#for the anon that requested platonic blue and purple talking to one another on the couch - don't worry! I got your ask too
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ninjagirlstar5 · 4 months ago
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I'm sorry that your ask got eaten by Tumblr's wacky code (twice), but at least I finally got this done! I quite like how I was able to translate your OC's design into a stick figure. It was pretty fun.
Lately, some of my asks have been disappearing and unfortunately, that means some of the art requests I got over the last few days were lost to Tumblr and it's weirdness. The good news is that I still have the emails, so if an ask suddenly disappears before I could save it, I'll screenshot the ask from my email and put it in a new post while tagging the one who sent it. Unfortunately, if it's an anon ask, I won't be able to tag you, so all I can do is hope that you'll see the post for that art request with your screenshot at some point. ^^;
It took me a while to get around to this one since I didn't think ahead and save the OC reference, but thankfully, I was able to get into contact with the owner to get the reference outside of my ask box. It was pretty inconvenient but hey, there's only so much I can do with Tumblr and it's messy code. After this conundrum, though, I made sure to screenshot and save all the asks and OC references sent to me for the requests so I won't have to do that again. Again, I'm sorry that it took a while to get to your request. But I hope you like it!
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okay-j-hannah · 4 years ago
All’s Fair In Love And War
The Marauders : Fic
Sirius x Reader and James x Reader!Platonic 
Word Count: 3492
Warnings: ANGST my guy... copious amounts of ANGST but with a happily ever after 😊
Request: “Dudee! May the best man win was awesome! Please give us a part two of Y/N ignoring them so hard and making them regret!” - Anon
Part 1: May The Best Man Win
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Remus tapped his quill incessantly into his desk, unable to concentrate on his exam. A few rows away he could see Peter staring at his parchment with his fidgeting hands in his lap. He had no idea where to begin with the list of questions.
Beside him was James, a sight to behold. Not wishing to be caught by McGonagall, he only snuck a few glances at his pale friend. James was disheveled, his hair unkempt as ever but with something more unnerving – as if he didn’t even care to look at it, brush it. The effort appeared to be in his school uniform, at least he managed to fold his collar despite how wrinkled the rest of his shirt was. His tie was loose, and it remained the reason Remus knew his friend was still breathing, cause he could see it rising and falling on his chest.
He was just sitting so still. He was staring into nothing. The circles under his eyes could rival Remus’ around a full moon.
And adjacent to him was an empty desk, one that should be housing Sirius. He hadn’t even shown up for their end of year exam.
Remus sighed, feeling his quill tip dull under the pressure he prodded. At least James was able to show. He had no doubt Sirius was brooding in the corner of the common room, butterbeer in hand. Or else he was sitting beside the Blake Lake, toes turning blue as he stuck his feet in the water.
Yes, at least James came to the Great Hall to take his exam, even if he wasn’t looking at the parchment. Remus knew he was staring at the pair of girls at the other end of the hall.
There was (Y/N) and her friend Mary, each scribbling along their exams as the rest of the students should be. McGonagall began walking between the desks and Remus returned his gaze to his own scroll of transfiguration questions.
It had been a few weeks since those dreaded Easter holidays and every second had been a personal hell for the marauders. James was humbled, became extremely tolerant, and had lost his first quidditch game in years. Sirius became something more irritable; he was edgy and sought the solidarity of dark corners. He rarely socialized, couldn’t even bring himself to take the mickey out on Peter.
It was a grand awakening for James, it made him regret and change. He no longer felt the need to terrorize younger students or attack Snivellus. He was kinder to those around him and even offered to help where he could. Though he did all of it with a glazed look in his eyes and a depressed smile on his face.
Sirius, in the classic fashion of being James’ complete opposite, turned in on himself. He became self-deprecating and didn’t wish to inflict that torment on anyone else. He believed in every ounce of hate he received, in the amount of guilt he harbored. He struggled to see past the bad. His life was teeming with it.
The Great Hall doors burst open, and the flittering steps of Professor Dumbledore appeared. At his side was a very reluctant Sirius.
“Ah, Professor McGonagall,” he said with lightness that did not match the person beside him. “I believe you’re missing a student.”
“Black,” McGonagall snipped, walking towards him and eyeing his ruffled clothes, “You’re thirty minutes late.”
Sirius merely shrugged his shoulders, looking anywhere but the corner of the room (Y/N) and Mary stared.
McGonagall released a heavy sigh, though her brow modeled concern. “Well, take your seat. You’ve still got around an hour to finish the exam. I suggest you use the time wisely.” She shared a look with Dumbledore as Sirius retreated.
Remus and James followed their friend with worry in their eyes, but his desk was too far for them to ask silent questions.
Sirius merely slumped in his chair and twiddled with his quill. He may have been forced to be there, but that didn’t mean he was going to comply with the test taking. Remus forced himself to return his attention to his own exam. And the rest of the hour was filled with a ticking clock and scratching quills.
By the time McGonagall waved her wand and called forth the scrolls of parchment, Remus devised another tactic to fix the wellbeing of his companions. Instead of greeting James and Peter, he chose to wait by the door until (Y/N) came by.
She had her head held high, book bag tight on her arm.
“Not now, Remus, I’ve got to study for Charms.” Mary was nearby, leading the way outside. “I don’t want to hear some other passed along apology.”
Remus wringed his hands, falling into step beside her, “I’m not trying to speak for them. I just want to talk to you. I – I’m worried.”
There was a small pause in her steps, but she kept forward, “It’s none of my concern.”
“But they’re not getting any better,” a new curt edge in his tone, “They’re not themselves anymore.”
“I distinctly remember saying that they don’t exist anymore. I don’t care, Remus.”
“You don’t want to care.”
She finally stopped and turned to him, “I’m moving on. And I won’t be able to keep doing that if you bring this up every time I see you.” But she hesitated at the look on his face, “Remus, what’s wrong?”
He bit the inside of his cheek, eyes full of fretting, “I know you think this was some kind of joke – and it was for a while – but I don’t think you realize how far they fell for you.”
“And that’s supposed to make what they did okay?”
“No,” he bit back, “Not at all. But what’s happening to them right now, that is proof that they regret. That they are sorry for what they did. I think they…”
(Y/N) folded her arms, clearly unimpressed, “Think they what?”
“They need a little forgiveness to get better.”
“No,” she snapped, whipping around and continuing down the entryway, “I’m glad they’re stewing in their regret. They should be.”
“For how long, (Y/N)?” Remus begged, following her steps, “I’m tired of watching them wither away.”
“Please,” she scoffed, “You were there when we had this conversation. I don’t want to see or speak to them. Ever.”
Remus felt his blood boil over, “It’s killing them, (Y/N)! And I won’t watch it anymore. I am terrified that they’re going to be like this forever. You see them, (Y/N), I know you do. You look when you think no one’s around.”
She stiffened, “What do you want me to do, Remus? I can’t forgive them – not yet at least.”
“Please, just talk to them. Make them feel less invisible.”
“I don’t know…”
Remus grabbed her shoulders and made her face him. “James keeps his snitch locked away in his trunk. Sirius gets detention and then does it without a fuss.” Her gaze was hard, but he could see it thinning. “I can’t get James to do so much as nick food from the kitchens – all he does is study like the obedient student he’s never been. I don’t think I’ve heard Sirius make a complete sentence since the holidays. He refuses to even keep company with his friends.”
She swallowed hard, “They hurt me, Remus. They hurt me bad. It’s – It’s hard for me to look past the game they played. Even if their feelings have changed.”
“Please, (Y/N), I’m begging,” he retorted. “Just talk to them, get some closure. I know you made a choice back on that train. Could you just give them some piece of mind? I’m sure it would help you too.”
She looked up at him with some remorse in her gaze, until it flitted to whatever was behind his shoulder.
He whipped around and found Sirius standing several feet away. There was a slouch in his shoulders and his hair fell across his forehead and into his eyes. But there was clear pain and longing there where he stared back.
(Y/N) took an involuntary step backward, hands winding tight around her book bag. Her breathing hitched in her throat and Remus sidestepped.
Sirius took a shaky breath, his eyes purple rimmed and stinging, “(Y/N) …”
But she had already turned on her heel and darted towards her common room. The sigh that escaped Sirius had Remus at his shoulder in an instant.
There was no one else on the quidditch pitch when she sat in the stands. She sat there and waited, her heart thumping a thousand beats a second. She knew he’d be walking by any minute; he always did on the weekends.
She could hear footsteps thumping against the grass and a chill went up her spine. James came around the corner, kicking dandelions as he went. But his steps faltered, his eyes went wide.
The edge of fear in his voice put a familiar thump in her chest, “Hey, James.”
His breathing got heavier, his hands running up to tangle in his hair, “You… you’re not running away.”
“I wanted to talk.”
After spending so much time avoiding him, it was a shock to see the state of him. His glasses hid most of the tiredness in his eyes, but he was pale, paler than usual. His voice was raspy where he choked on the words.
“Talk?” She patted the seat next to her and watched him weigh whether or not she was joking before sitting. “Had a change of heart?”
She took a deep breath, keeping her hands tight in her lap. “I’ve… I’ve been thinking a lot about the last time we talked. What I said to you.”
“It’s all right, (Y/N). You were right – you had the right to be angry. I’m just… I’m glad we’re talking now.”
She turned to him and was met with a pained grimace, “I think you need to hear me say it.” He shut his mouth real quick. “James, what you did was horrible, terrible. I thought of it as unforgiveable. But if there’s anything that could’ve proven to me that you guys felt differently about the joke, it’s how you guys have been behaving the last few weeks.
“I think I’ve been punishing you because of my own embarrassment. But honestly – this grudge holding deal isn’t healthy for either of us.”
“You’re looking better than any of us,” James laughed, disbelief ringing in his ears.
She smiled his favorite smile, “I forgive you James.”
He sighed, leaning over and putting his head in his hands. “Thank you, (Y/N), thank you.” He turned to her with an earsplitting grin, “I know I was stupid and arrogant, and it was just some childish bet. We didn’t think about the people we would hurt.”
She started to laugh, “I know, James – that’s why you’re forgiven.” But then she caught the subtle look in his eyes, and she had to suck in her lips. “Look James…”
“It wasn’t going to be me, was it?” the understanding in his voice was remarkable.
“You’re not mad?”
He leaned back, rubbing his tired eyes beneath his glasses, “Mad? You’ve just forgiven me from one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done – of course I’m not mad.”
(Y/N) ran sweaty hands against her knees, “I think you should talk to Lily.” That made his eyebrows raise, “Ever since you’ve knocked down your ego a few notches, she’s started seeing the good in you.”
A newfound smile crept onto his face, “There might be a happy ending for us all yet. Have you told… Sirius?” The stillness of her expression gave the answer away, “You know, I think he’s been far worse than me. You’re going to want to find him quick.”
She shared a glance with him and an appreciative smile, “It’s so good to talk to you again.”
It didn’t take her long to track down Sirius, he hid out in only a few different places those days. She kept James beside her, each taking turns talking and catching the other up on all they’ve missed. They trailed down the corridor, James falling easily back into how things used to be with (Y/N).
“Let me carry your book bag.”
“James…” The edge in her voice made him laugh, even more as she raised a brow.
“I’m just being friendly, just like we used to.”
And with a comforting feeling of nostalgia, she handed her bag over, giving him a swift punch to the arm for good measure. He rubbed the spot mockingly with a dramatic whine on his lips.
“So how do you suppose I should talk to Evans?”
“You can start by calling her by her first name.”
“She likes being called Evans.”
“Since when has she liked anything you do, James?”
He shrugged half-heartedly, “Just recently, if my sources are correct.”
(Y/N) sighed with an easy smile on her face, “You made friends with me fairly quickly. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
James pondered with an animated look, “All right, you want to make a bet? How fast I’ll win Lily’s affections?”
“Too soon, Potter – way too soon.” But she was smiling, nonetheless. So much so that she didn’t notice the new visitor coming down the hall.
They were on their way towards one of the secret entrances that the Marauders discovered for their map of mischief. There was always the chance of finding one of the quartet skulking in the entryway or hiding along the passage in case Filch or Minnie was after them.
It appeared Sirius had taken such refuge, deciding to come out when he heard familiar voices. And the sight before him took what shattered glass his chest was and refine it to sand.
(Y/N) and James were walking side by side, laughing and talking as if no time had passed between the Easter holidays and now. Then deep in his gut, he knew, (Y/N) had chosen James – it was James from the beginning.
She chose to forgive James and now they were going to live happily ever after.
And Sirius was left to despair in painful silence.
(Y/N) looked up and found her sweet smile vanish instantly. James was quick to follow, readjusting the bag on his shoulder. He swallowed hard, as if the words he was just saying were suddenly lodged in his throat.
“Back at it, I see.” The hoarseness in Sirius’ voice was heart wrenching.
James flickered his eyes towards (Y/N), noticing her shock, and saying, “How are you, mate? It’s been a bit.”
“A bit.” Sirius muttered, repeating the last words with a hardened gaze. “You’ve moved on since last I saw you.”
(Y/N) couldn’t bear to hear the betrayal and anguish in his words. She knew what it looked like. Like she had chosen James and didn’t want to waste her time keeping Sirius in her life.
The way she said his name sent a flood of emotion in him that Sirius didn’t like. He didn’t like not being in control of his emotions. He didn’t like that he couldn’t hold himself together. He hated the fact that seeing her looking back at him after all this time was crumbling him as if she’d yelled at him all over again.
“I won’t bother you. Enjoy your evening.” And Sirius turned as quickly as his sleep deprived, wobbly knees would let him, and leave the corridor.
(Y/N) took one step forward and hesitated, a hand outstretched, but the words wouldn’t form from her jumbled thoughts. There was only a look of horror as she watched him leave. James was eyeing her with sympathy, his heart just as punctured by Sirius’ obvious loathing.
“Look at your face,” he feigned a smirk, “You really do care about him, don’t you?”
She finally shut her gapping mouth, biting her lip, “Now more than ever.”
James nodded, putting an arm around her shoulders and leaning down to whisper, “Then go after him.”
In an instant she was running down the corridor, turning sharp and feeling her shoes slide from her momentum. Her throat was dry, and her eyes burned, but she ran like there was nothing else in the world that mattered.
And there was Sirius about to make his way outside and to the courtyard. But she yelled for him first.
When he turned there were obvious tears in his eyes, tears that betrayed him and fell at the sound of her voice.
“Sirius, wait, please!”
He could only dare to imagine what she meant by that. But it was enough to keep him rooted to the spot. She was talking to him for the first time in weeks. She was looking at him with something other than hatred.
And the fine sand of his chest rustled with hope against his wishes.
(Y/N) ran so fast that when she collided with him, he was almost knocked off his feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him tight against her.
His breathing quickly began to rise to match hers, though he wasn’t the one who had just ran down the stretch of a few corridors. His arms remained limp at his sides, disbelief etching every part of his face.
Only to feel the doubt creep in.
She just wanted to clear the air, so it wasn’t awkward for James and her. She wanted him to be happy for her and James. She wanted them to be friends again.
The problem was that he wasn’t going to survive witnessing those two together.
“(Y/N), don’t do that.” He reluctantly reached for her arms and pulled her away, “You can’t do that.”
He was oblivious to the immediate confusion in her reddened face, “What are you talking about, Sirius? Do you not want me anymore?” Again he didn’t notice how her eyes began to fill with tears similar to his.
He dared to look at her face, to see the features he’d been dreaming about for weeks. He let his gaze linger despite the yelling in his head to spare himself from the pain that would later come. Another hot tear escaped the corner of his eye.
“How could you ever think that?”
She sighed out an exhausted breath, “You are determined to stay unhappy, aren’t you?” When his loving gaze faltered into confusion, she continued, “Sirius, what you saw back there… that was James and I being friends. I just spoke to him this morning and we made up. We decided to be friends again, and to just be friends. The only reason I spoke to him first was because… well, I was more nervous about talking to you.”
Sirius was too busy going over what he had seen earlier, analyzing the interactions between (Y/N) and James.
“Sirius, what happened between us was horrible. I was so hurt that I didn’t give any thought to how you felt. Obviously, an entire school year is a long time to spend with one person, and I’m sure pretending became real very quickly.”
He swallowed thickly, his eyes itchy from the tears. But he didn’t dare speak, it was all too good to be true. He didn’t want to wake up from whatever dream this was.
“I forgive you, Sirius.”
He let out an unexpected breath, blinking fast – he was not ready for it. His hands clenched into fists as she took another step closer.
“I forgive you – and it’s been paining me to see you like this. That I did this to you.”
“I did this to myself,” he rasped, “You could never do anything so cruel. Nothing I didn’t deserve.”
Then she was holding his face in her hands, wiping away his tears. She felt her heart skip at the way his eyes closed, and he leaned into her palm. “I want to make things right.”
He reached up and placed a trembling hand over one of hers. “Friends again?”
She smiled an easy smile that heated his face. “Actually…” And she encased his lips with hers. She could feel the stutter in his breath from shock. His limp arms hesitantly rose to graze her waist, unable to will himself over completely.
She broke away, pecking his lips once – twice – more. “Does that tell you plain enough?”
He was trying his best to get his breathing under control. His lower lip was starting to quiver, “So… just friends then?” A smile broke out on those trembling lips.
“Right,” she laughed, wrapping herself around him again, hugging him tightly. And this time he returned the feeling, holding her close by the waist. “I made my choice a long time ago. It’s just taken me a while to figure out how to tell you.”
Sirius buried his face into her shoulder, feeling his chest begin to repair itself. His heart thumped excitedly.
There was no possible way he was going to let go of her any time soon.
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