#flash and peter's fallout will not last too long past spring they just need some time to think about things
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
posted first chapter of a wip i've been working on in the ol' AU timeline, setting stuff up mostly...
i'll make a real post eventually (probably when i finish it lol so who knows when that'll be, could be a few weeks, could be a few months 🤷 i have a lot of random stuff written out and a lot of the main plot... not. lol)
will update any warnings as i go but
spoilers/warning in advance:
this fic will deal with sexual harassment and assault at certain points wrt both miles warren's fixation on gwen, as well as a part of peter's childhood (drawing from Spider-Man and Power Pack #1 which i know can be a contentious comic but it has been tied into this timeline from the start and remains thematically relevant)
as well as underage drinking/alcoholism and depression with flash, but that's nothing new here.
peter will also have a minor breakdown in april (so not in chapter 1 lol, would be ch 3 probably) that kind of encompasses all of his issues around not just all the above but also his self worth and guilt complex surrounding the deaths of his parents and uncle, but, like i said that's in april in-universe so won't be up for a bit...
he's kind of a neurotic mess but what else is new lol
also will be some (canon-typical) violence esp once i get baldy over here into play but again: what else is new 😂
(note: i do not plan for anything sexually explicit in this fic, at least not in the sexual assault realm, but obviously there are only so many ways you can dance around something before you eventually have to sit down and say it. i will do my best to handle it thoughtfully though.)
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