#for clarity's sake zen 'adopted' yomi and verre (and attempts to adopt nailah though she refuses)
crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
🍳 = What kind of family gatherings does your muse prefer and why? [For as many of your muses as you'd like!]
Zezene and Yomi both love family gatherings and try to host them as often as possible.
Yomi takes care of planning decorations and cooking, with massive spreads of food available. From cookies to pies to pot roasts to sushi, she will make something for everyone or die trying. Her decorations often feature flowers from her garden or cute knicknacks she's made during her more crafty endeavors, and she'll usually rope Verre into helping set things up.
Zezene takes care of invites, scheduling, and logistics. Yomi needs new ingredients? Zen just happened to stumble upon some in the market, don't worry. Some flowers need more fertilizer? Zen calls in a favor from the alchemist's guild. They have an uncanny ability to find a day that works for as many people as possible and personally sees to inviting every guest they can.
Verre finds family gatherings incredibly awkward and difficult to navigate, but she'll help with setup and cleaning should Yomi ask. Yomi always asks. Otherwise she's content to wallflower on the edge of gatherings with a puzzle box in hand.
Nailah doesn't like crowds, even if it's a family gathering and all people she already knows. She'll pop in for a quick chat and a bite to eat, but she rarely stays longer than a few minutes.
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