#fanart of bravest warriors too
blueshinefox · 2 years
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After I recognized Cartoon Hangover from 10 years ago, I HAD to post this in tribute to it! While Jack Krak is my favorite character from Super Fuckers and Beth Tezuka being my favorite character from Bravest Warriors, I just FELT I needed to post this… Because, let's face it, Jack seems to take most of the Super Fuckers fans' attention in every episode. Well, him and probably Wonder Kyle since his introductory episode "Shitstorm, MotherFuckers".
And about Chris Kirkman, he would probably complain about how he doesn't have enough affection for Beth, and consume too much time in hanging around with Danny Vasquez. Because honestly, I see too much of Chris X Danny in him for some reason.
In case you're wondering what the characters are actually doing in this fanart: Beth is asking Jack to see his butt so that she can both touch and feel his butt because she loves to do that sometimes when she’s with Jack. Although, Jack says no to Beth, stating that he can’t show his butt to her just because he feels uncomfortably embarrassed when he sees Beth touching his butt. But as for Chris, he feels somewhat jealous that Jack’s with Beth, as if he’s somberly watching them hang out with each other. Too bad that Beth can’t even touch Chris’ butt for some reason.
Artwork done by @cartooniste2z
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maracantrun · 7 years
Could you do some chrisdanny headcanons or a short fic? (Chris x Danny from Bravest Warriors)
Oh my god, I’m so glad I found another chrisdanny fan on here! Let’s get this party started with some cuddling headcanons because I suddenly want cuddles.
Chris is the one who accidentally initiates cuddles
Like, Danny will be working on one of his little machines and then BAM arms around him
And then Chris just lets go and begins to walk away bc he just wanted a little hug
But Danny is all like “WHAT NO I NEED A BREAK GET BACK HERE”
And if Danny wants snuggles he just latches onto Chris and is like “HOLD ME”
PLOT TWISLE: They both consider it to be platonic
Like no homo dude but can we cuddle?
Sure thing bro
And everyone else in the hideout lowkey ships it except for Wallow
And by that I mean Wallow has a blog dedicated to this ship
Like fanfiction and fanart, the works
Beth may be an adorable immature little shit but she has enough tact to try not to wreck the friendship
Back on topic
At some point if becomes an escape for them
whenever one of them is stressed and they just go lie down on the couch or bed and relax
Danny pretends to be a big spoon at first but then he realizes how much he loves being protected by Chris so he just subtly flips them around one day
And Chris is really chill about it too he’s like “WOW I like this better”
So they don’t really have any boundaries and they even sleep in the same bed like whenever they can bUT NO HOMO
Eventually after they wake up from a cuddle session Chris kinda kisses the top of Danny’s head and they both freeze up
They Danny turns around and pecks Chris on the cheek and they make a habit out of it
Just casual little smooches
My precious babies
They never really have to ask the other one out
They’re just so in sync they both realize they like each other without ever really talking about it because they’re STILL BFFS TOO
So long story short, cuddling is their thing
Like if you and you’re s/o cuddle wow that’s not very original
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