#fancy has a lot of adjusting to do and she's just a little cat
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naamahdarling · 4 months ago
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shadowwolflady · 1 year ago
Shiro Headcanons
First and foremost,
Shiro is a WARRIOR. He does not simply LEAVE the battle field. I REFUSE to believe he simply accepted his civilian role.
He HAS to be put back into action. Even if that means commanding voltron or piloting black. Domestic life does NOT suit him.
Look at his Garrison days, he was constantly pushing limits and himself. I refuse to believe he will just STOP. I refuse to believe he just accepts things so easily, especially things he can change.
As much as I love that he wound up with Curtis, I don't think it will last. It was a trauma bond. Curtis is a rando imo. We don't know a lot about Curtis either, which makes this tougher.
Shiro is going to go through immense withdrawals and PTSD. He needs a crap ton of help and support.
Ptsd is trying and breaks relationships. I have seen it. It is not fun. It changes people, it makes them not who they were.
Okay. Rant over.
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• Dad and big brother energy
• Semi smart jock energy.
• Protective of his family
• Willing to throw down for his family
• Will resort to violence when pushed.
• Will not be the one to throw the first punch, honorable for the other to throw the first blow.
• He is not above pulling someone away from an argument.
• He has picked someone up and moved them away from a confrontation so he didn't have to deal with the fighting.
• Tries to think through things logically first before going head long into the fray.
• Believes in his team and their capabilities. He knows their strengths and weaknesses and nurtures them.
• Knocks nonsense off. But will enjoy fun when he can.
• After Hunk, he is the best hugger. Despite not hugging alot. He actually likes hugs.
• Likes naps.
• Will nap in the lobby, close to the action, if it is quiet.
• Rarely uses rank as an argue point, he likes to have the opinion of his whole team.
• Will gladly lend an ear to anyone. But rarely has anyone lend an ear to him.
• Always likes to push the limits. He tests the line in an irritating way.
• He sets the routine for the group.
• Leads by doing.
• A bit of a bookworm. Can be caught reading if not looking up things.
• Has fallen asleep with a book on his face.
• He likes cats and dogs. In that order.
• He is the embodiment of Air.
• Scars on his skin are the victories he won. He is a little self conscious about them.
• His first and main love is the stars. His second is being a pilot.
• How he got into the Garrison was because he wanted to explore and push the boundaries of a human. Go further, farther, and faster.
• Can cook a bit, nothing fancy.
• Doesn't like sweets
• Prefers coffee or tea over soda.
• Water.
• Likes savory.
• Can handle some spice.
• Drinks occasionally.
• Showers at night
• Toothpaste and mouthwash
• Hand to hand
• Uses his arm as a weapon
• He is more of a brute force fighter vs stealth.
• Self conscious about his arm.
• Doesn't like that he can't feel temp through his arm.
• Misses the feeling texture through it.
• Stares at it at night while he lays on his back in bed.
• On more than one occasion, pidge has asked to look over his arm. She has plugged it into her computer and tinkered with it, making adjustments for him.
• Wakes up at 530 for the day.
• Gets dressed.
• Warms up and works out before breakfast.
• Trains every 6 days. One day of rest. Even if it is just for 20 minutes.
• The others started to follow his routine. While he would spend time practicing, the others would do their own thing.
• If he can't sleep, he lays in bed and stares at the ceiling until he gets himself up and out of bed. He will wander around the castle, usually finding himself in the Bridge.
• He will sit and watch the stars or fiddle in his chair with the data on his computer.
• He likes looking at the star chart in the bridge.
• Sometimes he finds himself in the training room. He will meditate or just sit there quietly. Sometimes he will put on the practice bot.
• Sometimes he will head to the hangar and sit in front of Black or in the cockpit. It's his place to think and unwind.
• He rarely likes to sleep due to night terrors. But he will nap.
PTSD and Trauma
• He has scars he isn't proud of.
• He thrashes at night and has put holes and dents in walls.
• He has cried out at night.
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Hope you enjoyed some of the headcanons I have for Shiro.
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busycloudy · 2 months ago
Chapter 1: Yuu in Wonderland
things in [ ] stuff is author notes!!! Sorry for the weird writing i just wanted to do this out of curiosity lf how it'd look:3
This is a mix of both the book and movie!!
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It was a beautiful day. Swans floated across the pond, flowers grew everywhere, butterflies and all sorts of insects flew everywhere, and yet your sister was giving you a history lesson as you sat a top of the tree branch, Grim sitting across the branch from you. "leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria declared for him, and even Stigand… Yuu!" She suddenly shouted to grab your attention. "Hmm...? I'm listening." You said as you made the flower crown out of daisies. As you put the final flower on, you set the crown on Grim, and it fell, covering his eyes. As he pawed it off his head, the crown flew down to your sisters head, stopping her from reading.
"Yuu, will you kindly pay attention to your history lesson?" You adjusted your positioning on the branch, "I'm sorry, but how can someone pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?" You questioned. "My dear child, there are many great books in the world without pictures" Your sister opened the book"In this world, but in my world books would be nothing but pictures" You sat up again, putting your arms behind your head
"Your world? Oh, what nonsense!" Your sister cried. "Now..." She continued. "Nonsense?" You cut off. "That's it Grim!" You picked up the cat. "If I had a world of my own, everything would nonsense! Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't! And contrariwise, what it is, wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would!" Even Grim shook his head in confusion, then meowing."In my world you wouldn't say "meow" You'd say 'Yes Mx.Yuu' " You got off the tree branch and bowed."Meow?" Grim said again"Oh but yes you would!"
You picked him up."You'd be just like people, Grim, and all the other animals too" You smiled as you walked into the flower field, Grim in arms."Why, in my world cats and rabbits would live in fancy little houses, and be dresses in shoes and hats and trousers!"" You put a flower on Grim's head."In a world of my own, all the flowers would have very special powers" You laid down on the grassy field. "They'd sit and talk to me for hours."When I'm lonely in a world of my own, there'd be new birds, lot's of nice and friendly how-de-do birds" You nodded your head to the blue bird near you."I could listen to a babbling brook and hear a song that I'd understand" You watched the river water flow around the rocks.
You layed down on the grass, hands holding your head. "I wish it could be that way" You sighed."My world would be a wonderland " You looked at your reflection in the water. Grim scratched at your arm, looking st something hop on rocks to get across the river. "Oh, Grim it's just a green rabbit with a waistcoat and watch-" You realized that is quite odd as no rabbit has green fur, nor wears a waistcoat and watch.
"Oh dear, I'm late I'm late im late!" The strange green haired rabbit said, watch in hand. They continued running."Im curious... What could a rabbit possibly be late for?" And you ran after them."I'm late I'm late I'm late for a very important date! So time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late I'm late I'm late!"You talked to Grim as you ran after the strange animal "It must be awfully important, maybe a party or something?" You pondered. "Mr Rabbit wait!"
"No,no,no,no,no! Im overdue I'm really in a stew no time to say goodbye, hello! I'm late, I'm late I'm late!" and he disappeared into a rabbit hole. You stuck your head into the rabbit whole with Grim. "My, what an odd place to have a party!"
"You know, Grim, we really shouldn't be doing this" You tried fitting your whole body in the den. "Afterall, we haven't been invited and curiosity often-" You fell off into a hole, Grim waiting atop as he stopped himself from falling. "Goodbye, Grim!" And he waved goodbye also.
"Well after this I shall think nothing of falling downstairs" You turned on a lamp on a table to see that that you were surrounded by furniture, and music played in the background as you continued falling slowly. You took a book off a table to see it was filled with images. "Goodness what if I shall fall right through the center of the earth.." You wondered, for you have been falling for so long you may have even gone through earth, and that would be an odd thing, surely!
Eventually you landed on hard floor and saw the rabbit running away to somewhere, where you still don't know."Oh, oh Mr Rabbit wait!" You called out, following the odd green fur through a hallway. It turned a corner, "Oh my whiskers how late it's getting!" It continued to exclaim, and you followed, but when you turned that very same corner the rabbit was not to be found, but rather a low long hall brightly lit up by lamps hanging from the roof.
This hall was surrounded by doors. You tried opening every single one of them, but none would budge open! You moped about the hall, wondering how you'd ever get out, but as you moped you ran into a three legged table with a little golden key on top. Of course your thought was that the golden key had to work on one of these locked doors, but alas non worked..However, you came across a low curtain you failed to notice before with a little door about 15 inches high behind it. You tried the little golden key, and it fit perfect! You tried to open the door, and as you turned the knob a strange noise was made by it, causing you to jump back.
"I..beg your pardon" You stated in wonder. The doorknob sort of moved as if it just sneezed. "Quite alright, but you did give me quite a turn" It said calmly. "You see-" You began talking again but it interrupted "Rather good, what? Door knob, turn!!" It chuckled at itself. "Please sir-" You got cut off yet again. "Well, one good turn deserved another, what can I do for you?" It (finally) stopped.
"Well I'm looking for a green rabbit"
"Eh?" The doorknob open it's mouth wide for you to look through the door, and through it you saw just the same green rabbit with a trenchcoat you was talking about!
"There he is!" You reached to open the door.
"Sorry, you're much too big" The little door said. Now that you thought of it, you was, as the door was no bigger than a rat hole."Why don't you try the bottle on the table?" You walk back at the three legged table and there was a little bottle with a paper attached to it, saying "DRINK ME" gorgeously printed in large letters.
Of course you weren't going to immediately do that! "No I'll look first and see if it's market poison or not" For you have read many stories of people getting burnt and eaten by beasts, among other unpleasant things, all because they could not remember the rules they had been told, such as; A red hot poker would burn you if you hold it too long, and if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife it usually bleeds, and you had never forgotten that if you drink a bottle marked "poison" it is almost certain to disagree with you sooner or later. However, the bottle was not marked poison and so you drank it, and it tasted very nice, a mix of many things, but delicious nonetheless, therefore you finished it off.
"What a curious feeling" And so it was, as you was now only ten inches high! Your face brightened as you was now small enough to fit through the little door into the lovely garden where the rabbit was. First, however, you waited for a few minutes to see if you was going to shrink any further. You felt a little nervous about this, “ for it might end, you know,” you said to yourself, "Going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like then?” And you tried to think what the flame of a candle looks like after the candle is blown out, but you failed to remember seeing such things.
After a bit you thought going to the door now would be just fine, but alas you forgot the golden key on the table you now could not possibly reach! You tried climbing the table hut it was just too slippery. You sat yourself down and cried after trying and trying.
"Come now there's no reason to cry like that" You said to yourself. " I advise you to go off this moment!" You generally gave yourself good advice, and sometimes scolding yourself so severely it brings tears to your eyes.[Authors Note: Don't do this please ily/p whoever is reading this be nice to urself:3] You remembered you once tried to box your own ears for cheating in a game of croquet you played against yourself, as you was fond of pretending to be two people. "But it's no use pretending to be two people now! Why, there's hardly enough of me to make one respectable person!" You exclaimed [Falsely]
Soon your eye spotted a little cake with "EAT ME" on it "Well, I’ll eat it,” you said, “and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key, while if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door, so either way I’ll get into the garden!” You held your head anxiously to see which way you was growing, and was surprised to find you remained the same height, although this is what normally happens when one eats cake, You had gotten used to odd things happening
You very soon finished the cake as it seemed to have no effect.
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arcticwolfpaws · 3 months ago
Chapter 15: Dinner
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Selina confused me, one moment she’s talking like her life goal is to become friends or something with me, and now? Well now she was hanging on to Father’s arm and giggling at any joke she makes and he seems to be at least amused by this. Jason tapped my shoulder and I looked over seeing him holding out ear wireless earbuds,
“It’s going to be loud when we get there Faraj, this is a bit of an event.” Father’s words were all I needed to take them, as Jason piped up.
“Yeah I was going to warn you but that kid had walked up and It slipped my mind this is an event,” He grapped my cheek and I jerked away from him as he cooed in a baby voice. ‘You just gotta be your charming self.” I glared at him,
“Don’t ever grab my cheek like that again,” I grumbled and he chuckled, leaning into tease me, I held back my first instinct to hit him and snapped.
“Oh? But you’re just so cute and small.” He stated and grabbed me pulling me into a hug despite my squirming and fighting. “And your just my innocent baby brother, who keeps getting bullied by those cruel-” He cut himself off as he yelped as I bit down on his arm letting out a low growl as Father and his date giggled.
“Well, he acts more like a cat then a puppy.” She stated her green eyes watching me with some odd sense of warmth in them, I didn’t let go of Jason for a long moment. And when I did I was forced to pull a fuzz off my tongue.
“Well, he’s certainly got a personality,” Selina said and I noticed the momentary look Father gave her, what was that? I couldn’t read the expression…. Had I done something wrong? I shifted curling a bit into a ball as Jason Father and Selina spoke among themselves, I damn near jumped sky high when I felt a hand on my knee, I snapped my attention up and saw Selina giving me a soft smile, I gave her a soft smile in turn however I really didn’t feel it.
As we pulled up to the…. Well I wasn’t sure what it was I hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation that would have likely at least giving me some Idea of what we were doing, I took a deep breath and let myself smile, it had been Roy’s suggestion that I try to be friendly when walking around at social events…. I still wasn’t convinced that wasn’t just his attempt to ensure I had friends.
When the door was opened I was the first one out I smiled at the crowed and adjusted my glasses, Jason followed be hind me and spoke in a soft whisper as he caught up to me, “Come on, I know the best place to hang out here.” He told me as I followed him into some kind of fancy art gallery, despite the art, I could smell food and even with the earbuds I could hear people talking loudly around me, however it did help. The older boy lead me straight to a small arcade hidden away in the back of the place.
I wasn’t sure how long Jason and I played the game cabinets there but at some point I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over my shoulder and I blinked. “Boys we’re about to order dinner.” Selina stated, How long has she been standing there? Had I really toned everything out? Shit that was probably bad, but Selina lead us to the table. Father was dabbing his lap with a cloth, as we walked up it took him a moment to look up and he was bright and cheerful, and perhaps a little drunk.
“Oh boys there you are.” He waved us over and we took our seats as he happily spoke, “Faraj I know you’re knew to a lot of this so I hope this hasn’t been to much for you.” Oh…. He was defiantly a little drunk. “But I do hope you’ll try something knew.” I nodded slowly and I heard Jason chuckle he leaned over and spoke in a soft tone one just low enough to allow himself not to be over heard by Father and Selina,
“He’s not drunk, great at playing it up, now I bet you Selina is.” I raised a brow at that comment as I looked between them, There was no way she was the drunk one, she was still keeping balance in something like 6’in heels and I don’t think a drunk lady could do that and keep the way she walks. I shook my head and heard Jason chuckle softly as I did.
“I highly doubt it,” I told him and he chuckled, the waiter came up and I scrambled I didn’t recognize a damn thing on the menu but Jason was quick to take over and order for me. Something about shrimp was all I caught.
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As we finished I realized that father had been handing his drinks to Selina when she emptied hers and she had likely had twice as much as he had, I guess Jason was right, but why? Why are they doing this? I wondered as we headed back to the car, father acted heavily drunk as we did, cheerfully dropping a hand on Alfred’s shoulder while Selina held him up, but suddenly I wondered how much of it was him holding her up as we all got into the limo, dad let out a heavy breath as Selina leaned on to him. Father’s attention turned to me as he spoke softly,
“Faraj, I hope this wasn’t to much for you.” He said and I shrugged, I wasn’t really sure what to say however it was Jason who spoke up for me.
“He never went off to hide so I think it was okay, and I think he liked what I got for him.” He stated and nudged me, “I mean he cleaned that plate” I felt my cheeks heat up at his teasing and I wasn’t sure why but I looked away,
“It was good.” I mumbled and yelped as Jason pulled me even closer, “Aww come onnn.” He teased and I wiggled I was tempted to bite him but I refrained from doing so, only letting out a low noise of annoyance sounding a bit like a dog.
“Oh he’s going to bite you again.” Selina warned him, but Jason just laughed,
“ I can handle him.” He sounded so sure of that and suddenly I wanted to spar him and prove that he was wrong, but I took a deep breath, After all I didn’t know if I actually could beat him, I’d never seen him fight, so I had no idea if I’d even win that.
We dropped Miss Selina off at a sketchy looking apartment complex but she seemed more then confident then even father seemed hesitant to let her go. He walked her to her door before coming back down and sitting down, “What do you think Faraj?” He asked I blinked and shrugged,
“She’s interesting.” I stated leaving out our encounter but maybe…. “Does she like bats or something?” I asked and Father raised a brow at that question,
“I think so… but why do you ask?” I shifted as I looked out at the dark city as we drove,
“She called me a baby bat.” I told him and he hummed, and when I looked back at him he seemed to be lost in thought, but after a long moment he spoke slowly.
“It’s a nickname she uses she likes to joke that I am the batman.” He stated, I had to hide my actual reaction, and scrunched my noise before nodding slowly, Well, if she didn’t know she was on the damn nose about who he was.
As we got home and I got out Father stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, “Faraj.” His tone was soft and gentle I looked up at him as I stopped,
“Yes?” I answered, and he gently shifted my face the outdoor lights from the house must have lit me up well enough to see the slight glitter of the make up,
“How’s you’re face?” His tone was tender soft… it felt strange and I reacted the way I knew was safe.
“I’m fine.” Father stopped for a long moment, keeping his eyes on me and he spoke again in a slow careful way,
“You don’t have to act strong with me, I want to know if it hurts that way I can try to do something.” He told me and I paused scrunching my nose this hole place still felt weird to me, but I paused thinking about the other night.
“It… it hurts a bit when I chew of hit I sleep on it.” I mumbled and he nodded breathing out a soft sigh he gently ran a hand through my hair,
“Alright, I’ll ask Alfred to make you some soup for your lunches,” He told me, “Wash off the make up please, I’d like to see how it’s healing, with a nod I headed up to my room and took a shower glancing into the mirror the bruise was still dark, the edges a yellow-ish green, I shook my head as I stepped into my room finding father waiting in sweat pants and a satin shirt, he had a soft frown on his face as he gently held my head, as he checked my bruise and sighed softly, “Well, you look rough, but it’s healing, by the way who did the make up? It was quite good.” He stated and I smiled softly,
“Oh, that was Tim’s friend…. I don’t remember her name.” I mumbled feeling my cheeks heat up at that but he simply nodded making no comment on that, he swiped a thumb over my cheek and I hissed and jerked away. He frowned at me worried but simply let me,
“Alright… get some sleep,” He told me softly and I nodded.
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The bat files
Eric Duma
One of Faraj’s bullies and one of the member's of Gotham's high society, while the youngest in the family his actions towards my son has caught my attention and I’ll be keeping a closer eye on him, As I have ties with his parents so I spoke with them, they weren’t pleased with his actions however he claims that my son is capable of fighting better then anyone thinks.
However he will be apologizing to my son and I have asked both Nighwing and robin to keep an eye on my son at the next gala.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 1 year ago
""Everyone else sucks!" Magne says cheerfully." I think this sums up how you write the League's attitude pretty well, lol.
Though Toga is so sweet. She finally finds people who accept her quirk and are willing to give her blood as if it doesn't mean anything, as if it doesn't mean the world to Toga (they do know, they know now) and I love that for her.
"Dabi wishes he could take some of the work from his shoulders" They're so sweet. Especially with how much you make sure the reader knows Dabi does take off of Shigaraki's shoulders. Even here, when as a cat he can't work as much, he's helping.
I love Compress. Without Dabi, he's the second in command and he fills that position well. Of course Onigiri is actually first but since we don't count that...
Shigaraki arguing with his cat over said cat's drinking habits is funny as fuck. No wonder Compress thinks Onigiri is some kind of nomu.
The designer sounds fun! The thing about fashion! Yes! Absolutely! Especially since they're UA gym uniforms you'd think they would be fireproof, but no. God, I cannot imagine how expensive quirk adjusted clothes would be, if you think about how expensive even glasses can get (which are rarely covered by insurance). Damn.
It's interesting to see them pick their outfits! Nice!
Oof, being told off like that has to suck for Spinner, but it's something he needs to hear, especially since they're going to work with Stain in the future.
Oh, that's interesting! How Dabi views all of their resolves now that he's calmer than in canon. I like that a lot.
The League interacting with each other without the constant threat of death is so nice to see. I love that for them. They deserve a happy domestic life (of planning and training for terrorism).
I'm really happy that Muscular and Moonfish aren't part of the League here! It shows that they're really Shigaraki's group and he makes more confident decisions. I mentioned more of this in my last comment, but yeah, I like that a lot.
Dabi's trust in Shigaraki has grown so much since the first chapter. Not only Shigaraki, but everyone in the League. He trusts that they won't hurt him, that Tomura especially will keep him safe even while he's a cat and small. Ahhhh, I love this. Well, at least he trusts them not to hurt Onigiri. Dabi is once again seperating himself from the others by making a clear cut between Dabi and Onigiri. He thinks he can only be either one or the other. Oh damn.
The fact that Shigaraki especially tells the League that the Doctor is lying should he tell them to do anything really speaks of how much trust he has in the guy. It's none.
Compress being in physical pain about how Shigaraki washes his fancy clothes is very amusing.
"He can enjoy being human for a little while" if only Dabi knew how incredibly wrong everything starts going in the very next scene.
(I felt like with more scenes, I should add to my last comment and finish my reaction to this chapter! Thanks for giving us this!)
The League is a family!! Shigaraki didn't just give them a job, he gave them a home! It's all about connection baby!!!!
Magne deserves to be loud and supportive and really earning of the title "Big Sis" by treating the rest of them like family! Toga deserves to have people who accept her "evil" quirk as a part of her and not even blink about giving her what she needs to fuel it! And Compress deserves to show off how intelligent he is!
I think we all should spend more time thinking about how everyone being a superhero would affect pop culture and the world. Like Superhero movies? Documentaries now. So do the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres take off more? In a world with people with non-standard human biology, are there more years required to train as a doctor? If there aren't, how many more medical malpractice suits are made? Why does the fashion in the age of superheroes look so similar to that of fashion from well before that time? I can't get into all of these things in my writing, but it's something that SHOULD be considered in the world-building. MHA rests on the idea that all entertainment comes from heroes, heroes are the toys, heroes market products, heroes make clothes, etc. But I would like to mention if that is true, it speaks to an even more stilted and withered version of culture than has been explored in the Canon.
Spinner's having a rough time, but just like Shigaraki having to see his ideas/behaviors were stunting his growth, Spinner is at a point where he needs that too. This guy went from a law-abiding citizen to a villain from watching some videos online of a serial killer. That's not a great pipeline, and it's clear he's kind of using his obsession with Stain to keep from deeply examining the societal and racial injustice that he's been facing his whole life and deciding how he wants to fight back against that. He has strong beliefs, but he'll only be able to see them realized and stand up on his own if he takes the time to figure himself out and not just try to rip-off of someone else's.
Muscular and Moonfish are never part of my League! All my homies hate Muscular and Moonfish! ✊🏼
Thank you for going back for the rest of the chapter and commenting here! I'm so glad that you found so much to enjoy in the missing material! 🖤
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deadandwalking · 5 months ago
headspace updates if anyone cares!
Angel has been a bit less active lately, he’s finally taking a sort of break !! he is working on improving his relationship with Manasses and Brooks.
Brooks has started to become more confident working on his own and has also started trying different forms of stress relief to deal with the constant pressure he’s under.
Habit is finally becoming more active again, he also had a front without Angel! that’s a really big step for him.
Manny has been working on redeeming himself for a previous situation and he’s doing very well! he’s also developed his own subspace consisting of some old members!
Lydia is as calm as ever, not much to report except her man has formed in the headspace now.
Jessie is Jessie. she’s slaying. she got a tattoo which i think is pretty cool and she’s finally established her look. it’s a bit fancy, but she deserves to feel fancy.
Vic has been making great progress in the headspace! she’s found a small social group and has even started to accept my boyfriend as part of the family. she still won’t ask Abbey out though.
Ivy is a mother now!!!!!
This robot fuck is still here. it won’t choose a name. beep boop bestie.
Twoey has made little progress with his social status, i guess he’s happy with Chris. respectable.
Chris had his first front! it was triggered by fear and anger, but he can front! he’s also started to be a bit more open about missing people from source.
Cassy has done amazing with all the new littles. she struggled a bit at first, especially with Maya, but she’s taken them all in and has made sure they all adjusted well. she’s also getting good at taking a no.
Chi has learned to recognise a few words! she can read mommy, daddy, Chi, fox and hello! we’re all very proud of her.
Octi has learned to say sorry for hitting people with his hammer, unless he thinks they deserved it.
Ajax has started socialising more with everyone and is getting really good at communicating when he’s scared instead of disappearing.
Elise has started copying people’s swear words. she won’t stop.
Milo had his first front! he’s also established a form of communication inside, he draws for us! he also makes pictures for the other littles. very sweet boy
Maya has started teaching Elise to swim! she also stopped biting people and instead asks to show her cool teeth.
Danni has become more prominent since her sister formed, and is now a caregiver for the littles. she also expressed a willingness to front, just not around anyone.
Meg is Meg. she’s Megging. she brings joy.
Freddy has started to work off Manasses, and has helped me through the last few months which have been very bad at home.
we don’t know if he’s still here. he formed, appeared like twice, and hasn’t been seen since. we feel him though.
same as Cabadath
Brom has started to become a guardian of sorts, he fronts alongside Manny, Vic, Freddy or Angel to help give me the ability to defend myself without giving in to others.
Scott sometimes hangs out with Chris and Twoey but otherwise is alone. he doesn’t do much.
Buddy is still struggling, he doesn’t like the other littles but he’s spoke to Habit a few times. he also stares a lot at Vic which we suspect is because of how similar the colour of her shirt is to Dave’s costume.
Esther has become more tolerant of the littles. she’s also expressed that she misses Ciel.
Zarria has stopped fighting with Angel! she also started a sort of friendship with Nolan.
Mika has not calmed down yet. the day may come yet. she’s very excited to meet our cat.
Clef. this guy. he developed an fp, went insane for two weeks, drove me to self harm after i was doing really well at staying clean, but it worked out and now he gets to be friends with that fp. he still hangs around front all the time but we did get him to rest a bit. he started using our amulet to calm down and comfort himself.
Nolan has started looking after the younger headmates that aren’t quite littles (Angel, Habit, Zarria etc). he’s also with Lydia. happy for them!
Simon looks after Chi almost full time now, and also has a really good friendship with Mika and Ivy! he also helped me beat Raihan in pokemon sword. love this guy.
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hugemilkshake · 6 months ago
Little things my OCs do!
Starfruit Milkshake messes with her eye patch sometimes because her eye can get a little warm due to the energy it produces
Snake Tooth will randomly stretch their arms out and not face someone to see if the eye markings will scare them
Bubbly Milkshake they used to mess with their socks a lot, but now they mess with their sleeves since their leg got stolen
Burnt Caramel will just tap the crystal on his staff
Rex Cookie unknowingly wags her Dino tail
Sugary Jello attempts to bite people (it’s succeeds like 30% of the time
Cinnamon Spider will just stretch his arms and maybe crack some bones (reasonable he has 4 arms)
Red Fruit rolls dice in his hands when he’s bored
Blackberry Shade plays someone’s favorite song even if she has no knowledge on what that favorite song is
Powdered Basil draws faces in the dirt, granted they don’t look good but at least he tries
Shimmering Onion dog ears books
Grilled Tomato will stab her sword into the ground out of boredom
Scorched Garlic likes to leave notes of encouragement on peoples doors
Bubbling Oil talks to inanimate objects like they are kids
Adele Penguin steals rocks from peoples yards
Wild Basil picks rocks up and has started a collection that he plans to destroy
Barbecue “Dragon” will start singing a random song very quietly (and poorly)
Gran-Berry will shove an outfit to someone because she doesn’t like the outfit they have on
Minty Snail looks over their shoulder way too much
Dark Apple will touch and trace the scars on his face
Tabby Cat will scream at your door in the morning, either for food or attention
Pink Mantis writes love letters that go to no one
Blushing Snail runs in place randomly (they trip a lot when doing this)
Emperor Caterpillar will start talking very fancy like
Peach Novius reads stuff out loud several times (even if it’s something easy to read
Leaf Sheep Slug writes song lyrics on anything, ex: a rock
Adenosine Cookie spins their scythe around and somehow manages to not get cut
Water Cookie picks their skin sometimes
Salt Water will draw the same thing for hours
Sugar Water pulls his hair occasionally
Snake Skin adjusts his cape constantly and asks what something is because he definitely needs glasses
Weeping Begonia will pick up any dead flower petals he finds
Purple Mold will look at his radio and expect it to turn on randomly
White Flower has a tendency to say very creepy stuff very casually like “you’d be a great skin puppet” LIKE WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
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rottenbrainstuff · 11 months ago
BG3 playthrough - Parting thoughts
Massive spoilers:
I’ve now had some time for the ending to percolate through the grey matter, gotten over feeling sad that my first playthrough is over. I’ve started playing with my second tav, a tiefling paladin, and you know what, I’m already noticing little tweaks they’ve made to the dialogues. Like, nothing significant, but little polishes here and there. For instance: I always remember when I first met Asharak (the fight practice teacher) and he said to the kids, look who’s here! I thought he was talking about ME, look, it’s the hero who just showed up at our gate and fought off the goblins! Oh man I thought that was so cute. I was a bit disappointed when I finally realized he meant WYLL, not ME. They adjusted the dialogue so now it’s much more clear that Asharak is introducing Wyll to the kids. Little things like that. I can’t wait to see all the things that got finessed.
Man. It took me seven months to finish my first playthrough. I dunno how everyone finished the game so quickly, my final recorded time was like 200 hours. (granted this did involve several hours of backtracking to fix various mistakes) Initially I assumed I would never play BG3, because I don’t have a PC or a non-nintendo console or anything. It was fun to watch everyone talk about the game even when I had no ability to play it. I think I mentioned this a million times already, but this game was released for mac coincidentally the exact same weekend I got a terminal cancer diagnosis for my cat that I’d had for 13 years. (she’s still doing ok btw) It was so amazing to have something to distract myself with and cheer myself up with after getting that shitty news. I binged it for about four days straight, barely sleeping at all. It was the first big, brand new, non-nintendo game that I’d played in… like… decades, seriously. I was so blown away by the quality of everything. Came here for the funny mean vampire, stayed here for the… absolutely everything else.
I am really glad that I kept a character journal as I played - like, along with the notes I was keeping about game mechanics (because online guides are super shit), I would also write down little thoughts and observations from the perspective of my tav. I always have this record of my playthrough now, and I think it’s really helped me to preserve my thoughts and reactions.
Neil Newbon came to my city’s comic expo last weekend and I was absolutely broadsided by what a smart, nice, and humble guy he is. Isn’t it just such an AMAZING feeling to be a fan of something, then get to know the people who made that thing and find out they’re nice people? I… I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain, but I’m a bit glad I finished my first playthrough before the expo, because I feel… embarrassed somehow?... to be thirsting so much after characters now that I’ve chatted with the guy in real life and he’s talked to my kids? Isn’t that weird? Why is my brain doing that? It’s not like he cares. Very much no. Neil has an amazing sense of humour about it all. Weird brain stuff. Weird. What can I say.
Anyways, I was thinking about a summary of my favourite moments:
1) Cambian fight on the nautiloid. So like I said, I hadn’t played any big, new non-nintendo games in a while. (I mean Nintendo makes good games! But like. A game like Animal Crossing… isn’t… quite the same, you know?) I was wandering around the ship feeling quite blown away by how fancy games have gotten. I was marvelling at the graphics, the gameplay, the tension of the whole situation, and then I get to this fight and that absolute fucking BANGER of a song that is Twisted Force starts playing, that was when I really realized like shit, this game is going to be an EXPERIENCE.
2) Alfira’s dark urge death. I was exposed to a ton of spoilers for this game before I ever touched it so I knew a lot of the main story beats, thoroughly. With Alfira, I did know that the dark urge kills a bard, but for some bizarre reason, the only clips I had seen were of that dragonborn alternative that you get if you cheat and Alfira is unavailable. So I was already at the grove, exploring around, and I absolutely fell in love with the tiefling NPCs, and THEN I discovered it’s actually HER who dies. I was DEVASTATED. I was so attached to the tieflings - both myself as a player, and my tav as well - this was the first settlement of people he found, post-brain-scramble, the first people who were being kind to him, and they needed help so bad, and he wanted so bad to protect them… and here is this awful thing that he does that I can’t avoid. AUGH.
3) The siege on the Emerald Grove. It continues to mystify me that this path is actually a bit hidden in the game, and if you aren’t paying attention you will be herded into just killing the three goblin leaders to resolve things, which is such a massively less interesting path. (perhaps they’ve made the option more obvious with patches? I will see) I loved the tension of the morning before the attack: everyone’s fear really bolstered my desire to win the fight with zero casualties. I loved how, due to my familiarity with the NPCs, I instantly realized that Mattis wasn’t with the other kids and searched all over the place, legit worried, until I found him up by the gate still trying to make a buck, lol. I loved how when they mentioned people had ran off in the night, I knew exactly who wasn’t there and who it had to be. It really made me realize how much I’d got to know the NPCs. Zevlor gets two amazing cutscene speeches, and the fight itself was so freaking fun. I mean it certainly wasn’t the hardest fight in the game at all, but I think it remains one of my favourites, due to all the different moving parts and the planning it involved. It was so goddamned fun getting to use the explosives I had saved up, and I never really had the chance to rig up a battlefield the same way again.
4) Lenore’s tower, and the whole underdark in general. I found it all so lonely, and Lenore’s tower really got to me. I think I shed some tears. I loved the area with the giant sussur tree, I thought it was so beautiful, I took so many screenshots of it. I know if you’re a dark urge your upbringing is… unconventional, but I still imagine that my drow durge has spent a lot of time in the underdark and generally considers it home-ish, so it was neat to see it and think about how this is his home turf.
5) Moonrise and especially the mind flayer colony underneath. This was really where things just started to get interesting for a durge, you start to get the first reveals of your backstory. For a resisting urge, it’s extremely unsettling. Meeting Kressa Bonedaughter was especially horrible. I hadn’t really spoiled a lot of the details of the durge plot, so most of this was a surprise to me. JK Simmons did a great job as Ketheric - I remember being so incredibly curious how he was going to sound, but it worked so well, and as I have noted previously, they spend ridiculous care rendering his sad old man eyes.
6) Gortash’s coronation. Again as a dark urge, this is an important plot beat, I think the last big backstory reveal? Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, not only do you have these horrible murderous urges, not only do you have this nasty little butler man trying to force you to kill people, not only did something horrible happen to you that wiped clean all your memories and turned you into a necromancer’s cute little pet for a while, NOT ONLY ARE YOU A GODDAMNED BHAALSPAWN and the leader of the goddamned Bhaal cult, NOT ONLY ALL OF THIS, NO, that wasn’t enough, oh no: now you learn you were also one of the original architects of the Absolute plot, removed only when Orin saw an opportunity to displace you. Dammmmn. Your companions all react to this information appropriately, so in other words, negatively. Karlach’s reaction is particularly strong, understandably, and hurt my heart. To balance that out a bit, you have Astarion’s reaction, which was… to thank you. If you hadn’t put this plot into motion, he wouldn’t have been abducted by the mindflayers, and wouldn’t have been rescued from Cazador’s control and given the means to resist his commands. 200 years of praying to every god, but it was you that saved him. I had honestly never even considered that, so that was… surprising! Really, really surprising.
7) Comparing spawn and ascendant Astarion - I didn’t play much with ascended Astarion, just spent a little time progressing through the next batch of cut scenes, just so I could see. I was really impressed to see the difference in the two characters, the difference in the writing, the difference in the performance. I enjoyed the visceral negative reaction I had to AA almost immediately, when we had our first camp chat post-ascension, and he SHOUTED at me when I was responding to him with… not even an angry or rude response, but just, a less-than-enthusiastic response. It was like ice water down my back, instantly taking me back to dealing with my abusive ex. I know everyone has a different and highly personal reaction to AA and I think that’s great, and I enjoyed how viscerally negative my reaction was. It’s fun when a thing makes you feel stuff! And I loved spawn Astarion, and how honest and vulnerable he is in his third act romance, thinking about his whole character arc and growth through the game.
8) Rescuing Minsc. It’s a bit of a long daunting set of steps to get Minsc, and I didn’t find it very fun tbh, but I did it anyways because I have to complete everything. I was fully expecting him to sit around camp and never be used, like Halsin and Jaheira are for me unfortunately, (sorry guys) but I was really unprepared for how funny he was going to be. I don’t really like ranger class (also sorry) so when I found out he can still summon Boo even if you respec him, I made him a barbarian, and kept him on my team as much as I could. He is now my second favourite companion to have with me after only Astarion. He has SUCH funny dialogue. I like that you can attempt to start a romance with him and he���s not having any of it. He even gets the opportunity to say a very touching speech as you gather your allies, if you let him.
9) Durge vs Orin fight. The actual fight itself was kind of pitiful, which I thought was sad for her, but it was a startling moment in the lead-up when she briefly changed into me and I actually heard my own tav speaking, like, more than just a little reaction line here and there, I got to actually see my tav speaking. I don’t know. I don’t know why that was such a neat thing to me but it was. Since this playthrough took so long, I really got attached to my tav, I guess.
10) Gather your allies. Ah, the big summary that I needed of all the people I’ve helped and made friends with, all saying something nice about me, haha. Not gonna lie, I reloaded and watched this a couple of times cause it made me so happy.
I’m so glad Larian made an epilogue, with so many sweet little details in it. I’m so happy I had a chance to play this. I don’t have a huge amount of current mutuals who are also fans, and my IRL peeps for some reason are absolutely refusing to finish this game, so please if you want to fangirl (fanperson?) about anything just start talking to me, I’m kind of starving over here!
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winxngasks · 1 year ago
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And finally for the redesigned/reworked Winx Club next-gen kiddos, we have Tecna and Timmy's kids! I am so happy to finally have finished all of these guys and gotten the chance to work with them again, as like stated on some of the other posts it has been entirely too long and I feel bad for neglecting them for such a long time. The focus for this project was mainly on the children of the main Winx fairies, however I do want to eventually do these for the rest of my Main Universe kiddos, especially because there are some newer character concepts I never got around to introducing before. But, I hope you guys have enjoyed what I have worked on so far!
Here is some more info and notes for these three kiddos!
- Eleanor "Ellie": 16 years old, daughter and oldest child of Tecna and Timmy, older fraternal twin to Theo. Citizen of Zenith, and Fairy of Electricity. Tallish height, slim and petite build, chin-length and straight light brown hair with bangs, teal eyes, pale skin, freckles across her fair, cat-eye shaped glasses, prosthetic left forearm. Life at the beginning was hard for Ellie and her brother, as they were born missing part of one of their limbs; part of her arm for Ellie and part of his leg for Theo. It was a little easier in the sense that they were born that way instead of having to adjust to it, but that does not mean that it was not still difficult for them, especially as some of the other kids their age did not know how to act appropriately around them. Eventually they were made custom upgraded prosthetics by their parents, and have adjusted to them just fine with all their fancy functions. Inspired from her parents Ellie is a young genius in her own right too, having a knack for building and fixing machinery like them and always has all her electronics completely customized by her. She is more of a meek and shy kind of person, having some troubles talking in front of others so she usually saves that job for her teammates to save herself the awkwardness. One of the only people who can bring out more of her relaxed playful side is Theo, as they have been through a lot together and are naturally very close, with them sometimes putting their nubs in each other's face to playfully annoy the other.
- Theodore "Theo": 16 years old, son and middle child of Tecna and Timmy, younger fraternal twin to Ellie. Citizen of Zenith, and a specialist at Red Fountain. Tall height, toned build, chin-length magenta hair that is pushed to the side with an undercut, yellowish green eyes, pale skin, left ear pierced, rectangular-shaped glasses, prosthetic right lower-leg. As he was born without part of his right leg, he had more of a difficult time than Ellie at the beginning as it was hard for him to walk. He had to use mobility aids for a while before he got his prosthetic, and though he rarely has complications nowadays as he is able to train and perform Specialist duties with ease, there are still somedays where it is hard for him. In contrast to his parents and twin, Theo is a very expressive and sociable person, who loves to try and connect with any potential new friend. Though he puts on a cheerful act, he still has a lot of insecurities deep down that tend to make him more of a people-pleaser as he desperately craves other people's genuine respect and approval. Though not quite to the inventive side, he is just as much of a big nerd as the rest of his family, mainly for video game competitions as he is very competitive at those. A little naive when it comes to figuring out if people are messing with him or not, though he is usually quick to figure it out before anything gets too far.
- Lara: 14 years old, daughter and youngest child of Tecna and Timmy. Citizen of Zenith, and future Witch of Chemicals. Short height, slim build, slightly past chin-length salmony-orange hair, hazel eyes, fair skin. Born very sickly and premature, she has always been one of the shortest girls of her peers despite coming from such a tall family. This used to cause a lot of insecurity for her, but overtime she has learned not to focus on it too much, instead focusing on other things that set her apart in a positive manner. Resourceful and a quick-thinker, thus she tends to be the calmest in stressful situations than either of her older siblings. Like the rest of her family she is naturally very smart and a bit of a nerd, but in her case it is more for science subjects, especially for chemistry as it is her favorite to study. A bit of a late bloomer when it comes to magic, she only just discovered her magic core and is the last of her friends to do so. Though she still has a lot to study and learn before she can attend Cloud Tower in the next couple of years, together with her best friends Gaia and Cassie she is excited for the day they all gain their transformations and get to attend school in Magix together.
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sadlittleratboy · 10 months ago
so music wise i think they’d be very nu-metal. think system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, ect. i also feel like there would be a lot of riffs in their music as well as drum fills (if you can’t tell i was in band so im using fancy words bc god damnit i didn’t do that shit for 5 years for nothing)
ok now lets talk voice types
i think himiko is a mezzo-soprano for no other reason than bc my friend is one (and over the course of our friendship i have heard her sing WAY too much) and it just kinda sounds like her idk
dabi is 100% a bass. like yeah his voice is hella raspy which kinda makes it sound higher pitched (but tbh thats prolly from his vocal cords being burned to shit so i think without that he would have a deeper voice) and idk it’s just like. it makes sense to me ok. (also i always imagined dabi as being that kid who’s voice dropped super early so he just had a baby face with the voice of a grown man)
my husband/mr. compress is a baritone just cus i KNOW this man has a deep buttery smooth voice that makes ppls knees weak (can you tell i love him? ik it’s not that obvious) also at this point im going off of vibes tbh
shiggy feels like a tenor to me. he’s just got a relatively normal voice and probably has good pitch control
spinner is also a tenor for the same reasons
now twice is interesting. i feel like he just has amazing range. like bro can hit rly high notes and rly low notes. like it takes some effort but he can hit em
NOW! for how they got together
i feel like it’s similar to how the league in cannon formed. a bunch of outcasts rejected by society who came together to form a family (they make me want to piss and throw up god i love the lov so much)
now lets talk details for each member
himiko’s story is similar, her running away and stuff. but here it’s because of her mental illnesses and her family having ostracized her. so she was just living on the streets until compress just picked her up like a stray cat and took her home bc his dad instincts were activated
spinner and shiggy are both orphans who grew up in the same orphanage (like pls do you see the childhood friends to lovers vision please hear me out on this) and once they aged out and were dumped on the streets they only had each other to rely on and then they kiss kiss fall in love im going insane please send help
dabi is the black sheep of his family, and he basically disappeared when he turned 18. he pretty much cut contact with his entire family and they think he’s dead. this is bc i have this amazing idea of them having thought he was dead for years and then all the sudden they find out he’s just this fucking rockstar lol
compress is basically the only one who’s relatively normal and well adjusted lol like he had a normal childhood and now he’s just an adult lmao
i feel like twice is an ex-con. like he did a few years for a string of robberies or smth idk i just feel like he’s done time. and as we all know ex-con’s are always screwed over by society.
SO!! how they started out was shiggy and spinner would run a two man show. yk dive bars, random underground concerts, shit like that.
they met dabi bc he was at one of the bars where they played and he just went up to them was like “hey i play guitar wanna hang out some time?” and boom dabi joined the band
similar story with compress. once they started getting a little bigger he approached them and offered to help manage the band bc these are all just a bunch of 20 somethings with no adult supervision
and after compress surprise adopted toga she basically forced herself into the band no matter how much shiggy protested
now i don’t have much thoughts on how twice joined in, so if you can think of any that would be totally tubuler
jesus this is so fucking long and i haven’t even gotten to the hc’s
i think im just gonna leave this as in and maybe i’ll send in my hc’s at a later date idk
anyway yapping over
I love this so much. Personally I feel like Mr. is the one with the insane range, because that man is an entertainer okay he is CLASSICALLY TRAINED IN VOCALS and the only reason the other's take any care of their voices. Shuichi has the heavy metal growls change my mind.
Anyway I feel like Shigaraki stopped caring who joined their band after Compress, because he really does just vibe and let the extroverts do the talking. The one who really protested was Dabi because he didn't want another younger sibling (too bad). Toga definitely brought in Twice. Not sure how they met but you're DEAD RIGHT about him being an ex con.
And listen Spinner and Shigs are in love love no matter how they met (which personally I think was over voice chat in a multiplayer game). They do have childhood friends vibes though, even in canon. It's like they're so perfect it feels like they've known each other their whole lives I'm RABID over them.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years ago
Cat and Mouse Game - Fred Weasley
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Title: Cat and Mouse Game Pairing: Fred x fem!reader Warnings: NSFW, mentions of masturbation, semi-public sex, fingerfucking, unprotected sex A/N: I have a lot of feelings about Fred Weasley and very few of them are innocent. This is like 95% filth with some fluff thrown in at the end because I love Fred Weasley and he’s my only source of serotonin.
Tags: @tonksichu​
They’ve been playing the same game of cat and mouse since their Hogwarts days. They’d take turns leaving flirty notes for the other to find, grabbing the other’s hand under the table at dinner, pulling the other into a dark corridor for a few minutes of stolen kisses. Not much has changed between them since then, although their games are far less innocent.
“Mail’s here!” Verity calls from somewhere in the shop.
Fred doesn’t move a muscle, his focus completely taken up by the potion he’s stirring in front of him. He and George have been working on a new product for weeks, a candy infused with truth serum that only lasts for one question – the perfect addition to any game of truth or dare. They had planned on launching it next week, but they’re still having problems getting the formula of the truth serum just right.
“For fucks sake,” he mutters to himself when a puff of black smoke rises out of the cauldron. “Too much dandelion root.” He shoves himself away from his desk, stalking over to the sink so he can start over again. He’s so focused on scrubbing that he doesn’t hear George come in.
“Not going well, eh?” George asks, chuckling when Fred drops the cauldron, clearly startled by his brother’s sudden presence.
“I’m going to make you wear a bell for Merlin’s sake. You scared the shit out of me,” Fred groans, picking the cauldron back up. He rinses it one more time before stalking back to his desk. He’s about to start working again, when he notices that George is still standing in front of him. “Did you need something? Or are you just gonna stand there to annoy me?”
George smiles at his brother. Partially because he finds his frustrated demeanor amusing, but mostly because it’ll annoy Fred further. “Oh, I just popped in to bring you your mail.”
Fred rolls his eyes, getting back to work. “Just put it in the tray, I’ll get to it later.” He gestures lazily to the incoming work tray on the corner of his desk, which has started to pile up. He’s going over his notes so he can adjust the amount of dandelion root for the fifth time, when George shoves a letter into his line of vision.
“Actually, dear brother of mine I think you’ll notice that this particular letter requires your immediate attention,” George snickers. He drops the letter on the desk, and with a waggle of his fingers he’s gone.
Fred had only gotten a glimpse of the envelope, but as soon as George has closed the door behind him he pushes his work aside to pick it up. He recognized Y/N’s delicate writing immediately, he had become quite familiar with it during their time together at school.
In fact, he’s been waiting for this letter for the past three weeks. That’s how it is with them. One of them is the aggressor while the other waits for the next letter, waits for the details of their next meeting. It had been Fred’s turn to wait, and wait he had. Most nights he found himself laying in bed, hand around his hard cock thinking about the things he and Y/N had gotten up to during their last rendezvous.
That’s the one thing he truly misses about his days back in school, how easy it was for him to force her hand when he was tired of waiting. He knew her too well, knew how to get under her skin. Whenever he missed the feeling of her hand in his, or when he had nearly forgotten what the inside of her mouth tastes like it was all too easy to get her to make her move. All it took was some innocent flirting during breakfast, usually with Angelina Johnson, and by lunch time there would be a note in Y/N’s delicate scrawl detailing their next meeting time and place on his pillow.
But now he truly has to wait for Y/N to need him. They had gone longer than three weeks before, but that had been during the war, when it was too dangerous to play their game. Fred knows that he could always break their little game, he could owl her any day and have her in his bed that night, but he enjoys the chase, it’s part of the fun.
His mind wanders as his fingers tear at the envelope, wondering which of their games Y/N had chosen for them, silently hoping she had chosen his favorite.
Sometimes their game was romantic. They’d meet at a fancy muggle restaurant, all dressed up. Fred would wine and dine her for hours before he’d take her back to his. Their sex was always slow and intimate. Fred would make sure she could feel all of him and wouldn’t stop until his name was dripping from her lips as she came. He’d kiss her slowly as he came insider her, wanting to feel as close to her as possible.
Other times, their game was quick and dirty. They’d meet at a hotel room in London and from the second the door was shut behind them they were all over each other. They’d both be naked in a matter of minutes, their hands roaming each other’s bodies and Fred’s mouth leaving marks on her wherever he can. Their sex was quick and hard, both of them usually on their lunch breaks. Often they came together, and Fred’s lips wouldn’t leave her skin until they were back on the bustling streets of London and parting ways to go back to their lives.
Fred’s favorite game by far was the perfect mix of the others. They’d meet at a muggle club, just a few minutes apart from each other. Fred would arrive first and grab a drink from the bar before settling at a table. When Y/N would enter they’d lock eyes, and the game would truly begin. Y/N would spend the evening doing as she pleases: drinking, dancing, and most importantly, flirting. Fred would watch her from his spot, jealousy and arousal building up in his stomach. He’d let her push it and just as some unsuspecting muggle is trying to get her to leave with him, Fred would swoop in and remind her just who she belongs too. Their first round is quick and dirty, usually in the toilets of whatever club they happen to be at. Then he’d apperate them back to hers, and they’d spend the rest of the evening tangled in the sheets of her bed, kissing softly as he ruined her.
Fred fumbles with the envelope as he pulls the piece of parchment out, too excited to be careful. A grin spreads across his face as he eyes scan over the few words written down. She had chosen his favorite game, and he couldn’t wait to play.
Malibu. Tonight. 10:30.
Y/N stands in front of her open closet in nothing but a dressing gown, nervous butterflies in her stomach as she contemplates what to wear. Upscale muggle clubs are not her usual stomping ground and she wants to look perfect, so she’s at a loss for what to wear.
Of course, she could have picked one of their other games. She had plenty of dresses she felt confident in that would have been perfect for a night at a muggle restaurant, but it had already been three weeks since she’d seen Fred last, and she didn’t want to wait any longer for a reservation to open up. A lunch time meet up would have been perfect as well, since her and Fred managed to get naked in under 10 seconds her clothes wouldn’t matter, but she needed longer than an hour with him.
Plus, this particular game is Fred’s favorite, and she needs him nice and riled up for the night she has planned. They’ve only played out this game two other times, but both times Y/N was barely able to walk the next day.
She decides to go with something white, for a few different reasons. For one, Y/N had bought a white silk dress that hugs her curves perfectly last weekend and seeing her in something new and tight will rile Fred up even more.
But mostly, she knows that seeing her in white awakens something carnal in Fred. Y/N had once made the mistake of wearing a brand new set of matching white bra and panties to one of their meetings, and after Fred had ripped her panties off he fucked her hard, growling in her ear about how innocent she looked in white, but that they both knew what a dirty slut she was for him. He had made her cum so many times that she cried from the overstimulation, the only downside was that she had to replace her ruined panties and they had been quite expensive.
Y/N grabs the new white dress out of her closet, a shiver running down her spine at the memory. Three weeks is far too long to go without having Fred both in her bed and just in her life generally. She makes a mental note not to wait that long next time as she heads over to her dresser. She opens the top drawer, trying to decide which pair of panties would really get Fred going.
“Well, if I’m being honest with myself,” Y/N thinks out loud, quietly. With a wicked smile she slams the drawer shut. “No panties it is.”
Fred is already nursing a whiskey sour at a table when Y/N strolls into the main room of the club. Their eyes lock across the crowded room, and after sending her a sly wink his eyes trail down her body.
“Holy hell,” he groans, the grip he has on his glass tightening. He can already feel himself getting hard in his trousers just from the outfit Y/N is wearing alone. Fred can tell by the way the lights reflect off of it that the tight piece of fabric clinging to her every curve is made out of silk, his absolute favorite. The fact that it’s white drives him even crazier and he quickly downs his drink, needing to calm himself down.
From where Y/N is standing at the bar Fred has the perfect view of her bum. He absent mindedly signals for a waitress to bring him another drink, his eyes trained on Y/N. Fred has to stifle a groan when her dress rides up the back of her thighs as she leans forward to shout her order to the bartender. He’s fully hard in his trousers now as he thinks about how badly he wants to feel those thighs wrapped around his head.
Just as a waitress sets another drink down on Fred’s table a young man with tousled blonde hair comes up behind Y/N, blocking his view.
He takes a sip of his drink. “Let the games begin.”
Y/N feels someone come up behind her, and a moment later she can feel them press up against her. “You come here alone?”
She smiles to herself before turning to the stranger. There’s no doubt that he’s attractive, and Y/N knows that she had positioned herself directly in Fred’s line of sight, so she knows that he’s watching their exchange.
“I did actually,” she drawls, her hand running down the length of the glass the bartender had just set in front on her. “Was hoping to find someone that piques my interest here.”
The man’s eyes follow the languid movement of her hand on her glass for a moment, before he looks into her eyes with a smirk. “Oh really? Any luck so far?”
Y/N takes a sip of her drink, willing herself to keep her eyes on the man in front of her instead of searching for Fred’s. The alcohol burns her throat as arousal begins to build in her stomach. She knows Fred is out there, watching her intently as she flirts with someone who isn’t him. But they both know who she’ll be going home with, and that though alone has her pussy aching.
“I think so,” Y/N responds, her voice dripping with arousal. It’s not due to the man standing in front of her, but he doesn’t need to know that. She looks him up and down, taking notice of his strong hands and long legs. She nods to herself, almost saying ‘yeah, he’ll do.’ She downs the rest of her drink quickly and slaps some muggle money down on the bar. “Care to dance?”
Fred’s eyes are trained on the dance floor, his second drink abandoned on the table next to him.  He’s too focused on Y/N, watching her hips sway to the beat of whatever muggle song is playing. Her back is pressed up against the front of the bloke that approached her at the bar, and his hands are gripping her hips. They’ve been dancing like that for at least 30 minutes and Fred feels like he hasn’t even blinked, he’s too entranced by Y/N.
His cock has been aching in his trousers for what feels like hours, and his stomach is a pit full of arousal and jealousy. On one hand he finds Y/N’s actions downright dirty, and he knows he’ll be thinking of how good she looks tonight next time he’s alone in bed and desperate for her touch. On the other hand, he wants to be the one dancing behind her, gripping her hips so tightly he leaves bruises to remind her of him for days after.
Fred clenches his fist, his eyes trailing up Y/N’s body to her face to try and calm himself down. They’ve only been at it for 45 minutes and Fred already wants to storm over and claim Y/N. The first time they had played this particular game Y/N had been shy, and Fred had watched her flirt with a few different guys before she had settled on the dance floor with one. He watched her with him for the better part of two hours before he intervened, no longer able to stand the fact that it wasn’t his hands gripping her bum.
The second time Y/N was bolder. She had spent only 30 minutes at the bar talking to a bloke before they moved to the dance floor. Fred had managed to watch for over an hour that time before his hands ached to touch her and he sent the muggle man Y/N had been with away.
When he first entered the club that evening he had planned on waiting longer. Y/N had made him wait three weeks, and he planned on punishing her by making her wait for him. But now that he’s standing there, watching her move in that sinful white dress against someone who isn’t him he can barely stop himself from stomping over there and taking her right in the middle of the dance floor.
Usually he can contain himself. She’s always driven him mad, but he enjoys their little game too much to break the rules. He loves the uncertainty of the chase, it’s what had drawn him in all those years ago at Hogwarts. Not knowing what the next note would contain, not knowing how long she would make him wait, not knowing what wicked plans she had made for them. Y/N was just as unpredictable as Fred and that usually drove him crazy in a good way. But now, as Fred watches her grind up against some stranger he would give anything to know what’s going on in her mind. Fred isn’t sure if it’s because it’s been three weeks since he last saw her or because she looks absolutely ethereal tonight but he’s ready to end their game early and take his woman home.
Luckily for Fred the song Y/N and her partner had been dancing to fades into another, and the pair head back towards the bar. Fred adjusts himself in his trousers so his arousal isn’t so obvious, before he throws some money on his table.
“Time to end this game.”
A light line of sweat has begun to drip down Y/N’s back and she can feel the wetness of her pussy coating her thighs. Her and Darren, she had managed to remember to at least ask the name of the poor bloke she planned on blue balling, had been dancing right in the middle of the dance floor where Y/N knew Fred could see. She could feel his gaze on her as she moved her hips to the beat which did nothing but heighten her arousal.
“So, what are you drinking?” Darren asks as they reach the bar once again. Y/N had suggested they get another drink, needing to take a break from Fred’s stare.
Y/N can smell Fred before she feels him. He’s always smelled the same, like cinnamon, fireworks and something Y/N can only describe as home. She’s about to respond to the question when she feels someone press up against her back. Fred grabs her hips tightly and Y/N has to bite her lip to keep from moaning.
“Actually, I think she’s had enough to drink,” Fred answers for her as he pulls her even tighter against his chest. His voice sends waves of pleasure through Y/N’s body, and she tries to subtly rub her thighs together to try and get some relief on her aching pussy.
Darren glares at Fred, and if Y/N wasn’t so turned on she probably would have laughed. “Oi, mate, d’you mind? We’re having a good time together.”
Y/N can feel Fred’s chest rumble against her back as he laughs, clearly unphased by what Darren had said. She feels Fred lean down, and a shiver runs down her spine as his lips lightly caress her earlobe.
“Is that true, baby? Were you having a good time with him?” Fred whispers in Y/N’s ear before he begins to press light kisses to the side of her neck.
“I was, yes,” she admits, with a nod, her voice shaking with arousal.
Darren looks like he’s about to tell Fred off, but Fred’s lips stop their movements on her neck so he can whisper in her ear again. “But what about me, baby? Are you ready to have a good time with me?”
Y/N is barely able to nod before Fred is spinning her in his arms and kissing her deeply. She can hear Darren say something rude as he stalks off, but her mind is too full of Fred to register it. Fred trails one of his hands down to Y/N’s bum, giving it a tight squeeze, and when she parts her lips to let out a soft moan he takes the opportunity to lick into her mouth.
When Fred breaks their kiss a few moments later Y/N is breathless, her cheeks tinted pink. She chases after his lips, desperate for more but Fred grabs her chin. Her eyes flick up to meet his gaze, and a tingle of pleasure runs through her pussy at how dark Fred’s eyes are.
“You drive me so fucking crazy, Y/N,” he growls into her ear. “You show up here in this,” he pauses so his fingers can tug at the bottom hem of her dress before he continues. “Knowing that I can’t touch you.” Fred trails off for a moment, letting his lips press slow kisses up and down the column of her throat. “Such a naughty girl, aren’t you?”
Y/N lets out a whine, letting her head fall back so Fred’s lips have more skin to kiss. “Just wanted to look pretty for you is all,” she gasps. Fred’s mouth had found her sweet spot and started to slowly suck at it.
Fred hums against her neck, his hands wrapping around her waist. He pulls her body flush against his, slowly rolling his hips forward so Y/N can feel his hard cock press up against her. “You look so pretty baby. And so, fucking dirty. Grinding against some random bloke while I watch, putting on a show for me.”
Y/N is soaking wet at this point, Fred’s words and actions only turning her on further. She pulls his face away from her neck, unable to contain herself anymore. She presses their lips together messily, moaning as Fred’s soft lips move with hers. Their kiss is uncoordinated, but Y/N doesn’t care. “Need you, Freddie. Need you so bad,” she whines into his mouth.
Fred kisses her for a moment longer before he forces himself to pull away. Y/N’s mouth is intoxicating, and he could spend hours just standing there and kissing her. But his cock is aching and Y/N needs him and he can’t deny her anything.
In the blink of an eye Fred has lead them away from the bar and is pushing Y/N up against the closed door of the women’s toilets. He presses their lips together hungrily as he grabs her thigh, hitching it around his waist to give him access to her core.
Y/N moans into Fred’s mouth as they kiss, his right hand gripping her thigh tightly while the other trails up her other leg towards her pussy. A smirk forms on her lips as Fred’s hand inches closer to where she needs him most, knowing that he’s about to discover her little secret.
“You dirty little slut,” Fred growls as he breaks their kiss. He had planned on teasing Y/N by softly rubbing her clit through her panties, but when he finally reached her folds he was met with her dripping entrance. He rubs her exposed clit with his thumb, causing Y/N to let out a long whine. “Look at you. Trying to fool everyone in your little white dress. Pretending you’re so innocent while your pussy is bare, anyone able to get a glance.”
Y/N is barely able to speak, her breath coming out in hard pants as Fred toys with her clit, his index finger beginning to slowly circle her entrance, just barely letting the tip of his finger enter her heat. She opens her mouth to respond, but a moan comes out instead as Fred finally lets his index finger sink fully into her.
“Is that what you were hoping for? Hm?” Fred asks as he curls his finger, smiling when Y/N clenches around him. “Hoping someone else would get a flash of your sweet pussy? Hoping someone else would notice and get a turn with you before me?”
Y/N shakes her head wildly, her mouth running dry as Fred adds another finger. Her fingers dig into Fred’s shoulders to try and steady herself as his thumb starts to rub her clit harder. “N-no,” she manages to stutter out a few seconds later when she remembers how to speak. “Did it for you. Only for you. Only want you.”
Fred buries his face in Y/N’s neck to hide the blush that has started to tint his cheeks. Even though they’ve never defined their relationship Fred knows that Y/N doesn’t see anyone else while they’re apart and he doesn’t either. But hearing that she only wants him makes him want to say things he’s felt since he was 15 years old. So he presses kisses into the hot skin of her neck instead, because it’s not appropriate to tell someone you love them for the first time while you fingerfuck them in the bathroom of a club.
“’M close,” Y/N breaths, one of her hands leaving Fred’s shoulder to tangle in the hair at the base of his neck. She can feel her climax approaching quickly, and with one more curl of Fred’s fingers against her sweet spot she’s tumbling over the edge, Fred’s name falling from her mouth.
Fred fingers continue their movements, his touch much lighter and slower to help her through her climax. When Y/N’s breathing has somewhat returned to normal Fred slowly removes his fingers and presses one more kiss to her neck so he can look at her face. Her cheeks are flushed red and her lips are swollen.
“God you’re so beautiful,” Fred whispers, kissing her deeply once again. He pulls away a moment later, pressing their foreheads together. He’s painfully aware of how hard he is in his trousers and he grinds against Y/N’s bum, trying to get some kind of relief.
Y/N giggles at Fred’s actions, bumping their foreheads together lightly. “You gonna take me home and fuck me? Or should I go find that bloke from earlier and see if he’ll give it to me?” she teases.
Without another word Fred is gripping her tightly and apperating them away.
As soon as they land in Y/N’s flat Fred reattaches their lips, keeping it slow and intimate. Now that the rushed part of their evening is over Fred wants to take his time with her. He moves them to her bedroom slowly, Y/N’s fingers working at the buttons of his shirt.
They reach her bed just as Y/N has worked the last button of Fred’s shirt, and he breaks their kiss so he can lightly push her back onto the bed. He rids himself of his shirt before he crawls over Y/N and reattaches their lips in a heated kiss. He grabs one of her knees and pulls her legs apart, settling in between them.
“Take this off,” Fred demands, his hands tugging at the hem of her dress. “ I wanna see all of you.” As Y/N takes of her dress Fred fumbles with his belt, quickly undoing it before moving on to his trousers. He falls back onto the bed so he can kick the rest of his clothing off, his cock finally getting some relief from its tight confines.
Before Fred can crawl back on top of Y/N she’s straddling his waist. She acts as if she’s going to kiss him, but at the last second she turns her attention to his neck and starts peppering kisses along the exposed skin.
Fred’s hands come up and grip Y/N’s hips tightly. “You’re such a tease.”
Y/N laughs into Fred’s neck as she kisses it, causing Fred to chuckle as well. While there are many parts of a healthy sex life Fred loves and enjoys, kissing is certainly in his top 3; which Y/N is fully aware of. They had once spent over an hour in one of Hogwarts’ secret passageways with Y/N pressed up against the wall as their lips moved together. It was one of the first times they had met in secret, and Fred still gets butterflies in his stomach when he thinks about it. Which he does far more often than he’d like to admit.
Fred lets her kiss and suck at his neck for a few moments longer before he flips them over, causing Y/N to squeal both in delight and surprise. Fred bites at her shoulder momentarily before he starts to peck her lips several times.
“I was gonna ride you ya know,” Y/N says with a soft laugh in between kisses. Fred laughs as well, one of his hands coming up to cup Y/N’s cheek while the other starts to massage one of her breasts, his thumb teasing her nipple. “Fuck, Freddie. Feels so good,” she moans.
Fred pulls away from her slightly so he can look Y/N in the eyes. “You do look exceptionally pretty when you sit on my cock, my love.” Fred pauses, his thumb rubbing her cheek as a pink blush spreads across it. “But tonight, I want- no I need.” Fred’s sentence is cut short as Y/N grabs him by the neck and brings their lips together.
She kisses him slow, letting Fred take the lead and lick into her mouth. Y/N doesn’t need Fred to finish his sentence, she already knows what he was trying to say, because she feels the same way. After an evening full of teasing and putting on a show for each other there’s nothing either of them want more than to be close to one and other.
“Please, Freddie,” Y/N begs as Fred’s fingers begin to pinch at her other nipple.
Without another word Fred hitches Y/N’s left leg up on his hip and lines himself up with her entrance. He pushes in slowly with a roll of his hips, both of them letting out low moans. Fred doesn’t stop moving until he’s fully buried inside her, his lips coming up to suck at the skin just below her earlobe.
“Feel so good, baby. Always feel so good. Oh God-,” Fred’s words cut off with a groan as Y/N clenches around him. Fred rests his forehead against hers so he can look her in the eyes. He pulls out of Y/N halfway before he pushes back in, slowly starting to fuck her. “God I love you.”
Before Fred has a chance to regret what he’s said Y/N is kissing him hungrily, her hips moving to meet Fred’s thrusts. She breaks their kiss to let out a whine as Fred’s thumb starts to rub slow circles on her clit in time with his thrusts.
“Merlin that feels good,” she breaths, tilting her chin up to kiss Fred briefly. “Not gonna last much longer,” she moans.
Fred speeds up his thrusts as he hitches Y/N’s leg higher on his hip so that he’s hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. “Me either, love. Come for me baby.”
With a few more thrusts, Y/N is coming, her toes curling and nails scratching down Fred’s back from the pleasure as she moans his name. Her walls spasm and clench against Fred’s cock, helping him to reach his climax. Her moans are cut off by Fred kissing her deeply as he reaches his own high, emptying himself into Y/N.
Fred slows his thrusts down, helping them both come down from their highs, his mouth still moving against Y/N’s softly. After a few final thrusts he slowly pulls out, and rolls onto his back, his hands gripping Y/N’s waist so that she rolls with him and their kiss doesn’t break.
They just lay there kissing for a few minutes, Y/N’s hands tangled in Fred’s hair while his hands rub circles on her hips. Y/N pulls away first, her breathing heavy and her cheeks flushed red. Fred smiles at her and brings one of his hands up to stroke her hair.
They sit there for a few moments in silence, just looking at each other. Fred feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest as he studies Y/N’s familiar features. After tonight he’s more sure than he’s ever been, he doesn’t want to spend another moment with out her in his life.
“I meant what I said, you know,” Fred says quietly, not wanting to disturb their peaceful moment.
Y/N kisses him briefly. “That I look pretty sitting on your cock? ‘Cause I’ve known that for ages,” she teases.
“Well yes I did mean that,” Fred says with a chuckle before kissing her again. “But that’s not what I was talking about. And it’s okay if you-”
He’s about to say something else, when Y/N lurches forward to kiss him. “I love you too you idiot. Always have.”
When Y/N wakes up the next morning and turns over she’s disappointed that Fred isn’t in bed next to her. While they never usually spent the night together, last night had been different and she had fallen asleep last night dreaming of what round three would consist of in the morning.
Y/N is halfway through cursing Fred out in her head when she notices an envelope sitting on the pillow Fred’s head had been cradled against only a few hours ago. She grabs it, letting her finger trace over her name written in Fred’s messy scrawl on the outside before she tears it open.
My flat. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after that and every single day for the rest of forever. 6 pm.
Love you forever and always.
Y/N scans her eyes over the words several times, letting Fred’s message sink in. She smiles to herself as she falls back against her pillows, her hear swelling with more love than she ever thought possible. “Game over.”
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sleepysnk · 4 years ago
i decided to write a little something for our boy Colt 🥺! his tag barely has any fics, so i figured i would try and feed it for you all! i hope you guys enjoy! ♡ this wasn't my best smut but i tried so 😐
First Time
Pairings: Colt Grice x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, virgin!reader
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The night had been going well for Colt and his girlfriend (Y/N). The two had finally got some time to go out for their one year anniversary, which was a few days prior, but with their work schedules being so busy, they didn't have a lot of time to go out and have a night with each other.
Colt took her to a fancy restaurant, he never failed to plan amazing dates for the two of them. It's something (Y/N) always admired about him, he was such a romantic at heart, and one of the many reasons she fell in love with him.
They were currently on their way home from the restaurant, it was pretty late, around 10:30 to be exact. The food was absolutely perfect, and they had zero complaints.
"I feel stuffed," (Y/N) said, rubbing her belly which felt full. "I swear I'm going to pop," she said, laughing a bit.
Colt put his hand on hers. "I feel the same way, that pasta really filled me up fast." he replied, sending a smile her way.
(Y/N) looked out the window as they passed different cars and street lights, she wanted to get home and just relax with him. That was the usual after their dates.
Within a few minutes the two arrived back home. (Y/N) rushed up the stairs to take off her dress, she just wanted to be comfortable. She grabbed some shorts and one of Colt's shirts, he didn't necessarily mind anyway. She was always stealing his clothes.
She walked out of the bathroom and saw Colt laying on the bed already. He was changed and scrolling through Netflix.
"What should we settle for tonight? Another horror movie?" he asked, raising a brow.
She walked over to the other side of the bed, climbing next to him. "Yeah I'm fine with that," she replied, laying her head on his chest.
Colt ran his hand around her waist, bringing her closer to his body. His warmth radiated onto her skin, making her smile and snuggle into his chest. She draped her leg over his waist, making herself a bit more comfortable.
The movie started and it was a bit silent between the two. Until a jump scare came across the screen, causing (Y/N) to jump.
"I saw that," Colt said, starting to chuckle a bit at her actions. "Someone is a scaredy cat huh?" he teased, looking down at her.
(Y/N) looked up, rolling her eyes playfully. "Shut up! I heard your damn heart racing," she replied, flicking the side of his head.
He rolled his eyes playfully, cupping her cheek and leaning in to kiss her. The kiss felt passionate, it made her feel weak. She deepened the kiss, Colt swiping his tongue over her bottom lip, asking for permission to explore her mouth.
He pulled her on top of him so she was straddling him. His hands ran along her hips, slightly squeezing and rubbing small circles on the sides.
"Mm.. Colt," she moaned, feeling his hands explore her body.
Colt looked into her eyes, smiling as he took in her beauty. "You're so beautiful baby," he said, using his thumb to brush against her cheek.
She smiled, feeling her heart swell from his words. "Colt um... I think I'm ready," she said, looking up at him.
His eyes went wide hearing those words come from her mouth, he never pushed sex onto her before. (Y/N) was a virgin and he didn't want to push it too much, especially if he could loose her for it. He was patient with her, all she had to do was say the word and he wouldn't have a problem doing it.
"Are you sure my love? There's no force," Colt asked, cupping her cheek.
(Y/N) nodded. "Yes I'm sure, just be gentle." she replied, giving a small smile.
Colt moved her body so she was now laying beneath him, his fingers ran along her sides feeling every inch of her skin. He kissed her lips, putting his hand on her cheek and his other hand in hers.
"If I hurt you just tell me to stop, okay?" he said, looking into her hues.
She nodded her head and watched as he began to kiss down her jaw to her neck. He nipped softly at the skin on her neck, leaving small marks. He began to suck on her weak spot, earning a moan from her mouth. Colt smirked against her skin using his free hand to play with her breast, using his index and middle finger to circle her nipple.
"Colt.." she cried, moving her hips upward towards his.
He sat up, looking down at her. "Take your shirt off for me baby," he said, tugging at the material around her.
She sat up taking the t-shirt off of her. Her breasts fully exposed, causing her to cover up a bit feeling embarrassed.
Colt smiled at her shyness. "No it's okay.. don't cover up, you're beautiful." he said, moving her arm away from her breasts. "Lay back down, okay?" he added, smiling at her a bit.
(Y/N) nodded, laying back down as she watched Colt leave wet kisses along her chest. Her nipples hard from the cooler air, along with his kisses. He used his hands to circle them, playing with her buds. She felt heat pooling between her legs feeling his warm hands around her body, she began to become eager for more.
Colt kissed down to her belly, then to her lower abdomen. He stopped once he got to the end where her shorts were.
"May I?" he asked, looking up at her.
She nodded in approval, feeling Colt hook his fingers around the hem of her shorts, pulling them off and tossing them to another part of the room. He stared at her clothed clit, which had a wet spot from her arousal. This earned a chuckle from him.
"You're so wet.." Colt said, brushing one of his fingers over it.
This send a jolt of pleasure through her, she moved her hips up towards him. "Colt.. that feels good," she said, looking down at her boyfriend.
He smirked crawling up towards her. "I can make you feel even more good princess," he said, leaning down to kiss her.
She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down towards her, Colt used his hand to rub small circles on her clit. He felt the wetness through her panties. (Y/N) slightly moaned feeling his fingers play with her, she felt his print against her stomach which made the bubble in her stomach hotter.
Colt broke the kiss and crawled down in between her legs. "If you want me to stop, you can." he said, removing her underwear.
She nodded. "Okay.." she replied, opening her legs a bit wider.
He stared down at her dripping pussy which was slick with arousal, he smirked at the sight. It was all about her pleasure for tonight, he wanted to make sure she remembered this forever.
"You're pussy is so pretty," he said, smiling up at her.
Colt used his fingers to rub circles on her sensitive bead, she moved her hips a bit in anticipation.
"Colt.." she moaned in pleasure, feeling his fingers quicken.
He leaned down and used his tongue to drag along her folds, a loud moan escaped her lips feeling his tongue exploring her. He savored the flavor of her arousal, wrapping his arms around her thighs.
"Baby! Fuck... like that," (Y/N) cried, throwing her head back as she dug her fingers into his scalp.
Colt felt his dick twitching with every sound she made, he wanted to fuck her already, but he ignored that thought. He wanted to get her ready so it's less painful.
He used one of his fingers to enter her slowly, she hissed a bit. "I'm sorry baby, did I hurt you?" he asked, looking up at her.
She looked down at him, running her fingers through his hair. "A little, but it's okay baby don't worry," she replied, laying back down on her back.
He slowly began to pump into her, her walls tightly surrounded his finger. Moans and cries came from (Y/N)'s mouth as Colt began to quicken his pace a bit, he curled his finger to hit that spot inside of her which made her see stars in her vision.
"Colt! Ah-! Right there!" she cried, feeling her stomach heating up from the pleasure.
He smirked, watching her become undone on his finger. "You take my fingers so well baby. You're such a good girl," he said, adding another finger into her core.
(Y/N) felt the knot in her stomach forming. "C-Colt! I'm going to.." before she could finish her sentence, her orgasm took over her body. Her body shaking and her eyes going white from the pleasure.
Colt removed his fingers with her arousal all over them. "Good girl baby," he said, licking the cum from his fingers. "Here comes the good part," he added, taking his shorts off.
She felt goosebumps litter onto her skin watching as Colt tossed his shorts off. His cock sprang out, hard and prominent with need. He climbed onto the bed, hovering over (Y/N). His eyes were blown with lust and desire.
"I'm going to enter you, okay? Come here," he said, intertwining his hands with hers. "It might hurt for a bit, try to relax." he added, kissing her cheeks.
Nervousness bubbled inside of her as Colt positioned the head of his cock at her entrance, she gripped his hand tightly as she felt his cock enter her slowly.
A groan erupted from Colt's throat feeling her tight walls squeeze his cock, her pussy felt so warm and wet. (Y/N) cried in pain and pleasure feeling his cock enter her, she squeezed his hand feeling her pussy stretch.
"Shh.. it's okay baby, you're doing so well." Colt said, kissing her cheek and giving her a smile.
For a few moments she lied there trying to adjust to his size. Suddenly, the feeling of pain turned into pleasure, his cock poking around her walls and hitting that spot that made her see stars.
"C-Colt.." she moaned, looking up at him.
He took that as a sign to start moving, he began to slowly thrust into her. He was scared he was going to break her, she felt so fragile underneath him.
His thrusts were slow and steady. He didn't want to go too rough on her. "Fuck... baby you're so tight," he groaned, leaning down to kiss her lips.
(Y/N) cried out in pleasure feeling him thrust into her. "Just like that.." she moaned, putting her arms around his neck.
Her body seemed to react on its own, her hips moved upwards to feel more of his cock inside of her. His cock poked at her g-spot which every now and then sent a loud gasp to slip from her mouth.
"(Y/N).. you take me so well, you're doing great princess." he groaned, quickening his pace a bit.
Colt leaned down towards her and kissed her slowly as he thrusted into her. He felt her walls beginning to feel a bit tighter around him, she was close and he wanted to make her feel good.
He used his thumb to play with her clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body.
"Colt! Oh fuck! Ah-! I think I'm gonna.." she trailed off as her orgasm took over her body, her legs shook a bit and sparks of pleasure danced across her belly.
He felt her walls tighten around him, his thrusts were getting a bit sloppy as his own orgasm was slowly approaching.
"Fuck.. I'm gonna cum, you're such a good girl I love you so so much," he said in between breaths.
He intertwined his fingers with hers as he orgasm took over his body, a loud groan erupted from his throat as his cum filled inside of her.
"I love you so much," Colt said, kissing her cheek.
She felt her heart swell at his words. "I love you too," she said, smiling at him.
Colt lied down next to her taking some deep breaths. "Come, let's take a shower baby. I gotta clean you up," he said, sitting up in bed.
(Y/N) giggled and stood up following him to the bathroom.
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naralanis · 4 years ago
A Luthor’s Gambit
The pneumatic hiss of the sealed doors is a deafening sound in the small space of the decontamination chamber—it reverberates off the metal walls, and the sudden change in pressure moves the air in an imitation of a breeze. It ruffles the stray hairs that have escaped Lena's bun and brings the sterile scent of the containment unit to her nose in one sudden waft.  
She's used to it by now, but those first few seconds are always a bit of an adjustment—the hiss of the door, the smell of disinfectant, the hum of the air filtration devices that run 24/7 no matter what... and, of course, the green glow of the room.  
There's a faint clacking coming from the other end of the room—the sound of plastic hitting plastic, muted by the constant buzz of the lights and filters and the occasional beeping of monitoring machinery. Everything is white, sterile, and a little unnerving, considering the ominous green of the lamps evenly spaced on the ceiling.
The clacking continues as Lena makes her way in—there is a small table by something that could be described as a window (it is in fact an incredibly complex projection to provide the illusion of one). One of the two metal chairs by said table is occupied by a figure, clad in white, hunched over a chessboard, methodically moving pieces around with determined focus.  
“Good morning, doctor,” her subject speaks lowly, without turning to face her. “Or is it afternoon already?”
Lena smiles as she approaches—it's only a little bit forced. “Afternoon,” she says as she takes the seat she has come to think of as hers. “But only just.”
The other woman hums noncommittally. Her blonde hair Is tied into a ponytail, out of her face, and her cool gaze studies the chessboard with unrelenting focus. Lena peers over her clipboard, taking mental notes for the time being as she follows the chess pieces with undisguised interest.  
“Are you practicing your openings?”
Clack—another piece finds its place on the board.  
“I am working through all the possible variations of the Sicilian Defense.” Clack. “I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about with the Najdorf. But Sveshnikov”—clack— “Sveshnikov's is much more... inspired.” Clack.  
Lena leans back, crossing her legs and dashing off short notes on her clipboard. The young woman is used to this, and doesn't speak again until Lena is finished. Their gazes meet over the carefully arranged chess pieces, only for a moment—there is no recognition in the coolness of those blue eyes, and Lena has to pretend it doesn’t affect her.
“You seem to be in better spirits today,” she comments. It's true—despite her withdrawn demeanor, the blonde seems... better. Lighter, somehow. It's good to see it, even if the change is so small it could very well be entirely insignificant.  
But it isn't. Not to Lena.  
“The agent brought a cat yesterday,” the young woman clarified, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips as she resets the board.
“Oh?” Lena questions, brow raised. Her hand twitches around the pen she's holding—she holds off the impulse to take more notes. She hadn't been notified of visit yesterday, but she is glad for it. “How was it?” she asks instead, setting the clipboard aside for now, a signal that this is just... a conversation, nothing more.  
“It was a kitten,” the blonde clarifies, grinning and holding out her hand. “He was so small—I could hold him with one hand.”
Lena smiles—she can't help it when she sees some genuine happiness in those eyes. “And how did that feel? Holding him?”
There's a pause—the blonde looks at the flexing fingers of her own hand for a few moments, as if remembering the weight of the kitten in her palm. “Fuzzy,” she replies, finally, releasing a little laugh. “And a little pointy. And... warm. He was so small—and cute. He fell asleep on my chest. It was nice.”
“That does sound nice,” Lena agrees. “Maybe Agent Danvers will be able to bring him again sometime soon, huh?”
The young woman's smile widens, and she finally directs her gaze at Lena, and keeps it there. “I would like that—very much. I've never seen a kitten in real life before. It was... nice.”
Lena's smile falters a touch, but she is careful not to let it show. “You have—you've even held kittens before,” she says gently, biting at the inside of her cheek. “You just don't remember—but you will, Kara.”
Kara deflates slightly—her name may as well be a number, for all the familiarity she has with it. “I know. I know.”
Lena can feel herself tense in her seat, but she pushes her most hopeless thoughts aside for the time being, grasping at her clipboard until her knuckles go white. She has a job to do.  
“Well. Besides the kitten—how are you doing?”
The blonde shrugs. “Same old, same old. I finished All the Pretty Horses earlier today. God, what a boring book.” Her eyes wonder, as if she's trying to remember the most mundane details about her day. “Those” —she gestures towards the ceiling, at the green glowing lamps above them — "buzz a lot—sometimes enough to keep me awake at night. They give me headaches.”
Lena notes it dutifully on her clipboard. “The Kryptonite in these lamps is synthetic,” she explains, not for the first time. “This particular strain shouldn't affect you at a molecular level at this dosage, but I'll take another look at them to be safe. In the meantime,... you could probably use some aspirin.”
It feels like a cruel joke, telling this superpowered being to take some aspirin—almost as cruel as having to use this strain of Kryptonite to keep her safe from the strain poisoning the atmosphere outside.  
There's another shrug, and just like that, blue eyes refocus almost entirely on the chessboard. Lena watches wordlessly for the few moments it takes Kara to reset the whole thing one more time.  
The rook the Kryptonian holds gleams green under the lamps.
“So, Doctor Luthor,” she says, going about completing the set, pieces clacking away. “Fancy a game?”
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lihikainanea · 4 years ago
Please do something like tiger and bill are at some gathering with bills friends and tiger doesn’t know anyone there and feels quite anxious but bill notices this and when everyone gets more relaxed he gets tiger to sit on his lap whilst they both talk to bills friends. He then starts bouncing his leg jussttt right and tiger has to control herself because there are people around, and he watches her. 😳
unf, how delicious bb.
I like this idea that sometimes, tiger just...she doesn't do crowds. She doesn't do people. And I like this idea because I am this idea. I think every empath is. People can rejuvenate us and replenish us or they can absolutely suck the life out of us--it really just depends on the crowd, and it depends on our mood.
I like to think that tiger is maybe no different, and if we add on this whole other layer of celebrity the Bill brings...it's a lot, man. It's a lot for a normal person who usually, purposely, shirks all things pretentious in life. And she recognizes and respects that Hollywood, that fancy things, uppity parties are a side of Bill that comes with the territory of his career choice--but recognizing and respecting is probably a far cry from liking it.
Maybe it's a gathering of Bill's Hollywood friends, which already sounds like a big NO THANK YOU to tiger as she plans a night in at the hotel or Air BnB in the Hollywood Hills, a bottle of wine in the fridge, no neighbours for miles and a pool begging to be skinny dipped in. But then she sees the creases of worry in Bill's face, she sees the disappointment, and she can't let him down. Maybe Bill doesn't particularly want to go to this shindig either and tiger is his support, his lifeline to get him through the night. She won't ever let him down in that case.
But tiger, like the good homegirl she is, will just forever feel uncomfortable and remarkably out of place at anything of the Hollywood kind. But she goes anyway. Spends hours picking out her outfit, only to throw it all to shit and tell Bill to pick her out something to wear while she pours a drink. He does, puts an outfit together for her that won't clash with his own. She does her make up a bit heavier than usual, wears heels a little higher than she normally would, hell maybe she even channels some Scarlet witchery (see what I did there? do you? do you see?) to boost her confidence as she gets ready. And it probably works wonders--because instead of feeling a bit of dread, instead of getting even a little small about it--tiger is kind of feeling like a hellcat, in her spiky heels. Maybe she even, at the last minute, swaps out her nude lipstick for her trademark blood red one--the one that makes Bill weak in the knees. Tiger's actually feeling like quite the sex bomb. And when she emerges from the bathroom and spots Bill at the tiny bar by the balcony across the room, she can see his jaw lock and his eyes bulge as she makes her way to him.
"I'm ready," she says.
"You look--" his voice cracks but then he stops and clears his throat, his cheeks taking on a pink hue, "You look incredible."
"Not so bad yourself, bud," she smiles, adjusting the collar on his crisp shirt. She grabs his drink, downing it in one gulp as she keeps her eyes on his.
"You ready?" she asks. He's staring at her mouth, unblinking.
"Yeah, yes," he shakes his head lightly, "Yes."
And maybe instead of being small about it, instead of kind of dreading it--maybe tiger takes a different path this time, and she spends the entire night taunting Bill in a real dangerous way. He's not too worried about seeing eyes--these parties are notorious for dark corners, and for the secrets they keep. Nobody at that party wants anything they do there to be known to the outside world, and it's an agreement that everyone has.
Tiger is by far the most normal looking one there which also means nobody is sparing her a glance--nobody except Bill, that is. And it's this fun little game of cat and mouse all night--Bill will roll up his shirt sleeves just how tiger likes, and from across the room tiger will lick her lips, apply another coat of lipstick. Bill will pop open the two first buttons on his shirt collar as he's speaking with someone and tiger will pop the cherry out of her drink, grab it by the stem and let it linger on her lips for just a few seconds two long before biting it off. Bill is having to find craftier ways of tucking his hard on into the waistband of his pants, and he's never been more thankful for the dimly lit rooms of Hollywood parties.
It probably finally culminates when he's done schmoozing for the most part, a few whiskey's in for both him and tiger, and Bill finally eases onto the love seat in one of the rooms.
"Hey, do I know you from somewhere?" tiger teases, sliding in next to him, "It's Alex, right?"
"Bold, little girl," Bill warns, downing the rest of his drink, "A little too bold."
"And what are you going to do about it?" she challenges. Bill smirks, looping his arm around her waist and pulling her over one of his legs. The room is too dark for anyone to notice anything, and most of its occupants are drunk or coked out or both. He's not worried.
"We have rules kid," he locks his arm around her waist, dragging her hips back so his thigh rubs between her legs and she stiffens, "And you're pushing them."
She turns, leaning her mouth in real close to his.
"And what are you going to do about it?" she repeats. He nips at her lip.
"Probably something dramatic."
He cuts off her rebuttal at his remark when he drags her hips back again against his thigh, tensing his muscle and giving a hard bounce against her sensitive core. Her nails dig in to her forearm, and a moan escapes her throat. Bill doesn't hear it so much as he feels it, his arm close to her chest. He tugs her hair back, until his lips are at her ear.
"You're going to come like this," he tells her, "Just like this, in front of everyone."
But another drag down his thigh, a few bounces on his hard muscle, and suddenly she shuts up.
"Hmm?" he taunts. But this time tiger holds on tighter to his arm, as she starts working her hips back and forth across his leg.
"That's my girl," he purrs to her, "Get it, kid."
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shokobuns · 4 years ago
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ft. itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, gojo satoru, sukuna ryoumen, nanami kento, zenin maki (gn!reader)
GENRE: fluffy brainrot/headcanons! (whichever you consider these to be ig)
WARNING(S): suggestive themes.
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ITADORI YUUJI – he’s the type of person to record your date for memories. he has videos of you looking out into the sunset to you chomping down on a bunch of noodles like an animal. with that, you two would just go around and explore tokyo, taking advantage of any couples’ valentine’s day discounts. he’d probably ask gojo for advice (he hands him a condom), but it’s horrible and he’d probably figure that out from nanami. if it’s the first date, he’d be nervous as hell and it’d be noticeable considering how jumpy he is, but once you start getting comfortable with touching him, he’d relax more and adjust really quickly. if it lasts the whole day, by half the date, he’s kissing your cheek, holding your hand, and wrapping his arm around you. yuuji’s really sweet and he’s also a gentleman, holding the door for you and being mindful of if you’re having a good time or not. when you two finally kiss on the lips, he gets flustered as hell and hides his face into the crook of your neck.
THE GIFT – one of those bead necklaces that everyone makes at home. the colors are irregular and in no particular pattern, but your initials are on it with a heart. he doesn’t have much money with the exception of food, so he can’t afford a super glamorous gift, but you wear it with pride.
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI – would show up at your doorstep with your favorite flowers, but once he gets there, he’s debating on whether he should be there or not. he just wanted to do something nice for you on valentine’s day, but he’s also thinking “what if this is weird?” he’s another person that gojo gave advice to, but megumi tuned him out because he already knows to not trust him for this stuff. he’s all new to this couple type things, but he rings your doorbell anyways and he’s about to put down the flowers at your doorstep and run away, but it’s too late. you answer the door with a sundress on and this man forgets how to speak, so he just holds out a box of chocolates and the flowers without even looking you in the face. eventually, you ruffle his hair and go back into your house to gather some sandwiches, water, and a blanket for a picnic at a nearby park. you’d have to be the one to initiate the hand holding and his face gets so fucking red, too. at the park, he gets more comfortable, talking to you becomes easier and he lets you put butterfly clips in his hair because your face gets really close to his and he likes to give you little pecks on your nose when it happens.
THE GIFT – flowers and chocolate, letting you put clips in his hair without complaints
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KUGISAKI NOBARA – she’s also the type to bring you around tokyo and spoil you on valentine’s day and she’s definitely more assertive on the date, too. she constantly has one hand on you, whether it’s on the small of your back or she’s holding yours, and she’s not shy about kissing your cheeks in public, either. nobara makes you try on clothes and if she really likes how the outfit looks on you, too, she’ll have no problem buying them at all. you two do that thing where you pick out outfits for each other and try them on at the same time. for most of the date, it feels like she’s the one with the bolder personality, but as soon as you tell her she looks like “the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen,” she gets really fucking flustered. your classic red cheeks and she can’t seem to stop smiling, but at the same time she’s trying not to seem too embarrassed even though she’s failing miserably. eventually, she’ll get over herself and you guys would find an empty balcony somewhere and make out for the rest of the night.
THE GIFT – an outfit consisting of those velvet track pants that she thinks make your ass look good (the ones that flare out at the bottom), an oversized shirt, and a bunch of scrunchies
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GOJO SATORU – the first time he sees you that day, he tosses you a condom with a ribbon on it, does a backflip onto a table, then puts a ribbon on himself. he gets an “i hate you” because he’s dramatic as hell, but he pouts and it makes you feel slightly guilty because he’s just so cute. anyways, for the rest of the day, he wears his glasses because it feels more casual and for the most part, you’re hanging out at home watching movies, making out, etc. there are definitely no more condoms left in the box by the end of the night. although, you don’t stay in all day. he does treat you to a proper dinner where you both are a little more dressier than usual and he makes sexual innuendos in your ear whenever he has the chance which is about every five seconds. you’d also be eating dinner next to another couple and he’d say some shit like “we’re cuter than them” and you would get secondhand embarrassment whether the couple hears it or not. at the end of the night, you two walk to a park at night and there’s definitely a little moment where he goes “hey, can you hold this?” and you hold out your hand and he interlocks his fingers with yours (yes, he’s cheesy like that). you’ve probably had to slap him on the back of the head a couple times. once you two get to the park, he shamelessly does cartwheels throughout the whole space.
THE GIFT – a condom, sex, a homecooked meal, cat ears, and a sanrio plushie that yuuji picked out for him
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SUKUNA RYOMEN – honestly, you weren’t even sure if you were even going to have a valentine’s day date with him, but he shows up at your front door at 6 am ringing your doorbell repeatedly with a bunch of flowers and you look like absolute shit when you finally open it. you’re still tired, so you drag him back to your bed for a few hours and sleep a little more before getting ready and going out for breakfast. he’s the type of person to stare down other people for no reason and you have to calm him down during your little breakfast date so that he doesn’t scare people. of course, he eventually gets a little bored and blows your back out in the restroom which has you limping for the rest of the day. he takes a lot of pride in it, too. later at dinner, he tries to cook for you, but this man sucks at cooking and has anger issues which is not a good combination because he’s so close to punching the stove since he somehow ended up burning the pasta noodles? your kitchen is still intact, so you don’t question it, and you’ve already ordered takeout because you’ve already predicted it. sure, he sucks at cooking, but it’s the thought that counts, right? after that, you two fuck, like you’ve already been doing all day, but this time, you give a little manicure after. you teach him how to take care of his cuticles himself and paint each other’s nails black after.
THE GIFT – a vibrator, handcuffs, a dead rabbit he found and stuffed with its legs cut off. he also got you a nice bouquet of your favorite flowers, but he had to bark at someone at the store to get them.
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NANAMI KENTO – this man will take you off to your classic fancy dinner date with wine, a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, basically the whole cliche formula valentine’s date. although, you’d notice that something seems a little off about him so you kind of just ask “are you having a good time?” and he looks back at you with a blank expression all like “are you having a good time?” that’s when you get the hint that he’s indifferent to the whole thing, so you quickly finish dinner in order to get home as soon as possible. nanami is a little confused as to why you weren’t having fun, but it’s all explained when you head to your bathroom and hold up two face masks. he hasn’t used one before, but you just tell him to relax and “stop and smell the roses.” he’s just like “i already bought you roses?” and you just shake your head and instruct him to lay down so that you can put the sheet mask on his face. the night slowly becomes more of a self care type time where you two take a bath together, wash each other’s hair, and eat cake. surprisingly, he ends up enjoying the whole thing and asks if you two can do the same thing next time. it ends with a peaceful sleep, you head laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around you.
THE GIFT – box of chocolates, roses, and some diamond earrings. the best dick of your entire life, both in the bathtub and in the bedroom.
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ZENIN MAKI – this girl gives you a home cooked meal, but she’s actually good at it. for breakfast, she’s making some omelettes and rice and it’s one of the ones where it’s a sanrio character sleeping in a blanket. you’re just admiring her the whole time because she looks really pretty when she cooks. for a valentine’s day date, you two would go on a cute picnic with some bento boxes and eat strawberries while the sun shines. her hair is down the whole time and you play with it because she never has her hair down even though she looks absolutely gorgeous like that. she’s just relaxed the whole time and you’re feeding her compliments while keeps on this cocky exterior, but she’s internally melting. she also lets you braid her hair, so you give her some french braids, but not without adding some pretty flowers to compliment her face. later that night, you two play a movie in the background and you give her a massage because she rarely gets some time to let go and rest and you really want to make her feel good. eventually, this escalated into making out until you two get tired and fall asleep.
THE GIFT – home cooked meals and pair of earrings she saw you eyeing the other day.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 6 pt2
Here you have it peeps. Part 2 of chapter 6! I’m really enjoying writing this story and if anyone has watched the original Winx cartoon you’ll recognise some bits in this chapter. Also, wanted to let you know that if you've watched Fate: the winx saga, my fic is mostly based off that timeline, however, I won't be following it exactly if you’re wondering why certain events haven't happened already etc... 
Warnings: Swearing/bullying?
Word count: 2.3k
Oh god. You didn’t want to turn toward the voice, scared of what you were about to encounter. Saul visibly stiffened and not in the good way. If he was a cat the hair would be standing up on the back of his neck and he’d be poised to attack. His eyes looked at you quickly, it was a pleading look, one that you weren’t sure you like the look of. 
“I thought It was your handsome face I saw from over there, fancy seeing you here.” The girl was still walking towards the booth and hadn’t seen you yet, you were on the side with your back facing her so were shielded still, until she got closer. You turned your head and instantly were hit with a wave of unexplained anxiety. It was like for a moment you had gone straight back to being that small, un wanted shell of a girl Saul had found months ago cowering on the forrest floor. 
She was tall, slim, blonde and gorgeous, a lot of things you weren’t, you were total opposites. Where she wore a tight fitting figure hugging dress that showed off all her assets, and you meant ALL, you wore more of a muted outfit, sticking to your traditional fashion sense of white and black. Granted it was a date, you had made an effort to look nicer, no ripped skinny jeans this time, just normal black ones with platform Vans and a white sequinned top you’d borrowed from Stella, your leather biker jacket slung over the booth next to you. You noticed she was a lot older than you too, if you had to guess she was probably around 28, a lot closer to the age of your man sitting across from you. Her lips were a bold red, pearly white teeth shinning as she grinned at Saul.. until she noticed you sitting across from him. 
“Oh you have company?” She said it more like a question rather than a statement, like she was surprised he was here with anyone. The woman crossed her arms rather matter of factly and didn’t hesitate in looking you up and down, subtly not her forte. The grin she was giving you made you a little nervous, gone was the one she wore for Silva, now this one was different, something crazy behind the woman’s eyes, almost predatory. 
“And you are?” She looked straight at you, cocking her head, who the hell did she think she was. Saul was still quiet, you think shocked was the better word for it. Then he seemed to snap right out of it when he heard how you were being talked to. 
“Glamour, this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Her whole face changed from a wicked smile to a look of disgust. 
“You can’t be serious.” God if she was trying to make you feel any smaller she was surly succeeding. Now this, is what you called a Queen B, grade A Biatch! She would even give Stella a run for her money. “This, is what you left me for?” She shook her head in disgust and then even had the audacity to laugh. Sauls fists tightened, you slipped your foot back to his leg and moved it slightly, a reassuring touch.
“You know, I thought it was just a temporary thing, it’s only been two and a bit months after all, I thought it was just you getting stressed about going back to Alfea, but obviously you had ulterior motives.” What, wait, did she just say two and a bit months.. that means.. he was still dating this bitch when you had moved into Alfea and he was training you. In that moment you felt like an idiot. God, how could you have been so stupid, of course he would be going out with someone like her, she was perfect, everything a man could want, then there was you, a broken outcast who had no where to call home. What if you were just his charity case? The negatives thoughts came creeping in but you tried to push them down, you hadn’t felt this insecure in a long time. The booth seemed to crackle with energy, then you realised thin black clouds of fog hovering around you. Your powers were out of whack, it tended to happen when you were so emotional you couldn’t contain them. The woman looked a little rattled and Saul looked even more pissed. 
“Glamour, that was in the past, we weren’t anything but a fling, you didn’t mean anything to me and I didn’t mean anything to you, whereas, Y/N, means everything to me. Now if you don’t mind, me and my girl are trying to enjoy our date. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Obviously she wasn’t used to being talked to the way Saul had because she let out an almighty screech of annoyance and stormed off, her heels clacking away on the tiled floor. 
“When you get bored with your pet project and want a real woman you know where to find me.” Was her last comment before she made her dramatic exit. You let out the breath you’d been holding, unable to look Saul in the eyes, willing the tears of embarrassment to magically disappear from your face, that was one thing your magic wasn’t good for. 
“Darling look at me.” You clenched your jaw as Saul hooked a finger under your face, lifting your chin, your glossy eyes meeting his. “She was nothing to me, nothing I promise you.. As soon as I knew I had feelings for you I cut all ties baby please believe me, you’re the only one I want, the only one.” You wiped the stray tear from your face hurriedly, Sauls face falling into a frown, he stood and slid into the same booth as you wrapping you in his big arms. You felt yourself calm. You felt safe again and you could tell he was telling the truth. Insecurities was a thing you’d struggled with forever, so you weren’t that surprised that they had creeped in, if there was one thing you did know, it’s that you trusted Saul with every fibre of your being.
He was right, the coffee in Magix was a billion times better than the coffee on earth. Heck, it didn’t even compare, you left the little place feeling buzzed and full of yummy goodness. Saul grabbed your hand, incasing it in his, the softness of you skin contrasting with his calloused fingers. It felt right. 
“You ready to head home baby or do you want to check out a couple of shops first?” He had pulled you into his side, your head just meeting the top part of his chest, you snuggled into him, the warmth of his body radiating towards you. You should have been a little tired, it had been a fun filled morning, but the coffee was something you would need to adjust to, you were wide awake and felt like you could run a marathon. 
“I saw a book shop on the way to the ice rink that I wanted to check out, and a clothes store that looked like it was kind of my thing, do you think we could stay a bit longer?” You craned your neck to look up at him, his grey eyes peering back at you, his mouth turned up into a charming smile. 
“Sure sweetheart, do you remember how to get to the book store? While you’re there, there’s someone I need to talk to quickly about guard business..” He stroked his hand over your hair as you nodded your head, giving you a sweet peck on your forehead. “Just text me the name of the clothes shop you go to and i’ll meet you there okay? No wondering off..” He looked more serious at that part and you stood on your tiptoes to give him a reassuring kiss. 
“Sure thing Sir.” With a wink you turned around, Saul slapping your ass playfully before you were out of reach which earned a giggle from you, gosh, that man. 
It hadn’t taken long for you to retrace your steps to the wonderful looking bookshop you’d seen earlier that morning. The doors were heavy when you pushed them open and stepped into the most beautiful place you’d ever seen. You had always been a sucker for books, the nerd side of you squealed in delight. It was one of the things on earth that helped you escape reality, reading and imagining running away to different worlds, wether it was Wonderland, Forks or Hogwarts. What surprised you most about the shop was it was a lot bigger than you thought it would be, like stepping into a Tardis, reasonably sized on the outside, enormous on the inside. 
You stepped forward tentatively, taking in your surroundings and the book smell that seemed to linger in the air. A woman with half moon shaped glassed that were perched on the end of her nose was sitting at the front desk, to you it seemed more like a library, maybe it was a bit of both. She looked up when she heard your footsteps, greeting you with a kind, grandmotherly like smile.
“Hello dear, can I help you with anything today?” That’s when you proceeded to tell her it was your first time in Magix and she talked you through everything. In the end you were lead to a space in the middle of the books, a round circle shape carved out in the middle of the stalls with an alter in the middle. 
“This is the book alter, you ask the alter for the name of book you’re searching for, a subject or anything you can think of, and the shop will do the rest.” Of course it was magic too, you had to get used to the idea that everything would be now. A magic search browser, you could get used to that. The lady moved on, returning to her perch behind her desk. 
“Okay okay, lets try…” You were thinking about what to ask for when the dream you’d had that day in the hospital came back to you.
“Find me anything on the ‘Dragon Soul.” the mystical voice had mentioned in in your hazy state and you naturally wanted to know more about where you’d maybe come from and what your powers were. A couple of books floated forward, one was a fictional book that was about mystical creatures, not what you were looking for, the other was labeled, “A brief history of the realms.” That one didn’t have a price, it had a coloured sticker, which meant you could take it out for a certain amount of time, just like a library, the different colours represent the time you can take it for. You sighed thinking that was all the place had to offer, millions of books and only one worth your time? Then you heard it. The creaking and slamming of iron. The gates opposite you held the restricted area, only accessible for teachers and higher people of power. A few books were battering themselves against the bars, trying to make their way towards you. Just before a shocked voice rounded the corner, a couple of the smaller books managed to squeeze through the bars and fly into your awaiting arms. Books had started flying all about you, something wrong with the altar. You ducked behind it for cover, almost knocked out by a fairy dictionary thicker than a brick. 
“Stop!” You were relieved when the elderly librarian had arrived, making the books cease in mid air, the attack halted. “Sorry my dear, I don’t know what happened, the altar doesn’t normally behave like this.” She looked at you worriedly. Before she noticed you had the books under your top, you thanked her and made your way to the front doors, only checking out the book that had come to you first, while the other two remained hidden.  
Saul had done exactly what he said he’d do, you had text him as soon as you’d cleared the book store, luckily the ones you wanted to keep hidden managed to fit inside the small shoulder bag you’d brought along. It didn’t take long for your man to come walking around the corner, a spring in his step and smile on his face when his eyes set upon you standing at the boutique. 
“Did you find what you were looking for princess?” He pulled you into him, as if you’d been away for ages when it had only been 20 minutes. 
“Yup, the books went crazy in there and almost took me out but I got what I went for, I think.” With that you both walked into the boutique, you weren’t planning on buying anything really, just wanted to have a look about, it had been months since you’d had a look around stores, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy. While Saul sat in the designated boyfriend seat, it didn’t take long for something to catch your eye. A black lacy dress that would be perfect for your birthday next week. You’d also snuck over to the lingerie section, looking for something more on the risqué side, it was as much a treat for you as it would be for Saul, but he wasn’t to know that yet. You’d managed to try on and pay for your items before he’d realised anything. 
“That was quick what did you get?” He stood, stretching his arms above his head, his tight t-shirt rising slightly revealing the trail of hair from his belly button all the way down to…. your head shot up when you heard Saul clear his throat, he was smirking at you, one eyebrow raised. Cocky bastard. You playfully shoved him and rolled your eyes, making your way back into the street.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out Mr Silva.”
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