#exhibition tour
catcrumb · 1 year
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today tomatocat got cultured and went to the rock
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add1ictwithapen · 1 month
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oh 🥺
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rapha-reads · 9 months
No but I gotta talk about Medusa for a minute actually.
It's been. A very long time since I read the PJO books so I don't exactly remember how Uncle Rick presents Medusa in the book. But the way the show introduces her myth? Fascinating. For me as a Greek mythology enthusiast, that is.
The show makes Medusa a victim of Athena. Of course, the show is mainly for kids, so they can't exactly say that, hey, kids, Medusa was Athena's priestess and she was raped by Poseidon, YEP, or protagonist's father, IN Athena's temple, nah, that's neither kid-friendly nor does it endears us to Poseidon. Not that Poseidon is very dear to us viewers/readers at this point, our narrator/protagonist can't stand his own dad.
But still what fascinates me is that even though they twisted the myth to ft the narrative they still managed to evoke Athena's curse as being actually a gift, and Medusa not feeling wretched over her condition but blessed.
Which is not a modern reading of the myth, actually. Saying that Athena couldn't punish Poseidon for his transgression and could only punish Medusa, but did so in a way that would give Medusa weapons to defend herself against whoever and whatever would try to harm her again, is a narrative that exists since Antiquity.
My point is that the re-framing of Medusa's myth, departing from the traditional, non-kid-friendly version while still incorporating both classic and modern elements, is a good frame of reference for the series (book and show)' entire approach to mythology. And I guess I'm saying that mostly for the non-book readers who are discovering this world, many of whom might be Greek mythology fans and might have gone "wait, why is Hades AGAIN presented as the bad guy when he's the chillest, most normal, most stable god in this entire pantheon", because that's a conversation the book fandom has been having (over and over again) for more than a decade.
Anyway, yeah. As a long time book fan and a show appreciative, here's my advice to anyone who knows WAY too much about Greek myths and still want to enjoy the ride without going every five minutes "wait, that's not correct": reframe. Contemporary rewritings, modern audiences and Fantasy genre.
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The Princess of Wales in pastels🌸
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full-of-terrors · 4 months
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Letter from Dr. Stanley to Dr. Fergusson written on board HMS Erebus July 12, 1845- Awe of the Arctic Exhibit 2024 NYPL
Transcript: My Dear Fergusson, having a few moments to spare before the letter bag is finally closed, I hasten to drop you a line to say that, although within the Arctic Circle , I'm not yet frozen to death and therefore in the land of the living and very jolly. We had a fairish passage out here but had a mighty gale of Cape Farewell, which sent us flying with closed topsails and courses to Cape Desolation, where in spite of the dismal name we found comfort. There's smooth water and a moderate breeze. These islands, and in fact, the whole of this western coast of Greenland, is the most barren and uninviting I ever beheld.
Some of the land is very high and serrated and has the appearance of being volcanic. On the bare rocks, large quantities of tripe-de-roche may be gathered, but as we were not reduced like our excellent captain on a former occasion to such a means of subsistence, no one I could find tried its qualities as a nutrient. We are completely surrounded with icebergs, some of them upwards of 200 feet high. They are, however, from the extreme heat disappearing fast and by their constant disruption, almost frightening your very life out of you.
I and a boat crew had a very narrow escape the other day out shooting. I had just fired and killed an eider duck when I observed that we had drifted closer to an immense iceberg, which I had previously noticed a day or two before in a decayed condition. I said to an officer who was with me "What luck it should come down by the sun!" And then ordered the men to pull quickly from our dangerous neighbor when it fell with a crash. Most stunning and awful to witness. There never was so lucky an escape. The discharge of my two barrels had no doubt hastened its overthrow. And although we were at a distance upwards of 100 yards, quite near enough we were knocked and tossed about by its displacement in the sea in a most uncomfortable manner.
The island swarms with mosquitoes and they are now flying about the gun room in all directions. They are the largest I ever beheld but not the most stinging. We sailed tonight for Lancaster Sound and the transport to dear old England with a report of our proceedings up to this period. At this season of the year, in this latitude, as you are aware there is no darkness. The sun never dips below the horizon. The nights I have there for devoted to shooting and the day to skinning and preserving the specimens I have killed. Since our arrival I have not slept more than 2 or 3 hours in 24. Goodsir is working harder than medusas and desires kindly to be remembered to you.
We are all sanguine and getting through the barrier into Beechey straits this year. Every one of the native Eskimos say this is the most open season they ever remember. And on the strength of our prospects I and the other officers have ordered letters to be directed to us at Panama and Kotzebue. The latter place will, of course, be the first port we shall make when we get through.
I have not a single man on the list and I have not had for several days. Sir John Franklin is not like the same person. He is so much improved in appearance and energy. He is almost always the first on deck and the last to leave it in all weathers. I must conclude now, old fellow, with best wishes and kind regards to Mrs. F and the bairns.
And believe me, your very sincere friend, Stephen S. Stanley. I had intended to have written to Fortnum and Masons. Pray tell them like a good soul that we are delighted with everything they furnished us and the members of the mess unanimously declare them to be trumps and we should be sorry to return before we have consumed all their good things.
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thatssosussex · 6 months
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex spoke at the The Kinsey Collection art exhibition, showcasing African American art and history at the Sofi Stadium in LA (3/21/24). The Kinsey Collection is one of the most prominent institutions dedicated to the research, interpretation, and presentation of the African American experience internationally.
Here is Doria Ragland (Meghan’s mother), and Tina Knowles (Beyoncé’s mother) taking a photo together.
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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The 5SOS exhibition in the Friends Of Friends Lounge
10 August 2023, The 5SOS Show Uncasville
Collated by 5SOS Updates
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imtryingandtired · 2 months
Imagine Larry got to take the exhibits on a drive around New York and just experienced some of the tourist sites?
Also I think it’d be funny if he took them somewhere to order food for the first time or just going through a drive through for the first time.
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nerdylizard5 · 26 days
Hues in Brushstrokes
A quick piece with the Procreate oil paint brush inspired by the Aria letter from the FPE exhibit!
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wwpbviiid · 7 months
AU where instead of the man with a voice like honey and chocolate and coffee all at once, it was Jonmartin that showed up at the start of season 2, Somewhere Else being the Mistholme Museum
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wri0thesley · 7 months
costume design posting on main but feeling absolutely insane over this tv and film costume auction. danielle's ever after breathe dress???!?!?! all of the evita costumes??!?!?! colin firth's darcy wet-shirt costume??
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add1ictwithapen · 5 days
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lesbians in dema??
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totallylost4you · 1 year
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Arlington Museum of Art to debut exclusive Taylor Swift exhibit
Taylor Swift: The Eras Collection is being presented by the HELP Center for LGBT Health and Wellness and will open Saturday, June 3, and runs through Sept. 24.
DeeJay Johannessen, CEO of The HELP Center for LGBT Health & Wellness, said his organization is “proud to be the presenting sponsor for Taylor Swift: The Eras Collection.  Taylor has championed many causes through both her music and life that align with our mission, especially her support for the LGBTQ+ community.
WOW! 🌈
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wulfhalls · 1 year
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yukippe · 2 months
<- guy who has never heard of free time
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