#fane to elgar'nan: BITCH
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emerald-amidst-gold ¡ 4 years ago
*kicks door in* Did I hear OTP asks?? Is it a chance to be nosy about the dragon and his wolf that I sniff in the air?? *dumps box full of questions on the floor*
Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Thoughts on each other’s family?
Who has awful taste in music?
The most important question: Who can rap better?
*jumps up from the couch and gasps* Nosy?! Oh, friend! You can be nosy all you want because you couldn't be nosy when faced with a wolf and a dragon who act like lovestuck fools?! >:D
Who as the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Eheh, I can safely say that both and Solas and Fane are pretty equal when it comes to the amount of nightmares that they each harbor. Fane's nightmares are just more...volatile due to how tangible they get. Solas, I believe, is so used to enduring his own that he's able to conceal just how unnerved they make him, but there would be moments where he'd split.
Fane usually deals with his nightmares by reaffirming solidity to his teetering mind. He searches for shapes (squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, etc.), and he'll rip open his balcony windows to literally gulp in as much frigid air as he can muster. He does the latter to try and stave of either a panic attack or a bout of retching. Sometimes it works, but most times, Fane can't stop his stomach from expelling what's inside. His nightmares do die down in intensity once he and Solas start to share quarters, but the first several weeks are...rough.
“Nightmares?”, Solas’ voice finally came in a murmur, tone laced with sleep even as stormy, moonlit orbs shone with awareness and gentle sympathy.
Fane grimaced a bit before nodding. “...Yeah.”, he said after a bit of hesitation, shifting his gaze away as the sight of more concern made him even more tired. Why couldn’t he get through one night without an interruption or seeing the sky reflect sorrow and guilt? “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
The command was brusque, mildly clipped and he cringed a bit as he heard his own tone echo. He needed to sleep, damn it! He knew he was being harsh, being childish, but he couldn’t take everything that was going on right now. In short terms, he was overwhelmed and for once, he didn’t know how to mitigate what was flowing through him! He never knew how to control this blighted form! He never knew anything beyond whining and--
More shifting of the covers had Fane’s ears twitching and sticking a wedge between his thoughts and the spiral they wished to delve into, but not turning his gaze back, keeping it glued out the frosty windows. Maybe the sight of ice and snow would help get his mind to shut. up. Not likely, but it was worth a shot at this point. Anything was worth a shot. Anything, anything, any--!
“Vhenan.” A gentle call, one used for moments like this and one that once again pulled his mind back from the edge, but Fane still kept his gaze turned, beginning to trace shapes along the stained glass of the upper windows. Maybe his ritual would work if he kept trying. He just had to keep trying. Try, try, try!
“Why are there always so many squares?”, Fane asked rhetorically and with a dry air, eyes slowly darting along jagged patterns and equally as jagged lines. “I should change the design. Maybe the Qunari one?” He sneered a bit. “...No. That one has more squares. I’m tired of squares.” The word for exhaustion made his eyelids feel dry and unfathomably heavy, but they still wouldn’t close. He really wished they would close. Why wouldn’t they close?! Why wouldn’t his mind be sil--!
“Fane.” Another call, this one more firm, but still just as well meaning as a warm hand came up to touch his cheek, beckoning him to look back at the sky. “Look at me, ma’isenatha.” A light stroke of fingers against his jawline made Fane shiver, even as his body rose in temperature.
“No.”, Fane said, even as he subconsciously leaned towards his beacon of comfort and warmth, the palm softly coming to cup his cheek. “Just go back to sleep, Solas.”, he practically begged, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good.
Solas was as stubborn as he was clever, and more prone to worry than Fane was in regards to the other. They often butted heads due to their collective protectiveness, each arguing that the other needed to be more concerned about themselves whether in battle or not, but grudges were never held once they explained the situation or what made them panic so severely. Knowing that, Fane wanted to look to the sky, he did, but yet, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t bear to see more worry. Not right now. However, another warm sensation, not from a hand, against his cheek had him almost abandoning his squares. He was so, so childish…
“Ma’isenatha..”, Solas murmured against where he had placed a kiss upon his cheek, gentle concern making a normally smooth voice somehow smoother. “Talk to me.” A plea with a double meaning that had Fane sighing.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Solas.”, Fane muttered, gaze shifting downwards to the floor. “It wasn’t that bad. I didn’t puke, I didn’t tear from bed like a madman, but I can’t sleep. End of story.” The dismissal curt, but sufficient. For him, anyway.
This is a little snippet kind of showcasing how Fane deals with his nightmares when Solas is around. This is kind of early on, when they just start sharing quarters, so Fane is highly dismissive, but only because he doesn't want to keep worrying Solas about things that he thinks doesn't matter. *bonks the dragon on the head*
I think Solas would be very much the same way in terms of dismissing, but would be more likely to cave when faced with the fact that Fane understands. Cue crying!Solas because the world needs more of it! >:3 Fane would definitely offer Solas a sanctuary, opening his arms and silently waiting to see if the mage would take it. If Solas does opt to seek shelter, then Fane wouldn't utter a word, knowing that he can't say anything that man hasn't said to himself. Really, all Fane does is reassure Soals that he isn't alone.
Thoughts on each other's family?
Sooo...does the Evanuris count as family for Solas? I like to kind of think they do in some capacity! As such, Fane fucking despises them! Especially Elgar'nan! :D
Elgar'nan: "So this is a mighty white dragon? How disappointing."
*Fane slams his massive tail upon the palace floors, shattering the marble and crystal with a hard expression*
Solas: "And now?"
Yeah, fuck that guy! :D Seriously though, Fane's feelings towards Elgar'nan are...justified. I mean, his feelings towards all of the Evanuris are justified, but Elgar'nan was the one that made Fane leave his sky. *smiles*
Solas and Mhairi start of a bit...rocky. Mhairi tries to reach out, tries to connect with him due to being highly intrigued by his knowledge of the Fade and the elves, but since Solas is...Solas, he does the whole, 'Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you would wish to regale me with luminous tales of the elves. You are Dalish.' Solas actually tried that line on Fane and Fane just goes, '...Presumably. Who knows?'
But back to Mhairi and Solas! Mhairi and Solas eventually warm up to each other after Adamant, around the same time Fane and Solas become an item, and he begins to teach her how to control her magic a bit better. There's actually a mini short story I want to write that shows a huge development between Solas and Mhairi where he literally becomes another brother to her. Get caught by templars and having to think of clever ways to survive and use your magic without getting silenced would endow two mages to grow close. You get me? Especially when one becomes extremely terrified from the mere sight of the Templar insignia due to a traumatic incident where they were silenced. *smiles again*
Solas ends up caring for Mhairi very much, as much as Fane does actually. And obviously, Fane is extremely happy by that. Even if betrayal is in the future, it's nice to see his sky take every moment of joy that he can.
As for Fane's father... *laughs nervously* I'll just say this: a wolf's bite is worse than their bark. I'll let you envision that because fuck does Solas want to let the beast within take hold and tear until there's naught but bones left. It'll be the one time that the Dread Wolf comes out to hunt, to kill. And if I play the 'power couple' card? *sips teas delicately* Then I'll play it in earnest. >:3
Who has awful taste in music?
I think both Fane and Solas are fairly good about choosing music! They both lived during the time of Elvhenan, so gentle cadences and calming refrains would only make them both long for what they lost. Fane enjoys Maryden's songs, too! He'll stand up with Cole in the tavern and listen to them with the spirit, humming each note under his breath since he'd be a fool to try and sing.
Also, Fane can actually coax a melody or two from Leliana if she isn't too closed up. Solas ends up giving his dragon a tiny, tender smile when he comes waltzing down the stairs with a look and smirk that asks, "How'd you enjoy that show? Pretty good, hm?"
...They are such dorks. I'm awful. *cackles*
Who can rap better?
*stares at this question like the pikachu meme*
I...honestly don't know, to be honest! X'D Like if I had to really, really choose I would say Solas because the man already speaks in iambic pentameter, so he's got a flow going already! PFFFT! I know it's not anywhere close to the same thing, but it's all I can think of to justify why! X'D
Fane isn't...wordy enough for rapping. He would seriously short circuit at a request of such a thing and just go, 'No. The fuck?' He's 5,000 years old. He don't roll with the kids and their words. *cackles before coughing violently*
*neatly shuffles all your questions and places them back in the box with the answers* There you are, my dear friend! Thank you so much for stopping by the mailbox for the dragon and wolf! Do come again! >:D
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