#for herself her bestfriend and her bestfriend's boyfriend on the other side of the world 🤪
duusheen · 5 months
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POV your bestie lands a sugar daddy and takes you on vacation with her
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99 notes · View notes
cry4mina · 6 months
Orion’s Belt
(Sana x fem!reader)
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Word Count: 7.5k
Fluff/Light Angst/ Smut
Summary: You and your bestfriend Sana take an impromptu vacation after her boyfriend dumps her sparking some interesting interactions and confessions. Tw: friends to lovers, suggestive, sex, drinking, swimming, anxiety on planes, food, thunder storms, cuddling. Let me know if I missed anything! A/N: Halfway proof read! This is a lot different than the others that I've posted and I hope you enjoy it just as much! Thanks to @neoplatinum for listening to me ramble off ideas and pushing me to finish this! Feedback always appreciated and DMs are always open!<3
“Sana! Are you ready to go? We have a flight to catch!” shouting from the foyer of her penthouse after letting yourself in with the spare key she gave you, patiently waiting for the Queen Femme to gather herself for your impromptu vacation.
“Yes, Y/n! Just give me a second!” flustered at being rushed by you, her best friend, though this entire vacation was her idea, how could she not already be prepared for it? 
Being best friends of about 4 years meant you and Sana did almost everything together and if she needed you, you were present with no hesitation. Sana purchased the tickets, booked the hotel, and sprung it on you two days before you were scheduled to leave, knowing you would agree immediately.
You and Sana met at a coffee shop downtown on a rainy evening in July all those years ago. Enjoying your latte and watching the rain trickle down the window when she caught your attention and told you she liked your shoes with a brilliantly beaming smile that knocked the wind out of you. You ended up talking for hours and have been inseparable ever since.
You have seen every emotion play across her face over the years, knowing her like the back of your hand and always anticipating what she needed or wanted. She loved that about you and always reciprocated the same tenderness and care.
Two massive suitcases emerge from the doorway, followed by Sana looking elegant as ever, wearing a strapless sundress that flowed off her figure perfectly, hues of peach lightly woven in a filigree pattern around the edges of the white fabric, giving her skin an celestial glow. Her hair is down and slightly messy which was not normal for her, but given her emotional state- and how much she had to pack this morning -you understood. She was just not herself today. 
Sana was going to pack last night but found herself laid on the couch on the phone with you, crying and stressing about her now ex boyfriend and how he broke up with her over text message for seemingly no reason, a few days prior. Confused by the action and saddened by the surprise separation, how could she organize a suitcase if she couldn’t even organize her mind?
The boy she had found herself in a relationship with was not someone you liked, in any sense of the word. The way he spoke to her was vile and always figured he was using her for a social status boost. It was hard to watch the relationship develop unevenly, one-sided in the way of Sana trying to make it work and him not caring in the slightest.
Hoping you were wrong, you said nothing to Sana about it. If she wanted the experience of being with him, you weren’t going to try to convince her to leave him, you knew better that to meddle in her business. Just being around for her if it all fell apart and it took 6 short months for the foundation to crack, cascading the rest of the relationship with it. Sana standing in the middle of the ash and smoke, sifting through the pieces of rubble for the parts of her she wanted to keep.
Truthfully, it hurt you knowing she was with him. The way he would ignore her speaking to talk to everyone else and being too emotionally distant and cold with her. Sana deserved better than this rude and callous man and you wished she knew how badly you wanted to give her the world. 
The anger you felt towards him was justified, you could treat her better even if you were hiding the feelings you developed for Sana. It was a difficult task, considering who she was as a person, so supportive, empathetic, kind and always willing to help anyone who needed it. No wonder you fell for her,  especially with how affectionate you were with each other after becoming so close. 
Always cuddling on the couch, holding hands, and leaning on each other. After almost drunkenly making out multiple times, you always assumed there was something there but never asked or acted on it in fear of losing the strong friendship you built with her over time. 
“Okay, okay, I’m ready. Let’s go.” huffing through the tense air surrounding her. The inflection of her voice drenched in stress with a hint of sadness as she tried to carry on like nothing was happening, catching the single tear that fell from her alluring eyes as it smoothed over her cheek.
You made an empathetic face at her, holding your arms out knowing she will find her way into them, burying her face in your neck, eyelashes tickling you as she sniffles and sighs, finally allowing herself to partially fall apart in your arms and you were just happy she felt safe enough with you to do so. 
Internally, your veins are screaming white fire as Sana leans into you more. Holding her was like holding the personification of the sun, and you were melting underneath her embrace. Warm tones of amber and sandalwood emanate off of her and fill your nose causing your heart to skip a beat, pulse quickening, as you try to push the clouds away from over her head. 
Hands rubbing the middle of Sana’s smooth back in attempts to comfort her through this time, she regains composure, straightening up while you are wiping the additional tears, a small giggle leaves her lips as she grabs her suitcases and waits for you to open the door for her like you always did. 
“Why was your heart beating so fast? I could feel your pulse in your neck.” chuckling out of puzzlement as you both step out the front door into the warmth of the bright summer sun, immediately throwing her sunglasses on to hide her eyes from the rays and the public. 
“Uh…I’m…angry.” telling a half truth as you try to keep your composure knowing she was watching your body language fly through a few different emotions before settling on calm.
She always knew when you weren’t being honest. Your tells were easy for her to pick up on, even if she never expressed that. The way your eyes would veer away from her, always to the floor, pupils constricting with worry of her finding out the truth. What if Sana already knew what you thought you had tactfully hid from her?
The thought sends a slight chill down your spine, bones cracking as you put your luggage into the car while she climbs into her passenger seat. Seat always adjusted to Sana perfectly, she would grill you if it was ever adjusted to anyone else, no matter who it was. 
Turning the car on and looking over at her, sitting with her feet on the dashboard scrolling through her phone looking for the perfect song. Bluetooth was set up to attach to Sana’s phone first because she loved to play DJ and who were you to deny her any happiness, you wanted to give her any reason to smile even if it was as simple as controlling the music.
The flight went by quickly, thankfully. Only an hour and 15 minutes of a clenched back and trying to remember how to breathe properly, you weren’t fond of flying. Sana held your hand and checked in with you multiple times through the short flight, she couldn’t stand to see you so anxious in your own skin, but it did bring her great joy to know you’d be willing to face your fears for her. A true testament to how much you loved her and who you were as a person.
A 2 bedroom villa by the beach was your home for the next week. It was about as big as a 2 bedroom apartment, still fancy and spacious but with a modern twist. Crown moldings, vaulted ceilings, every amenity you could ever imagine in place. 
There was a small metal spiral staircase to the side of the living room, curious about what it was, you pointed it out to Sana.
“What's this lead to?” questioning the warped metal twisting into the ceiling.
“Go find out!” Motioning her hand up the stairs, your head tilts in curiosity, smacking your lips and then running full speed up the stairs as Sana laughs from below, finally following you when she hears you gasp loudly. 
Tongue pinched between her teeth and smile wide as ever, climbing up the stairs to see your face. You are gobsmacked, hands over your mouth and eyes wide with wonder as you’re taking in the loft with a huge skylight with a conversation pit underneath it. 
“I know one of our favorite things to do together is stargazing so when I saw this, I thought it would be perfect for our week long adventure!” eagerly shouted as she threw herself around you, pressing her chest against your back and resting her chin on your shoulder. 
“This is perfect!” placing your hands over hers on your stomach and leaning into her warmth, and knowing you’d be spending the majority of your nights suspended under the stars with Sana talking about life and enjoying each other's company. 
“Alright, let’s go! We have plans!” suddenly heading for the exit, lightly pulling on your arm trying to get you back down the stairs to get ready. 
“Plans?! Where are we going?” Quizzically as you trample down the stairs, Sana pulling you the entire way.
“It’s a surprise! Did you pack that one outfit I told you to?” as she pulls her suitcases into one of the rooms to get settled.
“Yes…should I put i-”
“Yes. Put it on and give me 30 minutes.” Closing the door quickly behind her, giving no time for arguments or rebuttals. 
Glancing at the clock, the time reading 6:33pm, you pull out the outfit requested by Sana and lay it flat on the bed. A bright red crop top, paired with black slacks, and a black blazer. It was a little dressier than what you would normally wear but it was her break up vacation and if she enjoyed you in this outfit, she’d get you in this outfit. 
Steam rises to the ceiling as you sing to yourself in the shower, washing the travel off of you to get a little more comfortable. You wonder how Sana is doing. It’s only been about 10 minutes since you parted but knowing she was going through a tough time, you couldn’t help but worry a little as she seemed very cheery since you arrived on the island. 
Recalling the first time you and her went stargazing together, it was a cool night in October when she called you unexpectedly. Missing her family immensely, reaching out to you for some comfort. 
Water rushing down your back as you live in the memory of Sana coming over to your apartment with that gloomy look living in her eyes. Dragging her to the patio and telling her to get into the hammock you had set up for yourself a few days prior, for this exact reason. 
Laying closely together, holding her as you asked her questions about her family, what they did for a living, about the special memories she had with them from her childhood. By the end of it she was smiling and giggling recalling them with you.
Silence fell between you as you both relaxed and looked up at the sky when you suddenly pointed up at the shimmering night, singling out a radiant sparkle in the blackness of the sky.
“That’s Venus…do you see those 3 stars in a row? That’s Orion’s belt!” enthusiastically talking about the stars and planets in the sky that you could see. She always loved listening to you speak so passionately about things you loved. 
That was the first night you almost kissed, sober, for the first time. Sana had gotten up to use the bathroom and fell back into the hammock face first, always so clumsy, and was merely a half an inch from your face. 
Feeling the heat of her breath on your skin burnt you as the moment tensed, bones stiffening in the face of your best friend. Pull like magnets in your chests as you inched closer before she forced herself away from you, throwing her hands over her mouth, muttering an apology and basically running inside.
Leaving you to remember the way your chest fell into itself and the ache of wanting to feel her lips on yours. That’s the only time you were almost able to do what no one ever could, get Sana to make the first move. 
Always against it with everyone else, she doesn’t chase. If you want her, show her otherwise you’ll get locked into the friend zone, never to be seen in a romantic light again. A familiar sadness creeped into your stomach. Not chasing her was hard for you, but you were so paranoid about ruining the friendship that you just couldn’t bring yourself to play the game.
A sigh relieves some of the compression in your chest as you dry your hair, hoping this would be the night that you finally got over yourself enough to tell her how you felt about her. It was intimidating to think about, considering you still had a week on this island with her and what if it isn't reciprocated?
Slipping into the outfit laid out on the bed, adjusting it accordingly and stepping into the living room noting that Sana wasn’t out of her room yet, of course. Late to everything, as always.
Placing yourself on the couch and peering at the clock, 6:59pm, patiently waiting for her to emerge and deciding to get a little more comfortable, you laid down and scrolled through your phone, eyes getting heavier as the minutes passed until you finally dozed off. 
The door opens lightly and Sana steps out in a long black sleeveless dress, cinched at the waist to show off her figure and a slit all the way up to her upper thigh. Hair tied up in a sophisticated bun and make-up flawless, finally ready to go. 
Hands placed on her hips, shifting her weight to one leg when she sees you asleep on the couch, letting out an eye roll and a small giggle that stirs you awake. 
“Good morning, sleepy head!” shouted at you in a volume you weren’t anticipating. Eyes widening as you take in your surroundings and re-calibrate from the deep sleep you found yourself in moments prior.
Eyes shifting over Sana, your breath is pulled from your body. Blood running blue as all hints of oxygen drained from your lungs, sucked into a vortex of pure bliss as you felt the weight of the love you had for the human in front of you, who was effervescently shining brightly in front of you. 
“Sana,” sleepily escapes your lip, awe breaking through the grogginess of your voice, “You look stunning…wow.” If she was drenched in diamonds the delicacy that was her elegance would refract the same amount of light, glowing with the embodiment of pure love that she willingly gave to those who she felt were worthy.  
Staring without care and mouth hanging open, you couldn’t help but gawk at her. A moth to a flame, eyes glued to her figure. Absolutely trapped in your skin as your body temperature rises, flushing your skin a lovely shade of pink. 
“I could say the same to you…” looking you up and down before batting her eyes at you. Watching you stand, completely engrossed as you stretch again, bones rattling under the stiffness of the slumber you found on the couch. 
Neither of you can take your eyes off each other when heading for the door. The closeness causes a slight tension between the two of you, fingers tingling from nervousness at the close proximity, breathing becomes a little more difficult. 
This was going to be a long night.
Arriving at your reservation at the local fancy restaurant, you were unable to focus on anything but Sana. Following every refined movement, from sitting in the chair you pulled out for her, to looking at the menu. You were in the clouds, heart eyes evident, completely oblivious to what was happening around you. 
“Do you know what you’re going to order?” questioned without removing her eyes from the wine menu, tabbing through the selections and settling on the sweetest bottle of rosé she could find. 
“Uh…nope, actually. I was distracted.” dropping your head in shame as you quickly find the entrees, picking the ribeye and closing the menu quickly. Eyes back to Sana but she’s already peering at you making eye contact that blinds you, forcing you to look away from her and noticing the emptiness of the restaurant.
The waiter approaches the table and introduces himself, letting you know what the house specials were before asking about what drinks you were interested in for the evening. This prompts Sana to order the wine she was looking at on the menu. 
“We will take this bottle, please” Sana says pointing at the page, hearing the drag of her finger on the thick paper as she underlines the name with her nail. 
“Oh, before you go, why is it so empty in here? During the summer I would assume it would be busier.” Politely asking, I guess she noticed too. 
“It’s the stormy season so most people wait until right before fall to visit.” smiling and leaning to get the bottle of wine for the two of you. 
“…storms?” whispered from the woman made of living porcelain, showing a crack that misted fear onto her perfect complexion. 
The waiter comes back over, shows both of you the bottle before slicing the foil and uncorking it, pouring Sana a little for a taste test. She swirls the glass lightly and takes a sip before letting out a satisfied hum. The waiter takes the go ahead and fills her glass, doing the same for you moments later and leaving quickly. 
“Thanks for agreeing to come with me on this trip, I’m feeling much better already.” An energy emitting off of her that was abnormal. Was Sana being shy? Sana? Shy? How bizarre. 
“You know I’d do anything to make you feel better.” confidently said back in a tone that was a little flirtier than normal. Allowing the boldness to flow before you could stop yourself. Sighing as if you are ashamed, your arms swing to cover your chest and legs crossed trying to escape the awkwardness.
Sana notices and smirks, “I know you would. I'd do the same for you. I think that’s why our friendship has been so great!” raising her glass to you before she sips it lightly, you do the same back, offering it as a cheer but it was really a muffled cry. 
The smile she lets out as she finishes her sentence was an insult to the injury. The word friend branding your chest and the smile the salt rubbed mercilessly into the wound, stinging a little more than normal tonight considering the way she was looking at you earlier.
Growing somber as the night continues on, throughout the meal and through the ride home you barely said anything, not that Sana minded. Your company was enough but it was weighing on her that you were seemingly bothered by something she couldn’t see. 
“Are you sure you’re okay, Y/n? You seem off since dinner…” worried as she swipes the card to open your hotel door, launching it forward to let you in first. 
“Yeah, I’m okay. I think I’m just tired is all.” a melancholic response from you as you head into your room and close the door lightly behind you before she could ask you anything else. 
Sana stands in the living room by herself in silence, saddened by something she didn’t really understand. Holding her own hands as she gazes down at the floor biting the inside of her cheek, wishing she had the guts to follow you. 
Rain splashing on the windows lightly and a small rumble in the distance, winds howling pushing and pulling the building as it creaks under the force, reminding her of what the waiter said at the restaurant. Stormy season.
“Great.” rolling her eyes at the idea of being in an unfamiliar place and having to deal with the sound of thunder and the flashes of lightning. A fear she’s had since she was a child, alive and well in her 20s that you usually helped her through, but you were upset and she wanted to give you space if you needed it. 
“If y/n can face her fear of flying, then I can face this.” Hastily going into her room, changing into something more comfortable and curling up in the bed, scrolling on her phone as the storm rolled in, tapping on the window a sign of the loud clashes that were going to sing through the sky as anytime now. 
Closing the door behind you lightly and plopping onto the bed, you run your hands over your face roughly and deeply inhale, followed by an exhale of equal size as you try to shake off the feeling of dread. 
“Friendship” the word locked between your ears, spiraling and echoing through your memories of all the times you thought there was something between you and Sana. 
Sadness wells up in your throat, choking on the indirect rejection slushing through your brain as the rain falls outside. Thunder rolling in the distance, Sana was going to text you when it got bad you already knew. 
Sighing heavily as you stripped off her favorite outfit of yours, throwing it carelessly out of your sights. Reaching for a pair of cozy black sweatpants and a black wife pleaser tank top. 
Not even bothering to remove the comforter off the sheets, you lay face first into the pillow and sigh heavily trying to release the build up of grief you had been carrying for some time, without alerting Sana. 
Dizzy in a sense, hopelessness washed over you when your phone vibrated about 45 minutes later with a text from Sana. 
Satang<3: are you awake? 
Satang<3: this thunder is kinda scary…
A playful grin lay across your face and you start typing but a knock interrupts the attempt.
 Adrenaline flushes your system as you stand and pull the door open, revealing Sana, wearing an oversized t-shirt that covered whatever bottoms she could have on. Anxiety brewed within her about the commotion outside, jumping closer to you as the thunder clapped loudly against itself. 
“Can I stay with you tonight?” breathed to you through chattering teeth, eyes wide and pouty as she tried to convince you, not that you needed it. 
Visibly shaken up, she takes a big step forward towards you. Your arms immediately open for her out of habit. Half holding, half guiding her to the right side of the bed and allowing her to crawl in between the silky sheets first. 
Taking your place next to her, you click the TV on and find a channel with a random sitcom on to drown out the noise of the clattering outside, hoping Sana could focus on something other than the storm. 
“Maybe we could go to the beach tomorrow?” said unexpectedly through the sound of the laugh track playing loudly, covering the static of the 
“But you hate the beach.” in awe at what you were suggesting to her.
“But you love the beach.” retorted sarcastically with a grin.
Beaming at you as she playfully smacks your arm, leaving her hand carefully placed on your bicep, a form of physical touch, her love language. She squeezed it tightly as the thunder rolled, creeping closer with every minute. 
Her eyes are recklessly running around the room as the lightning illuminates the sky, droplets pounding on the roof in intense waves as the storm thrashes into the night, leaving you to care for your favorite person. 
 You left your arm up and over her shoulder, pulling her closer to you. She is quick to koala herself around you with her head on your chest, listening to your racing heart, and half smiling as she falls asleep in the safety of your warmth.
Waking up to the sound of Sana’s sleep heavy breaths was something you always looked forward to when you found yourself sharing a bed. She was so at peace and calm, it was hard to ignore how exquisitely perfect she was. 
Laying with her face in your neck, her closed eyes softened as her brows furrowed in her sleep, small squeaks leaving her lips, followed by a groan muffled by you, sent your body into system overload. What could she possibly be dreaming about that would cause such a sound to leave her perfectly pink lips? 
Her hand slides up your torso gently, her breath hitching as her fingertips smooth over your ribs, bone by bone. Heartbeat visible in your chest as she rolls onto her back and audibly moans your name.
The way it rolls off her tongue makes you instantly insatiable, clenching your thighs together tightly for some form of relief and trying not to assume what she was dreaming about. The way her hips were rocking was enough for you to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, not assuming but knowing that she was having a wet dream about you.
Sneakily stepping out of the bed and turning to see her lazily thrusting her hips in her sleep and continuing to whimper sparked something in you that was indescribable. Unable to shift your eyes away from Sana as she continued on, wonder if this was a common occurrence for her.
Stepping into the bathroom to try and remember how to breathe, you hold yourself up on the sink and turn the cold water on, splashing it in your face a few times to bring you back down to earth. Was she really thinking about you that way? Was it just a one time thing? It’s not like you could just ask her, that would be weird. 
“Y/n?” breaks your train of thought causing you to freeze instantaneously. Statued by the sink, wondering if she remembers what she was just moaning over. You were sure to never forget it. 
“I’m in the bathroom…I’ll be out in a second.”
Hearing her stretch from the other room, you quickly change into your bathing suit, a simple black 2 piece, and walk back into the bedroom.
Sana was still half asleep until she saw you in that swimsuit in front of her, you had been working out and it was showing. Abs toned, arms on the more muscular side; she silently swooned seeing you in this light. 
  “Do you still want to go to the beach today?” sitting on the bed next to her trying to address her directly but she won’t look you in the eyes. 
“Yeah, I guess. Let me change.” calmly leaving her mouth as she gets up and walks out of the room silently and completely shutting you out of whatever she was feeling. 
Now perplexed at what was happening, you stare at the door she just left through in complete disbelief. She was always so cheery in the morning and to see her not shining, caused a little bit of worry in you. 
Following her out into the living room, only for her to shut the door behind her. A sigh ringing through the air after the door closes, you try to brush it off by going to put together your beach bag. Silently gathering towels for the two of you, bringing a few water bottles and snacks and wishfully hoping you’d be able to help her get out of her head today. 
The calmness of the waves washes over the shore, creating a relaxing white noise as you and Sana lay in the lounge chairs, enjoying the stillness of the environment and being able to relax in peace.
Margaritas were the drink of choice today, it was 11am and you were already on your third one. Sana just kept ordering them for the both of you and you were on vacation. Who’s to say you can’t let a little lose and get a little drunk with your best friend?
Sana’s demeanor was still off, but she had more of a bounce in her step after an hour or two. The margaritas slowly revived her affectionate personality that she hid away that morning. 
Back to smacking your arm playfully and smiling back at you with everything you said when she suddenly stands and runs right to the ocean, waves putting up a weak fight pulling her in as she turns around and eggs you on in joining her.
“Come on! The water’s not that cold!” Yelled at you from feet away as you made your way to her. She was a liar, the water was freezing cold on your legs as you scooched closer to her in the water finally making it to the waist deep water Sana was at. 
“So c-cold!” escapes your lips as you try to get used to the frigid waters coating your body when a splash causes a loud gasp to leave your mouth followed by a small giggle from Sana. 
Gawking at her while she laughs at your reaction, you jump over to her and grab her by the waist, playfully wrestling with her in the water. Being sure to handle her with care as you tangle, she drapes her arms around your neck, clinging to you tightly. Her legs soon follow, wrapping themselves around your torso so she’s flush against you, slyly smirking centimeters from your face. 
“Awh, have I made you upset?” oozing seductively from her lips as she slides her arms down your back to toy with the knot holding your top to your chest. 
“You wouldn’t.” challenging the threat she was intimidating you with, drunkenly. 
“Oh but I would.” squinting her eyes at you while she tugged lightly allowing the knot to loosen slightly.
Unmoving as you let her pull the strings, her face so close you can see the mischievous glint in her eyes and smirk elongating as she leans into you further, connecting your lips as one of her hands shimmies up to the back of your neck, continuing to lay soft sweet kisses on your face, making her way to your neck for a light bite. Attempting to repress all the noises your lungs wish to release as your legs clench together. 
“You like this, don’t you? I bet you’ve thought about this before, hm?” whispered into your ear as she felt you tensing underneath her. Teeth tug on your lobes lightly as the question burns in your ears like a form of torture, snapping you back to the reality you were in. 
Sana was drunk, heartbroken, and leaning into you for validation…that’s the only way this could actually be happening right?
“Sana...we can’t do this.” hesitantly stated as she cups your face lovingly, you can’t help but rest your head there affectionately. 
“But…why not?” woefully questioned as she rests her chin on your shoulder, re-tying the knot to secure the top covering you, immediately respecting what you were saying and not crossing the boundary. 
“Because we’ve both had too much to drink and I don’t want it to happen thi-…” unaware of a larger wave coming to crash down on you mid sentence, completely drenching both of you from head to toe. 
Chuckling out of surprise, you look over to find the scowl Sana seared into her visage. Her eyes are bright red, breath stuttering as she sniffles.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” scanning the visible parts of her body for any hint as to why she would be so upset.
“I’m fine, y/n. A lot of salt water in my eyes and I'm just ready to go.” getting out of the water and making her way over to where you had set yourselves up for the morning. 
“You want to leave so quickly?” completely confused by her as she gathered everything silently. Making the choice to let her stew in whatever she was feeling, unsure of how to proceed with this but wanting to improve the sudden change in mood, wrapping yourself in your towel and following her back to the hotel. 
It was barely 1pm by the time you got back to the room, surprised that she only wanted to spend a few hours in the sun. Asking her multiple times if she was okay on the way back but she only gave one worded replies that didn’t give you any context to why she was turning within herself and away from you.
Setting all her stuff down by the door before walking straight into her room, not closing the door behind her, taking that as an invitation, you followed her like a lost puppy to the threshold. Sana turns around and halfway glares at you as she starts to try to untie the knot at the base of her neck.
“Can I help you, Y/n?” with a tone that harshly fragmented your heart. Never having spoken to you this way, you were taken aback completely, wondering if the alcohol had something to do with the overwhelming sense of unwelcomeness that creeped into the space, darkening the overall mood and instigating fight, flight or freeze within you.
“Oh…” mournfully uttered as you stepped out of the room that was clouded by whatever seeped from Sana’s consciousness, what could you have done to generate such an irritated response from her? Swiftly marching to the room you both spent the night in, footsteps can be heard swiftly trying to catch up to you.
“Y/n, wait!” as you close and lock the door behind you.
Immediately stripping out of the swimsuit when you heard the door rattle slightly, as the person on the other side of it rested their forehead against it. Hearing the sniffles produced from Sana as you force yourself to not offer comfort to the woman who had just snapped at you for a reason you weren’t aware of. 
The clock reads 9:53pm as you lay in the conversation pit under the skylight. Last night might’ve been stormy but tonight was perfect for stargazing and that’s exactly what you planned to do, with or without your best friend.
Laying by yourself and staring straight into the sky, admiring the randomness that was the star's patterns, connecting dots as you see the constellations play out in front of you. God, this sucks alone. Missing Sana at every passing moment.
Was she just drunk earlier or were her actions real? Sana had always flirted with you in her intoxicated states but it had never felt as intense as the moment in the water today. Remembering the taste of her sweet lips in the salty air, you craved them constantly, but was it romantic or was it just a drunken moment she was having? 
She did just go through a breakup and the alcohol wasn’t exactly something that made emotions easier to deal with. Maybe she was trying to seek comfort in you, as messed up as that is to say. Maybe she knew you cared for her romantically and she wanted to push the limits and see how much you really wanted her?
The rattling of the metal staircase pulls you out of the toxic trance you were in, not bothering to look up as you picked a star to fixate on instead of looking at Sana who was standing in the doorway.
“May I come in?” a delicate smile can be heard in her words as she asked where your boundary was. That was more like her. Instead of a verbal response, you simply patted the cushioning next to you without looking at her, summoning her over to you. 
Gracefully sauntering over and laying down next to you, she let out a long sigh almost relaxing into the atmosphere as she looked over at your face. You could feel her eyes burning a hole into your cheeks but refused to look away from the skylight. 
Her hand finds its way to your stomach as she lays on her side, snuggling you with her head on your shoulder. Your heart picks up again, even with not wanting to have the conversation that needed to be had, she still made you feel like pure bliss. 
“I’m sorry I snapped at you…I just thought-” cutting herself off, swallowing nervously as she starts to quietly weep into your neck.
Shutting your eyes tightly, you try to hold in the emotions that seemed to be brimming out of both of you rapidly. Your fingers lightly trace her back as her quiet sobs drip from your skin.
“Sana, it’s okay. We weren’t sober, I know you didn-” 
“I just thought you felt the same way.” slicing through the air like a knife, chopping your sentence in half. 
Heart pulsing in your ears as you grow red, feeling your heart pumping forcefully as you try to wrap your mind around what she just uttered. You’re completely immobile as you remember all the small moments that could be seen as romantic. Candle lit dinners, the days spent on the couch, the physical touch that was constant between the two of you…has she always liked you this way? Or were you misunderstanding what she was saying?
“What do you mean by that, Sana?” carefully asking the question that charred the tip of your tongue, leaving the build up of fiery love inside of you, knowing this would alter the state of your friendship forever and possibly change the trajectory of your life. 
Sitting up promptly, to ensure you can hear and see her completely, pulling you up with her.
“Y/n” a sigh breaks the sentence as she braces for what’s to come “…I love you.” 
Patiently waiting for the realization of what she’s saying to roll over your face, she continues. 
“I tried dating other people to get over you because I was worried that if I told you, you wouldn’t feel the same way and it would come between us or that it would end badly. And everyone I dated was nothing compared to you, and just made me want to be with you more…you treat me so well that it puts everyone else to shame,” looking down at the floor and toying with a string sticking out of the cushions that covered the floor. 
“And when we were at the beach, I saw the way you looked at me and the alcohol encouraged me to make a move, and you know I never do that but…I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I swear. I misread the signs I thought you were giving me and -sniff-” continuing on to try to over explain her actions but you were in a complete state of euphoria.
Floating on cloud nine as Sana makes her plea for you to stick around, you reach out around her waist and hoist her into your lap, one leg on either side of your waist. 
Hand raising up to cup her surprised face as you lean into her without a second thought, lips passionately connecting as you show her what you always wanted to say out loud. 
Passionately tangled in a heated make out session, you remove her shirt quickly and trail light kisses down her exposed neck to her collarbone, her hand clenching your hair as she whimpers softly under your curious touch. 
“Y/n, I need you” breathed into your mouth as you effortlessly shift positions so you are on top of her, removing your shirt hastily not wanting the fabric to be between the touch of you and her velour skin. 
Grasping at your pants, trying to remove them quickly she nervously fidgets with the button and you let her panic for a second, enjoying the neediness radiating from her brow, as her half lidded eyes fill with frustration. 
Giggling as you look down at her, she halfway glares at you with a smile. Playfulness of your friendship seeps into the moment and you both welcome it in a moment of unseriousness. 
Reaching down and undoing the button of your pants and hers quickly while smirking at her boldly, she rolls her eyes at the move and unzips your pants, sliding her outstretched hand into your underwear and through your wetness. 
“I can’t wait to taste you” sultry tone ringing in your ears as you allow yourself to succumb to Sana in a way you only dreamed about. 
Reaching up behind you to unclip your bra sneakily before she rolled you over so you were on your back, fingers still circling your clit through the movement, causing a few slight gasps and light moans out of you. 
She removes her hand and discards your pants and panties to leave you completely naked. Squirming underneath her as you watch her remove the rest of her clothing, anticipation high as she kisses down your neck leaving small bites and a trail of marks down your chest. 
Taking her time descending your body and learning every place her touch will drive you mad, she hovers over your pussy and smiles up at you. 
“You know once we do this…there’s no going back, right?” waiting for permission from you to continue on. Even with how eager she was, she wanted to make sure that you knew this was an act of you committing to each other.
“Sana, please…” breathed into the night as your hands covered your face, the want palpable in the air as you tried to scoot closer to her mouth.
“Please what?” tracing her fingers between your hip bones and down your hips to your inner thighs.
The whine you release is guttural,  full of the desire that’s been burning for her for what felt like centuries. Moving your hands from your face, through her hair gripping it heavily as you moan the words she’s been waiting to hear. 
“Sana, please fuck me, I need you.” sighing heavily as she kisses your inner thigh while you beg for her to touch you.
“Good girl” mumbled into your thigh as she parts your lips and finally tastes your slick. Leaving nothing for imagination as she explores your folds. 
Her hands reach up to play with your hardened buds as she devours you. Latching onto your clit and circling it lightly with her tongue, moaning into your core as she sucks. 
Writhing underneath her while she feasts on your desire, directing her head where you want it by her hair as you groan her name senselessly. 
Bliss dripping off you, as you fixate on what she looks like between your legs. The eye contact has you spiraling into a void of pure lust as you start to buck your hips into her mouth, slowly grinding against her lips. 
Feeling her smile into you as finger dancing on the edge of your entrance, seeking permission to fill you the way you always dreamed she would. Not allowing her to thrust into you, but instead you force your hips down into to fuck yourself on her fingers while you still have enough thoughts in your head to do so.
Half laughing at you while you continue to buck your hips into her, moaning uncontrollably as you feel your stomach tighten. 
“You must have been dreaming of this for years…I never knew you wanted this so badly, baby. I’ll show you how it’s supposed to feel” taunting you between the damp sounds coming from your core.
Curling her fingers through your wetness to hit your g-spot perfectly as she lets you control the pace and tempo at which her fingers press it, mouth not letting go of your clit as you fuck yourself against her. 
“I’m -fuck right there- gonna cum.” shakily exhaled between grunts as groans as she starts to pump her fingers inside of you, hips faltering as she does, relentlessly sucking and swirling her tongue on your swollen pussy as you gush into her mouth, screaming her name. 
A light sheen of sweat coating your skin as she lets you ride out your orgasm on her fingers before pulling them out of you slowly, leaving you gasping for more. Making eye contact with you as she licks her digits clean, smiling in almost a predatory way as she comes up to kiss you passionately. 
Tasting yourself on her caused your hips to start rutting against her again, grinding on the memory of her between your legs as you try to maneuver your hands between hers when she swats it away. 
“I’ve waited too long for this, for you…and I’m not finished, my love.” sinking her teeth into your neck roughly before finding herself back where she was about to force another orgasm out of you. 
This was going to be a long night, only hoping for more passionate nights under the stars with your love, Minatozaki Sana.
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moviecritc · 3 months
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pairing ☆ pato o'ward x fem! bff! reader
summary ☆ where pato and you've been bestfriends for a little too long
warnings ☆ cheating (not from pato)
masterlist | letterboxd
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❛ stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love ❜
Y/N had lost count of how many dates she and Pato had been on. Although they weren't dates; neither had ever said to the other, "this is a date." They just met as friends to watch the sunset on the beach while eating pizza or to gaze at the stars in Pato's convertible or countless other get-togethers that always had a romantic tone, but never quite enough.
Y/N met Pato thanks to her sister; Y/N worked at a publishing house and was the one who edited and supported Elba's book project. Soon, they became friends, and Elba's starter pack included him.
Pato and she had been friends for two years, and they had been in love with each other for two years. It was almost love at first sight, although neither of them knew it yet.
In Pato's mind, Y/N only saw him as a friend, someone to have a good time with and laugh a lot, but nothing more. From Y/N's point of view, Pato was the most incredible person in the world, and she couldn't wait to confess her feelings.
At some point, Pato didn't see himself as enough for Y/N; she had a stable job, an amazing apartment, and a future that was not at all uncertain. While he was going from hotel room to hotel room and could be out of work at any moment. He saw himself as chaos for Y/N, almost like a problem.
That feeling worsened when, after returning from a race, they missed their flight, causing Y/N to almost get fired.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll talk to your publishing house, I'll tell them it was all my fault. Forgive me,"
Y/N couldn't believe how much Pato cared about her. She simply smiled at him and grabbed his hands, giving them both chills.
"It's okay, Pato. You don't have to talk to anyone, really. It's all fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely sure."
"You're not mad at me?" Pato was looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes imaginable.
"How could I be mad at you, silly."
Y/N let out a light laugh before hugging Pato as they waited for the next plane.
The race celebrations were the worst; hugs, kisses, touches… But everything was justified by euphoria. Y/N thought that his hugs were longer and more heartfelt than the ones he gave to others, but at the same time convinced herself that she was being delusional. Pato prolonged his hugs as much as possible to remember her when he went back home.
She had been the one by Pato's side during the Indianapolis 500.
“You go,” Elba had told her, leaving her speechless. “He needs you.”
Even now, she kept thinking about that phrase. Pato needed her. The idea of being so important to him caused all sorts of feelings. He was totally devastated, and when he saw Y/N, the sparkle in his eyes was instant. She hugged him and reassured him that there would be many more opportunities to win and that he had done an amazing race. They gathered enough courage and self-esteem to show up at the gala after the race.
It was no secret that the fans were crazy about them and that no one believed they were just friends. It was obvious for everyone except to them.
In the end, that day wasn’t so horrible for Pato, but only because Y/N was by his side.
The moment when Pato gathered enough courage to confess his feelings to Y/N was terrible. They had arranged to have dinner with their group of friends, and Pato was determined to confess to Y/N. He had spent the entire afternoon preparing his speech with his sister so he wouldn’t mess it up and was anxious for the moment to come.
But all his excitement dissipated when he saw Y/N enter with a man on her arm and introduce him to everyone as her boyfriend, Matt. She seemed to be incredibly happy with him, spending the entire dinner talking about how they had met and how amazing he was and how well he treated her. Pato gradually withdrew from the conversation, under the sympathetic gaze of his sister.
“I’m going outside to get some air,” Pato announced and waited a few moments for Y/N to make the slightest movement towards him, but she didn’t even look at him. She was distracted, laughing at one of Matt’s jokes.
“I’ll go with you,” said Elba, noticing Pato’s discomfort. Again, Y/N didn’t react.
They went outside, and Pato ran his hands over his face and hair, frustrated by it all. “I’m an idiot,” he said, with a saddened and angry expression. “I knew that sooner or later someone would beat me to it, but I didn’t think it would be right now.”
Elba pressed her lips together and put a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “I know. I had no idea she was seeing someone either. I always thought she would wait for you to make a move.”
Pato sighed. This was his fault, after all. He had taken too long to show romantic interest in her, so much so that Y/N hadn’t even noticed.
“Do you want me to talk to her?”
“No,” Pato’s response was immediate. “No, no, no. She seems happy,” he turned his head a little, seeing her through the glass with Matt’s arm around her shoulders. “If she’s happy, I’m happy.”
Elba knew he was lying; she could see it in the bittersweet expression on his face. And it was true, he was lying. If it were up to him, he would get rid of Matt right then and there and kiss her in front of all their friends.
His sister didn't listen to him and talked to Y/N anyway. They were at the former's house, preparing dinner for a movie night with Norbi when Elba brought up the topic.
“How are things with you and Matt?” she asked, while taking iced tea out of the fridge.
She noticed that as soon as she asked, Y/N broke into a wide smile. “Very well, he's on a business trip. But we're great.”
Elba also smiled, trying to conceal her true intentions a bit. “I'm glad to hear that.” She paused briefly, searching for the right words. “You know, I always thought there might be something between you and my brother.”
Y/N stopped what she was doing for a moment, as if recalling a past life. She couldn't find a way to respond to that without it sounding strange or suspicious, and by that point, Elba's comment had lingered in the air for too long.
“Oh really?” she simply said.
“Yes, I guess you two had that connection.”
“That connection.”
She repeated that phrase to herself many times over the next few days, pondering and questioning whether she and Matt had the same connection she had with Pato.
Elba's words lingered in Y/N's mind, but life went on as usual. That was until one fateful night when everything came crashing down.
Y/N sat on her couch, a half-empty bottle of wine next to her, and her eyes red from crying. Her phone, clutched tightly in her hand, showed the last message from Matt: “I’m sorry, but it’s over.”
She dialed a number she knew by heart. The phone rang, and Pato’s groggy voice answered. “Hello?”
“Pato,” Y/N slurred, her voice thick with tears and alcohol. “Can you come get me?”
Pato, instantly awake, sat up in bed. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Please,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
Without another word, Pato was out of bed, pulling on his clothes. He glanced at his suitcases for tomorrows flight, but Y/N needed him now. Racing could wait.
He found her sitting on the front steps of her apartment building, shivering in the cool night air. Her eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and despair when she saw him.
“Y/N,” he said softly, crouching down beside her. “What happened?”
She fell into his arms, sobbing. “Matt… he cheated on me. I saw him kissing with some woman.”
Pato’s heart ached as he held her close. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You don’t deserve that.” He could feel the shivers in Y/N's body and how fast her heart was beating.
She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. “I feel so stupid, Pato. I thought he loved me.”
“He’s an idiot,” Pato said firmly, lifting her chin. “Anyone who can’t see how amazing you are is a fool.”
She laughed bitterly. “You’ve always been too good to me, Pato.”
Pato helped her to her feet and guided her to his car. Once they were settled inside, she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. “You know, I always thought there was something between us.”
Pato’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “What do you mean?”
She turned to him, her eyes filled with a vulnerability he’d never seen before. “I’ve had feelings for you for so long, Pato. I just… I was too scared to say anything.”
Pato’s heart pounded in his chest. “Y/N…”
“I thought maybe you felt the same way,” she continued, her voice cracking. “But then I met Matt, and I tried to move on.”
Pato pulled the car over to the side of the road, unable to keep driving. He turned to her, his eyes searching hers. “Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since forever. I was just too afraid to mess things up between us.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You…you love me?”
He nodded, reaching out to take her hand. “I do. I always have.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, and she leaned in, her lips brushing against his. “I love you too, Pato.”
Their kiss was soft and tentative at first, but quickly deepened, years of unspoken feelings pouring out. When they finally pulled away, they rested their foreheads together, both breathing heavily.
“I know you have a race tomorrow,” Y/N said, her voice tinged with guilt.
Pato smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Nothing is more important than you, Y/N. Not even racing.”
She smiled, a real smile this time, and snuggled closer to him. “Thank you, Pato. For everything.”
He kissed her forehead, holding her close.
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☆ request by: anon
can i pls request pato o’ward and reader liking each other a lot but for one reason or another they can’t be together? you can choose the reason why they’re not together, just a lot of pining and star-crossed lovers vibes <3
a/n: i hope this is what you wanted <3 maybe it's a bit messy but i wrote this at midnight so don't expect too much
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samanthaatodaro · 2 years
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Corinne Day was a British photographer who brought a more documentary look to fashion imagery. At 16 she left school to travel the world. She got a job as a courier and through that she got into modeling. During a flight she met a photographer and followed through. She ended up traveling all over the world as a fashion model. At the time she had a boyfriend who was into film and photography. He taught her how to use a camera and she began taking photographs while traveling. Shortly later her friend suggested she give her photographs to Phil Baker. Later with many recommendations she began taking photos of fashion. Corinne had little experience with color so her photographs were taken in black and white. She brought six photographs to Phil and he published one. From there on her career began to take off and she came across more and more opportunities to publish her photographs.
Corrine was self taught. Her work influenced style and perception of photography in tbe early 1990s and still does. She often included autobiographical elements into her images. She was known for forming long and close relationships with many of her muses including Kate Moss, Rosemary Ferguson, George Clements, Georgina Cooper, Sarah Murray, Tanya Court, and Tara St Hill. This resulted in many candid and intimate portraits. Her first piece of work to be published was photpgrahs of Kate Moss titled “3rd summer of love”. This was published to the face magazine in 1990 and came to be known as grunge. This work grew to be an international style. Following this in 1993 she was asked to photograph Kate Moss and others for the March issue cover shoot and main fashion story. She was commissioned by Alexandra Shulman, a British Vogue editor. This led to her being commissioned for more fashion shoots and eventually led to the publication of her first book “Diary”. This was a personal visual record of her life and friends. The book shows poetic and honest photographs of young lives. 
Two distinct bodies of work are “Diary” and “Tara, Gimpl Fils”. Her work in “Diary” was officially published in 2000. It was exhibited at The Photgraphers Gallery in London in that same year. This was her first solo exhibition and she became known for these images. Her bestfriend Tara was the main figure in Diary. It includes photographs of different events in Taras life from partying, sexual liasions, illness and motherhood. Tara shows different sides of herself in these photographs. Some feelings displayed are fresh, pretty, natural, sad, etc. They all give an understanding to Corinnes aesthic. “Tara, Gimpl Fils' ' is a very similar style to her work “Diary”. For these photographs her bestfriend Tara is the main figure used to photograph. These images portray a dark, very realistic life. All her images are very open and give off a strong message. 
In these two bodies of work there are many similarties seen. Both of these use her bestfriend Tara as the main element of the photographs focusing on her different life events. They both show the realistic events of a young person. Her images all feel very free and expressive. Nothing seems staged or fake. To me these images all show the normal life of a young person. Almost all these images in both bodies of work are colorful. 
Although these two bodies of work have a similar style there are some differences as well. “Tara, Gimpl Fils' ' photographs all especially focus on her bestfriend Tara. Almost every photo is about her indivually. On the other hand, her work in “Diary” has other focuses. You see pictures of the outdoors and other individuals, not just Tara. Her work in “Diary” can be seen as more joyful where as “Tara, Gimpl Fils' ' is more emotional and intimate. I enjoy how she can potray many diffrent messages through her work while keeping the style similar. 
Autobiography. Corinne Day, Photographer. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.corinneday.co.uk/autobiography/ 
Corinne Day: Diary. The Photographers Gallery. (2021, August 13). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/whats-on/corinne-day-diary 
Tara, Gimpel Fils, 6 October 2000. Corinne Day, Photographer. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.corinneday.co.uk/exhibitions/66/ 
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heeluvviee · 4 months
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cupid's corner | ex!heeseung x reader (smau)
as a brilliant and driven app developer, y/n has always believed in data and algorithms over fate when it comes to love. after a tough breakup, she channels her heartbreak into creating cupid's corner- a dating app that promises to find the perfect match for its users. as cupid's corner skyrockets in popularity, y/n decides to put her app to the ultimate test by signing herself up (after much convincing from her friends). confident in her technology, she's shocked when the app matches her with none other than her ex lee heeseung- the very person she's been trying to forget. caught between her head and her heart, y/n must decide whether to trust the algorithm she created- or risk everything on a love she thought was over.
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brewed for two | barista!heeseung x reader (smau)
y/n, your typical popular high school it girl, finds herself intrigued by the heartfelt notes left on her coffee cups by the shy barista at the local cafe she frequently visits. each note is a small yet profound message, sparking the girl's curiosity and making her look forward to her daily coffee runs. as she starts to engage more with the cute barista, she discovers that there's more to him than his quiet demeanor suggests. with each passing day, y/n and heeseung find themselves getting closer despite their contrasting worlds. but you know what they say: opposities attract!
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infrunami | bestfriend!heeseung x reader (smau)
situationship after situationship, and countless failed talking stages- y/n has had enough of all these pathetic men wasting her time. what's going on with her generation? the ghosting, half swiping, wyll's, shallow conversations, and meaningless dates have left her disillusioned. it seems like everyone is playing games instead of seeking genuine connections. frustrated and tired of the superficiality, y/n longs for a true and meaningful relationship. little does she know, her one true love might have been right in front of her all along
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better than the movies (a series of fics based on my fav romcoms)
binge your favorite romcoms with better than the movies! each story a perfect mix of love, humor, and just a tad bit of chaos. follow a plastic surgeon tangled in lies, a modern-day cinderella with an online crush, the most popular boy at school who might be the ticket to your dream college, a fake boyfriend who becomes something more, and the fiance of your biggest client who turns your world upside down. prepare to be swept off your feet as you fall in love with the different sides of heeseung that you'll discover in each story
just go with it | danny!heeseung x katherine!y/n
heeseung, a charming plastic surgeon, convinces his assistant y/n to pose as his soon to be divorced wife to cover up a careless lie he told his much younger girlfriend, yujin. as the web of lies grows, heeseung and y/n find themselves on a lavish hawaiian vacation with y/n's kids, yujin, and heeseung's cousin jay. amidst the beautiful scenery, heeseung and y/n discover that their fake relationship just might be the real deal.
a cinderella story | austin!heeseung x sam!y/n
working at her family's diner and dreaming to one day escape her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, y/n finds truly her only solace in an anonymous online friendship with the charming and popular heeseung. when a school dance offers y/n a chance to meet her prince, she must navigate a whirlind of misunderstandings and unveil her true identity without losing her dream of a fairytale romance.
prom pact | graham!heeseung x mandy|y/n
y/n has always dreamed of getting into harvard, but when she gets waitlisted, she feels as if her life has been turned upside down. desperate for a recommendation, she decides to tutor lee heeseung, the most popular guy in school and the son of a harvard alum. as she grows closer to heeseung, she realizes her true feelings for him, causing a rift with her best friend jungwon, with whom she promised to attend prom since neither of them had dates.
to all the boys i've loved before | peter!heeseung x lara jean!y/n x josh!niki
what happens when y/n's secret love letters to her past crushes, including her sister's ex-boyfriend niki and popular jock Heeseung, are mailed out, leading to many unexpected consequences. To save face, Y/N and Heeseung enter a fake relationship to make his ex-girlfriend, Giselle, jealous. As their journey as a fake couple go on, y/n starts to develop real feelings. maybe this thing between them could turn into somehting real, but many problems arise preventing them from being a real couple.what happens when y/n's secret love letters to her past crushes, including her sister's ex-boyfriend niki and popular jock heeseung, are mailed out, leading to many unexpected consequences. to save face, y/n and heeseung enter a fake relationship to make his ex-girlfriend, giselle, jealous. As their journey as a fake couple go on, y/n starts to develop real feelings. maybe this thing between them could turn into something real?
the wedding planner | eddie!heeseung x mary!y/n x massimo!jake
y/n, a successful wedding plnner, has everything in her life under control until she falls for heeseung, who she later discovers is the groom in the biggest wedding of her career. as she navigates the complexities of planning the perfect wedding for Heeseung and _ while dealing with her meddling father's attempts to set her up with an old childhood friend, jake, she learns that true love cannot be planned.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Obtuse | Bang Chan (Stray Kids) - PART ONE
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Summary ☆ "I don't know. I want to be his friend but then again, I don't. I mean, how can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them, you're thinking about how much more you really want?"
Genre ☆ bestfriends to lovers au, angst, slowburn, suggestive themes, college au, fluff, soft Chan x oc (Micha)
Word count ☆ 6k ish
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Micha hated being wrong.
Her fingers tapped an unsteady rhythm over her notebook as she stared at the block of text she had been supposedly studying for the past hour, her desk lamp casting a yellowish hue over her page as if the book itself was a sickly entity with the sole goal of rendering her mad. Attached to her ceiling, her fan kept on whirring in a noisy hum which -- while she normally managed to tune it out --  grated at her nerves. The world bustled outside, cars honking in the distance while soft rain splattered over her bedroom window as she sighed for what must’ve been the nth time that evening, slowly lifting her arms up in a stretch. 
It wasn’t in her nature to be so scatter-brained, for once she set her mind to something, there could be little to stop her. That was one of the qualities she could pride herself on considering that there was hardly any skill she could flaunt to the world -- surely there were far more interesting things than reciting off a long list of human body parts and their required functions? 
But this recent issue popping up in her brain was doing a great job at knocking her off her feet. Dear god, she felt the same sense of unbalance as when she was five and her mom had enrolled her into ballerina lessons. 
Long story short, it hadn’t ended well.
Micha’s eyes darted to her phone that she’d tossed onto her bed a few minutes ago. The cause of her restlessness, the cause of unease stirring inside her stomach like an angry beast prowling back and forth.
The words from his earlier message felt like they were etched into her memory: 
Just three words. Three little stings that made her wince every time she thought of them. Three little needles that pierced at her heartstrings.
Her grip tightened onto her pen. So hard her knuckles turned the colour of chalk.
Why didn’t she feel happy for him as she was supposed to? 
Micha’s tongue poked at her cheek. 
Why did it feel so wrong? Why did she feel wronged when she’d done nothing of the sort? 
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that she had spurred Chan's obvious interest, urging him to hustle a little closer to that particular girl in question when she had caught the said young man casting her quick, shy glances over the rim of his drink?
"Just ask her," Micha told him when he'd sought her out looking like a lost puppy amidst the heavy bass of the music. It had been the summer right before their final year of University and on this special occasion, Minho had thrown a small party to which every high school classmate of their year had been invited.
"You know I can't. I don't know how...you know," he scratched the back of his head, dark locks ruffling as the summer wind. It was in those small, stolen moments -- where Chan was the most vulnerable, where he let down his guard to deploy his array of unspoken feelings -- that she remembered the young man for who he was: the familiar fullness of his full lips, the curve of his nose, the simplicity of his monolids.
"You won't know till you try," she took a sip of her rum and coke.
Truthfully speaking, Chan had never been in a serious relationship. He was friends with everyone, the kind of person that was easy-going and who could engage in any kind of conversation with anyone and everyone. The only consequence was that Chan was thrust into the friendzone without even trying.
But then again, he was a nice guy. And nice guys finished last.
“What’s the worst that can happen anyway?” Micha joked as she downed the rest of her drink, “she’s been eyeing you since we got here.” 
He leaned closer with squinted eyes as he tried to find the lie in her words, “you’re not just saying that to be nice?”
He was so close she got a whiff of his scent. Reaching up with her index finger to push him away, Micha proceeded to roll her eyes, “I don’t do nice, Chan. We both know that.” 
She shouldn’t have been surprised to see him slip away a few minutes later to seek her out. Ayeong was her name. Beauty, in Korean. And which suited her perfectly, what with her tiny waist and her big set of doe eyes that could make any man weak at the knees, her supple legs that seemed to go on and on forever and that cupid bow’s mouth that was always puckered in that innocently cute, yet sensual way of hers.
And if not for her physique, Ayeong was known for her kindness and for her outgoing, free-natured and confident spirit. That was the killer blow for any man that sought her out. 
Micha had known her since high school, hung out with the same friends and admittedly could classify her as one too, even though college life had pulled them apart like boats that had left the harbour only to find each other after a year.
Memories of Micha’s last night flickered behind her open lids and leaning back into her chair with a sigh, she gave way to the sudden urge of homesickness suddenly flowing through her heart. 
Their last movie night had ended and despite Micha’s frantic eye movements towards Ayeong’s figure, Chan had immediately volunteered to walk her back home. 
Micha kept her gaze forward, noticing how the golden glow of the street lamps did little to light their way. She turned her head to the right, where the road gave way to the landscape littered with golden lights, now bathed in deep hues of blue as light slowly slithered from behind the mountains. 
“So this is it huh?” Chan’s murmur sliced through with a hint of sadness in his deep alto, “you sure you’re not going to come back home for Christmas?” 
It was tradition after all. They had made it adamant to travel back at least every three months and up until now, they had kept that promise. 
Now though, with Micha’s piling workload and with Chan’s busy thesis schedule, this year might be the one exception.
“I can’t, Chan. I have my internship,” Micha didn’t dare look at him, fighting the tightness winding in her chest, “you can always drop by. My university is just a train ride away I suppose.”
"You’re not gonna kick me out if I turn up at your door one day?” 
“I can’t promise that.” 
He gasped, grabbing onto his chest in mock hurt, “Ouch. Okay, what if I turn up with your favourite bubble tea?” 
"Then we might have a deal.” 
They both laughed softly, pushing each other with their elbows as they walked up Micha’s street. At one point, Chan had looped his arm around hers before shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets and as they talked about their recent adventures and all the dumb things they’d done, it was clear that he was avoiding the pain of saying goodbye right until he stopped at her front door.
She turned to him and forced down the tears burning at the edges of her eyes. The morning light had slithered through the landscape now and hit the side of Chan’s face in a scarlet shade of golden, reflecting the caramel of his orbs pinning her down with a sadness that made her throat choke up.
“Stop it,” the words flew from her mouth without warning and Chan blinked, head tilting with confusion, “What? Stop what?” 
“Stop...looking at me like that,” she finished her sentence in a mumble while she averted her eyes in growing embarrassment.
“Like what?” 
“Like you’re going to cry.” 
“I’m not!” 
“There are tears in your eyes!” 
“N-No there aren’t!” And he quickly wiped at his face before angling his head to the side, “why would I cry for you?” 
“You tell me.” 
“Well I’m not!” He turned away to walk down the driveway in a huff, “bye now!” 
“Ugh bye loser!” 
Micha turned so quickly she almost smacked her face onto her front door, hurriedly trying to erase the image of Chan’s back walking away from her before she broke down into a pool of hot tears.
She didn't want to think about that. Didn't want to linger upon the way her throat seemed to choke up as she fought the emotion--
Chan’s voice. It floated between them, a lingering question. The said girl felt rooted in place, fighting the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. 
And when she turned, she was met with his arms lacing around her middle to pull her close. 
His chin on her shoulder, head pressed against hers. Holding her tight. 
“Video calls every week,” he murmured, “at least one text per day.” 
"What are you? My boyfriend?” 
“Fine, fine.” 
Chan's warmth felt like sunshine on her back. If she closed her eyes hard enough she could travel back to that very moment she allowed herself to be swayed back and forth in those strong arms of his.
In the weeks following the start of their final year Micha had plunged headfirst into her studies to avoid the slow build-up of homesickness crawling through her heart. And the more work piled up, the less she found time to update Chan on her life. What with her endless hours spent in the library and the small bursts of freedom that she spent with her course mates, it made it close to impossible to sit down and have a proper talk.
So when Chan video-called her one day, her burst of excitement was soon rendered to something akin to annoyance when the only reason was to tell her about Ayeong’s visit to his campus. She couldn’t ignore the slight sting of jealousy coating the back of her tongue as he blabbered off like an excited child, eyes shining and all. 
“I think I might ask her out at the end of this week,” he grinned with dreamy eyes, “I think there’s definitely something.” 
“Good for you.” 
He’d noticed her irritation, as if there was an itch under her skin she couldn’t quite reach, “You okay, Mi? I didn’t even get to ask--”
“I’m fine,” she snapped and softened almost instantly when hurt flashed through his face, “I’m sorry,...just stressed out.” 
“Hey,” concern immediately clouded his features over, “you gotta take care of yourself too. Are you eating well? Sleeping well?” 
A sigh of frustration escaped his lips when she’d shook her head reluctantly, “Don’t make me come over. You know I can do that.” 
“That would be nice,” came her mumble which didn’t reach his ears, for he asked, “What?” 
“Nothing,” she sighed, brushing off the wistful thoughts swimming inside her head and focusing back on Chan’s face at the other end of the screen, “keep me updated with the Ayeong thing.” 
She’s not right for you, her brain seemed to scream. 
But Ayeong did. She did say yes.
And Micha wasn’t sure why she was feeling so bitter about it.
. ° ☆ ° .
"Please sign here, miss.” 
Micha’s surprised orbs quickly flitted up from the large cardboard box to the postman’s clipboard being shoved in her face, “Uh--sure.”
She scrawled her initials, gave back the clipboard with a muttered ‘thanks’ before the postman shoved the box in her arms and walked away without even giving her a second glance. 
Had she ordered something online by accident? That wouldn’t be surprising. Since midterm season, time had been irrelevant to Micha, flowing like a ticking time bomb the more the days approached towards her final deadlines.
To say that she was a walking corpse on campus was not an understatement. 
She got her answer a few minutes later when she answered the phone from a very excited, puppy-like Chan. 
“Did you get it?!” he bellowed with barely contained excitement. Still wrapped up in his blankets with his hair dishevelled and his eyes barely open, Micha couldn’t help but grin at the comical picture he presented, “did you get the package?” 
“By package, you mean this big-ass box?” Micha turned the camera to the floor, causing him to squeal like a child who got his Christmas presents early. 
“Oh nice! Open it, come on!” 
“Chan, I swear if it’s something like one of those scary muppets you like so much--”
“You have so little faith in me.” 
“Can you blame me when you were the one who put salt in my coffee?” 
“It was just to experiment.” 
“That coffee was of good quality!” 
“Just open it." 
She tore open the package while grumbling under her breath at how bossy he was being, cracked open the box to blink at the different flavours of tea filling it up to the brim. 
“You--” she couldn’t help the laughter from bubbling up her throat, “you got me tea?” 
“Wait--unless I got this wrong -- you like tea right?” 
His panicked tone made her burst out in even more laughter, “Oh my god Chan!” 
“You always tell me to spill the tea--I was just trying to be punny.” 
“It’s--Oh my god--” she doubled over laughing and Chan joined in with giggles of his own, “Chan, you’re so bad.” 
“Admit it, it’s funny.”
“It’s lame!” 
She grinned back at her phone as warmth spread through her middle. It was admittedly in moments like these that she missed Chan the most. The longing to see him suddenly surged through her with such ferocity in the form of tears slowly brimming at the corner of her eyes and she had to turn away while changing the subject. 
“Got any plans this weekend?” she asked while looking over the various flavours of tea.
“Oh didn’t I tell you? Ayeong’s coming.” 
She almost choked on her own spit. Right. She’d forgotten about the whole Ayeon situation and Chan hadn’t updated her since then. 
"We’re spending the weekend together, I think I might bring her to the aquarium. Oh, I was gonna ask you -- what do girls like on their first dates?” his face was now alight with such a joyful glow, a spark in his eyes, that it almost hurt to look at him. 
“Does Ayeong like aquariums to start with?” Micha asked even if she secretly adored going to aquariums herself. It was admittedly a very romantic notion, to hold hands in the darkened rooms as you would watch the fish swim about. 
Chan shrugged on the other side of the screen, “dunno, thought it might be romantic.” 
You thought right, Micha’s subconscious responded, “what about just dinner?” she proposed, “maybe Ayeong wants to spend time talking. You know, getting to know each other.” 
"Hm, true. Yeah, I might look up a good restaurant. Girls don't like fast foods do they? Or anything that makes them gain weight?"
The angry creature was slowly rousing in her stomach, growling, "how would I know?"
"Well, you're a girl."
"That's exactly what the lame redheaded sidekick in Harry Potter said."
"FYI, his name is Ron and he’s not lame."
"That's not the point I was trying to make."
"Michaaaa~" Chan whined, wriggling his shoulders with a pout, "I gave you tea, stop being mean to me."
But it was useless. All the giddiness that had erupted through her at his sweet gesture was eaten up by a bitter taste on her tongue and with that she hurriedly made up a petty excuse about having class before quickly cutting off the call.
She brought her phone to her chest as she looked down at the tea boxes with growing tiredness. That was probably it right? She was in a bad mood because she was tired.
. ° ☆ ° .
"I still don't get why we have to watch it with you," Micha grumbled, plopping down beside Felix's lanky frame on the couch and careful not to jostle the bowl of salted caramel popcorn in her hands.
"Because I can't be the only one who can't sleep tonight," Changbin stated dryly like that statement totally made sense. He plopped down on her other side while Jisung settled himself against Micha's legs, "if I go down, you go down with me."
Felix snorted, "that's just a nice way to say that he likes bullying us."
Midterms were over, meaning that reading week would be a pleasurable moment of calm and serenity before assignments picked up again. It was a liminal space between deadlines, a gap that Micha and the rest of her course mates had gladly welcomed with open arms. Being the movie fanatic that he was, Changbin had jumped at the chance of hosting movie night, much to the group's displeasure for they knew that his taste in entertainment was rather jarring. Sometimes violent. And sometimes, brought about nightmares that lasted a week.
"What are we watching again?" Jisung twisted his head to look at the trio, causing both Micha and Felix to shoot Changbin accusatory looks.
"The nun," Changbin replied.
Felix whistled as Jisung jumped up crying, "Do you want me to die?!"
"No. But do you mind if we sleep in the same room tonight?"
"Fuck you I'm out of here," Jisung was already scrambling to his feet when Micha's hand shot out, clamping down on his forearm, "oh no no no, you're going down with the rest of us, Han."
"Do you know how scary that movie is?!"
"Yes, which is precisely why we're going to murder Changbin once it's ov--"
Felix's phone sprang to life amidst the conversation, "oh Chan's calling!"
The group wasted no time squishing up, limbs entangling and elbows pushing onto ribs as they all crowded around Felix's small smartphone that he held at arm's distance before sliding his finger over the green button.
"Hey mate!" Felix's Australian accent slipped out the moment Chan's face appeared onscreen and Micha would've lied to say it didn't sting a little seeing her best friend's face after so long.
"What's up Felix? Oh you're all here?" Chan's grin widened.
" Changbin's forcing us to watch the Nun with him," Micha said.
" Tattletale," muttered the said hooded-eyed man as he shoved her head. Micha laughed.
" And you? What are you up to?" Felix asked while Jisung was struggling to push Changbin's arm to get into the camera frame, " Bin, fucking move."
" Oh I'm with Ayeong right now. Hyunjin and Minho are playing FIFA," Chan moved the camera around until Ayeong's petite face came into view, causing a knot to form in Micha's abdomen.
" Ayeong! Lookin' good!"
" How's Channie treating you?"
" Has he farted in front of you yet?"
" Guys!" Chan's checks proceeded to flood with colour while the said young woman giggled in the background.
" As a matter of fact, he's been nothing but respectful."
Ugh. She was so sweet that it made Micha feel sick in her stomach. But as though Ayeong had read her mind, she immediately asked, "Micha, are the guys treating you well? How's your thesis coming along? Chan tells me you practically live in the library."
" What?” Jisung snorted, “that's not true, she--" 
Micha elbowed him before he could splutter out the truth when she had been lying to Chan all along and blabbered out, “Yeah I've been trying to finish my thesis in time because the first deadline is in two weeks. And you? How’s your internship at the hotel going?” 
Micha was thankful when Ayeong chatted on about her experience as a hotel management trainee at one of the best hotel chains in the country. It was a close call and she smacked Jisung some more for good measure, throwing him a narrow-eyed glare which he returned with a scowl of his own, rubbing the sore spot on his arm. 
As the conversation moved on to the topic of the holidays, Micha’s eyes automatically drifted to the diminished space between Chan and Ayeong’s shoulders, noticed the way he kept leaning back with his arm slowly crawling its way to Ayeong’s backside. Something tugged at her heartstrings, caused her to swallow hard. It was clear from the obvious grin on her best friend’s face that he was the happiest he’d ever been since...well, since.
All Micha wanted was to be happy for Chan. Genuinely happy. 
Not the kind of happiness that made her wish she was miles away and blind, not the kind that made her chest ache and her heart hurt as though someone had just gutted her insides out.
At some point, she excused herself and walked out into the backyard, hands shoved in the pockets of her hoodie as she looked up into the murky, cloudy sky above. How long had it been since they’d last spoken? There was no one to blame for that. They were both sprinting at a hundred miles an hour and she couldn’t blame Chan for falling so hard, so quickly, too quickly for a girl that was so easy, so loveable. Ayeong was the perfect match for him, now that Micha thought about it. 
And plus, Chan had been talking about her for ages.
But she still didn’t get it. Still didn’t understand why it constantly felt as though someone was slapping reality in her face. 
Over and over again.
Felix’s head popping out from the kitchen doorway made the said young woman swivel around, quickly rearranging her features in a cold mask of indifference, “Chan wants to talk to you.” 
Even in the dark she saw Felix’s eyebrow quirk up, “you’re asking?” 
That was stupid, Micha’s subconscious rolled her eyes as she reluctantly trudged to the kitchen door and grabbed the phone from Felix’s hold. She waited for the door to close behind her before lifting the camera to her face.
Chan’s arms were crossed in an attempt to appear mad, though they both knew it would take a lot more to ignite that anger in him, “ Well hello there, stranger. Nice of you to show your face after weeks of going off radar. No messages, no phone calls. We were supposed to call every week. What have you got to say for yourself?” 
In any normal circumstances Micha would’ve shot back with a witty comeback without thinking as she usually did. That was the nature of their relationship after all; that endless bickering, that back and forth sibling relationship that made her feel so at ease in her skin that she sometimes forgot Chan wasn’t even part of her family.
Right now though, she felt her free hand twitch, index finger pressing onto her thumb as she nervously grated at her skin.
Biting onto her bottom lip, the only thing she managed to muster out was, “sorry.” 
Surprise flashed through Chan’s face. There was a heavy silence for a minute.
“Micha,” Chan murmured, “what’s wrong?” 
" Sure. Care to tell me what 'nothing' is about?"
"Chan, please," She rubbed a tired hand over her face, " I'm just not feeling it today."
He stared at her for a whole minute. Micha felt herself starting to squirm.
" Okay," he mumbled out, " Okay."
Regret instantly bit at her subconscious. She loathed the slight disappointment on his face and in a half- hearted attempt to lighten the mood, she quickly veered into another subject and ignored the poignant stare he kept sending her way. She'd rather be oblivious than try and extort some coherent sense out of the tangled ball of feelings in her stomach.
When they said goodbye though, Chan leaned a little closer to the screen, an undecipherable expression on his face, " call me when you feel better."
Micha nodded and swallowed thickly.
" I mean it Micha," his voice was stern, " call me."
Maybe it was the guilt whispering at the back of her conscience, maybe it was the way she saw a flash of his face in a stranger's every time she walked the streets that made her reach out to Chan once more in the next few days after that, willing herself to make as much effort as he did. Because Chan deserved that much.
They would text in-between classes, a mixture of casual jokes and an exchange of anime-related jokes that he kept sending her and causing her to burst out laughing in the middle of her classes. But while she was glad to see that Chan had no grudges to her lack of response, she still tried to steer clear of mentioning Ayeong.
That was starting to become more and more problematic.
Chan: Ayeong is allergic to crab. Did you know that?!
Micha: No
Chan: we went to eat at that snack stand, the one near the skate park we used to go to. She blew up like a goldfish.
Micha would've given anything to see that ridiculous sight. That was quickly overtaken by the stubborn pang of jealousy at the thought of them going to places she visited so frequently with Chan. 
It didn’t stop there. 
A few days later, Chan had texted her about their dinner to his parents' house and her stomach dropped like she'd just fallen down an elevator shaft.
Chan: They loved her. They actually loved her. I think my heart is gonna explode.
Micha had to force out a reply:
Micha: what did your mum cook?
Chan: guess.
Micha: pork ribs and braised beef?
Chan: yess omg! You actually remember. Ayeong loved it. She eats a lot for her size. And dad sat her down after dinner to show off his chess awards. The nerd.
Micha: cool.
Thankfully, her internship started a few weeks later, which meant that it was easier to ignore the glow of happiness in Chan's face and the way he seemed to be drifting away from her arms, slipping through her fingers no matter how much she tried to grasp at the strings of their relationship -- or what seemed to be left of it.
"You sure you don't want to come back home for Winter Break?" Felix asked once when he'd turned up at her shared flat uninvited just as she was closing the door to hurry for her night shift. He’d followed her down the staircase, long legs easily matching her pace as she took two steps at a time. 
“I can’t,” Micha replied breathlessly through her scarf, “I’ve got my internship.”
“Surely you can ask for a few days off? Just for Christmas?” 
Beside her, Felix grumbled, "You're no fun."
"Never said I was."
Micha had to admit that the reason why it hadn't been as hard to ignore the growing hole in her heart where Chan was supposed to be was all due to the three young men standing by her side. As childish as they were, they all had good intentions and it made Micha's heart fill with warmth whenever they did make it obvious that they cared.
Her phone buzzed suddenly just as the pair reached the bus stop. She quickly fished it out of her bag, eyebrows pinching in a frown upon seeing her father's name flashing across the screen.
"Hello?" She gave Felix a shrug when he mouthed whether everything was okay from her side. Nothing. 
She repeated, "hello? Pa? You there?"
Her frown deepened at the sound of her father's voice. He sounded breathless, a tone higher than his usual alto.
"Pa, what's wrong?"
"It's your mother. There was an accident."
. ° ☆ ° .
"What happened?"
Less than six hours later, Micha sat in the hospital corridor right outside her mother's room. She still had on her nurse uniform, completely dismissing all of her responsibilities and obligations the moment her father had informed her of her mother's accident.
If she were to be honest, she wasn't entirely sure how she'd managed to make it back without her knees giving away. But Felix had been there, a silent stone figure at her side as she'd thrown a bunch of clothes in a carry-on suitcase and grabbing the laptop from her shaky hands to book the earliest flight which was to depart in merely two hours.
Nothing had mattered then. Nothing but the need to see her mother and make sure that everything was fine. She didn't remember going through security, didn't even remember the plane taking off while gazing out of the window with a glazed look in her eyes and forcing down all the tears strangling her throat.
Micha's brain only came into focus the moment she was greeted by none other than her father’s face, heavy bags under his eyes and the tip of his nose red. 
Multiple lacerations. A broken femur. Heavy concussion that might result in potential brain damage. Words that Micha knew off by heart, could recite them in her sleep if she wanted to. Words that she’d spent months and endless sleepless nights poring over. 
Words that shot bullets through her, each one leaving an open wound. 
“She was waiting for the bus.” 
Her father’s voice, old and gravelled and shattered, brought her back to the reality of the hospital. His alto strung through the air of the corridor like a tightly coiled string about to snap. 
Micha took a shaky breath.
“I...I was late. At the restaurant. Too many people,” all the time that her father spoke, his gaze was glued to the operation door where Micha’s mother laid as if he could will her back to good health if he stared at it hard enough, “So she went back home first because she had to feed the cat. That stupid cat...If it weren’t--If it weren’t for him she wouldn’t have gotten hit--” he choked on his words, “--by the bus.” 
Cold dread threaded through Micha’s stomach and squeezed so tight she thought she would pass out. Her brain was already trying to put two and two together; finding the solution, figuring out the case, the damage. The solution, the--
“They said there’s little chance that she’ll wake up.” 
Reality struck like cold ice.
“What...” her mouth was dry, “...percentage?”
Her eyes slipped closed, squeezed tight. Silence trailed on with only the bustling sound of medical equipment and a hushed flurry of voices in the distance. 
Do something, her brain screamed at her, just do something! 
There was nothing she could do. Nothing. Her hands clamped into fists so hard her nails stung her palms. All she could do was wait.
So she did.
She must’ve dozed off at some point. Time seemed endless as the hours ticked by and by the time her mother was wheeled out, exhaustion was pulsating through her every muscle, her every limb. She stayed awake long enough to listen to the doctor’s statement, only to storm out in frustration upon realizing that there was no real answer and that the only thing that had been possible to do was stitch up her mother’s wounds as best as they could. 
In short, the doctor himself didn’t know when she’d wake up.
Micha was so intent on walking out for some fresh air that she barely processed a familiar alto calling her name in the distance, until a pair of arms snatched her shoulders back. 
She whipped around, “What?!--”
Her eyes fell upon Chan. 
Time stopped. Her mouth parted. 
Red-faced and with his beanie all the way down to cover himself from the cold, she would’ve barely recognized him if they were passerby’s on the street. But as he stood there with his runny nose and eyes that looked like they’d just cracked open, a wave of emotion hit Micha with such intensity that tears brimmed through her eyes. 
“Felix told me what happened. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner, I--”
And that was when Micha broke down into ugly sobs, legs giving away only to be saved by Chan’s arms wounding around her middle to pull her against his chest. 
Amidst it all, she swore she heard her heart breaking.
She wasn’t sure whether it was because of her mother. Or because throughout it all, even in the worst of times, she had come to a realization that knocked the breath out of her. 
She loved Chan. 
. ° ☆ ° .
Tagging: @elysianxshepherd​ @maedesculpaeusoubi​ @missskzbiased​ @freckledquokka​ @allyg-onz​ 
213 notes · View notes
littleturtle95 · 3 years
For OCtober, I will share as I said extracts and snippets from my books “Tanvar of the Fire” and “Amma of the Mind”.
To make everyone understand what I am talking about, I will post here a list with my main OCs and a short description of them and their relationships, so you’ll be able to understand the extracts.
If you want to be added to the taglist for the event, just let me know. Same if you want to be removed.
Everard: Male lead. Everard is a gay black boy (all humans in the story are POC) that used to live on the streets, steal for a living and be part of a gang of street thieves with his little sister. His parents died when he was eight years old and his sister three, and he raised her like his own child. He is very honest, he hates lying, and has what his sister calls “big brother syndrome”: he loves children and can’t resist the urge to help a child or a person in trouble, he often brings people who need help home. He likes to braid his sister's hair, is very gentle and kind and hates aggressive behaviour.
Sigga: Female lead. Sigga is an aroace black girl that used to live on the streets, steal for a living and be part of a gang of street thieves with her big brother. Her parents died when she was three, and she doesn’t remember them. She has been raised by her brother and sees him as a parental figure even if he's only five years older than her. She is brave, impulsive and very witty. One day she loves dresses and cute clothes and would die for a mirror to look at herself in a skirt, the other day she hates everything girly and would rather die than combing her hair and going out with a dress. When she isn’t in a girly mood she steals her brother’s clothes, even if in Laidiria women wearing men’s clothes are very frowned upon.
Solomon: Love interest (of the male lead). Solomon is a demisexual biromantic white boy (every druid in this universe is demisexual), a druid who can therefore use magic. He can summon and manipulate fire and lightning and has the power of telekinesis. He lives with his mother, adopted brother and a close friend in a shelter in the woods to hide from the guards, because magic has been banned in the kingdom and there are druid hunts. He is caught and condemned to be burned alive at the beginning of the story, he meets Everard and Sigga when they see the pyre and decide to save him.
Clarice: Best friend and one-sided love interest (of the female lead). Clarice is a pansexual black girl who is in love with her bestfriend, whom she knows will never love her, and respects that. She is an “orphan of the flame”, one of the many children who lost their parents in the great purge of “the Night of the Flames”. She is funny, loves to sleep, is not very brave, but will follow her friends to the end of the world and has a great sense of justice. She eventually engages in a platonic exclusive relationship with Sigga.
Hildebrand: Bestfriend and adoptive brother (of Solomon). Hildebrand is a druid, and a demisexual heteroromantic white boy. He can summon and manipulate fire and lightning and has the power of telekinesis. He lives in a shelter in the woods with his adoptive mother, adoptive brother and girlfriend because magic has been banned in the kingdom and they have to hide from the guards. He doesn’t trust humans, he is cold and often distant, but he melts whenever his girlfriend asks him something or just smiles at him. He has a conflicted relationship with his birth mother.
Frederick: Best friend and ex boyfriend (of the male lead). Frederick is a gay black boy who lives on the streets and steals for a living. He is also an orphan of the flame. He was part of the gang Everard and Sigga left when Everard found a job, and still hasn’t forgiven them for that. He is very loyal, clever, and athletic. He is so used to stealing he keeps doing that even after he stops needing it for a living.
Dameta: Close friend (of Solomon), girlfriend (of Hildebrand). Dameta is a druid, her magic is the magic of illusions, she can change shape and looks of herself and everything else, and can also create allucinations. She is a demisexual panromantic white girl, and she’s mute. Despite being very powerful, she is a very sweet girl, who enjoys a simple way of life. She likes music and can create it with her powers, because she can also create auditive allucinations. She often helps to sedate fights between Solomon and Hildebrand Hildebrand and the humans.
Amrit: Amrit is the prince of Armiral, the neighbour kingdom of Laidiria, the country where the story is set. He is a brown (middle eastern like) pansexual boy who is sent to the kingdom of Laidiria undercover as a merchant by his mother, the queen of Armiral. There’s when he meets the main characters of the story. He is flamboyant, likes makeup, and is not very brave. He believes in self preservation and is cunning and ambitious. The other characters don’t like him very much at first, but then he helps them and proves is worth and to be good at heart and they do grow fond of him eventually.
@chibi-tsukiko @hahahax30
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Girls Like You
Genre: Drama, Angst, Fluff, Crack, Humor, NSFW
Warnings: Swearing, Cheating, Single-Motherhood
Daishou + Y/N| Osamu+ Hana| Kiyoomi + Rika| Bokuto + Suki| Oikawa + Akane
Rise Up- Andra Day
Daishou + Y/N
She couldn’t believe the words that had come out of his mouth, but they had. Sitting at the table, she stared at her boyfriend with complete shock and disbelief. “ What the fuck do you mean, you’ve been cheating on me for the last two years of our relationship Daishou?” she asked, voice devoid of any emotion. The man across from her shrugged, “It was time for me to tell you...this isn’t working anymore Y/N; and Mikka isn’t happy with keeping us a secret anym-” at the mention of the other woman; Y/N threw the mug next to at him; smiling when it made contact with the side of his face. 
“I don’t fucking care what Mikka wants asshole. I’m pregnant. That was what I wanted to talk about when you came home.” she murmured, hand gliding over her still flat stomach. “Get rid of it Y/N! I can’t fucking handle raising a ch-” before he could finish, a heavier object made its way in his direction. Y/N continued throwing any and everything she could until he was out of her eyesight. Sliding down against her door, she pulled out her phone...and called her best friend... “Tetsu...I need help.”
Month 1:
The first month found Y/N moved into Kenma’s house with Kuroo following her around and picking up any and everything she needed. Honestly, it was super annoying and it got even more annoying when she brought home an ultrasound. Kenma and Tsukki ended up freaking out on her, whenever she grabbed a bag until she snapped from all the hovering.
Months 2-4:
These months were spent with Y/N, trying to get used to the idea of being a mother of multiples. At her 2 month appointment the Doctors had detected a second heartbeat. Kiyoko and Yachi were there and the three women cried together. When Y/N brought the ultrasound home, Tsukki, Kenma and Kuroo fainted. These months came with mostly morning sickness. She had managed to switch over to online schooling and start full-time at the Advertisement Agency, she had interned at every summer since she was 16. 
Months 5-7:
At her 20 week mark, Y/N found out that she would be having twin baby girls. Kuroo cried like a big ugly baby, but so did Y/N. Her morning sickness had subsided slightly, but she found herself craving Mochi and Matcha Frappuccino’s (Kuroo’s favorite desserts). Month 6 found her heavily pregnant answering the door to two angry women looking to “fight the girls that beat Mikka’s ass”. After sitting down and explaining the full story Yukie and Kaori washed their hands of the toxic couple and found they fit in well with this new group. 
Months 7-9:
These months were spent prepping for babies. Clothes, Bottles, Furniture. You name it; it was bought. She didn’t know why they had gone crazy; but she wasn’t going to ask. She felt fat, tired, and uncomfortable. Both her girls liked to fight it out in the womb. Kuroo and Kenma would often fight about which one of them would be on the birth certificate. Tsukki just told them all how stupid they were as he rubbed her swollen feet. Kaori, Yukie, Yachi, and Kiyoko were the ones who ended up organizing everything for the arrival of their nieces. *proof that men are useless* 
2 days after hitting 36 weeks Y/N’s waters broke and she found herself laid up in a hospital bed, IV in her arm and the good drugs in her system; ready to bring her babies into the world. As scared as she should have been, she wasn’t...as she looked around the room, she saw her girlfriends; her bestfriend, Tsukki and Kenma...and she knew that the three of them were going to be okay. On October 5th at 1047pm Mochi and Matcha L/N were born. (In Y/N’s post epidural haze, she sleepily allowed Kuroo to sign the birth certificate; his dumbass literally named them Mochi and Matcha).
The months after birth would have been harder for anyone else, but Y/N wasn’t alone. Kenma hired a nanny to help care for the girls when everyone else was busy with school or Y/N had to work. Her support system allowed Y/N to push through and finish college on time. It allowed her to fight her way to the position of one of the youngest Executives in her Advertisement Firm in spite of being a single mother. Thanks to her support system, she did it all. She would show her girls; that nothing would stop her from giving them everything in the world and that she didn’t need to depend on any man to do so.
@dabilove27 @lia-faerie-queen 
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Taken Care Of (Derek x Reader)
A/N: I love a sick fic. It’s good, low-stakes hurt/comfort style fluff. The title was originally “Is it really love if he’s never seen you shoot snot rockets?” but since there was no actual said rockets, it seemed misleading. 
Apparently, also my writing is prophetic because I’m finishing this under feverish duress of some sort of cold (its 81 degrees, I’m wearing a hoodie, and I'm freezing. This is bullshit.)
Word Count: 2437
Rating: G - descriptions of illness (mostly pain, dizziness), crying and self-deprecation
For what will soon become obvious reasons, this is set pre-movie.
“Derek? What are you doing here?” you asked, crossing the school lobby quickly to greet him, your friends trailing behind a little slowly.
“Hey Baby Girl,” he said with a grin. “You've been so busy, I feel like I don't ever see you. I missed you,” he gave you that pout he was frustratingly good at, the one that made you melt like butter no matter what else was going on, as he laced his fingers between yours.
“So you decided to visit me at school?” As glad as you were to see him, part of you wished he hadn’t just shown up. This hadn’t been how you planned for him to be added to this part of your life, and it wasn’t exactly good timing. 
“I thought we could get lunch? I didn't know you'd be hangin out with your friends. Don't let me interrupt.”
His words nudged you, and you hastily made introductions. 
“Oh, so you're the mysterious Derek. I always knew Y/N had good taste,” Alli hummed, looking over him with a flirtatious hunger.
You felt your stomach clench at the look she gave him. It wasn’t quite jealousy, trusting him far too much for concern to ever cross your mind, but something like fear settled over you. Or maybe it was just the nausea you’d felt all week, you tried to tell yourself. Derek seemed to sense the tension you held in every part of your body, and gave your hand an affirming squeeze.
“I don't know about mysterious,” he chuckled, “Y/N reads me like an open book.”
Jen laughed. “Perfect answer,” she slung an arm over your shoulder with a grin. “I like him. Definitely approve.”
“Ladies,” Alexi said, interrupting on their way past. “As curious as we all are to meet and drool over the boy Y/N’s been keeping to herself, let her have him to herself.” 
They hooked their arms through the other two’s elbows who planted their feet and refused to be dragged away. You couldn’t help but laugh at your friends' antics, as tired and slightly embarrassed as you were. Derek was grinning at them, still holding your hand and keeping you tucked against him. 
“Wait wait,” Jen protested. “Y/N. You’re taking him to Aida’s right? You have to.” 
“I don’t know…” the smirk on Alli’s face continued to roil your stomach. “I’d just take him home.” 
“What’s Aida’s?” Derek asked, hiding his face in your hair, surprising you that he was actually embarrassed by your friends’ comments.
“Only the best food ever,” Alexi answered with a smile. “Y/N can tell you all about it on the way. Just do that cute thing and share a milkshake with two straws, or I’ll hunt you. Byyyye.” 
Giving up on pulling the others, they decided to push you two out the doors instead. Rather than dealing with more of their nonsense, you let yourselves leave, and stopped just out of range. 
“Aida’s is a place around the corner. Cheap. Definitely knows how to cater to the student crowd. Good food, pretty amazing milkshakes. And coffee has unlimited free refills in a two hour window.”
“Sounds great. I wanted to take you to lunch. Do you want to?”
“It’s no big deal,” you shrugged. “I go there all the time. We should do something special, since you came all this way.” 
“Y/N. You know I don’t care about that. I’m happy anywhere you decide. Besides,” he leaned closer to purr in your ear, words like honey sending a shiver down your spine, “I want to know all your places.”
“You’re terrible. Maybe another time. It’s a longer walk but...I’m feeling ramen?”
“Lead the way.”
You felt your steps dragging as you and Derek walked, trying your best to hide it from your boyfriend. Your lungs burned despite the walk normally being well within manageable, and several times you stumbled, doing your best to stay upright in the wake of a wave of exhaustion.
“I know you wanted to get lunch,” you said suddenly, pausing, “but can't we just get to-go and go back to my place? I’m pretty tired, and I really don't…I was just hoping for a nap before work tonight.”
He caught your hesitation and frowned. “Baby, what's wrong?”
“Nothing. I just...haven't been feeling myself for a couple of days. It's been a hard semester, that's all. The walk’s making it hit me a little.”
Derek stopped, turning to face you, eyes tracing over your face. No doubt he was taking in the deep, almost bruise-colored bags under your eyes that were only sort of hidden by your makeup. Or maybe it was the glossy sheen behind them. Once he had spotted one, the other signs started to jump at him: your fever-flushed cheeks and discolored skin, your dry, cracked lips, the slump of your shoulders, even your unusually loose and ill-fitted clothing. 
You watched his jaw working as he struggled to contain whatever thought was on the tip of his tongue.
“Go ahead and say it,” you said with a sigh, throat burning with the exaggerated airflow.
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re holding back.”
“Baby girl, you look awful,” his tone was flat and his face apologetic. 
You tried to laugh, but it came out in more of a wet cough that made you wince, partially from the feeling, but mostly from the look he now wore.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I’m not. It’s just a little cold,” you protested, the argument weakened by another coughing fit, this one hitting harder and leaving you wheezing. The fit, or the way you swayed, dizzy and unsteady as the blood rushed back out of your head when it was over, seemed to be the last straw.
“That’s it,” he said, tone serious and sharp. “We’re going to my mom’s and she and I are gonna take care of you.”
“Nope. You lost your protest privileges.” He was already steering you back in the opposite direction of where you were headed. “You can call Nino and tell him you won’t be in while I drive.”
“I don’t want to rob you of lunch,” you tried to fight anyway, voice weak and throat raw.
“I’ll eat somethin at home. I can’t believe you’re still tryin to...” he shook his head, muttering fondly about stubborn Irish pains in the ass. 
After begrudgingly making the call to Nino, who sounded shocked but completely forgiving, you decided on one last ditch effort to escape admitting to and dealing with being sick. 
‘Help I’m being held hostage!’ you texted Sean. 
His response came only a moment later. ‘What??????!’ 
‘Your stupid bestfriend is making me admit I’m sick and keeping me from going to work.’
‘He’ A second text came through a moment later. ‘Good.’
‘WHAT? You’re my cousin, you’re supposed to be on my side. Rescue me. Before he sics his mother on me.’
There was a long pause, more than you thought Sean should need to respond. When the message finally came through, you couldn’t help glaring at the screen.
‘I’d rather fight an actual bear than Ma Sandoval.’
‘Ah. So you’re in on it. I see how it is. Your betrayal will not be forgotten.’
‘Feel better soon.’ He added a smile to the end, and you could practically see it as his signature smirk.
‘I hate you.’ 
You sighed, shoving your phone back in your pocket and slumped down in the seat. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would combat the movement of the car and the effect it was having on your headache. You were frustrated at Derek for making you admit something was wrong (even though you knew really that he was right to) and at the fact that it seemed like the minute you admitted it, the symptoms seemed to get immediately worse. 
The next thing you knew, you were stirred from a light doze by a change in movement. Instead of the steady, rocking vibration of the car and the smooth, cool feeling of the glass under your cheek, you were pressed close against something warm and solid, bobbing in a more natural, if uneven, rhythm. Your mind was sluggish but after a moment, and a soft, familiar chuckle as you buried your face into him to escape the sun in your eyes, you realized that it was because Derek was carrying you, bridal-style across the lawn and into his house. 
You suppressed an involuntary whine and the urge to cling to him as he settled you down in his bed. Heavy blankets that smelled like him were pulled up around your shoulders, the sudden warmth making you realize how cold you’d been.
“Not sick my ass,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Get some sleep baby girl.” 
The door clicked quietly behind him and you let the comfortable darkness pull you back under.
Some unknown time later, there was a knock that pulled you out of strange, feverish dreams and you croaked something that you hoped sounded like come in, squinting against the light that poured through behind the person.
“Y/N, you should wake up for a little while,” Derek’s mother said, flicking on a bedside lamp. “I made you soup.” 
You pushed yourself up into a seated position and smiled gratefully at her. “Thank you Mrs. Sandoval.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, you are dating my son, you at least call me Ma. Just like everyone else.”
“Sorry,” you looked down bashfully, the word tasting foreign in your mouth. “Ma.” 
“Why are you not taking care of yourself?” she tutted as she set the bowl down and sat on the edge of the bed. “You are so busy trying to be able to be a fancy lawyer and change the world but you can’t do that if you drop dead. And of a little cold?” 
“And you made Derek worry.” She placed a wrist against your forehead to check your temperature. “He’s going to fret over you forever, now. It’s how he shows his love. I hurt my back a few years ago, and still he is ‘Mami you shouldn’t reach so high, Mami let me get that for you, Mami don’t carry so many heavy groceries.’ Imagine when you have children. They won’t be able to scrape a knee. If your doctor doesn’t put you on bed rest, he will.”
Her words made you choke on the food you had just sipped into your mouth, sending you into a coughing fit that left you short of breath.
“See, you wouldn’t be doing that if you said you were sick to begin with.”
“I just...thought if I took some cold medicine, it would go away on its own. I’ve been so busy. And I didn’t...want anyone to worry, or think anyone would care?” you admitted sheepishly, looking down at the soup in your lap and the blanket over your legs and trying not to think too hard about what you were telling her.
“Mija, look at me,” she said firmly but kindly. When you didn’t follow her instruction, she used a hand to tilt your head up. “You have family now. You don’t have to do everything alone. Now eat  your soup.”
The sentiment, and the matter-of-fact way she delivered it, broke down a dam inside you, and suddenly you were crying, and she was hugging you, rubbing small circles on your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against her. You wanted to attribute your overwhelmed feelings to being sick, but in your heart you knew: it was a kind of acceptance and love that you had never expected, especially from someone who didn’t even have to like you. 
After sitting like that for several long minutes, letting you sob and offering you comfort, she shifted back to nurse-mode. 
“You need more fluids, not letting them all out through your eyes. Eat your soup, and I’ll go make you tea,” she said, nudging you back to rest against the headboard and standing. 
You laughed wetly and tried again to thank her, only to have it waved away.
“How is she?” Derek asked, almost as soon as he walked through the door a few hours later.
His mother laughed, shaking her head wryly. “She will survive. Just needs to rest for a few days. It’s a cold.”
“That’s like asking the tide to take a few days off,” he chuckled, until his mother fixed him with a glare. 
“Maybe if you told her the truth about how you felt, and she didn’t feel like she was on her own trying to be everything, she would.”
“Ma that’s not--”
“Derek Michael Sandoval, do not argue with me,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You have been telling me for weeks now how much you love this girl, and it is obvious to a blind saint. Yet she is sick and doesn’t tell anyone because she thinks it would be a burden no one would want. Now what would give her that idea?”
Derek felt his stomach twist guiltily. It was true that he hadn’t told you he loved you, even though he was completely certain he did. But he thought it was for your benefit, to not scare you off by pushing too hard. He had never considered that it might be making things worse. He opened his mouth, looking for an answer to give his mother and found that he couldn’t get any words out. Instead, he just looked at her helplessly. 
She rolled her eyes. “You are both so stupid.”
You were fast asleep when he slipped through the door, and as he got ready for bed as quietly as possible, he kept finding himself stopping to look down at you. You were burrowed deep in the blankets, wrapped in one of his hoodies in addition as the fever made you shiver. You looked so small and fragile and vulnerable there in his bed, and his chest ached with a need to protect you, a desire for taking care of you and loving to be his entire purpose in life for the rest of his life and it nearly knocked him on his ass. 
As he slid under the covers beside you, you seemed to cuddle closer instinctively, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your hair. “And I know you can’t hear me right now, but baby girl, I promise, I’m gonna make sure you know, soon.”
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luvreyn · 4 years
My Manhwa List (2020) Part 12
Hii! It’s been ages since the last list and hope you’re all doing fine so on to the list!
A Beastly Scandal
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The representative of "purity," and the nation's most popular actress, Yeo Goeun, and the twisted scandal maker, Seo Beomi. In truth, the two of them share a secret. They are "acting as best friends" due to their company's ruse. The two of them look extremely close and affectionate in the reality program, "The BFF Special", but all of this is an act! "I don't plan on becoming friends with you! E.v.e.r." "I don't plan on being friends with you either." In the beginning, they were busy being hostile to each other whenever they met. But as they filmed the show, the two of them became closer, and Goeun, who previously disliked Beomi, has a small change of heart… Beomi continues to approach Goeun, and it can't be told whether he realizes Goeun's feelings or not. The image of Beomi that appears in front of Goeun every time she desperately needs someone, and the image of him she saw in the pub before filming the show overlaps, bringing chaos to her mind. She had thought he was a person who wasn't serious about anything, but she becomes more and more shaken up as he shows his sincere sides to her… Can the two of them resolve their misunderstandings and move on from being "fake BFFs" into "real lovers?"
- plot = 4/5 i just cant get enough of idol themed stories 
- art = 4/5
- i love the fl!! she’s so beautiful and amazing 
- the ml... idk what to say ‘cause his actions annoys me sometimes 
- I D O L S
- hate to love!!
- m y s t e r y 
- conclusion, this is an entertaining read.
New Year's Taste
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Gong In-joo was dumped by her boyfriend, Ahn Geurim, for no reason. In-joo, who has been living while depending on Ahn Geurim all this time, feels the emptiness of losing Geurim and plans to get him back. The first thing in the plan is to arouse Geurim's jealousy! To do this, she tries to seduce Seo-yoon, a handsome junior she met during volunteer work, but Seo-yoon had a crush on someone...What will the end be for the two people who form an alliance to win over love...?
- PLOT = 5/5
- ART = 5/5
- C H A R A C T E R    D E V E L O P M E N T
- i love it cause the mc is sorta problematic and meh type at the first chap but i can see in future chaps that she’s gonna redeem herself and i cant wait for it ‘cause let’s face it we’re not perfect and we grow so props for mc for that
- the chemistry 
- Highly recommending this cause I love it!
Today I Live With You
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I’ll just date someone then, alright?!" Dohee has a crush on her childhood friend, Jaehyuk. In order to distance herself from him, she decides to start dating. But the moment she finds her resolve, she bumps into Wonyoung, who's infamous for being handsome but crazy! Before she knows it, Dohee's days start becoming heart-fluttering from Wonyoung's persistent mischief... With such ups and downs on campus, will Dohee be able to start dating?
- plot = 3/5
- art = 4/5
- idk who the ml is tbh but i’m putting my bet on lighter haired guy
- c h a o t i c  e n e r g y from my bet!!
- bestfriend to lovers?
- tbh mc kinda bores me 
- and same as the bestfriend who dont know his priorities man up man
- conclusion; an okay read
Queen in the Shadows
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This is not a fairytale. No, this is a story of what lurks beyond the “happily ever after.” Once upon a time, Elena assumed the role of Princess Veronica, married the crown prince, and lived happily... until her dutiful knight plunged his sword into her back and the true Veronica stepped out of the darkness. Now, Elena finds herself at the beginning of her cautionary tale. However, this time she intends to do more than play the star of the show. This time, Elena will direct the downfall of everyone who played a part in wronging her.
- plot = 6/5
- art = 5/5
- meet my new fav mc cause i love her so much she deservers the world!!
- fighting crime trying to save her world and she made it just in time the queen of shadows, elena lol
- revenge story? check
- no damsel in distress? check
- powerful woman out to destroy her enemies? check
- tbh she deserves an oscar for how well she’s acting 
- time travel
- no endgame as far as the story (and spoiler)goes and yeah
- CONCLUSION: highly recommended!!
I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game!
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I woke up in a strange bed, with not just one, but two lovers beside me! In this game of love, affection, and deception, I’m Elvia, the Imperial Princess, with a gaggle of men vying for my favor. Sounds great, right? Except this means I'm also stuck as the villainess while the main character is my manipulative maid, Arielle! She’s out to bring me down, and she’s got plans for my harem of men. But I know all her secrets, because I can see her player notifications. Can I beat her at her own game?
- a new fav basically
- plot = 5/5
- art = 6/5 they all look magestic especially my innocent boyo
- badass fl
- I S E K A I 
- i love the twist and turns
- idk and idc abt ml 
- the antagonist is effective cause i literally hate her
- conclusion: highly recommended!!
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Everything that is WRONG in "The Kissing Booth" movie series PART 1
This is the first post of a series that I’m thinking about doing here, where I go around the l aspect of movies, series,... (mostly rom/coms since they are better for social dicussions) and give my personal opinion on them. If you guys like this idea please let me know, and as always feel free to give your own thoughts on the comment section/ask box (and just remembering that, giving your thoughts and sending hate are two different things).
Let’s Start! 
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Before jumping to the topics of discusion, let me start with a quick summary of the story. Elle (our brunnet female lead) and Lee (the sweetheart, yet dumb, supporting character) are best friends since, well... ever. And to maintain this so called friendship, both of them stabilshed a series of rules (don’t worry I’m gonna talk more about them eventually in the post). One rule in specific, is actually what  gets the plot of the first movie going and that is: No dating Lee’s brother (aka Noah, aka the womanizer popular white guy that every girl in the school seems to have a crush on for no apparent reason beside his looks and the fact that he has a motocycle). Anyways, long story short, Elle has a crush on him even tho this is against the rules and from that on the story is bult.
Of course that it has more into it, but I will be talking about in the corse of this post and the following parts. I just want yall to know the very basic thing that’s going on here before going more deep on everything. Now, buckle up and let’s start this shit!
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Let me begin by saying that I do aprecciate the fact that they are trying to make a female character that embraces her feminine side while also maintaining a masculine side, but... lets put some emphasis in the word “TRYING”, shall we? Cause even tho Elle is a very loving, funny, clumsy, and gentle girl, she is also very very very generic. 
Like, I did not start watching this movie expecting anything less than that, but god, was I wishing to be surprised for once. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate her character at all, she is indeed very fun to watch most of the movie, principally when she puts herself into strange situations. My concern with her persona is in reality related to another thing, because let me tell you something, just cause she plays video games and has a boy best friend, that doesn’t make her this so called “cool” girl or the “not like the others” girl.  
I feel like by now that should have already been known, and I also feel like a broken record having to repeat this over and over again, but being friends with a boy doesn’t make you better than any other girl, or different than girls that have mostly girl friends. Actually the Red flag 1# in this movie is that Elle has no female friends what so ever, and worse than that, the movie is constatly comparing her to other generic girls ( the poplular/only care about apparence girls, the goth with a attitude, the girls that are constatly frowning over boys,...) by puting them around her to make her apear more “cool” to the eyes of those watching:
 “She is cool because she doens’t care about aperence like those other girls”;
 “she is cool because she’s social, she talks with everyone” (this everyone being mostly boys);
 “she doens’t get shy when talking to atractive boys, she is so different” 
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What they seem to be unawear (or maybe not so much) is that by doing this, they’re not only promiting a very machist point of view around girls, but also trying to imply that a girl can’t have any of those other features, because if they do they will not appel to the eyes of man. They show us the “wrong options” by enfassising bad behaviors that those girls have, to the bennefit of the one in the lead role, while also promoting female rivality in the process. 
And maybe in the first watch you will not notice all those things, but after analyzing it more deeply, you will see that the movie constatly try to build Elle’s character surounded by a LOT of sexist innuendos, masking it by putting up jokes to break this image (which is not very effective). They want us to believe that they are showing us this amazing and different girl, with dreams and ambisions, but in the end her hole personality is based on her relationship with two boys. And let me tell you something, things do not get ANY better in the second movie.
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I should ask this first before we start: why does your friendship need so many rules? and why breaking them is like the end of the world? 
Before anwsering those questions lets talk a little about Lee, the supporting goofy, kinda cute, clumsy character. 
Through out both movies my thoughts on Lee were very strong tbh. Like, I don’t hate him completly, I actually had fun with his character a lot of times, but I also can’t find myself liking him the amount that I should, given the fact that he is supposed to be the likable best friend who only wishes what is best for his bestie. And thats exactly where the problem lives: Red flag 2# is that what he think is the best most times isn’t, and whenever things go out of his way he gets an attitude about it. 
Most of my dislike for this boy and this friendship, is because of those stupid rules that shouldn’t exist in the first place. I understand that every relationship has a set of unspoken agreements, and I also understand that when you are kids you have those fun (very dumb) ideas like “lets make rules so our relationship stays strong”. But as you grow older, you should know what “rules” you should keep, and what rules you should burn down in the dumpster, principaly because your priorities as you grow change.
You and Your best friend shouldn’t be making your life long desicions based on a set of rules that you two put out together when you were infants, and that’s what pissed me the most about this movie to be honest. 
Elle shouldn’t be restricted about who she should date based on Lee’s dislike for her partiner, she shouldn’t have to go to a college just because her best friend wants her to go to the institute that he is going,... She is a grown person, she shouldn’t feel the need to ask for permision of her friend before choosing to do something, and she shouldn’t feel the need to keep things in secret because he might over react about it. 
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At the same time, it also feels like Elle is using this as an excuse to not have to come over and make decisions for herself. And you can see this more clearly on the second movie, where her only two options for a collage is the one her best friend wants or the one her boyfriend is at. Like, she is 18 y/o and she didn’t even thought about a plan B? what if she wasn’t accepted by those two colleges in the first place? She didn’t think any of this through, before jumping full on board on things. She has all this time to train for a dance competition she never took part on before, but doesn’t have time to think about what she actually wants for her future, beside dating this guy that she doesn’t even know if he’s cheating on her or not??????? And you really want me to believe that she is this person who thinks everything before hand? No, I don’t think so. 
And before you say I’m going too strong on Elle, let me tell you that all of this also applys for the opposite situation as well. Neither of them should feel presured by not breaking those STUPID rules, because if they really are best friends, they should know that the most important thing is seeing the other happy. Being friends with someone shouldn’t give you this much anxiety, you shouldn’t feel the need to constantly be together or to have to do everything with the other, because if you aren’t around one another 24/7 you might lose eachother. Real bestfriends shouldn’t even be affraid to lose the friendship they have in the first place!!!!
Overall the only thing about this two that I can thank for, is their boy/girl relationship with no second intentions, because besides that, all the rest needs to FREAKING STOP!! Maybe a little time away from one another might be good for this two after all.
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I’m not even gonna try to sugar coat this one, cause to be honest I don’t want too. Noah Flynn is a butthole, and beside his looks (that can be totally dicussed since beauty is relative) he has no good or redeemed qualities. 
I can’t find words to express how tired I am to find characters like him in most rom/coms. The popular bad boy with no consideration for anyones sentiments and with a hole bunch of attachment problems and anger issues. He goes around playing with girls, acting like he is king of everything and that he can get whatever he wants by simply smiling and blinking his eyes. And yet, even with all this PROBLEMATIC behaviors, he still has the hole school fangirling over him like he is the last piece of man in the edge of this world (which is another sexist thought, to think that girls would only fall for this kind of dickhead guys). 
And once again, it’s given to the lead female the job to “fix” this piece of shit of a person, but let me tell you something: IT IS NOT HER JOB!!! 
It’s no girl’s job to try to change a boy for the better, his issues should be discussed with a terapist or a psycologist and that’s it. I’m so tired of this “a good girl can change a bad boy” narrative, like is their mission in life to get a really fucked up guy and make them turn good. No, it’s not, FULL STOP!!
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I’m so tired of this stupid and toxic idea, this is disgusting (and I mean it). The amount of girls that end up getting in a abusive realtionships because of this disturbed idea that “he can change” or “he is not like this all the time”. You are his girlfriend!!! He shouldn’t be like that at any time!!!! 
Masking his temperament problems and abusive behiviours with small moments of compasion, small moments where he seem gentle and loving, only to moments later having him going around like a dickweed again. Saying things like: “oh, they where arguing and he just got carried away”, or “he wouldn’t act like that if the other hadn’t provoked him”. HE IS NOT AN ANIMAL, FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!! He is a human being, and if he can’t control himself around others, then he probably shouldn’t be allow to date someone in the first place! It’s not Elle’s, or any other girl, job to go around controling and fixing his shitty atitudes.
And the worse part of it all, is that when shit happens everything is put onto the girl’s shoulders, like he is her responsability after all. “He got into a fight because she wasn’t there”; “he sheatted on her because she fought with him”; ”he acted violent because she provoked”; “he wouldn’t feel jealous, if she weren’t wearing those clothes”,... 
It’s so absurd to see that when Elle is wrong everyone is so quick on their feet to say how wrong she was, how slutty she was, “because this wouldn’t happen if she trusted him” (and I’m not saying I agree with every single attitude of her, because I don’t). But when he is doing something wrong, everyone is changing the focus of the subject, or even worse, DEFFENDING HIM! 
HE IS JUST A CUTE FACE WITH A HOT BODY AND THAT’S IT!!!! To think so many girls that watched this movie want a boyfriend like him, trully is infuriating!! I keep asking myself “what if he wasn’t hot?” or “what if he wasn’t so high up in our society beauty standards?”, I’m sure if he had a different apparence our view and reactions over his persona wouldn’t be so passive. 
Noah’s Red flags scoore: +10,000
I feel exausted after writing all this tbh, I’ll be trying to post part 2 soon, because if you think this is over, let me tell you: IT IS NOT! I will try to go less hard on this movie in part two, I feel like I got a little carried away at the end but I needed to make my point clear. In the second part, I will be talking more about the kissing booth 2 and the rest of the characters, and since I liked the second one way more there will be less specific criticism and more a overall point of view of the plot, for now that’s all I have to say.
Thanks for reading :)
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vampire207343 · 4 years
Venus Mikaelson
What if....Fem!Harry Potter, Stella Lilian Potter died, 10 years after the war with the Dark Lord after her own husband Ron Weasley betrayed her after she catch him having an affair with their bestfriend Hermione Granger. She was reborn into another world as Venus Gilbert.
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My parents Miranda and Greyson Gilbert died last Summer because of my sister Elena who is born a month after me well that's what Everyone tells me that we're twins born in different months from one another. I was in the car with our parents seating beside Elena, when our parents drowned and I also died for about 10 secounds before someone manage to bring me back to life, but every since I return from the dead the mark of the deathly Hallow has reappear on my left arm like a tattoo and my memories of my past life as Stella Potter has return to me as well as my Magic.
After our parents funeral, Jeremy and myself left Mystic Fall for a little while to get away and mourn our parents death, which our Aunt Henna allow us to get away for a time being, Jeremy and I have been to Australia and Georgia during the Summer after our parents death, before we return to Mystic Fall for the new School year.
I also been collecting copies of many Witch Grimoire I find during our travel and I made sure that Jeremy and myself are wearing a Vervain necklace, before we return to Mystic Fall. Which happen to be a Supernatural Central.
   2 months after the First day od School Viki Donovan, who happen to be Jeremy's girlfriend and end up getting turn to a Vampire and was killed by one of the Salvator Brothers, and one of Elena's new Boy Toys. Elena tried to have Damon Salvator compell Jeremy to froget any feelings he currently have for Viki after they killed her.
Elena removed his vervain necklace before Damon compell him again before returning his necklace unknown to both Elena and Damon Salvator that Venus saw what they did to her younger brother.
The supernatural Drama center around Elena, so I avoid her group as much as I can so that I don't get drag to her Drama that might end up killing me. I Meet the Hybird Klaus Mikaelson the guy who wanted to Sacrifice Elena to break the curse that his mother put on him. And Aunt Jenna was the Vampire Sacrifice. If Elena wasn't keeping it secret  from Aunt Jenna what has been happening then she might still be alive. I don't fully blame Klaus for Aunt Jenna's death, I blame Elena and her boy toys. 
 1 and 1/2 years later...
   I meet Klaus Mikaelson's younger brother Kol Mikaelson and the both of us end up falling in love with each other. And evenutally began dating one another in Elena's displeasure but I didn't care about that, Kol is the first guy I ever fell in love with in this new life of mine. But her happinese didn't stay for long, Elena and Jeremy hurt her the worse way by Killing Kol when he tried to stop tgem from reviving Silas the immortal, but they didn't listned  all they cared anout is getting the Cure for Elena so that she can human again, not caring that Venus Loves Kol, they putt a dagger into his heart unknown  to both Jeremy and Elena that Venus saw what they did. She expected this from Elena but not from her brother who she help rise when their parents are to busy with Elena.
    I mourn his death for days, like I did my own parents death and since I am the mistress of Death I was able to summon hos soul by my side he told me about a spell that would be able to resurrect him which Death allow since Kol was not ment to stay dead. I aquired two blood belonging to Elijah and Finn Mikaelson along with Kol's own ash. I aquired Finn's blood before he was kill by Elena and her friends since Death warn me to take a few sample of Finn Mikaelson's blood which I did.
But It took me 4 months to get everything prepared and ready in the Maraduders retreats the house that I build just outside Mystic Fall that no one knows about with the exception of Kol. By the time everythung is ready for the Ritual. Jeremy Was already dead for months during the quest in Elena's search for the cure. Bonnie Bennett girlfriend of Jeremy plan to lower the viel to the other side  just as Venus Gilbert began the ritual bring Kol back to life.
"Le Sang des deux feres, les cendres de leurs morts. Le sang des deux feres, les cendres de leurs morts " Venus Gilbert chanted spell 2 times, during the highest point of the moon.
Which was successful Kol Mikaelson is alive once more as a vampire again but regain something he thought he will never have again after being turn to a vampire, his magic, he js now the Original Heretics.
In the next few days would be their High School Graduation while Kol waited for her in Marauders retreats. Rebekah and her brothers now knew that Venus Gilbert managed to bring their dead brother Kol Mikaelson back to life at the same time Bonnie Bennett brought back Jeremy but their was price to bring Jeremy back to life, a Life for a Life. 
Venus and Kol are waiting at tge end of Graduation before they leave Mystic Fall for good.
But the First Mikaelson to leave Mystic Fallhas been Elijah and Klaus who are now in New Orlean, While Rebekah spend the summer with Matt Donovan traveling like they both agree on before graduating High School. While Kol and I decided to go to England and I'm going attend Combridge University and oddly enough Kol decided to join me to School.
   Kol and myself heard from Rebekah that Klaus gotten a she-wolf pregnant and it's not just any wolf either, it's tge very werewolf that Tyler Lockwoid end up cheating on Caroline Forbes. And Elijah seem to care for the little She-wolf, Hayley Marshall.
Elena and her friends fonally found out from Jeremy that Bonnie is dead. And Elena is devested maybe she will feel a small degree on how I felt when she and Jeremy killed Kol. Elena dosen't know how to handel it, but her boyfriend Damon Salvator was their for her when she discovered that her best friend Bonnie  Bennett is dead.
On May 2, 2012
   Hayley Marshall gaved birth to Klaus Mikaelson's Miracle Daughter Hope Mikaelson, who was taken by the New Orlean witches and they plan on sacrificing the new born, but Klaus, Elijah along with the newly turn Hybird Hayley saved Hope Mikaelson from being Sacrifice.
     Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall gaved their Daughter Hope to Rebekah to hide along side his younger brother Kol and Venus until they had taken care of the problem that want Hope dead.
      Luckly it's school break that Kol and Venus manged to protect Hope along side Rebekah, but it wasn't long When Klaus and the others has taken care of the witches of New Orlean. And Kol and Venus return to England for 1st year, in tge 2nd semester.
3 years later...
Kol Mikaelson and Venus Gilbert finally geaduate College now their moving to New Orlean to help Klaus and the others take care off their long lost Aunt Dahlia who take every first born child of the Mikaelson family as payment for helping her dister Esther Mikaelson have children of her own.
They even meet Klaus and others long lost older Sister Freya Mikaelson who was taken by Dahila when she was give years old. The family is trying to hide 3 years old Hope Mikaelson while they all take care of Dahlia and Easther Mikaelson along with the newly resurrected Finn Mikaelson that taken over the body of Vincent.
And with Kol Mikaelson now being the Original Heretic, he is much powerful than Finn currently is and he might even be stronger than his brother Klaus who's the original Hybird.
    Klaus and the others finally manged to kill Dahlia, Esther and Finn Mikaelson. They were able to save Hope before she is taken from her family. Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall are finally reunited with their little daughter Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
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Davina Claire the wife of Klaus Mikaelson help Hayley and Klaus rised their little daughter.
   Kol and Venus spend travel that year after taking care off Dahlia, Esther and Finn. They travel Alaska and now they are in Paris France where Kol propose to Venus Gilbert, And she said "Yes".
      So the whole family are gathering in New Orlean for Venus and Kol's wedding. But they didn't invited Venus two siblings since Elena might try to ruwin the wedding just so she can stop Venus from marrying Kol and that is something Both Caroline and Rebekah agree that Elena might do if she was invited to the wedding and Venus isn't going to chance it by inviting her sister. Venus use to be so close to her younger brother Jeremy Gilbert until he willingly kill Kol and that is the one thing that Venus would never forgive her brother for. 
1 and 1/2 year later...
On March 15, 2017
    The Hallow took possessed of Hope's five years old body so in order save Hope Mikaelson. They have decided to split the Hallow evenly before all of them going in their seperate ways.
   The first to leave New Orlean is Elijah Mikaelson and he moved to England. Then Rebekah fallow she move in Washington D.C., then their Kol and Venus who left next and they both decided to settle down in Sydney Australia. Then finally Klaus and Davina moved to New York. 
Both Venus and Davina Mikaelson are pregnant their respected husband are excited to have a child with thrir wife.
While Hayley Marshall and her daughter Hope Mikaelson moved in Mystic Fall to attend Salvator Broading School with people like herself.
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Hope made friends with the Saltzman twins Lizzy and Jossie.
5 years later...
Davina and her daughter Faith Rosalinda Mikaelson
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Are visit, Venus and Kol along with their daughter Sadiya Lilian Mikaelson
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They always visit each other when they can, while they are cousin they mostly see one another as sisters. They are only 5 years old but they are already smart enough to know that their Klaus and Kol Mikealson can't be near one another it's to dangerous because of the enity that was split equally between their Aunt and Uncles before they were born to saved Faith's 10 years older half sister Hope Mikaelson who they have never meeg before.
6 years later..
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   Hope Andrea Mikaelson is now 16 years old, but she is jealous of her younger half sister she never meet since she gotten the chance to grow up with their father, while he can't go near her without endanger her life that it feels like I don't exist to him anymore since he never try to contact her the only one stay in contact with her is Her Aunt Freya and that's because she dosen't have a hallow sealed inside her.
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      Elena Gilbert end up marring Damon Salvator but they never had children together. Their is one greatest regret she ever did force Damon to Compell her younger brother Jeremy to Kill Kol Mikaelson to stop him from stoping them search for the so call vampire "cure" but in the end Jeremy end up dead, my sister Venus end hating me and Jeremy for killing Kol. And bonnie lower viel to bring back Jeremy to life in return she died I lost my bestfriend. And Jeremy also end up hating my guts for forcing him to kill Kol which end up our sister Venus hate us even know she still never forgived us for Killing Kol even though she manged to rescurrect him.
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Jeremy Gilbert end up marring a woman he meet in College after Bonnie died and they have one daughter together an 8 years old by tge name of Lydia Rose Gilbert.
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yzkhr · 4 years
"You don't deserve her."
"I really don't."
"She's too good for you."
"She is."
"She doesn't want to see you."
"Yeah, I figured as much."
"She's angry you know."
"I know."
"She hates you."
"She does."
"Then why?"
It took everything in Suzuki Sonoko to not just stand up from her seat in the bench and punch him right then and there. For being too overconfident, for being unbearable, for hurting her bestfriend.
She turned over to face him, expecting to see the same arrogant look he wears everytime she sees him. Instead, what she saw almost broke her heart. It wasn't the Kudo Shinichi she knew from her childhood to teenage days. It wasn't the jerk that always seemed to know everything and boasts it at the crowd every chance he gets. It wasn't the cheeky bastard that's tends to get on her nerves. It wasn't the insesitive prick who's too interested in mysteries.
No matter how hard she stares, it just wasn't him.
What she saw was a man who had too much of this world, tired and weary. A guy who's arrogance toned down by a lot, almost non-existent. Eyes that holds the same knowledge, yet seemed to figure out how to use it. She used to think that he's a child trying to play an adult, but now? An air of maturity flutters around him, showing his tremendous growth.
They bear the same face and features, yet the teenager she's familiar with seemed far too different from the man sitting beside her.
Sonoko never thought the day would come where he'd let down his pride and masculine walls, letting anyone, letting her, see behind them layers of insecurities and weaknesses no one would ever think he possessed. It almost made her give in and tell him.
But then Sonoko was reminded of her. Her devastated form as she opened the giant doors of her mansion to let her in. Her tears that seemed neverending and just got worse as time went on. Her face that Sonoko remembered to be gentle and kind was replaced by pure anger and sorrow. Her pink lips always adorned with a beautiful smile was now turned upside down, showing a frown.
Most of all, her eyes. The Suzuki heiress had always been fond of her bestfriend's eyes. Just like how eyes were the windows of one's soul, her eyes always spoke of her feelings and emotions, all out in the open. Sonoko was accustomed of how her eyes would look like in different situations.
Eyes that would be filled with anger at the sight of a violent criminal. Eyes that shows sadness, when a heartbreaking scene plays out. Eyes that portrays loneliness, when she's eaten by the plaguing thoughts of him. Eyes that always seemed to hold love and kindness, no matter who you may be.
But now? Mouri Ran's eyes were anything but that. Empty shells thats purpose was just to see. Eyes that look shallow and superficial, as if there really wasn't anything there at all. Eyes that look lost, not knowing a single thing.
So she steeled herself, not about to give in from his change of expression. It took more than just maturity to make her cave in and risk hurting her best friend even more.
"It's been a week Sonoko. I just want to see her if she's alright."
"Well, she's not. How can she be? After finding out her boyfriend's been lying to her all this time, letting her believe they're in a long distanced relationship when he's actually living in the same roof as her."
He winced from her words, affected. She wanted to take them back but she pushed even further.
"How can you expect her to be alright when she just got kidnapped by an unknown organization without knowing a thing, only to find out the truth about you in someone else's mouth?"
"How can she possibly be alright when she's depressed over the fact that you don't trust her the same way she trust you? Answer me Shinichi-kun, how!?"
Her scream echoed throughout the desolated park, reminding her even more how alone the two of them are. He called her, first thing in the morning, asking if they could meet. Despite not wanting to, she knew she had to, for Ran's sake.
As expected, his goal was to ask her where Ran is, since everyone had no clue besides her. It had been a week since his big revelation, a week since he last saw of his girlfriend. She knew he couldn't blame Ran though, after what he had put the girl through.
Her best friend went directly to her, asking for temporary refuge, from him or from her own emotions, Sonoko didn't know. (She had a feeling it was from both).
After hearing everything, she wanted to slap him, blame him for what he had put her friend through, but a part of her couldn't it. Maybe it was because of Ran who wouldn't want to see him hurt, or maybe it was Sonoko herself, remembering that he's still her childhood friend, knowing he had been through enough that even a slap would be too much.
"I'm sorry."
She was broken out of her reverie by his quiet answer, that if they weren't alone in this place she wouldn't have heard it.
"I had no choice. I had to protect her. If she knew, they'd go after her. They'd kill her and I can't have that. I wouldn't be able to bear that. So even if it meant lying and pretending, I had to it."
His voice was cold yet sad, carrying too many emotions for Sonoko to figure.
"But she was still kidnapped wasn't she? Even though she didn't know a thing. Wouldn't it have been better if she knew? You could have warned her Shinichi-kun. You could have told her. You could have..."
The great detective of the east froze from her counterattack but a part of Sonoko knew he was expecting her response. He had to have known that. So she doesn't understand why? Why he didn't tell Ran. It just didn't make sense.
"I was scared. Just the thought of her knowing made me fear for her life. I just wanted to protect her, more than anything else."
His voice was low, yet it hold conviction, specially for the last part. His head hung low, as if the ground was more interesting than what was in front of him.
Despite not seeing his expression, Sonoko could hear the desperation in his voice, so uncharacteristically of Kudo Shinichi.
"That's not like you, Shinichi-kun. Usually, you'd be more logical about this things."
Sonoko hated to admit it, but after years of hanging out with him she managed to figure out his personality. He was cocky and tend to be insensitive towards other people's feelings but held a person's life to the highest regard. He has an almost surreal sense of justice like Ran, and would do a lot of things just to help a person out.
But what he was known for was his intelligence. Just like his father, Shinichi was someone who relied on science and facts rather than emotions. But his answer proved to be leaning too much on the emotional side than the logical one.
He laughed and looked up, but avoided eye contact with her. His blue eyes now in Sonoko's view softened as if remembering something.
"I've never been logical when it comes to her."
She thought he would be bitter, frustrated at not getting Ran. But his voice was gentle, fondness evident in his tone. Silence enveloped the two of them. Sonoko didn't know what to say. Her anger was still there but she knew that no matter what she said, he'd still be eager to meet with Ran. And, she hated to accept it, but there was a part of her that wanted them to fix this, both for Ran and his sake.
What would Ran do in this situation? Would she forgive him? Or would she run away instead?
After a few seconds, he decided to face her. His face tinged with seriousness and determination. Blue eyes blazing but tired, he spoke.
"Please. I just want to talk to her. To explain everything. If she still don't want to see me after that, I... I won't push it anymore."
Shinichi's voice got lower and quieter as he went on, that if the park wasn't so isolated she wouldn't have heard all of them. The manner he uttered his words started firm yet ended unsure, too painful for him to even consider his last statement.
Sonoko had never seen him like this, never even imagined that there would come a day the great detective of the east would asked—begged— to anyone, let alone her. It reflected a lot of things he'd been through and just how much he cared for Ran. How much he'd be willing to give for her, even his beloved pride. Just how much Kudo Shinichi loves Mouri Ran.
As she took one more look at his visage full of painful resolution, Suzuki Sonoko made her choice.
"She's in one of the Suzuki family's resthouse. I'm pretty sure she won't let you in so,"
She tossed him the gold key for the resthouse as his faced ranged from disbelief to gratitude, dark orbs gleaming. Sonoko kept her smile, not wanting to give him the satisfaction to see how hopeful she is for them as well.
"Now go, you're such a pain. And so we're clear, I did this for Ran okay? If it weren't for her, I would have seriously just let you drown in misery. I really don't know what she saw that made her fall in love you. You're nothing but a detective geek!"
If he wasn't so intensely focused at the key in his hand, Sonoko was sure Shinichi would have rolled his eyes at her in irritation. If it was the old Shinichi at least. Instead, he gave her a thankful smile and stood up, anticipation so clear painfully clear at his every step.
Before he sprinted away, Sonoko said her final words to her him.
"Shinichi-kun, no matter how many times she'll push you away, don't give up on her okay? It's your turn to wait for her this time."
The heiress and the detective never really see eye to eye. They were polar opposites, from preference to personality. Sonoko was a social person, while Shinichi was an introverted one. She loves to talk to strangers and hang out while he prefers to be curled up with a Sherlock Holmes novel, rereading it for the nth time.
Aside from both being arrogant people, the only thing they have in common was Ran. The two had known Ran since childhood and know how naive and innocent she can be. They're also aware of Ran's selfless nature, putting others before herself. Because of that, they put it upon themselves to be the ones to take care of her, while she's busy taking care of someone else.
Even though Ran was aversed to the idea of seeing him again, Sonoko knew it was simply her best friend's defense mechanism. She was just too wounded and hurt from the events that unfolded but deep down, Sonoko knew that her best friend wanted nothing more but to be with him.
Besides, despite Shinichi's countless mistakes, he tried to make it up to Ran in the form of Conan, the very same source of all his blunders. Despite have a body that of a kid, he really tried to protect Ran with the very best of his abilities. He also tried to comfort her, whenever she's sad because of his flase absence. That was more than enough for Sonoko to consider telling.
Being reminded of all the times Kudo Shinichi saved and protected Mouri Ran, Suzuki Sonoko thought he was almost good enough for her best friend.
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
Look who's back 😜😜 6 with Billy please! They meet for the first time and Y/N's quite bitchy (sarcastic, quick comments etc). But Billy know it's an act and she's actually quite nice and shy 🐼
Princess [Blurb]
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6. “I like the good things in life, darling.”
 Note: Aaaaah I missed you so much!!! 💕 I hope you're doing well, lovely! 💕 I hope you don't mind me taking Billy out the Ghosts context and making of him a "normal" parkour expert - he's parkouring with Storror: law - and I hope you'll enjoy it!!! 💕
New Year's Eve was your favorite time of the year, as you could put glitter all over your body and face and nobody would care, everybody would admire your pretty face shining in the middle of the room filled with strangers as you danced the night away, along with your partner in crime. You would never feast without her because she made you feel safe and you could be yourself around her. You didn't have to please, you could be your quirky self. And when she invited you to a party one of her friend's held in a club for New Year you agreed immediately. And when she told you it was an seventies themed party you lost it all. You were already looking for a sparkling dress on the internet.
And when the day had come, you couldn't resist to put some glitter on your eyelid and a red lipstick to match your delicate skin and your peachy glittery long dress. Your friend's mouth went agape when she saw you standing in front of her as you opened the door when she came to pick you up. She clapped her hands in excitement and you couldn't take your eyes off her beautiful black glittery flare pants, her booty would rock the whole world tonight.
The club you came into had an immense disco ball on the ceiling, reflecting the purple lights all across the room between dancing bodies – often holding a flute in hand as they chatted carelessly. From all the parties you went to, this one looked the best so far, and you absolutely loved it just from looking. The music caressed your ears as you recognized the bands which were blasting from the loud speakers, and before you could dragg both of you on the dancefloor to dance forever and ever she captured your hand to bring you to a quieter place where – probably – her friend waited for both of you.
“Blaine,” your friend exclaimed joyfully as a black man turned himself to face her and immediately on his face appeared a smile.
“Lovely, you're here,” he replied before she jumped into his arms like a kid and you couldn't help yourself but smile. “I'm so glad you came, I was afraid you wouldn't!”
“Missing Blaine's party would be a sin and I know that! And I brought a friend,” she added excited before turning and stretching her arm towards you. “Y/n, come come! You need to meet Blaine!” And with a smile, a confident smile hiding your shyness, you came towards them. “Blaine, this is y/n, my bestfriend! And y/n, this is Blaine!”
“Your future boyfriend,” he precised and she just rolled her eyes. “Nice to meet you, y/n. I hope you'll have a great time here!”
“I don't doubt that my bestfriend's boyfriend organized a great party in here,” you teased and she hit your forearm as you giggled. “We'll discuss about hiding boyfriends later, you little snake!”
“I'm not a snake,” she protested, pouting and Blaine put his index on her cheek.
“Yes, you're absolutely not a snake,” you corrected with a smirk. “I'm going to make myself at home then, leaving the bird with the snake,” you stated and went away before your bestfriend's hand could reach your skin again.
And as you made your way through the dancing crowd, you looked back at your bestfriend being kissed on the cheek by Blaine: what a little snake she was! You were happy, but sad. You hoped that this year would be like the others, you spending your night with her, in a club or in a bar dancing together and laughing about the past year and hoping for a better new. Not tonight, your karma said. What a bitch, you replied before taking a shot while you sat at the bar.
You proceeded to take a few drinks, your fingertips circling on the edge of the glass as you looked for your bestfriend from time to time, right behind you. You finally decided to go and sit in a calmer corner, and began to scroll on your Instagram feed during a few minutes, sighing from time to time. Maybe not the best New Year's Eve party finally, maybe not...
“Darling, can I join you,” you heard a voice above your head and you saw a Latina girl with eyes as beautiful as stars in the moonlight wearing a silk night blue dress.
“Of course,” you babbled and put your phone away as you looked at her and she waved into a man's direction with a wide smile.
“I'm Amelia,” she presented herself as she sat right next to you.
“I'm y/n,” you replied with a faint smile.
“And this is Billy,” she said as a blond man came right after her with two drinks in hands before looking at you. Your eyes locked and you could swear that you saw a faint glow in his eyes. Under the club's light his eyes looked like pearls and you couldn't take yours from his. This moment could have lasted forever, or just a few micro-seconds. “He's a bit stupid, but I love him anyway,” she added with a quick movement of her hand before looking at him with a smile. “I love you Billy.”
“You always love me when you're drunk,” he teased before handing Amelia her drink.
“Can't a woman love her bestie just like that, what do you thing y/n,” she asked before dunking her lips into the alcohol.
“I think she absolutely can,” you replied siding with her as Billy just sighed. You crossed your legs and leaned forward a bit.
“You're not helping, beauty,” he said before attempting to catch his glass but you were quicker than him and you had your hand already on the glass. He looked at you, and with a smile you drank from his glass. Fruity. Delicate. Nice taste.
“Billy, I love her more than I love you now,” Amelia stated as she began to laugh when she saw Billy's expression when you drank from his glass. She put her hands around your neck, hugging you joyfully. With the corner of your eye, you looked at Billy and tried to guess him emotions. Anger? Pity? Was he impressed or vexed?
“Good for you, Amelia,” he snapped dryly. He was vexed, definitely.
“I'm so so sorry for drinking from your glass,” you cooed as Amelia let you go, with your eyelashes fluttering and making your eyelids shine even more than they did. “Poor little boo, do you want me to offer you a drink?”
“Unlike you, I can pay myself something without stealing.” He wanted to play, and you had nothing to lose.
“Who said I couldn't pay myself something, playboy,” you asked innocently and Amelia just rose her shoulders.
“You stealing my drink apparently.”
“I like the good things in life, darling,” you replied with a little smirk.
“This was all fun and games Billy,” Amelia intervened with a drunkish smile and Billy sighed even more. “Look at this angelic glittery face, y/n's an angel,” she stated with a little sparkle in her eye before she heard a song and began to clap. “An angel that will dance with me right now because I love this song!” She got up and grabbed you by your hand, leaving Billy and his empty glasses in the corner.
It became a little bit too hot inside for you, so you insisted to go on the terrace by yourself, leaving Amelia and your partner in crime inside. You had to think about... Things. And alcohol and the noise and the heat wouldn't help you. You didn't want to come in, but you began to feel the chills on your skin.
Here, you could calm down for a moment, not be the social butterfly you were in order to hide your shyness and everything that surrounded it. You developed this capacity to cope with loneliness, and it drained your energy away every single time but it gave you the opportunity to meet amazing people too. So it seemed to be worth it.
Suddenly, you felt a jacket on your shoulders. You immediately rose your head to see who tried to save you from a cold, and you saw Billy. The guy you teased during the whole evening. You couldn't put a finger on what you wanted from him, what your inner slut wanted and what your inner timid girl wanted, but all both of them knew was that he was just an adorable target to annoy because of the pouty face he made everytime you said something.But now, without any audience, your sharp tongue was gone.
“You're hiding here then,” he said before sitting next to you. “I was wondering where the thief went, and I found you here.” You looked at him and shyly smiled before sighing.
“Thanks for the jacket, I was freezing out here.” You felt his gaze on you, and your lips suddenly went dry.
“Don't steal my jacket,” he teased you this time and you rolled your eyes.
“I won't I promise,” you whispered. “So, Billy, what you're doing in general? Besides letting strangers steal your drinks and jacket.”
“I do parkour, I'm part of a team right now, we're not doing anything big but well... It's still fun and stuff.”
“That's so cool,” you said dreamily, and he looked right in your eyes. Oh shit, your inner slut stopped breathing.
“And what do you do,” his raspy voice caught you off guard. Dear lords. You lost it all.
“I'm an art teacher,” you babbled, you began to drown in his eyes. It was suddenly so hot outside.
“The only art I see here is you,” he replied as he caressed your cheek gently.
You couldn't quite figure how you found yourself pulling him closer but the collar of his white shirt to kiss you. Your lips burning red dancing with his, you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin and slowly his lips against your neck as you closed your eyes with your fingers wandering in his blond locks. You gasped and he whispered into your ear.
“I also like the good things in life, darling.”
115 notes · View notes
cilliansaccent · 5 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 8
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
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Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 1,860
!!Warnings!!: None.
Date: End of July, Early August 2016
Chapter Name: Bestfriends are Forever... 
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela says goodbye to the Cast and Crew as her last day as an intern before she gets an interesting surprise at the end of the day... 
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Since the day out in Bath and the kiss Gabrijela shared with Cillian, working with him was strange. There was this unspoken thing between them, they both wanted each other but they had no idea what to do with that thought. 
The fact that she was a worker and he was her employer, it was not right to dwell on those feelings. But it was so hard. 
And then there was Logan, who was making it even harder. He was proving himself to be a wonderful man, he treated her kindly, took her out for dinners whenever they were free. The sex was magical, he made sure she was feeling fine during each session as she had come clean about her hell with her ex. Logan had been understanding and kissed her long into the night and worshipped her body. 
She started to like Logan a lot, he had bought her little gifts such as books or music for her to listen to since she had a CD Player in her apartment thanks to Logan. 
Gabrijela found herself smiling whenever he texted her, checking in if she was okay after her trip back home. Or even after a very stressful day, he would call her up. 
Now that filming was at its halfway point, there were times where she would have to travel further and spend the night at a motel, sharing a room with Logan. And somehow word got out they were a couple, Gabrijela blushed when her friends teased and poked at her. And yet, the pair seemed to just... go along with it. 
And not too long they ended up calling it official. They celebrated the day with a night out with the group, spending it at a local pub as their weekends began to be clogged up with filming and preparing major scenes. 
Cillian found out one morning when he had overheard some girls chatting about Logan and Gabrijela being a thing now. It broke his heart, or well, made him upset... No, it broke his heart. But what was he honestly supposed to do? He should be happy she was with someone closer to her age. He had caught the pair behind low traffic areas on set all over each other, kissing and touching... 
He kept on walking, away from it. But when she was close to him, helping him put on his shoes or vest or jacket and fixing up anything out of place... He couldn't help but touch her hip. 
And she didn't back away or push his hand. She looked up at him and saw the desperation in her eyes. The want and need she had for him, but the moment Logan's voice filtered in, she turned away and all that emotion for him was gone. As if she didn't want to let him see it anymore, as if it was a sin. 
Cillian cherished the small moments they had together, she had still managed to keep their friendship strong. When she had time, she made sure she had time for him and invited him to her apartment so they could listen to a new song or old songs from their favourite bands. Or go out of her way to buy lunch for him or she bought it for most of the cast with the help of some friends of hers when the day became terribly busy. 
Her kindness and care for him remained, it never wavered. Cillian never felt so drawn to someone as fiercely as ever, Gabrijela had shown genuine interest and love, there was no faking it. She was tentative to his needs and was always there when he wanted a good chat when things became stressful. And he reciprocated the feelings back and he always loved the look on her face. 
The worst was whenever they spent a day or a few hours together, even during lunchtime she had come over, his feelings for her grew each and every day. 
All he wanted was to gather her in his arms, kiss her and whisper sweet words that would make her freckled cheeks blush and bring upon that goddess of a smile that would light up her eyes. 
He wanted to lay with her, on their sides and facing each other, staring longingly before he would kiss her and take her gently. He'd drag out a moan from her, pulling their bodies in and be locked with her. 
He wanted to wake up every morning with her at his side, turn over and whisper the words that seemed to settle deep within his heart. 
He wanted to take her on an adventure around the globe, spend every waking moment with her. 
He wanted a life with her, despite the age gap and every other possibility that could hinder their relationship. 
But Cillian would appreciate the small moments he had with Gabrijela even when another man made love to her body and made her smile in a way no one would. Not even him now. 
He would work with her, be as close as friends in the months that passed. He would do whatever it takes to make her the best person through this internship of hers. There were some days where she did not show up, he had learned she was to take some online exams and she had been studying full out while she was here. 
Gabrijela had not just worked on the set of Peaky Blinders either, there were times where Allison had trusted her enough to handle smaller projects for small plays and send her off to other parts of London to work with other people. It was fantastic, she would be working another four months after she would leave Peaky Blinders. She had to extend her stay here, her parents seemed iffy but they saw how happy she was. So they let her stay. 
Even began to pay for her rent despite she was being paid for the four months she was at this play. Even the extra month and a week for free time for herself. 
But it came the time for Gabrijela to say goodbye to the cast she had called family. It was a crazy madhouse but she enjoyed every moment of it. 
The cast all gave their farewells to her, hugging and giving her a large poster of all the cast before and now and it was all signed. The back of it had a heartfelt message. Gabrijela would cherish it, she wasn't the type to be annoyed. She loved anything that was given to her, but just no food. That was something she didn't like. 
They had even taken a group photo all dressed up and in the famous street, Watery Lane. 
Once the goodbyes were said and last hugs, she finally left with the giant poster and a cap signed by Cillian. She smiled as she sat on the train and hugged the cap to her chest, Logan beside her and playing on his phone. 
She hoped she would see Cillian sometime during the next few months, especially before she'd leave. He really had an impact on her, soul, body and heart. She realised, despite being with Logan, she would always love Cillian. And not just as a friend. 
Once they got off the train, they walked down the street together, hand in hand. "Have a good day?" Logan asked her. 
"Yeah, I did. I'm gonna miss it." She said, looking up at her boyfriend. 
"I'm gonna miss you and our fun." He nudged her, she giggled. 
"I'll come by and visit." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
As they neared her apartment, someone was sitting at the stairs. 
Gabrijela squinted and saw the familiar wild black curly hair and the pink fluffy jumper.
"Oh, my god. Lucia?!" Gabrijela gasped. 
The black girl turned and beamed, "GABBIE!" She cried and ran to her, the two girls clutching each other and laughing. 
"Oh my god!! Lucia!" Gab cried again and hugged her tightly. 
"Hello! Finally! Oh my god, am I glad to see you!" Lucia cupped her face and giggling. 
"Oh, its good to see you too, beautiful." Gab was almost in tears. 
Lucia spotted Logan walking over, carrying the things Gab had dropped. 
"Damn, who is this hunk of a man?" Lucia smirked and pulled away, holding her hand out. "Lucia, nice to meet you..." She trailed off. 
"Logan." He laughed and shook her hand, "Gab's boyfriend." 
Lucia gasped and looked at Gab, "Boyfriend?!" 
"Oh god, Logan." Gab pouted, "Yeah. We clicked." 
"Oh my, lucky girl." Lucia giggled. 
It started to rain, "Let's go inside. I'll make us tea or something." Gabrijela said. 
"Oh, no. I better head home. It's another long day tomorrow." Logan shook his head, handing Gab her stuff. 
"Aw, come on. I need to hear the details." Lucia said. 
Gabrijela sighed and gave a look to Logan and it convinced him. 
"Only for a bit, then I gotta get going." He said. 
The trio got into the apartment and got comfy. Gabrijela made tea for them all as Lucia began to shoot questions left, right and centre. Lucia explained how she wanted to surprise Gabrijela by coming here for two weeks and to travel around with her since she was now free. But then it came to how Logan became Gabrijela's boyfriend soon enough. 
Gabrijela answered briefly when it came to the sex and Logans... size downstairs. 
Logan seemed to not want to answer to much about it either, "I don't find that appropriate." He said to Lucia who looked pouty. 
"Why not? It shouldn't be too shameful." Lucia said sipping her tea. 
Gabrijela sat beside Logan, a hand on his thigh. 
"Well, I don't like to talk about it." Logan quipped, scowling a little. 
"Fine, how long have you two been dating then?" Lucia asked, scoffing. 
"Almost a month now," Gabrijela replied, not really liking how Lucia was behaving childishly. 
"Nice. Let's hope it lasts." She said with a hint of annoyance. 
"What did you say?" Gabrijela glared at her. 
"I just said let's hope it lasts." She shrugged and put her empty cup down. 
"Lucia, what's wrong, huh? I thought you'd be happy." Gabrijela seemed upset. 
"Hey, okay. I think uh you best be going, Lucia." Logan said, keeping an arm around Gabrijela. 
"Why? Am I bothering you?" She stared at him with a hard look. 
"No, but you are making your best friend here clearly upset." Logan shot back. 
She sighed and stood, "Fine. I'll go." She said and just... left like that. 
Gabrijela sighed heavily, "She does this all the time. And not just with you, with my other friends." She said, looking up at him. 
"Doesn't seem healthy. Or good behaviour." He kissed her forehead. 
"I'll see what's up tomorrow." She said and stood up with him. "You don't want to stay?" She wrapped her arms around his waist. 
"I'd love to, but I got an early start tomorrow." He leaned down and kissed her deeply, "I'll stay tomorrow night." 
She smiled, "Okay. You take care." She murmured and kissed him once more before he also left as well. 
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That Girl Will Never Be Mine (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: I always feels Tae is a possesive lover too. I always feel that because he is so good looking and also an incredible person, he (or people) might think that he will get whoever he likes but I think he will somehow fall in love with a girl who didnt fall for him at first sight like most and had to actually work to get her. So, I love your idea of "shes so beautiful, she has a lot of suitors" because a little competition andd a jealous tae? Well, that sounds like a plotline to me ❤ and I am sorry if this is not my best work
Also,this is inspired by this  drabble with the same title. You can read the drabble here first or just continue reading this story 💜
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Taehyung waves off to the screaming fans one last time before the stage recline down, hiding all seven members from the crowd, his face etches from smiling.
"Good job guys! Another successful show, I am proud of you," Namjoon patted each of their backs and ruffles Jungkook's hair before bowing and thanking the rest of the staff, crew and their team for another successful concert in their tour. The other six members, including Taehyung did the same and retreats back to the dressing room, slumping hinself on the chair. Taehyung took out his phone as the others starts chit chatting, discussing about whether they should take a shower now of wait until they are back in their hotel room while some are already removing their makeup and changing out of their stage outfits. Taehyung glanced at his phone.
Of course.
Dozens of texts and misscalls, hundreds of notifications, but none from that one person that he actually want to hear from.
None from Y/N.
Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh as he scrolls emotionlessly through the texts.
"Oh wow, hyung got a lot of booty calls," Jungkook laughs as he reads Taehyung's text over his shoulder. "Baby, call me after your concert. Taetae, my room number is 801, Tae, remember me?" Jungkook read the texts in a girly voice, mimicking the flocks of girls who left the texts.
"Shut up brat," Taehyung roll his eyes and tossed the phone on the dressing table.
"Why are you so grumpy? Maybe you should take on one of those invitation then, to ease up a little hyung," Jungkook laughs and went over to his station.
"No thanks. Not interested,"
"Kookie, you should know by now Tae is only interested in girls who is not interested in him," Namjoon laughs out loud. Taehyung glares at the leader through the mirror.
Fine, make fun of him. He dont care.
"Why is it so hard to even reply to any of my texts? I left her multiple before we started the show!" Taehyung grumble.
"Shes just not interested in you Tae. Wake up already!" Jimin chimes in. "Dont you ever think that you didnt see her because shes practically hiding from you? Shes not interested, move on already,"
"She might not be now, but I'll make sure she will be mine soon enough," Taehyung greeted his teeth with determination.
"We just finished a good show. A bunch of girls just passed out because you look their way and Y/N is the first thing you can think about?"
"Shes always what I'm thinking about Chim! I dont care how many girls want me, all I want is her. Urghh, what is it about me that she hates so much anyway?" Taehyung leans towards the mirror and examine himself. Why wont Y/N like him? What is he lacking? "Thats it, I'm calling her!"
"Suit yourself. We all know theres no point in stopping you anyway," Jimin shrugged and walks away.
Taehyung immediately reached out for his phone that he tossed earlier and press speed dial number one.
Mine ❤
After a few rings, Y/N picks up. Well, she kind of have to. They are friends. Its not weird for her to answer his calls  Although Taehyung wants nothing more than to be more than friends ever since he met her that first day BigHit sent him and Jimin to their new highschool. Just a shy, absolutely beautiful, art student. Taehyung who was usually easy going and friendly suddenly turned tounge tied when hes around her, but someway, some how, he managed to be friends and the two of them and a few other friends become a whole group of besties. That was way back, and what Taehyung hope to only be a highschool crush develop into a full on feeling of in love.
Kim Taehyung is in love with Y/N, and its either she didnt know it or pretended that she doesnt.
"Hello? Y/N?" The line was noisy on the other side. Is she outside? If she does, with who? Not with men right? Why didnt she tell him shes going out? He texted her all the time to tell her what hes doing. Eating, praticiting, shooting, recording, everything!
"Tae? Taehyung! Hiiii! I thought you are busy on tour! Why are you calling?" Y/N's voice sounded chirpy, and it immediately melts his heart. All thoughts of anger melted away. Thats how big of an impact Y/N has on him.
"The concert just finished..." he grins. Baby. Urghh he wanted so bad to say those words to her, to call her that, but he knows he cant. Y/N only sees him as a friend. For now. "Didnt you read any of my texts?" he questioned out loud, wandering why didnt be received any reply from her.
"Oh sorry Tae. I'm outside with the gang and I didnt expect you to call, or text me, since you are on tour and all," Y/N giggles. "Oh my god, you should have seen Jae hyun! What he did was so funny! He-"
"Why is it so noisy? Iant it late at night there? Are you at a bar? Are you out drinking? Since when do you even drink?! When are you coming home?" Taehyung cuts her off, not interested to know about Jae Hyun or any other guy for that matter, especially one that is making her laugh. He should be the only one who makes her laugh!
"Well, the gang are. You know I dont drink Tae," Y/N giggles. "Why are you calling?"
Her question turn Taehyung's mood turned sour immediately. Here he is, missing her like crazy even in the middle of tour, in the mjddle of a super busy schedule and she dont even bother to read his text on the account of being outside having fun with some guy? Sure, Jae Hyun is one of his bestfriends too. In fact, he is sure Y/N is hanging out with their usual gang, but its not fair how they are outside living their normal life with Y/N and he is here, stuck performing. He wants to go out with Y/N too!
Yeah, people say hes lucky. To be debuting, to have a great career and awesome brothers as his band members and sure, Taehyung is happy and grateful too. But if only Y/N is his, then his life would be perfect. Y/N and him used to be the closest duo in their group but all that changes after he debuted. Packed, busy schedules take his time away from his friends, and Y/N and little by little they drifted apart, and now, with his packed schedule all year round, he dont know if he can recreate the closeness between him and Y/N again. Oh, how he wished his longing and feelings for her dissapeared just like their closeness.
Its true what Jungkook said. He can have his pick from the various girls in his phonebook, but none of them can even come close to how Y/N makes him feel.
"I'm just calling my best friend. Is that wrong?" Taehyung snapped. "If that best friend bothered to checked and replied my texts, hundreds of them, I wouldnt have to call now would I?"
"Tae... I'm sorry. I really didnt noticed, and I was just asking," Y/N's sighed sadly. "Why are you angry at me? Please dont be ang-"
"Just forget it! Have fun with the boys!" Taehyung angrily hangs up the call, huffing.
He knows he shouldnt be mad. Heck, he has no right to be mad, they are friends, and Y/N is not obligated to reply lr answer his calls if she didnt want to, but thats how it always is. He got angry when he thinks about how she is fine without him. He gets mad when he thinks about every second shes with someone else and not him. He didnt talk to any of his friends for a month once when Y/N has a boyfriend for two weeks before.
Afterall, he is Kim Taehyung. Theres nothing he hates more than what he cant have. and right now, thats Y/N.
Y/N sighed and slipped her phone back in her bag.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Her best friend giggles, knowing how uncomfortable Y/N will be when she calls Taehyung that.
"He is not my boyfriend!" Y/N denies quickly. "But yes, its Taehyung,"
"I really dont get you Y/N. Kim Taehyung wants you. The Kim Taehyung! And you rejects him? Boy, you are really something else," her friend shakes her head. "The best friend turned idol slash international superstar and still madly in love with the best friend from high school only happens in fan fictions Y/N, and yet here you are. Happening right to you, and you rejected him? What is so wrong with Taehyung anyway?" She looks straight into Y/N's eyes trying to find and answer. When she find none, she shrugs. "Just, I dont know, think about it okay? Maybe its not such a bad idea, to be with him,"
"What are you even talking about? Taehyung is my best friend. Our, best friend," Y/N looks at her in disbelief. All of them hangs out together since they were teenagers doing homework together, its not possible for Taehyung to likes her. Especially now when he practically owna the world. Most of their friends had said that Taehyung harbour feelings for her, but that couldnt be true right? They are just friends. Have been for a long time even before Taehyung debuted. Sure, he was a trainee when they met and Y/N enjoyed being his friend. Sure, they were the closest duo before, maube Taehyung is a bit fond of her rather thab the others, but in love? Y/N chuckle to herself. It cant be.
She cant deny that Taehyung is really good looking, funny, charming, attractive and owns all the others positive things about him. and at one point in their friendship, she did have a crush on him. The two of them were so close when they first met. They did everything together, they are the typical high school bestfriends that are inselarable. But after Taehyung debuted.. well, thats when things starts to change for them. Is it his busy schedule or is it his changing attitude now that he is an idol that makes them drift apart, she cant tell, but one thing is for sure, the feelings she thinks she had before has dissapeared.
"Yeah, a friend. To us, not to you Y/N. I am pretty sure he wants to be more than that," Soo Young grins.
"No he doesnt! You know Tae is nice! He treat all his friends nicely," Y/N shrieks, but she knows its no point. They jabe had this argument a million times before.
"He is nice but I dont see hundreds of text from him in my inbox. Or sudden anger when I hang with a bunch of guys," she smirks. "Just face it will ya? Kim Taehyung loves you, and definitely more than just a friend,"
"Stop it Soo Young, he does not!" Y/N tries to deny it, but looking at the text Taehyung just sent her, Y/N got a feeling that somehow maybe her friend is right.
I'm sorry for snapping at you Y/N. I am just tired with tour and I miss you. I miss you very much and it just.. you know.. affect my mood. I'll call you early tomorrow morning okay?
Xoxo, Tae
Taehyung woke up early the next morning, which is unusual for him, especially the morning after a full blown concert. But sleep is not an option when all he can think about is Y/N and how he unnecessarily snapped at her last night. Granted, he did this so many times already. His jealousy always takes over and he always ended up snapping at her, which leave him with a big sense of regret later.  But he just cant control himself. Taehyung just wants Y/N all for himself.
Sure, he sent her a text saying sorry. And he waited for hours for her reply. Just a simple OK would do, but none. Y/N didnt reply anything. Is she that mad at him? Did his jealousy finally blew his relationship, if there was even any, over?
Taehyung sighed and ran his hand through his hair before reaching up for his phone.
1 new message.
With excitement and sheer hope, Taehyung quickly click it open, hoping and praying that it would be Y/N.
And sure it is, there, the name he waited so all night to grace his screen appeared.
Mine ❤
Even better, it wasnt just a text, but a photo. A photo of her beautiful face smiling at the camera, which looks like shes inside a plane, with a ticket held up covering half her face, showing the destination. Taehyung scrolled down to read the caption, heart racing.
Sorry Taetae, I fell asleep lastnight the moment I got home. Me and the gang are on our way to you ❤ we are attending your tour! Surprise! See you in a few hours.
Is this reall happening? Shes not angry at him. She coming to see him!
Y/N is coming to see him perform! Taehyung grins widely to himself, letting out a deep chuckle without realizing. He has never felt this happy in his whole life.
Y/N is coming to see him! Nevermind that shes coming with the whole gang, that part was long forgotten by Taehyung already. This is finally going to be the best tour ever!
"Hey Tae, I think your schoolnates are here. They managed to pushed through and be at the front," Hoseok turns back to Taehyung after peeking through the curtain from the backstage. Its minutes to their concert for that night, at the crowd is packed, expected of another sold out concert, but Taehyung cant seems to stop talking about how his "gang" from school is coming tonight, so Hoseok cant resist but to give it a peak.
"Hobi, I think you got it wrong. Tae doesnt care about his friends. What matters is, is Y/N there?" Namjoon chuckles as Taehyung gives him a glare.
"Yah, I care about both my friends and Y/N hyung. Okay fine, I care about Y/N a little more," he grins. "Is she there Hobi-hyung?"
"Cant see really clearly, but I think so, yes Tae," Hoseok rolls his eyes. All of the boys knows what Y/N looks like by now. Well, they should, with how much Taehyung talks about her, showing her pictures to them. "This is going to be the best show you will ever give dont you Kim Taehyung?" Hoseok smirks.
"What are you even talking about?" Taehyung shrugs, feigning ignorance. "I always give my best performance hyung,"
"Yeah?" Hoseok looks at the younger man, who is grinning from ear to ear and laughs. "If you say so Tae. But I can tell tonight is going to be better," he chuckles.
Its obvious to everyone, Kim Taehyung is absolutely whipped by his own classmate. A girl who he will never get.
Taehyung felt giddy all over. He cant wait to start. He have all this energy in him and he just cant stop smiling. This is the first time Y/N actually came and see him perform live. Sure, she and the gang has watched his performances on tape and videos before, but shes right here, in front of him, at the front row of his concert. There might be thousands filling up the stadium tonight, but Taehyung already knows that his eyes will only be seeing one person throughout the night.
His eyes search the crowd the moment they entered the stage, followed by a huge roar of shouts and applause from the crowd. But nothing can distract him from locking his eyes on Y/N tonight. He expects to see her looking at him, smiling and waving, cheering him on, fueling his energy and passion more, but what did he see?
Y/N is not even looking at the stage.
In fact, shes busy talking, no, giggling, like a school girl in front of their crush with some guy who is standing beside her.
What the actual hell?
Taehyung is pretty sure he dont know him. He must be some random fan attending the concert. But why is he obviously flirting with his girl? Just like what he intended to do, Taehyung cant stop keeping his eyes of them, although its more glaring at the two of them rather than looking at Y/N now. And seriously, those two just wont stop laughing and talking. Why does this always happen? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful? Attracting guys anywhere she went?! Taehyung growls to himself.
This is not a coffee shop for them to have a date! Its a damn concert.
So watch the damn concert already!
"Tae!" Namjoon hissed at him backstage as the 6 of them retrieve back to give space for Jungkook's solo. "What the hell is going on?"
"What do you mean hyung?" Taehyung sighed and plop down on one of the couches, gulping down a bottle of water  . He knows exactly what Namjoon is talking about, but there is no way he is going to admit that.
"Oh please, you know exactly what I am talking about. Keep your head in the show Tae. And stop screwing up!" Namjoon huffed and walked away. Taehyung sighed. He knows he should focus on the show, its only for two hours, but how can he when the girl of his dream is right in front of him, and shes not even looking at him?
Taehyung tried to concentrate for the rest of the show, but failed miserably. He missed a lot of the cheography, accidentally hit the other members on stage, causing them to stumble and even forget a few of the lyrics. All the while, glaring and shooting daggers at Y/N and the guy's direction. Sure, his fans thinks its cute and assume that its part of the performance, some even say Taehyung is giving off an angry vibe which is considered hot and sexy, but the other members knows better and by the end of the show, all of them shakes their head and shot him a look of dissapointment.
Taehyung sighed, dissapointed at himself for letting a girl mess with his head as he takes off his makeup and change out of his stage costumes.
"Taetaeeee! Your performance is amazing!"
Taehyung whipped his head around to see the girl that is haunting his life  smiling and beaming cheerfully at him. Shit, how can he forgot he invited her to backstage later. He even offered to take Y/N out for coffee after the show and send her home and why is it he suddenly feel his anger start to dissapear just from aeeing her face?
No, keep your ground Taehyung. She should know what she did!
"Really?" Taehyung snickered. "How can you know?"
"Huh? What do you mean Tae?" Y/N took a step forward and looks at him with confusion.
"You said my performance is great. How did you even know? You are so busy selling yourself to some guy you just met!" Taehyung is full of anger now that the image of the two of them flashes back into his mind.
"What? Taehyung. Why are you saying things like this? He is just a new f-"
"I dont want to hear it," Taehyung raised a hand to stop her. "Know what, just go home Y/N. Im tired and Im going to have some rest," Taehyung starts to pick up his bag and start to walk out but Y/N held back his hand.
"Tae, whats wrong? You said we can go out to coffee to catch up or something remember?"
"Do you think I'm in the mood to have coffee right now Y/N?!" Taehyung pulls backs his hand aggressively.  "Just go home! Ill see you later,"
"But Tae. I-"
"Just go. Bye," without listening to another word from Y/N, Taehyung walks out, slamming the door behind him, missing what Y/N said next.
"But Tae.. I have asked everyone else to go back and I have no way to go home now.." Y/N sighed and slowly makes her way out into the dark night, figuring her way back to her hotel and why Taehyung is acting that way.
"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook stretches on the couch and look at Taehyung whos wearing his jacket, ready to go out.
"I am having lunch with all my friends who came to the show last night. Ill be back before dinner. See you Kookie," Taehyung gives a small give, which is reciprocate by Jungkook and start the small walk towards the restaurant they had booked.
His mind starts to reel back to the night before. He immediately went to bed when he reached the hotel last night. When he wakes up today there was no message or misscall from Y/N. What does he expect? He is the one who rudely asks her to leave, she wouldnt be textiing him to ask him how he is doing. He should be the one doing that. Until when will he realized that he has no right to get jealous and even when he does, Y/N wont understand why.
Taehyung sighed.
Y/N's surprise and sad face from last night filled his mind again. Is he too mean? He picks up his pace, wanting to see her faster. She will be at the restaurant right? She wouldnt bailed on their group lunch just because shes mad at him.
Entering the restaurant, Taehyung spotted the long table filled with the familiar faces of his friends, laughing among one another. His eyes grazed each seat but Y/N is no where in sight.
"Oh Tae! Come on over!" One of his friends who noticed him spacing out at the door calls him in, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Theres our superstar! Good show yesterday," another slapped his back and motioned for him to sit. Taehyung gives out polite smiles before asking the question he dreadfully want the answer to.
"Wheres Y/N?"
"Y/N? Oh you didnt know? She has a high fever. she was caught up in the heavy rain last night," Soo Young answered and eyed him skeptically. "Arent you with her? I thought you two went for coffee?"
"Wait. Fever? Rain?" The question immediately went passed him. All he can think about is how Y/N is sick right now. "Arent you guys together? Why are you guys all okay?"
"Together?" Soo Young raised an eyebrow. "But she told us to go on home first to meet you backstage. She said you are taking her out to catch up and you are going to send her home?"
"What? She-"
"Are you telling me you let her went back alone? In the middle of the night? In a city she never been to before?" Jae Hyun interrupt from the other end of the table. Just the fact that Jae Hyun is concerned and also he himself is looking like a real jackass right now sets Taehyung on fire.
"Shut up. Just.. where is her hotel?"
"Why?" Jae Hyun glares. Taehyung ignores him and turns to Soo Young. After a few seconds of intimidating glare and Y/N's whereabouts in his hand, he quickly say goodbye and ran off in her direction.
Good job Kim Taehyung. Not only did you get angry at you dream girl for no reason at all. You snapped at her, insulted her,left her alone, and you even make her sick. Great, fucking job. Maybe the boys are right, Y/N will never be yours.
"T-tae?" Y/N open her tired eyes to feel the wet cloth on her forehead only to be met with Taehyung's handsome face etched with worry, looking over her.
"Hey.. you are awake. How are you feeling?" He smile. A smile so beautiful that Y/N cant helped but smile back, although in her heart she is still deeply hurt by his action last night.
"Why are you here? How do you know where I am staying? Is this a dream?"
Taehyung laugh. Oh Y/N, how can anyone be this adorable?
"No, you are definitely not dreaming princess. I am here and I am going to nurse you back to health,"
"Okay, I am dreaming. You are calling me princess, thats weird," Y/N laughs. Taehyung realizes what he had slipped and give back a small smile.
"Just take a rest okay? Your temperature is going down, you will be better soon. I have also ordered you food. Ill feed you. Lets eat okay?" Taehyung helped her sits up and starts feeding her slowly. There is nothing he wont give to take care of Y/N like this every single day. Why cant she just let him?
"Thanks Tae. You really shouldnt have. You really are the best friend in the world," Y/N smiles as she keeps eating the food. Taehyung swallow the bitter truth and give her a small smile. Best friends. Of course, thats all he will ever be.
"Y-yeah of course. What are best friends for right?" He smile and swallow before uttering his next words. "Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Tae?"
"I am really sorry about what I said to you last night. I dont have any right to get mad at you. And to leave you walking home alone? That is j-"
"Hey, dont worry about it Tae," Y/N smiles and patted his hand. "You must be tired and there I was yapping away aboit coffee and wanting to catch up," she giggles. "Sometimes I forgot that you are this huge world star now, always busy. You are no longer the same boy who is always around walking me home from school, buying ice cream on the way,"
Taehyung kept quiet. He didnt know why her words hurt him so much. Is that what she thinks of him all this while? That he has become too big to even hang out with his best friends? Is that why she is never interested in him, not at all?
"Y/N.. is that what you thought? All this while?" Taehyung look at her face, looking for answers.
"Well.. yeah. Isnt it? I mean, I know you are busy. Arent you?"
"Well, yes. But not-"
"Maybe someday when you finally have free time. Maybe 100 years from now," she giggles more at her own joke, " we can finally catch up. We can bring my children to an amusement park or something,"
Taehyung clenched his fist tight. He knows shes just joking around, but now he cant stop imagining Y/N happily married to some guy, with their kids running around. Oh hell no, he is never going to let that happen. Y/N is his, and he will make sure of it even if its the last thing he needs to do.
"Why wait a 100 hundred years then?" Taehyung flashed her his infamous smile.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you say, if your fever is better of course, that we go out to the amusement park tomorrow? Just us two? I heard they have a big one nearby. And we have an off day this whole week. So what say you?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
Y/N looks at him and a smile alowly crept up her face.
"Its a date,"
"You are going to a god damn amusement park Tae, why are you fussing with your clothes so much?!" Jimin huffed for the hundred time as Taehyung rumnage through their closet for the thousand times.
"Chim, I told you. She said it herself! Its a date. A freaking date! I need to look good! God why is everything so ugly?! We dont have time to shop for bew clothes. I an doomed!" Taehyung sighed and slumped down on his bed, buried by a pile of clothes, frustrated.
"I think Y/N only meant it as a matter of speaking..." Jimin mumbled, because he knows its no point explaining it to someone as love struck as Taehyung is right now anway. "Tae, you already look good in anything. Just pick whatever okay. And if she does like you, it wont matter what you wear anyway,"
"You are right Chim. Y/N is not that petty to judge someone by appearance anyway," he smiled at the thought of her.  "Shes just perfect,"
Jimin chuckles at his lovestruck friend and shake his head, pulling the blanket, ready to sleep. Taehyung can day dream all he wants, buried in the pile of clothes. Hes going to bed. Jimin was about to drift off to sleep when he last heard what Taehyung said.
"I am so in love with the perfect girl Chim. I just wish shes mine already,"
"S-so which one do you want to ride first?" Taehyung stammered, nervously wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He is finally on a date with Y/N. An outing, just the two of them. Sure, Y/N might think this is only outing between friends, but who cares, its still a date to him, and she look so beautiful Taehyung cant think straight.
Shes dressed so casually in shorts and an oversized jumper, hair flying loose and looking so happy eating a cotton candy that she was so excited to buy the moment she saw it. And looking at all the other eyes staring at her, Taehyung knows that he is not the only one who thinks shes looking absolutely beautiful today.
Y/N has always been beautiful. That is one of her traits that caught his eye the first time he saw her in school.  But sometimes her beauty is too much that she attracts everyone wherever she goes, and that is not a good thing for Taehyung. Especially when he is so easily consumed with jealousy and he went crazy when he does.
Why? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful?
"Lets do the teacup! Then we can ride the pirate ship anddd that huge rollercoaster!" Y/N points to all the rides while jumping excitedly. "Hey, you okay? Why are you stammering?"
"Uh... nothing. I am just uh.. scared of scary rides?" Taeahyung gives a crooked smile, hoping she would believe him. There is no way he going to admit why he is so nervous being around her. And come to think about it,  what he said is true. He is scared of scary rides, rides to his heart and its scary as hell.
"Dont worry. I will protect you!" She giggles and hold his hand. Taehyung almost fainted the moment they touched. God, keep yourself together Kim Taehyung! You are Kim freaking Taehyung! Heart, stop beating so fast. Its just hand holding. You held way more hands during fanmeets! "Lets go!" Y/N drags him to the long line of the teacup, where the staff handling the ride is oogling her with no shame. Taehyung clenched his hand, wanting nothing more than to scratch his eyes out.
"Wait here in line Tae, I'll ask him how long the wait is going to be," before Taehyung could stop her to approach the guy with the beady eyes who is still staring at her, Y/N is gone. Taehyung kept his eyes on them, watching as the guy smile and getting too friendly for his liking. What are they even talking about? Shes only supposed to ask how long the wait is!
Y/N suddenly waves at him excitedly to walk over and Taehyung came by.
"What is it?"
"This nice guy said he will let us cut the que. Isnt that nice?"
"Really now?" Taehyung looks at the guy up and down, who is looking back at him, smirking.
"Yes sir. You and your pretty girlfriend c-"
"Oh he is not my boyfriend! He is my best friend!" Y/N cuts him and Taehyung felt like his gut has been stabbed.
"Oh really now?" The guy raised an eyebrow. Taehyung swear he really feels like punching him now. "Well, then you can go on as many time as you want," he smiles and winks, offering hia hand to helped Y/N up the platform. Y/N laughed, totally oblivious of how every single guy is flirting with her, like always.
"Yeah. How can someone that handsome be with me right? Have you seen him?" Y/N laughs. "And thankyou, maybe I'll come back again if we have time after trying all the other rides," she bowed and enters the ride, sitting opposite from Taehyung. Taehyung smiles at her and ponders on her words.
Oh Y/N, if only you knew that you are the only one who owns this supposedly too handsome man's heart.
Taehyung's mood drop from extremely happy to worse than sour in a heartbeat. The same thing with the guy at the teacup ride happen all over again. And again. And again and keeps happening. Its as if the whole park is after his girl. Y/N gets to cuts all the line, gets free drinks, win a teddy that Taehyung tried so hard to win for her for free and the popcorn guy even gave her his number on the box. To make matters worse, she keeps denying they are in a relationship and keep stressing that they are just friends. Taehyung knows its true, they are not in a relationship, but must Y/N be so against it? Is being with him appalled her so bad?
Y/N was chattering happily, eating her free popcorn, talking about how everybody is so nice, not noticing Taehyung's sulky mood and how he is already consumed in jealousy when he saw someone he knew.
Y/N looked up from her popcorn to see a beautiful young girl smiling and waving at Taehyung. She recognized her immediately. She is an idol too, must be Taehyung's work friend.
"Oh. Is that your friend? Let-"
"Mia, hi!" Taehyung immediately walked over to the girl, leaving Y/N behind. Well, Y/N has been flirting with everyone in the park with no regards to his feelings, maybe he would return the favor. Okay, he knows its not her fault, she dont even know the guys are flirting with her, but Taehyung knows he gets crazy easily when it comes to Y/N and jealousy, and this is one of the moment.
"Kim Taehyung! What are you doing here? Are you even allowed to wonder around an amusement park with this..." she looks at Y/N up and down with a disgusted look. "Person?"
"Oh uh hi. I-"
"Dont care," Mia shrugs and hold Taehyung's hand, dragging him away from Y/N as Y/N followed a few steps behind. "So I just finished a shoot here and my manager said I can spend the rest of the day enjoying the rides. Want to play with me?" Mia hugs his arms, leaning her head on his shoulder. Taehyung take a peek behind to look at Y/N. He wanted to pushed Mia away, tell her that hes spending the day with the girl of his dreams, but as he looks at Y/N, she is smiling at him, as if his close relationship with another girl doesnt effect her at all, and thats when he snapped.
He will always only be a best friend to Y/N. Nothing else, nothing more. Y/N will never be his.
And suddenly his heart is filled with jealousy and anger and the feeling of just... hurting her. To make her feel how he feel all this while.
"Yeah, sure Mia. Why not," he gives out his charming smile.
"Okay great! But what about... her?" She points to Y/N behind them.
"Oh her? No one special. She can follow us around," Taehyung shrugs and turns back. Y/N was surprised with his answer. Whats wrong with Taehyung now? Why is he behaving like last night again? Did she do anything wrong? Y/N decides to just follow them around for a while. Maybe they havent seen each other long, so they just want to catch up? Taehyung wont just ignore her for the rest of the day right?
Y/N's hopes dissapeared when hours passed and Taehyung didnt even talked or looked at her once. They didnt even ride the rides with her, taking a private car together, leaving her alone, riding with strangers. So much for an "amusement park date to catch up" Kim Taehyung.
Y/N sighed, but still follows them around.
Little by little, fans has started to gather as they realized that Taehyung and Mia are together, at an amusement park and at what look like a date. And soon enough, the crowd had gathered and followed them around to the point Taehyung's manager have to come. In the midst of the increasing crowd, Y/N being tiny and fragile got pushed by the fans who is trying to approached the couple and take photos before the moment is over, resulting in a scraped knees and bruises over her body. She tried to gets up and calls out for Taehyung, running behind them to catch up but was held back by the security.
"Sorry miss, please back off,"
"No. No. I am his friend. I was with him the whole day!" She points to the two celebrity.
"Yeah right, everybody said that," the security laughed and rolled his eyes. "You and these thousand other girls. Go home and study girl, stop chasing cleebrity around,"
"No. I am serious. He is my friend. Look, I have his jacket!" Y/N points to Taehyung's jacket that shes wearing. The one he gave her earlier because of the chilly evening air.
"Wait, are you a saseang?!" The security eyes her up and down.
"What?! Me? No! I am-"
The security ignored her and spoke into his walkie talkie and soon after a few more came and pushed her back.
"Miss, you have to stay about 1 kilometres away from Mr. Kim or legal actions will be taken against you. We dont tolerate saseangs,"
"But I am not.." Y/N sighed as she looks at Taehyung who is escorted away, not even looking back. "Nevermind. I'll back off," Y/N plop down at one of the benches and think about the way to go back to the hotel. Maybe she can just ask Jae Hyun for help.
"We heard what the security said," Y/N looks up to find a group of girls standing in front of her, circling her, hiding her from public sight. "You are a saseang arent you?"
"What? No! Its a misunderstanding. I am actually Tae's high school friend. I-"
"How dare you call him Tae you crazy stalker! Leave our oppa alone! He and his bandmates deserve some privacy you crazy bitch," the first girl shove her shoulder hard.
"No. Wait. I am not a-"
"Bitches like you deserve to die!" And before she can start defending herself the girls start shoving and hurting her, pulling her hair, slapping and punching her all over. Y/N is pretty sure they are the crazy one here.
Almost losing conciousness and bleeding all over, Y/N can only smirks to herself. I cant believe this is the way I will die. By being punch by Taehyung's fan.
Who the hell is that guy?!
Taehyung paced around in his room. Before he was ushered back to the car by his manager at the theme park, he managed to sneak a look behind the crowding fans, and he saw, far away at the back some guy carrying Y/N bridal style. She is hugging his neck but Taehyung cant see her face or anything else.
Who is he?
Why is she letting him carry her like that?
And after what happen yesterday, Y/N is still not even a bit jealous?
Taehyung huffed and continue to pace around his room. His mind is going crazy. Y/N didnt contact him after nor did she reply to any of his texts and calls.
Maybe he really did it this time. Maybe Y/N is truly mad at him.
Taehyung didnt see any of his friends after that anymore. They didnt answer his calls or his texts. They also didnt attend any of his shows anymore. Taehyung was confused. Is Y/N that mad at him for ditching her the other day? To the point she asks their friends to stop being friends with him? Doesnt that mean she has feelings for him then?
Taehyung needed answers, so he keeps on calling and texting. Plus, he misses Y/N lile crazy and he is starting to regret what he did the other day. After a few weeks of trying, Soo Young, fed up with his relentless effort in calling finally answered.
"What the hell so you want?!"
"Well, hello to you too. Is this how you talk to a friend?" Taehyung asks, confused on her behaviour.
"A friend?" She scoffed. "After what you did to Y/N, do you think you can call any of us friends again?!" So he was right. Y/N is pissed that he ditch her the other day.
"Wait. Just because I left Y/N at the amusement park you guys are not going to be friends with me anymore? Look, I know what I did was wrong. But I am s-"
"Left her at the amusement park? Its more like left her to die you asshole! And here I thought you actually love her!" Soo Young screamed out.
"Huh? D-die?" Taehyung stammered. what is she talking about?
"Y/N was in a freaking coma for a week because your crazy fans beat her up at the park you asshole! And you did freaking nothing to help! You think just because you are famous now you are better than your friends?! Just stop calling and stay the hell away from her!" Soo Young screamed at him but Taehyung is no longer listening as the phone he is holding dropped to the floor.
What has he done?
Y/N opened her eyes to the smell of sterile and medicine, her eyes adjusting to the white walls around her. She tries to move but she cant, everything hurts.
Where is she?
The last thing she remembered after getting beat up is a guy's voice shouting at the girls who is assaulting her and carrying her before she passed out conpletely.
"Hey.. you are awake," Soo Young's voice spoke softly to her ear and her friends friendly face entered her vision.  Soo Young explained what happened. How she was in a coma for a week already, and how a stranger at a park save her and how they are all no longer friends with Taehyung.
No matter how hard she tries, she cant figure out why Taehyung did what he did and Y/N finally give up in trying to figuring it out.
Y/N focuses on recovery, putting Taehyung to the far back of her mind. After a few weeks, her bruises and cuts got better but is still very much visible and she no longer needed a wheelchair, only crutches to walk. On a lazy weekend while watching her favorite drama and inhaling a carton of ice cream, a loud knock comes from the door. With her bad leg, she hopped to the door.
Y/N opened the door to find Taehyung looking straight at her, a huge bouquet of flowers in hand.
"Y/N. I-"
Panicking, Y/N immediately slammed the door shut at his face, tears starts to stream down her face. She doesnt know why shes crying. But seeing Taehyung again, after everything that happens... it just bring out the emotions that she never knew she felt.
"Y/N?" Taehyung calls out softly, while knocking on the door. After a few minutes he realizes that Y/N is never going to open it, atleast not today, and decide to just say what he wanted to say from behind the door.
"Y/N? I know after what I did I dont even deserve to see you. And I know you hate me so much that you cant even bare to see my face. I know I am a few weeks too late but I came immediately after I found out. Y/N, I am sorry. I didnt know why I did what I did. And if I could turn back time I would, but I cant. I am sorry I ruined what could have been the happiest day for us and turned it into this... tragedy. I am really sorry. You dont know how badly I regretted everything. I will give up everything Y/N, just to take it back. I swear," Taehyung sighed. "I'm... I'm just going to leave this flowers here by the door. Its for you. And I will come back every single day. You dont have to see me. But I will come back and wait for you until you are ready. I am sorry Y/N," with that Y/N heard his footsteps slowly went away, leaving her alone with her tears.
And true enough, Taehyung came back every single day for the next few months. Y/N found out from the news that he skipped his tour just to do this. He must really be willing to do anything like he said. Everyday he will leave something for her. Flowers, cookies, teddies, books, anything and he will sits on the floor by the door and talk about his day and how sorry he is and how he misses her. And slowly, Y/N find herself waiting for his daily visits and the tears stopped, replaced by a smile and a few giggles.
After 4 months, Y/N decided to finally open the door and ask him one final question.
"Y-Y/N? You opened the door!" Taehyung smile, surprised and immediately hugs her. "S-sorry. I just miss you so much," he stares at her longingly, backing away.
"This doesnt mean I forgive you Tae,"
"Of course! Of course! But its progress! What do you want me to do Y/N? I'll do anything, even if it takes forever," Taehyung smiles and she knows he means it.
"Answer me this one question Tae. Answer me with honesty. No bullshit, no lies, no excuses, and I will decide if I want to forgive you,"
"Of course Y/N. What is it do you want to know? I'll answer anything. Anything at all,"
"Why?" Taehyung looks at her, confused. "Why are you always mad at me for no reason? Why are your mood always changing? Did I do something wrong? Do you hate me? Do you not want to be my friend anymore? Why?"
"Well... thats not one question," Taehyung chuckles.
"Okay, okay. Kidding," Taehyung smiles and takes a deep breath. Its now or never. Its time to tell his dream girl, the truth.
"You want to know why? Its because of you Y/N. You are driving me crazy. from that first day I saw you in high school, I have been crazy about you, over you. I cant sleep, I cant think straight, I cant even be myself, all I can do is think about you and how to make you mine. How it feels if you are mine. If you love me back. I want you Y/N. I want to take care of you, to love you, to be the only face you think about every single day, to be the last face you see at night, the first face you see in the morning. Every single day I wonder, why cant I be that person for you? I love you L/N Y/N. I have been madly in love with you for years and I am sorry I have been acting crazy, but I just cant help it when I see other people looking at you or laughing with you. You are just so beautiful, so perfect to me, I am afraid that someone else will steal you away. I dont know how I will live if that happens. Jealousy is my best friend when I am around you and thats what happen that day. I knew now that you will never be mine, and I accept that. But I will take care of you from afar. And to answer your question, no, I dont want to be your friend, because I want to be so much more. But Y/N..," Taehyung smiles. "I have accepted it Y/N, that you will be the girl who will never be mine,"
Y/N feels her mouth dropped opened. Is Kim Taehyung really finally confessing to her?
"T-tae, I didnt know-"
"Hey, its okay. You didnt know. Atleast you didnt ignore my feelings on purpose," he smiles. "I am so sorry Y/N. I love you and I will do anything to make things right again. I regret everything I did,"
"Wait," Y/N stopped him. "So you are saying, that everything you did to me before, the mood changes, igboring me, getting angry, everything, is because you are jealous? And because you cant have me?"
"Well, yeah," Taehyung gave a small smile. "I love you too much that the thought of not having you drive me crazy. And you are just so beautiful, guys are always all over you,"
"But you said this will never happen again. Because..?"
"Because I finally accepted that you are the girl that I love, but you are also the girl that at will never be mine Y/N," Taehyung smile, a sad smile. Y/N giggles and took a step forward and held his hand.
Oh who is she kidding. She might have denied it to Soo Young and the rest of the gang, but who could ever resist Kim Taehyung?
Obviously not her. Because she is fi ally admitting to herself that she is desperately in love with her best friend. From that first day in high school. And how lucky is she that her best friend is Kim Taehyung.
"But Tae, whoever said that I will never be yours if you never ever asked me?" Y/N grins and the happiest smile slowly crept up Taehyung's face.
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