#exciting and cool but slightly sad bc I know it's yet another building for the STEM-related programs
perhaps I will take a little shower, and then perhaps I will watch a little episode of a funny little show, and then perhaps I shall sleep a lovely deep and soundless sleep :))
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: scouting dilemma 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: hyodo juza/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.7k words
𝐚𝐧: guess who was inspired by the 2020 gem heist? wrote a dumb little thing dedicated to all my fallen comrades bc juza won’t come home to them after the reset- sorry to the requests I have yet to fulfill! year 2 ages btw~
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This was the moment you’ve been waiting for. You managed to save up a massive amount of gems, waiting to be spent on a banner with your best boy in it. For months, your fingers itched to pull but you were loyal (with a few caving exceptions) to the character who got you into the game in the first place.
When the developers finally announced a banner with him in it, an SSR of best boy in a summer outfit no less, it was as if fate decided to tell you now was the moment to splurge strike.
9:58 pm.
Staring at your phone screen, you made sure everything was prepared before you could summon. You decided to do your first pull at 10 pm (his favourite number was 10), and surrounded your phone with a summon circle made entirely out of candies still in their wrappers.
9:59 pm.
You sent your prayers to the gacha gods, counting down the seconds until the clock struck-
10:00 pm.
With a shriek, you nearly ruined your summon circle formation of sweets as you scrambled to your phone, clicking the bright, shiny button that had tempted you endlessly.
“Yes, I’m sure I want to spend! Come home, come home, come home…” you chanted, unable to decide whether you should close your eyes until the final results or keep them wide open.
Choosing the latter, you gritted your teeth at the sequence of cards arriving.
R, Event R, R, R, Dupe SR, R, R, R, R, Event SR.
Suppressing the scream that wanted to escape your throat, you tried to laugh it off. At least you got two of the event cards…? Maybe it would have been better to wait until 10:10 pm?
An SNS notification popped up at the top of your screen, and from the little summary, you could tell you were gonna get upset at the contents. Checking the chat, your mutual quickly followed up her message with a screencap of your best boy. Coming home to her.
You quickly sent your response before promptly returning to the game, ‘asdfghjkl im happy for u but like also muting u rn :’< brb soon hopefully yeet need to retrieve my boi from the game’s clutches cya’
Despite your initial optimism, as the pulls kept going, the lower your gem count, the worse your mood became.
Should… should you stop right now? Banner really said no rights to best boy, huh? Sure you were able to fully merge a bunch of SRs and even the event R and SR cards, but not once did he come home? Even his sworn rival’s initial SSR came home if only to spite you or him or both.
Mentally exhausted, you decided to sleep. Maybe your luck would be better tomorrow?
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When you walked into the room with a frown visible on your face, Juza immediately knew something was wrong.
From even before he got together with you, he was always sensitive to the different expressions you made, and by association your emotions— to the little smile on your face as you ate desserts together or the eyebrow furrow-pout combo you did when the professor said something you didn’t agree with. He’d never say how fun it was, seeing the different faces you’d make.
However, while those were cute, this just made him worry.
He’d really rather not fight anyone, but if he has to beat up someone…
Juza found himself distracted during class, unable to stop himself from constantly looking at you every few minutes. With a faint peach staining his cheeks, he slipped his hand underneath the desk to grasp your own.
“… you okay?” he said, voice low and quiet as to not catch anyone else’s attention. The look on your face turns a little softer, even throwing him a quick smile but he knows you well enough to spot the traces of sadness still present.
You don’t reply, squeezing his hand back as you finally tried to pay attention to the professor.
He sighed, slowly releasing your hand from beneath the table. He’ll find a way to make you feel better later, but for now, he had to take notes— for the both of you, it looked.
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It’s not every day that Juza does most of the talking, but that just so happened to be the case today. He’s getting restless, stuck between actively wanting to help you out with whatever you needed or just sticking by you and letting you overcome whatever’s troubling you on your own.
You’ll talk when you want to, he knew that, but even still he wanted to be more useful to you. Do you want him to just keep talking to help you take your mind off things? Do you want to rant to him so he can listen? Do you want him to get you something? He’s not the best at giving advice, but if you needed it he’d do his best.
He doesn’t know what to do. You’re responding to him, but your mind is all the way elsewhere.
The next thing he knew, he’s getting a spoonful of his frozen dessert and pressing it against your lips.
You get startled from your thoughts when a sudden icy temperature meets your mouth. You opened your mouth, cringing slightly at the cool before finally enjoying the shaved ice dessert.
While it wasn’t uncommon for Juza to let you taste the food he ate and vice versa, he was usually more reserved, too shy to feed you in public.
‘He must have been worried,’ you thought to yourself if he had to do that just to catch your attention. You immediately shifted your thoughts from the game to Juza, already about to apologise for troubling him before he interrupted you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and even though he had a scowl on his face, he looked at you with tight and worried eyes.
He knew you played games on your phone, but it was still a bit embarrassing to admit that you were upset for such a long duration because of your best boy not coming home. However, Juza deserved to know, so you pushed away your hesitance before explaining the whole fiasco to him.
Juza doesn’t get it entirely. He’s bordering between relief and confusion— on one hand, at least no one wanted to hurt you or fight you or anything; on the other hand, a 2D guy got you upset?
The concept isn’t completely foreign to him, what with Itaru-san and even Settsu constantly gaming, but usually it was his roommate being irritating and gloating while the salaryman got frustrated, eventually passing his phone to Sakuya.
He’s honestly shell-shocked that you’re upset, so even though he doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal he’ll do what he can to make you feel better. He’s not the best at comforting people, he can never find the right words… but he’s good at listening.
He placed his hand on top of yours, grateful you don’t point it out verbally or he might actually combust. He can only hope the two of you are seated secluded enough that no one comes by.
Something’s starting to bother him though. The more he listens to you, the more he’s conflicted— if you’re dedicating that much of your… gems (?) to this guy he gets why you’re upset. Another part of him wonders what’s so great about this specific guy.
He’s not upset nor is he jealous, he’s just… figuring out what specific traits you like in this guy. For future reference. Who knew, maybe he’d get to play a role similar to the character you like so much?
“Why do you like him so much, anyway?” He asked, staring intently at you.
Your attitude quickly changed from being upset to being excited to talk about your favourite character.
“He’s just so kind and thoughtful! A total gap moe, you wouldn’t expect him to be so family-oriented because of his appearance but he totally is!” you began, barely catching a break to breathe before continuing on, “plus he didn’t start off as the strongest? But he’s constantly trying his best you just want to root for him and care for him?”
Unexpectedly, Juza finds himself a little flustered, though he’s unsure of why when you’re only describing a character. Perhaps it was the look on your face while you talked?
“Plus, he looks a lot like you! Obviously, I need him to come home, right?” you exclaimed, hitting him straight in the heart with your crinkled eyes and a beautiful smile.
The hand that was comforting you a while ago and gently rubbing patterns onto your skin stilled. You noticed right away, hoping you didn’t say anything too weird during your rant.
He’s silent for a while, unsure of what to do and ultimately deciding to say the first thing that popped up in his head.
“… then why’d you need him to come home if I’m already-“
When he heard you squeal he stopped himself from continuing whatever he was going to say. Did you hear him? Dumb question, of course, you did!
You covered your face with your hands, unsuccessfully hiding the strawberry red colouring your face, and screamed internally. You can’t see how Juza is reacting but you just heard a bang on the table?
‘Juza? Who told you to- istg I’ll have you arrested for-‘
After a few moments, you’re the one who ultimately breaks the silence, knowing neither of you had enough will to point out the warm flecks that still remained on both of your faces.
“We should get going. Our class is all the way in another building,” you said, slowly standing up from your seat.
“… ‘kay.”
You’re not holding hands while walking, but if he noticed the frequency of your hand grazing his he doesn’t let you know.
Reaching the midpoint between your classroom and his, you turn to face him before splitting off in the hallway. You look to see if the coast was clear, and to Juza’s surprise, you enveloped him into a warm embrace, quick but heartfelt. Neither of you saw each other’s expressions, but Juza wondered if your heart raced just as fast as his did.
“Thank you for making me feel better… I love you,” you whisper the last part, before untangling yourself from him and speed walking away to your classroom. You miss the way Juza looks back at you, body frozen but face a mixture of shock and longing and love.
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want to order again?
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captaingondolin · 4 years
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those are too many wips. 
here’s a list with brief summaries, and then you can tell me what to finish first because i am suffering from big time choice paralysis. anon is on. ask away.
ace Obi-Wan vague idea: what it says on the tin. it was going to involve teen Obi-Wan, friendship with Quinlan and Luminara. in which Obi-Wan is interested in sex... in theory. academically. he’s his suave, charming self, and will experiment for the hell of it. (i was slightly uncomfortable with the premise of, basically, a fic about an asexual character all about... well, sex. but i wanted to work some shit out and what better way than overprojecting over fictional characters?)
Anakin in lingerie: just polishing up an old tumblr post. modern AU.
Anakin in makeup obianidala: again from an old post with subskywalker. but i wanted to give it a structure
Ani5dala FIX IT: OH MAN I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. i have tons of notes and no energy to proceed. in which Fox has a plan to keep Fives alive, Fives has a plan to keep the Republic alive - but Anakin is being a butt and Fives needs Pamé’s help. (probably Anakin and Fives were together before? + anidala open relationship, i was thinking, but idk yet)
AWOL Cody: oh boy, i started plotting this for my pod-together 2018 project with litra. in which Obi-Wan is declared KIA, but there is NO BODY and also suspicious footage/Ahsoka saw something and Cody is NOT having it so he goes on a solo mission to save him. codywan.
Darkness is but a passing thing: same as above, it was supposed to be written in 2018, good grief. post rots, sort of time-travellish, i’m not saying more bc most of the plot was litra’s and idk if she wants to share.
Detonate: translation into english of my italian obikin smut, which i promised ages ago.
enemies to colleagues to lovers codywan: this, but with a proper outline this is now being Properly Plotted. there are mindmaps. and a Scrivener file.
Jedi OC: from a prompt from last year’s rarepair exchange: Male Jedi Who Accidentally Keeps Causing Property Damage/Male Owner of Said Property (words written: 0, but the idea was funny)
Laurea traduzione: eng translation of my italian modern au obikin
Leia using the Force: a messy messy file with more than one idea in, actually. i wasn’t sure wether to go with child or teen Leia (post Princess of Alderaan plot) but then i got distracted with making Leia and Kaeden meet. Ahsoka/Kaeden.
million: from a fic exchange request in which someone said they’d read “a million words” of Bly and Aayla being disgustingly in love. just that. with a side of codywan (the irony of Bly being all like “ugh, THOSE TWO” fuelled the first few hundred words).
obianidala with nb Anakin: wait, isn’t this kinda related to the Anakin in makeup one? my plotbunnies are a mess. maybe from this or this post.
ObiBail Empire Era AND OR others: frankly. a disaster mess probably inspired by the beginning of Til the casket drops and Wild Space.
ObiBail obianidala Breha super poly dinner: this post, but in fic form
ObiBailRex: this one is funny. i found the first few sentences handwritten in a notebook and i have no memory of where i wanted to go from there, but damn, i liked those. Obi-Wan forces Cody to take some leave, and Cody forces Rex to play babysitter to his General and his Senator friend. shenanigans ensue.
storms: ahahah, another fic pending since..... uuuh...... the clone wars exchange from, again, 2018? (how much shit did i sign up for that summer? i was in the midst of moving!! why am i like this). sorry perspicacia, if you’re even still around. preparing for that fic was how i got in to obi/rex tho? and it still doesn’t have a plot.
unhinged Obi-Wan vs Grievous: this, but with a plot. if i can find the plot. why is plotting so hard? no plotting, only cool scenes. (sith/fallen!obi getting the 212th to follow him and go rogue?? maybe?) see “enemies to colleagues to lovers” above
when the numbers get to zero: a Rex/Padmé i love a lot but that, as usual with ALL my damn fic, has no structure. inspired by the blue shadow virus eps. (i posted a snippet ages ago - oh wait, here’s another one)
now onto the folders!
keep verse
untitled about other Clones finding out, and the consequences. “It’s Bly who finds out first through the GAR grapevine. Cody was supposed to be dead - and suddenly he wasn’t.”
Pilots (ot era)
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Oblivious Pilots - The entire Rogue Squadron is made of oblivious disasters. They share one braincell, and Nawara is the only one who’s actually using it. 
Dark Imperial AU - Luke is raised by Vader. but when he meets Wedge and Tycho...
Skystrike Academy AU - Luke is raised by Owen, Beru... and Obi-Wan. And he signs up to train as TIE pilot as part of a Resistance plan
WedgeTycho - the tiniest spark of an idea. Alderanian philosophy, Tycho being pretentious, sad, grieving, and in need of a hug.
SitS - A Light from the Shadows
SitS stands for “the Sith in the Senate”, the working title for this epic I’ve been plotting since 2018 that might never see the light because I went “I want a well-adjusted, non traumatised Obi-Wan!”, build a whole new canon around that ......and then got bored of it, obviously, since I love to see Obes suffer. but there were tons of things I liked and maybe I should rework it somehow? (it was supposed to be obikin. then obianidala. then i think i got distracted and got Cody to flirt with Obi-Wan. who knows at this point. what if I throw in Jango)
soft now verse
parts 2.1 and 2.2 are there and almost ready and filled with clones feels (yes, this was a fix it obianidala fluff, but CLONES)
Space Dads Extraordinaire
Hope in Unexpected Places pt 2 and maybe 3 or maybe that’s a separate story? I have feelings about smol Boba interacting with Obi-Wan and learning to trust him, but don’t know how to handle them. There should also be the bit where they find Jango’s pet strill, which I promised to Lulu like a year ago.
the life and opinions
this is a cursed title, i started a fic with a similar title in another fandom almost 15 years ago and never finished it. it was supposed to be a biography of Rex and his rise through the ranks and into an AU where the vode have their own governing body. a shitton of Rex and Cody brotherly feels but maybe also ship? why can’t i pick a dynamic
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browser history - Thranto moments told through Eli’s holonet searches
your silence is my favourite word - Emperor Eli angsty smut
new rules - Emperor Eli AU, but make it reasonably happy
see me like this - Emperor Eli AU, angst cranked up to the max
bb Thrawn - Thranto AU in which Thrawn is a weird child, the Chiss have some more contact with humans and Eli & Thrawn meet as kids
forgotten words - Thrawn growing up in the Empire, raised by Palpatine. 
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phanfluffs · 8 years
And so they did
PROMPT: soulmate au where the first thing your soulmate says is tattooed on your arm, however, both dan and phils tattoos are in a foreign language that they don’t understand (as in they don’t speak the same language)
(prompt from @phanfic)
WORDS: 1785
(WARNINGS/TRIGGERS) none, as far as im concerned, though the quickest mention of abusive ever, right at the start. a few nervous/down thoughts I guess?
GENRE: fluff :)
(AUTHORS NOTE) im popping the oneshot cherry, presenting you with this, looking for some followers on here, @phanfucks , ao3 agnesisacunt, ff.net agnesfandoms, and my wattpad ineedfiction. also my ig danisabear but whatevs really. also this is kinda short dan bc he’s only seventeen at this point. anyway. enjoooooooooooooooooooy :)) also feedback helps the flowers grow
(Phil’s pov)
Philip Lester lived in a world where people had ‘soul-quotes’. That was the name of the little thing that was written on your arm from birth, the first thing your soulmate would say to you. Some people found their soulmates when they were just 7, some people even had to wait fifty years, and some never got their soulmate. Maybe they never met, maybe their soulmate was mean or abusive, or maybe they didn’t have a mark, or their soulmate had a mark for another person.
Soulmates didn’t have to be relationships, more often than not they were, but they could be friendships too.
The thing with Phil’s soul-quote? It was in danish. ‘Undskyld, men tog du lige et billede af mig?’ what?? He’d once tried looking it up on google translate, the sentence ‘sorry, but did you just take a picture of me?’ didn’t make any sense back then, but now, as a photography student, it kind of did. Kind of.
It was all very exciting though, him having a soulmate from a different country, while all his friends just had british soulmates. Phil also may have kind of dreamed about his soulmate finding Phil’s slight british accent hot.
But currently, he was more excited than ever. He was going to Denmark with his photography class at uni, because every year a country to go to was chosen by the students of the class, they’d have five options, and Phil may have convinced 13 people to choose Denmark. They would arrive at Copenhagen airport in about 45 minutes, use the rest of the day to get settled in, get right in to photography monday morning, and then take the train to a city in jytland called Aarhus on tuesday evening, where they’d spend three more days. Phil was ecstatic. Even at 8 o’clock on a sunday morning, he’d never been more excited.
The first day of Copenhagen was unsuccesful. He’d tried to speak to as many people as possible, even walking into some on purpose (do. not. ask). But no one said anything that could sound even a little bit like the thing he had on his lower right arm, in a squiggly writing - his soulmates writing. It’d taken several of Phil’s family members to figure out the letters, and it just made it all the more difficult that it was in a foreign language.
Phil was dead-set to try again tomorrow.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He’d gotten a few ‘undskyld’s, but that was more or less it.
Now he was on the train to jytland, at 7:47 p.m., going through the pictures he’d taken of The Round Tower, Amalienborg Palace, a few birds, dogs, flowers, and people.
“Seem a little down, Phil? Didn’t find them today either?” Asked Camille, one of his friends, sounding like she felt rather sorry for him. Most of the people he knew, including her, had already found their soulmate, some were married, some not. Phil was the oldest person he himself knew who hadn’t found his soulmate yet. He was 22 for god’s sake. The most common age to find your soulmate was around 17. How long would he have to wait?
“Nah, I didn’t, unfortunately.” he answered. He got a few pats on the back with the people he sat with at that, but none of them really knew what to say, which was understandable.
“You’re gonna find them, promise.” said Mike, who was also Phil’s cousin’s soulmate. “Thanks man, anyway, did you guys get some good pics?” he asked.
“Yeah, I got one from the top of the Round Tower with a really nice view, also one of a dog with it’s owners sitting at a fountain. What about you guys?” said Mike, and so they continued talking until they had to get off the train.
First day of Aarhus? No luck. Phil was really fucking hoping that the second day was gonna be better (little did he know, it was).
Phil, Mike, Camille, Emma, and Damon were walking with each other along the Aarhus Canal, taking different pictures of it, buildings, cafés, dogs, people, and their ‘Baresso’ coffees. Phil had gotten an Ultimative Iceblend with mint, and it tasted like heaven. Camille and Emma had both bought a danish soda called Faxe Kondi, which tasted surprisingly well.
‘Holy-’ Phil couldn’t help himself, quickly putting his camera in front of his right eye and snapping a picture, when he saw the most breath-takingly beautiful boy he was to ever lay his eyes on. He had a brown fringe, sweeping to the left, sparkling brown eyes with little specks of golden and honey in them, and was smiling the brightest of smiles to some of his friends and, oh god, dimples as deep as Phil was in love. He was petting his dog, a black-spotted Grand Danois, and looking at some of his friends, laughing along with them. Well, until he wasn’t, and was suddenly looking at Phil, and oh shit, oh no, he fucking saw me taking a picture of him like some creep.
“Undskyld, men tog du lige et billede af mig?” he said, but of course, Phil didn’t understand shit.
“I-I’m sorry, say that again please? I’m british.” Phil explained with the slightest of embarrassed laughs.
The gorgeous boy looked down at his left arm, taking a couple of seconds before answering, with the most stunning smile ever; “Sorry, but did you just take a picture of me?”
And Phil burst out laughing, in relief, joy, happiness, so many different emotions.
“I- um, yes, yes I did actually.” He chuckled, more or less ignoring all the confused faces around them.
“Yeah? And not just of Bella here?” Pretty boy (also known as Phil’s soulmate, apparently, holy fuck) asked, scratching the big dog, that was more or less in his lap, behind the ear.
Phil chuckled. “Well, as charming as she is, that wasn’t the first thing on my mind.” He replied, smirking slightly at the now blushing boy, and if you asked Phil he’d probably refuse the slight tint on his own cheeks.
“Um, Dan? Hvem er din ven her?” asked a friend of the boy, Dan, as Phil had just discovered. Jesus, that’s a nice name. Is it short for something, maybe? What’s his last name? Phil thought to himself, and yes, he did feel a bit creepy to be honest, but he also knew that these were regular thoughts right after meeting your soulmate.
“Oh. det er- this is-” Dan giggled, not sure what to say since he didn’t kow his soulmate’ name yet, but kinda confused as to how his friends hadn’t caught on yet.
“I’m Phil Lester.” Phil said with a kind smile, reaching his hand out to Dan’ friends. Phil. Dan couldn’t help but let out a small, contented sigh, as his soulmate seemed to be the perfect person.
“Dan Howell.” Dan said at last and reached his hand out to Phil too.
“Howell? Isn’t that an english name?” Phil asked curiously, wanting to know as much about this boy as humanly possible.
“Well yeah, my great-great-grandpa was from Ireland and his son, my great-grandpa, got married to a danish woman who took his name, and so on.” Dan answered, quietly ushering Bella off of his lap so he could stand up before his legs fell asleep. He was about a head shorter than Phil, which was adorable, but would also be the cause of a great amount of neck pain in the future.
“Oh, you’re tall, no fair.” Dan whined and pouted, and Phil laughed, but was cut short by the voice of Camille. “Alright, not-so-wild guess, are you two soulmates?” she asked and when the two boys nodded to her, she couldn’t help but gasp along with Phil’s other friends and pull him into a hug, while some of Dan’ squealed a little and embraced him too, all laughing and congratulating.
“Alright, alright, but Dan how old are you?” asked Emma in a teasing tone. Phil snickered.
“Oh, I’m turning eighteen in June?” he told, not quite knowing why she wanted to know that, until she slapped Phil, exclaiming ‘old man!’. They all laughed at that, though Phil rolled his eyes and snickered again. “I’m twenty-two.” he explained.
Both Phil and Dan’ friends may have all lured off about fifteen minutes after that, but it’s not like the two really noticed. And Phil likes to tell himself that Dan didn’t notice the thirty-one pictures that were taken of him in the coffee shop they sat in for the next two hours, chatting and trying to teach Phil danish, though he probably did. And he probably noticed the twelve Phil took of him as they were walking and sitting beside the canal with Bella too.
Sadly, Phil couldn’t see Dan almost all friday because Dan still had school for a couple more weeks. That didn’t stop him from talking about him all the time, though. It was quite endearing, to be honest.
When Dan’ school day finally ended, at 1:55 because it was a short day, he and Phil met up right outside of the rather big - yet still much smaller than Phil’ old high school - building, they both smiled from ear to ear.
“Hey.” Dan said breathily.
“Hey.” Phil returned it in the same, slightly awe-struck, tone. “Don’t you guys have to wear uniforms?” he continued, noticing how Dan’ attire was a red-plaid sweatshirt, with the image of a dog and silhouette of a man in the center. Phil learned yesterday that Dan had quite an expensive taste.
“No, not here. When I was younger I always thought it would’ve been cool if we did, but I’m rather relieved now.” they laughed.
“Good. They’re horrific.” Dan laughed even louder at Phil’ words, and Phil could only say that he was proud of that.
“It’s sad that you’re leaving already. In two hours right?” asked the younger of the two, frowning deeply.
“Yeah. I was thinking if you maybe had the time, you could come say goodbye at the airport?” Phil said nervously, though he knew he had no reason to be. Dan smiled again, nodding.
“Yeah. We can exchange skype accounts, social media?” Dan proposed, and Phil nodded.
“Could we exchange a goodbye kiss?” said Phil, teasingly setting his hands on Dan’ waist, making the younger of the two giggle loudly.
And so they did.
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