wow i never knew how much grace liked kenji and reki that much omg my gf is so awesome🥰
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boycritter · 9 months
i wonder if my grandparents got me another math book this year id be soooo. autism :3
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harmcityherald · 2 months
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alllinesarebeautiful · 7 months
Day 370 Art Meditation, February 15, 2024
Every day, even after all these years, I continue to learn what Inner growth feels like. For example, I was good with yesterday's post, and was at peace with it. Sure, I could have spent more time editing. Then the rest of the day I second guessed it, painfully. I took that squishy uncomfortable feeling with me into the night. Where do I fit in? When will I ever fit in? Am I meant to fit in?  What does fitting in FEEL like on a heart level, not ego level.  Am I sure I know what the difference is?
At some point in the middle of the night the meta point came to me - I’m continuing to do something that makes me uncomfortable and staying WITH it, and that is what inner growth is.
Then this morning a friend sent me the perfect quote by Louise Hay - “Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.” Key word being “every”, not just the ones we want or make me comfortable.  And that’s exactly what I needed to hear. It’s okay to sometimes get outside information … especially if it lines up with my inner information ….
I continue to sense that when we operate on a heart and soul level, it’s very different from an ego level. Full self-acceptance (I’m not there yet) means I don’t rate myself based on followers, or interaction, or approval, or being discovered by some big fish in the world.
I just AM. I get to just BE as I am. The sun just flooded my room with bright light ☀️. Having the whole morning to be creative is my favorite part of the day.
I can see my own growth. Of course I love coming THROUGH a growth-portal that was hard, more than being IN one, (ha ha).  I also know that every word I write is TRUE. Not the best, or biggest, but true to my experience.
Isn't the truth of the heart just a beautiful relief?  
Here’s more of my truth-merchandise,  🤗, for the theme, “On my in-breath I smile, on my out-breath I smile.” 🌿 
9 colors of hoodies, 14 colors of t-shirts, a dress, wrapping paper 😍, and an Art-prints.
See store link here! 
Much much love, Anne
Ⓒ 2024 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.
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emmajordens05 · 1 year
¡ Holaaaa!
Today is our last day in beautiful Valencia. How much I enjoyed this city! Everyone is super friendly, there is good weather, the beautiful architecture….
Not only Valencia was great but also my internship place. FitIn Valencia was a super fun internship place. I learned a lot, especially in the field I want to pursue later. I am very grateful to Fleur for giving me this opportunity, and if I come back to Valencia in the future I will definitely book a bike tour with her.
I'm super proud of myself for doing this and I haven't regretted it for a second! I will never forget this adventure!
Thanks for following along on my Valencia adventure!
¡Adiós! 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
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fluidsberlin · 2 years
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@willi_dorner #fluiDsrupt #fluidsFlair #fluidart #bodytobody #humantetris #fitin #standout https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNDTELM1jp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xxjessabugxx · 2 years
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Yes💯 #fitin #beyourself #beyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHKT1IO_VR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Smash or Pass: Part 1/4 (LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: It's the last stop before the Grand Line and you slink away for a quiet evening. The universe, however, decides to clown on you. Sequel to Kiss, Marry, Kill. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: Semi-explicit. Warnings: Alcohol, death threats, implied threat of sexual assault. Word Count: ~3.1k.
Mama told me what I should know
"Too much candy's gonna rot your soul
If she loves you, let her go'
Cause love only gets you down!"
PART 1: In which you are threatened with a knife, a gun, and a good time.
You thought the night would be fine. You thought no one in this bar would bother you. You thought you’d have a little nightcap or three and head back to the ship. You thought you’d have one last night to spend on your own before sharing a small space with five other people for the foreseeable future.
But nothing worked out as you’d hoped.
As soon as you got comfy at a table in the corner, a horde of rough-looking sailors descended and lit up the place. Loud. Rowdy. Obnoxious.
Ugh. At least they’re not Marines. You can lay low. Sink deep in your chair and focus on your drink.
Gazing into the scrying beer glass, you let your mind wander among the swirls. Thoughts ebb and flow.
Like how you need to remember to get more sutures before you cast off. Or how heavy your fingers feel under all the jewelry. How naked your ring fingers look with no adornment. Your family would be nagging you to get married by now. They’d like Sanji.
But they wouldn’t like that stupid, stupid clown.
He’s been on your mind a lot lately. You hate it. But how could he not be? Made you an offer you had to refuse. You tell yourself it wouldn’t have worked out. Where was he last month when you were looking for an escape? You hope you never see him again.
…but if you did see him again, you wouldn’t complain. He’d probably sidle up to you and say something like—
“Well, hello, gorgeous."
Yeah, that's exactly what he would say.
Wait. That was loud. That wasn’t your thoughts. It can’t be. You turn. 
Buggy the Clown grins at you. “Fancy meeting you here, Miss Sawbones."
You dive to the floor as he pulls a knife from his sleeve and throws it at you, sinking up to the handle in the wall. You clamber to your feet, put on your best snarl, and raise your fists.
All eyes are on you and Buggy as you size him up. The clink of chains and scrape of drawn swords sounds all around you. You’re not sure who your allies are, but you’re grateful for the support.
Especially because there’s just as many goons behind Buggy. He looks as surprised as you feel. His stance softens as he glances around. You could get a punch in while his guard is down—
A gravelly voice splits the very air of the room. Like a child caught in the cookie jar, you freeze. You’re in big trouble.
Buggy freezes too. His shoulders hunch and his eyes go wide. He glances at you, and then to the side. You look in the same direction.
Standing behind the bar is a stout woman in an apron. A cigar dangles from her lips and she wields a wicked glare. Along with a very, very large shotgun.
She points at a big sign hung above the shelves. NO FiTiN IN DaH baR in big red letters on weathered wooden planks.
“‘No fittin’…?'” Buggy mutters.
“If you’re gonna kill each other,” the matron says, “do it outside.”
Due to a sudden lapse in self-preservation, you speak up. “He started it—“
Everyone jumps as she fires into the ceiling. “And I’m ending it. Get along or get out.”
You glance at Buggy. He glances back. You can see the whites of his eyes, even from all the way over here. Slowly, he replaces his knives back into his jacket.
You lower your fists, feeling awful sheepish.
The bar matron nods. “Back to your drinks, all of you,” she says. 
You can’t help but feel a little embarrassed as the crowd disperses. You can read. You’re very literate. How’d you miss that?
“Guess we both need glasses,” Buggy says right next to your ear.
You jump and nearly swing on him again, but you pull the punch. You have no interest in being shot tonight. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Getting a drink, same as you. Last stop before the Grand Line.” His voice dips low and he leans in close. “And last chance I’ll likely get to cut you and your little captain’s throats.”
You scowl. “Over my dead body,” you growl.
“That’s the idea.” The matron clears her throat loudly. He flinches and pulls back, but the glare remains. “Once you leave, babe— snnckt!” He draws his finger across his throat and his head rolls off his shoulders and into his arms. You yelp and he cackles as he puts it back.
Well, now you’re in it. This wouldn’t have happened if you stayed on the ship, you dumb lush. You could have just drank with Zoro. Or shot the shit with Usopp while he shot at shit. Or let Sanji hit on you while you sharpened his knives. Literally anything would have been better than this.
But here you are. Time to get yourself out of it. Somehow.
"Well, I’m not going anywhere," you tell Buggy. You sit back down at your table. "So get comfy, clown."
He places his hat on the table and plops into the seat across from you. He snatches up the mug -- your mug -- and takes a long, long, long pull. He tips his head all the way back, throat bobbing with every swallow.
You try and fail to drag your eyes away. You like sharp throats.
When it's drained, he slams it back down on the table. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and how he doesn't smudge his makeup, you'll never know.
“Don’t mind if I do.” He kicks up his boots onto the table. “So what’re we drinkin’? Rum? Ale? Whiskey? Bet you’re a rum kinda gal.”
This is gonna be a night.
One bottle in. You glower at him and he smiles back, eyes twinkling in the dim light.
Second bottle. The sun is fully down. He’s started chattering about nothing and everything. Rage roils inside you.
Third bottle. The room slowly spins. He’s still talking. You might leave just so you can strangle him.
Fourth bottle. You flip him the bird. He just giggles.
Fifth bottle. You mix it up a bit and order some shots. The matron brings the glasses and leaves the bottle. 
“Hey, the good shit.” Buggy pours two glasses and raises one. “Cheers.”
Something bubbles up in your chest. The urge to speak. You’re gonna say something stupid. You just know it. And you’re just lubricated enough that it slides through. 
You raise your glass. “Another day, another bender. No retreat, no surrender.” You toss it back and it scorches your throat on its way down.
Your head is so full of cotton that it takes you a moment to notice the laughter. Strong. Sharp. Bellyful. Contagious. You like that laugh. You’d like to hear more of it.
And then you realize it’s coming from Buggy. He has his head tossed back and his eyes scrunched and he’s letting out the most glorious laughter you’ve ever heard.
Before you can be properly disgusted with yourself, he recovers. “I got one.” He pours another pair of shots and slides one to you. “Here’s to our wives and girlfriends. May they never meet.”
Two more shots tossed back and two more glasses slammed on the table. It’s all going right to your head and the more it does, the more you’re enjoying yourself.
“Everyone knows that one,” you say. You pour. “One drink is good, two at the most. Three I’m under the table, four I’m under the host.”
His eyebrows shoot up, lips pursed into a circle. Then he laughs again. “Workin’ blue tonight! Alright!” Two more shots poured. “It ain’t the length, it ain’t the size, it’s how often I can make it rise.”
You weren’t expecting that and you almost spit the shot out. You hack and sputter as it goes down the wrong pipe, but you recover.
Though now you’re thinking about Buggy’s dick. You should probably stop that. You wonder if it’s small and that’s why he is how he is.
“Y’alright, babe?” He takes a pull right from the bottle and spills some on his chin and shirt. He’s sauced too. Small comfort.
One more comes to mind. You reach across and snatch the bottle. “Now he lays me down to screw.” You pour one shot. “I pray this clown knows what to do.” You pour the other. “If he should cum before I end…” You raise yours. “I swear to God I’ll fuck his friend!”
He stares at you a moment, grinless, just long enough for you to worry. And then it returns with a howling cackle. He slams his glass into yours hard enough to slosh some whiskey out and you both shoot it back.
You stare at each other, giggling like hyenas. Some part of you knows this is ridiculous. You’re getting smashed with a guy who tried to kill you and your friends. Who was just ready to kill you. Who is plotting to slit your throat right when you’re not expecting it.
You just laugh harder. What’s your life come to?
You come back down to see him staring at you, head resting on his hand. "You laugh cute."
“Nuh-uh.” You take a swig from the whiskey bottle. “I laugh like a News Coo.”
“News Coos are adorable!” He snatches the bottle back and takes a pull. “We switchin’ back to rum after this one? Or do we wanna get avden— abvench— adventurous?”
A good question. "Let's go nuts."
"My kinda woman!" He slams the table to catch the matron's attention. "Bring us something strong!"
Bottle six is gin. Neither of you like it and you both down the whole thing. Bottle seven, you're back to ale.
On eight, you wonder if the throat-cutting threat was a ruse and he's really just going to give you alcohol poisoning.
At least it's a fun way to go.
"So there I am," Buggy says, "looking at the giant hole in the hull where the cannon once was, holding a cannonball like this--" He jumps to his feet, pops his head off, and clutches it to his chest like it weighs fifty pounds. "--when the first mate himself walks in."
Your jaw drops. "What'd you do?"
"Only thing I could do.” He pauses for dramatic effect. “Threw the cannonball at him!"
He lobs his head to you. You squeal in surprise, just barely managing to catch him before you fall out of your chair. The giggles flow from you like water from a spigot.
He grins as you look at him. "Gotcha," he says with a wink.
Maybe it's the booze. Maybe it's the surprise. Your cheeks heat up all the same. You throw the head back and clamber to your feet.
A moment of clarity hits you as you sit back down. "Why are we drinking together? You wanna kill me."
"It's not that weird. Best drinkin' buddies I ever had tried to kill me. When I tried to skip out on the tab, but... y'know." He takes a gulp from his mug. "’Sides, I like you."
“Barber. Cute laugh. Helluva haymaker." Another swig. “You'd do better with me than that group of losers."
"I am not joining your crew."
He watches the ale swirl in his mug, tracing the rim with his fingers. His lips purse and he glances everywhere but your face.
You try to wait for him to speak, but music catches your attention before he can reply. A lively tune, one perfect for dancing. It looks like some of the pirates pulled out instruments and are entertaining their fellows.
"Aw, I love this song," you chirp. “Luffy’s right, we gotta get us a musician already.”
A chain of dancers sails past. You wish you could hop in, but you’ve got two left feet in ill-fitting high heels when you’re sober on a good day.
Buggy watches you watch them. “Go cut a rug. I’ll watch your shit.”
You shake your head a little too hard and the universe spins. “No way. Can’t dance worth a damn.”
“I’ll give you a hand.” His left hand detaches with a little flourish. “Or two.” Off goes the other one. “Or all of me, if you want.”
“Then who’s gonna watch my shit?”
He blinks, then sits back. “Whatever. I gotta piss anyways,” he mutters. He tries to stand, only for his feet to slip out from under him. “Can I get a hand?”
“Alright, but I’m not helping you aim.” You’re less sober than he is, but you’re drunk enough to try. Hauling yourself to your feet, you offer your hand. He takes it, pulling himself upwards.
And then you see the smile on his face. In a burst of coordination, he pulls you into the throng of people.
Oooooh no. No. No no no. He whirls you around, making your head spin. You step on someone’s foot. “I. Cannot. Dance.”
“Can’t?” He lifts you up, moves you to the side, and places you down again. “Or won’t?”
“Bullshit. Hand here.” He plants your hand on his shoulder and places his own on your—
You slap the smile off his face. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make your point. He accepts it.
“Sorry, thought you were shorter,” he mutters. He puts his hand on your waist. Even through his glove, you can feel his warmth. “Stand on my feet.”
“I’m not a child!” You try to pull away, only to collide with a very large man and get knocked back into Buggy. You’re trapped. No way out but to dance.
You know what? Fine. You stand on his feet — making sure to stamp his toes good — and glower at him. “What’s next?”
The smile returns. “Hold on tight, sweetheart.”
You clutch him as tight as you dare. And thank God you do, because soon you’re spinning like a top.
He guides you over and under, side to side, forward and back. And you don’t trip once. Neither of you do. You don’t even feel nauseous. How is he doing this? Is he magic? Is he just that good?
You glance down. Detached from his ankles, his feet support yours as they scoot around. The rest of him glides through the air, guiding you among the other dancers.
It might as well be magic.
"Light off your feet!" you say.
Buggy's chest thrums with a chuckle. Your stomach jumps into your throat as he drops you into a dip just long enough for him to wink at you. "Ain't I clever?"
He pulls you back up and your stomach slides into your boots. The dance continues.
Whirling, twirling, ducking, weaving, bouncing, bobbing… Is this what a dolphin feels like, swirled around by ocean currents? Or a kite, floating on the breeze? Or a princess swept off her feet by a dashing scoundrel?
Somewhere in the recesses of your mind, you ponder what your life has come to. A pirate, dancing on the feet of a clown who tried to kill you and your friends. Who then stole several kisses from you and made your heart flutter and got really drunk with you and now you're a little in lo--
No. Don't say it. If you don't say it, it won't come true. Unless it's the other way around?
It is the other way around. If you say it, you'll jinx it and it won't happen. So you admit it to yourself: you're smitten with this psychotic jackass.
The laughter bubbles forth and it just won't stop. You don't want it to stop. You never want this to stop. This feeling, this dance, this fit of hysterics.
But it must, as all things do. With one final fiddle run, the music stops and everyone applauds. You would join them, but you’re too busy holding onto Buggy for dear life, catching your breath and trying to stop the room from spinning.
“Can’t dance, huh?”
He’s as breathless as you, mouth parted as he takes breaths deep enough to shake his shoulders. Sweat glistens on his face. Glows, even. A few shimmering strands of hair have slipped from his bandanna and stick to his forehead.
What little breath you’ve recovered vanishes from your lungs. Your heart flutters — no, it flaps, like a gull fighting a gust.
You wanna kiss him, but that last shred of self-restraint stops you. “Let’s go again,” you say instead.
His face lights up. “Lemme-- Lemme get rid of this.“
His forearms slip out of his coat and fly to his shoulders, catching his coat as he shrugs out of it. They zip over toward your table. Pretty slick, you admit to yourself.
And then it gets caught on a chair. The arms yank and yank, but it’s snagged good. You giggle.
“C’mon, you piece of…!” He huffs. He pecks your cheek. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He scrambles over to the snag, tripping on every table and chair along the way.
And then you realize he kissed you. Your spine goes rigid.
A tap on your shoulder knocks you out of your stun and you turn. You half-expect it to be one of his hands, but a rather large pirate is there.
“My captain fancies you,” he rumbles. He nods at a smug-looking blond with the worst come-hither face you’ve ever seen. “He would like the pleasure of your company.”
Nnnnno, you think. “Nnnnno,” you say. Buggy has freed his coat and is draining the rest of the bottle you’d abandoned. “Already spoken for.”
The man’s hand engulfs your shoulder and pulls you around. “It wasn’t a request.”
The blond snakes his arm around your trunk, his hand going to your breast. You try to pull away, but the goon’s grip is like iron.
A sharp whistle makes everyone turn. Buggy stands there, arms behind his back. His expression is neutral, but you see his clenched jaw and the bulging tendon in his neck.
“And where are you going with my leading lady?” He’s got the showman voice on. “Our number isn’t over.”
The captain smiles. “I’ll return her once we’ve had our fun,” he says.
He takes a few meandering steps towards them. “Look, gentlemen: we can play this as a tragedy or a comedy. Your choice.”
The goon straightens up. He cracks his knuckles with a chorus of pops. The captain draws a rapier. You’re not sure how well a Chop Chop man handles being stabbed.
Buggy glances between the two of them, nonplussed. “Comedy it is.”
Two disembodied hands slam a bottle over each man’s head. Shards of glass and drops of rum fly everywhere. The pirates’ grips go slack, and you jump away as they hit the floor with dull thuds.
Chaos erupts.
⬅⬅⬅ | To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | To the Tip Jar | ➡➡➡
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alcnfr · 1 month
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Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) are always on a fitness diet.. fitin' any and everything down their beaky little pie-holes, even sugar water drips.
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An interesting headcanon on the theme of Alastor joing the Vees, by choice or force and where he would fitin.
Conceptualise them calling him Vaudeville, a subtle retro theme while being true to his chosen medium. And they give him /make himtake on Vaudible, a podcast slash news media slash audiobook site whereinhe is the primary vocalisation.
And it is as insidiously pervasive as you can imagine. Picture a world where every television or internet video features Vox or his chosen presentors. Everything illicit from porn sites to sketchy magazines trace back to the reins in Valentinos hands. Anything you read on the internet or in a fave trends magazine was chosen and curated by Velvette.
And the, oh and then... theres a genial, oddly friendly but slightly old fashioned voice that charms and disarms you in every podcast, every nonvideo based news broadcast, every book you buy except possibly the most erotic filth that is read by a bevy of valentinos workers because no contract can make the former radio demon read some of the truly terrible things like 53 shades of red aloud.
That voice is your day to day, your source for information and also a trusted influence. Same as vox is trustworthy simply because he is always there in the public consciousness, always in the public eye... Alastor would be in the public's ear, their mind, their thoughts.
So what if the information starts to slant in a certain direction so subtly people find themselves riled up by things that never mattered before, vocalising hate or unity for topics they had been i different to, the spoken word is as powerful as it is invisible.
And that is only for the common man, imagine what a force an overlords sway holds.
And, to add in an additional thought, i have a slight headcanon that Alastor has a hypnotic voice/power of suggestion ability that is the equal to Vox's hypnotic eye/gaze of subjugation.
Imagine, then, someone you have no qualms letting into your home on your tv and your phone and you literature and now your every podcast or book or radio news bulletin... and two of them can use the ability to layer suggestions over your thoughts. One so gently you never realise anything is happening until the tiny strands of persuasion have you in their grasp like a fly in a web.
You will do anything, say anything, believe anything... and most importantly, buy anything they tell you. And they dont have to say a word.
The Vees would be the most terrifying quartet in hell simply because there would be no way to escape their reach.
It could be a fascinating idea to tease out.
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spottedmischief · 5 months
You know I've got to ask for Cheezi's thoughts on Makini!
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"I keep wonderin' if she will taste as sweet and delicious as she looks, acts and smells!"
Not something he should say about his best friend - if he eats her then he cannot get another Makini. So then what will he do? Who will bring him food? Friendship is weird. It's like - you have this friend who's supposed to be food but their company is enjoyable so you just do not kill them.
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"She's weird! At least for a Pridelander. It's like she's so different than them and pffft - still don't get it. I mean, half of 'em are just a buncha snotty killjoys and then she's there and it just ain't fitin' cause she's fun. This place's too good for her.
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"Y'know, sometimes I wonder if we even are friends. I mean, we kinda cannot tell anyone or else we're both screwed. I think dad would get a kick outta her. but there is this whole hyena don't need anyone but hyena thing uncle said so I don't think he would be happy either. Besides, she is still friends with the guards, she is working for the royal family and I did burn down her mjuzi tradition thing, chased her up a tree an' I know she was upset at me for that one buuuut…I still don't feel too bad about it 'cause it's like…I don't even know what these traditions are about. What am I supposed to do? Say no to something Scar came up with? Have Janja and Scar be mad at me? We already deal enough with when we fail Scar, I ain't gonna fail on purpose. I don't want her upset 'cause she's real nice, nicer than anyone has been for some reason but - I cannot let Scar or Janja down either. So it's like - I wonder how things would have been if nobody hated our kind. Maybe we could be better friends then? But it is what it is."
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valencia2024 · 7 months
Countdown to Valencia: Kjelle's Journey
Hey everyone!
I'm Kjelle, a student from Sint-Maria Geel, and I'm gearing up for an internship adventure in Valencia, Spain. Although I haven't packed my bags just yet, I couldn't resist sharing the excitement with you all. Over the next few months, I'll be getting ready for my time at FitIn, a one-woman business in Valencia.
Join me as I prep for this thrilling experience, brush up on coding skills, and dive into Spanish culture from afar. Stay tuned for updates and insights as I countdown to my Valencia adventure!
Regards, Kjelle
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whowouldwininafite · 1 year
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Tournament Tuesday II: Let’s Get Violent!
Good afternoon folks. It’s The 27th of June, and we’re back with another Tournament, running one round of Fites every Tuesday for nine straight weeks in order to find a new champion.
We’ve plenty of classic matchups this week - decided at random, for fairness - including;
Isabela vs Sally
The Other Mother vs Applejack
Jiminy Cricket vs George Constanza
Big Bird vs Indiana Jones
Santa vs Eddie the Head
Mr Turner vs Jon Arbuckle
Samurai Jack vs Rodney Copperbottom
Tressa Colzione vs Harambe
As always, there’s no obligation to vote, but feel free, and the Fites themselves will be posted shortly after this announcement. Good Fitin!
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raytorokidssolo · 2 years
rosy ronkey is so tiny she can fitin the palm of my hand and i put her in mypocket for safe keeping
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onedirectdeals · 1 month
Marvo Scorpion HG8932 Stereo Sound Gaming Headset
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: Closed, over-ear design for powerful bass soundsSoft-cushioned, synthetic leather ear cupsAdjustable microphone boomTelescopic headband for a perfect fitIn-line remote control Performance Product typeHeadset Microphone typeBoom Recommended usageGaming Backlight colourRed BacklightYes Headset typeBinaural Wearing styleHead-band Product colourBlack, Red Cable length2.1…
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emmajordens05 · 1 year
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Hello everyone!
Just another update... Today, Merel and I edited some photos we took yesterday. In the afternoon we went on a bike tour with Fleur our mentor. We were allowed to take pictures when Fleur was doing her tour.
It was another beautiful day with lots of sun and fun!
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