#first of all they both look so darling I'm getting radiation poisoning just from looking at them aaaaaa
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canisalbus · 5 months ago
So i remember an ask mentioning your mortal enemy, Felis Atra and their cats, and i thought it'd be fun to draw what Felis Atra's version of your italian dogs would be.
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I think they would be called Butter Knife and Flamengo! Butter Knife is not his real name, it's an nickname given by his peers because of how harmless he is. I choose Flamengo because that's the name of Vasco's rival football team here in Brazil, so i thought that was the perfect name :)
Cat Machete was slightly inspired by the Oriental Shorthair cat because of their long noses and thin head shape.
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Cat Vasco was inspired by the Scottish Fold cat, because FLOPPY EARS. I gave Flamengo longer ears and orange fur to make him more like his look-alike.
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The last doodle is a reference to this ask (https://canisalbus.tumblr.com/post/728923918314946560/me-i-am-machete-ear-fan-number-1-those-ears) and contains the tumblr ask stand-in dog, whose cat version was inspired by the American Curl cat! They have round ears that are slightly floppy outwards.
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Final notes: I know cardinal clothes don't come in vibrant blue, but i was ADAMANT on switching Machete's and Vasco's clothing color patterns. I would draw the rest of Butter Knife's and Flamengo's clothes, but i suck at designing cool outfits.
Speaking of outfits, for Machete's iconic void outfit, i figured it would be fun to make it more baggy for Butter Knife, in contrast to Machete's, that looks very tight-fitted. I think it's cute, it kinda looks like a sweater. Also i can't imagine a Machete doppelganger without high heels boots, so those HAD to stay.
Oh, and just to be clear, i'm not like, claiming ownership of these guys or anything. I just thought it would be a fun exercise. Hope you like them!! I love your art and your characters.
#imagine if Vaschete but CATS and REVERSED -> Butter knife ;_; and Flamengo <3#this ask is from last year and I'm sorry I've allowed it sit in my inbox for so long ´m`#but I've been thinking about it intermittedly#the context was that someone said that somewhere out there existed my mortal enemy (felis atra = black/dark cat)#and they had frenzied cat ocs instead of melancholic dogs#first of all they both look so darling I'm getting radiation poisoning just from looking at them aaaaaa#and the fact you put so much thought and effort into this concept is making me go absolutely rabid#extremely strange seeing Machete with big pupils and Vasco with tiny pinpoints#Butter knife purring like a fluffy jackhammer is instant serotonin I love him#and yes if you turned Machete to a cat he'd probably be something resembling an oriental shorthair#especially one of those really exaggerated ones with giant bat ears and roman nose#and I keep visualizing Vasco as a scottish fold as well but it's kind of giving me sad bad feels personally#I can't look past their painful and debilitating health issues#the same mutation that causes the floppy ears also destroys the cartilage in their joints#it's such a shame because they're a terribly cute and charming breed#and in this case they really do have those similar rounded friendly shapes that Vasco does#if I ever draw them as cats myself I'll probably have to think of some other breed for him even though it would be such a perfect fit#also I think it's funny how you can swap everything else but Machete's heels have to stay :'> don't separate the crinkle and his boots#thank you so much! this was such a cool ask to receive I love how you designed their cat forms#gift art#dingergum#Machete#Vasco#own characters#Vaschete scenarios
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yandere-daydreams · 6 years ago
God, I love your fics so much and had so much stuff I wanted to request but now that requests are ACTUALLY open my mind is going blank. Okay so, I'm not sure if you ever wrote for this but Bakugo and Dabi sharing a darling: a concept. I feel like they'd weirdly either get along or murder each other. So can I please request maybe one yandere patching up the darling after the other Y hurts them, or something of that basis? You don't have to of course! 💖
I’ve… *dabbled* with Bakugo/Darling/Dabi, but they’re far from a functional pairing. Still, I do enjoy watching the two bicker, from time to time.
TW: Swearing, Mentions of Injury, Fire (Cauterization).
Katsuki was never very quiet.
He was the loudest one in your little group, surprisingly, always cursing or complaining or yelling about something, often with Dabi and rarely with you, but neither were off the table when he fell into one of his moods. Even when the rest of the apartment was silent, Dabi on a ‘work trip’ and you locked in your room for some arbitrary punishment, you could press your ear to the door and entertain yourself by listening to him berate the grenades he was trying to repair, or ridicule one of the friends you weren’t allowed to talk to over the phone.
It was comforting, in a way, one of the few ‘constants’ you had with Dabi and Katsuki's ever-changing dynamic.
Knowing this, seeing Katsuki sit across the room, only looking on while Dabi wrapped bandage after bandage around your arms… anyone would understand why a little worry would be more than reasonable, even if you were in no position to care about his feelings. Not after what he did, and especially not after how he reacted.
A hum brought you back to your more talkative captor, the one currently holding you in his lap, your bleeding hand cupped palm-up in his own. You knew what he intended, and judging from the flames swaying on the fingertips of his free hand, you could tell that he didn’t plan on waiting, either. Reflexively, you shied away when he moved closer, but Dabi just chuckled, a sweet difference from the offense he usually took when you flinched. Gently, he entangled your fingers with yours, kissing the side of your head as he moved the fire closer.
“It’s not always scary,” He reassured, attempting to distract you as he cauterized the deep wound. It hurt, making you flinch and bite your cheek, but not nearly as bad as what’d caused the cut in the first place. Dabi seemed to know this, offering a sympathetic smile and attempting to work as delicately as he could. “We’ll get you something for the pain, I promise. Just bear with me for a few minutes, and we can take a break before patching up your legs.”
“Bullshit,” Katsuki cut in, working his way into the conversation with all the grace of a fratboy after two rounds of shots. He was leaning forward in his chair, trying desperately to look relaxed and failing so miserably, it only seemed to add to his stress. Hell, you see that he was ready to snap, his jaw locked into place and fists clenched, but you weren’t about to point that out. Honesty never led to good places, not for you. “I’m already letting you use… that, on my angel. Don’t push it with whatever ‘prescriptions’ you’re bringing home.” Dabi rolled his eyes, going back to his work, and Katsuki nearly growled at the dismissal. “I mean, is this even safe? How do I know you’re not planning to melt ‘er hand off?”
You felt Dabi tense, his flames flickering before going out completely, a roll of gauze forced into your good hand while Dabi crossed his arms over your chest protectively, pulling you closer. “You think I can’t control my quirk? Me?” He shook his head, clicking his tongue, his grip growing tight enough to make breathing difficult. You tugged on his sleeve, but neither was looking at you, their gazes trained on the supposed ‘problems’ sitting opposite of them. “Is your head so fucked up you can’t even remember who made me do this in the first place, or are you just willingly stupid?”
The danger only truely dawned you on when Katsuki pushed himself up, standing and daring to take a step towards you, Dabi hastily moving to follow his lead, but before he could stand, you shoved yourself into his chest, clinging to his arms and digging your nails into scarred skin. “Please, just drop it,” You whispered, hoping he would hear the worry in your voice, if only to save you the effort of spelling it out for him. “He’s frustrated, don’t let it get to you. He’s just trying to get under your skin.”
“Of course he is,” Dabi mumbled, moving you out of his lap, letting you rest against the headboard. You didn’t try to resist, not beyond refusing to let go of his arm until he ripped it away from you, the wounds on your arms and legs and everywhere still throbbing and bleeding, hardly closed despite the good hour that had passed. Dabi stood, towering over the blonde, stuffing his hands into his pockets and keeping his posture casual, despite the heat you could feel radiating off his form. “Look at the bastard, such a fucking attention whore he dragged you into his workshop. Then, when something obviously explodes, what does he do?” The question is punctuated by a shove to Katsuki’s chest, earning a glare from the shorter boy but not much else. “He fucking leaves you. Panics and runs away, like a coward. What? Can the hero only stand to see blood when he’s not the one who caused it?”
Dabi was ruthless, the venom dripping from his mouth turning poisonously honest. You forced yourself to look away, to hold bite your cheek, to close your eyes and wait for the oncoming, inevitably outrage, but the stillness startled you more than anything either could ever say. A second passed, then two, the atmosphere going from violent to heavy by the time you managed to glance towards the two. Dabi was still watching passively, but Katsuki was practically shaking, trembling and gritting his teeth, tears dripping from his downcast face to the floor below. You nearly said something, the thought of reaching out to comfort him almost instinctive, but Katsuki acted first. 
“You think I don’t know that?” The words were barely audible, half whispered and half forced out, but the sob that racked through him was undeniable, as apparent and as visible as any cut or bruise could ever be. “You think I don’t already know it was stupid, that I’m some selfish, shitty loser who needs to share with a villain just to be with the person I love? Fuck, I’m not even mad at you anymore, this is all my fault. There, (Y/n) got hurt because I’m an asshole.” He sighed, furiously rubbing the tears from his eyes, his breath hitching when he attempted to look up, the boy covering his face, fighting not to back down. “Happy?”
Dabi sighed, moving closer to the boy. You prepared to scream, to break up one of the worse fights they’d had, but Dabi just wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a one-sided, stiff pseudo-hug, something you could hardly call a gesture of concern. But, there was something brotherly about it, not affectionate but not unpleasant, either. Katsuki pushed himself away immediately, but didn’t yell, only crossing his arms and shaking his head. 
His breathing was uneven, but he wasn’t crying, anymore. 
And god, you were thankful for that.
“Feel better?” The question was only answered with a curt ‘fuck you’, but Dabi just laughed, punching his arm and ignoring it when Katsuki continued to curse him out. It took a few seconds for their attention to turn back to you, their injured captive, but you were almost grateful for the time, despite the fact that your confusion had to be evident, second-hand embarrassment and trepidation mixing together as they debated how best to handle your remaining wounds, both carefully dancing around the topic of quirks and burn marks.
You weren’t sure how to feel, honestly, not certain whether you should be more focused on keeping their hands off of you or just be happy that they weren’t at each others’ necks, for once. But…
At least they weren’t fighting, anymore. 
But, with a few more odd comments, their stares suddenly turning predatorily competitive… you weren’t sure their version of ‘getting along’ was much better, either. 
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