#faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha
usefulquotes7 · 1 month
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” - Buddha
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nutrapure · 2 years
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 4 months
F1 drivers favourite philosopher
(if they cared to philosophize)
charles - kirkegaard - twink4twink, catholic guilt4protestant guilt. the way he believes in ferrari is giving leap of faith.
fernando - nietzsche - obvious pick, the man believes in power and making yourself and being better than others.
alex - Buddha - no other choice, the man is a buddhist and i believe Buddha is a philosopher as much as a prophet so.
george - de beauvoir - i'm not saying this man is a feminist icon, however, i am saying he would deeply relate to making yourself into what the world needs and expects from you. "one isn't born a mercedes nmr 1 driver, but rather becomes one."
pierre - camus - aside from the song about suicide on his playlist, he get's that the world is absurd, and being at alpine is truly being sisyphus trying to be happy.
yuki - diogenes - the meaning of life being pleasure and pissing people off? yeah, yuki gets it.
carlos - aristotles - being unnecessarily detailed and stickler for rules? need i say more. (also i think i should be on top because i'm the best)
logan - smith - old school freedom, easy and straightforward, everything adds up with smith.
kevin - hegel - i don't understand either of them but there is a lot of chaos going on, maybe greatness if it could be translated in a way that makes sense for anyone else.
zhou - confucius - love and respect for china and the way of things.
lewis - sartre - we are so free it's a burden. keeps telling poor kids they could do anything they want if they just believed in themselves.
nico - kant - everything will be ok if you find and believe in your inner morale u know? also german.
bottas - rousseau - i can see bottas being a believer in humans being good, and nature being where we should be. the noble savage gives very finnish man vibes.
oscar - descartes - gotta cover the basics before you can progress. oscar sure thinks and sure is. also think he would really vibe with his interpretation of free will.
lando - machiavelli - the struggles of being a nepo baby is hard. but also he would like his humoristic and direct approach while tackling the most fundamental questions.
esteban - arendt - he loves superheroes, he would really like the concept of the banality of evil (and the implications that bad guys just need to be beat up)
lance - locke - as nepo baby he would appreciate the idea of the liberal constitutional democracy being fair, as a result of his relationship with his father he would believe in the idea of the tabula rasa.
max - hobbes - max intimately understands and respects the need for a hard, central authority figure. he also understands the underlying violence of human nature.
checo - augustine - checo is a catholic, that is all.
daniel - socrates - going around annoying people and being funny and never shutting up? it's a match.
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lycorogue · 8 months
One Piece NoPixel
Ever since the 4.0 launch of NoPixel (a private GTA Online roleplay server), my husband and I have become OBSESSED with the Yuno Sykk storyline going on.
Considering Sykkuno has been streaming NoPixel for roughly 8hrs every day, there's no way I can fully keep up, so my insomniac husband tends to give me recaps the following day. As he's telling me the story and is trying to get me to understand the relationship ties between characters I had an epiphany: Yuno is just Luffy from One Piece.
People already joke that Sykkuno has "plot armor" and is the "main character", so his GTA character Yuno being Luffy already kind of fits. Plus, both Yuno and Luffy are ADHD/Autistic balls of chaos that are also unintentionally beams of charisma that attracts just about everyone to their side. It doesn't matter how insane the plan is, if Luffy/Yuno says it people will follow through. You also have the fun of wondering if Luffy/Yuno is just insane with godly amounts of luck that allows their plan to work out, or if they are secretly geniuses that had already calculated everything in the background and the plan worked because of that discrete planning (or if it's a happy combo of the two). Luffy and Yuno are both almost impossibly optimistic and goofy, and people INSTANTLY know to take these boys seriously the second they become serious. If Luffy/Yuno stop smiling, you KNOW shit is about to go down! Also, Luffy/Yuno is INSANELY loyal and protective of his found family. On multiple occasions, Yuno has been informed that if he were to betray the speaker that would kill their last bit of faith in humanity, because if they know ANYTHING it's that Yuno doesn't lie and doesn't betray. Much like Luffy.
OK, so Yuno Sykk is Monkey D. Luffy (If Yuno's name wasn't just Sykkuno's I wouldn't be surprised if he had included the D. initial).
I then thought about those around Yuno. While the personalities don't work one-to-one, my husband and I were able to map a lot of Yuno's friends onto Luffy's simply based on relationship ties.
First is obvious. Yuno, through the 3.0 adoption chaos, ended up the adopted grandson of cop (and eventual Police Commissioner) Sam Baas. So, Baas is Garp. The fish-name connection is just a bonus.
Next up is the inspiration to both start an illegal lifestyle and to become the best possible at it. A pseudo-father-figure and mentor. The man whose blessings and pride in Luffy/Yuno is just about everything to the boy: Lang Buddha as Yuno's Shanks.
Luffy/Yuno couldn't get as far as he does without his true ride-or-die. The man who is loyal to a fault. Who will gladly give his life to not only save his best friend and brother, but also to simply lift him higher, if that's what's requested of him. A man who will smile as he participates in mass murder, and whose homicidal tendencies are surprisingly calmed when around Luffy/Yuno: Raymond Romanov as Yuno's Roronoa Zoro
The personalities don't really match, and YMMV when it comes to this ship, but 4.0 brought about Yuno's "relationship arc". This introduced us to a woman that Yuno loves spending time with, is very protective of, and joys in making her smile. She is there to comfort Yuno, but understands that he needs to do things his way and on his own sometimes. Yuno keeps saying that they're only best friends, and that may be true. He may honestly have no romantic interest in her, despite her obvious romantic interest in him. Even so, she's His Person and he wants to be with her and protect her as much as possible. If there's one person that Luffy/Yuno cares about that you DO NOT mess with, it's her. Ladies and gents, meet Yuno's Nami: Lottie Mae
On the flipside, we have a woman who started off as an enemy, but was instantly charmed by the lengths Yuno would go to in order to help someone that had threatened him. Someone who has family who viciously protects her. Someone who is completely smitten despite Yuno not really giving as many "I want to be in a romantic relationship" vibes as he does with Lottie. Someone who clearly has a jealous streak to her. The main person people seem to ship with Luffy/Yuno behind Nami/Lottie. Our own Tsundere Queen: Gigi Costello as Yuno's Boa Hancock
Next up is a man who is a more serious leader who doesn't approve of Luffy/Yuno's shenanigans, but he also can't deny the results, so he begrudgingly gives Luffy/Yuno free rein. He still tries to talk some sense into Luffy/Yuno and his friends, and they do listen to him on occasion, but those moments are few and far between. He also can't ignore Luffy/Yuno's charisma, and, in spite of himself, he's equally drawn in to the King of Chaos. Congratulations, Tommy T. You are Yuno's Trafalgar Law.
We then have someone who is older. Someone who is a bit of a mentor, but also would gladly follow Luffy/Yuno. Someone who was once a leader himself, but has since disbanded his own crew (or, at least, left them). Someone who is incredibly protective of Luffy/Yuno, but also understands that the kid can hold his own (for the most part). Someone who can't fathom Luffy/Yuno ever betraying anyone. Someone who is a master a steering??? This one is a little bit of a stretch, but my husband believes that Tony Corleone is Yuno's Jimbe.
Finally, we have someone who is a pseudo-ally to Luffy/Yuno, almost begrudgingly. Someone whose goals differ from Luffy/Yuno's and those differing goals caused tension for a bit before the two decided to break off from each other. Someone who has a sort of 1920s gangsta vibe with his underground gambling and mob-like connections. A man whose main goal deep down is to find a family of his own. Marty Banks as Yuno's Capone Bege
My husband also thinks that Benji Ramos would be Yuno's Sanji, mostly due to the incessant flirting with little-to-no success. Also, Mickey Sinclaire as Usopp due to Mickey being a cowardly schemer and master liar. I'm still on the fence for both of those. This list was largely mapping parallels on how these characters relate to Luffy vs how they relate to Yuno. The Benji and Mickey parallels are more about their personalities pairing with One Piece characters.
I think that will have to be a different list, though.
So, NoPixel/One Piece fans, what do you think? Does this work? Would you have picked other character parallels? Are there others we didn't think of?
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mahayanapilgrim · 9 months
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"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."
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stressstraws · 3 months
The Three Pillars of Wellbeing: A Buddha-Inspired Guide to Self-Care
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect self-care. However, as Buddha wisely noted, health, contentment, and faithfulness are the pillars of a fulfilling life. Here are some key points to help you embrace self-care: 1. Prioritize Physical Health: Your health is…
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editiontse · 4 months
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digitalhustle365 · 6 months
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship." - Buddha
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akashasananda · 6 months
How to Start a Spiritual Journal - A Tool for Self-Reflection by Shekinah Ma
Making your way through a journal's blank pages may be daunting, but there are ways to make the experience less daunting. First, select one that resonates with your spiritual path; plus, it must be comfortable for writing; using an excellent pen can make a difference!
Keep a journal of your prayers.
Journaling your prayers can effectively track your spiritual journey and deepen your personal spiritual relationship. Shekinah Ma indicates that journaling allows you to explore beliefs, heal heartache, and find answers no one else can provide - plus create and implement your prayer practice!
A spiritual journal can record your prayers and act as an outlet to explore experiences and gain new perspectives. Write about beliefs or dreams/visions. Record any challenges encountered along the way and ways you have overcome them; journal writing can help identify patterns, learn from errors made, and celebrate successes!
In any journal, honesty and openness are of utmost importance. Don't worry about grammar or spelling - your journal is for only you to see. Additionally, including daily gratitude practices in your journal can help shift focus towards positivity while increasing mindfulness. Visual prompts such as pasting images that capture emotions or experiences may add another layer of depth and inspiration to the page of your spiritual journal. TwinRay
Keep a journal of your thoughts.
Shekinah Ma highlights that keeping a spiritual journal can effectively connect with God and discover your spirituality. Whether your goal is to deepen your relationship with the Divine or simply find greater peace and meaning in life, keeping one can help. Also, maintaining such a record can process emotions, reduce stress, and deepen self-awareness.
A spiritual journal starts by setting an intention. Doing this will allow you to focus on what's most important to you and give structure to writing. Once set, select an ideal format - such as blank journals or predetermined categories. Many spiritual or religious stores provide a variety of journals with prompts or guided meditations built-in.  TwinRay
Writing regularly will also help build habits and track progress over time. If writing every day isn't possible, try at least writing once or twice each week. Honesty and openness should also be at the heart of any writing you do.
As part of your spiritual journaling practice, incorporating objects of inspiration is a good idea. Visual reminders can keep us motivated and connected with our faith journeys through prayer, meditation, or reflective writing - like placing Blessing Buddha Statues or Gautam Buddha Paintings around your home to help inspire you while writing!
Keep a journal of your experiences.
Keeping a spiritual journal is integral for anyone exploring their spirituality or seeking to connect with the divine. Your journal could take any form, from a simple notebook to elaborate curated journals with prompts or guided meditations; whatever works best for you; making it part of your routine will ensure it becomes part of who you are over time and help build foundations for future writing endeavors as well as spiritual development.  TwinRay
As part of starting a spiritual journal, finding a quiet room or corner within your home where you can devote solely to journal writing is best. Furthermore, adding rituals into the journaling experience, such as lighting a candle or bathing, may help you relax and focus your spirituality more efficiently.  Akasha Sananda
Spiritual journaling offers numerous advantages, from documenting patterns and lessons learned that have contributed to your growth to marking milestones and achievements. According to Shekinah Ma, a spiritual journal can serve as a helpful timeline to reveal how small changes have led to big ones; you might realize you've become more patient or developed greater insight after experiencing difficulty.
Keep a spiritual journal for yourself with complete honesty. Do not judge what comes out, even if it seems personal or uncomfortable. In fact, writing without these matters in mind is proven to help break down the barrier between your mind and your writing hand, so writing can be more reflective of your inner thoughts.
Keep a journal of your feelings.
Shekinah Ma specifies that journaling your feelings can be a therapeutic, spiritual practice. It can help clarify your thoughts, reduce stress, promote self-awareness, solve problems, repair relationships, heal hearts, and express our thanks for the blessings in life.  Shekinha Ma
An assortment of journals is available, but you must find one suitable to your needs. Starting with a blank journal might work best, or purchasing one with predetermined categories can also help; these journals can usually be found at bookstores and spiritual or religious stores.  Sanandaji
Shekinah Ma elucidates that using a journal that allows free-form writing is another option to explore and express yourself creatively. Some people even draw in their journals as another means of expressing feelings.
Once you've selected your journal, it is essential to keep it safe and accessible. Furthermore, setting a regular time and place for writing should become part of your routine - whether every day, once every week, or once a month is the best practice for building up the journaling habit.
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mad3jokes · 11 months
Good Joke Of The Day
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nutrapure · 2 years
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mad1jokes · 11 months
Funny Mad Joke
sleepless - best dad jokes - passbook - funny truck quotes - jew joke - personal development activities - men - life quotes to live by - poultry farm - guest speakers - football jokes funny - umbrella - really funny joke - cookies recipes chocolate chip - wedding jokes - shoe repair - school essay - high jokes - positive morning quotes - wisdom quotes funny - pet hacks - you lied - cold calling - house funny - faith moves mountains - lady - garden bridge - dogs - serious quotes - writing prompts funny - he is able - sunday humor - fox - go skiing - chinese restaurant - discover - telugu inspirational quotes - antique oil lamps - bartender - getting older humor - pig jokes - english jokes - romantic quotes for her - wise quotes - letting go of him - catholic women - funny car quotes - sick humor - funny text message jokes - funny fights - cute animals - new year jokes - funny irish jokes - happy good morning quotes - ideas for the house - difficult relationship quotes - being there for someone quotes - short tempered quotes - family jokes - funny life lessons - men quotes funny - ceramics pottery art - crow - jokes about men - naked quote - insurance agent funny - teacher jokes - sunday prayer - show of hands - the woodman - funny brother quotes - retirement jokes - funny quotes sarcasm - food humor - did you know funny - guys be like - funny blonde jokes - funny bumper stickers - short inspirational christmas stories - bread baker - catholic men - funny english jokes - church quotes - fine ceramic - graduation jokes - teacher humor - jump quotes - two blondes - funny p - dinner bread - canada funny - father - in this moment - happy birthday quotes funny - christmas gift jokes - chocolate chip cookies - lawyer jokes - christmas jokes - cheating husband quotes - get a girlfriend - funny cartoons - grapes - the donkey - wooden bowls - funny long jokes - party quotes funny - candle light dinner - army humor - texas police - clean humor funny - butterfly wings - christmas humor - fresh fish - physical touch - confidence funny - mom jokes - bible life lessons - once upon a time - buddha face - lady godiva - rain - latest jokes - funeral jokes - inspirational short stories - funny tombstone sayings - sweet quotes - preacher - famous art - humour - brother - skeleton jokes - no way out - high jokes funny - relationship jokes - funny jokes to tell - poor joke - stuff to buy - school humor - good looking women - holiday jokes - success quotes and sayings - short quiz - great philosophers - good wife - how to grow taller - morning inspirational quotes - home quotes and sayings - sermon - short humor - one dollar bill - flowers bouquet - envelope - funny pix - anniversary funny - cute jokes - beautiful birds - funny dating quotes - birds in the sky - dog death - the trooper - new york weather - very bad - go shopping - doctor - negative people - mom life quotes - donkey - inspirational good morning messages - jesus funny - wife humor - judge quotes - gynecologist humor - big bad wolf - workaholics funny - joke of the day - math humor funny - beauty tips with honey - frugal - be patient quotes - cute cats and dogs - christian jokes - love my wife quotes - college students funny - old man quotes - famous names - true stories - funny fast food - good paying jobs - farmer quotes funny - the weather man - funny wednesday quotes - i do love you - sherlock holmes funny - very funny jokes - picture story - presidents - romantic text messages - sarcastic quotes funny - funny images laughter - fart humor - laugh track - clean funny jokes - monk - funny cartoons jokes - funny texts - inspirational christmas stories - the monks - vacation humor - funny compliments - late night jokes - taxi driver - life quotes family - balding - funny picture quotes - mommy quotes - funny jokes - pizza funny - angel stories - poor family - teacher - desert island - dirty laundry quote - yoga school - geezer - friendship quotes funny - married quotes - funny family jokes - inspirational humor - retirement humor
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hub3jokes · 11 months
Good Joke
retirement jokes, cartoon quotes, poem to my daughter, math humor, engineering humor funny, master, happy good morning quotes, siblings funny, how to look better, funny english jokes, black, funny street signs, prayer stories, mom life quotes, its friday quotes, brother quotes, beautiful heart, red dress, smart humor, hair jokes, funny goodnight texts, funny joke quote, extremely funny jokes, cleaning quotes funny, very bad, cute funny animals, old man funny, music jokes, funny women jokes, humor, soreness, plant jokes, blue suit, corny jokes, happy mind happy life, famous art, quote pencils, childhood sweetheart quotes, baseball jokes, bartender funny, mother, solving, math teacher humor, golf with friends, porcupine, you lied, two men, sarcastic quotes funny, good morning happy sunday, beer jokes, story of the world, tv funny, father humor, cute little kittens, teacher, romantic texts, rorschach test, boyfriend humor, women jokes, stories with moral lessons, paulo coelho, car jokes, marrying young, cooking and baking, summer jokes, bible jokes, new ferrari, studying funny, young farmers, success quotes and sayings, moral stories, men, janitor, husband jokes, fox, let your light shine, comedy jokes, tax day, wedding anniversary wishes, monkeys funny, funny life lessons, funny birthday jokes, conceited, eye black, face, jokes photos, latest jokes, pilot humor, drought, high jokes, patient humor, primary school, dirty laundry quote, school humor, faith moves mountains, butterfly quotes, giving quotes, catholic humor, one, sunday humor, fishing humor, engineering humor, funny brother quotes, i cant sleep, getting over him, get well quotes, witty jokes, jokes pics, hospital patient humor, i take a nap, rift, sunday prayer, positive morning quotes, writing prompts funny, italian joke, sake, dogs, funny cute cats, pizza, funny relationship jokes, funny fun facts, food places, girlfriend jokes, beautiful quotes, how to memorize things, cute jokes, short funny stories, inspirational prayers, 40 year anniversary, church humor, funny texts jokes, amazing funny facts, character quotes, i love you means, lost wallet, blonde couple, funniest short jokes, some jokes, cute love lines, truck driver, camels funny, dog death, amazing inspirational quotes, break up texts, senior citizen, elderly man, inspirational poems, funny family jokes, funny feelings, funny encouragement, morning quotes funny, pottery, pilot joke, go to sleep, life humor, sleepless nights, pets, money humor, funny family photos, fast food places, sympathy flowers, good knight, good looking women, pet shop, funny pick, birthday jokes, temper quotes, life quotes pictures, train, vacation humor, captain, it hurts, jokes about men, how to plan, island, alien, school quotes funny, teacher humor, memories quotes, inspirational relationship quotes, funny school jokes, songs, getting older humor, grape bunch, language jokes, train travel, coincidences, letting people go, really funny short jokes, funny skeleton, funny animal pictures, nice poetry, ways to show love, guy names, sleep funny, funny italian jokes, money quotes funny, new funny jokes, best friends funny, short jokes, funny billboards, jewish humor, blackest night, funny cartoons jokes, wedding jokes, funny drunk pictures, wedding anniversary humor, pearls, friends funny moments, skeleton jokes, kittens cutest, go shopping, buddha, bartender, rose, lesson quotes, recipes to cook, navy humor, funny pix, farm jokes, united way, funny women quotes, winter jokes, positivity, teacher birthday, blonde humor, funny bumper stickers, funny true stories, see and say, bull elephant, zen master, tattoo parlors, third grade teacher, common and proper nouns, funny stories, gynecologist humor, senior jokes, poor people, cuckoo, prince charming funny, warrior quotes, get tickets, sheep, wake up, husband humor, pink, world funniest joke, wedding anniversary, get a girlfriend, long funny stories, high school students, married quotes, good clean jokes, big bad wolf, marriage counseling funny, friendship cards quotes
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mxb2jokes · 1 year
Good Joke
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thomasteague · 2 years
A Walk Around The Block
The scenes below were observed on a walk I enjoyed recently. It begins. Rock A Shadow. Pamsy Tree Drain “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” Paul Klee Pavement Bark The helicopter has landed. A neighbor’s irises. Turid’s hellebore. Home “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”Buddha
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