#finally a remake where i've actually played the original first lol
shinozaki-ayumi · 2 years
im about to finish original RE2 for the first time and i gotta say. i can’t decide whether i like the original or the remake better. i see a lot of people online get into petty arguments and get so worked up about whether classic or modern RE is better, and i’m glad i’m able to confidently say i think they both fucking rock equally  
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stupidcupidsposts · 5 months
my first impressions of gmmtv 2024 pt. 2 shows (and judging them by how likely I'd tune in to watch them)
Us The Series - i am not really familiar with the main leads but from what I've seen their chemistry is really good. The film style is giving artsy and indie but the production quality seems high. The plot looks interesting to me, it's the only one that really speaks to me. I have faith that the actual show will be amazing! It is the only gl drama of Pt. 2 😭 but at least it will be a good one! 1000/10 will definetely watch!
Ossan's Love Thailand - this is only so high bc I love earthmix. The plot is interesting and I love that earth plays a more loser like character hahaha. I know it's a remake and I want to watch the og before the remake, but where can I watch the original?? 10/10 will watch
Hide & Sis - a family/mystery drama where women are the main protagonists? Count me in. 10/10 will watch.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist - markohm finally get their own series!! I know many wanted a heavier theme but I'm still satisfied with a cute one! And Jimmy plays the love rival?? It's a last twilight reunion hahaha. 10/10 will watch
The Ex - Morning - I've never watch a KristSingto BL before even though they're one of the og's. 😅 Plotwise this might be the most interesting bc it's about rekindling a relationship. I plan to watch sotus before the new series comes out. 10/10 would watch
Break Up Service - This show is going to be so funny I just know it. Tbh I don't think I've watched a straight gmmtv drama before but this one got me hooked! 9/10 would watch
The Heart Killers - we got the mafia comedy that we wished for. Problem is that I really love firstkhao but I've never been interested in joongdunk (or their series) at all. I'll still watch ofc, and maybe this influences me to get into joongdunk. also first is a tattoo artist in this one 👀 8/10
Revamp The Undead Story - it's gay vampires with bounprem. I am interested. I am also interested in how bounprem are doing in gmmtv. Hopefully they get promoted well. 7/10 would watch
Thame - Po: Heart That Skip a Beat - I don't know any of the actors and the plot didn't immediately catch me. But the leads to look cute together so I'll probably watch. 7/10 would watch
Every other series, I am too tired and too lazy to think and rank them lol. But they're not sing special imo. Leap day has a kinda interesting plot but I don't think that makes me want to watch the series. I am afraid that it will be boring and or the actors won't deliver. Perfect 10 liners is kinda disappointing. I like forcebook so I might tune in to see more of them together. But why are they in a uni setting again after a show like only friends?? The other pairs seem fine, but tbh I would have preferred just one couple (and that has to be forcebook) i tend to overlook dramas with a big ensemble cast. Friendship forever might be the biggest disappointment of the year. They should've just made the show gay. Tbh when I first watched the trailer the subs weren't working and till the end I thought maybe they'll turn this into a gl always though the series then I opened twitter /tumblr and my optimism flew out the window. The dark dice - I love gemini but the plot is something that I've seen in multiple dramas and rn I have enough of survival games. Sorry buddy, I'll probably won't watch. Leap day was kinda hard to understand for me but whatever. Scarlet heart Thailand made tu tontawan look so pretty. But I snooze. What's even the plot? And too much men, even though I like some of them.
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solomonish · 1 year
Ok, it's about time I talk about this blog for a little bit.
Don't look so scared! There's good news ahead!
Alright, so it's obvious by now that I've kind of fallen out of the Obey Me! fandom. Before Nightbringer came out, I just burned out with the constant events and the difficulty in progressing through the main story and levelling up cards. Plus, I had gotten pretty invested in Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact, so my attention just never stuck with Obey Me. Eventually I drifted away to other blogs for other fandoms, leaving this one in the dust. I may have said that I wasn't leaving for good, but inspiration never struck me, so it was kind of like I had given up anyway.
I've been playing Nightbringer casually since it came out, and I'll be honest...it has the same problems as OG Obey Me. However, I am still kind of interested in the main story, and my love for Solomon has been reinvigorated <3 (Not that I ever stopped, of course.) I was hoping I'd get at least a few ideas to toss into the void, but alas...that didn't happen either, and I'm not the kind of person who can or wants to force myself to write.
So, where's the good news?
Well, I'm not ready to say I'm done with Obey Me for good. I'll be honest with you right now: any Obey Me fics will probably be few and far between. This is due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to a general decrease in fixation and the simple fact that I'm older and have a lot more to focus on in my life. But I do still have a soft spot for these boys (mostly Solomon. It's like 99% Solomon.), and I miss you guys! I still get notifs every day and I'm honored and astounded that people still like my works. Even though I have a LONG list of complaints with Obey Me at this point, being in this fandom has never been boring or negative for me. I've genuinely missed the experiences and connections I made here that I lost with my dwindling presence in the fandom.
So, FINALLY, here's where the good news is: I don't think I'm finished with Obey Me. I will still be pretty absent on this blog for a while, but I've decided on a plan that will help me feel less stressed to write whatever I want.
Sometime in the future - so, not right now (and in fact it will probably be a while) - I plan on remaking my blogs. I'm going to start an all-new x reader blog, much like this one, but multifandom. That way, when I feel like writing for a fandom I'm not all that present in anymore, I won't feel guilty for resurrecting a dead account and potentially giving you all false hope.
When this time comes, I'll be a little annoying with the promo to ensure that you won't miss it. There's no guarantee, but I'm really hoping that this blog will be permanent for my reader insert writing, rather than my trend of making a new blog per fandom.
I don't expect you to follow it or even really care, of course. Even though I have built a healthy separation between myself and my online presence, I did still feel a little bad about leaving you all hanging. I'm sure it gets annoying when I'm constantly promoing blogs and changing my URLs, but......well, I apologize for the inconvenience ^u^
Before you leave, let me tell you two more things!
1.) My old NSFW blog, solomonish-afterdark, is no longer a NSFW-only blog. I haven't removed any of my fics, but I reblogged a lot of my old fics on various blogs to that account. It's now sort of a fanfic archive! I was originally planning to use that as my catch-all fandom writing acc, but I just didn't like the organization of that. I can't explain it lol but it was just STRESSING ME OUT. So I changed the url (it's now @/sampologist) and it'll probably stay as an archive forever. Sorry :(
2.) I've gotten a lot of notes and asks about Love Disconnection. Thank you so much for reading it, enjoying it and talking to me!! I do actually really want to continue it, but if/when I do, I'm going to warn you that I'm probably going to rewrite the first part before I add any more. Don't worry, it'll keep the same plot, premise and vibe! I just think I've improved a little bit since I wrote it - and, TBH, there was already a big plot hole I wrote myself into that I was dreading explaining my way around. I'm making no promises! But it does still occupy a slice of my brain, even after all this time.
That's it for now, I think. Sorry if this wasn't as good as I may have gotten your hopes up to be, but I'm looking forward to this change! I'm going to wait until my interest in my current fandoms fades a little bit before I start the arduous transition, so if I get that divine inspiration for these boys in the meantime I'll be sure to post it here! Until then, I hope you understand why I've left and why I've been so reluctant to leave permanently. And I hope you can stick with me through one more move, if that interests you when it's time.
Thank you for reading this far, and thank you so so so much for all of your support! My time on this blog has been endlessly fun, and I really do hope I can add to the Solomon pool once more. You've all been so incredible, supportive, fun, and so much more. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in this fandom, from drunkenly posting about catboy Solomon a few days after my 21st birthday to the day we finally got to call him our boyfriend in canon. You're always welcome to drop by my ask box and chat if you want! Until then, thank you all for everything.
(and if you're interested in keeping up with me now, but somehow missed these announcements: my main is @/kusemai, my twst blog is @/ridhearts, and i have a touchstarved blog @/kurasthetic. you can also find me on twitter @/KARANO1A if the site doesn't crumble into a thousand pieces.)
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rharyx · 6 months
Follow up to this post, where I started cataloging my Final Fantasy journey.
Crisis Core I watched a playthrough back in high school cuz I thought Zack was cool as shit and I loved the theme music, but I never actually played it. But since I finally played 7, I knew I had to follow it up with this, and I went with the Reunion remake since I heard the combat is a lot better. Which I guess it is? I can't compare it to the original since I never played it, but the combat here was real fun and snappy -- I spent hours just doing side missions. And of course the story was as good as I remember it. Only downside is Zack's new actor is nowhere near as good as his original, and that really brings it down a tad. But it still doesn't kick Zack out of my "Top 5 FF characters" list. Also, I always liked Genesis, which I guess a lot of people don't? But I think he's just so funny. Like he actually stops his mission to kill Hojo or whatever to info-dump Loveless lore on everyone in the room. Dude's so weird, I hope he's in the remake trilogy. I think a 8/10 is fair.
Final Fantasy IV Took me a bit to finish this one since stuff got in the way. Not really much to say about this one, though, I guess. The story was good, and some areas and events were cool (like the giant robot thing), with lots of characters who show up and do their thing then leave. Cecil is pretty cool, Kain sure is a guy, and I like Rydia a decent amount. Love how that dude Edge is just straight up called Edge though lmao -- I imagined him having a sort of Johnny Bravo/Might Guy voice, which really elevated his character in my head. But otherwise, the whole game was a pretty standard affair. I kinda thought the vehicle stuff was pretty interesting -- like how you had to use the hoverboat, to get to the ship, to get to the better ship, etc. That was neat in its own way. Fuck the final boss, though, that shit felt unfair. 6/10, I guess? Definitely the mainline FF I've been least into so far, but it's still nowhere a "bad" game.
Final Fantasy XII I heard this was one divisive, but I don't see how? Like, this was really good. I did hear the original release was pretty bad compared to the Zodiac version I was playing, which made me think...... Between 12's initial release, 14's initial release, and 15's initial release...is 16 the first mainline game in over a decade that came out completely fine without needing an overhauled re-release or oodles of DLC to smooth things over in some way?? (I haven't played 13 yet, so that may have been fine upon release.) Anyway, to speak of the game itself, the License Board and Gambit System was really interesting and I kinda hope they bring it back in some way in the future, cuz I love tedious grindy stuff like that where you slowly fill up an ability grid (reminded me of the Sphere Grid, kinda). And the story -- while sometimes feeling really overwhelming with the amount of terms and names I had to memorize -- was well structured and I like how everyone's stories wrapped up by the end. Vaan is truly not a protagonist though, is he? lol. If anything, Ashe was the main character of this story, which I did kinda fuck with, even if she's not one of my favorite characters from the game. Also, I loved how many areas and differing locales we went to on the journey. I wasn't expecting such an array of distinct and visually engaging locations. One thing, though...why did half the voice over audio sound like it was being recorded through a soup can? It was so weirdly mixed. Like, you get used to it, but what happened?? Anyway, as a FF14 fan I though it was neat to see where all the Ivalice inspiration came from, and overall the game was really enjoyable to play. I've definitely not scratched the surface when it comes to the optional content, like Espers or whatever, but idk if I'll ever have the time to complete all that anyway. But for the main game itself, definitely a solid 8/10. Maybe even an 8.5.
Not sure what to do next, maybe try V once it goes on sale. Or probably just jump into Remake and Rebirth.
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viciousgold · 1 year
okay first off, I'm mainly putting my thoughts on live action little mermaid here bc I've seen other people here talking about it + I gotta put my thoughts somewhere lol
My overall thoughts: there were a lot more things I liked about this than issues I had, like I'd argue this is one of the better live action Disney remakes, partly due to how amazing Halle Bailey and Melissa McCarthy, much to everyone's surprise with Melissa lol, both are, partly due to Rob Marshall, like he did Chicago, he did Nine, partly because of Lin Manuel Miranda, partly because of Alan Menken, like there's such a huge amount of talent here. like is it perfect? no, like it still has flaws, but it's pretty decent as far as live action remakes go and there were actually so many things I personally enjoyed about it
So here's the list of things I did and didn't like, starting with the much larger list of things I liked, also spoilers for the movie if you care about that
Obviously the biggest slay was Ariel and Ursula. Halle and Melissa killed it, they were the absolute stars of this movie
I like what they did with Eric's character; he's given a lot, and most importantly, we see Ariel seeing more of who he is. We see Ariel overhearing a conversation between Eric and Grimsby that shows her that she and Eric have something major in common, both feeling trapped by their current lives and wanting more, wanting to adventure, to explore the world. We also see Ariel witness Eric risking his life to go back and save the dog. Like bruh, I'm a lesbian and despite that I was like, this man's marriage material. But they don't make Eric perfect either, we see him have a clear struggle between wanting to get to know Ariel more while still longing for this mystery girl that saved his life, feeling things for both of them, unrealized that they're the same person. He also gets a song and this song is great, this is a broadway level song.
I actually like most of the new songs they've added, except for one, but I'll get into that later. But with Ariel, I like that they give her a few more songs in the form of her inwardly singing, like how she does in the stage version of the little mermaid
Speaking of the stage version, like in the stage version and in the original film concept, Ursula is stated to be Triton's sister in this, which adds such a layer of who they are to each other and why they're enemies, and I was always upset that they decided to not add it to the final version of the original.
The actress playing Vanessa also ate
Maybe this is my lesbian bias but I really liked the inclusion of the Queen character, I think it was a nice play off King Triton, and her superstitions about the sea and ocean gods added another layer of conflict. Also her outfits were fantastic
I really like that the kingdom we're in seems to be inspired by the Caribbean, it goes well with Sebastian's accent being Jamaican and I guess this was also Disney's way of addressing the whole "there are no black people in Denmark" argument that people were making to which I'm still like bruh it's a magic fantasy movie where mermaids are real, anything can be real and anyone can exist anywhere, but I like what they do with the setting; the Carribbean was colonized by Europeans, so they use this as the reasoning behind why there are so many different ethnicities seen in the film
I also really like that we find out that Eric was actually found as a baby in a shipwreck and adopted by the Queen, idk man I think it's sweet
Another thing that I thought was really sweet, the way Eric figured out Ariel's name and Ariel guiding him to it, with him showing her constellations, one of them being Aries and she points to the Aries constellation he showed her but when he says it, she drags his lips down with her finger and keeps doing it until it sounds like he's saying Ariel and idk man it was just a super sweet moment
Also the two actors have such good chemistry, like they bounce off each other really well, they have such good interactions, I could really buy that these were two young people falling in love (Another reason I like the Queen's inclusion, it shows that he actually has a parent living with him, implying that he's actually close to Ariel's age, hopefully, I mean Eric gives off major teenage boy vibes in this, so lets hope, y'all)
This is maybe a hot take but I actually really liked this version of Under The Sea. It was really creative, bright, colorful, it couldn't just do what the animated movie did with having all the fish have tiny saxophones, so it found other creative ways to showcase how beautiful and fun the sea is and idk it did a really good job of doing it in my opinion
This is maybe a cliché at this point with the live action remakes or retellings of fairy tale stories, but like... I do like that they don't get married at the end. idk like, it doesn't read as "modern" to me, it reads as making sense for their characters; both Ariel and Eric are shown to be adventurers, they're both shown wanting to explore and be free, so it makes the most sense that neither of them would want to settle down yet. They want to explore the world together first and I think that's beautiful
I also really like the Hans Christen Anderson quote they showed at the beginning; But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more. Bruh???? hitting us with that angst right outta the gate lol
I also like that the concert with all her sisters was replaced by a seemingly very important meeting that happens like, once a year apparently, it's way more reasonable for king triton to be furious with ariel over that than missing a concert that she apparently never wanted to be part of in the first place
I really liked the voice acting for flounder, and the voice acting for sebastian slowly grew on me
I like the fact that ariel was very suspicious of ursula and even started to swim away during poor unfortunate souls, but ursula makes the valid point of her likely never getting an opportunity to be human or leave the ocean ever again and this is what changes ariel's mind in her desperation to become human
The scene where complete strangers of the kingdom took ariel in and took care of her and made sure she was washed, fed and clothed and like, genuinely seemed to care about her and worried about what kind of trauma she went through, it was just so wholesome
I love that they got around the whole "ariel could just write to eric, she clearly wrote when she signed ursula's contract" thing by instead not having ariel be able to write and also having ariel *do a blood contract* with ursula, what a creatively dark solution to this plot hole
love the sad heartbroken reprise of part of your world after finding out eric's shacking up with vanessa
Not Slay:
how dare they change vanessa's song to just having her hum, that song is not long and the lyrics aren't problematic, so idk what reason they had for cutting it, let her sing her bitchy little song about ruling the ocean like
What a lovely little bride I'll make My dear, I'll look divine Things are working out according to my ultimate design Soon I'll have that little mermaid And the ocean will be mine
that could've been kept in, how dare they just reduce it to humming (however I did like the effect they did with the singing coming from the necklace and then coming from her as she puts on the necklace)
the scuttle song, it was entirely out of place, so different in tone from all the other songs in the movie, it was jarring y'all lol when that song came up I wished I had a fast forward button for the theatre screen. it was painful. it's so clearly to me like, them trying to put in a hamilton esque song in there but like??? no. stop. one of these things is not like the other. one of these things just doesn't belong.
the "ursula saying pathetic out loud in front of ariel" thing doesn't personally bother me, mainly because we've already seen it happen in the stage version and no one complained about that, and that was ursula loudly belting "pathetic". what bothers me is other people complaining about it as this huge thing that ruins the whole song, y'all it's really not that big of a deal lol like ariel does find it suspicious that ursula is being shady and she does try to leave but then ursula makes a good point and she goes back. this is not the big gotcha that some people think it is.
I do like that they made scuttle a gannet bird that can dive underwater, I think that's neat; however, gannets can dive underwater but they can't breathe underwater. They just dive underwater for fish. There's no way ariel would be able to have a full underwater conversation with scuttle. now this is a magical mermaid movie where magic is real so you could say that the bird can breathe underwater, fine, but I think it was really special that ariel had this one friend she could only talk to by going to the surface
javier bardem's acting as triton lol. listen. I'm sure he's a great actor in other things. in this though, his face remained the same for almost all of his scenes, his tone of voice also almost always kept the same tone. he did not bring the energy or emotion to this role that we needed to see.
the amnesia plot was unnecessary lol. it was such a selective amnesia too like, "lol I'll have ariel just forget that she needs to kiss eric" but bro, sebastian and flounder still heard that ariel needs to kiss eric and they still do the exact same shit in order to make kiss the girl happen and ariel still has the same energy with eric and she still has literally all of her other memories, so like, what was the point of this addition? it added nothing to the story lol
but yeah these are my literal only complaints. I didn't really mind the realistic animals, idk man it's a live action movie, sebastian looks like a normal crab, flounder looks like a normal fish??? like it's not that deep lol flounder doesn't look like the "horrific abomination" people have been calling him online like bro he just looks like a normal ass fish, that's what fish look like
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
Okay okay big ask - rate every loz game you’ve played (by stars or in order I don’t mind)
ok lets go!! i rated them on both story and gameplay seperately bc those r 2 different ratings in my mind lol. they're in the order i played them except aoc at the end bc it's not main-line. i also left out games i haven't finished yet (nes zelda, zelda II, ALBW)
OOT: gameplay 9/10 | story 1000000/10 video game of all time. i mean this with 100% sincerity playing oot was fundamental for me. gameplay gets 1 point off tho bc i vividly remember crying because i couldn't make the camera go where i wanted it to the first time i ever played it
MM: gameplay 7/10 | story 10/10 i think this game is a perfectly cohesive sequel to oot in basically every way possible. the navi thing makes me insane obviously but i won't dock a point for it because i understand narratively why the choice was made and like. it works. the only complaint i have with this game is that the gameplay itself was super difficult for me both now and when i was younger--not the dungeons specifically, but the timer being there and counting down in real time was so anxiety-inducing for me that it distracted from the story. I do actually like the timer from like an objective standpoint and i think it was really well-implemented i just can't enjoy it fully because of my own hangups lol
BOTW: gameplay 10/10 | story 1000/10 perfect game. i don't feel the need to elaborate. i genuinely think in like 10 years this game is going to be the modern-day oot in terms of industry influence
ALTTP: gameplay 8/10 | story 8/10 okay this is my first less-than-perfect story score and i want to make it clear that i am obsessed with the story of alttp ok. obsessed. but i can recognize that a lot of what i find great about this game comes from my own analysis and is. not actually super present in the source material. and it is the 3rd loz game ever released and. well. it shows. that being said i think of all the 2d games to play you should play this one
LINK'S AWAKENING: gameplay 6/10 | story 0/10 sorry i. did not like this game lol. too much retro-style gameplay and not enough interesting story to make up for it. i also vehemently hate platformers so the sidescrolling dungeon segments made me want to kms. the story also does not actually happen like. within the game's own canon bc it's all a dream so i couldn't bring myself to care. i never even beat this game bc the final boss pissed me off too much
TP: gameplay 8/10 | story 0/10 fuck this game. the story sucked. it was poorly written and disjointed, a huge mess thematically, and 90% of the non-dungeon gameplay felt like needless padding. i've said it before and i'll say it again: twilight princess was an oot remake written by people who did not understand ocarina of time and got all their information on the loz franchise from youtube videos with clickbait thumbnails entitled "10 DARK SECRETS nintendo doesn't want you to know!!!" that being said the motion controls were still better than sksw and it had some of the better dungeon designs in the franchise. fuck that fishing minigame tho
SKSW: gameplay 4/10 | story 10/10 ok to preface this i played the original wii version which is why the gameplay rating is so low. i would rather die than play through this game on my shitty old wii again holy shit. that being said the story was phenomenal and i'm really glad it got a remake with a functional control scheme so hopefully more people will see that
WW: gameplay 6/10 | story 9/10 this is a hard one for me. again i need you to understand that i played the gameboy version and therefore had to do the gameboy triforce hunt which is why the gameplay score is so low, but there were also some quality-of-life things like the hitbox sizes and some of the dungeon design that pissed me off a bit. as for the story, there are pieces of it that i could analyze obsessively for hours on end but there are also pieces that are kind of clunky to me in regards to the overall lore so it gets a less-than-perfect score lol
(bonus because it isn't really a main-line loz game) HWAOC: gameplay 8/10 | story 6/10 sigh. i want to like this game way more than i do. the gameplay is genuinely fun at times if a bit underwhelming compared to the game it takes its setting and characters from, but it never claimed to be a mainline game so i don't fault it too much for that. the story could be SO GOOD and there are some pockets of greatness in there (the sword-claiming scene, the scene where zelda's powers activate, general extra characterization of the champions, etc) but they just had to throw in some timeline fuckery and the most boring hot-topic-wannabe villain in the fucking world and ruin it for themselves. agh
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silver-wield · 3 years
I've never been deep in ff7 fandom. In fact, the first thing that got me into final fantasy anything was AC and that was just by chance because it was in my youtube recommendations. I had know idea about the shipping War that is the ff7 fandom. So I thought you were exaggerating how delusional some CA are until I read a post by theycallmeeljefe that the buster sword belonged to/represented Zack in ACC. In the comments a CA actually used a FREAKING ff7 themed PARFAIT CUP as proof that the buster sword is only cloud's and the ending of ACC where its left in the church with the flowers represents CA! (Like, Yes, the all knowing dessert transcends all!🙄🤦🏻‍♀️) How did they get that!? Especially when the devs went out of their way to make AC then ACC with all the added Zack scenes and his association with the buster sword in the film! If anything cloud is letting go of Aerith. During the entire movie cloud struggles with depression, guilt, not to mention a disease and by the end he's able to start moving on and be happy with the people he loves and who are still around. By leaving the items that represent Zack and aerith in the place where it all began for them (the church) Cloud is letting go of his guilt of both Zack and aerith's deaths while preserving the remembrance of his friendship with them. Letting both parties have closure and finally be at peace. Zack and aerith go back to the life stream together =zerith. Cloud and Tifa go back home with the kids= cloti. Cloud also stopped using the buster sword years ago and got a new one. Hence why it's left as a marker where Zack died and is all rusty in the beginning of the movie. Idc what people think but crisis core is canon. If it wasn't Zack wouldn't have been in the remake. Yes, in the og game it's clouds sword and everyone knows that but in crisis core we find out who the sword belonged to first and how cloud came to have it. Maybe instead of looking at parfait cups CA should actual just play the game...
Lmao that's probably Calli with the dessert. They need the sword to be Cloud's cause he puts it in the church at the end of AC, so if it's not Cloud's then their bs is debunked.
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Oop 🤭
Cloud had that sword for like 6 weeks. He owned it for the least amount of time out of him, Zack and Angeal.
It starts off as Angeal's and we know his stepfather made it for him when he became a soldier, and he was 25 when he died (yeah Angeal is on my characters who need a nap list lol) so he owned the buster sword for let's say 10 years if he made SOLDIER at 15.
Zack owns the sword for a year after Angeal dies and then passes it on to Cloud.
FF7 takes place over 6 weeks. AC is two years later and we can see the sword is rusty af, so it's been out there a while. Cloud might have hung onto it until his fusion blade was made, so that's maybe another month or two, but yeah, he didn't even own the buster sword for as long as Zack and has no idea it originally belonged to Angeal since he didn't know him.
And that's not even the worst of their busted takes. I have most of the cult dumdums blocked so my twitter list of their bs isn't even a full list of the shit they say. They spend more time ruining the story than they do saying anything nice. They hate this game. They hate the way the idles move, they hate the cut scenes, the battle call outs, the gameplay. There's nothing they like apart from how pretty Cloud is because they want to bang him. Calling them shippers or fans is an insult to both groups, which is why I call them cult dumdums. They'll probably make a few more stupid statements and then when they finally realise Aerith's still dying and Cloud and Tifa are still a couple they'll scream that Remake isn't canon and only OG counts, even though OG is cloti too, and try to mod scenes to replace Tifa with Aerith, whine a bit more, but then hopefully slink off somewhere else so the rest of us can enjoy the whole game.
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jtgunner · 3 years
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Decided to start playing Final Fantasy VII again.
I tried starting playing it back in December 2019, but I more or less stopped not because I didn't enjoy it, but simply because other games got my attention. I only got past the introduction where AVALANCHE blows up the reactor in the beginning, so I didn't get very far.
But now I'm really wanting to play through it. Especially because I bought Final Fantasy VII Remake back when it first came out, but I've never played it because I heard it makes some changes to the overall story, and that you'll get more out of it if you've played the original.
So now I've decided to stop putting it off and I will attempt, once again, to play through it. As of this writing, I'm past where I had originally left off, and I'm actually at the part where Cloud, Barret, and Tifa infiltrate Shinra to rescue Aerith, and I've really been enjoying the game so far. So I'm gonna try to commit to playing through this game.
Took this screencap via the PS4 capture when I first started playing FF7 back in 2019. I thought Cloud's face was funny lol.
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sephys-hubby · 3 years
For the meta asks, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 13 if its ok! (citrus-selfinserts) for anyone you'd like! (if its too many its ok, whichever ones youd like from the asks!)
Thank you for these asks, @citrus-selfinserts ! I appreciate it. And sorry I took so long!
Source for Meta Self Ship Asks
4. who was your first favorite character when you initially got into your f/o’s source content? was it your f/o from the very beginning?
Seph & Cloud: So, it wasn't until Seph joined smashed where I really got into FFVII. At that point, Cloud and Sephiroth were my favorite characters. However, before I got into FFVII, I think Cloud was the only character I kinda liked.
Monokuma: When I got somewhat into Danganronpa, Monokuma was my favorite. However, during the time where I was still just watching my brother play through the first game, I did kinda like Byakuya the most—out of the students—at first.
Stubbs: Oh, yeah. Stubbs was, and still is, the man.
5. if your f/o is from a series, were you into the source content from the start or did you come in later? if you came in later, what was the most recent release when you got into it?
Seph & Cloud: Came in way later. The first thing I had ever played which was FFVII related was the Remake. Even then, that's been out for a while.
Monokuma: I came in much later also. I'm pretty sure the 2nd game was already out for a while.
Stubbs: Also came in way later. The original game came out on the Xbox in 2005! I was only about 3 years old! It wasn't until the re-release on PS4 last year that I finally played it.
6. if your f/o is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
Seph & Cloud: I know I say Advent Children a lot for these two, but they're both just so good in it.
Monokuma: I know I've mentioned that his voice from the games is my favorite, but I still really, really liked him in the anime because of how funny he is visually! Like, man, they did a good job with animating him doing all these wacky stuff which couldn't have been done in the original games.
11. do your friends/family know that you’re into the content that your f/o comes from or do you keep this interest to yourself?
Okay, just as a heads up, I'm about to go a little heavy with the details here.
Seph & Cloud: My family all know just how much I love these two. Even my mother! She is still somewhat learning their names, but she is able to recognize them sometimes! Although she once thought that Naruto was Cloud, lol! (We were in some Japanese store in a mall when there was a Naruto keychain, and she called me over, saying "look, it's that character you like") She's gotten better, though. More recently, we were in a bookstore when she saw Cloud on the cover of a FFVII Remake Ultimania book. She again called me over saying "it's that blondie you like", lol. We didn't end up getting the book, but I was still very happy that she recognized Cloud.
So my older brother actually knows that I'm in love with Sephiroth, but I don't really talk about my feelings for Seph with him anymore. He's not homophobic at all, but I myself have always been sorta struggling with feeling normal about my sexuality. Sometimes I feel confident, but occasionally I feel embarrassed about it. It comes and goes, and as of right now I'm in my more self-conscious phase. But what really sucks though, is that he doesn't know that I selfship with Seph. And I don't think I'll be telling him any time soon. Like, he has two "waifus" of his own (Aqua from KH, and Lucina from FE), but he's kinda a jerk towards people who make OCs/self inserts. Him and my oldest brother are both the type of people to call us "cringe" and all that. It's honestly because of them that I still sometimes cringe at myself when self shipping, even though I know I shouldn't. (Sorry for all the negativity! Aside from all that, my brothers are usually nice people.)
Monokuma: Oh, yeah. My family knows I love this bear. I have a Monokuma plushie which I take with me all over the house. My mother jokingly hates him because of how evil he is, lol. Like, she's always playfully threatening to slap/throw him (the plushie) away, lol. (I'm serious when I say "playfully" because we're both smiling and laughing whenever this happens.)
Stubbs: Yep. Everyone knows I love Stubbs. Especially after cosplaying as him throughout October and Halloween. I even had to tell my older brother—the one who knows I'm in love with Seph—that I love Stubbs non-romantically just to clear things up, lol.
13. do you have a favorite line your f/o has ever said?
Okay so with the term "line", I think of "voice line" rather than just a quote. So with that, I'll pick something which they've actually said, fully voiced.
Seph: "Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away." -video
Oh, man. When I rewatched his Advent Children fight with Cloud a day or two after he joined Smash Bros, my heart swooned so hard, lol. I was quite literally just like that one Norman meme:
Tumblr media
Cloud: "I think I'll pass." -video
Okay, so Cloud has A LOT of cooler/more iconic lines than this, believe me. But there's just something I really like about this one line from KH1. To me, it's like a less rude version of his catchphrase "not interested". Therefore, I imagine him saying this more with me. Meanwhile, for anyone else, he'll gladly just say "not interested" as blunt and rudely as usual. Idk, it's just a small detail I love to imagine for myself.
Monokuma: I hope this counts since I'm picking one of his laughing voice lines. Not his iconic "puhuhu" laugh, though. I'm picking the one where he just laughs maniacally! The one where he goes more "bwahaha", lol. Out of all his laughs, that one in particular is my favorite.
Stubbs: Since he rarely talks, I'm picking the brains speech he gives in a somewhat secret cutscene in the game. He literally rallys up a group of zombies and starts giving a speech before they attack a farmhouse. Throughout the entire speech, he's just saying "brains" though, lol. He says it with different emphasis each time, as if he were actually talking, and it's all just so silly/funny to me.
Okay, that's all the questions. Once again, thanks for sending these! And for reading!
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