#fallen idols: part three
hannieehaee · 9 months
them accidentally ditching you on your bday - pu
hhu, vu, pu
part 2
content: angsty, gender neutral, established relationship, etc.
wc: 2766
a/n: tysm to the few ppl who requested this i hope u like it! pls lmk if u want a pt. 2! i decided to go on a diff direction for minghao's for further angst hehe sorry </3
jun -
jun's absence was always a source of sadness for you. it was hard to not miss such a special person in your life, especially when his absence was so frequent due to his career.
dating an idol was difficult, but jun always made it worth it. he kept you to himself, always prioritizing you as much as he could. no day would go by in which he didnt contact you one way or another, even if it was just a quick 'i love you.'
these past two weeks had been hectic for him. going back and forth between china and korea, and even japan all at once had him in planes almost constantly. if he wasnt at a concert, he was at a fansign, and if he wasnt at a fansign, he was at some fashion event. there was no rest for a single member of seventeen during times like these. but despite that, life had smiled at jun's exhausted state for once. he had three consecutive days off; with one of them falling on your birthday.
you had insisted that using up his very rare free time on you was unnecessary. that you'd be happy to just have him home as he slept for the entirety of the three days, but he had insisted to spend the day with him. had even convinced you to cancel all other plans you may have originally had for your special day in favor of spending it with him. he had been unable to promise you anything grandiose, cringing at himself when he told you it'd just be a nice day in between the two of you. nothing made you happier than the thought, assuring him it was more than enough.
the day prior to your birthday, he had decided to go stay with his parents. he hadnt seen them in a while, and they were currently staying in jun's home in korea, so it was perfect. he was still a bit exhausted from the previous twelve days in which had received no more than four hours of sleep at a time, but he headed straight to them the moment he landed nonetheless. it was a nice evening he had with them, catching up and being fed home cooked meals by his mom. he went to sleep a bit late, but not until after facetiming you to let you know how excited he was to to spend your birthday with you. it was 1am by then, so technically it had been your birthday already. he let you go at some point, letting you know he'd be in your home by 11am sharp with a gift in hand.
the next day came sooner than expected, with jun groggily waking up, drool on his pillow showing the very deep slumber he had fallen under. he had not slept so well in months, not having allowed himself a healthy eight hours of sleep in a very long time. it was weird, though, he felt way too well rested, more than you'd expect from a regular night of sleep. upon checking the clock he realized why. it was now 2pm .. had he slept a total of twelve hours?! how exhausted had he been? it was now three hours after the time he was supposed to be meeting you. he ran to his phone to check if you'd called, only to find it dead. he had forgotten to charge it before heading to sleep. his exhaustion had truly gotten the best of him last night.
he gave it ten minutes go charge before turning it on, immediately wincing at your ten missed calls and your dejected messages wondering why he was gone, even worrying if anything had happened until finally tracking his location and realizing he had been home the whole time. you did not have his parents' number, so it had been impossible for you to contact him. by the end of the messages you'd informed him that you'd just go for a quick lunch with your friends, letting him know that it was okay if he just stayed home with his parents if he so wished. you'd only hoped he couldve kept you in mind before changing plans.
his day off could not have gotten any worse.
soonyoung -
admittedly, soonyoung could be a bit ... air-headed at times. its not that he didnt think, but more like he acted on impulse rather than logic. this would sometimes lead him to issues in various areas of his life. including your romantic relationship.
you'd been dating soonyoung for a while, already growing used to his silly antics by now. he was a silly boy, who could blame him! you found him endearing more than anything, always making you laugh and find joy in the little things. your relationship had been nothing but fun so far. not only was he entertaining to be around, but he was also a loving boyfriend and practically obsessed with you. he was affectionate to a fault, always doting on you. at some point he became a bit of an annoyance to his members, constantly showing you off to them in your absence. just like with anything else in life, when it came to you, he didnt think much. he just went based on feelings, and his feelings for you were quite strong.
this was why you were confused as to why your boyfriend was absent at this moment. the same boy who could not go five minutes away from you (whenever his job didnt get in the way, of course) without whining, had seemingly forgotten your plans for the day.
soonyoung was supposed to return from japan this morning after two weeks of absence from your shared home. you had told him it was fine if he wanted to rest instead of doing something for your birthday, which coincidentally landed today. a day in with him was more than enough, you'd assured him, but he insisted that all he needed upon his return was a quick nap with you and then he'd be ready to head out for a night out with you. except he never showed up. you waited and waited, receiving no explanation from him. you even called him multiple times, but he mustve kept his phone on airplane mode, as he never responded. you knew how easily distracted he could be, but to straight up forget to come home was too much, even for his standards.
it wasnt until five hours after his supposed arrival that you found out what had happened to him. you received a call from a very exhausted minghao, letting you know that his driver would be dropping off soonyoung at your home shortly. he and the boys had gone for a spontaneous drink after the flight, with chan having lost some sort of bet and having to buy them all drinks as punishment upon arrival. there was no mention of your birthday during the call, making you think that it had even slipped soonyoung's mind to let his members know he had previous plans.
the annoyance you were feeling was the least of your problems at the moment. you'd probably have to deal with a drunk soonyoung as soon as he and minghao arrived, having to put your feelings aside as you took care of him in order to ensure a painless hangover the next morning, yet another day in which he had to work. not only had he forgotten you, but he had prevented you from making any plans to favor spending time with him, time which would now be spent babying him until sleep took over him.
minghao -
the day had started well. you had woken up to a beautiful message from your loving boyfriend, with a few selfies attached as he told you how much he loved you and how badly he wanted to be home with you right now to celebrate your birthday. you felt truly loved upon exiting your room to find a few different bouquets of flowers, all labeled as 'from: xu minghao', your sweet boyfriend who would always give you small showcases of his affection such as this one.
he had left before you were able to wake up, having scheduled as early as 4am. he had a fashion show to attend today, along with many other previous engagements in regards to his idol life. but you were fine with it! he had promised you time and time again that he'd be home on time by 7 or 8-ish in order to have a romantic dinner with you. this had been the birthday celebration you had been looking forward to the most. you had a quick breakfast with a few friends, along with a small brunch with some family, which meant the final and most important part of your day would come last. you were extremely excited. it was a birthday dinner with the love of your life, a luxury you did not often get due to minghao's overly packed schedule.
at 6, you began to get ready, opting for a cute outfit that would have the usually composed salivating over you. at 7, you had all dinner arrangements ready. minghao had asked mingyu to drop off some dishes earlier in the day, claiming he had wanted to cook for you himself but the fashion show would leave him with no time, instead deciding to ask his best friend to do him a solid since he had been off earlier than minghao today. everything was ready by 7:30, so now all you had to do was wait.
you waited until 8, which soon became 9, only to become 10:30 and then 11 in what almost felt like minutes. you knew your boyfriend did not carry his personal phone with him during public schedules, so you didn't bother calling him, instead choosing to confirm his location with his manager, who let you know he had been driven to an after-party at around 8:30, thirty minutes after your established meeting time.
by 11:30 you had already put on your pajamas, dejectedly picking up all the dishes and saving them for another day. you weren't just disappointed, but you were sad too. he had promised you this for days, only to pick an optional schedule over you. this was very unlike him, but you still did not want to give him a pass for his carelessness.
he came back by 12, apologizing as soon as he spotted you waiting for him on the couch, only to be interrupted by you.
"minghao ... what the fuck? you say you'll be here by 8 and just ditch me for a stupid after party? is there any explanation for this or were you just trying to be a dick?", you knew you went too hard too fast, not even letting him finish his apology, but you were mad.
the venom in your voice seemed to irritate him almost immediately, causing a scary side of minghao to come out. he was never mean, per say, but he could be a bit too cold and direct sometimes. he seemed to forget his mistake immediately, instead pining the fault on you.
"y/n, im an idol. this is my job. you know its my dream to get into the fashion field. i need networking to do that. as my partner you have to understand that. its not like i didnt warn you itd be today."
"and i do understand! but all night? you could've told me. you couldve gone back on your word and i wouldve understood, but you-"
"listen. im not gonna have a conversation if you keep yelling. calm down, and when you decide to act like an adult, ill be willing to discuss this with you," it was so easy for him to dismiss you, which shocked you. he was usually so attentive.
"are you .. are you serious? are you drunk?"
"believe it or not, we're not all waiting for this day to put all our own shit aside and celebrate. i cant believe you're not being supportive. you havent even asked me how it went, i-"
"you know what? you're right. im sorry. i hope it went great, minghao. i'm gonna go to sleep now, if you dont mind. goodnight," there was truly no use in arguing. you knew him to be incredibly stubborn, and he was starting to hurt your feelings. so you marched to sleep, deciding to take the guest room instead, slamming the door shut as you finally let yourself cry at your boyfriend's lack of care.
chan -
chan was an exemplary boyfriend. he was, for lack of a better term, down tremendously bad for you. one simple look from you and he was reporting for duty, ready to do whatever you wanted. this behavior manifested in every aspect of your relationship, making him be labeled as a bit of a simp by all your mutual friends. chan did not mind this, however, being insanely into you and willing to go through all lengths to make sure you knew how loved you were by him.
your relationship was very much like a friendship, allowing the two of you to joke around and hang out as friends would, but also having all the special benefits of a committed relationship. you'd show up for each other more than anyone else, making your bond stronger than any other in your respective lives.
you had expected this to be the same case for your birthday. you hadn't mentioned it much, knowing chan was coincidentally busy during that week. you blamed him in no way for his busy schedule, always supporting his passions and even egging him on whenever he wanted to take on even more challenges (although also scolding him whenever he burnt himself out too much). but you were still somehow expected he would at least mention it.
you were surprised to wake up that day - having fallen asleep before chan's arrival home - to no type of reaction from chan. he was already awake, almost ready to leave for yet another busy day of schedules, with no single word mentioning your birthday. you knew he was insanely busy, but not even a quick 'happy birthday'? in the back of your mind you had hoped maybe he would at least bring you flowers or something upon his return the previous night, but he had clearly headed to sleep upon arrival. for someone who was usually a romantic, his lack of reaction surprised you.
deciding not to make a big deal out of it, you didn't say anything, simply bidding him goodbye with a quick kiss and an 'i love you' to match. you had the day off, but no real plans made, so you decided to just mope around the house, maybe schedule a date with one of your friends for the evening. you had kept your schedule open in the off chance than maybe chan wouldve planned a quick little something. you knew you could've just communicated this to your boyfriend, but you had wanted the romantics sue you!
surprisingly, you received a call a few minutes after chan's departure; one from one of your closest mutual friends, one boo seungkwan. it was very likely that he had remembered today's date, very much unlike your boyfriend.
"hi, kwannie," you replied upon answering.
"baby! happy birthday!!! love you!"
you sighed, "thank you, boo. love you too."
"aigoo, something wrong? sad channie can't stay in today?", you could hear and see his pout through the phone.
"no, kwannie. it's nothing. don't worry about it," even if you were slightly annoyed, you didnt want to throw your boyfriend under the bus.
"no! tell me!! you can't be sad on your birthday, cmon!"
"well .. chan kinda, uh, forgot."
"what? did he say anything?"
"nope. just left without saying anything."
"aish, that idiot. don't worry, i'll take care of this, i'll-"
"no, kwan! it's fine. i dont wanna make a big deal out of it. you guys are busy with your comeback. it's okay, i'll get over it."
"but, baby-"
"kwan, really. i'm fine, i swear. have a good day for me, okay? love you."
he humphed, but accepted your response, "fine. you better have fun today too, though, okay? love you."
and that was the end of it. you would now probably spend the next few hours a bit dejected, not looking forward to the inevitable moment in which your boyfriend realized his mistake, knowing you couldn't really be mad at him due to his busy lifestyle, but feeling hurt nonetheless.
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skrrts · 1 month
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just a few more minutes (drabble)
✧ fem!reader x park seonghwa ✧ request: stay-at-home dad hwa & mc morning fluff ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, fluff, family ✧ word count: 1k ✧ warnings: food/eating
Seonghwa always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad. However, it doesn't make it any easier for either of you when it's time for you to get out of bed and go to work in the morning.
✧ a/n: thank you to anon for the request 🤎
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It was a blessing when your daughter finally started sleeping through the night, but you still had a habit of waking an hour or two before sunrise. Your body stirred slowly as your sleepy eyes caught a glimpse of the time on the clock next to your bed. Getting to work, even though it was only part-time for another six months, had been challenging.
You hated leaving your husband and child to drive to a busy office. Your employer was only slowly starting to introduce the opportunity to work from home, but the three of you had adjusted to it. You had the most amazing husband who always insisted he was perfectly fine reducing his hours to stay home and care for his little family.
His sleepy brown eyes greeted you, accompanied by a sweet smile that still made your heart flutter like on the first day of dating.
“Good morning,” he whispered, looking rather happy and relaxed as he snuggled closer, curling his arms around your figure. You leaned in to kiss him gently, “Hello there.”
Those little moments in the morning weren’t just the best boosts for the day but also the rare times for the two of you to enjoy alone. It wasn’t just your daughter; your friends and family always kept you busy.
Grandparents wanted to see their first grandchild, and San and Wooyoung volunteered to babysit but then needed someone to look after them when they got a little nervous about why a baby wouldn’t stop screaming.
“It’s Friday,” Seonghwa added, showering your face with little kisses, making you giggle.
“Thankfully. It means I have a whole weekend ahead with my big and small bear,” you smiled. Your husband had fallen in love with the storybook of a couple of bears having their first child. The excited expression on his face the day you brought home a little bear onesie, which your daughter actually seemed to love — unlike some of the little dresses she somehow managed to take off despite being less than a year old — was priceless.
Gentle fingers brushed strands of hair from your face, and this time, Seonghwa leaned in for a proper kiss, his hand resting against your cheek as you closed your eyes, simply taking in the feeling of being so close to one another. After that, the two of you cuddled a little, your head resting against his chest as he played with your hair.
“How about we pick you up? You’ll be done at twelve, yeah? We can go to the park, watch the ducks, and then do the groceries for the weekend together.” His voice was a soft whisper as you watched your daughter sleep peacefully in her bed.
“I’d like that. I should be able to wrap up in time; my boss loves going home extra early on Fridays — important business,” you rolled your eyes but smiled. Your head turned as you looked up at him, “Hwa~”
He tilted his head a little, “Hm?” First, you made a face before grinning, “You are the most amazing husband, you know? And yes, an amazing dad too!”
Seonghwa laughed, but he couldn’t hide the soft blush on his cheeks: “Somebody slept really well last night, with all these compliments today.”
Just as you were about to lean up for another kiss, the alarm went off. You sighed, hurrying to turn it off, but your daughter was already starting to stir; you could see her blinking.
“Time to shine,” your husband whispered as the two of you slowly slipped out of bed, stretching.
Seonghwa picked her up while you disappeared into the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for your short workday. By the time you made it to the kitchen downstairs, the girl was already smiling at you, comfortable in Seonghwa’s arms.
“Say good morning to Mom,” he smiled, and you leaned in to press a kiss on her cheek. “Good morning.”
There was a soft giggle, and you loved watching how he melted for her all over again.
There was never a day when Seonghwa didn’t look happy and proud of his daughter. There was no denying she would likely be a daddy’s girl; he would spoil her, but then, who could be a greater father?
“Now, let’s make sure mom gets her breakfast before leaving the house, yes? When you grow up, you’ll be more mindful and not claim that coffee is breakfast,” he playfully whispered to your daughter, who giggled as Seonghwa carefully placed her in the baby bassinet.
You pouted innocently, “It’s just so much more convenient, and the sooner I leave, the faster I can come back.”
But there was no escape for you. Seonghwa gently pushed you to the table, and you sighed, giving in and sipping innocently on your coffee. He really was the perfect man — from his looks to being the most caring person — but in return, he was quite strict when it came to fighting your bad habits.
“Open your mouth wide,” he said, raising the toast with marmalade, and you rolled your eyes but laughed, “Oh, is this practice for when our daughter is old enough to eat toast?”
Seonghwa winked, “Not so much, just making sure my wife remains strong and healthy.” You leaned in and took a bite, but before you could sit back, he took your hand and pulled you into a kiss.
“If you keep doing this, I really won’t make it to work,” you teased, but eventually, Hwa gave you an innocent smile, and the two of you finished breakfast.
Soon after, you were ready to leave for work. You picked up your car keys and watched as Seonghwa carried your daughter to the door, wearing the bear onesie. She would outgrow it in no time.
“Time to wish Mom a good day at work,” he told her, and you leaned over to place a soft kiss on her cheek, “Keep Dad on his toes for me while I’m gone.”
“Hey!” Seonghwa laughed and pressed a short kiss on your lips as well, “Don’t work too hard. We’ll pick you up; a nice long walk will be great once we’re done cleaning up.”
You opened the door and waved at them, “I’ll miss you, see you soon.”
Seonghea carefully took your daughter's small hand, waving back: "We will miss you mom!"
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mohavesun · 8 months
leon roommate au part 2 :) pt 1 is here
warnings: 18+, leon being pathetic, begging, worshipping (?), degrading kink, masturbation, dom/sub, reader is dominant. a bit of overstimulation.
leon’s behavior only got worse as time went on.
it was a one-time occurrence, and he never intended it to repeat.
but it did.
one, then twice, then three times.
what made it worse was that he was still leon, still the boy you considered your best friend. he was sweet, considerate, always bringing you your favorite pastry from the lounge, always helping you with your studies. he couldn’t only imagine how you would feel if you knew how perverted he had become.
it all came to a standstill when you came back early from class.
leon had reached a new low—now, instead of using your clean, fresh underwear to huff while jerking himself off, he had graduated to using the pair of underwear you had worn the night before.
he just couldn’t help it. once you left the room, he saw the light pink fabric of the lacy panties with a bow on the front, just sitting in your hamper, begging for his attention. he fished it out, mouth watering when he saw the slightly darker fabric, right were your cunt would be pressed against the clothing. you must’ve been wet at some point during the day, because the fabric was still slightly moist.
oh, god. this was a dream come true for your sweet, innocent roommate. almost like an animal, he brought the panties to his face, sniffing the scent of your vagina, licking the wetness that tasted like honey on his tongue. he was so caught in the bliss of finally—finally tasting you, he completely ignored how hard his cock was. he let out a soft groan, still knelt by your wicker basket of dirty clothes, pressing the panties into his face as though it was the most delectable thing in the world. his lust was something else entirely now. obsession? maybe. all he knew for sure was that he was deeply in love with you. and that he was absolutely, horribly pathetic.
his tongue lapped at the remains of your sweet nectar, desperate to taste every last drop, hopelessly and shamelessly, to the point that he almost even felt guilty for being such a creep.
he was so lost in the heavenly sensation of your panties, that he didn’t even hear the door open. all he heard was the drop of a backpack, snapping him out of his haze, snapping his head to look at where the thud had originated from.
your face alone sent a sinking feeling into his stomach.
your eyes were wide with shock, brows raised and mouth fallen agape. those beautiful lips that he loved so, so much, hanging open in surprise (and maybe disgust? he was far too horny to be able to read anything right).
“leon?” was all you stammered out. you had noticed some of your underwear going missing, only to return to your drawer the next day. but leon? leon would never. leon was sweet, he was gentle, caring, and not at all disrespectful or dirty. or were you just not paying attention? had you been so absorbed into idolizing him that you forgot he was, at the end of the day, a man?
and yet, there he was. your roommate, your study-buddy, your crush, your best friend—with a pair of your panties in his mouth, lips open and tongue resting on his bottom teeth. there was no way.
“oh—fuck.” was all leon could say, swallowing hard, the adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he did. his mind was scrambling for some sort of sorry excuse, but nothing could come to mind. he was far too lost in his hormones to be able to form a proper thought. and to make it worse, to have him watch you in the act? it sent a throb to his cock.
that’s when your eyes fell from his face, to his erection, which was blatantly visible through his joggers.
“what… the fuck.” your mouth was dry, shock taking hold of every ounce of your being. he had never been creepy with you, never crude or lewd. hell, you’ve never even seen him checking out any woman.
“i’m so… so sorry!” leon finally came to his senses, dropping the underwear and nervously chewing his bottom lip. “i-it’s not… i, i mean, it’s not what you…”
“what are you doing?” you slam the door behind you, bounding over to him and swiping the panties from the floor. “were you… are you stealing my underwear?”
leon shook his head vehemently. “no! no, no, i swear!” it was true. he hadn’t stolen your underwear. merely sniffing them and jerking off… which is not any better, really.
you frowned, an obvious sign of disappointment. “is that why my underwear randomly goes missing for a day, only to show up the next? oh my god. i cant believe it. you’re a perv! you’re… you’re a total creep.”
he flinched at your words. despite the burning sensation of shame, your words sent a wave of arousal through him. he had never suspected he was into degradation, but…
you could tell he was even more turned on, his cheeks growing even darker, as if it were possible. “oh my god. you like that?” you scoff, crossing your arms with a smug expression, brows creased.
all he could say was, “i’m sorry.” in his defense, he really did seem sorry. he was almost on the brink of tears, looking like a lost puppy on the floor, still on his knees. “i-i’m sorry.”
“leon…” you say slowly, as if weighing the odds. okay, you did have a crush on him, and of course you had lusted after him ever since you met him. and it was a little charming, seeing him so desperate and pleasing at your feet. eventually, you found the words you wanted. “beg.”
his eyes widened. “beg?” he repeated, trying to understand what you mean.
oh. oh!
he clasped his hands together. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry, please, please forgive me. please. you don’t know how sorry i am.” his voice was wavering—he was being serious. despite his serious desire to please you, he was also painfully aware of how hard he was.
you smiled at him.
his heart fluttered. how absolutely precious it was to him, to see you smile, despite how much you ought to hate him.
“oh.” he whispered, looking up at you in adoration, waiting for your next command. eventually, a moment of silence, he hopefully asks, “so… you aren’t mad?”
maybe you should be mad. he’s invaded your privacy, he’s violated your very innocence. and yet… he looked so sweet when he looked up at you with wide, glassy eyes. and now was the time to live your dream, right?
“leon. if you really want me to forgive you…” your eyes scanned his body. he was knelt on his knees, hands held together. his shoulders were slumped, hopeless, degenerate. and between his legs, his throbbing erection painted a slightly dark stain on his gray sweatpants. you held out the pair of panties in front of him. “keep going.”
keep going? his heart skipped a beat. he didn’t even question you. he snagged the panties from your hands, pressing them into his face, his tongue dragging across the slightly sticky fabric, the tangy taste like heaven. and now that you were watching? he felt like he was going to blow up, his cock almost hurting from how hard he was. his left hand pressed the fabric to his face, his right hand fishing his thick hard-on from his pants. his movements were slow, embarrassed. there was no doubt about it— he was shy.
despite his shaking fingers, he slipped his cock free from its confines, and his eyes watched you as your tongue licked your top lip.
pre-cum seeped down the tip, sticky, his veins throbbing from neglecting his desires for so long. he let out a muffled cry as his hands slowly pumped his shaft. it was only them that you spoke again.
“you’re so pathetic. hold out your hand.” you commanded, arms crossed. leon followed your request, holding his hand out.
you spat onto his hand, gracing him with your saliva to jack himself off with. he let out a sigh. “oh, god… thank you. thank you,” leon stammered, immediately going back to pumping his thick, throbbing manhood. the feeling of spit—your spit—slicked up and down his dick was insane. “so—so pretty. oh, god, you’re so beautiful, i… fuck, fuck… i-i’m so… you’re so perfect…” he felt like he could bust right there, his balls twitching from the intensity.
“please… can i… can i cum?” he begs, eyes wide and looking pleadingly at you for permission.
“but you just started,” you raise a brow, grinning as you looked at him. “you can’t stop now. keep going.”
leon let out a high-pitched whine, jerking himself off faster, only to slow down once more, his breath heavy and uneven. he could feel your gaze on him, almost is if you enjoyed watching him torture himself.
but god, it felt good. better than when he touched himself all alone. he had no idea shame could feel so good.
“please. please, i… oh, god, i can’t do this much longer,” leon whimpered, sniffing and huffing your panties like he was running out of air. he let out a series of low cries, his hips beginning to buck sloppily into his fist, his pace growing uneven. he moaned, pleading, “please. please, i-i can’t… i…”
you felt a stirring sensation of guilt for making him torture himself. but you’d be lying if your panties weren’t soaked right now… which gave you an entirely new idea. you reached under your skirt slowly, thumbs hooking the sides of your panties, pulling them down slowly.
his eyes were wide. as if he knew what was going on, he dropped the panties he had previously been sniffing.
stepping out of the underwear, you took the fabric in your hands, placing it on your palm before shoving it into his face. he gasped, licking ferociously at your soaked panties, as if it was your pussy itself. he couldn’t take it anymore. the taste of your fresh slick was enough for him to cum, his seed shooting onto the floor, spilling on his knuckles. his moaning and crying was muffled by the panties you held on his mouth, but his eyes rolled back, and his hips were stuttering, thighs quivering.
“god, you’re desperate…” you mused, watching his orgasm tear through him.
leon babbled something that you couldn’t quite understand as you pulled the panties from his face, dropping them to the floor. he was quick to scoop up the underwear, holding it in his hands like a precious jewel. drool dribbled down his chin as he came down from his high, arguably the most intense orgasm of his life.
you just smiled at him, shaking your head. “you’re forgiven.”
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incogrio · 3 months
h.kai - send off part two ~*° °。。
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pairing: huening kai x fem bodied reader
genre: fluff, angst, SMUT!!
synopsis: a month has gone by since your dreamy encounter with huening kai. and he hasn’t said a word to you.
warnings: sad in the beginning, general smut warnings, eating out, slightly public smut, sub! kai, dom!ish reader, inaccurate depictions of huening kai’s head game
w/c: 2.5k+
a/n: ONE person asked for a part two (yk who u are) and i once again, was possessed by the ningdungie inside me. and kai inside me. so uhhh yeah enjoy pookies.
part one
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it had been days since your dreamy encounter with huening kai had burnt itself into your skull. you found yourself giggling when imagining his smile, unable to fall asleep as you awaited his text. but it never came.
on the morning after your meeting with him, you sent him a friendly: “hi!”. you hadn’t expected a response immediately, he is a busy idol after all. but after three days, you had started to grow worried. what if he got in trouble with his staff? did he realize his mistake in trusting you and change his number?
you decided to send another text: “i hope you’re eating and resting well!” radio silence. nothing but your anxiety plaguing your mind. you had fallen for him so quickly, and now every time you’d seek comfort, you’d find yourself thinking about what could have been. your comfort is now your plague, and you sob into your pillow.
a month has gone by. by this point, you’ve accepted his disappearance. you send him messages everyday; treating his number like your personal diary.
“i had ramen today, but the noodles were kind of hard.” [delivered: 12:34 PM]
“i haven’t been able to sleep recently, thinking of you too much.” [delivered: 4:37 AM]
“today a girl complimented my outfit! i was so happy i could barely even say thank you haha!!” [delivered: 6:13 PM]
“i wonder why you gave me this number. was it a prank?” [read: 2:48 AM]
you thought you were hallucinating. you must’ve stayed on that chat for hours, refreshing and refreshing. now you were the one giving him silence.
it made hyuka’s stomach churn. he had been fighting with his members and the staff for the past month, desperately trying to convince them that he was not threatened, that he did not need to change his number, and that he did see a relationship with you. every night, he’d sob as he read your messages. he knew he couldn’t begin a relationship if he would have to break it off, but this hurt more. your constant wondering of his affections, your desperate attempts to get him to say something, anything. it made him want to throw up. he could only imagine the look on your face as he delivered you your thoughts, once more.
but today, today he did it. today they agreed to let him at the very least commune with you online. huening had sprinted to the nearest bathroom, locking himself in and pressing his back to the door, sinking till his butt softly touching the cold tiles under him. he opened your chat, frowning at your most recent text.
“i wonder why you gave me this number. was it a prank?” [delivered: 12:56 AM]
his hands shook as he tapped your contact, turning on read receipts for the first time. he didn’t know when you had seen the change, but he knew that you suddenly gave him a taste of his own medicine. he didn’t know what to say. what to do. his thumbs shook as he typed out a message, before deleting it.
“oh.” [read: 3:01 AM]
he jumps, eyes widening. he quickly types without thinking.
“i promise i can explain. let me meet with you. please.” he responds, to which you see it immediately. on your end, you’re on borderline tears. for a month, all you had wanted to see was his response. his notification. and now that you have it, you didn’t even know what to do with it.
“okay. meet me at the bench where we first exchanged numbers.” [read: 3:02 AM]
“okay! thank you. i’m on my way now!!(*^^*)♡” you rolled your eyes at his kaomoji with a slight smile on your face. you got up slowly, before tugging on the quickest outfit and bursting through your door and down to the lobby of your apartment building.
you deserved an explanation, but you would fold the moment you saw his bright blue hair. you tried your best to discipline yourself as you walked through the slightly humid streets, slowly making your way to the now empty concert venue.
huening types out his speech as he walks, slowly nearing where he had met you. he takes a deep breath as he turns the corner, seeing you sitting on a bench whilst looking around expectantly.
he sneaks up behind you and taps you on the shoulder once more. “hi,” he says, his voice shaking out of nerves.
you turn around, getting a strange sense of deja vu. do not fold, you tell yourself. “hey. so…”
hyuka clears his throat, reaching into his pocket and shakily opening his phone. he reads off the note he wrote, “i-i know you are angry with me. and you have every right to be, but i need to at least explain to you-“
“kai, what are you doing?” he looks up.
“wh- i’m… i wrote it in advance, so i wouldn’t forget anything… i’m.. is that rude?” he asks, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck softly.
you sigh. you reach for his phone and place it back into his pocket, before taking his hand and leading him to sit next to you.
“i agreed to hear you out, kai, not your notes app. please, you do not need to be perfect around me.” you mutter reassuringly, yet sternly.
he feels himself tearing up, his lip wobbling softly. he looks at you as the wind blows your hair softly and the street light illuminates your skin. an angel, he thinks to himself. my angel.
“oh- okay! s-so, i was not ignoring you. i was reading your messages! it’s just that i was sort of fighting with everyone at hybe to convince them that you’re NOT a saesang- not- not that you seem like one it’s just that when an idol gives out their number they tend to think that- that they had to give it away and that was NOT the case and- and so i basically has to convince them to not change my number and it was so fucking hard and i JUST-“
you smile to yourself softly, “kai. kai! take a breath. i’m not going anywhere.” you take a deep breath, and he follows.
“and… and i just got them to agree that you are worth it and…” he looks down at his hands, playing with them. “and i didn’t want to start a relationship with you until i was sure it would work out.” he mutters, his voice becoming warbling more and more by the second. “i’m so sorry-“ he can barely get out, before he breaks into sobs. you immediately hug him, taking his head and tucking it into your neck, cradling him.
“oh hyuks…” you mutter, softly kissing his head. “you hurt me a lot,” you explain, and he whines softly into your neck, “but… i understand. i do. you don’t need to worry. cry if you need to, but not because i’m leaving.” you whisper as passersby begin to look over. a six foot tall broad man being cradled in the arms of someone significantly smaller than him is not a usual sight.
after a few seconds, he softly calms into a sniffle. “i don’t deserve you.” he mutters, playing with the hem of your shirt and staying at his position of being wrapped around you.
you hum, “you don’t know how many people disagree with you.”
he untucks his head from your neck before slowly lifting a hand to your cheek. his eyes flick between your eyes to your lips, a silent question.
you aren’t even through your first nod before he launches forward, kissing you like he needed oxygen from your lips. you wrap your arms around his neck, moaning softly as he bites your lip. he smiles against your mouth in satisfaction, before tilting his head to kiss you deeper. both of you begin to run out of breath, and neither of you find it in you to care. his lips are salty, drenched in his tears. you are addicted to their taste. he whines softly, pushing you back in a desperate attempt to get closer to you. you slowly lean back, before your head softly hits the arm rest of the bench.
you pull away, despite hyuka’s attempt to follow you. you breathe heavily in each others faces, and kai grins at you.
“i have waited so…” he leans down and presses kisses to your neck and jaw, “so long..” he says lowly. you bite your lip, attempting to hold back a moan as he sucks a hickey onto your neck.
“oh my- kai!” you push against his broad shoulders. “we’re in public!”
he pulls away, pulling you up with him. “we… we could be in private. if you want…” he says, eyes drifting to the street that leads to the hotel he’s staying at, before snapping back to you. it’s as though he cannot bare to not have you in his sight.
“won’t people see us?” you ask, slightly confused as to how he was able to get here, apologize and make out with you all without being recognized. he bites his lip in thought, before his eyes light up.
“do you care where we go?” he asks, eyebrows crinkling up in question.
“…i mean… i guess not…” you state, the syllables turning up at the end in slight confusion.
the last place you expected him to lead you was his tour bus. you stare at him incredulously as he unlocks the door, leading you in hand in hand. you marvel at the expensive equipment.
“kai we are not fucking in your tour bus! what if we don’t clean up well and one of your members notices? we should just go home separately and sext or something-“
he cups your cheeks. “i will make sure everything is fine. there’s a bathroom with enough supplies to clean, i have my own bunk bed. you don’t have to worry baby.” he responds reassuringly. “but, if you don’t want to then that’s fine. we could get some froyo instead? does that sound good?” he says smiling, before walking towards the tour bus door.
god, respectful men are so hot.
you tug his hand, pulling him back. “please,” you mumble, looking away like a child.
he smirks. “please what?” he asks smugly, you know he knows what, and he knows he knows what. he just wanted to hear you say it.
“please… please fuck me kai… went a whole month without you, didn’t talk to or even look at anyone else… only…” he begins kissing your neck, “only you kai… please, i’ve been so good for you..” you moan out.
his fingertips squeeze your waist tightly, pushing you back until you hit a small kitchen counter. he reaches up and softly wraps his hand around your throat, eyebrows raising as he asks for your consent. you respond by placing your hand over his and pushing his hand tighter around your neck. he groans before you launch forward, first kissing his lips down to his neck.
“no,” he says sternly, pulling you back by the neck. “no kissing anywhere but my lips. you cannot leave a mark.” he says seriously. god, him being an idol really sucked sometimes.
you pout at him, looking at him through your eyelashes, “nowhere… else..?” you ask, eyes showing disappointment as he tells you that you can’t mark him up and show everyone he was yours.
he smiles at you reassuringly, cupping your cheek and running his thumb across your cheekbone. “i am still yours, marked or not,” he mutters, slowly leaning closer and brushing his lips against yours by tilting his head up momentarily, silently asking if you felt better. you responded by leaning forward, kissing him softly, making sure he felt all the love you had been longing to give him for a month.
he groans against your mouth, fingers digging into your waist as he grows needer. “fuck… need,,” he mumbles, pressing kisses down your neck, “need to taste you, baby. please,” he makes his way down your sternum, “i’ve been so good, haven’t i… baby..?” he looks up from his crouched spot in between your breasts through his eyelids, watching you watch him. you nod, reaching down and moving his hair out his eyes.
he slowly sinks to his knees, licking his lips as he pressed kisses to your plush belly.
a small , ‘mmm’, escaped him as he felt your stomach sink momentarily at his kiss before plushing up once more.
“kai…” you sigh out, before reaching your hand into his hair and tugging him to look up at you, “you need to hurry up.” the stern tone in your voice had caught him off guard, but made his pants ever tighter around his growing bulge.
his bit his lip, looking down at the waist band of your skirt with hungry eyes. he nods, humming a approving tune and muttering out ‘sorry baby.’ over and over. he finally reaches up to your skirt and tugs it down harshly, the cold hair making your legs prickle up with goosebumps.
he almost drools at the sight of your underwear. kai cannot contain himself any longer, launching himself forward to mouth at your clothed clit. he moans to himself as you tighten your grip on his blue hair, muttering soft praises into the otherwise silent tour bus.
it wasn’t long before he reached up, pulling your panties for the side with one hand and shoving your leg over his shoulder with the other. you brace yourself, but nothing could have prepared you for his lips immediately wrapping around your clit, sucking harshly at your swollen nub. you have lost all sense of dignity and pride, choosing to replace it with kai. kai. kai. kai. you moan out, slightly placing your weight against the counter, fighting the leg on his shoulder to wrap around his head. tugging him ever closer.
“f..fuck kai! so good..” you moan, breathing heavily as he runs his tongue up and down your folds, alternating between pistoning his organ into your hole and swirling and sucking at your clit.
he lets out moans every few moments, sending your hips bucking into his face, “don’t you dare stop, hyu..hyuka..”
he shakes his head against your pussy, fervently telling you that no, he will not stop. not until you’re shaking and his entire face is drenched in your fluids.
and even then, even when you were shaking, desperately trying to get him away from your pulsating pussy, he kept going.
“fuck!! kai! please, i came… please stop!” you borderline shout, the overstimulation driving you crazy as you almost climb onto the counter to get away from his skillful tongue.
finally, a pussy drunk kai pulls away. he breathes heavily, your juices covering from his chin to the bridge of his nose, the window behind you making him glisten.
“sorry,” he muttered half heartedly with his nerdy little voice. you chose to completely lay down on the counter, regaining your sense of reality.
you chuckle, “that was.. kind of crazy.”
“good crazy?” he asked, standing up and rubbing your thighs comfortably.
“mhm,” you mutter, sitting up and reaching your hand to palm his bulge. kai immediately turns bright red, looking at the floor rather than you.
it was wet. drenched, actually. he had already cum. not just once, but twice whilst feeding on you.
he had half expected you to laugh at him, call him a bitchless loser and shame him. instead you kissed him, “such a good boy to cum while pleasing me..”
oh. oh you had unlocked a beast. he growls against your lips, picking you up and shoving you onto one of the small bunk beds in the bus.
“i’ll show you what a good boy i can be.”
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kai had at least had the decency to bring you to his hotel room after the staff and members had all gone to sleep. you deserved a good nights sleep after all.
he had helped you limp into the bathroom, where you now sat on the toilet, back leaned against the wall.
he was in between your legs once more, but with a softer intention this time. he softly wiped your folds free of any residue, shushing you everytime you whined at the overstimulation.
“better?” he asked, getting up and wetting his toothbrush, squeezing toothpaste onto its bristles and holding you by your chin. he softly tugged at your chin, encouraging you to open your mouth. he smiled softly when you tiredly obeyed, and began cleaning your mouth.
you stared at him with wide, fucked out eyes. he would glance at you every few moments, before going back to focusing on your teeth. a small, flustered smile lingered on his mouth, and pink dusted his cheeks everytime.
after you were clean, you watched him brush his own teeth with the same toothbrush. you didn’t have it in you to complain.
it wasn’t long before he had you change into his clothes, to which his heart soared after seeing you dawning his shark hoodie, boxers and basketball shorts. he softly tucked you next to him into the hotel bed that smelled so comfortably of him, smiling to himself as you tucked your head into his neck. he squeezed you impossibly closer.
god he loved- wait… was he falling in love with you?
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ATEEZ Relationship Stages | Jeong Yunho
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader (you)
Synopsis: When you first meet, First kiss, First date, First kiss, First 'I love you.', Getting engaged, Wedding, Children.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,793
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Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho
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As you leave the park, your 12-week-old puppy, Da-Som, decided she has other plans. She manages to get herself out of your grasp and makes a beeline towards the idol group that’s taking a break from filming in the park. Thanks to your little sister, you figured out why they looked familiar and made a mental note to tell her about it. Not that she would believe you and would accuse you of making fun of her. 
“Da-Som!” you call after her as you chase after her, cheeks red with embarrassment. 
One of the taller men, heard you shouting for the puppy and crouched down as the puppy ran straight to him. The puppy excitedly shakes her tale as the tall man gives her pets and scratches. 
“I am so sorry!” you quickly apologise as you reach them, cheeks still red and slightly out of breath. “I don’t know how she managed to get herself off her leash.” 
“It’s okay,” the man assures her as he picks up the puppy, with a smile. “she’s cute.” 
“She is when she’s not being a menace,” you say with a laugh. You thank him as he hands the puppy back to you.  
“What’s her name?” he asks scratching Da-Som's head. 
“Da-Som,” you reply. You’d gone through many names for the puppy before deciding on the one that means love because that’s what you felt when you first laid eyes on her. You’d fallen head over heels for the young puppy. 
“Love,” He smiles. “And her eomma’s name?” he asks causing your cheeks to redden for a a whole new reason now. 
“Y/N,” you shyly tell him. “Any yours?” you ask. Just because you know who the group is, doesn’t mean you knew who they were individually 
He smiles, “Yunho.” 
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Three months after you first met, you had your first date.  
After meeting in the park, it had taken Yunho, with Wooyoung and Seonghwa's help, a week to find you. He'd scoured all the social media platforms to find that you had an Instagram that looked like you didn't post often on. If it was for the photo of you and your new puppy that you posted when she was 6 weeks old, he wouldn't have known it was you. Taking a chance, he DMed you. Doubt crept in when you hadn't replied in three days. But that doubt was soon replaced with excitement when you replied to him on the fourth day. They quickly swapped numbers once he convinced you that he was really who he said he was. From that day on you didn't go a day without talking in some way.  
You first date wasn't anything extravagant. You'd both been busy with work. Him with his up-and-coming comeback and you with your own work so when you had a free weekend, you asked if he was free and would like to go with you and Da-Som to the park. Fortunately, he was free that weekend and agreed to meet you there at 10am. 
By the time you'd gotten to the park on that Saturday morning, he was already there waiting for you with a small bouquet of flowers and two bags filled with food for him and you and treats and toys for Da-Som. He greeted you with a hug. 
For the next few hours, you played with Da-Som, ate food and talked, getting to know each other even more as you talked about stuff that was better said in person.  
As you go to part ways, Yunho asked if you would class this time together as a first date. He also expressed how much he enjoyed spending time with you and how he felt a strong connection between the two of you. You feel the same way and realize that this could be the start of something special. You agreed that it was your first date, and it was the best first date you’ve ever been on. 
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Your first kiss happened on his birthday. Five weeks ago, after a handful of dates, he asked you to be his partner. Both of you had been so nervous about it. You'd been questioning if he was ever going to kiss you. He was questioning how and when to do it. He was also worried he would somehow screw it up, causing you to bump heads or fumble it some other way. He wanted your first kiss to be perfect. 
When your first kiss finally happened, it was beyond perfect. You'd been walking along the river, after having dinner with his family and the rest of the guys. Yunho wanted to spend a sometime with you, just the two of you. He'd been the one to suggest a walk along the river. 
After fifteen minutes of walking and talking about anything and everything, you stopped at a little seating area but didn't sit down. You stood side by side with no space between you. 
"Thank you for coming to my birthday celebration," he smiles, looking down at you. 
You look at him, returning his smile. "Thank you for inviting me. I wouldn't have missed it."  
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. It's something you've gotten use to since you started dating. 
"You missed," you tell him. 
He continues to smile as he presses a kiss to your cheek. 
"Missed again," you say hoping he would get the hint that you want him to kiss you somewhere else. 
His chuckle carries a hint of nervousness as he gazes into your eyes and then glances at your lips. After a moment of hesitation, he leans in closer.  
Finally, his lips gently touch yours in a soft kiss.  
In that moment, it feels like time stands still, and any apprehension you both had melts away. It surpasses all your expectations and leaves you wanting more.  
As you part, both of you wearing matching smiles, you can't help but acknowledge that this first kiss was beyond perfect. 
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Yunho had been the first to say 'I love you'. 
He surprised himself and you when he had said it after you and him had won a game of the video game you were playing with him, Jongho and Wooyoung. It wasn't exactly how he had envisioned expressing his feelings for you.  
He had grand plans for a romantic gesture and had even started preparing for. Mingi lent a helping hand by showing him how to cook your favourite meal. He had told the guys not to make any plans with him over the weekend and had a special necklace with both of your initials hidden in his dresser drawer. 
However, when those words slipped so casually after the win, a mix of shock and disappointment filled him. It seemed like such an ordinary way to say 'I love you', considering the effort he had put into planning something that would be meaningful. 
The disappointment soon disappeared when you kissed him and told him you love him too. The smile large smile he wore after you said it back, couldn't be wiped from his face, even when you lost the next three games. 
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Yunho decided to make his proposal extra special by involving Da-Som, the reason the two of you met.  
As you enjoy a lovely day at the park, having a picnic, Yunho plays a game of fetch with Da-Som. Suddenly, your two-year-old golden retriever daughter excitedly bounds towards you. While petting her, you're surprised to find a beautifully intricately designed ring attached to her collar. You let out a gasp as you untie the ring and hold it in your hand. In that magical moment, Yunho kneels down in front of you, and takes the ring from your fingers. 
"Will you marry me?" Yunho's voice is filled with love and anticipation as he looks into your eyes, his heart racing with nervous excitement.  
 Tears of joy well up in your eyes as you become overwhelmed with emotion. You nod your head vigorously, unable to speak the word yes.
Yunho's face breaks into a wide grin as he slips the ring onto your finger, sealing your love and commitment to each other. The park around you seems to fade away as he pulls you in for a kiss and hugs you tight.
Da-Som, not wanting to be left out, wiggles her way in between the two of you to join in the celebration. 
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Your and Yunho’s wedding followed more of a modern Korean wedding. You were dressed in a beautiful ivory dress that had been crafted by your seamstress mother. Yunho wore a black suit with a blue tie that matched the blue roses in your rose and baby's breath bouquet. The venue was decorated with traditional Korean decorations, adding a touch of cultural flair to the modern setting.  
The ceremony was conducted with some traditional Korean wedding customs incorporated throughout. Guests were treated to delicious Korean food catered by yours and Yunho's favourite restaurant. The wedding cake was a stunning creation, adorned with intricate designs and topped with a pair of lovebirds. 
 As the night went on, guests enjoyed all kinds of music catered to all age groups. Photos were taken and Yunho and the rest of ATEEZ even preformed a song or two. 
 Overall, your wedding with Yunho was a beautiful blend of modern elegance and traditional Korean customs, creating a truly unforgettable celebration of love. 
Your honeymoon was just as beautiful as your wedding.
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Your first son came two years after you got married. You and Yunho had made the decision to wait a couple years before having your first child. You’d had a couple pregnancy scares in between your wedding and when you got pregnant with Ye-Jun. He was born early hours of a Saturday morning, with no complications. He weighed a little over 7lbs. He came a week before his due date.  
Yunho is an amazing father and took his role very seriously. He dotted on his little boy every hour of every day, even when he wasn’t physically with him. Every time he went away, he came back with more than one bag filled with gifts and promises that one day he would take Ye-Jun to all the places in the world he’s been too.  
When your little girl arrived 18 months later, Yunho’s protective mode, went even higher. He dotted on her just as much as he did with Ye-Jun. He made all the same promises to Hyun-Ae that he did Ye-Jun. As she got older, Yunho made sure she knew her worth and what she deserves.  
Da-Som also loved her younger siblings and protected them until her death 10 years after Ye-Jun was born. 
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TAGGED: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @rainydayteacups - @green-agent - @tinyelfperson – @hollxe1 – @deltamoon666 - @skz1-4-3
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 2 | Frost ft Lia
length: 8.6k words✦
Lia & Male Reader (Special Guest: Ryujin).
genres: ass eating, anal, rimming, butt play, shower, daddy kink (ryujin), dirty talk (ryujin), creampie, blowjob, oral sex,  ✧ 
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The night you stayed in the ITZY girls' dorm was much calmer and more enjoyable than you expected. After spending about half an hour just fooling around and making out with Yuna, you went out of the bedroom (in boxers) to go and take a shower for the second time that day. It was a long shower in which you took enough time to be able to calmly meditate on everything that had happened up to now; Definitely going out in public with an idol of that caliber was quite stressful, you had a great time with her in that changing room, but the fact of having to do everything possible to hide her and not have anyone see her was one thing that you really didn't want to repeat.
The fact that you were taking a shower at the house of JYP's second most famous group was something you couldn't quite take in either. You didn't know how to feel at that moment, with the water falling on your head, surrounded by the walls of a bathroom that, aside from not being yours, was at least three times as elegant and expensive as yours. You didn't feel entirely comfortable, but you didn't feel out of place either. Part of it was thanks to the girls and how they had welcomed you so hospitably and carefree into their house, after all you were just a stranger they knew, and you were surprised that they let you spend the night with them without any complaint or discomfort in between, Ryujin had even lent you one of the many oversized sweaters she had for you to wear.
After getting dressed, the first thing you did was go to the living room and sit on the sofa with the girls, who were already waiting for you to start watching the movie. The only one missing there was Yuna, who had come in to bathe after you and who had told you not to wait for her to start watching the movie. Chaery and Ryujin had given you a place in the middle of the two of them, where you stayed until basically the end of the movie, which had been Captain America and the Winter Soldier.
When Yuna came back she couldn't find a better place to sit than on your lap, that didn't bother you, in fact, you felt quite comfy and warm hugging her slim body over her baggy t-shirt. The ones who had been a bit annoyed by that had been the other girls, especially Ryujin, who repeatedly snorted and was dissatisfied with how affectionate she was with you. You couldn't do anything, and you didn't want to do anything about it either, you just found it funny and kinda adorable how she showed her jealousy.
The funny thing is that Yuna didn't even watch the whole movie, she had fallen asleep about 40 minutes before it ended. She hadn't even bothered to hide it, her head resting on your shoulder and her mouth ajar. Lia was also sleepy, but she did last until the end of the movie with great difficulty. When the movie ended, each of the girls went to their respective bedrooms, Yuna and Yeji left together, and then Ryujin, Chaery and Lia left.
You were left completely alone in the living room, sitting on the sofa that Yeji would later help you extend and turn it into a large bed that looked absurdly comfortable. She had also brought you a pillow and a blanket, and she said goodbye to you, saying good night with a little kiss on the cheek. The room suddenly went silent, and all you could hear was the sound of the air conditioner blowing. All the lights were off except for the one in the kitchen, and the only light that illuminated the rest of the room came from outside.
You settled the pillow against the wall, and got on the sofa to cover yourself with the blanket up to your chest. You weren't too sleepy yet, in fact, you thought you had at least 2 more hours of battery life left before going into zombie mode, so you played Brawl Stars on your phone for the next 45 minutes.
The house was incredibly quiet, and hearing a door slam shut on one of the upper floors did not do your heart any good. The scare was only momentary, since you assumed it was just one of the girls going to the bathroom, but after a few seconds, you heard footsteps coming from the hallway of the stairs. Your vision angle didn't allow you to see who it was, but you kept your eyes fixed on the corridor, only for Ryujin to come out at the end.
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"For God's sake, you nearly scared me to death," you said aloud for her to hear, and then returned your gaze to the phone.
"Sorry, I swear I didn't mean to slam the door so hard," she replied from the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out a carton of milk. She opened it, and drank directly from it before putting it back inside.
"You sure? Sounds like you did it on purpose to me," you exited the game on your phone and to open instagram.
"Maybe, so what?" she walked over to your side of the living room and crossed her arms, leaning against the wall next to the TV.
"Nothing, I'm not judging you, Shin Ryujin," you glanced at her for a second, then back to your phone.
"Are not you sleepy?" she asked.
"Nope, and you?"
"Neither. But there's a reason for that, you know?"
"Oh yeah? And what could it be?" you locked the phone and put it face down on your chest to turn to look at her.
"Are you really going to play dumb with me?" she asked with an incredulous laugh, then she pushed away from the wall and took slow steps until she stood facing the edge of the sofa.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you shook your head, looking to annoy her. She opened her mouth to say something, but then she seemed to think it over, gave a small smirk, and changed it.
"Would you share your blanket with me? It's cold in here," Ryujin raised an eyebrow. You winced in confusion at the sudden change of subject.
"Uh, yeah, sure," you grabbed the left edge of the blanket and pulled it up. Ryujin climbed on the sofa-bed, crawled towards you and got under the blanket, lying next to you, and consequently, on top of your arm. Then you pulled the blanket back down, covering both of you.
"Could you hug me, oppa?" another weird question. She turned to face you. You looked at her for a moment clearly confused, but ended up wrapping your arm around her body, pressing her against you through her long, baggy sweater. She squirmed a little, only to throw her hips back and press her ass against your crotch.
"May I know what you're doing?" By having her closer to her you lowered her voice. Despite being playing fool you played along, slightly moving your hips to rub your bulge against her ass.
"I'm just snuggling with you, I'm still cold, daddy," she said under her breath, "but I'd also like to help you warm up."
"And how do you plan to do that, baby?" you two kept moving your hips slowly, making the rub more and more sensual.
"I don't know, I think you might have the answer to that," Ryujin stopped, and lowered her hands to pull the sweater up to the middle of her abdomen, you didn't feel any other fabric against your bulge, that's when you noticed that she was pressing her bare ass against you. It didn’t surprise you at all.
"Do you sleep naked under this sweater often?" you whispered in her ear, placing a hand on her waist and slowly moving up her abdomen, passing it under her sweater and reaching one of her small tits to give it a light squeeze. Ryujin kept moving her ass against you. 
"Mmm..." Ryujin moaned through pursed lips, as you pinched her nipple and massaged her tits, "not usually, but I wanted to prepare myself in case I got extremely horny tonight."
"And how are you right now?" you started giving her small kisses behind her ear, going down the nape of her neck and ending on her neck. Then you lowered your hand from her tits slowly down her abdomen, rubbing her skin with your fingertips until you reached her pussy, which you began to rub with your index and middle fingers.
"Very fucking horny..." Ryujin parted her legs slightly, giving you better access to play with her pussy, "but that's your fault for what you did a few hours ago."
"I take full responsibility for my actions, don't worry," you concentrated on playing with her clit, slowly rubbing it in circles and then occasionally moving down her slit.
"So will you let me play with your cock for a while, daddy?" Ryujin moaned, moving her hips desperate to feel more of your hard erection through the fabric of your boxers.
"Only if you tell me how much you want it," you bit her earlobe, removed your hand from her pussy, brought two fingers to your mouth to salivate them and returned it between her legs, teasing to stick a finger inside her.
"I want it so much daddy," she turned her head to meet your lips just inches away, looked at them, and then looked into your eyes, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about your cock since I sucked it clean at the spa. "
"Then come here so daddy can return the favor," you took your hand from between her legs and brought it to the edge of your boxers, lifting your hips up and bending your knees to remove them from your legs. As soon as she felt your cock press against her ass she pulled the blanket off both of you and got up to turn and lie in the opposite direction, having your cock just inches from the side of her face. You took advantage of the situation to grab her thigh and her waist to put her on top of yours, pull her from her hips and leave her ass floating above your face. You felt Ryujin's hot breath on your cock and then her fingers clinging to the base of it, she wasted no time, and brought your tip to her mouth to start sucking and swirling her tongue around it.
You gasped, and decided not to be left behind. You positioned Ryujin's thighs on either side of your face, squeezing her buttocks apart and pushing her already wet pussy into your mouth. Feeling your tongue start to move up and down her slit, Ryujin moaned against the tip of your cock and pushed a few more inches into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as she tried to match your pace.
Your licks were combined with intense and fiery kisses between her soft folds, you let go of her buttocks, letting them suffocate you only to cling to her waist and squeeze her flesh between your fingers. Ryujin gradually moaned louder around your shaft, reaching further with her lips with each pump of her head on your cock. She didn't take you out of her mouth for a single second, knowing that her loud moans would be easily heard in every corner of the house if she didn't drown them against something.
She was making your cock all salivary and slippery, you could tell by the slurping sounds that reached your ears and made you want to keep eating her pussy like a hungry dog. You attacked her clit with the tip of your tongue, and once again brought your hands to her buttocks to squeeze them and then give them a strong spank, you didn't control the force, so it wouldn't have been weird at all if the girls in their bedrooms had listened to the impact.
You and Ryujin continued eating each other's intimacy for a few more seconds, until she pulled you out of her mouth and thrust her hips forward to separate her pussy from you.
"Stop it, I need to feel that cock inside me right now," she said, wiping traces of saliva from her mouth with the back of her hand and getting off you to get on all fours.
"You don't have to say it twice," you said, rising up next to her and then kneeling behind her ass. You spread her knees to the sides, pushed her head down so that the side of her face was against the couch, and made her arch her back. You rolled her sweater up, just enough so that you could see as much of her back as possible, and with one hand on her waist, you took your cock and pressed between her folds, slowly pushing forward to enter her pussy inch by inch. 
Before she could let out a moan that would give you away to the girls, you grabbed a handful of her hair and buried her face against the couch so she moaned against it as your cock forced its way through her tight pussy.
"Holy fuck!" she screeched as low as she could while she saw you over her shoulder, as you pushed the last few inches inside her.
You didn't bother to hide how delicious the walls of her pussy felt around your cock, you moaned softly, letting your shaft rest inside her for a few more seconds until you put a hand on her waist and began to move your hips hard and deep right away. She brought her fist to her mouth to bite it, desperate to moan but finding herself repressed by the situation you were in. You didn't want her to get hurt, so you grabbed the pillow next to you, held it out to her, and she took it to prop her chin up and muffle her whimpering against it.
The hard crashes of your pelvis against her ass made her buttocks shake her like jelly, and your cock completely went in and out of her soft, warm pussy, which had you gasping with every thrust you gave. Your hips weren't moving half as fast as you could move them to drive her crazy, but you were making sure to do it hard, slamming her pussy all the way in and making her rock back and forth thanks to it.
But as much as you wanted her to feel the full length and thickness of your manhood in every fiber of her body, you were already demanding something more from each other. With both hands resting on her waist, you clung tightly with your fingers against her flesh and rested for a second to start fucking Shin Ryujin just as you knew she was asking for, fast, hard and mercilessly.
If before she was having a hard time stifling her moans against the pillow, now she was clinging to it as if her life depended on it, biting into it with such force that she could have left her teeth buried in between whimpers and grunts. The entire living room was filled with the sounds of her ass being mercilessly pounded by your pelvis, and you were sure that anyone who left their room just to go to the bathroom would have heard some trace that would lead them to suspect that something was going on down there. You thought about it, and it really did become a real concern, but you really weren't too far from reaching your pleasure peak.
Ryujin released the pillow, lifted her head and saw you over her shoulder with her mouth gaping, frowning and gasping as your cock quickly drilled into her pussy. Her body gave a first initial spasm, and then she dropped her face back into the pillow as her orgasm hit her with the force of a 10-meter wave. She raked at her throat with a loud squeal that she muffled against the pillow, and pushed her ass back from her to leave your shaft buried deep inside her as she writhed and trembled.
Feeling her pussy tighten that much around your shaft made you let out another moan. You bit your bottom lip, and leaned forward to push Ryujin's body down, leaving her onto her stomach and pinning her against the couch as you moved your hips frantically again, this time up and down. Your two clenched fists rested on either side of her head, and she looked up to meet your gaze. You locked eyes, and with a few more thrusts, you let out a loud moan as you climaxed.
You exploded inside Ryujin, and as you shot your hot load into her, you dropped down to bury your face in her neck, kissing and biting as you slowly moved your hips.
"That's it daddy… fill my slutty pussy with that delicious load," Ryujin moaned into your ear, gasping and being completely filled with cum. You kept moving very slowly, dumping the last traces of your load into her pussy until you stopped. You sighed, keeping your cock inside her as you controlled your breathing.
"Are you happy yet, Shin Ryujin?" you asked sarcastically, lifting your face slightly to look at her.
"Oh hell nah," she replied with a sexy smile, before giving you a peck on the chin, "not yet, but that will have to wait for my turn."
"As you wish, but please go to sleep, my body is already giving up."
"I would if you'd get your dick out, dork," she pushed her hips up, rocking her ass and your cock inside her. You leaned back on the couch with your hands and pulled your cock out of her pussy, which promptly ejected your thick load in a waterfall of white liquid that spilled onto the couch. You stayed watching the scene for a few seconds, until you separated from her and looked for your boxer.
"You have to clean that up, I'm not going to sleep on my own cum," you said, putting on your underwear. Ryujin tried to push herself up from the sofa, but her legs gave way to the weakness, and she nearly fell to the ground.
"Oops, can I… sleep with you daddy?" she laughed, lying on her side on the edge of the sofa.
"God," you sighed, "whatever, but hold still while I look for paper."
"Yes daddy!" she answered you innocently as you got up from the sofa to walk to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, you took a good amount of kitchen paper and returned to Ryujin. You gave her two sheets to clean herself, and you used the rest to clean the sofa. When you finished, you took the used papers and went to throw them in the trash. When you came back, Ryujin was already settled on the pillow, with the blanket covering her up to her neck and feet outside of it.
"You know that if they see you sleeping with me you'll get in trouble, right?" you asked, getting on the sofa and lying next to her, also covering yourself with the blanket.
"I'm not gonna get in trouble" she said, lying on her side facing you, and snuggling against your chest, "maybe they'll get mad for 5 minutes and then they won't care again," you lay on your side too, and you put your arm around her to keep her warm.
"I'll wake you up at 6 in the morning so you can go to your room, okay?" you took the blanket and covered both of you, snuggling with Ryujin.
"That's fair for me," Ryujin sighed, and she closed her eyes, "rest well..." she made a tiny silence, "daddy," you stared at nothing.
"Rest well, brat," you replied, until about 10 minutes later, you fell asleep.
Said and done, you woke up at 6:10 in the morning only to wake up Ryujin and go back to sleep. It was something really hard, she was the typical person with a heavy sleep that no matter how much you bothered her to get up, she didn't listen to you. At last she was up from the couch, and she went back to her room with slow, wandering steps.
When you woke up again around 10am, there was already movement in the kitchen. In fact, you had been awakened by the sound of the dishwasher being open and the subtle clash of certain kitchen utensils against each other. You opened your eyes to see who it was, and it was Lia and Yeji, who had gotten up early to make you and the girls breakfast, a toasted Korean egg sandwich.
You had a leisurely breakfast at the dining room table, everyone was looking at her phones or talking to each other, and evidently, neither you nor Ryujin said anything about what had happened, not even a hint of suspicion.
You wanted to continue having fun with them for the rest of the day, but tomorrow was Monday, and you had things to prepare at home for your day at work and your week in general, so after noon you said goodbye to the girls, and you went back to your apartment.
Your week went by much slower than you expected. You hadn't had almost any noteworthy sessions except for a couple, but otherwise it had all felt like a great filler chapter in your life. But when the weekend came, your spirits were high again when you received a text from Yeji the same Friday when you got home in the afternoon. You got dressed as fast as you could, and before long, you were on your way to the girls’ house.
This particular day you were more nervous than usual, and the reason for your nervousness had a first and last name: Choi Jisoo. Lia was a differentially more serious person than all the others, she was a good girl, in fact, she was careful that you didn't lack anything in your little stay at her house, but her face was terrifying, even more than Yeji's, you felt that anything badly said or anything she didn't like could be the reason for a slap right to your face.
You parked the car right in front of the gate, and already knowing the password, you went directly into the house, but finding yourself surprised that Chaery was sitting on the left edge of the pool, with only her feet in the water. She was wearing shorts and a top, both short, black and tight to her toned body.
"Oh hi," you greeted, walking in her direction, "chillin?"
"Hi oppa," she greeted, looking at you and then at the water, "sort of, I'm waiting for Yeji unnie to swim together."
"Cool," you stepped up behind her, "everything okay?" you asked, noticing that she was a little down.
"Yeah, don't worry, this week has been exhausting," she sighed, "oh, Lia unnie is waiting for you on the top floor, maybe you'll find her in the same place where I saw her."
"Gotcha, see you later!" you said goodbye to her, walking inside.
You quickly went up all the stairs, curiously not finding any of the other girls along the way, you assumed that they were all in her rooms or that perhaps Ryujin and Yuna had gone out together. You reached the third floor, and turned down a corridor to find a girl you didn't know right at the end, in front of the door of what you remembered, was the bathroom. It wasn't until you got a little closer that you realized it was Lia, but she now had dyed blonde hair, and you couldn't help but think that she looked incredibly beautiful and hot at the same time, since she was only wearing a short towel around her body.
"God, you're finally here, I'm freezing," Lia said when she saw you approach, she was idly leaning against the wall, her blonde hair up in a messy bun.
"I'm late?" you asked amused, standing in front of her.
"Not really, but I misjudged your arrival time, and I've been standing here for 15 minutes," she sighed, as she stared at you blankly.
"And you don't have your phone or something?"
"Do you think I should have my phone?" she detached herself from the wall, and took a small step forward.
"Right," you nodded, feeling like an idiot for asking that but also fearing for the physical integrity of your cheek.
"Anyway, let's go to the shower," she turned and put her hand on the doorknob.
"Oh, right now? All of a sudden?"
"Do you think I want to wait, honey?" she raised an eyebrow, opening the bathroom door. Another stupid question. Today intelligence was not exactly your strong point.
"Okay, I'll stop," you nodded again, and following her into the bathroom, which she locked.
When you entered she was silent, took a few steps towards the shower and with her back to you, she let the towel that covered her body fall to the floor around her feet. Her wide and round ass was exposed for you, as were her luscious legs and her creamy skin. You were mesmerized for a moment, until she saw you over her shoulder.
"I'll wait for you, pretty boy," she said, before sliding the glass shower door open and stepping inside.
You had rarely undressed as fast as you did at that precise moment, you could have even broken a record or something. Lia had already turned on the water, but you were naked in a matter of seconds, and you didn't waste much more time before getting into the shower with her.
The shower space was quite wide, so you and she could perfectly keep a good distance in case you needed to (of course you didn't). You approached her from behind her as she went under the water without wetting her hair, just her body. You made sure she felt more than just your presence, letting your limp cock brush against her ass.
"Blonde hair was a total hit," you said close to her ear, "reinforces your position as ice princess of the group."
"I appreciate the compliment, sweetheart, but right now I need you to wash me well," she picked up the soap in front of her and passed it to you, you took it, and wet your hands to start swirling it between them.
"I'm curious about something," you said, starting to lather Lia's shoulders and upper back, "have you showered with any of the girls before?" you asked as you slowly moved down, reaching to her lower back.
"Why do you want to know that?" she asked back, looking over her shoulder at you before you ducked behind her, her tempting ass mere inches from your face.
"I already told you, just curious," you put your hands on her ass without any kind of fear, seizing the moment to massage, squeeze and rub her buttocks.
"With Ryujin, several times," she admitted, "with no one else."
"Of course it had to be Ryujin," you chuckled, remembering your little scene with her last weekend. You moved down from Lia's ass to her meaty thighs, and then down to her calves.
"Hey, don't forget about my front, honey," she said as you continued to focus on her legs.
"I wouldn't forget," you stood up and scooted closer to her, pressing your chest and cock against her soapy body. You wrapped your arms around her body, and began lathering her arms slowly, lowkey combining it with a little massage.
Lia turned her head to look at you, you turned too, and your lips were just inches from each other. You stepped forward, and melded your lips with hers in a slow, careful, calm kiss. Your hands followed their path, this time moving to her chest, lathering and squeezing her small tits and then down her abdomen.
In the middle of the kiss she pulled her ass back, rubbing it against your increasingly hard cock. You responded by lowering one of your hands to her pussy, rubbing it with the entire palm of your hand but also lathering her thighs from time to time. Your other hand went to her neck, squeezing not too hard with your fingers and going a little deeper into the kiss while you rubbed her slit with your fingers. Lia continued to move her ass from side to side, but soon stopped.
"Don't get excited, sweetie, we're going too fast," she said in a low voice against your lips, "besides, I want to wash you too."
"It's not my fault you have such a delicious body, Julia," you teased, placing a small kiss on her lips, letting go of her body and taking a step back.
"You'll have time to enjoy it, don't worry about it.”
Lia went under the water again, washed the soap off her body, and let you pass. You took a couple of steps forward, and you only put your hand in to check the temperature. It was freezing.
"Oh hell nah," you quickly started adjusting the hot water knob.
"What?" she laughed, standing behind you.
"Didn't you say you were freezing out there?" you asked, leaving the water at a temperature hot enough not to burn yourself.
"That doesn't mean I don't like taking cold baths, now get in there you crybaby," she pushed you from behind, and you were forced to let the water run over your head and then freely down your body. You took a deep breath, brushing your hair out of your face and then stepping out from under the spray.
"That doesn't make any sense," you complained, thankful that you'd fixed the temperature before she pushed you there.
"It doesn't have to make sense, it's just the way it is," she grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards her, she took the soap from your hand and began to repeat the same process that you had done with her.
Lia lathered all over your back, shoulders and arms right away, then you felt her crouch down, but she completely ignored your ass at first, just concentrating on your legs and calves. When she finished lathering you up from behind, she stood up and pressed against your back, you felt her small nipples against your skin, and then her arms encircling your body to begin lathering your chest. 
Her hands were extremely delicate as they traveled up your torso, making sure not to leave even a little spot without soap before moving on to the next area, which was one you were looking forward to. Lia took her hand to your cock, and just like you did with her pussy, she began to rub it with her palm from top to bottom, also reaching your balls. When she left your shaft slippery, she wrapped her fingers around it and began to move her hand slowly, jerking you off as she placed little kisses on your back.
"Didn't you say we were going too fast?" You gasped, letting your head fall back and closing your eyes as she continued to move her hand in a torturous rhythm.
"I'm just returning the favor, baby," she murmured, caressing your abdomen with her free hand, "but I still have something to do."
Lia let go of your cock, and you, disappointed, opened your eyes to look at her over your shoulder. She crouched down behind you once more, and this time she did start lathering up your ass with both of her hands. The double effort she was putting into it was strangely suspicious to you, she squeezed your buttocks too, but then she brought a hand between them, running the side of her hand from the space behind your cock to your ass. You flinched, feeling her finger press against your hole.
"May I know the reason for this sudden attack?" you joked, with a small giggle as it felt ticklish. Her hand moved slowly, teasing to stick a finger up your ass every time it came up to it.
"I'm just doing something I know you'll do for me later," she replied, washing your hole and buttocks well.
"I'll do that?" You raised an eyebrow, seeing her.
"For your sake, I hope so honey," she removed her hands from your ass and stood up behind you again, to once again push you into the water, and not expecting it, you almost swallowed the water, you had to close your eyes quickly and start to wash off the soap.
"Fuck, can you stop doing that?" you complained, stepping forward to get out of the water.
"I won't anymore, sorry," Lia replied, holding back a laugh.
"Yeah, whatever you say, now come here," you pulled her by her shoulders and stood her in place, crouching immediately behind her. She passed you the soap, and you began to return the favor by spreading one of her buttocks and imitating her movements, with the difference that you were making sure to reach her pussy with your fingers as well. 
"You know… When Yeji told me all the services you guys provided, I was pretty worried about this," she gasped, feeling your fingers rubbing both her ass and the folds of her pussy.
"Really? Why?" you asked, eyeing her pretty ass as you washed it, squeezing and massaging her buttocks as well.
"Because I've never had my ass eaten before, genius," she sighed, "I honestly wasn't too into the idea at first, but Chaery and Ryujin called me a prude, and I took that personal."
"And you ended up liking it, didn't you?" you teased with a small giggle, pressing a finger against her ass and letting it go in just as far as your fingernail. She moaned.
"Fuck, I haven't stopped thinking about it since, I really hate you," she started to rock her hips slightly, seeking more of your fingers.
"Why exactly do you hate me?" you stood up, but still with your hand tucked between her buttocks.
"For…" before she could reply, you brought your index and middle fingers as carefully as possible into her hole, which was no longer so tight and gave way easily to your fingers, "For making me addicted to playing with my ass," she finished with a groan.
"Oh… that would explain why my fingers just slipped like butter in there," you smiled, your fingers buried up to the knuckles.
"I don't want a single word about it… fuck," Lia reached back and gripped your wrist, as you began to move your wrist at an intermediate pace, enough for her body to move from front to back.
"Don't worry sweetie, I can understand perfectly," you murmured in her ear. She had her eyes closed as she bit her lower lip, "my tongue drove you crazy."
"I said shut the fuck up," she snapped between cute little moans, your fingers moving in and out of her ass faster and faster, "Fuck… fuck, stop," she moaned, "let's go to my room, right now."
You immediately pulled your fingers out, and leaned forward to turn off the shower head. You opened the shower door and stepped outside, drying your feet on the mat and stepping forward to give Lia space. You grabbed a towel that was hanging from the tube on the side of the shower and dried your hair and body in a rather messy way, just like Lia. You didn't even wait until you were completely dry to rush out of the bathroom, she took the lead, guiding you towards her room, which was bigger than Yeji and Yuna's since there were 3 beds tucked in there. Ryujin wasn't there, which reinforced your idea that she had gone with Yuna somewhere.
As soon as you entered you closed the door and surrounded Lia's body in your arms, she encircled your neck with hers, and you melted into a kiss full of desire and intensity. She slowly pulled you back onto the middle bed, which you didn't even know if it was hers or not, but you didn't even care to think about it.
You separated from the kiss first, and you took her by the waist to turn her around and push her up on the bed. Lia fell on both of her hands, and automatically also got on her knees, with her ass perfectly raised and ready for you. You didn't bother wasting time, bending your knees and bringing your hands to her buttocks, spreading them apart and revealing her hole, something already opened by your fingers. Lia moaned loudly as soon as you buried your mouth on her ass, giving her frantic licks and kisses.
The blonde girl soon filled the room with her pretty moans, and you took it upon yourself to make her moan even louder, spitting on her hole and squeezing her buttocks hard while your tongue explored the walls of her ass as much as the length of it allowed. Wanting to drive her crazy as quickly as possible, in conjunction with your tongue, the index and middle fingers of your right hand began to quickly rub her clit, which caused Lia to start writhing in pleasure.
Her pussy started to get quite wet, you could tell by how your fingers became more slippery as you kept rubbing her pussy, filling the room with wet sounds, both from your fingers and from your mouth, spitting and collecting your saliva from her ass while you ate it savagely.
Lia was clinging to the white sheets of the bed with her fingers, crinkling them and pulling them from the edges between moans, but that wasn't enough for you. Your fingers, already slippery from her fluids, eased away from her clit, only to move up a bit and into her pussy, slowly and deep until only your knuckles were outside of her.
"Fuck yes! Eat my ass while you finger my pussy honey!" she whimpered, lifting her head to see you over her shoulder.
Not wanting to disobey her and get slapped, you started moving your wrist as fast as you could, pumping your fingers in and out of her pussy as your tongue worked her ass. Lia let her face fall against the mattress again, and after a few seconds, she exploded into loud moans. Her entire body squirmed, especially her thighs, but being a good girl, she stayed as still as possible while you went from eating her ass to scooping her pussy fluids with your tongue, with quick licks between her folds. You kept licking her pussy for a few more seconds, until her orgasm had passed and you stood up to watch her.
"Did my pretty ice princess like that?" you asked with a mischievous tone, giving her buttock a little spank.
"I told you to shut the f... agh fuck it, I loved it, I love the way you eat my ass, sweetheart," she moaned as she breathed heavily, leaning on her forearms as she watched you.
"Still, I sense that you're not satisfied, right?"
"Oh hell no, I want to play with you too, can I?" she asked, getting up to kneel on the bed facing you.
"Of course you can, I'm at your service," you stepped forward, presenting your hard, throbbing cock to her. She saw it for a second, and contrary to what you thought she was going to do, she got off the bed, stood behind you and with her two hands pushed you forward, causing you to lean over and place your hands on the mattress, "huh?" she got on her knees, and made you spread your legs to put her hands on your buttocks, spread them apart, and bring her mouth to your ass, "The fuck?! Damn Lia!" you exclaimed.
It was a very fucking weird feeling you were experiencing right now, and you still didn't know how to feel about it. At first it felt funny, like a slight tickle, but when Lia started to make the right movements with her tongue around and against your hole, you started to feel more than just tickling, you even let out a slight moan that Lia heard.
Her tongue began to move faster and deeper, and that was when you could come to understand why Lia loved it so much. You started to pant, and Lia squeezed your buttocks as she used all your techniques and moves against you. You could tell that she really wanted to do that, because she was putting all her effort into eating your ass, and that was reflected in how good it was making you feel despite it being your mere first time experiencing it.
She seemed to have read your mind, as you felt your cock was quite needy, and she quickly took action, running a hand between your legs and reaching for your cock to grip between her fingers. Lia started to move her hand up your shaft slowly at first, but she was soon picking up the rhythm of her tongue on your ass, and she started to jerk you off with quick flicks of her wrist.
That was enough for you to start letting out small moans and clenching your fists. It felt strange and unusual to be so vulnerable in front of someone, but with Lia you felt safe, and of course she was doing a fantastic job while she ate your ass and gave your cock quick strokes simultaneously.
"Julia Choi, don't you dare even stop, holy fuck!" you growled, completely at the mercy of her tongue and her hand. She had you tamed 100%, as if she had suddenly turned you into her subby slave. You were enjoying that much more than you thought, and quickly your ecstasy began to build in your body. Your words were like fuel on the fire, Lia began to move her hand faster on your cock, and her tongue moved more frantically inside your ass, licks that she combined with constant movements of her head. Soon both stimuli became too much for you, and the first tingling in your lower abdomen gave you the warning, "Fuck Lia, I'm going to cum!"
As soon as you said that, Lia separated her face from between your buttocks and pulled you so that you turned around. Your cock was floating over her face, she stuck her tongue out, and she grabbed your cock to press the tip against it and start moving her hand quickly. Seconds later, with a loud moan, your cum began to come out in thick spurts that ended up directly in her mouth and her tongue.
You pursed your lips, and left your mouth ajar as you watched as Lia took all of your load on her tongue, now moving her hand more slowly. When your orgasm passed, a thick pool of cum pooled in her mouth, which she then swallowed without even thinking. She opened her mouth again, and showed you her tongue so you could see that there was absolutely nothing left.
"I'm not even going to ask you if you liked that, because judging by what's going down my stomach, I already have the answer," she said with a teasing tone, giving you a small smile.
"Just shut your mouth, please," you sighed, slumping back and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Hey, there's still something missing, honey," she walked over to you, and climbed onto your lap, pressing her pussy against your cock.
"And what could that be?" you asked, playing fool looking into her eyes.
"I still haven't been able to know how that cock feels inside me..." she started, rubbing your shoulders, "I want you to fuck me."
"You know I would never say no to that," you grabbed her by her waist, giving her a little kiss on her lips.
"I know you wouldn't," you made to kiss her again, but she backed away, "but, we'll use one of my new little toys."
"Uh?" you frowned in confusion. She got up from your lap and walked to her nightstand, opened the bottom drawer, and took out a long, swirled buttplug with a ring on the end for better handling, at least 5 inches long, and a small bottle of lube. You raised both eyebrows in surprise.
"You're going to fuck my pussy while I play with my ass," she commanded.
"Fuck yes baby," you stood up, and when she approached you, you grabbed her face to kiss her again. She took her hand to your cock, and even though it was still a little sensitive, you didn't care that she brought it back to life between slow strokes.
When she felt your cock was hard enough, she pulled away from the kiss and went to lie on her side in the center of the bed, she flexed her legs, giving you a perfect view of her pussy and ass at the same time. You climbed on the bed too, and when you were kneeling in front of her, she pressed the lubricant dispenser to pour it all over the buttplug and then spread it with her hand. Once the buttplug was perfectly shiny and slippery, she repeated the process with your cock, leaving it slippery and well lubricated as well.
Lia stared into your eyes, and without taking her eyes off you for a single second, she took the buttplug to her ass, pressing just a little against her hole so that it began to enter inch by inch inside her ass while her mouth opened in an O between gasps. Your cock throbbed at the incredibly hot and sexy scene, you saw the toy buried deep inside, with only the ring on the outside, and you understood that it was your turn to jump into action.
You took your cock in one hand, and rubbed the tip along the length of her wet slit to line up with her pussy, and slowly thrust forward. You wanted to make it as slow and torturous as possible, but your cock was so slippery, and her pussy was so naturally lubricated, that it slid so easily that in a matter of seconds you were all the way inside her. Lia let out a long, loud moan, feeling filled in both of her holes.
You and her got in perfect harmony, you started to move your hips slowly from front to back, and she started to move her wrist in the same rhythm, pumping the entire length of the buttplug in and out of her ass, which had you mesmerized by how fucking hot it looked getting fucked.
Your moans overlapped one on top of the other, the texture of the buttplug could be felt through the walls of her pussy, so it added an extra bit of stimulation to your cock as it slid in and out of her silky pussy. As if all that amount of pleasure wasn't enough, she took the bun that was still holding her hair and let it loose, with her long blonde hair now free, you were sure that Lia couldn't look more beautiful than she was already
"Faster, honey," she demanded between moans, when you were still moving your hips a little slowly.
"Beg for it, then," you replied, she didn't expect that answer, but she didn't have time to disagree.
"I'm not going to call you daddy like a little slut like Ryujin does, just fuck me harder please, I need it!" she whimpered, moving her wrist faster, fucking herself into her ass at the exact pace she demanded. For a moment, a question about it crossed your mind: 'How the hell did you know that Ryujin called you that'?
You didn't have time to think about it right now. You put a hand on her buttock, and she let out a high-pitched squeal as you gave her a hard spank and began to move your hips much faster, imitating the pace of her wrist. You grabbed her ass in a tight grip, feeling the soft flesh between your fingers as you pumped in and out of her pussy between low grunts.
Lia began to lose her sanity in a matter of seconds, it was too much pleasure for her, being fucked fast and hard in both holes, and you soon began to feel envy of that buttplug.
"I want to fuck your ass," you growled under your breath, and she didn't hesitate to comply with your wish.
She pulled the buttplug out of her ass, and switched it to her other hand as you reached out of her pussy to make the switch. Lia took the buttplug, now turned into a dildo, deep inside her pussy, and you took your cock right deep inside her ass, which was without a doubt, a sensation that almost took you to another spiritual plane. She now started fucking herself, pumping her wrist as fast as she could, and you started slamming her ass with your pelvis, fucking her hole with the force of a machine.
The room was filled with the sounds of flesh-on-flesh smacking and intense moans, diminishing in quantity as the pleasure drove her so insane that almost no sound came out of her mouth. She was close to cumming, and you knew it. You gave her another hard spank in the same spot, then clung to her waist to pound her ass hard. Lia dropped her head, her gaze blank as you gave your last thrusts until her body went into a chain of strong spasms and tremors.
Finally a long, loud moan left her mouth as you continued to mercilessly fuck her through her orgasm. You were already very close to your own ecstasy, so it didn't cross your mind for a second to even stop or fuck her slower even though she had already stopped moving her wrist. Lia looked at you with teary eyes and a completely weak face, as if you had taken her soul out of her body. She pulled the buttplug out of her pussy and left her hand loose while you shook her body like a rag doll. And a few more thrusts were enough for you to explode inside her ass.
You grunted loudly, and then a moan escaped you as you gave her your second load of the night, just as big and thick, inside her tight hole. Lia gasped, feeling her ass being completely filled with your hot thick liquid. You gave her a few more slow thrusts, making sure to get all of your seed inside her before pulling your cock out very slowly, so that all of the cum that had been left inside her gaping hole began to cascade down her thigh and then to the mattress.
You were sweating all over, and your breathing seemed like that of an Olympic cyclist after completing a circuit, so when you finished, you dropped to the side of her and instinctively, you put an arm over her body to hug her. Lia snuggled into you, with her back pressed against your chest, and then went completely still like you. You closed your eyes, and relaxed so that, minutes later, you fell completely asleep with the pretty frozen princess.
Spren Notes:
I really have nothing to say here lol. Just enjoy it! I loved writing this shit.
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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spamgyu · 7 months
urs // Mingyu Series - Part 2
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"the best at being the worst... but fuck sake I'm already yours"
DESCRIPTION: she and mingyu were in no place to be in a relationship. she was his best friend's stylist and he was... well he was kim mingyu; something stable was not something that was ideal for the two – not when their careers are both at it's peak. PAIRING: idol!mingyu x stylist!reader GENRE: angst WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, implied smut, stubborn protagonists, so many red flags you would think this is a football game, features the love of mingyu's life (jungkook) and all his other besties
NOTE: if you read INFRUNAMI, no you didn't. this has the same-ish vibes BUT this is the re-written version. many events, actions, and overall plot has been changed. (even if the intro/first part is very similar)
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"Are you really not going to come with me?" Mingyu watched her move about her room.
He had shown up to her place unannounced – letting himself in, using the pin-code he had memorized by heart. This was one of many occasions he had put the four digits into good use; at times paying the apartment a visit even when she was not around.
It was the one location no one dared to bother him; mostly because those who were in on their arrangement knew that his presence at the place shouldn't even exist.
It was his new safe haven; a place where he can hide out when his schedules seemed to have more hours of him staying awake than it did of any shut eye.
Any time he felt a moment of pressure from the public eye or his company, he ran to the one place he that silenced the voices in his head – instantly bringing a sense of calm upon him.
Which has been rare to come these days.
Y/n didn't think he was actually being serious when he had invited her to spend the holiday with his family.
She rarely took what he said seriously, knowing that they were nothing but empty promises – being so busy and all. She knew she was last on his priority list and had always kept her expectations quite low for him.
Maybe it was her fear of disappointment.
"I don't know, dude." Y/n sighed, holding two jackets in front of her – mentally debating which would go best with her outfit. She may be spending the day alone but she still wanted to look well dressed. "I have a lot of things to prep for."
"The leather one." Mingyu nodded over to the jacket in her right hand. "Just do it after."
Setting the canvas outerwear in her left hand down, y/n slipped one arm after the other into the oversized jacket Mingyu had suggested – glancing at her reflection in her full body mirror.
He was right, leather did look best.
"I can't. Our flight leaves 5 am." She frowned. "I'll stop by when I'm done."
"Your mom will never let you hear the end of this, you know that right?"
Mingyu had only met her mother once, and it was purely by accident. While visiting last year, Y/n had taken her mom to the company building to show her around – wanting her mother to see where she spent most of her days if she wasn't hopping from one plane to another.
The three of them had managed to get on the same elevator that day; Y/n having no choice but introduce her mother to one of her so-called friends.
Which wasn't much of a lie... technically. They were friends...and a little more. But her mother didn't need to know that.
And of fucking course, Mingyu didn't take long to warm up to the older woman.
Two minutes to be exact.
All he had to do was flash his usual smile and use that tiny voice he used when he was around anyone that was older than him – her mom falling right into the trap that almost anyone had fallen into.
Including Y/n.
Mingyu completely disregarded his original plans of having lunch alone that day, choosing to sit with the two in the company's food hall – bonding with her mother about Y/n's need to always put her job over her personal interest.
In Y/n defense, her job didn't feel like a job. She thoroughly enjoyed what she did – the nearly seven figure salary was just cherry on top of the deal.
"Which is why she won't know." Y/n pointed before picking out a lip gloss from her collection. "It's not like she can check anyways."
Mingyu knew she was right, letting out a frustrated groan. "Come on, I already told my mom you were coming."
The smile on her face fell. "You're joking."
Just as Mingyu had only met her mother once, she had only met not only his mom but his whole family once. And just like Mingyu, she had managed to get along quite well with them – especially his mom.
The older woman was nothing but kind to Y/n despite crashing their rare-to-come family time during the holiday last year. The older woman couldn't help but happily dote on the girl upon learning that she was in the country all alone, all while her mother was back west.
Happy knowing that he was slowly swaying her decision, Mingyu's smile grew larger. "How about I help you do what you need to do so that we can head over together?"
Y/n pursed her lips, considering his offer. She did need some assistance with pressing a few garments and compiling her styling kit – and she did miss having a home cooked meal.
"Fine, but no funny business."
"Well," He let out a soft chuckle. "When you put it that way, now I kind of want to do some funny business."
"Work is work." Y/n reminded him.
They never took their ... business elsewhere. It was far too risky.
Especially at their company building.
She hated how she could never resist him.
Somewhere in between steaming the rack full of designer pulls she had managed to secure for her talent's upcoming schedule, and their useless banter, Mingyu had managed to get his hands on her.
It started with a simple squeeze at the hip as she tried to ignore the lust full gaze that he had been sending her since their arrival – within minutes he had her pinned against the wall, his lips hungrily attacking her neck.
No matter how much she wanted to stand her ground, keeping to her word, Y/n had given in.
Like she always does.
"What happened to no funny business?" Y/n sighed as she tilted her head to give him more access.
"No one's laughing." Mingyu mumbled against her jaw, a free hand slowly creeping up her shirt while the other hooked on to the belt loops of her jeans – pulling her closer against his body.
"You're annoying."
She could feel her whole body begin to grow hot under his touch, arching her back off the wall as he moved from her neck to her lips – his tongue plunging into her mouth.
"Hey– whoa!"
The sound of the familiar voice broke the spell he had put her under – Y/n pushing off the boy that towered over her to see their friend standing at the door with a bewildered look on his face.
"At the office? Really?" Jungkook cried.
She had completely forgotten that she had asked him to swing by for one last fitting.
Closing her eyes, Y/n let out a loud groan; in both embarrassment and frustration.
They had never been caught once. They've always been careful – which was quite easy considering they were always in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
If it would have been any body else that had walked through the doors, she would have been sure she would have been fired in an instant. Despite having a bullet proof contract that left her almost invincible to any termination.
She was a well known industry stylist after all.
"We weren't doing anything." Mingyu shrugged, walking over to the leather couch – shrugging off the incident as if it was just any regular occurrence.
All while Y/n would rather have the ground swallow her whole.
"Sure, dude." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Do I need to come back or....?"
"No, we're good." Mingyu answered for her, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
She wanted to strangle him.
Letting out a deep breath, Y/n grabbed the outfit she had set aside off the rack – handing it over to the boy who now had a quite amused look on his face.
He always did enjoy teasing the two; more Y/n than Mingyu, since he was always able to get a reaction from her.
His best friend on the other hand, he didn't seem to care. Dismissing his attempts to poke fun at the secret very few of their circle were in on.
"Say a word, and I'll leave pins in your clothes." She gritted her teeth.
Using his free hand to metaphorically zip his lips, Jungkook turned his heel and headed for the foldable partition set up at the corner of the room.
"I ran into Hana the other day." Mingyu announced – for his friend of course.
His ex-girlfriend.
The girl that Y/n wasn't supposed to know about.
What Mingyu didn't know was that she knew all about the girl, all thanks to his blabber mouth of a friend who had spilled all there was to know about the two's past.
During one of their many days of being overseas, Jungkook and Y/n had landed on the topic of Mingyu – a time before he was made aware of his two friend's special kind of relationship.
Hana was his first love; and from what Y/n has learned... his only.
Hana was once a trainee at the company along with the thirteen boys – a girl that Mingyu had grown up with. They have had a long history, having known each other even before he became the idol he was today – she knew him better than anyone else.
As Jungkook claimed, "She'll always hold a piece of him."
"Of course you did," Jungkook snorted from behind the bamboo divider. "I'm ninety-nine percent sure those run ins aren't coincidental."
Y/n pretended to busy herself with packing the remaining items on the rack – all while her mind ran a million miles per hour.
She was curious but she knew it was also not her place.
And definitely not the right place and time to pry.
"Looks okay?" Jungkook stepped out, his arms stretched out as he spun for the girl.
She pulled her lips into a tight smile and nodded. "Does it feel okay?"
"I think you may need to hem the pants." He shook his leg. "Can I keep these after?"
"I mean, I don't think Diesel will say no to you." She chuckled, crouching down to examine the length of the jeans – making a mental note to bring her sewing kit.
"Can I keep the jacket?" Mingyu quipped, eyeing the leather moto-style leather outerwear was sporting.
There was no doubt that this item would soon be a well desired piece by everyone once it was made available for purchase – and free clothes were free clothes.
"Sorry, I work for him. Not you." Y/n shrugged. She knew there would be no issues if they kept the garments that the brand had generously loaned the artist – much like many other brands that scrambled to place their items on the biggest boy group of not only Korea, but the world.
"I'll give it you dude, don't worry." Jungkook gave his friend a knowing look, earning an eye-roll from the girl.
Aside from Hana, the only other person that held Mingyu's heart was Jungkook. The two having an irritable bromance that gave Y/n a headache anytime they ganged up one her.
Which occurred far more often than she liked.
"Okay go change." Y/n stood from her spot, lightly pushing him towards the partition.
"You guys got plans after this? My mom made enough food for half of Korea."
"We're heading to my parents."
"We?" Jungkook coughed, sticking his head out to glance at the two.
Y/n silently sent over a look, telling him to pipe down – thankfully Mingyu didn't catch on to this.
Because he was far too busy typing away on his phone.
"What the fuck?" Jungkook mouthed to her.
"Y/n was going to spend the whole day here." Mingyu locked his phone, looking up to see his friends silently communicating. "You two good?"
"Yeah, Kook is just being annoying."
Despite having the brains, Mingyu was quite oblivious when it came to her.
There were so many telling signs, so many bells and whistles that rang for everyone – and yet, he had no clue that the girl he had roped into having a friends with benefits deal with, had feelings for him.
Who could blame her?
Not only did he look like a reincarnated Greek God, fucked like one as well; but he had all the traits any girl would dream of in a man.
He had been raised quite well.
She had fallen for his stupid smile, the one that showed all of his teeth; infecting those around him.
His stupid laugh that were practically music to her ears whenever she heard it, making her want to crack jokes continuously just so she could hear more of it.
His stupid acts of service that just came so naturally, unable to help herself from becoming putty in his hands whenever he did anything to make her day that much easier – opening bottled water, adjusting her clothes whenever they were not sitting correctly on her frame, wiping away the crumb that stuck to her chin, placing a pillow where his body once laid before slipping into the darkness of the night.
The list could go on.
To Mingyu, these actions were nothing. These were things he would do to those close to him.
But to her, the girl who had accepted the barest of bare minimum from previous lovers, it was everything.
Y/n had fallen for a man she shouldn't have. Not only because of the rules they had set, the stupid fucking rules, but also because she knew he would never give her the time of day.
She had lost count the many times he had expressed to her that relationships was not anything he dreamt of; not now and definitely not anytime soon.
His group was finally reaching the success that they had worked so tirelessly for – the endless sleepless nights, the many injuries, the tears... they were finally paying off.
A relationship wasn't something he could afford, nor did he have energy for.
"I like this. It's low maintenance." He claimed.
Low maintenance.
No daily texts or calls, no checking up; they came and go in each other's lives like the wind – passing by when they pleased.
And for a good while, she was on the same page as him. She too couldn't afford a relationship – not when she was as busy, if not more, as the seven men she worked for.
They were both on two different planets, universes even, but they shared similar worries.
Similar struggles.
But as her schedule started to slow down, with each boy slowly stepping away from the limelight to fulfill their civic duties, nights had become lonely and she began to yearn for the one thing she had been pushing off for years.
"Ready to go?" He stepped in front of her, a soft smile on his lips.
All while she was deep in her thoughts, buzzing about the room in auto-pilot, all the task she had needed done were finally complete – Mingyu taking notice of this as he stayed out of her way, choosing to converse about God-knows-what with his best friend.
Blinking her thoughts away, she mirrored his expression. "Yep."
Mingyu handed her the jacket she had slipped off once they had arrived, reaching over to pull her ponytail from under the garment as she adjusted her top.
There he goes again with doting on her...
"Stay safe, guys." Jungkook snickered as he headed for the door.
"We're going to my parents!"
"That wasn't what I meant but– hey, that too." He winked before slipping out of the room.
Y/n knew she shouldn't have agreed.
She should have made up a stupid excuse.
But just like all other times, she had given in.
Unable to resist him.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @jaebammie @livelikejinki
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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cas-skz · 1 year
Back to you (Crumble pt 2.)
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Wooyoung x FEM!reader
| non-idol au | drama/romance | 18+!! |
Weeks apart from Wooyoung and San have effected you mentally and physically. Your travel companion has no luck breaking through to you and with all your energy drained, you pass out. What happens after the hospital will change everything.
[writers note]
THANK YOU SO SO FLIPPIN MUCH!!!! I seriously always feel so touched when I get good feed back & responses. It means a lot & I appreciate your support so so much!!!
I hope this pulls at your heart strings just as much as the first
Tag List: @a-teez-4-exo @ppeachyttae @pearltinyy @yujuvly @kiwimash12 @neteyamandloakisfoine @mayblues @miaatiny
Every part of you felt numb. Your body was heavy and heart shattered. The whole event of last night played through your head over and over again, hurting more each time.
You didn’t want it to be real. You didn’t want San and Wooyoung to be gone.
“Wake up. We’re here.” The males voice came from the front seat.
You sat up to look at your surroundings, a small cabin on a lake front with not much else in sight. To most it would be peaceful, but to you it was hell at the moment.
You took Ella from her car seat, holding her in your lap as you sighed quietly. “Guess we’re here.” You told her, exiting the car.
“Where are we?” You asked the male, who was grabbing the bags from the car.
“Somewhere safe.” He simply replied, motioning for you to follow him to the cabin.
You rolled your eyes at his answer, following inside. It was decent enough, a living room with tv, the kitchen was stocked with new pots and pans, and a pile of groceries were stacked on the floor.
You made your way down the hall, glancing in at the bathroom before finding your and Ella’s bags in a room at the end of the hall. You got her freshened up and grabbed a bottle before setting in a crib that had been set up.
You laid on your side on the bed across from the crib, watching as she played with the toys and stuffies Woo had grabbed for her. You couldn’t help but cry again, feeling hopeless and confused.
San and Wooyoung had always kept the business side of things hush hush, but over time you started to pick up on little things. Woo arranged boxing matches where people placed high bets to watch San fight an opponent.
99% of the time San was victorious, in exception for Leeknow. Every few weeks the boys would come home after a loss and chat over how to defeat him the next time. Woo always said the loss left a dent in their wallets.
The knock on the door woke you up. You groaned quietly, not even realizing you had fallen asleep.
“Sorry…she’s been fussing. I can take her if you want.” The male said.
It was only now you realized who had been accompanying you this whole time. “Mingi?”
“Yea..I didn’t think you remembered.” He chuckled, taking a few steps towards the crib.
“No.” You said quickly, “I got her.”
You rushed to your feet to swoop Ella into your arms, hushing her as you dug through one of the bags.
“Sorry.” Mingi said quietly, scratching the back of his head. “I have dinner going. It’ll be ready soon.” He smiled softly before turning and heading back to the kitchen.
You didn’t exactly remember Mingi, but he had been one of your elementary school friends and you thought he’d left town years ago.
Once you found a soother for Ella, you both made your way into the kitchen. You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep, but the cabin looked much cozier than when you arrived.
A small play area had been set up in the living room, which you placed Ella into after giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“Are you hungry?” Mingi asked from the kitchen.
“Uh, no. No thanks. Ella’s probably starving.”
“I made her mashed peas and potatoes. There’s a few pieces of pork chop cooling for her too.”
To your surprise, the food at prepared correctly for her age and was made into a smiley face on a cute dinosaur plate.
“Don’t worry, I know how to not kill a baby. I have a three year old and a handful of nieces and nephews.” Mingi smirked, passing you the plate and a baby spoon.
“Thanks.” You mumbled quietly.
You sat inside Ella’s play area and propped her inside the bumbo seat before feeding her dinner.
“I think she approves.” Mingi said from the kitchen table as he munched down on his own meal.
You ignored his comment, focusing on keeping Ella’s face clean as your thoughts wondered to Woo and San. You couldn’t help but worry and wonder where they were, if they were okay. Not to mention the hurt you felt from then suddenly leaving you.
The day creeped into night and you went along with your normal routine with Ella, bathing her and reading a couple of stories before settling her down in bed with a bottle.
Mingi had made himself comfortable in the smaller bedroom, setting up a little gaming station and some mood lighting. It seemed like he was always making someplace feel like home.
“You still haven’t eaten.”
His deep voice creeped out from his room, you peaked in to see him sitting on a bean bag chair, playing gta on a small tv screen.
“I just don’t feel hungry. I’m fine though.” You smiled softly before turning towards the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower. Do you mind listening out for her?”
“No problem at all.”
The hot water washed over your face as you sobbed as quiet as you could. There was a million questions running through your head. Why San would just send you off without explanation. Why they couldn’t go with you. There was no off button to the mess in your head.
As you opened the bathroom door, Mingi gave you a small wave, “She’s snoring. I’m heading to sleep soon.” He stretched out before standing up and heading to the door, leaning onto the side as he started to close it.
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks. Night.”
You tried to comfort yourself with Woo’s shirt, the familiar sent of him brought you mixed emotions, which you tried your best to push aside. At some point you drifted to sleep on your tear stained pillow, thought it was nothing compared to falling asleep in Woo’s arms as he fucked you slowly.
The next few days felt numb. You went through day by day, moment by moment just focusing on Ella. You were a mess. You had barely eaten, barely spoken to Mingi. The only update you had gotten was that Leeknow had thrown a fight and his people were angry with the loss.
You were too exhausted to focus on what was being told to you as Mingi filled you in the latest events.
“I guess it’s almost resolved. There was some sort of confrontation but they ended up actually chatting.”
Your eyes tried to focus on Mingi cleaned dishes, but the room started to spin.
“If all goes well, you should be going home pretty so-”
Your body fell to the ground with a hard thud as you blacked out. The lack of food and hours of crying finally had you hitting a brick wall.
Mingi cursed as a glass dropped from his hand, he ran to your side and patted your face a few times. “Fuck. Come on, wake up.”
He grabbed your glass of water off the table and splashed it on your face, “Y/N.” He tapped your face a little harder as you woke a bit, still very fuzzy and spaced.
You remember being in the car as Mingi drove towards the nearest hospital. Ella was strapped in her seat and you laid fading in and out on the seat next to her.
The beeping of a heart monitor rang in your ears as you came out of unconsciousness, you mumbled to yourself as the nurse greeted you and let you know what was going on.
“We gave you some fluids but you’re going to need to eat before you leave, other than that, you and the baby are overall fine.”
“What?” Your tone was unexpectedly harsher than you expected.
“Well we had to run a blood test just to make sure it was lack of nutrients…I-I’m sorry, if you didn’t know.”
You stared blankly for a moment, “No-“ you paused to look at her, offering a small smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” You laughed quietly as a tear fell down your cheek. “Thank you.”
After following the doctors orders and apologizing to Mingi and Ella for not taking care of your self, you were happily on your way home.
Though your heart ached for Wooyoung more than ever, you couldn’t help but smile down at your stomach.
“I think you should name them Grey.”
“Yeah. It’s my favorite color - well actually charcole, but that’s a weird name for a kid.”
You shook your head and laughed as the drive continued, filled with small chat and plans to make the best of things.
“By the way” Mingi started as he pulled into the long driveway down to the cabin, he paused and quickly checked his phone before pointing to a car parked near the house. “You have a visitor.”
Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of your brother as the car came to a stop, you rushed out and over to hug him tightly.
“I swear to god if you ever do that again”
“It won’t happen again. Ever.”
“Promise. We’re going straight.”
San explained how Wooyoung had made a deal with Leeknow’s people to get them out of the game and in exchange they would own and operate a car repair shop.
As San continued to speak, your eyes drifted to the cabin door opening and you took off running towards Wooyoung as he walked out.
Tears were streaming down your face as you leaped into his arms, kissing his lips as deep as you could.
“You came back.” You whispered against his lips, pressing your head against his.
“I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
“Good. Ella and her little brother or sister are gonna need their daddy.”
Woo looked down at you with a look of shock and wonder, which you nodded a few times to confirm what he was thinking.
He wrapped his arms around you again, spinning you around as he kissed your cheek repeatedly.
“Get a room!” San yelled with a laugh.
Woo gave him the finger as he carried you back into the cabin and closed the door behind him.
You laughed in his arms and held onto him until he put you back on the ground, “Go get your daughter.” You laughed, giving him another kiss.
“Our daughter.” He whispered.
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wonik1ss · 7 months
౨ৎ the enemie to lover ! — winter kim
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pairing — non idol!winter x reader song rec : dreamer - lauvey + happy ending - kep1er ( 1.5k ) warnings ! none ᯤ ^ ㅇ ^ happy reading ! ⸝⸝・ᘏᘏ
synopsis : on a fateful Wednesday afternoon 2 people cut ties with you. but with cupid on your side you have 2 different paths to take to hopefully get back together with these 42 people by Valentine’s Day end! val event !
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Not believing you traveled back in time you didn’t use your time.. wisely. The first week you spent actually studying for the test that nipped you in the but. Now it was the day you auditioned
“Maybe I should have taken Chaewon’s advice”. As your scratched your head and turned around from your mirror you jumped.
“Oh well.. to your mom I’m some young cleaning lady.. for you I’m giving you a make over”. Pink shirt, pink apron and pink gloves and duster were gone in a snap of a finger. Wonyoung changed into a magician’s assistant outfit and spun you around.
“Time to work my magic..”. Wonyoungs smile dropped as she smelled your head. Thirty minutes later, and thirty time begging Wonyoung to throw out your whole closest plus reminding her you have a uniform later.
You stood infront of your mirror actually smiling. Wonyoung and adorned you with a few bracelets, a black thin bow and a pink id?
“Are y-“
“Ya.. stopped by earlier to brighten up Mr. Lee’s day with his girlfriend actually calling him first”. You pushed down your laughter and grabbed your bag.
“Remember! Eye on the prize! You don’t have a lot of time”. Wonyoung rolled her eyes.
“Thank you master Wonyoung! Let’s hope this id doesn’t get lost~”. As you bowed and winked at the pink girl she yelped.
“DONT YOU DARE!”. You could still hear Wonyoung yelling as you got onto the bus.
You scanned it while biting your lip. Do you sit next to Yeseo.. Eunchae or Danielle. Just as you were about to pick you felt a shove. As you were about to scold the person Winter walked by and glared at you. You went pale, and with the bus driver on your as you sat down next to her. How did she audition for the play.. turned film?
“Could you like not stare at me.. creep”
“You didn’t whisper that last part..”. You sighed.
“Wasn’t trying to”. You were about to bite Winters head off when she plugged in her cord and the bus started to move. How were you going to ‘fall in love’ with her? You bit your nails as the bus came to a stop. You didn’t get a word into Winter and now your pretty pink nails Wonyoung painted were flakes in your mouth.
As you got up and walked out you were to worried to notice you weren’t stepping onto the the sidewalk.
“Fu-!”. You felt.. a.. tie in your face as you looked up. You had plunged into Winters chest. Winter looked bewildered as you stared at her. You fell into Winters chest.. YOU FELL INTO WINTERS CHEST. You got out of the girls arms and ninety degree bowed. The girl made a small laugh..? She didn’t look Irritated at all..
“I’m so sorry I-“
“It’s fine Y/n”
“No like I’m really sorry”
“It’s fine”. Winter grabbed your arms to iterate her words.
“Oh well.. bye then”. You uttered your words and tried to fast walk away from the girl when she grabbed your arm.
“You owe me though”
“But I though-“
“You fell face first into my boobs”. Winter.. the girl looked menacing.. the fuck?
“See you in three days.. that’s when the cat cafe’s opens”. Winter proclaimed it would be on you and whispered into your ear.
“I don’t like late people”. She then looked you up and down, and gave you the scariest smile.
“So don’t.. be late..”. Winter picked you cheek and walked into the school. Was it weird that turned you on.. like the finest bit?
You stopped again. You had fallen asleep in your language class and need to run fast to the auditorium for auditions. You tried your best to slide into a seat and go unnoticed. But judge by the teachers scuff she was mad.. and noticed.
“Kim Minjeong.. or Winter”. You gulped as Winter got on stage. She walked straight the the mike and grabbed it of its stand.
“Auditing for..”
“Kei”. The teacher nodded as Winter looked around the room. Your teacher from middle school said it was a good idea to focus on someone or thing when auditioning. Guess she was doing it now. You fiddled with your hands as you finally looked at Winter.
She was looking at you
Your lips slowly parted and you started to play with your hands more. Then Winter started to read her lines. Ya her lines. She was the epitome of beauty up there. She turned from a stoned face killer into a sad teenage girl who just wanted her friend to stop pining after a shit guy. You played with your flimsy skirt to try to distract your self but that didn’t work.
Finally the girl bowed and walked off the stage. You were barely paying attention when your name was called
“Y/n..”. You bowed and ran to the stage.
“Auditioning for..”. The teacher rolled her eyes. Fuck.
“Mei”. You bowed again, and then grabbed the mike. You balled up your hands and stared at the teacher. As you read your lines your fist bald up more. So much that when you ended you could feel something wet in it. The teacher smiled and then as you got off the stage called another name. As you went back to your seat you felt someone’s breath hit your neck.
“Good job.. I hope I.. I get to work with you..”. Winter stopped looming over you and you accidentally gave her a somewhat volatile glared. You then bowed and snapped your head back around to who ever was on stage. Why was she teetering from being nice to mean? Too bad you couldn’t as she practically dashed out the auditorium, and you couldn’t catch up to her. A few days later the announcement that the play was turning into a film was made. It was now Saturday and you were at the towns tracks to practice.
Expect the teacher who had to sub in for the other seeing as she was sick didn’t get that. Every other second she was yelling at Winter. ‘Stop looking dead!’, ‘Is this a joke to you?’, ‘Can’t believe she casted you..’. The sassy man finally gave you a fifteen minute break and you ran to Danielle, Wonhak and Hanni.
“I hope Winters ok..”. Danielle pouted as she bit her lip.
“Why is this man so rude..”. Hanni glared at the teacher as he yelled at poor old Hyein for getting the lighting wrong.
“Heard he’s Mrs. Yu’s husband..”. You gasped.
“The teacher who sad sorry for rolling her eyes the second I left for the audition Mrs. Yu?”. Wonhak sighed and Hanni laughed. You didn’t stay with the long noticing that Winter was gone. So you bid your friends goodbye and walked around the station to find said girl. Was that.. someone wailing?
As you turned the corner you saw Winter sat down legs to her stomach crying. You ran to sit down in-front of her. Oh Wonyoung would be so pissed the white skirt she gave you is in dirt.
“What’s wrong”. As Winter looked up you could tell she started to breathe faster.
“I just want to know why your having this meltdown.. I won’t tell anyone I swear!”. You put your pinky up and immediately regretted it. As you were about to put it down Winter linked her with yours.
“Can.. can you just sit next to me for now..”. You nodded and moved to sit next to the girl. Dusting off your skirt in the process.
“Oh I’m—“
“It’s fine”. You patted your shoulder and Winter tried to crack a smile. She put her head on your and started to sniffle. Looking down at your hands you saw hers inching to yours. You grabbed her hand and sat in silence.
“I think he’s right”. Remember her head was on your shoulder you just tilted your onto hers.
“Mr.. Pang was it.. I think I shouldn’t have gotten the role..”
“What”. You took your head off the girls and jerked it back. You heard a yelp.
“Sorry but your audition was way better than anyone else’s!”. As you looked at the girls face you couldn’t help but pout. She looked like a scared puppy.
“Sorry.. it’s just you did really well there is no reason you shouldn’t have it.. Mr… Yang? Is just jealous you actually have real hair”. Winter laughed.
“So we could all see that he is obviously wearing a toupee?”. You nodded and then she smiled.
“I’m sorry..”
“For what?”
“Being so rude to you..”
“I just-“
“You said your sorry that’s all I need”
Boy were you going to regret that later..
Winter smiled and got closer to you. Like way close.. like you could feel her every breath. As you panicked, she pecked your cheek.
“You so sweet you know-“
“WHERE ARE THE ACTORS ITS BEEN FIFTEEN MINUTES”. You sighed as you both got up. Winter giggled.
“It’s been ten minutes”. You cry out laughing as you both walked back to set. Still holding hands.
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imfoive · 29 days
The Youngest Son - Chapter 5
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: tw-descriptions of overdose, mentions of drugs, cursing, death, physical assault, somewhat proofread WC: 4.6k A/N: A longer part! Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
Missed a chapter? - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
CHAPTER 5 ────────────────────
Lee Jihoon, the fourth son of the Lee family, had always done his best to dodge his responsibilities. But as time went on, the weight of those responsibilities caught up with him, leaving him cornered and unable to live as he pleased. 
At thirty years old, he found himself bowing to his younger brother, Minho. 
Jihoon had once been a bully, taunting Minho, pushing him around, and following the example set by his older siblings. Yet, despite the years that had passed, he still struggled to understand why they had treated Minho so poorly. Minho might have been a consequence of their father’s mistakes, but Jihoon wondered why he, along with his older siblings, had been so unkind. But having spent years away from his family, Jihoon’s perspectives had diverged. He’d avoided their narrow-minded views and had come to see Minho in a different light. Now, he genuinely believed that Minho deserved the respect he had earned.
But despite it all, even though Jihoon had been working under Minho for a year, they weren’t particularly close. The constant comparisons between them only served to emphasize Jihoon’s shortcomings in the eyes of others. Whispers about the brothers echoed through the office.
   “He’s older, but his younger brother is an executive?”
   “V.P. Lee is always cleaning up after his brothers.”
Despite the gossip, Jihoon had grown accustomed to it. The scrutiny was nothing new. But, there was one thing the two brothers had in common.
Lee Jihoon hated L Corp.
Then there was the eldest of the three brothers, Joohyeon. 
Once favored by their father, Joohyeon had fallen from grace after a series of failures. His latest misstep was so severe that it prompted a swift and harsh decision, his position as Vice President was bestowed to Lee Minho and he was suddenly sent off to Japan.
Joohyeon had always been the pride of his parents, overshadowed only by his older cousin Jungshin, who had shown exceptional promise from a young age. Being the second child in the Lee household meant Joohyeon was constantly compared to his cousin. But Jihoon’s carefree nature and disinterest in academics inadvertently made Joohyeon stand out in a positive light. He was always thankful for the kid’s naivety. Jihoon would cause trouble, and Joohyeon would try to diminish the anger in his parents. Like a good son. 
And he was a good son for a while.
When Lee Minho was brought into the household, Joohyeon was old enough to understand the implications of being illegitimate. He absorbed his mother’s prejudices and mirrored her behavior, smiling at Minho in public while harboring resentment behind closed doors.
Lee Joohyeon had long prided himself on being the dutiful son, always striving to please his parents even though he consistently came second to Lee Jungshin. 
However, Joohyeon failed to recognize Minho and his capabilities. 
Over time, Minho’s ascent was swift but discreet, the older brother failed to notice that the youngest of the brothers came for his place. And quickly took over.
When Chairman Lee first compared Minho to Joohyeon, he was bewildered but brushed it off. Then came a second time, and a third and then persisted. 
Lee Minho was smarter than him, Lee Minho was better than him.
Lee Minho was a scapegoat for his dimwit older brother. 
He was the dimwit older brother.
Then came the incident last year that made him fall. Fall hard.
Those damn messages.
Initially, they were merely taunting and annoying, which Joohyeon brushed off without much concern. However, the messages soon escalated in intensity and became very specific. They began to delve into Joohyeon’s past misdeeds, his personal failures, his inadequacies. Whoever was sending these messages seemed to have intimate knowledge of his life, causing Joohyeon to become increasingly cautious and jittery.
The thirty-two year old found himself under constant stress, plagued by nightmares and a sense of unease. He was always on edge, as the messages continued to haunt him, revealing secrets he had hoped to keep buried.
Joohyeon’s cousins would mock him, joking that he couldn’t handle the workload and accusing him of trying too hard. Their taunts cut deep, echoing the criticisms he received from the mysterious sender of the threatening texts. He would scrutinize their smug expressions, wondering if one of them could be the messenger behind the unsettling messages. And when Joohyeon attempted to trace the origins of the threatening messages, he encountered a frustrating pattern. The messages always originated from different locations, as if the sender anticipated his every move.
So he turned to his youngest brother.
Lee Minho was the one who always managed to get these kinds of tasks done. They only thought about the youngest son when they needed something. 
Of course, Minho happily obliged.
When the youngest began his investigation, the frequency of the threatening messages noticeably dwindled over the course of a few weeks. It seemed as though the sender had grown cautious. Of course, since Minho was on his hunt. Joohyeon let his guard down. 
A dimwit indeed.
During one of Grandfather Lee’s elaborate family dinners, which he insisted on hosting every time he returned from a trip, Minho seized an opportunity to pull Joohyeon aside.
   “The messages are coming from L Corp. Headquarters.” Minho disclosed quietly.
Joohyeon blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the revelation. Before he could inquire further, dinner resumed, drawing their attention back to the bustling dining room.
Everyone seemed to be there, everyone except Jungshin.
But only a few minutes later, the eldest grandson walked through the dining room entrance, smiling.
   “Apologies Grandfather, I had to send an important message.”
   “At least you’re here.” The old man nodded approvingly, his gaze shifting to Jihoon, who was reluctantly present with his eyes fixed on his cellphone.
Jihoon’s mother nudges her younger son, who rolls his eyes and sets his phone down.
Everyone engages in their own little conversation.
Joohyeon’s phone dinged.
As his eyes scanned the bright screen, his world seemed to freeze. A chill ran down his spine as he read the message
Why did you do it?
And this time, the sender wasn’t anonymous. It wasn’t an unknown number that went dead when he tried to call back. No, this time there was a name attached to the sender. Joohyeon’s stomach churned, a feeling of nausea rising within him.
The boisterous laughter from Jungshin snapped him back to reality. Joohyeon blinked, feeling dazed as he glanced around at each family member seated in the room before his gaze froze back onto his screen.
   “Have you heard about Y/N Park and rumors of her American boyfriend?” Jungshin stated loudly, his gaze was fixed pointedly on Minho, clearly aiming to elicit a reaction.
Minho remained composed, recognizing Jungshin’s attempt to provoke him. With a calm demeanor, he shifted the conversation away easily, like he had always done.
   “I see my brother is more interested in gossip than business. Have you begun preparing for the conference this weekend?” Minho replied evenly, a polite smile spreading across his face as he lifted his gaze from his food.
The smirk on Jungshin’s face quickly vanished, replaced by a hint of anger as he leaned forward, ready to retort. However, his mother intervened, gripping his hand firmly to silence him.
   “There’s no reason for us to talk about the Parks or Y/N, is there? She’s no longer engaged into this family, nor is she on good terms with Minho. Isn’t that right, Minho?” Jungshin’s mom interjected firmly.
Grandfather Lee cleared his throat, prompting his older daughter-in-law to sit back and compose herself.
   “The business deal we had with the Parks was only hindered briefly. Any sane businessman won’t just shelve a forty billion dollar project.” Mooyoung stated matter-of-factly, continuing to eat his food.
Jungshin laughs, leaning in “Since the contents of the project are all out in the open now. My fam—Our family, should find another way to make personal ties with the Parks again.”
He quickly corrects his sentence for insinuating that there were two families within the Lee family. Although it was a true statement. There were two families. The older son and the younger sons of Chairman Lee. It was supposed to be kept unsaid.
Grandfather Lee continued eating, showing disinterest in the business discussions his grandsons were initiating.
   “And what exactly are you thinking?” Minho’s mother asked, one brow raising curiously.
   “Like it was planned from the beginning. But this time, we’ll choose someone who can correctly do his part.” 
Jookshin finally perks into their conversation.
   “Who here is a good option? Jihoon who would rather jump off a cliff, Minho who ruined his relations with Y/N, or Joohyeon, who looks like he’s not even in this world?” She directed her glance towards Joohyeon, seated at the end of the table, still engrossed in his phone.
   “Me.” Jungshin’s laughter filled the room.
For the first time that night, Minho’s usually composed demeanor darkened with a hint of displeasure.
   “Brother, don’t you think you’re a little too old?” Jihoon finally chimed in, showing interest in their ongoing conversation.
   “Why? I’m not divorced, I’m the eldest son, and I actually have a good reputation.” Jungshin retorted confidently
   “Does Y/N mind an eleven year age difference?” Someone asks, and all eyes are on Minho.
The youngest in the room glances at every single face, then looks at Joohyeon, who had long disassociated, and his grandfather who continued eating as if he was all by himself.
Minho clears his throat, placing his fork and knife down.
   “Miss Park doesn’t have a preference when it comes to age. As long as you give her the attention she craves. But…she particularly fancies handsome men.” He glances.
There is silence in the room after Minho stops speaking. Jihoon snorts, stifling back a laugh.
   “I guess even our eldest brother doesn’t make the cut then huh?” He cackles, his father glares at him and he quickly covers his mouth, chuckling silently.
It was true, Jungshin had lots of attributes, but when it came to looks, he fell behind all his brothers. 
   “Plastic surgery can’t be passed through genetics son.” Jihoon’s mother comments, an indirect jab at her sister-in-law, a former beauty pageant contestant. 
   “Father, what do you think?” Mooyoung asks his father.
Chairman Lee gets the final attention from his family.
“Mooyoung, Doyoung. I think I called you all here for family dinner. Not the discussion of business marriage.” He simply states, not looking up from his almost complete dinner. 
Both his sons straighten in their seats, sharing uneasy glances.
   “I’m going to go rest.” He states, placing down his utensils.
The sound of the chair being pushed against the floor, brings Joohyeon back to a dinner he completely zoned out of. Seeing his grandfather exit, he quickly stands as well.
“Sorry, I have something important to tend to.” He glances at Minho, signaling him to follow.
And like that three people are gone from the dinner table.
   “Why does he look so spooked?” Jookshin comments, getting back to her food.
Jungshin’s phone buzzes and he excuses himself as well.
Entering the living room, Minho found his brother staring wide-eyed at his phone, on the brink of a panic attack. The older brother’s shock was evident, his hands trembling as he finally handed over the device to Minho. The screen was filled with threatening texts and screenshots.
   “Brother, just exactly what—”
Before Minho could finish, the sound of Jungshin’s snickers echoed from the hallway. The eldest brother, stepped into the room, his eyes still fixed on his phone. Seeing Jungshin’s amused expression, laughing with his phone in his hand, Joohyeon makes his own connections and completely loses it.
   “It’s you isn’t it?” Joohyeon growled, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief. Without waiting for a response, he lunged at his older cousin, tackling him to the ground.
The loud bangs from the living room echoed into the dining hall, drawing everyone’s attention. For a moment, they exchanged puzzled looks before rushing to the scene. In the living room, Minho and the servants struggled to keep the older Lee brothers from attacking each other.
   “What the hell is going on?!” Lee Mooyoung shouted, his voice filled with frustration. 
The fighting brothers froze, their eyes shifting to Jungshin’s father and the rest of the family gathered at the entrance.
   “Father, this idiot has gone crazy. He attacked me like a rabid dog.” Joohyeon spat, bloodied and enraged, glared back at Joohyeon as he struggled to his feet, wiping the blood from his nose.
The rabid dog in question fell silent, staring at the dark carpet he was on, slowly he sat up and pushed back his hair. His face was decorated nicely with signs of his fight.
Minho also stood back, hands behind him as well.
Their father studied them both, his anger palpable.
   “You two, follow me to my study. Now!” He commanded, his voice brooking no argument.
Jungshin, still fuming, interjected. “What about what he did to me, Uncle?”
   “I’ll deal with it.” Doyoung muttered, cutting off any further protest from the eldest.
Before Jungshin could push the matter, his own father silenced him with a stern look.
Upon entering their father’s study, the sharp crack of a slap echoed through the room, striking the already frantic and wounded Joohyeon. Minho froze by the closed study door, standing rigidly as he had been back in the living room.
   “Have you gone mad?!” Their father bellowed, his voice filled with fury.
He glared at Joohyeon, who was holding his cheek with both hands, his face a mask of pain and humiliation. Doyoung’s anger shifted as he approached Minho, grabbing his jaw to inspect a red gash on his face, evidence of his involvement in the altercation.
   “And you’ve managed to get your younger brother involved in it as well.” Doyoung continued, his eyes scrutinizing Minho’s injury.
Joohyeon’s face hardened with resentment. Despite his own injuries being more severe, their father’s concern was clearly focused on Minho’s minor scratch. No matter how much Joohyeon needed Minho’s assistance, he could never bring himself to like him.
   “Why did he do that? Is he drunk?” Their father demanded, his tone sharp and accusatory. 
The question wasn’t directed at the hysterical Joohyeon, but rather at Minho. The youngest son glanced between the men, hesitant to speak, waiting for his brother to give him a sign.
   “Don’t look at him!” Doyoung snapped.
Minho looks down, nodding.
   “Brother has been receiving some malicious messages lately.” Minho began. “He wanted me to find out who was behind them.” 
He glanced at Joohyeon, who was still looking at the floor, his hand pressed to his cheek. 
   “I haven’t identified the culprit yet, but the messages seem to originate from our company. Joohyeon might have suspected Brother Jungshin was behind it, which is why—”
   “You fool!” Their father cut him off, his voice dripping with frustration, head snapped to glare at Joohyeon. 
   “How can you just point out a culprit without concrete evidence? Don’t you have even that much common sense?” The father’s anger was undiminished. 
   “You could have waited for Minho to find the evidence before taking such reckless action, especially in front of the family. You’re lucky your grandfather wasn’t here.”
Lee Doyoung pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to think through how to address his children’s missteps. But still, his gaze softened as he considered Joohyeon’s distressed state.
   “What were the contents of the messages?” He asked, directing his question at Joohyeon, who remained silent. Seeing which, only fueled Doyoung’s anger further. 
   “You, tell me what those damn messages were about!” He demanded, turning to Minho, whose confused expression indicated he had little information.
   “I… don’t know the exact contents but they are threatening and taunting. As if they knew a dark secret.” Minho glanced at Joohyeon, who was now clenching his fists tightly, his body trembling with a mix of frustration and fear.
Doyoung’s gaze softened with concern as he looked at his guilty son. Sensing something was amiss.
   “Minho, you can go now. Take care of your face. You need to be presentable for the conference this weekend.” He instructed, his eyes never leaving Joohyeon, who looked on the verge of breaking down.
As Minho exited, the study door clicked shut behind him. Silence lingered for a brief moment before Doyoung’s voice cut through the quiet.
   “Show me the messages.”
Joohyeon’s hands shook as he retrieved his cell phone from his jacket pocket. Doyoung took it, his eyes widening in shock as he scrolled through the threatening messages and screenshots. His expression shifted to one of profound concern and worry.
   “J-Joohyeon, just what have you done?”
Joohyeon’s face contorted as he cried, suddenly grasping his father’s wrists. He broke down, his composure shattering as his face scrunched up in a mix of desperation and fear. The phone slipped from Doyoung’s hand and fell to the floor with a loud thud, its screen darkening as it lay there, forgotten.
   “Father. I…I killed Jae.” He cried.
Minho walked out of the Main Residence, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he glanced at his watch, noting the time as he descended the stairs toward his car, parked nearby. A faint smirk played on his lips, a sense of satisfaction evident in his demeanor.
   “The next message should’ve been sent by now.” He muttered to himself, his smirk widening.
Just then, Joohyeon’s phone, forgotten on the ground of his father’s study, dinged with the arrival of a new message.
It was from “Jae”.
Brother, why did you kill me?
   “You bastard, just what did you do!?” Doyoung was upset, the backhanded slap had Joohyeon tumbling backwards onto his father’s desk, his already beat-up face bruising even more.
   “I didn’t mean to father!” He gets on his knees, grabbing his father’s legs.
   “Please father save me. I made a mistake. I just wanted to find out about the secret deal like you wanted. I was doing as you tasked me to. I didn’t mean to kill him.” He cries hysterically.
His father grabs him by the collar, pulling his back up.
   “Minho was able to find out about that damn deal. And he didn’t have to kill anyone.” He mutters, pushing his son back. 
The old man runs his hand through his hair, trying to figure out what could be done. He was pissed and extremely upset but he didn’t want his son to be punished.  
   “I’ll have Minho deal with the messenger. You have to lie low for a while, go abroad. I’ll give the V.P. position to Minho.” His father states, mind still wracking.
Hearing about his position being taken away from him, the older son’s head shoots up.
   “No father, you can’t. Not to Minho.”
His father glares at him, pushing him back onto the desk.
   “You have no say anymore. Keep quiet and listen to me if you don’t want to end up paying for your crimes.
Minho replayed the video again. And again it showed Joohyeon and Jae, the night the younger man died. It took him a year, but the youngest Lee was able to retrieve the footage from the compromised Yacht CCTV.
It’s the same video evidence of an already high Jae lounging over his lines of cocaine. Joohyeon shoots him up with more drugs, once. Twice. Three times.
The footage clearly shows the shock that Jae’s body goes through, figure spazzing, Joohyeon freaking out.
Foaming at the mouth, Jae falls still. 
And the older cousin is frozen. He gets close, nudging him, shaking him. The older man checks for a pulse, immediately falling back in shock after realizing that his younger cousin was dead. He moves his body back and glances around, then looks up, spotting the CCTV in the corner. He approaches it. And the screen goes jittery.
Minho rewinds. Screenshotting again.
The incident had stripped the older brother of his title.
Joohyeon was sent abroad. And coincidentally Minho had “dealt” with the messenger, getting rid of the evidence. The youngest son was promoted, and Lee Jihoon has suddenly become a member of his team. 
What a combination those two made.
The stoic younger brother who smiled politely when appropriate and the messy older brother who goofed around whenever he could.
Although, everyone still wondered exactly what made Jihoon come back to assist in L Corp. when he hated it so much.
Summers faded into winters, and time marched on relentlessly for Lee Minho. Despite the passage of seasons, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of success.
Promotions came, and he took on ambitious projects, solidifying his reputation as the “youngest prodigy” at the company. His cousins were jealous, uncle and aunt hating him a little more every passing day. His mother still despised him, his brothers barely spoke to him. His grandfather continued to dote on him. But Minho always returned to an empty and dark apartment. 
He lacked friends and acquaintances, choosing instead to immerse himself fully in his work. 
If Lee Minho claimed he didn’t miss Y/N’s presence by his side, he would be lying. Sometimes, as he entered the familiar apartment complex, he harbored a fleeting hope that around the next corner, he would find her leaning against his door, just as she always used to, patiently waiting for him.
But she wasn’t.
She was in New York. And had been for the past two years. 
And despite Lee Minho’s desire to stay under the radar and avoid unnecessary attention, his continuous excellence in his career made it impossible to escape the spotlight. As he climbed higher in his professional life, the inevitable admiration and attention from others became overwhelming. And suddenly he found himself at an age where the topic of marriage seemed to buzz around him in whispers.
Young ladies sought his attention eagerly, drawn by his success and status. They would throw themselves at him, hoping to capture his interest and secure a future with a man of his caliber. However, Minho’s lack of reciprocation and genuine disinterest proved to be a significant barrier. It was a repeating cycle, women intrigued by his achievements would initially pursue him ardently, only to grow tired of his reserved demeanor and lack of enthusiasm.
That’s how that morning ended.
The granddaughter of one of Chairman Lee’s fishing buddies had left their breakfast abruptly, clearly disheartened. She hadn’t even waited for their drinks to cool. Lee Minho stared down at his steaming coffee, thoughts swirling in his mind.
In moments like these, he couldn’t help but reflect on his younger self from Australia.
That Minho possessed a drive for revenge and destruction. A boldness and sincerity that seemed to have faded over the years.
That Minho would’ve listened to his grandfather’s guidance. He would have pursued this girl earnestly, made her fall for him and perhaps even propose marriage. He would’ve gotten a closer step to his goals. 
But the Minho of today was different. 
He was accustomed to wearing masks, and likely would have kept that mask on even if he married this girl, and suddenly the thought of it made him frown.
The one person Lee Minho didn’t need to put on a facade for was across the world.
He laughed at himself, reaching for his drink.
The next time Minho heard about Y/N was when he had gone to New York for an overseas meeting, a year and some months after his promotion. Jihoon was with him and they were staying at one of The Rose Hotels, at the lobby Jihoon had looked around and asked Minho.
   “Did you know Y/N is staying in the penthouse of this location?” 
Minho signs at the reception for check-in, looking at Jihoon at the mention of her name.
   “She’s always promoting this location through her socials.” He leans back onto the top of the reception desk, waiting for his room key.
   “Do you want to grab dinner with her? I can call her.” The older brother brings out his phone, and Minho thanks the receptionist behind the counter, taking their key-cards.
   “I don’t want to. Have fun.” He responded blankly, sticking Jihoon’s room card into the chest pocket of his jacket, before walking away.
Jihoon sighed, shaking his head at his boring brother.
   “The rumors were true then. They definitely aren’t friends anymore huh?” The older brother speaks to himself. 
And Minho doesn’t hear about her from others again. 
Six more months, and Y/N was officially gone for two and a half years. Though news of her return in a week was going around. It doesn’t take long for the whispers to reach the workaholic executive’s ears. Though he doesn’t show any reaction to the news, any signs of interest in her or her return, his heart beating rapidly says otherwise. 
Minho couldn’t wait to see her.
Two days before Y/N Park’s return was Minho’s birthday. Despite the obligatory wishes from his team and messages flooding in, the day felt mundane and unremarkable to him. Birthdays had lost their sparkle long ago, becoming instead a reminder of his father's infidelity and the ensuing family discord.
Around his birthday, his mother’s disapproving remarks seemed sharper, his aunt and cousins’ disdain more palpable. It was a time when Minho felt the weight of his family’s judgment more acutely.
It was around his birthday that he wanted to ruin even more than he did the day before.
But Minho had not always spent his birthdays alone. From the age of sixteen to twenty-five, Y/N had been a constant presence by his side. Whether she was dragging him reluctantly to events or surprising him with unexpected visits, she had always managed to bring a touch of brightness to his otherwise somber birthday celebrations. Her absence now only amplified the emptiness he felt on this day.
He chuckled wryly to himself as he parked his car in the apartment complex lot.
Minho walked into his apartment, exchanging his shoes for house slippers. His eyes froze on the pair of black heels neatly placed next to his own shoes on the shelf. The distant strains of The Birthday Song played on a piano instrumental, drifted to him from the living room. 
Cautiously, he took a few steps down the corridor, his mind racing.
He froze at the entrance, jacket in hand, his eyes locking onto the figure twirling gracefully in his living room.
There she was, Y/N.
She wore nothing but a men’s dress shirt, an image both familiar and unexpected.
   “~Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday my Minho. Happy Birthday to you!~” Y/N sang, her voice filling the room with a mix of familiarity and surprise.
She paused her twirling and approached Minho, her arms snaking around his neck to pull him closer, a wide smile on her lips as she enjoyed his surprise.
   “What-when did you arrive?” Minho managed to ask, his voice a mix of surprise and delight, his lips curling into a surprised smile as he processed her sudden presence in his living room.
He glanced around the room, taking in the loosely decorated birthday decor. The balloons by the window, fairy lights twinkling, and a birthday cake with a candle waiting to be lit and blown out.
Clearly taken aback, Minho’s surprise prompted Y/N to giggle, eyes sparkling with amusement. A finger rested on his chin before she playfully flicked, eliciting a low chuckle from him. A genuine, cheesy grin that he couldn’t control taking over his stunned expression.
   “Did you miss me, Lee Minho?”
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
── ask to be tagged! - @minh0scat, @qwonyoung23
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wooyoong · 1 year
🧸 freya's recent bts reads (& recs)
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disclaimer : there's atleast one fic for each member, but i am yet to widen my spectrum, so you will find less vmin + jin fics. that also doesn't mean i don't like reading them, lol.
note : fic titles labelled with a * mark are series. minors please stay away, strictly. almost all fics here are 18+ !!
— also, i am @sugarwithtea 😭 incase you wanted to check out my writing blog then.
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* 9 months to fall in love by @floralseokjin (s2l, accidental pregnancy au, 18+)
It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
* For Love & Money by @jimlingss (s2l, forced marriage au)
For love, you foolishly lied to yourself. For money, you married a stranger.
* Till Death Do Us Part by @colormepurplex2 (e2l, arranged marriage au, mafia au, 18+)
Marital bliss isn't always a guarantee, especially when you find yourself marrying into the family responsible for your own family's demise. Sometimes, marriage is just a game of kill or be killed. Even when there is love involved, bullets still hurt.
Sinful Lust by @oddinary4bts (ft. jungkook, threesome au, 18+)
in an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating...
* The Truth Between Us by @jimlingss and @gukyi (e2l, multiple aus, 18+)
a book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
* Playing With Fire by @/chanyeolly (ao3) (e2l, idol au, 18+)
Yoongi hates you. Or at least, he thinks he does.
Y/N works for BigHit and Yoongi is bad at dealing with his feelings.
Brevity (But Most Often Not) by @threeletterslife (ft. jimin, s2?, psychopath hoseok)
All your life, you've been with guys who didn't bother to read the news or appreciate the art form of journalism. But Hoseok... Even the way he carefully chooses his words is a sign that you and he are a match. If only he weren't in a dilapidating psychiatric hospital. Then maybe you'd have a proper boyfriend who treated you right for once.
* Arranged by @obiwrites (ao3) (arranged marriage au, 18+)
If you thought entering an arranged marriage with the person you love would be a dream, you were in for a rude awakening. Jung Hoseok was far from the doting husband you’d dreamed of and most of it could be chalked up to the fact that he was in love with his best friend. And you are without a shadow of a doubt, not her.
But what happens when Hoseok starts to realize he doesn’t want you to be her? That there might be more than meets the eye with you?
Fake Love by @aquaminwrites (e2l, fake dating au, 18+)
Every year, your family spends the holidays at your parents’ cottage in the country. Freshly single and not wanting to be picked apart by your family for being alone, you decide to recruit one of your friends to pretend to be your boyfriend. The only available volunteer? Your brother Namjoon’s roommate, Hoseok. Only problem? He absolutely hates your guts.
* Jungle Park by @jimlingss (coworker au, amnesia au)
The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah...once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
Not Another Holiday Romance by @kpopfanfictrash (s2l, one night stand au, holiday au, 18+)
You, a perpetually alone (and utterly cynical) movie director, are sent to the town of Snow Falls, Middle-of-Nowhere for your latest film assignment. Stuck in holiday hell until the new year, you’re determined to get in and get out with minimal damage to your Grinch reputation. That is, until a ridiculously gorgeous (and young?!) town historian is assigned to help with your film. Suddenly, you find yourself the heroine of one of those corny romances you direct – and are discovering they might not be so corny after all.
* My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold by @daechwitatamic (r2l, college au, 18+)
You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
The Wedding Arrangement by @/sugalights (ao3) / @sugaurora (s2e2l, fwb au, 18+)
You are in love with your best friend, the only man who matters, Kim Seokjin.
Unfortunately, he's just gotten engaged to someone who isn’t you. Even more unfortunately, he expects you to help plan the wedding alongside Kim Namjoon, his other best friend and, based on your first meeting, just another judgemental jerk.
Putting aside your distaste for the sake of your friend’s happiness, you both set about giving Seokjin the wedding of his dreams. Following a rough and satisfying affair at the caterer’s, you strike an unusual deal: you and Namjoon will be enemies with benefits until the wedding is over. And after six months of wedding planning, you both just might learn that weddings aren’t usually the end, but a brand new beginning.
* Maybe Me by @jiminrings (single dad au, s2l)
summary: maybe it’s stupid of jimin to take on everything at once, all by himself. maybe it’s rash of him to book a long-term stay at a luxury hotel, even if it comes with a family discount. but maybe, just maybe, jimin would have nothing to lose and everything to gain if he lets you in.
Always the Bridesmaid by @kookingtae (e2l, holiday au, 18+)
When you first meet Kim Taehyung, you’re determined to find every reason you can to hate him—or maybe he’s just looking for ways to get on your last nerve. But when a turn of events has the two of you working the wedding of the man you’re hopelessly in love with, you’re too late to realize the real reason to hate Kim Taehyung is because of the latest column he’s secretly writing: “Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride”, and it’s all about you.
* Take A Chance by @crystaljins (hanahaki au, coworker au)
You should have known the second your business partner asked you to plan his best friend’s wedding as a favour that it was going to be nothing but trouble. Especially when it turns out he’s in love with said best friend. And dying of a deadly disease because of it.
on the road (to you) by @cupofteaguk (f2l, road trip au)
as a young adult, one of the strangest revelations is the discovery that peers of yours from past fragile college years are getting married. so imagine your shock and excitement upon receiving a wedding invitation. there are, however, two problems: (1) you are a poor early-20s recently employed adult just beginning to adjust to your 401k plan, and (2) the only available ride to the wedding comes in the form of Jeon Jungkook—friend of a friend, attendee to that aforementioned wedding, and your old college crush. 
Sinful Lust by @oddinary4bts (ft. yoongi, threesome au, 18+)
in an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating...
Accidental Roommates by @jjkeverlast (r2l, single dad au, 18+)
moving apartments is stressful and difficult enough as it is. all the planning and packing and multiple moments of rearranging furniture; all you crave is peace.
yet it seemed like peace was far within reach as the owner of the apartment had left out one tiny crucial detail from the ad — a ripped tattooed adonis, coupled, with a tiny baby daughter will come as your roommate.
Rivers Over Stones by @ichorai (e2l, godparents au, 18+)
you hated jungkook the minute you laid eyes on him. the only reason why he was still in your life was because you both shared a goddaughter, hana. but everything changed unexpectedly when the two of you become her caretakers and you’re forced to live under the same roof. suddenly, you find yourself hating him just a bit less. or more, but who’s keeping track?
* Ego by @suga-kookiemonster (s2l, fwb au, 18+)
what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way.
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🧸 given that a lot of authors are not active, please don't misuse their content! all rights reserved by the respective authors!!
— a bit of these have not been completed by me, leading to no feedback yet but i know these are good haha!
623 notes · View notes
nevernonline · 3 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #22 end it all.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 5.7k (some texts in between writing as well)
masterlist ▸ 021 we're so back.  ▸ 023 signing off for now. (coming soon)
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Y/N sat waiting for this moment for the past 24 hours, sitting around on Mingaho’s couch, his carpet in the living room, the floor of the shower, literally any spot you can name when he wasn’t at work or out with their friends. Which was a luxury she couldn't afford as of yet. 
Mimi hurt her deep and it wasn’t just her she was hurting anymore. It was everyone around her. Somehow y/n didn’t even care enough about her own wellbeing to do anything prior to the incidents with Minnie and her further threats towards her male counterparts. It hurt her to see the people she loved despite some bumps in the road hurting more than she was. 
Even though Mimi had single handedly been the issue in her life for many years she still couldn't figure out a way to hurt her back. Of course she could publicly embarrass her, call her family, fall in love with a boy that Mimi once wanted for herself, but it wouldn’t be enough, nothing would ever feel enough to get rid of her. Well, other than murder and y/n wasn’t ready to give up one weird fucked up version of prison to get the real one. Some part of her even wanted to just say fuck it and give Mimi friendship in hopes of all of this fading away even though she knew it none of it would be enough. 
Laying her forehead on the clean glass of Minghao’s coffee table, she took in a big ass sigh just waiting for the clock to hit 5:00pm when she’d finally be in her confrontational mode. Nipping (hopefully) all of this shit in the bud. 
Mingaho walked through the arched threshold of his house, the secret house apparently nobody had been too other than her. Standing in front of her staining his coffee table momentarily with her makeup, just looking at her with his concerned eyes, somehow still as statuesque as ever. 
All she could come up with was a simple response, wiping her stain not so secretly with the sleeve of her gray sweatshirt. 
“I got you some food, come on.” 
“Does this food happen to start with a “W” and end with a ‘INE?’ Or anything involving a content higher than zero?” 
“Do the letters THC sound okay?” 
“Wow, yes three of my favorites.” 
Minghao led her into the kitchen, still holding a grip on her arm from his helping her off the floor. Sitting her down at his overly modern kitchen table, where he set her lunch complete with a napkin that had a knife, fork, and rolled up joint sitting on it like it was meant to be used for her to shovel the various dishes into her mouth. 
“A real Ramsay.” 
“I do take pride in my plating and table setting.” 
“Did you roll it yourself?” 
Minghao waved his fingers to her, catching a slight smile from the girl as she beamed at the hello kitty themed rolling paper he had ordered online. 
“Feeling okay?” 
“Despite everything, yeah. I’m just ready to get rid of her at least for a while.” 
“Still not going to tell me what you planned or?” 
“No, sir. Out of the question.” 
“Ah, come on, I can keep a secret.” 
“I used to think that, but you’re friends with Jun now, he’d still find out.” 
“No way.” 
“How do you think I knew you had a garden in the back of your place, he stalked you. He’s impressive.” 
“And not scary at all.” 
“He’s harmless.” 
The pair ate the rest of their meal in silence not knowing how to continue the conversations they had been having recently, both in the same frame of mind and their end goal in sight. Minghao couldn’t lie that Y/n keeping him in the dark about what her plan was wasn’t making him nervous, he had built up a protectiveness to her, something he’d never experienced with any of his other friends. He knew that she could handle herself, but it still didn’t ease his anxiety further. 
“Hey, what time is it?” 
Mingaho just looked up at her, unaware she had been trying to ask him a question as he was in his own head. 
“Oh, uh. 4:30.” 
“Alright. Hand me your lighter and let me get a hit in before I have to dress for revenge.” 
Mingaho just laughed, handing over the black electric lighter to her across the table, being careful to not touch her fingers and go back into his trance. 
He had been doing good the past few days, not intruding on her space with his feelings to much, keeping it just how she wanted it, just friends. Hopefully, for him that just meant until she got the whole Mimi thing handled. 
Y/n took a deep exhale and blew the smoke behind her to not get it into Minghao’s space. The pair's phones  lit up at the same time, letting them know it was time to meet up for hopefully the finale. 
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Minnie and Y/n stepped outside of Mingyu’s black car, weirdly the perfect car for their bondess actions, not quite matching their casual outfits to their gut feelings. Minnie linked arms with y/n as they walked up to Mimi’s apartment, waiting for their meeting of the devil they both know. 
“Honestly, I’m surprised she lives here? I thought she had a good job?” 
“Last I heard she did? Some sort of social management or something?” 
“Perfect for her huh? Managing other people's lives.” 
“Yeah, but this.. Don't tell that truth.” 
“Maybe she was lying?” 
“Or y/n, maybe it’s a set up?” 
“No. I don’t think so. Her name is on the call box.” 
“This is becoming even more bizarre than I would’ve thought in the first place, ring the buzzer.” 
“Minnie, you ring the buzzer.” 
“Why would I ring the buzzer? You have longer fingers than me, less chance of being electrocuted or something, plus you have long sleeves you can wrap your hand in. They must protect you from that stuff too, right?”
“I don’t know? I’m scared to ring the buzzer. What if she puts some sort of magic powder on it and it turns me into a frog or something, I hate frogs.” 
“Why don’t we both ring the buzzer at the same time and then if there's a chance that she is some weird witch then we both turn into preferably not frogs but maybe cats or something?” 
“Well the witch thing is true. Okay, together.. Uh, ready?” 
Minnie and Y/n reached their pointer fingers together closer to the buzzer of apartment 4C that apparently belonged to their mutual enemy. When they made contact with the sticky silver knob they both jumped as the door unlocked, Mimi must have been waiting for their arrival right next to her intercom. 
“Okay.. Call me a snob or whatever y/n but this place is, uh-” 
“Not what you were expecting?” 
“Me either.” 
The girls walked through the courtyard following the signs on the side of the bricks that would lead them to the staircase up to the fourth floor to find Mimi standing outside with her door cracked, watching them timidly walk towards her. 
“I see you guys have no respect for other people's time still, you’re ten minutes late.” 
Y/n looked down at her watch. 
“Actually, we’re right on time, see?” 
She shoved her electronic apple watch screen with the exact time running across. 
“My mistake, I guess. Want to come in or are we just going to talk out here? Maybe the best idea considering you guys probably have some insane plan to tie me up and poison me or something.” 
“Why would we waste prison time on you exactly?” 
“Touche, Minnie. Come on, let’s get this over with.” 
Minnie and Y/n gave each other a look of disbelief as they walked into her apartment, clothes strung around everywhere, a board with thumbtacks of documents, pictures of her dog, some weird excerpts from fashion magazines.  Her laptop plugged into a wall socket paused on a scene from 13 going on 30, dirty coffee mugs staining on her side table. Definitely not the place she assumed Mimi was living, especially since Y/n knew her parents were unbelievably well off. 
“You guys can just sit on the couch or at the desk, it doesn't matter. Just throw the clothes on the floor. They should be clean, but I’m not sure.” 
“Is this your apartment? Like, full time or?” 
“Yes, y/n. Laugh all you want, but this is my apartment.” 
“What happened to-” 
“To the luxury one? Well after my parents found out about some of the things I’ve done, they cut me off. Luckily my job had a way for me to find vacant places I could actually afford considering I spent all my money on clothes the entire time I was working for my dad, so I had no savings. That’s how.” 
“Sorry? That’s all you guys can say is sorry? After you basically ruined my life? You’re both part of the reason I’m here right now.” 
“What the fuck? How are we responsible for this exactly?” 
“Well, Minnie. Since you so kindly asked. You know exactly why. Your parents told mine that I am a quote bully unquote to poor sad Y/n who gets everything she wants, so I blame you for that.” 
“You blame us for the way you obsessively have been trying to ruin y/n’s life for years?” 
“Ruin her life? Please, what life?” 
“What life? Are you like.. Doing well? On drugs? Hitting your vape pen a little too much and losing all your brain cells or?” 
“Come on, Minnie. Don’t tell me you actually think her leeching off other people and making them feel sorry for her to get them to hangout with her is actually having a life? Half of you guys are just her barking dogs because she’s too much of a pussy to call people out herself. Even now, you’re here with her fighting with me over a comment I made about y/n. Barking little dog. Seokmin too, just absolutely blind to the fact that she’s a shitty friend to him while he’s picking up all her broken pieces over and over again. She can’t even get a fucking boyfriend, all the boys she’s ever loved have fallen for her best friends over her, Me and Joshua, now you and Mingyu, I wonder who’s going to come and scoop Minghao up from under her considering she’s never going to give him wha-” 
“God can you stop being a fucking cunt for one second? What the fuck have I EVER done to you to make you say this shit about me? What? Tell your parents that you were recklessly drunk driving? You almost killed my father? You paralyzed a woman from the waist down? But, you left completely unscathed, no injuries aside from a little vomit and a paper cut sized gash on your hand because your vodka bottle shattered into the steering wheel as you drove into oncoming traffic? Tried for years to get Joshua to see that the type of person you are isn’t who he sees, that you were brainwashing him? Fuck. I even left and signed your stupid fucking note claiming I was doing all of this for attention, left my life, my friends, took time off of work, just because I needed you to stop trying to take it over and just wanted to give it to you so I never had to see you ever again. You think I actually want to sit here and look at how you’re living just so I can feel good about myself? No, it doesn’t make me feel good, Mimi. I don’t think this would make anyone feel good. But, unfortunately it’s karma. Karma for all those goddamn years of you poking and prodding and sticking daggers in my back until I finally bleed out completely and give you what you want. Well it’s fucking done, it’s over.” 
“What’s over, y/n? Huh. You think you’re actually going to win? Over me?” 
“Hah. I don’t care. Don’t you see that? I don’t fucking care anymore. I want you to get the fuck and stay the fuck away from me for a good long time. If you ever pull any of this shit again, you won’t just have a shitty apartment, you’ll have a shitty jail cell.” 
Y/n stood up now itching in closer to where Mimi was standing, leaving Minnie sitting with a shocked look on her face, almost proud. 
“What? Coming close to me so you can punch me or something?” 
“No. But, thanks for the idea.” 
Y/n took one last look into Mimi’s face before taking a deep breath in. 
“Stay the fuck out of my life. Leave my friends alone. Get a different hobby or you’ll get a very unfriendly visit from me accompanied by a few police officers coming to search your apartment and I’m sure you’ll love the new pretty set of silver jewelry they put on your wrists, matching cuffs are super in right now.” 
Y/n then pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her purse, walking away from standing in Mimi’s face, placing it under a thumbtack on her board. 
“Should get you a couple more trips to the laundry room, you could use it. Let’s go Minnie. Thanks for having us, Mimi. Your place is delightful.” 
Minnie got off the couch turning to follow y/n out, but turning back around just as quickly to look at Mimi feeling her rage build in her stomach. 
“Wait, I think I forgot something.” 
“What’s that?” 
Minnie lifted her right hand and laid a slap that could’ve been heard across town on Mimi’s cheek, making her gasp in pain. 
“Have a nice life, bitch.” 
Y/n and Minnie stayed nearly silent, running down the staircase from Mimi’s apartment and all through the courtyard back through the front doors and into Mingyu’s car. 
He wasn’t sure what they were thinking or even what they did, he just drove away without a word until the two girls made eye contact and started hysterically laughing, talking so loud in between their laughing breaths he couldn’t even make out a coherent sentence. 
“I cannot believe you did that, the delivery was SO good.” 
“What about you y/n? That speech, I mean that was cinema worthy, what the hell. I feel so proud of you after I finish laughing I might just cry? Also you tacking down the twenty dollars on the cork board was such a slap in the face.” 
“Oh my god, nothing like your actual slap in the face? I have so much adrenaline right now I feel like I could run a fucking marathon.” 
“Ew, no don’t do that. Let’s go get a drink at my place. Come on.” 
“Mingyu? Drink?” 
“Yes, of course. And I’ll need a full run down once the two of you stop laughing like two little girls, please.” 
“Shut up, you love us.” 
Mingyu smiled at the pair just laughing and giggling in the rearview mirror. Pulling his car into the parking lot of Minnie’s apartment, very different scenery than the one they just were at. 
“Wow, you know I just realized I’ve never seen your new place yet?” 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that, it's really cute. I’m trying to convince this tall bitch to move in with me.” 
“And what’s holding you back, Gyu?” 
“Nothing actually, I was going to tell her yes, might as well do it now while you guys are still on your high.” 
Y/n stopped in her tracks and held Minnie's arm, prompting them to jump up and down and scream slightly. 
“Wow, who would’ve thought THE Minnie Pinnie would have a MAN living with her. And her boyfriend at that, so adult.” 
“Hate to break it to you y/n, but we are adults.” 
“Psh, I know. “ 
“Okay, so let’s go up to my apartment first, I can lend you some clothes especially since you literally just sat on Mimi’s dirty laundry and weirdly stained couch, and we can wash yours.” 
“Sounds good to me, thank you my princess.” 
“Anytime, King Y/n.” 
“King? Excuse.” 
“It just came to me. Mingyu, do you mind grabbing the ice bucket and some wine and bringing it up to the roof? We’ll come in a few minutes.” 
“On it.” 
Minnie dragged y/n through her apartment, room by room, showing her all the new things she acquired to decorate, even though some of them are partially out of boxes waiting for their time to be hung up on the newly painted white walls. 
“Here, this was actually meant to be your birthday gift, but obviously we got distracted. Open it, open it, open it.” 
“You didn’t have to get me anything?” 
“Are you kidding me? Of course I did, I haven’t missed an y/n gift giving experience in a decade, come on.” 
“If anything I should be the one buying you a gift.” 
“My gift was slapping that bitch, hard, hurry please, I have to pee.” 
“Okay, okay.” 
Y/n tore through the tissue paper inside the pink bag, grabbing a hold of a garment inside and pulling it out, a silk black mid length dress with a matching black knit shawl on top. Something she remembers pointing out to Minnie through a car window months ago. Months before Mimi had entered their life again. 
“Oh my god, you didn’t.” 
“Hello? Of course I did, have you met me? Try it on while I pee, be right back.” 
Y/n took this silk fabric between her fingers and placed it carefully on the back of Minnies desk chair, sliding out of her jeans and t shirt and into the soft buttery fabric of her new dress, pulling the shrug over her arms and shoulders twirling a little, already wishing for somewhere to wear it. 
“Oh wow, y/n” 
Y/n walked over to Minnie with outstretched arms, hugging her tightly as another thank you and confirmation that she loved her gift. 
“I’m sorry we fought, I’m really sorry for everything, especially that you got hurt. I love you, Min.” 
“I’m sorry too, but it's over now, we’re perfect. Can I do your hair just so we can see how it’ll look with the dress?” 
“Yeah, sure. What about, Gyu?” 
“Ah, he’s fine, he has beer and a phone he can entertain himself well for ten more minutes, sit down.” 
Y/n obliged and sat down at the desk once again, letting Minnie brush her hair into a ponytail, slipping bobby pins in it, she was totally blind to what had been happening to the back of her head, Minnie came to her side brushing her bangs back and pinning them too into a perfect slicked back bun, topped off with a large black scrunchie as a hair accessory. 
“Okay, go look.” 
Y/n stood in the mirror, taking a long look at herself, some sort of light came back into her eyes, she looked almost happy. 
“You made me look good, now please sweatpants.” 
“No, you’re wearing this, I just put in all that work.” 
“But, you’re in sweats?” 
“I’ll change too, like a cute cheers to us killing a vampire.” 
Y/n smiled as Minnie very pixie floated around her room and grabbed a cute outfit to toss on very quickly all the while handing Y/n a few lip glosses and eyeshadow pallets touch her makeup up, and in five minutes she came out looking like an angel. 
“Drink time?” 
Minnie and Y/n walked back out the front door and up the single flight of stairs to the rooftop, little did y/n know lying behind the door to the sunset were the rest of her friends, here to makeup for her birthday one last time. 
“Can we be up here? Sounds like someone is having a party?” 
“Yes, y/n. You are.” 
“I am? I am what?” 
“Having a party stupid.” 
“You didn’t” 
“Like I said before, of course I did. Let’s celebrate, come on.” 
The two of them pushed open the door to a cheer of people, Mingyu smiling holding his glass of beer next to Wonwoo and Vernon who clapped as Y/n and Minnie ran through the door, Minghao sitting next to Jun, trying to push off his affectionate hug, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seokmin huddling around each other next to the snacks cheersing the two girls who came outside. A few of y/n’s other various friends are smiling and taking sips of their cocktails.
“I must be really dense? You had this all planned?” 
“Duh. I can’t believe you didn’t catch on. Now go, my beautiful friend. Have some drinks, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” 
Y/n was waved off as Minnie made her way over to Mingyu, jumping into his arms, waving to the boys he was sitting with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile seeing her friends so happy, she walked on her own looking over the city to the bar on the corner of the roof and grabbed the first clear cocktail she could get a hold of before turning around to find Seokmin smiling at her like a lost puppy. 
“Hello, lovely lady. How did it go with Mimi?” 
“Noo, no Seokmin, it’s over now I get to know what happened, that's the rule.” 
“Then can we make a deal? Let me finish at least three cocktails and THEN we can talk about Mimi, but a hint that it went perfectly.” 
“Good, come sit with us.” 
Seokmin picked up two more drinks and led Y/n over to a spot to sit in between himself and Jeonghan, she gladly nuzzled in between them, Joshua sitting across from her just smiling shyly, clearly not knowing how to insert himself again into a conversation after the one they had at her house, the tension was obvious but hopefully with the help of her friends he would get comfortable around her again while she made up her mind. 
“Happy Late Birthday, y/n. I missed you.” 
“Thank you, Hannie. I missed you too.” 
y/n wrapped her arm around him tightly after their hug letting it still rest around his shoulders, drinking away as he and Seokmin explained their crazy night out that somehow involved jumping off the pier after losing a bet with some girls at a bar. 
Y/n couldn’t help herself looking between Joshua and Minghao all night, almost like she was trying to force her eyes into making the decision for her. She knew in her gut what she actually wanted, but also wasn’t ready to hurt someone in the process. 
But, something about standing up for herself today made her realize a part of what Mimi was saying was true, maybe she did use people to make choices for her, maybe she was always too scared to admit how she felt because she was scared of the rejection that came with it, that’s why she chose to hide it away with pen and paper, obviously never thinking those things would come out. 
Her feelings for Joshua were nearly life long, she remembered when he didn’t feel like her friend anymore and moved himself into the painful crush category. Ever since fifth grade she couldn’t stop having feelings for him, all through high school, his stint with Mimi, even after he said and did terrible things to her, she did  them back so it was an even playing field. When she first lost her virginity, when she was seeing Mingyu, and even now. Joshua was so evident in her DNA from her childhood, it wasn’t really easy to shake him from her mind. 
Only one person had done it, Minghao. She didn’t always trust him or his intentions, which turned out to make sense once he had come clean, but she knew from the night he spent at her apartment, when he asked about her life, her photos. Even the simple things about him made her like him more, the way he’s always so engaged in her stories, never looking away from her eyes or her lips as she spoke, never using his phone when he’s with her only to take photos or show her a song that reminded him of her, writing down the movies she suggests just so he can understand her weird references she makes. He was a caretaker, someone who never questioned her, never made her feel less than, he always knew how to make her happy when she didn’t want to be. He fought for her, the same way she did for her friends. 
After her two drinks dried up and much of her conversations were lost on her picking her brain of how to make a choice between two worthy candidates, she got up to use the restroom, heading back down to Minnie’s place, on the way back out she ran into Minghao coming into the front door to pick up another case of beer to bring upstairs, he put it down and let her pass by, giving her hand a small squeeze and a smile without saying anything. Subtle but effective, he let her know he’d be right behind her on the way up. 
“Those are all for you I assume?” 
“No, you know I don’t drink beer. Mingyu is a little drunk so I offered to come down and grab it for him, I didn’t want him to get hurt.” 
“How very chivalrous of you.” 
Minghao put the case down and pulled a few out to pop into the cooler, grabbing a bottle of wine and an opener, waving y/n along to the otherside of the roof where only a few people were sitting and smoking. 
“Let’s share that birthday drink I owed you last time.” 
“Sounds perfect. I’m going to steal this blanket, hold on.” 
Y/n walked over to a couple sitting at a small table smoking a joint, holding hands lovingly watching the sunset. Minghao noticed her bright smile as she talked and waved to them while stealing the stray gray blanket from the open chair and skipping back over to Minghao covering them both up as she saw on the plush floor cushion. 
“That’s Mark, the guy I work for. I think I told you about him before. He’s super nice, he’s planning on proposing to her tonight. Maybe we’ll see it happen.” 
“That would be cute.” 
Minghao smiled at y/n’s eyes, lighting up talking about their proposal. He noticed they did that alot when she would talk about people being happy. It was one of the things he liked the most about her. 
“So, Swan.” 
“Yes, Mungbean?” 
“How was she?” 
“Ah, the subtle approach, I love it.” 
“Well, the place she's living in was sort of alarming at first. It’s totally fine, but not what I had expected, especially since last time I saw her she said she was living in some highrise just a few blocks over from here, actually. I guess it’s all she can afford because her parents cut her off for what she’s doing, she tried to blame me and Minnie, but we didn’t even say anything to them this time? Obviously, someone did.. Maybe Joshua or his mom? Not sure.” 
“Well, that’d be kind of silly for you guys to tattle on her like she's a child.” 
“Right. That’s exactly what I thought. Even if she does act like a child sometimes.” 
“What else happened? You guys just talked?” 
“I wouldn’t say it was talking, it was more of a shouting match at first. But it felt good to finally stick up for myself and not let someone else do it for me.” 
“So, she’s fine with it? Going to leave you alone?” 
“I threatened her with handcuffs.” 
“No, the police kind. I said if she ever tried any shit ever again I would come over and her small world would become a small jail cell, something like that.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing y/n upset, yelling at the girl who made her life hell as he poured them both another glass of wine, halfway through their bottle and moment alone already. 
“Surprised she didn’t try to rip your hair out or something. So you guys really just went over to talk?” 
“ No, not exactly, we did have more of an elaborate plan, but we got side tracked. Oh! And I tacked a twenty dollar bill to her board and said she needs to use it to do laundry which turned her face so red I thought she was about to, but Minnie slapped her instead and we ran off.” 
“The last part again?” 
“I know, I was so shocked I knew Minnie was a feisty bitch but I did NOT expect the slap it was so perfect. We laughed the entire way back here about it.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing the two girls running away childlike after Minnie finally let their bully have it. It seemed like the type of thing he wished they had gotten on camera. 
“But, yeah, nothing more than that. Just a bunch of girls fighting and slapping each other, something weird people on the internet would pay a lot of money for I think.” 
“Too bad you wasted your twenty on her.” 
“I can spare it, I think. Plus, she did have a lot of dirty laundry.” 
“Do you feel better now? I mean, less stressed about it? Because I was worried about you today, you looked like you were going to scream at any second.” 
“Yes, so much better. Thank you for this and for dinner and for letting me stay at your place, it was so nice seeing where you actually live, I was beginning to think you were some type of woodland creature at night or something.” 
“A woodland creature?” 
“Yeah, just you never showed anyone where you lived before. I don’t know? It’s really beautiful though, you should have people over more often, it's so cozy.” 
“You could move in.” 
“No, I just mean. I know you were afraid in your apartment alone after a while and I have the space, I mean you could have an office and a bedroom all to yourself, I don’t mean like-” 
“Are you ever going to ask me out?” 
“What? I-” 
“No. I mean. I’d like to go out with you, I’d say yes. We’ve moved faster in all the other steps and we’ve never really been on an actual date, so.” 
“I didn’t think you wanted me to ask you out?” 
“I thought I was the oblivious one.” 
“Oh, I-” 
“I mean at my parents house when we went outside, I thought you almost did. But, you never actually said anything. And I like spending time with you, just alone. It doesn’t have to be anything amazing or special, just us hanging out, unless you want to do something fancy? You’re kind of fancy. I like that. We kind of were getting to the maybe dating part before your art show, but that went to shit and I was dumb and went on a date with Joshua, which I’m sorry about by the way, that's complicated, but I don’t have feelings for him anymore like that, I have feelings for you. So? I’m talking too much, right?” 
“You’re not no.” 
“So? Yes? Unless you don’t have feelings for me which then makes this incredibly weird and we can just be friends. At least think about it. I-” 
“No, really just give it a few days. I’ve never asked anyone out before so this is weird, plus someone who’s my friends and friends with my friends, so.” 
Minghao took his hand and covered y/n’s mouth for a second just to get her attention back to him and stop her rambling so he can finally get a word in through her rant. 
“Y/n, I do like you. I thought that was obvious. I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I mean I like being your friend, but I’d like to go out with you. Thinking about staying your friend while I’ve liked you all this time and then watching you date someone else would probably kill me a little. So, yes I’d love to go on a date with you.” 
“Yes, please.” 
MInghao took y/n's hand, holding it tightly while he set their glasses of wine down in front of them and pulled her in for a small kiss on her stained lips. 
“The music started, should we go dancing?” 
“Shouldn’t we plan our date?” 
“That’s up to you, Mr. Minghao. I expect it to be nothing less than fabulous.” 
“Wait, but you asked me out, shouldn't you be planning it?” 
“Is that how it works?” 
“Okay, I will.” 
“Really, y/n. No, I can plan it.” 
“No. I’m planning. Now come on, let’s dance please.” 
Y/n pulled Minghao up from the ground, running with him to find the rest of their friends on the dance floor, never letting his hand fall from hers almost like a claim. 
Y/n and her friends spent the rest of the night, talking and laughing. Minnie told the story about the slap heard around the world to every separate group of people she talked to. 
When it was finally time to leave, y/n and Minghao hopped in a cab to his place. A place that someday, if things go right could be theirs together. 
When they finally shut the outside world away and got ready for bed, y/n glanced at the various mentions online from her friends, pictures, tweets, instagram posts, and some texts. But, one of them stuck out the most, a text from someone, an anonymous number she never had contacted before something that made her hair stand up on the nape of her neck. 
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note: hi! hope u enjoy this final written chapter, the next (two?) lil insert(s) will just to be finishing up this story and then we will be onto the next which I hope you'll all enjoy just as much!! have a good weekend my angel bb's :')
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taglist:@sun-daddy-yoriichi@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee@bee-the-loser@mxnhoeuwu
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hyuuukais · 11 months
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚your song (1.6k)
->♡idol!han jisung x fem reader
->♡pov: u fall in love with han jisung
->♡warnings: 1 kind of suggestive comment
it's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
never in your life had you fallen in love. of course, you knew love, you knew her well. love surrounded you in almost every way possible; you knew her like the back of your hand. but romance? fireworks? falling so deep you're drowning in it?
you can't say you're familiar with the feeling.
so when you get this tingling in your fingers as they brush against his arm accidentally, causing you both to look up and blush, you indulge in the foreign feeling. lightheaded, nervous, giddy.
"hi, i'm jisung-" his smile slightly falters as you pull your hand away. "you're felix's friend, right?"
i know it's not much, but it's the best i can do. my gift is my song and this one's for you
overworked, overtired, a cup of hot chocolate turned cold long ago the only thing in your system.
as if he sensed your stress from across the globe, your phone lit up with an incoming call. you debate getting up to grab your phone which is across the room charging on a small table. seeing the contact name decided for you; hanji.
"hey baby," the nickname he'd adopted for you makes your heart swell when he speaks. "you okay?"
"um, yeah, i guess so."
"you don't sound very convincing."
you sigh, giving in and confessing that your workload had been crazy lately. something about him made you want to tell all your deepest secrets, stripping yourself down to the bone for him to see.
"i know i can't do much from here, i wish i could." there's a pause. "what time is it for you?"
"...three am."
"three? y/n i- you!" his reaction makes you laugh. "okay. okay, listen. you, me on the phone, your bed, right now."
"i'm sorry, what?"
"not like that!" he says, a bit too loudly. "i meant like, you go to bed and i stay on the line. i could sing you to sleep."
a blush creeps up your neck, your cheeks, your ears. you agree, of course, and hurry off to bed, you can finish your work last minute in the morning. hearing the one and only han jisung sing to you personally? well, that was an offer you couldn't pass up. little did you know he would do it any time you asked.
his voice comes over the phone softly, and you can even hear him pick at guitar strings. you don't recognize the tune; something new, he said, something i've been working on for y- um, just something, haha. it doesn't take long for sleep to take you, and when you wake, he's hung up. of course he has, he has things to do too. a part of you wishes he'd stayed overnight. there's a text, a simple good morning i hope you slept well!! did you dream of me? :P, and your heart flutters.
and you can tell everybody that this is your song
"y/n hurry up or i'm gonna eat all your birthday cake myself!"
you had just finished getting ready to leave, picking out a green skirt to compliment the shirt jisung wore. you didn't know where you were going, only that one, you were meeting the boys there and two, he wanted to match. green looked so good on him, you couldn't help but stare when he first came into your little apartment.
over the past year, you'd grown closer to him, and one thing he couldn't wait to do was to celebrate your birthday. jisung brought it up multiple times, especially during the last few months, all of the things he wanted to do with you, experience with you. at this point he was almost challenging felix's best friend position.
"oh my god, you look gorgeous." his eyes widen as you step out. "you're joking right? like, you're actually joking? i get to spend my life with someone as beautiful as you-"
now your eyes widen, but it was like jisung hadn't even noticed what he said. he takes your hand in his, making you do a spin; you laugh freely and feel yourself become you in his presence. no one made you feel the way han jisung did.
you were slowly coming to terms with that.
"have i ever told you how much i love you?" jisung wraps his arms around your waist, playfully nuzzling into your neck. anyone looking in would think you were together. "because i love you a lot. shoutout to lix for losing you at that party, 'cause i don't know if he'd have introduced us. keeping you to himself."
he hums a now familiar tune, the song he refuses to tell you about. anytime you bring it up, he shies away, it's nothing, just work. the notes vibrate into your neck. this moment, it's engraving itself into your mind. the intimacy, safety, love.
a moment passes, he moves away from your neck. your faces are dangerously close. his eyes bore into yours, heat radiating off his body. the movement is slight, jisung moving in closer, lips parted.
a knock reminds you of where you are, who you're with, where you're supposed to be going. you break apart.
"i forgot felix was coming here," jisung pouts, leaving to get the door, heart beating just as fast a your own.
i hope you don't mind, i hope you don't mind that i put down in words...
the day finally comes where jisung shows you the lyrics to the song he's been writing. there's not a lot so far, being busy with the tour and all, but enough to feel a deep sadness lie in the pit of your stomach; it's a love song.
"it's... it's beautiful ji," you blink back tears, not wanting him to see. "whoever you wrote this for... they're very lucky."
"if anyone's lucky it's me," he says with a sigh. your back is turned to him, so you don't see the hearts in his eyes, don't feel the way his heart skips a beat when you lean back into him, back against his chest. "she makes me feel... like i could do anything."
he presses a kiss to your temple, and the tears well again.
"she doesn't even realize what she does to me," he says, tone serious. "or how amazing she is, how smart she is. she's a super hard worker, almost too hard, and that's coming from me," he chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "and her laugh? god, her laugh. you know, i thought i was annoying y- um, her, until she laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of her nose because of some stupid joke i made."
no way, you think, he doesn't mean-
...how wonderful life is while you're in the world
but he did.
that night, you didn't confess, just simply looked at him, eyes understanding. nothing happened, not physically at least, both still too scared to make a move even with the unsaid confession hanging heavy in the air, but something changed.
you were closer than ever, limbs entangled during movie nights, countless "friend dates", endless teasing from the others more persistent. the universe was pushing you together; why was it all so scary? although you were sure he felt the same, you couldn't act upon it. what about the media? and if not that, what about your conflicting schedules? a text pulled you away from those thoughts.
hannie bby - new song up soon !!!!!! ur gonna listen right??
y/n - nah. don't feel like it
hannie bby - WHAT
hannie bby - i mean i guess if you don't want to that's fine you don't have to. it meant a lot to me though but i understand
y/n - i was joking !!!!!
hannie bby - don't scare me like that
y/n - i have yt open rn. just waiting for the countdown
hannie bby - :)
hannie bby - i wasn't going to say until after
hannie bby - but this song is inspired by you
even more curious now, you wait anxiously for the video to start. 3.. 2.. 1.. it plays. it's slow at first, an extremely familiar tune playing in your ears. the lyrics are about love and fear; the fear of love. by the end your eyes have grown watery, almost missing jisungs incoming call.
"what did you think?"
the tears fall. "come over."
within twenty minutes, there's a knock on your door. he stares at your wet cheeks when you open the door, his hands on your face in an instant. warmth, connection. jisung kicks the door shut as you back up into your humble apartment, your arms around his neck. no words are said as he turns you around, hands slowly finding their way down to your waist, your back against the now closed door. your faces are close, breath intermingling.
"kiss me."
and he does.
he does and kissing him is an explosion.
his lips are soft, careful, gentle, grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly. your fingers find their way into his hair, lost in the feeling of him against you, chest to chest. when he pulls away, it's brief, you pulling him back more fiercely than intended. a surge of confidence, his tongue brushes against your bottom lip. you let him in, teeth knocking into each other. another heated moment passes before you pull away again, catching your breath. your lips are swollen, pink, his matching and eyes blown out.
"i take it you liked the song?"
"loved it."
he breathes out a laugh, hand caressing your cheek lightly, corner of his mouth twitching upward in a smirk. it doesn't last long. jisung clears his throat, looking down. his hands take yours.
"if i said i loved you-"
"say it," you take a hand away to lift his chin up.
his eyes meet yours. "i love you. ever since we met, i've loved you."
"i love you too," you smile. "more than words can describe."
he leans in again.
-> notes ♡ birthday gift for my love @tfshouldidohere bc i can't see u physically. i love u so much. like so much. like an insane amount you have no idea. i really hope you enjoyed this :3 have THE best birthday ever, i love you i love you i love you <333 💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎
-> taglist ♡ @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143
232 notes · View notes
jnnul · 1 year
a phone that won’t ring
a/n: third time’s the charm? if this doesn’t post this time, u heard it here first: tumblr is homophobic 😤
word count: 1k
type: drabble/short story
tags: fluff, angst, i keep pretending like i know what it’s like to be an idol, they love each other so much but time is their biggest enemy fr fr
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gif credits: @jigujellee​
it’s hard dating kim minji. it was like one day, she was just your girlfriend. the girl who would hold your hand and swing it a little too hard on walks by the han river until both of you lose your balance. the girl who would wrap you with her sweater because she had a possessive streak and she liked you wearing her clothing. the girl who would kiss you senseless when she had to leave for practice even though she promised to call you when she got back to the dorms.
and then the next, she was the unofficial leader of k-pop’s arguably hottest girl group.
soon, the girl who would turn on the strangest filters when she video called you to make you laugh turned into the girl who would organize her members together as they interacted with millions of fans all across the world.
minji always tries her best to make sure you don’t feel like you’ve fallen behind. she talks about you to her members. she mentions that a ‘friend’ bought her the beautiful necklace that a fan comments on when she’s on vlive. she always wears that necklace - no matter where she is. in every single of the thousands of pictures of minji at the airport, she’s wearing that necklace.
to the extent that people began spreading rumors that jungwon of enhypen and minji of newjeans were dating and that was their couple necklace. minji had laughed about it when she called you when those rumors first came out.
“i don’t think i’ve ever even been within ten feet of jungwon. people will say anything if you’re the same age as someone else. or honestly, if they just think you’re shippable with them. how ridiculous is that,” minji snorts as she fingers the sapphire necklace thoughtlessly.
you try to laugh, nodding as your mind wanders. “yeah. so ridiculous.”
that night, you spent a good three hours searching up jungwon and fall down a rabbit hole of jungwon x minji ships on tiktok. you try to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize just how well jungwon and minji match each other.
leaders. thoughtful. kind. so incredibly beautiful.
you weren’t bad looking - you knew that. and you knew that minji loved every single part of you, no matter how much you got in your head about it. but it was different for her. she didn’t even think about things that deep.
“have you ever noticed how uneven my eyes are? it’s like they’re on separate floors on my face,” you said one day, as minji’s not on camera for a second because she’s washing her face after practice. minji ducks into frame, white foam still on her face from her cleanser as she looks at you incredulously.
“y/n, i don’t think so at all. honestly, i don’t even know what you’re talking about; your eyes look fine to me,” she says, before ducking out of frame once more to wash the rest of the foam off of her face. minji can still see that you’re not completely comforted yet and she holds up her phone at an incriminating angle, as though she was scrutinizing your face.
“y/n, i literally see the most beautiful pair of eyes that could ever exist. you’re too hard on yourself. i promise no one sees what you think that they do. all they see is how kind you are and how genuine you are,” minji says and she can see the small smile that you’re trying to fight away and she considers her girlfriend duties to be fulfilled. for the moment, at least.
but that was a year ago, before newjeans was formed and before you started seeing minji’s face more often on billboards than in the comfort of her arms on a quiet date in your apartment.
now, when you get insecure about the tiny little things you don’t like about yourself, you stare longingly at the phone that you’re waiting for to ring, hoping that your girlfriend will call and wash all your insecurities away.
she tries her best - she really does. minji calls you whenever she can, even if she has to call you at 3 in the morning in america so she can catch you before you head to class. she’ll send presents to your door instead of actually showing up because she doesn’t want to compromise your safety.
and she will never take off that necklace. that beautiful sapphire necklace that you gifted her on her 16th birthday, with your first paycheck. the one that has your initials carved into it on a tiny little dog tag that falls down her back.
but it feels a little colder in your apartment meant for love when minji isn’t there to shelter you in her arms and cover your eyes during scary movies. you can’t help but checking her location (which she had shared with you soon after she debuted) to see when she would get home. more often than not, you would fitfully fall asleep before you could see her arrive at home. and you watch a phone that won’t ring until ungodly hours.
when she does call, minji tries to be as lively and attentive as she was before she was being flown out to a different country almost everyday. but you can see the eye bags that give away just how hard she truly is working. and you force yourself to tell her goodbye before you really want to because you want her to get at least a couple hours of precious rest that she doesn’t get too often.
it’s all worth it, you try to tell yourself. when minji finally gets a couple hours where she isn’t forced to be doing something, and she manages to bundle herself up and sneak into your apartment, it is worth. even when she gets a call from her manager that she has to be at the hybe building within the next hour, while she can hold you, it’s worth it.
dating kim minji is hard. but it’s all worth it in the end. it has to be.
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solarwonux · 1 year
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Business Proposal || knj (7/?)
pairing: namjoon x f!reader || ex friends to lovers!au friends to lovers!au
Genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, fwb!au, non idol!au, unrequited love
Warnings: slow burn, angst,
Rating: mature, 18+
w.c: 5.8k
Synopsis: Namjoon is living on borrowed time, and it’s time to cash in. His father is months from taking his last breathe and his life long dream is to watch his oldest son say “I do.”
a/n: hello hello hellooooo, this one is more of a filler one to get everything started. Still, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. lmk your thoughts and if you want to be added to the tag list!
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10 years ago
The first time you ever met Kim Namjoon, the leaves were just beginning to change in color. The fall season was approaching. The greens of the summer were slowly fading into vibrant autumn hues. Replacing the obnoxious sticky heat, for humid and cooler winds. The leaves still hadn’t fallen, the foliage was at its peak and you were desperately trying to stay afloat. 
Somehow, you had gotten roped into a math class. Well, you weren’t necessarily roped into it. You were forced into it. It was part of the prerequisite requirements and because you had barely passed all of your Algebra exams in high school, you couldn’t plead the advisory board to accept those credits. They would’ve just laughed in your face and sent you away with a list of professors who specialized in the devil made subject. 
Now, you had hoped that college algebra was a bit easier, after three weeks of a summer intensive course you were proven wrong. You weren’t necessarily failing, but you weren’t passing either. Though, in a panic-induced state full of hope you had done the math - ironic, and came to the conclusion that if you didn’t pass the final exam, you wouldn’t be able to move onto part two of the class. 
If you had done things differently, you would’ve taken the classes at the start of your degree, just as your academic advisor had suggested. You didn’t and now you are two semesters away from a beautiful bachelors degree in arts. Achieving an impressive double major in Writing and Rhetoric and Journalism with a minor in International Communications, along with a tasteful three point nine GPA. 
You were almost there. You could savor it as you looked into master degree programs. The looming debt of your student loans was the least of your worries. At least for now. If you didn’t pass the stupid final exam, in one of the easiest math classes you could ever take in college. You would be growing a larger hole in your loan repayment agreement with the prestigious HYBE U. 
At this point you were desperate. Almost to the point in which you considered cheating. A blaspehmous thought that you only ever had in high school during science labs. Those gizmos computer stimulations were a quizlet file away, and the sweet taste of victory was even closer. 
Yet, quizlet wouldn’t work out in this scenario and finally you caved, putting away your pride for a little bit to admit that you needed help. 
A math tutor was the best option for you. Lots of college kids were desperate for another quick buck along with their less than promising part time jobs, while they struggled with juggling school in the process. You only hoped that the ad you posted on the HYBE U facebook group would workout, even if it had been a week ago and still hadn’t gotten any engagement. 
Maybe it was time to accept the truth, what’s one more extra semester. Sure, it interferes with your descriptive five year plan, but you could somehow modify it. Right?
Wrong? So very wrong. 
You needed a tutor quick. Probably in the next hour or so, because you refused to step foot in another math class again. Your life revolved around your rhetorical readings, feminist discoverings in Ancient Greece. You loved research, writing papers on things you found interesting, and developing a new perspective to already made discoveries. It was a rush. Not necessarily the writing part - it was tedious and sometimes you wondered why you even decided to pursue writing in the first place; but the sense of achievement and the ego boost you got when you typed the final sentence and the final period was euphoric. To then scroll through twenty plus pages of times new roman double spaced text that came from your brain, was a thrill. And one you would never achieve when it came to math. 
“You good there?” You knew that voice. It was all too familiar. You had spent countless hours sitting in a lecture hall with him telling you jokes and writing you notes retelling you the rumors he heard about your math professor.
So, maybe, your total inability to see patterns when it came to numbers wasn’t completely your fault. But the fault of the raven haired, toothy smile of the muscle bunny that you had befriended in both your science lab and college algebra courses.
You lift your head up to see Jungkook with his head cocked to the side. His right eye was a bit swollen due to the sty he had developed from scratching his eye too much with his dirty germy hands. So, he had to opt to wear his glasses, his right eye lens was a bit thicker than the left, making his eyes look a bit disproportionate. If you weren’t aware of how successful he was at getting around with both women and men you would’ve thought otherwise, due to his geeky look and fascination with RPG games. 
You groan, messing your hair with your silver ring cladded fingers. “No offense but math is the worst subject in this entire world. Why do we need it? I’m not going to use it to calculate the circumference of the can of beans I’m going to buy at the grocery store. Nor will I use the pythagorean theorem to measure the circumference of my pizza.” You rant, glancing at the time and closing your laptop. 
Your self study session was unsuccessful because all you did was refresh the facebook page hoping someone would take your twenty dollars an hour offer. 
Yes, you were incredibly desperate, even considering upping the price to appeal to more money hungry college students. 
“The fact that you’re using geometry terminology regarding a simple college algebra class tells me everything I need to know.” He grins, partially leaning his body to the side, resting his weight on the umbrella handle he was carrying. 
Fuck, you forgot it was going to rain today. 
Your day couldn’t get any worse. 
“Anyway, I’m guessing the tutor search isn’t working?”
“Bingo,” you snap your fingers at him before proceeding to gather the rest of your stuff. 
This was the part you dreaded the most. The agonizing walk to your math lecture. Honestly, if it weren’t for Jungkook consistently meeting up with you in the cafe that connected to the hallway in the math building to walk to class together. You would’ve probably never turned up after the first class. Hence why you’re not in a sinking boat. Just a partially sinking boat. 
Jungkook sighs, scratching the back of his head, watching you scoot out of the booth. He wishes he could offer you more help other than moral support and a few ‘You can do it,’  air punches. But between his computer science classes, and increasing doubt regarding his degree plaguing his mind, he’s found himself with zero free time.  
That’s when he remembers something. A small passing comment made on his way to bathroom last night as he was getting ready for bed. Maybe he does have a way to help you. His face lights up, alerting you. 
“What, why do you look like you’ve just seen a cheesecake on sale?” You adjust the strap of your leather bag, against your shoulder and make your way to his side, eyeing his umbrella. 
Would it be weird to ask him to walk you home after class? 
Shaking your head at the thought, a problem for later, you decide.
You shift your gaze to meet his. He’s biting the inside of his cheek and you’ve never been so desperate at knowing what goes on in that questionable head of his. He also never takes this long to say something. Once a thought pops into that head of his head, it's out in seconds because he’s afraid he might lose it. 
You can thank his ADHD for that one. 
“I think I might know someone who’s free on Tuesday and Thursday evenings that can probably help you out.” He squints, nodding his head, and you feel your mood turn right side up. 
You knew befriending Jungkook would end up benefiting you one day. Though, you do feel a little bit irritated, couldn’t he have told you this wonderful news, um, I don’t know a week ago as you two sat in this exact same booth, while he watched you make the stupid facebook post. 
You shove him a little, his umbrella buckling under his weight and he stumbles a bit, shock written all over his face. “What was that for?” He complains, taking a hold of his right arm in mock hurt. 
“You’ve seen me suffer and you’re now just telling me that you magically happen to know someone who can tutor me this entire time.” You huff, shoving past him, glancing at your phone screen for the time. Class was in five minutes, unfortunately.
“That’s not necessarily true.” He speaks from behind you, and you throw him a glare making him buckle under the pressure. The dramatics. He’s only been your friend for almost four weeks, but he’s already gotten used to you and he knows he’s hit a vein, and that you’re so stubborn any explanation wouldn’t work. It is always worth a try. 
“Okay maybe that’s true, but they’re pretty busy and I just assumed he would have a full schedule and no time to tutor you.” He explains, keeping up with your steps. The two of you arrive in front of the lecture hall with a minute to spare, you take it upon yourself to open the door, revealing the room full of stressed induced faces, quietly whispering to each other. 
You shake your head at Jungkook’s explanation, making your way to your usual seats. In the middle but on the outside for a quick escape if ever needed. “How do you even know this person? I thought you only had two friends.” You place your bag gently onto your desk and sit down. 
“Actually, including you, I have three friends.” 
“My friends don’t count either.” 
Jungkook rolls your eyes and slumps down next to you, spreading his legs wide, taking up all his leg room and part of yours. God, he was such a guy. 
“Do you want my help or not?” He says in feigned annoyance. 
You unzip your bag, fishing out your pencil and notebook, while he takes out his laptop. You could never understand how he was able to take math notes on a computer, but he was the self proclaimed computer genius. Well, his straight A’s in all of those freakishly hard classes were also proof, so, there must be a method to his madness. 
You sigh, setting your bag down in the empty seat next to you. “Fine, yes, please, my perfect Jungkook. I’m desperate, put me out of my misery.” You plead, hands clenched in front of you as the hushing of the students dies down, and the greeting of your Spanish accent written professor echoes throughout the class. It’s your cue to shut up and hopefully pay attention. 
“First, don’t ever say things like that.” Jungkook begins, leaning in closer to whisper, “it’s weird.” He says in disgust–the audacity. “Second, do you have plans after class?” He finishes leaning away and opening up a new blank document on his laptop. 
You shake your head at his question and click down on your mechanical pencil. You were determined to at least understand one thing in today’s lesson. Jungkook doesn’t answer, your professors voice booming throughout as he begins the lesson of the day, and you’re distracted in seconds by the light tap on your shoulder. 
You look over at your friend, his laptop screen turned in your direction so you can read the tiny invitation written in cosmic sans font. He’s a child. 
Come with me to Serendipity after class and thank me later :p
You look up at him rolling your eyes at the ending emoji. A child indeed. But you nod in agreement, you don’t know what or who is at Serendipity. Except for a solution. At least that is what you hope for because there’s a reason why you haven’t  stepped foot in there since childhood, despite Jungkook raving about it time and time again. The overpriced vanilla lattes is the main reason why. 
Yet, desperate times come along with desperate measures. And if you need to drop a couple more on your favorite caffeinated drink in order to pass math. Then so be it. 
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Serendipity stood in between two worlds. It separated the lively college town from the perfect four person familial neighborhood. On weekday afternoons it was mostly frequented by college students who needed a change in scenery or remote workers with their bangs still in rollers and their eyes puffy from sleep. On Friday nights it was home to young adults grabbing dessert after a fulfilling dinner or a late caffeinated drink for a long night out. Tired office workers, likely forced to attend a company dinner, usually took up the long tables in the back wall of the first floor. 
Sunday’s were a favorite at Serendipity, young families would come from different parts of town to enjoy a late brunch. And morning runners would waltz in for a late caffeine kick before the strenuous work out around the lake that offered the cafe it’s  most famous view. 
Dionysus Lake.
Just as its name implies. The lake was a place for celebration, festivities, and madness. It’s where everything would happen for the first time. Your first fall, your first scrape. The graduation ground from a four wheeled bike to a two one. The first time you saw your crush outside of school. The first time you held hands with someone and the downfall of your first friendship with your childhood best friend—Sabrina. I was the breeding ground of impulsive decisions like getting drunk on the steps that led to the bank. With beer and soju you had gotten because you paid a broke college student scrambling in between odd jobs to buy them for you. The breeding ground of many triple dog dares and the place in which you decided what your future would be like. 
It was a right of passage from childhood to teenagehood and finally adulthood. 
It’s where couples that beat the test of time go to enjoy their last moments of humanity. Both the cafe and the lake are full of nostalgia, and so famous that it now became a must see spot from people all over the city. With inflation and the influx of people both the cafe and the lake were places you and your family had started to frequent less, until eventually it was out of your minds completely and the longing for just a fleeting moment to visit before the chaos was gone.
That is until today. 
Everything had changed so much. The rustic decor was now replaced with a mixture of antiques and plants hanging from every possible surface. The windows were now floor to ceiling and they opened up to a very cooling outside patio, where you could enjoy the view of the famous lake. They had even expanded to a second floor, and added a rooftop with fiery lights and wooden tables. It basically looked nothing like what you had grown up with and more like a pinterest board of garden core had thrown up on it. 
It also had more menu options, and gone was your favorite blueberry and mint tea you and your mom would enjoy whenever your anxiety spiked to levels in which you could not control. Everything had been replaced with something more expensive and trendy. A complaint that had been surrounding the cafe for years by everyone who grew up inside the walls. Though you hadn’t really believed it until now because you were finally working up the courage to see it for yourself. And the one thing you can only really think about—apart from the overpriced vanilla latte you had just paid for—was how could a place so familiar feel so unfamiliar at the same time. 
“Hobi always gives me a discount when I come.” Jungkook throws into the wind while he plays with the white buzzer in his hand. 
Unlike you, Jungkook and his family—from what you have gathered—were regulars. As soon as he arrived every worker greeted him with a warm smile and a simple hand wave. Some had added a mention of seeing his mom earlier. And if you hadn’t been convinced, the barista with the high nose bridge, sporting the floral shirt, a bright yellow beanie and khaki pants had already inputted his order before Jungkook could mutter the words “iced americano with a splash of vanilla syrup please.” 
“I’m sorry who?” You move your head closer, eyeing the way his hands wrapped around the buzzer. Desperately hoping for it to ring because although it was almost three and you probably shouldn’t really be drinking any form of caffeine at this time. Your body desperately needs something to keep you alert. Especially now that you were meeting your classmate's brother for the first time. 
A brother who could possibly save you from failing your college algebra class. He had told you a little about him. Apparently, he wasn’t really his brother, but his mother remarried his father when Jungkook was young, so to make matters easier for everyone involved. He would just introduce him as his older brother. He called him Joon and he was currently working on his masters in philosophy. A real pretentious nerd if someone were to ask you. They lived together in an apartment just outside of the college town, and according to Jungkook, who you have noticed likes to input his opinion where it really doesn’t matter. He was still a virgin, because he lived and breathed philosophy like one of those weird philosophers from ancient times. The only thing he needed was a laurel crown and a toga. 
His words not yours. 
Basically he didn’t really do a very good job at painting a good image of his older brother. And you were already having some negative opinions regarding him because you have dealt with a handful of pretentious boys in many of your classes that you really didn’t feel like adding another one to the mix. But again, you’ll push your preconceived notions aside. This was for your four point zero GPA and your five year plan. One more insult to your psyche and intelligence wouldn’t hurt.
“The one that rang us up. He gave you one too, vanilla lattes are usually seven and you only paid six.” He points out before jumping at the sound of the buzzer going off. “I’ll get it.” He smiles standing up faster than you can protest, and walking off to the pick up counter. 
It’s strange that the two of you became friends or clicked so well. And you like to think that it was mainly because you shared a few classes more than anything else. He was a little energizer bunny, a right arm sprinkled with a few tattoos and a scar right above his eyebrow where a piercing had been. You were not far from the opposite, but you did have a social battery that would often run out before the end of the day. You valued the quiet and apart from the many earrings decorating your ears and the hot pink peekaboo dye job you had your mom do. You were deathly scared of needles and didn’t look nearly as rebellious as Jungkook did, even with his stupid nerdy glasses. 
“Hobi gave us cookies, on the house.” Jungkook says as he sets down the tray in front of you. “I think he might want your number.” He adds with a nonchalant tone before taking up his previous seat and getting a head start at setting the table.  
You tilt your head in confusion as he pushes a plate with a matcha cookie your way. “You’re talking nonsense. I heard you ask for a chocolate chip cookie before you paid.” You roll your eyes, grabbing your tall glass of coffee. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, pushing the brown tray to the side. “I ordered a cookie but I didn’t order two.” He points to your cookie. “Plus he couldn’t take his eyes off you while you ordered.” He finishes and takes a long sip of his drink. He finishes with a refreshed ah and smacks his lips together in satisfaction. 
The drama. 
That’s probably another thing the two of you did have in common. You’re both dramatic in your own ways. Something the two of you discovered about each other two weeks into knowing one another. It was a long story that involved a stubbed toe and a papercut. One that wasn’t worth reminiscing about now because it added nothing to both of your lives. 
“I doubt that Kook, he’s just doing his job and he knows you.” You raise a finger at him and you take a long awaited sip of your coffee. 
Jungkook crosses his arms in front of you. “Okay then why did he ask me if you were single.” He adds in a matter of fact way. Cocking an eyebrow to prove his point. 
You narrow your eyes at him and kick him under the table. He recoils in pain, whispering explicits to not draw any more attention to the two of you. “You’re lying and I know you’re lying because I saw you order another cookie when you went to pick up our drinks.” You say leaning in closer so he can hear your whispering. 
Here’s the thing. Jungkook has been trying to set you up with every guy he deems is cute. You on the other hand are not interested, mostly because you’re still young with your whole life ahead of you. And right now the only thing that matters is your degree. 
What’s the rush?
He pouts, uncomfortably cradling his shin. “Fine, he didn’t give you a cookie on the house, but he did say you were cute. And he’s a nice guy. My brother is friends with him and he’s really funny.” 
You sigh, breaking a piece from your cookie. “I'm happy to hear that but you know that’s not a priority of mine now.” 
Jungkook rests his elbows onto the table and leans forward. “Have you ever heard of a work- life balance?” Because all you do is work and you should be out and partying. Your twenties are supposed to be full of fun.” 
“I do have fun, Jungkook.” You point out, putting the piece of cookie into your mouth before crossing your arms in annoyance. If you had a coin for every time someone in your life tried having this exact same conversation with you, then you’d probably be able to afford more of these over priced lattes. 
Jungkook sits back with his arms crossed, tonguing the inside of his cheek in suspicion. Sure, he’s only known you for a short amount of time, but every time he sees you around campus or meets up with you. You have your head buried in either a book or your fingers are flying across your laptop keyboard. He’s positive you don’t know how to have fun. 
“Fine name one instance in which you are not doing school work.” He challenges 
“My friends and I have board game nights every Wednesday and Sunday night.” 
Jungkook sits up a bit straighter, a look of shook written all over his face. “Wait, you actually have friends.” He says before lifting a hand to cover his mouth in disbelief. 
Before he can stop you, you kick his shin one more time and this time harder than the first time. This is exactly why you are surprised you’ve chosen to be friends with him. Sometimes he could get under your skin by just existing. 
“You know I have friends, Jungkook. You’ve hung out with them.” 
He doesn’t answer, instead he nods his head while he once again cradles his shin in pain. Maybe he crossed the line this time. He met Taehyung and Jimin more than once. And from what he was able to gather in the few times he’s hung out with the three of you. Is that Jimin might have a huge crush on you and Taehyung’s jokes aren’t nearly as funny as you make them out to be. Still, he thinks they’re cool. 
“Sorry I’m late, I missed my bus.” An unfamiliar voice speaks up and it makes the man in front of you sit up so straight you’re positive he’s going to break his back.
You raise a brow in confusion before turning your head to look towards the person who has the energizer bunny fix his posture and shut his mouth. 
The first thing you see is the flowy khaki pants, then his simple t-shirt topped with a blue and white checkered flannel. And finally your eyes land on his face, and the black framed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. His hair hides under a navy beanie and your mouth almost falls open in disbelief. 
Holy fuck, wait a second. This is the man Jungkook was describing. The nerd of a brother who could possibly still be a virgin and has his nose stuck in philosophy textbooks? Out goes your preconceived notions of the man in front of you and now you’re downright confused because this man was hot and reeked of chillaxed energy. He probably owns a few plants, and bike rides on the weekend and visits a few buddhist temples for the experience. 
Nobody says anything as the man—which you perceive is now Joon—slides into the spot next to Jungkook’s. He hasn’t really looked in your direction, except for the short glance he sent your way when he first appeared. 
Jungkook scoffs in annoyance as he scoots over making it a huge show like it’s inconvenient for him to move over. “This is Joon.” 
“Namjoon.” The older one corrects before he extends his hand for you to shake. You hesitate for a second before shaking it and telling him your name. 
He nods, retrieving his hand and sets it down on his lap. There’s a brief silence as he looks in between you and Jungkook probably trying to make sense of the situation himself because if you were being honest you’re still stunned yourself. Though you know Jungkook and his brother aren’t blood related you can’t help but feel like good genes simply run in the family somehow.
Namjoon shrugs once he’s silently done making his assumptions and sets his arms on the table, clasping his hands together. In an instant his face is replaced from a pleasing and welcoming one to one that screams he’s honestly here for business and not to fuck around. 
“Are you the one that Jungkook tells me needs help?” He questions, earning a jab from the younger one. He doesn’t react and instead keeps going. “Have to ask because he’s been trying to set me up on blind dates thanks to our mom, so if this is what this is then I’m sorry but I’m not interested.” He nods before leaning back. Joon, or Namjoon doesn’t let you respond before he stands up and walks towards the order counter. There you see him greet the same barista who you now know is Hobi thanks to Jungkook. 
You don’t linger on his figure before you turn to face Jungkook. Who looks mortified beyond belief and you can’t help but laugh because things are simply just making sense. All of Jungkook’s backhanded praises involving his brother made so much more sense. He did mention he was an asshole but you just assumed that was a simple sibling thing. No, he was most definitely right. And he fit more into the description you had once assumed before even meeting him, minus the typical nerd look you had conjured up with the brief descriptions Jungkook had provided. He was hot, and could probably crack your heart open into two, but he was exactly like those pretentious classmates you’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of encountering all throughout your degree. But for some reason you aren’t as bothered by it, because in a way it was hilarious. 
Jungkook whines, “He can’t even try to be nice for a little bit.” 
You throw your head back laughing even harder, while Jungkook continues to grumble underneath his breath in annoyance. You laugh until your stomach begins to hurt and until someone clears their throat making your giggles die down slowly. 
“Why is Hobi giving out free cookies?” He points out before setting his tray down and taking up the seat next to his brother again. To which Jungkook silently gestures to the cookies and you as if to prove his earlier point. Namjoon rolls his eyes at his brother's actions before turning to face you. 
“He also told me to give you his number but I told him that I didn’t know you and that if he wanted your number he should just ask you himself.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his dark liquid and making the same satisfied noise Jungkook had made earlier. 
Ah, maybe dramatics also run in the family. 
You stir the liquid of your latte with your straw. “Um thanks I guess.” You take a sip of your drink as he nods. 
The atmosphere is so awkward that you want the entire cafe to fall through a hole in the ground. The three of you are silent before Jungkook’s phone lights up and starts buzzing. He quickly grabs it and silences it before standing up. “Sorry, I have to go. I forgot I had this thing to do.” He says inconspicuously before grabbing his book bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
You scramble eyes going wide as he adjusts the straps and straightens his black long sleeve. “Wait where are you going? I thought we had plans after this.” 
Jungkook bites his lip, silencing his buzzing phone again when it goes off a second time. “Sorry Bun, I have to really go, it's important. I’ll see you at home Joon.” He salutes before basically running out of the cafe. 
“Typical.” Namjoon catches your attention and rolls his eyes. “I knew he had something planned when he asked me to meet him here last minute. I’m really sorry about him but I’m really not interested in dating right now.” He says before grabbing hold of his bag and going to stand up. 
Your body is filled with panic as you watch him. You do have a few choice words for the person that just ditched you with his brother. But this could be your last resort and you weren’t going to let him walk away. “Wait.” You extend your arm in his direction. He stops slipping on his bag and raises a brow at you in curiosity. 
“I actually do need help. I’m close to failing my college algebra course…well I will fail it if I don’t pass the final exam.” You begin to explain, finally grabbing his full attention as he stuffs his hands into the pocket of his pants. “Jungkook mentioned you could probably help out.” You bring down your hand, circling both of them around your watered down latte. “That’s why I’m here. I promise this isn’t a blind date or anything.” 
Namjoon nods, looking at the entrance before sitting down again, sighing, his shoulders relaxing instantly. And you’re once again met with the same nonchalant demeanor he had approached you and Jungkook. Once again things started to make sense, why he had made the switch so quickly. It was something he was probably so used to by now, but now as he adjusts himself in the seat in front of you. You can see that maybe he could not really be that bad. 
“In that case I can stay.” He grins, pushing his iced coffee to the side. “I should warn you I’m not the best when it comes to math but college algebra is easy so I can help you out.”
You let out a big sigh of relief and nod your head. “Thank you so much you don’t understand how much you’re already helping me out by agreeing.” 
Namjoon chuckles lightly before reaching into his side bag and taking out a plain black notebook with a pen. “In that case we should figure out our schedules.” He opens the notebook to a blank page and uncaps the pen. “Does Tuesday and Thursday at seven work for you?” He tilts his head in question. 
You nod rapidly. “That’s perfect for me.” 
He hums and writes down your name with the agreed days and times next to it. He closes it quickly and puts it in his bag. “Great, I'll see you next Tuesday.” 
That’s it? It was that easy? Then why the heck did it take such a long time for someone to respond to your Facebook post. Especially when you had increased the payment. 
Payment. Oh you had forgotten about it, and from
What it seems like so did Namjoon because he was already getting ready to go again. 
He stops, eyeing you in confusion but you decide to continue. “How much do you charge?” 
Namjoon opens his mouth and closes it quickly. He puts a pensive hand on his chin before snapping his fingers in front of him. “I think you’re the one Jungkook mentioned about studying writing.” 
“Writing and Rhetoric.” You correct before he can continue going. He nods in acknowledgment.
“Yeah, that’s what he said. I’m sure he mentioned what I was studying and if I’m being honest I hate revising my own writing. So, instead of paying me in money you can just revise my work in exchange for tutoring lessons.” He offers with a shrug. 
You would be a fool to not take up this magnificent offer, so quickly you agree, extending your hand for him to shake. He takes it and for a second you swear you feel your heart drop down to your belly from just his touch. But you brush it off quickly when he retrieves his hand. It’s probably just the caffeine anyway. 
“Great, it’s a pleasure doing business with you.” He smiles, and this time it is wide enough in which you can see his cute little dimples. “See you on Tuesday.” 
Before you can respond with the same statement he’s already rushing out of the cafe. Leaving you alone in the booth, with three unfinished iced coffees and cookies. 
You can’t really make out anything, just that this was probably the longest day of your life. And that unbeknownst to you, you can slightly feel the light crack in the corner of your heart. One that you will later on learn was the moment Namjoon had started to infiltrate it.
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hope you liked it!
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In the Night | Mingyu Drabble
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tags: fluff, just pure fluff, college boyfriend Mingyu, non-idol!au
Not proofread!
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You’ve known Mingyu for less than three months. The two of you met accidentally as you tried to grab the same textbook from the uni library and ended up studying together for a class you hadn’t realised you had together.
Mingyu was everything you have looked for in a guy- he’s soft, careful, funny, respectful, emotionally intelligent and hot, oh so hot! You knew since day 1 that it was a steep slope falling for him and it took you all your energy to stop yourself.
Every morning you’d give yourself the biggest pep talk about not falling for this giant little puppy of a man and he would say or do something that would make your heart flip into fifteen different pieces. A gentle “are you okay” when he can see you stressed out or a thoughtful donut he gets you if he knows you’ve been working hard. Even the way he shyly accepts you’re lunch when you bring extra for him has you’re heart melting. And when he cooks for you, you’re heart explodes into a million pieces and only his food can piece it back together to form a beautiful rose in place of the thorns you had in your heart.
Mingyu was right, the both of you were right. But you didn’t know if he knew this. You didn’t want to assume he knew this. Mingyu openly gives love to all his friends, you’ve seen it countless times. He just was a loving person. So it was very easy to assume you read the signs all wrong.
That’s why you did all you could to keep your heart and head in check. After the first month there was no denying that you’d fallen for him, it was pointless to lie to yourself. But you still tried you level best to keep the little infatuation in check (you failed but you want to be in denial about that for as long as possible).
Repeating the “Mingyu might only see you as a friend” mantra has worked till now, pretty well. But it is slowly failing you, especially today, as you both sit on the bench near the pier watching the Han river and the Seoul city skyline. As the sun sets and the chilly winds take its place along with the pink violet hues of the sky, Mingyu slowly shifted from his initial position on the other end of the bench to sitting close enough for your shoulders to brush.
“I’m cold.” Was his excuse and honestly you were slightly cold too and did not mind the warmth emanating from him at the moment.
You find yourself sighing at the peaceful sight in front of you. From your peripheral vision you can see Mingyu’s mouth curved in a pretty soft smile. You liked it when he looked peaceful and at that moment he looked legitimately ethereal.
Mingyu moving closer to you unleashed a confidence you’ve been suppressing for months. You give into the bliss of the view and slowly lean on him. You didn’t realise what you’d done until you feel your head touches his shoulder. It feels warm. You can feel the bones and muscles beneath his jacket when you lay your head.
You stay still for a couple seconds, gauging his reaction. He doesn’t move, in fact he is stiff as stone for a whole minute. A big part of your head if balding like a police siren but your heart feels good.
One minute or an eternity passes, the concept of time is not your priority now. But after a few beats you feel it. The muscular arm that comes around your shoulder. The hands that pause a second above your shoulder and eventually is placed there. The warmth that coursed through your body when you’re slowly pushed further into Mingyu’s chest.
Then you hear him sigh-not a painful, tried sigh of exhaustion but one of pure content. The smile that forms on your face feels as natural as breathing.
Mingyu and you have spent a lot of time together in the last three months- in the same physical space and otherwise too. But you’ve never been close physically. A random side-hug here and a handshake there when you meet or part ways for the day was the usual physical contact.
This was a domain neither of you’d planned on exploring and it felt good. It felt surprisingly amazing considering you’ve never been one for physical contact. In all of your existence you’ve never initiated or accepted physical contact from anyone expect your mother. This felt new.
New, exciting and comforting.
You expected your heart to race in a million directions but for once it felt like you’re heart was home.
“Thank you.”
Mingyu’s voice comes out so softly and silent that you almost miss it. You try to lean back and turn to look at him but he holds you still with his arms. You crane your neck to look at him, doing your best to contain the smile and blush creeping up your cheeks.
“For what?”
He looks down at you, his eyes glistening glimmering like re beautiful night sky filled with a thousand stars.
“For trusting me enough to be… here.” He looks at his arms around you and back at your face. You can see the tinge of red on his face too. He’s definitely biting on his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling like an idiot.
But when you smile at him fully he also breaks into a full shy and happy smile.
This makes you take the leap. And so in an instant you throw your hands around his neck and he is thrown aback. But mingyu is smart enough to come back to senses immediately and move his hands to your waist as he slowly pulls you into his lap.
The sensible part of your brain is screaming that it’s a public space and this is Mingyu and you might’ve just ruined your friendship. But tonight you choose to be an idiot. So does Mingyu apparently.
The both of you stay in the embrace for a couple the. You soaking in his scent and warmth, and him breathing you in.
He pulls back to look at your face. He studies your face and the blush that creeps up on your face make you close your eyes out of embarrassment.
“Hey, look at me.” He says as he lifts your chin up with one finger and you open your eyes to see him.
Mingyu smiles, you smile.
“Hi.” He sounds breathless.
“Hi.” You’re voice drips of anticipation and shyness
“Is this real?” He looks nervous. You chuckle as he bites into his lips.
“It is for me.” His grip on your waist gets slightly tighter and you’re flush against him. Holding your breath as you wait for his verbal response.
“Took you long enough.”
Mingyu laughs and it reverberates in your soul.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this in public…” you suggest meekly. You’re scared he’s going to think you are a pervert and moving too ahead of yourself.
“Yeah sure.” Mingyu smiles his million-dollar smile. “Don’t worry, we can do this however we want it. No pressure.”
His words make you want to cry because how can one human be so understanding and kind. But instead you smile and give him a tight hug before you get up and offer your hand to him.
Mingyu beams at you from his place on the bench, his eyes are wet now.
“Is everything alright Gyu?”
“Never better angel.”
What are organs for if they don’t melt at everything this gorgeous, kind golden retriever of a man says and does!
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