novapopstar · 8 years
Im so tried of all the Hate.
Alright listen. I dont watch Felix aka Pewdiepie anymore and havent for years but this is seriously seriously getting out of fucking hand. I cannot fucking believe the extent its gone. You people have to understand something. The Media has alot of the old generations people who absolutely hate Youtubers as a whole. The majority that read WSJ are them and people who claim to be SJW but take SJWing too far, and they know itll get them the clicks and read time they want by feeding to that crowd. I finally watched the video where he apologized and once again im not a fan of his BUT that was a sincere apology. He made that video about the two indian guys holding up the sign to prove a fucking point about how stupid and out of hand things can get on that website. That is a completely valid thing to do. In no way did he ever mean to hurt anyone. He was proving a point about the website. You people who think youre "SJW"s are not fixing the problem. Youre feeding it and making it worse. We need you to realize this. Youre not helping by bashing Felix online. I dont even like him and i know better. Because thats what having respect is about. Listening to THE PERSON instead of what some new article said that took "evidence" from videos that werent even about Nazi propaganda. You guys need to research before accusing people or believing a news story completely. Make sure theres really anti semantic propaganda going on before doing the damage youve done.
For the Youtubers that have defended him had the respect to make sure their friend wasnt doing this stuff before defending him. They believe in their friend 100% just like you would if it was your friend in Felixs shoes. Yes what Felix didnt wasnt completely okay, but if it was your friend you know youd tell them "hey man thats not okay" and if he said "im sorry i didnt mean it like that. Its not how i meant it." Youd believe them, youd defend them to the end because thats your friend.
You guys are literally bashing people that literally care so much for our world and our rights and donate so much money from what they make to charites and they attend rallies and marches for our rights and support the LGBT+ Community whole heartedly.
I want all the stuff to just end already. All thats happening is that were feeding WSJ and destroying our reputation for the Youtuber community. Destroying upcoming youtubers and streamers. All because you believed something right off the bat that you didnt do research enough to figure out what was the truth or not. The only truth comes from the person its about. And yes people can lie but lies unravel quickly.
Im just one person but i really believe we can fight against WSJ and destroy the claims and not make it seem like Youtube as a whole is Anti semantic because thats what coming next. WSJ attacking the Face of Youtube, its to destroy a community that does so much good for the world.
We can fight against the lying media.
WSJ wont sway us.
We will not believe WSJ, we cant.
You know we have to fight against this.
So please understand and help stop the fight against the hatred on Youtube.
Dont waste your energy yelling and insulting Youtubers because you think its the right thing to do.
Yell at WSJ. Cuz were not taking this shit.
At least im not. And i hope im not alone in all this.
Cuz im just really tired of seeing hate.
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awes0me · 8 years
Anon accusing anon of #whiteculture #fakeSJW. Put down your latte and pick up a protest sign.
Let the anon battle begin
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