#figuring out the cost per ounce and stuff like that
introvert-machine · 1 year
Tips To Purchasing Silver And Gold
Here is some extraordinary information that will morose help you when you are searching at the best silver cost per ounce and the most ideal ways to purchase silver.
Tragically the vast majority don't pause and investigate as needs be prior to purchasing gold and silver bullion. Congratulations to you for being adequately shrewd to learn some significant information prior to pulling the purchasing trigger. This information will in all likelihood save you money while purchasing metals.
At the point when you are attempting to figure out how to purchase gold and silver understand this. Like stock representatives, gold and silver specialists and vendors possibly create a gain when you trade. At the point when you are holding... they are not making anything off of you.
Along these lines, a few specialists will call you and endeavor to utilize tension and influence to inspire you to sell or purchase during various market swings. They call this stirring.
Indeed, assuming you are both fortunate and great, you can do pretty well with the market timing exchanging strategy. However, I can guarantee you that a many individuals who play this game get their head given to them while endeavoring to exchange the metals market. This is significant stuff here.
Indeed, even the most experienced master merchants who have done this expertly for quite a long time frequently fail to understand the situation. The chances of a non-proficient taking care of business, on a predictable premise, are really thin.
Generally gold and silver purchasers, people who purchase the actual metals, plan to clutch them for essentially a midterm time period of quite a long while or more. Assuming that that accommodates your reasoning, here is a tip that will help you have a decent personal satisfaction. Assuming that you are keen on exchanging the metals markets and attempting to expect price moves and headings, it would be greatly improved to put resources into Exchange Exchanged Assets (ETFs), like SLV, GLD, and so on. You can get them as simple as purchasing a stock and effectively exchange and out of them.
At the point when you are managing actual valuable metals, on the off chance that you intend to purchase metals, be ready for certain issues. Most dealers wind up delivery the metals to the purchaser to get better repurchase prices. The vender needs to take care of them, safeguard and boat them, and sit tight for them to show up at the purchasers area before a price can be locked in. Most financial backers who purchase actual metals hold them for good periods of time.
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waterfiltergurus · 1 year
How to Cut Bottled Water Costs with a Water Filter Pitcher
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Wondering whether a water filter pitcher will help you to save money on bottled water? How much can you expect to save if you buy a water filter pitcher? We’ve shared everything you might want to know in this guide.  📌 Key Takeaways: - A water filter pitcher can help you to save money on bottled water because it provides you with a clean, great-tasting drinking water supply at home, so you no longer need to spend your money on replenishing your bottled water stock.  - You can expect to save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars if you switch from exclusively drinking bottled water to using a water filter pitcher.  - Other benefits of using a water filter pitcher instead of drinking bottled water are that you have complete control over how your water is treated, it’s a convenient at-home solution, and you’re at less risk of exposure to microplastics.   💰 Does A Water Filter Pitcher Help You Save Money On Bottled Water? Yes, a water filter pitcher will help you to save money on bottled water, especially if you currently exclusively drink bottled water and won’t touch tap water.  You can use a water filter pitcher to remove the contaminants you’re concerned about in your water. The best filter pitchers should effectively address all the reasons why you currently don’t want to drink your tap water, whether you’re worried about the health effects of certain contaminants, or you don’t like your water’s taste.  When you buy a water filter pitcher for your home, you’ll get to enjoy clean water with an improved taste that has come from your own faucet. So, you won’t have to spend money on as much bottled water because you can start drinking your tap water at home again.  Plus, a water filter pitcher is one of the most affordable filter types to buy and maintain. The average cost of this filtration device is $40-$75, and the typical annual cost of filter changes is less than $100, even for higher-end products.  So, a water filter pitcher can help you save money on bottled water - and it shouldn’t significantly add to your spend on great-tasting water, either.  🤔 How Much Money Can A Water Filter Pitcher Save Compared To Bottled Water? So, we know that a water filter pitcher can save money on bottled water - but how much money are we talking? Let’s break this down.  The average daily recommendation for drinking water is around 8 glasses, or 64 ounces, for a healthy adult.  If you have a family of four, that means collectively, you should drink around 2 gallons of water per day.  Now, let’s say that you spend around $6 on a case of water, or around $0.40 per bottle.  To work out the annual cost of bottled water, assuming that you drink bottled water exclusively, you’d do this sum:  Cost per bottle x number of bottles per person Then, with this figure, you’d continue with the following:  x the number of people in your family x 365 (days in a year) For the figures we’ve shared above, the sum would be:  $0.40 x 5.3 = $2.13   $2.13 x 4 x 365 = $3,114.67 So, your annual average spend on bottled water comes to over $3,100.  We should point out that this bottled water cost assumes that you’re buying lower-cost bottled water, not the fancy artisan stuff in glass bottles, which can cost double or triple the amount.  Now let’s consider the cost of a water filter pitcher.  Most basic water filter pitchers have a starting price of around $40. They need a maximum of 6 filter changes per year, costing around $100, maximum. You can buy multipacks of filters in advance so you know exactly what you’ll be spending that year.  We should also take the cost of your tap water into account. The price per 1,000 gallons in the US is about $1.50. On average, a family of 4 uses around 730 gallons of tap water per year for drinking, so the annual cost of tap water is around $1.10.  So, to work out the cost of a water filter pitcher per year, you’d do this sum:  Pitcher upfront cost + annual filter replacement cost + annual cost of water from tap That would be:  $40 + $100 + 1.10 = 141.10 That means, in this scenario, you’d potentially save just over $2,700 per year if you exclusively filtered your water in a pitcher rather than drinking bottled water.  📋 Factors Affecting Your Savings From Switching To A Water Pitcher Filter There are a few factors that affect just how much you’ll save from switching from bottled water to a water filter pitcher.  These include:  How Much Bottled Water You Buy Do you exclusively drink bottled water, or do you only drink one or two small bottles per day? Your bottled water drinking habits will determine how much money you will save when you switch to using a water filter pitcher.  For instance, if you drink nothing but bottled water, you’ll save the most money by switching to a water filter pitcher because you’ll go from spending hundreds of pounds on bottled water per year, to less than $100 annually on a water filter pitcher.  But if you only drink the odd bottle of water here and there, you probably won’t save any money by buying a water filter pitcher - although you’ll still get the perks of filtered water at home whenever you want it. The Brand Of Bottled Water You Usually Buy The brand of bottled water you usually buy will also affect how much money you’ll save from switching to a water filter pitcher.  The more expensive your bottled water tastes, the more money you’ll likely save by ditching the bottled water habit and drinking filtered water from a pitcher.  The best news is that your filtered water will probably taste just as great as your bottled water of choice, perhaps even better. The Cost Of The Water Filter Pitcher Finally, the cost of your chosen water filter pitcher will also determine how much money it saves you compared to drinking bottled water.  For instance, if you spend $40 on a lower-cost water filter pitcher, and filter replacements cost around $50/year, you’ll save more money than if you buy a pitcher for $80 with a $100 annual filter replacement spend.  So, if you want to enjoy the biggest savings, look for budget-friendly water filter pitchers. Just make sure you don’t compromise on quality for the sake of a cheap deal.  ✅ Other Benefits Of Using A Water Filter Pitcher Instead Of Bottled Water Aside from potentially saving you some money, here are some of the other benefits of using a water filter pitcher instead of drinking bottled water at home.  Reduces Your Plastic Consumption A major benefit of water filter pitchers is that they greatly reduce your plastic consumption.  Most water filter pitchers have filters that need replacing every 2-3 months. On the other hand, your family might be getting through one or two big bottles of water per day - perhaps even more - so your plastic consumption will be greatly reduced by switching to a water filter pitcher.  If you’re trying to make eco-conscious decisions and do your bit for the environment, filtering your water with a pitcher at home is a step in the right direction.  Convenient At-Home Solution Another benefit of water filter pitchers compared to bottled water is that they’re a convenient at-home solution.  Whenever you’re thirsty, simply fill the pitcher, wait for the water to filter, then pour yourself a glass and enjoy. Or, if you don’t want to wait, fill your pitcher in the morning when you wake up, then you’ll have filtered water whenever you want it throughout the day. You’ll no longer need to keep a constant eye on your bottled water stock, and you won’t have to rush to the store on a Sunday morning or a weekday evening if you discover you’re all out of water.  Reduced Risk Of Microplastics Contamination Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that have been linked to health effects including reproductive, digestive, and respiratory harm.  These plastic particles are present in both tap water and bottled water supplies, but you’re at a particularly high risk of microplastics exposure if you drink bottled water because your water is stored in plastic bottles, often for long periods of time before drinking.  Using a water filter pitcher reduces your risk of microplastic contamination because the best pitcher filters can remove microplastics. Plus, some water filter pitchers are made out of glass, meaning that there’s no chance of recontamination of your filtered water.  You Control What You Remove Finally, filtering your water with a pitcher filter lets you control exactly how you treat your water - a luxury you don’t have if you drink bottled water.  You can buy a water filter pitcher that removes specific contaminants that you’re most concerned about, and it’s up to you how thoroughly you want to treat your water. You can also buy alkalizing water filter pitchers if you enjoy the taste of mineral-rich filtered water.  It’s not always obvious what a bottled water product contains, while you know exactly what’s in your water - and more importantly, what’s not - when you filter it at home.  Related Articles: - Find Your Perfect Match with the 7 Best Water Filter Pitchers ( ) - The Pros and Cons: Assessing the Worthiness of Water Filter Pitchers - Making the Right Choice: Water Filter Pitcher vs. Bottled Water 📑 Final Word If you only drink bottled water at home, switching to a water filter pitcher is a great way to save money.  You’ll still enjoy water that’s free from harmful contaminants and tastes good, without consuming excess plastics and spending hundreds of dollars per year to replenish your bottled water stock.  Read the full article
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christinahobbsofc · 2 years
General Hydroponics Trio Guide Simple Nutrients
General Hydroponics Trio Guide Simple Nutrients General Hydroponics Trio. Nutrients are a topic that many cannabis growers find to be quite confusing. In addition to the overwhelming number of companies, some of them also offer multiple nutrient lines, additional supplements, additives, etc. Following that, you still need to determine how much and how frequently to feed your plants. Luckily, a lot of the popular nutrient brands available today will produce excellent cannabis. Some, however, can drain your bank account and leave you with far more work than is necessary. I'm going to demonstrate today how we use the nutrients we use, General Hydroponics Flora Trio + (optionally) CaliMagic. This is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to provide plant nutrients. This is the solution if you've been having trouble figuring out how to feed your plants. image of General Hydroponics Trio Buds cultivated with the Flora trio Important: Flora trio is a fantastic nutrient system, but as long as your plant receives all essential nutrients, other factors, such as genetics, care, and growing conditions, have a greater impact on bud quality. General Hydroponics: What Is It? Planta Trio A company by the name of General Hydroponics produces nutrients, potting mixtures, and pH adjustment kits among other things. They also create the CaliMagic dietary supplement as well as the Flora Trio nutrient line. The Flora Trio is made up of three bottles (Grow, Micro, and Bloom) that are combined in various ratios based on the maturity stage of your plant. CaliMagic is a calcium-magnesium supplement that promotes healthy cannabis growth and guards against calcium deficiency (most common when growing in coco or using filtered water). The Flora trio's three bottles (and optionally CaliMagic) will provide everything you need while also saving you money, despite the fact that General Hydroponics (like the majority, if not all, nutrient companies) tries to sell their base nutrients with a bunch of other supplements. We'll demonstrate how to do it for you! Why We Suggest GH Flora Let me begin by stating that we have absolutely no stake in General Hydroponics. They don't pay us, their businesses don't give us free stuff, none of that. We merely believe that they produce amazing goods. Now, here's why, if you haven't already discovered a suitable nutrient line, we advise you to give them a try: CheapsGH Flora Trio typically costs between $10 and $14 per 32-ounce bottle, or $30 to $42 for all three plus $20 for the (optional) CaliMagic supplement. Until you consider the fact that you only use a small amount at a time and the bottles' expiration date is quite far away, that doesn't appear to be inexpensive. Nutrients costing around $50 can supply a small, personal garden for years. Importantly, the nutrients last for years even after opening if they are stored properly. It Operates! Many growers think that having the right nutrients is the key to getting cannabis that is of medical quality and has a "magazine look." Unbelievably, all nutrient lines serve the same purpose: to give your plant the essential nutrients it requires. The formulas used by various nutrient lines to provide these minerals can differ significantly, but these variations aren't what give that bud its envious appearance. It's the attention, a nice setting, and lots of light! In light of this, the Flora Trio performs flawlessly in that it merely provides your plants with the minerals they require. Simplicity It turns into a straightforward, long-lasting solution to a supposedly complex problem if you ignore the extra add-ons that are frequently sold with the Flora Trio. The use of only three bottles makes it easier to use than a full nutrient and supplement line, and the simplicity of the formula they use (dissolved salts) makes it last for more than five years after being opened when stored properly. widely accessible One of the most popular nutrient lines created for plants like cannabis is the Flora trio, which is widely available online and at hydro stores. GH Flora Trio: How We Use It For Cannabis (Custom Schedule) Using the Flora Trio in drain-to-waste mediums like coco coir/perlite, vermiculite/perlite, etc. is illustrated in the following graph: Additional Directions: - water with nutrients or supplements (Micro first) - Adjust pH to 5.5 to 6.5. (using PH Up or PH Down) - Water plants and clean up runoff - Strengthen nutrients as necessary. - Reduce nutrients for dark plants with nutrient burn and increase nutrients for pale plants with yellow lower leaves. Notes: - until the plant is half the final desired height, repeat Week 3 - start the flowering phase with a 12/12 light cycle. - For a longer flowering stage, repeat Week 8 - Add CaliMagic whenever using RO water or coco coir. Autoflowering soil plants grown with Flora trio Hydroponics/DWC Recirculating Nutrient Schedule The Flora Trio is utilized in recirculating systems like DWC/Bubbleponic, Ebb & Flow, etc., as shown in the following chart: Additional Directions: - water with nutrients or supplements (Micro first) - Adjust pH to 5.5 to 6.5. (using PH Up or PH Down) - Fill the reservoir with nutrient water, leaving a 1-inch air space below the net pots. - Strengthen nutrients as necessary. - Lower dosage for dark plants with nutrient burn - Increase dosage for pale plants with yellow lower leaves Notes: - until the plant is half the final desired height, repeat Week 3 - start the flowering phase with a 12/12 light cycle. - For a longer flowering stage, repeat Week 8 Starting with the amounts mentioned above is what we advise. Check the pH first because this is just as likely the problem if your plant exhibits symptoms of deficiencies. Increase the amount of nutrients you're giving your plants if you've established that your pH is within the proper range but you're still noticing nutrient deficiencies. The amount suggested by General Hydroponics (see below) should be regarded as the absolute maximum because giving full strength often results in nutrient burn. You should take a calcium/magnesium (cal-mag) supplement to make up for the deficiency in your water if you use coco coir or reverse osmosis water. However, if you know you live in a region with soft (more pure) water, it's a good idea to add it. Growers using tap water frequently have enough calcium and magnesium in their water already. In terms of additional supplements, you'll observe that the GH charts below suggest a few of them. Although we're certain they have their advantages, unless you've already tried this line and want to experiment, we don't advise using any of the ones listed. From our experience, we're confident that you'll achieve your goals without needing to increase the number of bottles in your nutrient regimen. Here are the usual instructions. Personally, we believe that General Hydroponics' suggested higher nutrient levels and additional supplements are unnecessary. We have great success with our custom schedule's more basic and cannabis-specific nutrient levels! Useful Hints for the Flora Trio Here are some time and money-saving tidbits about this nutrient line! - Nutrient water can be prepared ahead of time and kept in storage for up to a week. Although some people keep nutrient water in storage for longer periods of time, General Hydroponics recommends only one week. If the container is fully filled, nutrient water will last longer (since there is no oxygen for bad microorganisms). If you seal up a container after it has been partially emptied, the water may begin to smell. In that case, leave the top off to buy a little more time. - Your nutrient bottles should be kept in a cool, but not freezing, dark place away from direct sunlight. Even after being opened, these nutrients, when kept properly, can last for more than five years. - To get Flora Micro out of the bottle, try using a pipette. By doing this, you can avoid having to pour it, which is a hassle. Micro has an odd, drippy consistency that makes pouring it easy to spill. Putting Micro in a squeeze bottle is an additional option. - In addition to helping you save a little money, using smaller quantities of nutrients results in lighter-colored nutrient water. This also makes it simpler to use the extremely affordable drop-type pH test kits! When maintained properly, a pH test kit with drops can last for years as well! - Make sure to lay down a towel before pouring nutrients, even though it may seem obvious. Two of the liquids are fairly mild, but Micro has an odd consistency and is wine-colored. FAQ General Hydroponics Trio How do you use 3 parts in General Hydroponics? How often do you feed General Hydroponics? Change nutrient solution every 7-10 days. If your water is above 200ppm total or 70ppm calcium, use Flora Hardwater Micro instead of FloraMicro. Top off with fresh water between nutrient changes. Keep nutrient solution aerated for best results. In what order do I add General Hydroponics nutrients? The proper order for mixing plant nutrients Step 1) Start With Silica. Related Products. Step 2) Add your base nutrients. Step 3) Add your cal-mag. Step 4) Add any other additives last. Step 5) Finishing by pHing your nutrient solution. What ppm scale do I use for General Hydroponics? As plants consume nutrients and water, the nutrient strength in the hydroponic reservoir will change. GENERALLY, nutrient strength should run between 800 to 1500 parts per million (ppm). Do you need Cal Mag with flora trio? General Hydroponics (like most if not all nutrient companies) try to sell their base nutrients with a bunch of other supplements, but using just the Flora trio's three bottles (and optionally CaliMagic) will do everything you need in addition to saving money. What order do you mix Advanced nutrients? Don't mix the nutrients together as a concentrate. Put pH Perfect Micro in the reservoir first, then pH Perfect Grow, then pH Perfect Bloom. Do you feed nutrients every time you water? You don't want to use liquid nutrients every time you water—use them every other watering, or two waterings on, one off. It depends on the complexity of your soil and the health of your plants. Too many nutrients will damage your plants. Giving weed plants the proper amount of nutrients requires careful monitoring. How often should I feed my plant? Vegetable gardeners can fertilize their garden beds about once a month with a quick-release fertilizer or about once a season with a slow-release fertilizer. Some gardeners prefer to feed their flowers and plants with a liquid-soluble plant food once every one to two weeks. How often should I give my seedlings nutrients? Plants can use nutrients at any stage, using nutrients about once or twice a week. Young seedlings, when the plants begin to grow leaves, and when they begin to grow fruits are crucial times to get them the essential nutrients for maximum yield and health. Do you pH water before or after nutrients? Always add the nutrients to the water before checking and adjusting the pH of your solution. The nutrients will usually lower the pH of the water due to their chemical make-up. Do I add Cal-Mag before nutrients? When using Silica Blast, always add Silica Blast into your reservoir FIRST followed by Cal-Mag. If Silica Blast is not being used and Cal-Mag is, Cal-Mag should be added FIRST, then add the remaining nutrients. Can I add Cal-Mag with nutrients? Can I Mix Cal-Mag With Nutrients? Cal-Mag can be used in tandem with nutrients. It can also be added before or after feeding your plants with nutrients. What happens if PPM is too high? If the PPM/EC reading is higher in your runoff than in your nutrient solution, you'll likely be dealing with salt buildup around the roots. As you feed your plants, this buildup slowly dissolves back into your runoff, driving up your PPM/EC readings. What is the difference between 500 PPM and 700 PPM? What's the difference between ppm500 and ppm700 scale? The ppm 700 scale is based on measuring the KCl or potassium chloride content of a solution. The ppm 500 is based on measuring the NaCl or sodium chloride content of a solution. The ppm 500 scale is also referred to as TDS - total dissolved solids. What should my PPM be during flowering? Early Flowering: 900 to 950 PPM — As your plants grow, they need to eat more. PPM readings will reflect the particles in the increased nutrients. Mid-Stage Flowering: 950 to 1100 PPM — Your plants' nutrient intake continues to increase at this stage. Read the full article
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Inspired by This Song and Day 26 of the July Prompts: hurricane
Warnings: angst, language, alcohol
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I couldn’t separate the word prompt from the song so it ended up being a little bit of a mashup here for Day 26 lmao. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Join my group-chat here: (X) ​
Angel Reyes Taglist: @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @kelpies-shed @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @withmyteeth @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @luckyharley1903 @masterlistforimagines @kkim120 @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @black-repunzel99​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @lexondeck​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @berniesilvas​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @amorestevens​ @angelreyesisdaddy04​
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You’d been going back and forth with your friends for the past few days. They desperately wanted you to come out with them, saying that you had spent enough time at home wallowing and now it was time to get back out into the world. You knew that it was coming from a good place, but you also didn’t really think you were ready for the bar and club scene again just yet. Plus, it was a small town and there was no guarantee that Angel wouldn’t be there with the guys.
The last time that you’d talked to them, you told them that you were sitting this one out, that maybe you’d be up for joining them next weekend. They weren’t happy about it per se, but they also knew that it wasn’t like they were going to show up on your doorstep and drag you out with them. So that was the end of the discussion, and the group-chat delved into other topics.
However, as the evening wore on and you were sitting on your couch at home, you couldn’t help but to rethink your decision. As much as you enjoyed your alone time and solitude, it might do you some good to go and be with your friends. It wasn’t like you had to get shitfaced, or throw yourself at the nearest available target. It was possible to just go out and socialize for a couple hours to remind yourself that you could still do it. With a sigh, you got up off the couch and made your way to your room to pull together an outfit. Something simple, but cute. You pulled your hair and makeup together and before you knew it, you were taking off out the door in hopes that the evening was going to go better than the scenarios in your head.
Meanwhile, Angel got basically bullied into going out with the guys for the night. Gilly was about one more argument away from strapping Angel to the back of his bike and driving him out himself. Angel was outnumbered and he knew that if the roles were reversed, he’d be ruthless with his friends as well. So even though he didn’t want to, he rolled out with the rest of them.
The relief that flooded through him when he walked into the bar and didn’t see you was immeasurable. His heart dropped into his stomach at first when he saw your friends, but once he realized that you weren’t with them, he was able to relax a little bit. He was still a little nervous as he approached the guys, not in the mood to catch flack from all of your friends, but they were surprisingly cordial. If you were there it might’ve been a different story, but he was taking his wins where he could get them.
He and the guys were locked into a competitive game of pool. Your friends had migrated to a different part of the bar, and it helped Angel breathe a little easier. Meanwhile, a few different women had begun to hang around the pool table, clearly trying to shoot their shot with Angel and the other guys that were with him. The guys were eating it up, and Angel wished that he could’ve been more enthused about it, but he had no real interest in entertaining any of it.
Just as he was about to take his next shot, the door to the bar opened and he instinctively looked up to see who it was. He wished that he hadn’t, though—the air immediately got sucked out of his lungs when he saw you walk through the door. You looked more beautiful than he remembered, if that was even possible. He could see it on your face that you weren’t totally committed to being there, the same way he was.
“Take your shot, bro, c’mon,” Gilly snapped him out of his daze.
“Shit,” Angel shook his head and tried to focus on the game, but his mind was already too far gone. He missed his shot, and it cost him and Coco the game. He didn’t even really notice EZ and Gilly celebrating their win as he put the pool stick down and headed towards the bathroom, needing a minute or two out of the noise and chaos to get his head back in order.
When he walked back out, he saw you standing by the bar talking with EZ. You sipped on your drink and nodded as you listened to whatever his brother was saying, and every single emotion that he had been trying to stuff down came back up. He clenched and unclenched his hands a few times, trying to steady them. There was no way that he was going to get out of this without talking to you, acknowledging you somehow. It seemed so effortless for you, like it cost you nothing to stand there and talk to Ezekiel, meanwhile just the sight of your friends earlier in the evening almost made him turn around and walk out of the bar.
Deciding that he couldn’t put it off any longer, he made his way up to the bar and landed next to EZ. You saw him coming from the second he walked out of the bathroom, but you chose not to make it awkward. You didn’t want to seem like a majority of your attention was really on him while you were talking to Ezekiel. However, now that he was standing in front of you, you couldn’t quite peel your eyes away from him.
“Hey, Angel.”
“Hey, Y/N,” he tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, “Didn’t think I was gonna see you here.”
“You almost didn’t,” you let out a quiet laugh, “Was a last-minute decision to join the party.”
He nodded, “Gotcha.”
EZ could feel the awkward tension in the air and he truly wanted no part of it. He had no problem talking with you, truthfully, he missed having you around. However, he wasn’t in the mood to have Angel lingering over his shoulder and into the conversation. So, with as much grace as he could, he excused himself and made his way back to Coco and Gilly. It left you and Angel standing there in front of each other, trying to figure out what the next move was going to be.
Letting out a small sigh, you sat yourself down on one of the barstools and nodded for Angel to join you, “Next round on me if you want,” you offered up a cautious smile.
His stomach was in knots but he took you up on the offer and ordered another beer as he sat down next to you. There was a small stretch of uncomfortable silence, neither of you really knowing what a safe topic to talk about was. Angel’s feelings were resting on the tip of his tongue, and truthfully you weren’t in much better shape than he was.
“I see EZ made it through his Prospect stint,” you finally broke the silence, “The full patch looks good on him.”
Angel laughed, nodding, “Yea, made that vote by the skin of his fuckin’ teeth.”
You smiled and shook your head, “Lemme guess, you were the one who almost didn’t vote him in?”
A smirk crossed his face, an expression that you had been missing more than you cared to admit, “Is it that obvious?”
“If it didn’t mean that he’d have to spend a whole ‘nother year prospecting, would you have done it?” you asked with a laugh.
“Maybe,” he took a swig of his beer as he watched you laugh and shake your head.
The sound of your laughter nearly brought him to his knees. He didn’t know how long it had actually been since the last time he saw you smile and laugh, but it felt like it had been an eternity. Muscle memory was trying to take over and it took every ounce of self-control that he had to not reach out and try to hold you, to kiss you. He watched the way you drummed your fingers along the sides of your glass and all he wanted to do was reach out and take your hand in his own. But he couldn’t. You were mere inches away from him but it might as well have been miles if he couldn’t hold you the way that he wanted to.
“I won’t lie,” you said, your expression sobering a little bit, “I almost walked out when I saw that EZ and the guys were here. I, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to see you.”
His felt his heart starting to beat faster in his chest, “What made you change your mind?”
You shrugged, taking another sip of your drink, “I miss you.”
Those three words washed over him like a tidal wave. It was everything that he had been wanting to hear from you for so long. He knew that it didn’t change anything or fix anything, but it suddenly felt a little easier to breathe.
“I miss you too,” he couldn’t even try to lie or downplay it—he wasn’t that good of an actor.
“Are you seeing anyone?” the question came out before you could stop it. You knew that it wasn’t any of your business, and that regardless of what his answer was it wasn’t going to change anything. But there was something in you that just needed to know.
“Nah,” he shook his head, eyes fixed onto his beer bottle, “You think I’d be out with these jokers if I was?” he nodded towards his friends with a laugh. There were a couple beats of silence before he asked, “You?”
You shook your head, “No.”
It felt like you should have some sort of a follow-up statement, but you didn’t. Part of you had almost wanted to lie and say that you were, just so you wouldn’t be confronted with the tension that you were now encompassed in. You were the one who called things off to begin with, and it felt wrong that you were so conflicted about it now, after so much time had gone by. It was too late to take back what you said then, or what you’d just told him now. You could feel his eyes on you as you looked anywhere but back at him. Part of you hoped that he would be smart enough, strong enough, to get up and walk away from where the situation was headed, but you knew that he wouldn’t be. You could spend the rest of your night staring at the glass in your hands and he would be next to you the entire time. For as much as you hated being away from him, he hated it even more.
“Do you still wanna be here, querida?” despite his voice being so quiet, you heard him perfectly through the noise of the bar.
You finally looked back over at him and shook your head, “No.”
He nodded towards the door, “Come on, then. Let’s go.”
“Angel, I don’t think we sho—”
“You could’ve gotten up and walked away when you saw me, but you didn’t,” he got up off his stool and stood in front of you, a pleading look in his eyes, “And I coulda walked out the second I saw you talking to EZ, but I didn’t. What’s the point in kidding ourselves here, hm?”
There was a slight tremble in your hands as you took in everything that he was saying to you. He was absolutely right. You’d been trying, unsuccessfully, to get your mind off of Angel for weeks. But no amount of distractions and keeping yourself busy was effective—your mind always went right back to him. You didn’t know who you were trying to kid by hesitating. There was no way you were going to turn away from him again, not after the turmoil the last few weeks had brought you when you tried to get on with your life.
He held his hand out for you to take. You paused for a moment, wondering if you’d have a sudden surge of self-control, but you knew yourself better than that. Setting your hand in his, you hopped off the stool, immediately comforted by the sensation of his hand clasping around yours. Tossing a few bills onto the bar to cover your tab, you let Angel lead you towards the door. You thought about touching base with your friends, but you knew that they’d know what happened. Looking at Angel’s expression, you could tell that he was having much the same thoughts about his own friends. But EZ had felt the tension and you knew that he’d put it together immediately.
Stepping out of the bar and into the night air, you let the breeze wash over you and cool you off as Angel led you towards his bike. Any last bit of resolve that you had in you was gone the second that you laid eyes on his bike. All of the long days and late nights out on the road with him came rushing back to you and a smile appeared on your face. Angel glanced back at you, and when he saw the look on your face, he couldn’t help but to pull you closer, cupping your face and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Your hands rested on the beat-up leather of his kutte, leaning your chest against his as you let yourself get lost in him. There was so much that the two of you should’ve been saying and doing instead, but that didn’t matter anymore. Feeling the way that his rough hands rested so gently on the sides of your face felt like coming home and you’d been away from it for far too long. You could feel the way his body started to relax as his lips continued to move against yours, trying to get all that he could while he had the chance, not knowing when this was going to get ripped away from him again.
When you finally pulled your lips off of his, you reached up and lightly trailed your fingertips though his beard. Forcing your eyes up to meet his, you could see that there were countless thoughts and feelings swirling around in them. There was a tinge of sadness, but mostly it was desperation, and you couldn’t say that you were in much better shape than he was when it came to that.
Letting your hands drop back down and interlock with his, you nodded towards his bike, “Let’s go.”
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handeaux · 2 years
Cincinnati Once Believed Radium Could Cure Anything, If Only We Could Afford It
What are the most amazing things on Earth today? Way back in 1907, the Cincinnati Post reported the results of a poll to determine the “Seven Wonders of the Modern World” at that time. Topping the list was the aeroplane, followed by wireless telegraphy, radium, the Panama Canal, anesthesia, movies, and X-rays.
That radium got its own mention is unsurprising to anyone reading the newspapers around that time. Everybody was talking about radium, all the humorists had jokes about radium, all the quacks were claiming cures by radium, and all the scientists were scrambling to figure out just what this radium stuff could possibly do.
During the first decade of the Twentieth Century, radium was the most expensive substance known to man, costing – when it could be purchased at all – for $2.5 million per ounce. Dozens of newspaper gags were based on the same formula: Something (or someone) is described as worth its weight in gold but is met by the rejoinder, “Couldn’t it be worth its weight in radium?”
The hottest stage show in Cincinnati was a musical revue titled “The Runaways,” which featured a diversion billed as “The Radium Dance.” According to the Cincinnati Post [16 January 1905]:
“Cincinnatians seem to like the radium dance. It is performed while the stage is in pitch-black darkness and the dancers’ faces are masked in black. Their pajama-like costumes glow with a weird blue light, and the audience is puzzled to know how it is done.”
No matter whether a commercial product incorporated radium (unlikely) or not, manufacturers realized that anything with “radium” on the label flew off the shelves. One Cincinnati manufacturer sold “radium” razor strops in which the only connection to radium was the brand name. Likewise, a roach poison sold as Radium Roach Powder may have contained all sorts of toxic substances, but radium was certainly not one of them.
On the other hand, Cincinnati’s notorious quack doctors piled onto the radium bandwagon, offering cures that may or may not have induced radiation poisoning into their clients. A Hopkins Street man, hauled into court on fraud charges, probably didn’t harm anyone by selling “radium pads” that he claimed cured diseases. The radium Laboratories Company, though, advertising heavily in the Cincinnati Post, offered photographic proof that its “Co-Ray Tonic Tablets” were unabashedly radioactive, providing “interior sunlight” to those who ingested the pills. Co-Ray tablets were sold at all Dow Drug Stores in Cincinnati as well as independent pharmacies in Norwood, and in Kentucky at Dayton and Bellevue. The advertisements were frighteningly effusive:
“Radium is interior sunlight. Sunlight is the great antiseptic and germ destroyer of the world. Radium Emanation is the most marvelous tonic the world has ever known. By its use the system of man or woman can literally be bathed and cleansed in sunshine. Tired, pale, droopy, rundown people respond to this internal sunlight bath like flowers that have been drooping in the shade. They become energized to a marvelous extent. The power of Radium is so great that the mind of ordinary man cannot grasp it.”
Hot Springs, Arkansas, cashed in on the radium craze by organizing excursions from the larger northern cities, including Cincinnati. An advertisement in the Cincinnati Post [17 February 1911] was typical:
“Hot Springs is the scene of marvelous cures, to which words cannot do justice. The secret of the mysterious, health-renewing waters (until recently Nature’s secret) is attributed to their radioactive curative powers, resulting from radium gasses.”
Propounding a dissenting view, well-known Cincinnati quack, Dr. G.M. “Cancer Cure” Curry opened a sanitarium at Lebanon, Ohio, at which he promised to demonstrate that “the surgeon’s knife, X-Ray, Radium and other present-day treatments, are absolutely ineffective and often cause death instead of saving life.”
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Sadly, while real scientists and doctors were scrambling to find out the best ways to harness the power of radium, they were besieged by patients who, inspired by the popular press, demanded radium treatments immediately. The biggest problem is that none of the educated people knew exactly what radiation was or how it manifested, or whether it did anything at all.
The second problem is that there wasn’t a single atom of radium available to doctors in Cincinnati. Through the efforts of University of Cincinnati President Howard Ayers, a tiny particle of actual radium was shipped to the Queen City. This minute sample, housed in a glass tube inside a wooden box, was placed in the custody of UC’s physics department.
On special appeal to the university’s Board of Directors, UC’s minuscule allotment of radium was applied to the eyes of Judge Moses Wilson in 1903 in an unsuccessful attempt to restore his failing eyesight. Judge Wilson survived another 20 years, blind but succumbing to unrelated ailments in his 83rd year. George W. Mayer, a Cincinnati industrialist, had to go to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for radium treatments in 1914. The treatments was fatally ineffective, and Mr. Mayer returned to Cincinnati in a casket.
Other than the failed effort to save Judge Wilson’s eyesight, the UC physics department mostly used their entubed radium sample to irradiate hundreds of students through hands-on classroom demonstrations; through the creation of autoradiographs to prove that, yes, this stuff was, indeed, radioactive; and public lectures throughout the city featuring a suspenseful moment when all the auditorium lights were extinguished to manifest the sample’s faint blue glow.
Professor Louis Trenchard More, designated guardian of UC’s radium nugget, in one of his several public lectures, suggested that maybe this miraculous substance wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. According to the Post [14 November 1903]:
“He seemed to be rather skeptical that the much exploited stuff would ever become vastly popular, and didn’t think that, inasmuch as it takes about 11 tons of pitchblende to make a pound of radium, it would become particularly useful.”
The Cincinnati Post editorially rejoiced in 1910 when the price of radium declined to only $2.1 million an ounce:
“It is easy to foresee that should this decline in price continue, you may go down to the corner grocery any day and get a bit of radium.”
Or not.
[To explore the dark side of the radium craze, you will want to catch D.W. Gregory’s play, “Radium Girls,” as produced by The Drama Workshop from 30 September through 16 October. See https://thedramaworkshop.org/season/2022-2023-season/radium-girls for details.]
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f1orencesyndrome · 3 years
I wake up in my log cabin. The first thing I do is pop outside to forage for some breakfast mushrooms. Once I’ve got a good handful, I roast them over the seven-foot-tall bong that doubles as my stove. It’s going to be a great day!
I slip out of my tie-dye pajamas and put on my Timberland hiking boots, cargo pants, beanie, and most professional rain slicker. I pour myself a cup of coffee—the beans were hand-roasted in Portland and cost $26 per ounce—and take it to go in my Hydro Flask, which is covered in recycle symbol stickers. I stuff the utility pockets of my pants with homemade granola, take a final puff of weed off the stove, climb into my Subaru, and drive off through the burning forest to work. It’s hard to leave my rescued pitbull-pug mix, Marcus Mariota, but I know he’ll keep himself occupied with the handwoven hemp dog toys I got at the Saturday Market.
I live and work in Portland, the only habitable city in the entire state. Portland is located somewhere in the middle of Oregon. It’s also our state capital, houses the University of Oregon’s nationally recognized football program, and has a population of anywhere from thirty thousand to two million people. From my office, I can see Canada and California at the same time.
I work for a company that makes beer taste like pine needles that have been soaking in a vat of apple cider vinegar for thirty years. Our logo is a Sasquatch wearing a trucker hat. I make $40,000 per year, but fortunately, Portland is super affordable probably.
On my lunch break, my coworkers and I swap stories about the biggest blisters we ever got while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. My coworker Sunshine is kind enough to share her bag of organic bark mulch with me, as I accidentally left my alfalfa sprout and tempeh wrap at home. I feed my pocket granola to some feral beavers in the parking lot.
After a long, hard day of ruining beer, I decide to go out for a night on the town. I run home to change into my sexiest North Face rain-slicking shift dress, dress beanie, and high-heeled Timberland boots. In addition to all of my surroundings being on fire, there is now a torrential downpour. I pat Marcus Mariota on the head and stoke my ever-burning weed fire to make sure it never goes out. Since I’ve already done enough damage to the environment today, I ditch my Subaru for my fixed-gear bike.I wave hey to Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein when I get to my favorite bar, Crunchy’s. We grab a rancid pine-needle IPA and I tell them about an ex-coworker who admitted he didn’t like hiking, so the rest of the office beat him to death with our CamelBak water bottles. We laugh until we cry, compliment each other’s beanies, and then part ways.
My favorite local band is playing Crunchy’s tonight: Ceci N’est Pas Une Hipsters. They’re a four-piece, harmonica/accordion ska band whose lead singer is a thirty-year-old white guy with dreadlocks named AJ. Most of their songs are about hating everyone from California, but they have a soulful ballad about being in a polyamorous relationship with three smokin’ hot female Bigfoots that brings a tear to my eye every time. After they finish their set, the audience throws celebratory pocket granola at them. I head over to the merch table to buy a beanie.
Unfortunately, at this point, my dress hiking boots are really killing me, so I stay for only four more IPAs before it’s time to pedal home. I’m ready to relax on the couch with Marcus Mariota. Maybe I’ll even feed him some of the dried sweet potato and vegan venison treats I keep for special occasions. (To clarify, they’re my treats; Marcus Mariota just gets some when he’s been a good boy.)
Tomorrow will be a long day: A seven-hour hike, then a four-hour kayak, then my evening hot yoga class, followed by my manifestation drum circle. (We will get Bernie Sanders to move here once we figure out the right crystal combination!) After one last long inhale on my bong/stove, it’s time for bed. I just hope I don’t have that nightmare about having to pay sales tax again.
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flightfoot · 5 years
Turning Points Chapter 2
Previous Chapter
(A/N) As per a reader suggestion, I’ve started italicizing dialogue that takes place in the past.
The four of them were transported to the entryway of College Francois-Dupont. Past Marinette and past Alya walking to class together.
Alya grinned. “Oh! I gushed to you about Ladybug! That convinced you of how AWESOME you are and that you should give it another shot, right?”
Marinette chuckled wryly. “Not exactly. You gave it your best shot, though.”
Past Alya handed Past Marinette her phone, showing her the webpage she’d just pulled up. “Ladyblog, bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug! How awesome is that?! Check out the number of views since I posted a video!“
Past Marinette looked down. “But why do you trust Ladybug so much? All these stone beings...”
“She's gonna handle them,” Past Alya stated confidently, not an ounce of doubt in her voice.
Alya smiled. “I was right. Even back then I could see it. I KNEW you’d come through.”
Marinette smiled.
Past Marinette wasn’t reassured. “But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero even though everyone thinks she is?”
Adrien opened his mouth, looking like he was going to launch into another defense of Ladybug, when past Alya did the job for him.
“What are you talking about, girl? Oh, wait.” Past Alya looked at Marinette appraisingly. “I know what this is about. You're scared, but don't be! I've seen it with my own two eyes, girl! Ladybug is a true superheroine! She's going to protect us all! I believe in her.”
Alya chuckled. “Honestly I’d have said something similar even if I’d known you were Ladybug. You may have been scared, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that you ARE a true superheroine. Seeing you fighting against Stoneheart, assembling a plan on the fly and defeating him with the most random objects, you couldn’t HELP but to believe.”
Nino joined in, “I wasn’t there for that first fight, but seeing the footage... well it was hard to be too scared of the akumas, because I KNEW that you and Chat Noir would come through.”
“Never doubt yourself, Marinette,” Adrien joined in. “You’re the most incredibly crazy awesome person I know. If you’re not cut out for this, then NO ONE is.”
Marinette felt tears spark in her eyes at the praise, but she HAD to counter Adrien’s last point. “Chat Noir would be. He leapt into superheroing without a second thought. Being so impulsive might’ve gotten him into some trouble, but if he HADN’T been so quick, if he’d hesitated, Alya could’ve been hurt. He never stopped trying to fight Stoneheart, he never fled, he just continued fighting. Because he couldn’t let anyone else get hurt. I may’ve thought that I shouldn’t be Ladybug, that I wasn’t GOOD enough to be Ladybug, but I NEVER, not ONCE, doubted that Chat Noir - whoever’s behind the mask - should be - well, CHAT NOIR.”
Adrien stared at her, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He made a faint... mewling noise? Marinette didn’t even know humans COULD make that sound. She looked away from him, trying NOT to melt into a puddle at the looks he’d been giving her. She didn’t know how many more memories were left, and she’d need her wits about her when they ended.
“Alya, wouldn't you like to be a superhero and go out and fight monsters and villains?”
Marinette jumped. She’d been so lost in her Adrien-coma, she hadn’t noticed the scenery shift. Not that they’d gone far, past Marinette and past Alya were still walking to class, they’d just skipped forwards a little in time and space.
Alya looked at her. “Waaiit... you were asking me whether I’d want to be Ladybug, right?”
Marinette nodded.
“Totally! I'm not scared of anyone! Why?”
“Oh, no reason...”
The four of them watched as past Marinette surreptitiously slipped the Ladybug Miraculous into Alya’s bag.
“Girl that was SMOOTH. So that’s how you’re able to steal phones so easily! You’re an expert at moving stuff around without being caught,” Alya spoke admiringly.
Marinette chuckled, chagrinned.
Adrien just seemed confused. “Marinette steals phones?”
“Oh- ah- Well - look, we’re entering the classroom now!” Marinette called out, desperately trying to distract the love of her life (and the one-time victim of her phone thievery) from that train of thought.
Then the four of them walked into the classroom, and Marinette almost wished that she’d kept up the phone thievery conversation.
Past Marinette stalked over to Adrien as he knelt over the gum, “Hey! What are you doing?”
Past Adrien panicked, unable to form a coherent sentence at the accusation. Chloe and Sabrina broke into laughter and past Marinette filled in the gaps on her own. “Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny.”
Past Adrien managed to form whole words finally. “No, no, I was just trying to take this off! “
But it was too late. Chloe’s and Sabrina’s laughter had convinced her. “Oh, really?”
Their continued laughter did NOT help.
Disgusted, past Marinette asked, “You're friends with Chloé, right?”
“Why do people keep saying that?” past Adrien muttered, then took his seat.
Marinette covered her face, ashamed. “I shouldn’t have judged you. I jumped to conclusions and I BARELY listened to what you had to say.”
She looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry, Adrien.”
Adrien blushed, but held himself together long enough to answer. “I don’t blame you. I NEVER blamed you. And after seeing how Chloe treats people, and what happened the day before, I understand why you assumed the worst.”
He winked at her. “Besides, we got there in the end, didn’t we?”
She blushed, melting into a puddle at his gaze. This boy was going to be the death of her.
The world jumped forwards slightly. Marinette almost didn’t notice, since the location didn’t change this time.
Well, except for the classroom suddenly having huge gaping holes in it. That was a bit of a giveaway.
“Come on! Let's follow him!” past Alya called out to past Marinette as she looked at where Stoneheart had gone.
“You have NO sense of self-preservation,” Marinette told the present Alya.
She grinned cheekily. “None!”
“Uh... Oh, no. You go. I'm finding myself a safe place to hide.”
“Girl, you're gonna miss Ladybug in action!”
Marinette rolled her eyes.  Honestly she kind of WISHED Alya had become Ladybug, if only because then she would’ve been able to protect herself full time, and not only when she had the Fox Miraculous.
Past Marinette picked up past Alya’s bag, presenting it to her. “You and Ladybug will both be better off without me.”
Alya’s eyes widened. “Oh. OOOOH. So THAT’S what happened. If I’d taken my bag that day...”
“...Then you would’ve been Ladybug instead of me.”
Alya shook her head. “You were always meant to be Ladybug. I couldn’t improvise the way you do. I couldn’t have done things the way you do.”
Marinette looked at her, conviction in her eyes and her voice. “You couldn’t have done things the way I do. But you would’ve done things the way YOU do. You’d find a way.”
Alya smiled back at her. Ladybug believed in her. Marinette believed in her. But... “Okay, maybe I could’ve been Ladybug. But you’d still be a superhero, one way or another. You can’t honestly believe that you’d just sit by while akumas were running loose? You’d manage to save the day somehow.”
Marinette opened her mouth to try to counter Alya’s point... but couldn’t. She WOULD help out against akumas any way she could.
As Past Marinette ran off, still attempting to give past Alya her bag, the world shifted, this time to the street.
Past Alya was running, trying to catch up with Stoneheart. She dove behind cover and started filming.
Meanwhile, Chat attempted to fend off an army of Stonehearts. He was managing to dodge their attacks, but it didn’t look like something he could keep up. “If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!“ he called out anxiously
Marinette winced. “Sorry Chat.”
“It’s okay,” Adrien replied. Marinette stared at him, confused. He quickly realized his mistake and attempted to cover for himself. Which he did. Poorly. “I- I mean, I’m sure he would’ve understood. He doesn’t seem like the type who would’ve held it against you - from the few times I’ve talked to him anyways, it’s not like I know him that well or anything,” he said hastily, giving a nervous laugh.
Marinette looked at him suspiciously for a moment, but seemed to accept his answer. “I still feel bad. He was out here, risking his life without a second thought while I’d just tried to ditch my Miraculous at the first sign of trouble.”
She looked down. “He must’ve thought I’d abandoned him...”
Adrien put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a comforting smile. She gave him a small one back.
Internally Adrien wasn’t NEARLY so calm. (She cares about me she cares about me a LOT she’s worried about what I would’ve thought if she’d disappeared OHMIGOD she could’ve succeeded and I never would’ve had her as a partner again and I’d never have known what’d happened to her what would I have-)
Marinette pulled him into a hug. All thought ceased at that point.
She abruptly let go of him as a car hurtled at past Alya. “NO!”
She let out a sigh of relief as past Chat threw his baton, saving past Alya once again, but at the cost of leaving himself defenseless.
The nearest Stoneheart picked him up while he was defenseless, leaving him to uselessly flail his legs.
Past Marinette dropped Alya’s bag. She stood, stunned, trying to figure out what to do. Alya was trapped, Chat was being carried away, yelling insults all the while, and there she was, stuck with the Ladybug Miraculous and no one to give it to.
Then past Alya cried out-
-and her decision was made.
She took the earrings out of the bag and put them on.
Tikki appeared in a ball of red light.
“I think I need Ladybug!”
“I knew you'd come around!”
Past Marinette nervously told her,  “Well, I'm still not sure I'm up for this, but Alya's in danger. I can't sit back and do nothing!”
She transformed.
Alya came to a realization. “Waaait... you transformed... in the MIDDLE of the STREET... while I was RIGHT THERE?!”
Marinette chuckled. “Yep. Good thing you didn’t look a little to your right.”
Alya face-palmed, groaning.
Adrien focused on a different aspect. “You transformed because you had to help. Because you couldn’t leave others in danger, even though you were scared. Even though you were uncertain. You still stepped up.”
He smiled at her, much like he had a few weeks ago, at the Heroes’ Day picnic. “You’ve always had what it takes to be a true hero. This just gave you the chance to really show it.”
Marinette squeaked.
The scene changing saved her from having to come up with actual words. Which was good, because she’d probably have just stood there and made animal sounds for a bit while she attempted to regain control of her brain.
They stood in the area near the Eiffel Tower, Stoneheart standing on one of its beams. Down on the ground where Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien had materialized, past Ladybug and past Chat Noir were trying to reason with Officer Roger.
Still injured from the LAST time he’d tried to fight off Stoneheart, Roger nonetheless attempted to take charge. “We're clear to attack!“
Ladybug attempted to stop him. “Wait! No, don't attack them! You know it'll only make it worse!“
“I have a new plan, unlike you! Move aside and let the pros do their thing. You've already failed once! “
Alya growled. “Why you-!”
Marinette put a hand on her shoulder, smiling and shaking her head. She pointed towards Chat and Ladybug.
Ladybug turned towards Chat, nervous and unsure. “...He's right, you know. If I had captured Stoneheart's akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn't the right one for this job...”
Marinette looked at past Chat, a fond, trusting smile on her face as he told her past self what she needed to hear. “No. He's wrong, because without you, she'd no longer be here. And because without us, they won't make it, and we'll prove that to 'em. Trust me on this. Okay?”
Marinette turned to Alya. “Chat can be a little goofy at times, but he’s ALWAYS had my back when I needed it. Right then, hearing that I’d already done well? That we’d both work together to prove Roger, and everyone else who doubted us wrong? That’s what I needed. But most of all, he asked me to TRUST him. And I did. I couldn’t let him down.”
Adrien teared up again. Marinette gave him another concerned look, but became distracted. “Does anyone else hear a faint rumbling noise?”
It cut off as quickly as it had started, Adrien looking embarrassed for some reason.
Marinette frowned. That had sounded weirdly familiar for some reason, she just needed to place it...
Their surroundings blurred, derailing Marinette’s train of thought. Something was different this time though. The colors around them blurred and bled around them, swirling together and then turning grey. A soft light glowed around Marinette before jumping to Adrien.
“Wha-” Marinette started shouting.
The surroundings twisted and resolved, this time coalescing into a location Marinette had been in only a handful of times, but wished she’d been able to visit more often.
“Why are we in Adrien’s room?” she asked, perplexed. She’d already started forming a theory, however.
Past Adrien hurtled into the room, throwing himself over the back of the couch and turning on the news.
As the current Adrien came up with the same theory, a smile slowly spread across his face. “I think once the akuma finished showing your turning points, it must’ve transferred to me.”
Marinette nodded. “That’s my theory too.”
She looked at past Adrien, still engrossed by the TV. “Why was this one of your turning points though? Just because this was a supervillain’s first appearance?”
Adrien chuckled, that wide grin still plastered on his face. It changed to a smirk as he watched his past self, seeming to wait for something.
He looked back at Marinette a few seconds later, his smile turning into a smirk. He shook his head.
“No. It’s because you weren’t the only one who became a superhero that day-”
“What’s this doing here?”
“- My Lady.”
Past Adrien popped open the top of the box, unleashing a green, glowing light. It faded to reveal a sleepy, cat-like kwami.
Marinette’s mind broke.
Next Chapter
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My Weight loss Journey on Optifast
In true #basicbitch fashion, it turns out I have joined the ranks of those who: 1. Got married 2. Had kids 3. Got fat.  Same story, different mom.  My “baby” is now four (I have two) and I am desperate to get this under control.  I have discovered that losing weight in your 30s is waaaaaayyyy harder than doing it in your 20s.  Then I would skip a drink or two, maybe a meal, go for a run, and wah-lah!  #summerbod achieved.  Now I have tried so many diets (jumpstart, keto, southbeach), fasts (Master Cleanse, Whole30 - I actually like this one btw), exercise programs (heavy weights, yoga, bootcamp, Pilates), you name it, all without real results. 
This is where I found myself one day in November of 2018, frankly not that far off in weight from when I was 9-months preggo, working a full time job, overwhelmed and just unable to figure it out.  I finally decided to put some money where my mouth was (one positive about the 30s I’ve noticed is at least there is more money!) and signed up for the Medical Weight Management Program at Kaiser.  
The program starts off with a one hour orientation, they let you try samples and give a very simplified version of what they are about.  Things I wish they just said outright:  
The program is going to cost btwn 4K-5K all said and done.  They hedge around that quite a bit, for obvious reasons, that’s a big number!  The majority of the fees can at least be run through an hsa/fsa (if you have it) but the food is out of pocket.
You have to have a bmi of at least 30 to qualify for the program.  I think for most people it went without saying they would qualify easily, but unfortunately (fortunately?) for me, I was a bit lower.  Not much though, just a bit.  Luckily I was a month off from the qualifying weigh in and it was the holidays, thus I got to really get after that brandy-eggnog and wine.  All in the holiday spirit, right?  
Yes you are going to be hungry.  They go on and on about how you aren’t hungry in the program, but it ain’t so people.  More on that later.
Then you have to do a series of tests which involve an EKG, some blood work and an appointment with a real-live doctor.  Then BOOM, couple hundred dollars and some massive bingeeating/anxiety/panic later, you are IN chicken.
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Ok ok I know that gif is about smoking but I like it ok?  Give me something here, I’m on limited calories...
Fast forward a month to the first meeting, I did the weigh in (since I know you are wondering I’m 5′6 and came in at a whooping 191 pounds <insert gulp>), nervously looked around at the people I was going to be stuck in this room with every week, and sat in a very outdated room for a couple hours.  Think waiting room of a drug store somewhere in “where the hell is that” Midwest USA.  Vinyl floors, partition walls, white board on WHEELS...Did I mention there was a ridiculous thunderstorm that night?  Picture WAVES of water crashing over the freeway as I drove to the aforementioned old room.  Thunder crashed, lightening struck.  I’m in California, this is scary stuff for us.  It was like the Gods were sending me to the seventh circle of weight loss hell. 
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While we sat there shaking, they gave us the deets.
The basics of the program are such:
You meet once a week in a closed group of 20-26 peeps to talk and learn about about the program, nutrition, whatever is bugging you.  The groups are facilitated by a nutritionist and a program lead.  They call you a “Cohort”.  You will be on food supplements for 20 weeks.  The supplements consist of a combo of bars, shakes and some very funky soups.  Total calories per day is generally 960.  Nothing else is allowed, no zero calorie anything (though they do say you can have up to two zero calorie sodas or beverages a day, but not more given the sodium).  Gum is tolerated but technically not allowed.  Oh and the kicker, you are supposed to drink between 60-120 ounces of water a day.  Look guys, I already drink a ton of water, but drinking THAT much water on 960 calories a day = going to the bathroom like the days of yore...i.e. like you are third-trimester pregnant.  For the men reading this, that’s a lot.  An annoying amount of times.  
Weeks 17-30 are a transition where you slowly wean off the supplements till they are gone at the end of week 20.  
Weeks 30 to 82 (yes you heard that right, this program is EIGHTY-TWO WEEKS...that’s 1.57 years, 18.9 months, 574 days.. you get the idea) 
...anyway, weeks 30 to 82 are what they call Lifestyle: an open group of people that completed the program and still meet once a week for an hour to discuss their progress, issues, life.  
Back to me - Last week we all met, got the lowdown, put in our food order and spent the rest of the week saying goodbye to all our favorite foods.  Wine for me.  And tequila.  And vodka.  Did I mention wine?  Look I have two kids, and a stressful high powered desk-job.  I’m very important.  #dontjudge #myNameisBasic&ImAnAlcoholic  
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Today I am on Day #2 of the supplements.  OMG it’s hard. All I can say is this #weightissue has been a relatively recent thing for me, I never struggled before kids.  I’ve fasted, I’m comfortable on a diet generally.  Some of the people in my cohort have struggled their whole life.  I just keep telling myself they must be dying with this, so I need to buck up and deal.  Less fortunate and all that.  But man am I hangry.  I want to eat my hand off.  Everything looks delicious.  The worst part is, you wake up in the morning knowing you don’t get to eat anything else except your six “meals” a day, and it won’t satisfy you.  These fuckers medical professionals make you track the meals you eat each day, and categorize them into Breakfast, Lunch, Dinners and two Snacks.  It’s supposed to get you in the habit of tracking.  A-holes.  There are headaches.  I’m kinda (ok very) cranky.  They say, this too shall pass.  We’ll see.
I started this blog as an outlet for this journey.  I haven’t told anyone in my family or my friends cause I’m hella embarrassed.  Obviously the husband knows.  and then there is just you, Wide World.  Thank you for bearing witness.  May I be successful and reunite with my first loves again soon (i.e. in 20 weeks)...vodka...and spaghetti....and Chinese food...and wine...and..and..and...
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Talk to you soon.  
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natur-body · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide On How To Use MyFitnessPal
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Most of you I’m sure have heard of “MyFitnessPal”. It’s an amazing macro tracker app that helps you reach your goals, instead of guessing what you’re eating throughout your day. Before you read any further if you need more help with learning about macros I recommended you read “Understanding Macros” to get familiar with macro intake, how much men and women need per day etc.
 There’s A LOT to learn, so start there then come back and read how to use this app to reach any goal you may have!
In order to track meals I suggest you buy a food scale first! You can’t estimate how much you’re eating all day! If you would love to learn tips and tricks to meal prepping read 10 Tips On How To Successfully Meal Prep.
report this adWhat are macros?
Macronutrients are what make up the calorie content of food. The 3 categories of macros are your protein, carbs, and fats. To reach your goals in an effective way it’s great to track how much protein, carbs and fats you’re eating every day! Every person needs a different amount. I do have a macro calculator that’s provided in my post here. “Understanding Macros”. Every calculator you find isn’t 100% correct, it’s just a rough estimate that will help you along the way.
Why is it important to track?
I believe you don’t need to track your food intake for the rest of your life, however I do recommend trying it and sticking with it for at least a couple of months. I think it’s important for us to get familiar with what we put into our bodies and exactly how much. Our body may only need 70 grams of fat per day, but you may be eating 110 grams or over, and that’s how you gain body fat. It can also be difficult to lose weight because you’re eating more fat or carbs then you really need. I don’t believe in cutting out any carbs or fats because we’re human and we need good fats and good carbs, and of course some treats here and there because LIFE! I know that since I started tracking my food intake, I’ve become more familiar and understand what it’s like to live a balanced lifestyle. It taught me I can have a slice of cake and eat it too, but to not go ham for the rest of the day. I really do truly believe it turned me into having a better relationship with food.
I haven’t tracked my food since COVID started happening. So it’s been 5 months. I’m sure I’ll get back to it again, but I promise you, you will see more results doing this just because you will be more on point with how much protein, carbs and fat you eat in a day. It’s not a lot of work if you start meal prepping ahead of time, that way your week is easy for you. Just grab and go with your meals that are already prepped and tracked!
Setting up My Fitness Pal
1. Download the app for free. You can upgrade and get more perks but free does the job.
2. Open the app and make an account or login from Facebook or email.
3. The app will ask you some questions before getting started. Goals, weight, age, etc. Enter everything to the best of your ability.
4. When you estimate your macros and get the numbers, add them directly into the app. Head to more > nutrition goals > calorie, carbs, protein, and fat goals. Here is where you will enter them manually with the percentages given. Just keep in mind that you will have to round to the nearest 5% increment unless you download the premium version. So your macros most likely won’t be correct 100%, so just make sure you memorize them and keep track that way. You will either have to eat more or less than what’s stated on the app, but no biggy!
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5. You have the option of naming your meals. So the way it’s set up, is “Breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner”, snacks”. You can name them differently, like meal 1, meal 2, pre and post workout snacks, ETC. For someone like me who is always trying to put on weight, breakfast, lunch, and dinner don’t really mean anything because I’m constantly eating, so I go off of meal 1 and so forth. Head to more > settings > diary settings > custom meal name.
6. Get familiar with the app and click around. You have the option of tracking your steps and water intake. Figure out how you like it and make it personal.
How To Start Tracking
Alright time to get tracking! 1. Click on the diary button at the bottom of the page! You will notice it will be organized with your saved settings. Woohoo, time for the fun part. 2. Click which meal you’re having and hit “add food” .
3. You can search for foods, scan them with products that have a barcode, or manually enter the code if the scanner doesn’t work.
3. Adjust the serving sizes. You have a couple different options like grams, ounces, 1 cup. etc. They sometimes will be different on each product. Most will have serving size per gram, but sometimes it won’t be there.
4. Complete the diary at the bottom when the day is done.This automatically saves your meal for the day, so you can go back and see what you ate on a particular day.
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Keep Note:
– My Fitness Pal remembers foods you eat often, so you won’t have to scan in every single food item you eat on the daily because it will be entered already. You can adjust the serving size no problem if you eat less or more one day.
– Make sure when adding in stuff like pasta or rice, make sure it’s cooked and not dry. Serving sizes at the back of the product your scanning will usually have whether the serving size is cooked or dry. You can also type it in manually in the search button aka “cooked basmati rice”.
– You can search fast foods as well and even some pubs! The app has come a long way, so they usually have everything on deck. If they don’t have something, you can either try to find the food and estimate, or not add it in as a treat meal, and forget about it.
– You can manually plug in a homemade recipe and have the macros for a certain dish. This part is time consuming because everything you put in the dish you have to weigh out and whatnot for the macros per serving of the dish, but it’s pretty neat. This way you can make clean healthy dishes at home, and know exactly what you are eating; macros and all!
Tracking Motivation And Questions You May Have:YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PERSONAL PLAN
You have your own plan that’s built right on your device that you use EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! And it costs 0 dollars, so no excuses! You have access to your calories, macros, steps and more. You have the ability to change goals like gaining weight, maintaining etc, no problem! You want to lose weight, change the settings, you want to now bulk up for the winter? Change the settings! It’s your own personal food diary.
Tracking your macros isn’t a diet, but it’s a way to have balance in your life, but also beware of what you’re putting into your body. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself, but some people are like “Pft I only had 5 Oreo cookies”, but you plug that into your app and you see how much sugar you just ate as well with the fats, carbs and calorie intake. This app isn’t for being obsessive over what you eat, but more of like “oh sh*t, I eat a 3/4 cups of ice cream per day and I’m putting that much sugar into my body.” It’s more about knowing how much food you’re consuming, it helps with your fitness goals, and it’s great to actually know how much sugar and junk you’re consuming per day.
Do you think that tracking will take up a lot of your time? Let me just tell you, maybe for the first week or 2 it will take some time getting used to and plugging in all your foods, but once you start plugging away at the things you eat on the regular basis; everything gets recognized and saved! So you won’t have to scan stuff every day, unless it’s a new meal or new snack that you haven’t already put into the app.
This is my favourite tip that I use all the time and helps me stay on track better! If you’re serious about tracking take this tip! This app isn’t about not being able to enjoy life, because believe you me, I love my ice cream and chocolate bars. I don’t have a crazy unhealthy snack or dinner every day, but when you know you might have a bowl of some delicious Ben & Jerry’s ice cream that night, plug it into your app in the morning, so you can work your way around your macros for the rest of the day. This is a great way to stay on track and know you won’t be over your macros! Yes, you’ll most likely have more sugar that day than any other, but it’s fine. It’s a treat for a reason! Same goes for a treat meal! If you know you’re ordering in food for dinner and you know what you’re having, plug it into your app! That way you just work your day around the rest of your carbs and fats to stay on track.
Sometimes when you’re with friends and family having some delicious meals off plan, that’s totally fine. Don’t sweat about not being able to track every single thing or meal when you’re with your loved ones.
This is basically what I said about the Oreo cookies. You see on the package that the serving size is really only 2 cookies, but you end up having 3 more … You end up seeing how much fat and sugar are in those tiny cookies. Example, I just plugged that into my app now. 5 Mint Oreo cookies are 350 cal, 50 grams carbs, 17 grams fat, 0 protein (obviously) and 32.5 grams of SUGAR! Yikes! You will realize that by doing this you end up only sticking to the serving size per package if you have a sweet tooth. 2 cookies is enough for me and it should be for you too!
Obviously you want to track every day to the best of your ability, but not every day is going to be perfect. There will be days you are out living life and for your last meal you couldn’t track it, that’s ok. Or there will be days you’ll be under or over your macros and that’s ok too! This journey should be fun trying to hit a certain amount of macros per day, but understand it’s NOT going to BE PERFECT!
Look, I’m not the type of person that will weigh out ketchup and other condiments. Being mindful helps too! Ketchup does have sugar in it and if you’re a ketchup lover like myself, you need to be careful! If it’s an unhealthy pasta sauce I will try to estimate the grams. If it’s just salsa, small amount of ketchup, mustard, I will not track those. Mayo I do track loosely. Again, it’s not always perfect. Do track your oils to the best you can!
There’s no easy way of tracking pasta. You will have to weigh things separately. Jamie and I usually do simple beef pastas with some sort of a yummy tomato sauce that we just add extra flavour ourselves. We weigh out the beef on its own, cooked pasta on it’s own and then mix our own separate pasta in a bowl to mix with the sauce. I don’t track the sauce, since it’s a simple healthy sauce.
Like I said before it’s easy to find McDonalds, Subway etc on MFP app, sometimes you can even find a certain pub on there when you search the name, however if you CAN’T find the restaurant you’re at and you do want to track, estimating is fine. If you’re eating a chicken wrap with a side of fries, just search chicken wrap and there will be a ton of options, don’t choose the highest calorie or the lowest calorie one, choose one in between and for the fries just guess that one too! It’s better you try then not at all.
Restaurants these days do have the calories on the menu too, so that is also helpful! Try to track your booze intake too!
I do enjoy a few sips of juice here and there, but I don’t go out of my way to buy it. Juice can have loads of sugar in them, so if you are a person who loves their juices, do track them too! Sometimes when you don’t see results in the gym, it may because you’re sugar intake is too high!
Track your booze too! There’s nothing wrong with taking a day off to enjoy life because we all know I preach about balance, but if you’re a person who drinks every single day, you may want to see how much your calories add up by every drink you have.
For someone who wants to see any type of results you need to be honest when you plug things into your app. For your treat meal, if you have more than you should and you know you’ve overdone it, still track it, but next day it’s back to the grind! You won’t see results if you half a$$ your tracking! Either you’re in it for bigger results, or not!
I hope you guys found this helpful! If you have any questions, I’d love to help to the best of my ability! If you’re serious about losing weight or gaining muscle mass this is a great place to start with tracking your food! I’ve only stopped tracking for now, because I’m just living life during COVID and just maintaining my figure. When I do want to bulk up I use the app because it’s so helpful! Like if you’re suppose to eat 2600 calories for the day with a certain amount of protein, carbs and fats, how are you supposed to guess? You honestly can’t! You could be way under one day and way over the other day and everything when it comes to results in the gym involves CONSISTENCY! You have to be consistent when wanting to see any changes!
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vulgarismo · 4 years
How To Buy Gold and Silver
There are loads of approaches to get your cash into gold and silver. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and it is a higher priority than at any other time that you are all around educated.
Bullion Coins  Gold buyers perth This is my favored decision for current occasions. Commission costs are little. Normal bullion coins are effortlessly sold, frequently to vendors or even by means of nearby classifieds or Craigslist. However, where you purchase matters. Costs can differ from vendor to seller by as much as 5% or considerably more. You will for the most part need to pay in real money (if nearby) or wire move. For any vendor giving you serious estimating, the expense of charge card preparing is simply excessively high. On the off chance that your seller assumes acknowledgment cards, you are WAY Overpaying. More on sources toward the finish of this article. Capacity can turn into an issue on the off chance that you are purchasing enormous amounts. Yet, on account of gold, 100 coins (or five moves of 20) is a little bundle (possibly 8x1.5x2 inches) and has an estimation of $135,000 or somewhere in the vicinity. Sufficiently simple to stow away in a sock cabinet. An instance of silver Eagles (500, or 25x20 coins) is greater (10x10x2 inches?) and just stores $15,000 of abundance. Indeed, even 10 cases (5000) of silver coins isn't THAT huge, yet is recognizable.
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You could place them in a protected store box, and that is the customary recommendation. Be that as it may, you might be running some extra danger of seizure (more on this later).
ETF's are fluid. You can purchase and sell them in seconds inside any stock money market fund. In any case, they have a few downsides. Greatest is charges. In contrast to a normal ETF, valuable metals ETFs are dealt with contrastingly by the IRS, and you should pay burdens every year if you sell them. Also, they are treated as normal pay, not capital increases, so you pay an a lot higher rate. Before you purchase any ETF's, talk with an expense guide to figure out which rules influence you and whether they have been changed since I last checked them.
Gold ETF's have some uncommon concerns. There have been bits of gossip for quite a long time that the GLD isn't holding as much gold as they should have. Would you be able to spell "misrepresentation"? Much additionally upsetting, the gold ETFs were developing so quick a couple of years prior that they didn't have the opportunity to confirm what they were purchasing. Accounts of them purchasing gold-plated tungsten proliferate, and again this won't get evident until they attempt to sell this stuff. Significantly more startling yet, GLD doesn't need to hold gold by any stretch of the imagination. They can have your cash put resources into "gold speculations", which fundamentally implies subordinates, alternatives, and fates contracts. In the event that you need to claim gold and silver as security against a budgetary breakdown, GLD and their cousins will be the initial ones to fall flat in a market emergency. ETFs may sound great in principle, yet they don't give the security you ought to look for. Flee.
Gold Mining Stocks
Claiming some mining stocks might be a smart thought. They give some insurance against inside and out seizure, since you realize that they will be excluded. Be that as it may, the organizations themselves can be nationalized, or singular mines can be taken. So you need to take a gander at WHERE the organization has it's mines and know about political danger. Also, you are purchasing an organization, so have all the dangers and difficulties that involves. Lower profit. Misrepresentation (ala ENron). Increasing expenses. Terrible administration. Supporting projects can make organizations unfeeling toward the cost of gold, so purchasing a gold digger may not give you the gratefulness you anticipate. Furthermore, look out for influence - mining stocks will in general move quicker than the metal, all over. They are not awful speculations, but rather you need to get your work done and you need to see precisely what you are purchasing.
Junior Mining Stocks
Junior Mining Stocks have the all the disadvantages of senior mining stocks. Furthermore they are VERY theoretical. They could possibly have any demonstrated stores. They probably won't possess a solitary truck or hard cap or single ounce of gold. Indeed, even in great occasions they exchange dependent on gossipy tidbits and tattle. As a gathering, they are one of the most extortion ridden territories of the securities exchange. What's more, they are not for easygoing or even most expert financial specialists. Be particularly cautious about junior excavators that don't exchange on a U.S. trade. In any case, the best counsel is simply don't meddle with them by any means. You can have some good times losing your cash in Las Vegas, and in any event they will comp you a modest smorgasbord feast.
Item Futures
Not for the meek. This is", "where value disclosure occurs and where all other gold evaluating is based. To exchange it, you simply need to open a products account. The enormous danger is influence. You can purchase a solitary gold fates contract with about $3800, and you control 100 ounces of gold. That implies you have about 3% of the contact esteem sum. In the event that gold goes up by $38 an ounce, you have multiplied your cash. On the off chance that it goes somewhere near $38 you are cleared out. What's more, trust me, gold can move significantly more than $38 in a solitary hour during a selloff or frenzy. It is a decent market, and sensibly reasonable, however you REALLY need to have some advancement to play here. Not for the amateur.
Collectible Coins
Coins are beautiful. They are enjoyable to take a gander at and to gather. The greatest issues I have against them as a venture are cost and liquidity. Costs can change much more than bullion coins. A similar coin may be recorded in a coin value list as esteemed at $100, however be accessible for $50 or $125. They generally exchange a noteworthy premium to soften esteem, yet the venders notice "dissolve" regularly when attempting to persuade you they are wise speculations. The facts confirm that a collectible currency will consistently be worth at any rate soften (well quite often). However, the worth may need to twofold to make back the initial investment. At the point when I make a speculation, I would prefer not to sit tight for it to twofold to earn back the original investment. Moreover, when you need to sell a collectible, you need to go to a seller or discover another authority so as to get some aspect of your premium. Vendors commonly chip away at a 25-half markup, so that $100 coin that a seller is selling at $50 may possibly be worth $30 when you are prepared to sell it.
This is a particular territory. Individuals who are not kidding about coins live and inhale them. There is no rationale, it is totally about extraordinary cases. One year can be worth multiple times another, and the best way to know is to know. List costs are, best case scenario, an overall guide, however not valuable. Except if you need to get genuine about this market and finding out about it (10-20 hours per week for a year may kick you off, for a very long time is better), my recommendation is to remain away as a speculation.
Yet, coins are lovely. Get a few on the off chance that you like to take a gander at them, as they positively are superior to most work of art. They make extraordinary endowments, particularly for youngsters. On the off chance that you are a silver purchaser, there is something extraordinary about having a total arrangement of American Silver Eagles in MS-69 evaluation. As bullion, you could purchase these 26 coins today for about $860. As collectible confirmed currencies, one organization is offering this definite assortment for $1450. at the present time. Or on the other hand possibly you need a decent assortment of coins from the different nations. Some are lovely as craftsmanship. These are pretty and ideal to flaunt to your companions, and bullion isn't. In any case, for genuine spare your-rear end contributing, stay with bullion. The mint piece assortment goes to your grandkids in your will, so you don't need to comprehend what it cost you.
Adornments is the customary path for lower-salary individuals to claim a smidgen of gold. The double use nature of gems lets them purchase a blessing and make a speculation simultaneously. This is valid in underdeveloped nations, and a major aspect of the way of life in India and China. It is an approach to have an advantage in a nation that for the most part demoralizes that or occasionally takes everything. Not even the most idiotic tyrants would attempt to take a womans wedding bands!! Be that as it may, you can indeed wear a limited amount of much at a time, or you wind up resembling a Calcutta whore or LA pimp daddy. So its great in limited quantities, yet not bigger. What's more, you have a major contrast among cost and dissolve esteem, so as a speculation it doesn't generally work. In the event that you deviate, go get some gems and take it prompt to a "money for gold" spot to perceive what they will pay you.
Different Comments
Seizure is a worry for many individuals. The US government did it in 1933, and this president appears to revere FDR. I have consistently thought it was over-the-top to figure they could do it once more. Yet, some truly savvy individuals think it is unavoidable, so I need to genuinely think about it. One situation has the administration requiring all residents to recover their gold for money. Likely they will pay you at (or even above) market rates. When they have all the gold in their ownership, they can take the USA off the coasting conversion scale framework, proclaim gold to be worth $20,000 an ounce, and they are ready to take on the world with a gold-based dollar (though one that is crushed as far as buying power).
The legitimate method to abstain from having your gold seized is to get it out of the nation early. In the event that you live close to the northern outskirt, take a ride to Canada and open a sheltered store box. In the event that you have a home in another nation, store it there. You can likewise open a vault account or a gold based record in numerous nations. There are two sorts. With one (unallocated), you have a section possession in a conventional pool of physical gold. Be that as it may, you can likewise have what they call a designated account, where you have responsibility for gold coins or bars. A distributed record is more costly, however there is no danger by any means. With an unallocated account, it is possible that if the safe foundation fails you might be essential for the overall leasers and hanging tight in line for your payout. You have to pick your foundation cautiously. One that is notable and safe is The Perth Mint..
Your other option is to have physical ownership of your gold, not in a sheltered store box. You can cover it in the terrace or shroud it in your sock cabinet and simply stand by out the disallowance on gold possession. The last time they did it, it endured 40 years.
My ow
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fitzpatrick923 · 5 years
Buying life insurance A Down Bed Bed comforter and What To Look For
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For some sort of warm, beautiful night's rest, nothing sounds a lower or just about all silk bedding. With this right down comforter, discover no cause to end up being ever cold or even unpleasant again. Here are some buying tips. First decide precisely how warm of your comforter you want. There are several basic levels: Light Pounds equals the warmth regarding one wool quilt or 2 light silk cotton covers. Light weight comforters are fantastic for summer and hotter climates. Medium Weight means the weight of two wool blanket or even a good blanket in addition to the umbrella. This is the hottest all year round pounds. best comforters equals the heat of 3 wool covers as well as an electric blanket as well as 2 heavy quilts. wool comforter is an superb choice for very cool winter months climates. What will be Down Stuff Power? The idea is defined as the quantity of cubic inches occupied by 1 ounce of down. Fill powers above 1000 define the luxurious industry for down comforter sets. Whenever your comforter has a higher stuff power, it gives more warmness for fewer weight. Although there is also a leading end limit for both equally cost and capability. Decrease filled products with 700 to 900 fill energy are extremely expensive together with represent the highest levels achievable. What exactly is Down Stuff Weight? Pack weight is usually the total number of fill ounces in your quilt. Make sure an individual are comparing cheerios to be able to apples when comparing along comforters. Comforters with typically feathers and a minimal percent of down happen to be generally a good good product with some sort of low cost point. ALTHOUGH, a good 70 ounce 5% quilt decrease bed comforter may only own half the insulation associated with a 30 ounce 95% down comforter. Why will be the percentage connected with Along Fill important? Down comforter sets have a mixture connected with along and feathers. Decrease is the good stuff. You want as much down as you can obtain in a down comforter. This only negative aspect is the price. Comforters with extra down and less feathers expense more. No straight down comforter sets have 100% decrease. 95% down is the maximum per-cent down fill in the marketplace, with 5% feathers. Virtually all comforter sets on the industry have 74% down load, which is good, although still allows you for you to feel the down inside. As well as becoming delicate, light and fluffy, bed comforters with a substantial percentage connected with down complete provide extra insulation in that case those with a reduced portion of down. Precisely what is Puzzled Wall Construction? Woofer wall channels are limited strips of fabric sewn between top and bottom covers that eradicate cold destinations and keeps the decrease spread evenly throughout the particular comforter. Without baffling, all the along would group together inside corners making you cold in the centre. What exactly is thread count and even what ideal my bed comforter? High count, 400 as well as, cotton addresses are gentle, long lasting, along proof and even breathable. Threadcount is the number of threads per square inch of material. The finest quality Down Comforters will have totally cotton addresses with a thread count involving some sort of t least 250. The higher the thread count up (the higher the price), the more durable and softer this cover will be. A higher threadcount cover up will safeguard often the along from harmful particles and also retain the fill inside the bedding set. A 100% natural cotton cover will be breathable and improves the padding and even fluffiness of the comforter. Hypersensitive to Lower? If you are hypersensitive to decrease or feathers (less than 1% of the populace is) then make sure you buy a Name brand down comforter from a new dependable supplier. People who have allergy trouble with down products are truly re-acting to the dirt trapped within the down. Not necessarily with comforter sets bought by Decorate With Daria. The vendors extensive cleansing course of action ensures allergy afflicted people a good peaceful night's rest. As well see below for everyone Silk comforters. How do I help make my bedding set even more "poofy"? When you earliest open your comforter offer from the factory, this will take some sort of small number of days to increase in order to it's full potential. You might want to put it in this dryer for a few minutes to help fluff out there. If you want your comforter to check big and poofy on the bed, you will would like to select a winter months type comforter with a new high fill weight. Remember, that the aim involving a down comforter is in order to weigh as little since achievable while providing maximal warmth. And bed comforters the fact that consider less, by natural means occupy fewer space. So they have a advantage. What heat range rating bed comforter should My partner and i get? That's a wonderful query, nevertheless there can be no accurate response intended for it because people own a wide array of comfort amounts regarding temperature, especially whilst sleeping. When you are likely to sleep "hot" subsequently have a cooler rating and vice versa. Of training course if your essential additional has the opposite taking a nap comfort temperature then an individual need to figure out who's extra tolerable. Comforters are performing for those 4 seasons. If you look at the fill power, fill weight, and the percentage of straight down fill up in a comforter, you'll see that you get what you pay for and the "Luxury" category will finish up supplying you with the almost all comfortable night's majority. completely Silk Filled and Man made fibre Covered comforters include that all All cotton packed and silk covered comforters have no allergy problems, are light in fat but warm and really, extremely comfortable. 100% silk comforter sets are now setting the standard for your bed linens industry. What comforter dimensions will fit my personal sleep? Here are the market ordinary bed sizes and the ft . and aspect drop styles for most comforters measured from top rated of the bed for you to the bottom level of the comforter. Twin: 38" times 74", Side Lower: 15", Foot Drop: 14" Entire: 53" x 80", Area Drop: 18", Feet Lower: 18" Queen: 60" times 80", Side Decline: 15", Foot Drop: 18" Full: 76" x 80", Part Drop: 16", Foot Drop: 18" Cal California king: 72" x 84", Section Drop: 18", Foot Fall: 14" You can adjust typically the drop of the bedding set for the foot side possibly up or down by simply inserting pillows over as well as beneath the comforter at the head of the sleep. What is a duvet cover? Duvet will be the French statement for comforter. In the US, duvet typically is the term for a separate protective covers (like the giant slip cover) for your down or perhaps man made fiber bed comforter. A down comforter cover protects the bedding from getting dirty. This permits you the independence to use your comforter for a long time without having to wash it. Its of course much easier to just rinse the particular quilt cover. Additionally laundering the entire down bed comforter takes away from its attic and efficiency ability. That is also much easier to instantly "re-decorate" your bed room by simply just changing out often the color/pattern of your duvet cover cover. How do My spouse and i preserve my bedding fresh? You would like to wash your bed comforter as small as possible in purchase to retain their top insulation value. For this reason , often the safety of a duvet cover can be very advantageous. Spot clean up your bedding whenever you can. You may wash your comforter at home if the machine is large plenty of. Be sure to extensively dry out your comforter. This completes in about twice the period to dry the bed comforter as it commonly can take to dry one insert of clothes. For best effects and calmness of head you may well are looking for a professional launder (wash) this. Be aware that DRY UP clean-up can leave a great following that but faint compound odor. Fluff your comforter at least once or twice the week, once you change the particular sheets is a good general guideline. Air out your comforter 2 as well as several times a calendar year every time it's cool and breezy outside (or) put it on nonsense dry within your dryer : Planting season and Fall clean-up can be good times. Practically most comforters are machine washable ALTHOUGH read the directions carefully. ACCOMPLISH NOT NECESSARILY usage bleach or even materials softener (or) cloth softener in the dryer! Work with very little mild soap around warm water on light together with run your bedding set by means of at least only two rinse rounds to obtain ALL the soap out there. NEVER LINE DRY the comforter (wet clumps may develop mildew)! Always work with tumble dry on low heat settings. Throw within several clean tennis tennis balls to break up the clumps in the bedding as soon as drying. Your dryer could very well take 2 to four hours to completely do this job. Make sure your own bedding set is ABSOLUTELY DRY prior to take it away of the dryer for the last time. Also top launching washers do NOT carry out nearly as good a job since side loading machines because typically the down tends to float to the top. Many of us propose you have that washed professionally. How accomplish wool comforter store my bedding set?
0 notes
chardscarf12-blog · 5 years
What the Label Won't Tell You: How to Buy a Good Bottle of Olive Oil
[Photographs: Max Falkowitz unless otherwise noted]
Have you ever tasted a tomato leaf?
As a bona fide black thumb who’s never taken to backyard gardening or the great outdoors, I sure haven’t. But ‘tomato leaf’ is a big tasting note in the olive oil industry, apparently, and at Cobram Estate’s reception lounge in Woodland, California, technical director and chief olive-oil maker Leandro Ravetti tells me it’s a common characteristic of oil made from picual olives. A minute before, I’d swigged a dram of chartreuse oil from a plastic pill cup, and sure enough, it tastes vividly of ripe tomato flesh warm from late-summer sunlight. There’s also a touch of bitter and bracing, as if I’d just mainlined a pile of fresh basil leaves. No—not basil, the taste is meatier, muskier in that compelling tomatoey way, but also inescapably verdant. It’s a breezy October morning and all I can think about is my sudden roaring hunger for raw tomatoes on toast.
Huh. I guess that’s what tomato leaves taste like.
Olive oil is one of those foods we embrace on faith. Science says it’s good for you, chefs say the quality stuff makes other foods come alive, and pretty green bottles of it can hit $40 on store shelves. We accept the idea of ‘good’ olive oil the way we accept the idea of ‘grassy’ flavors, despite never munching on blades of grass. But what is good olive oil? What makes it good, what should it taste like, and how do you shop for it if you can’t taste it beforehand?
These are the questions I came to California to figure out. Little did I realize the answers have as much to do with the weird world of food supply chains as they do with growing olives.
Most people can tell you how to spot a good tomato, but the traits of good olive oil, a food many of us eat every day, are surprisingly opaque. Take Colavita, which is Amazon’s best-selling extra-virgin, and at 29 cents an ounce you could call it the Two Buck Chuck of cooking fats. If you shop at a major American supermarket, you’re likely buying a commodity extra-virgin like Colavita. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, per se, but you should know what you’re paying for.
To vastly over-generalize the byzantine global olive oil trade, large commodity olive oil companies buy oils from all over, then blend them into a consistent product. The brokers and aggregators they buy from are in turn buying smaller lots of oils from regional producers, which are in turn buying harvests of olives from dozens to hundreds of small farms. A three-liter tin of commodity extra-virgin could conceivably contain oils from thousands of orchards, which is pretty cool when you think about it, but consider that for every one of those sources, there’s that many more ways for the processing to have gone wrong, or for the oil to have been mishandled. Assuming, of course, that it’s actually pure olive oil sitting in there, and not, say, adulterated with half a dozen refined fats.
Amazon says that bottle of Colavita is "imported from Italy," which is a clever way of saying the bottle itself was shipped from Italy without guaranteeing the provenance of the oil inside. If you squint at the back label though, you’ll see a fine print disclaimer: "Contains oil from one or more of these countries," with a legend you can use to decode the country codes printed on the bottle itself.
By olive oil standards, this is actually pretty responsible labeling! Other brands aren’t as above-board. The famously fraudulent global olive oil industry has little interest in arming consumers with actionable information about their product. Agents along a complex supply chain often blend Italian oils with olive oil from other countries and sell it as pure Italian. Companies stretch good batches of extra-virgin with tasteless soybean or safflower oils, or blend in oil made from older olives that’s refined just enough to make it palatable. A 2014 congressional report on adulterated foods, including olive oil, details these scams.
Fraud aside, even 100% pure extra-virgin olive oil will deteriorate in the bottle, and if it’s stored improperly or sits on a supermarket shelf for a year or two, it could taste rancid before you break the seal. Regulations exist to combat these practices, but they’re rarely enforced. After all, olive oil is a commodity governed by the iron laws of capital; for much of the industry, yield and profit matter far more than quality.
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Then there’s the minority: small-batch boutique olive oils made by skilled producers around the world, either directly from their own olive orchard or from nearby sources. If Colavita is the Two-Buck Chuck of olive oil, these specialty brands are the natural wines and grower Champagnes. They’re intense and complex. They taste vividly of olives and give you a sense of place. They are, theoretically, good olive oils. You can expect to pay $1.50 to $3 an ounce for these, a price that reflects not just ostensibly higher quality olives, but the higher cost of labor, manufacturing, and distribution that accompanies artisan food production. Of course, there’s no guarantee that a $40 bottle of olive oil will actually be good, or if it is, that you’ll like its particular character. Like any specialty food, the relationship between price and value gets tricky on the high end of olive oil.
So what if you just want reliably good olive oil—less expensive than the boutique stuff, but still responsibly made, fresh, and delicious enough to make you smile? You know, like a good table wine, a bottle in the $15 to $20 range that has a lot going on but won’t break the bank. Brands like Manfredi Barbera & Figli's Frantoia, California Olive Ranch, and Cobram—where I visited—excel in this category. These are companies that sell olive oil in the vicinity of 75 cents an ounce, about triple the price of that Colavita, but half the price of a super-premium bottle.
Just like in wine, a lot of California companies are making good olive oil these days. California Olive Ranch is the biggest, but since launching in the US in 2014, Cobram Estate is one of the fastest growing brands in the category. It’s actually an offshoot of an Australian company called Boundary Bend, founded by agriculture school buddies Rob McGavin and Paul Riordan in 1998, that’s captured 30% of the Australian olive oil market. In addition to loving flat whites and having funny accents, Australians are big fans of olive oil; the average Australian consumes 1 3/4 liters per person per year, compared to just under a liter per person in the US. (Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards consume about 10 times that American figure, just so you know.) Boundary Bend’s success in Australia has translated to winning dozens of international olive oil competitions and a $360 million valuation.
So when Cobram’s PR team offered to fly me out to see their Central Valley orchard and factory firsthand, I was intrigued. I’m skeptical of press junkets, but the Cobram people pride themselves on transparency, from their on-site lab that reports findings to the California Olive Council to more than a dozen peer-reviewed industry papers on olive oil science. Besides, I’ve liked their olive oil for years. The first time I tried some, as an editor at a magazine that received free food samples several times a day, I swiftly palmed the half-liter office bottle to hoard in my home kitchen. It lasted about a week.
In a stark departure from the big commodity brands, Cobram Estate is completely vertically integrated: the company grows olives (directly or through contracts), picks them, mills them into oil, then bottles and ships them, all on-site. Most of California’s olive oil companies work the same way, but thanks to Boundary Bend’s vast coffers, Cobram has been able to expand aggressively, scale up production, and invest in pricey equipment. The idea, McGavin says, is to couple stringent boutique standards with a massive supply of raw material, using advanced technology and industrial scale to raise the standards of oil-making while keeping competitive with larger commodity brands. Here, then, was a chance to see what ‘good’ olive oil means at both ends of the manufacturing spectrum, and how they might meet in the middle.
A mechanical olive harvester looks like a car wash on wheels. As the 14-foot-tall leviathan rolls through the orchard, it swallows olive trees whole while rotary bristles inside the arch whack olives off their branches. While the harvester trundles down the row, a truck drives in tandem one row down, and a conveyer belt on the harvester reaches over the trees to deposit fistfulls of olives into the truck’s hopper.
The olives that Cobram is harvesting the morning of my visit are a mix of green, purple, and black; while color is an indicator of olive ripeness, Ravetti’s team relies more on the olives’ oil accumulation, flowering times, moisture levels, and other environmental factors. In July, the team starts testing olives, lot by lot, to determine the order in which they’ll be picked. Then they work out an action plan with president of US business, Adam Englehardt, to match that picking order with the factory’s capacity. California olive season runs a tight eight weeks in October and November, and once it starts, picking, processing, and milling becomes a 24/7 operation. Cobram’s factory sits in the middle of their 475-acre orchard with 10 different olive varieties planted, though as most of those trees are too immature to bear fruit, 90% of the company’s olives right now come from nearby growers that in many cases have exclusive contracts with Cobram.
With an orchard that size, scheduling picking and milling becomes a massive challenge of logistics and engineering, Englehardt explains. That’s because every olive is milled the same day it’s picked, usually within just a few hours, so it can be blended into larger batches for a consistently fresh product. Olives left off the tree too long undergo an enzymatic process called hydrolysis, where triglycerides (fat molecules) in the presence of water break down into diglycerides and free fatty acids. Meanwhile, oxidation breaks down chemical bonds in fatty acids, releasing peroxides that further break down into other compounds that cause rancidity in oil. Eventually the olives ferment, and after that, rot, and every stage of this degradation introduces off flavors to the finished oil. This happens a lot in regions where small commodity olive growers have to wait for space in a nearby crushing facility to become available. If the facility is backed up enough, the olives turn before they can get crushed, and the resulting oil will have to be heat- and chemically-refined in order to be edible. So once the olive is off the tree, the clock is ticking.
Cold-pressed olive oil is just that: olives crushed and ground into an oily juice, solely with mechanical pressure. About 20% of an olive’s fresh weight is oil, McGavin explains, but the oil itself is essentially flavorless. You have to rupture an olive’s oil sacs so the fats can marinate with the fruit’s flavorful skin, flesh, and seed. Cobram grinds the olives into a paste for about 45 minutes using a traditional hammer mill, which works on the same basic principle as those giant car crushers, then runs the paste through a 3,000 RPM centrifuge to separate out the now olive-infused oil.
But the clock ticks on. For one, the newly freed oil needs to rest so any residual water and solids can separate out. But even once you’ve removed any hydrolysis-inducing moisture, fresh oil in the presence of air will keep oxidizing. So after Ravetti’s team takes initial readings of the fresh oil and tastes it to see which batches to blend it with, it gets piped into steel tanks for cold storage, which are flushed with nitrogen to halt further air exposure. Sitting in these tanks, sequestered from heat, light, and oxygen, is as close to cryogenic storage as olive oil gets. But even under optimal conditions, the oil is deteriorating: you can’t halt oxidation completely, and enzymatic activity that began the minute the olive was crushed continues on, though at a slower pace. As we talk through the forest of tanks, Englehardt says that they aim to keep oil in this condition for no more than a year.
We move on to a smaller room with some crates on wooden pallets. Englehardt explains that these are boxes of bottled oil, ready to be shipped. “Is this it?” I ask, surprised by the meager size compared to the giant tanks we just left behind. He nods. Even the minimally air-exposed act of transferring olive oil to nitrogen-flushed bottles accelerates the oil’s deterioration. “We try to keep only four weeks’ worth of inventory in these bottles,” he says. The rest is sitting in cold storage as oil or still on the tree as whole olives.
Extra-virgin olive oil is generally defined as 100% cold pressed olive oil with a maximum of .8% acidity and no sensory defects. Virgin olive oil, the next grade down, allows up to 2.5% acidity with minor defects. Beneath these two tiers lie an assortment of lower quality grades that all require heat and/or chemical refinement to taste palatable; these make up the bulk of the commodity olive oil market.
You can measure acidity—and a whole host of other related critical factors, such as peroxide counts and signs of pests or disease—in a lab, but sensory defects come down to a tasting panel of experts trained to look for flaws like rancidity, barnyard or alcohol flavors, and ‘fustiness,’ a sign of fermentation. Nancy Ash is one of those experts. In addition to working as an California Olive Oil Council, a regional trade organization dedicated to raising standards for the California oil business and communicating those standards to the public.
“An olive oil that shows no flavor defects and passes chemical analyses such as acidity tests can be called extra-virgin,” she says, “but a passing grade just means you didn’t fail. It could be a D; would you be happy with a D?” An oil that lacks manufacturing defects could still taste bland, unbalanced, or just plain unenjoyable, yet it can earn the same grade as an award-winning bottle. That may be for the best, since the alternative, maybe something like a Robert Parker-esque point-based scoring system, is probably more cumbersome and subjective than it’s worth. The bigger issue, Ash goes on, is that since olive oils deteriorate over time, the grades they receive from a tasting panel aren’t necessarily reflective of what you get when you open a bottle.
“Even the best extra-virgin olive oils are going to taste rancid three years later.” For regular cooks in search of great olive oil, this is the most important thing to keep in mind. If you buy or receive some fabulous bottle of extra-virgin olive oil, don’t save it for special occasions in the back of the cupboard. Use it now, while it’s fresh and punchy and delicious. It’s not a collectible.
[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
So what, then, is a regular American cook to do? Ash’s biggest piece of advice is to seek out oils with best-by dates as far ahead into the future as you can find. Very small specialty producers may put harvest dates on their bottles, but larger companies working with multiple lots and orchards, as well as the commodity giants, mostly go by bottling dates. In the EU, a best by date is typically 18 months after the bottling date, while in the US it’s closer to two or three years. A far-in-the-future best by date doesn’t guarantee an oil has been handled well along the supply chain, but it at least increases the likelihood that the oil in the bottle isn’t too old. Dark bottles are more resistant to heat and light deterioration than clear, and even though small bottles might cost more per ounce than three-liter tins, they’re generally preferable; once you open the bottle and expose the oil to air again it’ll begin to degrade even faster, and unless you’re cooking restaurant-sized batches of food on the regular, you probably won’t finish a hefty tin of olive oil before those flaws become noticeable.
Ash goes on to explain how California producers are getting more technical on labels to build demand for higher quality oils. The California Olive Oil Council has launched a pilot program of an endorsement seal for certain brands. Some producers are putting harvest dates on their labels, and others are listing polyphenol counts, which range from 150-200 on the lower end up to 600 or so. Higher polyphenol counts generally correlate to oils that last longer, Ash says, but that’s not a guarantee, and some may find the bitter, pungent taste that comes with super-high counts to be unpalatable. Cobram’s Australian division prints antioxidant data on each bottle, and McGavin says that once the US team gets enough data, they’ll replicate the practice here, possibly even this year.
For Cobram, coming to America was about more than venturing into a new market. With orchards in opposite hemispheres, the company enjoys the nifty advantage of two separate growing seasons roughly six months apart, which translates to fresher olive oil year-round.
Which has me thinking, finding a bottle of good olive oil is a lot like buying a tomato after all. Buy from reliable purveyors, seek out what looks fresh, don’t rely on fancy names and labels, and trust your instincts. After all of one day in a field and a few months spent thinking about olive oil, I don’t feel qualified to say what good olive oil really means. But I know it involves a lot more than the words ‘extra-virgin.’
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
When it comes to oils that she keeps in her pantry, Ash admits she’s a biased source—many of her favorites are made by friends, clients, or both. But she says she happily "blind buys," that is, orders without tasting the new batch to make sure she’ll like it, from Katz Farm, the Sicilian-leaning Bondolio, Grumpy Goats, and Frantoio Grove. I was also curious about great olive oils made in Europe, so I reached out to Nick Anderer, the founding chef of New York’s Marta, Martina, and Maialino, a trio of Italian restaurants from Danny Meyer that specialize, unsurprisingly, in high-end regional Italian specialty foods. Every fall, he and his team place advance orders for the first pressings of the following year’s olives from a small list of Italian producers he’s come to trust year after year.
“I’m looking for oil that’s alive,” he says. “I want vibrancy; I should cough if I’m tasting it raw, and I want peppery and grassy notes that feel very present.” Beyond that general principle of robust intensity of flavor, Anderer prefers different producers’ oils to finish different types of food. “For red meat dishes, I want more of a gut punch of bitterness,” he says, so he reaches for a high-polyphenol Tuscan oil by Laudemio. But an oil that strong would be overkill on, say, delicate fish or vanilla ice cream. His “rounder, almost drinkable” oil of choice for those foods is an unfiltered bottle from Capezzana, a deep-green oil that’s “super rich on the tongue,” ideal for a simple pasta like aglio e olio. He’s also a fan of Olio Verde, a Sicilian oil made exclusively from Castelvetrano olives, as its brininess works wonders with seafood. And for special occasions, he breaks out his bottle of Manni, a super-premium bitter Tuscan oil that mostly sees action in the fine dining restaurant market.
If you’re just starting to explore the world of high end olive oil, go try something similar. Hit up your favorite Italian restaurant—or Spanish, or Greek, or New American, or Lebanese—and ask what olive oil they keep in the kitchen. Then splurge on a few bottles, buy some pita or baguette, and get to tasting as much as you can. After all, they say olive oil is good for you.
This post may contain links to Amazon or other partners; your purchases via these links can benefit Serious Eats. Read more about our affiliate linking policy.
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Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/2019/02/what-the-label-wont-tell-you-how-to-buy-a-good-bottle-of-olive-oil.html
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amazingstufffree · 5 years
4 Things You Can Get for Free – How to Get Free Stuff
Here's a little memory work out: Try to make a rundown of the considerable number of things you've burned through cash on in the previous week. Begin with today, and work your direction in reverse, writing down the excursion to the market, the transport toll for work, and the motion picture throughout the end of the week. Incorporate everything, regardless of whether it was a for no reason in particular buy, for example, another outfit, or an important cost, such as paying your PDA bill.
In all honesty, a considerable lot of the things on your rundown you most likely could have gotten for nothing. From necessities like nourishment and garments to fun stuff like travel and stimulation, an astonishing number of the things individuals burn through cash on can be yours to no end – in any event under specific conditions. It takes a little innovativeness and a ton of adaptability, yet in case you're willing to make a few trade-offs, you can cut a considerable lot of the costs in a run of the mill spending plan down to zero.
Not all these spending limit slicing thoughts will work for everybody, obviously. In any case, in the event that you can figure out how to utilize only a couple of them, you can free up a significant pleasant lump of money every month.
1. Sustenance
Sustenance is one of the greatest things in most family unit spending plans. As per the yearly Consumer Expenditures Survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2014 the normal American family burned through $6,759 on sustenance – over 10% of its complete pay, and over 12% of its all out going through for the year. Paring that yearly all out right down to nothing most likely is absurd, yet there are positive tips and deceives you can use to get sustenance for nothing in certain circumstances.
Outrageous Couponing
Outrageous couponing is to normal couponing what a triple-shot coffee is to some plain espresso. Rather than simply utilizing coupons to shave a couple of pennies off the cost of a bunch of things each time you go to the supermarket, extraordinary couponing enables you to consolidate various limits to drastically slice the cost of everything. Genuine bosses of the workmanship consistently get staple goods to no end or even get money back that they can apply to the remainder of their buys.
Be that as it may, there are downsides to extraordinary couponing. Most importantly, it's a tedious side interest. You need to gather numerous duplicates of each coupon addition to ensure you have bunches of coupons available when a decent deal hits, and you need to invest a specific measure of energy every week searching through deal fliers and coordinating up coupons to locate the most ideal arrangement.
Another issue with outrageous couponing is that it restricts your nourishment decisions. A few people who have attempted it contends that it does not merit the exertion in light of the fact that such a significant number of the things they can purchase with coupons are things they needn't bother with, sustenances that aren't sound, or things they as of now have a lot of in the washroom.
In any case, regardless of whether you don't turn into a full-time outrageous couponer, it's beneficial to gain proficiency with the procedure. You don't need to invest hours cutting coupons or use them each time you shop, yet on those uncommon events when it's conceivable to stack deals and coupons to get a free box of Cheerios, you're ready to recognize the arrangement and exploit it.
Expert tip: You can download the Ibotta application which will enable you to get a good deal on your staple goods without cut-out a solitary coupon. Contingent upon the store, you will either interface your store's customer reserve funds card or you can snap a picture of your staple receipt through the application. Sign up for Ibotta and you'll get a $10 reward to begin.
Free Dining
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In opposition to mainstream thinking, at times there really is such an incredible concept as a free lunch. On the off chance that you know the correct spots and the correct occasions to go, you can appreciate a supper, or if nothing else a light tidbit, on the house.
Network Cafes. At people group bistros, the value you pay for your supper is whatever you can manage. This implies in case you're lucky enough to have a network bistro in your town, you can go out for a feast regardless of whether you don't have a dime in your pocket. A few bistros, for example, Grace Cafe in Danville, Kentucky, request that you work an hour in the kitchen in return for your dinner in the event that you can't pay. Others, similar to A Better World Cafe in Highland Park, New Jersey, have a free dish of the day that is accessible to anybody at no expense.
Birthday Freebies. Numerous cafés have a "birthday club" that gives you a free feast, drink, or nibble on your birthday. In the event that you have room schedule-wise, you can spend the whole day going from free breakfast at Denny's or IHOP to free lunch at Moe's Southwest Grill to a free nice meal at Ponderosa or Bonanza Steakhouse, with free bites and beverages in the middle of at spots like Starbucks and Baskin Robbins. You can discover extra birthday complimentary gift offers, and connections to agree to accept them, at HeyItsFree.net.
Free Samples. Outlet center, for example, Costco and Sam's Club, frequently have stations dispersed all through the store with free examples of their items to attempt. Some basic food item chains –, for example, H-Mart, a little chain having some expertise in nourishment from the Far East – do something very similar on ends of the week. Nothing on free examples isn't actually a substitute for supper, yet it's an incredible method to attempt some outlandish treats or different things you wouldn't really purchase all the time.
Faucet Water
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In 2012, as per the Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC), Americans devoured almost 9.7 billion gallons of filtered water in 2012 – near 31 gallons for each individual. At $1 per 16.9-ounce bottle, that works about $240 every year for a beverage you could get appropriate out of a spigot for essentially nothing.
Faucet water isn't totally free, yet it's really close. As indicated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the normal expense of faucet water in the United States is $2 for every 1,000 gallons. That implies that the $240 worth of filtered water the normal American beverages every year would cost just $0.06 on the off chance that it left the tap.
The EPA likewise takes note of that all faucet water in the United States is liable to exacting security models, and infringement is rare. On the off chance that the faucet water in your general vicinity simply doesn't taste great, a basic water channel pitcher can most likely clean up whatever is causing the off taste and give crisp, delectable water for significantly not exactly the $7.69 a gallon you pay for the packaged stuff.
2. Garments
Garments aren't as large a cost for most Americans as sustenance, yet regardless it comes to more than $1,780 every year for the normal family unit, as indicated by the BLS. However, in the meantime, a significant number of us have garments in our storage rooms that we don't wear – either in light of the fact that they never again fit, or on the grounds that they never fit well in any case, or on the grounds that we're essentially tired of them. By combining with companions for a dress swap party, you can get the undesirable things out of your own storage room and return home with new-to-you garments for nothing.
Apparel swaps are here and there entertainingly called "stripped woman parties," yet they don't need to be only for ladies. Folks who are into style can get included as well, and garments swaps can be perfect for families with children who are continually exceeding garments before they've exhausted. By getting together with a gathering of different families whose children are somewhat more seasoned or somewhat more youthful than yours, you can pass on outgrown outfits and get new ones in sizes that fit. Anything left over by the day's end can be given to a second-hand store or a beneficent apparel drive.
3. Transportation
Transportation gobbles up a significantly greater portion of the normal spending plan than sustenance. The BLS reports that in 2014, the normal American family spent more than $9,000 getting from spot to put. In excess of 33% of that sum goes toward gas, oil changes, and accident coverage.
Notwithstanding, driving isn't the best way to get around. Here are a couple of free options:
Free Public Transportation. Numerous U.S. urban communities and some little towns have free transports or different kinds of transport administration. For example, in New York City, the Staten Island Ferry is for nothing out of pocket. Dallas has a free, vintage trolley known as the M-Line, and Palo Alto, California has three free means of transport.
Slugging. A few urban areas have uncommon high-inhabitance vehicle carpool lanes on the roadways for autos with numerous tenants. To access these quicker moving paths, some performance drivers offer free rides to travelers during the morning and night surge hours – a training known as slugging or easygoing carpooling. Travelers sitting tight for rides structure "slug lines" at certain notable regions, and drivers haul over and get out their goals to discover a traveler set out toward a similar area. Slugging is most generally drilled in Washington, D.C., but at the same time, it's genuinely basic in the San Francisco Bay Area, Pittsburgh, and Houston. The site Slug-Lines.com has data about slugging areas in the Washington territory.
Strolling. Strolling to work isn't a possibility for everybody, except it offers extraordinary advantages for the individuals who can oversee it. Notwithstanding being totally free, strolling gives sound exercise, causes you to decrease your carbon impression, and gives you a chance to abstain from disappointing surge hour traffic. A recent report at the Great Britain's University of East Anglia found that specialists who walk or bicycle to work feel less pressure and have a simpler time concentrating during the day.
4. Lodging
Lodging is the single greatest cost in the vast majority's financial limits. As per the BLS, the normal American family unit spends more than $10,000 every year on "cover" – more than one-fifth of its all-out spending. Taking out this cost isn't simple, yet there are approaches to do it – particularly for youthful, single individuals.
The best-known method for living without rent is to move in with your folks or different relatives. Ongoing school graduates regularly move back home until they get built up monetarily, and in certain spots, it's normal for youngsters to remain at home until they wed and begin groups of their own.
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charlesjules · 4 years
Sharpen Your Gold Knowledge Making Use Of This Expert Consultancy
Sharpen Your Golden Knowledge Making Use Of This Expert Consultancy To place rare metal to your private expense profile, you should understand the right way to do it. You can't just leap into this since you'll get lost, but realize that this isn't awfully hard to gain access to. Check this out article to acquire some knowledge about precious metal ventures. Prior to buying or selling precious metal, be well educated about the price of treasured materials. Treasured metallic rates can fluctuate a good deal, so check the marketplaces everyday, specially when building a purchase. Also anticipate to pay significantly increased percentages over burn ideals for virtually any precious metal items that are fractional. Such as 1/10, 1/2 and 1/4 ounce parts. Consider promoting precious metal over the internet. Rare metal dealings will not need traditional actual physical storefronts. Also you can opt for an unbiased website to that are experts in purchasing gold. The internet site will be sending unique systems where you stand to return your gold things. They'll offer you a quote and you will possibly take or fall the supply in case the financial transaction should go easily. Prior to investing in a golden product from a seller, you need to be certain you do have a business delivery service agreement. When the seller doesn't deliver instantly, you should get their assurance to ship in creating. Your predicted get day ought to be listed. In the event you obtain this file, only proceed through together with your get. But don't have a lot of purchase capital, consider purchasing scrap, for those who have a desire for stepping into the gold market segments. If you do this regularly your selection would grow quite easily. Retailer it in a harmless trying to hide spot until you have accumulated sufficient to money in. When selecting gold, find out if the seller delivers a return policy. You can't make certain when jewellery is enjoyed by the other person or maybe it even satisfies them. It is usually very best to offer the worth appraised before you take a proposal. Anything at all with precious metal can be marketed to a good seller. There might be shattered property tableware, furnishings and expensive jewelry or another things which are close to you. The wholesomeness doesn't even need to be 100%. Plated gold is going to do. You can nevertheless find a nice give back around the selling from it. Figure out the place selling price for gold on the day that you're planning to buy. This cost can be found on numerous sites. In no way pay out over 8Percent monthly premiums on your precious metal. Many sellers try to overcharge you nonetheless, because they are knowledgeable it is possible to prevent this snare. When trying to sell your gold, you should do your homework in the selling price. See what other people are bidding for precious metal products comparable to your own. This can be a selling price level that one could work with. People will haggle, so ask for longer than you will basically decide on. Appraise jewelry before scrapping it. For you to do this for unique items. If at some point melted downward, exclusive items could be worth far more intact than they would. Even though there is an appraisal fee, you could see a great deal of extra income in your pocket. An appraiser could also have relationships with jewellery buyers. Before you purchase rare metal, figure out something about the dealership. To make sure you're working with a legit car dealership, check the BBB. Should you get in touch with the BBB, they will explain if the car dealership has issues registered in opposition to them. In case a seller has issues files towards him, choose another one. Precious metal has gone up in worth over time and that's wonderful reports for individuals who have invested in rare metal. One of the most significant determinations of golden ideals will be the family member price of the dollar. The weaker the dollar is, the more robust golden charges are. When you're promoting and acquiring golden, specially jewellery, discovering how to find out class is essential. The purity of gold is assessed by the karat. The higher these are, the better pricey and 100 % pure it is per each ounce. Although a lot of precious metal jewelry has a karat stamp, you ought to validate its reliability. When you are aware the best way to establish a golden item's wholesomeness, you will certainly be assured that you won't overpay for poor quality. Keep stuff easy should you not possess exposure to investing in precious metal. You must avoid precious metal commodities and the likes. Commodities make time to recognize, and they are generally prone to volatility. If you're unsure concerning your techniques, you may sometimes lose money fairly rapidly. Leave complex investments like these up to the more expert brokers. Pre-1933 golden coins are a fantastic expense. These were circulated until being recalled by Roosevelt. Some individuals stored them anyways, and you could find them available for purchase right now. It is possible to invest in gold without the need of a lot of money up-front side. You don't have to consider too large at the beginning. Basically get precious metal when you have the cash to do so. You may build a collection of rare metal by doing this. Month to month and weekly gold graphs are ideal for performing your industry evaluation. 1 spot to find golden graphs is MCX it lets you identify rare metal styles along with other suitable details. So that you can increase the value of the investigation you do, you can utilize each kinds of charts. Do some research in the dealer, before you decide to cope with a company. Not everyone is sincere or higher entrance. They will likely quit at absolutely nothing to make the most of you. It can be your duty to avoid that from developing, meaning that you should do research on the internet and ask questions. You could make much better judgements if you locate out of the appropriate selling price. Speak to them as to what comes about should they need to unintentionally misplace your precious metal, well before working with any precious metal assistance throughout the mail. Once they misplace your things, many businesses have constrained liability deals that can shell out less money. When you see an organization has limited responsibility, see if you can buy insurance policy through them. Now you learned much more about golden committing, it's time for you to place that expertise to use. This data need to be used to build quality approaches for investing. Gold is a wonderful way to complete your stock portfolio to safe your long term.
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ytsthepodcast · 4 years
Bonus Episode: Your Transformation Live
Bonus Episode: Your Transformation Live
Infinite Paths - Leading Yours With More
We eat whenever and whatever we want but always question why we struggle with our overall health. Have you ever thought about the tableware you buy at your local store- have you ever questioned the portion size of tableware and looked into what is the right amount of food for healthy consumption? What about questioning why we have a lazy eye? Check out my assumption of why we have one and Larry's rebuttal. Or catastrophizing the likely outcomes that help pass the time as you stand in line at your local 7-eleven. 
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May 14 2020:Winning Small Moments Beyond the Linear Progression (#9)
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 Paul Fritsche, Owner, Lead Instructor at Midwest Krav Maga. Paul and I discuss the curriculum at Midwest Krav Maga. Realistically, fights do not happen in a linear progression. That is why Midwest Krav Maga is incorporating a well rounded hybrid self-defense system that incorporates numerous different fighting styles—addressing real-world defensive scenarios that are simple yet very effective.
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  We're tapping into surpassing expectations from the most successful people in the modern day and honing in on new foresight, methodologies and clairvoyance. You never knew this is your transformation station with your host, Greg Favazza
[00:00:24] I have been overwhelmed, as you can tell my shit's not even up in the background. Cause I had to re wipe the computer because this brand new computer I bought somehow got a fucking virus on there and fucked everything up. So I had to delete that. I've been. I'm writing two books. I've finally finished my design for my third book.
That's going to fucking punch a hole in Stephen Kobe's work, where I'm going to go. I am going to take those next seven habits to a whole new fucking level. 
Wow. I need to be patenting this shit, but I believe that cost like around 200 bucks. I just can't spend it. However, there's no, you, you could always, uh, print the concept of it up and then mail it to yourself.
And keep the envelope sealed and you have a postmark on it. So it's better than nothing at all. That's genius. That's fucking genius. Yeah. I mean, I've, I've heard that. That's one way to deal with that. I, again, when push comes to shove, I don't know how valid, but at least you have here. Well, when did you come up with it?
Cause here's when I came up with it. Okay. Yeah, I came up with the bouts, I want to say four months ago, and I've just been, I'm trying to work on numerous things and I'm creating a course for podcasting. I'm creating a course for your transformation station that will. Open up people's minds on creating a character similar to mine, because it stuck with me.
When you told me about my character, it's like, this is what I want my character to be out in the world. Cause I feel like men today need to adopt a higher standard of themselves. And I feel like that will actually ripple out into people's actions. It will impact those to the people that they're interacting with and it will just continue to disperse.
If people were to just act like that. And I think just having that as a good giveaway, as far as you do this course, you take, you vowed this, this little cheat sheet that I have, all this stuff that I've been creating, finding it will be great to get people on the email list. It will be great to continue to.
Grow with your transformation station. And then also we're doing a podcasting course. We're going into that as far as, or I'll do stuff to review as far as reviewing my microphone, reviewing my camera. And I want you to participate with that because you get a lot of knowledge on that and it's just for, it's just different ways for you and I to continue to grow.
With your transformation station, but also to grow with our audience. Like I haven't connected with them. I haven't done shit with them. And it's just, it's really important that I start doing that today. It's something that I just noticed, you know, a couple of my coaches in the voiceover world, uh, tell me that I need to.
  I have and participate in a real social presence. And I just, it, at the end of the day, that's when I think, Oh shit, I didn't do anything. Anyway. What's really interesting. 
Greg is in the last two weeks, I've been more social media oriented than I've been in several years. And I will tell you about myself.
Facebook business page, you know, the professional page, fan page, whatever you call it. Okay. I hate it night just under 2000, uh, interactions, uh, which was up from the previous month. Uh, and, and this was over a seven day period. It was like a thousand, 2000%. It was crazy just from participating a little bit.
And I mean, a very small amount with those people that, um, stumbled onto me every now and then I was surprised what a difference it makes. So yes, the point of coming back to what you spoke of is, is that interaction. Yes. Um, people really, they, they they're into that. It's definitely something that I have struggled all my life with and I believe doing this will help me grow and be able to get the message out to people.
  [00:05:06] I know we, I know I have a lot of great valuable information to offer this world is just this. Internal barrier that I put between myself and everybody else holds me back. And I know it's just, I created it. It's nothing, nothing more than that. Thinking that, Oh God, if people know that I'm human, then I'm fine.
You know that you are human and, you know, I'm curious, like, what do you, what do you even talk about with your audience as far as that goes to work or live sessions as we go? So I am sure. Sure. So here here's what, um, For example, yesterday was a beautiful morning. I woke up, had my breakfast, my coffee, uh, and I got dressed on Saturdays in tower Grove park, which is just a block or two away from me.
There's a farmer's market and I needed it. I was out of local honey. So, uh, I figured I'll just walk over to the farmer's market and pick that up. And anything else that I really don't need, but I want. Um, so way over once I got into the park, I still have, you know, a good mile, three quarters of a mile to go to where the farmer's market is.
Anyway. Uh, I just turned on my phone and I didn't have a steak or anything. I mean, I'm holding it out here and walking, trying not to, the trails, all crooked and broken. So trying to make sure I don't fall like an imbecile. Uh, and then I can't get up because of my age. And then I have to push my button around my neck, you know, I followed it.
I can't, what is that call or that thing? Like your hip, you can't get up. I figured. Great. And so I was just, I just kind of went on and said, Hey, it's a great morning. I'm going to the farmer's market. I'm going to pick up some high, you know, and people respond to authenticity and just. You know, it was short, I don't think it was two minutes.
Maybe it was two minutes later that day I went back on line and they didn't go. I think this is, I did go live on this one and I think it was the first one I'd ever gone live on. Um, I had been thinking about what am I going to do for dinner? And it was two o'clock in the afternoon, but as I said in the video, just being authentic old people, you know, at two o'clock in the afternoon, they start thinking about what are we gonna do for dinner tonight?
So I was thinking I'm going to have this pasta, but, um, for weight control purposes or actually, you know, portion control, I did, I would actually look at the box of pasta to determine what. A portion is. And so I talked about that. A portion of pasta is two ounces. I mean, that's nothing, it's actually 56 grams, which is two ounces.
There's 28 grams of amounts. Anyway. So I showed them what it looks like. It's three quarters of a cup of dry pasta. And it was even more terrible when I actually made it for dinner and then put the cooked pasta into a pasta bowl. And I mean, I kept looking at her like, where's my pasta, you know what I mean?
Just like four pieces of it. And, but I will tell you, what's interesting is when I was done with dinner. Can I just, I had a little salad, one slice of garlic toast in my pasta. I noticed fall by the end. Weren't you? I was satisfied and I wasn't miserable and uncomfortable and burping and farting. And did, Oh, I didn't eat so much.
And then later too, I can enjoy a couple cooks. Jeez. Cause I had the room. So anyway, but I talked about that. It's amazing how many people popped in and watched it and commented on it. And again, it might've been two and a half minutes long. So I'm curious about that. Did you make, did you make it appealing to you and also trick your brain in a way, as far as.
Setting this pasta and a smaller dish versus an average dish. I feel like, like all the silverware, all the tableware we buy is for extremely large portion sizes. I think that's why we're all beasts in America today because it reads acceptable. That is such a great point. And what I, what I did is I have a digital scale.
  Because like I I'm a coffee nut. So if I try a new bean, you can't really go by your scoop. You go by the weight of the beans, how much weight you need for the water you use anyway. So. I actually weighed out two ounces of pasta. I weighed out in grams cause that's how it was listened. So I weighed out 56 grams of pasta.
I was just using little medium shells because I like those. Uh, and, and I put them in what I call a rice bowl. Just like getting ready to cook them. So I wouldn't have to deal with it. Uh, you know, when I got ready for dinner, I just threw it into a pot with boiling water and his great Fazio's meat sauce. Um, and, and then I just put it in a regular pasta bowl, pasta kind of bowl.
But, um, what you say is so true, um, It's mostly marketing. I think that's affected the way everything's supersized in how we expect stuff to be super-sized in the old days, pre COVID when you'd go into a really nice restaurant and you order something on the menu and they would bring it. And I mean, it looked really pretty.
But, you know, you got like medallions of beef and there's like three bites of beef, you know, instead of if it's you and me and we're going to go a charcoal grill, a steak outside, you know, we're going to go get a 12 or 16 ounce steak and slap it on the grill, man. People really, I mean, assuming you have something else to eat with it, you know, you only need three or four ounces of beef.
When you sit down and eat anyway, I don't mean to get off on that. But what you said is absolutely correct. Also with the fact that like, I mean, we're not using, I guess people aren't used to the fact that yes, we adapted. We don't, we don't go how it used to back then, where we would have to survive. Off one meal that would last us for days.
Now there's an abundance of food. I believe it's just way too much as the fact that we can go to a grocery store and get anything we want at any time of the day. And we do, we even have to go to the grocery store with a cell phone and Instacart. We'll bring whatever the fuck we want. I'm guilty. I'm guilty.
Do it again. So we do that. Or sedentary, you know, we're not moving and people wonder how come there's so many people with aches, pains, diseases, illness, they don't feel good. They have no energy and they're overweight, fucking Amazon and Instacart and fucking, yeah. What do you call that place that delivers food?
  [00:12:40]Uber eats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, door dash or door dash. You know that shit. Huh? But not with fucking reminders. Say, Oh, we got a special for you today. That's you covered? You know, and you get a free cookie if you, you know, do it in the next 12 seconds. Oh my God. And I get a free cookie. Yeah. But the other thing is.
That's all fine and dandy. If we'll each make ourselves move and get some physical exercise every day. All of that's okay. But if we're not in addition to that, if we're not getting out and being physical and enjoying the way our bodies are put together, which requires movement to stay in. Optimal shape, you know, just like a car.
If you don't start it for five or six days and you wonder how come the battery's dead. Cause it's meant to be turned on and the alternator is going to keep it all char you know, however that stuff works. I don't know. But. Yeah, we need to, uh, exercise is so important as to what we do each day and how we feel and how our bodies work.
Yes. So anyway, I'll get off that soap box. No, no, you can keep going. Cause right now you're buying me time as I try to figure out. Cause right now we're live on YouTube and I'm trying to get us live on fucking Facebook and, uh, So, do you have a special software or a special piece of hardware that allows you to stream from, for example, YouTube, and then it streams out live to other platforms.
  All right. I have a buddy who actually specializes in that in live streaming, but no, I do not have that. I'm actually utilizing zoom. Okay. Yeah. Provide you with three avenues to get out there. And this is the first time I've ever used it before. Is it working pretty smoothly or fucking YouTube? I believe so.
I mean, I'm trying to think. I don't even know. It's just showing a picture of your face with the lazy eye going. So it looks like, yeah, it looks like it's your left one. Oh yeah. That's probably because I always forget to look at my webcam. Like I looked down here where you are. But then that makes everything go down here versus.
Especially when I'm talking, I need to be looking, I suppose, into the camera, which is really not placed in a good place. That's part of why it looks like I have a lazy eye. So w lazy. Yeah, this is what's interesting to me. Cause I was, I was thinking about this today as far as, why do people have a lazy eye?
And then you really gotta look into it a little deeper as far as, okay. Is there a vision off by chance? Let's say w. Somebody has like a 20, 20 and the other one and the other, one's like a hundred by 20. I don't know. I don't know that it's astigmatism and yeah, that's my issue. Uh, but generally with one eye that's lazy.
It's like, is that the one that's that's straining all the time? Like that's a shitty eye and the other eye is good because it's constant. Like open and just kind of relax. Well, several years ago I had LASIK surgery. So none of that's really true. What you're seeing is. The end result of two things, one a just average web cam.
Uh, and two, like I said, where my camera's placed and what I have to do is concentrate on looking directly at the camera lens. But if the camera lens is off axis, it's like when your microphone's off axis, depending on your microphone. Your voice will sound considerably different when you're off axis, you will appear in things that will appear totally different.
And especially on this camera, when I move, whatever I move the movements all messed up. So as I moved my eyes, you know, it looks funny like this. Okay. So I think as I look at the television, the television, the computer monitor, um, it's this right eye that looks funky. Uh, no I'm done. Devily listening to it. No, that I know that.
And I'm just, you know, talking as you're trying to make these adjustments so that too you'll have the whatever adjustments you need. And as I told somebody yesterday, Um, I like to talk. And so what I've determined is, you know, we all have about 50,000 words. We speak a day over a normal day, most people.
So what about those people that can't, and don't talk for physical reasons and mental reasons somebody has to use up their 50,000 words. Otherwise those 50,000 words are still hanging. And need to be used. And if too many of them are hanging around in the ether, well, then our ether will get all clogged up with these unused words.
So I use everybody's words that don't use their words. That's why I talk so much. I believe it's my excuse for today. Good excuse. And the fact, I liked that as far as people that need to use up this ether, the fact that they don't do it, do you think that creates some sort of anxiety? The fact it's just.
Energy that's inside them. That's not being expressed that they really don't know how to express it. And that's why they get uncomfortable. That's why they're just like awkward kinds of things going on. But then you're coming in kind of just to feed off that energy because that's what I do, use it, um, in an effort to, to.
Utilize all my pent up energy that I could otherwise not use. Um, yeah. For people who chime in right now, they hear you saying, just using your pent up energy. I think that consent is a red flag on how you are a creeper. Oh, well, you know, there's probably many people that find that I am angry. Yeah. But I think part of it, part of that has to do with the fact that we're usually in the mornings.
I like to get out of the shower and just put on my London fog, trench coat, and a big fedora. And I like walking around, outside in public and every now and then when it seems appropriate, opening up my trench coat, um, and people honk and scream and wave and throw stuff and you know, others give me thumbs, thumbs up.
So I don't know. Maybe I have a little creepster to me. No, but, but that's what makes it okay. I like to be weird. Like I want to approach a situation in public and do it in the most abnormal fashion where I can break people's autopilot. I feel like if I can do that, then I made an impact in somebody's day because.
No shutting their brain off. They're dissociating just to get through their day. And I don't want them to do that. I want them to not suffer, but I want them to embrace this awkward, never before seen experience. And did their life because they need that more than anything right now, because that's a way to grow.
And I will tell you back in the day when I was in the corporate world and I'd go into office buildings and walk into an elevator, the door would open and there'd be five or six people, you know, all facing out naturally and all very quiet. So here's how you break it. You are sitting in an elevator. I walk into the elevator and I don't turn around.
  [00:20:20] So I'm facing everybody that's facing out. And I don't say anything. I just look, you know, like around it, everybody's standing there and somebody will say something and it'll break the ice, but it's really funny. The expressions you mean? Yeah. You can see in their mind. Why isn't this fuck turning around.
He needs to be, I don't want to be looking at him. We're all supposed to look at the door until it opens and then leave. And it's really funny when you do stuff like that. The responses you get. And generally it's a lot of smiles and laughing and that's always fun. Yeah. Or just ripping ass in the middle of that 32nd, like enclosed room for a second and just have them like, Whoa.
Exactly. Or again, the opposite too is true. You know, you were just in a long business meeting and you got in the elevator and nobody's in the elevator with you and you really got to kind of, or, well, you know, the middle of the day, nobody else is going to be getting in here. And I only got to go down six floors.
So, you know, you let it rip. And the next floor, the door opens and somebody walks in, they know it's you, there's no dog. Yeah, just cut out. They guy just got far and got out on the floor. Yeah. Own that shit. When that happens, you gotta embrace it and just be good. I think people are really weird and awkward. I think if you own it, it would actually make you a more respectable individual.
Absolutely. When they walk in. Sorry about the stink. I just farted. I didn't think anybody else would get him here. There we go. If you can hold your breath for 42 seconds, we'll make it to the lobby. Just this light. Oh shit. Oh, that's weird. Whoa. Stop it on this. Fix that. Okay. Display up to no. Hi, non video.
Are you still there? No, I left. Oh, you got, you got really quiet. Like I just fucked something up. No, not at all. I just decided to take a breather every now and then I actually do that. I don't try to do it often. So it says like everything's running on like all three platforms. However, I'm only seeing we're live on YouTube, which isn't showing.
Facebook at all. So on the Facebook page, is that your transformation station? Facebook page? I'll grab it up here on my cell phone. Yeah. Yeah. And I added you as a, a fucking editor. So you have the ability to do anything on there. But I'm going to copy a link to YouTube, the streaming link. I will post that on the page as well.
Sometimes I have really fat fingers, I believe. I think that just happens with age. Thank you. Uh, you know, I was wishing you could come up with so many things, but you chose to tell it comes with age. I thought I liked the fact that it shows your creepy face when it's the initial YouTube streaming, like part it's going to look, I'm going to post it just because.
Yes. Cause it's just, it's really funny looking it's like, Whoa, really see the premier cause most wanted right here. Exactly. Exactly. Okay. Now I'm actually on the transformation station page. Ah, dammit. I posted on my personal page. We gotta fix that. So I don't want you on there and too late you're there.
See here. What do you listen to in the background? We live there, where we went to your post, to your post office, to your eyes. Your personal Facebook page. Yay. I just posted on that. Were there, but none, but that's the, this is just YouTube. That's the YouTube link that I copied, right? Oh, so this is not what I'm seeing.
No, no, no, no. This is live. If you click on it, it'll take you to YouTube. I think what I need to do is through your Facebook page. So I think we're streaming. Let me. And it shows zoom, so that's right. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. Maybe it's a plane. Yeah. I just switched back to YouTube, but here's your, hang on this, if you, I don't know.
Yeah. I can see that. I know. I don't know what to do. That's a weird guy. That's there. The guy that looks like Brad Pitt that's. Yes. No. Yeah. That's what, yeah. People confuse us all the time. It's embarrassing. Actually. It's quite exhausting. You have to literally wear a hat and fucking, just sunglasses. Yeah.
And you need a pen. Could you do it? I don't want to disappoint people. So I go ahead and give them the autograph. Wish I had that experience. How does that, like when you wake up and you piss XL, you know, I'll tell you. I see us there. Page, but I don't know if it's, so I just switched it now. Now it's on your transformation station.
I'm going to put it on the group next. I know. I should have, I had this set up. I really did. And this is confusing cause I was actually going to try to do this before, not today, but I mean, before. Last week, actually. Okay. That is confusing because you're 90 years old. I want to listen to it any other way. I couldn't use it so easily.
It's unbelievable. I just want to put a VCR in front of you and watch you struggle. Well, let me tell you. Yeah. And there's people listening to you on CR. You know, what's that you just stuck in that big slot? Mmm. Yeah, no, it's funny. My, my daughter was telling me it was a few years ago when my grandsons were a little bit younger, but she was cleaning out some old stuff.
Um, and there was a box of, uh, videotape and you, one of my grandchildren said, WhatsApp, mom. And, you know, she goes, well, you know, it's a video tape. It's like a movie. Oh, cool. Let's watch it. We don't have a VCR player anymore. We see our players who still have DVD players, but you know, today really, if you don't have one, do you really need one?
You know, everything, you can stream everything or find it in a video, an MPV MP for. Format or whatever. So, you know what I was thinking, I think this would be like a great like idea for like a TV show is to actually have like a competition between, let's say a one year old putting in like the little like boxes or the little squares into the square hole, the little circles into the circle hole.
And then we have like a, what do you call it? Maybe like them. Like a 15 year old trying to learn stick shift. Okay. So we do that. We timed that and then we do an older man say 32 37, trying to figure out a fucking Rubik's cube. And then we have your ass right there on there, trying to work like a DVD player.
Right. Who is the first one that is able to get to the end of the taskings? I think that would be really interesting. It's like that. What is it? American gladiators where people go through obstacle courses. So this would be like, Techno something. Um, you know, uh, I think that interesting cancer is this group here.
I don't know how to pull it out. They updated this Facebook app, mud jigger, and I'm trying to, Oh, they did. But they did actually get to this and it's like, no, What is going on here. Fuck. I will get to our Facebook page. No problem.
Right. So what are you even up to this weekend? Anything exciting, extraordinary, uh, before we even go into that, cause I don't want to, let's go into what the plans are with your transformation station. Um, I have been, I have sucked so badly at entertaining with the audience. Just you have to engage when you're running this sofa, soulful social influence.
I would say lifestyle this podcast, and I want the audience to know that I've been working extremely hard. I'm writing three different books. One will actually be focusing, excuse me, around your transformation station. And. That'll allow you to adopt these principles that you can apply to your character and move forward with a higher self awareness in yourself, but able to recognize the flaws in other people.
So you can distinguish people that will help you in life versus people that will only bring you down. And then the other book. That is focusing with a podcasting course. I've learned so much as far as I started researching how to podcast back in November, 2019 and. I'm the guy who spends every day from morning tonight on how to do something.
And I have links to everything. I got links to fucking Britain. Like this podcast is going globally in 17 different countries. Excellent. And we're in 32 different States of the U S and that is me being at the bare minimum because I'm trying to write a book. I'm trying to create this online course for your transformation station, as well as another course for podcasting yet, I haven't even come up with the names for it.
[00:30:44] I'm just right now, creating these stupid slides, recording these videos of myself, which is extremely exhausting. And then I got links to. Over like 60 days, different locations where you can publish a podcast. I actually have more than 60 in the world, actually. How many places you can, but I know people will find that very interesting and want to know more and that'll be put out there.
As well as you and I doing a product review over equipment on how we can just inspire the world to stop buying this useless crap that Amazon's populating with. Oh, this is the number one seller. Get this one. This one's fantastic microphone. No, no, no, no. There's a reason why it's number one seller is because people that bought it returned it and it's just complete nonsense with all these comments reviews.
Yeah. And you know what, what's really interesting. When you talk about microphones or you talk about a camera or you talk about a light, or you talk about a nutritional stuff supplement, or you talk about a body weight exercise, or the latest fad in anything, you know, there's no one best thing of anything.
So, what I'm suggesting is, for example, in voiceover, one of the most common questions you'll see on different, uh, Forums or Facebook groups, whatever you want to call them is what's the best microphone to get or video people. What's the best camera to get? Or, you know, if, if you're wanting to get a bicycle, you know, what's the best road bike to get?
Well, you know, it depends. It depends on your size. It depends on your voice. If it's a microphone, it depends on your recording area. It depends on your lighting. If it's a camera, there's no best of anything, but then people don't want to hear that depends that there's a gray area because to me that makes me mad because I want a fucking microphone.
Now I'm impatient. I'm an impulsive individual. I want it. I like that. I'm the guy at the store that suffers when I come across an impulse little section in the middle of the aisle. Ooh, what is it? Candy. I didn't want it, but now I do. Yeah, absolutely. So that's why I think when you talk about reviews, the reviews, I really like, and respect and believe are the best or not the, the.
You know, opening box recommendation, you know, this is the only smartphone to have. This is the best smartphone. No, you need to have three smartphones there, or you need to have three microphones there and review them and review why you really liked this one for this purpose and this one for this purpose and this one for this purpose.
And then my question is, and what you can address in those is, you know, what are you going to do with this microphone, Greg? Are you going to be on the street, interviewing people with noisy traffic behind you? No, I'm going to talk to myself and my lonely little place. That's what I'm going to do. Do you have a good recording environment?
So that's, that's when it depends, but you don't have to tell people. It depends. You can take it. Three popular uses of microphones today, you know? And like you wouldn't have this microphone that I'm using for a podcast microphone. Cause it doesn't, it could do. Okay. But you want a large diaphragm. Make our phone, just like when you start talking about DSLR is for doing video, you know, do you want a full frame or, you know, one of those small frame chips?
Yes. It, it, so it does, depending on the kind of work you're in or the play you're going to do, do with so much of this technical equipment, just like, well, should I get a Mac or a PC? Well, first of all, what's your budget. That's a big question, you know? Yes. And even at that, you also Linux, I mean, as far as open sources, it's definitely technologically advanced to understand that like with my research, as far as podcasting I've actually come up with so much information within this book that I'm writing.
That it will expand to every platform it's marketing, it's advertising. You're utilizing RSS feeds you utilizing similar software with the same end state goal. And that's what your transformation, that's what your transformation station is about. As well as this book of podcasting, where it's a universal standard that you can apply from one focus, being podcasting to another focus, being on, being a YouTube influencer to another focus.
That's all. Useful stuff and it's all out there and it's all fucking free yet. We were all buying this shit because people will say, Oh, I have all the special answers and all this nonsense when really it's out there. If you know how to look, if you know how to research, do you know how to read and take time and learn what you're actually trying to find?
You can find it. You can, but most people too, the reason why. Having the knowledge and putting the knowledge into a book or a podcast or whatever media you may use. It is people, you know, they don't want to take that time to learn. They want to grab a book and read or watch a video and learn how to change my words.
Um, you know, whatever it is, wanted time, same time and information are the two. Two commodities that are so important today. And of those two, there's only one that's really unique and that's time, because time is the only asset that everybody shares equally. Nobody gets any more or any less time each day, assuming you make it through the day, you get 24 hours just like everybody else.
And how can you use that time? What makes a difference to you and really the world around you? Um, because again, you know, this minute we're in right now, we'll never be here again and it'll be gone. Why is that? Why, why, why are we losing time every day? Why can't we have that many back? Tell me about that.
Well, and again, I don't know that we can't, at least in the dimensions in this part of the universe that we live in. Uh, you know,
unless you have that time machine and you don't get it back saying that that doesn't exist or won't Larry, are you suffering the oddball effect at this point where you get too old, you start to look back at all the good times you've had. Yeah. Yeah. That was the oddball that's as you get old, I don't believe that to be an oddball cause my old friends were constantly sharing in the algae romance.
And you remember when, back in, you know, three, uh, you know, that kind of stuff, but I'm an oddball. So I have oddball events going on. Most every day in my life. Um, and I'm so thankful for those, because if I wasn't on the spectrum, if each of us weren't on a spectrum of some sort, it'd be a really boring place.
We'd live there. You know, if we were all bots. Um, you know, although we'd have different algorithms, but you know, no, I'm weird. I just, I can't handle how normal people function. Like I'm, if we're standing in line waiting for something to happen, I'm the dude that's thinking about random things that could be possibly happening.
Right. It's like, what if, okay. I'm in a convenience store or something. I'm number five in line. I'm already going through. These thoughts in my head, like, okay, if somebody were to come into this building with the fucking AR it starts shooting the place up, how would I react to this situation when I just run towards that individual, take those bullets into the chest and keep trying to go forward or what I put this old woman that's next city next, or standing next to me, pick her ass up.
Right. And then use her as a shield throw with her. So I'm going to ask at the dude, take the weapon, or even a sense would have a horse where to just Gallop in from the rear out of the storage room, you know, like what the fuck is a Clydesdale doing in seven 11? Yes. The whole situation quicker, faster and easier.
And you call those individually mandatory. It's like half man, half horse. Oh, what if I was one of those, like those shoes, motorcycles that, uh, Progressive or Geico. There we go, we're back. Yeah. I'm trying to do five different things at once and I'm just going to say, fuck it. With Facebook. We have YouTube.
[00:40:37] Why I'm going, right. You just, do you have one monitor going or do you have two? I have two monitors. Set up. Oh man. I wish I had my other computer next to me because then I can just jump on that and see what the fuck is happening. Gotcha. And how you were monitoring all this video was. Yeah, no, I, I was set up before, but I had a virus on my fucking computer and it's like, dude, like this is 2020.
How the fuck you let this shit happen to you? And. Put a mask on each one of your computers, viruses. I'm just.
That is definitely perfect timing to use that. So what do you think about what's happening today? Do you think it's complete nonsense? We've had this conversation in our last recording, but I just really want to go over it again because it's really fucking hilarious to me. I don't know why it's there when you're talking about the situation you're talking about the COVID.
Yes. Yes. The COVID no Cummins, real Cummins. Very real. Are the people's approach to dealing with it? Yes. Are, this is unreal. It's it's uh, Do you think the mask actually even holds anything back because it's just, if you, if you follow the science of it, um, you know, there's special lighting that science has used so that they can see particles and stuff.
And so when they, when we're like, I'm talking right now, of course it's just me in my studio. Uh, but. Droplets are coming out of my breath and they are given the right light. And I don't understand the technology behind it, but these chemists are scientists that are constantly analyzing stuff. And, you know, they use carbon dating to tell you, well, this bone is 5,300 years old.
I mean, the science is there that they can look at the, the size of, and the amount of, and how far your droplets go. When they put a mask on, unless it's in 99, which most people don't wear out to the retail stores. But if it's anything other than that, yeah. Droplets are still going to get out, but far fewer droplets get out and they don't travel, but a couple inches.
And so if you're six feet away from somebody they're not gonna. Get one of your droplets. So from that standpoint, wearing masks, number one, again, if you follow the science, the scientists major. Well-respected scientific minds and organizations have found that if we now in the end of the year, I think it was 60 to 80, 60 to 80% of our country would wear masks.
So it's not even everybody, just 60 to 80%. The people wore masks when they couldn't socially distance. Yes. If that took place, we could lower, we could save approximately 70,000 lives between now and the end of the year. Now some might say, well, 70 thousands of drops in the bucket. It is, but if one of those 70,000 people were your significant other, your child, your mother, your brother, your best friend, you know, to put a mask on why would I not?
To make a political statement. That's absurd. If I could save a life, I would, you know, when I'm driving my car, if somebody is in the crosswalk, walking across the street against a red light, Well, legally, I should just run them over. They shouldn't be in the fucking crosswalk. Yeah. In the middle of the road.
Right in there, again, throwing a tantrum out in the middle of the road, trying to get there, getting people's attention. I mean, the prompt, I hate the fact that I would have to stop because these individuals want to stand in the middle of the highway. Well, that's protesting. Totally. I mean, that's, now I'm going to still run them over.
It doesn't matter where we're running them over there. I, you know, And again, that's, you know, that's why there's vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream. Everybody's got their own way to approach things. Like I said, in my humble opinion, um, I wear a mask when I go outside, not for me, but for somebody else.
And I get tested every week. You know, why is that on Wednesday? Uh, because I, well, I have a bubble and, and you know, my family and those closest to me and we have our bubbles, if you will. Um, we all step outside of our bubbles. Yeah. But I mean, I always have my mask on when I walk into the grocery store, you know, wherever, um, I can't socially distance.
And, uh, but, uh, you know, you just never know if you're walking around with COBIT I don't. And again, I'm a symptom. I don't have any symptoms, but again, Wednesday I'll be back at Walgreens getting, you know, sticking. I don't stick that fuck that, you know, swab up my nose until you, um, and you know, three, four hours, I get the email that says, Hey, negative, cool.
Then I just know I don't have it, but again, next hour I could have it depending on, you know, and because COVID, here's the other thing. Um, you know, I hear people debate about how serious COVID is, and I don't know if it is or not. I know that 180,000 people have died from it. Would they have died?
Otherwise? I don't know. Did they have other issues? I don't know. Probably, but here's the thing, right? It's called a novel virus because the world's never seen it before. So nobody really knows how it works. That's why at the beginning of this thing, which really was back in December, but you know, if you listened to 45, as in, in his administrations, it really didn't, they didn't know about it until January or February.
And then we only had 15 cases and no deaths and it'll disappear magically. And if it doesn't, all you gotta do is take a Lysol enema and you'll be okay, or inject Lysol into your system and that'll take care of it. Um, the fact is we don't know how it acts and we don't even know if. If you have the antigens, because you've had it, how that will affect your immune system.
We don't know shit about it. It's only a few months old for the whole world, since it appeared back in December of 19, you know, well with five G are you familiar with that? And possible like side effects that could have on our own health? Well now, okay. I'm, I'm done, you know, reading. Um, about five G I never really bought into any of the microwave damages to health relative to cell phones, cell phone technology.
I personally seldom keep one up to my ear. I'm generally on ear buds. Excuse me. Or, um, speakerphone five G E in Ghana. I don't know. I just think that our overall exposure to five G. It is far less damaging than our overall exposure to the ship. That's in the air from the carbon emissions that are out there and an ultraviolet ultraviolet.
I gotta stop playing with it. So, you know, look, if, if we tried to isolate ourselves from everything that can hurt us, I mean, we'd live in a cave and die probably at age 30, most of us. Right. So we have to take each risk. Each person has to evaluate. Their risk tolerance and in what they're willing to, to expose themselves to then make their own decisions.
But when it comes to public safety, when it comes to, um, a mask. Everybody should be wearing a mask. I had a spectrum come to my house last week, a couple of different times. And again, they're coming Monday. They fucking hate you. Don't they? We do. And I want to, I want to touch one thing on that and get your opinion, but let me finish this story.
You know, I look, there's a knock at the door. It's the technician. I knew that because you know, spectrum says he'll be there in 12 seconds and sure. If there's a knock at the door, I look out the window. And the dude standing there without a mask, he's a stranger. I don't know where he goes at night, how his family's act and he's going to be in my house less than six feet away from me breathing and touching things.
I don't know. And I just yelled at him through the door. I go, do you have a mask? I said, where's your mask? And he goes, do you want me to wear one. Yeah, fuck. Yes. You know, and I got mine here. I'm going to put mine on you. Put yours on it. Dumb. Fuck. Literally use a come up there. Like, you know, what's going on outside right now.
Yeah, no. Does it help? I think it helps. I feel safer when I'm in close proximity, especially to strangers that, you know, so you believe you believe in this. I believe that you minimize exposure. You minimize your risk. I think. Everybody has different risk tolerances, but everybody minimizes the risks that they're not comfortable dealing with, whether it's financial risk, whether it's safety risk, whether it's health risk.
I mean, I lived my whole life, never using a fucking rubber. I don't even know how to put one on or, you know, instructions in those packages, how to put a rubber on. Larry. Are you Catholic? No. Okay. I definitely know that it's definitely a Catholic thing. That's what our family, like, that's what any of us Catholics that I knew in high school said that they, um, they use, you know, Pull out.
[00:50:12] Yes, it was not, but it does matter. Like I said, my, my point is my risk tolerance and I wasn't talking about pregnancy. I was talking about venereal disease, but again, when I was a kid, You know, there was just a couple, there were no herpes, there was no AIDS. There was no committee, you know? So you got gonorrhea. civilians should go back to you, get a couple shots and you get, well, yeah, the outcome is still detrimental to your own perception, truth of a child or.
COVID, you know, definitely leads somewhere into a different state of mind. Yeah, exactly. And again, I guess the point I was making is risk tolerance. You know, w what, how much risk can you tolerate in every aspect of your life? We go to a restaurant pre COVID. How many people thought about the number of restaurant people?
If you piss him off, spit in your food before they deliver it a lot, or. If you've never been in the restaurant business as a waitstaff or owner or chef or whatever, you need to realize that while they meet minimum health standards to keep their. Doors open again, pre COVID and now even more so, but if you go back into a restaurant kitchen, I mean, for the most part you look around, you're probably not going to go back to that restaurant, even a fine restaurant.
I mean, it's 30, it's weird how employees are doing shit. You see an employee come out of the bathroom. Did they wash their hands? My own nail. You know, uh, so every day we, we, we deal with risk and, and, and I was just talking to my sister about it earlier today on the phone because she wants to fly to New York to see her grandkids and her son.
And she gets behind, I don't want to be on a plane and she's seven years older than me. And, and I go, you know, what, if you stop and think about it, it's probably okay, you're going to have a mask. They're not seeing people in the middle of, you know, in the middle. See, you know, it's a three hour flight from her place to New York.
Uh, it, you know, you gotta decide, is it worth it? And she has a whole bunch of other medical issues, you know, is that risk worth it, or just wait a couple months and have Jeff and the kids come visit you, you know, cause to. If she goes to New York, according to law, she would have to quarantine for 14 days.
And then she could visit, she could quarantine in their house, I suppose. Why does she have the quarantine just tell the brain I saw she's good. Well, yeah. I mean, as long as you, you know, inject it into your yourself and take a handful of that drug that fuck it is. Yeah. Now it's a movie. You'd be good at mostly, like I said, the UV light up your ass in a, in a Clorox bleach if I'm old.
You're anything it does for me. You know, it's, uh, it keeps you feeling clean all day. No, like going through a carwash in a weirder way. Okay. You're going to tell me, okay. You go ahead. You go ahead. You answer that. You send me the question. I'll answer. So here's the question. How do I know if I have fiber optic internet?
Okay. The, so now this is interesting. So if somebody tells you, you do, usually people will take that as okay. I believe you, because you work for this company, so we don't have, it goes without questioning. We don't challenge that information that's being presented, which definitely could ripple out as far as what's happening right now.
Well, so here's my question, you know, if. My speed was anywhere close to 940 Mbps. Right. It wouldn't matter to me, but when my speed is 19 and the PS, what the fuck is Mbps? I don't know what that means per second. And what does that matter to me? Well, okay. So when you pay $110 a month, because you're allegedly getting one gig 1000.
You're getting 1000 megabits per second. Yes. What a gig is, right? It's a thousand megabits. So, um, and, and you pay $110 a month for that, but you only receive 19 megabits. So you're receiving less than 2% of what they promised you in, what you paid for. When it's that slow. I got a question. Is it really fiber optics, number one, number two.
Um, how do you take regular coaxial cable that has no fiber optic tubes in it or pipes, whatever you want to call those things, the light codes through how light goes through regular coaxial cable? Okay. So it wasn't me coming up. As I listened to you, what I'm going to be Googling as you speak here.
Excellent. Um, and then when I Google it, according to what I could find in my area of spectrum, it doesn't have fiber optics yet. That's what they sold me. And the speed is so slow. If it was half of what they promised, I'd allow myself to get screwed up the ass. Um, but on purpose, On purpose. Yeah. Okay.
And over if they could consistently deliver half of what they promise, they're delivering two and three and 5%, but I'm paying a hundred percent. What I propose to them is here's the deal at the end of each month at the end of each billing cycle. Okay, whatever speed you actually delivered to my abode.
Okay. Whatever percentage of that speed is to the 940 Mbps, you promised me is the percentage of the $110 a month that I'll pay you. And they all know it doesn't work like that. And he'll really cause the fucking Amron Amarin in the electricity and the gas company. That's how they charge. You know, they just charge me for the electricity.
I just charge me for the speed that you deliver. Wait, are you doing budget billing though? Cause they have that feature we're right, but it doesn't matter. That's still budget billing on, on the electric bill and gas bill. It's still based on your usage. All they do is they look at your usage historically.
They average it out over 12 months. Then at the end of the whole 12 months cycle, you make adjustments. Okay. But I mean, they don't, it's not a flat rate charge. It's a flat rate payment system, you know, to make budgeting easier and the gas. In the winter months, when you get stupid gas bills, average it out in the summer where, you know, they're just charging the minimum $35 a month.
Cause you're hooked up. Um, same with the electricity, you know, in the summer when you're going to use a lot of, yeah. Air conditioning and you get stupid bills, but in the winter, all the only thing that's really costs me a lot is, is you're heating, uh, primarily gas in this area. But, but all I'm saying is there's nobody for me to check with and determine if I have the fiber optic that you promise me other than the people that sell it to me.
Right. Well then also you can do is basically what you just described with Amarin as far as they look back on your history, as far as you can use that method, looking back on what you've been receiving, recording it, and somehow showing proof to that, that this is what I've been getting. Why the fuck am I not getting what you promised me when I'm painted at this price?
Exactly. But that, that, that involves then our legal system and, and the FCC and the attorney general making a complaint, uh, and dealing with that, uh, when really I like here, here's my favorite example. Yeah. Akron would have to agree to that billing. Otherwise they say, you know what, we'll just discontinue service and you go elsewhere, you know, I mean, if you don't like it go elsewhere, you saw our terms and conditions.
You read them. Barely fucking read when you're 90 years old. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you need to fucking magnifying glass, the size of the world to see some of those fine print. And then you don't understand that a Philadelphia lawyer wrote it and then it doesn't matter. Or cause they're not responsible.
They're not accountable for it. Yeah, we just think about this. Okay. Walk into Ruth. Chris. This is pre COVID. So you walk into Ruth Chris or, or, you know, the Capital city grill, whatever your favorite steakhouse is, and you sit down and you order an eight ounce Philemon Yon. Of the finest prime age beef they have, and it's $125 again with the fucking steak layer.
I'm getting hungry. Now I know this, the waitress in 40 minutes, the waitress brings out this little, well done crispy piece of meat that looks like, you know, the size of a bugger that came out of your nose and it's hamburger. And she starts walking away and you go, Whoa, excuse me, just for a second. What's this, she has a piece of hamburger, but I ordered, and I see here on the bill, you charged me $125 for a filet mignon.
Yeah, well, no, I'm not gonna do it. That's what doing, you know, I mean, they're, they're charging me for Philemon Yon. It's the fastest service available to residential places here in my zip code. And they're delivering whatever the fuck they want. We've been working on it almost 10 days now. Four times a day.
[01:00:23] I do two different speed tests on my internet, just so I have this paper trail when I make a stink, you know, and I'll make a stink. I'm making a stink with them now. They don't even answer my phone calls anymore. Now I go, fuck yourself all over. Call it, dude. Oh my God. You know, you take it, give it to the brand.
That's exactly. What's fucking happening too. Cause I would be doing it if I was working there like this fucking man, what did you know? Here's what's really cool though. Greg, if you delivered half of what you promised, I wouldn't be calling up. It's true. You know? I mean, that's, I'm not asking for some special, you know, I'm asking for what you promised in your terms and conditions, except if you read the terms and conditions, which unfortunately being old and just nothing but time.
I actually read to make sure I wasn't out of line and I am. If you read Spectrum's terms and conditions, they're just like every other internet service provider around, they say we can't promise or guarantee any rate of speed. Interesting. Wouldn't that be cool. Not think about this. In your whole life, just take a wild ass.
Guess it doesn't matter how accurate they are, but try to be closed in your whole life. About how many, about how many commercial airline flights have you been on? I want to say at most 12, were they pretty good flights? I mean, you know, you got some of them, we were over military flights, they were shitty. I wanted to kill myself on those, not literally, but metaphorically and the commercial flights, you were on the commercial flights, more so than the military.
That's something different, but the commercial flights, if I told you, and it was a fact and you believe the fare that 50% of all commercial airline flights will crash and burn it, killing everybody on board. Would you still be apt to get on those 12 flights? No, it wouldn't bother me one bit. Do to get on him.
And, uh, yeah, I guess I'm just fucked up in the head. Like that word. No, I mean, some people, like I said, we talked about risk tolerance briefly a few minutes ago. A lot of people, because people read statistics of how safe it is to fly today. And I believe it is right. I mean, think of here. Think of this. How many people do you actually know whose homes have burned down to the ground?
Two. Okay. I know too. And I'm just, this is just a guess, cause you may or may not be aware of this, but out of all the people, you know, that have a mortgage on their home, how many people do you guess have fire insurance? Oh, It's a loaded question. Yeah. I literally present a table with anybody they hire and we'll force place fire insurance on your property if you don't have it, because you agree to keep it insured.
Okay. So, uh huh. Percent of those people have fire insurance unless they let it lapse. And the mortgage lender doesn't know about it yet. But out of all those people, you know, I mean, it's a fraction of a percentage of whose houses burned down to the ground. You just, it doesn't happen the same with commercial airline flights, the same, primarily with prescriptions.
If the people filling people's prescriptions only got it half right. Half the time they gave him the wrong dose, the wrong medication. I heard that's pretty frequent. That happens pretty frequently with them. It's 50%. I mean, yeah, it could happen 60, 70, 80%. All I'm saying is that. Pharmacists have accountability to provide you with the correct medicine.
The commercial airlines have accountability because if you've ever followed any of the major crashes of commercial airlines, where they killed 230 people. Um, you know, it's a three year investigation to figure out what the fuck went wrong, you know? And, and then the airline has to pay out tens of hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements.
Cause there's accountability. You fuck up. There's accountability. Yes. In the military, you fuck up. There's accountability in everyday life. You fuck up a speed. You you, you know, you're, you got 63 in a 45 miles out there's accountability, but with internet service providers, there's no accountability. Why is that?
Well, we're going to charge you a hundred dollars to call it one giga service, 940 Mbps, but you say you're only getting 20. Okay. You still always $110, even though we didn't even. Do half of what we promise. All right. I gotta get off that soap box. Yeah. Yeah. And then when you say what statistics, I mean, half the population isn't, isn't even a statistic individual, like when it comes to numbers, Holy shit.
Like you are drowning me in my own. As transgressions, Natalie, just like what? Those were. All those statistics or atmosphere leak expressions. I just made them up. It's all good. It's all good though. I forgive you. Yeah, no, it's part of being old. You just fucking can do whatever you want. Like just drive fast and then you get pulled over and you're like, I'm old.
I don't know what I'm doing. Dementia. I forgot there was a speed limit. Sorry, you ran over three people. I'm sorry. I was playing the game of five points, 10 points. Don't you know, that game. Well, yeah, there are people whose lives are more valuable than others, you know, obviously look at the world we live in today.
I didn't mean to take us way off topic, but I was just, I'm curious, you know, if anybody is watching this and wants to make comments at some point in time, I'd really like to know how one. Can know if they're really getting fiber optic service, whether it's from spectrum or anybody else. I don't know that there are other providers here in st.
Louis residential. I know business is something different, but I can't. I mean, I'm not going to pay for business service, especially seeing what I get in residential service, but these people need, um, you know, to be punished. Somehow, you know, but there's no way to punish him. You know, I, I agree. Um, I need to stop playing with these buttons over here.
Like literally I get over. I just go because it's just like, I second guess, like it says we're live on YouTube and I'm not seeing too much happening. It's like, but then there's this button like upload video or go live, but it's like, wait, it says we're going there. Yeah. So if you're on YouTube, yeah. If you already pushed to go live, you're alive.
If you push the upload, um, I don't know if it'll keep this stream going, but it will be looking for you to upload a video that's on your. Computer somewhere, somewhere. I think, I think it's definitely working because I just pressed this button and it shows me talking right now, explaining what I'm explaining to you.
And I'm like, Holy shit, I'm fucking losing my mind. But is that you? Or is that somebody else? It looks like you, it could be anything. Cause it's like, it's what we perceive as our own reality. Like, try to look at this, like we're. Our bodies are like a vessel. We are submarines underwater. Literally. We don't know if there's water surrounding us.
Can we just open the hatch and find out, I mean, there's that possibility that we open it, we might drown and die. So what do we rely on that tells us what's happening around us? Our own perception, our little, little tools inside there. That's scanned. Well, but,
and you know, you know that we all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine. Why is it yellow? I dunno if you know that or not, but I don't know. I don't know what's happening now, Larry. Yeah. Well, it's true. The Beatles said we all live in a yellow somewhere. That's yes, we must because the Beatles would never be.
Not to us for double negative. That's fucking wonderful. So no, what you said about the submarine? It, it really got it, uh, really hit a special area in my brain. When you said they could we open up the hatch and would water come pouring in or is there any even water outside of us? How do we know until you, um, you know, which is interesting.
I've often wanted to get a submarine with screen door hatches and see if it would still be able to sink and rise. And if the water would come in through the screens or stay out because it's a submarine, so there should be no water in it. Know that it's not supposed to go into a submarine, whether there's a screen as a hatch or being steel.
Pneumatically sealed hatch. Yeah. I'm thinking like the old school ones where you can just kind of like to twist and then push it outward. But then all that pressure, I don't know. Do you think there's somebody strong enough to be, you know, if you're 300 feet down and you got the, the hatch undone and no water came pouring in.
[01:10:23] Would be able to push that hatch open against all the water pressure. That's 300 feet down. I think if we could take, I'll say our nigger in his prime, when he was Conan the barbarian, we bring him into this situation and have them open that I think he might be able to get it. Do you think you, do you think you would need Rocky Balboa's help?
Yes, but Robbie, I don't know if he can get up there. He's kind of short unless we give him like a little step. Yes he is. Yeah. Well, you know, probably now I will tell you I'm gonna make something up potentially, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not true, but 45 is stronger than anybody in the world. I bet he.
And Arnold could do that together now. So they have the strength to do that, like strength as in connections or strength, as in,
Yeah, let's go into that. As far as width 45, who, who is 45, just so you know, For everybody who's listening. Cause when we're saying that it's like, what the fuck are you talking about? That wouldn't be the 45th president of the United States. Yes, that is correct. I guess I'm not going to say his name. I would not, um, give him that.
Uh, but if somebody needs to, if they, if you Google 45th president of the United States, his name will pop up. Yes. Uh, I'm pretty sure, unfortunately. And why do you, why do we, what is your own view on 45? I think we can pick that up based on not saying his name, but we would love to go into your own specifics as far as why you feel the way that you do?
Was there something personal? Was there something w w what, what is the takeaway? Can we all happen? This. And again, this is just one old guy's opinion, everybody news junkie, but I am a news junkie. Um, and something in this is gonna be a direct answer to your question. I liked very early on on today's episode, you mentioned you discussed your character.
Okay. 45. Is devoid of anything like character. It has no character. And I will tell you that if you look up the three most important leaderships or the five or seven most important characteristics of a leader, Okay. 45. Doesn't have one of them, but you'll find stuff that's like maybe in a boy scout oath.
I mean, to be a leader, number one, you gotta eat the last leaders. Fucking Ryan, let me tell you, 45 is the first at the table, you know, and he's elbow when people out of there, you know, cause he's going to eat first. Fuck you guys. No. All right. So he doesn't, he doesn't eat last. He doesn't respect truth because he never speaks it.
He doesn't respect facts because he just makes stuff up. Now, again, all politicians lie, actually, everybody in the world lies. And if you know somebody that says, no, I don't want it. I never tell why they're lying. Everybody has told and continues to tell lies of certain degrees of magnanimity. But every time you open your mouth that you lie and you lie about shit, you don't even have to lie about.
That's what I'm telling you comes out of 45 to be a leader and be surrounded by people that are frightened, that if they tell you the real facts about many different topics that you're putting your job at risk, because 45 doesn't want to hear that. He only wants to hear what he wants to hear. Don't tell me that shit about the coded shit.
Tell me something good. So I went online and I asked him, tell me about something good, Larry, I'm going to talk over you for just one second. I found the top 10 leadership traits that a. Individuals should obtain or strive for, and I didn't just type that in to see what first self-help bullshit would actually pop up.
But I went into what the military kind of requires. Cause I think that's kind of a, somebody, anybody should be striving for something much bigger than themselves. And, uh, dependability is number one, the integrity, making a decision. Being skillful of that professionalism, teamwork, drive, building to understand direction, organization, safety skills, and adaptability.
So it looks like he has one. He is one of those 10. He does have drive. I don't like this one either. I wonder if I'm going to find a date, it doesn't matter. Whatever, whichever I promise you. I've already done the search. I wouldn't have said that if I hadn't done the search several times, I mean, I've looked at hundreds of books, articles, white papers.
Dissertations case studies. What makes a leader? What doesn't make a leader, the five, the seven, the three, the most important qualities of a leader. So does this make you an expert? Larry? What can you, the definition of what an expert is? Absolutely. I probably. No more than the average guy about what I'm talking about only because I sit here and go down these rabbit holes and do the research.
And if in fact, the research I use is, is accurate and objective to some degree. Um, yeah, I would say that the majority of people, uh, leaders of course do authors of course do psychologists do. Um, but we're all experts when it comes to. You know, can I tell you what I could get a census of a hundred random people on the street would say is the five most important characteristics in a leader?
Yeah, I know what they are in, like I said, 80, 85% of random people that I would walk up to the street and say, tell me the five most important characteristics for a good leader, you know, 80% of time, I'll be right on with those five. And I will promise you. I will promise you that 45 doesn't have one. One of those five characteristics.
Now you brought up driving. He does have drive and that's important for a leader. Yes. I want to just update the listeners with actual good characteristics. When we look into army values, I've definitely researched and. Took to heart over a long period of my time. And that comes down to loyalty duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.
Now I would like you guys to imagine that 45 possess that. Fuck. No. Yeah. And here's the other piece of 45, especially when you start talking about military and comparing his leadership qualities to leadership, uh, values, uh, and best practices in the military recognize here's a guy that during the height of the Vietnam war, conflict, whatever you want to call it, this is a guy who paid or his family paid.
Some shyster type doctor said he had bone spurs, which he doesn't so that he could avoid the draft. Now, I don't know what you call that when it comes to character other than full lack thereof. But so here's a guy you can't, it's really hard to compare. Somebody to military values when the guy was scared to death to be anywhere part of a military, you know, he paid somebody to make up a lie about a physical condition.
That he didn't even have bone spurs on his feet. And that's what kept him out of the draft. Um, interesting. I'm trying to think it wasn't Cassius clay, Muhammad Ali. He didn't, he tried to avoid the draft as well. Oh, probably. I'm just saying, you know, and a lot of people, you know, uh, I have nothing against him, but I would have ended up in Canada, but I'm also not president of the United States.
You know, this is true. And I also have one value every now and then I tell the truth and I have another value. I mean, I, I respect people. I don't, you know, constantly, you know, hack on people that are my enemies, you know, or hack on people that don't believe the way I believe or hack on people. Because they look different.
You know, I, I mean, And like I said, most important. I'm not president. It doesn't matter what anybody else does. It doesn't matter what past presidents did or do that might still be alive. He's president now. And he's what people are supposed to emulate. You know, when I was growing up, parents would constantly, you know, when the president of United States appeared on television, A lot of times from the oval office talking about nonpolitical shit, but crises that are going on, you know, your parents looking at you now, you don't, you want to be like him when you grow up.
Well, yeah, but how many parents can look at 45 and say to their five year old son or daughter don't you want to be like the orange baby when you grow up? You know, they want to sit there and have orange makeup alone and fake hair. But more importantly than physical characteristics of the fat slob that doesn't take care of himself physically as the past four or five presidents did.
I mean, Reagan wouldn't be overweight. He was fed, he rode around in horses and picked up bales of hay and shit. Could you imagine ready to pick up a bale or him wearing
blue jeans that I just say, Oh my God. Um, I think I may have, cause like, yeah. Yeah, like twitches and shit. Let me look at you. You're getting all excited. Like you just met your first girlfriend. You're all just all happy, add in different ways for that. Um, I'm actually on my second one, you know, after, uh, 70 years, that's not bad.
No, it's something kind of creepy and weird, but okay. Yeah. Now, I'm even thinking maybe I can find one that I might be able to have physical intimacy with. Um, but you know, I know a lot of virgins that are still virgins at 70. Um, so, uh, it's not so unusual. Uh, Anyway. Uh that's so don't get me started on Trump.
You got me started. Dammit. You said his name again? You're in trouble. Well, yeah, they'll let you know how, how off my center I am and I'll, I'll pay dearly for that. I have a, a, a little short, multi strand whip with little, um, Hooks on the end of it. When we get done, I'm going to go outside, take my shirt off and flagellate my back until I rip the skin.
If we're punishing myself for, ah, you're giving me chills down my spine because I can just imagine that happening. Yeah. I'll record it and put it up on the internet. You can definitely have that as bonus content to people who say, who actually subscribed to the Patreon page. There you go. We try to upload videos.
I'm working out the kinks. I just, I really want to apologize as to everybody cause I'm struggling at doing this, but I am not quitting. I am trying to run all the social media. I'm trying to run the podcasting, the videos, the patriarch on the courses I'm working on writing the books. It's just like. Right.
When the fuck do you take a break? I don't take a break and I have two puppies and they drive me nuts because, okay. My question Greg is when can we expect to see maybe your first, your first book? I want to stay within. I want to give, I want to give it a month. I'm going to say one month or less in case something happens, I always want to plan for the worst, just because of theirs.
It's life shit happens. Absolutely. To having the availability of, of actually. Taking part of your expertise, you are knowledge, uh, learning about character and then yet in a totally different, uh, module, if you will, uh, learning about podcasting, how to put it together, how to know all the ins and outs, how you get it.
Oh, they're in the, what do they call them? Podcast players like, Oh, Oh. So if we were to look at the technical terms, it's called an aggregator or Icatcher or another one, but it is a directory. Those are ones that you do not pay that will host your show for you. There are so many in it and it's like, I feel honored because I.
Can just utilize all of these different search engines and go past the 20% that Google actually allows us to. So I can bypass that and find shit that's all over the place. And that will be all linked into. The podcasting book that I found, I'm an I I'm going above and beyond. This book will have more links than any book you will ever come across and it will link you to free shit.
If you were, I was doing research on actually how much it costs to pay somebody to do your podcasting for you. You're looking at 50 bucks too. As much as they want to charge you to host your show, to host an episode. And that's based on their quality, which I don't want to rely on somebody to do because I'm weird.
I like things done. Right. That's why I rather do it. And I found every single source. You could do that for free when people are charging this shit. And it just makes me mad because I'm a victim of that I'm spending money left and right when I shouldn't be, when there's things out there that are free for us.
Yeah. Well that that'll be valuable information, especially today because so many people have things they want to share with others, whether it's specifically in your community or. Um, outside of their community expose, whatever it is to whoever's interested, um, in podcasting is, is conceptually. It's pretty simple.
I mean, it's, it looks like we're just, you know, talking on the microphone and it's out on the internet. It's just, you push a couple buttons and boom. It happens. It doesn't. Um, as you were experiencing earlier today, checking, are we vibe? Is this stream there? Um, and that's just one tiny facet of it. The important part is what you just mentioned, make sure that it's out there so people can find it.
Um, and make sure you're doing some relevant stuff that people want, um, exactly adapting to the needs of what people want and how we, how we deliver content. I mean, it's now becoming a live streaming anxiety and. Me. I don't like being in front of the camera. I was just who I was as a kid. I was a fat kid back in the day, you know, just the youngest of seven.
Right. I always got my feelings hurt, you know, and it's something that I have to go through. Those are past transgressions and those are just things in your head that you hold to you don't that, that haunt you to this day. And it's just something. I was in the fucking military. I did so much shit. There's nothing.
There's not a stupid thought. It's not going to hold me back. Right. Kick that thoughts ass, just shove it down. Well, do you, how do you feel some of those childhood memories and events have helped shape the character you are today? I would say it definitely. Made me a very resilient person, but also able to dissociate from reality to push myself much further than any individual I've come across.
I'm able to get lost in my head and think more complexly and understand the connection to different things that may seem completely irrelevant, but somehow I can find a way to. Bypass that and connect it. And then would that ability to make those connections? I can almost paint like a memory palace where I can learn new things and start storing things between those connections and make like them.
Weird mind map of a bucking spiderweb kind of thing. Wow. That's impressive. Well, it's weird, but I think if you can transfer that in, in your piece, on your character, uh, so many people can benefit from that because we all have our idiosyncrasies. Yes, we all have our fears. We have stuff that's from childhood stuff.
We, and it is, you know, deep in our. Brain and thought and negative it's negative shit. It holds us back unless we can find a way to overcome that. And unless we find a way to, yeah. You know, I'm scared to be on camera, but I'm gonna, you know, put my big boy pants on and do it. Fuck. Yeah. I need to, for other people so that other people won't have to deal with shit that I dealt with, that is, you know, just negative shit.
You don't need to. So that will be extremely helpful in I, for one, I'm looking forward to seeing that me too, and it POS it provides people an outlet to fuel questions that they can't articulate in their own heads, as far as things that are happening. And they just aren't aware of the things that are happening, that we can spark that thought as far as why didn't I think of that or.
That really makes a lot of sense. Now I have some place. I have something to base the situation off of where I can do research on my own time. That's what I love about your transformation station is to be able to be a voice for those that don't have the voice. Exactly. Exactly. And we need so much more of that today.
Uh, I can tell you as an old guy, how important that is, but it doesn't really make sense to a lot of people until they get to a point where 40 or 50 years ago, they wished they would have had that information, had the ability to, uh, overcome so many of the. The fears or the things that just hold us back from being all we can be.
Oh, I'll leave you with one final thought. Cause I'm looking at the time and I've got a three 30 appointment, a meeting that I've got to be at. Oh, beautiful.
What I believe now. Yeah. We've talked about this. I'm very spiritual. I'm not religious, but I'm very spiritual. And so in, in that spirituality, what I truly believe is that each one of us is meant to take advantage of all the abundance that's here in this universe. Um, but the vast majority of us don't take advantage of it.
We don't feel that we're worthy. We don't do what's necessary to take. I mean, it's not going to be handed to us, you know? Oh, here's all the abundance we promised you. No, I mean, you got to go out and grab it and you gotta work for it. But if you know you're worthy and you're willing to work hard for it, uh, with a burning desire, I call it a burning in your belly.
Yes. Then you can have it. Uh, you can have all of that abundance, any and all, all of it. And that's what we're supposed to do. I think it's just purely opinion. That's what we're supposed to do while we're here in this part of the universe, um, that we see in this physical. Nature, uh, and a combination really of the physical stuff we see, feel and smell the stuff our mind does, and then the stuff, stuff, our heart and soul and spirit does.
And it's all combined, and this is not getting religious, but it, yeah, spiritual, but I think it's real, you know, we see it everywhere from. You know, the protozoa, the little oneself thing too, to us and beyond outer space, to, you know, stuff that's so big, we might not be able to imagine, uh, that's all there available for us in with that.
Cause I thought I'll be quiet. Uh, yeah. And talk to you. Well, in the next couple of days, kind of wrap some of this stuff up that we need to wrap up on. Yeah. Using these things, uh, efficiently, effectively. Yes. Quality. You want consistency? We'll get it down. Instancy and. Topic transitioning to a new season where we will take new approaches.
Exactly. Exactly. And I look forward to that and I know as we build people that are following us around and listening to our craziness, that they'll appreciate that. So hopefully they'll make a leave comments for you and you can respond or at least if nothing else, I guess the tried saying is they can leave their thumbs up, print and subscribe, you know, probably nothing bad will happen.
Exactly. Well, Larry, I do appreciate you as always, and I look forward to seeing you on the next show. All right, I'll see you then have a good one. You too. All right, man. Wait, they will.
Well, that is it for today with your transformation station. This is our first episode where we look into the nonsense of life and our first live episode here on YouTube. I do apologize. I try to get it on Facebook. I try to get it everywhere. However, technical difficulties as always here with me. And let me know what you guys think.
Let me know what I can improve, what I can do for you guys. Don't forget to subscribe to your transmission station, the podcast. I will provide links in the show notes as well as check out our social media besides YouTube. Of course. And I will see you in the next episode. Thank you. You've been listening to your transformation station, rediscovering your true identity and purpose on this planet.
We hope you enjoyed the show and we hope you've gotten some useful and practical information. Join us weekly on Monday for the YTS challenge. And biweekly on Wednesday for the exclusive interviews at 8:00 PM central time. In the meantime, connect with us on Facebook and Instagram at Y T S the podcast we'll be back soon until then this is your transformation station signing off.
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
The Only Review You'll Ever Need of Blade: The Series (Part 2 of 5)
Sharp edge: The Series opens with the official valet from Spago or Planet Hollywood running down the "unending channels" set of an old Doctor Who scene as Urkel is pursuing him on a leased bike. On the off chance that you don't trust me, freeze the casing and take a gander at the tag on the bicycle - the plate spread says, "Lease the easy route with Avis."
This pursuit scene goes on so long that we're compelled to make up our own story. The main consistent explanation I can envision for Blade to pursue a valet through the labyrinth of endless channels is ensure he appropriately tipped said valet before heading out to battle wrongdoing or whatever else Blade does in his extra time. All things considered, anything less is ungentlemanly. In the end the fearless Blade does surely figure out how to pursue down the valet and get him to quit running. In any case, those Spike TV essayists sure are precarious. Rather than Blade conveying the normal tip, they start a gazing challenge. You can tell Blade from the valet in this scene of close-up eyeballs since Blade wears excessively cool shades in any event, when he is inside. At the point when the Valet squints and loses the gazing challenge Blade gets mistook and requests a little content assistance from his kindred on-screen character. "Do you realize what occurs straightaway?" he inquires.
This is the place everything gets somewhat fluffy. I'm certain that the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has some quite extreme principles about enrollment and retaining your lines and stuff yet this Valet fella pays attention to it way as well and as opposed to being useful transforms into an absolute scoundrel by attempting to thoroughly demolish Blade WL Mobile Valeting. I realize that SAG won't let only anybody in after the Gigli Incident of 2004 yet wow! Sharp edge being excessively cool and sunglassed up effectively evades the Valet and they begin assaulting each other all Matrix-like aside from Spike can't manage the cost of the genuine embellishment so the scene looks similar to watching two alcoholic folks making their own YouTube video with Hasbro lightsabers. At long last, there must be one and the title of the show is "Sharp edge" not "Spago's Executive Valet" so the Valet gets the hatchet yet not before he uncovered a key plot component as the mystery expression "Walter Cronkite dozes at sunrise." Holy DaVinci Code what the hell is that expected to mean?
Sharp edge additionally hauls around a major sword, which is likewise called "cutting edge." In essayist's school that is called moral story which should mean profound things however in this setting it implies visit endeavors at a roundhouse kick since this is Spike TV and not some extravagant jeans school craftsmanship celebration.
Presently you need to stop now and give those Spike essayists the credit they are so lavishly due in light of the fact that they figured out how to set aside a huge amount of cash by utilizing the "splort" audio effects from the Spiderman pitch, the greater part of the Punisher outfit, Doctor Strange's enchantment bike and Nick Fury's extra parts. That resembles getting five Marvel saints in a single show and the genuine virtuoso is that they are just paying for one. I wager that made the bookkeeper need a 6-pack of Jergen's and seven days in the concentrated consideration consume unit after he made sense of that one.
While Blade gets some required rest, we switch an official of the law getting a woman of sketchy righteousness. We know it's faulty in light of the fact that the cop needs to pose her few inquiries about her prudence. He takes her to a high-class meatpacking foundation where she gets grabbed and pulled up into the roof by some arachnid people like in the Lord of the Rings yet without all that webbing and buckles and cool stuff like Frodo's blade and Frodo's shining face ointment bottle. Only for the record, Frodo's blade was named Sting yet the genuine Sting (the grappler not that excessively touchy socially cognizant vocalist) took steps to sue so they renamed it "sword" in the DVD discharge. Anyway, the faulty ideals woman shouts genuine great (one expect she got paid per shout) and we see the cop not focusing any longer since he has cop stuff to do like including the money in a dead hooker's wallet. The drawback for the cop is that hookers, as most comfort stores, don't convey more than $20 in the register and can't open the safe. Senseless cop, stunts are for kids.
In the interim, Blade has exchanged his rental bike for a tremendous 1970's model dark crapmobile and is driving it genuine quick down some abandoned hunk of abandoned street around evening time. It's the sort of vehicle that would make Batman ride a bike yet since its boisterous and has colored windows it compensates for the way that its a blazing bit of poop with a busted lifter arm. On second thought, the vehicle has shades as well. The vehicle must be unreasonably cool for different vehicles a similar way that Blade is unreasonably cool for every other person. That must be some a greater amount of that extravagant composing school stuff like onomottorrhea. It's been excessively since a long time ago something detonated. I can just envision how much better this show would have been if the vehicle talked. Darn you Anthony Daniels and your horrendous fixation on Turtle Wax.
Sharp edge sneaks into some distribution center/rave party central station to discover George Takei's nephew meandering around. We rapidly make sense of that he should be Blade's realtor and he's profoundly unamused in light of the fact that he's spent the entire day demonstrating Blade low-spending plan underground dens to frequent. Sharp edge at last chooses to move in before another person snatches the assortment of void cardboard boxes, barrels of detonating stuff and many mannequins hanging out creation the spot look all comfortable.
While Blade is setting up his sweet single man cushion, we are at long last rewarded to an injection of the trouble makers. You can tell that they are trouble makers since they are completely wearing dark however are unfathomably pale looking. The trouble makers likewise drive around in a procession. You can tell the lead trouble maker since he generally has at any rate one hot chick sticking around. Viola! The head trouble maker shoots some blockhead in the brow for being a bit excessively curious. Being a run of the mill trouble maker he stops to respect his marksmanship before withdrawing to his three vehicle motorcade and leaving.
As though this story didn't as of now have a greater number of strings than another arrangement of bed sheets, another person meanders on camera. It's some chick that is returning home from a type of broadened nonappearance or an unexpected gathering or something. Through the shrewdness utilization of flashback, slow movement and smoke machines we are informed that the new character is home from a removed desert war zone. Her folks are then promptly rewarded to a visit from the cops requesting that they distinguish a carcass. Carcass distinguishing proof used to be a most loved parlor game before the creation of Yahtzee however it is an under-appreciated skill now. A great many people don't understand exactly how well known cadaver distinguishing proof was. During the downturn, individuals would read for a considerable length of time to get an opportunity to test for the activity of janitor with the Corpse Identification Association. They got the opportunity to be so acceptable at their specific employment; they had the option to distinguish bodies before they were bodies. That is the reason they in the end went to work for the government. Heartbreakingly, the name needed to change, however the initials live on.
Before long we see seeing the dipstick that got shot before. Blessed poop this plot is authoritative up quicker than a pot of bean stew at a Shriner's show. An extra heart plug compensates your review persistence as the cop from Shelob's Lair is sticking around the funeral home. Obviously, the family dominates the match that night as they find that their child was the pleased beneficiary of .25 ounces of American lead directly between the eyes. There goes that Miss Scarlet in the library hypothesis I was chipping away at.
Somebody unquestionably got their full value out of their advanced degree as the content journalists venture down profound into our heartstrings and pluck them like an innate hick playing the banjo with his prehensile toes. We likewise discover that dipstick isn't just her family member yet her tragically deceased twin sibling. To make matters much progressively interesting we additionally observe a Sharpie tattoo on his neck. Additional unique dreadful music lined up to ensure we understand that the tattoo must be a significant and imperative hint.
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