#for some reason tumblr being crap and wouldn't let me tag your tumblr so ill probably leave a direct comment on the fic
last-of-the-jaded · 6 years
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"Jungkook! Here! Now!" He called again but the boy didn't move, was too frozen in fear to do anything. Big fat tears were forming in the corners of his eyes and Yoongi could see his face starting to crunch up.” Excerpt from Train To Busan by TheOrgasmicSeke on AO3.
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aurodontdoit · 4 years
A not so anonymous asker has sent me a concerning ask.
Hi everybody,
How are you guys? I hope you're doing well and you're having a wonderful time! Me? Well, I'm not doing so great at the moment and here's why:
There is an anonymous asker who just told me that someone I knew on here killed themselves and tried to pit it on one of my closest friends.
Now the person I knew was someone that I cut ties with because they were incredibly draining to talk to. I'm already kind of a stressed out person and I try not to bring it up to anybody on here and I know that I have friends on here that I can talk to however I feel like if I can face it on my own first hand then I won't talk to anybody about it and usually I can handle a lot of what's thrown at me. Tonight was a little bit different because the message was a bit alarming and took me to by surprise.
After some careful processing and analyzing the nature of the message I began to piece together who might be responsible.
So when I say "not so anonymous" in my title, this is what I mean let's dive in, shall we.
So I am a little bit of a sleuth okay? I'm a small Time blog I don't really have a lot of followers and I typically try to keep my blog relatively clean, like, tagging things appropriately, and messaging friends when I can also posting updates when I can (please don't look at my pile of unfinished written works! XD)
So in short I tried to stay away from stirring a lot of controversy on my blog I do enough of that in real life by just existing. (Hey! If your existence, actions, or words wouldn't get you burned at the stake back in puritan times, are you really living?)
This evening when I received the message I feel like I really needed to address this:
I know who sent me the following message.
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I know exactly who this person is, and if they are reading this right now I would like to direct this message to them because I have them blocked on here but they are somehow able to message me anonymously. to give you guys some background this person was responsible for hassling me and a couple other friends on here she was very codependent and would not leave us alone. I did not get to know her personally aside from a few things, but she would bully people into shipping her pairing which was considered incestuous. When we would tell her no she didn't like that and she would send her friends to bully me and a couple other people I will not be mentioning their names out of respect for them and their own lives.
This person would constantly use their mental illness as an excuse to continuously be toxic. she gave me bad vibes right from the moment that I started talking to her and the reason I started talking to her is because we both like the same anime and were part of the same forum chat, she and I would role play together and one day she posted that she was going to slit her wrists I got very scared and I went to talk to her to try and calm her down.
I wish that I used the setting on Tumblr that allows a staff member or somebody to speak to her because I don't know why I felt compelled to message her in that moment. I remember chatting with her and trying to talk her down and she would continuously talk about how her chemical imbalance in her brain is causing her to have all of these issues and it's somehow not her faults and she has no control. She would say things about my best friend that would piss me off and she would say things about me that would piss me off. She would stick her nose in me and my best friends business and then go as far as berating me for an argument that had nothing to do with her.
She was a toxic fan as well she loved a certain character to an unhealthy level that she would get so angry when any criticism was given to her about said character. Granted I did not give her any sort of criticism regarding how she wrote that character how she played that character, but I would hear it from other former friends of hers.
After me and my best friend got into a big argument she basically made matters worse by inserting herself into it when it had nothing to do with her. She outright insulted me in defensive my best friend, and then proceeded to try and beg me to unblock her so we could talk things out.
She tried to guilt Trip my best friend into staying friends with her when all she did was provide her with nothing but stress and drama my best friend got to a point where she almost killed herself and was so depressed
2020 was a crazy year and my best friend and I ended the year by reconciling, and now she and I are stronger than ever.
She went so far as to get her mother involved in the drama as well. I don't think it was her mother I don't think it responsible adults would partake in such Petty bull crap when they have more pressing matters to deal with.
So to kind of get back at me for blocking her and not wanting to talk to her because of all the shit she pulled, I feel like she decided to start sending anonymous messages that are highly concerning.
To whom this concerns, I have a special little message for you:
I hope you get help. This shit is not okay. I know you're hurting I know you're going through a tough time and the world seems like it's against you but it's not I hope you get the help you need. Love yourself...
This is what I am conditioned to tell you in spirit of being a kind person, however here's what I want to personally tell you.
Don't ever message me again. If you are proud of bullying someone into suicide/joking about it, then you are a disgusting sack of human garbage unfit to be called a human. Are you so sick that you are okay with having that blood on your hands? You disgust me! And keep my best friend's name out of your fucking mouth.
And to the rest of you who took the time to read this far I wish you all pleasant times.
Much love for you all.
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