#featuring moth dick and shark dicks
maxormillie · 5 months
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There's no world where Tumblr will let me post the full version, so go to my Twitter to see Vel getting wrecked by her boys
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Kinktober Day 3: Voyeurism w/ Kirishima
Other kinks/Trigger warnings: masturbation/mutual masturbation 
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Third day strong! (Still loads more to go but writing is hard, ya’ll). Also, if you happen to have suggestions/prompts for fluffier stuff, lemme know. I’m probably going to do Chisaki for tomorrow and if that’s what happens, we’ll need some sweeter stuff to wash it down with afterwords :) This one is pretty sweet compared to my other 2 so far though!
Disclaimers: Read/interact only if you’re 18+. Characters are all 20+ 
Kirishima was home! A buzz of excitement jolted through you as you had to stop yourself from squealing as you saw his boots in the doorway. 
His hero work always kept him so busy, especially either the last week or two. You've hardly even seen him. He hasn't been getting home until well after it was time for you to sleep, but today, he was home before you? 
He had messaged during a break earlier in the week that he was going to be getting some time to rest soon but you hadn't realized he meant today! A smile was gracing your features before you could stop it and you were quick to rush through the house to find him. It was with reluctance that you went through the hallways quietly in case he had taken to having a nap - you could only imagine he was exhausted. You didn't want to be the reason he woke up, but you were positively buzzing.
After taking a peek into the living room and the kitchen, just to be sure he wasn't lounging around somewhere, you made your way up towards the bedroom and that's when you heard a feral little grunting sound that stopped you in your tracks. 
It was soft, but you didn't have to sit here and analyze to know what sort of noise it was. You had heard it so many times; right up against the shell of your ear. You've heard the low rumble fanning over your skin before as his face tucked away against your body. You're baby Eijiro was in there and he was working on getting off. Was he….
The bedroom door was cracked open just enough to have temptation grab you and suck you in. You tiptoed your way to the door and, against your better morals, peered inside to have your breath taken away with the scene before you. It had been much too long since you last touched your boyfriend, because seeming him lounged on the bed with his cock out and in his hand instantly got you needy.
You must have been dating an actual Greek God - he sure was built like one in any case. He hadn't bothered to take off his hero uniform with the exception of his belt - you assumed he had tossed it off to the floor somewhere but you were a bit too transfixed to make that confirmation yourself. His hero uniform put all those toned muscles in his arm and chest on display and, while they were incredibly fun to ogle on television, it was much more fun to see in person. Especially now with the way his body had a thin sheen of sweat clinging to him. 
His legs were hung off the edge of the bed, spread wide and putting the shaft in his hand on open display. You always noticed how big Kirishima hands were but his dick was even bigger. Even as he clenched and stroked his hand over himself, you could make out the color and thickness of it, you could spot glimpses of that dark vein running along the underside. You busied yourself with taking in every inch of his form, taking pause at the tensing of the arm he used to prop himself back and up on the bed, the heavy rise and fall of his chest as he worked himself up, the clench in his jaw and the baring of fangs as a stroke his particularly well. 
Your hero had you in a spell. The mere sight of him not only made your thighs clench and squirm, but it also took away the logical part of your thoughts that would have told you that maybe you shouldn't be secretly watching him - no matter how good the clench of his strong hand looked around his cock. Maybe he would get angry with you, but it wasn't like you hadn't seen all of these parts of him before. Besides he's had you touch yourself in front of him a couple time before, so maybe it was his turn to show himself off. Although maybe you should announce yourself and then watch. Or maybe you should waltz over and ride on him for your own relief as well as his. You were starting to drip. 
Another growl of pleasure from your red head had you legs anchored into place. You would be on that dick some point tonight if you had your way but for now, you wanted to watch. Kirshima always declared it was some form of manliness by focusing on your pleasure over his - he always made you cum first and he loved making you cum a lot. But this time, you were getting to watch him enjoy himself, touch himself for his own sake. You were getting to see him get off on his own terms. May as well let your hero focus on himself for round one, right? 
You weren't above touching yourself in the meantime though.
Your own hand had snuck down past your waist band and into the fabric of your panties, letting your fingers trace along the slit of your folds as quietly as you could manage. You hadn't wanted to get caught anyway, but even less so with your hands down your pants like this. You just had to be quiet. You could do that, right? Besides, it'd be easy enough to match your motions with his, hide your ragged pants under the guise of his own grunts and smacking skin.
You fanned over your sweet spot a couple times, but quickly decided to switch lower. Your body was clenching around air - may as well give it something to attend to. As you noticed Kirishima switch to a slower stroke, you timed your motion with his own, slipping two fingers into your waiting sex as his hand rode down the length of his.
Biting on the inside of your cheek was the only way to stop your sound. Gotta keep quiet. But even the thought of his hard cock riding into you was enough to send a wave of pleasure straight through your core. His quirk was hardening, but he didn't need it to get himself up and leave a dent. You practically felt like you had imprints left inside you with the way he would drive into your body - he shaped you out perfectly for himself… You missed that feeling. You missed having him written into your body, missed having the marks of sharp bites hidden on your skin, missed being enveloped in his smell and in his arms. He didn't indicate any signs of spotting you, but as if he could read your mind, he was suddenly picking up the pace and you moved in tandem. Each pump of your own fingers, you pretended it was him inside you instead and your back arched with the fantasy. 
Pleasure wrapped your vision and you had to force your legs to keep from shaking as you picked up with each increase in tempo Kirishima gave. Your biting into your cheek got a bit tougher to. He was getting close and you could tell from the way he was straining to keep his voice down. He had a habit of suppressing his own groans and grunts when he was close to orgasm. When you had pouted after a session and asked him why, he claimed it was because he didn't want anything to muffle the sound of your orgasm. He wanted to hear every single sound from the loudest, neediest scream, to the softest, blissful sigh. It wouldn't be very manly of him to steal the spotlight from star of his show, right? And apparently, that habit carried over to his solo sessions, because now as his hips rocked up into his hand - muscles tensing- his voice was strained, jaw clenched as he tried to suppress his sounds. You weren't used to withholding your own noises, but you were trying real hard now as you worked yourself up, wanting to cum with him. For an added little boost, your free hand snaked up your shirt and found its way to your chest, tugging at the closest peek it could as your sight lost focus of anything else other than the motion over his cock. So fucking close.
You were so ready to see stars, so transfixed in your own bliss. Then you heard Eijiro's voice speak up again and it almost made you wanna cum on the spot - he said your name. It wasn't exactly surprising, you were his girlfriend after all. But something about him still touching himself to thoughts of you even when he was alone? The fact that it was your name on his lips when he was at the cusp of orgasm? Damn.
You were ready for that last push- that last shove to push you over your peak. 
But then his hand stopped.
His hand stopped and you wanted to cry. Was he edging himself? Or what was he…
Suddenly you heard you name again - strained from a stolen orgasm but this didn't sound like it was said from the sheer ecstasy, this sounded like it was being directed. Directed at you.
With the hand at his cock at a full freeze and your heart leaping into your chest, your eyes nervously darted upwards and you were met with two crimson eyes staring directly at you from the bed. A shark tooth grin aimed your way.
"Pretty shady of you to be a peeping tom like that, babe," his voice came out playful but the edge in it from his little edging stunt had your body absolutely jolting. You came to attention in your shock, but you didn't miss the way his eyes seemed to follow your hand as you pulled it out of your pants - now deliciously wet. "But it'd be even worse of me to keep the best part to myself when I know you're over there waiting for me - c'mere."
Definitely not mad. Oh, no. He sounded eager in fact, and despite the heat flooding to your face at being caught, his call had you beckoned to him like a moth to a flame. How were you to resist?
The next moment, your bodily shakily carried you to stand between his legs and he wasted no time dragging you in by the swell of your hips. "Besides, I've been holding myself back this whole time until I could get to you again. I got a lot of love to give. Come get your fill."
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