#fist of idol had mao saying 'starting to see that yumenosaki's a bit odd'
always-a-joyful-note · 11 months
So I've read Bogie Time and Fist of Idol, as well as a few other stories (cannot for the life of me remember their names) thanks to the Sanctuary Event almost being out on Engstars = free stories to read and have realised that enstars also has
- cryptocurrencies (shoutout to the tags that said this) - vampires - literal war flashbacks - debates on the fluidity of morality (who was the philosopher who said that morals change as people evolve?) - censorship laws discourse - nonconsensual drugging - power rangers - questionable but compelling breakdowns of classic literature - did i mention the monologues? - urban fantasy characters - references to tax laws - a surprising amount of crossdressing - on that note, a surprising amount of flirting (you guys weren't kidding) - information wars - a concerning amount of teenagers with god(ish) complexes - totalitarianism
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