#exo oneshot fluff
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all the rumors are true • bbh
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f!idol!reader
genre: fluff & angst
synopsis: your secret relationship with baekhyun getting revealed, and what comes after.
warnings: none!
a/n: very self indulgent lmao i had this thought a few days ago and needed to get it out! the ending is a bit choppy i ran out of thoughts. heavily unedited and not proof read 🫣
“yes, i take care of all of them,” you laugh, nodding at the radio show hosts question about if it’s hard being a leader to a group of 4, including yourself. “especially our youngest.” you say, glancing over at sunny, the baby of your group.
“what’s the age difference between you and her?” the host asks.
“six years,” you say, making the host gasp.
“ah, so you’re 28… that means she was 16 when you debuted?” the host looks between you and sunny, both of you nodding. “wow, so you probably have had no time for dating since even before debut!”
you laugh, though it’s 90% true, which sucks. “yes, because she was so young when we were trainees—we all were—i was always with them to make sure they stayed out of trouble and weren’t around strange people,” you say, your eyes sliding over all of your members. “so, no, there hasn’t been a lot of time to date. but i’m not mad at that because i was taking care of my babies.” everyone chuckles at the last bit and mingwa puts her head on your shoulder.
“y/n needs somebody to take care of her!” heejin, the second to youngest member shouts. you smile and shake your head at her words, though they’re unbelievably true. if only the public knew that you were, though. that instead of laying your head on a soft pillow every night, you lied down on a hard chest and let strong arms hold you tight, while soft kisses on the top of your head lulled you to sleep.
“girl, i’m your candy,” sunny sings quietly. you don’t cut your eyes at her immediately, but the panic bubbles in your chest. nobody mentions her singing, or sings along, but sunny and mingwa share a quick look that freaks you out, makes you paranoid that in a few hours when the video recording of this session is posted, speculations will start.
you glance at sunny, hoping to catch her eye, but she’s engrossed in what the host is talking about. you can barely hear above your heartbeat in your ears, the blood rushing through so quickly it’s starting to give you a headache. you try to discreetly regulate your breathing, trying to remember those videos talking about square breathing that you found online. nobody seems to notice, except mingwa who taps your forearm and looks at you with concern that you brush off.
you manage to make it through the rest of the interview as normal as possible. you start talking a lot less, letting your members share more about themselves and the group, and nobody except for mingwa clocks that you were mentally somewhere else.
saying your goodbyes, the four of you get up and shuffle out of the radio station and into the outside world where dozens of cameras await. the shutters fly at rapid pace, and the flash on some of them are nearly blinding, but you and your group smile and pose, despite the chaos happening.
shuffling into the car, you let the three others get inside first. you take the last seat in the sprinter van and buckle yourself in, resting your head against the headrest. “y/n, are you alright?” mingwa asks, concern clear and evident in her voice. you let out a breath and sit up, turning around to look at sunny.
“why did you start singing ‘candy’, soojin?” you ask, using her full name. she looks at you with wide eyes at her government being called and holds her hands up in surrender. “do you know what people are going to say?”
“sorry, mom,” she shoots back, giving you an incredulous look. “all they’re going to say is that i’m acting exactly like how the youngest person is supposed to be acting—interrupting you and singing over everybody. nobody is going to say anything about you and baekhyun.” you press your lips together, stumped because she’s most likely right, even though you have an inkling in the back of your brain that somebody is going to take notice, and make something out if it.
“well, you don’t really want people thinking you go around interrupting everybody,” you chastise. sunny rolls her eyes at you and sighs dramatically.
“we are quite literally the perfect group—i don’t know why you are so worried about our image all the time,” she says. you decide that the conversation is over, and sit facing forward again. sunny doesn’t understand that everything, at the end of the day, falls on you. people look at you like you birthed these girls and raised them up yourself. if one of them screw up, it falls on the entire group but rests on your shoulders to clean up. your image is so important to uphold, because there has only ever been one scandal to your groups name at the beginning of your careers that you did everything possible to stop the public from shaming you and the girls. it’s not easy to do that.
the ride is silent, save for their nails tapping against their phone screens. you sit with your eyes closed and your head leaned back, ready to dive into bed and maybe call baekhyun. maybe.
“would it really be that bad if everybody knew about you and baekhyun?” sunny asks, cutting into the silence. you open your eyes, but don’t turn around. the hair on your arms stands up at his name being mentioned so loudly, somewhere that isn’t the safety of your dorms.
“yes,” you reply. you think about the uproar it would cause, and what it would do to your career. his would be fine, of course, because the dismissal is never the same for men as it is for women. your group would probably have to disband, or you’d have to leave. it would look terrible, especially since you are the leader, if this was public news. “it would be awful, sunny. i cant lose my career over a man.” and while a nasty pang of guilt rips through your chest, it’s the truth.
“but… you told me you think that you love him. that’s not enough?” when she says these words, it’s like she’s 16 again, asking you why the world was mad at your group for a rumor about heejin. her voice is small, naive almost, and it reminds you how far apart you two really are.
you can’t help that your eyes start to water. “soojin, can we talk about this later?” you ask, blinking back the tears. you swallow thickly and pull your headphones out of your pocket, turning up your music loudly to block out any thoughts of you and baekhyun, and the public finding out.
getting back to the dorms, you head straight for your room. you close the door behind you and pull out your headphones and sigh, your head pounding. flopping onto the bed, you bury your face in the pillows and close your eyes.
you’re disrupted by a knock only moments later, and you let out a breath before telling whoever it is to come in. “y/n?” sunny’s voice calls from the doorway.
“yeah?” you roll over and sit up on your elbows to look at her. she gives you a sheepish smile and comes over to your bed, crawling in bed next to you like she used when you guys were trainees and she kissed her family.
scooting over, you make space for her to rest her head on your shoulder, your arm wrapping around her. “sorry for earlier. i guess i’m just trying to see the positive side to it,” sunny says.
“it’s fine,” you sigh. “i’m just super paranoid.”
“is baekhyun?” she asks.
you shake your head above her. it’s amazing to you that he seems to have no qualms or fears about your relationship becoming public. he’s fine with it being a secret or being news, and it makes you feel like shit, like it looks like you’re afraid of being seen with him. though it’s far from that. “no, and i guess that’s what makes me more stressed out. because he’s too chill about it, and doesn’t seem to be worried.”
“he’s old,” sunny snorts and you chuckle. there’s only four years between you and him, so she’s technically calling you old too, but you don’t say anything. “are you gonna tell him you love him?” she asks after a beat of silence. you still against her and she lifts her head to look at you.
it’s a sensitive subject—you and baekhyun haven’t said it yet. you won’t say it, because you’re afraid it’ll open a dam of bad things starting to happen. like once it’s out in the open, the worst possible thing could happen to your relationship. “maybe. i don’t know. probably not,” you ramble.
sunny gives you a sad look and squeezes you into a hug. she doesn’t say anything, and neither do you, but enough passes between the two of you. i’m here for you, she says. i know, you say back.
baekhyuns hands are on your ribs, holding you firmly and pressing you flush against the side of his car as he takes you into a nice, soft kiss. your arms snake around his neck, your fingers playing with the ends of his hair at his neck.
his lips move slowly against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. your chest burns with adoration and want, and him tugging you closer to him only makes you throb. pulling away, his mouth chases yours and you let him kiss you again, this time letting him tilt your head back so you’re practically lying against the car.
it’s risky to be out in the open like this, but the parking garage is secluded and for residents of his apartment only. you would see and hear anybody coming through, but so far you haven’t in the last seven minutes.
you pull away from him again, and stop his advances by gently pressing your fingers to his lips. “baekhyun,” you say softly. he kisses your fingertips and then your cheek.
“yes?” he says, looking into your eyes with an intensity that makes your knees weak, so much so that you rest your weight against the car.
“can we go inside?” you ask, your fingers dancing on his cheek. he nods and kisses your palm before grabbing it and taking you to the elevators. baekhyun wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side, kissing your temple for a long time, all the way until the doors open, and then pulling you down the hallway to his apartment.
he helps you out of your coat and hangs it up. “what do you want to eat?” he asks as you step out of your shoes.
“bold of you to assume i’m hungry,” you tease, but you’re always hungry around him, and you are hungry right now. baekhyun rolls his eyes at you and repeats his question. “i don’t know. chicken? ramen? rice? whatever you want.” you say, kissing his lips. he holds you close for a beat before letting you go so he can get something started for the two of you.
you bound to the living room and sprawl out on his large couch, turning the tv onto one of the many shows you two have started watching together. you get comfortable and pull a blanket over you, snuggling into the cushions while he busies himself with the task of making dinner.
baekhyun comes into the living room with two bowls of food a few minutes later. you sit up and thank him as you accept the dish, crossing your legs and resting the bowl in your lap. “what did i miss?” he asks, and you catch him up on the show in between bites.
you two eat in a close and comfortable silence. he’d probably have his arm around you if it wasn’t uncomfortable while you two were eating. the close proximity is enough though, your knees touching and his right arm lightly bumping into your left.
you set your bowl on the table, ready to get up to get a drink but baekhyun gets up quicker than you, already knowing what you want. he goes into the kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water. it feels like the world is slipping beneath your feet, and you could cry because of him.
this is the taking care of that heejin said you needed. you finally have it—he’s always like this with you, feeding you, making sure you’re well rested and fed and just okay. he takes whatever worries you have and throws them on his back and just lets you be.
after dinner, you and baekhyun retreat to his bedroom. you lie on his bare chest, a hand resting on his stomach and your ear against his heart. baekhyun mindlessy plays with your hair, his fingers digging into your scalp soothingly. your eyes can’t help but flutter close—there’s no point in trying to fight sleep. you’ll wake up with him tomorrow.
the speculations didn’t start the next day. no, everybody thought it was so cute and funny that sunny blurts out random things while her older members are talking. there were compilations made from your groups content; interviews, your group vlogs, and more. it was funny, honestly, that they adored her disruptiveness.
the speculations started four days later. and when the news broke, the internet nearly stopped working because there were pictures and videos. so many pictures and videos, that it felt like somebody may have been stalking you. there were pictures of you and baekhyun kissing against his car, of you two in his car, of you two getting out of his car, of you two going for a late night walk near the han river.
and then there were videos—albeit, mostly can made—that served as proof that you two really are dating. there’s the longing looks shared at award shows, zoomed in videos of you two standing next to each other on stages, hands brushing. the other videos are just more reasons to believe that you two are dating; heejin saying you need to be taken care of, and then clips of baekhyun taking care of his own members. videos of you talking about your ideal type, and clips proving that you must have been referring to baekhyun, or jaír got really lucky that you found him.
it’s overwhelming.
when the pictures surfaced, you and mingwa were in the practice room dancing to your debut songs. the alert popped up on your phones at the same time, but mingwa grabbed hers first. you heard her gasp and ran over, thinking she might’ve twisted her ankle, but instead were met with her guilty eyes and her perfectly fine ankle.
you didn’t know what to do when you saw the photos. your heart stopped and your felt sick. your head started pounding, and it felt like a rug was being pulled from underneath your feet. you didn’t know what to do, so you started crying, falling to the floor in a heap. you weren’t sobbing, but your were audibly crying, and mingwa wasn’t sure what to do. you managed to get yourself together, and excused yourself to your room, avoiding any staff members on your way.
and now you’re on the phone with baekhyun, trying not to burst into tears as he keeps telling you everything will be ok. “baekhyun, this was such a bad idea!” you cry, pressing your forehead into your hand.
“what was? dating me?” he asks, slight offense in his voice.
“yes!” you shout, but you don’t even believe yourself. “w-we shouldn’t have gotten involved.” you’re adding fuel to the fire, hoping he’ll just break up with you so you can say those photos aren’t real, and that you’re not longer dating so everybody can leave you alone.
“you don’t mean that,” baekhyun says, his voice soft on the other line. it makes you feel like shit. “do you?”
you shake your head, though he can’t see you. “no,” you say meekly. “but we- y/n, you knew this could happen even before we started dating.” he interrupts, shutting you up. you press your mouth into a thin line. “don’t try to push me away now, y/n.” the overuse of your first name makes you feel like you’re being scolded by an elder.
“okay, i’m sorry,” you say, sighing. baekhyun parrots you and you press your body into your mattress. now would be the ideal time to tell him you love him, but it feels like it would be a poor bandaid to apologizing for saying that you should have never agreed to date him. “i don’t know what to do.” you mumble.
“let our companies handle it. you just get some sleep,” he says. you chew on your bottom lip, wishing that he was here with you.
“okay. goodnight, baekhyun,” you say. i love you, you want to add.
“goodnight, y/n.”
when you wake the next morning, your group, managers, and baekhyuns team are all in the dorm lounge. you freeze when you see him, ready to jump out of the nearest window because you know exactly what is about to happen. “we need to release a statement,” your manager says, beckoning you over to everybody.
gingerly, you walk over to your girls, sitting next to heejin at the end of the sofa, the furthest you can get away from your boyfriend. “so, i assume it’s true? the rumors about you dating? you can say no, but i’ve seen the pictures,” baekhyuns manager says, looking over at you. you nod, and when everyone keeps staring at you, you pipe up and say “yes”, your voice hoarse.
“great. how long has it been?”
“seven months,” baekhyun says, his eyes flicking to you. heejin gasps beside you, grabbing everybody’s attention.
“oh, sorry!” she says, waving everybody off. “liar!” she whispers. you told her that it’s only been four months.
both of your guys’ managers read from what looks like a checklist of things, asking you questions and scribbling down answers so they can formulate each of your statements.
“are you happy?” your manager asks, not looking up from the sheet. it’s an easy questions, and you both answer ‘yes’ with ease. “are you in love?” the question lodges your heart in your throat, and the room gets eerily silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop in the next room.
you don’t know what to say. you don’t want to lie, and look terrible, but you don’t want to tell the truth and further complicate your relationship.
you glance over at bakehyun, and find him already looking at you. you know what you’re going to say the moment your eyes meet, and you feel your stomach flip on it’s side. your heart melts like goo in your chest as you say, “yes”, admitting after many long months the one thing that’s been clawing at you in the back of your mind.
your manager scribbles down your answer and turns to baekhyun. “baekhyun?” he asks. his eyes never leave yours, and it feels like you’re the only two people in the room, despite the fact that there’s about 10 feet of distance between you two.
“of course,” he says it so sincerely that you drop your gaze to your lap, your face turning red and a smile overtaking your lips. your group members giggle and elbow you in your side, equally as happy to hear the news.
you feel over the moon, and your past paranoia is put away and shoved into a box that you choose to ignore for a moment. both of your teams curate statements, and they’re sent out less than an hour later. you and baekhyun take the rest of the day for yourselves, driving out far to the beach and hanging there all day until it gets dark, and your teeth start clattering because of the weather. and when you get in the car, he kisses you and you quite literally feel the love has for you, and your brain goes fuzzy to the point where all you can remember is his name, everything else being put to shame.
the responses you get to your relationship are much more positive than you expect, and of course there are negative comments, but not nearly as many as there are of the positive comments. people cnat help but gush at how you found your person, and are finally getting to get taken care of.
but, of course, cameras are on you more heavily than in the past. and now, when you go on variety shows solo, they want to know about your personal life before knowing about the group. you learn to get used to it, giving way to basically nothing, and sometimes sharing more than people expect, when you want to.
like, when you go on a variety show alone with a bunch of other idols, the same show baekhyun had been on in the past, they bring up an interview moment where baekhyun says that you’re the better dresser of the two of you. you’re asked the same question, and you answer baekhyun, and follow up with admitting that you’re wearing his clothes at that very moment. that makes the internet go crazy, searching high and low for pictures of baekhyun wearing the same item, comparing how it’s massive on you but fits him snugly.
or, when you attend the end of the year award shows and exo performs, the camera is on your group more often than you’d like to admit. there are fancams dedicated to your reaction of his groups performances, everybody focused on how you react to baekhyun specifically. of course, the same thing happens to him with you, and he’s a lot more shameless about his support of you.
you group responds well to your now public relationship. you’re able to get all five of you together more often, and they look at him like a bigger brother. sunny often tags along on your dates and asks about baekhyun and genuinely treats him like her uncle. she makes a lot of jokes about the two of you, mainly on camera. like, when you’re filming content for you groups vlog, she asks how baekhyun asked you out, and then sings the bridge of ‘blooming days’ by CBX, and does the dance too. the internet eats that up, constantly sharing the clip because it truly was funny.
despite the public news of your relationship, though, you and baekhyun manage to keep it private. besides what you choose to share, you can easily dodge questions about your private lives and keep the mystery alive. it does help your relationship now that more people know—there’s no threat of getting caught, or the constant feeling of breaking the rules. it’s easier now, and better than ever.
#exo imagines#exo scenarios#exo x reader#exo x you#baekhyun fic#baekhyun x you#baekhyun oneshot#baekhyun imagine#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun x reader#baekhyun fluff#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun angst#exo fluff
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Collective M.list


➜ ∥ ☆ ATEEZ M.list ∥
➜ ∥ ❃ EXO M.list ∥
➜ ∥ △ SEVENTEEN M.list ∥

©️bvidzsoo. Do not steal, plagiarize, translate, repost or use my works in any form.
૪ All works were written by me. They are pure fiction, and they do not depict the real characters of mentioned members.
૪ I do not take requests, sorry!

#bvidzsoo#ateez#exo#seventeen#ateez x reader#exo x reader#seventeen x reader#ateez angst#ateez smut#ateez fluff#exo angst#exo smut#exo fluff#seventeen angst#seventeen smut#seventeen fluff#kpop#ateez oneshot#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#exo oneshot#exo scenarios#exo imagines#seventeen oneshot#seventeen scenarios#seventeen imagines
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ordinary days ᡣ𐭩 doh kyungsoo
domestic fluff, living the best life with kyungsoo, hes so in love with you tbh, grammatical error
kyungsoo x reader!
a/n this was totally not inspired by his song. also, testing if it was just a new account thing or my fic really sucks and people dont read it 💀 this was also posted at @jonginbear
the soft humming of kyungsoo as he danced around in the kitchen, cooking to his heart's content. he was alone in your apartment while you were out at work. despite your absence, he still showed up at your apartment, wanting to try out a new recipe he had come up with last night.
it explained why his eyes has a light dark circle.
the clanking sounds that came from the kitchen utensils filled the quietness. it calmed his excited heart from bursting. not a while later, he finished up his cooking and started to wash the dishes.
it was always like this with kyungsoo. your house was always tidied up whenever he's around. he couldn't stand seeing how disoriented you are.
the soft click from the door perked his ears up. it was just in time that he had finished setting up the table. your nose immediately picked up the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. "hey," kyungsoo smiled, his wet hands were wiped clean on the apron that he has yet to take off. his cute dimples showing from smiling too hard.
"hey," you returned his smile. he walked up to you and kissed your cheeks. "what did you cook?" you asked softly, taking off your coat and threw it on the couch. "a new pasta recipe," he said proudly. "i made it more spicy for you," he said, pulling out the chair for you. you gratefully took a sit all the while watching him take off his apron.
kyungsoo sat across the table, ready to eat his newly made recipe.
after dinner, both of you sat on the couch, huddled up close to each other and feeling content. you lay your head on his chest, wanting to listen to his calm heartbeat. his arm were wrapped securely around your waist and he nuzzled his nose in your hair.
likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated <3
© dilxcc
#kyungsoo#kyungsoo x reader#doh kyungsoo#do kyungsoo#kyungsoo fluff#kyungsoo drabble#kyungsoo oneshot#kyungsoo exo#exo do#exo do kyungsoo#exo#exo fanfic#exo fic rec#exo fluff#exo oneshot#exo drabble#fluff#kyungsoo 🐧
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🌟Hey there, loves! Welcome to imonanotherlebel🫶🏼💐💕✨️
🚨 Warning: This blog contains explicit content intended for mature audiences only. If you are a minor, please refrain from interacting. Your safety is our priority.
Dive into some spicy stories where love, lust, and a whole lot of mischief collide! 📖✨ But hey, quick heads up – this place is 18+ only. So, if you're not there yet, bookmark us for later! 🚀
Let's keep it fun, consensual, and full of good vibes. Happy reading, lovelies! 💖🔥
Asks are open!!!
In bloom together- Florist San x reader romance PT. 1
Text imagines
Texting the wrong member, your dirty thoughts - Ateez hyung line
Texting the wrong member, your dirty thoughts - Ateez maknae line
Tracing You - Jungkook x gn reader drabble (Fluff, slightly suggestive)
Jake x reader smut - Whispers in the moonlight (best friends to lovers)
Sunghoon x reader smut - Don't test me
Seventeen reaction to S/o with size kink
Seventeen reaction to their s/o initiating sex at an unusual time
Seventeen reaction when their S/O tells them, "I'm super horny right now, and I can't wait."
Aftercare with seventeen
Oneshots, imagines
Scoups x reader smut/fluff - Featherlight touches
Mingyu x reader smut - Look where the night led us 1
Mingyu x reader smut - Look where the night led us 2
Hoshi x reader fluff - He helps you relax
Vernon x reader smut - Making out in a car
Text imagines
Hyung line x reader text imagines - "She's busy bro" pank text on bf seventeen.
Maknae line x reader text imagines - "She's busy bro" prank text on bf seventeen
"What are you wearing right now?" Prank text on bf SVT hyung line
"What are you wearing right now?" Prank text on bf SVT maknae line
Fictional characters
Gentle Love - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
Promise in Flames - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
Passion - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
#naughty but nice#minors dni#kpop smut#kpop fanfic#kpop#kpop imagines#kpop fluff#bts#ateez#seventeen#txt#enhypen#nct#monsta x#ateez imagines#seventeen reactions#ateez smut#smut#ateez fluff#bts fluff#seventeen fluff#exo#boynextdoor#got7#enhypen oneshots#fiction#x reader#jacaerys x reader#hotd fic
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genre & trope: fluff and established relationship
word count: 0.14k
now playing: all my love by park bo gum (instrumental)
. ִָ ˑ ⊹ ( 9:25 PM ) — the words i love you aren't really the things you hear on a daily basis from kyungsoo. rather explicitly saying such embarrassing words for someone like him, he says it to you in words that are not socially deemed romantic. he masks the hidden meanings in the simplest ways.
but you can notice.
you can sense it.
when you focus on the corner of his lips and watch how it curls up as it prepares to speak to you. his eyebrows and how they furrow upward, making more space for the growing eyes that are focused only on you, and the ticklish affection of his thumbs caressing your cheeks, letting your heart skip a beat, even before he says
"sleep well." i love you.
and you give a knowing smile, snuggling in between the sheets with him and cherish the thought of him remembering how you hold sleeping earnestly, and sheepishly reply
"yes. i will." i know.
and then silence comes as you welcome slumber in between each other's warmth, holding a silent whisper of the promise of tenderness. a whisper no other can hear until we finally fall asleep on someone's embrace: home.
© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist
#exo#imagines#kpop#kyungsoo oneshot#kyungsoo fluff#kyungsoo timestamp#kyungsoo x reader#kyungsoo imagine#do kyungsoo#kyungsoo#kyungsoo x you#kyungsoo blurbs#kyungsoo fanfic
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For all the moments
✴︎ pairing : Chanyeol x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, idol!chanyeol, editor!reader, angst, fluff, comfort, yearning
✴︎ summary : For all the moments, you were always by his side. For all the moments, he was always next to you.
✴︎ warning : none, maybe mild cursing but nothing else!
✴︎ word count : 4.2K
✴︎ author’s note : hii! It’s archie! This one has been hanging out on my drafts for way too long and I finally decided it’s time to take it out! Anyways, this fic was initially for Baekhyun but I felt that the scenario fits better with Chanyeol. I was highly inspired by EXO-SC’s Jet-lag and Kyungsoo’s recent birthday party where he sang Beautiful Day! I hope you enjoy this one and feel free to leave feedback or comments! likes are also much appreciated ♥
The loud drizzling sounds of rain hitting your apartment window can’t help but stir you up from your deep slumber. What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes a little to wash away your sleepiness. The clock beside your bedside table reads 3.40am, the timing indicates that it’s too early for anyone to be awake at the moment. The sky kept rumbling, with thunders flashing every minute and you groaned at the sight of the storm rolling in front of you. Being woken up from a storm was one thing but being awake without your husband, was another thing. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again so you grabbed your phone to check if Chanyeol had landed in Seoul from his recent work trip from Paris.
Notifications 02.30am KST Yeol: > Babe? > I just landed with the worst weather ever! > I can't wait to see you > I missed you so much :(( Read 03.43am KST
Being married for 2 years to one of the most famous idol in Korea, you were accustomed to his busy schedule. Flying out here and there to attend concerts, award shows, photoshoots and prestigious events was part of the job. With you working as a fashion editor, his daily agenda was not out of the ordinary for you. The difference only being the fact that he works under the limelight, but you don’t—not that you mind at all. Nevertheless, both of you made it work. It was too easy to understand how it feels to work under a tight schedule without any time to breathe. You with your never-ending deadlines and meetings, and him with his idol life.
However, dating him for 6 years and being married to him for three, being away from him never gets easier.
You zoned out for a while before a loud thud distracted your attention, followed by your bedroom door clicking open. Your husband was finally home, his tall frame resting against the door with a huge grin on his face. Even with the minimal lighting of your bedroom, you could make up the bags under his sparkling eyes and the sight made you frown.
“Hii honey,” his voice soft as ever, “I missed you so much..”
You sat up beaming at him while reaching out, welcoming him with open arms. He took a step closer to the bed, engulfing your sleepy figure. You replied with a small ‘hello’ as you melted into his hug. You really can’t help but wonder how he’d smell so nice after a long-haul flight, but nevertheless, you love inhaling his scent that brings you nothing but comfort.
“How long have you been awake? The storm must’ve woken you up.” His voice was laced with worry.
You held his cheeks with your hands and he practically melt under your touch,
“Not too long ago.”
“Please quickly shower and join me in bed, huh? Pretty please…” you pouted at his tired state.
“Anything for you, baby. Give me a while and I’ll join you as soon as possible!”
He didn’t close the door as he showered, not that you’d mind, at this point you were too sleepy to even think of peeking. As the water ran down on his back, he unconsciously kept you awake by chatting with you. He really couldn’t help that he missed his wife so much.
“Babe, do you have plans tomorrow?”
“No? Not that I could think of…I might drop by the studio and the office tomorrow morning but other than that, I don’t think I’ll be booked the whole day. Are you going somewhere tomorrow?”
“The office? Isn’t tomorrow like..Saturday? Is Saerim giving you a hard time? What about the interns? They’re not helping you enough? Are you working too hard again?” He rambled on with concern with a raised voice as the running water muffled his voice.
“I- Uh..” you stammered, “Yeol, I t-told you work is fine” you quipped. The sound of the water subsided as a tall figure emerged from the bathroom. Chanyeol dried his hair, ruffling the soft brown locks with a towel as he frowned at your response. He knew you were having a hard time at work and had asked you to quit a thousand times by now. Even without the math, anyone would know that his pay would be enough for the both of you to live comfortably.
You looked at your golden-retriever husband in the eye, “So where are you going tomorrow?”
A thing about Chanyeol is that he’d waive things out so easily, as easy as shifting the conversation to another topic and he won’t go back to pester the elephant in the room.
At your question he blinks a few times, “Would you mind if I take a day out tomorrow with the boys? Baek said he needed some pointers for his upcoming solo album and Junmyeon-Hyung had things to discuss for the group.” He scratched the back of his head.
“But that is…if it’s okay with you?” he nervously asked.
“That’s okay, babe…” you half yawned, sleep lulled you once again as you tried snuggling inside the comforter,
“I really don’t mind”, the drowsiness took you as the soft satin sheets came in contact with your skin. He smiled at the sight as he returned the towel to its place. Chanyeol didn’t take long to join you in bed, cuddling you in his arms.
After his hectic schedules and weeks without holding you, being beside you was the perfect medicine to charge his tired form. He sighed, relieving all his weariness before the slumber took him out.
He knew, this was home.
You, were home.
Morning came faster than you’d like. The rain from last night hadn’t stopped, raindrops trickling on your high-floor apartment as the sky was still dark as ever. Beside you, a tired giant, possessively hugging you amidst his sleep. You giggled at this grown-up man’s clingy behaviour. Chanyeol will always be the cutest, ever.
You blamed your body clock for waking up so early on a Saturday, especially on this dreading Saturday.
With a little struggle, you free yourself from Chanyeol’s hold and tiptoed to the kitchen. It was just 6.00am but you quickly prepared breakfast for the both of you and salad, for Chanyeol just in case he wants a light lunch.
As you sipped your coffee, last night’s conversation went through your head. He knew you had troubles at work, he had plans and you said you were okay, you didn’t mind.
You internally sighed because mind you did.
You were far from okay.
Because even though you’d hate to admit it, you’d love to have him for yourself. In fact, you have missed him so much these past few weeks that it physically hurts.
But no.
You had work.
Your useless-piece-of-a-shit-partner Yoon Saerim, will probably taunt you if you don’t come up with a better concept for this month’s pictorial. So even though you miss being around your ball of sunshine more than you’d like to admit, fate was just not in your favour this Saturday.
You could always quit, is what Yeol usually says after your long rant about your horrible boss and the disgusting amount of workload you had to handle. Sure you have subordinates and interns working under you, but working in fashion for so long, you came to the conclusion that nothing is never ever enough when it comes to the industry.
Thinking back, Chanyeol always loved being under the spotlight as an idol ever since his debut days and making music was as precious as that. After both of you settled down and eventually got married, you were quick to admit that Chanyeol sacrificed a lot for you, even if you didn’t ask him to. He paid the bills, every bill. He took care of the parents, dinner dates with your parents and his every other week were a staple and he’d never miss sending health supplements once in a while. You never asked him to do so but married Chanyeol just stepped up and took on the role as a caring husband so naturally.
Even with his burning passion in music, he went the extra mile, producing countless songs by the count of months. At times he goes on an overdrive, he’d lock himself up in the studio and he would forget about everything else. Situations like this scares the shit out of you. You remembered the first time he went berserk, it took you and his members two days to figure out where he was. He’d gone AWOL and you had to call the police to track down his phone, just to find out that he’d been coping himself in the studio for 48 hours without sleep or food, only water. You and Sehun found him sitting down in front of the recording booth with a guitar in hand, music sheets sprawled on the floor. His eyes were already bloodshot red, it was clear that he was sleep-deprived, very tired and out of focus. Sehun sighed, ready to scold Yeol for his stupid behaviour before your husband quipped,
“Please don’t take me away, not yet…”
his eyes all over the place with brows furrowed, his forehead creasing.
“I swear if you give me more time, I’ll finish this tomorrow and I’ll go but please leave and don’t come here until tomorrow, yeah? I need to finish this song because they’ll pay a huge amount for this one… Give me more time, please?” He is disassociated as ever, you were aware that he didn’t notice you due to his state.
“Hyung…” the younger sighed again.
“S-Sehun-ah, I have Y/N now.. You might not know how it feels now but I- I want to give the world to her. We’re idols but our prime time is way past us, when the momentum is gone, we might too.” He dropped his head to the door of the recording booth as he sighed,
He mindlessly draws patterns on the floor, “I need to save up for Y/N, for our future.. and it won’t happen if I don’t work like this. So-“
In a blink you crouched down, embracing him with tears already wetting your face. Words couldn’t form but the pressure, the knot that he bear was starting to unravel. He got your message,
You’re enough.
Moments like these, his breakdowns, were one of the things that kept you grounded. If you’re being honest, your job also keeps you on your feet. Working as an co-chief editor in fashion was always your dream and to be frank, you enjoyed the job more than you let on. But the past year has been nothing but hell, thanks to the newly appointed co-chief editor Yoon Saerim. You habitually ponder how she got the position as she wasn’t really suitable for the job, she didn’t really have the knack for fashion. But moreover, you just didn’t like the fact that she ogled Chanyeol and Sehun when they came by for a photoshoot.
You quickly snapped out of your deep thoughts when you gulped your last drop of coffee, thinking of Yoon Saerim never fails to make you turn sour.
Without wasting more time, you prepared yourself to head to your studio. For disclaimer, the studio was Chanyeol’s, not the office’s. Not long after you started the job years ago, both of you decided that it would be nice to rent out an old apartment in the city for the both of you to work. The studio has a built-in recording booth, production space for Chanyeol and a creative working-space for you. However, with time passing, you ended up using the space more than your husband.
Before you left the house, you gave him a forehead kiss and stuck a post-it-note on his phone,
‘Good Morning My Happy Virus ♡ thank you for always working so hard, sometimes you worry me, love :( have a great time with the boys today! am out for work - it’s deadline week ◡̈ i love you 3000 — much, much love, Y/N ‘
You arrived at the empty studio with your shoulders slumped, looking at the stacked paper, pictorials and mood boards around your disoriented workspace. The interns must’ve sent these yesterday, fucking hell, here we go again.
Not long after, you succumbed to the job you love and hate at the same time. To be honest, as one of the high-ranked chief editor in your company, it wasn’t your share to do these tasks anymore, those days were over you. But reviewing each and every item, every trend that goes into the magazine is a job you love no matter how meticulous it actually is. Besides, the information you extract from all this has proven to help your career so far, making you one of the sought-out fashion editors in Seoul. However the fact doesn’t relieve you from the burden and pressure you get from your useless co-chief editor.
“She’s bossy and pushy but useless— and you’re too compliant, Babe,” Chanyeol would always joke and you’d usually tackle him back with a pillow, leaving both of you cackling in the process.
Speaking of Chanyeol, the man in question just stirred up from bed, barely opening his eyes, adjusting to the gloomy weather in front of his open-windowed bedroom. He instantly rubbed his sides, sleep evidently washed away when he realised his beloved Y/N weren’t there. He called your name out a few times to make sure that maybe, you were outside the room, just to know that his voice had filled the void of your apartment.
As expected, he immediately sat up and grabbed his phone to call you. Before even unlocking his cell, he found your oh-so-lovely note that you stuck on this morning. Chanyeol sighed, he knew you were having a hard time but you never fail to warm his heart with your sweet note, he particularly loved the use of his favourite iron-man quote.
He stared at the note lovingly for a while before heading to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When he entered the kitchen to see a packed lunch box and another one with breakfast inside, he sulked further. Your puppy-like husband misses you and you doing this, made him sappier. He carefully unpacked the meals you prepared, gratefully munching your cooking. He was supposed to meet his members at 10 and so, he drove quickly as he was running late. When he parked his car in front of the company’s building, a text came from Baekhyun.
Notifications 10.08am KST Baek: > Yeol? > the meeting’s canceled > Junmyeon-hyung said something came up > and my mom called, she wanted my help :O > Really sorry for the sudden intrusion! But have a good rest day with Y/N ^^ > Send her my love too!! Read 10.15am KST
Baek: > Oh.. > The message didn’t come through 😅 I texted you way before,, must be the reception? > But you can always have a good time with y/n!! > I’m so sorry 🥺 Read 10.17am KST
Chanyeol couldn’t be sulkier. His ears literally drooped down as he huffed in annoyance. He didn’t reply back to Baekhyun as he slid the phone back in his pockets. He drove home in silence, even the thought of going back to bed to aid his tiredness didn’t make him feel better. He entered the foyer of the empty apartment and he shuffled inside lazily. You’d probably melt if you see him right now, his shoulder slumped slightly with a goo-goo look on his face. Especially now, with his buffier-form, compared to his pre-debut lanky state is something you’d administer as a cute change as a result of his exercising habits over the years. But it doesn’t matter because you’re not there and alas he came home to a cold, dark, empty apartment with his love nowhere to be seen.
The sky dark, rain still pouring down, much like his mood. The thing about Chanyeol is the fact that he’s a clingy extrovert when it comes to people he loves. You love that about him. He didn’t care about the hectic schedule, it’s the ‘being away from you’ that made everything hard to surpass. That’s why after every schedule abroad, Chanyeol would love going home when he knows his love is waiting for him. There’s nothing better than coming home to a warm apartment with you snuggled on the couch. However, now, he’s the only one on the couch, alone.
He pondered for more than an hour, zoning out, before deciding to stand up and head to the door once again. The silence is deafening, he misses you too much and he had to do something about it.
In your studio, coming in your nearly fifth hour of productivity, you’re starting to break down. You were now on the verge of crying while doing your work, it’s the creativity block, you mentally cursed. You’ve been dealing with it lately but having to work in fashion, it’s inevitable and you never really told anyone about it, especially not Chanyeol. You felt that his occupation demanded more of him than yours did to you, you wouldn’t want to burden him with your problems.
“Fucking hell!”
“This is so not happening right now…” tears welled as the screen of your precious laptop turned pitch black. You scoffed at the situation with the waterworks falling down your eyes. You were over this.
You slumped near the corners of the room, hugging your knees as you stared at your now dead device, silently crying as your head whirls for other, worse negative possibilities of happening. Numb, is probably the best way to describe your current state after crying your heart out for 30 minutes straight. You end up curling yourself into a ball, hanging your head low in the corners of the room as your mind goes blank.
As you hid yourself in the darkest corners of your office, you failed to notice the jiggling sound of the key, the clacking locks and the noise of the door opening.
“Babeeeee?” the sound traveled from the hallway. Lo and behold, a sulked Chanyeol is here. His mood is still on the low but the idea of meeting you gets him excited like a puppy.
You couldn’t hear him though, your head still in a blocked-state and the room you’re in was the furthest from the hallway.
Chanyeol entered the studio, footsteps tapping against the hardwood flooring. It puzzled him why he didn’t receive an answer back, but knowing your shoes were on the foyer, he knew you were somewhere inside. He set foot to the break room, your coat was on the couch but where were you?
He continued peeking into his recording studio, the nearest space to the break room. The lights were out, signalling him that you’re probably not there. The bathroom and the other rooms were also empty, your office was the only place left. He slowly knocked, hoping to get an answer. To his surprise, nothing. He then gently pushed the door open, just enough for his head to peek inside. Before he could call your name, he heard sniffles from the farthest corner, he could make up your hunched, clearly crying figure and your favourite beige socks too. He exhaled as his worries washed away. Even though his heart ached more than ever, finding you with a meltdown was a relief as he initially thought you passed out or worse.
He didn’t enter the room. He shuffled himself out as quietly as possible to grab his guitar in his recording room. This should do, he thought.
He re-entered your office, walked closer and sat on the floor near you. The cramped space barely fits his long legs.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a hushed voice.
Noticing his voice, you instinctively lift up your head to see your husband, sitting in front of you. In your shocked-state, you forcefully brushed off your tears in embarrassment, your skin will probably turn red later.
“Hey.. No, no, no..” he reached out, wiping your tears, caressing your disheveled hair.
“Gently, yeah, yeah.. You’ll hurt yourself” he continued as he patted the areas under your eyes with his long sleeves.
After you calmed down, you didn’t have the courage to even say anything to the man. Deep down, you were embarrassed to be found in a silly breakdown, even if it was your husband. Besides, you didn’t know what to say to him anyways. While you were overthinking and avoiding eye contact with him, he pulled the guitar behind him and started to play a familiar song,
“It's a beautiful life 난 너의 곁에 있을게 (I'll stay by your side) It's a beautiful life 너의 뒤에 서 있을게 (I'll stand right behind you) Beautiful love”
Slowly but surely, your heart warmed up to the sound of his voice and you couldn’t help but stare at your husband. He stopped singing when your eyes met and he gave you a comforting smile.
“C’mon, let’s get you up princess,” as he helped you stand up, circling his arms around your waist. You haven’t articulated a sound but he didn’t mind, he just let you lean into his sides as he guided you to the couch in the break room. He sat you down before abruptly standing and rummaging a brown paper bag on the coffee table,
“I got your favourite cake and hot chocolate actually,” he grinned, facing your puffy face. “I thought you were having a hard time, well- I know you are having a hard time… But you never tell me you know, Babe?” He rambled as he unboxed a variety of sliced cakes and pastries on the table.
“I-I get the fact that you wouldn’t want to burden me, but I’m kinda your husband and best friend too.. I wish you wouldn’t keep these things from me” he picked up the fork and scooped a piece of cheesecake to feed you,
Before you had the chance to reply,
“I mean—open up a lil’ baby— I don’t mind you working and all, it’s your passion and I will support you either way, but you don’t get to shield your meltdowns from me… Who’s gonna hold you when you cry, huh?” he kept on chattering while feeding you, giving you no room to talk.
“I’ve said a thousand times that we’re super comfortable right now, yet I know it’s not about the money, I’m super cool with you working.. It’s about the workload a-and the pressure you get from your subs and colleagues!!” He raised his arms as a sign of annoyance.
You gulped down the big chunk of cheesecake and shut him up with a peck. The action took him by surprise but it didn’t fail to shut him up.
“Okay, Chanyeol.” you softly replied, followed by another peck on his lips
“I get what you mean” you smiled at your husband.
You then began on telling the troubles you had at work, silently thanking the universe that he came in the right moment and that he was your saving grace. He listened intently, even going to the measures of contacting his technician friends to help fix your laptop as soon as possible. He made jokes too along the way to lighten your mood and gave you warm touches here and there to comfort you further.
You were his home, his ground zero.
He was yours too.
Hours passed and now you were back working, Chanyeol in the other room, busying himself in the recording studio.
“Yeol?” you called him.
“Hmm? What’s up princess?”
“Uh- I just remembered, didn’t you had like- plans? You were supposed to go with Baek and the members today right?”
Footsteps were apparent as he walked closer to the opened door of your office, his head peeped through the door.
“Junmyeon-Hyung canceled, Baek too.. I was quite grumpy because I reached the office when Baekhyun texted me” He walked in further.
“Then I came home but the house wasn’t warm enough even though I cranked the heater up!” He sulked, and sulked further.
“I was alone, I don’t want to be…I also don't want you to be alone too Y/N.
I only wanted to be around you, I really tried staying in!! But I couldn’t be alone in the house without you when you’re my home.” he pouted.
You want to die then and there, you miss him as much and he was sad, it makes you sad too, but he was being sulky-cute… Can you turn into a putty of love?
“Come here you big baby!” you excitedly threw yourself in his arms. He buried his soft locks on the crook of your neck as he whispered ‘I miss you' s and you couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.
“I miss you too, Yeol..
I miss you so, so much.” He hugged you tighter as he giggled too.
This was it, you thought. This was love at its finest and you couldn’t be happier that you’ve found it. For all the moments, good or bad, both of you never failed to become each other's home.
#Chanyeol#ParkChanyeol#chanyeol fic#chanyeol scenario#chanyeol x reader#chanyeol x you#chanyeol fanfic#chanyeol angst#chanyeol fluff#chanyeol imagine#chanyeol x yn#exo imagines#exo fanfic#exo oneshot#exo angst#exo fluff#comfort fic#park chanyeol fluff#pcy x yn#pcy x reader#exo scenarios#exo pcy#pcy fluff#pcy angst#exo#exo fic#exo fic rec
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Hello! Can I make a request? About Baekhyun's jealousy. His wife is a kdrama fan and has been a fan of Park Bogum for some time. The reader found Baekhyun's attitude sweet and funny. She was also surprised. He was never jealous of such things. (Maybe he needs some attention)
"He is really cute, what should I do?"
"They look beautiful together"
"Bogummy did a good job"
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when the reader noticed his jokingly angry tone.
The rest is up to you!!
Please some fluff things!! ❣❣
Are you jealous?

Pairing: Baekhyun x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, slice of life
W.C: 1.4k
Warnings: none ( but mention of actor Park Bogum)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
You were giggling and munching on the snacks that were all displayed in front of you. Not even glancing at the things that you were eating, but eyes still fixed on the T.V screen where one of the most exciting dramas from your watch-list was playing.
The way you were cooing and making faces while watching the main lead as if you were talking about your high-school crush to your best-friend.
Something blocked your way of vision and annoyingly you tried to push away the person. But the person didn’t budge and stood at the place, hands resting on his hip.
“Hey, move. I’m watching T.V. I don’t want to miss a single scene.”
You were trying to watch the screen from the person’s side but he was again blocking the view. Getting enough of the bullshit, you somehow paused the drama and looked up to see him standing, furrowed eyes and pout on his face.
You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the sofa and he sat beside you.
“What are you watching?”
You glanced at him and at the big screen. Can’t he see himself? But you were not feeling to talk back to him as you were already annoyed with him for interrupting your drama.
“K-Drama.” You said in a tone as if it was very obvious and you offered the chips towards him. He huffed his cheeks but grabbed some from the packet. He was trying his best to look intimidating and angry but you were finding his attitude cute and funny.
“Last night, you finished a K-drama and again you are watching this. Is it the same one?”
He looked confused at the screen and back at you when you were scrolling on your phone. Before he could speak anything, you held up your phone in front of him.
“Isn’t he cute, Baek?” You titled your head to side and peeked from behind your phone to look at him. He glanced between you and the person you were showing on your screen.
“Who is he?”
You smiled and scooted closer to him, “His name is Park Bogum. He is the cutest actor to me. Last night I finished watching ‘Encounter’ and now I’m watching his other k-drama, its named ‘Record of Youth’. I can’t get enough of his acting.”
He ‘tsk’ and hugged you to pull you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder to look down at your phone, where you were typing something.
“You are literally obsessed with him, Y/n.”
"He is really cute, what should I do?" you replied and cooed to the picture displaying on your phone screen without noticing the pout on his face.
You were scrolling through some images in google and tapped open one to show your boyfriend. He pretended to look away but you gripped his cheeks, pressing your fingers lightly to make him focus on what you were trying to show.
"They look beautiful together" you smiled, but to whom. Were you smiling at the couple you were showing from your last k-drama or your smile was for your boyfriend?
You leaned back into your boyfriend’s embrace and tried to grab the remote but he was quick to take it back from you.
"What? Are you going to watch with me? Bogummy did a good job and I know you will love his acting." Your cheerful tone was not setting right with him even when you were literally speaking about this another man in front of him. But he was atleast happy that you were smiling while sitting on his lap.
“Bogummy?...You are now calling him with a nickname. How come this person suddenly replacing me?”
You ignored his childish comments and pecked his cheek, it got him taken aback and you found it the chance for sneaking the remote from his hands. Just two seconds into the drama and it got turned off. You let out a groan and turned back to him and watched him smiling down at you.
You waited for him to reply and you raised your brows.
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when you noticed his jokingly angry tone.
Licking your lips, you scanned his face and felt hurt. He was sitting in front of you, so close to your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and still here you were ignoring him for the k-drama. Maybe, you love to watch them but nothing is more important or lovable to you than him, your boyfriend, Baekhyun. You turned around, now facing him to his side.
“Don’t tell me you are jealous with this actor.” He stared at you for a while before you continued. “If you are…then I don’t think you are much older than five years old.”
You stifled a laugh and he puffed your cheeks.
“Yes I am jealous. Look I came here yesterday but you were not even speaking with me and watching this man on repeat. Why is he so important?”
Oh. Your big baby needs some attention. But it’s your fault too as he came back after 1 week of exchange student project but without greeting him properly, you were watching your new crush. Well, celebrity crush. Your real crush is always Baekhyun.
“Aww my baby missed me. Come here, give me a hug.” You spoke to him in baby language and honestly you were cringing on your own tone but you were having fun in teasing him. But he held your extended hand and pinned them down while leaning forward.
“I see you got something or someone to spend your time with when am not around. It’s definitely I have missed you for one whole week but it seems like you didn’t even think about me for once because of this Bogummy guy.” His irritated tone was not harsh but it was funny to you.
You laughed lightly at the way he pronounced the name, even the nickname you said earlier.
“Now for whom are you being so smiley-smiley?” he narrowed his eyes and stared down at you. You were almost lying on the sofa and he was hovering on top of you.
“For….him.” It's fun to tase him.
“YAH!” He started tickling you and the room filled with both of your laughs. After a while when both of you were tired from tickling each other and laughing, you laid down and he rested his head on top of your chest. Your hands automatically started playing with his hairs.
“I missed you, Baek.” You told him softly.
He hummed to you and raised his head up to look at you. His hand caressed your face and head and combed your hairs. You closed your eyes and leaned to his touch. Damn, how you missed his touch so much.
He smiled at you and before your lips could curl up, he connected his lips with you. You smiled in the kiss and there was a desperation in the kiss. From both the sides. You both have missed each other for one week and you both are childish for each other. It’s okay as in the end it’s only you both for each other. Your hands moved around his neck to keep him close to you and he held your jaw and head.
Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours. A glint of happiness flickering in his eyes.
“Did I make you forget him now?”
“Baek, you are still onto it. Come on. I love you. He is just a celebrity crush.”
He laughed and nodded.
"I love you too, Y/n." you pecked him.
“But next time, before leaving I will make sure that you don’t fall in love with another celebrity.”
“And what are you even going to do?”
“All the things you are watching and loving, I’m going to reenact them in reality.” He had that mischievous look with the teasing smirk on his face but you smirked back at him.
“I would love to see them. Afterall its you who would be doing those things to me.”
Again the room got filled with laughter.
Literally whenever I imagine Baekhyun, it feels like he is my real boyfriend. He is my first love in k-pop and no one can ever replace him.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
#cultofdionysusnet#kvanity#exo#exo imagines#exo scenarios#exo x reader#exo k#baekhyun#exo fluff#exo byun baekhyun#exo baekhyun#byun baekhyun#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun oneshot#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun x reader#baekhyun exo#exo fanfic#baekhyun fluff#byun baekhyun x reader#baekhyun x you#baekhyun x y/n#exo x y/n#exo x you
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CONTENTS : M - Mature, ✰ - Favorites, ⚘ - Fluff, ♧ - Angst
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Going Live > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Kisses #1 > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sweet Cherry ft. Taemin > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Home Alone > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dumbification/Degradation > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Confession > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Play Time > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Barista Boy > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Yes, Sir ft. Sehun > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Martymachlia > </ M >
⠀���⠀⠀<⠀⠀Incubus > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀We Found Love > </ ✰ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Heat Wave > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sleepy S*x > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Daddy > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dirty > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Flirty Drunk > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Watching Jongin Masturb*te > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Too Hot to Handle > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sinner > </ ♧ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Kim Jongin as a Boyfriend > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dad EXO Headcanon: A-Z > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀6:51 AM > </ ✰ ⚘ >

Updated [ 2023 - July - 16 ]
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ -> Masterlist
#exo kai#exo kai scenario#exo kai imagine#kim jong in#kim jongin scenario#kim jongin imagine#exo kai smut#kim jongin smut#exo kai fluff#kim jongin fluff#exo fic rec#exo oneshot#exo drabble#exo series#exo timestamps#exo kai fic rec
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Wind in my hair | Oh Sehun x fem!Reader AU
Summary: you're trying to study for your last exam but Sehun has other ideas. He uses his powers to distract you.
A/N: this is an EXO AU where Sehun has powers, as if he's some sort of alien. This is completely fictional, not based in real life.
Warning: nothing.
Also, English isn't my first language, sorry if there are mistakes and thanks for reading!
EXO Masterlist
The soft wind moved the curtain in front of you, delicately brushing your arm in a tender caress. Without taking your eyes off your notes, you moved your arm and slapped the fabric away as you tried not to lose track of what you were studying. Only one more exam and you would be free, that’s what you repeated in your mind to keep yourself motivated.
Suddenly, the curtain hit you in the face, blinding you for a moment, all the previous tenderness of its movements gone. With a sigh, you pushed it aside and stared at the window to check if it was open. But no, it was still closed, just like you had left it before starting with your study session.
Then, you turned around in your chair and faced your boyfriend Sehun. He was lying on your bed, smiling at you. Clearly, he was having a great time as he messed with your patience.
“Stop it, Sehun. You’re not letting me study,” you complained.
He put a hand over his chest and feigned surprise. “Me?” he asked innocently, although he seemed to be fighting a smile back. “I’m not letting you study?”
You nodded.
It was him who had been moving the curtain all along, thanks to his wind controlling powers, whatever they were. You still didn’t fully understand the nature of his powers or his own existence, he came from another planet. So, technically, Sehun wasn’t human, and he wasn’t the only one.
You didn’t care about him being an alien, as you liked to call it. What worried you was the fact that he and the others were the good guys, at least in theory, but there were also bad ones. Sehun refused to talk about them and you tried not to think about it most of the time. More than once he had promised you that he would keep you safe and you trusted him, you knew that he could be really powerful.
It was a pity that right now he was using his power to piss you off.
“Sehun, I need to pass this exam.”
“And? What am I supposed to be doing?”
His faked innocence was starting to be replaced by a mischievous smile. It made you roll your eyes. Without any more words, you turned back to the desk and focused again on your notes.
“You know exactly what you’re doing,” you murmured after a while. “Just leave me alone for a couple hours, I’m not asking for anything more than that,” you said, resting your face on one hand.
He seemed to accept it, little did you know that he wasn’t going to stop that easily.
You had lost count of how many deep breaths you had been taking in order to stay calm. It was impossible to tell by now. You were quite proud of yourself though, considering that you hadn’t stabbed him with a pencil yet, with the constant wind ruffling your hair, blowing it into your face and moving your notes around, of course not allowing you to study.
With a deep sigh, you took the elastic band that you always wore on your wrist and tied your hair up in a messy bun. It didn’t solve the problem because then, the wind increased, causing your notes to fall all over the floor.
Sehun’s laugh could be heard behind you.
Since you were so fed up already, you grabbed the first pen that you could find and turned around fast, throwing it at Sehun’s head. The pen hit him in the face. Under normal circumstances, he would have been able to avoid it without any difficulty, he was an alien after all, but he was so distracted laughing at you that he didn’t move away in time. Well deserved, you thought.
He covered his face with his hands as he let out a soft cry. “Ouch,” he said, rolling onto his side.
After a few seconds, you got up and approached him. It wasn’t your intention to hurt him, you were just tired and frustrated.
“Sehun, let me see,” you murmured softly, sitting next to him on the bed. You placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to make him turn so you could see his face. “I didn’t mean to hit you hard but I have a really good aim, what can I do?” you joked.
He didn’t seem to find the joke funny. Instead, he made a sound that sounded like a hurt little puppy. This made you frown, what if you had hurt him for real?
"Sehun, take your hands away, let me see."
He removed his hands slowly but you couldn’t see anything because suddenly he moved so fast. Before you could realize, you were lying on the bed, with Sehun on top of you. A big smile was present on his face as his hands pressed your wrists against the mattress.
"You're an idiot, you know that? I was really worried."
Sehun laughed and brought his face closer to yours to kiss you but in the last moment you turned your face to the side, so his lips connected to your jaw instead of your mouth.
“What’s wrong?” He asked in a low voice, nuzzling your neck with the tip of his nose before starting to leave a trail of small kisses that made you shiver under him.
"Oh really? What’s wrong?" You asked back, mocking his words and raising an eyebrow as you looked at him. As much as you wanted him right now, you had other priorities. "Now is not the time. Let me finish studying and then we can do whatever we want, or continue this. Alright?”
He released your wrists but didn’t let you go, still laying on top of you, now resting his head on your chest where he could feel your heart beating fast. After a few minutes in which your breathing became one, you started stroking his hair. It felt very soft between your fingers and smelled like your favourite shampoo from the last time he showered at your place.
“You’ve been studying all day, I’m bored of waiting. You don’t let me talk, or make the slightest noise, or play video games, or listen to music…” he listed, mumbling.
You could feel the vibrations of his vocal chords against your chest, it was kind of calming.
“This exam is important to me, Sehun. Also, you can do all those things out of here, you don’t have to stay in the same room as me.”
He raised his head and looked at you with a frown. “But I want to be with you,” he confessed.
This time, when he leaned in searching for your mouth, you didn’t turn your face away. The kiss was long and slow, without rushing. When your lips parted, you took the opportunity to take Sehun’s face in your hands, stroking his cheekbones with your thumbs. He stared at you, mesmerised.
"An hour," you said. "That's all I need. Stop acting like a brat for an hour and when I'm done we'll do something together."
He seemed to hesitate, but finally he dropped to his side, freeing you from his weight. “Fine, an hour.”
You stood up from the bed, feeling cold without his warmth, and stared at the mess of notes scattered all over the floor with your hands on your hips. From the corner of your eye, you saw Sehun lying back on the bed with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed at the ankles. He looked as relaxed as always.
A gust of air made the papers move until they were arranged in a small pile at your feet. You bent down to pick them up and smiled at him. Sehun winked at you. He could be a pain in the ass sometimes but you couldn’t deny that since he came into your life nothing had been the same.
You loved him like no one else, and couldn’t help but dread the day he’d be gone. After all, he didn’t belong on this Earth.
#sehun#exo sehun#sehun x reader#oh sehun#exo fanfic#alien!sehun#oh sehun fanfic#wind in my hair#powers au#sehun x fem!reader#exo#sehun fluff#oh sehun x reader#exol#sehun x you#sehun oneshot#exo imagine
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Sehun: Wait For Me!

"You're gonna wait for me?" Sehun gently placed a kiss on your head as you scooted closer to his body. You were both cuddling against the couch and watching a movie together, one of the many intimate and loving moments you wanted to share before he'd be dispatched to the military soon.
"I'll wait for you," you grin, looking up at him. "You'll still talk to me when you're big and buff, right? I bet you're gonna have everyone's attention by then," you tease.
"Shhh," he giggles, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck. "I'll come back and I'm still gonna be yours."
He lifts his face and starts leaving soft kisses on your jaw, trailing them all the way to your mouth. You smile into his lips, caressing his face as you immerse yourself into the intimate moment.
You were going to miss this boy. You were going to miss his scent, the feel of his kisses all over your body, the way he hugged you and dipped his head into your neck, all of it.
Two days. Two days and you'll be off.
Of course, you'd be able to see him again once he settled to a decent military service schedule, but it was his absence for the incoming bootcamp period (and throughout the longer span of the next two years) that you weren't ready for.
"Sehun," you whisper, pulling back from him, "do you really think we'll be together after two years?"
"Yes," he smiles, "I'm sure of it. Wait for me, I'll wait for you."
Suddenly, a devious thought crosses your mind.
"When you come back," you say, "you're gonna be real hot. Like, more than you already are."
He scoffs.
"What if I couldn't hold back and made you a dad when you got back?"
"What?" Sehun's eyes widen at the sudden request, and he straightens himself up in front of you. "Did you just say--"
You giggle and shove your head under the blanket, nudging yourself into his chest as he desperately tried to bring you out.
"No, wait, ask me again, I didn't get that," he says, and you finally pop back out from under the blanket.
"What did I say?" you tease.
"You're gonna make me a dad when I get back!?"
"I said that?"
"C'mon, don't play with me," he giggled as a smile beamed across his face.
"When you come back," you whisper, "I'll find a way to surprise you."
"I have to wait until I get back?" he groaned, pinching your cheek.
"Hmm," you think, "I could maybe promise you one more thing."
"And what's that?"
"A going-away surprise, something for you to remember me by."
Sehun starts laughing, hugging you tighter.
"Yeah? When am I gonna get that? I leave in like, almost two days!"
"Hmm," you ponder, planting a kiss against his cheek, "I'll let you make that call."
"Say less," he says, throwing himself over you and carrying you bridal-style back to your bedroom as the sounds your laughs echo throughout the living. You both leave to your surprise-filled intimacy, not bothering to find the remote and turn the television off.
#kpop#kpop imagines#kpop fanfic#exo#sehun#oh sehun#oh sehun imagine#oh sehun oneshots#sehun fluff#exo sehun#exo fanfic#sehun fanfic#exo oneshots#exo requests#sehun requests#exo lay#layzhang#exo kyungsoo#exo suho#exo chen#exo Kai#exo xiumin#exo Baekhyun#exo chanyeol#exo planet#exol#exo kpop#kpop bg#exo sehun fanfic#exo canon
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hi!! would you mind writing something sweet with boyfriend!baekhyun? i was thinking fluff and idiots being in love but if you want to add something suggestive/smut, feel free ^^
my boy • bbh [req]
pairing: reader x baekhyun, established relationship genre: fluff warnings: none
a/n: hope you like it!! i miss bbh.
you blink yourself awake at the sounds of light clinking coming from the other side of the bedroom where baekhyun sifts through his small collections of watches. you blink a few times to get your eyes to focus, and when they do you keep them trained on the backside of your boyfriend, who’s muscles flex slightly each time he moves.
baekhyun lowly mumbles a song to himself as he fiddles with his watch, quietly cursing to himself each time he messes up with the clasp. you smile softly to yourself and shift in the bed to make some noise before, letting him know you’re awake so you don’t scare him when you ask, “need some help?”
he turns to look at you over his shoulder and smiles a soft smile that still makes your stomach flip and turn, and your heart to take on a beat of its own. “a bit, yeah,” baekhyun says. you sit up and stretch, the muscles in your back and shoulders cracking, and slip out of bed. baekhyun turns to he can actually look at you, and he feels his heart melt in his chest as you walk the short distance to him. his chest swells with love and adoration for you. “hi.” he says softly.
you smile at him and gently grab his wrist and clasp the watch for him, kissing his fingertips when you’re done. baekhyun grabs at your hips and pulls you into him, your arms going around his neck. “hi,” you say, looking up at him. you thread your fingers through the ends of his shirt, soft hair and smile when he dips his head down towards you.
pulling back, just to bother him, he pouts and you giggle before giving him a kiss on the cheek, a weak consolation prize. “hey!” baekhyun pouts even harder and pulls you closer to him by the hips, pressing your pelvises flush against each other.
you ignore the fact that hes pressed against you in such a way, and only smile up at him and dodge his mouth as he tries to kiss you again. “you’re breaking my heart, y/n,” baekhyun whines. you gasp at him and he nods, exaggerating his pout tenfold. “kiss it and make it feel better?”
nodding, you pucker your lips and reach up to lock lips before ducking at the last second and pressing a kiss to his left pec, right above his heart. baekhyun chuckles and shakes his head with a sigh, lovingly running a hand over your hair. “you never make it easy on me, huh?”
you smile at him and he rolls his eyes before letting go of you to grab his white button up shirt. you help him out it on like you do most mornings, and quickly fasten the buttons. he never asked you to help him get ready, you just did it one day and it’s become part of his morning routine. baekhyun looks forward to the mornings with you the most; the quiet, soft hours where the anticipation of a brand new day, a fresh start, hangs in the air. he most of all loves the tender playfulness you deliver him.
“there,” you say softly, smoothing down the buttons and gently patting his chest. “my handsome boy.” baekhyun lightly blushes at the compliment and grabs your head, intertwining your fingers together.
“i love you.”
“i know,” you give him a big smile with teeth, and he can’t help but return it. “i love you more, though.”
“wanna bet?”
“you’ll be broke.”
baekhyun laughs at that and you giggle, dropping your head on his shoulder and gently kissing his neck. he lets go of your hand to wrap his arms around you and places a kiss on your temple. you cling to him, basking in his warmth and love, feeling completely consumed by the emotion.
a few moments go by before you peel yourself off of him and finally deliver the kiss he’d been waiting for all morning.
#exo imagines#exo scenarios#exo x you#exo x reader#exo#baekhyun oneshot#baekhyun imagine#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun fic#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun fluff#baekhyun x you#baekhyun x reader#inbox#eomayas
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EXO Reaction: When They Are Ill

Adorable. Every time you do something for him, he can't stop thanking you. Promises he will return the favour next time you're ill. If you bring it up once he's better, he'll deny ever saying it, but he still always looks after you when you aren't well.
Doesn't want to admit he's ill. Needs bribing to convince him to actually rest. Very traditional, so it doesn't like relying on you to help/look after him, thinks it should be the other way round. Will reluctantly give in and secretly love all the attention you're giving him.
Dramatic af. Wants to be babied. Every time you try to leave, he tells you he needs something else. You will need to just stay with him and give him cuddles to get him to shut up.
Will admit he's ill, but still doesn't want to accept your help. He'll keep shuffling out of his room, only for you to usher him back in asking him what he needs so that you can get it instead.
Depends how ill he is. If it's just a cold (or 'man flu') he's a little shit. Will wait until you leave the room so shout that he needs something else. If he's really ill though, he will likely text you a list of everything he can think he might need to feel more comfortable. Just take it all to him in one go and then baby him and nurse him back to full health.
Quite happy to be left alone to recover. Another one who will probably text you if there is something he really needs. If you want to stay with him and look after him, he's definitely not going to say no, but he's not overly clingy.
Grumpy, sleepy baby. Wants you to keep running out to get him food and drink and medicine, but also doesn't want you to leave his side. It gets a bit annoying, but he's so cute and pouty, plus you love him, so you can't be too mad at him.
Milks it. He's even asking you to do the laundry and other tasks. Even once he's recovered, he still uses the recent illness to claim 'weakness', so you need to run the errands for him.

#kai exo#exo kai#sehun exo#exo#exo reactions#exo fanfic#exo fluff#exo imagines#exo imagine#xiumin#xiumin imagine#xiumin scenario#xiumin scenarios#xiumin fanfic#suho oneshot#suho fanfic#suho fic#suho exo#exo suho#byun baekhyun#exo baekhyun#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun#baekhyun imagines#chen scenarios#chen scenario#exo chen#chen exo#chen#jongdae imagines
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Our Love is a Tempest
Pairing: Junmyeon X OC(female)
Genre: Junmyeon God AU; Soulmate AU; angst; fluff; one shot; junmyeon-centric?
Summary: Junmyeon was the God of the Sea, in charge of water, the god of storms and earthquakes. He was prone to anger, like the rest of his creed, and he could be cruel too, but Junmyeon was also a Guardian, who protected his brothers, who knew love towards his family. He also knew guilt, and maybe it was a mortal who would teach him forgiveness and moving on. Fate could be cruel, he knew that, but he would also learn that fate could be kind.
Warning: Mentions of death/drowning (OC is a mortician/undertaker)
A/N: This is inspired in part by Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. In the same universe as HONEY (EXO Yixing) and Flower (SVT Wonwoo). It had been a while, but I’m back! :) Let me know if you want a part 2
Word Count: 13.8k
Aeons had passed since Junmyeon and his ten brothers came into being. Their predecessors were ancient Gods, jealous, violent and unforgiving. On Earth, they had been named the Titans by the ancient Greeks, and that was as close to the truth as they got. Yixing never revealed the full truth of their reign and their demise to his poets and his oracles. As the God of Oracles and the Arts he was tasked with keeping Junmyeon and the rest a mystery so that the full extent of their powers remained unknown. They never wanted to be worshipped, not the way the Titans had been, with blood and violence and fear in the hearts of mortals. Gods were often cruel, but they were not evil. Humans had named him Poseidon, Neptune, Morskoi, Aegir. All false names, ones they could comprehend and understand. His brothers hailed him Suho, The Guardian, one who watched over them and protected them. He was the strongest God among the eleven, but the mortals didn’t know that, and they would never find out.
It had been centuries since Junmyeon stepped onto Earth or muddled personally in human affairs, and he wished his brothers would follow suit. Fate, it seemed, had different plans for them. Gods needed love, the Fates had told him as they tied knots into the golden thread of life that belonged to Jongdae, the God of Thunder. His brother, although smaller in stature than some of the others, was quick to anger like the rest of them. Gods took time to learn, and it was time that Jongdae learned what love was.
Junmyeon remembered coming from the Sea to Olympus, to find the sky black and loud, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed above him. He could feel Jongdae’s fury, one that was unrivalled by any other God. He felt the same fury in his heart. How dare the Fates choose for them, how dare they tie their life lines as if they were mortal?
The three Fates had called them to Olympus as witnesses.
“Gods take time to learn.” The youngest of the three had spoken, looking directly into Junmyeon’s dark eyes, filled with fury, deep like the oceans over which he resided.
“Learn to love.” The middle Fate spoke, her gentle motherly hand grasped Jongdae’s. In slow motion, Junmyeon watched his brother fall to his knees, the King of the Sky reduced to a kneeling terrified man. Junmyeon would never forget the look in Jongdae’s eyes, the terror that fell over him and silenced the sky and quietened the rage was etched into his memory forever.
“Your time has started.” The oldest crone had croaked out, her hands pulling the knot tight, so that it would never be undone.
That was how their fate was sealed, starting with their most volatile brother.
Now, hundreds of years later, he was handing a golden ring, almost the same he had given Jongdae, to Yixing. His brothers watched, surprise filled their gazes as Yixing curled his hand around the little golden band, forged down below in the depths of the Sea. Yixing had learned too. Warmth had replaced rage, and the sun shone a little brighter over Olympus. None of his brothers could tell, but Junmyeon felt lighter, as if a weight lifted off his shoulders, as if he could breathe a little more air. His brother was happy, and Junmyeon could never fault him for that.
Olympus was a fortress built of white marble, a castle hidden from mortal eyes within the clouds, often shrouded in storms. Above it the vastness of the universe spread into infinities as an intricate dance of light and colour, a composition more beautiful than anything on earth, incomprehensible even to the Gods that called Olympus their home.
Baekhyun and Jongdae stood on top of the fortress walls, gazing at the sky as it turned dark with nightfall. Although Jongdae saw nothing but the sky, he waited patiently for his brother. Baekhyun was entranced, unable to keep his eyes away from whatever scenario he was currently witnessing in his mind. The God of Love often stood gazing at nothing, his presence far away from his form, looking down at the fates of mortals, overseeing falling in love as was his duty.
“Who do you see?” Jongdae asked, leaning against the white marble edge as his eyes scanned the sky, watching as moonlight broke through the thick blankets of clouds that surrounded them. His fingers played with his wedding ring, the one that Junmyeon gave to him when he received their blessing and married his wife.
“Junmyeon.” Baekhyun’s voice was a whisper, but it was loud enough for Jongdae to hear and the name had sent a chill up his spine. He recognised that feeling as fear. His hands ceased their motions and he turned to look at the God of Love.
“What?” Jongdae’s eyes were filled with fear, the same fear that Junmyeon had witnessed in his own centuries ago, when the Fates had made them all watch as they tied knots in the golden string of his fate.
“Junmyeon will learn.” Baekhyun spoke, his voice sure now, steady. His gaze had locked with his brother’s and when their dark eyes met, thunder began raging on Olympus, the same kind that raged during the first Tying.
“He will love a mortal? Give up his rage?” The God of Thunder and Lightning had seemed unconvinced by the latter. He knew Junmyeon would love. No one could deny fate, not even them, but the image of his elder, the one who ruled over them and protected them, giving up his rage and letting go of the storm was absurd. Junmyeon didn’t know how to do that.
“The sea rages regardless, so does the sky.” Baekhyun responded, pointing an accusing finger at Jongdae, and then at the clouds around them when another flash of lightning passed right by his nose.
“Will he love her?” Jongdae looked over at his brother, his fingers still twirling the golden band on his ring finger.
“I doubt the Fates have seen anything akin to this.” Baekhyun answered. He had a familiar twinkle in his eyes. The God of Love was fortunate to witness the greatest love stories as they happened and the displeasure of watching the greatest tragedies too. This twinkle, not quite jovial, and not quite the shine of unshed tears, was simply content. There was a light at the end of this story, and that gave Jongdae enough assurance to put trust in his elder.
“What is she like?” Jongdae prodded.
“She is a mortician.” Baekhyun spoke, playing with the hem of his sleeve.
“She’s like Zitao then?” Jongdae tried to joke, his voice surprisingly light-hearted compared to the look in his chocolate eyes. Baekhyun laughed weakly, the sound hollow in his chest. Zitao was the God of the Underworld, the one in charge of death. He was tall, imposing, but also often the most understanding and merciful. He saw more death than all his other brothers and that made him gentler than some. Baekhyun knew Zitao was reasonable and kind, and he hoped the woman his brother would love would also be accepting.
“Water is a deceitful thing, it gives life, it shapes the earth,” Jongdae sighed, looking out into the dark clouds, feeling the electricity in the air, but before he could finish his thought Baekhyun cut in. His sombre eyes gazed into his brothers as his lips formed into a thin line and lightning flashed behind him.
“It drowns its victims.”
Down below the water, deep within the Sea, Junmyeon ruled as King, as one of three brothers who ruled their own realms. His Sea was not the same as mortal oceans. It was an ancient realm between Olympus and the Underworld, deep and unforgiving, where everything answered to him. His realm existed just as he existed; as an in-between; a mediator. In a bubble of air at the very centre of this ancient depths, Junmyeon had built his palace, and in the deep trenches of the sea, he placed his forge. Marble halls filled with green plants, both those that grew on land and those that filled the floors of the endless ocean. Thanks to Junmyeon’s powers the kelps, seagrass and waterwheels that decorated the halls moved as if submerged in water. They danced along to the currents outside. The God of the Sea had a peaceful home, and an empty one too. Children had not graced these halls since the early days of Jongdae’s marriage centuries ago, and all his workers busied about not really paying him much attention. Everyone had their own life. Junmyeon liked it that way. This was also why he was currently pacing the main hall, stormy eyes mimicking sea currents as they gazed pointedly at the Fates that decided to visit him.
“Your time has come.” The youngest one said, twirling his golden thread between her fingers. She looked him right in the eyes, but her youthful amusement did not match his expression. He was angry, ready to create floods, ready to drown.
“My time will never come.” He had said, his eyes not meeting the three women. Although his voice carried anger, he was afraid that the ancient beings would be able to see beyond the rage. The idea that they could see his bitterness and somewhere even deeper than that, his longing, was a frightening thought.
“You cannot deny Fate. You cannot deceive us.” The oldest spoke, her croaky voice bouncing off his ears unpleasantly as it raised the hairs at the back of his neck.
“She will be miserable without you.” The middle one spoke, her voice calm and gentle, it would have reminded Junmyeon of a mother if he had one. Her voice was soothing, like a balm over a wound. Maybe, if she had continued speaking Junmyeon would have lost his will, maybe he would allow his walls and reservations come crashing down. He did not. His wounds were too deep and his walls built too high. There was no gate in them either. No Trojan horse could break him from the inside.
“Not for long.” His curt reply was icy like the blue waters of antarctica, and as he spat out his response, he could see the currents of the sea pick up ferocity in the way his plants swayed and rippled. Mortal lives were short. Even if Junmyeon never stepped foot on earth, her misery would not last long.
“You will forget how to live without her.” The youngest Fate chastised, pointing an accusatory finger with her free hand.
“You will forget how to love without her.” She added when Junmyeon did not move.
“Even your brothers.” She spoke, and although that shook him a little, Junmyeon was the Leader of the Gods, a King among them, he would not break the façade of calm fury he had assumed.
“You are already starting to.” The oldest Fate accused, her eyes falling on to the Guardian, but even her gaze could not break him.
He clenched his jaw and put his hands behind his back. Out of the scrutiny of the Fates, he let his hands shake a little, their faint trembling was a chip in his honour, a sign that they were right, that he was breaking. More than that, it was a sign that Junmyeon, the Guardian of the Gods, was breakable. Heavens forbid anyone, mortal or otherwise, found out.
“I am not.” He continued, staring right at the oldest Fate, his eyes black like a storm.
“You cannot deceive us.” She spoke and the middle Fate twisted the golden thread in her fingers and with that small movement, she sent Junmyeon to his knees.
He clutched at his heart, eyes falling shut as the pain in his heart spread through his ribcage. The knot that twined around his heart pulled, twisting the muscle, bending it out of shape. Behind his closed eyelids, Junmyeon watched his life, the empty halls of his palace, the fear and dejection in Jongdae’s eyes when he didn’t approve of his wife, the same look that graced Yixing’s face as it appeared before him. He knew his brothers had held their breath when he gave Yixing his wedding ring, he didn’t think it bothered him that much. Until now. Slowly, by denying their fate and their happiness, he was being unfair. His shortcoming and his burdens were not theirs to bare. His guilt was his alone.
They had stopped their frequent visits, reduced them to merely a few times a year. He knew Baekhyun was giving him the cold shoulder since he refused to bend to Fate, refused to accept it, and inadvertently refused his brothers greatest gift, the gift of Love. He was hurting them, just as he was hurting himself, and now, as his life twisted in the Fate’s fingertips, he was painfully aware of that. Even that though, no matter how hard it was to know, could not erase the image of tsunamis devouring the land, nor make him forget of sinking ships and the screams of those drowning under the force of the waves.
Once the pain subsided and he could open his eyes, Junmyeon saw the wrinkled face of the oldest Fate staring down at him, her eyes dark like the death she spun into their threads.
“As Gods can be cruel, so can we.” She spoke and for a brief moment the sea fell silent, all tides ceased their courses, and Junmyeon could hear the echoes of his own heart as it beat against the confines of his ribs.
“So I’ve been learning.” He grunted, rising onto his feet on wobbling legs, trying to dust off his dark blue suit.
“Where do I go?” He asked, his voice hoarse in his throat. He licked his lips in an attempt to moisten them, but to no avail as the cracks burned from his saliva.
“Forward. Your legs know where to find her, it is your destiny.” The middle Fate spoke, but just as before, it was not enough to calm his nerves. Before he could compose himself properly they were gone.
Jongdae had kept repeating one phrase over the last few centuries.
“You cannot fight Fate.” He would always say, mostly as he looked out into the sky around Olympus while twirling the unbreakable golden band on his ring finger. He said it to his wife on their wedding day, he told his children that when he was putting them to bed. Jongdae whispered those words to Junmyeon when he was stubborn. Now, Junmyeon was muttering them to himself in anger as he cut flowers and put them in the right buckets of the flower shop he was working at. Pretending to be mortal was not a favourite past time of his and although he was grateful that Kyungsoo provided him with a human life and a job, he would rather not have ever set foot here. He did his job flawlessly, out of respect for the nature that Kyungsoo was the God of, and out of respect for Baekhyun, to whom he promised to try and find love. His usually mischievous brother ended up crying into his shoulder as he gave Junmyeon his blessings, but he didn’t mind. A few drops of water would never harm him, but they did make this decision easier.
The bell at the door chimed, rousing Junmyeon from his task. He peaked out from behind the stand, his eyes landing on a mortal woman. She wore a black dress with sheer back tights, black heels and her hair in a tight bun at the back of her head. A single silver hairpin gleamed in her hair in the shape of a water lily. Her eyes, blue and deep like ocean depths fell onto Junmyeon. She gave him a small smile, trying to be polite as she walked through the shop and to where he was standing, currently tending to a bucket of white chrysanthemums.
“How may I help?” Junmyeon asked, putting the pair of scissors he was holding away onto the counter behind him. His heart, which had been still during the last few centuries, was currently beating faster than it had ever beaten before, his blood, red and hot, pumped through his arteries with a force he could feel beneath his skin.
“Hello, I’m here to collect an order for Haven Family Funeral Home.” Her voice was even, unwavering. She gazed straight into his eyes, her deep blue a match for his deep brown, both filled with the force of a storm.
“The wreaths, and the white lilies?” He asked, remembering that there was only one delivery today, and that it was for a local funeral home. Kyungsoo had told him to be respectful to their workers as the community respected them.
“Yes.” The woman nodded, and Junmyeon’s breath caught in his throat, the oxygen not reaching his lungs as they burned for air. Even Gods had to breathe, but she was making it extremely hard for him right now. She smelled like fresh linen and dust, a strange mixture, but one he could understand. Zitao smelled of dust too, there was something about being in a place that meant endings that made it feel stagnant, as if no one and no thing wanted to move, because moving on was hard. No one wanted to do the hard things, no one wanted to say goodbye, but fate and life didn’t care what one wanted. Death came for all and Fate was inescapable.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, before disappearing at the back of the shop. There, once he was away from the eyes of the mortal woman, he fell. Onto his knees, onto the wooden floor, a God reduced to a man in pain. His heart banged against his ribs like an animal in a cage way too small for its size. It wanted to grow, extend beyond Junmyeon’s understanding. The muscle that stayed silent for millennia was now breaking free and his mind was reeling. It was on that very floor, somewhere on Earth, surrounded by gardening equipment, that the King of the Sea, the God of Water started the hardest lesson of his life.
After a moment, reluctantly, Junmyeon picked himself off the floor, dusting his black suit trousers, to pick up the wreaths and lilies the woman was waiting for. When he came out from the back room, Junmyeon was pale as a sheet, but his cheeks coloured a vibrant red as his heart continued its pounding.
“I’ll take them to your car.” He told her, trying to be nice, trying to make a good first impression. It took him only one look to know you were the one he was destined for. The golden thread of his life had twisted around his heart, locking it in place, forcing warmth to bloom in the cold cavity of his chest.
“Thank you,” She replied, looking into his eyes before they fell down onto the nametag attached to his shirt. “Junmyeon.”
The way her tongue twisted around the syllables and the way the sound resonated through him made his heart skip a beat and he wondered, when Baekhyun named his cherubs, did they too, feel such warmth when their names fell from his lips?
He walked behind her as she led him to her car and opened the boot for him. Once he placed the green wreaths and while lilies into the car, laying them flat so that they wouldn’t get squashed during the ride, he straightened and his eyes caught the black mark on the mortal’s wrist. The black ink spelled out the Chinese character for water, shui. His symbol, unbeknownst to her, stained her skin out of her own will. Fates apparently did have a sense of humour, or maybe they truly picked out the perfect person for him. Junmyeon shook his head, reminding himself she wasn’t his. She was mortal, she would live here and die here, and Junmyeon could not bring himself to take her away. Mortals had lives here, people they loved, people that loved them. They had pets and plants and dreams, and none of them involved him. They shouldn’t. He didn’t want to take her away from a life, her life, one she seemed content with, even if it was just on the surface. Junmyeon wasn’t that cruel.
“Shui?” He asked, the word falling from his lips, familiar like the back of his hand, like the very essence of his being.
“It means water.” She said, for lack of better response. They were both aware he knew the meaning but allowed her to say it anyway.
“I know.” He nodded, his eyes now scanning her face, subtly falling onto the curves of her lips, red like the blood pumping in her arteries. Red like the blood that was made up of water, water that called to him, that knew him.
“May I ask why?” He asked, no longer trying to keep his distance. Curiosity killed the cat, or so the tale went and Junmyeon was not impervious to its allure. Curiosity was what got him here, along with Baekhyun’s tears that soaked his shirt.
“Water is the beginning of life, the very possibility of living. It’s a good thing.” The woman answered, her hand rubbing along the strokes of the character, the black ink made more vivid under her fingertips.
“Is it?” Junmyeon asked. Was water truly this wonderful, worthy of tattooing the word onto your skin? Was it truly this life-giving, when it could also take it away, when it could destroy? Junmyeon was well acquainted with its darker side, familiar with the rage boiling under his skin.
“Living?” She asked, her incredulous eyes boring into his. A kind smile stretched her lips gently, without quite reaching her eyes.
He nodded, his eyes falling onto the pavement. He didn’t want her to see the storm that raged in his irises, the brown mixing with black, crashing against each other like waves. His inner turmoil was not meant for mortal eyes.
“I think so.” She replied, and although she never reached out and touched him, he felt comforted. The mortals didn’t hate him, because they didn’t know of him, didn’t know he was the one responsible for sinking ships and raging hurricanes.
“Are you a regular?” He asked. He promised Baekhyun he would try his best, and Junmyeon kept his promises.
“I am.��
“See you soon then.” He smiled, and she smiled back, her hands holding onto her car keys, reminding him he couldn’t keep her waiting.
“Same time next week.” She told him, swaying on the balls of her feet.
“I’m Evangeline by the way.” She introduced herself, sticking a hand out for him to shake. Kyungsoo had told him it was a greeting, so he extended his own hand, clasping her small one in his larger one, allowing her to shake it twice, a smile decorated her lips. This time it reached her eyes, and he though they were like still water, reflecting the storm in his.
“I’m Junmyeon, but you already know that.” He smiled, his own smile was weak, but Junmyeon had meant it, and he hoped she would understand. Her hand was warm in his, making his heart skip a beat in its attempt to escape his ribs to be closer to her. He watched her leave and once she did, Junmyeon could not help the rain that fell onto his cheeks like hot tears. As she left, the God of Water began his first lesson in love; falling.
Exactly a week had passed. Seven days, Junmyeon had waited for the mortal woman to return to the florist, where Kyungsoo had given him a mortal life, all so that he could appease the Fates, all so that he wouldn’t break the promises he made to Baekhyun. All seven days were wasted on looking after the flowers. He cut the stems to equal lengths and he changed the water in the buckets. Junmyeon wondered what the mortal woman was doing. Evangeline was a mortician. He looked at death the same way Zitao did. Every day, he faced what all his other brothers were reluctant to. Every day Zitao did the gruelling work of judging souls, bringing peace to the suffering, easing the pains of the sick and hungry, bringing those whose strings had been cut into his realm, giving their souls a new home. Zitao did it all without complaint, did it all because he was kind, because he understood death, was familiar with endings. He wondered whether Evangeline was like that too. Was she kind? Did she know death like the back of her hand, looking it in the eyes day after day, unfaltering, with the same kind eyes she offered Junmyeon when they met? He knew she was strong. Not even Gods could look at death and carry on living.
Seven days Suho, the King of Sea, waited for a mortal woman who lived with death, and finally on the seventh day, just as he cut the last of the roses to equal length, the bell at the door chimed and she entered, clad in all black with her hair in a tight bun with a silver water lily pin keeping it together. This time, black leather gloves adorned her hands hiding the tattoo of water away from Junmyeon’s prying eyes. She had given him the same small smile as before, but her eyes shone like precious stones in the shop lights, tiredness danced in them like gentle currents. Junmyeon smiled back, his smile brighter than before, as he left all he was doing and grabbed the order of white lilies from behind the counter.
“More white lilies.” He informed her, watching as Evangeline walked over to where he was standing. Today, she was wearing a black coat over a white button up with a slim black tie. It was evident she had acted as a funeral attendant today. Her shoulders slumped lightly, and Junmyeon could see she was tired.
“Thank you.” She responded, giving him a small smile as she took the flowers from him. Her fingers brushed against his, sending a shock of electrifying warmth up his arm. The hair on her arms rose, her heart beating a little faster at their proximity. It was no secret Junmyeon was handsome, but more than that, Junmyeon seemed serious, and she had never thought that was a bad trait. Serious often went hand in hand with honest, and she wanted honesty above all else. Real love could not be built on lies.
“Would you like to get coffee later?” He asked, trying his best to be brave, trying to keep his promises.
“Sure.” Evangeline answered, her eyes gazing into his, “I finish at five.”
“So do I. I know a good coffee place.” He smiled.
“I’ll take your word for it.” She answered, the lilies in her hands were a stark contrast against her dark clothes as she held them closer to her chest, trying to keep her heart steady.
“See you later, Evangeline.” His voice was barely above a whisper, and despite the sudden chill that travelled up her spine, she could hear the fear in his voice, see the uncertainty brewing like a storm in his eyes as they darkened.
“Goodbye Junmyeon.” She whispered, unafraid. She had no reason to be.
He watched her retreating figure leave the store, and once she was out of his sight, Junmyeon slumped against the counter, his hand clutching his chest, where his heart resided.
As soon as the door closed, as soon as she was out of his sight, Junmyeon ran. He ran to the back of the shop, straight into Kyungsoo’s office, where he was currently playing with the leaves of a spider plant. When he noticed his brother at the door, he stopped, motioning for Junmyeon to sit. Suho’s wide eyes brewed with a storm, his shoulders rolling like a hurricane across land. With wild eyes, the Guardian of the Gods asked for his help, turning to the God of Harvest and the Earth for guidance. Junmyeon had always considered Kyungsoo as reasonable, someone who could provide solutions.
“So you are going for coffee?” His brother asked, his large owl-like eyes gazed at him gleaming with mirth.
“Is that bad?” Junmyeon asked. He had never been on a mortal date. At least not a modern one. All of his brothers had once taken human lovers, ones they lusted over, ones they toyed with. Never ones they loved. Love was not a feeling they felt towards humanity, love was reserved for the bonds of family and loyalty between them. That was all.
“No, that’s actually very good.” Kyungsoo spoke, his hands fiddling again with the green narrow leaves of the spider plant.
“How do you know?” Junmyeon narrowed his eyes at his younger brother.
“Baekhyun’s little messengers come to me too often.” He sighed, eyes distant as he thought about all the times Baekhyun’s love messengers forced their way into his office, trying to appease him with cups of herbal tea.
“They like you because you don’t tease them.” Junmyeon patted him on his back, fully aware that the younger gods teased them endlessly.
“Never mind that. Think about what you should do after this coffee.” Kyungsoo straightened up, his plush lips now set in a straight line, his bright eyes darkened into a serious expression.
“Like what?”
“Like a real mortal date.” Kyungsoo clarified, looking pointedly at his elder.
“I’m not a mortal.” Junmyeon’s eyes darkened, the hurricane in them picked up ferocity.
“You don’t want another date?” Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, disbelief painting his usually stoic features.
“I don’t want to muddle in mortal lives.” Now, with the Fates muddling into the affairs of gods and mortals, love was something else, something more. Junmyeon did not appreciate the Fates trying to make him mellow, he had given up enough rage, he had taken on responsibilities that made his shoulders bow with their weight. Why could it not be carefree Chanyeol who caused fires, or Baekhyun who had dreamed of it since the birth of humanity? Why could it not be Kyungsoo, with his big eyes and earth-stained fingers, who had spent more time among mortals than the rest of them? Why did it have to Suho?
“As Gods can be cruel, so can we.” He recalled the Fates’ words, remembered the chill that went up his spine, the ghost of which was now crawling the ladder of his vertebrae so it could settle against his skull, ring like a bell in his ears.
“Our pasts are long gone, mortals don’t believe in them anymore. Or in us.” Kyungsoo’s wistful voice rumbled in baritone through the room, and Junmyeon could have sworn that his brother made the room shake.
“It’s time Junmyeon.” He spoke, his voice deep like the earth and warm as his eyes looked at his brother. His hand went to hold Junmyeon’s, and that gesture, bold in comparison to the gentle affection Kyungsoo usually preferred, was reassuring. Maybe that was what a mother’s embrace felt like, Junmyeon wondered. He allowed himself the liberty to squeeze back. Finally, Junmyeon had found the rock upon which his waves could crash, and he was glad it had been Kyungsoo who caught him, who was steady so that he could break.
“What should I do?” He asked, and Kyungsoo didn’t waste many words, for it was not his nature. His answer was short, but it was enough.
The coffee shop in front of which they met looked more like a greenhouse than a place serving food. Green areca palms were tall, spreading their thin leaves wide. Ficus plants stood like little trees beside the expensive brown leather couches in front of low dark wood tables. Small potted plants stood on windowsills and on plant stands in white ceramic pots. It was a pretty shop, one that Evangeline could see herself sitting in for hours.
Junmyeon smiled at the woman sitting in front of him. He could feel the strings around his heart pull and tug, trying to force him closer in an attempt to break the distance between them. The tugging was futile, as Junmyeon decided to keep his distance, watching as Evangeline’s red painted lips pressed against the white cup filled with espresso. Her black blouse was untied, the silk ribbons that would have been a bow before, now hung loosely exposing her collarbones and the expanse of her neck.
“This is a nice coffee shop.” She spoke, looking around at the plants surrounding their table.
“I didn’t lie.” Junmyeon smiled, his storm filled eyes never left her face, and his heart calmed when she caught his eyes. If he was filled with a storm, she was the opposite. Like calm waters, her eyes washed over him, surveying his relaxed form, watching as his fingers tapped ancient rhythms into his thigh.
“You didn’t.” She admitted. Her smile was bright, her eyes did not weaver from his as she held his gaze.
Junmyeon had ordered himself a cappuccino. He knew about coffee thanks to his brother’s Minseok’s love for the human beverage. It only took Minseok one trip to Venice, sometime in the 17th century, before he was in love and Jongdae’s wife once told Junmyeon that Minseok looked at a cup of coffee the same way Jongdae looked at her. Junmyeon wondered if the Fates would pair Minseok with the heir of Lavazza.
“How long have you worked at the funeral home?” He asked, wanting to know more about the mortal. If Fate wanted this, who was he to fight? If Fate dictated his, could Junmyeon truly resist? Jongdae and Yixing couldn’t escape, and he had a feeling neither could he.
“I’ve worked as an embalmer for three years now. I spent a year at the crematory.” She took a sip out of her cup.
“All for the same funeral home?” Junmyeon was intrigued. He had tried to avoid death, spent the last three thousand years as far away as possible. He kept his rage simmering, or at least tried to. Gods were volatile, and when they burst mortals suffered.
“Yeah. I like my co-workers and their values.” Evangeline nodded, eyes staring at him as he relaxed into the couch.
“Have you been a florist for a long time?” She asked in return, and Junmyeon had to remember that this was an exchange, ironically a one-sided exchange. Every word that came out of his mouth was a half-truth, a white lie to not give away much about himself.
He felt his heart constrict and the air leave his lungs, the familiar discomfort of guilt crawled its way languidly out of his stomach where he had buried it.
“A fair bit. I stopped counting how long.” He answered. Looking nonchalant and confident, he smiled at the woman in front of him. His arm rested on the plush leather armrest whilst his other hand played with the white ceramic of his coffee cup.
“Well, you must either love it or hate it then.” Evangeline laughed. Junmyeon had looked so serious, his eyes lost somewhere far away. She reasoned that if she had loved doing something, she would stop counting too. In the case that she hated every day of work, no longer counting would have been a reprieve. How could you continue living a life you hated if you knew how long you still have left? She didn’t want to even consider such a life. Evangeline was fortunate.
“How so?” Junmyeon asked, focusing on her, watching as she leaned closer towards the table, closer towards him. Among the warm tones of roasted coffee he could smell jasmine flowers, sweet and fragrant as they hung in the air. He wanted to continue breathing it in, wondering what he smelled like to mortals.
“You don’t strike me as someone old enough to stop counting years spent in industry.” Evangeline smiled, allowing Junmyeon to catch her eyes. He held her in his stare. The dark in his eyes was endless, and she felt herself tip over the edge of this unknown abyss.
“Why not?” Junmyeon’s voice was low and she felt the low rumble course through her.
“I believe I have lived long enough for numbers to be arbitrary.” He tilted his head, not breaking eye contact. He found he like the way she looked at him, her eyes swimming with questions and her lips trying to curl around unspoken words as she contemplated which ones should be voiced.
“How old are you?”
“How old do I look?” He smiled. Junmyeon could not guess how old he looked to mortals. Many things had changed since he came down to Earth. Civilisations rose and fell, people changed too, they changed clothes, the way they cut their hair, the way they spoke. Everything was different.
“You look about my age.” Evangeline answered, her eyes falling onto Junmyeon’s face. His strong brows and serious eyes told her he was mature, but his gentle features and golden skin didn’t show the effects of time on his complexion. She thought he was handsome, but she would not date to say it out loud.
“I’m thirty-one.” Junmyeon lied, his stomach twisting uncomfortably. He and Kyungsoo worked out a suitable mortal age for him before he came down to Earth, something old enough to allow for maturity and young enough to not attract scrutiny.
“I’m twenty-eight.” Evangeline answered, and Junmyeon could hardly comprehend how young she was compared to him. She was so young, she had seen so little compared to his brothers.
Twenty-eight years was a spec of dust in the lives of the Gods. He had lived four thousand years and half of that he spent living in chaos.
“I think I would like to know you better.” He told her sincerely. It was one of the only whole truths that passed his lips this evening and it felt good not lying to her.
“I like that too.”
Hours later, when it was time to finally part, they had looked once more in each other’s eyes, his a dark raging tempest; hers a brewing storm. Slowly, as if not to frighten him, Evangeline approached his towering figure, and pressed her lips into Junmyeon’s. The kiss was warm, and Junmyeon stood there as if carved out of marble, unmoving. Before he could react, reciprocate the small gesture, Evangeline had pulled away. Her bright red lips curved into a little smile and she waved him goodbye before disappearing into the crowd of mortals mingling about the street. Junmyeon watched her go, like a splash of black ink rolling through clear water until it diffused into nothing.
As Evangeline walked, she could not help but breathe deeply, not able to get the smell of sea breeze out of her nose, like the seaside after a storm. She turned her head to look back, catching Junmyeon’s eyes for one more second. Her blood rushed through her ears, imitating the sound of waves crashing against the shore.
Days passed in pleasant monotone. The new routine Junmyeon had built was broken only by occasional messages from Evangeline. The moment Junmyeon set foot on Earth Kyungsoo handed him a mobile phone and told him to figure it out. It had taken three of Baekhyun’s love messengers and a storm rolling towards the country and crushing against the southern shore for Junmyeon to learn to call and text. He still had no idea about what the Cherubs, as Baekhyun had decided to affectionately call them, referred to as Internet and he was not keen on learning either. Kyungsoo had mentioned that he does not use it either and since then Junmyeon refused help with it.
Evangeline soon learnt that Junmyeon was a lot more confident answering calls than texting. He had even taken the initiative to ask her on a date. He never mentioned where they were going, so just in case she had eaten before she left. They met in city centre, just outside the main government administrative building.
“What are we doing today?” She asked, looking up at the man as he led her through the streets.
“We are going to an Aquarium.” He answered and Evangeline could not help but feel relief at the idea.
“Right.” She nodded, falling in step with him as he lead the way to the large modern structure across the bridge.
“Do you like marine animals?” Evangeline asked, wondering why he would suggest such a unorthodox place. She was not complaining though, she had not been to the aquarium since she was little. It would be nice to visit it again.
“I love all marine life.” Junmyeon smiled, looking over at her. His eyes held a warmth in them that she hadn’t seen before. The serious, heavy atmosphere that usually surrounded Junmyeon and all of their conversations was gone. Evangeline could have sworn the man was practically gliding across the pavement, his legs light and his spirits lifted.
Once they had made it inside, Junmyeon had taken the liberty to hold her hand. Sometime after purchasing tickets he managed to slip his fingers through hers, intertwining their hands. His large hand was warm and comforting against her palm. A part of Junmyeon wanted to break all the glass here and let these fish and marine mammals and other creatures, all equally dear to him, all necessary, back to where they belonged. He knew it was unfeasible. Humans had an aptitude for destroying things, one that could rival the Gods, one that did affect the reals which they ruled. Humans had destroyed the habitats these living creatures belonged in, or they were in the process of destroying them. Humans knew like no other creature on Earth how to lay waste to ruin. They were masters of the craft. Some cared. Some looked at these creatures and felt the same rage simmer in their blood as him, some did all they could to preserve these creatures. Some of these humans even worked here. Junmyeon wanted to burst at the seams with rage, but the small hand clutching onto his was an anchor. It kept him in place, it reminded him why he didn’t meddle despite his desires, even the righteous ones.
Evangeline watched him from the corner of her eyes. When she saw another deep breath find a home in Junmyeon’s lungs she let her thumb caress the back of his hand, rubbing soothing circles over the smooth skin. Her eyes fell onto the brightly coloured fish in their tanks and she watched with awe as they swam between the vegetation.
“What is this?” She asked, pointing at the yellow fish, coloured like sunflower petals.
“Who.” Junmyeon corrected her, forgetting for a moment that he was pretending to be mortal. He had become comfortable by her side, Evangeline still rubbed circles at the back of his hand and each one was sending currents of electricity through his nerves, casing his blood to rush faster through his veins.
“That’s a Yellow Tang.” He pointed at the same small yellow fish she had.
“That’s a butterfly fish.” He pointed at another one as it swam to the front. It had stayed in front of Evangeline and Junmyeon had to remember to blink as he peered at the little fellow. She’s mine. He scrunched up his nose and the Yellow Tang swam away to hide behind some growing seaweed. There were benefits to being the God of the Sea and one of them was stopping marine life from ogling your girlfriend. What a life he was living.
“And this one is a Gobie.” He pointed at another fish as it swam towards them, passing Junmyeon to once more stay in Evangeline’s line of sight. Junmyeon shook his head in disbelief.
“That’s a clown fish, and the other one is Royal Blue Tang.” They passed onto another tank now and Junmyeon’s heart skipped a beat when Evangeline jumped excitedly as she peered into the green vegetation. From between the greenery swaying lightly in the currents generated by the water filter peeked a few little orange fish, their white stripes lined with black. Three deep blue fish, slightly bigger than them swam in front of the glass, waving their yellow fins and swaying their yellow tails.
“It’s Nemo and Dory.” Evangeline pointed at the Clown fish and then at the Royal Blue Tang. Junmyeon watched her, not understanding what she meant.
“Who?” He asked, eyebrows raised and wondering how she could possibly know their names.
“Have you never seen Finding Nemo?” She had looked at him with wide eyes, not believing what she heard. Junmyeon was tuck like a deer in the headlines. This was one these mortal things he didn’t understand and doubted he ever would.
“Finding who?” He repeated, still as confused as before. Evangeline straightened up, looking him in the eyes she smiled.
“I know what we are doing next.” She announced, before moving to the next tank.
Two hours passed in complete comfort as Junmyeon wondered the aquarium, Evangeline’s hand leaving his only in the small giftshop at the end of their trip. She had went and bought something small when he wasn’t looking, before taking his hand again.
“I got this for you.” She opened the little gift envelope, before taking out something small and shiny.
“Thank you.” Junmyeon took it from her. It seemed so small between his fingers. A small enamel badge gleamed in his hand, it was a little Royal Blue Tang.
“May I?” Evangeline asked, taking the little pin from between his fingers. Her fingers brushed against his and a current shot through their fingers, making their hearts beat faster. The golden thread keeping his heart prisoner tightened around the muscle, reminding him of the fate that bound them together.
“Of course.” He managed to tell her, his eyes creasing into half moons as he smiled, his cheeks rounding. She smiled back, fingers threading through his navy suit jacket to attach the little fish to the collar. Evangeline smoothed out the non-existent creases with her hands. Before she could retreat them, Junmyeon caught one of her hands in his, threading his fingers through hers. Joined this way, the continued walking.
The few days between their meetings had given Junmyeon time to resume his duties as a god. He allowed the tides to bash against the shores with new strength, waves beating against sand and rock and land, carving out new shapes and paths in their wake, creating and destroying all at once. Suho spun the typhoons and derechos away from the sea and towards the land, letting rain and sea water carve into the islands and continents. Nature had to run its course, whether people liked it or not, whether Junmyeon wanted it or not. Balance was essential. Balance was their friend and foe and duty. Junmyeon relished in the sound of waves crashing against the shore, he breathed in the fresh air, filled with storms and violence. His deep eyes, matching the dark waters crashing into land, scanned the horizon, his hair was tussled by the winds as he took in the force of his power, finally feeling what mortals knew since the beginning of their creed.
Electrifying, that was the way she would have described him had she been present. Magnetic and terrifying would also work if Evangeline could look into his eyes right now. Their softness was gone, replaced with something hard and serious. Duty or power, or maybe both, had made him harsh again, and it was this harshness, like a typhoon, that welcomed her when she visited the flower shop.
"Is everything alright?" The words flew out of her mouth faster than she could think, and her hands had reached for him out of their own volition, gentle in the way they cradled his cheek.
"I suppose so." Junmyeon spoke, his voice thunderous and cacophonous like crashing tides. He let his arms fall around Evangeline's waist, firm and sure in their hold. Junmyeon was meant to be the secure brother, the one sure of his standing, the one whose decisions are always executed, his words final. He had made his decision among the crashing hurricanes. Love was a force equal to his own, and he would not fight it. Evangeline was kind and mortal, but she would endure his love. She had seen death and continued living, continued being kind. That was more than Junmyeon could say for himself. He would give up his rage. He would transform it.
"You look different." She whispered, eyes falling from his hardened eyes to pursed lips.
"How so?" He looked down, feeling his true form peak through the mortal disguise.
"Like you're angry." She whispered again. It was quieter than before, more unsure.
"I'm not angry." He told her, turning his head enough to lay a kiss on her open palm as it still pressed against his cheek. The smooth skin was warm against him, comforting.
"Let me buy you dinner." He offered. Evangeline nodded her head, her perfectly red lips stretching into a smile. Junmyeon thought she would make a beautiful bride, dressed in white instead of black, holding flowers meant for the living. Reluctantly, he gave her white lilies and watched her walk out of the shop. Duty called, and Junmyeon understood very well what it meant to answer it. Love was a duty too, he thought, and Junmyeon was no longer afraid.
Later in the week they ended up in Evangeline’s home, curled up on the sofa as Finding Nemo played from her tv.
“These fish talk?” Junmyeon asked, eyeing the screen as the two clownfish, a dad and his son, argued about swimming.
“It’s an animation.” Evangeline laughed, watching as Junmyeon refused to take his eyes off the screen, gaze trailing behind the bright orange little fish as Nemo made his way to school for the first time.
“They are not real?” Junmyeon sounded incredulous. She wondered if he was one of those weird types whose parents never allowed cartoons.
“Are humans really that evil? Why do they take these creatures from their homes?” Junmyeon had cuddled up to her as the film progressed, angry at the way humans had separated the family. He had always known humans were cruel like that, but watching it on screen as it unfolded, knowing that the mortals knew what they were doing, was unbearable.
“Humans tend to take the things they think are pretty for themselves.” Evangeline answered him, her fingers running through Junmyeon's dark hair. His head had fallen into her lap and she enjoyed the comfort they have settled into.
“I can’t say I don’t understand, but I think by now they should know better.” He spoke, and she nodded along.
“We should.”
The film passed in silence. Junmyeon ended up too invested in it to speak, and when Nemo and his dad finally reunited, Evangeline could feel something wet soak through her pyjama bottoms.
“He finally found him.” Junmyeon whispered. She could see him wipe away a stray tear from his eyes with his sleeve.
“Do you want a hug?” She asked, stopping the gentle movement of her fingers through his hair to allow him to sit up.
“Yes.” He said, but instead of falling into being the small spoon he cradled her in his arms trailing kisses through her hair. She let him, closing her eyes when his hands came to rub soothing circles over her back.
"There is also Finding Dory." She whispered, eyes twinkling in amusement as Junmyeon stilled.
"Maybe next time." His voice came out a little hoarse, and she laughed lightly, turning to press a kiss against his lips.
Mortified. The mortal word felt adequate in describing how Junmyeon was feeling right now. Baekhyun and some of his little love messengers sat at his table at the coffee shop down the street from Kyungsoo's shop. Sipping on his coffee, Baekhyun kept giving him mischievous smiles as he winked at him over the rim of his cup. The love messengers laughed at his predicament, finding his powerlessness amusing.
“You cried watching a children animation?” Baekhyun asked when Junmyeon finished telling his story.
“It was about fish! What could I have done?” The God of Sea tried defending himself. The wellbeing of those who live in the sea was always a touchy subject for him. It was no wonder then, why he had allowed his emotions to show.
“You could have tried to look cool.” One of the love messengers supplemented as he drank his coffee.
“I think it is good he cried.” Another one chimed in. Honestly, Junmyeon didn't know their names that well. A new one was born when Baekhyun felt like it, and Baekhyun expressed his feelings more than any other brother of his did.
“He seems more human that way.” Baekhyun nodded along, his eyes surveying Junmyeon as he allowed some of his godly power to seep through. Rage lit in his eyes. Baekhyun could swear he saw a hurricane swirl in his irises and could hear waves crash when he spoke again.
"I'm not human."
“She’ll like you more now.” Baekhyun chastised. It wasn't like him to scold Junmyeon like that, but sometimes his brothers needed reminders. Love was a gift. A gift from him, and he took his gift giving very seriously.
“She’d like him anyway, its destiny.” Kyungsoo's voice rang out behind them, and the messengers scrambled off their couch to offer space to the Earth God.
“You should kiss her next time.” He said when he sat down, his brown eyes soft but his expression was firm.
“Yeah, snog her.” Baekhyun cheered, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“Feel some eros for her, show her some eros.” The god of love raised his eyebrows at him, sending a cheeky wink Suho's way.
“I thought I should be feeling a different type of love.” He spoke, raising his cup to his lips, allowing the hot bitter liquid to slide down his throat. He preferred godly nectar, but down on Earth coffee was sufficient.
“Don’t lecture me about love.” Baekhyun spoke, and the ground beneath them shook with the force of his power. Junmyeon's heart skipped a beat as he was reminded just how much power his brother possessed, even over them- those both angry and immortal.
Evangeline was kind. He knew that early on. Evangeline was brave and she endured, he knew that too. Evangeline was only mortal, fragile and flawed and empathetic. She was vulnerable. He was witnessing this first hand now.
He found her weeping on the kitchen floor. She had called him twenty minutes prior asking him to come see her. Junmyeon heard the break in her voice and wasted no time. She was still wearing her black coat, her loafers were still on her feet. She had decided to curl into a ball beside the kitchen cabinets.
With slow, deliberate steps, Junmyeon walked across the kitchen, he sunk to his knees beside her and waited.
"Thank you." She whispered when Evangeline looked up. Junmyeon's breath caught in his throat before he moved to sit beside her on the tiled floor. Evangeline rested her head on his shoulder. He took the opportunity to intertwine their fingers, placing her hand in his lap. With slow, deliberate movements he turned his head, and placed a gentle kiss in her hairline, allowing her to burrow into the crook of his neck. Her tears begun to flow again, warm and wet against his skin as they seeped through his shirt. He didn't mind. Water was his domain, water was him; and yet his heart broke that it flowed from her eyes, rendered her small and broken.
"Do you want to tell me what is wrong?" Suho asked, his voice small as he held Evangeline in his arms.
"They drowned." The words came out as a whisper. For a moment, Suho's heart stopped. He knew by now that some days this job was harder than others. He knew that there were days when Evangeline broke down at the smallest thing; completely overwhelmed. This would pass, she knew this too.
"In the sea?" He asked, afraid of looking down at her. He felt her nod. They lived in a seaside town. It was not unusual this time of year, it didn't make it any less tragic.
Guilt ate at him. He had stayed far away from humans for so long, commanded the seas and waters of the Earth from far away. He made his rule impersonal. Now, with her in his arms he was faced once more with the consequences of his powers. Old ghosts came out to haunt him, blame him for tragedies long forgotten. It ate away at him, dulling the hurricanes in his soul, slowing the waves in their path. Was this what the Fates wanted? Was it his turn to confront his ghosts? Fate is cruel, he thought. Fate is cruel, he breathed, and placed a tender kiss in Evangeline's hair, smoothing down the strands with his hand, letting her warm up in his embrace. Like a gentle summer stream, Junmyeon flowed, enveloping her in safety, tenderly.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"I'm so, so sorry." He looked into her eyes, glossy with tears, as his blurred with the images of old ghosts. For a moment he remembered every ship that sunk in his rage, every lover who took their last breath in the murky waters of his kingdom, every echo of prayers sent his way to bring those lost back to shore prayed too late.
"It's not your fault." Evangeline rose from his shoulder, cradling his face in her hands. Junmyeon grabbed onto them like a lifeline, like an anchor he was afraid would rise too fast.
"It is." His tone was serious, darker. Godliness shone through him, waves crashed in his irises.
"I am the god of Water, King of Seas."
"Poseidon." He punctuated every letter.
"Aegir." his voice was not loud, but it crashed through the space between them like waves against cliff faces. Forceful and final.
"Call me by any name, I have created them all." He whispered, almost ashamed.
"I am water." He spoke. Not once did he waver. He did not smile, his eyes didn't twinkle. His brows set over his features unmoving, his lips were like stone, features unmoving.
"And water drowns its victims." His eyes darkened, and he could no longer hold her hand.
Evangeline pulled away, her head shaking lightly as she searched Junmyeon's eyes for any hint of jest. She couldn't find any.
"No, Junmyeon." Breath caught in her throat and her voice cracked when she said his name.
"I'm sorry." He reached his hand out towards the kitchen sink above them, and with a flick of his wrist the water flowed from the pipes. With another twist of his hand it flew through the air, a thousand droplets filled the air, suspended and still. Light passed through them like through a chandelier. The room filled with golden rays. In any other circumstance Evangeline would have thought the sight to be magical, beautiful. Now she found it horrid, frightening.
The man she loved wasn't a man at all. He was something else, something unknown.
"Get out." The words punctured the air. Junmyeon forgot how to breathe.
"Get out." Evangeline repeated, pushing him away. The sudden touch caught him off guard. He lost all concentration. Thousand droplets fell around them, crashing against tiles and furniture as rain does against pavements.
Soaked, Evangeline shook, her whole body trembling as she made her way to her feet.
Slowly, Junmyeon rose from his seat on the floor. Not wanting to cause her further distress, he avoided her eyes as he walked out of the apartment. The only sound that carried through the air were his shoes against the wet floor.
Once he was in the corridor, out from Evangeline's line of sight, he heard a muffled crash. Silence. Then the sobs.
He took a deep breath, tears clouded his vision, and for the first time in over a thousand years, the God of Water, King of Seas, let himself cry.
With one last step he collapsed outside of his underwater halls, right by the throne surrounded by channels of sea water and crashing waves. Power had carried him to the safely of his home.
"We told you, Raging Tide." The Fates echoed through the Halls.
"To love is to hurt." Their voice rung out, thunderous and eternal as Junmyeon knelt at their feet.
A day passed by. Then another. Junmyeon had gained a new companion in that time. Fear was a new friend, or maybe a fiend as it stole his sleep and took his will.
He remembered what the Fates had predicted the first time they came to his Halls under the Oceans.
"You will forget how to live without her."
Their words seemed truer now than ever.
Junmyeon's thoughts were broken when his name rung out, bright and clear through the air.
"Suho!" His brother paced through the hall towards him.
"Baekhyun." He greeted, allowing the God of Love to hold him at arms length as he spoke. Baekhyun's usual light smile and twinkling eyes were replaced with worry. His coat was soaked by the roaring tides that crashed through Junmyeon's palace every once in a while. He must have gone down the wrong corridor when he went searching for him.
"Go to her." Baekhyun wasted no time in getting to the point. Junmyeon had promised his brother that he would not reject his greatest gift, but right now, more than ever Junmyeon wanted nothing to do with Love, nor with Fate.
"She does not want me to come." He spoke plainly, placing his hands behind his back as he tried to turn away.
"If you don't go now, you will truly lose her." Baekhyun admonished, making Junmyeon face him properly and look into his eyes.
"I made a mistake." The God of Water spoke. Behind him, Baekhyun could hear another wave crash through the marble halls.
"Then apologise." It was simple, a mortal solution that could remedy everything. Even to gods such as them it was hard. Apologise were difficult, no matter how many aeons one lived.
"There are no words adequate for her." Junmyeon turned his eyes way from the scrutiny of his brother. How could he apoligise? What words should he use. All languages of the Earth, alive or dead, did not have the vocabulary to describe his deep sorrow, to put his guilt into something tangible and explainable.
"You can't know until you try." Baekhyun pressed further, his hands no longer resting on his brother's shoulders. He gripped Junmyeon by the elbow, preventing him from moving away, from fleeing.
"Love hurts." Junmyeon muttered, allowing a new darkness to settle over him.
"Love heals too." Baekhyun spoke, sure of the fact that if his brother tried, he could find the right words. Happiness was so close, Baekhyun could taste it on the tip of his tongue. All Junmyeon needed to do was reach out.
"Go." He nudged Junmyeon one more time. A moment passed, and then Junmyeon's hard eyes settled on his. Junmyeon nodded, wordless and encompassing.
In a blink of an eye, he was gone and Baekhyun gripped empty air where he once stood.
Evangeline had spent the last two night crying, trying to dry her kitchen and her tears. Still, she found spots of dampness that reminded her that Junmyeon was a god. Junmyeon whom she loved, who she sought out in the night, who slept beside her and who smiled at her over bouquets of white lilies as if they were not meant for funerals.
She stood at the sink, watching water drip from the tap, remembering the way Junmyeon moved, the way he commanded it, the way it fell like torrential rain around them. She hung her head, trying not to think about him. Maybe if she forgot him she could live on. Maybe she could pretend he never existed in the first place.
A knock on the kitchen door startled her out of her thoughts. Evangeline turned, afraid that someone had gotten in without her permission.
Instead of a stranger, her eyes landed on a stoic man, his brows dark and heavy over his eyes. For the first time she noticed the way Junmyeon's eyes swirled like hurricanes. Despite the distance between them, she could see the crashing of tides over his face.
"I'm sorry." He spoke first. She stood still, afraid that if she moves away he will disappear like an apparition and if she moves closer she will never be able to let go.
"It wasn't the right time to unleash this on you." He continued, his voice deep and heavy as it crashed against her.
"You were having a hard time and it was unfair of me."
"Unfair of you?" She finally spoke. Despite her broken tone her words rang out clearly. For a moment Junmyeon looked away.
"I allowed my own guilt to take precedence." He clarified. Slowly, like he did that night, he walked towards her, giving her time to move away or to stop him. Evangeline did neither. her hands crossed over in front of her, but she didn't stop him.
"I am the one who controls tides and currents. I should take blame for when people die in my domain." Junmyeon spoke. He had been responsible for a long time, guilt ridden and detached all at the same time. People blamed him whether he was at fault or not, and he didn't doubt Evangeline would too. She knew the truth of what he was now.
"Just because you control water does not mean everything that happens in it is your fault." Her voice was quiet, but she looked into his eyes regardless.
"Did you know they drowned?" She asked after a moment.
"No." Junmyeon told the truth. He could control the tides, he could crash waves and aid migrations and lost ships but Junmyeon was not omniscient.
"Then how can you blame yourself?" It was so simple. So mortal. He didn't know it happened, he didn't cause it. So why would he feel guilty?
Slowly, as if not to scare him, Evangeline reached out, her palm cradled his face, stroking gently along his cheek bone. Her touch was warm, reassuring.
Something slipped off of Junmyeon, the hurricanes in his eyes changed into the glistening waters of calm cerulean seas.
He placed his hand over hers, before lowering his face to hers. Gently, slowly, they closed the gap between them. His lips were warm against hers, moving in careful, practised tandem as they drew the breath from her lungs, filling her with something hotter. Junmyeon's hands traversed the planes of her back, firm and solid against her. He pulled her closer, until no space between them remained. Evangeline's hands found their way around his waist. Their lips parted ways only for a moment.
"I love you." Junmyeon whispered against the skin of her cheek, before finding his way to her lips again. He didn't need an answer. The flutters of her heart against his were enough.
Since Evangeline found out Junmyeon was the God of Water, Junmyeon had become more keen in taking her out by the sea. Today he had taken her to the cliffs. They had strolled the lush green hills, covered in wild grass and purple flowers that somehow resisted the sea breeze and the salt in the air. They had walked hand in hand along the rocky beaches, watching waves crash and break against the shore. Now, they stood shoeless on a rock jutting out into the sea, a part of the low side of the cliff face as it joined the sea.
She truly had not meant to do that. In fact, she had wanted to do anything but that. She wasn’t much of a swimmer, and she had never dived in her life so slipping and falling off the rock and into the sea below was unnatural. She hit the waves, her whole body felt like it was covered in pins and needles. The coldness bit at her skin in the form of thousands of tiny teeth and her lungs burned as she tried her best to not breathe in the water. The salt burned her eyes, turning her vision skewed and blurry. Down here, there was no sound. No noise penetrated the wall of water all around her, and it was as if the sea had decided to drag her down, further and further into it’s depths, slowly.
Junmyeon’s reaction was almost instant. He let go of their shoes and jumped in after her, commanding the sea to let her go. The sea didn’t listen. Water was Junmyeon, and Junmyeon was water, and the sea desired her the same way he did. It’s desire was deadlier, it’s hold on her was the very opposite of Junmyeon’s. Cold fingers dug into her, clawing at her to stay, to be one with the sea bed. Junmyeon disapproved. He followed her trail, watching in the darkness as his love thrashed about and then slowly lost the will to fight as the current dragged her. The water whispered, pleaded for her to stay.
Junmyeon knew she was still human, mortal and fragile. Humans could not breathe underwater, could not survive the temperatures of the depths. Not without aid, not in normal clothes and without apparatuses that allowed them to breathe.
With one final command, Junmyeon called for the sea to leave her. This time it listened. The current around her stilled, keeping her in place, before pushing her towards him and towards the surface. It was arduous. Time seemed to slow down and seconds turned into whole eternities and lifetimes as he waited for her to be back in his arms.
Junmyeon gripped her, in the darkness of the sea, he fought the currents, bringing their mouths together, breathing air into her lungs as the tides carried them to shore, against nature but not against their master.
“I thought the Sea would never let you go." He spoke finally when Evangeline stopped coughing. She was still shaking from the cold and the ordeal, but she was alive, and her lungs were full of air. Crisp, sweet air.
"I thought so too." She whispered, falling into Junmyeon's waiting arms. He held her closed, warming her up with his body as he tried to ease her trembling.
"How can the soulmate to the God of Water not know how to swim?" He asked her, eyes incredulous and brows furrowed.
"Call it Fate." Evangeline managed to joke, but Junmyeon pulled her in closer, peppering kisses along her wet hair. The sun began shining again, its warm rays falling on their tangled bodies as they lay on the rocky beach.
"Fate indeed." Junmyeon whispered, looking up at the sky, wondering if his brothers were looking down at him now, whether it was Jongdae pulling the clouds apart to make space for Yixing's sun.
They left the beach soaked and trembling, but the whole ordeal had left Junmyeon with an idea. He didn't bother taking Evangeline back to her car. He didn't take her to the nearest village inn or grocery store. Instead, he pulled power, and in one step Evangeline found herself in his Halls under the primordial Oceans.
Evangeline's eyes roamed the marble halls, the flowers engraved in the walls that glistened from their mother-of-pearl linings. The rays of Olympus sun that reached them regardless of depths broke into rainbow shards on the walls and floors as they hit the crystal chandeliers with opal embellishments. Seaweeds swayed as if underwater and other sea plants lined the halls. the soft sound of flowing water came from the channels that turned the floors into an unending maze. Every once in a while Evangeline heard the great crashing of tides as they swept through distant rooms.
"Welcome to my home." Junmyeon spoke, leading her through the grandeur into his private rooms. There, he handed her clean dry clothes. One of his old tunics and a pair of soft cotton trousers. He handed her a towel as well.
Evangeline smiled and went to change behind a screen in the corner of the room.
"It's beautiful here, Myeon." She said once was dressed.
"Thank you. It's all yours." He watched her from his bed, the huge four-poster was covered in deep blue fabrics. Here in the depths Evangeline could see Junmyeon's godliness better. He seemed to glow with power, eyes shining and hair askew as if ruffled by sea breeze.
"My home is your home. Remember that." He told her, and she came closer to sit beside him. All this time they would meet in her home. Being here was foreign, strange. Only now she truly understood the scope of his power, the seriousness of their predicament. He was ancient, powerful and responsible for things she could not begin to understand. She was a mortal. her life a speck of dust compared to his, her responsibilities paled in comparison. She wondered, for the first time, whether this could even work.
"Will you tell me more," She finally asked, taking Junmyeon's hand in hers, she looked into his eyes and took a deep breath "About yourself and your family."
Junmyeon watched Evangeline with piercing eyes. He nodded, intertwining her fingers with his.
“ Gods feel lust, but we don’t fall in love. At least not the way humans do. The Fates saw that as a flaw, and my brother Baekhyun, the God of Love, agreed. He wanted to give his brothers what he gave to mortals, a type of happiness I suppose.”
He gave Evangeline a tight-lipped smile and she squeezed his hand.
"So the Fates and Baekhyun made a deal. They would tie soulmate knots into our lifelines, knots that cannot be undone. There was a caveat. The Fates wanted us to submit to their judgement, so there is no way to untie the knot without killing us."
"So you just accept Fate?" Evangeline was bewildered, her eyes Searched Junmyeon's face for any hint of hesitation or anger.
"Everyone accepts fate. We just happen to know about it. There are no exceptions in this universe. We just happen to be aware of it." Junmyeon let out a laugh, his lips falling into Evangeline's hairline. She still smelled like the sea, like him.
“So the myths?” She enquired, thinking back to high school, to learning about their marriages and conquests and romances.
“What myths? Of all the demigods? Of all of our lovers?” Junmyeon laughed again, smile bright and shoulders shaking gleefully, his eyes fell on Evangeline, his fingers smoothing over the furrow in her brows.
“Partially true. The time between ancient Greeks and the Crusades was a bit of a wild ride. We were ruled by chaos before I decided to be the responsible brother. Our children didn’t live long, they were volatile, unstable. They all died young. ” There was a small hint of regret in his voice, although he was never a proper parent before he felt hurt and grief for his children. Some things were inevitable if you lived this long.
“As my brothers run amok, Minseok and I looked at the death and destruction we caused and felt guilt, promised to never set foot on Earth again. I stayed clear of mortal affairs since.” He spoke, leaning back to take a good look at his soulmate. He felt the golden rope tied around his heart twist and tighten, reminding him of who they were and their destiny.
“Why me?” She asked, her voice small and unsure, and Junmyeon said the phrase he had heard over and over.
“Fates can be cruel.”
"Cruel?" He realised too late that this might have been the wrong choice of wording. Hurt flashed across Evangeline's face, marring her brows, twisting her lips. Her eyes flashed with sadness, but Junmyeon was quick to remedy that.
"Meddlesome." He corrected himself.
"Fate meddles, churns and spins our lives in ways we don't want." Junmyeon twisted their intertwined hands, pressed her palm to where his heart was, beating for her, twisting and churning as fate intended.
"It teaches us, that maybe the things we don't want, our fears and our rage, are only temporary. They harms us rather than protects us." He remembered his rage and his guilt, and the way she eased it, made it bearable.
“Do you really love me?” Evangeline asked, her eyes looking at him, waiting for him to look away, expecting him to do so.
“Yes.” Junmyeon was not a man who wavered or swayed. He would not turn away.
“It’s not lust I’m feeling. Eros is different. Eros is shallow, fleeting.” He remembered that kind of love. The gods had been hungry, left wanting more; never satiated. Junmyeon remembered the way it settled into his stomach like a monster in its pit. The lair had been shallow, and it did not make a home of it for long. This was different. It was terrifying and exhilarating and full of contradictions. This was the kind of love that would last, one that would never starve and never waver and never fade. It was a love that would require devotion and compromise and he was ready for both.
"This love is Pragma. A love built on duty and compromise and growth. This is a love that we had not been bestowed before."
“I feel like I’m drowning without you.” Junmyeon's breath fanned over Evangeline's face like a warm breeze.
“You can’t drown.” She whispered, remembering what had transpired earlier. He smiled lightly, but his eyes followed her with inhuman gravity.
“Without you, my lungs don’t feel like breathing.”
“Without you, nothing matters. Not the sea, not Olympus, not immortality.” Junmyeon took her other hand, holding both to where his heart thrummed and breath made home in his lungs.
“Fate is cruel, I know that. But Fate is absolute, and you cannot run from it. I tried.” He continued, watching as Evangeline gazed up at him, her breath in sync with his.
“You love me?” She asked again. Disbelief coloured her voice, as if she could not fathom the fact that a being such as him could feel such passion for her. Junmyeon put her musings to rest.
“I love you.” He repeated. He would repeat it as many time as he needed to, until those words made a home in his mouth, until they were engraved in the tissues and sinew of her heart; until her mortal red thread turned golden and godly.
“I love you too.” Evangeline's voice was clear as crystal when it rung through the halls, through the Seas and through him, tugging at his heart, pulling at his lifeline, twisting the knots in it until they were shapeless and impossible to untangle.
“What now?” She asked, and Junmyeon wasted no time to kiss her.
“Whatever you want.” He whispered against her lips.
“I don’t want to take you away from your life. I don’t want you to have to choose between me or the ones you love.” He confessed. Mortals had families, lives they needed to live. They were not made for immortality.
“You’re the one I love.” She looked hi in the eyes, falling into the hurricane that swirled there, now slow and careful rather than destructing.
“Marry me.” Junmyeon stated. With gleeful eyes he watched as Evangeline moved her face away from his, completely taken aback.
“Excuse me?” She asked, knowing full well that even at their age, marriage after nine months of knowing each other was not the best idea. It was quite a terrible idea actually.
“Not now, when you're ready.” Junmyeon clarified, eyes still sparkling as he resumed peppering kisses all over her face.
“You said I’m mortal.” She looked at him confused again, and he caressed her cheek.
“Not if you marry me. Once our threads become tied, yours will turn to gold, you will become a goddess.” Junmyeon remembered Yixing and Idalia. It was a grand wedding. Olympus was decked in gold, flowers bloomed in every crevice and the sun shone so bright, so perfectly that Junmyeon himself could not believe his eyes. He remembered Jongdae and his bride, their wedding brightened by lightning and decked in diamonds and silver and plants so emerald he thought they were jewels. He remembered the unbreakable golden bands created in his forge for these occasions. Who would forge his wedding rings? Kyungsoo who would pull them from the earth? Yixing who would weave them from sunlight? Chanyeol, who would craft them in a supernova or the heart of a volcano? Either way they would be eternal and final and binding.
“Goddess of what?” Evangeline kissed one corner of his mouth, and then the other.
“Seaweed? Clown fish? Does it matter?” He muttered, not really knowing what would happen. It was the Fates, after all that made these kind of decisions. In this, he was powerless.
“Junmyeon!” She smacked his chest lightly and he laughed. The noise carried, cacophonous and full through the water as pure joy bubbled in his chest.
“ Calm seas. The Goddess of calm seas.” He proposed, his smile never faltering. If he had his way she would rule the world, but balance was hard to break and calmness easy to seek.
Evangeline kissed his lips, hands now threading through his hair. He caressed her cheeks, fitting his mouth to hers.
Just this once, Junmyeon thought, just this once; Fate had been kind.
#junmyeon fanfiction#Kim Junmyeon#Suho#exo suho#exo#exo fanfiction#exo angst#exo god au#Junmyeon god au#exo x oc#exo junmyeon#suho fanfic#junmyeon#Junmyeon poseidon au#kpop angst#kpop fanfic#exo fanfic#exo oneshot#kpop oneshots#exo fluff#kpop fanfiction
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The Slytherin to my Hufflepuff | Sehun
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Sehun × Slytherin! Reader Word count: 1.3K Summary: Sehun, which had been expected to be Slytherin for all intents and purposes, was sorted into Hufflepuff, while you, a Hufflepuff in blood and bones found yourself in Slytherin. Authors note: This is my first fic on here. I do feel that I have gone waay off from my original idea, but hey, if anyone ends up reading this, I hope you enjoy! :)


It all began with a bam. You were walking down the corridors with Hannah. You were looking at the sky and quickly got distracted by a cloud in the shape of a mouse. You were looking so intently, and you were so distracted by your own thoughts, that you no longer registered to what the Hufflepuff beside you was saying.
You most definitely couldn’t tell that someone was walking directly towards you, someone, who had also been distracted.
In the blink of an eye, you found yourself struck and on the ground with a sore bum before you even registered what happened. As you looked up, your eyes met his. You quickly concluded that this face was the most pleasant one you had seen in Hogwarts. A face which the glow of the sun had made look heavenly. You looked down at his dishevelled black and yellow tie. A Hufflepuff!
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was…”
“sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was…”
“going” you both said simultaneously.
You broke down laughing, and he gave you an amused grin.
Later that day you pestered Hannah on who the Hufflepuff was and demanded she share everything she knew about him. She looked at you in confusion “you don’t know Oh Sehun?” you shook your head no.
“Well,” she began “If you are a Hufflepuff in Slytherin robes, he’s a Slytherin in Hufflepuff clothes; I reckoned you would know him.”

Following this incident, you've gotten closer to Sehun. You also learned more about him; like how he used a bird-conjuring charm on a Ravenclaw who was bothering his friend, or how he came from a family of Slytherins, and how his family had been greatly disappointed that he ended up in Hufflepuff.
You also had a lot in common; you were both sorted into the ‘wrong house’, you both spent more time with students from other houses than those of your own and even though you were both fairly well known in Hogwarts, you somehow never heard of one another before you literally bumped into each other in the corridors. What was truly frightening was how nearly all of your friends were his friends too.
Moreover, you had constantly spent time in the Hufflepuff common room, even though it was technically not allowed. Despite this, somehow, miraculously, you had never — not once — come across him.
This didn’t mean that you never, unknowingly, crossed paths. Soon after you started frequenting the Hufflepuff common room, some of the occupants were not happy to have you there, and they were not shy to share their thoughts with you.
Seeing as you thought it inappropriate to complain to your Hufflepuff friends, you recounted all that happened to your Gryffindor friend. It didn’t take long for these incidents to cease. Flooded with schoolwork and exams, you never had time to think much of it.
You now learned that Chanyeol had gone to Sehun to speak of the matter. Sehun then took measures to keep his own housemates in check. All this while he too had never seen a hair on your head.
It only took a short time before you felt as if you'd known Sehun your entire life. You'd spend as much of your day stuck to each other as possible, and you would never run out of things to talk about.
Presently you were both sprawled beside each other on the grounds just outside of Hogwarts. As per usual, curiosity made its way through your system, and you could only keep it in for a few brief moments before you spoke up “Sehun, you have brewed Amortentia before, haven't you?”
“I would like to think that by now I have, yes” you rolled your eyes at him, even though he couldn’t see it.
“So, how was it? what did you smell?” he turned his head towards you “I smelled the fear from my enemies” this sent you into a laughing fit, and he too couldn’t help but laugh.
You slapped him on his chest “oh come on dummy, I’m being serious, what did you smell?” “not telling” he said in a teasing tone.
You moved closer and you turned to whisper in his ear “come on, tell me, what did you smell”.
He tried his best to shield his ear “Jeez, are you always this touchy with your friends? why don’t you find someone else to annoy” “No” you answered.
“No what? you are not touchy with your friends, or, you can't find some to annoy?”
“both” you turned to look at him again “don’t think I’m dropping this, now tell me what did you smell?”. He continued lying there, still. You weren’t sure if his reaction was because of your question, or because of your answer.
You impatiently got up on your elbow, and fisted your left hand, as if preparing to punch him “are going to tell me, or do you plan on getting beat?” he put his hands up in surrender “alright, alright! why do you Slytherins always revert to violence”.
As you laid back on the grass, he hummed in thought, stole a glance at you then focused his eyes back on the sky before finally saying “it was lavender… freshly cleaned laundry, and…” he looked at you again ”and Pelargonium”.
You propped yourself back up on your elbow and looked at him intently “no way, are you serious?” he seemed waver at the question, but answered with a hum and a nod of the head.
Your smile just grew bigger and bigger “guess what I smelled?” you didn’t even give him a chance to answer before continuing. “lavender” you saw his eyes instantly grow in shock “freshly cleaned sheets” he looked at you in disbelief before retorting “well, I do hope you aren’t the biggest narcissist in the world, and have Pelargonium as your third scent”.
He had accidentally given himself away, and this was all the reassurance you needed. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, earning you a pair of reddening cheeks. “Of course I didn’t smell Pelargonium. My third scent was apple”.
He stared at you, eyes glued to yours. You couldn’t decipher the look he gave you, so you attempted to further elaborate “you also smell of apple if you didn’t realis-”.
Before you could finish the sentence he grabbed your face, pulling you down for a kiss. You could feel each other smile through the kiss and felt yourself engulphed by the smell of apples, drowning you under a blanket of comfort.
As you pulled away, your eyes found each other, and you were lost in his. He was the first to break the silence “if there is any doubt in your mind, you smell like Pelargonium” you couldn't wipe the smile off your face “I know”.
You then threw yourself on top of him, hearing him whimper in surprise. His arms snaked around you, making you feel giddy. As he caressed your back you heard him speak “I guess the fact that we smelled nearly the exact same thing proves that we were meant to be together” “oh, so we’re together now?” “haven't we always been?”.
You sighed in relief “good, now I don't have to be the only one without a boyfriend”
As you cuddled each other, you couldn’t help but think about the sorting hat, and how ironic it was that you were both sorted into what you thought was each others house. “Sehun” he hummed for you to continue. “do you think the sorting hat was playing matchmaker with us?”.
You could feel him grin from under you “I’m telling you, we were meant to be, it’s just that the sorting hat realised it earlier than we ever did”
#exo#exo fanfiction#exo scenarios#exo oneshot#exo x reader#sehun#oh sehun#sehun scenario#sehun oneshot#sehun fluff#sehun x reader#sehun x you#harry potter au#hp au#hp#oneshot
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anyone want a cover for their fics? send me the pairing/idol/etc and vibe and I'll make you one :)
i have a flight tomorrow and need something to do while I'm offline since I can't work on my schoolwork or wips. but I have access to my pinterest boards and an offline collage app haha
#kpop fic#ateez fic#bts fic#fluff#angst#smut#fem reader#imagines#oneshot#x reader#yn#x yn#jjk fic#fandom#a03#twice fic#exo fic#svt fic#skz x reader#skz imagines
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Guys, requests are open. I am looking forward to any requests or suggestions from you all.....
#seventeen oneshot#seventeen fake texts#svt texts#seventeen texts#kpop imagines#minors dni#kpop#kpop fanfic#seventeen#kpop smut#seventeen reactions#smut#seventeen imagines#ateez imagines#enhypen smut#tomorrow x together#exo#stray kids#kpop fluff#txt smut#enhypen imagines#kpop fake texts#lee do hyun#kim mingyu smut#bts imagines#kpop scenarios#nct#nct smut#enhypen oneshots
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