#for someone who only says 'poyo' kirby has some of the best lines
westwing19 · 13 days
Cutest 15 seconds before disaster
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Ooh, I’d like some headcanons for the Kirby squad in smash ultimate( Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede). Then again, if you don’t want to, it’s totally cool.
I apologize for taking so long with this, but I got you! For some reason, I had trouble answering this question, especially the part with King Dedede. Nonetheless, I kept trying, and this is what I got. I hope that these headcanons are in line with your expectations.
Okay, so truth be told, I haven’t really played a Kirby game. I have played a demo for Kirby: Planet Robobot, but I don’t think that really counts. It was still fun, though.
I have also seen Chuggaaconroy’s LP of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and I got to say, the game looks fun! The same goes for the side games, although I haven’t seen the Kirby Fighters side game that comes with Triple Deluxe. I’m waiting for the day that Chugga uploads a video on that side game.
What I am trying to say is that I don’t have that much knowledge on the Kirby games, so I’m going to give this my best attempt.
For Kirby, I must ask: Would anyone be surprised to learn that this sentient pink marshmallow is ticklish? Because in my headcanons, he is. He’s actually the most ticklish Kirby representative in Smash in my mind.
Given the shape of his body, I can’t really say what specific areas you should target, but what I can say is that his feet are the most ticklish part of his body. You think with all of the walking Kirby does on a regular basis, his feet wouldn’t be so sensitive, but alas, they are.
You could tickle Kirby anywhere and he would laugh, but if you really want to go for the kill, go for the feet.
He loves to be tickled, and he doesn’t really care about who his ler is! Kirby’s laugh would probably have a ton of “Poyos” in it, and they would all sound extremely happy!
King Dedede tends to tickle Kirby quite often, but he tends to do this when no one else is looking. Nonetheless, Meta Knight knows his secret.
And speaking of Meta Knight, he will occasionally join in on the fun, albeit with reluctance. He doesn’t want his reputation to be tarnished, either, so he’ll tickle Kirby while no one is looking, just like Dedede.
Kirby struggles to be a ler. He doesn’t have hands, so he can’t tickle other people in the same way that a human can. However, that doesn’t mean that he can’t tickle people! He can just poke someone or lightly press his arm into their skin to get a couple of giggles out of someone.
Meta Knight, Dedede, and the 11 other fighters from Smash 64 are Kirby’s main lees (although Samus is very difficult to tickle while she’s in her suit).
Moving on to King Dedede, I think he would be a lot like Simon in that he has a secret ler side. He doesn’t like to tickle others while people are looking, as I mentioned earlier. He believes that his reputation as Kirby’s arch-rival will be tarnished if people saw his soft side.
He also feels super embarrassed about how ticklish he is. He’s nowhere near as bad as Kirby, but he’s still pretty sensitive.
His worst spot would have to be his stomach. It is WAY too easy for people to take him down by poking him there because it is an easy target. Meta Knight will occasionally get in the mood to randomly jab Dedede in the stomach while he’s passing by him, taking delight in how Dedede falls apart right in front of him.
For some reason, I want to say that Dedede’s hands are also a tickle spot, and I think that might be due to the fact that he wears gloves.
You probably shouldn’t try to tickle Dedede if he doesn’t know you, because he might try to bash you over the head with his hammer. However, if he does know you, he won’t hurt you. He’ll still try to fight back, but he’s not going to use violence to stop you. He’ll try to push you away, instead.
As a ler, he is surprisingly gentle. Just like Kirby, he also struggles with tickling people. However, he has a little bit of an advantage over Kirby because he is capable of grabbing people and tickling them.
Speaking of which, Dedede loves to sneak up on his lee and grab their sides from behind. He will then pin his lee down on the floor and go to town. He can’t dig into people’s tickle spots, though, because he doesn’t have any fingers. However, he can use squeezes to tickle his lees. He can’t really do this with Kirby, though, since he can flatten his body and easily escape from Dedede’s hold.
Dedede loves to tickle Kirby out of nowhere when they battle each other in Smash, but he goes after Meta Knight much more often. He claims that he is getting revenge on him for upstaging him in Smash, but in reality, he just wants to make Meta Knight laugh.
Finally, we’ll move on to Meta Knight.
Meta Knight is primarily neutral towards tickling, but that’s only when he’s in front of other people, or if his lee isn’t Kirby or Dedede.
9 times out of 10, he doesn’t like to be tickled. There are two reasons why:
He is very ticklish, and he believes that this secret will tarnish his reputation.
He can easily be overwhelmed if you tickle him in the right spots.
His worst spot is his wings. Did you want to know the reason as to why he keeps them folded? Well, this is one of the answers.
If you tickle him, he will do his best to escape, even if his ler is Kirby or Dedede. He also does his best to hold back his laughter while he’s being tickled, and he’s surprisingly good at it.
As a ler, Meta Knight can be a bit merciless.
If he is alone with Kirby and/or Dedede, he will wait for them to let their guard down. Then, he will launch his attack.
Unlike Kirby and Dedede, Meta Knight actually has fingers. This means that he is the only Kirby representative in Smash who can dig into a person’s tickle spots. This is his favorite method of tickling others.
He will not hold back when he tickles someone, unless he is told to do so. He likes to tickle his lees into submission, but he will still give them breaks if they ask for them. When it comes to tickling, he sees it like a duel, and he believes in fairness for both dueling and tickling.
Wow, I’m surprised that I had this much to say about all of the Kirby reps! I can only hope that these are good. Not having that much knowledge of a gaming franchise kind of hurts.
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mariposalass · 5 years
That One Important Question
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Summary: Ron and Hermione have finally tied the knot, but their best man and childhood friend Harry has another surprise for everyone in store.
Notes: It’s the Gingers and Books wedding and the Love Beyond Magic proposal story in one. While not mentioned in this story, Harry and Issa are actually going to have a small intimate wedding back at San Francisco by either late June or early July, sorry folks: it’s their choice not to have a big fat wedding. The ring involved looks like this. A special cameo and shout out to @self-shipping-angel and my good friend from deviantART JENNY-87 with Sayeko, Levi, Erwin, Mike, & Hanji’s and Jenny & Snooper’s guest appearance here.
Setting: A Hotel and a Garden event venue in London, England; March 29, 2019
Tags: A wedding and an engagement in one event, Ginny has an angst-riddled epiphany here, Mari, Jenny, & Sayeko’s worlds will collide, self shipping crossovers, screw some of the senseless Battle of Hogwarts deaths: Fred, Remus, and Tonks are still alive in my SI’s world (and the same can be said for Sayeko’s too)!
“Forever can never be enough for me, To feel like I’ve had long enough with you, Forget the world, we won’t let them see, But there’s one thing to left do, Now that the weight is lifted, Love had surely shifted my way...” - Train, Marry Me
Mari was pacing up and down the hallway of the hotel the wedding party and select guests were staying in London as the preparations of her adopted big brother Harry’s friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger’s wedding were ongoing. She was being nervous about this for months on end due in part of Harry’s unpleasant experience dating Ron’s little and only sister Ginny after the Battle of Hogwarts. Mari has always been wary of Ginny for years as she was the main reason why Harry was scared of dating another woman until her friend and his girlfriend Issa started dating him, changing it in a different direction. Some good friends of their, Jenny and her cat detective husband Snooper, decided to join in the fun more than a week or two ago and the 8 of them traveled on an afternoon United Airlines flight from San Francisco to London a few days ago so Harry get ready for the wedding and spend some time in the city & the Wizarding World there despite some opposition from unsavory wizards and witches in the area.
She, Jenny, Issa, and Kairi had their makeup done earlier and they were already dressed up in simple cocktail dress, just killing time wondering what’s going to happen during the wedding. The previous time Harry went to a Weasley wedding, it ended in a total disaster near the end with Death Eaters haunting him down like it was open season hunting and wrecking havoc in the reception. Today however, it is different: Ron and Hermione won’t have Death Eaters to worry about ruining their big day, and Mari couldn’t be any happier for them and, of course, her big brother being there for them as they will say their vows soon.
As she went by walking frantically, she could overheard a soft gentle voice catching up on her as if it was drawing close to her, “Hello there. Harry had just informed me, Levi, and the rest of the Corps about you and your friends long before today’s event. Are you Mari Tan?”
Mari turned to see that a well-toned woman (approximately Harry’s age) already made for the wedding, dressed in mint, and with lilac hair which reminds her similarly of another of Harry’s friends, Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin, who was also invited to the party with her husband (and Harry’s friend/mentor) Remus and their son Teddy, waving back at her. Speechless that someone would know her name despite just meeting for the first time, she had an internal panic attack with little words to speak of before regaining her composure to talk to the lilac haired stranger, “Yes, I am. I’m his adopted little sister to be exact: the Shobe if you want the Hokkien definition. I’ve heard that Ron and Hermione have known you for a long time and Harry shared the same birthday as you. What’s your name please? I can’t call you Miss Jane Doe for long.”
The woman giggled a bit before continuing their talk, “You sure have quite the mouthful of things to say. Actually, I’m married, although I can see why: Levi’s meeting with the guys right now delivering Hermione’s gift to Ron along with the rest of our group.”
“Okay… Apologies for that,” Mari blushed from embarrassment at her mistake of getting the woman’s civil status wrong.
“Don’t feel bad for yourself though, I never knew that Harry have sisters before until he broke the news to a majority of us after the Battle of Hogwarts,” she calmly reassured her, “I can relate to his adoption story too as I was taken in by Hermione’s family as well. Anyway, I’m Sayeko Ackerman, Lieutenant in the Survey Corps. Levi’s both my commander in the Corps and my husband, and we’re also good friends with your brother. I’m also the bridesmaid in the wedding as well.”
“Why, gee thanks!” Mari felt like blushing again before she chatted up a storm again, “We even had another sister in Kairi. She was orphaned like Harry (albeit through different circumstances) as well during the attack of her home realm before coming over to the States and being taken in by our family.”
“Did you just mentioned me, Mari? I heard talking from you and, oh… Hello stranger,” Kairi asked as she dropped in the chat between the two women with Issa, Kirby, and Philip walking up to them when she (and the others) saw her older sister talking to someone they didn’t saw before.
“Hey, Mari. Who’s that lilac haired woman chatting with you?” Issa inquired on her talk buddy.
“Why… This here is Sayeko Ackerman: she’s an old friend of Harry and Hermione’s adopted sister,” she introduced Sayeko to the group.
“Hiii!” Kirby waved back at her with his tiny arms.
“So I see we got some company right now, isn’t it, Mari?” Philip cheekily noticed Mari’s new chat mate in a friendly manner.
“Either way, I’m Kairi, Harry’s other adopted sister,” the youngest of the siblings introduced herself to Sayeko.
Issa went next and continued the intros, “I’m Isabelle Miravelez, but please call me Issa. I’m dating your friend Harry for nearly 10 years soon by September.”
“Oh wow, that’s nice to know. I do remember that he wasn’t in good terms with Ginny these days, though amendments are on their way for sure,” Sayeko nodded back.
“Kaa-bii! Kabi, Kabi, Kabi!” Kirby squeaked in joy as he jumped up and down on the floor.
“And I’m Philip Hamilton,” Philip greeted back politely, “Your friend had accidentally brought back me back from the dead with another friend’s tablet two months ago.”
Sayeko’s eyes grew wide in shock upon hearing those words coming from Philip’s mouth, her hair and eyes changed color accordingly to that emotion before regaining her sense and replied back, “Erm… I don’t really know how to react to this properly without freaking out; I honestly don’t recall Harry bringing someone back from the dead, let alone by accident, until what happened to you months ago. I do apologize if I acted inappropriately to your situation right now.”
“Oh no, it’s fine, Sayeko, we’ve moved on from it nowadays,” he reassured her as her normal blue eyes and lilac hair returned back to normal, “Even Ron and Hermione were surprised as well since they weren’t with us when it happened. They only knew when we met them up via video chat on my birthday last January.”
“And they too recovered from the shock as well?” Sayeko asked about the soon-to-be-married couple’s reactions to which Mari nodded back as a reply when two more joined their little talk.
“Hey guys, we just heard you guys talking to… Oh hello!” Snooper came in as he and Jenny walked towards them to the lobby when the couple saw Sayeko was with them.
“So you guys must be Mari’s friends as well?” the lilac-haired Survey Corps lieutenant asked them out of curiosity.
“We sure are, Jenny and Issa have been best friends since the latter to moved to the States years ago,” Snooper replied back.
“That’s nice to hear about,” Sayeko replied, “It’s like we’re in a small world right now: knowing each other through some mutual connections.”
“No kidding,” Mari gasped with joy when Issa was checking on her phone, noting the time it was displaying.
“Well, we should better be going to the venue soon, don’t want to be late, do we?” she reminded the group, putting her eyes away from the phone for a short while.
“You’re on that point, Issa, we need to get going, though we better get Levi, Erwin, Mike, and Hanji quickly before they get left out here,” Sayeko agreed as the group headed out to find Sayeko’s husband and their friends.
“Poyo!” Kirby squeaked.
The venue where Ron and Hermione’s wedding, a garden with a gazebo as the centerpiece, is being held at was decorated rather simply but quaint enough to hold the amount of guests their families invited, though it would’ve been too cramped for their own good than expected hadn’t Mrs. Weasley had some self control on who to invite. Lanterns lined the aisle, bunches of yellow and white flowers were tied up to the first chair at the both sides: the mood has been set to get people ready for the day two individuals will tie the knot. Mari sat down with Kairi, Issa, Kirby, Jenny, Snooper, and Philip by her side, waiting for the event to start; right behind were the Survey Corps folks in Levi, Mike, Erwin, and Hanji who waved back at them, and even the mostly stoic Levi gave them a shy noticeable smile to boot: Sayeko had to leave earlier in a separate vehicle with the rest of the bridal party.
She can also spy with her own chocolate brown eyes some of the Golden Trio’s friends like Neville Longbottom who waved back at her and has brought along a date with him, Remus and Tonks whose their boy Teddy the ring bearer who ran around the venue out of boredom (only for Remus to pick him up to get ready with the rest of the wedding party), Hagrid and Olympe Maxime were also present when they spotted Mari and mouthed out a hello which she accepted, Xenophilius Lovegood was also present while his daughter (and the Golden Trio’s friend) Luna was with the bridal party, and Kingsley Shacklebolt was sitting in front of her and her group.
Some of Ron’s siblings were there too such as Charlie coming back from Romania and Percy with his pregnant wife Audrey, though Bill and Fleur were not in the area just yet as they were busy trying to prevent their girls Victoire and Dominique from having flower girl meltdowns, Ginny was a bridesmaid, and the twins Fred & George were the groomsmen. There is even Viktor Krum who still remains Hermione’s pen pal and greeted her earlier when the guests were starting to enter the place, as well as a partially scarred Lavender Brown who has finally made amends with the couple previously a few years ago.
As the last few guests sat down, the music began to play out in the background and the procession began: Ron’s parents and Hermione’s mom sat down in the first row of seats, Ron walked down next, then came the groomsmen (Fred, George, and Harry) and bridesmaids (Sayeko, Luna, and Ginny) as they walked down the altar as pairs, dressed rather casually in white dress shirts, mint ties, gray slacks, & leather dress shoes and mint dresses respectively. Teddy toddled behind with the rings on his guard with Victoire and Dominque tossing flower all over the place as their parents assisted them in any way possible. There is a brief moment of silence before it gave way to the bride Hermione, dressed in a simple ivory dress with subtle bead work on the bodice, and her father by her side walking down from the steps of the main event building to share this tearful moment.
Issa swore that she can see tears running down from the eyes of all parties, but none so much outside the parents and Harry as the bride and her father walked toward the gazebo where Ron and the minister officiating awaited with the bridal party stand by each side of the gazebo. Soon Hermione broke away from her father as she continued her journey down the aisle until she finally reached the gazebo with Ron reaching out his left hand for her to grasp onto and her father sat down with the mom.
With that part ended, the minister then began his part, speaking up, “Dearly beloved, we’re all gathered here today to witness a union of two persons, Ronald and Hermione, as one. The two would like to thank you all for coming here today. Many have came near and far to be their witnesses to this special moment, as well as they are remembering those who can’t be with them today, they too played a special part of their lives...”
While the minister went about his talk to the couple, Mari was more concerned with any possible moment of Ginny possibly hurting her brother in any way, her eyes aiming at her like a sharp-eyed hawk: if she had her own way, she would undeniably punch that red-haired brat in a heart’s beat should Ginny decided to stop playing nice for the couple’s sake and Harry’s sanity. So far, she’s behaving rather well and Mari hoped that it will stayed that way for the rest of the day: all the worries went on a halt though when the minister took a moment to pause before informing the guests the next part of the event, “I may ask the couple to have some words to say to each other as they begin the next chapter of their lives.”
Hermione went first, bringing out a long piece of paper from what seems to be out of nowhere, and despite said paper’s long length, her vows were short, sweet, and straight to the point as she read out her vows to Ron, which left the red-haired groom bursting tears of joy upon hearing the words from her mouth. When Ron’s turn came, he couldn’t help fighting back the tears as he mustered up the courage to speak up, with being nervous choking him a bit. Nevertheless, he still managed to pull it through that part, and his words further warmed Hermione’s heart more.
“Now, can we have the Matron of Honour and the Best Man bring forth the ribbons for the handfasting?” the minster called out, alerting Sayeko and Harry to bring out a small box and open the lid, revealing two satin ribbons: one being mint and the other yellow.
“With these ribbons as the symbol of your souls being intertwined together, you have made the promise to be there for each other even at your darkest moments, to support each other’s endeavours, and to help each other for better or for worse,” the minister spoke to the couple as Harry and Sayeko wrapped the ribbons onto their hands: Harry tying the mint ribbon on Hermione’s and Sayeko wrapping Ron’s hand with the yellow ribbons, once they were done, he concluded this part, saying, “Let this bond between the two of you never break, nor should conflicts get the best of you. Now, onto the rings.”
Teddy walked up to his godfather Harry with his dad assisting him in carrying the wedding rings, both in gold and previously Ron’s parents’ bands, as Sayeko assisted in taking out the ribbons from her soon-to-be brother in law and her adopted sister: Harry then picked up the rings and passed it on with the minister who then gave the couple each a ring. Hermione has Ron’s ring on her hands and slipped it into his ring finger; Ron has her wedding band on his hand and he too slipped it into her ring finger, on top of her ruby engagement ring.
“Is anyone here not wanting to acknowledge this marriage now?” the minister questioned the crowd, only to get no rebuttals, he then turned to the couple and say, “Very well: I may now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Ronald, you can finally...”
He didn’t get to finish his words when he noticed Ron and Hermione already locking lips and kissing each other, knowing that the ceremony is finally concluded and they were aware that people were getting to become bored and hangry at any moment. The crowd cheered on as the couple made their way out to have some down time to sink in the feelings and the reality that they are now a married couple.
At the reception hall at the garden not far from the ceremony area, it was now lunch time and people were settling in for the party: both Ron and Hermione had settled onto their seats, choosing not to dance for they knew that Ron couldn’t survive the dance floor on two left feet; everyone began to dig in the food served in family style: chatting while taking a few bites at a time. Mari and her group were seated along with the Survey Corps. right besides the dance floor, whereas Sayeko and Harry were seated at the bridal party table. They shared stories about their lives and how Harry essentially brought them all together, albeit it took so long to finally to meet each other. Levi even told Issa that her name had reminded him of an old friend he and Sayeko used to know from Wall Maria who perished a long time ago, which she was blushed at the coincidences.
The guests were finishing lunch and Jenny, Snooper, & Philip was entertaining Kirby when Erwin did brought up one question to Mari over something he and the Survey Corps remembered seeing that morning, “Mari, I was wondering: why is your brother keeping a box in the pocket of his pants?”
“Well, Erwin: He dragged me, Kairi, Ron, Hermione, and Kirby into a shopping spree in New York last December; he didn’t want to explain himself over this thing,” she answered to the concerned Survey Corps. commander.
“Same here: when we met up with him earlier at the hotel, he didn’t want to spill the beans to us either,” Hanji agreed as she adjusted her eyeglasses a bit.
“Yeah, that’s true, Hanji. Harry has his lips sealed when we asked him over the box in his pocket situation earlier this morning,” Mike added in before taking another sip of water.
“Even if he’s a my godbrother, Harry doesn’t want to tell me anything about that box since you guys arrived in London. He isn’t that secretive all the time,” Levi sighed, “What is he hiding right now?”
“He has been hiding something inside of the box for months,” Issa explained.
“Geez, I wish I know what is in his head...” Mari sighed.
“Me too, sis,” Kairi nodded in agreement before she mumbled about a weird scenario, “Can you imagine him stepping on the center of the dance floor and asking Issa for a dance, with the box in his pocket?”
“Kairi, please don’t bring up too much...” Mari was cut off from her talk when Harry took to the stage and began to speak up nervously through the microphone, “Uh, excuse me. I just had something to announce today. I know this is weird to put a hold to a wedding, but this is really urgent.”
“Oh God, did I predicted something?” Kairi whispered to the group.
“So what’s next then?” Philip asked as he, the Snoopers, and Kirby finally took notice of the move.
“I would like to ask Isabelle Miravelez to come over to the dance floor, because I have something to ask her right now,” Harry then clarified the nature of the impending announcement and asked for Issa’s presence.
“Me, me?” Issa was even more confused as she proceed to walk up to the floor while Snooper brought out his video camera to capture the moment unfolding.
“Ohhh… Do I think this moment is coming?” Jenny’s eye began to well up in tears of anticipation, which further confused Mari further.
All eyes were glued to Harry and Issa as he then pulled out the velvet box from his pants pocket and finally spoke to his long-time Filipino girlfriend for nearly a decade in, “Well, Issa. It finally comes to this: being stared at by confused people in a wedding of all places. When my sister Mari first introduced me to you, I wasn’t in a good place at the time with all the troubles I went through in troubleshooting a failing relationship and I came out of it even worse after that June day over hot water of the figurative and literal kind.”
The last words alarmed Ginny in the heart: she knew deep in her heart that she had pursued the Boy Who Lived, or rather, an idealized version of him much longer than Issa did with the real guy, only for the two to crash and burn, and sank down to her seat further in shame. Tears were escaping her eyes, threatening to damage her eye makeup, as Harry continued his speech, “I didn’t think then that she will bring us together and I was too scared to fall in love again, yet here we are almost 10 years later. The time we have together isn’t all sunshine and rainbows with jealous exes, people thinking that we’re off our heads in this inter-fandom relationship, having petty ‘fights’ here and there, and even having doubts ourselves if we made the right decision to push through with it. And yet, we managed to grow with time and learning to accept each other, and loving each other unconditionally.”
She didn’t know why, but Mari could feel tears running down her cheeks. Now the librarian wasn’t too sure if she is happy or sad then, but she was too engrossed with the speech to care, and the same applied with Kairi who was now shedding tears as well and Philip, despite not having a clue of what’s going on to his defense, who quietly shed tears. The Snoopers were bracing for that one moment to come, feeling it is about to happen any time now, while Kirby, being a little puffball, was at awe at the moment, jumping up and down in excitement. The Survey Corps, including Levi who couldn’t help but to smile in advance, were also drawn to the speech that continued in as Harry went down on his right knee, taking a deep breath and giving himself a little pep talk, “Alright, Harry. This is it: you’re really going to do this...”
The plot then thickened when he finally opened the box that he had been hiding from most people for nearly 4 months, inside there was a dainty thin gold ring holding a small central midnight blue sapphire, which is flanked by 4 smaller diamonds and 2 small pearls on each side (2 diamonds to 1 pearl). Ohs and ahs filled the room as eyes took notice of the mystery ring Harry has on his hands. Issa couldn’t keep her composure stable as she gasped at the sight of the ring, cupping her mouth with her hands in shock, people were bracing themselves. Relieved that she reacted to it positively, he got the chance to pop that one important question, “Isabelle Miravelez: will you marry me?”
It took her such a long time to pull herself together and compose her thoughts, but sensing the full sincere thoughts her wizard boyfriend has and how serious he was with the proposal (as the big surprise as it was), but Issa couldn’t wait any more to give a quick, “Ay naku, Harry! I’m in a loss of words now. I have no idea why you hid that ring from me for this long, but you know what? I’m really going to accept it! So it’s a yes!”
The star news writer wrapped her arms around Harry tightly as many guests gushed and enjoyed the moment. The Tans, Philip, the Snoopers, Kirby, the Survey Corps, & Ron and Hermione finally understood the surprise Harry was able to hide: after all those nearly 10 years, he has come to accept that he was really heads over heels for Issa no matter what his younger self thought of then. Yes, he can be a hot mess at times (more so in his teen years), but he’s way better than he was when he came out of a toxic relationship with Ginny. Issa knew she didn’t have magic powers compared to her half-blood beau and the 2 pureblood exes he dated, but it didn’t matter at all: she was the shining light that he was looking for aside from his adopted sisters and there is nothing that can break them apart.
As Harry placed the ring on Issa’s left ring finger, Mari could hear cheers from the guests present. Sayeko and Levi cheered in joy, happy to know that their friend has finally gotten his happy ending; Mike gave Erwin and Hanji a big hug while screaming his heart off in happiness, while Philip did his best to keep his composure intact as he wiped his tears away. Meanwhile, Jenny and Snooper sent out in a sigh of relief with Ron and Hermione tearing up in joy, finally getting to see their friends getting engaged, Kirby squeaked in joy as he happily danced about in his famous Kirby Dance, and Kairi gave Mari a loving hug, knowing that their brother is going to settle down soon. She even saw the looks of happiness and pride in the Lupins, the Lovegoods, Neville, Hagrid, and Mr. & Mrs. Weasley’s faces too. The same can be said for Fred & George, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, and Percy (although the latter 2 didn’t want to let that be obvious).
And yet, Mari can hear something else too: it was sobbing from the bridal party table and she turned around to see Ginny slumped onto the table and crying her eyes off, murmuring in gibberish she couldn’t decipher. She guessed that the Weasley girl was regretting turning Harry off and pushed him away from her for so long that their relationship has become irreparable. Not even magic could save her from the years of despising him, she wept. For once, the librarian felt some sympathy for the girl who broke her brother’s heart, but it was sadly too late for both women to make some form of reconciliation on the red-haired woman’s part: almost 10 years too late… Ginevra Molly Weasley was a hot mess of regret, anger, and yearning in the inside.
The End
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