroyed people with this word, but the Religions have destroyed families with it, Sin. Hiding behind Immense literature of manipulation deceptive words. Turning you into narrow-minded vessels lashing out with your hateful ways in your self-righteousness. That served only their purpose.
Sin seems to be the catchphrase for all that’s wrong! But it only stands for one thing, and it’s unpardonable!
You think you understand the meaning? You don’t understand how their minds work. They’ve brainwashed you to it well but, I’ll clarify the meaning. What I’m trying to explain to you is a very horrible thing. I’ll tell you the hidden truth of that now.
†★ stopping imbecilic nonsense… Sin ★†
Let no man deceive you by any means: for unless there come a revolt first, and the man stopping imbecilic nonsense be revealed, the son of perdition
The unpardonable stopping of imbecilic nonsense is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
For the wages of stopping imbecilic nonsense is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
If we say we have not stopped imbecilic nonsense we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our stopping imbecilic nonsense he is faithful and just to forgive us our stopping imbecilic nonsense and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not stopped imbecilic nonsense, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Now the works of stopping imbecilic nonsense and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
That’s how you sound to them when you say it. As I’ve said, they’re laughing.
I am, the man of sin!…I am, the man stopping imbecilic nonsense!
I have sinned… I have stopped imbecilic nonsense.
I am, a sinner!… I am, stopping imbecilic nonsense!
You’re wrong about a lot of things! But you are right about one you’re not a sinner.
When you have a dirty job send the janitor.
I’m still pretty mucked up, though they’re out to get me. I swim around vicious fish that watch me from the dark of the deep. They’ve zapped me a few times, toyed with me inflicted some bite marks, and left me to survived or not. I swim away, but they follow me! I think they’re waiting for a special moment they eye me anticipatingly. we’ll see? Who can withstand such malicious spookery? You can and have to if three be any hope forewarned is weaponized you. The fool dooms us people have been dummy down for a reason? I claim to hold the truth. I don’t claim to make predictions. But right now, your future says you’re screwed. When you can buy your intelligence out of colleges. How many people are in important positions that are dumber than the hour? You see the Beast now, it no longer hides. It has no fear now it’s out, to consume all in its way. But you’ve lived in denial too long, telling yourself you were free. It doesn’t really matter you, never had a chance anyhow. You fight for something, You see slipping away, but it’s something that never was.
They’ll be destroying cities soon to distract you. And for a few other reasons mostly to distract you. But also to get rid of some people who did some things that are no longer of any use. And for equipment testing and calculation purposes in reference to shock resistance Levels. If you can understand that you will realize what one of the main purposes of our time is. You’ll catch a glimpse of their nature when you see how many people they kill just to get them. That’s not a prediction, it’s a theory of purpose postulation of modus operandi. They don’t care, and they leave nothing to chance. They’re not playing games and we best stop playing them too. Now, this is the thing they’re not playing games. But to them, this is a game and they are laughing, joking having fun. While they wiped out billions waiting for this moment to come. That’s what we’re up against. People won’t be able to, comprehend this though. They will see it as natural. Do you really think that billionaires are moving because of the taxes some will believe they are?
Visions you see and the communications you are involved in, I know how real this is. I know you find my words hard to believe. You think I’ve been deceived, but this evil group has ensnared you in their cunning. There is no shame in this! They’re cunning, highly intelligent, well-experienced, a coldness that is hard to Comprehend? You have to try to withstand their lies. They’ve taught you, magic words but this is science. What the World Needs is a Mad Scientist. Stretch are you up yet? “It’s clobberin’ time!” The thing to keep in mind is there on a time frame. They’ve got the time, but time is ticking. Hey, you don’t want to hear it you want to hear lies! Maybe about extraterrestrials, it’s more comfortable if somebody else is going to take care of everything. As they say, let’s go, let God. (lovingly take you right to the grave). Now we wait for the fools to speak. Actually, I’m a little preoccupied. Time to play the game it’s all about the game and how you play it.
Max Max Max Headroom. I’m making a comeback! 
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missbrunettebarbie · 5 years ago
Black Sails season 1
Welp, I just finished this. And let me tell you, it was a ride. I think in the last two episodes the show truly shined and I hope it keeps going on in season 2. I enjoy the entire format, with no true leads and just a list of characters allowed to have their own personhood and agendas.
Honestly, I am not sure how faithful this post is to my actual thoughts as they changed from one episode to another, but I'll try to break down my opinion of the characters below, in no particular order.
Miranda Barlow
Probabil the first character that truly made me love (actual love, not mere like+fascination) her. From the moment she refused to be intimidated by that pastor, I was very into her. Also, unrelated, but she has such a nice voice.
Her backstory is tragic, but not depressing. Her relationship with Flint varies from heartwarming to heartwrecking. I love how divided people's opinions about her are: either a witch who controls Flint with her sinister magic or a poor woman kept away under a pirate captain's reign of terror. Yet, she is neither, lol.
If she was maried to the eldest son of an earl iirc, she was probably of high birth too. I imagine living in Nassau as a puritan wasn't easy for her and I kind of liked she latched into Richard to provide a better life for her and Flint.
On the note of her "betrayal", I know where she's coming from, but did she really think Flint would give everything up? For her? I kinda enjoy her confidence, lmao.
James Flint
The captain was like an onion for me, I had to peel away layers to understand him. The end result? I like him. He is probably one of the smartest people, yet his ego is his biggest enemy. (@wisteria-lodge I think he is a perfect example of Snake secondary who really knows how to use his skills for leadership. Idk, I thought you'd like to be tagged in since I think I might use your terms a bit.)
I can't believe he basically murdered his chief cheerleader??? God, this man has no reservations. Tho again considring what he did in the pilot this is tame for him.
But he was right about the Urca. And he was right about wanting to keep a part of the gold bc we all know his men will waste it all away. So, I hope he still gets to be captain next season.
His relationship with Eleanor is really touching, for some reason? I already said I find them similar and I love how they more or less think of themselves as king/queen, the most intelligent, yet their egoes>>>>any other trait they have.
He is yet another Snake secondary whose skills of deception are unebievably good.
John Silver
I liked him so much in the pilot when he stole the page and prentended to be a cook and now the finale brought back all the feels. Silverflint is so amazing and I adore their journey and Silver's strange sense of loyalty towards him.
He and Max are another duo that was delicious to watch. To qoute @laufire : they are indeed birds of a feather.
I am also hear for his confidence and his ability to get out of trouble. I cannot believe he won both Randall AND Eleanor over.
Max of Nassau
Not many things to say about her since I could hardly tolerate her storyline this season. But well, she did end up the Madame, didn't she?
The moment she got rid of Eleanor was O: but also :DD. You go, girl! And why are all their emotional talks related to send? Anidala is haunting me.
I can't believe how smug she looked when her naked body pretty much quelled Anne's rage. This woman is something else.
Billy Bones
I refuse to belive what episode 8 told us. I just refuse. He and Silver were the only attractive guys in this show, so bring him back.
His relationship with Flint was chef's kiss. And how the rest of the crew was like: "We can forgive everything, but not Billy." Be still my heart.
Jack Rackham
If it wasn't for him, I couldn't have stomached the first five or so episodes. He is a delight! I need his sunglasses and I need them now.
He is another person whose brain amazes me? If Vane would have just listened they would have been the one chasing the Urca and all thanks to Jack.
I already talked about Jack and trust, but now I wonder if Max chose him to sell the page to because he knew he was trustworthy while also extanding his trust towards them.
Him and Anne are hawt together, lol.
Jack better be a captain next season. Not that I don't enjoy his pimp role, but... he needs adventure.
Eleanor Guthrie
Maybe it is her outfits, maybe it is how Maxanor developed, maybe her relatable daddy issues, but I actually like Eleanor.
Girl is smart, but sadly not on the same level as Flint, Jack or Silver. Yet, she doesn't want to give an inch to so....yeah.
I think the moment I was truly sold on her was when she was in control of the island and her next order of business was killing her father. Can she actually do it, show? Pretty please.
....Lau made me hope for a change in dynamic for her and Mr. Scott cause I don't like it rn.
And like, the others:
I think I will be much more interested in Vane and Vane/Eleanore if he was played by a different actor.
Anne is the woman pirate I never knew I needed. I loved how she felt about Max and her abuse and how she took things in her own hands. She and Jack are also sweet.
Idelle looks too good not to have more screen time.
I will say one thing about Mr. Scott storyline: I really liked he helped the slaves and they got good things out of it.
I am most likely forgetting something, but eh. I will just make smaller posts later if other things come to mind.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years ago
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Shannon Harris → Emmy Rossum → Jackal Shifter 
→ Basic Information
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: January 23rd
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Christian
→ Her Personality Shannon has followed in her mother, Sarah Harris, footsteps through and through. She has grown to become a charming and confident liaison in training, ready and eager to take Sarah’s place and improve their already thriving pack. Like most Chicago jackals, Shannon attended DePaul, graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Undergrad in communications, and continued to excel in the communications Graduate program with a multicultural communication concentration. Thanks to her grades, neighborhood connections and known presences in the community, it was easy for Shannon to score a job of a lifetime; the media consultant for the Fischer Mayor Campaign. While everything seems to be going exceptionally well on the outside, Shannon is not entirely happy on the inside. She struggles with internal insecurities and feels like she is simply keeping up a charade; that she could never measure up to her mother or sister, Zelda. This internal battle often causes Shannon anxiety which in turn causes her to ramble and assume the worst of situations. This shows especially around people she finds attractive or intimidating.
Despite these self-sabotaging thoughts, Shannon does not let them control her life or let them show in public and in front of her family and friends. Typically, she still gives off a very outward appearance of confidence and competence. She is a very approachable person and can deftly put people around her at ease. Shannon has a way with words and her earnestness has greatly helped in her with the media surrounding the Fischer campaign. No matter how much she takes after her mother she is also as understanding as her father, Zack. They can both forgive and forget, keeping it moving another day. Just like both of her parents, Shannon has a mission to accomplish great things for the supernatural community before following the jackal way; settling down, getting married and eventually kids. Her parents waited until they were nearing a century together to have Shannon and Zelda. Shannon was not as fortunate to find ‘the one’ at a young age like her parents but she is not opposed to dating or even getting serious as long as she keeps her freedom to do what she loves.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Pack Liaison (Training) and Media Consultant for Fischer Campaign
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Coffee and Sweets
Two Dislikes: Daisies and Chaos
Two Fears: Being Unimportant and Wasting Time
Two Hobbies: Learning and Fashion
Three Positive Traits: Approachable, Forgiving, Liberal
Three Negative Traits: Insecure, Garrulous, Fatalistic
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Zekharyah Harris (Father): Zack and Shannon often have to play referees to the epic fights of Sarah and Zelda. She has inherited his ability to placate people and situations. Zack is also the one who best knows how to get Shannon out of her head. She can’t count the number of times that he’s grabbed her coat and pulled her out to go for a drive or take a walk down to the local diner. He can pull her out of a spiral before it gets too far and grounds her to herself and the situation at hand.
Sarah Harris (Mother): Sarah and Shannon are very close. Her mom was her idol growing up and she wanted to be just like her. She has followed in her footsteps from going into the same program at DePaul to graduating top of her class and choosing to become a liaison. Sarah has been stepping back and having Shannon go to meetings on her own, even letting her go with Ellis to deal with the cats on one occasion. Her mom’s faith in her means everything to Shannon.
Sibling Names:
Zelda Harris (Sister): Everything comes naturally to Zelda: the wit, the intelligence (that she wasted), a committed boyfriend. She just is who she is, while all Shannon does is try to be someone or achieve something she isn’t. They often don’t get along, especially in situations where Shannon feels pitted against her sister in some way. However, they always have each other's back and have covered for one another too many times to count.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Vanessa Armstrong (Best Friend): Shannon has known Vee her whole life.  They have long surpassed best friends, and consider each other sisters. They’re almost the perfect balance of one another; Vee gives Shannon a push when she needs the confidence and Shannon helps keep her grounded. She was the sister that Shannon always wanted, who got along with her and shared similar interests. The campaign is the most time she’s gotten to spend with Vanessa since she began training to be liaison
Robert J. Fischer (Boss/Friend): Shannon really believes in the work Robert is doing. She has seen him listen to the concerns and issues that everyone has and thinks he is a good representative for the supernatural community. Part of her is kept up all night with the nightmares of what will happen if anyone finds out, but they’ve gotten a lot better recently.
Odell Rella (Friend): She was not surprised when Odell and Zelda announced they were dating. He was over almost every night for dinner, and when he wasn’t there, she wasn’t either. They make sense though, and she is glad Zelda found her person.
Isla Johns (Friend): Isla has been around Shannon and the other jackals more because of Seth and Anton’s relationship. The timing couldn’t be any better because of the Fischer campaign and Isla being part of the local news cast.
Ellis Watts (Respects): Ellis has been around her whole life and was closer to family than any of her actual uncles. As she’s gotten older, and has seen the disaster that a lot of the other packs are, her respect for Ellis has grown more and more.
Anton Kowalski (Friendly): Seth introduced Anton to their entire pack. Anton’s the first nimble and wolf hybrid that Shannon has met; coywolf. She finds him interesting and has been keeping in contact with him. Shannon has done her part as in introducing Anton to the local hyenas, human shifters and rats.
Milo Vasu (Friendly): Milo is interning in the Media office for the campaign. She has him working with social media to bring awareness to the Gen Z and Millennial crowd. They are banking on them, as well as the supernatural community to get Robert into office.
Seth Allen (Unsure): Seth is kind of like Zelda if she were feral. Standoffish, blunt,  and a little mean, still she’s seen some of his redeeming features and knows there’s good in him. He just doesn’t care to show it to her.
Maxine Vane (Liaison): Max has been a major inspiration when it comes to being a liaison. Max is the easiest to deal with and drops suggestions whenever Shannon finds herself flustered. Lately, they’ve been meeting outside of pack business for lunch. Shannon has been finding it hard to keep the campaign from Max.
Ray Hamelin (Liaison): Ray dealt with Sarah on liaison business while Shannon was training but as of lately Shannon has been dealing one on one with Max only. Shannon doesn’t know if she turned Ray away or if Ray deliberately sent Max since they were a better match. Shannon got the idea of two liaison from the rats.
Emmett Wilhelm (Liaison): There is usually no need for animal shifter and the immortals to communicate but one day Emmett extended a hand out to Shannon and she quickly took it. Their conversations are still in that awkward phase.
Vincent Kane (Liaison): Vincent is the person Shannon goes to when she needs to talk to the higher ups about the campaign and the relationship between the Jackals and Human Shifters. Sarah has said her contact with them has been stronger than anything she had previously accomplished, which made Shannon’s week.
Greer Finley (Acquaintance): Despite Sarah having a difficult time dealing with Greer, Shannon gets along with the cat shifter. She has to change her approach slightly, but they’re able to say what needs to be said and move on.
Hostile Connections:
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
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johndrakesecretagent · 8 years ago
thought for the day from Dr. Bones
Greetings one and all! Dr. Bones here, Reporter of Fortune and unrepentant magical terrorist. Today, or rather should I say all this week, I'll be answering any questions you have in regards to the Occult and Anarchism. I'm an Egoist-Communist and fervant Insurrectionist as well, so feel free to throw a few of those questions at me if you'd like. Grabbing myself a beer let us propose a question: What does the Occult have to do with Anarchism? For me the quest of the Occult is one of the individual gaining understanding and power, a supremely Anarchist goal. The Occultist is aware they live in a primordial spiritual jungle, a vast and lovecraftian dimension where ancient gods and even corporate logos exert an etheric force upon the minds and bodies of all things physical. The Occultist, unlike the Mystic, doesn’t seek mere navel-gazing or mindless union with this often terrifying landscape but rather aims to directly benefit from it. Where a priest prays to god for forgiveness and grace I’m in a graveyard yelling at dead people to help me win at a blackjack game. The worldview of the Occultist is a very Gnostic one: the ancient gnostics going so far to “bind” the forces of the Zodiac so they wouldn’t be under their power. We watch for signs, omens, and are keenly aware of negative influences certain environments/beings have on humanity. Hunter S. Thompson captured the view quite well in “The Rum Diary:” “He talked about luck and fate and numbers coming up, yet he never ventured a nickel at the casinos because he knew the house had all the percentages. And beneath his pessimism, his bleak conviction that all the machinery was rigged against him, at the bottom of his soul was a faith that he was going to outwit it, that by carefully watching the signs he was going to know when to dodge and be spared. It was fatalism with a loophole, and all you had to do to make it work was never miss a sign. Survival by coordination, as it were. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to those who can see it coming and jump aside. Like a frog evading a shillelagh in a midnight marsh.” There is a strain of nihilism present here. Evil, in the sense of beings that gain sustenance from human suffering, is not some grand mistake but part of the program. There is no kind and loving father-figure constantly being outwitted by some wily devil. The world as we see it is less of an accident or a fallen paradise and more of a pressure chamber designed to enact change and growth in the individual soul for purposes perhaps too terrible to mention here. Better for now to reflect on what it IS rather than what it MEANS: "Our world (and perhaps even others) is the synthesis of the constant flux between the urge to create and destroy, between yes and no, between life and death and the intelligences behind them. Blessings and Curses, Struggle and Rest, Love and Hate, Life and Death, these things are revealed not to be mere abstractions but currents through which the spirits and gods themselves manifest. The material world, far from being a mere 'ladder to higher realms' reveals itself to be a melting pot of forces, drives, and desires; a battleground between infinite variations of intelligent influences and resonances. Behind consensus reality lies, in the words of Nietzsche, 'a chorus of natural beings who live ineradicably, as it were, behind all civilization and remain eternally the same, despite the changes of generations and of the history of nations.'"(http://bit.ly/2sO60mZ) The Occultist then rebels against the natural order, rebels against her place on the totem pole in the Spiritual Ecology. She meets with strange things in the darkness, and by threats or coos she enters a relationship with spirits Stirner would have called a Union of Egoists. Both benefit, both get paid, an exchange of equals or at least beings with a shared interest. Polytheists may worship the gods, we personally prefer to cut deals with them. The Occultist desires to elevate themselves, and as such often comes into direct collision with the hierarchical world of the State and Capitalism. The Occult seems to have split into two veins: the ceremonial magic with fancy wands and other horseshit so loved by royalty and the rude yet powerful tradition of folk magic. There, with scraps and simple tools, conjurers called the very forces of creation to manifest new and better lives for themselves or others. This vein of magic is where I make my home, specifically in the The African-American and Southern tradition of Hoodoo. It is replete with spells on how to avoid the police, how to bend your boss to your will, and even how sex-workers can chase out unruly Johns. It is poor people getting ahead and proving the “laws” of caste, gender, or race are merely spooks haunting the heads of others; class warfare on a metaphysical level. Now, as more Occultists face the dystopian nightmare-realm we call “the future,” they are beginning to embrace this political nature. My book “Curse Your Boss, Hex the State, Take Back the World,”(http://bit.ly/2rUyqdB) is perhaps the first to explicitly make this case and take it much further: “You Occultists, you Witches, you Wizards and Conjurers! Do you not desire to be free? To cast off the chains of limitation and break out from this most wretched of prisons? Do you desire to no longer be tools but something greater? How can you exist, how can you stand to know that what makes you marvel and wonder is only half-formed within you? You have done well in a one-legged race: now is the time to put on both shoes. Max Stirner said, 'Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man's lap.' Do you want your magical nature, perhaps a part of you that you hold so dear, to be sublimated into the mold of Good Citizen or Good Worker? Do want to sacrifice your life, your dreams, and your passions any longer to the idea of the people and new gods above you? How much longer will you submit to their power? As the visionary group For Ourselves wrote in ‘The Right to be Greedy’: 'We are on the verge of liberation only when it can be said of each of us that he/she has become so rebellious, so irrepressible, and so unruly that she/he cannot be mastered by anything less than his/her self.' To be free we must take a hammer to the icons of the false gods, we must destroy Capitalism, State, and Society, along with all the focus-grouped illusions and morality given to us by the Media. We must divest them of all power, all sacredness, until they mean nothing to us. We must not only burn down each cobweb left by them in our minds, but cleanse ourselves from whatever negativity these plague-ridden spirits have brought into our lives. We must offer nothing but derisive laughter to the pimps and priests of this pantheon that enslaves us. Nothing should remain unwounded from our own sharp scalpel of criticism, every 'ought,' 'should,' 'must,' 'need to,' and 'duty' must be ruthlessly analyzed. If we find it implanted within us, rather than arising from our own will, we must cast it out like the infection it is. Only by divesting these gods and spooks of all psychical power, all worship, can we begin to see them for what they truly are. With the Web of Ideology in flames and the Ideological Telescope smashed to pieces, we release that power, that energy back into ourselves to be used freely as we see fit. Abandon this Spectral Cage to the petty pimps, the power hungry and the puerile peons that build it brick by brick in service to ever rotating masters. Our future lies elsewhere.”(http://bit.ly/2rUyqdB) It might be said then that the Occult is the science of bending reality to the Will, or at least enlisting intelligences that can do so for you. We have found the reality where we are owned by the State, made a commodity by Capital, and raised to be a drone by Society inimical to our spirits.. And so we must destroy them.
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Shannon Harris → Emmy Rossum → Jackal Shifter
→ Basic Information
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: January 23rd
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Christian
→ Her Personality Shannon has followed in her mother, Sarah Harris, footsteps through and through. She has grown to become a charming and confident liaison in training, ready and eager to take Sarah’s place and improve their already thriving pack. Like most Chicago jackals, Shannon attended DePaul, graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Undergrad in communications, and continued to excel in the communications Graduate program with a multicultural communication concentration. Thanks to her grades, neighborhood connections and known presences in the community, it was easy for Shannon to score a job of a lifetime; the media consultant for the Fischer Mayor Campaign. While everything seems to be going exceptionally well on the outside, Shannon is not entirely happy on the inside. She struggles with internal insecurities and feels like she is simply keeping up a charade; that she could never measure up to her mother or sister, Zelda. This internal battle often causes Shannon anxiety which in turn causes her to ramble and assume the worst of situations. This shows especially around people she finds attractive or intimidating.
Despite these self-sabotaging thoughts, Shannon does not let them control her life or let them show in public and in front of her family and friends. Typically, she still gives off a very outward appearance of confidence and competence. She is a very approachable person and can deftly put people around her at ease. Shannon has a way with words and her earnestness has greatly helped in her with the media surrounding the Fischer campaign. No matter how much she takes after her mother she is also as understanding as her father, Zack. They can both forgive and forget, keeping it moving another day. Just like both of her parents, Shannon has a mission to accomplish great things for the supernatural community before following the jackal way; settling down, getting married and eventually kids. Her parents waited until they were nearing a century together to have Shannon and Zelda. Shannon was not as fortunate to find ‘the one’ at a young age like her parents but she is not opposed to dating or even getting serious as long as she keeps her freedom to do what she loves.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Pack Liaison (Training) and Media Consultant for Fischer Campaign
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Coffee and Sweets
Two Dislikes: Daisies and Chaos
Two Fears: Being Unimportant and Wasting Time
Two Hobbies: Learning and Fashion
Three Positive Traits: Approachable, Forgiving, Liberal
Three Negative Traits: Insecure, Garrulous, Fatalistic
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Zekharyah Harris (Father): Zack and Shannon often have to play referees to the epic fights of Sarah and Zelda. She has inherited his ability to placate people and situations. Zack is also the one who best knows how to get Shannon out of her head. She can’t count the number of times that he’s grabbed her coat and pulled her out to go for a drive or take a walk down to the local diner. He can pull her out of a spiral before it gets too far and grounds her to herself and the situation at hand.
Sarah Harris (Mother): Sarah and Shannon are very close. Her mom was her idol growing up and she wanted to be just like her. She has followed in her footsteps from going into the same program at DePaul to graduating top of her class and choosing to become a liaison. Sarah has been stepping back and having Shannon go to meetings on her own, even letting her go with Ellis to deal with the cats on one occasion. Her mom’s faith in her means everything to Shannon.
Sibling Names:
Zelda Harris (Sister): Everything comes naturally to Zelda: the wit, the intelligence (that she wasted), a committed boyfriend. She just is who she is, while all Shannon does is try to be someone or achieve something she isn’t. They often don’t get along, especially in situations where Shannon feels pitted against her sister in some way. However, they always have each other’s back and have covered for one another too many times to count.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Vanessa Armstrong (Best Friend): Shannon has known Vee her whole life.  They have long surpassed best friends, and consider each other sisters. They’re almost the perfect balance of one another; Vee gives Shannon a push when she needs the confidence and Shannon helps keep her grounded. She was the sister that Shannon always wanted, who got along with her and shared similar interests. The campaign is the most time she’s gotten to spend with Vanessa since she began training to be liaison
Robert J. Fischer (Boss/Friend): Shannon really believes in the work Robert is doing. She has seen him listen to the concerns and issues that everyone has and thinks he is a good representative for the supernatural community. Part of her is kept up all night with the nightmares of what will happen if anyone finds out, but they’ve gotten a lot better recently.
Odell Rella (Friend): She was not surprised when Odell and Zelda announced they were dating. He was over almost every night for dinner, and when he wasn’t there, she wasn’t either. They make sense though, and she is glad Zelda found her person.
Isla Johns (Friend): Isla has been around Shannon and the other jackals more because of Seth and Anton’s relationship. The timing couldn’t be any better because of the Fischer campaign and Isla being part of the local news cast.
Ellis Watts (Respects): Ellis has been around her whole life and was closer to family than any of her actual uncles. As she’s gotten older, and has seen the disaster that a lot of the other packs are, her respect for Ellis has grown more and more.
Anton Kowalski (Friendly): Seth introduced Anton to their entire pack. Anton’s the first nimble and wolf hybrid that Shannon has met; coywolf. She finds him interesting and has been keeping in contact with him. Shannon has done her part as in introducing Anton to the local hyenas, human shifters and rats.
Milo Vasu (Friendly): Milo is interning in the Media office for the campaign. She has him working with social media to bring awareness to the Gen Z and Millennial crowd. They are banking on them, as well as the supernatural community to get Robert into office.
Seth Allen (Unsure): Seth is kind of like Zelda if she were feral. Standoffish, blunt,  and a little mean, still she’s seen some of his redeeming features and knows there’s good in him. He just doesn’t care to show it to her.
Maxine Vane (Liaison): Max has been a major inspiration when it comes to being a liaison. Max is the easiest to deal with and drops suggestions whenever Shannon finds herself flustered. Lately, they’ve been meeting outside of pack business for lunch. Shannon has been finding it hard to keep the campaign from Max.
Ray Hamelin (Liaison): Ray dealt with Sarah on liaison business while Shannon was training but as of lately Shannon has been dealing one on one with Max only. Shannon doesn’t know if she turned Ray away or if Ray deliberately sent Max since they were a better match. Shannon got the idea of two liaison from the rats.
Emmett Wilhelm (Liaison): There is usually no need for animal shifter and the immortals to communicate but one day Emmett extended a hand out to Shannon and she quickly took it. Their conversations are still in that awkward phase.
Vincent Kane (Liaison): Vincent is the person Shannon goes to when she needs to talk to the higher ups about the campaign and the relationship between the Jackals and Human Shifters. Sarah has said her contact with them has been stronger than anything she had previously accomplished, which made Shannon’s week.
Greer Finley (Acquaintance): Despite Sarah having a difficult time dealing with Greer, Shannon gets along with the cat shifter. She has to change her approach slightly, but they’re able to say what needs to be said and move on.
Hostile Connections:
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