#feel free to continue without me lance))
lola-la-cava · 1 year
If You’ll Have Me
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gif not mine !
Timothée Chalamet x Reader
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The sunlight peeking through the blinds shone. Two bodies on the bed laid, intertwined. Timothée laid with his stomach against the soft mattress. His arm wrapped around Y/N’s waist.
She opened her eyes, waking from her slumber and gazing at the sight she’d grown familiar to and loved. Y/N admired his slightly parted lips and his unruly curls covering the top half of his face. She pushed them upwards only for them to slowly come back down. Y/N giggled at this and tucked it behind his ears.
“Hm? What is it?” he asked with a raspy morning voice that gave her so much butterflies.
It had been a few months since they started going out and he never failed to make her feel all giddy and giggly like a school girl.
“Nothing, don’t worry. Good morning”, she grinned resting her forhead against his. Timothée chuckled at this and pecked her nose.
They laid like that for several minutes, bathing in each other’s presence. Whispers of sweet nothing and light grazes on each other’s bodies are exchanged. The couple cherished moments like these before the day ultimately pulls them apart like it always does.
Only this time it was different. Timothée was leaving for LA again to promote a new project. It would still be a few weeks before they got to do this again.
Y/N continued to long for a time when she could spend time with her boyfriend without getting interrupted by press junkets, reshoots and award shows. They both did, but most of her job kept her tied down here. In New York. All the way across the country from LA.
Until now.
She’d recently resigned to pursue a more free lance job.
She groaned as she pushed herself up to sit up against the headboard. “Oh God, I can’t believe you’re leaving again”.
Timothée sighed as he looked up at her admiring her features. “I know, but it’ll be shorter than the other trips, I promise”
Y/N raises her eyebrow at this.
He sits up, putting his hands up in defeat, “Honest to God! I just have around 15 interviews scheduled. I’ll be done with in 3 days. I have a talk show to do and a fitting for the-“
Timothée continued to talk, but Y/N also commented. “-Hey, don’t worry. Take your-“
“And I have a bunch of open houses to go to”
Her heart drops at the sudden statement.
The room silences. “Open house, huh? When’d you start looking?”
He scratches the back of his neck, “Around 3 months ago?”
She inaudibly scoffed.
The audacity this man had. They’d been dating for months and not a single word of this came out of his mouth. Was he just gonna lead her on? Make her make a drastic decision about their relationship on the brink of him moving to the other side of the country? Y/N didn’t even know anymore.
But of course, she had no right to influence his choice in this. He’d been working toward where he was for years now. And he had nowhere to go but up. Y/N couldn’t help but be proud of him and support him. No matter what he does.
She put on a small smile.
“That’s great, Timmy. Oh, I’m so happy for you”
“Well, nothing’s really sure for now, but yeah fingers crossed.” he smirks optimistically with a blank stare on the comforter.
He zoned out, imagining their life there. He kind of expected her to handle the news with more enthusiasm. Of course, this wasn’t the ideal way he thought to reveal it, letting it accidentally slip out in a vent, but still. Y/N seemed solemn almost sad. Like the way she seemed whenever he’d leave for another trip.
Timothée’s body tensed all of a sudden. He looked at Y/N with a confused expression
“Y/N?” he called out to her, letting his hand rest on top of hers. She hummed earnestly. “You don’t think I’m moving by myself, do you?”
She sat up at his words, her e/c eyes trained on his. “You’re not?”
He started laughing. Loudly. As if he was teasing her for thinking that. Truly he was cackling because it was so appalling to the point that it was funny.
She frowned at this, “What are you laughing at?” He pretends to wipe away tears threatening to come out of the corners of his eyes and pouted. “Aw, did you really think I’d leave without you?”
“God, Timmy! Why’d you have to scare me like that!” The heart that was previously in her stomach soared. Y/N looked into his eyes for a second before she jumped into his lap to give him a bear hug. She remained clinging onto him.
For a few minutes, they stayed like that. Y/N fiddled with the curls in the back of his head as he rubbed her back. His hand all of a sudden rested on her cheek, bringing her gaze to him. “So, how ‘bout it?”
“I’d love to”
He grinned at her words and placed small kisses all over her face.
“If you’ll have me”
“It would be my pleasure, mon ange”
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leggerefiore · 2 months
All this Rocket stuff makes me feel for poor Silver. I really love the idea of S/O being a step-mother figure for him, even after she leaves Giovanni.
Makes it clear to future partners that the kid is a package deal and may drop in on occasion.
Silver deserves good parental figures okay? ;e;
you gave me an idea... so
cw: fluff, not super romance focused, step son silver (? lol)
pairing: Lance/Reader, Past Giovanni/Reader, Silver & Reader (Parental)
Somehow, in the madness that followed Giovanni's disbanding of Team Rocket, you of all people ended up with his son. You, his partner who was almost certainly not Silver's other biological parent, nor really the immediate person most would expect that would end up with the boy. Yet, here he was. With you. In Johto. You were not exactly going to complain, as you had been a bit worried about the boy since you had left the team and Giovanni. Silver barely had any time spent around other children his age and was already growing to accept and imitate that bad behaviour that he was growing up alongside. You knew it was not the best environment for him. Especially when Giovanni would disappear for literal days and leave Silver in the care of you or his right-hand man. The poor boy was desperate for Giovanni's attention in many ways.
You had heard his declaration that he was going to become strong all by himself, and initially refused your aid when he had come to find him in trouble with a police officer. A lie that he was simply going through a rough rebellious phase got him free, and he begrudgingly came along with you. Despite everything, you had been there for him the most out of anyone else in his life. The other Rocket admins had apparently tried to keep him close, but they failed to keep his favour enough for him to remain anywhere within their reach. All their talk about reviving Team Rocket and bringing Giovanni also scared him off, without a doubt. Instead, you found yourself watching over him. He was moody, but it would have been more concerning if he was not.
Still, you saw the sweet little boy in him that you had known the longest. Silver was quite desperate for praise and affection. You would praise his little battle strategies he would come up with the pokemon that his father would let him borrow or compliment his grades when he actually did his schoolwork. You even let him nap with his head in your lap numerous times. And, well, you were the only consistent presence in his home life most of the time. It was hectic having to feed two mouths, yet you rose up to the challenge. The idea of leaving Silver alone to fend for himself (no matter how much he may have insisted on it) left you disturbed. He was still a little boy, no matter how many times that he stated he was trying to become a man.
“… Where'd you get that pokemon, Silver?” you asked the red-head when he walked in with a Totodile. It seemed to despise him. Something in your heart already told you the answer. He was his father's child, in the end.
“From a professor…” he grumbled and walked up to you in the kitchen. His dark eyes held a bitter resentment. Though, it was not directed toward you. “I'm going on a journey. I'm going to prove myself the strongest,” he said plainly, not daring to care to ask for permission. You knew better than to try to deny him that anyway. Rolling your eyes, you instead brought a hand to ruffle his hair. From a professor, he said. You had not heard him mention being close to any professors, nor asking to be a research assistant. The truth was more plain to see. You sighed.
“Alright,” you nodded, “Call me, won't you? I'll be worried sick if you don't.” It was best to continue being a person he could turn to in his troubling times. Him coming to you to tell you that he was going out rather than just vanishing was an improvement if anything. He grumbled again at you ruffling his hair, but he did not swat your hand away.
“Fine…” Silver nodded, “I will.”
“And, Silver,” you knelt down to his level and flashed him a serious expression, “Maybe try thanking that professor.”
He swallowed in reply.
You stared deadpan at the Indigo League champion standing outside your apartment door with Silver trying to hide behind him, clearly flustered. Lance's smile was bright at you as he introduced himself and pulled forth the boy out from behind him. Silver seemed to refuse to meet your eye. Apparently, something had happened. What it could be was beyond you, but you wondered if it was related to that attempted Team Rocket revival. Archer had contacted you and asked if you wanted in, but you declined. That was all behind you, and the idea of seeing Giovanni again made you a bit irrationally angry.
“I apologise for showing up like this,” Lance was polite in his words, “I believe… You're an adult watching over him, right?” You nodded and moved to let them inside. The champion took your offer. Silver stomped inside and sat down on the couch. You sighed. This was going to be a mess, was it not? Well, you had decided to take on watching the child, so this was on you to take some responsibility for his actions. Granted, you had frequent contact with him through calls. You had heard all about his not-rival rival — some girl around his age who seemed to know just how to get under his skin by being nice. His clearing of the gyms in Johto... You thought you were pretty up-to-date on his goings-on. It seemed not.
“… He hasn't killed someone, has he?” you started off with a joke, mildly concerned with what had actually happened. Lance laughed and shook his head. Silver tensed up with wide eyes. You pat his back.
“No, no, not at all,” he continued, “See, he was asking me to take him as a protégé, and I wanted to get your permission first.” Silver turned his head to glare at the window. You blinked. Protégé? As in training him?
“Huh? Oh,” you wondered if he had been entirely forth-coming with what he had been up to. Another trait from his father. Wonderful. “Sure,” you nodded, “I don't mind, if you would.” There was no doubt that the champion would be a good influence on him. Probably better than you could ever be. “You didn't tell me you were out befriending league members, Silver,” you called out to him.
He refused to move to look at you. Even Lance appeared a bit exhausted by his behaviour. It was nothing new, but he seemed embarrassed even more so than usual. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders amicably and pulled him into your side. “Thank you for taking on my poor boy,” you said like an exasperated mother might, “I know he's a trouble-maker and horribly disrespectful. I hope you can make him an honest member of society.” Silver pulled away from you and gasped, face as red as his hair. Lance barked out a laugh.
“I-I'll try,” Lance stuttered out in between his laughs, “No promises, though.”
Lance had become quite close with you following that. You both had exchanged contact information, as he promised to keep in touch with you about Silver's issues. There was a bit more relief that someone else reliable had an eye out for him apart from you. Except… Well, when the champion had learnt that you were quite an experienced trainer on your own, he offered to battle you. This soon turned into a strangely friendly rivalry before blooming into something else. It shocked you when he offered you out to a café in Goldenrod. He showed up in normal clothing, donning a simple jacket over a t-shirt and dark pants. You could not recall if you had ever seen him out of his dragon tamer uniform — personally or professionally.
It quickly became clear that you had been invited out on a date. Part of you felt it was impossible and strange that an ex-criminal like you had caught a champion's attention so thoroughly. You found that underneath the polite and prideful veneer was a very sweet and caring man. He was oddly doting if not a bit confused. You could tell romance was not a forte for him, but his attempts were charming all on their own. There was only laughter when he bought you a Dratini keychain out on a date before, wondering if you would even enjoy such a thing. It was impossible to reject the offering after that. Even when he learnt about your past, he seemed to shake his head.
“You're clearly not the same as you were,” he had smiled while clutching your hand, “And… Whatever you did doesn't matter now. You're clearly working hard to prove that. Be a bit easier on yourself, won't you?”
His words had pierced you deep. All the shame and regret you had felt about your intimate connections to Rocket were gone in an instant. Instead, you wanted to focus on your new life with the champion and watching over Silver. It felt strange… You had not thought about dating anyone since most people were unable to come to terms with your odd situations with the boy, but… Lance did not care. Instead, he was quite happy to help you in caring for him. He was the kind of strong, firm support and authority that Silver had so desperately needed. You almost teared up as you embraced and kissed him. The champion had reciprocated your affections all the same.
“Ew,” Silver gagged when he walked in to you, pecking a kiss on Lance's lips as he got ready to head out to the league. The champion cocked up a brow at him. You shook your head in reply as you pulled away. Life had settled down pretty well for you. You and Silver had moved in with Lance after your relationship with the dragon tamer had become serious. A ring sat on your left hand to prove that. The steady home environment and consistent figures in his life had really been influential on Silver. He had stopped disappearing so frequently and came more by night. Your worries had decreased significantly.
An arm was around your shoulder as Lance pulled you into him. “Your uniform isn't proper,” he scolded the boy, who scoffed in reply. School was still not a favourite thing, but he was attending again.
“I don't care,” he grumbled and walked up to you both, “Did you really have to settle on this guy?”
You shrugged, “Could have tried to hunt down your dad if you preferred.” His face scrunched up like his Sneasel's would when smelling something citrussy. You laughed. Lance shot a strange look at you in reply. Apparently, the only thing he could not stand that you had done was actually be in a relationship with Giovanni. You supposed it was pretty bad in retrospect, but you had gotten something nice out of it. Breaking away from Lance, you stepped towards Silver and fixed his tie a bit. “Neither of you can complain about that,” you pointed out, “It's how I met both of you technically.”
Lance seemed a bit uncomfortable with that revelation, while Silver glanced away. You pulled back after finishing his tie. “I mean, I guess,” Silver relented and then gave you an unexpected hug, “Ugh… I love you.” It seemed you were being compared to his actual parents again. You hugged him back and returned his sentiment. He then pulled away to act like he had not just done that. Well, you were glad that you two were back to being closer these days. The flashes of the younger Silver you knew were things you cherished deeply.
“I love you, too,” Lance came up to put a hand on your back and say. You smiled back at him. He then asked Silver about upcoming exams, to which the boy turned pale.
You sighed.
You really did love the family you ended up with.
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take-taker-taken · 5 months
WARNING - the chapters that comprise this section of The List will contain CNC (consensual non-consent). It will mention rape. There will be humiliation. It will involve weapons. This particular part is mainly corporal punishment. The sub will not always be treated / spoken to kindly. If you’re happy to read such things then feel free to continue.
The List - CNC - Part Four
As you huddle on the floor, gradually getting your breathing back under control, you become aware of the curious feeling of being surrounded. You lift your head and peek around and sure enough, two pairs of boots are inches away.
“I knew you’d choose those,” Mark’s voice floats above you.
“So I’m a tit man - sue me,” comes Shawn’s reply. “Already know what you’re gonna do next.”
Mark huffs out a laugh. “Yeah,” He says. “She doesn’t though.”
Shawn nudges you with his boot and when it makes you huddle in even more he curses and does it again, but harder. “Get on your back, slut - should be familiar.”
You slowly roll over on to your back with your knees raised up and cross your arms over your chest. In response he kicks lightly at your knee so that you drop your legs flat and then he follows you down and sits astride you. He takes hold of your arms and works to pull them away from your body; you do your best to resist but he’s far too strong and he easily forces your hands up and over your head before his gaze roves hungrily over your breasts. As soon as he lets go you begin to move them again and so he grabs them and shoves them back down, holding them there as he looks down at you with a stony expression.
“Leave ‘em there, or I’ll get him to stand on ‘em.” He warns with a nod over to where Mark is standing. “Probably break your fucking wrists.”
You swallow a whimper and just lay there as he slowly lifts his hands away, watching to make sure you’re going to obey. He reaches behind his head and removes a silver chain that’s draped around his neck. At first you think he’s taking his necklace off and then as he lifts it free of his hair you grit your teeth - it’s a set of clover clamps. Fuck… this is going to hurt.
Keeping the clamps in one hand he uses the other to toy with your left nipple. Not viciously like he did before - it’s a gentle, teasing touch and of course the bud turns hard under his ministrations. You’re expecting him to put the clamp on right away but instead he takes his time to play with the other one, until both have been coaxed into firm peaks. He leans down and traces the tip of his tongue around each of them in turn and you whimper as the skin tightens further.
He shifts his head so that his mouth is next to your ear and whispers, “I think you enjoyed that… didn’t you, fuck toy?” He raises up again and you close your eyes briefly as your stomach flips over at the name but say nothing; when you open them he’s dangling the chain over your face as he smirks down at you. “Know what these are?”
Deciding to play dumb, you shake your head and he traces his fingers over your breasts again.
“Remember me saying I wanted to hear you say ‘please’ some more?” He doesn’t wait for an answer as he rattles the clamps in your face. “These are gonna make that happen.”
Without any further preamble, he deftly attaches the clamps to your nipples and as the pain lances through your flesh you scream. It’s the sort of reaction that you’d normally work to keep a lid on but no such pretence is needed here. Before you can move he lunges forward and holds your wrists to the floor as you struggle beneath him.
“Fuck! Take them off, please! Take them off!”
He looks down at you and smiles, running his tongue across his teeth before shaking his head. “Nuh uh - they look real pretty.” He moves a hand in order to pinch the chain between thumb and forefinger, holding it loosely though it sways some. “And the best part? If I give this here a little pull… they’ll get tighter - wanna try?”
You shake your head and your voice cracks a bit as you speak. “No… please don’t… please!” You’re breathing hard as you try to cope with the pain, your hands clenching repeatedly into fists though you leave your hands over your head for fear of reprisals if you move. You close your eyes and let yourself feel the fear, the helplessness, the pain and yes… the arousal.
“You said she kicked you earlier?” Your eyes open when Mark speaks, though you’re still mostly distracted by the sharp pain in your nipples and the fact that Shawn still has hold of the chain and thus controls whether it goes up a couple of notches.
You gain a couple of degrees of relief when he lets the chain go and kneels back up in order to look at Mark. “Yeah, when I was putting her in the truck.” He says and then gets to his feet but continues to stand astride you. “She was mouthing off with some BS about people coming over and then she slammed her foot right into my kidney, little bitch.”
“Well, that sure ain’t the kind of behaviour we expect. Get her up here.”
For a frightening moment you think Shawn is going to drag you up via the clamp’s chain but as he bends over he’s reaching towards your arms and unthinkingly, you bring them down from over your head to aid the task. Given that it’s achieving his aim he doesn’t rebuke you for moving and just hauls you to your feet and you stand there with your head down, teeth gritted against the pain in your chest. You gasp as a hand goes into your hair to drag your head back and you find yourself looking up at Mark. You again have a moment of wonder at how he’s emanating this air of being a stranger but then you have to concentrate because he’s speaking.
“So you’ve been cussing, being violent - and you even spat at him,” he’s saying, indicating Shawn with a nod of his head. “Can’t be letting you get away with all that now, can we?”
You don’t say anything because even though it’s clear to everyone that your actions over the course of this scene were entirely to be expected, you know that no good will come of answering back.
“I’m kind of an old fashioned guy,” he goes on as he releases your hair and his hands move to his waist. “So I’m gonna give you some old fashioned discipline.” Your breath catches as he unbuckles his belt and slides it from the loops - it’s an aspect of impact play that’s been as yet untouched on your list, though not for much longer. “Get her bent over,” he says to Shawn and as the blonde walks by you he pats your cheek but you shy away from his touch which makes him huff with laughter.
There’s another table at the far end of the cabin, pushed up against a wall and next to a door that you notice for the first time. You briefly wonder where it leads to but then Shawn’s back and setting the table in question down a couple of feet away.
“C’mon, get over.” He pulls you by the wrist to stand beside it and then pushes on the back of your neck. You go quietly into position, though set your forearms on the wooden surface to prevent your clamped nipples being squashed against it. Without relinquishing his grip on your neck, Shawn runs his other hand firmly down your back and on to your ass cheek which he squeezes hard and then smacks. You whimper but this time it has a different tone because it’s becoming harder to play act against the rising tide of lust.
“A good dozen should do the trick, what d’ya think?”
You swallow, wondering whether the question is directed at you and then feel relieved that you didn’t try to speak as Shawn smacks your ass again and replies, “For starters.”
There’s a brief silence and then you feel Mark’s huge hand between your shoulder blades. You have a mad thought that it’s weirdly comforting to have both of them touching you at the same time but that’s quickly driven from your brain when the belt comes whistling down and lands squarely across your backside. For a second you feel virtually nothing and then as the sting spreads over your skin you gasp and then cry out. There’s a pause that you recognise dimly as an opportunity to call red but you decline. Shawn’s hand is still on the back of your neck holding you down, and then you feel Mark’s lift from you and hear him changing his stance. In that moment you realise that first stroke had just been a taster and ball your hands into fists beneath yourself as the leather snaps down again.
“Ahhhhhhh, FUCK!” Still held in place by Shawn’s powerful grip, you stamp one foot against the floor as though it will shake off the pain.
“Still cussing, girl?” Your outburst seems to have earned you a break just two strokes in as you hear him issue another order. “I don’t want to be getting my ears assaulted all the way through this - can you gag her, please?”
“Sure can,” You hear the reply and then you feel Shawn’s fingers at the waistband of your panties and he has them down and off before you can react. Next thing, his grip is back in your hair as he drags your head up, pushing the material at your mouth. “C’mon bitch - open up, you’re good at that.” You begin to make a muffled protest that never gets the chance to be anything else as he forces your panties into your mouth. You taste yourself on the fabric but then get distracted by his other hand worming its way under your chest. You try to pull away, certain that he’s seeking to mess with the clamps but then you feel a totally foreign object being urged against your fingers. You move your head and realise that it’s a golf ball and then you understand - you can’t speak right now to use your colours. You clutch on to the ball and he gives your hand a quick, gentle squeeze before withdrawing and pushing your head back down. “That’ll shut her up,” he says and you hear Mark make a noise of satisfaction.
He doles out another four hard strokes with the belt and you squeeze the golf ball for dear life and yell into the makeshift gag. Through the pain your brain starts to swim in that beautiful, serene way and in your mind’s eye you see yourself as they probably see you - bent over with your pussy dripping as a leather strap strikes your pale skin in such an intimate way. You can picture the welts, bright pink with the edges oh, so slightly raised up. You scream into the fabric as the leather connects twice more and then your head is raised again by Shawn and he’s looking right at you. You meet his gaze and then after a few more seconds he lets your head fall and the belt snaps across the back of your thighs once, twice and then another mighty crack across your ass.
You scream one final time, your head lifting up as the blow sears into your flesh and then it drops again and you hear and feel the thump as Mark sets the heavy belt down next to your head. There’s a moment of silence and you’re dimly aware of Shawn’s hand gently kneading the back of your neck. The very second you find it comforting, it leaves you and you hear him speak again, his voice back to that dark, sneering tone.
“Get her upright; it’s time to get those clamps off. I wanna hear her begging again.”
Previous | TBC
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summary: foolishly, irrevocably, in too deep
pairing: carlos sainz x fem!reader ; kind of lance stroll x fem!reader
word count: 5.2k
warnings: profanity, google translate spanish, implied smut, toxic behavior, jealousy, borderline emotional manipulation.
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“Come on, you need to go out and stop waiting for a text that isn’t gonna come.” 
Tes doesn’t even spare you a glance as she tries to fix her makeup in the mirror. You lean back into the bed, a sigh leaving you. 
“I just don’t feel like going to the club on a Wednesday Tes,” You mutter, picking at your cuticles. 
“Bullshit.” She finally turns in her spot, moving to sit on the edge of bed by you, “You’re the biggest clubrat I’ve ever met and would never pass up the opportunity for a table and free booze.” 
You shrug, “Maybe I’ve changed.” 
She rolls her eyes, “No, you’re just down about Carlos, again. What happened now? He didn’t text you back? He leave you on read again?”
You grimace at her tone, words searing into your chest. He didn’t text you back was the problem, but she didn’t need to point it out.
There is something truly sick and twisted about the way you constantly feel the need to be near him. Time and time again, he’s proven unworthy of your time and yet you continue to give him more of it. And all your friends tell you to leave him. They tell you he’s a waste of your time, that you deserve so much better. But who’s to say that? Who’s to say that you deserve more than what Carlos is giving you, other than yourself?
Pushing and pulling, screaming and slamming doors only to come crawling back. It was an endless, tiring cycle. Admittedly, you were fucking exhausted. But then you see those pretty brown eyes, wide and filled with… fuck you didn’t even know what it was. But he looks at you and you can’t say no. There was no fighting him and that wide-eyed gaze. 
“I don’t get why you put up with his shit y/n,” Tes sighs, “You deserve so much better.”
“He’s not that bad,” You defend, “He’s good to me.” 
“Yeah, when he wants to be,” She mutters. “He hasn’t texted you in three freaking days. That’s not so ‘he’s good to me’ of him.” 
You look away from your best friend, setting your phone down on your lap. “Well we’re not dating, so he doesn’t have to keep me updated.”
Tes shakes her head, “You always have a defense.”
“I’m just saying Tes, I-”
“Yeah, I know. But like you said, you’re not dating. So you don’t have to sit at home by yourself, waiting on him. Let’s go have fun, let’s get crazy.” Tes smiles, pushing her long black hair over her shoulder, “Show him that you’re having fun without him. That you are better off without him.” 
You contemplated the idea. She’s right, maybe he will text you back if he saw that you were doing just fine without him. You pick up your phone to see if there are any changes, but alas your screen is still void of his name.  
“Y/n, fucks sake.” She shakes her head, standing from the bed and going to your closet. Tes pulls out the smallest black dress she could find, taking the fabric off the hanger and throwing it in your direction, “Put the dress on. We’re going.” 
In an hour’s time, with help from Tes, you were out the door and in a cab on the way to the club. As the car pulls up to the nightclub, you see a multitude of people crowding the door, feel the bass thumping in your heart. You pay for the cab before Tes drags you by the wrist. You both walk past the line, the multitude of people waiting to be let in and out of the cold. 
“The line is that way,” You say, pulling back slightly in an attempt to slow Tes down.  
“Pierre said to meet him in the back,” She says nonchalantly, eyes casted on her phone as they turn the corner.
“What?!” You yank your arm from her grip, stopping in your tracks. “Pierre?!”
“Y/n will you chill out?” She laughs, unaware (or possibly uncaring) of the panic on your face. “It’s just Pierre.”
“And who?”
“And who?” Tes looks at you confused. 
“Yeah, who else is at this stupid table?” You cross your arms over your chest, to prove a point but also to warm yourself. The little black dress is doing you very little favors in terms of keeping you warm. 
“I don’t know Y/n, we’ll have to go in and find out.” She begins to walk, but stops when she doesn’t hear you following. “Y/n, I wouldn’t purposely bring you to a club where Carlos is at. First off, I don’t like him. I’d rather swallow glass than to be in the same room as him. And second, Pierre doesn’t even hangout with him like that. I doubt he’ll be here. Now c’mon, it’s so fucking cold!” 
You grunt under your breath but follow anyway. Pierre is by the back entrance with a grin on his face as Tes approaches him, and wide eyes when he sees you.
“Didn’t think I’d see you tonight, Y/n,” Pierre smiles, outstretching his arm to give you a quick, half-assed side hug. “You look good.” 
You feel your cheeks tinge red when you see the way his blue eyes unapologetically scan your body, “Thanks Pierre.” 
You and Tes follow behind Pierre all the way to the table behind the DJ booth. The club is crowded, filled with dancing bodies and people crowding the bar for a severely overpriced vodka soda. There are a couple drivers and their partners at the table, the likes of Daniel and Heidi and George and Carmen already touchy and in their own world. It’s no surprise to you that Lando is already breathing down the DJ’s neck, bopping along to whatever house music song is playing.
What does surprise you, is that Lance is there sitting with Alex. They’re both too engrossed in the conversation to notice your or Tes, not that you minded. You grip Pierre’s arm, pulling him down so you can yell into his ear.
“You got a very interesting crowd here.” 
You see the way his shoulders shake as he chuckles, Pierre turning his head so he can respond, “Just put it in the driver’s chat. I don’t think anyone else is coming, if you were wondering.” 
“I wasn’t!” You scowl, and he laughs, nodding. He mouths a ‘sure’ to which you respond with a middle finger. 
When you turn, Tes is pouring shots of something clear. She pulls Lance and Alex over, handing them a glass each before giving you yours. You don’t hear whatever toast Tes says, but cheer anyways and down your first shot. 
Shot number two is shared with Daniel and Heidi. The third with Pierre. 
The fourth was solo, all on your own as Lance laughs at the grimace on your face. You pout at him, sitting by him as he shakes his head. 
“Feeling alright?” He asks, lips nearly brushing your ear. 
You nod, “Fantastic!” 
What you don’t see is Pierre doing a quick video of the area around him, the camera sweeping over you and Lance when he leans in to ask you something else. The whole conversation is a blur to you, mostly him asking about you. You never talked much to Lance, he always seemed so far from you and the people you normally hung out with. But in the drunken conversation, after yelling in the other’s ear for maybe fifteen minutes, you conclude that you like Lance. 
“Do you wanna dance?” You ask him, leaning in even closer. You can feel the ghost of Lance’s fingers on your thigh, but he doesn’t make a move. Your drunken spirit deflates slightly.
He shakes his head, “No. I have no rhythm, and I’d rather not embarrass myself in front of a pretty girl.” 
You grin widely, shaking your head, “Nonsense. I can teach you.” You try to stand, but all the alcohol rushes to your head and you stumble over. Lance is quick, hands moving to your waist to steady you. 
“You good?” He asks, thick brows furrowed. You nod quickly, finding your balance and standing in your place. Lance’s hands only linger for a moment longer before he pulls away, nodding. You flop back into your seat next to him, leaning back. 
There’s a tap on your shoulder and when you turn, Tes pushes her phone in front of your face. Your heart drops at the photo she’s showing you. It’s one of Carlos and some girl, his arm slung over her as they walk to wherever it may be. What really makes your chest ache is what comes after, the photo of him pressing a kiss on her temple. And to add insult to injury he was wearing the scarf you bought him. For christmas.
You push her phone away, “I need another drink.” 
Shot number five doesn’t burn as bad as the first four did, and you’d never find out about shot number six because Lance is grabbing your wrist to stop you. “Maybe you oughta slow down,” he suggests.
You shake your head, “I don’t think so. C’mon Lance, live a little.” 
You hand the glass over to him, smiling to mask the pain you’re currently feeling. Lance sighs, shrugging as he takes the small glass from your grasp and throwing the liquid down his throat quickly. You cheer loudly, quickly handing him some club soda to wash down the burn. 
“Lance Stroll,” You say loudly, slinging your arm over his shoulder and your other arm around his front in a sideways hug, “You might just be my new best friend.” And drunkenly, you press a kiss to his cheek
He laughs at your comment, his arm going around your torso to give you a friendly squeeze. “Whatever you say y/n.” 
You crane your neck, noticing the sheepish smile on his face. He doesn’t look over at you, instead keeping his shy gaze trained on whatever is in front of him. You’re about to say something when Lando’s loud voice interrupts you.
“Hey! You made it!” 
Your head turns at the sound of Lando’s voice, heart beating out of your chest when you see who he was referring to. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights, frozen and waiting for impact. Carlos’s brown eyes are on you, never leaving even as he shakes Lando’s hand. His gaze is angry, but subtle enough that only you know that it is. He only looks away when his best friend grabs him by the shoulders, shaking him as he says something that is drowned out by the music. 
Your mind is reeling, and the only sensible thing to do now is to down your sixth shot. It burns your throat when you do, and you’re frantically drinking out of Lance’s mixed drink to get rid of the taste. It doesn’t help, the ghost of tequila in the glass only makes it worse. Lance takes the cup from you, tapping on the bottle girl to ask for some soda on your behalf. 
“She’ll be back with some soda for you,” He says, resting his arm on the back of the seat and effectively behind your head. 
You’re about to say something, but Carlos steps over in front of the two of you. His hand goes to pat Lance’s shoulder, and it forces the Canadian driver to look up and away from you. His hand slips from behind you to give Carlos a proper handshake, the two boys exchanging words you had no energy to decipher. 
The alcohol and smell of Carlos’s cologne has your mind swirling. You sit up when you feel his gaze on you, and you let yourself stare at him. His brown eyes still read with aggression, and you already know what that means for you. But you didn’t want him to win, didn’t want the night to go the way it goes. You were mad at him, down right embarrassed because of him. The alcohol gives you some courage, just enough to stare him down and not cower away like you normally would.
“Hola hermosa,” He says, leaning down to press a firm kiss on your cheek as a greeting. “Te ves bien.” he compliments. You look good.
You smile, nodding, “Tú también.” You too.
He does. He looks godly in that stupid light blue button up and white pants. His hair is freshly cut, pushed back and away from his face. He looks so good and it makes you so angry. You want to punch him straight in the face, straight in his big fucking nose. 
“Lance and I were just about to dance,” You pipe up, earning a confused look from the both of them. You stand from your seat, hand finding Lance’s as you pull him with you, “Excuse me.” 
You don’t give either driver time to protest, leading Lance to the small crowd of people who were dancing by the DJ booth. You ignore the Spaniard’s gaze burning a hole in the back of your head, instead pulling Lance in the middle of a crowd of people who were too drunk to care that the boy in front of you was as stiff as a rod. 
“Relax,” You say, releasing his hand as you begin to sway your hips to the music, “Just feel the music, let it lead the way.” 
It takes a couple of seconds before Lance allows his body to move to the beat. But even then he’s just bouncing, shifting his weight from leg to leg as he tries to keep up with you. You don’t have to look back at the table to know that Carlos keeps a watchful eye. He makes sure that Lance doesn’t touch you, makes sure that he doesn’t take what’s his. He let you have your fun, and you know full well you’d pay for this in some form or another. But you’re having too much fun, giggling as you encourage Lance to move a little more. You take his hand and he spins you around, the two of you laughing at the cheesy move. 
It didn’t take long before Lance was really beginning to let loose, laughing with you as you both tried to get in sync and failed terribly. Six shots of liquor has your mind in a haze, and you can’t help but wonder if the alcohol made you like the way your hand felt in Lance’s or if the feeling was coming from a much more genuine place. You look over your shoulder, eyes locking with Carlos as he stares you down. And suddenly your stomach is doing back flips at the fire in his gaze. He was mad, you can see it. 
But you didn’t care, at least not right now.
The alcohol, however much Lance might’ve had, makes him bolder. He was normally so shy, so much more reserved. But even in a sea of people, sweaty and grinding to the music, he felt so comfortable with you. He pulls you closer to him, one arm slinging around your waist while the other hand stays intertwined with yours. Your bodies begin to move in sync, foreheads pressed against each other as you both savor the feeling of being pressed up against each other. 
Carlos was seething, watching the way you are wrapped up in Lance. His fingers grip the glass tightly, clenching his jaw as he uses everything in him not to cause a scene. No one noticed the way he watches you, like a tiger ready to pounce. He wanted to step in, but he let you have your fun. He’d get you back eventually. 
He knew you all too well, and Carlos knew you wouldn’t stray too far from him.
You both dance until your feet ache. Lance pushes through the crowd, fingers still linked as you follow behind him. When you join the group once again, everyone is in their own drunken world and not paying attention to you and Lance stumbling back. 
Except Carlos. 
Lance is pulled off by Alex, and now you’re standing alone. No one is looking at you, nor do they notice the way Carlos downs his drink before he stands and saunters over to you. He towers over you, fingers ghosting under your chin to keep your gaze on him. 
“¿Te divertiste?” Did you have fun?
You don’t answer. Your voice is caught in your throat and your body is frozen in his hold. There’s a ghost of a smirk on his lips as he quickly looks over to his right. You make the mistake of following his gaze, making eye contact with Lance who gives you a tight lipped smile before he walks away with Alex.
You should’ve ran after him, should’ve told Carlos to fuck off. But no amount of alcohol could make you so bold, nothing could ever let you stray far from something familiar. Even if familiarity would fuck you over anyhow.
Carlos dips his head, lips tickling your ear lightly, “Ready to go home?”
There is a sense of self-hatred that courses through your veins as you nod. Embarrassment coating your skin as you let Tes know you’d be leaving, and the knowing stares of her and Pierre as they bid adieu. Your skin burns as Carlos laces his fingers through yours as he drags you out of the busy nightclub. The last thing you feel is guilt, guilt as you shoot an apologetic smile Lance’s way, who watches you in Carlos’ tow from the bar. 
You sit quietly in the passenger seat of Carlos’ Ferrari, picking at skin around your nails. The air is thick, tense. 
It doesn’t change, even as he helps you out of the car when he parks in his spot. Breathing is still a challenge, even with his hand resting on the small of your back. The air remains heavy, even as you walk into his apartment and sit at the edge of his bed. You watch as Carlos moves around his room, taking off his watch and setting it on the nightstand. He hasn’t said a single thing to you since the club, and you were getting nervous. 
You shouldn’t have come.
He finally walks over to you, knees splitting your legs so he can stand between them. His index and thumb pinch your chin lightly, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes scan your face before it rakes over your body. Your chest rises and falls as you take deep breaths, the nerves beginning to take its toll on you. 
“Why are you so nervous Y/n?” 
“I’m not.” You lie. 
He chuckles, his hand leaving your chin and moving to weave themselves into your hair. “Your leg is bouncing, you’re picking at your skin again. What's on your mind?”
You shake your head, moving your hands under your legs to stop yourself from picking at the already raw area. Carlos hums above you, fingers massaging your scalp.
“I missed you,” He mumbles, “Did you miss me?” 
“No.” You lie again.
He smirks, hands gripping your hair lightly, “Mentirosa.” Liar.
You yank his hand from your hair, pushing him backwards lightly as you stand. “I don’t.” Your tone is defensive, as if it would hide the shake in your voice as you fein a kind of strength you know you don’t have.
Carlos watches as you walk over to your shoes, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Y/n,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated at how stubborn you are, before looking back up at you, “It’s late. You���re drunk. Stay.” 
Carlos had grown accustomed to your submissive behavior, he didn’t know what to make of your sudden stubborn nature. He was getting worried that maybe you’ve grown out of him. 
“I’m not drunk,” You argue, “I don’t want to be here, if you’re just going to be mad at me.” 
He looks at you incredulously, “I’m not mad at you.” 
He’s lying, you know he is. You watch as he clenches his jaw, trying to keep his composure.
“So you’re not mad about Lance?”
He scoffs, “No. Why would I be?” 
You raise your brow, gaging his features as he stands across you. “You looked mad in the club.”
“I wasn’t,” He snaps, chuckling dryly. He’s still lying.
“You weren’t mad that I danced with him?” You test, “Not mad about his hands on me?”
Carlos rolls his eyes, “Not at all hermosa. Why would I be when you came home with me?” 
There’s something unsettling that sits in the air, it makes you uncomfortable. It makes you hate yourself more for being there in that moment. He was right, even after all the moments with Lance, you still chose to go home with Carlos. You chose to go home with the man who’d been ignoring you for the last three days, and it’s fucking laughable. You came home with the man who was off with some other girl while you sat at home waiting, wondering when he would call. 
You huff, turning back around and picking up your shoes. You hear Carlos sigh behind you, hear his footsteps as he comes over and spins you around. You refuse to look up at him, to look into his big brown eyes. You didn’t want to be convinced to stay.
“I shouldn’t have come, this was so fucking stupid of me.” 
“Don’t say that hermosa,” He coos, hand returning to cup your cheek. On any normal day, you would’ve let him. You would’ve melted straight into his touch. But the images of him and some girl appear in your head, and it’s enough to push his touch away.
You should’ve put your heels on. You should’ve booked your uber and got the hell out of there. There’s only one way this ends, with more arguing until he convinces you to stay. And you were determined to change it. 
“I saw the pictures of you and that girl,” You say bitterly, slipping on your shoes.
You see a flicker of emotion flash on Carlos’s face, but it goes as quickly as it comes and you aren’t sure what it could’ve been. Guilt? Fear? You would never know. Now he looks at you, arms crossed over his chest as he scoffs. 
“Those are old.” 
“You don’t even know what photos I’m talking about.” 
“It doesn’t matter Y/n, they’re old. I haven’t been with anyone, it’s only you.” 
He’s lying. You know he’s fucking lying. You mutter an un-fucking-believable under your breath as you gather your belongings and walk out of his room. 
Carlos is quick to react to you whipping past him, feet moving quickly and hand reaching out to pull you back before you can walk out. 
“Where are you going?” He asks, “It’s nearly two in the morning, just stay and I’ll drive you in the morning.”
“Where I’m going is none of your business. I’d rather walk in the cold than to spend another second here.” 
He scoffs, letting your arm go. “Are you gonna find Lance?” You don’t respond, typing away on your phone as you look for Tes’ number. Carlos yanks your phone from your hand, “He won’t do anything for you, Mr Vanilla. He won’t be able to please you, to fuck you the way I can you know.”
It’s your turn to laugh. You swipe your phone back, slipping it in your purse. “Well maybe I oughta find out for myself. Maybe I want a little vanilla.” 
His eyes go dark. In any other circumstance, you might’ve cowered away. You would’ve been apologizing, on your knees, begging for forgiveness in more ways than one. But instead you felt empowered, like you had the upper hand. And you never had the upper hand in this relationship.
“You wouldn’t be happy.” He counters.
“I’m not happy now!” You shriek, “This? This back and forth, the fighting, the uncalled for jealousy, none of it makes me happy!”
“Uncalled for jealousy?! I see you fucking Lance Stroll on the dance floor in front of all our friends and my jealousy is uncalled for?!”
“Carlos, we’re not fucking dating!” You screech, throat raw and face hot “You’ve always made that perfectly fucking clear. I’m not your girlfriend and you’re not my boyfriend. So yes, uncalled for is the phrase I’d use.”
“Then your jealousy is uncalled for too. We’re not dating, as you said, so why does it matter if I was with another girl?”
“Because I was never with another guy Carlos! Because when I said it’s only you, I meant that it’s only you!” 
“Then what was that with Lance then?!” Carlos grimaces.
“What about it Carlos?!”
Both your chests were heaving, both of you angry at the other. The room stinks of unresolved tension, reeks of lies. The lack of clarity between the two of you, of what the two of you were, is finally culminating. You can hear Tes in the back of your head, her warnings of your situationship blowing up in your face. 
You were frustrated, both with yourself and with Carlos. You look at him and all you see is red.  
“You don’t like his hands on me? Does it bother you that I let him touch me, hold me. Does the idea that maybe I liked it just a little bit, make you fucking sick?” There’s a sinister smile on your face, knowing damn well what buttons you were pushing. “How do you think I feel?”
“I wasn’t with that girl y/n!”
“You were wearing the scarf I got you for Christmas in the photo, bastardo.” You snap. “I’m not fucking stupid.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re fucking delusional.” Carlos begins to walk away from you. This time, you grab his arm and yank him back. 
“I’m not fucking delusional. I know what I saw.” You seeth, “So you don’t get to be mad at me. You don’t get to call me delusional or make me feel crazy. You don’t get to make me feel guilty about having fun with a guy who was nice to me, while you were off playing in a Hallmark movie with some girl.” 
The reality of your situation hits you like a truck. There isn’t a drop of remorse on his face, not a hint of sorrow for his actions. It shatters your heart into little tiny pieces, breaks it until it is irreparable. Tears begin to cloud your vision, and you do everything you can not to let them fall in front of him. But you fail to do so. 
“God I am always at your beck and call, always willing and able for you even if you won’t do it for me. I sat around and waited for you for three days, come to find out you were fucking around with some girl.” You laugh humorlessly, taking a step back as you swipe your hand over your cheek to wipe away the tracks of wetness on your skin. “And yet I’m here with you. I still chose to come home with you.”
He doesn’t say anything. No explanation, nothing to prove those pictures meant nothing. Instead he stands there, frozen in place and face expressionless. 
“What are we doing here Carlos? Really, what do you want out of this? Because I want more, but it doesn’t seem like you do too.” You sniffle, looking away from him. “I don’t know why I’m fighting so hard for a place in your life, I don’t know why I’m still here.” 
And this is when you crumble into your own sadness. This is the part of the cycle that you allow yourself to be weak before him after he’s taken yet another piece of you. This is the part that hurts the most. 
“I’m sorry I…” He sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “Listen… it's late, we’ve had a little too much to drink. Just stay tonight. Then in the morning, we’ll talk. We can talk about a relationship, about whatever you want. Just please stay tonight.” 
Empty promises, one that you’ll add to a list of ones he’s given before. You were so tired, so defeated, and you know that spending the night never ends well. You know that in the morning he’ll make you believe that everything is okay between the two of you, make you believe that he wants more.
“I don’t think it’s smart that I do,” You manage to say, tears still falling from your face. 
“Maybe… but when have we ever been known to be smart?” 
You should’ve changed the ending. You could’ve changed the ending. You would’ve changed the ending.
But then he holds your face, swipes the tears away with the pad of his thumb. He presses a soft kiss on your cheek, then your jaw, then your neck and suddenly all logic flies out the window. You melt into his gentle touch, allowing him to hold you and press gentle kisses on your skin. You feel him kiss along your neck and down to your shoulder, leaving a trail of misery you’d have to deal with in the morning.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.” Carlos mumbles against your skin, “I don’t like to see you cry.”
You lean into his touch. “You make me this way.” 
“No es mi intención. Lo siento bebe.” I don't mean to. I'm sorry baby.
His voice is soft, gentle. It’s reminiscent of the Carlos you met once upon a time.
“Stay tonight, okay?” He whispers, lips hot as he presses it gently against your skin. 
“Okay,” You sigh, “I’ll stay.” 
Carlos looks at you, a soft smile on his face. He leans in to give you a quick kiss, before moving behind you to grab a shirt from his dresser. You pull the dress off your body, taking the green long sleeve from Carlos to slip on. He undresses quickly, leaving him in black briefs before he’s climbing into bed and opening up the covers for you to join him. 
He pulls you to him when you lie down, hands resting comfortably on the curve of your ass when you sling your leg over his waist. You nuzzle into him, inhaling deeply as you let his scent drown out the voice in your head cursing you out. 
Maybe you do deserve more. More than the hot and cold, the crying yourself to sleep, the need to reassure yourself by going through his phone when he’s fast asleep next to you. Maybe you do. 
But foolishly, you choose to stay. You let the five minutes of his goodness overshadow all the heartache. You let his embrace give you a false sense of security, let it convince you that everything is okay. 
You aren’t ready to let go. Not yet anyways. 
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note: well. i've wanted to write toxic!carlos for a while, so here we are. and you can all thank the ferrari antis (specifically q) for lance being here. anyways, hope u liked (?) it. and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated.
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ferrari antis: @bigdiccricc @kodzubear @micks-afterglow @meteor-lights @coffeehurricanes
taglist: @molliemoo3 @revengze @idkiwantchocolatee @charles-dimple @claramllera @ellethewitchbitch @sh4wtybrave @ifancycharlesleclerc @damnyoulife @earfquak3 @sidcrosbyspuck @kissatelier @bisexual-desi @alwaysclassyeagle @buendiabebeta @allforkook @ironmaiden1313 @sachaa-ff @moonyinterlude @ohthemisssery @home-of-disaster @interann @pint-size-k @hopiiex @verstfosi @ccloaned @dr3lover @skye44sposts @the-scarletbitch @sava207 @speedysimp @sainzfilm @eas-8 @crookedcreationstudent @thewintersunset @smiley-roos @hellomumitsme @tamakofever @onlyonetifosi @f1medlife @breakmyheartathousand @paty2110juarez @rose-tinted-juls @riccdannyf1 @hellyrjl @folklor3 @logischeroktopus @barzysreputation @cosmicleclerc @lightsoutharlow @elisaa-shelby
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𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 ? | dm me if you want to be taken off!
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Hear me out on this one you guys, I know it's long but bear with me here.
Keith has been captured by a Galra fleet in hopes of drawing out the rest of Voltron; it's been a couple hours since the crew found out, but no one has showed up yet.
Meanwhile at the Castle of Lions, everyone is arguing over what to do, and most everyone is siding with Shiro and Allura who are saying they need to wait and carefully think of a plan, Hunk feels bad about it, but agrees because he knows they can't go in there without a strategy, Pidge thinks it's logical and that they need all the data they can get, and Coran is always on Allura's side. Lance, on the other hand, is furious that they're even hesitating, especially Shiro, "WHILE YOU GUYS ARE HERE TRYING TO FIND THE EASY ROUTE, KEITH IS IN GALRA CHAINS PROBABLY BEING HURT! I'M NOT GOING TO WAIT AROUND WHEN THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN DO!" He yells before running off.
Eventually he makes it to the Galra cruiser and busts his way through with his bayard and the strength of pure rage until he makes it to the place where Keith is being held. Keith, who has clearly endured a couple blows and half expected to be left for dead, picks his head up and gasps when he sees Lance running towards him. Unfortunately before he can reach Keith, Sendak attacks from a blind spot, and a blade is sent clean through his armor, but he doesn't stop moving. Sendak says things like, "Give up" and "Struggling will kill you faster" and "You'll never succeed" all that good junk. But he just keeps moving towards Keith, determined to save him.
Sendak leaves the room, thinking that Lance is going to die or give up before he can free Keith, however with the very small amount of energy that he has, Lance uses his bayard to form the Altean Broadsword and cuts Keith's binds.
Keith falls to his knees, bringing Lance into his arms, "Are you okay?" Lance asks, "Am I okay?! Lance, you were just stabbed! Oh, god, you're bleeding too much, I have to-" (I know i do a lot of cut off things but they're so fun i cant resist.) "Hey, mullet. I say Vol, you say Tron, 'kay?" Keith, at this point, has a couple tears running down his face, "Lance, don't you dare give up. We're gonna get you out of here!" Lance ignores his pleas and continues with his sappy ways of saying something like "I can't make it but you can" and he reaches up to cup Keith's face, and he smiles, "Vol..." he starts, hoping Keith will finally get it, "Voltron." Keith says it firmly, knowing that he's doing it wrong so that Lance will keep talking.
Keith hauls him onto his back as they start heading towards the exit, "Paladins!" he calls through his intercom, "This is Keith, Lance has been seriously hurt, I need help!" and Lance is wearily explaining, "Keith, dude... The... The rules are in the chant, man... I say Vol... and then you say..." Keith consistently replies with Voltron.
Soon enough they make it back to the ship, Lance is put in a healing pod, blah blah blah. ROMANCE TIME!
When Lance wakes up, the first thing that happens is, Keith runs up to him and pulls him into a tight hug, then grabs both sides of his face, forcing Lance to look at him, "You are seriously so stupid!" Lance opens his mouth to apologize but he doesn't get the chance, as Keith has already brought him into a kiss.
I got nothing else to add, The End.
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raapija · 8 months
me again 😭 but for the ask game (again!) — 1/45/60 😊
Hey, babe 🫶
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
When Lance gets annoyed of Nando being overprotective or hovering on him, he will sometimes snap at him and cause a little argument which always ends with Nando saying this exact line and Lance unable to fight him anymore 🥺🤧
Then again, Lance will start an argument with "Because I love you, umm" and continue with some minor grievance that Nando has caused him 😂
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45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Yes, but both need a "good night" message from the other no matter what time zone they're in ❤️ To make sure the other's okay when going asleep AND to make sure they don't wake them up.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Answered this in the last part 😇
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These are from this ask game, feel free to send me more <3
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The sound comes from his lap, disgruntled and petulant. Lance holds back a smile, continuing to pet his boyfriend’s hair with one hand, the other one putting some finishing touches on his report for Shiro. (Does Shiro need the report to be quite so detailed? Probably not. But everyone else gives the driest, most bare-boned reports ever to be written, and it Stresses Lance Out. How are they going to improve if they don’t record the details? It’s simple!)
“You’re not giving me enough attention,” Keith whines, apparently done with just huffing and sighing about it.
This time, Lance lets the corners of his mouth quirk up. No one else gets to see Keith like this — needy, clingy, a cuddle fiend. Just Lance. Just Lance gets to have Keith at his most vulnerable.
(Cat-like, although mentioning it gets Lance bitten. Or laid absolutely flat on his ass during training, depending on how grouchy Keith is and how much Lance laughed as he said it.)
“Your head is in my lap and I am petting your hair, cielo. What more do you want?”
Keith huffs again. He lifts his head — glaring at Lance when he stops running his fingers through his hair, because he is spoiled, apparently — and glowers at Lance’s laptop.
“Don’t you dare,” Lance warns, mostly kidding. “I have to finish this report.”
“Or we could make out,” Keith says, looking at him hopefully. He makes his eyes big and round, basically one step away from fluttering his eyelashes. He’s pouting, because he knows exactly what Lance’s weaknesses are and has no qualms against using them for his own personal gain.
Lance, because he is a simp, leans down and presses a soft kiss to those pouted lips. He hums, moving his free hand from Keith’s hair to cup his cheek.
“I’m almost done,” he murmurs.
“Shiro can fucking wait,” Keith whispers back. “I want to cuddle. I want your attention.”
“You have it. You always have it. You never leave my mind.”
Keith laughs quietly. “You’re so full of shit. What romcom did you steal that line from, Romeo?”
Chuckling, Lance pulls away and hooks his chin over Keith’s shoulder, squeezing his arms around his waist. “I didn’t! That’s my own sentiment. You have my attention, my love.”
“I have some of your attention. I want all of it.”
Lance hums. He looks at his report. He’s probably got another five pages, maybe another half hour of writing. He’s fast. If he keeps working through he can finish, and then he’s done for the next couple days.
But… Keith is so warm.
And Lance’s fingers are cold.
And he really doesn’t want to finish his stupid reports.
“You are a menace,” Lance says, slumping forward into Keith’s chest. He can’t see his face, but he can feel Keith’s smugness.
“You’re just easy to manipulate.”
“Mhm.” Keith leans back on their pillows, so Lance is laying on top of him with his head on his chest. Lance shifts, wiggling around so his legs are in between Keith’s and his chin rests on Keith’s pecs, so he can look at said menace of a boyfriend.
“Is this enough attention?”
Keith grins. “Almost.”
“What else do I need to do?”
“Tell me you love me,” Keith says, brushing his thumbs across Lance’s cheekbones. Lance leans into the touch.
“Endlessly,” he breathes out, without a second of hesitation. “More than the sun and the stars. I love you more than I love to laugh and sing and breathe. You are the life in my heart, cariño. You’re everything to me.”
“That’s a lot. You sure you love me that much?”
“More sure than I’ve ever been of anything in my life,” Lance says, and he means it.
Keith smiles so wide his eyes crinkle. It’s Lance’s favourite expression of his.
“I love you too. That much. You make me happy, Lance. I didn’t know I could be this happy.”
Lance moved his hands to plant on Keith’s chest, heaving himself up, millimetres away from Keith’s face.
“Show me?”
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haibunnyy · 5 months
Updade of a post on my old blog: Basically the idea is Voltron rockstar AU but its a retelling of Nana
Lance as Nana K. (Hachi)
Keith as Nana O.
A slow burn klance fic, following Lance finding his way through love and romance while struggling to deal with the realities of toxic relationships, situationships and self love. All the while watching his roommate Keith’s rise to stardom.
The idea has been festering in my head for like a week! So without farther ado, I present Heat Lighting
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lance feels his chest burning for air as he runs through the train station. The cold winter air crisps in his lungs as he pushes past the crowd. He’s never been the best at being on time for just about anything but this is something he could not miss. His eyes dart from track to track before finding his train and rushing on just as the doors shut behind him. He’s dressed in blue platform sneakers and cuffed blue jeans to match. On top, he wears a white oversized sweater with a blue-collar sticking out from the top. He had quickly thrown on a jean jacket over and felt a bit self-conscious about the denim on denim but he knew his outfit was still better than 90% of the ones around him. He hauls his luggage behind him as he looks for a spot on the already-packed train.
Maybe if he had gotten here early he’d have found a spot! He curses at himself looking for a place to sit. He stops in a row with a man, eyes closed facing the window, and headphones over his ears. Lance always had an eye for fashion and beauty. That is the first thing he notices. The man in front of him has to be a model. His features are sharp enough to cut paper. Purple eye shadow done breathlessly only added to his long lashes.
Maybe a rockstar? Sure dressed like one. The man is sitting with one leg over the other, black skinny jeans hugging his lean frame, a purple cropped top that exposed his muscular build underneath, and a leather jacket to tie it all together. While the man sleeps peacefully against the window, a guitar case takes up the free seat next to him. Oh, definitely a rockstar.
Lance carefully reaches across the seat to tap on the man’s shoulder, “Um excuse me- Ah-!”
The train screeches to a stop, ripping the ground out from under Lance as he loses his balance and lands in the lap of the handsome stranger slamming head-first into the wall of the train cart.
The man jumps awake at the sudden weight on him. He looks down at the man in his lap but doesn’t move.
“Uh, can I help you?” He asks with a small hint of a smile on his face. Lance shot up, his face flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh sorry! The train suddenly stopped and-“ Lance loses his train of thought meeting the eyes of the stranger. If looks could kill, write his obituary now! Amethyst-colored eyes meet his with a curious expression. Lance tilts his head to his feet as the stranger continues to stare. “I was gonna ask um- if this seat was taken.”
The man looks between Lance and his guitar before it clicks, “Oh sorry.” He stands up to put the instrument into the overhead. As he turns to do so, Lance shamelessly steals a glance at the man’s figure. His leather jacket is cropped and rises as he lifts his arms, his jeans tight and low rise. He catches a hint of a purple thong strap hugging the man’s hips. Lance has to swallow for air before counting ceiling tiles.
“T-thanks!” He mutters before taking his seat. As they wait for the train to start up again he turns to make small talk to the kind stranger but sees he already put his headphones back in. Lance huffs before leaning back into his seat.
“Attention passengers.” The overhead speakers roar, “There has been a delay due to the storm we will be experiencing a 2-hour delay.”
Passengers groan all around him and Lance can’t help but feel disappointed as well. He isn’t in any time constraint but stuck for 2 more hours?
“What did they say?” The stranger asked sitting up and taking a headphone out.
“There’s about a two-hour delay,” Lance says with a sad smile. On cue his phone chimes.
James <3 3 new messages
He can’t help but squeal. The man next to him jumps at the sound.
James: hey baby!
I’m so excited to see you
How far out are you now
Lance: there’s been a delay so I won’t be getting in until midnight
James: oh okay I’ll meet you at the station
Lance: it’ll be late I’ll just stay at a hotel it’s okay!
James: :( no. I want to see you! I’ll see you at midnight!
Lance giggles at the message and hugs his phone to his chest. How’d he get so lucky?
He notices the man side-eying him.
“Oh sorry.” He mutters realizing he’s just squealing like a school girl next to a total stranger, “It’s just my boy-“ Lance cuts himself off, “partner asking when I’ll arrive.” He didn’t feel like outing himself to a total stranger and potentially making this delay more painful.
“Boyfriend. It’s all good. Same way.” The man says nonchalantly.
Lance’s eye gleams. He knew a hetero could never have such taste in fashion! “Then yes! My boyfriend! He’s waiting for me in Arus! Is that where you’re heading?”
“Yeah.” The man mutters leaning his head against his hand.
“Oh if you don’t mind me asking, why?” Lance asks, hands on the armrest.
The man can’t help but notice the way Lance waits for a response reminds him of a golden retriever waiting for a treat. He laughs.
“I don’t think I have to tell a stranger who fell into my lap my business now do I?” He teases.
“Oh.” Lance leans back into his seat and thinks, “Oh! Well, the name’s Lance! Lance McClain! I’m going to Arus to join my boyfriend! He got accepted to a military academy out there! So did my sisters so I thought I might as well go too! You know!”
The man fakes a smile. “Oh yeah?”
“See now we’re not strangers! So why are you going to Arus?” Lance asked
Before the man could respond Lance jumped in his chair again, “Oh let me guess! You’re in a band! You’re going for a show! You totally look like a rockstar!” Lance can’t help but talk on and on. He is too in his fantasy about the man to notice his clear discomfort. Lance smiles, thinking how nice these two hours will be with someone to chat with.
Click the link above for the rest!
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
"You shouldn't concern yourself with what that man says," Jaden rolls his eyes. "He's not your dad, Arthur. He is Lance's dad."
"Oh," Arthur says sadly.
"I'm your dad, okay?" Jaden reminds him. "So, when you don’t call me that, you really hurt my feelings. Do you want to hurt people?"
The hatred I have for this son of a bitch is unreal. I have a personal beef with this man and I guess murder is okay sometimes 😤😤
Max being the opposite of Jaden and being so supportive and warm and loving and so Max, my god he's the best😭
“It’s called make an effort, Jaden,” Lance quips. “I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of that.” Lance is so me if I was there 😞. Pathetic man-child is such a good way to describe that pathetic excuse of a man😤
“Why would I lie about it?” the man frowns. “You sound like a girl, so what?” HE'S EVERYTHING THAT'S RIGHT ABOUT LIFE!!!
I meaaaaan... If Lance and David got together to murder Jaden... I'm just saying I'm free whenever they want🥰
“If it had been the other way around, if you had lost David, you’d have been alone for the rest of your life,” Jackson tells him. “David isn’t like that. He is meant to be loved and he’ll get it wherever he can.” WOW WOW WOW WOW OMG I AM A PUDDLE OF EMOTIONS WHY DID HE SAID THAT AND EXPECTED ME TO CONTINUE MY LIFE🥺🥺
“They have good reason,” Jackson snorts. “He loves the children, Max. They’re the only thing he loves more than you.” lbaf you are always haunting me😞
David picks up the kitchen knife from the counter and points it at the other man. “Phone. Now.” I think I can count on one hand the times we have seen David angry in all the fics, and it always has something to do with his protecting his family 🥺🥺
“I am not fucking around!” David shouts and brings down the knife again. This time, he doesn’t miss. This time, it cuts off a digit of the man’s pinky finger. He should get angry more often... It's kinda hot👀👀
God they are so handsome when they are threatening someone for their children 😍
“I don’t need space,” David shakes his head. “If I have to spend another moment without you, I will die.” If I'm not loved like this, then what's the point, huh???
Because Max always does. Max always comes home. 💙💙💙💙😭😭😭💙
God, I loved loved loved this so much!!! How do you keep finding new ways to get into my heart and make me feel so much??? Idk, but please never stop!!! I love this. I loved them. I love youuuuu💙
Lmch was such a cute lil fic and I love writing parent dynamic with mavid because they are such soft parents and now i am emo again 😭😭😭
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justme-inmyownworld · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
I finally done! Thank you @meltypancake for tagging me in this and again, let me have the opportunity to build my OC and join the community and I had fun doing all this ☺️✨
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1. [Chosen as a dancer for White Heron cup] Oh! Really? I’m not sure this is the type of dance I can do well, but I can try!
2. [Got invited to lunch] Woaah, this is nice. I crave for this.
3. [Lost item] ah, that- that’s mine. I was going crazy trying to find it. Where was it?
4. I don’t have any preference in tea but chamomile is so soothing. I could sleep well with it.
5. I know we all have our duties as the students, staff at the academy and we will have to face it sooner or later but… send us to the battlefield so soon. I can’t help but still feel this ain’t right.
6. “Hey, you OK there? You know you can speak up if you’re tired...” - Rubinie, sweating all over, breathless, clutching her lance “N-No… I mean, I-I’m OK… I- I can continue.” Proceed to continue to train and almost pass out.
7. Yeah, thanks for the compliment Sylvain, I’ll have to tell Ingrid *smiles innocently*
8. I mean I know anything could happen but HOLY SH*T!
9. Thank you for the training today, Dimitri. I had fun so I would need two days rest. How about it?
10. Those were crazy days back then in the academy and I didn’t even sign up for it. Or maybe I did?
11. [First kill] *Sign and frown* so this is how it feels… is this necessary?…
12. I won’t say what you did was right, Dimitri. I won’t justify it. But really… do we all have any other choice in war? You killed, I killed. Everyone killed at some point. You did what you had to. Your hands were tied. - She speaks in a rueful tone.
13. Hurt him and I’ll fucking give you hell.
15. I feel really bad to say this while we’re at war but… I finally feel like I’m useful and have something to do, something probably the most worth while in my life.
I don’t know who to tag but anyone is welcome to join! 👐🏻✨please show me your OC
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fabbyf1 · 11 months
heyy fabby, are you ok?? aren’t you going to write new fanfics?? i miss them so much!!! after all that lestappen content that brazil gave us i think it would be fitting right? that’s it! love your works! have a nice one
I think I can be objective enough to understand that this message came from a good place and that you truly just... miss my writing. And for that, I am very grateful. I'm so glad you enjoy my content, and I'm glad that you're looking forward to my return (whenever that happens.)
But please also remember that I, like every other writer who chooses to publish their content for free, am not a robot. Phrasing the question "aren't you going to write new fanfics??" is very... assuming. Like I'm not doing a job that has been assigned to me. Like I'm failing. Like I'm disappointing the masses. When, in fact, I have already written and published 323,969 words in 2023 alone.
I'm not one to boast, or to brag, or to rub my stats or accomplishments in anybody's face. That's not my style. I'm glad that people appreciate my work and want me to continue writing, and I'm so very grateful for the following I have because I'm just-- I'm just lil old me. But when we do take in the fact that there are not many other writers who have published the amount I have this year, especially in our little corner of the world in F1 RPF, I think... I deserved a break.
And let me tell you, friends, taking that pressure off myself was the best choice I ever made. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of writing and posting fanfics. You get in this mindset that you have to keep going, going, going, or people will stop reading and appreciating the work you have put out there.
And this break has helped to remind me that... that's just not at all true.
I know that even if I were to never post another word on AO3, my fics would still be highly loved and appreciated by many of you. And that's very special. I'm glad I could realize that because I like taking pride in my work. I like feeling good about my fics and not just feeling like I'm letting you down by not posting anything.
I do want to start writing again soon. I have said that to many of my friends in my personal life. I complain about it nonstop to my girlfriend, who lovingly puts up with my whining without even hitting me with a: "there, there, sad little writer." (She's very nice. And very cute. And posts a lot about Lance Stroll over there on @simplysimplylovely. Don't hold it against her.)
But! It is very important to me and my lil mental health that I return to AO3 for the right reasons. Because I enjoy writing. Not because I have to, not because I owe it to anybody, not because I want to please anybody. Simply because I want to write and publish the words I am proud of. Because I think you'll like them too. Because I want you to enjoy them and feel what I felt while writing them, you know?
I think that's it.
That's the tweet.
Anon, please know that all of this rant is not directly aimed at you. I'm sure you didn't mean any harm by it. And again, I really do appreciate how much you like my work. I hope you will like whatever I publish once I get back into the swing of things.
Stay hydrated, besties and know that I'm never too far away.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day Season 1, Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers
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Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day
And we open with Lotor evil laughing, great start
Oh, so this is the continuation of the episode where Romelle got kidnapped, she's in a dungeon with other women now Lotor tried to force a kiss on her after he compared her to Allura again, disgustang good for Romelle, she managed to slap him in the face
With the editing it doesn't really look it but Lotor knocked out Romelle and carried her away only for her to return by herself and collapse before she starts crying, something very nonconsensual happened to her,, poor girl
While knocked out she thinks back to when she was captured, Bandor officially became crown prince after their father went insane apparently, pollux is a patriarchy which is good to know for world building The other ladies in the cell are helping her out and making an escape plan, something tells me this is going to go wrong
Oh, shit they did it, similar to how the boys did except they LITERALLY COMMITTED ARSON BEFORE STEALING A SHIP, girlbosses every single one of them
Lotor's already on their tail, somehow his attacks set the ship on fire which you'd think couldn't happen because there's no oxygen in space but ok also they're crash landing on Neeve? I didn't catch the planet name, but Romelle sent out a distress call which obvs the team and Bandor picked up
The team and Bandor meet up, apparently they formed voltron but I think it's so funny that they ended up deactivating formation anyway, what a waste of energy lol
Allura finds one of her mice down her uniform as they're all out scouting in the snow, then proceeds to put them back into her collar, so they can keep warm why do I feel like lance should be saying that he wishes he was that mouse? Maybe it was in golion because he definitely doesn't say it here
Bandor and the team run into the ship but find it empty, then Allura notices a scrap of fabric and almost gets attacked by haggar disguised as romelle after the door closes behind her this is like the second time Haggar's disguised herself as allura's family, does she have beef with them specifically? The mouse saves her though which gives the boys time to get to the princess
Man they make Pidge such an acrobat in this show lol, he flips in the air and PUNTS HAGGARS CAT AWAY AFTER IT STARTS CHASING THE MOUSE SDOVINSDV
obvs haggar escapes but not without bandor, the team chases after her straight into the worst case scenario, being on lower ground Lotor demands Allura to be traded for her cousins, of course nobody trusts that he'd actually follow through
Allura starts heading towards lotor as the pollux siblings head towards the lions, but Keith is the leader for a reason, and he hides his uniform in snow before swapping places with allura so lotor still thinks its her also lotor unleashes a robeast when he gets close enough
Lotor v Keith again, except the siblings come back and want to attack lotor themselves for being a POS Romelle gets knocked out and kidnapped again,,, girl gets no break
Voltron forms, robeast is taken out, and now onto lotor apparently romelle gets set free? It's very vague because they catch lotor and tell him they'll tail him to pollux to make sure, but then they're back on arus? We'll see ig
/episode end
Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers I've seen so many screenshots of this episode onvsdo
Some random seed pods fell from space and sprouted on arus in abundance, immediately that's a sign that things aren't right
The mice pick some for Allura though, and they end up dancing together for a bit, how cute Immediately cut to doom, and we find out the flowers are haggars doing, which are supposed to make anyone who smells them sick
Coran calls an emergency meeting because the flowers are rapid response ig, people are blacking out left and right so Allura wants them treated at the castle by their doctor Dr Gorma The flowers of planet Lyra apparently are medicinal and should help
Lance has literally started a wildfire apparently because Coran told him to burn the flowers that started blooming maybe not the best idea guys
Allura has an idea to get past the magnetic field that surrounds planet Lyra but obvs she smelled the flowers so now she's out cold too just when we were getting somewhere too >:/
Lance ditches the team to go to planet Lyra by himeself in blue hey his suit finally matches lol
"I know, and I've got special equipment! Intelligence, charm, personality, good looks, and a rabbit's foot" *(winks)* -Lance ICONIC
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aaand the bad guys are on planet too, of course, except they think it's allura and go off to try and capture blue
Lance finds this weird divot filled with honey like liquid AND FUCKING TASTES IT, MCCLAIN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS also the natives started attacking, this is why you don't stick your fingers into everything Lance
ooh pretty girly to act as diplomat, apparently the roses are worshiped and not given away so easily so Lance gets grabbed and taken to the king for that permission only for a doom cruiser to pick him to go there, yeah definitely not good
lotor bitch slaps lance for not being allura, luckily for lance he's near something sharp, so he starts cutting his ropes without being noticed Farla is the girls name and she doesn't seem to understand that lance and lotor know each other so she asks to give him flowers which Lotor is glad to hear because voltron is out of commission atm
Lance is loose and starts a sword fight with lotor before his sword gets stuck on the highly magnetic rocks on the wall of this cliff they're on, Lotor shoves him off into the river below where apparently nobody has ever survived falling from obvs that's about to change real soon
Lotor wants the roses for allura himself and the king of lyra tries to extort him but lotor fucking KILLS THE GUY, LIKE STRAIGHT UP THE TEAM WHO EDITED THIS EPISODE STOPS THE SCENE AND FADES IT TO RED FOR CENSORSHIP HOLY CRAP
Lance lived and is back in blue, hooray! Except Lotor's crew is destroying all the flowers except for what they needed, Farla tries to stop them but she got smacked into the water before Blue came out to crush the troops
Falra pulls through and before she faints (dies) she gives Lance a bag of seeds for him to plant on arus, but he promises to plant them on Lyra instead he's such a fucking sweetie i love him omg
As the other boys try to fight the robeast lotor sent out on Arus, Allura stumbles her way to castle control and flies red since lance and blue are still gone man this girl has flown 3/5 lions already, girlboss
lance returns, voltron is formed, robeast destroyed, and lotor runs off, except dad calls and chews him out for destroying the flowers though lotor gets out of it by saying he's brought enough flowers to keep making the meds he apparently needs to stay alive for a long time, call ends and lotor calls zarkon stupid dude i feel like he'd know if his meds were missing/short how was that a good plan
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Special reward for a special guy
Pidge tries to get a kiss too but gets smooched by a mouse instead, maybe that's where vld got the idea in the first place sovsdv
Lance still remembers planet Lyra, and he rushes off to plant the rest of the flowers with Allura coming along too
/episode end
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boileddogchicken · 1 year
Here it is: The B'rsh Lore/Fun Facts Post!!!
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B'rsh grew up in Corvos, with a family structure that would be considered rather unconventional for Seekers of the Sun- though one might assume she is a part of the larger B tribe, her father B'bran and her mother B'zentsa ran off to start a small and quiet family, and decided on Corvos because B'bran's skills as a machinist earned him an invitation to help the G tribe use Allagan technology. For the early years of her life, B'rsh was a menace. She was constantly stealing and trying to prank the adults around her. She was also not very good at getting away with her mischief. Other than getting in trouble all the time, she had a relatively peaceful childhood. At 16, she came out as trans to her parents, and luckily for her, she was surrounded by people who were good at aetherochemistry, so she was able to transition incredibly easily. Unfortunately, life didn't stay bright and happy for long. Up until she was 19, B'rsh and her family had been able to avoid conflict with the occupying Garleans by keeping their heads low. It was at this point, however, that B'bran got into an altercation with a Garlean officer, and was killed over it. This was incredibly hard for B'rsh and B'zentsa, and their relationship soured without B'bran there to serve as a mediator. B'rsh left home at this point and spent several years in Thavnair. When she was 23, she decided to travel back to her childhood home, only to find it destroyed and hear from her former neighbors that her mother had died a year prior. Feeling anger over the fact she was never granted the chance to fix her relationship with B'zentsa, B'rsh took a discarded lance and charged headfirst into a squad of Garleans, and almost died in the process. The only reason she survived is because a viera known as Terraldim Lux, a much more talented lancer than B'rsh at this point in time, saw the commotion and bested the Imperials. Terraldim then proceeded to take B'rsh back to the Lux Sanctum, located in Gridania, which serves as the headquarters for the group known as the Sect of Lux. There, she met Caelestea, the leader of the Sect of Lux, as well as some of the other members of the Sect. She stayed there for roughly a year to recover from her injuries, at which point she joined the lancers guild so that she could learn to fight properly, and proceeded to become a Warrior of Light. Not long after defeating the Ultima Weapon and Lahabrea, she encountered X'rhun Tia, who took B'rsh on as an apprentice red mage, a job she continues to use to this day. On her adventures, she has encountered several Imperials who have been referred to as "Witches" (such as Livia Sas Junius), and in response to this, B'rsh has taken on the title of Witch Vermillion to show them what a real witch can do.
And now, for some fun facts, stream of consciousness style:
B'rsh's voidsent avatar is named Yalm, she named them herself because she thought that name would inspire Yalm to "go the distance"
She likes to challenge her friends to duels in the Wolves' Den, but she loses most of the time
She is currently dating G'raha and [REDACTED] (spoiler character introduced in 6.2)
Her chocobo is hot pink and named Breakfast
She has experience with several jobs, but because her red magic is so important to her that she takes that philosophy with her into any other job, she considers herself a red mage first and foremost
One time she needed to stock up on rations for adventuring and by coincidence she ended up buying a massive supply of raisins- they soon became her favorite food
She wails in terror when she realizes she's about to be hit with an attack she won't be able to dodge (think halo combat evolved elite sounds)
She thinks changing her hairstyle and hair color can solve all her problems (Jandelaine her beloved)
That's all the lore/fun facts for now, but as always feel free to send me an ask if there's anything else u want to know abt B'rsh!
As far as the other WoL's I mentioned, Terraldim belongs to @aldudonk and Caelestea belongs to @divinepeachmaiden !!!
i'm having so much fun being a part of @woltourney and i'm so excited to get to share B'rsh content with everyone!
also, here's a bunch of screenshots from throughout B'rsh's adventure :3
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acapelladitty · 2 years
*bows* hello your horniness (highness + horny). do you think it would ever be possible to see crane on the receiving end of med kink? (needles, pinwheel, etc) either from WG or riddler or anyone else! please? <3
Have some Scriddler with Jonathan in subspace while playing with needles 🫠
"You're ethereal like this."
Hearing the words through the haze of euphoria and nausea which clouded his senses like a welcomed fog, Jonathan unleashed a soft, shuddering gasp in acknowledgement as Edward traced his steady fingers along the base of his exposed spine.
"This design was a beautiful selection," Edward's exhale was a purr, "and I just wish you could see it through the same lens as I can. I want you to feel how responsive your skin is for me. It's almost bewitching..."
Jonathan's legs were spread wide as his arms folded over the top of the chair he were sitting backwards on, the cool plastic supporting his chest while his painfully hard cock remained trapped between the base of the chair and his stomach; a messy, smeared patch of pre-cum making him feel sticky and uncomfortable with every desperate twitch of his body.
"But we're almost finished." Edward continued in a soothing tone as he unwrapped another sterile medical needle, ready to pierce it through the willingly offered skin. "You only have to endure about a dozen more. Nothing you can't handle."
The chosen design truly was beautiful.
A swirling vortex of pinched skin and glinting metal danced around the jutting bones of Jonathan's back, the wide spiral spanning his shoulder blades and carefully skirting through the nodules of his spine. Small beads of blood trickled free of a few select piercings, their trails of red standing out against the sallow skin with a striking allure, and Edward brushed the edge of one such streak with a thoughtful hand.
His movements sluggish, almost drugged, Jonathan barely flinched at the sting of fresh pain which lanced through his lower back as Edward moved quickly and without mercy - every needle administered to his skin with a surgical precision which limited potential damages.
A slight jerk in his lower half drew a languid grunt from Jonathan's lips as his cock was momentarily ground more harshly against his stomach, the stimulation unbearable given how sensitive every exposed inch felt as it screamed to him. The chill of the air seemed unable to pacify the raging inferno of his flesh and sweat coated his thin frame like a second skin.
The adrenaline of the pain, the unyielding abuse of his skin, it all fed into the wicked exhilaration which made his knees shake and his mind shatter into little more than fleeting fragments of sensation.
Terrible and fantastic all at once.
Edward had always shown a flair for words.
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
One of the things about Celine is how despite her cute appearance she is quite ruthless. This is rather curious to me, as the Houses devs said something to the same effect about Edelgard. Namely how her being the game's would-be conqueror and stuff was meant to take players by surprise, and how this gave the character depth. It also doesn't help that alternate-timeline Celine advocates conquest herself, and in the final map of the DLC talks about how great it is she's free from her responsibilities (and can crush her opponents) while equipped with Emblem Edelgard.
That last one sticks out a bit, since Edelgard had a similar event in FEH where she talked with Lissa about how awful it is that she has responsibilities thrust upon her simply for being born a noble. Hubert and Monica's support also talks about how this is part of Edelgard's plan. Lissa responds that it's not so bad since they can use their power to help people, while the support states that no other lord int he franchise agrees with Edelgard on this. This is a core piece of morality to the franchise since the beginning with Marth's “I'm a prince before I'm a son or brother” line at the end of the first game. The whole concept of Oudou, whereas Edelgard is supposed to represent Hadou.
And we know Celine protects the people. She wiped out bandits who were preying on villagers without mercy, and when she engages with Emblem Celica for the first time she says this. “I feel a great power within... we have united, haven't we? My resolve is strong. I will protect my people. I will protect everyone!”
Edelgard, on the other hand, is willing to sacrifice as many people as it takes in service to her ideals, ideals she shares with the bandit Nemesis. She's guided belief that she's going to make a better future by doing so. Celine helps support her brother Alfred, whose upgraded class is Avenir. Avenir is french for Future, ergo Celine is fighting for the future by supporting Alfred. In addition, Alfred is a blonde who has a talent for lances, horseback riding and will die at a young age due to his illness. Edelgard's step brother Dimitri, the one who is supposed to represent Oudou, is blonde, specializes in lances, has a hidden talent for horseback riding, is mentioned to die to illness before his partner and is stronger than Alfred could ever dream of. Coincidence?
Celine's personal class is Vidame. Now, Vidame was actually a type of French noble associated with the Church. In order to protect the Church's, uhh, earthly interests they would perform acts that weren't considered appropriate for the Church to be involved in. This usually meant violence, even in the event of it being an act of justice or to protect others. So Celine's class does have a religious tint to it, a link to her family's connection to the Divine Dragons...and honestly fits her really well.
But then look at the Empire, founded with the support of the early Church that formed around Seiros. One of the original ideals for the nobility, according to Hanneman, was that they protect their people but that has fallen to the wayside as nobles instead used their positions for their own power. This is partially why the Empire is supposed to represent hadou, the other is Edelgard ruling through military power. Celine's class is closer to what the emperor should have been.
Edelgard's route is named Safflower/Crimson Flower, Firene is the land of flowers.
Houses banks on tea-time, to the point of selling teas IRL, Celine is a tea expert.
I've talked before about Hortensia's connection to Emblem Byleth, how her story parallels Silver Snow and how defecting from the Empire is supposed to be the right thing rather than continuing it's decline by fighting for it. Elusia is also the Kingdom of Knowledge, whereas the Empire's original meritocracy was, in addition to protecting the people, supposed to be about valuing knowledge. But when you look at Celine, it just seems to be that they intentionally made a character that was supposed to be like Edelgard...except one of the good guys, whereas her Fell counterpart is just another Edelgard.
Granted, considering how Fogado is supposed to be just like Celine in the service to his sister, and how Houses likes to say Claude is similar to Edelgard initially, I guess we have all three lords having their Engage counterparts.
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hourcat · 2 years
about that Sleepy Charles fic: DO IT
the thing is! it wouldn't even be a long fic.
because really, charles is just...tired. it's been a long day - he's had so much fun w/pierre out at the nba house, laughing til he'd gone breathless like he'd run a marathon, not exactly sore from the basketball but a little strained because he doesn't use those specific muscles very often. and then the game later that night, which he'd wanted to go to but realized not that long after that he's not quite awake enough to actively care about the bulls or the pistons, just that pierre's leg is still warm pressed entirely against his own. esteban is laughing beside him at something - maybe a text he'd gotten from lance? charles really isn't paying him any mind, if only because, again, he's tired.
so by the time the game ends, and pierre and esteban say their goodbyes, charles is just. shot. "pear," he mumbles, "can we call a taxi?" arm hooked in pierre's. they're standing under a shadowy alcove outside the venue, so charles can press his cheek into pierre's shoulder and nuzzle tiredly without fear of being too seen.
and pierre laughs softly. "sure, mon amour." presses a kiss to charles' forehead, nuzzles back a little. charles makes a soft little noise at the contact, tucks closer. pierre turns to wrap his free arm around charles in an embrace, so that he's got his back to the road and charles is just...watching for their ride as he's snuggling closer to pierre. he's so warm. the jacket he's wearing is a little rough on the skin but charles still presses into it anyway, somehow comfortingly pierre - maybe the smell.
the car comes a little bit later. pierre gently herds charles into the back, then climbs in next to him and gives the driver the hotel address, mumbling some promise about not telling anyone who they are, and charles laughs softly when the driver answers that he doesn't even know who they are, how would he tell anyone. pierre is satisfied enough with that answer. they head off and pierre leans back, and as soon as he's reclined to the contours of the seat charles is on him. well. on him in that he's nestled in his side again, using the middle seat and seatbelt that he normally complains about so he can properly hook his leg over pierre's, press his face into the crook of his neck with only a little bit of interference.
"did you have fun, mon cheri," pierre murmurs softly, resting a hand on his knee gently - not to rile him up, but just to hold him a little more.
charles hums softly, scooting closer. he huffs an initial response that makes pierre chuckle from the sensation. "i did," he answers after a long beat. "it was nice to see este." a lie, kind of, he really didn't pay much attention to their friend at all, but he wasn't exactly unwelcome. there's not much charles can do with pierre when they're in front of all those cameras like that. "i can't wait for bed."
the sentiment makes pierre chuckle again. "you're not usually like this when you're excited for bed, calamar," he teases, and charles blushes but doesn't extract himself from pierre's side. "you really must be tired." he chuckles again when charles pouts, feeling it more than seeing it, charles imagines.
"i am," he insists softly. then, because it's pierre and he can't help but push buttons: "carry me upstairs?" a joke, in a way, but also - charles wouldn't mind that. carried off to bed the way they do sometimes, more awake and more frisky but with a similar end result.
pierre's amusement continues. "what are you," he murmurs in charles' ear, "my baby?" the teasing makes the blush on charles' face darken. he nods, despite it. "we will see, charlo. you gave me quite a run on defense this afternoon, eh? don't know if i have the strength to bring you all the way back."
charles giggles at the thought. this taxi ride could last all night, he thinks faintly, and he wouldn't mind at all.
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