#except it's serious and very real
angel-fruitcake · 3 months
i love the fact that all other spn characters just know that dean and cas are so fucking in love. like it's just a widely accepted thing. across the board everyone knows that the rebel angel and the michael sword are head over heels, completely smitten, So Down Bad for each other it's disgusting. and everybody takes full advantage of that as their weakness when they tease or insult either of them it's so great
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
I’m glad to be included in gender, and it’s an honor to trans your gender, but gender is astrology to me. “Girl sun boy moon.” You don’t agree, but now you get me better. Send post
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cobaltfluff · 9 months
Arajin observation notes so far:
- good reflexes? (dodging the trip in ep1)
- strong enough to hold up Matakara??
- is the punches to Matakara's kicks :3c
Kid was definitely serious about becoming strong back then 😂
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 4 months
i want top neuvillette who's still femme and a crybaby my god is that so hard
#/lh#my tastes. masc bottoms femme tops#to be fair my dynamic with them is neuv gets pregnant but neuv also tops. so generally speaking. solid switches. but wrio bottoms#he's the king of the underworld after all.#i do think its hilarious tho if you look at the trends across wrlt vs nvwr interpretations#the tops always gets broadened...... masculinized.... aged#and the bottom becomes this waifish wet noodle..........#like ive seen bottom wrio with a baby face. paired with a neuv who's somehow broader than him#and alternatively ive seen the. meatiest. manliest middle-aged man wriothesley with a neuvillette who's back is perpetually arched#and im like the dimorphism is crazy /j this isnt just a strictly wrlt thing tho this is real across. every ship. that has ever existed lol#tho on a more serious note i have a big squick when it comes to bottom wrio interps where an emphasis on their dynamic is........#the fact that he's younger. or that they first met when he was a minor. im like weird thing to emphasize but ok.#disclaimer tho when i say crybaby hes not a Childish Man mind you. hes Sensitive and Awkward but he's still got that weird ancient stalenes#his voice just wobbles sometimes. he often sound like hes at the verge of tears even if his face is perfectly flat#hes autistic like that#and the sole reason why wrio doesnt top That Much is because hes fuckin tired man. eepy. hes like my god neuv if you still wanna go at it#ur gonna have to take the reins. baby im tired.#something something freakish dragon strength and stamina#personally. my hcs are as such. neuvillette is very lean. almost uncannily long if i exaggerate it for funsies. hes slenderman coded. skinn#but you find no texture underneath his skin. you can't feel bones or muscles shift when he moves when you touch him#there's this exceptional discomfort when you see him lift something that looks much heavier than he should be able to manage#almost like his long fingers might impale it. like you are balancing something soft and fleshy on a nail. it doesn't feel secure#like if wriothesley held you. his arms would feel warm and solid. thick and supportive. whereas neuv's feels like it might dig into you#i could yap all day.
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sluttish-armchair · 7 months
Ok but thinking back to how I was in elementary and middle school: I had such disdain for other kids who broke the rules, that I irrationally hated a whole bunch of kids — kids I would have made good friends with — all because I couldn’t stand the fact that they engaged in conflicts with, and affronts to authority figures or standards.
It even went as far as internally mocking a kid my age — calling him “Mama’s Boy” in my head — over the fact that his mother whispered comments into his ear, which he mumbled unintelligibly into the mic, and then would fall asleep as if dead on her arm. I perceived his inability to give comments on his own, and his sleeping, as moral failings of both mother and child; because I wasn’t raised like that. And maybe, those feelings also came from jealousy. I was expected to fight off sleep all the time because I could read at a college level in third grade, and could theoretically understand the material presented at the meetings despite it still being inappropriate for my age group.
I was so far deep into the “bad associations spoil useful habits” mindset that it made me hate my fellow neurodivergents — kids I would have been friends with — who maybe couldn’t hide it as well as I could. That is beyond fucked up. Now, I work with those very kids I disliked so much as a child, and guess what? They are my absolute favorite people to be around; and many of them remind me of myself.
#exjw#ableism tw#I’m also just very uptight about rules anyway; so the whole cult thing did not help that part of me At All#I often find myself more concerned with doing things “correctly” than I am with doing the right thing in non-serious scenarios#and it’s kind of scary because like… how much of a sheep am I?#Would I torture someone if an authority figure I trusted ordered me to because it’s what I’m “supposed” to do?#Most of it comes from a desire for consistency: If [x] happens; then do [y]. So every time [x] happens; [y] is the correct response#and this — like the laws of physics — Cannot Change#Except of course the real world is vague and variable and there is a lot of grey area to work with in coming up with solutions#so doing [y] when [x] happens may make things worse than if you do [z] instead#This makes a lot more sense when you consider I was taught how to play chess at a very young age by my father#who bragged about being a “chess player” with regard to real world problems#Yes chess is strategy; but you’re also playing on a grid and your movements are entirely restricted by the rules of gameplay#My father can’t leave the cult that traumatized him because he loves Jehovah#he can’t go to the meetings to serve the god he loves because it triggers his trauma#he can’t talk to a therapist about his religious trauma to get over it because he would be defaming Jehovah#If life is a game of chess then he’s checkmated#But here’s the thing: the game is imaginary and the rules are made up#Viewing real life as a chess board is extremely unhealthy for your free will#Which is why in this essay about Nineteen Eighty Four I will—
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agayconcept · 4 days
aaaand i had to turn off asks bc im getting death threats for reblogging a chappell roan post. lmfao. y'all really said 'no we won't stop at harassing a bipolar woman into a public mental health crisis bc we got mad she had a reasonable political take that criticized a genocidal government, now we will try to harass anyone defending / agreeing with her within an inch of their life also. we are The Good Guys btw.' like wow. i hope y'all don't behave this way in real life but sadly i know u almost definitely do
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oxidaisy · 10 months
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Only my finest pieces for the staffroom wall
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
'Parturition' is so brave for being the yaoi ship trope episode of Voyager. "Neelix and Tom Paris had a physical.....fight." Also continuing Tom's beautiful habit of loving both infidelity and child abandonment with all his heart. Also, wonderful out of context quote: "I had no right to push that pasta in your lap."
#Also I forgot about the Tom/Kes stuff in early seasons#You know what? I think Kes can flirt. Disaster as a real couple/ship but I do believe they'd do some going-nowhere flirting#post Neelix breakup. Also once again Kes SHOULD have been able to ADVENTURE more!!!#Tom's true wife is a beautiful woman named infidelity and he loves her more than anything except Harry Kim#Tom: (bothered & horny) Play the clarinet Harry.#Harry has a really cozy couch setup btw#OH ??? I sthis a thing???#In two different episodes now Harry's said 'there's an old chinese expression...' <- was that something they were trying out??#Thank God it didn't stick.#Harry: You keep setting yourself up for rejection. You must like playing the part. / Tom: Don't knock it 'till you've tried it.#<- Sound of a nail being hit squarely on the head...Harry's so handsome#YEEEAAAAH THE GIRLS ARE FIIIIIGHTIIIIIINGGGGG!!!!#Neelix being so possessive of Kes is obviously bad but him just out of nowhere insulting and tossing pasta on Tom IS very fun and good#removed from context. Tom: -eating. doing nothing- / Neelix: You fucking lowlife asshole. =_=#SNRKAHAHHAAH 'I'LL KILL YOU!!!!' CARTOON ROLLING AROUND ON THE TABLES~!!?!??#I like how this is a fight but NOT serious at all....they are looney tunesing it#Even the background crew are like...smiling & laughing. This is so funny <3#The doctor would love if two men fought over him. He'd be concerned and tell them to stop but he'd secretly love it I know him I know this.#'How delightful!' indeed. Kes' green & black outfit in this episode is really pretty! Also she & the doctor's banter is nice~!#'That's not funny!' / 'It's not meant to be. You LOVE autopsies?' and her laughing at him saying 'then your world must have very dry lit.'#Also love the doc's ultimate advice of 'It's not your problem' bc it's not~!! Yaoi sin planet with cure what ails em#NEELIX SAID TECHNOBABBLE!!!! HE SAID THE LINE!!!!#Tom: I'm picking up caves west of here. / Neelix: Yaaay. <3 <- negative. sarcastic. hateful.#YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH DINO PUPPET BABYYYY!!!!!#Janeway: Tuvok can you do X? / Tuvok: (preening) I have anticipated your request Captain. / Chakotay: =_=#Tom: The baby's shivering...that's normal right?? <- Yeah Tom <3 It's so normal <3 You're gonna be a great dad <3#Also Neelix just smiling earnestly at being called Godmother...-raises brow-#Neelix & Tom: Kes - Captain - we've worked out our differences! We had a baby <3
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fathers day is this month how am i going to inflict psychic damage on myself
#snap chats#we were cute and sillay even for mothers day last month#but unfortunately i actually love my dad and i miss him so the possibility of doing something a lil moody is very real#i love how i always say i miss my dad as if hes dead. hes not dead hes just scared of my mom which. fair we all are LMAO#anyhow esp when im leaning towards doing something focused on jo since last month was more for arakawa...#i dont have anything in mind yet but i have the semblance of an idea... its budding but i dont have it refined in the dome...#because i also wanna see if i can do something for arakawa too so idk if i wanna knock out two birds with one stone for one comic#or make two separate posts (whether those are pics or comics idkidk)#i always really like to imagine quiet moments between jo and masato- however rare they might have been in canon#oh wait im gonna throw up what if i posted that prison comic on fathers day#if i dont get any ideas i just might.. unless i get too impatient and post it earlier ☠️#anyway this is just a promise i will be goofy on fathers day. except instead of Actual Goofy i might post something Cereal for once#nothing i say makes fucking sense unless you know my lexicon fucking 'cereal' is my Cute And Quirky way of saying serious#because Im Cute And Quirky alright moving on#Being Serious and Emotional isnt my forte. im very bad at doing both so i of course try to be funny instead#bu maybe this once..... the jo and masato feelins are strong this month......#its cause my moms giving me a harder time than usual so of course im just thinking of my dad more and Now We're Here#alright im finally gonna finish my comm then i might get to cooking bye
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vesselcoded · 7 months
starting to think none of you guys actually knows what incest is.
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serenedash · 2 years
so I wasn't expecting my khux gameplay post to blow up this much because normally I just shout my khux thoughts into the void and that's that, but it's been really amazing and heartwarming seeing everyone's personal experiences with khux, like I can't say enough how much I LOVE looking at everyone's additions and tags :)
I had tried writing a long post about some khux feelings but it just wasn't coming out right. this post isn't about the game this is about me sorry tl;dr I'm a very anxious person and I love to see other people just as excited about khux as I am because I feel better about how much I like it. which is A Lot
#sorry for being vulnerable it won't happen again /lh#the real tl;dr is that I feel very dumb and stupid and anxious all the time constantly for being obsessed with khux#but again everyone's responses made me feel so much better#like yes its a major source of joy for me but I get so anxious#and I dont really talk to people at all bc of it like discord servers are a special hell but I try anyway#and majority of my khux friends drifted away from it forever ago so I feel kind of really alone by myself#I just love other people's posts and content so much I feel so stupid in comparison- I look up to so many people in the community#making memes is such a great joy for me but I yearn for more yknow. I can be a serious artist past all my clown behavior I promise#I mean all my fics are very serious and angsty but no one reads my writing Im not too confident on regularly posting it so its fine really#I'm just in my own echo chamber on here and I always assume everyone hates me or is at least annoyed by me#like people don't really comment on things I make or send me asks or message me#so not getting feedback except a decent number of notes on my posts is like. not the best#im not guilt tripping people into interacting with me really its fine I swear Im just having my own issues#really dont feel you have to because also Im really bad at conversations fr#my personal tag is 'im rambling' for a reason#but anyway this is my house and if people don't like it they can leave#at the end of the day I love to just create for my own enjoyment#and if people like it too then that's great!!!!!#but I'm also still very anxious all the time
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basingstokemercury · 2 years
whose idea was it to become so totally invested in shows that are designed to tear their characters and you apart in the worst ways
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
E*elstans get a life challenge.
Yeah. :/ No idea how people can spend so much time enjoying getting involved with things that have nothing to do with them and being so hateful toward other people. Even if I can understand being angry about people tagging hate in pro tags, it's another thing entirely when they seek out totally unrelated content and make it about something it's not. My post wasn't even tagged which means that person just searched out keywords that the non-tagging system will pick up (and also replied with nothing to do with the post and made up a scenario about the point of the post, then tried to attack me for uwu hating their ship uwu, except I don’t hate that ship so welcome to talking out of your ass about a person you literally don’t know a thing about).
Like, honestly people, get a job or something because you evidently have too much time and spare energy. e.e
I'm baffled we even have people like that in the world. I shouldn't be surprised after I've been part of the Naruto and AoT fandoms in my time on Tumblr, but ngl I'd actually genuinely tell you I think the stans in the Houses fandom are actually worse than both of those fandoms' problems combined. The stans here have been some of the worst people I've seen in my entire life.
I can't even say "maybe they're mostly teenagers" because even as a teenager basically all the people around me knew better. Bullying pretty much stopped when I was in high school. You know how kids bully other kids in grade and middle school if you have those types of schools in your area (1-5 or 1-6 is grade school in my area, and 6-8 or 7-8 is middle)? Like, when I was in high school nobody did that shit anymore. Nobody cared anyone. Either my high school was relatively tame or people in that age group just don't care anymore, but I've been to two high schools and nobody did the shit these people do (and the youngest of them probably don't want to embarrass themselves in front of 17-18 year olds tbh).
Even then though I can't fathom how people can be so malicious, and over such stupid shit. These people aim to get random people they've never met off social media through bullying and by totally destroying them. I mean really, what the fuck. No idea how can anyone grow into being such a disgusting person. :/
Really sucks because I love Houses but it's infamous now because of those exact people.
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chadsuke · 2 years
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Books Read in 2022:
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 1 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2021)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 2 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2021)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 3 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2022)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 4 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
Roxana: How To Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother by Kin, Juniljus & Ji-Yeon Baek (2021)
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat Vol. 1 by Sakaomi Yuzaki (2022)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned manhwa and manga. End ID.]
#2022media#gigi.txt#okay so magicrev was fun! it's a yuri manga based on a novel#that i'll have to give a read and its getting an anime adaptation next year#hence me picking it up#i'm p interested in the plot and the mc is super into magic but bc shes from another world#she can't use it so instead she intensely focuses on magic tech making it available to everyone#and yeah its interesting!#cinderella's stepmom is genuinely so good i fucking. LOVE the family of it all. its killing me.#random lady is isekai-ed into cinderella's stepmom right after the news of the dad's death#and decides to be a Good Mom instead of u know a wicked stepmom#i really like what it considers story wise and it feels very fleshed out and real and i fucking#LOOOOOVE how the stepsisters are designed#roxana is. well.#its very messed up but also an enjoyable read like evil girlboss hours#shes very pretty tho like. oof. roxana please.#isekai except u have to be hardcore evil and its <3 i love her evil butterflies#and finally she loves to cook is a very very down to earth yuri manga#about a young woman who is super into cooking but doesn't eat a lot so can't make the large portions she wants#who finds out her neighbor is this very serious lady who likes to eat a LOT so. yay she can cook for her!!!!#i love the mc occasionally ragging like i dont want to dress nice for a MAN where is the fashion advice for dressing nice for ANOTHER GIRL#and the design of the neighbor is mwah they're very good#i couldn't put it down WHERE is the rest i want to read MORE#gay people and food is like. my favorite genre ever
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peppermintchaos · 1 year
Tell me about magical girl Peppermint and Takeover
the parallels bro
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#i can't even use words right now#both takeover and her magical girl form are beloved by the public. she is the 'princesses of mitakihara private school'#yet she views everything the people see in her at mitakihara as a front- she acts caring. cares for her classmates#polite. always there to help. the perfect student friend anything#but it's all hollow- the acts are just how she's 'supposed to be.'#princess gambit is her real self- totally blank. serious. yet she's still a leader- and the people still adore her. most of her teamates#still look up to her- even though she isn't her 'perfect student' persona#the exception is peppermint who finds her infuriating. 'stop it with the blank face- stop acting as though you're no one at all!'#starshine is far from beloved by the people- their power set is flashy but moves so fast and so intense that it's hard to keep up.#where princess gambit is elegant and precise#starshines attacks are full of raw overflowing passion. even their one-sided rivalry is so intense that peppermint gets pissed enough#to swear to bring out takeovers 'real self' that she swears not to have.#'even the real you is hollow? bullshit. i'll make you kill me. i'll make you express something.'#they envy her popularity. she envies their passion. yet they're honestly the same.#stubborn. intense. care deeply for people though they express it differently.#there's very little focus on them at all#until takeovers arc starts emphasizing how they both market themselves as exactly what's on the surface#but later during their two seasons!! they mirror eachother a lot#minty carries takeover to their house when she falls asleep in the rain. takeover carries them to their house when they're injured during#The Big Season 4 Climax.#I COULD TALK ABT THESE TWO AND EVERYTHING I HAVE IN MIND FOR THEM FOR HOURSSSSSS#also minty is lalalala and takeover is okokokok if you've seen that trend.
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beevean · 1 year
cars use fuel to work
i use terrible takes about hector and n!hector :)
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