#fall out boy caused this and I think we're all entitled to financial compensation
In Another Life
Shuake quick fic based on this post by @arcsin27 thanks for passing on the brain worms!
As the door swung closed behind Maruki, an oppresive silence filled the little cafe Akira had long since begun thinking of as his home. 
It wasn't the first heavy silence he and Akechi had shared, but he was all but sure it would be their last.
The thought filled his head with noise, thousands of thwarted plans and half uttered pleas coalesing into static behind his eyes. Trapped, just like every other feeling he kept locked behind his teeth. He'd kept hundreds of things to himself by now, he was pretty sure he was an expert.
And yet, when those glaring red eyes turned back to him, that tightly held control freyed.
"Don't tell me you're actually considering taking that asinine deal." Akechi scoffed, as though the mere idea were beneath discussing, as if he weren't going to--
"If we don't you're going to--"
The sharp stare his rival sent him cut the words off at their knees.
"If you fold to such a trivial threat, perhaps you were never worthy of being my rival in the first place." He near spat, "To think, the famed leader of the Phantom Thieves would be so easy to manipulate."
Akira clenched his teeth, all those unspoken words piling up in his throat until he felt choked with them. He wanted to argue, to rage, to do something other than just stand there and let Akechi win. But everything he could say wouldn't tilt the scales, no if anything it would only convince Akechi he was truly in the right.
"I--" His voice broke, and he couldn't figure out what to say anyway so he left the sentence there, glancing away as if the future was looming just behind Akechi's head.
"You are." Akechi snarled, as though the thought alone was enough to insense him, "Kurusu, I'm aware you hardly listen to anyone, but if ever there were a time, listen to me now."
Akira couldn't bring himself to look at him, but that didn't seem to be stopping Akechi.
"If you take this deal, you will be going directly against my wishes."
"You want to die?!" Akira snapped in an uncharacteristic show of anger.
"I think I ought to!" Akechi growled back, "You're the only one who doesn't seem to agree!"
Akira reeled back as though struck, but quickly recovered, "Of course I don't."
"Right, of course, how silly of me to forget. You're the hero, you don't think anyone should die, no matter how monstrous." Akechi rolled his eyes, "You're half as deluded as Maruki."
"Is it...is it really so wrong?" Akira whispered, unable to utter the words with his usual confidence, "To want a second chance?"
He forced himself to look back to Akechi, finding him scrutenizing him with that stare of his. The one that made Akira feel like a bug pinned to a wall. 
"I know you've thought about it," He continued when Akechi made no move to speak, "What would have happened if we'd met sooner. What we could have been like if not for--"
Akira's hand sought his hair but ended up pressed against his forehead instead as the thought tried to sweep him away. It wasn't a new fantasy by any means, in fact it was probably the very one Maruki had plucked out of him that saw Akechi standing here right now. 
It changed every time, whether they were playing chess or in the debate club together, from rival schools or fast friends, it hardly mattered. Akira just wanted to be by his side, to compete with him because they wanted to, not because God or Fate or whatever was forcing their hands. He wanted the same quiet evenings they'd already shared, and the kinds of outings he had with the rest of the Thieves. And in the small hours of the night, he could admit he may even want something more...
"It doesn't matter." Akechi's cool voice shattered the sugar spun daydream, "That's not for us. It isn't who we are, Akira."
The use of his first name hit like a physical blow, leaving Akira reeling as he looked back up into Akechi's eyes.
He looked tired, far more so than Akira himself felt. Resignation was etched into every shadow falling across his face, in the looseness of his muscles and the blank stare he met Akira's own startled one with. 
"But it could be." Akira breathed, desperation curling around the syllables like a living thing all it's own.
Akechi's eyes closed and for a moment Akira could have sworn he heard him pray for patience. 
"No, it couldn't. No matter how good the lie, it would still only ever be that." His contempt twisted the words until Akira could feel the barbs of them digging into him, "Would you really rather swallow some shallow immitation than to-- than live with my memory?"
Akira heard what he didn't say, of course he did. It was something he'd noticed about him early on, when he'd first realized how much of Akechi's outer self was a mask. He spent so much time editing himself, trimming away the pieces others would doubtlessly find objectionable, forcing himself to condense into the narrow box he was expected to fill, until he had a well contructed front he could use to fool the entire world. Everyone except Akira himself. 
If he took Maruki's lie it would be like he was putting Akechi back in his cage himself.
He wished they were at the gym so he could throw a punch or something. 
Instead he swallowed down the ugly neediness bubbling in the back of his throat. 
"You're right." The words tasted like the bitter herbal tea Takemi had given him to help him recover from one of her harsher clinical trials, "It wouldn't be the same."
Akechi took a deep breath but looked no closer to being relieved, "Then you've come to your senses?"
Akira nodded, "I know what needs to be done. I'll do it but-"
Akechi's eyes narrowed, his frown deepening instantly, "But?"
"I'm not strong enough not to be a little selfish." Akira said to his shoes, "If this is going to be it- would you stay with me tonight? Please?"
He knew Akechi would hear what he didn't say, the same as Akira had for him earlier. 
Don't make me let you go without ever having had you to begin with. 
For a moment he only stared. Akira could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes, could almost hear them as he read each micro-change in his expression. It was an art that had taken him a long while to learn, but it had been worth every moment. 
Finally he sighed, some of the manic energy that clung to him disappating as his posture sagged infinitesimally. 
"I suppose I do still owe you a duel."
Akira's knees nearly gave out but he managed to keep that little bit of dignity intact and nodded instead.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, I have every intention of winning this time." Akechi smirked, "Unless of course, you enjoy the taste of pavement, in which case, you're welcome~"
Akira heard it for what it was, an offering of a distraction. One Akechi could more than likely use just as badly. Selfish as he was being, Akira could at least recognize how hard it had to be to argue for his own destruction. 
So he took a deep breath, and let Joker rise to the surface to meet his rival.
"If you can, I'll personally write you a Thank You note." 
The fire that had been absent Akechi's eyes since he walked in rekindled, redoubled even. Without the vineer of civility he'd affected for so long, his expressions were much more extreme. Akira would be hard pressed to describe this one as anything short of 'bloodlust'.
"I'll take it with me to hell." Akechi growled.
Akira winced, but only just barely. He himself was guilty of making light of his own 'death', he could hardly fault Akechi for doing the same.
"Inokashira Park?"
"Thought you'd never ask." 
They fought until the sun went down. 
It hadn't been hard to find an isolated spot, not with the weather so cold. There was hardly anyone around, and even fewer who seemed to care about a pair of teenage boys roughhousing. 
Despite this fight taking place outside of the metaverse, neither boy had taken it any less seriously than their first. If anything, Akira felt like Akechi was fighting harder than their first time. It reminded him of the first time they'd played billiards without Akechi using his non-dominant hand. He was always good, but unleashed he was a force of nature, all snarling teeth and vicious blows until Akira could hardly keep up with him. 
It was beautiful in the same way bloodspatter could look like a painting. Not something most people would ever see, or appreciate if they did, but Akira couldn't help but to be in awe of him.
When he found himself pinned to the pavement, just as Akechi had promised, he couldn't even find it in himself to be disappointed.
The other was above him, panting and a little brused, grinning like a coyote with a fresh kill between it's jaws.
"Ha!" He crowed, "I knew those healing spells were the only thing keeping you-"
"You could have killed him." Akira interrupted.
Akechi's smile didn't fade, but confusion crept into it, "Whom?"
"Shido. You could have killed him. You're stronger than he is, even in his ruler form." So why didn't you?
Akechi flinched back, though the action caused him to sit heavily on top of Akira's stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of him a second time.
"I wanted revenge, Kurusu, not mearly to kill him. It wouldn't do to let him escape into the comfort of death before he knew why exactly he was being targeted in the first place."
Akira nodded, "So it's because you're a drama queen."
Akechi looked so affronted Akira raised his hands to block the blow he was sure was coming. A good thing too, as Akechi's knuckles connected with his wrists seconds after he'd raised them.
"Shut the fuck up, that's not it at all!"
"It sounds like it from where I'm standing."
"You are not standing!" He hissed back, grabbing Akira's offending wrists and pinning them down beside his head, "You are lying on your ass, soundly defeated and you ought to have more respect for your current predicament!"
Akira could have wiggled his leg out from beneath Akechi, barred it across his stomach and kicked him off of him, but that would have required higher thought, which he was sorely lacking. His focus had been stolen by the pressure on his wrists, across his hips, against the tip of his nose where Akechi's own was currently pressed as he growled at him. It was the closest they'd ever been, Akira was sure, and from here he could even see the light clumping of the mascara he hadn't previously been aware of his rival using. 
His breath came hot against Akira's cheek, his pulse thundering where his palms met Akira's wrists. He was just so alive it made Akira's heart ache all the more to remember that soon, too damn soon, he'd be gone.
"Goro..." He whispered, his voice pitching oddly as he struggled against tears, "I don't think I can do this."
He could see recognition fire in Akechi's eyes, could see the effect the use of his first name had in the way his nostrils flared, his teeth gritting. He could also pinpoint the moment he decided to toss it all to the side.
"You said you would." 
"I know."
"You aren't allowed to lie, you're supposed to be the hero."
"I know."
"Then promise me, instead." Akechi didn't move back, but to Akira's surprise moved closer, "If I give this to you, you'll do what needs done without hesitation."
He swallowed almost compulsively, his eyes rivoted to Akechi's as if pulled by magnets. Despite the rage that seemed to have made a permanent home there, his gaze was still steady enough to be calming. The center of a maelstrom, a river in a desert. 
"I..." Akira was not weak, nor was he selfish, despite how desperately he wanted to be this time, "I promise."
The words were little more than a breath, but he could feel them bind to something deep in his heart. It was not unlike when he made a deal with someone, and the realization had tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
Akechi must have felt it too because for a moment he softened, as if Akira's promise truly brought him peace. It was stupid, worse it was evil that something like this could make Goro Akechi smile genuinely for the first time in months.
Akira didn't have long to bemoan it however, as seconds later that smile was pressing against his own lips. 
The most shocking thing was that it wasn't shocking at all. It felt like a foregone conclusion they simply hadn't had the time to discuss before, but one that was inevitable nonetheless. From Akechi's hands cupping Akira's face, to Akira's finding Akechi's waist, it was almost as though they'd finally found their way back into their own narrative, the one they'd been forced to abandon all those quiet nights ago. The natural conclusion of a perpetual motion machine designed to stop on doomsday. 
Akira didn't notice he'd begun to cry until he could no longer breathe through his nose and had to pull away.
"Goddamn it." He swore, tucking his face against Akechi's shoulder, "Goddamn it!"
"I would point out that that seems to be part of the problem, but it seems redundant." Akechi sounded no better than Akira, his own voice straining to stay scathing and failing miserably.
"I hate this." Akira allowed himself the honest admission, "Why'd it have to be like this?"
"Born cursed." Akechi muttered, his own face buried in Akira's neck, "I've always been unlucky."
"One more thing we've got in common." Akira squeezed his eyes closed, "At least...at least I'm not going to have to wonder."
"Would you have spent your nights sleepless otherwise?" 
It was supposed to be a joke, but neither had it in them to make it one at the moment.
"Yeah." Akira's hold tightened, "Already have."
"Over little old me?" Akechi chuckled, but the sound was humorless, "I would have thought the great Joker would have far more important things to occupy his thoughts."
"You overestimate how much I actually plan." And underestimate how much I care about you.
"It's... it's comforting to know at least one person will miss me." 
Maybe was because he knew Akira couldn't see him, or maybe it was the impending eleventh hour getting to him, but the admission was so heartbreakingly honest Akira could hardly stand to hear it. While he knew Akechi didn't have family, and he saw how quickly he disappeared from the public's thoughts, it had yet to register that he may be the only one to actually mourn him. 
"I'm going to miss you for the rest of my life." Akira held him as close as he could, feeling Akechi's heartbeat thudding against his own ribs from the other side despite the layers between them, "Who else is going to keep me on my toes?"
A wet laugh broke from him, messy and honest and a little deranged, "Selfishly I hope you never find an answer to that."
"Me too." Akira agreed, "I'd rather just wait to see you again in the next life."
"Disgusting." Akechi's tone sat in opposition of the way he finally relaxed against Akira, "Do you really believe in that nonsense?"
"I've ridden around in a bus that was also a talking cat, rencarnation doesn't sound that implausable."
"I hope it's true." Akira answered anyway, "I'd-- I'd like to live beside you. For real this time."
Akechi didn't anwer, but his hands clenched tighter where they were bunched into the fabric of Akira's jacket. 
Akira didn't mind the silence this time. It was heavy, but it wasn't oppressive this time. He'd found an emergency exit for the things he'd long left unsaid, and though he was no closer to feeling at peace with any of this, he did feel less regretful. 
With Akechi's shoulders now relaxed, Akira could see the sky above them. It had gotten dark, with a few of the most tenacious stars fighting to be seen through the city's light polution. It looked the same as it ever did here, murky and washed out, not like the sky back home. Yusuke would have said something about the way beauty could still be seen even in the least condusive circumstances, but Akira wasn't put together enough to attempt the thought. 
"Yeah, Goro?"
"Earlier, you asked me if I wanted to die." The words were so subdued, if he hadn't been holding him, Akira would never have thought they'd come from Akechi, "I told you that I thought I deserve to."
Akira didn't say anything, but Akechi wasn't looking for him to.
"I've done a great many horrible things in my life, most without remorse, as they were all in service of my ultimate goal. I still don't regret most of them, even those perpetrated against your friends. I'm a monster, and I know that. I've made peace with it. I always thought I would die at the end of all this, pragmatist that I am, I never made a single plan for what I would do after Shido was dealt with." 
"Where are you going with this...?"
"I'm not a man with a future, I never have been, so when you asked if I wanted to die... the answer was obvious to me. Of course I should die. But...that isn't what you asked." Akechi breathed out a long, heavy breath that made Akira's neck tingle, made his eyes flutter a little, "I don't... I don't want to die."
He sounded so small, so young, so unlike himself that it made Akira's chest ache, made him yearn to comfort him. There wasn't a thing he could say to make it better, for either of them, so he turned as he usually did, to action when words failed him.
He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, then to his temple, then his forehead as he could reach them. He was trembling, or Akechi was, but he couldn't tell the difference at this point.
 He wanted to tell him that dying wouldn't fix the things that he'd done, or that he'd only done them because of Shido, or a million other platitudes he'd see right through. But even if he could make his mind connect with his mouth again, he knew Akechi well enough to know any of those would only sound like pity to him. The best he could do was to hold him while they processed the latest addition to their heaping plate of misery. 
"This second life of yours'..." Akechi eventually spoke again, "What would it look like?"
"A lot like this." Akira managed to force through his choked off throat, "But, you know, happier."
Akechi hummed, his hands now mindlessly rubbing against Akira's sides in a way that made him suspect the only thing he regularly showed affection to were probably dogs.
"You'd still want to fist fight me in a park somewhere?"
"Definitely." Akira nodded, "You need it."
"I need it? If someone were not there to kick down your ego every so often, you'd never fit through a door again."
"Same goes for you, Mr. Ace High School Detective." Akira nearly snorted, "If I had a ten yen coin for every time I heard a group of girls screaming about you, I could have just paid off Kaneshiro outright." 
Akechi rolled his eyes so hard his whole body moved with him, "I think they mistook me for an idol."
"You're pretty enough to be."
"Have you always been this shameless a flirt, or is this some new feature I've been unlucky enough to uncover?" Akechi sounded exhasperated, though Akira could feel his face flush from where it was still pressed against him.
They continued on like that, trading barbs and bodyheat until it was too cold to stay out any longer. Akira nearly managed to put tomorrow from his mind when Akechi allowed him to take his hand as they walked back to the train station. 
The world had a sense of vertigo to it that had little to do with the liminal space of a late night train ride. There were too many factors for Akira to pick just one, but it resulted in a subdued ride that faded into a subdued walk, broken only by Morgana's screeched complaints about how long they'd been gone. If he saw their hands, still entwined at their sides, he kept blessedly quiet about it.
Well, until Akechi followed Akira into Le Blanc.
"What is he still doing here?" Morgana groused, "Go home, tomorrow is going to be busy."
"I was invited to stay." Akechi said archly, dropping his jacket over the back of one of the barstools. 
Morgana threw a betrayed look at Akira who was busying himself making them each a bowl of curry, as they'd missed dinner.
"Uh, earth to Joker?" Morgana hopped up onto the counter in front of him, "That's a terrible idea! In case you forgot, he's literally shot you in the face before!"
"Don't care." Akira easily answered, hip checking the fridge closed.
Morgana couldn't have looked more shocked if he tried, contrasted sharply by Akechi's sharp smile.
"Oh, I like this side of you." He needled, "Rebellion suits you."
"Hold on, back up, wait wait wait!" Morgana shook his head, "What's gotten into you, did he brainwash you?!"
Akira set down the food, taking a deep breath to calm himself before turning back to the black and white cat. 
"No. He didn't. I know the risks, Morgana, thank you." He replied evenly, "But you heard Maruki earlier. This...this is probably the last time I'm going to get to see him."
"You should be doing cartwheels about that!" Morgana shouted, big blue eyes wide with disbelief, "I know you're sentimental but jeez!"
"He was my wish, Morgana." The words came out a bit sharper than he meant for them to and he forced his usual calm to come to him, "Out of all the things Maruki could have used to try to keep me from fighting him, he picked Akechi. Think about that for a second."
It took almost a full minute, in which time Akira got both himself and Akechi dished up. He was opening a can of tuna for Morgana when a slow, pained 'Ooh' reached his ears. 
"Okay. I get it now. I can't say I understand or...approve, but I get it."
Akira hummed to himself as he sat down beside Akechi.
"Wait, where is he sleeping?"
Akira looked down over his glasses at Morgana, taking a purposeful, slow bite of his food.
"Right... I'm going to Futaba's." 
With that, the little cat popped up and all but ran to the door, jiggling the handle down to let himself out. 
"I had no idea Morgana could be so considerate." Akechi chuckled, "I think you may have scarred him for life with those insinuations of your intentions with me."
"Who's insinuating?" Akira took another bite of his food. 
Akechi froze mid bite, but recovered himself quickly enough that someone else likely wouldn't have noticed it at all. As it was, Akira was paying enough attention to even catch the light blush that painted itself across his cheeks.
"Bold of you to assume I'd be so easy, Kurusu." Akechi quirked a brow, his expression otherwise flat.
"Bold of you to assume I couldn't win you over anyway." Akira retorted, bouncing the verbal tennis ball back into Akechi's court. 
"You have that much faith in yourself, huh? You of all people should know how stubborn I can be."
"You want to make this a bet?" Akira fought to keep his expression as neutral as ever. 
Akechi's smile flashed across his face, like a knift glinting in the sun. 
"Generally a safe manipulation tact, but you're going to have to do better than that." He sat back, folding his arms.
"Before we get into this arguement, I'm going to need you to be sure you can handle the reprocussions of losing it." Akira countered, mimicking Akechi's posture but with the addition of folding his legs at the knee.
Akechi's brows made for his forehead in a brief moment of shock, but he quickly brought them back under his control. 
"I think I can handle anything you throw my way. Surely if nothing else, I've proven that by now." 
Akira nodded, a smile gradually blooming across his face as he sat forward.
"Alright then." 
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