foxore · 9 months
my liver is having problems does that make me the liver king?
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bamsara · 2 years
don't have good associations with my birthday
fuck it we ball. plan to celebrate birthday alone anyway
plan entire day before birthday to clean/do chores/finish commissions so birthday is free
buy banana nut bread loaf at store (because dont like cakes)
phone call
friend is having chest pains. wants to talk to the chest pain expert (me)
hmmm sounds sus. convinces them to go to urgent care, drives and pays for her visit
urgent care says go to ER
most of the entire day is spent driving to another town to their ER and sitting in lengthy wait times
nauseous / faintish because of hospital trauma
good news! friend is not dying.
only severe bladder infection that got into the blood, not sepsis tho
pain meds, antibiotics, we're good to go
drops friend off, drives home
its 30 min until midnight. i started at 8am
nothing is done.
need to eat. gonna eat yummy bread. goes to fridge.
family member ate the banana bread while i was gone
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close to home | chapter sixty six
close to home | chapter sixty six
plot: the reader meets a new threat
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,968 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!
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By daybreak, you returned to where Michonne had stashed her horse, and Magna and Yumiko had as well. Jesus had one of them, and you rode the other while Eugene took the last one. You couldn’t stop shaking after the past few nights you had. 
Daryl walked beside you, leading the horse, and every now and then, he looked up at you and reassured you that you were safe. 
By mid-afternoon, you let Magna and Yumiko ride so you could stretch your legs, even with a limp. You and Daryl walked behind the group hand in hand. 
“You heard ‘em whisper like that. They were tryin’ find ya. ’m sorry I didn’ believe ya. And ‘m sorry for yellin’.”
You squeezed his hand. “You were scared. And I wouldn’t have believed it either.”
When Dog started barking, you quicked your pace and saw walkers through the woods. Eugene questioned what kind they were, and you started shaking again. 
The group followed the walkers through the woods till you approached a bridge, and Michonne and Daryl split up to set a trap while you stayed back with everyone else. When you heard someone screaming, you followed Magna and Yumiko up. 
“Drop it!” Daryl yelled at one of them. They dropped to their knees and held their hands up as you helped the other two talk out the actual walkers. You turned to watch your husband rip off their mask, and you saw it was a girl. She was young. Probably no older than sixteen. 
“Please don’t kill me.”
You felt faintish and leaned on Magna for support, and Yumiko helped you, too. Daryl decided to bring her back, and Michonne agreed. When you started moving again, you were thankful. You just wanted to go home. 
As soon as you were at Hilltop, Siddiq had you and Eugene rushed to the infirmary. Rosita was there waiting, and you cried when you saw her. 
“Thank God.” She sighed as she hugged you. “I was so scared for you guys. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head. “You saved us. Thank you.”
Rosita helped you sit down, and she looked at Eugene and Siddiq before whispering, “Did you get hurt?” 
You knew what she was talking about. “I think I’m okay. I’m going to have Siddiq look. I need to know if I actually am.”
While Siddiq helped with Eugene, Enid cleaned your cut up and wrapped it with a healing herb. You smiled at her as she did. “You became quite a doctor since I’ve seen you last.”
“You’re just an easy patient.” She said. 
After you were settled, you were able to leave. Eugene had to stay and rest more, so you decided to corner Siddiq and get his help. He was organizing some supplies when you walked over to him. He glanced up at you and then looked at your leg. “You okay?”
“Do you have anywhere private?” You whispered. “I need an ultrasound.”
Siddiq stared at you momentarily, his eyes dropping to your stomach. Slowly, he smiled and even laughed. “Yes, yes, I do. Come on.”
You were lying on a bed in one of the sectioned-off rooms while Siddiq got the machine going. You couldn’t help but think about how Maggie was here so long ago, going through the exact same thing. 
Siddiq gently lifted your shirt and asked you if he could do the same to your pants. You nodded, and he pulled them down enough to get to the underside of your belly. Once you were ready, he grabbed one of the books and flipped to a marked page. 
“I don’t know enough about maternity. I won’t be able to give you an exact due date if you are pregnant. But we can narrow it down, hopefully.” 
You smiled and leaned your head back against the pillow. “I should’ve been an obstetrician.”
Siddiq laughed as he set the book on top of the machine and started the ultrasound. When he put it on your belly, you heard the heartbeat. It was definite. You were pregnant. 
“So, I can confirm you are pregnant,” Siddiq said, moving around the wand and looking at the screen. He then grabbed the book and looked at the pages. “I think you’re… I think you’re just shy of fourteen weeks.”
“Fourteen weeks?” You asked in disbelief. “There’s no way I’m almost four months pregnant. Is the baby healthy?”
“Heartbeat is really strong, the movement is good. I don’t see why not. I’ll brush up on the book for next time.”
Siddiq moved the wand around, and you looked at the picture. It wasn’t such a dot; you could see its hands and feet, even the rough shape of its nose. The screen with grainy, of course, but it was clear. 
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?”
“Is Rosita still out there? Can you call for her?”
A few seconds later, Rosita was closing the door behind her. She smiled when she saw the screen, and she walked over to your side. “Well, I guess I was right.”
“Look at that thing,” You pointed. “He thinks I’m fourteen weeks.”
Rosita chuckled and grabbed your hand. “Congratulations, babe.”
You sighed. “You can turn it off, Siddiq. Thank you so much.”
“I’ll wanna see you again soon to check on things. And with your permission, I’d like to see what Enid has for prenatal care.”
You groaned and stood up, fixing your clothes. “Go ahead. Just her, though, okay? Rosita, you wanna go get food?”
“I’ll meet up with you. I need to talk to Siddiq real quick.”
You nodded and squeezed her arm before you left, heading outside quickly. Your leg was still hurting, but it felt better after the medicine Enid put on it, so you walked around to try and find Daryl. You weren’t exactly sure what or how to tell him. 
Pregnant. Jesus Christ. 
Seeing Tara and the rest of Hilltop was bittersweet, but you were thankful to see them. They were all mourning the passing of their leader, and his death still lingered in your heart. The past few days did, and as the sun set, it made things worse. Jesus’ funeral was hard, and you stood with Daryl. 
The next few days were harder too. Daryl interrogated the girl and found out more about this new threat. You stayed clear away from the cellar. But he told you everything he got from the girl, and you knew he felt sorry for her. You didn’t know what the right thing to do was.
You still didn’t tell him that you were pregnant. Not with everything going on. 
You helped Tara with what she needed- a lot, being that it was harvesting season- and you saw Siddiq again. Rosita found you one evening to tell you she was pregnant, too, and you were in such a state of shock that you couldn’t form a single thought. She was two months behind you and wasn’t showing at all. But you both agreed you’d get each other through it and didn’t feel as alone. 
The rest of the Alexandrians returned home, but you stayed with Daryl. He wanted to see it through. 
When a group of these mask-wearing freaks walked up the gate, it was the last thing you expected. But you were standing on one of the watch towers beside Tara and Daryl, watching them. It was the most eerie thing. 
The woman wanted her daughter back, Lydia, but Daryl refused, and then dozens more of her people appeared. You reached over to grab your husband’s hand. When he went to go speak to her face to face, you followed him, despite him telling you to stay back. 
The woman made your skin crawl, and you absentmindedly put your hand on your stomach when she stared at you. You felt like she was seeing through your very being. 
When you learned about Luke and Alden being in their custody, Daryl agreed to the trade. But Lydia was gone, and so was Henry. And things only got worse from there.
“This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done.” You winced as Daryl handed you the face of a walker. 
It took you a full day of tracking to find where Alpha took Lydia and Henry, and their camp. After the sunset, Daryl had the genius idea of taking a rule from their book and sneaking in as walkers. 
“Through better or for worse,  right?” Daryl asked. “Turn around.”
You almost threw up when he slid the skin over your face. You gaged and leaned over, but nothing came out. Daryl fixed it so it didn’t slip off, and then you did the same for him. The smell of it alone made you want to hurl, and you had no idea how those freaks lived like this all the time. 
You turned to Connie, who joined you at the last minute and signed to her to turn around. You put a mask on her next and tied it tight. 
“Stay with me, okay? Can’ believe I let ya come,” Daryl muttered. 
“You know I’m just as capable as you, Dixon.”
“Don’ mean I gotta like it.”
After that, the three of you were silent as you merged in with the herd. The noises and smells had your skin crawling. But Daryl’s hand in yours, leading you, was what kept you steady and you focused on him. All you had to do was follow him. You were safe with him. You were always safe with Daryl. 
It was easy to spot Henry during the chaos of the walker attack, and you stood on guard while Daryl went to grab him. He eventually had to pull him away, which took Lydia too, so you pushed Connie forward so she didn’t get left behind and followed them all while ensuring there were no walkers on your trail. 
By morning, you made it to a town. You were exhausted and dying of thirst, and you kept holding your stomach. You didn’t think of anything except going with Daryl. You had to start thinking of other things now. 
My group holed up in here for a while. We might still have supplies, Connie signed to you.
You told the group and then signed as you spoke. Thank you, Connie.
You didn’t question anything when Daryl led you all into the building. You were just thankful for shelter and could sit down and drink water. 
Daryl explained his thoughts about the building, but Lydia said it would be pointless. Her mother would send someone named Beta. You thought the names were a little ridiculous. 
“Let’s just get inside and come up with a plan. We need to drink and eat. We can’t keep running like this.” 
Twenty minutes later, you were helping Connie push a table backward and then moving a piece of the floorboard. Inside, there were supplies, and you sighed with relief. Dog was nudging his nose against your leg, and you reached down to pet him. 
Daryl came over and looked at the supplies while Connie handed you both water and something to eat. 
“I’m going to feed the kids,” You said and signed. Connie nodded and pointed toward the supplies. “I’ll be back,” You said to Daryl and kissed his cheek. 
An hour later, you stood on one of the balconies with Lydia and Henry. Connie was leaning against the edge, and you could tell she was mad, but you didn’t try to say anything to her. You weren’t sure where Daryl was, probably overthinking his plan. 
Lydia kept looking at you, and after the fourth time, you turned to her. “What?”
“You’re Daryl’s wife?”
“What about it?” You knew you were being rude, but you didn’t necessarily care. You were exhausted and hungry, and worst of all, sweating your ass off despite the chill in the air.
“I didn’t know he had one. I guess I just kinda forgot about everything normal.” She said. 
You looked at her and saw how young she looked. She must’ve been only six or seven when the world ended. God, you couldn’t imagine. You glanced at Henry and saw a look in his eyes you hadn’t seen before. 
You were shaking your head in disbelief when movement caught your eye. A herd. It was time. 
Everything went to shit, just like it always did. Daryl disappeared with Lydia, and the freaks with masks came in with weapons hot. Henry got one, you got one, then Connie, and it repeated. You heard Henry scream from across the room as a body dropped before you. That made three.
Your machete dripped with blood as you walked. You could make out the head over the boxes, and you grabbed one of your other knives, hurtling it at them. It embedded itself into their skull, and they dropped. That made four. 
You heard Connie struggling, and you turned quickly and watched as she won the fight before running over to you. 
Did you see where Daryl went?
Last I saw he went to Lydia somewhere. I don’t know.
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. Okay. I’m going to look for him. Stay with Henry. I think he got hurt. Will you be okay? You had to spell out words to help get your words across, and you knew it probably wasn’t making the most sense, but she nodded, and then you were gone. 
You couldn’t hear anything at first as you walked. No sign of your husband, and no sign of any walkers, or the ones that wore their faces. Then you heard the sound of footsteps and whispers. You peeked around the corner of the stairwell as one of them ran past you up the stairs. The other was smaller, a woman, and she was a few feet behind. 
Just as she passed you, you grabbed her by the neck with your arm and pulled her back. Before she could make a sound, you slit her throat and quickly put her body down. You stabbed her head and then looked back at the stairwell. The other one didn’t notice, and so you quietly followed up the stairs. That made five. 
The next level up had renovations going, and you had to walk even quieter over old papers. That was when you finally heard noises. It was a fight. You didn’t know where the other freak was, but as you walked around the level, you found Daryl’s crossbow on the ground. 
“Fuck,” You whispered, picking it up and loading it. You raised it to your eye and took a deep breath. You hadn’t used it in a few months, and the weight of it still threw you off. You glanced down at your initials carved into the metal and deeply breathed. 
Through the hanging tarps, you could see a figure ahead. You knew it wasn’t Daryl. You took a few steps, cringing when you heard how nasty the fight was. You could hear Daryl, and it didn’t sound good. You had to get to your husband. 
Darting between the tarps, you got a few feet closer and gave a soft whistle so the freak could look at you. Just as you made eye contact, you pulled the trigger, and he dropped dead with an arrow in its forehead. You quickly reloaded the bow and kept moving. Six. 
You heard a loud bang and your heart dropped. You picked up your pace and held the crossbow up high, with your finger on the trigger. You’d kill anyone who got in your way from finding him. 
Someone pushed through the tarp to your left and you turned, ready to pull the trigger. 
“Just me, baby girl” Daryl said.
Your heart lept when you locked eyes and you swung the crossbow over your shoulder. “Oh my God, Daryl.” You breathed out as you both walked toward each other. As soon as he was close enough, you grabbed his biceps while he grabbed your cheek. 
“Are you okay?” You asked at the same time he asked about your eye.
Your hands kept moving on his arms and then his chest, where there was some blood. But more blood was on his face, and you felt your eyes sting. “I was so scared… I heard the fight… I didn’t know where you went, and there were so many of them.” You rushed out as your hands moved along each new bruise he had. 
“‘M okay,” Daryl said. 
You sighed and brushed back his hair so you could see his face. His nose looked broken at first, but when you gently touched it, there was no break. He winced, though, but let you touch him anyway. 
“I was so scared. I took out two of them on their way up and then another four downstairs.” You inspected every other cut on his face. “Henry’s hurt. I think he got stabbed in the leg. Connie was with him. I needed to come find you, I-I.”
“It’s ‘aight,” His kissed your forehead and then wiped away the blood that came with the kiss. “Let’s go though. Don’t need to stick around here any longer.”
You arrived at the Kingdom a few days later. You’d first made a pit spot at Alexandria so Henry could get help, but then you needed to get Henry home. Daryl insisted you stay, but you refused. Siddiq checked you out before you left, and he said that the baby was fine, but you needed to get more fluids in. You needed to eat more, too. 
Michonne and Judith caught up to you, and you rode with them the rest of the way. The fair was in full swing, and you could see how everyone was having the time of their lives. It made you want to cry after the days you’d had. It was refreshing. You never wanted to leave the Kingdom again. 
“I need to go eat something,” You whispered to Daryl as Michonne and Ezekiel talked. “My head is killing me.”
“Ya sure ya alright? Been actin’ weird.” 
“It’s been a long few days,” You lied. “I’ll be fine. I just wanna sit. I’m going to find some food and take a shower, okay?”
He nodded. “Save me something’.”
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A Nightmarish Dream
note:Fem!reader x Lilia Vanrouge, didn’t check spelling or grammar, title in the works. I haven’t posted a story for public viewing before, so we’ll just see how this goes. I’ll post this on AO3 as well. Reader is an adult and will do adult things, but I’m not planning on including anything explicit.
The sky held a cold, grey hue to it, as was the norm within Briar Valley. However, it had been worse after the death of both King and Queen Draconia. Maleficia became reigning queen once again after their deaths, accompanied by fierce storms fueled by her frustration and grief. Years have passed since that day and so had the storms. The raven outside was certain if Her Majesty wasn't so preoccupied with running a war-engaged kingdom, it would be pelted with sharp drops of rain and blown about amongst wrathful gales. For what seemed like the hundreth time, it smacked its beak against the window of Maleficia's study once more, trying to get her attention to open the window. Letting out another angry squak seemed to finally do the trick as she glanced over in towards the raven. With a wry smile and a graceful flick of the wrist, the window opened inward for it to hop in. With another squak, it hopped from the windowsill into the study. Black as night smoke whirled around the raven's form and extended upwards. Once the smoked cleared, (Y/N) stood there in her usual, fae form. A long dress of black and silver adorned on her body.
"I know I'm your Lady-in-Waiting, but you took that title rather seriously. I was trying to get your attention for so long." She joked, turning slightly to close the window once more. Maleficia let out a tired breath, "My apologies, (Y/N)." She spoke, looking back at the parchments laid throughout her desk, "I was just going over the final arrangements of adjusting the chain of command within my army." That seemed to interest (Y/N) as she walked over and picked up what looked to be the letter Maleficia had been looking over, gaining her a small look of annoyance, "Ah, did you finally decide on a new general?" She asked, her eyes bouncing about the letter, which seemed to be a letter of acceptance from the sender. "Wait, (Y/N), it-" "Ah! Vanrouge?! Really?!" (Y/N) inturrupted the queen with her own annoyance, causing the queen to close her eyes and take a breath, "Yes, (Y/N). Lilia Vanrouge." "But he's so young! And arrogant, and completely obnoxious! You know last time I was checking on our troops on the eastern front, he flicked a berry at me while I was flying by! I'm sure I still have the mark to prove it!" She ranted, patting her back side, where the launched berry had hit her butt, "Do you know that almost knocked me to the ground? That hurt!" The queen looked at her, "He is not much younger than you, my dear." She stated, then gave (Y/N) a knowing look, "Didn't you turn his hair completely pink the time you saw him before that? What brought this feud on, anyway?" The Queen asked, mood somewhat improved since earlier. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes in thought, "Like I said, hes arrogant. He has one of those faces that just..." The more the queen watched her, waiting for an answer, the harder it was for (Y/N) to voice her thoughts on the bat fae, "...He picks his nose in public." She blurted out. With that response, the Queen let out a small laugh at her lady in waiting and closest friend. (Y/N) had the faintish hint of a blush on her cheeks and pointed ears. Despite being a mother now, (Y/N) could still act like a child sometimes. Maleficia found the trait to be endearing. No matter. She was sure her friend would come to a truce with Lilia in time. 
"Well, Vanrouge will be arriving on the morrow. I want him training the troops we have here." She opened her eyes, looking directly into (Y/N)'s (color) ones, "That includes your son." "I don't want him anywhere near my son." She mumbled. The last thing she wanted was Lilia's behavior rubbing off on him. "(Y/N), you've seen Vanrouge on the battlefield. I think he would be the best person to train them. I would think you would want Wyot trained by the best." After a moment, (Y/N) responded, knowing she was right, "Of course I do...that doesn't mean I still don't think Vanrouge is one of the most annoying beings in Twisted Wonderland."
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moonbreezes · 6 months
Dear Dad and Gossip, Though I am yet but weak, and though it may offend you, as it doth my secretary; yet, in despite of you both, I must have leave now and then to write with my own hand. Sir, I am very sorry for this new vein you have taken of losing of stags, but am much rejoiced that you attribute so much to my good luck, as to think, if I were there, your ill fortune would alter; for which cause, to please you, and many more to please myself, I will make all the haste my weakness will give me leave. I thank God my grudgings have left me again, but the hines of my urine, with the yellowness of my skin, betokens a yellow jaundice, which will be no great matter to cure, if it prove so. I must end with this paper, for I protest I am faintish, which is another betokener of that disease I spoke of; but before I end, I must beseech you to present my humblest service to your sweet baby Charles; and so I crave your blessing. For the best of masters. Your Majesty's humble slave and dog, Steenie.
(a letter from George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham to King James VI & I c. June 1624)
forget abut cannibalism as love metaphor
oversharing about your illness as a love language >>>
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princessisfinethx · 2 years
Invisible Man x Reader pt. 2
Watching him eat was… disturbing. He chewed the rice and potatoes you made at a normal pace and you watched it become mush by his invisible teeth. You then watched as he swallowed, the mush traveling down his throat, down his chest and into what you assumed was his stomach. He took a sip of water and you watched his pause as he swallowed. “How fascinating that food and water still appear while inside me.”
You nodded. “Indeed however it’s not a pleasant sight to behold.” You wrote down in your journal the results of eating. “Perhaps it will disappear later on?” You glanced down at his pants. He didn’t need to wear a shirt but you both agreed he should wear pants for the time being. 
“Maybe. When it's digested, it may disappear.” He spoke between bites, only eating half the plate before he placed it down on the table. You nod and check the time, noting you should check in maybe three hours or so. You scribble in your journal and look back up at him. He was standing before you. You frowned at being able to see his lunch so close up. “Now I need you to hit me, preferably on my arm.”
“I can’t see your arm Griffin.” You sit up straight. “And why do I need to hit you?”
“To see how bruising affects invisibility.” He grabbed your hand and placed it on his forearm. “Hit here. As hard as you can.” You nodded, setting your notebook and pencil down. You bring your fist back and slam down on his arm. You look up after doing so. “Is that really the hardest you can hit?” His voice was soft, between real concern and sarcasm. If he had been visible, you think he might even have been holding back a smiling. 
“Well I haven’t exactly been trained in hand to hand combat.” You sigh. “Was that not enough?”
“No that wasn’t enough at all. Here.” A small stool floats up, you grab it and frown deeply. “Use the leg-end of the stool. Hit me here.” He guides your hand again and you nod. 
“I understand this is for science but this seems very um,” You glance at the stool in your hand, trying to find the words. “This seems violent Griffin.”
“Oh please, worse has happened because of science. It’s not like we’re killing anyone. Now, hit my arm as hard as you can.” He let go of your hand and you nodded, eyeing the empty spot where you knew his arm was. You lifted the end of the stool and slammed down, feeling it come into contact with his arm. He hissed after the strike. “Perfect, now we have to wait for that to bruise.” He took the stool from you, turning it around in his grip before placing it on the floor. “Now onto our next test, I don’t believe we need to make any incisions.” He lifts his hand that he had cut yesterday.
You can only barely see some scarring but one that would heal within the next week. You nod and pick up your book. “Should I take a blood sample anyway?” You asked without looking up.
“Hmm, yes. It would let us see how needle insertion would appear, and give me blood to study to better create an antidote.” He walked away with you only hearing the sound of his bare feet across the stone tiles. When he comes back, he hands you a syringe and gauze wrap. You watch as the pair of pants sits down on the stool in front of you. You hold your hand out and Griffin pushes his arm into your grip. 
You press on his arm, eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. “You may have to find your own vein and point it out to me.” You feel his free hand brush past yours. It takes a minute, but he pulls your hand to his arm, pressing where to puncture. 
“There, right where your fingertip is.” He mumbles and you didn’t realize how close his face was. You bite the inside of your lip but continue with the syringe. When you take a blood sample, you notice you can see some of the vein from where you took blood. Only a small trail of it became red. You pulled enough blood and set the syringe down then cleaned the small wound. You wrap the gauze enough to keep him from bleeding out. 
“There.” You smile. “Nothing violent.”
“Unless you were faintish at the sight of blood.” He mumbled. “Good thing you aren’t.” You smile a little proudly, not sure if he saw it. You then pick up your notebook and continue scribbling. After that, you place it down and look around the room. The floating pair of pants was placing the now vile of blood into a cabinet.
“You’ll have to do a urine sample as well, however I don’t believe the invisibility affects your digestive tract. Or, at least not urinating.” You pause. A thought crosses your mind. You frown at such a suggestive thought. What about when he…
“I’ll do a urine sample on my own time when I need to.” His voice was monotone from across the desk. “I will let you know the results once I do. No need to worry I won’t make you handle any of that.”
You smile, a little relieved. “Thank goodness for that.” You look down and frown. Should you bring it up? It is for science after all. How often does he even- Stop. You felt your face heating up. “Griffin, do you think you should…also conduct a-”
“Conduct a semen test?” He had finished your sentence and you cleared your throat. You could feel him staring but you knew if you looked up, well you wouldn’t see it. “Yes I also had thoughts about that.” He coughs lightly. “Like I said before I will handle that on my own time.” 
The room became silent. You stood and took the half empty plate of food to the kitchen. You sigh but can’t make the red from your face go away. After cleaning the dish as well as a few others, you dry your hands and walk to the lab room. Then you heard a knock at his front door. You saw the pants that Griffin wore stand up. You then curse lightly and run to the changing board. You quickly take off the shirt and pants, hurrying into your dress. “Who’s at the door?” Griffin spoke low enough for you to hear from behind the board. The sounds of more clothes rustling came from behind the wall, guessing he was also putting on more clothes.
“I don’t know, let me dress back into my daily attire and-” There were four more knocks on the front door. 
“Hurry up then!” You heard his footsteps as he walked away. You sighed and finished getting back into your dress, grabbed a broom and walked to the front door. 
You crack the door open and smile softly. “Hello, this is the Griffin Residence-” Your smile faded slightly. At the door was your fiance, a tight smile on his face. 
“Ah darling dearest, so this is where you work.” He pushes the door open and pushes past you. “Housekeeping another man’s home?” He was looking around at the walls and ceiling, eying the staircase then looking back at you. “Do you clean his home when he’s here? And why do you keep it so dark in here?”
You frown, setting your broom down. “How nice of you to show unexpected and invite yourself in, Jonathan. If Gr-… Mr. Griffin finds you here without his permission he’ll have me fired! Or worse he’ll perhaps call on the police!” He ignored your warning and walked towards the lab room. You grabbed his arm. “You are trespassing on another gentleman's property!”
His eyes shot down at your hand and your face flushed. You let go and looked down. "How dare you, grabbing me as if I were a child!" He stepped closer to you and you stepped away. 
"Jonathan please this is no place to…fuss. I work here." You kept your eyes down, both hands gripping the broom. 
"Ah, yes, use that line again. That poor excuse." He had his hands on his hips now, reaching up to wipe his nose. "I work all day, stressed as ever and I come home to find an empty home, no food on the stove, the fire place dead and cold. Don't you understand how miserable I feel?" You nod. "Don't-" He grabbed your shoulders and pinned you against the wall, making you look him in the eyes. "Look at me! And don't lie again because you, do not understand. If you wanted to be a good wife to me, you'd be home right now, running my bath." He let go and scoffed. "Instead you're here…cleaning after a mad man…What was his name again hm?"
And a voice from the top of the stairs called out. "I should ask you the same." Steps slowly coming down the stairs. He stops only when he's in view. "You intrude on my housekeeper, insult her and lay your hands on her?" Griffin was wearing wrappings around his face, he was in a dress shirt now, more appropriate pants on and shoes as well. Hair of some kind sticks out the wrappings on his head and upon his face was a pair of sunglasses, sitting atop a strange looking nose. 
Jonathan chuckles. "She is my wife."
"Even more the reason you should keep your hands off her in such ways." He walks down the stairs, getting uncomfortably close to your fiance. You could see him become tense as he eyed the wrappings and such. "Now then. Shall I call upon the police for breaking into my home?"
"No…no sir." Jonathan steps back and glances at you. He seemed to remember why he was here and straightened his back. "I was making sure my wife was safe is all. And that she gets home on time."
"I will assure your fiance gets home in time." Griffin never looked away from him. This seemed to trouble Jonathan even more. He nodded. 
"Very well. My apologies for disrupting her duties." He looked at you, "No later than 7. Goodbye." Not even daring to kiss you or hug you, as long as Griffin stood there, he turned on his heels opened the door and walked briskly into the cool evening. 
After the door closed, Griffin made a sound of bitter disgust. "How could a man be so crude and miserable towards you? He must-" He turned to you and hushed. You were holding back a sob, covering your face with one hand while the other remained holding the broom. He reached out and took the broom from you. "Don't cry now, he's gone."
You nod but keep your eyes closed, hiccuping into your elbow. "I never meant for you to see. He doesn't…always, hurt me." You look at him and suddenly laughed, coverying your mouth and nose again. "What in God's name are you wearing Griffin?" When he scoffed you laughed again. This caught him off guard but, at least you weren't crying. 
"Its a disguise. Before the invisibility I would just cover myself if I had to go out. Not always but sometimes." He pulls off the fake nose. "It worked did it not? Am I not a genius? A mad man as that blundering poltroon stated." He pulls half of the wrapping off, setting the glasses to the side. It was quiet for a moment until he spoke again. "Do you wish to go home?"
You looked up at him, at the nothing that sat upon dressed shoulders. What your fiance said had you in knots. It was a wife's duty to serve her husband, that much was true. However, you weren't his wife yet. He couldn't call you property, right? You shook your head, then shrugged. "Well I cannot just, not return home."
"And what will be waiting for you hm? His psycological abuse, next his physical abuse?" You wipe your eyes again. "No, I'll not have it. Stay here tonight. I have two extra rooms that haven't been touched in years." He was already walking away and you were quick to follow.  
"Griffin if I stay he'll be worried."
"Let him be. Perhaps he'll find himself drunk or asleep instead." His arm waved a bit and he walks into a spare room. "Here. You'll sleep here tonight." He looks to you and you look up at him. You cross your arms with a look he's never seen you give. It was almost a scolding look.
"Griffin. I don't want him to be angry with you. Or even call the police. What if…" You became distressed. "What if he breaks in and becomes violent or, or accuses me of affairs?"
"Let him believe what he wants. I am doubtful the fool is even loyal…" He quieted himself as he watched you look away. "He will not break in. He won't lay a finger on you. Not while I'm here in this house. Understood?" You gave a small nod. "Go wash yourself up, I will fetch you nightclothes." He turned away and you grabbed his shirt, making him pause. 
"You're sure you will allow me to sleep here tonight?" Your eyes searched for nothing, but Griffin couldn't look away. "If I cause you trouble, I won't bother you with my presence. You have the say so." 
"You're very right." He took your hand, placing his other invisible hand over yours. "I do have the say so, and I stand by my word."
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coinbase105 · 5 months
How much is Cash App ATM withdrawal?
In the digital age, faintish applications like Cash App have revolutionized the way we manage money, offering users a blend of convenience and control over their finances. A frequent question among users is regarding the costs and limits associated with Cash App ATM withdrawals. This article aims to provide an exhaustive guide to understanding the ATM withdrawal process, fees, and limits on Cash App, ensuring that users can access their money efficiently and effectively.
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Understanding Cash App ATM Withdrawal Fees
Cash App imposes certain fees for ATM withdrawals, which is a standard practice among many financial platforms to cover the operational costs of ATM transactions. When you use your Cash App card at an ATM, you will be charged a $2 fee by Cash App. However, this fee can be avoided if users receive at least $300 per month in direct deposits to their Cash App account. For these users, Cash App reimburses the fees for three ATM withdrawals per 31 days, up to a total of $7 fee reimbursement per withdrawal.
Cash App ATM Withdrawal Limit
The withdrawal limit for Cash App is a crucial aspect for users who need to manage larger sums of cash. Cash App sets a $310 maximum limit per transaction, a $1,000 limit per 24-hour period, and a $1,000 limit per 7-day period. These limits are imposed to ensure security and to manage the liquidity requirements across all users efficiently.
How to Withdraw Money from an ATM with Cash App
To withdraw money using your Cash App card at an ATM, follow these simple steps:
Insert your Cash App card into the ATM slot.
Enter the PIN that you set up for your Cash App card.
Select the amount of cash you wish to withdraw, ensuring it does not exceed your daily or Cash App weekly limit.
Confirm the transaction and collect your money.
Benefits of Using Cash App for ATM Withdrawals
Using Cash App for ATM withdrawals comes with several benefits:
Ease of Access: With the wide availability of ATMs, you can quickly get cash whenever you need it.
Direct Deposit Advantages: Qualifying for direct deposit fee reimbursements can save frequent users a significant amount in fees.
Instant Availability: Funds from Cash App are available instantly, making it convenient to withdraw cash as soon as you receive transfers or payments.
Maximizing Your Cash App Features
To make the most out of Cash App, users should explore other features that enhance their financial mobility and freedom:
Direct Deposits: Set up direct deposits to your Cash App to qualify for ATM fee reimbursements.
Cash Card Customization: Customize your Cash Card through the app to reflect your personal style.
Boosts: Take advantage of Cash App’s Boosts to save money at various merchants and receive instant discounts on purchases.
Security Measures for Safe ATM Withdrawals
Security is paramount, especially when dealing with finances. Cash App incorporates several security features to protect your money:
PIN Protection: Every transaction requires you’re PIN, ensuring that only you can access your funds.
Encryption and Data Protection: Cash App uses advanced encryption protocols to secure your financial data.
Fraud Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of accounts to detect and prevent unauthorized activity.
Cash App's ATM features offer a mix of convenience and control, tailored to modern financial needs. Whether you're withdrawing small amounts for everyday expenses or managing larger withdrawals, understanding the fees and Cash App limits associated with Cash App can help you optimize your financial transactions.
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th3rianbl00d · 9 months
Mrrreow! Hey! :3
You can call me Storm - I am a therian Maine Coon cat! I have a blue/gray, tan, and white coat with faintish stripe patterns, which is called dilute torbie! My theriotype sort of looks like this:
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Anyway welcome all therians and friends!!! 🐾🐾🐾🐈‍⬛🐈
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yandere-fics · 11 months
Here’s just a long ass rant of me rating how easy it would be for me to take down the yanderes.
First of all, these are all no no characters, meaning that I will never even be seen in close proximity to them: Sawyer, Veronia, Kassien. Y’know, most of the nonhumans. Nora is here too cuz I’m scared of her. And Ainsley cuz no, I don’t want to fight a crazed wizard obsessed with blood. I get very faintish from how blood smells and I just know that she'd use that against me. These guys can smite me the moment I even open my mouth… scary.
-First one I think I can defeat is my bby girl Miriel. Unless I’ve wrongly perceived her as weak and a damsel than she is beating my ass instead 😔. Also, her village will be coming for my bum if I harm their elf princess so I wouldn’t even try to fight her in the first place. 3.5/10
-I thought I could defeat Runa until I remembered that she’s a literal serial killer so 0/10, she’d kill me instead.
-Now, Theanna, Abigail, and Elisha are all humans so I can fight them, I think. If I fight Theanna, that means I have to go against Abigail first and I think that’s just tiresome. Even if I somehow managed to beat Abigail(which is near impossible unfortunately), I would be too exhausted to fight Theanna. Also, like with Miriel, the whole kingdom's army will come after me for trying to harm their ruler. I could just throw bombs at them though, they’re humans, they can’t survive that. 7/10 with bombs, 0/10 without bombs :(
-I kinda forgot about Elisha but that’s actually because I already mentally noted that I cannot fight against the literal chosen one. 0.0/10
-The Anderson sisters are easy peasy, they don’t have magic to help them. I can take down Skylar and Darla but Sophie and Ellie would be tricky to fight since they are better at fighting/killing. Honestly, it would have been easy if they all didn’t like each other. If I beat one up, the other will kill me, so like... 2/10 or I could bomb them like the others.
Here's the weird thing about Miriel, it all depends on where this fight is happening, if it's anywhere near nature she has an advantage even if there's just a small patch of grass, she rolls advantage just purely being near it, it's sort of an elf thing.
When I first saw this I thought it was just like trying to escape them if they were your yanderes but then I realized you're actually fighting to the death lol.
Runa is a city elf which means she rolls no advantage based solely on never ever being near nature to refresh so even if the fight were outside, she wouldn't have a boost cause she doesn't know how to connect with nature. You still probably loose though on the basis of elves and their nature ability to dodge shit.
I think even if you don't have to fight Abigail beforehand, Theanna is basically untouchable due to the weird thing that she does monthly underneath the garden meaning she's got some hidden skills.
And yeah when it comes to the Anderson sisters there's no element of surprise, it's not like you can go from one to another ambushing them because they all keep tabs on eachother even if they refuse to communicate properly for some reason. The best bet is to start with Sophie, then sneak up and get Skye in the house and hope you can make it to the other two before they realize the tracker on their phone has not moved which means their sisters are not following their normal daily routine. The hardest part is getting into Ellie's apartment because she's got good security systems in place.
0/10 I would not win in any fight. My best bet is to surrender and hope they aren't angry enough to kill me.
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Hi, if you don't mind and they're still open could I please have a LOTR and The Hobbit matchup? 🥺👉👈
I'm fine with either a male or female ship, though I think it's important to note that I'm Asexual. I'm an autistic adult who also has arthritis, scoliosis, asthma and a bunch of other symptoms like feeling faintish too.
I tend to cover up a lot clothing-wise because I sunburn easily, but that doesn't mean I don't like myself. I'm actually pretty confident, or at least don't feel the need to change myself for others. I'm also a huge nerd who enjoys nonfiction books and informational videos, especially on subjects like archaeology, science, botany, paleontology, witchcraft and history. I can infodump about just about anything, and I know tons of trivia, especially about those subjects and my favorite authors. I'm also learning how to sew and crochet, and I write a LOT. I have an ongoing journal that I've kept for years now.
My style can be best described as "Cottagecore Ms Frizzle" tbh. It's also very important to note that I'm 4' 10" because of a disability that stunted my growth. If you're not American that's about 147 cm so yeah, very tiny. I also have glasses and very long wavy brown hair.
I'm very sweet and I try to be friendly to everyone. I can also be a little sensitive at times, but I'm also very wise and I give good advice. I often write about very deep issues and I can think very big picture, but I also appreciate small things in life. I think you can find beauty everywhere if you really look for it. Though I can also be stubborn and once my boundaries are crossed I don't forgive easily, I will admit. I love caring for people though and if someone is sad, I'll often ask if I could get them anything (mainly tea because I love tea) or rub their back to comfort them. Focusing on little things and helping people is what keeps me going in a world that is constantly wracked with disaster tbh.
Thanks so so much, I hope you have a great day hun! Take care of yourself and drink lots of water!
Absolutely take care of yourself babe! 🥰
First I ship you with Galadriel! 💜
She makes tea every time you are in Rivendell always making it herself and making sure it is always the way you liked it
She loves watching you write and reads it after never taking the sweet smile off of her face every time she reads the things you write
She doesn't mind that you are shorter than her nor the fact of you having a disability doing research on what you have and what it does to you
She always checks your glasses when you leave them next to her when you shower or fall asleep cleaning them if they are dirty and replacing them if they are damaged somehow
She loves that you always try to give the best advice to anyone in need of it whether they are going through a rough patch or unsure of something
She always listens and enjoys your info dumps no matter what it is or how long your talks are she is always happy to listen
She always reminds you to take care of yourself from taking your meds, drinking more water, eating when you haven't eaten in awhile, or to sleep when you're clearly exhausted
Finally I ship you with The bard
He likes hearing you info dump whether it's about something you like, how your day was going or went, what you and the kids did or were going to do, or just anything at all making him smile
He repairs your glasses if they get broke making sure to always replace the glass if need be necessary and to tighten the sides as well
He always makes sure to remind you to drink water especially when you're sick, to eat food when he knows you haven't eaten in a while, to sleep even when you haven't been sleeping well, and to take your meds on time even when you're dealing with things around you
He loves seeing you give advice to others when they're in a situation especially when needed and even giving advice about bullying and growing up to the kids helping them making him love you even more
He never minds that you have a disability and that you're shorter than him because of it and doesn't mind helping you when you need help with getting things
He always loves reading what you write even having a few he will have copied or write down to keep somewhere
He makes tea for you every day always trying different flavors and ways to make it and keeps track of whether you like it or not
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leanstooneside · 1 month
Double butt splash
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envieluvvicixe · 11 months
Static tinnitus, faintish feeling, swaying balance, and vertigo that doesn't visually physically affect my sight but still makes it feel like I'm straining my eyes when I am in fact not.
Ah, I love these nights. /Sar
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jirai-girl · 1 year
Iron deficiency medicine is finished...
No wonder I feel more faintish yuan usual
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localvoidcat · 1 year
Mermaid biology timmmeee
Also mark is partially a mermaid himself but only 1/8 so he has faintish scales and reallyyy dark blue eyes like a shark but thats about it lol
shark mark . perfect
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hatredcurse · 2 years
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