#feel free to geek out about d&d in the notes anon (or anyone else really)
fluffypotatey · 2 years
I don't know if you're familiar with D&D but I think it would please you to know that Merlin is legit a D&D warlock.
Knows few spells and uses largely just one cantrip (Eldritch Blast, which is force damage)
Charismatic (excels at Deception)
Bound to a magic patron (The Old Religion, but also Balinor is a D&D deity, a Neutral god of beasts and the hunt)
Pact of the Chain (Aithusa as his familiar)
High Wis/low Int
Relatively squishy but still willing to throw hands
I have a warlock ready for our next campaign and I'm going to see how long it takes my friends (who have all watched Merlin) to notice
all of my D&D knowledge comes from Critical Role, Rolling with Difficulty, and other minor references from media
but know this, anon: i adore you so much
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