#first essnce
valdederon · 8 months
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raykore and novas heart to heart talk about valdederon , a new hidden threat and valdederons rage.
soon after valdederon enters his trance nova sighs un able to properly meditate as her mind is in chaos when she looks up at raykore who is takinga puff from her smoking pipe.
nova-- ray..raykore.
raykore chuckles softly
raykore--- you can call me ray if you want hun
nova-- ray is… val.. is he realy ok to be taking me in ..to be adventuring and ervything.
raykore stops mid puff and lets out a chuckle.
raykore--- as wise as i am even i dont know the answer to that one pup. id say yes personaly as having seen him grow over the years in this world.. the kids changed physicaly emotionaly and mentaly . and since he took you in as part of his family his drive to improve him self has grown significantly personaly i dont know if hes fully recovered from his traumatic past hell i garuntee he hasnt. but i can say it now longer drives his evry thought hes learned to ignore those impulses and think …. some what lodgicly ha ha ha… some what . he is still verry much a walking army.. but a more foucsed and determined army. though i do expect any demon he encounters may end up causing a flare up in him.
draggo----- uh yea ive seen it first hand.. he has no mercy or remorse when dispatching demons. its like watching him go from happy toddler playful and curious to a battle hardened adventurer.. eyes as cold as the arctic mountain air and a stare that can cause a volcanoe to explode.
raykore--- thats not surprising to me honestly .. nova you dont have to worry about your brother you can trust that he will protect you and should any one do anything to harm you. well god rest thier soul ha ha ha.go ahead ank keep trying to meditate hun try to block out the noise in your mind .
for the next few hours raykore tries to help nova meditate mean while 5 days walk to the south east in a small town with a hidden away bar the magmar who attacked novas tribe comes in and sits down ordering a volcanic eruption == ( imagine vodka if made with carolina reapers mixed with pure capsasin oil with 3 fresh chillie pepers ground into paste and all of that mixed into a 40 ounce glass cup ) == and begins downing it in second slaming his fist down on the table.
the barkeep a scared up machoke named dead eye leans forward.
dead eye-- the job aint finished yet you killed the old man but that little spit fire of his is still loose and from what i hear has joined a guild with a .not so delicate delphox rumor hase it this ones special.. and tougher then an onyxe on black obsdian powder. you get paied when its complete the boss aint happy bout it either.
the magmar looks up at dead eye as he slides a picture recently taken via psychic pokemon power
zorgon the magmar---- so all i have to do is flatten a stuppid little riolu girl tschh barely even a challange.
dead eye--- the way i hear it its not her you need to be worried about its that guild some what shes in but mainly that delphox. he is an unknown. reports are all over.. uses ligning fire.. even got a report of him using water moves. tread lightly you heavy foooted dolt.
the magmar grunts and pockets the picture and begins gathering information about the guild.eventualy coming up with a plan he thinks will work with out a hitch. heading to a den of goblins known for thier greed of ancient gold coins throwing them 7 bag fulls and a map of an ancient long deead kingdom castle fortress complex. in another continent. after a month valdederon wakes up and notices nova is gone from his room and that his head feels off as the effects of a heavy sleeping agent have just warn off his blury vision clearing to show the room a mess after a few minutes clearing his head he uses a spell that uses residual life essnce to reconstruct events into a magical holigram.
40 minutes later the air through out the entire guild grows ice cold and silent the silence broken by a loud explosion guild staff russing to valdederons room to be met face to face with araging blood red flaming inferno beams of wood falling into the flame and 2 piercing green eyes with in the flame taiga the serperior guild master using his vines to hold evryone back as the green eyes vanish into the flames .
kleo--- ok water types put out the fire.. psychics figure out what the fuk just happened.. AND NO ONE .AND I MEAN NO ONE IS TO CHASE VALDEDERON.. unless you want to get hurt. somthing has set him off.
raykore--- gods help his enemies..
kleo-- what does that mean.. i can sense the magic he used he reconstructed the events that happened before he woke that fire.. was fueled by pure rage anger and hatred.. gods worse then when i first met him. who ever angered him. may the gods help thier souls because hes going to kill them.
kleo--- why.. i think nova may also be involved i dont sense here near bye.
kleo-- mother mew.. i hope she is ok.
--------------------mean while near bye--------
valdederon finds a tavern and rips the door open and slams his staff to the floor causing an ice nova to freeze evryone in place.
valdederon--- im looking for a magmar.. scar across his eye probably in posession of a young riolu with minor burn scars. ill know if any one is lying and that wont end well.
the room falls dead slent as the tavern owner comes down from the top floor offic having heard the yelling.
myran a levanae --- your powerful..im not sure what info i may have for you but if youd kindly please release my customers then we can speak.
valdederon--- my little sisters life is on the line ill release them when i have answers.. even if thier vague guesses of were my target is.
she sighs and bangs her heard into the side railing then comes down .
the next few hours are tense untill some one finaly mentions that a near bye town would have such filth and scum and valdederon releases evryone heading out to that town. eventualy ariving after 5 days and breaks the door down and looks around the room growing tense with shock.
valdederon--- this tavern will answer to me.. any one who tries to escape i will cut down. recently one of your patreons stole somthing verry precious to me.. this patreon is a magmar with a scar across one of his eyes. talk and live… stay silent.. and youl sufer greatly
dead eye--- and why should we believe you
apon that coment valdederon fires off a holy javiline pircing the wall behind the bar counter flaming wood splinters flying ervywere the stone red hot and molten and valdederons staff aimed directly at machops arm.
valdederon---- the next one tears your arm off old man. dont fuk with me. i know that the patreon was here recently..
dead eye--- …mmmmmmpph.. fine.. zorgon mentioned he would be setting up camp at a castle some place some dead city called bakoonsk or somthing.. thats all i know.
valdederon heads out after that but causes an earth queake to tear the tavern down traping them all temporarily and begins the long journey to the dark continent of baroovien. using old maps he had gotten form a laibrary only to encounter a hoard of goblins the size of a nations army.
valdederon--- you idiots actualy look intelegent for goblins.
they chuckle and grin untill a bolt of ligning strikes the hobgoblin general the shear electricity causing him to explode into a goopy purple mess the goblins looking at the once great general and back at valdederon .
valdederon--- your in my way scatter or die.
in seconds a battle erupts mean while in the castle the distant sounds of battle can be heard.
nova--- le..let me go… please .. who are you.
zorgon-- im your death..tsch looks like ive been found. . is that.. lignting.. and fire. god now ice.
nova whimpering in fear crosses her legs a puddle growing beneath her chained feet
nova--.s..sounds like my brother is here.. your in trouble now.
----- back at the beack front---
valdederon sslashes his staf out word causing a wave of energy to slize many goblins in half once jumping at his face only to be grabed by the throat and fall limp after a loud crack as valdederon crushes his throat and tosses the goblin to the side the gasping and wheasing as it struggles to breath and then whimpering as it bursts into flames for hours the battle rages valdederon getting to the citty edges and begins to walt through as he summons meteors to fall into the citty the explosions reverberating through the citty and castle walls.
zorgon--- god how many are there i hired an entire army out there .
nova tears up hearing the screams and explosions in the distance. hoping she will survive each passing second the explosions and yelling turned screaming grow closer and closer after awhile zorgon runs down to the entrance of the castle just as 6 hob goblin generals crash through thier boddies practicly turned inside out via magic and a shadowed figure slowly aproaching with the clack…. clack… clack….clack of a staf on stone the torch fire on the wall lighting the figure up . a delphox furr drenched purple with goblin blood the sounds of crumbling buildings in the distance followed by a loud crash as a wall falls over blocking the exit.
valdederon---- what is your name ass hole.. id like to know the name of my victim you kidnaped my baby sister and i wont let that slide.
the magmar stares frozen with fear barely able to mumbler zorgon untill he steals him self.
zorgon--- my name is zorgon and you will be my victim peasant theres no way your not exausted after all of that
valdederon---- SILENCE YOU IDIOT. YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO SPEAK HERE ive lost far to much in my past to loose what i have now.. prepare your self to fight .. .. tsch.. prepare to be slaughtred im not going to fight you.. im going to end you. painfuly… slowly.. brutaly… just one thing first,.. were is the riolu you kidnaped..
zorgon growls--- top of the castle tower.
with in seconds a full blowne onslaught erupts fire lightning ice water stone bullets fire balls and hundreds of others spells fly out in all directions for 6 hours the battle rages untill valdederon lands a heavy blow with a sizable chunk of boulder to the magmars chest snaping his ribs as it hits after words he picks up zorgon bu the throat and tosses him against a pillar causing it to fall over and smashing into his back…youl never escape that.. but if you do rest asured ill end you if we ever meet again.
clack… clack…clack… clack.
valdederon turns and walks away from the slowly dying magmar his lungs punctured by shards of rib and his spinke broken paralyzing him from the hip down passing out from the imense pain nova hearing the silence begins to sob untill the sound of wood on stone comes up the stares and the familliar shape of valdederons body fills the blury void
valdederon--- chin up princess. your big brother is here.
nova---..y,.. you.. they are.. so.. so many
a gental flick of her nose silences her jumbled thoughts
valdederon------your life is far more important to me.. he hired monsters. no one will miss a pile of goblin filth and the mag mar was a acriminal
nova--mmmpph.. i…w..wet my self.. i..
valdederon-- lets go find a hotspring to wash up at .
he gently unchains and picks her up and lets her sob into his shoulder ignoring her claws digging into his flesh and soon enters a hotspring with her and rubs her back gently letting her have her time to let out all her bottled up fear and sadness for a solid 3 hours she cries and cries and cries settling into hickups.
valdederon---- feel better now..its ok to cry you must have wanted to cry while you were beeing held. but wanted to apear strong.. im proud of you for holding strong untill i got here for you
nova---im hungry i havent eaten in a couple days…
valdederon--- i have some berries in my item box for you lets get washed up first though ok.
she sniffles and nods and avldederon gets up out of the hot spring and lets her wash up on her own in private then washes him self after shes finished sitting at the edge to share a pile of oran berries with his baby sister.
nova--- will you be in trouble..
valdederon chuckles neverously knowing he nuked his room
valdederon--- maybey.. i did vaporise my bedroom.
she giggles hearing than and falls asleep in his lap paw in her mouth for comfort as she shivers still stressed but noticably comforted by his presence.
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spycamp · 6 years
From: Alex Erickson Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2018 9:20 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Advanced Copy
 I referenace A>I>M>E> on this and with ai project time can be of the essnce.  I am very pleased with how I have framed my future relationship with NASA in this request for a military briefing.
  DHSHDS a Military Briefing Folder Request
Alexander William Erickson Born June 29
AWE629 an American Spy
Family History
In the year 2012, I was married then, I travelled to Savannah, GA to be spend time with the in-laws.  The week was spent with family with conversations about my career plans and application to Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S.) were discussed regularly. My wife and me could not get along during the summer of 2012, and she travelled back to Savannah to be with family without me.  During the summer I cancelled the interview process with D.H.S. and planned my career into real estate sales.  While this career transition ringed in the ears of people I talked too, the plans felt flat, and I felt like I was going through a process of failure not preparing for success in a new career.  I had lied to my parents about applying for government police work, and I needed to mature in order to understand myself.
In October 2013, I had been divorced for almost a year, but I had become certain while travelling in Virginia that I was in fact an undercover spy unwinding from self-awareness.  I immediately began self-improvement by deciding to apply to Stanford University for a doctorate in Communications and decided that if that failed to work I would fix The Santa Clara County Mental Health System.  I was under physical duress from clandestine communications and I needed to order the voices in my head. 
I have spent these last five years preparing a plan as New Leadership and will continue to approach The Department of Homeland Security as part of my family. 
I require an update about my family of contacts at DHS included in the DHSHDS folder briefing.
The Port Authority
My brother-in-law works for DHS-ICE and when I visited Savannah and he spent the day with the marine port authority handling possible illegals trying to land in the Georgia Port.  In my assessment I was Recruited as a spy by my brother-in-law when I visited him in Georgia.  My work as a spy has come to two conclusions.  First, a new Port of Entry with a weapons and communications advanced manufacturing facility is necessary for security purposes as we pass through into an advanced era of technology.  Second, there is a tunnel designed for artificial intelligence and Federal Farming that is being used presently as a gangland homeland slave tunnel.  I am planning the new port of entry for The United Nations with a top-secret security briefing, and this intra-state tunnel of rumors will be secured for a major artificial intelligence project called AIME: Artificial Intelligence Mapped Endeavors.
The sociology of this project is to develop a family atmosphere of support for me at The Port Authority and D.H.S. overall. As a corporation of people D.H.S. will be involved in a “relationship fox hole” with Me and Angelina Jolie.  Angelina Jolie is in a fox hole with The United Nations.  I am going to be spending one year travelling the world with Angelina Jolie, and a lot of the time will be spent with The United Nations. I look forward to getting to spend time with D.H.S. to plan A.I.M.E. and GLYNCO2 while travelling. 
The trip is called The Ranger Wedding Period.  I am going to be completing an economic slavery and spy survey.  Other possible participants include Cytherea, Cytherea and Alexander will be training to operate a Global Live Security Agency, or in other words a social embroidery.  Alexis Texas Thea Samper will be travelling with NASA support, we will be training as copilots for NASA’s componentry program and my IBM Rocket Ship program. 
The Sociology and Cooperation of The Port Authority concerning me and my operations, any Requests for Information included in this section of the folder.
The 89 on Logic and Reasoning
I scored an 89 on the Logic and Reasoning test for The Department of Homeland Security.  Ever since then, often times, I have found myself acting submissively against the greater will of logic and reason at times.  And my understanding of that phenomena is that these plans for my career are very important, so important that my Handlers at D.H.S. expect me to lose everything except this quest to become The International Head of The CIA with a career as New Leadership.
Tests, Government Forms, Interviews, Details, please add into this section.
The Port of Entry Overview
This era is a transition from the modern era on Planet Earth to an advanced era of technological advancements in biology and manufacturing that require an elite method to create and provide security for personnel that regularly travel risky trade routes.  Enough technology exists that a bag with communications gear and weaponry can be swapped out for scanned gear with biologically infused metal that looks the exact same but creates biological interferences with use.  This method of terrorism can spread psychosis like a biological virus deconstructing a normal person’s psychology.  With that understood I have began developing a Port of Entry as GLYNCO2 a completely new look at weapons and communications security.
The Port of Entry has a specific series of uses:  First, the facility manufactures the Department of Homeland Security Utility Belt and tool kit.  The Port of Entry will manufacture new radios, cell phones, handcuffs, leathers, keys, and handguns only for The Department of Homeland Security.  This process which includes providing DNA as an input into the manufacturing process will provide every DHS Employee a Permanent Credit / ATM Card in addition to their new tools and utility belt. 
This tool kit is under development to provide assurances that a Federal Police Officer on patrol for A.I.M.E. will not only secure the above ground perimeter but make the necessary underground adjustments while providing stability and peace of mind to the officer.  Developing a mobile data communications system that is able to secure an intra-state underground advanced era farming systems for The Federal Government.  Most importantly this new utility belt system will provide the best communications and family security for personnel available.
The Department of Homeland Security will complete its first complete round of manufacturing and distribution for The D.H.S. Police Personnel.  Then D.H.S. will invite The United Nations into the new United Nations Port of Entry into The United State of America.
Please use this section of the brief to address questions and concerns about GLYNCO2.
Relationship with DHS & United Nations – The Germination of the Idea
I remember beginning 2018 by reading an article about Angelina Jolie meeting with a solider requesting military aide.  The entire construct of the event seemed to have gone sour from the article.  A meeting that obviously some of the handlers of Angelina Jolie and some the staff of the military officer never intended for this meeting to be fruitful.  That caused me to look at my entire operation with The Department of Homeland Security having similar problems.  My handlers at DHS, my former brother-in-law never expects me to perform and deliver a clandestine spy. 
This operation may be about providing DHS as civilian leadership cover for me to build a relationship with The United Nations and The United States Army.  Please address any developmental ideas about improving relationships between The US ARMY, The UN, and DHS in this section.
The United Nations Security Brief
I am planning a three week series of movements prior to the Ranger Wedding Period.  Teasers Week is a road trip for collecting everyone for the Ranger Wedding Period.  Boston City Planning will be the public relations and human resources week.  New York Shopping week will include two fashion spreads, Alexander and Angelina went shopping with Vanity Fair, and the Alexis Texas VOGUE NASA interview.  Friday of the New York Shopping Weeks I will speak at The United Nations, and that Saturday there is a meeting at The New York Stock Exchange for delivery of precious stones from my Trust Fund, The Lyons Long Term Trust.  The United Nations Security Brief will get delivered during Boston City Planning Week.
I am developing a Global Live Security Agency.  The first test of the security system will be to distribute this Security Brief.  I am going to be using cyclists from New York to travel the world by plane, train, bus, and bicycle to deliver these security briefs to every principal member of The United Nations.  I a recruiting the Federal Bureau of Investigation for supervision of this distribution.
The United Nations Security Brief will provide ambassadors, employees, and member citizens a complete summary of opportunity for the New Port of Entry.  The Security Brief will address that the first pass through the Port of Entry will occur in military formation and will confirm an updated and finalized roster of members of The United Nations as recognized by The Department of Homeland Security.  This is a security briefing not a security event.  The briefing will tell everything we can disclose.  The date for the event and travel details will be decided when The United Nations has sent a troupe to meet with the top-secret workers on the project.
The Department of Homeland Security will be preparing this top-secret briefing and I will read it with Angelina Jolie in Boston for the first time while we wait for responses from others who review the security briefing.
Please use this section to ask me questions about the briefings contents and distribution plans.
The United Nations Pager and Credit Card
I am not prepared to explain the reasons for the security measures.  Someone at DHS GLYNCO2 will prick fingers collecting blood and will supply you a pager and credit card inked with United Nations Artificial Intelligence Forensics Tracking and your own blood.  The pager holds the credit card. 
I need to be briefed on oneway or twoway options for the pager.
The Ranger Wedding Period To Do List
I want to take this time out and get personal.  I am your superhero.  I am The DHS Superhero.  And this is about improving socializing between UN & DHS.  The United Nations have a superhero her name is Angelina Jolie.  We are creating a very effective power couple with me & her.  I am going to travel the world creating a new dictionary for Congress with her and the UN.  I am The DHS Superhero. 
Department of Homeland Security please call NASA and The Department of Defense and request to be briefed on The Nu Elemental Worker Unit Currency. And brief them about superhero socialization.  Then prepare a brief for me on The Nu Elemental Worker Unit Currency from the superhero Alexander & Angelina perspective for me to discuss with her during a legal custody conference during Boston City Planning Week.  I may need to offer her private education for her children while travelling, and this is how I afford such things.
My personal staff does not cover my artificial intelligence project during the Ranger Wedding Period.  Any movement or effort for A.I.M.E. during the Ranger Wedding Period needs to be developed by DHS with Central Atlanta Progress from Atlanta, Georgia.  I am planning a lot of Federal Employment around A.I.M.E. and a lot of personal business opportunities around A.I.M.E. in Atlanta and at ATL.  This is an edgy operation and will include a Successful Drinkers of The Court system that will provide a social outlet for people in recovery that want to keep a drink or two on their personal calendar during recovery in partnership with a rental car company and ATL.  I am very passionate about my Atlanta Hustle projects.
I am founding an elite college in Marseilles, France and its gathering identity is #cameragirlcollege.  I am doing so in haste to be in association with this new Port of Entry for The United Nations.  Members of my college will be the last in line to Roster through this Port of Entry secured by The Department of Homeland Security and will receive a device that does sms calendaring and credit card payments. 
The college specialty is advanced engineering and biology projects creating diplomas from studies at multiple Universities, Federal Facilities, and Corporations.  The college is interested in recruiting educated soldiers for advanced degrees at individual Universities.
A.I.M.E. The Atlanta Hustle of Alexander
The Federal Government is required to maintain reserves and harvests of popular and necessary goods.  The problem from the outset of artificial intelligence is the liability of collecting human anatomy for production inputs.  The Federal Government is going to regulate the artificial intelligence business by developing A>I>M>E> a road map for innovation that is a vertically integrated a technically sound singular structure of spy intelligence that is the only solution that wins for NASA beyond NASA.  Which is winning the intergalactic space race.  My plans in New Jersey with #AUTOCADCAPACITY @GAMECARTCORP for INTERTECHT LLC create the planetary balance to eventually win the intergalactic space race for NASA at NASA with A>I>M>E> equipment, my equipment.
The briefing on A.I.M.E. is that my Atlanta Hustle uses a slave dialect method for producing advanced results.  I want this space open for ideas on how we approach that aspect of the business.  From what I understand about the A.I.M.E. equipment is that it was used as a slave tunnel and therefore functions within a slave dialect.  The public relations framework on this project needs to be thought through.
I like the backwoods culture, and if the culture is the problem, we will shut it down after we win in about thirty years and rebuild the entire thing.
Prior to completing the surveys of The Ranger Wedding Period and #AUTOCADCAPACITY I want to set up AUTOBOUNDESCROW. 
My explanation for autoboundescrow versus autocadescrow:  With my NASA mission, Mission #BlackbirdSalad I am going to roll a SR71 Blackbird into my top-secret manufacturing facility and autoboundescrow will capture data confirming the entire planes contents and densities and placements.  And NASA-CIA will review the contents and confirm the formation of an autoboundescrow account.  I will then input my autocadescrow account information into the top-secret manufacturing system and days later I will roll out the plane for #BlackbirdSalad NASA Mission.  We will photograph the plane, video and audio capture the plane, we will test fly the plane, and we will complete the mission to Mars.  The vehicle will land, and we will roll it back into the top-secret manufacturing facility and the autocadescrow file will input the necessary changes to meet with the specifications of the autoboundescrow.  And days later we will roll out the same SR71 Blackbird that was rolled in.
Autocadescrow and Autoboundescrow are going to be GROUNDFLOOR corporations from Atlanta, GA and may be destined to be words in the dictionary rather than company names. 
Please brief me on the progress and plans updates.
Alexander William Erickson
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wrensrp · 7 years
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essnce → a k-pop infused/inspired american boy band // 5-7 members wanted
so i’m looking for 5-7 additional characters to complete the band essence. my boy jae kwon is the maknae (aka the youngest member) and he’s constantly working himself to the brink of exhaustion to prove that he’s good enough. no one really doubts him but, yk ~ but yes okay. most of them are from asian backgrounds (they can be first-generation asian-american or moved here from korea, china, japan, wherever - i would love if one or more of them was central/southeast asian) but they have a token white boy ok. 
they all met at a performing arts school in the l.a. area. jae was thirteen when he started and all of the others were 14+ (so this was back in like 2010). they all came together somehow - whether the bulk of them had a class together or it was a slow, trickle effect is still up in the air. but by the following school year, they were a solid unit - rehearsing together, performing together, the whole bit. they continued to perform and rehearse together even after the older ones started graduating, which pushed them to start performing outside of the school setting. 
their goal isn’t really to bring k-pop to the u.s. (they’re leaving that to the actual k-pop bands who are working very hard to do just that), but to embrace their backgrounds and be a voice for others who struggled like they did to find their place. like k-idols, they work nonstop. they’re always pushing and striving to be better - always looking for ways to improve be it vocals or choreography. social media has been a wonderful platform for them, and they garnered a small but dedicated and loyal fan base - as well as caught the eye of several large names in the music industry. 
last year they were signed to a record label, and they hit the ground running. they have been writing, recording, rehearsing non-stop. when they’re not at a meet and greet trying to continue getting their name out there, they’re opening for another music act or performing at a small venue. when they’re not performing, they’re in the studio recording and re-recording and recording again. when they’re not recording, they’re working on their own choreography or with other choreographers.
honestly they’re just hard working boys who are desperately fighting for their chance in the spotlight.
first last | 24 / the leader / open first last | 22-23 / the visual/social media king / open first last | 22-23 / the king of the dance floor/choreographer / open first last | 22-23 / the token white boy / open first last | 21-22 / the one who raps / open young-jae kwon | 20 / the maknae / billie’s
also!!! i would love if one of them had (read: has) a ~thing with jae. i haven’t decided if he’s openly gay or not yet, but i would think most of the guys know regardless of whether or not he’s actually told them. but i just really want to do st where like, he and one of the other members hooked up a lot but you know Just Friends ™ - except jae kind of (v much so) caught The Feels and one day was like hey wouldn’t it be funny if we just started dating. and the other was like ...... wait jae no, and ever since jae has just been like (: i’m fine (: (he’s not fine, but he’s good at pretending). they really haven’t hooked up since then (i’m thinking like 4-5 months?) but they’re going to start again and things get messy because jae still has hardcore feelings and yes.
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