#farming equipment company thane
johnthejacobs · 3 months
Indofil Share Price Riding High on the Terrain
Indofil Industries Ltd., a prominent player in the chemical industry, has been making waves in the stock market recently. With a strong foothold in both agricultural chemicals (ABD) and specialty and performance chemicals (SPCD), the Indofil Industries Share Price has been on a significant upward trajectory. This article delves into the reasons behind this surge in Indofil Industries Share Price and what it means for investors and the industry at large. Indofil Industries Ltd. stands out in the fields of agricultural chemicals (ABD) and specialty and performance chemicals (SPCD). As a member of the K.K. Modi Group, this comprehensive multi-product chemical company manufactures and distributes agrochemicals and specialty chemicals throughout India. It is organized into three main segments: agrochemicals, specialty and performance chemicals, and investments. Indofil offers a wide array of products, including fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, acaricides, plant growth regulators, surfactants, and plant nutrition products. The company also provides specialty performance chemicals for industries such as leather, plastics, textiles, paints, coatings, and construction. Additionally, Indofil delivers tailored solutions to support farmers, with a primary distribution network of dealers and distributors. Indofil boasts an export footprint in over 60 countries, particularly known for its mancozeb formulations. Domestically, the company excels in the strategic marketing of various insecticides, including IGRs, fungicides (like mancozeb, tricyclazole, and zineb), bactericides, herbicides, acaricides, surfactants, and plant growth regulators (PGRs). Indofil’s operations in the agricultural sector are driven by its "crop care concept," emphasizing comprehensive crop protection and growth solutions. The company operates one manufacturing facility in Thane and three in Dahej, India. These units are equipped to produce the extensive range of chemical products offered by Indofil, ensuring high standards of quality and reliability. Established in 1962 as a subsidiary of Rohm & Haas Co., USA, Indofil Industries Ltd. is headquartered in Thane, India. Over the decades, it has evolved into a major player in the chemical industry, leveraging its historical expertise and innovative approaches to dominate both agricultural and specialty chemical markets.
Strong Market Position Indofil Industries Ltd. is uniquely positioned in the chemical sector, boasting a robust presence in two critical segments. Its agricultural chemicals division is renowned for providing essential products that support the farming community, enhancing crop yield and protecting plants from various pests and diseases. On the other hand, the specialty and performance chemicals division caters to a broad range of industries, including textiles, leather, and plastics, offering high-performance solutions that meet stringent quality standards.
Financial Performance The company's recent financial performance has been impressive, with quarterly and annual results exceeding market expectations. Revenue growth has been driven by strong demand in both its primary business segments. The agricultural chemicals segment has benefited from favorable monsoon seasons and increased agricultural activities, while the specialty chemicals division has seen a surge in demand from various industries seeking high-quality and innovative chemical solutions.
Strategic Initiatives Indofil's strategic initiatives have played a crucial role in its share price ascent. The company has invested heavily in research and development, leading to the introduction of new and innovative products that cater to evolving market needs. Additionally, Indofil has expanded its global footprint, establishing a presence in key international markets through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. These initiatives have not only diversified its revenue streams but also mitigated risks associated with market fluctuations.
Sustainability Efforts In an era where sustainability is paramount, Indofil has made significant strides in adopting environmentally friendly practices. The company has implemented green chemistry principles in its manufacturing processes, reducing its carbon footprint and ensuring compliance with stringent environmental regulations. These efforts have not only enhanced its brand reputation but also attracted socially responsible investors, contributing to the rise in its share price.
Investor Confidence The combination of strong financial performance, strategic expansion, and a commitment to sustainability has bolstered investor confidence in Indofil Industries Ltd. Market analysts have been optimistic about the company's future prospects, leading to positive ratings and recommendations. As a result, the stock has seen increased trading volumes and heightened interest from institutional investors.
Future Outlook Looking ahead, Indofil is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory. The global demand for agricultural and specialty chemicals is expected to rise, driven by population growth, urbanization, and the need for sustainable solutions. Indofil's ongoing investments in innovation and expansion will likely keep it at the forefront of these trends, providing a solid foundation for sustained share price growth.
Conclusion Indofil Industries Ltd.'s share price has been riding high, reflecting the company's strong market position, impressive financial performance, strategic initiatives, and commitment to sustainability. For investors, the company's continued growth and innovative approach present a promising opportunity. As Indofil navigates the evolving landscape of the chemical industry, it remains a stock to watch in the coming years.
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invoitplast · 7 months
Supplier of Square Silo in Jalgaon
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Supplier of Square Silo in Jalgaon: Invoit Plast Machinery: Invoit Plast Machinery is a reputable Indian company specializing in reliable solutions for the plastic processing industry. The company specializes in the manufacturing, exporting, and supplying of Square Silos in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India. Invoit Plast Machinery emphasizes the suitability of square silos for maximizing storage capacity for bulk goods. Invoit Plast Machinery offers a wide range of different models of transit silos equipped with unloading funnels at angles of 45° and 60° to meet various storage needs and preferences. Unique Features: Square silos feature ultra-smooth flat walls, ensuring even the most difficult products can leave without any problem. The clever design ensures no weld seams on the inside of the structure while retaining its strength. Material and Durability: Constructed from zinc-plated sheet metal with a resistance of 350 MPa, square silos ensure structural durability. The incorporated zinc plating of 350 g/m2 enables long-term, intense exploitation of the silos while providing protection against unfavorable weather conditions, corrosion, and temperature fluctuations. Even after six years of use, square silos are expected to maintain their original structure and appearance. Applications: Offers modern square-shaped silos designed for usage in breeding and agricultural farms, optimized for storing grains, seeds, leguminous plants, and other loose materials. The construction of these containers allows them to serve as transit silos, facilitating the quick transfer of grain by any means of transport. Service Locations in Jalgaon: The company provides supplier services of Square Silo in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, and surrounding areas including Ajanta Road, Kushal Road, Bambhori, Bhavani Peth, Bhusawal, MG Road, Balaji Peth, Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, Konkan, Aurangabad, Amravati, etc. For more details, please have a professional conversation with you / your team. Read the full article
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frankensteined · 6 years
Pec: 9 10 12 13 16 39; Jules: 5 7 24 25 41 44.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
oh my god yes. now, he’s the thane of multiple cities across skyrim and he owns like five houses currently and he’s the arch-mage of the college o winterhold and he’s a member of the thieves guild and and and…!! 
when he was growing up he had very little that was just his, and now he’s got all of that and a family to boot. he’s doing very well for himself :’) 
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
i’ve been keeping him in light armor/thieves guild armor, and before that i had him in robes for the early parts of his journey, so i think i’d say that he feels comfortable in less clothing in terms of armor, but he does like to be fully clothed as often as possible. he’s shy. 
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
after he got married (he’s married now! to sylgja!) and adopted his son (he’s got a son now! named blaise!), and he was able to come to his home at winstad manor, after dealing with all the quests in solstheim. he was away from home for a very, very long time while he was over there, and he worried a lot about leaving his daughter, lucia, home alone, even if she had the dog, meeko, and the house steward, valdimar, there to keep her company. he decided that that meant that it was a good time to actually get married, and the first person who came to mind, as i slogged through all these quests, was sylgja, so i reasoned that that meant that she was the one he was really in love with. SO! i went to talk to her, and after being gone from skyrim for aaaaaages, the first thing she said to him was the standard “it’s a fine day with you around” greeting, but that was just the amount of kindness needed to make that choice the right one! and then, pec ended up upon the farm that blaise was working at one night, and saw the kid sleeping on the floor of the stables, and went “NOPE” and woke him up to adopt him right there.  
so, coming home to a full house after being away for so long, was a really nice, very peaceful feeling, especially after feeling out of place during pretty much the entire time away. 
if he could give valdimar a raise for taking care of lucia while he was away, pec would have done that already. but he’s gonna hire a pretty bard to play at the house and keep val company instead.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
nah, he’s an orc. blood doesn’t bother him unless it’s his and he’s seeing too much of it all at once. 
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
happiness, in his heart. the success that he’s accumulating as he goes is consequential to this duty that he has to save the world….and once he does that, he gets to just settle and relax with his family. so he’s idealizing his future happiness for sure.
all the other orcs shake their heads at him for being a big dumb squishbaby   
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
YES HE GETS BITTEN BY ANIMALS ALL THE TIME. he’ll just be walking along and then get absolutely mauled by skeevers/wolves/bears/giant spiders/sabrecats/fucking DRAGONS etc etc. 
at first it was really jarring and upsetting to him (and me, cuz i used to get startled by them), but by now he’s just gotten so used to it that it’s like this “*SIGH* okay, here we go again…” kind of reaction on his end. though, even with his “been there, done that” attitude, he still occasionally contracts diseases like ataxia and rockjoint, so he can never really shrug off the attacks, cuz he’ll need to pop by a shrine to get rid of them before everyone he talks to worries about him looking sick.   
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
her phone, her keys, her ID, a few folded up bills (all under $20), some loose change in her jean pockets (probably under $3), 3-5 forgotten hair elastics, and several receipts in the back pockets of her jeans that she meant to throw out but keeps forgetting about
and, if she’s lucky, a few hard candies or sticks of gum
it’s noteworthy that she doesn’t keep weapons in her pockets!  
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
mhm mhm she still has bad dreams about her sister dying, or, more generally, being in hospitals with no way of getting out (jules was ten when her sister got sick, and she literally got lost in the hospital a few times and it was all very traumatic and scary for her). hospitals are her big no-go zone and make her uncomfortable even when she’s awake, so in nightmares they become ten times worse. 
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
superficially, she’s pretty quick to trust, if only in the sense that she doesn’t just assume that anybody and everybody is out to get her, or that they even gaf about her. if someone isn’t acting shady, she’ll be fairly pleasant towards them. but in terms of Getting To Know Her, she’s a fair bit more guarded and rarely gives more than she needs to, so there’s definitely walls up as well. she keeps her personal life very separated from her professional life, so if someone tries to dip into one from the other she’ll hustle them back to where she thinks they belong pretty quickly. and once someone’s proven to be shady or unreliable she’ll close up on them almost immediately. i’ve compared her compartmentalizing to “stacking boxes on top of boxes” before, and that’s still really true. 
but, on the other hand, if someone does prove to be trustworthy, she kinda opens up really suddenly and eagerly, because she does want to have close bonds with people, it’s just that People Are Tough. this tends to happen accidentally, though. like, one day when she’s not paying attention, someone scurries into her heart and she’s like “crap. well. guess i care about you now! *protects with life*”  
sometimes those boxes fall over and the contents spills out and it’s hard to sort back to where they originally belonged, y’know? 
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
this is definitely a follow up to that last part of my previous answer: it definitely changes if she’s close to someone acting shady. jules will absolutely not believe that someone she trusts has betrayed her until they have literally shot at her, and even then…y’know…sometimes that’s just what happens, y’know? no hard feelings when it’s for a good reason, right? 
for example: if, and this is not a scenario that’s ever happened, but, if it was revealed that there was a mole who was feeding information to the enemy, and someone suggested that it was newt because of a huge pile of pretty convincing looking evidence? she would still be like “nope. nope. it’s not him, you’re wrong.” and get very defensive, in part because her trust in someone really does just turn into deep faith in them as a person, but also because if someone she’s close to could break her trust, then anyone and everyone could (!!!) and she…doesn’t want to have to think about that. she isn’t equipped to handle that kind of thing. 
but, if it’s someone she doesn’t like, she’s almost gleeful if they get revealed to be suspicious. she feels vindicated and kind of smugly wants to go deal with them just for the satisfaction of feeling right not to trust them. she’d be a fun rival or nemesis just for that reason alone. 
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
honestly, she doesn’t really know what she wants for herself. she devotes so much of her energy to just doing her job that if you were to ask her “what do you actually want, though?” she wouldn’t have an answer for you. and that’d make her feel really bad and uncomfortable and she’d get grumpy and leave.
BUT. she would definitely feel like she would need to earn anything good that was coming her way, regardless, lol. she’s very “oh, you don’t deserve bad things/you deserve better” to everyone else, but “not me tho lol” about herself. not even in a self-loathing way, either, she’s just bad at applying the things she says to herself, for better or worse.  
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
i don’t think she’d say it if she didn’t mean it, unless it was a case where the person she was saying it to knew that it wasn’t for real (ie: if they were undercover or something). but she says it very easily to the people that she does love!! it isn’t easy for her to really reach that point with people, but jules is very all-in once she does care about others, so she has no hang ups about telling people that she loves them! she’s a tootsie-roll pop: hard outside shell, mushy sweet inside.  
character development questions meme!
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captainmaya12 · 4 years
Bayer CropScience Ltd Live Stock Price, Bayer CropScience Share Price
Bayer CropScience Limited engages in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and various other agrochemical products in India. It also provides pharmaceutical products, such as prescription products primarily for cardiology and women's healthcare; specialty therapeutics in the areas of oncology, hematology, and ophthalmology; and contrast-enhanced diagnostic imaging equipment and other contrast agents.
 In addition, the company offers consumer health products that primarily comprise non-prescription products for the dermatology, dietary supplement, analgesic, gastrointestinal, allergy, cold and flu, foot care, sun protection, and cardiovascular risk prevention areas under the Claritin, Aspirin, Aleve, Bepanthen/Bepanthol, Canesten, Dr. Scholl's, and Coppertone brand names.
 Further, it provides animal health products for farm animals and companion animals, as well as involved in the sale and distribution of hybrid seeds. The company also exports its products. Bayer CropScience Limited was incorporated in 1958 and is based in Thane, India.
 Check Bayer CropScience Ltd Live Stock price
 Industry: Agricultural Inputs
 Sector: Basic Materials
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 BAYERCROP.BO ₹6,138.90
 Range: 6,070.00 - 6,449.0052
week range: 2,980.80 - 6,449.00
Volume: ₹14.07K
Shares outstanding: 44.94M
Market cap: ₹275.90B
BAYERCROP.NS ₹6,137.85
Range: 6,101.05 - 6,450.0052
week range: 2,925.00 - 6,450.00
Volume: ₹182.19K
Shares outstanding: 44.94M
Market cap: ₹275.88B
0 notes
thesparkjournal · 7 years
By Dennis Bartels
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[Wind power stations provide main and emergency power to areas located far from power lines. Solnechnogorsk region, Moscow Oblast, Russia. (2005) | Ruslan Krivobok (Creative Commons)]
Lenin’s slogan, “Communism is Soviet power plus electrification,” is well-known. What is largely unknown, however, is that the GOELRO plan included a significant wind energy component.
In 1920, Lenin spearheaded the establishment of the State Electrification Commission (GOELRO), and elaborated a ten-year plan for the electrification of the USSR. Lenin’s slogan, “Communism is Soviet power plus electrification,” is well-known. What is largely unknown, however, is that the GOELRO plan included a significant wind energy component. A 1925 poster shows Lenin with a hydroelectric dam, electric power lines, and a wind turbine.
“Among Lenin’s last letters [before his death in 1924] are correspondence with engineer P.A. Kozmin in which the feasibility of using wind turbines for the electrification of villages is discussed” (Patel 2013).
According to a 1931 Soviet elementary school primer, entitled New Russia’s Primer: The Story of the Five-Year Plan, wind turbines for production of electric power were tested at Moscow’s Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). The primer’s description of Soviet plans for wind power is notable:
“If we… build… windmills throughout the country, we would capture more energy than the whole world requires today. In time, of course, the need will greatly increase. Then wherever strong winds blow windmills will be established. The entire country will be covered with a net of electrical wires. And all electric stations, as well as others, will work in this net. Windmills will be placed in regular order like figures on a chessboard…. Special stations will be constructed to collect and conserve the energy of the wind in order that it may be used during calm weather.
But all this is a task of future Five-Year Plans. The present plan sets the following task: to replace the old inefficient village windmills with the windmills of [TsAGI]. And during these five years to raise the strength of all our wind motors to 500 thousand horsepower” (Ilin 1931: 34-35).
The primer mentioned above was translated into English by members of the Teachers College of Columbia University of Columbia University, and published in New York by Houghton Mifflin (Ilin 1931). At that time, many leftists in the West contrasted rapid industrialization and economic growth in the USSR with capitalist depression/crisis (e.g., see Johnson 1940).
In 1935, wind energy research at TsAGI was transferred to the newly-established Central Wind Energy Institute. It produced an atlas of Russian wind energy resources (Badelin 2007).
“Soviet plans for wind power were not just theoretical. Thousands of multi-bladed, small windmills, mainly for pumping water and farm work [...] were produced and deployed in rural area by the end of the 1930s.”
Soviet plans for wind power were not just theoretical. Thousands of multi-bladed, small windmills, mainly for pumping water and farm work (e.g., fodder grinding) were produced and then deployed in rural areas by the end of the 1930s (Badelin 2007). A high-speed windmill was designed to produce power at Arctic weather stations. From 1931 to 1942, an industrial-scale wind turbine with a 30 metre, 3-bladed rotor was connected to the local electric power grid near Yalta (Elistratov 2014).
GOELRO planners and engineers were aware that wind energy sources are intermittent, and that energy storage would be necessary. In 1929, a wind energy storage system, designed by Vladimir Vetchinkin, was built at Kursk. Energy was stored in a 350 kg flywheel that was contained in a vacuum.
Soviet wind power experiments were curtailed by the Great Patriotic War/WWII. In the late 1930s, a 1000-kW turbine was designed and approved, but construction did not proceed after the Nazi invasion in 1941 (Elistratov 2014). The wind turbine near Yalta was destroyed in 1942 when Nazi forces occupied the Crimea. Kursk was near the site of the largest tank battle in history in 1943. Presumably, this terminated the operation of the flywheel energy storage system.
Interestingly, the Nazi invasion which largely destroyed early Soviet industrial-scale wind power experiments had roots that are related to Exxon`s suppression of evidence regarding greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, and to Exxon`s subsequent propagation of climate science denial. The Baku oil fields in Soviet Azerbaijan were the major objective of the Nazi conquest of Crimea. The Nobel family were major owners of the Baku fields before they were nationalized by the Soviets in 1920. Anticipating an overthrow of the Soviet state, Standard Oil of New Jersey bought Nobel`s shares in the Baku fields for $6.5 million shortly after they were nationalized. The negotiator for Standard Oil was Walter Teagle, who became a notable Nazi sympathizer (Higham 1983). His pro-Nazi activities may have been aimed, in part, at actualizing Standard Oil’s stake in the Baku fields after the Nazi conquest (Yergin 1992). (The failed Nazi thrust toward the Baku fields set the stage for the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad). Standard Oil was the predecessor of Exxon which concluded, after extensive research during the 1970s, that the carbon emissions from combustion of fossil fuels, were a major cause of global warming. Exxon covered up this conclusion and spent millions of dollars propagating climate science denial (Banerjee 2015; Oreskes and Conway 2014).
During the post-war period, the Soviet state produced more than 40 thousand windmills for cooperative and state farms. Several industrial-scale turbines were produced, culminating in the Raduga 1 during the 1980s (Elistratov 2014).
As economic dependence on fossil fuel exports increased in the post-war USSR, and, later, in post-Soviet Russia, interest in wind power development declined. A 1999 proposal to greatly expand wind power in Russia was stopped by the Yeltsin regime (Eliastratov 2014).
It is only recently that there has been a significant revival of interest in wind energy in Russia. Alexey Lossan writes,
“The government of … Yakutia, is building a [1-MW capacity] wind farm with the Japanese [firm] Komai Haltec Inc… .
“The Russian Energy Ministry and the State Grid Corporation of China are currently studying the prospects of building a wind farm in the Far East’s north. The project includes the transference of electricity along ultra-high voltage power lines to [heavily polluted coastal areas of China immediately north of Russia’s Far East]” (2016).
The Russian Republic of Karelia, in partnership with the Chinese energy company, Sinomec, will build Russia’s first offshore wind power complex in the White Sea (Wind Power Monthly, 19 January 2017).
Rusnano, a state-owned firm which mobilizes venture capital, plans to begin production of wind turbines (Wind Power Monthly, 7 Feb., 2017).
Rosatom, the Russian state-controlled nuclear energy company, is rapidly expanding into wind energy as part of a state-supported initiative to increase clean energy capacity in 2018-2020 (https://renewablesnow.com/. 11 July 1917).  
After the Bolshevik Revolution, there was no privately-owned national electricity grid, and there was no privately-owned wind turbine/windmill industry which could be nationalized. Instead, the Soviet state mobilized resources to build a national grid and to produce modern wind turbines and wind mills, all of which were unambiguously state-owned. In contrast, the Baku oil fields and their oil extraction and distribution equipment were privately-owned before the 1917 Revolution, and subsequently nationalized by the Soviet state. The wind power projects now operating or under development in Russia have a significant component of private ownership. The fossil fuel industry in contemporary Russia is characterized by a mixture of state and private ownership (Goldmann 2008; Gustavson 2012).
The degree to which Russia will transition away from fossil fuels toward clean energy, especially wind power, will significantly affect fossil-fuelled climate disruption.
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[Two Soviet citizens examine a light bulb during electrification. “Lenin’s Lamp” (1925) | Arkady Shaikhet (Public Domain)]
Badelin, Alexander. 2007. Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power in Russian Power Supply: analysis, issues, strategy. Kassel: Kassel University Press GmbH.
Banerjee, Neela, John H. Cushman, Jr, David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song. 2015. Exxon: the Road Not Taken. Inside Climate News, Brooklyn, NY.
Elistratov, V. 2014. ‘The Development of the Wind Power Industry in Russia.’ Pp. 443-453 in Wind Power for the World: International Reviews and Developments, vol. 3. Preben Maegaard, Anna Krenz, and Wolfgang Palz, eds. Boca Raton, FLA: CRC Press.
Goldmann, Marshall. 2008. Petrostate: Putin, Power and the New Russia. Oxford University Press.
Gustavson, Thane. 2012. Wheel of Fortune. Boston: Harvard University Press.
Hau, Erich. 2006. Wind Turbines, Fundamentals, Technologies, Applications, Economics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Higham, Charles. 1983. Trading with the Enemy. NY: Dell.
Ilin, N.P. 1931. New Russia’s Primer: The Story of the Five-Year Plan. NY: Houghton Mifflin Co. Trans. By G. Counts and N. Lodge.
Johnson, Hewlett (Dean of Canterbury). 1940. The Soviet Power. NY: International Publishers.
Lossan, Alexey. 2016. ‘Russia and China Join Forces to Develop Green Energy.’ Diplomatic Courier (6 Sept.).
Oreskes, Naomi and Erik M. Conway. 2014. Merchants of Doubt. NY: Bloomsbury Press.
Patel, Sonal. 2013. ‘The Russian Power Revolution.’ Power, official publication of Electric Power. (www.//powermag.com) 01/01/2013).
Yergin, Daniel. 1992. The Prize. NY: Simon and Schuster.
Dennis Bartels is active in the renewable energy community in Ontario.
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inconel718-blog · 4 years
Fasteners Manufacturers in Peenya Bangalore, Coimbatore, Karnataka
A number of many preferences in that people uncover and utilize attachments include things like home furniture, construction structure, family appliances, security and military, automotive production, HVAC, operation, aerospace, and also security.
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History Of Fasteners
The narrative of this fastener is, even while they state a narrative as old in the future. We really don't understand when individuals invented attachments, however, we have been quite sure the twist fastener was devised by the early Egyptians.
From then on, that the Greeks aided proceed with the mechanisms of attachments combined speedily. In roughly four hundred BC, a Greek called Archytas of Tarentum devised the very first thread threads utilized from the western universe. Near 200 decades after, the Greek mathematician Archimedes invented the screw thread principle. Along side this he made the initial wooden h2o screwswhich he was able to eliminate soiled bilge water in boats and irrigate farms. Still another major ancient utilization of this thread was mechanical pressing; together with it, Greeks and Romans pressed olives and grapes for both avocado juice along with coconut oil, respectively. The majority of our comprehension of the stems out of artifacts. By way of instance, when excavating Pompeii, the amazing city which was filtered from a way of a volcano in 79 AD,'' archaeologists unearthed that all people at the time churns collectively the joints of several medical devices. The very first operate to say that the screw thread failed to come before the very first century AD. The job has been Mechanica, composed by Heron of Alexandria.
Fast forward a few 100 decades, Europeans failed to use metal attachments right up until Johann Gutenberg utilized them since a factor of his favorite print media. From then on, artisans little by little begun utilizing them increasingly. Cases of 15thcentury metallic thread software include things like armor clock and assembly manufacturing. Later on, Leonardo da Vinci envisioned the potential for fastener creation if he sketched several screw-cutting system layouts. Back in 1560, a Frenchman called Jacques Besson assembled their or her own variant of the twist cutting or twist threading and device. His equipment screw cutter fulfilled victory, and so on following, excellently, he intended twist cutting dishes which users can join to older lathes.
From the 1700s, manufacturers and engineers began attaining the usage of ideas and technology that enabled them to begin with to mechanize their own machines. By way of instance, at 1750 Antoine Thiout incorporated a twist drive into the lathe, which shifted them to semi-autonomous devices.
Probably one among the absolute most significant gifts into this industrial fastener sector is that the debut of norms associations. By way of instance, from the 1870s, a few men and women shaped the united states typical Thread. After that, a set of engineers made the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which has been dilemma fastener expectations for the afternoon. Historical standards associations required it upon themselves to generate uniform design and style guidelines along with caliber criteria, and making it a lot simpler for customers to acquire paired with all the apparatus they had.
Throughout the 20th century, most manufacturers manufactured lots of brand new industrial fastener layouts, like the self-drilling twist style and design inside the'60 s and started off having a lot more substances than before. By way of instance, in the past twenty decades roughly, fastener producers have started making use of nickel-based alloy attachments, that will withstand higher temperatures compared to just steel. Fastener producers now have the use of improved gear, superior-tech, such as CNC devices, and much more funds compared to their predecessors might have envisioned. Fastener distribution is extremely varied. We anticipate amazing things out of your industrial fastener marketplace later on.
Design Of Fasteners
Production Process
Fabricators make the threads threaded Fasteners Manufacturers in a number of diverse techniques. To begin, they on average inject carpeting plastic fasteners and throw or heating alloy ones out of sheet metal. Fabricators develop threads by way of ribbon rolling or thread trimming edge. Twist rolling out a metallic fastener entails chilly forming the alloy under some pressure in to the most suitable account. This procedure provides the metallic a better immunity to abrasion along with also a more sturdy ribbon. When makers do ribbon trimming edge, they only slice on the ribbon layout into the sterile alloy.
Fasteners Manufacturers in Bhosari,Ahmedabad,Vadodara
Materials Of Fasteners
Fasteners are normally made from alloy, however, in a few software, they truly are simply just made from vinyl. Many metal attachments are constructed out of stainless steel, bronze, bronze, or ceramic.
can be really a formable strong, powerful, and long-lasting iron metal. Steel attachments are very popular to be used with a broad range of software, based on their own renewable content.
Stainless steel
can be another durable steel. It's a well-known option for most businesses, like auto technology, as these stainless steel bags are powerful and resistant to rust.
can be really a light-duty metal of aluminum and calcium. It's solid, corrosion-resistant, also an attractive yellowish tone. Makers usually utilize metal screws to fasten cosmetic bits, practical goods they wish to appear fine, and also for what to be applied at or around seawater.
is just another light-duty aluminum metal. This moment, it's alloyed with magnesium. Bronze metals are ductile, lightweight, excellent conductors of heat and power, as well as non-meat. Such as metal, they got a wonderful tone and sheen, even although it could detract overtime. Bronze fasteners might be properly used for software very much like metal.
attachments would be the number 1 decision for your aerospace marketplace as they're long-lasting enough to function as air-plane construction attachments. Also, they are exceptionally light weight as well as potent.
Plastic fasteners
are utilized for really light-duty software, for example, youngsters' toys, even at which durability isn't just a big worry.
Considerations and Customization Of Fasteners
When assigning or designing attachments to their own clients, fastener producers believe a few essential factors. Included in these are the burden which the fastener is going to be likely to endure, the ecological requirements, and also the distance limits.
These factors support Fasteners Manufacturers to customize and choose details just like the mind sort, the span, the fastener substance, needed coatings, thread grade durability, and also cosmetic parts. Additionally, they will pick threads, or absence there of, thread feel (rough threads, eloquent threads, etc.), and also ribbon dimensions.
These specifics are important for several explanations. To begin with, the mind type creates a gap, because being a broader head features push to an increased area. Then, the right span guarantees the fastener is flush with the outer lining. Third, mainly because nearly all exterior apps require attachments that'll withstand ultraviolet and corrosion deterioration, manufacturers need to regularly employ coatings. Fourth machines, makers pick the power level which is going to continue to keep the fastener from undergoing failure or breakage throughout surgery. Subsequent, as soon as a fastener can be applied decoratively or re-writing an ornamental bit, makers ought to be certain that they select a fastener that isn't going to expose the mind. In the end, threads chiefly dictate the method by which a fastener will soon function.
Fasteners Manufacturers in Bhosari,Ahmedabad,VadodaraTypes Of Fasteners
To discover the optimal/optimally company we are able to split industrial attachments to two different categories: threaded fasteners and non-threaded attachments.
Threaded Fasteners
Threaded fasteners are such attachments that contain spiral ridges, named threads, so in your own physique. Threads aid them to keep stable.  
Prominent samples of thread attachments included screws, nuts, screws, pliers, clinching fasteners, Hex Bols Manufacturers, self-tapping screws, cover screws, tap-end studs, double-end studs, along with continuous-thread figurines.
Nuts are alloy cubes made to utilize magnets as a way to generate a robust attachment in between your linking surfaces. To accomplish this, they utilize inner threads which in shape and grip on the top rotating shaft of bolts.
Bolts (bolt stud fasteners),
he counterpart of nuts, include an outside, partly stitched rotating shaft. End users drive them throughout the entire workpiece and fasten them across the flip hand together using nuts. Additionally, bolts and nuts are called bolt and nut assemblies.
are immensely extensive sounding threaded attachments. Generally, they comprise a spiral-shaped ribbon rotating shaft along with a mindset. As they comprise a mind, they don't need every additional component to keep in place.
are alloy bottoms or sticks with ribbons on either side.
Clinching fasteners,
some times called decorative attachments, self-clinching attachments, or captive fasteners, are attachments that if driven into the ductile alloy, deform the alloy around the workpiece mounting gap. In case they perform, therefore, the metal chilly escapes right into an annular recess found inside the fastener pilot or shank. Clinching attachments distinction with all those attachments that deform once they're put in.
Hex bolts
are routers that contain a hexagon-shaped headset. They truly are very common to usage in structure.
Self-tapping screws
may exploit their very own hole for being a user pushes them right into the spot.
Cap screws
are totally threaded attachments developed to secure components.
Tap-end studs
are claws that contain prolonged threads on 1 side and brief ends across the opposite. The lengthy run is known as a nut-end. Users may around or chamfer the lengthy run, plus so they are able to twist the brief end into holes that are exploited.
Double-end studs
are such claws that contain chamfered threads and points of equivalent spans on the endings. Fairly usually, clients get such a fastener to get flange bolting.
Continuous thread studs
are claws that do not have any fracture inside his or her own drool. Rather they are threaded continually in the end. Clients also regularly utilize constant ribbon claws to get flange bolting, nevertheless to accomplish this, they also have to utilize two nuts.
Non-Threaded Fasteners
Non-threaded fasteners are such attachments that don't contain threads. With stickers, they're simpler to set up and simpler to get rid of. Moreover, they don't require add-ons such as screwdrivers.
One of their absolute most often occurring non-threaded fastener forms include snare attachments, maintaining bands, rivet attachments, blind rivet attachments, along with dowel pins.
Pin fasteners
are steel hooks that are most frequently pliable. With all the assistance of the clip ultimately they secure device parts with each other and/or maintain them. All these arrive inconvenient at assemblies at which in fact the fastener has to be taken away usually, such as, for instance, a tractor wagon. It'd be overly awkward to twist and loosen off a spool every moment. By comparison, consumers may put in and eliminate a trap second.
Retaining ring fasteners
grip areas and assemblies from housings or on bottoms. They stop both the assemblies or 2 parts out of slipping falling or around. They're able to do so as, after installed they are secured to place at a groove. A few will also be self-locking mechanics. Clients purchase keeping rings to be used on pulleys, door hinges, and electronic equipment, in addition to on home furniture to sort links.
Rivet fasteners,
or rivets, are mechanical attachments composed of the mind attached with your smooth vertical rotating shaft. Users put in it by setting it in a punched hole. Once they perform so, the tail end of this shaft deforms, turning into roughly a half times broader. This also enables the rivet to remain set up indefinitely. Clients usually invest in rivets together side hooks to get longer durable and tamper-proof retains on pulleys and hinges.
Blind fastener rivets
grip two areas jointly in the mind of the rivet. Some times referred to as soda fastener rivets or Blind Rivet Nuts Manufacturers, then all these attachments contain the tubular rotating shaft and also a mandrel managing throughout the center. Users put in it by setting it at a hole that is drilled and pulling onto the mandrel having a rivet weapon. As end-users pull from the mandrel, then it is going to pop or split, inducing the rivet mind blind-ending, to enlarge and also grip both parts with each other. Manufacturers usually do not advise blind rivet attachments for significant structural uses since the mandrel may fall-out and as they truly are more prone to corrosion and vibration. If clients are doing invest in blind rivets, then it's often for utilizing with elements they are able to simply reach in 1 facet.
Dowel pins
grip parts collectively equally to guarantee appropriate orientation. These reliable directional rods are usually quite tiny and therefore are therefore helpful in software such as toy making and pubs affirms. To adapt the apps, they could possibly be wrapped, tapered, or even interrogate.
Snap Fasteners
Snap fasteners are specialization attachments created for the usage on stuff such as tops, trousers, along with a few totes. Some times called hinges, media claws, or poppers, they consist of 2 plastic or metal interlocking disks. To secure users only need to utilize pressure plus so they are going to snap closed. Frequently, snap attachments proceed at the place of switches.
Cases of industrial fastener equipment involve spacers, plugs, washers and tacky circles, tacky squares, and also twist guards.
Proper Care
With just a small amount of attention, you may continue to keep your metallic plastic and fasteners attachments doing work nicely for quite a very long moment. With alloy attachments, the main element is stopping corrosion, wear, and rust. All these detriments include matters including friction, impact, and dampness. To maintain the impact and rust in the bay, then we still urge you request your manufacturer to incorporate a protective coating for your fastener, or you also maintain your fastener well-lubricated each of enough moment; point. To refrain from rust harm, you ought to limit some time that your fastener is vulnerable to dampness. If the application remains still outdoors, this may possibly be impossible. For protracted moisture vulnerability, vinyl attachments in many cases are a superior choice in relation to alloy. This is exactly the reason why it's essential to be careful by simply choosing the most suitable fastener for the application atmosphere.
Any industrial attachments you get needs to satisfy the conventional demands of one's app, the marketplace, as well as position. By way of instance, for military software, attachments must adhere to national armed forces specs. All these attachments are known as"mil-spec attachments" Even the U.S. govt provides many different design and style expectations for attachments, but quite a few businesses rather or even require the requirements put from SAE, ASTM, or even ISO.
In addition, be certain you buy a fastener which employs the proper standard dimension machine. Fasteners Manufacturers are quantified in two systems: both the metric method and also the imperial program. While in the United States, the royal system is more ordinary, whilst metric dimensions tend to be somewhat more prevalent globally. To be certain that you realize the specifications your attachments call for, speak with your marketplace frontrunners.
Finding the Right Supplier
If you're on the market to get a supreme quality fastener, one should want to pair along using a high-tech industrial fastener provider or company. Due to the fact, we understand wading through the ocean of makers recorded on Google could be overwhelming, so we have recorded a number of the best selections with this particular page. You are going to locate them wedged in between our advice paragraphs. We feel that if you are on the lookout for an aerospace fastener or some jewelry fastener, then you are going to discover the most suitable maker for you personally on this particular page.
Before assessing out them, be certain that you know that your own specifications. We urge writing all of them down to some list in order to never forget whatever else. When you have completed this, then utilize your listing for helpful tips and begin studying the makers we have recorded as well as their various profiles. Pick three or four which look one of the most promising and touch bases to every one of these. Speak about your app at period, for example, your finances, deadline, and shipping and delivery tastes. When talking with all these, you contrast and compare your own talks, and then find out the ideal fastener companion for you personally. Fantastic luck!
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swipestream · 7 years
In Search of a Galaxy Far, Far Away
The Disney revival of Star Wars has been riven with controversy and growing discontent. For every Rebels, there has been an Aftermath or three–and host of blogs, podcasts, and videos from fans searching for that lost feeling of a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Fortunately, in the frontiers of independent science fiction, a small band of authors have taken upon themselves the challenge of reviving the laser sword and droid adventures of the original trilogy in all new stories, new settings, and new innovations on the familiar formula. On the eve of the release of The Last Jedi, let’s take a look at two of the most recent novels to recapture a bit of that old Mos Eisley magic.
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Fans looking for a mystical sword and planet adventure in the mold of A New Hope should try Isaac Hooke’s STAR WARRIOR. Like many indie/frontier science fiction stories, Star Warrior is a genre-blender, combining a roaring sword and planet adventure with elements of the litRPG genre and a even a dash of cyberpunk. Tane, a hydroponics farmer from a backwater planet, goes into town for nanotech augmentation. While there, he attracts the attention of an ancient extra-dimensional foe as well as the Volur, an order gifted with the ability to wield the Essence. Per the cover:
“Soon Tane finds himself on a frenzied flight across the galaxy with a woman who can warp the very fabric of spacetime, her bodyguard–who’d just as soon kill Tane than protect him–and a starship that calls him snarky pet names. He’s on the run not simply from the aliens but the whole damn human space navy.
“He only wished he knew why.”
LitRPGs mean character sheets, and Star Warrior‘s nanotech system has them in spades. Like many an RPG, the more Tane uses a skill, the more it levels up. Buying nanotech allows him to increase these skills, although Tane suspects the leveling system is a scam by the companies to make people buy more nanotech. After all, the first hit is free…The crawl of characters sheets during these segments is admittedly not to my taste, but the explosion of the litRPG genre over the past couple years shows that there is a market willing to embrace them. Fortunately, Isaac Hooke makes the crunch make sense in terms of the setting and the story, preventing the occasional digression into the stat sheets from grinding the plot to a halt.
Star Warrior also seamlessly melds Luke Skywalker’s Jedi journey with Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time. Tane steps into the journey of Rand al’Thor, complete with analogues to Aes Sedai, Warders, saidar/saidin, the Forsaken, and the Prophecies of the Dragon. Seamless is not an exaggeration, as the cosmology behind the two parts of the One Power conveniently map to the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Furthermore, Tane’s journey takes him from a farm attacked by near-mythical aliens to an Essence reservoir of immense power that will reveal his destiny.  It’s Eye of the World dressed in the pulp/movie-serials space adventure of Star Wars, stripped of the bramble of viewpoint characters and the battle of the sexes that hampered the Wheel of Time. It helps that Thane’s personality is closer to the pulp mold than Rand al’Thor. And there are enough starfighters, droids, and aliens to please readers thirsty for more Star Wars.
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For those who prefer a more militaristic take on the Star Wars formula, there’s Galaxy’s Edge, the breakout series of 2017 by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole. Released on a monthly basis, this saga of a spreading galactic civil war starts with GALAXY’S EDGE: LEGIONNAIRE and the Battle of Kublar. And in the words of Sergeant Chhun:
The galaxy is a dumpster fire. A hot, stinking, dumpster fire. And most days I don’t know if the legionnaires are putting out the flames, or fanning them into an inferno.
At Kublar, Sergeant Chhun gets his answer. As a member of the Legion, an elite fighting regiment that the Empire’s stormtroopers should have been, he is thrust into the mire of a peacekeeping mission alongside Victory Company. But when their cruiser Chiasm explodes overhead, what should have been an annoying milk run turns into a debacle of the likes of Black Hawk Down. Now, fighting every step of the way towards their eventual extraction, the skills of Sergeant Chhun and Victory Company are put to the test as an entire planet tries to wipe them out, spurred on by the meddling of rebels. And it is this spark that will soon blaze into civil war.
If Star Warrior patterns itself on A New Hope, Legionnaire is pure Clone Wars. Like the animated series, the troopers are a mix of numbers and nicknames, fighting for each other with all the grit and professionalism demanded from contemporary mil-sf portrayals. Meanwhile, the machinations of a corrupt and decadent government threaten to erase what the Legion has purchased with blood. If this is a familiar story to vets and history buffs, it is one played out on the headlines of the last fifteen years. When recounting the genesis of the series, Jason Anspach said, “Legionnaire was an idea I had after reading a soldier’s memoir recounting his time fighting house-to-house in Fallujah. I thought, what if I wrote a book like this, only put in a Star Wars-like future? And so, Legionnaire was born.” The result, as one reader put it, is “a work of military science fiction so detailed you can feel the equipment and choke on the dust.”
The fires of the Battle of Kublar forge iron bonds between the survivors that get tested time and again as, each in their own way, they fight to prevent the slide into disillusionment and chaos. And when the Legion splits in the civil war, those siding with the usurping forces do so in an attempt to force the Legion to return to the ways that once brought it glory. This adds a welcome touch of moral complexity to the ensuing war that Star Wars lacks..
Later books will expand into smugglers vs. bounty hunters and intrigue, but the heart of Galaxy’s Edge is the remnant of Victory Company and the Legion.
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Star Warrior and Galaxy’s Edge: Legionnaire are only two of the current wave of homages in the spirit of Star Wars. If you enjoyed–or have written–others, feel free to leave a note in the comments.
In Search of a Galaxy Far, Far Away published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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Nottinghamshire's Top 200 Companies revealed
Top 2016 listing shows that the 200 largest companies in Nottinghamshire have a joint turnover of £29.8 billion and employ more than 202,412 staff.
For the second year running, Boots UK has taken the top spot,with a turnover of more than £7 billion.
Now part of Walgreens Boots Alliance, is based in Deerfield, Chicago, following a merger with US drug store giant Walgreens in 2014, Boots UK's registered office is its Nottingham headquarters, where 8,000 staff are employed.
Retailers dominate the top of the listing. After Boots, Sports Direct, based on the Nottinghamshire-Derbyshire border, is in third position and Wilko is listed as the fourth largest Nottinghamshire company.
Pendragon, the huge retailer whose subsidiaries include Stratstone and Evans Halshaw, is the county's second largest company by turnover. It has more than 9,600 staff scattered around the country but is managed from Annesley, turning over more than £4.45 billion.
1 Boots UK . Turnover: £7,676,247,000. Number of employees: 40,805. Year end: 31/03/2014. Address: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3AA. Telephone: 0845 - 070 8090 * Previous year's figures used due to company restructuring. Boots' most recent financial results were made available after the compatetion of this listing, but they can be viewed here: Boots' sales rise to more than £9 billion
2 Pendragon Activity: sale of motor vehicles. Turnover: £4,453,900,000 Number of employees: 9,653 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: 2 Oakwood Court, Little Oak Drive, Annesley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0DR Contact Name: Telephone: 01623725000
3 Sports Direct International Activity: RETAILING, WHOLESALE, DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF SPORTS AND LEISURE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £2,832,560,000 Number of employees: 17,207 Year end: 26/04/2015 Address: Unit A Brook Park East, Shirebrook, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 8RY Contact Name: Telephone: 0870 - 333 9446
4 Wilko Retail Activity: HIGH STREET RETAILER. Turnover: £1,444,563,000 Number of employees: 21,243 Year end: 31/01/2015 Address: Jk House Roebuck Way, Manton Wood, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 3EG Contact Name: Telephone: 01909530646
5 Multi Packaging Solutions UK Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF PACKAGING. Turnover: £1,028,014,000 Number of employees: 8,557 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Multi Packaging Solutions, Millennium Way West, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 6AW
6 Langley Holdings Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF MECHANICAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND PLANT Turnover: £643,682,000 Number of employees: 4,163 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Unit 2, Enterprise Park, Enterprise Way, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7HH Contact Name: Telephone: 01777706777
7 Experian Activity: PROVISION OF INFORMATION SERVICES FOR CONSUMER CREDIT CONTROL. Turnover: £567,100,000 Number of employees: 3,419 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: The Sir John Peace Building, Experian Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG80 1ZZ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159410888
8 Capital One (Europe) Activity: PROVISION OF BANKING, FINANCIAL AND RELATED SERVICES. Turnover: £519,710,000 Number of employees: 767 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Trent House, Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3HX Contact Name: Telephone: 01158433300
9 S taffline Group Activity: PROVISION OF RECRUITMENT AND OUTSOURCED HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES TO INDUSTRY. Turnover: £503,167,000 Number of employees: 1,611 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 19-20 The Triangle, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1AE Contact Name: Telephone: 01159500885
10 Amtrust International Activity: INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS AND INTERMEDIARIES AND PROVISION OF OTHER SERVICES. Turnover: £401,652,000 Number of employees: 1,013 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 10th Floor Market Square House, Saint Jamess Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6FG Contact Name: Telephone: 01159411022
11 Boots Optical Investment Holdings Activity: PROVISION OF OPTICAL GOODS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £331,917,000 Number of employees: 4,371 Year end: 31/03/2014 Address: 1 Thane Road West, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3AA Contact Name: Telephone: 0845 0708090
12 Center Parcs (Holdings 1) Activity: OPERATION OF SHORT BREAK HOLIDAY VILLAGES. Turnover: £319,600,000 Number of employees: 6,185 Year end: 23/04/2015 Address: One Edison Rise, New Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 9DP Contact Name:
13 Gala Leisure Activity: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Turnover: £294,000,000 Number of employees: 4,100 Year end: 26/09/2015 Address: New Castle House, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 1FT Contact Name: Telephone: 01159484333 * Figures are not comparable to previous years due to company restructuring.
14 Sandicliffe Motor Holdings Activity: SALE, REPAIR AND HIRE OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Turnover: £250,871,000 Number of employees: 646 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 280 Nottingham Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 7DG Contact Name:
15 Vision Express (UK) Activity: PROVISION OF OPTICAL GOODS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £240,510,000 Number of employees: 3,185 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Mere Way, Ruddington Fields Business Park, Ruddington, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 6NZ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159865225
16 XMA Activity: PROVISION OF COMPUTER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £222,353,000 Number of employees: 313 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Wilford Industrial Estate, Ruddington Lane, Wilford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 7EP Contact Name: Telephone: 01158464000
17 C rystal Martin Holdings Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Turnover: £212,060,000 Number of employees: 6,446 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Calladine Park, Orchard Way, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 1GX Contact Name: Telephone: 01623441100
18 North Midland Construction Activity: CIVIL ENGINEERING, BUILDING AND MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Turnover: £193,175,000 Number of employees: 1,149 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Nunn Close, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2HW Contact Name: Telephone: 01623515008
19 Paul Smith Group Holdings Activity: DESIGN, LICENSING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES. Turnover: £191,660,000 Number of employees: 1,167 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: The Poplars, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2PW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159685821
20 Agrovista UK Activity: SALE OF AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, AMENITY SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. Turnover: £170,412,000 Number of employees: 295 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Cambridge House, Nottingham Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 8AB Contact Name: Telephone: 01159390202
21 Pork Farms Group (ADDO Food Group) Activity: MANUFACTURE OF CHILLED SAVOURY PASTRY FOR THE RETAIL, IMPULSE AND FOOD SERVICE MARKETS. Turnover: £158,427,000 Number of employees: 1,445 Year end: 28/03/2015 Address: Dunsil Drive, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1LU Contact Name: Telephone: 01159866541
22 Xylem Water Solutions UK Activity: DESIGN, SUPPLY, RENTAL AND SERVICE OF SUBMERSIBLE FLUID HANDLING EQUIPMENT . Turnover: £155,869,000 Number of employees: 621 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Private Road 1, Colwick Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2AN Contact Name: Telephone: 01159400111
23 Bellotto Holdings (Hillarys) MANUFACTURE AND RETAIL OF BLINDS, AWNINGS AND SHUTTERS. Turnover: £151,724,000 Number of employees: 1,356 Year end: 26/09/2014 Address: Unit 2 Churchill Park, Private Road No 2, Colwick, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2JR
24 Mark Lyndon Paper Enterprises (UK) Activity: SALE AND EXPORT OF PULP AND WASTE PAPER PRODUCTS. Turnover: £144,254,000 Number of employees: 17 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 12 The Triangle, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1AE Contact Name: Telephone: 01159435830
25 Hyperama Activity: WHOLESALE AND IMPORT OF GROCERIES, WINES AND SPIRITS, TOBACCO AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Turnover: £133,018,000 Number of employees: 327 Year end: 25/01/2015 Address: Hyperama Buildings, Bull Close Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2UT Contact Name: Telephone: 01159862717
26 Games Workshop Group Activity: DESIGN & MANUFACTURE OF MINIATURE FIGURES & GAMES Turnover: £119,132,000 Number of employees: 1,654 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2WS
27 Fresenius Medical Care (Holdings) Activity: PROVISION OF DIALYSIS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £115,420,000 Number of employees: 808 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 1 Nunn Brook Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2HU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623445100
28 Synseal Extrusions Activity: EXTRUSION AND SALE OF PVCU PROFILES AND ANCILLARIES. Turnover: £114,429,000 Number of employees: 987 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Fullwood Industrial Estate, Common Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 6AD
29 Loomis UK Activity: PROVISION OF CASH IN TRANSIT SECURITY SERVICES. Turnover: £109,601,000 Number of employees: 2,048 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit 1, Alder Court, Rennie Hogg Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1RX Contact Name: Telephone: 01159645100
30 Prominent (Europe) Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF CLOTHING AND FABRICS TO RETAILERS. Turnover: £108,483,000 Number of employees: 189 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Unit 8, Wheatcroft Business Park, Landmere Lane, Edwalton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 4DG Contact Name: Telephone: 01159212222
31 Quantum Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SOURCING OF QUALITY APPAREL PRODUCTS. Turnover: £108,046,000 Number of employees: 8,975 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Unit 10-12, Wheatcroft Business Pk, Landmere Lane, Edwalton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 4DG Contact Name: Telephone: 01623447200
32 The Greenwood Dale Foundation Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £96,182,000 Number of employees: 2,017 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: Greenwood House, Colwick Quays Business Park, Pri, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2JY
33 : SPS Aerostructures Activity: PRECISION AND SPECIALIST AEROSPACE ENGINEERS. Turnover: £87,995,000 Number of employees: 603 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Unit 21A, Willow Drive, Annesley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0DP Contact Name: Telephone: 01159880000
34 : Jigsaw24 Activity: RESELLER OF IT EQUIPMENT AND A SOLUTIONS PROVIDER TO THE PROFESSIONAL CREATIVE MARKET Turnover: £86,941,000 Number of employees: 190 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: c/o Jigsaw24, The Old Mill, High Church Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 7JA
35 W.& J. Linney Activity: DESIGN, MAGAZINE PUBLISHING, PRINTING AND LOGISTICS. Turnover: £84,070,000 Number of employees: 750 Year end: 03/05/2015 Address: Adamsway, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4FW Contact Name: Telephone: 01623450450
36 Havelock Europa Activity: PROVISION OF INTERIOR SOLUTIONS OPERATING IN VARIOUS MARKETS. Turnover: £83,402,000 Number of employees: 578 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: I2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court Hamilton Way Oakh, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, 5FB, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5FB
37 : Kaefer C&D Activity: PROVISION OF INSULATION, HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING AND OTHER SERVICES. Turnover: £81,869,000 Number of employees: 1,002 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 63 Portland Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 8BE
38 Natl. Amusements (UK) Activity: OPERATION OF CINEMAS. Turnover: £81,813,000 Number of employees: 1,318 Year end: 01/01/2015 Address: Redfield Way, Lenton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2UW Contact Name: Telephone: 0871 - 220 1000
39 Clegg Holdings Activity: CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Turnover: £80,690,000 Number of employees: 92 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Bishops House, 42 High Pavement, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1HN Contact Name: Telephone: 01158413121
40 Glenair UK Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. Turnover: £79,397,000 Number of employees: 671 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: 40 Lower Oakham Way, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5BY Contact Name: Telephone: 01623638100
41 Machine Mart Activity: RETAIL AND WHOLESALE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £76,766,000 Number of employees: 407 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: 211 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1GN Contact Name: Telephone: 01159561811
42 Romo (Holdings) Activity: WHOLESALE OF UPHOLSTERY AND SOFT FURNISHING FABRICS. Turnover: £75,649,000 Number of employees: 319 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Lowmoor Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG17 7DE
43 : Imtech Engineering Services Central Activity: PROVISION OF ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. Turnover: £74,359,000 Number of employees: 425 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: G&H House Hooton Street, Carlton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG3 5GL
44 Van Elle 03 Activity: UNDERPINNING, PILING, DRILLING & GROUTING SITE INVESTIGATION AND SUPERSTRUCTURE REPAIRS. Turnover: £73,586,000 Number of employees: 384 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: Kirkby Lane, Pinxton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 6JA
45 : JTF Wholesale Activity: TRADE OF A WIDE RANGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SEASONAL PRODUCTS. Turnover: £71,497,000 Number of employees: 534 Year end: 29/03/2015 Address: Walker Industrial Estate, Ollerton Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0PQ Contact Name: Telephone: 01777874430
46 QD Commercial Group Holdings Activity: DISCOUNT RETAILERS Turnover: £68,015,000 Number of employees: 1,074 Year end: 28/02/2015 Address: Westbridge House, Holland Street, Hyson Green, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 5DS
47 T.P. Hopwell (Holdings) Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF FROZEN FOOD. Turnover: £65,377,000 Number of employees: 273 Year end: 25/12/2015 Address: Glaisdale Drive, Bilborough, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 4LU Contact Name: Telephone: 01159291101
48 ZF Services UK Activity: REMANUFACTURE OF ZF TRANSMISSION, STEERING AND AXLE PRODUCTS. Turnover: £63,232,000 Number of employees: 193 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Abbeyfield Road, Lenton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2SX Contact Name: Telephone: 0333 - 240 1123
49 Nottingham Citycare Partnership CIC Activity: PROVISION OF HEALTHCARE SERVICES. Turnover: £58,804,000 Number of employees: 1,765 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 1 Standard Court, Park Row, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6GN Contact Name: Telephone: 01158839600
50 Browne Jacobson LLP Activity: PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES. Turnover: £58,708,000 Number of employees: 725 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: Mowbray House, Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1AB
51 The Nottingham Building Society Activity: MUTUAL FINANCIAL SERVICES INSTITUTION Turnover: £58,600,000 Number of employees: 678 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Nottingham House, 3 Fulforth Street, Nottingham, NG1 3DL
52 The Reflex Group Activity: MANUFACTURE OF LABELS. Turnover: £58,343,000 Number of employees: 392 Year end: 28/02/2015 Address: Vision House, Hamilton Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5BU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623675000
53 Avingtrans Activity: PRECISION ENGINEERING COMPONENTS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £57,819,000 Number of employees: 825 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: Precision House, Derby Road Trade Centre, Derby Road, Sandiacre, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG10 5HU Contact Name: Telephone: 01159499020
54 Nottingham City Homes Activit y : MANAGING AGENT OF NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL'S HOUSING STOCK. Turnover: £57,793,000 Number of employees: 945 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Loxley House Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3NJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159152222
55 SRC Transatlantic Activity: CASHING OF CHEQUES, CASH ADVANCES, LOANS, PURCHASING OF GOLD AND FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE. Turnover: £57,532,000 Number of employees: 437 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: First Floor, 30-34 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 7AB
56 Freeths LLP Activity: PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES. Turnover: £56,620,000 Number of employees: 389 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 80 Mount Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6HH Telephone: 01159475792
57 CBS Monaco Activity: PRE-ENGINEERING OF MULTI-STOREY ACCOMMODATION BUILDINGS Turnover: £56,117,000 Number of employees: 331 Year end: 28/03/2015 Address: Carlton Works, Ossington Road, Carlton-On-Trent, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6NT
58 Lawrence Automotive Interiors (VMC) Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF REAL WOOD DECORATIVE INTERIOR COMPONENTS. Turnover: £56,051,000 Number of employees: 290 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit 14, Carlton Business & Technology Ce, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 3AA
59 Tanvic Group Activity : SALE OF TYRES AND BATTERIES. Turnover: £53,615,000 Number of employees: 267 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Granary Lodge, 96 Appleton Gate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1LS Contact Name: Telephone: 01636704166
60 Nottingham City Transport Activity: OPERATION OF BUSES. Turnover: £53,606,000 Number of employees: 1,122 Year end: 28/03/2015 Address: Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1GG Contact Name: Telephone: 0115950607
61 JDP Furniture Grou p Activity: MANUFACTURE OF DOMESTIC FURNITURE AND ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS. Turnover: £53,536,000 Number of employees: 681 Year end: 27/09/2015 Address: Jdp Group Showroom, Wellington Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG10 4HS Telephone: 01159730300
62 Schutz (U.K.) Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INTERMEDIATE BULK LIQUID CONTAINERS. Turnover: £52,969,000 Number of employees: 119 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Claylands Avenue, Dukeries Industrial Estate, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 7BE Telephone: 01909478863
63 Hosting Developments Activity: RETAIL OF MOTORHOMES AND ANCILLARY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £52,164,000 Number of employees: 135 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: A1-A46 Junction, Lincoln Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2EA Contact Name: Telephone: 07737 - 169155
64 Benoy Activity: PROVISION OF ARCHITECT AND DESIGN SERVICES. Turnover: £51,835,000 Number of employees: 561 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Handley House, 7 North Gate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1EH Contact Name: Telephone: 01636672356
65 The Spencer Academies Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £51,454,000 Number of employees: 615 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: George Spencer School, Arthur Mee Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 7EW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159170100
66 J Tomlinson (Holdings) Activity: ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL INSTALLATION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE. Turnover: £50,928,000 Number of employees: 303 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Scimitar House, 100 Lilac Grove, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 1PF Contact Name: Telephone: 01159574300
67 Patterson Medical Activity : SUPPLY OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRODUCTS AND REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £48,931,000 Number of employees: 200 Year end: 25/04/2015 Address: Nunn Brook Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2HU Contact Name: Telephone: 0844 - 412 4330
68 Thyssenkrupp Aufzuge Activity: THE MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION AND SERVICE OF LIFTS AND ESCALATORS. Turnover: £48,082,000 Number of employees: 471 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: The Lookout, 4 Bull Close Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2UL Contact Name: Telephone: 01159868213
69 Purico Activity: SPECIALITY PAPER MANUFACTURER AND HOTEL OPERATOR. Turnover: £47,103,000 Number of employees: 738 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Environment House, 6 Union Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG3 1FH Contact Name: Telephone: 01159013000
70 Paragon Interiors Group Activity: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICE INTERIOR FURNISHINGS AND FITTINGS. Turnover: £46,915,000 Number of employees: 81 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Paragon House, Orchard Place, Nottingham Business Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 6PX Contact Name: Telephone: 01159519512
71 Derry Building Services Activity: MECHANICAL SERVICES ENGINEERS AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. Turnover: £45,656,000 Number of employees: 197 Year end: 31/08/2014 Address: London Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1JP Contact Name: Telephone: 01636614300
72 Usha Martin International Activity: TRADING IN METAL AND WIRE PRODUCTS AND PROVISION OF RELATED SERVICES. Turnover: £45,559,000 Number of employees: 210 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Sandy Lane, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 3ES
73 Caunton Engineering Activity: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Turnover: £44,697,000 Number of employees: 219 Year end: 31/01/2015 Address: National Workshops, Maple House, Moorgreen Industrial Pk, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3QU Contact Name: Telephone: 01773531111
74 Redhill Academy Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £43,225,000 Number of employees: 447 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 8GX Contact Name: Telephone: 01159261481
75 CEMA Activity: ELECTRICIANS AND MANUFACTURERS OF WATER AND SEWERAGE PUMP CONTROLS. Turnover: £42,414,000 Number of employees: 476 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: c/o Higson & Co White House, Clarendon Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5GF
76 Timico Technology Group Activity: PROVISION OF TELECOMMUNICATION AND INTERNET SERVICES. Turnover: £42,037,000 Number of employees: 222 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Beacon Hill View, Barnby Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2TN Contact Name: Telephone: 0870 - 094 9600
77 The CDA Grou p Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF KITCHEN APPLIANCES AND FITTINGS. Turnover: £41,821,000 Number of employees: 169 Year end: 30/11/2014 Address: Warehouse Premises, C D A Building, Harby Road, Langar, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG13 9HY Contact Name: Telephone: 01949862000
78 Gamston Kennels & Farms Activity: WHOLESALE, MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF PET FOODS AND REQUISITES. Turnover: £39,895,000 Number of employees: 152 Year end: 27/12/2014 Address: Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 6NQ
79 W.H. Davis (Holdings) Activity: DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Turnover: £38,986,000 Number of employees: 150 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Langwith Road, Langwith Junction, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 9SA
80 Vision Automotive (UK) Group Activity: MOTOR ENGINEERING AND RETAILING. Turnover: £38,722,000 Number of employees: 85 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Rainworth Motors Ltd, Sherwood Oaks Business Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4GF
81 Strawson Activity: PROVISION OF GENERAL FARMING, GROWING AND MARKETING OF VEGETABLES. Turnover: £38,373,000 Number of employees: 82 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Featherstone House Farm, Mickledale Lane, Bilsthorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 8RD
82 Autofil Holdings Activity: PREPARATION, DYEING, MARKETING, DEVELOPMENT AND SALE OF SPECIALISED SYNTHETIC YARNS. Turnover: £37,324,000 Number of employees: 204 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Sherwood Park, Annesley Woodhouse, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0RS
83 The Barcode Warehouse Activity: PROVISION OF BAR CODING EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES, PRINTING AND SUPPORT SERVICES. Turnover: £37,270,000 Number of employees: 189 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: Telford Drive, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2DX Contact Name: Telephone: 01636602000
84 Bowring Transport Activity: HAULAGE AND THE SALE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND MACHINERY. Turnover: £37,035,000 Number of employees: 187 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: Windmill House Farm, Forest Road, Warsop, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 0EP Contact Name: Telephone: 01623842198
85 Mitchell Diesel Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF DIESEL ENGINES AND TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £36,950,000 Number of employees: 195 Year end: 27/03/2015 Address: Fulwood Road South, Fulwood Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2JZ Contact Name: Telephone: 01623550550
86 Rushcliffe Care Activity: PROVISION OF NURSING AND RESIDENTIAL CARE. Turnover: £35,964,000 Number of employees: 1,338 Year end: 30/11/2014 Address: 3rd Floor Butt Dyke House, 33 Park Row, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6EE
87 Greene Tweed & Co Activity: SALE, MARKETING AND MANUFACTURE OF FLUID SEALING DEVICES AND ADVANCED THERMOPLASTIC PRODUCTS. Turnover: £35,064,000 Number of employees: 194 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Mere Way, Ruddington Fields Business Park, Ruddington, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 6JS Contact Name: Telephone: 01159315777
88 Steetley Dolomite Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF BURNT DOLOMITIC PRODUCTS FOR THE WORLDWIDE STEEL INDUSTRY. Turnover: £34,781,000 Number of employees: 124 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Southfield Lane, Whitwell, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 3LJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01909726100
89 Raleigh UK Activity: SALE OF BICYCLES AND THEIR COMPONENTS. Turnover: £34,750,000 Number of employees: 146 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 136 Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3HT Contact Name: Telephone: 01773532600
90 First Response Finance Activity: PROVISION OF INSTALMENT CREDIT FINANCE AND RELATED INSURANCE SERVICES. Turnover: £34,380,000 Number of employees: 243 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 5 Regan Way, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 6RZ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159466260
91 G. Williams & Co. (Grain) Activity: GRAIN TRADERS. Turnover: £34,325,000 Number of employees: 11 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: Beaufort House Amelia Court, Swanton Close, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7HJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01777860660
92 Wastecycle Activity: COLLECTION AND RECYCLING OF WASTE. Turnover: £34,179,000 Number of employees: 254 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Enviro Building, Private Road 4, Colwick Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2JT Contact Name: Telephone: 01159407042
93 Microlise Activity: PROVISION OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS. Turnover: £33,204,000 Number of employees: 268 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Microlise Farrington Way, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3AG Contact Name: Telephone: 01773535111
94 Hubergroup UK Activity: IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTING INKS AND PRESSROOM PRODUCTS. Turnover: £32,897,000 Number of employees: 95 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit D4, Linkmel Close, Longwall Avenue, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1NA Contact Name: Telephone: 01159860477
95 Bridgeway Consulting Activity: CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS SERVICES. Turnover: £32,753,000 Number of employees: 398 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Bridgeway House 2 Riverside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1DP Contact Name: Telephone: 01159191111
96 Michael Pavis Activity: MERCHANTS TO THE PLUMBING AND HEATING TRADE. Turnover: £32,619,000 Number of employees: 49 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 29 Arboretum Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 4JA
97 Bridgeban k Activity: GROUND WORKS AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. Turnover: £32,270,000 Number of employees: 45 Year end: 31/01/2015 Address: Unit 2-3, Sherwood Oaks Close, Sherwood Oaks Business Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4TB
98 Lowdham Leisureworld Activity: RETAIL OF CARAVANS & MOTOR HOMES. Turnover: £32,190,000 Number of employees: 128 Year end: 31/01/2015 Address: Lowdham Leisure, Lowdham Road, Gunthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG14 7ES
99 Lawrence Automotive Holdings Activity: PRODUCTION OF DECORATIVE TRIM PRODUCTS. Turnover: £31,858,000 Number of employees: 471 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 14 Carlton Business Centre, Carlton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 3AA Telephone: 01159401388
100 Quotient Clinica l Activity: PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT Turnover: £31,661,000 Number of employees: 223 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Trent House, Mere Way, Ruddington Fields Business Park, Ruddington, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 6JS Contact Name: Telephone: 01159749000
101 Kybotech Activity: MANUFACTURING, RETAILING AND DISTRIBUTION OF GARDEN PRODUCTS. Turnover: £30,898,000 Number of employees: 189 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Unit 1-3, Parry Business Park, Grassthorpe Road, Sutton-On-Trent, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6QX Contact Name: Telephone: 01636822883
102 Art Systems Holdings Activity: DISTRIBUTING COMPUTER HARDWARE, PERIPHERALS AND CONSUMABLES. Turnover: £30,718,000 Number of employees: 65 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Unit 10-12, Glaisdale Point, Glaisdale Parkway, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 4GP Contact Name: Telephone: 01159380380
103 P. Hughes Construction Activity: BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS. Turnover: £30,567,000 Number of employees: 114 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 21 Main Road, Underwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 5GP Contact Name: Telephone: 01773530674
104 Door-Stop International Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DELIVERY OF 'READY TO FIT' COMPOSITE DOORS WITHIN THE UK. Turnover: £30,398.67,00 Number of employees: 174 Year end: 28/12/2014 Address: Export Drive, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 6AF Contact Name: Telephone: 01623446336
105 The Wilkins Group Activity: PROVISION DESIGN CONSULTANTS AND PRINTING SERVICES. Turnover: £29,697,000 Number of employees: 318 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: The Wilkins Building, Private Road 1, Colwick Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2JX
106 Midland Communications Distribution Activity: DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL OF MOBILE TELEPHONES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £29,551,000 Number of employees: 32 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: 1 Colwick Quays Business Park, Road No 2, Colwick, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2JY Contact Name: Telephone: 01159403900
107 Care Fertility Holdings Activity: MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES. Turnover: £29,534,000 Number of employees: 214 Year end: 31/08/2014 Address: John Webster House, 6 Lawrence Drive, Nottingham Business Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 6PZ Contact Name: Telephone: 01158528100
108 Recresco Activity: PROCESSING AND RECYCLING OF GLASS AND PLASTICS. Turnover: £30,398,667 Number of employees: 164 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Lane End, Urban Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG17 8AP Contact Name: Telephone: 01623721006
109 Chinook Sciences Activity: TECHNOLOGY, EQUIPMENT PROVIDER AND WASTE TO ENERGY METALS RECLAMATION PROJECT DEVELOPER. Turnover: £29,386,000 Number of employees: 30 Year end: 30/12/2014 Address: No1 Nottingham Science Park, Jesse Boot Avenue, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2RU Contact Name: Telephone: 0845 - 094 3001
110 Meridian Lightweight Technologies UK Activity: PRODUCTION AND WHOLESALE OF LIGHTWEIGHT MAGNESIUM PRODUCTS TO THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. Turnover: £28,792,000 Number of employees: 164 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Orchard Way, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 1JU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623444920
111 Framework Housing Association Activity: PROVISION OF ACCOMMODATION, SUPPORT & RELATED SERVICES TO HOMELESS & VULNERABLE PEOPLE. Turnover: £28,636,000 Number of employees: 712 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 6NX Contact Name: Telephone: 01158417711
112 Robert Woodhead Holdings Activity: BUILDING CONTRACTING AND DEVELOPMENT. Turnover: £29,435,200 Number of employees: 104 Year end: 31/10/2014 Address: Edwinstowe House, High Street, Edwinstowe, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG21 9PR Contact Name: Telephone: 01623871101
113 Focus100 Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF PET FOODS, TREATS, ACCESSORIES AND AQUATIC PRODUCTS. Turnover: £28,343,000 Number of employees: 126 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: Armitage House, Colwick, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2BA Contact Name: Telephone: 01746763121
114 Direct Health Group Activity: PROVISION OF CARE SERVICES FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS Turnover: £28,158,000 Number of employees: 1,783 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 6th Floor, Pearl Assurance House, Friar Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6BT
115 Wheatcroft Motor Holdings Activity: PURCHASING, SELLING AND REPAIRING OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Turnover: £27,873,000 Number of employees: 74 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Walkers Of Worksop Retford Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2RZ
116 Merck Chemicals Activity: SALE OF SPECIALITY CHEMICALS AND PROVISION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Turnover: £27,609,000 Number of employees: 144 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Padge Road, Boulevard Industrial Park, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2JR Contact Name: Telephone: 01159430840
117 Dunbia (Mansfield) Activity: OPERATION OF AN ABATTOIR. Turnover: £27,149,000 Number of employees: 51 Year end: 29/03/2015 Address: Baulker Lane, Clipstone Village, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG21 9BG Contact Name: Telephone: 01623633136
118 Diverse Academies Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £27,031,000 Number of employees: 498 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: Tuxford Academy Marnham Road, Tuxford, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0JH Contact Name: Telephone: 01777870001
119 Strata Products Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF INJECTION MOULDED CONSUMER DURABLES. Turnover: £27,010,000 Number of employees: 147 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Plymouth Avenue, Brookhill Industrial Estate, Pinxton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 6NS Contact Name: Telephone: 01773510520
120 S247 Group Activity: RETAIL AND WHOLESALE SALE OF SPORTS AND LEISURE GOODS. Turnover: £26,747,000 Number of employees: 82 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: 4 Wellington Circus, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5AL
121 Anpario Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ANIMAL FEED ADDITIVES AND DEVELOPMENT OF BIOCHEMICAL STIMULANTS. Turnover: £26,568,000 Number of employees: 101 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 5-6 Manton Wood Enterprise Park, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2RS Contact Name: Telephone: 01909537380
122 Bonnington Plastics Activity: WHOLESALE OF GARDENING AND CATERING RELATED PRODUCTS AND OTHER PLASTIC GOODS. Turnover: £26,534,000 Number of employees: 69 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Kingfisher House, 9 Glaisdale Parkway, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 4GP Contact Name: Telephone: 01159854119
123 Blinds 2 Go Activity: INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HOME FURNISHING RETAIL SECTOR. Turnover: £26,450,000 Number of employees: 47 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Unit 1-2, Linkmel Close, Longwall Avenue, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1NA Contact Name: Telephone: 0800 - 862 0464
124 Cooper MEDC Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS AREAS. Turnover: £26,374,000 Number of employees: 185 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit B, Sutton Parkway, Oddicroft Lane, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 5FB Contact Name: Telephone: 01623444441
125 Whitemeadow Group Holdings Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. Turnover: £26,101,000 Number of employees: 292 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 3D Export Drive, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 6AF Contact Name: Telephone: 01623555660
126 Giorgio's Continental Activity: WHOLESALE OF FOOD AND WINE. Turnover: £25,397,000 Number of employees: 60 Year end: 31/07/2014 Address: Moorgreen Industrial Park, Engine Lane, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3PX Contact Name: Telephone: 01773714676
127 Baw (Holdings) Activity: SALE OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES AND FITTINGS. Turnover: £25,375,000 Number of employees: 44 Year end: 31/07/2015 Address: Unit 1, Bunny Trading Estate, Gotham Lane, Bunny, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 6QJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159844357
128 SMS Electronics Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS AND RELATED FINISHED PRODUCTS. Turnover: £25,182,000 Number of employees: 145 Year end: 26/09/2014 Address: 1F Block, Beeston Business Pk, Technology Dr, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 1AD Contact Name: Telephone: 01159431616
129 Source Bioscience Activity: INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC AND GENETIC ANALYSIS BUSINESS. Turnover: £25,175,000 Number of employees: 185 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 1 Orchard Place, Nottingham Business Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 6PX Contact Name: Telephone: 01159739012
130 East Midlands Education Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £24,978,000 Number of employees: 252 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 7FA Contact Name: Telephone: 01159744488
131 L.E.A.D. Multi-Academy Trust Activity: PROVISION OF PRIMARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £24,969,000 Number of employees: 465 Year end: 30/08/2015 Address: 5A The Ropewalk, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5DU Contact Name: Telephone: 07815 - 206278
132 J. Mccann & Co. (Nottm ) Activity: ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS AND STREET LIGHTING AND COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS. Turnover: £24,898,000 Number of employees: 152 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: McCann House, Shepherd House, 110 Nottingham Road, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 6DQ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159540166
133 John A. Stephens Holdings Activity: BUILDERS' MERCHANTS. Turnover: £24,675,000 Number of employees: 123 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1AG Contact Name: Telephone: 01159412861
134 Plastek UK Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF PLASTIC PRODUCTS FOR THE CONSUMER PACKAGING AND PERSONAL CARE INDUSTRIES. Turnover: £24,437,000 Number of employees: 130 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Crown Farm Way, Forest Town, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 0FT Contact Name: Telephone: 01623662233
135 Charles Pugh (Holdings) Activity: WHOLESALE AND FITTING OF VEHICLE AUTOMOTIVE GLASS. Turnover: £24,353,000 Number of employees: 244 Year end: 03/08/2014 Address: Longwood Road, Brookhill Industrial Estate, Pinxton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 6NT Contact Name: Telephone: 01773581458
136 Standard Motor Products Europe Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS AND VEHICLE AIR CONDITIONING PARTS. Turnover: £24,325,000 Number of employees: 158 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Unit 5B, Little Oak Drive, Annesley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0DR Contact Name: Telephone: 01623886400
137 Thorn Baker Activity: EMPLOYMENT AGENCY AND PROVISION OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES. Turnover: £24,316,000 Number of employees: 76 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: 4th Floor the Hub, The Hub, 40 Friar Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6DQ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159472005
138 SJC 15 Activity: OPERATION OF OFF-COURSE BOOKMAKERS, GAMING AND OTHER SERVICES AND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT. Turnover: £24,285,000 Number of employees: 339 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 2 Lace Market Square, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1PB
139 The Way Ahead Group Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF TICKETS. Turnover: £24,271,000 Number of employees: 190 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Norfolk House, 47 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 2AB Contact Name: Telephone: 01216333964
140 Coveris Rigid (Mansfield) UK Activity: MANUFACTURE OF PLASTIC PRODUCTS. Turnover: £24,244,000 Number of employees: 94 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 3-5 Commercial Gate, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 1EJ
141 Kennelpak Activity: PROCESSING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PET FOODS AND RELATED ACCESSORIES. Turnover: £24,068,000 Number of employees: 266 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Palmer Drive, Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 7BW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159399077
142 Tsubakimoto UK Activity: PRODUCTION AND SALE OF AUTOMOTIVE TIMING SYSTEMS AND POWER TRANSMISSION PRODUCTS. Turnover: £23,979,000 Number of employees: 81 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Osier Drive, Annesley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0DX Contact Name: Telephone: 01623688700
143 Walker Movements Activity: COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SALES AND HAULAGE CONTRACTING. Turnover: £23,817,000 Number of employees: 24 Year end: 31/08/2014 Address: Tamworth Road Sawley, Notttingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG10 3AF Contact Name: Telephone: 01322216612
144 Konica Minolta Business Solutions East Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF PLAIN PAPER COPIERS, COLOUR COPIERS, FACSIMILE EQUIPMENT AND THEIR SUPPLIES. Turnover: £23,509,000 Number of employees: 130 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 2 Orchard Way, Calladine Park, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 1JU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623522100
145 Protocol National Activity: FURTHER EDUCATION RECRUITMENT AGENCY Turnover: £23,383,000 Number of employees: 90 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Welbeck Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 7QW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159111100
146 Torch Academy Gateway Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £23,157,000 Number of employees: 325 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: The Banks, Bingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG13 8BL Contact Name: Telephone: 01949863044
147 A.F. Switchgear (Holdings) Activity: FABRICATION & MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROL PANEL SYSTEMS. Turnover: £22,958,000 Number of employees: 137 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Nunn Brook Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2HU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623555600
148 PWP Building Services Activity: ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONTRACTING. Turnover: £22,940,000 Number of employees: 156 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: Alexandra House, 43 Alexandra Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1AY
149 Potter Clarkson LLP Activity: PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AS PATENT AND TRADEMARK ATTORNEYS. Turnover: £22,779,000 Number of employees: 149 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: The Belgrave Centre, Talbot Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5GG Contact Name: Telephone: 01159552211
150 Rosimian Activity: MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF TIMBER GARDEN PRODUCTS FOR GARDEN LEISURE MARKET. Turnover: £22,776,000 Number of employees: 166 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Old Great North Road, Sutton-On-Trent, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6QN
151 A N Wallis & Company Activity: METAL FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF EARTHING EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £22,718,000 Number of employees: 45 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Greasley Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 8NG Contact Name: Telephone: 01159271721
152 Tramlink Nottingham (Holdings ) Activity: FINANCE, BUILD, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN TWO NEW TRAM LINES. Turnover: £22,486,000 Number of employees: 10 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Second Floor, St. James Place House, 7 Castle Quay, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 1FW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159388900
153 Northfield Holdings Activity: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. Turnover: £21,988,000 Number of employees: 61 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: Northfield House, Tilford Road, Newstead Village, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0BS
154 Jigsaw Foods Activity: MANUFACTURE AND CRYOGENIC FREEZING OF SAUCES AND CONDIMENTS. Turnover: £21,801,000 Number of employees: 139 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: Unit 3, Shirecourt, Redbridge Close Shirebrook, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 8RU Contact Name: Telephone: 01623628882
155 DHP Family Activity: MUSIC MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION. Turnover: £21,490,000 Number of employees: 339 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 2 Lace Market Square, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1PB
156 Golder Associates (UK) Activity: PROVISION OF CONSULTANT ENGINEERING SERVICES IN THE GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND RELATED FIELDS. Turnover: £21,407,000 Number of employees: 219 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Attenborough House, Browns Lane, Stanton-on-the-Wolds, Keyworth, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5BL Contact Name: Telephone: 01159371111
157 Henton & Chattell Activity: SALE, HIRE AND REPAIR OF HORTICULTURAL MACHINERY AND ASSOCIATED SPARE PARTS. Turnover: £21,396,000 Number of employees: 72 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: London Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3HW Contact Name: Telephone: 01159862161
158 Robinson Healthcare Group Activity: MANUFACTURE, MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL HYGIENE, HEALTHCARE AND VETERINARY PRODUCTS. Turnover: £21,308,000 Number of employees: 168 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Unit 3, Lawn Road, Carlton-In-Lindrick, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 9LB Contact Name: Telephone: 01909735000
159 Hospital Pharmacy Services (Nottingham) Activity: PROVISION OF OUTPATIENT PHARMACY SERVICES. Turnover: £21,200,000 Number of employees: 31 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Trust Headquarters, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1PB
160 Per Aarsleff (UK) Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF PRECAST CONCRETE PILES AND RELATED CIVIL ENGINEERING. Turnover: £21,151,000 Number of employees: 100 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: Hawton Lane, New Balderton, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 3BU Contact Name: Telephone: 01636611140
161 Chris Variava Activity: MOTOR TRADERS HOLDING A 'MITSUBISHI' FRANCHISE. Turnover: £21,127,000 Number of employees: 41 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 431-461 Nottingham Road, Basford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 0FB Contact Name: Telephone: 01158553040
162 ERF Electrical Wholesalers Activity: WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL MERCHANTS. Turnover: £21,069,000 Number of employees: 101 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Salop Street, Daybrook, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 6HD Contact Name: Telephone: 01159203960
163 Linsco Activity: PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL, CLERICAL AND CONSTRUCTION LABOUR. Turnover: £20,880,000 Number of employees: 659 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 2 Lace Market Square, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1PB
164 Savanna Rags International Activity: EXPORT OF CLOTHING TO THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. Turnover: £20,536,000 Number of employees: 122 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: 104 Chatsworth Drive, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4QX
165 Transform Trust Activity: PROVISION OF PRIMARY EDUCATION. Turnover: £20,213,000 Number of employees: 295 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: 110 Main Road, Wilford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG11 7AL
166 Motorline Direct Activity: SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Turnover: £20,202,000 Number of employees: 29 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: 29 Arboretum Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 4JA
167 Leen Gate Stockholders Activity: STOCKHOLDING OF NON-FERROUS METALS IN VARIOUS FORMS. Turnover: £20,121,000 Number of employees: 55 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Redfield Road, Lenton Lane Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2UJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159862202
168 Abacus Lighting Holdings Activity: MANUFACTURE AND INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING SYSTEMS. Turnover: £20,086,000 Number of employees: 150 Year end: 30/04/2015 Address: Oddicroft Lane, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 5FT Contact Name: Telephone: 01623511111
169 Frank Key Group Activity: SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND ASSOCIATED GOODS AND SERVICES. Turnover: £19,741,000 Number of employees: 125 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: 22A Portland Street, Daybrook, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 6BL Contact Name: Telephone: 01159208208
170 : Julian Bowen Activity: IMPORT AND SALE OF FURNITURE AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. Turnover: £19,673,000 Number of employees: 95 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Bentinck Workshops, Park Lane, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG17 9LE Contact Name: Telephone: 01623727374
171 British Drilling and Freezing Company Activity: PROVISION OF DRILLING, GROUND FREEZING, MINING CONTRACTING AND ROAD HAULAGE SERVICES. Turnover: £19,480,000 Number of employees: 142 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Private Road 3, Colwick Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG4 2BB Contact Name: Telephone: 01159611300
172 Collins Earthworks Activity: PLANT AND MACHINERY HIRE. Turnover: £19,467,000 Number of employees: 102 Year end: 30/11/2014 Address: Unit 2B, Bentinck Workshops, Park Lane, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG17 9LE Contact Name: Telephone: 01623750002
173 Digraph Transport Supplies Activity: COMMERCIAL MOTOR FACTORS. Turnover: £19,372,000 Number of employees: 133 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit 2, Chewton Street, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3HB Contact Name: Telephone: 01773537700
174 Albumedix Activity: MANUFACTURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS Turnover: £19,311,000 Number of employees: 98 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Castle Court, 59 Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 1FD Contact Name: Telephone: 01159553355
175 Bluecoat Academies Trust Activity: PROVISION OF SECONDARY LEVEL EDUCATION. Turnover: £19,273,000 Number of employees: 456 Year end: 31/08/2015 Address: Bluecoat Academy Aspley Lane, Aspley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 5GY Contact Name: Telephone: 01159297445
176 Romax Technology Activity: SALE OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND POWER TRANSMISSION AND ROTOR TECHNOLOGY. Turnover: £18,790,000 Number of employees: 235 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Romax Technology Centre, University of Nottingham Innovation, Triumph Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2TU Contact Name: Telephone: 01159518800
177 Bonds Confectionery Activity: DISTRIBUTION OF CONFECTIONERY. Turnover: £18,752,000 Number of employees: 90 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Unit A Hamilton Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 5LD Contact Name: Telephone: 01623440070
178 Welbeck Estates Company Limited(The) Activity: Turnover: £18,726,000 Number of employees: 137 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Cavendish House, Welbeck, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 3LL Contact Name: Telephone: 01909500211
179 BM Catalysts Activity: MANUFACTURE OF CATALYTIC CONVERTERS AND THE RETAIL DISTRIBUTION OF TYRES AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS. Turnover: £18,666,000 Number of employees: 201 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Reed Mill, Sheepbridge Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5DL Contact Name: Telephone: 01623663800
180 Thomas Bow Activity: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND SURFACING CONTRACTORS. Turnover: £18,565,000 Number of employees: 52 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Ashbow Court, 4-12 Middleton Street, Lenton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2AL Contact Name: Telephone: 01159244555
181 Cara Restaurants Activity: OPERATION OF 'MCDONALDS' FRANCHISES. Turnover: £18,537,000 Number of employees: 544 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: White House Wollaton Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5GF Contact Name: Telephone: 01777838808
182 Team Q Maintenance Activity: MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WITHIN BUILDINGS. Turnover: £18,442,000 Number of employees: 224 Year end: 27/03/2015 Address: Fulwood Road South, Fulwood Industrial Estate, Sutton In Ashford, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 2JZ Contact Name: Telephone: 020 - 8656 7171
183 Icon Polymer Group Activity: DESIGN, MANUFACTURE & DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHLY ENGINEERED POLYMER PRODUCTS. Turnover: £18,283,000 Number of employees: 205 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: Victoria Works, Thrumpton Lane, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6HH Contact Name: Telephone: 01777714300
184 Oak Tree Motor Homes Limited Activity: SALE OF MOTOR HOMES AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS Turnover: £17,905,000 Number of employees: 25 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 22 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5DT Contact Name: Telephone: 01159303140
185 I Holland Holdings Activity: MANUFACTURE OF TOOLS FOR PHARMACEUTICALS Turnover: £17,861.31,00 Number of employees: 144 Year end: 31/07/2015 Address: Meadow Lane, Long Eaton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG10 2GD
186 Alltruck Activity: PROVISION OF DEDICATED CONTRACT LOGISTICS, CONTRACT HIRE AND TRUCK RENTAL AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLE SUPPORT SERVICES. Turnover: £17,850,000 Number of employees: 73 Year end: 28/02/2015 Address: 7 St John Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 1QH
187 FSP Holdc o Activity: PROVISION OF FUNERAL SERVICES AND RELATED ACTIVITIES. Turnover: £17,655,000 Number of employees: 330 Year end: 30/09/2014 Address: 80 Mount Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6HH
188 Shepherd Direct Activity: SURVEYING AND RELATED FINANCIAL SERVICES BUSINESSES. Turnover: £17,458,000 Number of employees: 228 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: 3-4 Regan Way, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 6RZ Contact Name: Telephone: 0870 - 211 1399
189 NFFC Group Holdings Activity: PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB. Turnover: £17,861,312 Number of employees: 196 Year end: 31/05/2015 Address: The City Ground, Pavilion Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 5FJ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159824453
190 Columbus Global UK Activity: COMPUTER CONSULTANCY AND TRAINING. Turnover: £17,401,000 Number of employees: 112 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Pure Business Centre, Lake View Drive, Annesley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 0DT Contact Name: Telephone: 01623729977
191 Came Bpt UK Activity: SUPPLY OF GATE AND DOOR AUTOMATION EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £17,125,000 Number of employees: 86 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Unit 3, Orchard Park Industrial Estate, Sandiacre, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG10 5BP Contact Name: Telephone: 01159210430
192 Mondottica Activity: WHOLESALE OF DESIGNER SPECTACLES. Turnover: £17,090,000 Number of employees: 84 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Michael House, Rennie Hogg Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 1RX Contact Name: Telephone: 01159677912
193 Asiana Activity: SUPPLY OF ETHNIC FOOD PRODUCTS. Turnover: £17,059,000 Number of employees: 65 Year end: 31/03/2015 Address: Asiana House, Unit 1, Dabell Avenue, Bleneim Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 8WA Contact Name: Telephone: 01159771888
194 Simply Cartons Holdings Activity: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF PRINTED PACKAGING SOLUTIONS. Turnover: £17,040,000 Number of employees: 121 Year end: 31/07/2015 Address: Perry Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1GQ Contact Name: Telephone: 01159422112
195 Blueprint Gaming Activity: PROVISION OF SOFTWARE ENTERTAINMENT Turnover: £16,810,000 Number of employees: 61 Year end: 31/12/2015 Address: Fortune House Fortune House, Northgate Terrace, Northern Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2EU Contact Name: Telephone: 01636677425
196 G B Willbond Activity: BUILDERS' AND PLUMBERS' MERCHANTS AND RETAILERS OF BATHROOM FITTINGS. Turnover: £16,745,000 Number of employees: 75 Year end: 30/09/2015 Address: Deakins Place, Radford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 3FT Contact Name: Telephone: 01158418888
197 Beacham Whitehead Holdings Activity: BAR AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT. Turnover: £16,562,000 Number of employees: 335 Year end: 30/06/2015 Address: Milton Chambers, 19 Milton Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 3EU
198 M J Maillis (UK) Activity: MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF STEEL AND PLASTIC STRAPPING AND FILM AND OTHER RELATED EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £16,528,000 Number of employees: 53 Year end: 31/12/2014 Address: Monarch House, Chrysalis Way, Eastwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3RY Contact Name: Telephone: 01773539000
199 Charles Lawrence Surfaces Activity: SUPPLY INSTALLATION OF SPECIALIST SYNTHETIC SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL SURFACES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT. Turnover: £16,499,000 Number of employees: 61 Year end: 31/01/2015 Address: Brunel House, Jessop Way, Northern Road Industrial Estate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2ER Contact Name: Telephone: 01636615866
200 Allseas Global Logistics Activity: INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDING. Turnover: £16,466,000 Number of employees: 35 Year end: 31/07/2015 Address: Unit 1, Harris House, Moorbridge Road, Bingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG13 8GG Contact Name: Telephone: 01636612659
The Top 200 has been researched and put together by staff at the Industrial Economics and Finance Division of the Nottingham University Business School, under the direction of Professor David Paton and Dr Danny McGowan.
The approach to constructing the list is the same as in 2015. Companies are eligible for inclusion if they are active (i.e. not in receivership or dormant), their registered office is located within Nottinghamshire and they report independent accounts. This does mean that companies with significant operations in the county but with the head office registered elsewhere are excluded.
On the other hand, subsidiaries whose parent company is based outside the county can be included as long as they report separate accounts. The list also includes registered companies operating in the public sector.
The main source for the data is FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy), a database providing information based on published accounts for nearly 3 million public and private companies.
The ranking has been done by annual turnover. For insurance companies, gross premium written is used while for building societies, total net income is used.
Although other indicators are possible, turnover provides a clear and simple indicator of the size of companies which can easily be used to track growth or decline over time.
The researchers from the university measured turnover using the latest reporting period for each company. To allow for delays in reporting of accounts, we consider companies as long as the date of their latest accounts is after March 31, 2014.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Union Budget 2017 sectoral impact: Agriculture, automobiles, FMGC, railways to realty
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/04/03/union-budget-2017-sectoral-impact-agriculture-automobiles-fmgc-railways-to-realty/
Union Budget 2017 sectoral impact: Agriculture, automobiles, FMGC, railways to realty
Budget with greater than 24% allocation of R1.87 lakh crore towards rural, agricultural and allied sectors and the reinforcement of the government dedication to double farm earnings over subsequent 5 years bodes well for the farm community.
Better credit score target enhances the get right of entry to price range for the farm network. Moreover, increased allocations closer to irrigation programs might have an effect over a long time with the introduction of such infrastructure reducing dependence on monsoons. Moreover, improved attention on crop insurance inside the Finances in addition to directional growth in next monetary augurs well as the identical would hedge farmers’ coins flows in opposition to various natural calamities that may affect their crop.
Declaring that dairy is a crucial supply of extra income for farmers, the FM said the government will installation a dairy processing fund of R8,000 crore over three years with a preliminary corpus of R2,000 crore. The authorities offer quick-time period crop loans as much as R3 lakh at the subsidized interest price of 7% p.A. An additional incentive of 3% is furnished to farmers for set off reimbursement of loans inside due date, making an effective interest rate for them at four%. FM also stated the allocation for brand new crop coverage scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Faisal Bima Yojana’, which became released in 2016, has been elevated to R13,240 crore this fiscal from budgeted R5,500 crore.
HomeBudget 2017 Union Budget 2017 sectoral impact: Agriculture, cars, FMGC
Railways to reality
Union Budget 2017 sectoral effect: Agriculture, motors, FMGC, railways to reality railway reservation inquiry seat availability
The Finances has allotted R3, ninety-six lakh crore to the infrastructure sector as an entire to spur financial interest and create more activity opportunities. By means of FE Bureau | New Delhi | Published: February 2, 2017, 5:08 AM zero
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The Finances has allotted R3, ninety-six lakh crore to the infrastructure area as an entire to spur monetary hobby and create extra activity possibilities. The Finances has allocated R3,96 lakh crore to the infrastructure sector as an entire to spur economic pastime and create greater task opportunities. Agriculture
The Growing Business of Agriculture
Agriculture is continuously evolving. It consists of any sort of farming. You have to have agriculture to have groceries and garb. The majority do not realize simply how vital agriculture is to their ordinary existence. Every time you pass in the grocery save to shop for meat or any type of fruit or vegetables, you are shopping for an agriculture product.
One thing of agriculture is farming. It starts off evolved at the factor the farmer puts the seed in the ground to the time of harvest. When the farmer flowers the seeds it takes pretty a few people to assist him to plant. You need to have a person run a tractor with a strip-till, which is where you until the ground up for any other man too are available at the back off with the planter setting the seed in the ground.
As soon as the seeds are within the ground the farmer has to take care of the vegetation via spraying the vital fertilizer and chemical compounds to assist the seed to grow and hold the bugs in order to devour it off. As soon as the flowers are full grown and made all the goods it’s going to make, the farmer gets equipped for harvest. Harvest is the farmers busiest time of the year and commonly lasts all 12 months relying on what all plants he has planted. Wheat is harvested in the fall, along with cotton and peanuts and soybeans are harvested in the spring. It’s a by no means finishing method for a farmer or everyone inside the agriculture enterprise. every other component of agriculture is your salesmen. You have got system salesmen, seed salesmen, chemical salesmen, and your product shoppers.
Agriculture also entails farm animals ranchers.
Most of those are located in the Midwest to the south of America. All the red meat you purchase within the grocery save comes from a cattle ranch. You have many exclusive breeds of cattle that stages from Angus that is the Most popular breed of livestock, to the expensive, excessive-end Pink Devon and Dexter breeds. Maximum of the pork that you get inside the grocery save comes from Angus cows. inside the business of farm animals ranching, you have to have the proprietor, cowboys to help feed and herd the cows, buyers that take the cows to have them butchered and the truck drivers who haul the cows to the promote and anywhere they’re having them butchered.
As you may see agriculture is continuously revolving in the many ones of a kind factors of the commercial enterprise. It’s far especially sturdy inside the Midwest and the South of the united states. It’s a tough business to get into however It’s extremely worthwhile inside the way of knowing that what you have carried out has given the people everywhere in the global food on their tables and clothes on their again is a fantastic business to be in. You shouldn’t go into agriculture to get rid
How to Donate Your Automobile to Charity
In case you are geared up to cast off an antique car, why now not donate it to charity? You can assist a person in need or even follow for a tax deduction. Most donated cars visit non-profit charity corporations and these reaping benefits organizations commonly will deal with all of the cumbersome paperwork. generally, the automobile is then auctioned off, the proceeds going to the charity. no longer best is donating your used car a smart, economic desire, however, you may help out the network too.Chevrolet automobiles.edmonds cars value
Right here are some recommendations for donating your vehicle.
First, discover a charity that accepts car donations and avoids for-profit charities, as their integrity is extra questionable than non-earnings charities. Even the Most legit organizations regularly hold as much as 50% of the fee of your donation for inner needs – some maintain as a great deal as 90 to 100%. If you have a favorite charity or if there’s a company you have donated to within the past, discover if they have an automobile donation software. Ensure the charity that you donate to is worthy of your donation.
Also, when donating a car, Make certain to reduce the expenses this will incur on the charity institution. Power the automobile to the destination yourself – do not require it to be towed.
The case you are the use of an intermediary enterprise to manner your donation, research the share quantity that it will scrape off of the price range that will sooner or later become with the charity. Try to find a “middleman” that most effective asks for a small percentage. Many non-earnings groups are afraid to criticize groups that manner donations because they understandably do not need to lose cash. Kingdom legal professional generals regularly look into those groups for fraud and deception, but you should do your part to Ensure they may be legitimate.
Finally, it is time to transfer the car to the charity! some groups will ask you to depart the possession title clean, as they don’t wish to re-name it simply yet. This is not a very good idea – due to the fact in this scenario, you may then be liable for any parking violations or crimes which might be dedicated with the auto.
Explore the Rail Heritage of Indian Railways
India houses an in-depth stretch of railway line that travels thru nearly each corner and cranny of this territory. Railways in India have undergone many evolutions over the route of time. Railways are connecting Indian cities considering the fact that greater than a hundred and seventy years. The emergence of railways is going again to the year 1843. The primary railway song turned into added on this year. The music became rolled over 21 miles and connected Bombay to Thane. From 1843 to 2015, Indian railways have adapted current ways and some captivating improvements. Indian railways, in this lengthy length, updated itself for the betterment.
Indian railways were modernizing itself with time.
The updated variations of the railways are discovered at the tracks in India. The engines that have been changed by the innovative contemporary fleet of trains were now not handled as waste. They have been preserved and saved it at a show to the arena. Those earliest engines are treated as history artifacts which might be of massive historic significance. This precise background of Indian railways is preserved within the rail museums. These railway museums enlighten the current technology about the history and history of Indian railways. The elegant coaches and glorifying engines with different exciting artifacts stand as the wonderful past within the history of railways. There are engines of the imperial trains too which might be stored at exhibition inside the museums.train inquiry
central railway India
Indian railways have museums in distinct towns that comprise the ancient train background of India. Those educate historical past marks the trends of the railways in India. A number of the high railway museums in India are indexed here which boasts a rich fleet of background engines, coaches, and toy trains. The maximum famed and sizable rail museum in India is the Country wide Rail Museum in Delhi. It is the most distinguished teach museum present in India that stretches over 10 acres.
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