#fav john waters movie ..... ?.??.?..??
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As requested by Anon. These gifs of Vincent Price from The Brainwashing of John Hayes
Is it necessary for him to suck his fingers like that? 😳 🥵
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shinigabi-tan · 1 year
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Corny and Tammy in Hairspray (1988)
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xperimento626 · 2 years
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there need to be more movies that randomly decide to become a slasher in the last twenty minutes or so after one of the main characters discovers they are transgender. this is why more movies need to be beyond the valley of the dolls
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lee-laurent · 2 months
Falling Fast - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Luke and Tori finally realize how much they need each other. John starts to question if he can really ever get over Tori
content: fluff, LOTS OF FLUFF, slight angst, mentions of sex but no smut, money issues, oc x ex!john marino
wc: 2.2k
notes: PART 4 of the 'done trying' series! go check out parts 1-3 if you haven't already! this one is heavily tori and luke focused. not a lot of riley in this one. also some john moments. but mostly luke and tori!! my favs!!! ENJOY!!
The front door swung open, revealing an exhausted John. Riley was sitting on Tori's lap on the couch, Scooby Doo playing on the TV, a pacifier in his mouth. Tori didn't even look up at the sound of the door, continuing to stroke her son's hair. She'd finally got him settled, after having a meltdown over his bath. Finally dressed in his pjs and calm, Tori was not about to get up and ruin that. She was slightly aware of what had happened at practice thanks to a text from Luke. She wasn't mad at Luke, just John.
"Dada?" Riley mumbled, his eyes half closed.
"Yeah, bubba. Dada's home," Tori whispered back, pressing a kiss to the back of his head.
John entered the living room, leaving a cushion of space between himself and his ex-girlfriend. She didn't even look in his direction, focusing solely on the show playing on the TV. He sighed, earning Riley's attention.
"Dada has boo-boo!"
"Dada's okay, baby. I promise," John forced a smile.
"No, no, I'm okay, Ri. Dada just fell at work."
"O-tay," the toddler nodded, cuddling back into his mom's chest. Tori would never get over how compassionate Riley was. He cared about everyone so much, especially his parents. She looked at John through the corner of her eyes, noting the black eye that their son was concerned about.
"There are frozen peas in the freezer," was all she said, returning to humming along with the theme song.
"Thanks," John huffed, moving to the kitchen.
"You ready for bed, sleepy boy?"
Riley nodded, tucking his head into Tori's neck. She stood up, carrying him down the hall to his room. She hummed a lullaby, rocking him until his eyes finally closed. With a click of a button, white noise filled the room and Tori was finally able to breathe easy. At least for a second.
"Here," she frowned, shoving a blanket and pillow into John's arms.
"For the couch. So it's a bit more comfortable."
"Oh. Uh, thanks?"
"Yeah. Whatever. If he sleeps all night tonight, feel free to move back out. And don't make a habit of beating up my boyfriend, that's not the model you should be setting for your son."
"That's all you got from that?" she rolled her eyes, filling up her water bottle.
"So, he's your boyfriend now?"
"Not officially."
"But in your head he is, huh? You really think he can fill that hole in your heart?"
She could feel the anger bubbling in her chest, but took a deep breath, not wanting to argue with Riley trying to sleep.
"Grow up."
John scoffed, "My parents are coming this weekend. Can Riley stay at mine?"
"Why can't they come here and see him?"
"Because they don't..."
"They don't like me. I get it. Sure. I'll pack his bag in the morning."
"Are you gonna go see Pop and Nanny?" Tori smiled, helping Riley put on his little backpack.
"Pop 'n Nanny!"
"Yes! Pop and Nanny! Can Mama have a hug goodbye?"
"Bye, Mama! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too, baby! Be good for Dada!"
"I'll have him back here Monday morning?" John offered.
"Yeah, that works. See ya."
With John gone, Tori could actually breathe. She started by cleaning up Riley's room and then the living room. Making herself a cup of coffee and turning on her favourite movie, "Dead Poets Society." She'd invited Luke to stay the weekend, so now she was just waiting for his arrival.
"Miss me?" a voice rang through the apartment.
She pulled herself off the sofa, throwing her arms around the taller boy.
"Yeah. A lot. Let me see your lip," she pulled his face down closer to hers, inspecting his busted lip.
"You should see the other guy."
"I did. He looks worse," she shook her head, failing to hide her smirk. "I'm so sorry, babe. He shouldn't have gone after you like that."
"It's fine, V. He's just... getting over you. Slowly."
"Trust me, I know. Come sit, I missed cuddling you."
"What else did you miss about me?" he teased.
"Nothing. Just the cuddles. Although you'll always be second to Riley on the cuddle scale. He's a pro."
"I bet he is. How're you feeling about him being with John this weekend?"
"Way to tear the Band-Aid off, Hughes!"
"Sorry, sorry."
"No, I, uh... I don't know. It's fine, I guess. I know he's safe with John, I just... things with John are really shit right now. And I know he's gonna tell his parents and then things with them will get even more shit. It's such a snowball effect."
"You've got me. I'll support you, baby."
"Thanks, Lu," she nuzzled her nose against his, giving him a quick peck.
"I've been meaning to ask you something."
"Well... we've been on a few dates now... and I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"
Tori hesitated, pretending to think over her answer, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Luke."
"Phew! You scared me for a second there."
"I just... I'm not sure how kindly John will take to that."
"Doesn't matter right now, love. We've got the whole weekend to ourselves. Where should we start?"
"Movie it is."
"This is sad," Luke complained, shifting Tori on his lap.
"So? You made me watch Secretariat."
"I didn't make you watch anything."
"Whatever. You know what I meant. Also shut up."
"Never. We both know you secretly love hearing me yap."
"Don't lie, Tori. You could listen to me talk allllll day," he teased.
"Maybe. I'd rather listen to you than Jack... don't tell him I said that."
"HA! I won't... I won't. But seriously, this movie is so sad."
"It's a masterpiece, Lu. You just don't get it like I do."
"Guess I'm not woke like you."
"Shut up. This part is good."
"Why're they standing on the desks?"
"Stop asking questions!"
"I'm just a little lost, baby."
"They're standing in solidarity with their teacher."
"So they got on top of their desks? That'd get you a detention."
Tori leaned up, kissing him swiftly, "Shut up. And you'll get more of that."
"Deal," he smirked, watching the credits roll.
"You're taking up the whole bed," Luke complained, scooching away from the edge.
"No, I'm not."
"You totally are. You're half my size and taking up double the space."
"I'm comfy."
"I'm not."
"Boo fucking hoo."
"Babe," he whined.
"Fine," she moved over, laughing as Luke quickly pulled her in to spoon.
"You smell so good," he mumbled into her hair.
"Thanks, babe."
"You're like a fucking heater. I love it."
"Shut up and sleep."
"Make me."
She shook her head, flipping over and straddling him. He smirked, his hands planted firmly on her hips.
"Hi, Lu," she leaned down, connecting their lips.
"I could kiss you forever."
"Then stop talking and kiss me."
"Yes, ma'am!"
Luke hated early mornings, in fact he was known for sleeping in. As a mom, Tori couldn't say she was the same. She was up every morning at 7 like clockwork. "Sleeping in" to her was waking up at 8. So as she lay staring at the ceiling, her boyfriend snoring next to her, she felt so useless. She needed to be up doing something. Cleaning. Making breakfast. Going on a walk. Taking a shower. Anything but this. She was accomplishing nothing!
"Luke," she shook him slightly. He just groaned, pulling her closer to him. She laughed, maybe she could sleep for a little bit longer.
Two hours later, she was awake again. This time thinking of ways she could convince Luke to get out of bed. She started by flipping in his arms, tracing her finger over his bare chest. He stirred, letting out a quiet hum. She traced her fingers over his abs, feeling the ridges under her fingertips. God, he was hot. He reached out, grabbing her wrist.
"Don't start something you can't finish," he mumbled, eyes still closed.
"Who said I wanted it to end," she giggled, his grip on her loosened. His eyes opening very slightly.
"I'm listening..."
"Well, I need a shower. And I thought... I don't know, maybe you'd like to join."
"Yeah?" he smirked.
"Let's go."
"Let me under the water!" Tori complained, Luke's height blocking any of the warm water from hitting her bare body.
"But it's sooooo relaxing."
"Yeah? And I'm fucking freezing! Let me in!"
"Fine," he huffed, standing behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against his front. She sighed contently, finally being able to embrace the warmth of the water. He slowly snuck his hand up her body, resting it to cup right under her breast.
"What're you doing, Lukey?"
"Enjoying the shower with my smoking hot girlfriend."
She giggled, a blush covering her face. She turned in his arms, kissing him passionately.
"Wanna finish what you started?" he teased.
"What shampoo is it?" Luke asked, looking at all the bottles lining the wall.
"We're wasting water at this point. I don't have the money for this," Tori sighed worriedly.
"Are you... are you being sarcastic?"
"No, Luke. I'm not a loaded NHL player. Water costs money. We should just get out."
"Babe, shhh. All is well. I'll pay the extra amount on the water bill. I promise."
"You don't have to do that."
"I don't, you're right. But I want to. Now which bottle is the shampoo? I wanna give you a relaxing shampooing."
"It's the red one," she sighed, allowing Luke to run his hands through her hair. She needed this. The stress melted away as he massaged at her scalp, admiring the small hums that left her mouth.
"You're so pretty, Tori."
"Thanks, Lukey."
"Any time, baby. Now... for the body wash."
She let out a loud laugh, smacking her hand against his chest, "I can manage that part."
"Are you sure? Might be difficult."
"I've got it."
"Would you mind helping me?"
"Luke Hughes, you dog."
"What?! Can't help it when you're this fucking beautiful."
She blushed, "Thanks, Lu."
"That's what I'm here for. To make sure you know that you're the most important girl in the world."
The couple was laying on the couch, Tori running her hand through Luke's hair. He was watching some hockey thing on the TV that she didn't understand, occasionally pointing out details to her. Her phone started buzzing, a sigh leaving her mouth as she swiped to accept the call.
"Victoria! How've you been, love?" her mother asked excitedly.
"Oh, um... okay. Just watching some TV."
"Where's my Riley?"
"At John's. His parents are in town. They wanted some time with him, I guess."
"Well, awfully rude of them to take him away from his mother. Especially when you were just fixing that sleep schedule of his."
"Mom, it's not-"
"Don't say it's not a big deal, Victoria! It is. They are so rude to you."
"Let me finish! They never consider how you feel about things. I just... I wish they'd listen to you, dear."
"Mom, all is well. Riley loves spending time with his dad. And I get some much needed time to relax."
"That is nice, isn't it? Some much needed you time. Not you and Riley time."
"It's lovely. I'm just here with-"
"With Ally? Hi, Ally!"
"No, Mom!" Tori laughed, "Luke."
"Oh, Luke! How lovely! How is he?"
"He's good, he's good. Half asleep, but good."
"I can't believe you're finally dating again! Only took you over a year."
Tori rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know, Mom. Why'd you call?"
"Just wanted to check in. Make sure you're not too overwhelmed. See if you needed some money."
"We're actually doing alright, at the moment. I had enough to get Riley some extra snacks this week."
"Oh! Isn't that just wonderful! Remember if you ever need a few extra dollars..."
"I know, Mama. I love you."
"I love you, Vicky! Talk to you soon."
"Bye, Mom."
"Your mom seems nice," Luke commented, his voice muffled by Tori's shirt.
"Hm? Yeah, she's the best."
"I, uh, I didn't realize you were having... money problems."
"It's not something I enjoy talking about. John's child care is my saving grace most times. I just... I want Riley to have everything he needs."
"Don't offer me any money, Hughes. I'll dump your ass right here, right now. I'm a strong, independent woman."
"Of course. I know you are, babe."
"Thanks for staying with me this weekend, Lu."
"Whenever you need it."
"How would you feel about formally spending some time with Riley?"
"Really?!" he sprung up, his eyes wide.
"Yeah. Why? Are- are you not ready for that?"
"No! No! I'm so ready! I just... are you ready?"
"I mean, I won't tell him you're my boyfriend. He won't understand that. But... I want him to meet you. Spend some time together. Cause... if you guys don't click... I don't know what I'd do."
"Well, let's set up a playdate!" Luke grinned, reassuringly rubbing her back.
"Okay, yeah. Let's do it."
God, how would John react when he found out Riley was spending time with Luke? Fingers-crossed that he won't overreact. Tori wasn't sure she could deal with anymore dramatic arguments with her ex. Guess she'd have to wait and see.
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eyezdrawz · 4 months
Meet the artist!
Last updated: August 25th 2024
Hi! I'm Eyez or Ken or Margo! My pronouns are he/him🏳️‍⚧️!!
(purple: what I like most)
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pfp by @/whattheheckins
dni: Homophobes, Transphobes, p3dos, pr0shippers, racists, and other idiots
I believe in peace and freedom for every country (ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE IN NEED RIGHT NOW!🍉)
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✏️What I post!: Art, music rants, random thoughts, and reblogs
❤️Main interest!:
Camp here and there (my fav podcast and this is what I mainly draw/write about) (finished podcast)
Malevolent (finished podcast) (one EP behind)
TMA (finished podcast) (not caught up with tmagp)
Old gods of Appalachia (currently listening to)
Interview with the vampire (TV show and movie, currently ready the books)
Hannibal NBC
Midnight Mass
The Stanley parable
Dead plate
Tokyo ghoul
Vulture Culture/Bones
Heavy Gore/blood/body horror/Eldritch horror
Ocs (Santiago, Mikeal, and Andias)
And more!
🎵Music I listen to!
Will wood/will wood and the tapeworms (fav artist)
The Dear Hunter
Shayfer james
Amigo the devil
Penelope Scott
Bear ghost
Tally Hall (and other tally hall related bands/members/projects)
Chonny Jash
And more!
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All of my special interests/fixations: vampires, gore, gothic lit, bones, vulture culture, my favorite animals (deer, vampire deer (Siberian musk deer/Chinese water deer) , wolves, hyenas, shrikes, maned wolves) human anatomy+medical terms and examination
Characters I relate too:
Armand from iwtv (I kin him so much it's not normal)
will graham from Hannibal
the butcher from malevolent
John doe from malevolent
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random blinkies I like✌️: (i did not make these blinkies, all credits go to the people who made these) (chnt hourglass blinkie made by @/delicatecentipede)
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Are you a writer? A poet? An artist? A singer? A creative person? Consider joining the poets discord! (14+)
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under-the-dirt · 10 months
hihihi!! i’m livie but you can call me liv or livie!!
age: 14 (bday is sep 23 :3)
pronouns: they/them but i’m fine with she/they :3 afab
nationality: i was born in and live in america but i’m italian, german and irish!! :D i can speak a bit of italian, and my great grandmother is an italian immigrant!!
general boundaries: i hate non-con!!! no non con!! don’t send requests for non-con please!! i’m fine with consensual somnophilia but no non-con!! also, under 13 dni!!
other stuff: i’m autistic and i have a bunch of other disorders so life can be very difficult but i cope through my writing and my art!! i love getting requests and i love talking to people!! i love music sm, and i’m almost always singing and dancing!! some of my fav artists are the killers, lana del rey, the weeknd, ghost, etc!
p.s. mutuals if i ever cross a boundary when talking please tell me!!! i’m very affectionate but i tend to cross boundaries on accident!!
writing boundaries:
• i will not write non-con! never! this is for trauma related reasons and it generally disgusts me. read/write what you like, but this is where i draw the line.
• i will not write characters non-consensually groping/touching the reader. i might consider like a character protecting reader from being groped, but i generally can’t stand it. (naturally, for trauma related reasons as well)
• i will not write certain kinks/fetishes, such as foot fetishes, piss kinks or other gross kinks.
• i will never ever write illegal age gaps. never. do not ask me to write an adult with a child. do not ask for anything pedophilic. this is for obvious reasons as well as trauma related reasons.
masterlist under the cut! <3
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key: 🌲 = angsty 🌿 = fluffy 🪴= smutty
john price
no strings. - an ask for reader x price friends with benefits, but reader gets pregnant and leaves 🌲🌿
whispers. part one part two - barracks bunny exposes price’s little crush in front of the task force 🪴
sleeptalking. part one part two - based of Talking In Your Sleep by The Romantics, price hears reader talking about him in their sleep and their dreams become a little too real 🌿🪴
horror movies. - a request where reader and price watch a movie too scary for either of them and they can’t sleep!! 🌿
avoidance. - reader avoids price bc they’re afraid that he doesn’t like them back, and he confronts them.. 🪴 (not sure)
simon ‘ghost’ riley
phone call. part two - bf!simon fucks you while you’re otp with your best friend / bf!simon fucks you in front of your best friend 🌿🪴(def my best)
lap dog. - a fic where hybrid!reader hits ghost too much with their tail!! (no classification)
braids. - simon braids reader’s hair!! 🌿
hard to love. - reader and ghost are friends with benefits, but reader wants what simon can’t give. 🌲🪴
john ‘soap’ mactavish
water. - based on my friend bunny’s ask in their acc (aforementioned ask) where soap refuses to fuck reader and instead does it with the showerhead!! 🪴🌿
phone call. (pt. 2) - reader gets fucked by bf!simon and soap gets a special desert afterwards.. 🌿🪴
distractions. - reader has a bad day at work and koko helps relieve their stress with a makeout sesh!! 🪴🌿
christmas gifts. - reader gets the boys a big dino plush for christmas!! 🌿
taskforce 141
christmas gifts. - gn!reader gets the boys a big dino plush for christmas!! 🌿
comfort. - 141 cuddles!!! 🌿
cold. - cold reader gets cuddled by all the 141 (not at the same time!!) 🌿
taglist: none
comment to be added to the main taglist! those are the only things i’ve written so far, please send asks/messages for whatever you want em to write!! i don’t tend to write things on my own <3
ily all!!!
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t4tower-of-t4terror · 10 months
Twst horror movie taste hcs
A response to smthn in my ask box! I've actually had this in my drafts for over a year!
DEFINITELY was not allowed to watch horror movies
I feel like his dormmates have been easing him into the genre a little
He likes Carrie. He finds Carrie White relatable
I feel like Riddle would also like early horror. Universal monsters and maybe a little Hitchcock
But he can't do gore and he isnt a huge fan of slashers
Casual horror fan. Pretty decent taste
Like he's seen most of the big franchises (Halloween, NOES, Friday the 13th, Scream, Child's Play, etc.)
He seems like either a 70s horror kinda guy or a 90s-2000s horror kinda guy.
Maybe I'm projecting but. I feel like he'd enjoy Black Christmas
Probably secretly enjoys really fucked up insane movies. Curse of science club
LOVES schlocky slashers
Definitely watches Dead Meat. I feel it in my bones.
Cater likes campy stuff above all. He HAS done a Jennifer Check Halloween costume.
Probably loves The Lost Boys, The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Bride of Chucky, Rocky Horror, all of that fun stuff
Him and Trey have occasional marathons. Sometimes they invite Riddle
Has a tendency to get spooked by it, though
He absolutely loves the Friday the 13th movies.
Has probably done a Billy and Stu costume w Ace
He's such a wuss but he pretends he isn't
This fuck chooses the scariest shit during horror movie nights and almost pisses his pants
His fav is probably Fright Night. Idk why
He "doesn't watch movies"
I think he'd fw Chucky though
Black comedy lover
HUGE fan of b-movie franchises like Leprechaun, Gingerdead Man, Evil Bong, etc
I feel like he watches Troma
Avid $5 movie box enthusiast
I don't think he'd watch any
He gets too upset
Hes a coward
He really likes movies where the killer gets revenge on their bullies
Idk why but I think he'd fuck with paranormal horror
He likes The Shining. No clue why
He's an extreme horror fan
He's seen it ALL
like. Homie can watch the most fucked up shit with a straight face
He recommends Salo at parties. He also is no longer allowed to go to parties.
Like Jade.
Fucko will absolutely be like "we shld watch Slaughtered Vomit Dolls!!! I've heard it's really fun" so he doesn't get invited to Halloween parties.
Also doesn't watch horror
He gets emotional when certain characters die
He does fw hocus pocus though
Also a really graphic horror fan
He probably likes it as projection
He also likes complex psychological stuff. More of a casual fan but has a morbid curiosity with the genre
Really likes "descent into madness" movies
But I feel like Vil wld adore Black Swan specifically. It's a personal callout
Vil likes the darker, artsier vampire movies. They prioritize aesthetic above all else and WILL critique period-inaccurate costuming
But has one rlly campy guilty pleasure franchise. Idk why but I wanna say Sleepaway Camp. Pretends the ending of the first movie doesn't exist.
Rook made her watch Serial Mom and she kinda fucking loved it
I'm split here. Because this man is a fucking FREAKAZOID
Either he only watches deeply artsy pretentious horror films for the beauty in it
Or he has a collection of "horror" DVDs that are VERY VERY DUBIOUS. And probably real
Whatever. Rook Hunt I recommend The Hunger with David Bowie and Katherine Deneuve because it suits him. Also Hellraiser for graphic gore and also weird erotica.
Also he's a John Waters girlie. I believe it with my whole fucking soul.
Why do I wanna say Final Destination or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Surprised by how much his dormmates actually enjoy bloody horror movies. Despite that, he handles mainstream horror better than he handles Vil's arthouse horror or Rook's whatever the fuck Rook watches
Category 5 autisms about Perfect Blue
Genuine diehard horror fan. This is canon btw
He has a canon niche horror franchise he made a detailed Halloween cosplay of. This is a fact.
Also. Re-Animator for obvious reasons
He is the horror, if you think about it.
Also he watched Videodrome because of the film club and got really into it
I can only imagine him watching black and white horror. And distinctly romantic vampire movies
Bride of Frankenstein girlie
All of em
Old weird bat man liked horror movies that only 5 people have ever seen. He has the most insane letterboxd page known to man
He doesn't have much interest in horror as a genre
But maybe Nightmare on Elm Street. Lilia made him watch it
He liked Dream Warriors.
Tried to sit through a horror movie because Lilia likes them but he couldn't do it
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corpseofthemonth · 3 months
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
This fall is my senior year of high school and I decided I'm going to journal the entire experience here. I'll be referring to myself & all my friends and family and even my pets by false names for privacy reasons, and also because I intend to delete this blog at the end of the year. This is a diary but I might reblog fandom stuff to chronicle my fixations. I hope melodramatic bullshit is up your guys' alleys !!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Name: Olive
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Age: 17
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Birthday: April 12th
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Gender: agender
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Pronouns: Any! she/her is fine though
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Likes: Stevie Nicks, goth music, books about sad women in big cities, deer, teeth, pomegranates, carnivorous plants, ironic camouflage, bodies of water, hairspray, hotels, floral wallpaper, cemeteries, fainting couches, attics, taxidermy, the color green, the Muppets, stupidly large wigs, blackjack, crime procedurals, cat eye glasses, parasols, religious iconography, surf rock, having red hair, Joan Didion, my dog Bea, hand tattoos
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Dislikes: bananas, John Travolta, unnecessarily big animals, Lindsey Buckingham, birds, bad poetry, acid jazz, possums, eurocentric beauty standards, mosquito hawks, centipedes, squash, gingham
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Boundaries/Triggers: Do not get remotely sexual with me. Dms are fine, I'm up for friends! If we become close I may divulge my other social media accounts but the second you cross a line I'm blocking you. No bigotry. Basic shit, no being too graphic about traumatic experiences unless you're venting and I've given you permission. NEVER repost my photos even with credit.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Fav Musicians: David Bowie, Ethel Cain, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fleetwood Mac, Cocteau Twins, Mazzy Star, Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, Gardens of Livadia, Marlene Dietrich, Blondie, Joni Mitchell, Messer Chups, Fiona Apple, Talking Heads, underscores, Billie Holiday, Elliot Smith, Strawberry Switchblade, St Vincent, Norma Tanega, The Cramps, Pj Harvey, Bjork, Nick Cave&The Bad Seeds/The Birthday Party, Roxy Music, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Kate Bush, Black Marble, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Roger Miller, Sonic Youth, Grouper, Sierra Ferrell, Bruce Springsteen, Broadcast, The Cure, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Lebanon Hanover, Joy Division, New Order, Scary Black, Vampire Beach Babes, Boy Harsher, She Wants Revenge, Depeche Mode, Clan of Xymox, The Damned, This Cold Night... way more
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Fav Movies & Tv: Archer, Bobs Burgers, What We Do In The Shadows, Brooklyn 99, Shows on Dropput, The Royal Tenenbaums, Clue, Scott Pilgrim, Practical Magic, Murderville, Killing Eve, Blue Velvet, Wild Things, Twin Peaks, Lady Bird, Past Lives, Francis Ha, But I'm A Cheerleader, Addicted to Fresno, Russian Doll
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whipbogard · 1 year
get to know the blogger
tagged by the loveliest @demeaux 😘
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Yea yea go ahead and judge me LOL it's been like this since Day 1, for 4-5 years?? 🤣 This is also... clean for my standard coz I cleaned it up few months back :x
Last song you listened to: Time is Running Out - Muse
Currently reading: brain has been real stubborn about reading stuff for over a year now so I haven't been reading anything 😔 barely read fics even
Last movie: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (was just okay. nice to see something you grew up with but the story felt rushed)
Last show: I think it's either BTAS or John of God: The Crimes of a Spiritual Healer (and this was... weeks ago LOL)
Craving: An absolutely fluffy sugar donut
What are you wearing right now: a well-loved Wolverine vs Sabretooth t-shirt and boxers
How tall are you: 5' 4" 💀
Piercings: None. Used to have a pair but they closed up
Tattoos: None [sad violin music]
Glasses? Contacts? Neither, if I am given the chance. I started wearing glasses back in Nov and while I do look more handsome, I hate it LMFAOOOO
Last drink: Water
Last thing you ate: Just woke up so I haven't eaten anything (but I did ate popcorn in the cinema last night lmfao)
Favorite color: Red ❤❣
Current obsession: TommyLinc + Colin domestic shenanigans 😔👨‍👨‍👦
Any pets:
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From front, clockwise: Cat Baby, Small Lady and Mimi!!
Favorite fictional character: this is honestly too hard for me to answer lmfao g-gotta toss a coin between Jason and Harv I think.... but what about my 4720810 favs from One Piece omg
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d1gnan · 8 months
do you have a letterboxd? :O any favorite movies uve watched lately? (if this sent twice im sorry i have shit country internet smh)
YES mine is pewpjokez
and here is my list of favs cuz im so fickle with my top 4
i genuinely give every thing a shot but i tend 2 like noir + giallo the bestt haha
and latelY ive been in a john waters mood i think everyone needs to watch cecil b demented
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concordewillfly · 1 year
nyx fears is amazing she is so funny and her taste in movies is crazy good. she owns almost every john waters movie on dvd she likes b horror movies she said she has a crush on david lynch and that salò is her fav movie ever. what else could u want from a microcelebrity
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Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @zackinpink !!! thank u for the tag, ily bestie<3
Three Ships:
Regina and Emma were directly responsible for 13 year old me being comfortable admitting I liked girls. Regina Mills has been at the center of who I am for over a decade, and I don’t think I’ll ever let her go. These two are part of me, and I love them so much. Plus me and Emma share a birthday, and the show came out the day after my 13th birthday so it basically belonged to me (in my adolescent brain). They also are responsible for making me become obsessed with the enemies to friends to lovers dynamic haha (I am mentally unwell)
This is my biggest ship for The Worst Witch 2017 fandom, I absolutely ADORE Hecate and I love her with Julie more than anything!!! It’s not as popular as some other ships in the fandom, but I kind of like that it’s just me and a few other people who ship it tbh. I like the dynamic of a witch dating a non magical, and I love mumbroom specifically because while Julie is Mildred’s actual mom, Hecate sort of becomes Mildred’s school mom while Millie attends Cackles Academy.
I think this ship started out as a bit of a crack ship??? Not just for me, but for the whole BBC Sherlock fandom really. But it very quickly became just as real as johnlock (Sherlock x John) and even though it was never quite as popular, is still my favourite BBC Sherlock ship. Mycroft has always been my fav character from the show, and I think he deserves happiness! Plus Greg is one of the most wholesome characters in the entire show, and even though he has very little scene interaction with Mycroft, they still somehow make so much sense.
First ship: Swanqueen & Snamione (these happened basically simultaneously). Is snamione embarrassing? Yes. Moving on now thanks
Last song: Bringin’ Back Christmas by Ryan Reynolds from the new movie musical Spirited 🫢 guys this is so embarrassing I’m sorry… I actually really enjoyed this movie tho💔
Last movie: Thunder Force (2021) with Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer!!! It’s so sososo good btw, I’ve seen it a bunch of times lol. I watched it a couple days ago with my mom, it’s such a funny movie! I’ve also watched The Addams Family & Addams Family Values in the last week, but those are total classics that I’ve also seen a million times before lol. I love movies!
Currently reading: The Ministry of Unladylike Activity by Robin Stevens! It’s not as good as the Murder Most Unladylike series but it’s still a good addition to the world she’s built in her previous series.
Currently watching: Emergence. I watched it when it first started airing on tv in 2019, but I’m rewatching it with my aunt :) I love you Allison Tolman!!!
Currently drinking: water! I’m sick so I need to drink a lot of fluids
Currently craving: peace and quiet… my little cousin decided I needed noise in my life 😔
Tagging! Ignore this if u want btw Idc<3
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ritz-writes · 10 months
Get to know me tag game! I was tagged by @celestialcrowley
It's a long post so I'll put a cut here <3
Real Name: [REDACTED]
Nickname(s): [REDACTED]
Nickname Origin(s): [REDACTED]
Sorry, I'm not giving out my irl name </3
Preferred Name(s): Call me Ritz!
Ao3: RitzWrites
Social Media(s): I have a Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Pillowfort, Twitter. The only ones under Ritz tho are ao3, Twitter, pillowfort, and insta, tho I never use the insta.
State: Won't say the state I currently live in (tho i mightve mentioned it in a post somewhere probably) but I grew up in Texas
Birthdate: May 28
Pet(s): Currently have 7 cats and 1 dog in my house. One cat is specifically mine
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, watching youtube, screaming about my fandoms
Personality: I'm the sunshine character, but I swear a lot. Also if you wrong my friends I feel it personally and will be very angy. I'm very open minded and won't make an opinion on smth until I get all the facts. I want to be friends with everyone but the gods nerfed me with social anxiety ;w;
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas has always been special to me and give me Nice emotions. Halloween is also good tho.
Favorite Drink(s): Kiddo me would have an aneurysm when she finds out I like vanilla lattes. She swore up and down she'd never like coffee lmao. I also love strawberry milk and sprite.
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, donuts, sirloin, airheads candy, beef stroganoff
Favorite Dessert(s): Cookies and cream ice cream, cookies, brownies
Favorite Color(s): Pink!! I tried changing it when I was younger cuz I didn't want to be the stereotypical girl," but I've always loved pink. Gold is also nice, as well as pastel colors in general.
Favorite Quote(s): "New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings," -Lao Tzu
Favorite Book(s): The Enhanced series by T.C. Edge (I haven't finished reading it tho)
Favorite TV Show(s): Good Omens, Lego Monkie Kid, 2003 Ninja Turtles, Transformers Prime, Batman The Animated Series
Favorite Movie(s): Ocean's 8, Black Panther, The Martian, John Wick
Favorite Character(s): Crowley, Aziraphale, Muriel, MK, Wukong, Macaque, Tang, Jason Todd, Peter Parker, Tony Stark
Favorite Actor(s): David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Robert Downey Jr.
Favorite Song(s): There's so many, but I'll list a few. Last One Standing by Icon for Hire. Ohio by Bowling for Soup. Rich and the Famous by Good Charlotte. and literally anything by set it off cuz they r my fav band
Favorite Music Genre(s): Pop Punk. Or what some ppl r now calling divorced dad rock
Favorite Podcast(s): I haven't listened to it in a hot minute, but My Brother My Brother and Me
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity: I met some YouTubers at a convention once, but I don't watch the channel anymore
Have You Ever Been To A Concert: Yeah. To see Fall Out Boy. It was outside and I had no water. Was fun tho
Do You Collect Anything: Braincells. I keep losing them tho (no I dont collect anything)
Do You Have Any Idols: Uhhhh I'm not sure. I have ppl I think are cool? I guess you could say my mom is my idol?
Is There A Real Life Friend You Can Completely Be Yourself With: My partner @novelcain <33
What Are Your Interests: Anything I end up hyperfixating on. So right now its Good Omens. Once s5 of Lego Monkie Kid comes out tho, I know that's where my brain will be. I also love graphic design, but I haven't been able to do it in ages.
Where Would You Love To Travel To: Maybe Scotland? Or Italy? I wanna go to Japan some day too.
Is There A Random Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share: I have binocular double vision, which means I see two things :) My glasses help a bit with that issue
tags: anyone who wants to do it
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thewapolls · 1 year
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So... I didn't really intend to do a family tree for stuff like the Novice Troopers in WA4, and the like thirty variations on Brionac forces soldiers since those are all just confined to one game, WA4. But as far as prologue, or at least early game enemies go, that sort of only leaves one thing for WA4...
CHORONZON, initially mislocalized as COLONZON is actually the pillar of this otherwise pretty meager family of monsters. It gets a dramatic overhaul in WA2, but then gets simplified into a floating orb again in Code F. It's actually a reference to a demon invented by famous 16th century occultist Edward Kelly and John Dee, but very notably fixated upon by Aleister Crowley, founder of the Thelema religion, and well known member of the Hermitic Order of the Golden Dawn, whom we will address in a moment...
NIGHTMARE is a curious entry to this, considering it is in fact not portrayed as a horse as in the titular Henry Fuseli painting, despite WA1 actually have two distinctive horse related enemy models (The GHOSTRIDER/DULLAHAN, and the GAMIGIN/BLOODHORN) nor as any kind of impish devil as is otherwise a little more common. No idea why it's a buncha bloody orbs.
PROMETHEUS is a recolor of the CHORONZON model introduced in WA2. It's a cool model over all, and while it suits CHORONZON's broader mystic and occult themes well enough, it's a tad strange for the Greek Prometheus to be wielding not just a staff of fire, but also one for water, and what appears to be stone, and I think wood(?), and a gear --not to mention the yin and yang suspended from the head ornament, or the vast night sky under the robe.
but finally this brings us to the WA4 entries: SCOUTER, INSPECTOR and BULLSEYE, not demons or nightmares like their predecessors, but robotic drones used by the Brionac forces. Kind of anticlimactic if I'm being honest...I've put them all together because like most of the recolors or Brionac forces they're just marginal level ups of one another in both name and design.
There's also THERION, misromanized as TEREON. It's actually part of a dual linage along side the monster MASTER CROWLEY, also butchered in localization as just CRAWLY. "Therion" or "Master Therion" was an epithet assumed by Crowley himself as god of his own religion and supposed Beast of the Book of Revelation. (Yes, Crowley was really that much of an edgelord) All that to say that MASTER THERION, shortened to just M.THERION, in WA2 seems to merge the lineage of those two WA1 monsters.
Although oddly enough there's also the otherwise unrelated monster GREATER BEAST that was introduced in WA2 and confusingly localized as XELAS initially but corrected in later games. It is more overtly based on The Beast of Revelation. In WA2 it is monster #333 in the bestiary, half of 666.
WA2 also introduces PRIMEVALS as a recolor of MASTER THERION. It appears to be named after the, then infamously unfinished stop motion monster film of the same name. It reappeared in WA5 with the only slightly mishandled name PRIME VALS. Against all odds the stop motion movie started by David Allen in the 1970s was actually completed just this past July(2023) after more than 50 years in hiatus and development hell.
Then there's the DEVONOVA enemy that shared CRAWLY's model in WA1. It appears to be a reference to an enemy in the 1970s tokusatsu series, Lionmaru(which the Guardian Lord Justine references) although the physical descriptions don't really line up very well. In any case it continues to appear throughout the franchise, sharing later models with...
MINATOUS is weird... I have no idea where this name came from. The Japanese is written as MI-NA-TU-SU[ミナトゥス] and what's super weird is that TU[トゥ] is very specifically the sound "TOO/TWO" and nothing else, so "TOU" is most certainly not how it should have been romanized, but I have no idea what it was aiming for. It's clearly not trying to be "Minotaur." It's actually weirdly close to the latin "Dominatus" meaning a "Lord" or "Ruler" or "Dominator," which would even sort of gel with the MASTER CROWLEY association, but obviously it is missing the "Do-" at the front, so that doesn't seem right... That's as close to a real idea as I've got.
and finally, A BAO A QU, a monster seemingly invented by Jorge Luis Borges for his Manual de zoología fantástica(aka El libro de los seres imaginaro) although he purports it to be a Malay myth attributed to an author and book that do not exist. (although it appears some people have attempted to trace this fictitious etymology back to a corruption of "Abang Aku," Indonesian for "My Brother.") It is much more likely however to have entered the Japanese popculture lexicon via the original 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam anime, where the A Baoa Qu was space fortress where the final battle of the series took place.
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frootyrooties · 10 months
yesss my fav album is the white album too!! it's stayed on the top of my personal ranking ever since i got familiar with them. i love help, i always felt it was dick lester pulling out a james bond collab with the beatles and this is actually genius. i'm probably going to rewatch all the movies these holidays :')
thank you for the recs, i'll check them out!! sounds very interesting and intriguing for sure
as for my fav bands, the beatles are my current big time obsession so :') but i also listen to a lot of john lennon's solo stuff and pretty much anything from the 60-70s, even though lately i've been in a such the smiths mood :')
also, i saw old hollywood in your description and i love everything old hollywood too!! what are your favourite films?
and i see you're also a (fic)writer! do you like reading as well?
hello santa!
omg, i thought i was the only one that did that for the holidays! there’s always something comforting about watching all the beatles films over the holidays. it’s equally as comforting as watching things like “Home Alone” or “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” funny you mention James Bond, and this is just a random thought, and you may not understand the reference but, there’s this 10cc song called “I’m Mandy, Fly Me” which is primarily sung by my favourite member in the group, Eric Stewart! (and if you’ve had a chance to look through my blog, you will quickly realise how smitten i am by him hehe). anyways, there’s a part in that song where Eric sings about being this James Bond character who ends up falling into ocean whilst fighting off the italian mafia only to be pulled out of the water and resuscitated back to life by a flight attendant (Mandy, in this case). I can’t help but picture that i am Mandy, the girl Eric sings about in that song everytime i listen to it haha. pardon my digression, but your comment just made me think of that for some reason lol.
as far as old films, my all time faves are casablanca, rebel without a cause and wizard of oz. again, there’s also something comforting about old black and white films. have you got any favourite old films?
oh yes, i do write fics from time to time. i just recently picked it back up as a hobby actually, but i’ve been slacking i need to get back into it haha. and yes i love to read! i am currently reading “On The Road” a classic piece by Jack Kerouac. i take it you like reading as well? if so, have you got any favourites?
thanks for getting back to me, santa. looking forward to more brilliant discussions. take care now.
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