#finishing the bracelet i started two months ago and haven't picked up since
alucohc · 11 months
gonna clown on my ex new psych on main bc lmfao "you can't have adhd bc you did well in school as a kid" gtfo 🤡
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tj-crochets · 2 years
I ask this genuinely: how do you manage to create so much? I really admire how much you make things, and enjoy your hobbies so much. I'm trying to figure out how to feel motivated to do projects again
This got extremely ramble-y, so it's below a read more
A lot of it is honestly luck? I have a stay-at-home job that has a fair amount of down time* where I have to be sitting at my computer in case someone emails me/messages me/calls me but can make things while waiting for emails, and it pays enough I can afford to live and buy craft supplies. I've also had a bunch of people, including relatives, neighbors, friends' relatives, and strangers destash and give me a lot of craft supplies for free. Part of it is that I get...idk how to word it. Antsy and listless when I haven't made things in a while? Making things is enrichment for me, and I know that, so I make a point to not go more than a few days without making something. Sometimes I don't want to make things, but I know I'll feel better if I finish a project**, so I'll crochet a little monster or make a tiny witch hat or something, and usually once I start making something I feel better and want to keep making things. Part of it is that I let myself make things on a whim. I've accumulated enough colors of minky, yarn, and embroidery floss*** that I can pretty much make any small thing I think of immediately after I think of it. This isn't universally applicable advice; I have the storage space to (mostly) store it neatly, and I know myself well enough to know I will absolutely lose enthusiasm for a project if I have to wait too long to start it. If I'm making a quilt but have a strong urge to make a tiny monster, I will take a break from the quilt to make a monster (I sometimes struggle with finishing big projects because of this, but it's a work in progress, and I always finish the project eventually). I also love craft supplies as decor. I let myself switch between hobbies as I have the urge to, and trust that I will eventually go back to previous hobbies. I used to guilt myself about changing hobbies, but now I embrace it. Learning new things is good for me! I just spent like three months quilting, like two weeks making doll clothes and a doll to fit them, and now two and a half days embroidering. I'm thinking about making a teddy bear sized tricorn hat. A few weeks ago I made a chain mail/scale mail bracelet, and before then I think it had been like five years since I made anything with chain mail. Sometimes I do get caught up in guilt about crafts. Like, guilt that I promised to make someone something and haven't yet, or that I spent money on supplies but haven't used them, or that someone bought me supplies and I haven't used them. It can absolutely drain all my crafting motivation. When that happens, I try to take a step back, and find what is stopping me/causing me guilt. Is a gift late? That's okay, my friends and family understand crafting takes time and won't be upset. Did I spend money on supplies and not use them yet? That's okay, picking them out brought me joy and inspiration and I will use them in the future. Someone bought me supplies and I haven't used them? How awesome that they thought of me! Someday I'll make something cool with that stuff, and it's great to have another metaphorical crayon in my crayon box to open up more possibilities of things to make. Sometimes I also get hung up on patterns, where part of it is just utterly unenjoyable to me and I can't bring myself to start making the thing. When that happens, I try to figure out what bugs me about it. Is it too complex a pattern? Okay, I'll pick a simpler one. Do I hate hand sewing applique? Okay, I'll look up machine applique, or use a different fabric that doesn't need applique, or pick a different pattern. I think I might've gotten a little off topic? Part of it is also that I struggle to focus on watching shows or even sometimes reading if I am not also making something.
*I mean, it varies day to day, but a lot more downtime than my first job
**there's some neurochemical thing about finishing a project, especially when the finished project creates a tangible object? ***I used to make friendship bracelets
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itsadamcole · 4 years
christmas lights - pt. 3
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader and drew come face to face ...
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word count: 2.3k+
warnings: mentions of cheating, mentions of divorce, mentions of being intoxicated, angst, rebuilding of a broken relationship
— part 4 tomorrow, then two more christmas themed imagines after that —
masterlist || request an imagine here
part 1 || part 2 || part 4
Weeks pass and you finally reached out to Drew after you've finally calmed down. Candice told you to hear him out so you told him to come by the house today.
Drew is home for a few days so he is stopping by so the two of you can at least air everything out. You don't know if you'll be able to fix the relationship.
You took off your wedding band and engagement ring because looking at them on your finger made you upset. You don't plan on putting them back on today.
You do dress like you haven't been crying your eyes out for the past six weeks. You wear a silky light blue button up and white jeans. You don't bother with putting shoes on so you're barefoot. You tie your hair into a ponytail on top of your head.
Now you wait for Drew to show up. You sit on the couch as you wait. You try to think about something else, anything else, but it's almost impossible. Especially after you hear a car pull into the driveway.
Sighing, you prepare yourself to come face to face with your husband, if that's what he still is. You don't know anymore.
Drew knocks on the door and you get up, walking into the foyer and opening the door.
The Scotsman stands in front of you, and it takes everything in you to not fall into his arms and just cry. He's dressed casually. A t-shirt and jeans with sneakers. His hair is in a low ponytail on the back of his head.
"Hi," you squeak.
Drew says, "Hey. May I come in?"
Nodding, you step aside and he walks in. You close the door and join Drew, who's now in the living room. He looks around at all the pictures you haven't taken down yet.
You ask, "Do you want something to drink?"
He shakes his head and says, "No, thank ya though."
You sit in the comfy chair adjacent from the couch that Drew is now sitting on. He looks over at you and you look down, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"Look, Y/N," Drew sighs. "I'm ripping off the bandaid so we can go back to what we were before. I lied t'ya."
Avoiding eye contact, you say, "No shit, Drew. That's why we're here."
Drew says, "No, we're here because ya took a text out of context. Ya never let me fully explain myself."
Anger starts to rise in you and you say, "The text seemed pretty straight forward, Drew. I gave you the opportunity to explain yourself and you said that you cheated. Plain and simple."
The Scotsman says, "I told ya that I cheated because ya wanted t'hear me say it. I never cheated. I would never do that t'ya, Y/N. Ya know me-"
"I thought I knew you," you interrupt.
Drew says, "Will ya close yer stubborn mouth for two seconds so I can explain what happened?"
You blink at Drew. He's never used that tone with you. That tone of "be quiet or I swear to God". Never has Drew used that tone with you, which makes you be quiet.
As you wait, you cross your arms over your chest. You stay quiet.
Drew begins with, "I wanted t'buy you a present for Christmas and I needed another woman's opinion so I asked my friend Diane t'help me pick it out. That was my first mistake. The lingerie in the picture, that was supposed t'be for ya. Diane, who I've blocked by the way, always used t'tease me because I only have sex every few weeks. She asked if I wanted t'come over and pick it up to give t'ya but ya were home and I didn't want t'leave t'go get it since it had been a while since we've seen each other.
"That's when the picture comes in. She decided to mess with me and send that picture with the text. I never kissed her, I never slept with her, I never flirted with her. Nothing happened. I mean that. I never cheated, and I only told ya that because it's what ya wanted to hear. I've always stayed loyal t'ya, Y/N. I've never even thought about messing with someone else behind yer back," Drew finished.
His explanation lines up with everything, but your stubborn ass never let him fully explain yourself. You have your doubts, yes, but you should have let him explain himself that night.
That night was your worst nightmare come true when it never should have been.
Tears begin to well in your eyes and you mumble, "That makes perfect sense and I didn't believe you."
You cover your face with your hands. You hate that you never let Drew explain himself. You hate that you've been avoiding talking to him for weeks.
He stays quiet and the tears that formed begin to roll down your cheeks. You've hated Drew for the past six weeks when you had no reason. You almost wanted him to tell you he had been unloyal to you because you couldn't believe him at all. He sounded so panicky when he was trying to explain himself all those weeks ago that you thought that he was lying to you.
"I'm so sorry, Drew," you cry, face still covered. "I'm so sorry that I never let you explain yourself."
Drew gets up and walks over to you. He wraps his arms around you as he sits on the arm of the chair. You cry into his chest as he says, "No, I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry that I made ya think ya weren't good enough. I'm sorry I made ya ever think that I cheated. Yer perfect for me and I almost ruined it."
You hug him tight and say, "I've hated you for the past few weeks and pushed you away for no reason."
"Hey, ya had every reason," Drew says. "Ya were emotional and I had told ya that I was unloyal. Ya had every right t'hate me and t'push me away, Y/N. I don't blame ya at all, and ya shouldn't blame yourself, love."
You finally look up at Drew, meeting his eyes and you say, "I love you. I never stopped even though I hated you for something you didn't do. I'm so sorry that we couldn't spend the last six weeks together when it's what you wanted."
Drew presses a kiss to your forehead and he says, "We can start over. Clean slates, yeah?"
You nod and say, "Yeah, I'd like that. I need to do one thing first."
He nods and you get up, running up the stairs. You grab your wedding band and engagement ring out of the jewelry box you put them in and put both rings on your finger. Then you grab the present you never gave Drew for Christmas before walking downstairs.
Your husband looks confused as you carry a wrapped gift down the stairs.
"I, um, was never able to give you this," you say. "So Merry belated Christmas, Drew."
The small box is unwrapped once you hand it to Drew. Inside the wrapping paper is a small box. Not the size that would contain a ring, but the size that would contain a bracelet.
Drew opens up the box and smiles when he sees the contents. It's a thin silver bracelet with Drew's initials engraved on one side of the date that's engraved in the metal with your initials engraved on the other side of date. The date is the day you married Drew.
He says, "Y/N. Ya got this fer me?"
You nod and say, "And I'm giving it to you a month and a half later so technically happy early Valentine's Day."
Your husband laughs and puts the bracelet on his left wrist. You notice he's wearing his wedding band. Your heart sinks as you realize he probably never took his off while you did.
Drew looks over at you and he says, "Thank ya, Y/N."
You nod and meet his eyes again. "No more secrets," you say. "Please?"
He shakes his head and says, "No more secrets, I promise. And no more lying."
"Yeah, I agree," you say, giving Drew a small smile.
Drew reaches up and touches your cheek lightly, and you lean into his touch. "Can I kiss ya?" he asks.
You nod and Drew stands up from the arm of the chair. He towers over you and you have to look up at him.
He leans down and lightly presses a kiss to your cheek. You move closer to Drew as the kiss intensifies just a little bit. Your eyes flutter closed and butterflies rise in your stomach as if this was your first kiss again with Drew. It almost feels like it.
The kiss continues for a few moments before Drew pulls away. He says, "I probably have t'build yer trust up again, don't I?"
You look up at him and say, "I mean, I have some doubts but I do believe you for the most part." You take his hand. "But we can't just jump right back into how we were. We've been separated for six weeks."
Drew asks, "What do ya want to do? Do ya want me to stay with Sheamus a little bit longer or I can rent an apartment for a few months that way we can take things slow."
"You don't have to move out," you say, staring up at Drew. "We can asleep in separate bedrooms for a few weeks while we mend the relationship. We're gonna need some boundaries temporarily while we fix things."
He nods and says, "Whatever ya want t'do, Y/N. If ya want me t'stay then I'll stay."
Smiling up at him, you say, "I want you to stay, but separate bedrooms for right now."
Drew says, "Then I'll stay. I'll have Sheamus or Cesaro drop my clothes off later. Right now, I just want t'spend some time with my wife while I'm home."
Your face gets a little flustered as he talks.
You believe that this relationship can be fixed. Drew's explanation makes sense and lines up with a lot. You're just upset with yourself that you never let him explain.
A question pops into your head and you ask, "Drew, how long did you know Diane?"
He says, "I've known her a few months. She works in makeup for Raw and that's how we met. She's become a close friend while I'm on the road."
"Is that why you asked her to help you shop for me?" you ask.
Drew nods and says, "I talked t'her about ya all the time and she knew what ya liked and didn't like. That's how much I talked t'her about ya." A chuckle leaves his lips. "I didn't ask Candice or Indi because I wanted it t'be a surprise and I knew they would probably end up telling ya or ya'd find out because ya always talk to them. So I asked Diane and we shopped when we were in New York. Looking back, I probably shoulda asked Candice."
You listen to the tone of his and he sounds genuine. His accent gets a little thicker when he lies but it stays the same.
"Did she ever try to come onto you?" you ask.
Drew shakes his head and says, "Not that I'm aware of. Maybe I was just oblivious because I was always thinking about ya and when I'd get back t'ya. I always used to say how I'd miss ya and how much I missed us, ya know, having sex or being intimate with each other so she used t'tease me about it. The picture she sent overstepped a boundary that I didn't think I'd needed t'put down so the next day, after I sobered up and everything, I told her that she overstepped, that our friendship was over, and blocked her."
Sobered up? "You got drunk that night?" you ask.
He nods and says, "Severely. Sheamus and Cesaro picked me up and I threw up."
You frown. That's why Sheamus said that Drew wasn't there when you called that night to make sure he made it over okay.
"I called, that night," you admit. "I called Sheamus to see if you made it there okay. My heart sank because I thought you were with her after he told me you weren't there."
Drew crouches in front of you and he says, "I drove to a bar. I drank heavily for a while before Sheamus and Cesaro found me extremely intoxicated. That's all. I wasn't with Diane."
You look into his pretty blue eyes and you feel butterflies as you make eye contact with him. "I know," you say. "I'm sorry for being a terrible wife recently."
Your husband rests his hands on your knees and he says, "Ya have no reason to apologize, love. The past few weeks have all been on me. I gave ya the space ya wanted. I knew ya'd reach out when ya were ready to talk."
Sighing, you run your fingers through Drew's dark hair and you say, "I'm glad you're back. Let's never do that again. Separate, I mean."
He lets out a breathy laugh and says, "I agree. It was terrible."
You laugh a bit and hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him close.
You finally feel at home again in Drew's arms. Yes, he has a bit to prove but you're willing to work with him. You believe him and because you love him, you want to make sure this relationship gets fixed because you could never forgive yourself if this relationship ended for any reason.
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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Chris Pratt x Reader
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Wanting: implied sexual content
It was a beautiful night in LA. Chris came home three days ago from his last filming project and he wanted to spoil you like crazy. So he took you to your favorite restaurant and you two were seated in a private area which overlooked the city. It was perfect.
"I can't thank you enough for tonight, Chris." You smile at your boyfriend of nine months.
"You deserve it baby, I've missed you so much. And you haven't complained once about me being gone so much. I do have one more surprise tonight." He says. "I brought you something home I thought you'd like." He says as he stands up and digs something out of his pocket.
"Well I do love anything that comes out of those pants." You tease.
"Dammit, I'm trying to be romantic here." He laughs as he pulls out a small wrapped gift.
"I can't help it, you make me think bad thoughts." You giggle. "Seriously Chris you didn't have to get me anything."
"I wanted to. Just open it, please." He smiles as he hands the gift to you.
You take the gift and unwrap it to see a small charm to add to your bracelet. You already had two others on your bracelet from him too. One from when he asked you to be his girlfriend, and the second one when he told you he loved you for the first time. You couldn't help but smile. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much."
"I saw it and had to get it for you. Besides it's been a while since you had one added to your collection." He says as he helps you clip it on your bracelet. "There. Looks beautiful."
You smile and admire it next to your other charms. He really was so thoughtful.
After the two of you finished dinner he grabbed the check and paid. "Come on, let's go home."
When the two of you arrive at his place he pulls you close and starts giving you deep and intense kisses. As things heat up he throws you over his shoulder and carries you to his bedroom. You squeal when he drops you on the bed and starts pulling away at your clothes. Once your shirt is off you get a little self conscious as he stares at your body. You blush and try to cover yourself, suddenly feeling very exposed.
"You're cute when you get shy on me." He whispers into your ear. "Get comfortable, I have a feeling it's going to be a long night."
The morning light peaking through the window is what wakes you up the following morning. You sigh in contentment as you feel your boyfriends arms tighten around your waist. Turning slightly you see that he's still sound asleep. Carefully not waking him, you pull away and get out of bed. You pick up Chris's shirt that he discarded from the night before and pull it over your head as you make your way into the kitchen. He just went shopping so he had plenty of food. After turning on the coffee pot, you grabs eggs and bacon from the fridge and start on breakfast. Lost in your own thoughts as you were cooking you didn't hear your boyfriend come up behind you and feel him kiss your neck.
You smile and reach behind you to caress his face. "Good morning."
"You look cute wearing my clothes." He says with a bit of sleepiness in his voice still. "How come you're up so early?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Couldn't sleep anymore. Figured you might be hungry."
"I am hungry." He says as he leans over you to turn off the stove. "But for something else." He grins as he picks you up and puts you on the counter.
You giggle as he starts pulling at your shirt to take it off. "Baby you're insatiable."
"Only when it comes to you."
You smile and throw your head back as he continues what he's doing. It was definitely good to have him home.
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