#ex boyfriend!nct dream
ljnsdump · 1 year
If It's Meant To Be, It Will Be (Jaehyun x F!reader)
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Johnny x F!reader
When a heart knows, it knows. There's no explaining it. You can only trust it.
Genre: M/F, exes to lovers, angst, fluff, slight smut, suggestive, oneshot
Warnings: light smut, secret/hidden pregnancy, cursing
Word count: 6,187
My third published story! I am so excited for this. This is one of the stories that has always been in my vault for the longest time just like the other three. I hope you enjoy reading it! I apologized for not posting as much, college is too much. But I hope I can post a lot now since it's already the summer break. Also, I'm not the best when it comes to writing smut, please understand that I'm still learning.
Read at your own risk.
Before going home, Y/N goes to the local grocery store to get milk for the babies. They're growing so fast and it doesn't take a long time to run out of their milk. She then grabs a bag of candies and cookies as well.
Her 5-year old twins sat on the stairs outside their house waiting for her with their nanny. When they see her car pull up in front of the gates, the two run and the nanny immediately comes after them.
"Mommy!" They yell and jump in excitement. "We miss you so much!"
Y/N pouts as her heart warms at the sight. She immediately gets out of the car and gets in the property. She lowers herself down to level with her kids. "My babies, I love you both so much. I miss you both a lot too." The two hold her hand as they go in. "Helen, can you please grab the things I bought, it's in the backseat of the car."
"Okay." Helen nods.
"Now what have my favourite babies been doing all day?"
"Mommy, I was drawing with nanny! We drew flowers, and coloured them and put the sun and clouds!" Her little girl, Janelle says. "Julien was playing with cars! He hit nanny on her leg as well."
"Julien, did you say sorry to nanny?" Y/N asks with a stern face and her son nods.
"Yes, I hugged nanny because I didn't mean to do it."
She smiles and hugs both. "Very good! I will give you chocolates for being a good girl and a good boy. But let mommy change her clothes first." The two nod and go to play. Helen, who was following them with the groceries, puts them away on the counter. "Helen, just watch them for a few minutes. I'll just change and then once I'm out you can take your break as well."
Helen nods.
Y/N has left the eye of the public when she was forced to break up with her baby daddy. He didn't know she was pregnant. Heck, she didn't even know she was pregnant when his parents casted her away. So she decided to live in a small town away from him and his family. She's been suffering all these years so she's fighting everyone for her kids. She even separated from her parents because of the fear that they might take the kids away because she was earning minimum wage before.
She's working in a small company right now that develops environmentally friendly alternatives for non-biodegradable packaging. She started out as a mere researcher and now she's one of the executives. This year they are planning to expand their business and endorse it to bigger companies for development. And they are doing their first pitch after her weekend off.
They are going on a business trip for two days. That's why she packed the bags for her kids as well because she's definitely bringing them. She has to.
"Helen, remember when I told you about my business trip? We're gonna be leaving on Sunday afternoon. So please make sure you have your things ready before then, okay?" She instructs the nanny. "I'll give you double pay for Sunday since that's supposed to be your day off."
"Yes, I'll be ready by then. I'll come in early as well so I can help you prepare."
Night time came, Julien and Janelle were sleeping peacefully on their own beds. She observes the two as she overthinks about what can happen if she brings them to the city. Well, it's a big city so it's not even sure if they would get a peak of the shadows of the people she's avoiding.
As they are travelling, Y/N plays songs and they sing along to it. Y/N is musically inclined and she wants the kids to adapt that from her. She wants them to have music as part of their relaxation, and bonding time.
They go straight to their hotel which the company already had reserved for Y/N and she just got an extra room for Helen.
She and her colleagues had a quick meeting during dinner just to run through their presentation for tomorrow morning.
They are 5 in total, the president of the company, Y/N, and three researchers who lead the development of their product.
Later that night, she took the kids for a stroll on the streets. They were so amazed by the flashing lights, the huge buildings and the cars passing by. She got them everything they wanted because she just wanted them to have the best time of their life.
Morning comes, Y/N immediately prepares herself. She puts on her formal black trousers and blazer over her white shirt. Simple yet it made her look very elegant and sophisticated. She styles her hair, puts on light makeup before slipping on her stilettos. Grabbing her bags and keys, she doesn't forget to kiss the two who're sleeping soundly.
"Cheer on mum." She whispers at them.
She gets there on time, her team just arrived as well. They are led to the conference room, where it is only them in their first and immediately starts preparing for their presentation. Y/N observes the seating arrangement, and plans on tactics and ways to make it visually pleasing to the audience.
"I'm kind of nervous." One of the researchers, Taeil says as he shakes his hands vigorously.
Y/N just smiles. "That's actually very normal. This is a big crowd and they're the real deal. But I'm confident about our product, so I trust you three to present it with confidence as well."
The executives started coming in, filling in the empty seats. "5 minutes." The moderator of the conference tells them.
Y/N immediately runs out to grab a drink of water on the nearest station. But her path was blocked with someone who had a smug look on his face.
"Found you." Jae says and her eyes widens.
"W-what are you doing here?"
He shrugs. "I'm just one of the board members."
"Don't worry, I'll make them say yes to your pitch." He winks and goes in.
It's like her spirit just left her body. Why is he here? He's a board member? How? He owns his own company so why is he still going around looking for more to acquire?!
She snaps back to reality when one of her teammates calls her. "Miss Y/N! 3 minutes!"
Instead of getting water, she immediately texts Helen out of fear.
To: Helen
Don't ever let anyone in your rooms, watch the kids intently please and don't let them out.
Y/N clears her throat as the introduction begins. Even if she is panicking after seeing his ex lover, she stands there with all the elegance she can give.
"We in Lively Co. had always been researching for the best alternatives for our common packaging in the market. We believe that we developed the best product for food storage considering the materials used, money it costs, and the benefit it gives to the environment." She starts and then it goes on before she introduces their research team to discuss product specific details.
Jae looks at her proudly. He's not even hiding the smile on his face that Y/N can't seem to avoid. He's always had the most gorgeous face and now all his features are more developed, he's more matured. Jawline sharper, eyebrows bushier, undercut hair, ear piercings. God, he looks so good.
The CEO of the company seated in the center smiles and claps after the presentation. "Good. It's very good. As you may know, we don't invite companies to pitch unless we see real potential on their products. We actually have decided about this after we took a look at the research papers, samples and all documents you submitted about this product. We just wanted to see your perception and how you'll present it to us because we also look out for people we work with. And it's a good thing we did this today, you guys are so good and I look forward to working with your company." He shakes hands with the president of the mere Lively Co, while the four behind hugs each other, crying in happiness.
Y/N smiles when Taeil turns to her. "I told you."
After the meeting, they are also invited to lunch and then are given a tour around the company. Fortunately, Jae is no longer with them during the tour.
When she goes back to the hotel after a long day, she sees Jae in the lobby, legs on top of the other, watching her walk in and her heart starts pounding again. He's in the same building as her kids.
"You guys go ahead, I just have to drop by the cafe." She lies to her teammates and watches them take the elevator.
He then walks to her. "Hi."
She grabs his wrist and pulls him out of the hotel. "What are you doing here?!"
"Just wanted to congratulate you. You did so well there, baby." Smiling slightly but she shakes her head.
"You shouldn't be here!"
"I don't know, maybe I don't wanna see you!"
He stops and looks at her face. She can't even lie. "Five years and you still haven't worked on your lying skills."
"I'm not lying, Jae."
"Tell me why you left without saying anything. Why when I went to your apartment, it was already empty and we were just cuddling there the night before that. I should have known that you hugged me the entire night, crying for no reason at all was because you were about to leave me."
"Your parents paid me to leave you." She admits. "Now please go away because I don't have the money to refund them."
Jae's eyes burn in anger all of a sudden. "And you exchanged me for money?"
"I had no choice, you know it's still gonna end regardless of what the reason maybe because it all boils down to me not being the best pair for you."
"Who are they to say that you're not the best for me?!"
"They're your parents."
"It doesn't matter! They don't matter! You know I love you so much, I was so ready to be with you!"
"It's all in the past now. Just go."
Their third and final day, they visit one of the plants of the company then go back to the building to have a small gathering to bid goodbyes. Jae was not able to attend the previous schedules they had the past few days but he definitely is not missing the get together.
As she's going to the conference room, her phone buzzes on her hand so takes a look at it.
From: Helen
Y/N, Julien is having a hard time breathing. He's having an asthma attack.
She immediately replies.
To: Helen
Use the inhaler.
From: Helen
I think it's empty.
Y/N bit her lip, looking so worried and her teammates turned to her.
"What's going on?" One asks.
"I-I need to go." She replies, in a hurry. "My son needs to be taken to the hospital."
Their eyes widen. "You have a son?!"
But before she could answer, she already ran off while dialling 911 on her phone.
Later on, Jae arrives and he notices that Y/N was not there. He goes to ask their president. "Is Y/N not with you guys?"
"She left. She said she has to take her son to the hospital." She replies.
Jae's eyebrows furrow. "Her son?" Then immediately goes out, meeting his assistant outside. "Let's go to the hospital nearest to the Diamond Hotel."
Y/N holds and plays with her son's hand as Julien is getting nebulized. He's scared of the sound it makes, that's why she's holding him.
"Was he always asthmatic?" The doctor asks.
She nods. "Yeah, he got it from his dad. He's asthmatic too and severely allergic to seafood."
Jae hears that and he immediately knows. "Y/N." He calls and she stands up in surprise, trying to cover her son.
"Why are you here?!"
"He's mine, isn't he?"
The doctor quietly calls the nurse over. "You guys can talk outside, we'll take care of Julien."
Jae immediately pulls her out of the emergency room. But before they can talk, Janelle runs to them and hugs her mom's legs. "Mommy! Where's Juls? Is he okay mom?"
The fright on her face is something that you can never compare with anything. Her heart is raging and she knows she's done for.
"Helen, can you take a walk with Janelle? I-I just need to speak to Mr. Jung."
Helen immediately takes Janelle away from them but Jae's eyes never leave the little girl. He can't believe that they have kids together, twins on top of that! The two look so much alike and they got some of their features from him like his bushy eyebrows, and eyes.
"They're my kids, aren't they?" She's on the verge of crying but Jae's eyes remain consistent. This is the only way to bring her back. After all those years he looked for her, wanting her to come back. "Y/N." He calls her again.
She frowns then whines. "They're mine."
He just wants to caress her face, and wipe her tears but didn't. If he shows her any remorse, she'll take advantage of it and talk him into keeping the kids to herself. "You hid them from me."
"Your family hates me, Jae! What was I supposed to do? I loved you so much but they kept pushing me! They kept threatening me!" She cries. "I left the world for Julien and Janelle, Jae. You will never take them away from me. I've sacrificed myself for them and you can't just come back to my life and take them like I don't matter."
"You are my first priority, Y/N." He replies. "I'm taking you and our kids back. My family will never have a say about it. And I will fight all of them who fight you."
She shakes her head. "You can't. You don't know what happens when you turn around, Jae."
"I will."
"I really don't want to involve my lawyers in this, Y/N." He says warningly.
She always loses. He always gets the better of her. "You can visit the kids then. But they stay with me."
"Love, you live far from this city  I believe. Plus you're going back to your home today, aren't you?"
"I can request a leave. We can stay here until the weekend."
He smiles slightly and pinches her cheeks. "Thanks." That's definitely enough time for him to bring her back. "They're twins! How on earth did we happen to make two at once." Y/N couldn't help but cough a laugh at what he said. The happiness he feels knowing he has children with her is beyond the heavens. He can't help but pull her into a hug. "I can't wait to spoil them with everything they want in this world." Resting his chin on top of her head as he imagines all the fun activities that he has in mind for their kids.
She pulls away, still feeling skeptical about all this because she knows that Jae will do everything to get his children. She just knows.
"Miss Y/L/N,, your son is all good now. He was such a good boy the entire time." The doctor says. "Now, I'll go ahead and prepare the prescription for his inhaler, and Nurse Wendy will take care of the papers."
Nurse Wendy smiles at them and says, "Follow me."
They go to their son first who is sitting cutely and behaving on one of the beds as his feet dangle. "Mommy! I'm okay now! I behaved with the doctors." He grins which earned him a hug and kiss from his mom.
"My baby is all grown up now, mommy is so proud."
"And daddy."
Y/N blushes when he hears Jae speak from behind her. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. "Love, your dad is here too."
He pinches her waist first before picking up his son and carrying him in his arms. "Hi, sport! It's good to see you!"
"He's my dad?" The little guy asks and the two nod. "How about Janelle? Who's Janelle's dad?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his innocence. "He is also Janelle's dad."
When finally they're done in the ER, they went out and went to Janelle. Julien stays in his dad's arms and Janelle looks up to them.
"Mommy, who's that?" She points at Jae.
"It's dad, love." She replies briefly. The little girl's eyes widen.
Jae crouched down and stretched his empty arm to his daughter. "Yes, sweetheart." She runs and hugs him and he immediately catches her.
"Careful." Y/N holds Jae's back to stop him from falling. He reassures her with a wink and carries Janelle on his other arm. "Jae, they're heavy." She tries to take Julien but he hugs his dad tight.
"No, mommy. I want dad to carry me."
Janelle butts in. "Me too."
She sighs. "Okay." Helen watched them with a big smile plastered on her face. "Helen, we'll be staying here for a few more days. Jae just wants to bond with the kids. I'll just give you the fare to go home and take a break for now. I'll just call you when we come back." The nanny nods. "But first, please help Jae's secretary get all our things from the hotel because we will be staying in Jae's house."
"No worries."
The kids are cheering and singing while their dad drives the car and Y/N is on shotgun. They are just so excited and Jae can't stop smiling.
"Juls, please slow down. We just got out of the hospital." His mom warns him.
"So, I'm thinking maybe we can make bedrooms one for each of them? They get to choose what design they want to choose." Y/N just nods in whatever he says. Jae notices that she's been quiet, she's really not saying anything nor is her face indicating any feelings. "What are you thinking about?"
She shakes her head lightly. "Nothing."
Jae sighs.
After all day of shopping and playing, they finally go to Jae's house. It isn't any less than what Y/N imagined him to be living in. It just screams luxury.
Helen is waiting there as well to bid goodbye to the family as she leaves for home before them.
Jae takes out an envelope from his pocket he got from the bank earlier and hands it to Helen. "This is my token of gratitude for you taking good care of my family. Thank you so much." She opens the envelope slightly and ses a thick bundle of cash and she immediately thanks him.
When Helen and Jae's secretary are already out, Y/N take off her heels because her legs are about to give out already.
"I'll freshen up the two so that they can go to sleep now." She tells him. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Use the one in my room." Y/N looks at him as if saying seriously? to him. "And what if we find something there that we're not meant to find?"
His eyes squint. "Like what?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
Jae shakes his head as pinches her cheeks. "I don't go fuck around." She immediately elbows his abdomen, making him grunt.
"Mouth." She warns before walking past him.
Jae offers to put the kids to bed because he noticed that Y/N is too tired to move already.
"You okay?" He asks her and then sits beside her on the couch.
She nods lazily. "Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check on you since the two are asleep now." He replies and then pulls her legs on top of his lap. She's about to whine but he says. "Shh. You'll wake the kids up." Then starts massaging her legs down to her toes. "I know how hard you worked for Janelle and Julien. I know how much you tried to give them the best life and you succeeded in doing that."
"My life is dedicated to them, Jae. Everything I do and I will do will be for them."
"Good because I will be the one to do everything for you." He smiles slightly. "I can't believe we made the most beautiful pair of twins on earth."
She just smiles. "I'm tired."
"Yeah, I'll carry you to bed." Jae stands up and carries her to his bedroom.
Y/N immediately punches his shoulder when she sees where they're heading. "Jung Jaehyun, stop right there. I'm not sleeping in your bedroom."
"Yes, you are. Why would I let you sleep on a bed that's not my own when you're in my house?" He asks, as if what she wants is the most ridiculous thing in the world. "And based on how I remember it, we never broke up. Maybe we just took time off but we never broke up."
She laughs. "We took time off for 5 years?"
Jae lays her down on the bed. "Yes, and I have never sought for anyone else because I always knew I'd find you." Then flicks her forehead. "But you did."
"That guy who you hugged during the conference. You were smiling at him."
She rolls her eyes at what he said. She knows that he knows he's just a colleague. "I'll sleep now."
"Good night, mommy." He whispers while planting a kiss on her cheeks.
He then positions himself next to her, nestling under the covers. "Good night, daddy." She mumbles but Jae definitely heard, drawing a big smile from him.
The next day came, they had breakfast and decided to stay indoors since it's raining outside. They're in the living room all bunched up under a big blanket while they watch cartoons. The kids specifically asked the two to sit together with them.
"Mommy, daddy, moms and dads kiss so how come you two don't?" Janelle asks innocently.
Y/N chokes on her own spit after hearing that while Jae nods at her daughter, "I know, right? Mom doesn't want me to kiss her."
The two turn to their mom. "Why not?"
"Because dad did not brush his teeth." She laughs hysterically while Jae's hand sneaks under the sheets to pinch her side.
"Hey." He calls her out. "I did." And defends himself.
She continues to laugh. "You don't have proof."
"I can kiss you right and you'd be the one to tell if I brushed my teeth or not."
"Stop being so childish."
The two little people took their afternoon naps. Jae and Y/N finally have time to clean up and prepare for dinner.
Jae's arms sneak around Y/N's waist as she washes the plates they used for their snacks. "We can have dinner at Sailor tonight. Then we can walk by the boulevard."
"Yeah, that's fine." She agrees.
"Kiss me." Pouting his lips near her face.
"Jae." She warns. "Stop bothering me."
He sneakers and lets her go. "Fine, but after that, while the two are still sleeping, we can go ahead and prepare for dinner."
So after she washed everything, she went to their room. He sits there shirtless, while reading a book. Her cheeks flushed with heat upon seeing his abs, biceps and arms on display.
She goes to the bathroom to change and prepare. Then comes back a couple of minutes later wearing a maroon, flowy, mini dress that hugs her tiny waistline just enough, showing off her collarbone, and perfect looking cleavage. She just curls her hair, forming big waves and then her make up.
Jae's eyes stays at her for a couple of seconds, raking her body, observing her figure and entire look. "You look hot." He blurts out.
"Thanks, I intended to." She sits on the armrest of the couch, crossing her legs and arms. "So what do you want to happen after this? We will be going back home on Sunday."
"Why can you not stay here?"
"First of all, I have a job." She says. "Second, why would I?"
"Because I want you with me. I want to be able to see my family everyday and take care of them."
She snorts. "That's weird, because based on how I remember before, you were working most of the time and you almost had no time for me. Now if you have no time for one, how much more for three."
Jae groans. "Look, that was before. I'm not leaving you behind now especially after knowing what it's like to live without you."
"We are not getting back together, Jae."
"Why not?"
Scenes from her past with Jae's family come back like they have just been dug out from the grave. "I-I just can't."
"Y/N, what will make you come back to me? I will literally do everything. I just can't let you go after looking for you for 5 fucking years."
"I can't leave my job."
"I can request for you to be transferred here. There's really no point of you working, I'll be the one to work for us."
"I really need to think about it."
He nods in agreement. "No rush, just take all the time you need."
They just stared at each other for a few seconds, observing each other's face comfortably. "Who told you to get piercings?"
His stares linger because of how tempting and vulnerable she looks right now. "You." He replies. "You said I look good with them."
"Well, I was right."
Jae pats his lap. "Come here."
"So we can make out?" She couldn't prevent a laugh at his bluntness. She walks towards him as he reaches both his arms to her. "I can't imagine how you fit two babies in this body, babe."
"You would've been turned off if you saw me pregnant. I was a pig."
He tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay, first of all, never say that again. If one gets pregnant of course their body gets big, because there's a baby in them. They need to eat a lot because they're basically eating for two. So don't say that." His hands hold her by the waist and lift her up to set her on his lap. "I love you." Planting a kiss on her lips and watching her reaction. "I miss you."
Y/N holds his face and puts her lips on his. He holds her waist tighter as he devours her lips, like that's the only thing he's been craving for this whole time. His arms eventually find its way wrapping around her waist and the free hand holding her steady by the nape, turning her in all angles to make sure he tastes her the best way. She’s breathless and her lipsstick is all messed up now but he doesn't really care.
"Jae." She gasps.
He breathes against her lips. "Hmm?"
She doesn't say anything and just puts feathery kisses all over his face as her eyes tear up. Nobody knows how much she wanted this for the last 5 years. This is the only thing she asked for, just him and she can't help but feel like crying when she finally got what she wanted. "I fucking miss you. And thank you for accepting our children, I was honestly worried if you didn't want them. I was scared that when you found out, you'd wish they never existed."
Jae holds her back firmly, looking at her face. "Why? I would never do that. You know that you're the best thing that happened to me and all I ever wanted was to make a family with you."
She laughs. "I know, it's just that there are really things in my head that I wish aren't there."
"Well, it's time for you to stop thinking about those because I am the happiest right now with you, Janelle and Julien." Patting her head lightly. "And I really appreciate you making their names start with the initial of my first name."
Y/N smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, I just can't leave you out of the picture."
The lights of the restaurant shine perfectly on them. Jae and Y/N have gotten sweeter, and intimate. They are almost in sync, attending to both their children.
"What do you want to eat, love?" Jae asks Janelle, showing her the menu book.
Janelle points at the raspberry tart. "I want this."
"Jan, dessert is for later." Her mom reminds her.
"If she wants it--" Jae gets cut off by Y/N's glare and he just chuckles. "Mom's right."
As the waitress is taking their order, Y/N notices her batting her eyelashes to her man, smiling flirtatiously and suggestively. That annoys her to the bones, she holds Jae's hand. He notices it, looking at her with a comforting smile and says, "Love, what do you want?" Slowly massaging her hand.
"The pan seared scallops would do." She smiles.
As they were about to leave after dinner, Jae bumped into one of the people he knows in the industry.
"Jae! It's good to see you, man!" The guy gives Jae a manly hug. "Who are you with?"
"Oh, I'm with my family." He replies. "This is Y/N, my wife." Y/N kinda gets stunned and glances at Jae before offering her hand to the man. "And our kids, Janelle and Julien."
The man, Yuta, gets surprised. "I didn't know you had a family!"
"I actually messed up somehow, that's why I only was able to be with them now." He replies without hesitations. And Y/N has never ever thought she'd be more attracted to Jae. Nothing more attractive than a man who admits his mistakes.
As they drive home, Jae notices Y/N constantly glancing at him so he asks, "Is something wrong?"
"You were so honest telling that man earlier about how you messed up."
"That's because that's something I cannot deny." He shrugs. "And you, were you jealous with the waitress earlier?"
She scoffs. "I wasn't jealous. I was just under the impression that you were not interested in her so I did what I could to save you." Sarcastically, while crossing her arm. "Was I wrong to do that?"
"No, you weren't. I wasn't interested in her. I have you."
Y/N shrugs. "Whatever."
"Mommy, Jan is sleeping." They hear Julien from the back.
"Yes, love." She replies. "Just let her sleep, we're almost home."
They arrive home and Jae carries Janelle to their bedroom while Y/N walks with Julien. Then they prepare the two for bed and stay in there until the two are already asleep.
When they walk out of their kids' room, Jae asks, "How about you, babe? You good?"
She sighs. "Yeah." Then goes to their room.
Jae catches up, pulling her towards him and then locking her in with his arms around her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Jae. I'm just tired."
He scans her face. "You look really beautiful." Whispers, then his eyes stayed on her lips.
"More beautiful than the waitress?" She jokes.
Jae can't help but cough out a laugh. "You're funny. I didn't even look at the waitress."
"I know, I was watching."
He pins her to the door and smashes his lips against hers. He's got the rough hold on her, and she just went along with the kiss, letting him dominate her. One of his hands slides down her dress and grabs her ass making her moan.
"You like that, huh?" He smirks against her lips. "You've just gotten more irresistible, Y/N. I'm holding myself back from bending you against my bed and fucking you so hard."
She pushes him back a little, locking their eyes together. "Why are you holding back?"
"Because our children are sleeping just  a few rooms down the hall and I remember how loud you can get."
Y/N rolls her eyes. "I promise, I'll be quiet."
"You just wanna be railed, don't you?"
Without hesitations, she says "Yes."
He places a quick peck on her lips then starts kissing her neck, sucking on her skin, marking her as his.
When Jae woke up, Y/N was no longer on their bed. He quickly washes his face and brushes his teeth before going out only to find the three in the kitchen. Y/N is cooking while the two watch her curiously, asking their mom constantly about whatever she was doing while munching on some fruits. Of course, Y/N answers them all with patience.
"Hi, dad." Janelle hugs his dad's legs when she sees him walk towards them.
Jae lifts then puts her in his arms. "Good morning, princess." He kisses her cheek then goes to ruffle his son's hair. "Good morning, sport."
Y/N watches him adoringly as he greets their kids. Jae then goes to her with a knowing smirk plastered on his face, snaking his free arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. "Good morning, love." The smell of mint on his breath lingers.
"Mom already allows you to kiss her?" The innocent ones ask.
Her mom pinches her cheeks. "Yes, because he already brushed his teeth." Chuckling at what she said.
Jae scoffs and pokes her side. "I always do."
"Stop, I'm cooking." She tells him. "You guys go prepare the table, this is almost done."
She watches his back as he walks away. He's sexy as fuck.
Jae helps Y/N bring the food to the table. They've been stealing glances, kisses and touches like teenagers again and it filled Y/N's stomach with butterflies and got her heart pounding. She's never been this happy and in love again.
"Jae." She calls him as they eat. "We need to go back home soon."
He looks at her tapping his finger on his fork, deep in his thoughts. "I'll go with you guys. I can't let you go, Y/N. We'll go and get all your belongings then come back here."
Y/N is very hesitant about the abrupt decision. They haven't given it enough thought. She wants to be with him and so do their kids for sure but there are a lot of things to consider.
As the kids are playing, in the living room, Y/N goes to Jae who was cleaning the dishes. She just leans by the sink, not saying anything.
He glances at her for a second. "What's in your head, love?"
Jae puts the last plate on the rack and dries his hand. "You're worried about moving in with me." He states. "But there's no need to feel that way. I can't say this enough but you and our kids are the only thing that matters to me now. I can't... no, I won't let you go."
"It's just happening too quickly."
Jaehyun bites his lip, looking down as he thinks. Then he nods. "Alright. I'm not gonna force you to move right away but I'm still going with you when you go home."
"I might also change my mind. It's just that right now, it's too scary for me."
He just pulls her into a hug. They were deep into their conversation that they didn't notice their children sneaking up to them, embracing their parents legs because those are the only things they can reach.
Y/N tears up when she sees the two.
"Why are we hugging?" Julien asks cutely and innocently. Jae picks him up while Y/N picks Janelle up too.
Both Jae and Y/N look at each other. He wipes the tears rolling from her eyes down to her cheeks and that's the only time she noticed that she was crying. "Because mommy's just feeling so happy." He tells the kids.
"Isn't this better?" Y/N asks herself.
"Okay, you guys know what we will do today?" Jae asks. The children excitedly respond while Y/N is curious too. "We will go shopping to pick out designs for your rooms."
"Yehey!" The two cheer.
"Daddy, I want purple with fairies and princesses."
"I want cars and airplanes!"
Y/N watches her kids play. She remembers the looks on their faces when she introduced Jae as their dad. They were so happy and excited. Here, they have access to everything. They can have everything they need. Jae had been so responsible and just a good... scratch that, perfect, willing dad.
"Jae." She calls him softly and he immediately turns to her and hums. "We'll move in with you."
His eyes widen and a big smile spreads on his face as he embraces her and showers her with kisses on her face. "I love you so much. I can't wait to be with you forever."
"I love you too." She pouts and buries herself under his embrace. "I hope you know that. My hesitation was never about you."
A little to long, my bad.
190 notes · View notes
scarletwinterxx · 2 years
the only way I could Remember that you were once mine - haechan one shot
hi! sooo candy dropped this week and omg they're soooo cute🥺🥺😩😩 go stream candy!! anyways here's another fluff scenario with my favorite sunshine, if u can pls leave comments saying 'YOU'RE DOING GREAT HAECHAN!' 💛
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to owner)
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If anyone was to see you right now, standing outside your ex's door, knocking hysterically with tears running down your face they would think you're out of your mind.
Which you kind of are, your dog which your ex gifted you and co-parents with you has gone missing.
Haechan opens the door, confused with the rapid knocking only to see you standing on the other side of the door looking like that. Instantly his mind goes haywire, thinking of the worst.
"What happened?! Are you hurt?" he ask, quickly but gently pulling you inside his dorm. Checking for any injuries but he didn't see anything.
"Y/N! I need to know what happened" Haechan says, growing more and more worried with every second
"Da- Daisy, she's- she's missing. I can't find her" you said in between hiccups. Now Haechan loves that dog as much as you, but right now he feels a bit of weight lifted off his shoulders when he heard you're okay.
Gently he gathers you in his arms, shushing and gently patting you on the back to calm you down. "Shhh it's okay shhh she'll be fine. We'll find her, but first I need you to calm down"
When you finally stopped crying, Haechan hands you a bottle of water. He already has his coat on, keys and phone in his pocket ready to go whenever you're ready. Only when you were done drinking he notices you weren't wearing any jacket, just an old shirt of his he probably left at your place.
He goes back to his room to grab a hoodie for you, knowing how easily you get cold.
"When and where did you last saw her?" Haechan asks, handing you the hoodie. You didn't ask any question, instead you put it on you. Your mind focused only on finding your furbaby.
"At home, I just took the trash out I must've left the door open. I couldn't find her after that" you can already feel the tears going again
Haechan pulls his phone out, checking the tracking app that was connected on her collar. Coincidently he got it last week when it was his turn to have her for the week.
"What's that?" you ask, "Tracking chip, I had it installed in her collar luckily"
"You did? Is she near? Where is she?" you ask while walking towards him to see his phone screen, he shows it to you
"She's nearby, see. We'll find her" he assures you.
The two of you walked out on the cold night, hands shoved in your pocket. You notice how much colder it got, this made you worry more about your dog.
"I'm such a bad furmom"
"No, you're not. You didn't mean it"
"I can't lose her" you whisper, more to yourself but Haechan heard you. He knows she means the world to you, when he gave you Daisy he has never seen a bigger smile on your face. Attacking him with kisses and thanks afterwards.
When the two of you called it quits, he ofcourse left the dog with you. She was yours more than his. But you know just how much Haechan adores her too so sometimes Daisy spends time with him.
"We'll find her, we're close" he says, looking again at his phone screen.
"Daisy, daisy girl where are you" you say outloud, beckoning your dog to come out when suddenly a blur of white comes dashing towards you and Haechan.
"Oh my god! You're okay, hi love you're okay you're safe" you say over and over again while you try to hug the overly excited puppy. Meanwhile Haechan just stands back and watch you reunite with your and technically his furbaby.
Daisy then runs over to him, clawing on his legs wanting to be picked up. "Hey crazygirl, you got us worried. Where did you run off to huh" Haechan says, hugging the puppy close to him.
He can hear a few sniffles coming from you, quickly looking over to see you wiping a few tears away.
"See, she's fine. No more crying" he tells you with a small smile,
"Sorry for what?" he asks you, confused why you were apologizing.
"I just barged in your apartment like that, then I was freaking out and now you had to come out in this cold night to go find her"
He shakes his head, looking down at the white fluff wiggling on his chest like she was looking for warmth. He opens his jacket to put her inside, carrying her like that instead.
"I would've come and find her for you"
You didn't say anything, pursing your lips and looking at the puppy now all cuddled up in his jacket.
"Let's get the two of you home" he whispers, "I can go home by myself, no need to tire yourself out" you protest but Haechan wasn't having any of it.
For months now he's been looking for a way to talk to you. Whenever you drop Daisy off you never really say more than a few words to him, this is his chance he wasn't about to waste it.
Also there's no way in hell he was letting you walk back home alone, by yourself this late at night.
He pulls you by the hoodie, leaving you no choice but walk beside him.
"I can walk by myself you know, I got to your apartment fine"
"I'm surprised you didn't trip on your way, you were a mess" he jokes, this earned him a light punch on the side
"I only tripped like three times running up the stairs, the elevator in your building still sucks and I was in a hurry"
"You could've called me instead, or did you delete my number?" he looks over at you, you were looking down at your shoes
"So you did delete it" he mumbles
"No use deleting it when I have it memorized. I didn't even think about it, I was just freaking out when I can't find her inside the house so I just ran to you" you explain
"Why?" he asks
"Why what?"
"Why'd you run to me?"
You stare back at him, thinking of some other answer but it's like his eyes were compelling you to say the truth
"I knew you'd know what to do, I didn't know who else to call. I only thought of you"
After all this time you still trust him that much and that meant the world to Haechan. You may not be together anymore but knowing you still think of him when you need someone, hearing he's still the first one on your list elicits this warm feeling in him.
"Save my number" he says, not knowing what else to say
"Save my number so next time you won't have to dial it manually, when you need me I'm one dial away. I'll show up, whenever wherever no matter the time I'll show up. You don't have to be the one running to me, don't want you tripping on the way" he jokes
"Yah!" you scold him, meanwhile he just laughs at how cute you were. The fluffball you both love now napping in his arms,
"Thank you, for tonight. And for Daisy" you sincerely tell him, "You already thanked me for her"
"Yea well I don't think it'll ever be enough, she's my everything. I wouldn't know what to do without her. It's like you knew I needed her, so thank you"
In his mind he thanks you too, for showing up in his life. For being his for some time in this lifetime. For being the girl he never knew he wanted and needed, and yet you're the one he keeps coming back to. Like the universe knew he needed you.
"Thank you, too" he tells you, you just shot him a smile. Continuing your walk back home with him and your little one. Maybe tomorrow he'll gather the courage and fate decides to be on his side again.
"Tomorrow, I'm taking her to this dog cafe. If you wanna come with" you invite him, the universe answering him immediately.
"I would love to"
"Okay, tomorrow then"
237 notes · View notes
philly-interlude · 11 months
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[9:12 AM]
"you left me- abandoned rather, and yet, you still want me back?! how shameless can you be?" you whisperingly yelled at him, lump had started to grow on your throat, begging yourself not to cry.
"you're the only girl i love, and will love. my heart is yours, you had tied it with you." desperately, he spoke as if he's knees were almost to collapse.
you shook your head, disbelieving, your tears welled up from the overwhelming happening there—in the center, face to face below the cold winter snow on the ground of the rooftop.
haechan held both your shoulders, "let me prove my love to you, whether you insist me to stop or to go!" he aggressively desperately shouted, "y/n...i would die for you", he cried.
you pulled him on your knees with you, you tilted his chin and slowly slid your palm where his heart was beating loudly.
"i apologize, haechan. but my heart could no longer bear to give another chance to the ones who left me—just like my father".
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taexoxosgf · 8 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst
This list is a compilation of some of my fave jaemin ff <3 a lot were on my old recs so feel free to reread!
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after you [ fuckboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
cat & mouse [ na jaemin x jaehyun's sister!reader ] s,f
cherry girl! [ twitch streamer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
talk to my skin [ friends with benefits au ] s
unforgettable [ bassist!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,a
by the window [ voyeurism, neighbor au ] s
strawberry cough , (pt.2) sour tangie [ plug!jaemin x fem!reader] s,f,a
on the rebound [ shooting guard!jaemin x fem!reader, college au] s,f,a
subtle [ established relationship, summer vacation au ] s,f
besties (gone sexual) [ best friends to lovers ] s,f,a
upon your invitation [friend!jaemin x fem!reader, ft. nct dream, vacation au ] s,f
rock me [ fuckboy!jaemin x hairstylist!reader ] s,f,a
backseat chronicles [ streetracer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
persimmon problems [ fratboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] f,a
veni, vidi, vici [ popular!jaemin x mark's sister!reader ] s,f
blur. [ exboyfriend's bestfriend!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
two nights, one you [fuckboy!jaemin, one night stand au] s,f
the walls are thin [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader x roommate!jeno ] s
hush. [jaemin,haechan, jeno x fem!reader ] s
that '90's show [actor!jaemin x pa fem!reader ] s,f,a
pretty girl. [ alpha!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
thin walls. [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
cookie jar [ stepbrother!jaemin x fem!reader x stepbrother!jeno ] s
one of a kind [strangers to lovers au ] s,f,a
go there with you [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
34+35 [ established relationship ] s
parents are home [ secret freak!jaemin ? ] s
memories bring back you [ ex!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
into you [ friends to lovers au ] s,f
what she doesn't know [ mom's boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader] s
worth it. [ first sleepover au ] s,f
quiet down [ established relationship, semi-exhibitionism ] s
7K notes · View notes
ghostofhyuck · 6 months
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NCT Dream and their "Oh." moment. 
Mark Lee ; when you're running towards him with a smile.
It was the autumn season in Korea. Mark was waiting by the park, just outside a coffee shop where you two agreed to meet. It didn't take a while for you to arrive, calling your boyfriend's name making him turn around. He was stunned. His mind went blank. Seeing you running towards him, smiling and looking pretty in your autumn clothes felt as if he was struck by cupid. "Oh." He realized. Because the moment you're standing in front of him had Mark's mind in haze. He doesn't know what to say, but all he knows is that he's lucky to have you. 
Huang Renjun ; when you take care of him because he was sick.
"You know you don't need to do this," Renjun said. You only looked at him, smiling as you lightly cup his cheeks. "But I want to." you said before leaving him to get something from the kitchen. Renjun stared at his ceiling. It was quiet and all his mind was blurry because one: he's sick. and two: you were willing to take care of him. He couldn't help but to let out a sigh. His cheeks are heating up and he wonders was it because of you or maybe he's just sick. But whatever it was, all he knows is that he doesn't want to let go of you. 
Lee Jeno ; when he had the best sleep next to you.
Jeno realized that it was morning when the sun peeked through the curtains of your windows. As he opens his eyes, not only was he blinded by the light, but also by the thought that he slept throughout the night. Lately, he's having sleepless nights, worries and anxiety hovering him and leaving him awake at night. This was the first time he probably felt at ease enough to sleep peacefully, and as he turns around and sees you still asleep, Jeno was in dazed. "Oh." he thought. Wanting more mornings where he wakes up next to you. 
Lee Donghyuck ; when you were laughing out loud because of him.
It was a group dinner and yet it seems like you and Haechan are in your own world. Haechan continued cracking jokes and commenting witty remarks about his co-members, and you couldn't help but to burst into laughter. You were laughing so hard that you could only hold onto Haechan as you tried to compose yourself. That's when Haechan unknowingly smiles, a proud grin because you were laughing because of him. He wants to see you and your gummy smile while your laughter is a music to his ears, and he wants it because of him. 
Na Jaemin ; when he thinks that this is a second chance.
You and your groupmates were supposed to meet for a project, but only Jaemin showed up. It was awkward since he's your ex-boyfriend. While waiting for the others, the rain suddenly poured. You were forced to seek shelter at the park's gazebo along with Jaemin. You were a bit wet when you two reached the gazebo. You couldn't help but to let out a sigh, because you're stranded with Jaemin. As you try to dry yourself Jaemin couldn't help but to steal glances at you. It's been a year and yet Jaemin can still feel his heart beating for you. He couldn't help but to touch your arms, you were startled, but Jaemin remained unfazed, thinking that this is another chance for him to correct everything. 
Zhong Chenle ; when you cried because of him.
Your tears never stopped when you reached the university's clinic. Chenle sat on the bed, but it is obvious that his situation is bad because his ankle is wrapped with bandage. You couldn't help but cry louder, witnessing how bad the injury Chenle had during the match. Chenle tries to laugh it off, but the moment he saw that you were crying because he wasn't taking care of himself, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He reaches for you and you gave him a bone-crushing hug. "Oh." he realized. He shouldn't make you worry anymore. 
Park Jisung ; when you disappeared for a day.
Twenty missed calls and almost fifty messages. It's been a day since you ghosted everyone. Jisung was worried about you. He knows how school's been shitty for you and with you being unresponsive, he couldn't help but to be concerned with you. What's his purpose if you couldn't lean onto him? He tried to look for you everywhere, you're not in your dorm or even in your friends' place. As Jisung ran around the campus area, his eyes catches a familiar figure by the field. It was late night and immediately, he rans. Jisung almost cried in joy to see you, then he started nagging you, telling you how worried he is and why did you suddenly disappeared!? You weren't able to answer because Jisung hugs you tightly, showing you that he wouldn't let you leave him again. 
1K notes · View notes
tqmies · 1 year
NCT Dream + FWB (But you're both whipped)
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How Nct Dream would react to being your friend with benefits (but you have feelings for each other)
Minors DNI - NOTE, requests are open for reactions :D
MARK is so nonchalant about it, when in reality, he's never done this before. Neither had you though, so you're not sure what lines you're not supposed to cross. What? It's not normal to kiss your fwb on the lips and tell him you love him? Or for him to let you spend the night?
He digs his fingers into the side of your hips as you bounce on his cock. Letting lewd noises slip as he moans out, a string of praise and I love you's as he releases his fat load in you. Yeah, you aren't gonna be friends for long.
When it come's to RENJUN, I see someone who agreed to this arrangement solely because he already had feelings for you. It's pretty much been torture knowing you two weren't exclusive, but it wasn't what you agreed to anyways. He's pretty good at keeping it in until one day it just slips out.
He's lapping at your cunt, your fingers gripping his hair as he looks up to you with glazed over eyes as he whines. "Would you let me be your boyfriend? Please, I can't do this anymore, want you all to m-myself."
It's ironic that JENO catches feelings when he was the one dead set on no strings attached. You two were strangers before this but now he's starting to memorize your hobbies you talk about after, or the way you like your coffee in the morning, and the fact that you like the same music at him. Though, he's not going to confess until you do.
"So pretty for me and only me right?" He grins, pounding you into the mattress as he presses your face down. "My dumb baby can't answer? That's too bad, I love hearing what you have to say"
After the first time you two sleep together, you are HAECHAN's. Just accept it, he's not letting you go now. He's going to treat you like he's your boyfriend anyways, might as well make it official. Even if you insist on keeping things casual, he's going to make you question why you wanted to in the first place.
"Mmph," He babbles on you grip the base of his cock, slightly teasing him. "No one makes me feel like you do, we were made for each other. You're my soulmate."
JAEMIN hates this kind of relationship, he wants something more and you know it. Yet, he knew that you weren't one to be tied down, you even kept messing around with other people. Though he might just change your mind.
"You make me so mad." He grunts as he continued to slam into you as a vigorous pace, and you've already been fucked dumb. "You know I'm the only one who could get you like this, don't see why you'd want anyone else."
He's your exes roommate, you know it isn't right, CHENLE knows it isn't right. But how could something so wrong feel this good? He's always though you were pretty, relieved when his roommate broke your heart, but don't worry, he's here to make you feel better.
He continues to hold his hand over your mouth as he whispers. "You're gonna have to keep it down. I know you can't help moaning like a slut when I fuck you like this, but you wouldn't want your ex to find you, would you?"
JISUNG doesn't realize you're not together. You kiss, have sex, sleep over, and go on mini dates. What do you mean he's not your boyfriend? You've been telling people you're single?!
He tries to catch his breath as you pass him through your lips, taking him in as he winces. "D-Do you just suck off all your friends like this?"
2K notes · View notes
ohmygs-blog · 1 year
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an insight into a relationship w the dreamies.
౨ৎ boyfriend texts !!
cold gf showing affection.
dreamies reaction to insta pic.
“what are we?”
“do you still like me?”
dreaming about another member.
picking you up from work.
dreamies spoiling you.
telling dreamies drama.
“sex can fix that.”
“i want a baby”
“my ex just texted me..”
showering together.
seeing the barbie movie without you.
using dreamies card by accident.
dreamies asking you if they can go out.
begging you to come back into bed.
౨ৎ cute and fluffy texts !!
short and sweet messages.
first “i love yous.”
international kissing day.
anonymous complimenting you.
texts after first date.
long distance relationship.
dreamies with baby fever.
catching dreamies staring at you.
“when do i look the prettiest to you?”
cute bday messages.
shyly asking you on a date.
acts of service / cute moments.
౨ৎ angsty texts !!
ignoring dreamies after a fight.
arguing with dreamies.
thinking dreamies are losing feelings.
first texts after breaking up.
asking bff dreamies for date advice.
give bff dreamies a chance.
“you could’ve been nicer to me.”
complaining about you to friends.
౨ৎ nsfw + jealously texts !!
dirty texts i.
dirty texts ii.
dirty texts iii.
“ass or tits?”
sending dirty meme.
distracting dreamies w a dirty pic.
jealous + possessive dreamies.
jealous + whiny dreamies.
being possessive over dreamies.
faking an orgasm.
wet dream abt bff dreamies.
dreamies + ur short skirt.
drunk texting dreamies.
dressing up for the grocery store.
jealous fwb dreamies.
౨ৎ funny + prank texts !!
loading screen prank.
sending dirty meme.
calling dreamies by their name.
“she’s busy rn.”
happy anniversary to the first time we fucked.
“he just left lol come over.”
“i saw you cheating on me.”
“last night was amazing.. oops wrong person.”
flower bouquet prank.
can’t hangout this month prank.
miss being single prank.
“she’s sleeping.. tired her out ig.”
sending unhinged memes.
autocorrecting love to hate prank.
telling dreamies to unfollow someone.
“why are some of my panties missing?”
sending drake memes.
“you forgot :(“ prank.
not saying i love you back
“you could’ve been nicer to me”
failing at waxing
“you’d make the perfect ex husband”
“if we break up i’m getting back w my ex.”
dreamies pranking you.
you’re not mature enough
“happy anniversary to the first time we fucked.”
“i told you not to leave any marks on me.”
“gimme head or something pls.”
dreamies dreaming abt another girlfriend.
౨ৎ idol boyfriend texts !!
boyfriend texts. (inspired by “worldwide by big time rush)
boyfriend texts ii. (jealous over idol! gf mc partner)
exposing your relationship.
sending dreamies nct memes.
“what other dream member would i date?”
surprising members on tour.
members stopping in ur hometown during tour.
reacting to jaemin abs.
being jealous over idol! reader mc
supporting dreamies / going to concert
wearing another members clothes
౨ৎ miscellaneous messages !!
dreamies x gf! with braces.
dreamies x gf! athlete.
dreamies x gf! producer.
sexy halloween costumes w/o dreamies
cringey couple costumes
bff dreamies suggesting couple costumes
going to haunted house together
1K notes · View notes
luvyeni · 1 year
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luvyeni's masterlist 🤍...
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F- fluff A- angst M- smut S- suggestive 💬- text/smau
recent work: cockblockers nct dream 00 liners fic
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🤍 ... STRAY KIDS !
♡ ... reactions: girl math [💬] | "what position y'all in?"[💬] | buying you a sex toy [💬] | princess treatment [💬]
texting chan while he's at the studio [M][💬]
♡ ... drabbles:
jealous!boyfriend lee know [M][💬]
cupid and his angel [M]
two plus one [M] ft. jisung — 4.5k
pervbestfriend! lee know headcannons [M]
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
arms [M] — 0.8k
adore you [M] — 2.3k
♡ ... drabbles:
private dance [M] — 1.9k
it’s a scream, baby! [M] — 1.7k
text with fwb!hyunjin [💬]
♡ ... drabbles:
after-party [M] — 1.5k
jilix birthday special [M] — 3.5k
two plus one [M] ft. lee know — 4.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2 | 3
getting over him [M] — 1.3k
phone call [M] — 0.6k
jilix birthday special [M] — 3.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
text w/ jealous ex! seungmin [💬]
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2
adrenaline rush [M] — 0.5k
my shy roommate [💬] [M]
bad for you [M] — 2.6k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2 | 3
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🤍 ... ENHYPEN !
♡ ... reactions: teasing them in public [M] | facials [M] | sexting them during a live [M] | princess treatment [💬]
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
you want to make a movie [M] — 1.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
sugar daddy jay headcannons [M] – 0.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
consequences of a one night stand [💬]
no nut november [M] — 2.5k
♡ ... drabbles:
skate date [F] — 0.5k
birthday boy! [M] — 2.6k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
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🤍 ... NCT DREAM !
♡ ... reactions: ignoring them [💬] | "im pregnant" [💬] | sending them a nude [💬] princess treatment [💬]
movie and a show ft. jaemin [M] — 2k
♡ ... drabbles:
don't fuck your roommate [M] — 1.6k
treat you better [M] — 5.1k
cockblockers [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
bruises and ballet shoes [M] — 1.5k
they’re roommates [M] — 4.7k
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
everyday text with bf!haechan [M] [💬]
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
movie and a show ft. mark [M] — 2k
best birthday every [M] — 1.4k
they’re roommates [M] — 4.7k
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
smoke you out [M] — 2.2k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
7 days a week [M] — 2.3k
everyday text with bf! chenle [M]
1-800-service me [M] — 2.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
after class [M] — 1k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
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🤍... RIIZE !
♡ ... reactions: revealing your relationship [💬] | sending you money [💬] | sex ban [💬] | princess treatment [💬]
relax [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabble:
cherry top ! [M] — 1.9k
♡ ... drabble:
lakeside [M] — 0.6k
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
text messages with bf!wonbin [M][💬]
poly! relationship with wonbin and seunghan [M] [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
poly! relationship with seunghan and sohee [💬]
poly! relationship with wonbin and seunghan [M] [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
everyday text with bf! sohee [M] [💬]
poly! relationship with seunghan and sohee [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
good boy [M] — 1.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
🤍 ... OTHERS !
6k drabble event — [MISC][M]
7k seven deadly sins event — [MISC][M]
2023 freaktober halloween event — [MISC][M]
8 days of christmas event — [MISC][M]
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1K notes · View notes
hottestvirgin · 3 months
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❥ ex!heeseung | lhs
❥ dilf!heeseung | lhs
❥ f*cking jake backstage | sj
❥ jake + fingering | sj
❥ 24 + jake
❥ ceo sunghoon | psh
❥ breeding kink | psh
❥ i found your blog | psh
❥ lactation kink | psh
❥ trust me | psh
❥ 15 + sunghoon
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❥ brother’s best friend | jsc
❥ come into my bedroom | pwb
❥ his whimpers | la
❥ distance boyfriend | la
❥ 17 + anton
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❥ yours truly | ldh
❥ his sundress | njm
© hottestvirgin 2023-2024
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152 notes · View notes
hcsarchive · 21 days
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Nct Dream J line + Haechan x f!reader
Swearing | Violence | guns | oral (m-receiving) | Haechan gets crazier | reader gets thrown a lot | crying | topics of stalking | everything is consensual and fictional | let me know if i missed any!
written August 20th
Past parts
The drive to the venue was tense, but only for you. Haechan was on his ipad flipping through security system and making phone calls. You try to look outside the window to keep yourself entertained for the car ride but the security guards kept blocking your view from the window thinking you were planning on escaping. "She can look out the window she is going to be monitored more than normal after this anyway" he fixes his tie and sends you a death stare.
You scrunch your face at him in confusion but also in disgust. "Can I at least get water, I'm getting car sick" the other bodyguard sitting next to Haechan was about to hand you one but he waits for his approval. Haechan nods and the man hands it to you.
Around an hour passes and you finally see familiar buildings, it’s your city!! You smile because you have not been outside or in your city in so long. You want to stop at your favorite cafe but there is no way Haechan will stop for you, and you do not know if it’ll cause trouble.
"You want to stop for something" he says
"I do but I don't want to go out like this" you look down at your dress.
"Park at the next light to the right" Haechan bends to the driver's space and opens the glass window divider.
You are left with even more confusion "How do you kno-" you shut up because you already know he has stalked every little detail that is posted about you on the internet. The instagram highlight of your cafe pictures gives it away.
You get out of the car "I'm starting to think you have been planning to kidnap me instead of me serving my punishment for 'breaking in' which is still weird to me" Haechan pins you against the side of the car "Shut your pretty little mouth- why would you say that shit out here. Behave" he takes your hand and walks into your favorite shop.
"y/n" one of your favorite workers screams with excitement "girlie what- where have you been. I missed you" she says.
"Decided to take a break and be out of town for a bit" you smile at her.
"Well you look great and glad you took that break up well. I see you got a new man" she is smiling ear to ear at you, as you are panicking.
"How did you know about that" you tap away on the ordering screen and your hand begins to shake. "Here i'll order for you" Haechan takes over and you bring your attention to the worker.
"Well Sunwoo would only come here with you and he keeps coming here alone moping and talking about you. He also told me you guys broke up which is a bummer" you are left speechless at the girl’s words.
"He still comes here?- I showed him this place" you whisper the last part. Your first date with Sunwoo was here as well.
"Yeah, I have to go make more orders sorry- but it was great seeing you again" she smiles taking all the stickers off of the machine.
"Same here, can you do me a favor and not mention to Sunwoo that I am in town or that I came in here at all" tears start to form.
"Yeah no worries" she hands you your drinks and you realized Haechan ordered your regular exactly how you like it.
You walk out and tell Haechan "Thank you" you dont want to cry, your makeup will get ruined and you are about to enter a car filled with emotionless men.
"Can I get some alone time once we arrive please" you tell Haechan before he opens the door. He was getting jealous of the sound of your ex boyfriend but now that he sees you broken by what the barista said his expression softens.
"yeah, sit next to me. Don't cry baby" he put his hand behind your back and holds your drink when you get in. You grab your drink and Haechan takes the bodyguards seat as he moves to the back.
Your silent sniffles are heard every once in a while "I shouldn't have taken you there. I am sorry" Haechan says. You don't respond to him but you hold his hand. Your drink is in the cupboard, you do not want the taste to bring back the memories.
"He is not allowed inside the building for today anyway" Haechan squeezes your hand. You wish Haechan was like this more often but you know this won't last.
The van comes to a stop and it is the back of the building. Haechan gets off and helps you step down on the gravel road. “Follow closely because you can’t go past these doors without a fingerprint or face” he starts to quicken his pace while also keeping you balanced.
After many doors and security checks you’re in the hallway you were in not too long ago. “Let’s go to my office” you frown at his words.
“Can we go see Jeno and Jaemin train?” he rolls his eyes knowing that is the reason why he brought you. “Go with them, I’ll be in my office” Haechan send you with his body guards and the other two walk with him.
You follow them and you start to hear the music. Jaemin is sitting monitoring Jeno. They’re both drenched in sweat but you still come up and hug Jaemin from the back. “Y/n you made it” Jaemin turns to you and Jeno sits down next to Jaemin.
“How was the car ride, you look teary eyed” Jaemin scans your whole face over and over again. Then your body “he didn’t harm you right?” Jeno joins in very concerned.
“No he was actually sweet this time. It has to do with my past boyfriend” you calmed both down.
“If it makes you feel any better, she’s shooting asteroids and arrows at you because she’s been trying to get with Haechan for years but she can’t even get a hug out of him” Jeno responds.
“Well i am not mad at her. She probably had no idea about me, i am more upset about Sunwoo” you sigh “but today isn’t about me- go practice i want to see you guys” they both get up and start warming up.
Jaemin and Jeno start throwing punches and dodging them like crazy. They are both too good that they can't beat each other. something hits the back of your knees and you turn around to Haechan rolling a chair for you. "Enjoying the view of sweaty men play fighting" he hands you your drink you left behind.
"I sure do, thanks" you spin your chair to face him. "You are popular all the girlies are looking at you" you lightly smack his arm at him as he spins you to face them.
"I don't allow them to even lay a finger on me. You should feel special” He turns you back to him.
"I expected you to sleep with all of them by the way you treat me" you giggle at him.
"No, but Jaemin has" your smile drops at his response.
"Oh" you sip your drink.
"Jeno too- sometimes Mark and Chenle but they have better options since they have more free time and these boyfriends don't leave this building" Haechan turns you back to them.
"I didn't crush your dream did I?" he leans and whispers into your ear.
"I do not want to commit to anyone anymore" you lie- you want to be treasured and loved. Jaemin seemed like the type but you guessed so wrong. Haechan is the one that sticks to one girl and will not give up. At least that is what you assume he is doing with you but he does not treat you as sweet as Jaemin does but I guess because he has his ways and games.
"Shut up" is all you can come up with.
"When you get bored just let the guards know you want to leave. Wear this wristband they will know who you are" he opens the wristband and picks up your hand.
"I'll just go now. I am scared to go back without you" you stand up and smiles at you.
"I'll see you guys later" you scream out and Jaemin has Jeno flat on the ground.
"Bye y/n" Jaemin smiles and Jeno tries his best to wave.
"Be gentle" you tell Jaemin and he takes off his hand off of Jeno's head to throw a thumbs up. You laugh at them "such an annoying laugh" a girls voice was heard passing.
Your cheeks turn red of embarrassment and you stop laughing. Haechan is waiting for you at the door and you catch to him. "What's wrong?" he asks.
"Nothing" you fake smile because knowing him, he will make a scene. You grab his hand once you step into the hallway. "Are you really scared of these hallways?" he chuckles.
"I am! everything is the same color and there is no decorations plus you never know what will pop up. The lighting also makes it look like a futuristic science lab" you look around. "You should at least add art pieces”
"I can't because if anyone trespasses they will remember which door or hallway they are looking for. The doors have brailled numbers in hidden spots except my office which has multiple levels of security" he explains which you find hot. He is a lot more attractive to you when he does not try to be. You try not to show any emotion on what you are thinking but you start to smile like an idiot.
He opens the door and scans his face and thumb to unlock the elevator. You stand on the opposite side of the elevator and you cannot stop looking at him. Your eyes travel up and down as he loosens his tie while he swipes on his phone.
The elevator stops and opens up. Haechan walks out first and opens another set of doors. You follow him and he suddenly stops and turns to you. You are confused but then he sets his hands on your hips.
"What was so interesting" he gets closer.
The comment he made about Jaemin made you less delusional so doing things with Haechan is even more tempting. "I can show you" you move away from him to the couch. You pat a space on the couch and he sits there. You kick your heels off and hug his waist with your thighs.
"I just like it when you get all serious" you fix his collar and he lays his head back. "and the way you are dressed" your hands runs down his button down and stops at the blazer's button. His tie is loosely on his neck now and you pull it so his face is closer to yours.
"You don't think you’re driving crazy by the way you look in this dress" Haechan finally lays his hands on you and his lips get closer to yours. "I want you to be in a good mood all the time" you pull him closer to you to the point where your chests are squished together.
"Well behave and only pay attention to me- then you’ll have this" you can feel his heartbeat.
"But I don't know which one I like best because this Haechan is taking forever to do something" you pull the back of his hair.
“Guess you found the on switch” Haechan’s voice depends and his lips meet yours. The kiss becomes even more heated and whimpers starts coming out of your mouth when he starts kissing your weak spots.
“Guess this was more important than me fighting. Thought you wanted to come see me” Jaemin startles you when he appears out of no where.
“Jaemin i- i- i did come to see you” heachan doesn’t stop even if you’re attempting to take him away. “I just felt uncomfortable there” your heart hurts seeing him hurt because you can tell all his emotions in those eyes.
“Well you look pretty comfortable now. Guess i’ll get going” he mumbles. You take Haechan off of you and stand up to follow him.
You almost catch up to him until you’re pulled back by your hair. “My pretty princess can’t escape her castle. Leave joker boy to practice” Haechan’s possessiveness begins again.
“Stop” you grab his wrist but he pulls you to the couch. “Was everything you said earlier a lie? just so you can get your panties wet. You’re such a whore you can’t last a whole day without being touched” his other hand grabs a pillow.
“Ride this pillow let’s see if my little bunny can let out all the heat instead of hoping onto all of my friends” he still holds your hair up as you’re positioning yourself. “aren’t you ashamed” Haechan unties the top’s bow of the dress to expose your chest.
“I don’t want to do this right now. Haechan please” your tears begin to stream down your face. Part of you loves his possessiveness and hair pulling but riding a pillow in front of him is so humiliating.
You wipe your tears and thank whoever made your setting spray. Your hips start to move and your eyes don’t leave his but his eyes move up and down.
Trying your best to seem unbothered and make him even more mad. He is enjoying it instead. You get a good angle and begin speed up. Your hand grips the couch and he pulls your hair even more. “You are so pathetic you probably do this when you’re alone” Haechan slaps your bare chest. “Cover yourself I have work to do” he lets go of you and you stop.
and he is back…
You throw the pillow that is soaked by your juices and throw it at him. “You’re lucky i barely got started” you tie the front of your dress and plop yourself on the couch.
Haechan licks the pillow “Doesn’t seem like it” he smirks and walks to his desk. “Whatever” you whisper.
You stare at the security footage hung up above, Haechan turns them off shortly. “You aren’t allowed to see that” you groan.
You stay in that position and groan.
“I’ll take a nap in the couch then. Wake me up in two hours so i can retouch my makeup” you lay down.
“There’s a room over there where you can sleep. Pretty sure no one is in any of them. Just go around the corner and on your left there’s four rooms. Just don’t go on the one with the red door, that one is mine” Haechan is still busy typing and flipping away.
You open the pink door since you like pink! “Oh i’m sorry i was told no one would be here” Jaemin was sitting on the couch eating.
“It’s fine you. Did Haechan abandoned you so quick” Jaemin scoffed not even turning to you.
“I’ll try another room” you try to step back to the door way but he walks towards you.
“I can’t stay mad at you, please stay. Jisung is probably in the next one- so lay here with me” Jaemin opens up his pleading sparkly eyes.
“You’re the one that’s supposed to be relaxing, i’ll lay in couch in the office” you tell him.
“No we’ll both take a nap” he is already showered and changed for his match.
“Fine” you lay down but face away from him. You feel more safe taking a nap in his presence than Haechan’s but you’re now filled with energy.
Jaemin gets closer to you and hugs you from the back, the match doesn’t start til 3am.
“Why did you leave? I thought you came here for me” he snuggles his face into your shoulder. “Do you even like it when he touches you?” he sets a kiss on your collarbone and stays in the position. You feel Jaemin’s breath against your neck.
“I did and it’s complicated. Plus I don’t feel too special supporting since you have your personal cheerleaders ready for you whenever you want” you try to get the truth out of Jaemin but who knows how many lies come out of Haechan’s mouth.
“Haechan keeps gaslighting you. I’ve only been with three why are you jealous?” Jaemin takes one hand off of you and sits up.
“Well it’s not normal for a guy to treat me this way. I also don’t get why i’m being used as a doll to a rich gang leader but somehow you confuse me the most. You don’t have to be like this if you want something out of it just tell me so i can stop jumping into conclusions” you’re almost into tears looking up at Jaemin.
“I want you-“ Jaemin gets cut off by Haechan opening the door.
Now you don’t know if he didn’t finish his sentence or he actually meant what he said.
“y/n out” Haechan says and you listen. He doesn’t follow you out, he closes the door angry.
Yelling starts to rise and you run out to get one of the boys. The elevator opens and you ask a security guard for the training room.
Jeno is resting against the rink talking to the girls. “Jeno it’s Jaemin and Haechan hurry” he knew exactly what you meant.
You take off your heels and run with him. You get on the elevator heavily breathing while Jeno is perfectly fine. “They are just yelling I am just scared things will get worse” you follow him to the room.
Jaemin and Haechan still yelling but both look untouched. “What you went to get another” Haechan stops and turns to you “Don’t forget the rest” your jaw opens.
“I don’t get you- first you’re all nice and then possessive. now you’re shaming me?” you take a deep breath. “We haven’t done anything” you yell
“Jaemin fucked the same girl your boyfriend did. guess they both have similar taste in women. You really need to a reality check, you’re only here because you opened a stupid door and i haven’t fucked anyone in a while. I’ve also found the best target which was you” Haechan pointed at you.
“I knew the little show girl was fucking Jaemin and your boyfriend. She would talk about him and bring him around and i would just overhear…Jeno only knew about you because he has been stalking your socials. The only thing I did was just connect the dots. I wanted to experiment with you and help my poor thing. I knew someone like you would fall for something this stupid” Haechan walks around the room while your watery eyes follow him.
“wha- wha- what” you try not to break into tears.
“Can’t believe none of you caught on? or even take advantage of this opportunity. Since when have I done this stupid security watch, i just kill them” Haechan laughs evilly.
You breakdown crying. This has to be some sick joke, your own life was paused over some experiment. You’re becoming even more angry “Than fucking kill me” you hit his chest “you made me stop studying, working, and leave my friends at an emotional time just to use me as a joke” every word you would say, tears will come out.
“I am not the best person in the fucking planet but I do not deserve to be some paper doll a rich pathetic loser throws around whenever he pleases that hasn’t been fucked in years who decides to kidnap someone who have they’ve been stalking. You’re trying to put Jeno under the bus for being a stalker but you are the actual lunatic” you’re turning hot and losing air.
“y/n it’s ok, let’s get some air” Jaemin tried to go towards you but you step away.
You’re now sobbing completely “I have an offer because this isn’t over” Haechan sits down and taps the table like he is casually waiting for his wine to be poured.
“I cant do this right now” You’re rubbing your face not caring how your makeup looks. You walked out but the doors to leave his office were locked.
Jeno and Jaemin are left in shock while you’re still crying trying to leave but Haechan locked it. You try to sob softly while kneeling hunched on the cold floor.
"Stand up" Haechan raises his voice.
"Haechan" Jeno and Jaemin say at the same time.
Haechan grabs you by the back of your dress and pulls you to the carpet. The marble floors are so clean that your lotioned knees just slide to where he is pulling you. He pulled you so hard that the front of the dress ripped open. You try your best to cover up while also trying not to cry even more.
They have seen you cry so much to the point where it is so embarrassing how weak and sensitive you are. Jaemin gives you a pillow to cover yourself and picks you up to set you down on the couch. Haechan walks back and forth in front of you.
“You were not careful with reading the contract sweetheart” Haechan hovers over you and reads the contract “…once you have passed the first phase. you will have to complete three years of service to my corporation as I please” more tears roll down.
Haechan has planned this after years of being used by his ex girlfriend. He doesn’t care about you or your future at least not right now. All he cares about is you obeying him.
“I have a life Haechan. Outside of this is my whole life- I put it all on hold for this stupid game you’re playing and now you want me for three years” you start hitting his chest with your palms.
“I got cheated on, failed my classes for missing, lost my scholarship, my job, probably my friends, and all that just so you can get dick pumped? You’re pathetic and why me” you punch him one more time before sobbing into his chest “why, why, why- i will never forgive you for this. I want to go home”
Haechan holds you for a while but he then grabs you by the neck. “You’re such a smart and pretty girl. I’ve been watching you since I saw you at the pink matter festival that Jeno insisted to go to because of you” you try to get out of his grip but he knees your cunt.
“You were next door to my suite, filming your little videos in the hot tub thinking no one was there. I followed you into the festival and after that i’ve been observing closely. Closer than Jeno has because he was a floor bellow us” Haechan let’s go of your throat and you gasp for air.
You accepted defeat you can’t deny being stalked by someone like him is not scaring you but making you heat up. His knee sinks deeper into your core and scrunches your dress up. “How closely” you try to ignore what he is doing.
“I know your schedule, what you get at gas stations on a random night, i’ve been looking through the crowd in bars you visit every thursday night on your only half day off. I have more power than you think so you can’t hide from me” Haechan straightens up.
“Jeno you want to taste her as a pre match gift” Jaemin scoffs at Haechan’s offer. “I know you’ve been drooling over her for so long and jerking off to her sweet screams through the walls” Jeno doesn’t move or say anything at Haechan.
Jaemin is fuming because he can’t get even a inch close to you in front Haechan. Jeno looks at Jaemin and then at Haechan. “I don’t know if this is a trick or not” Jeno says mumbling.
“I’m not doing anything” you cry even more.
“Get the fuck up and go” Haechan grabs your hair and throw you at Jeno.
Your limp body is held up by Jeno who’s really scared and confused. “She doesn’t want to so J don’t want to either” Jeno says.
“If you don’t take her in that room. I’m fucking her in front of you with your hands tied” Haechan crosses his hands.
Jeno takes you into his waiting room.
“You don’t have to do this because Haechan told you to”
“Don’t take things personal but I don’t. At least not right now. I umm will make it for you later” you hug him.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt. I may be stronger but he has more power verbally” Jeno says rubbing your back.
The door suddenly opens and they both come in.
“What a fucking coward he hasn’t even undressed her. I would’ve had you propped against the bed frame” Haechan scoffs.
“He was being respectful” you put a hand on Jeno’s chest. “She doesn’t like it like that” Haechan yanks you off of Jeno and takes off your dress.
“Not here Haechan please. I’ll do what you want but not in front of them” you are trying to get out of his grip but he is pushing you back into his chest.
You try to take his hands off of you but Haechan’s grip is stronger than yours. He is pinning your arms back “don’t make me recreate what i did to you the first day you were in here” Haechan whispers into your ear.
“Let go” Jeno says
“Just leave her before you’re thrown in the middle of the rink and it’ll become a 2v1 match” Jeno spits on Haechan’s shoes.
“Take her to the VIP box. I better see her up there” Jaemin pushes Haechan’s head back harshly and they both leave.
Watching Haechan become powerless when Jeno and Jaemin team up against him makes both of them so hot but also seeing how pathetic Haechan looks.
“Get up” you get up and Haechan shoves his faces into yours “You better not cry like that again or i’ll give you something to cry about” he pulls you by the arm through the hall way. You’re stumbling trying to keep up still barefoot.
“Can we slow down please” you try to stand your ground but his grip of you just yanks you into two feet in the air.
“Shut the fuck up” he stops to grab you by the waist and throws you against his shoulder. He smacks your ass, leaving a stinging feeling.
He opens the door with his thumb and face as usual. Then the security guards come from the door next to the VIP room and stand in front of it.
Jisung comes out shortly and enters. “You makes things so complicated. You’re lucky he’s here” Haechan whispers into your ear as he sets you down on the couch.
“Hi Jisung” you smile at him.
“Hey” he says not looking away from his laptop screen.
“The match is about to start, go sit in the balcony so Jaemin can see you” you don’t take his anger much into thought because you are out of energy.
The balcony has thick glass which you’re assuming is bullet proof glass. You can see the rink perfectly and the audience is about as full as last time you were in the crowd.
You sit in the couch but you start to become sleepy. Your eyelids are fighting with you but you try your best to keep them open for Jeno and Jaemin’s match.
Haechan woke you up before Jeno and Jaemin went up. It was too painful to watch but you are on the edge of your seat hoping for them to not get hurt.
One bloody nose, another with a busted cheek and two slowen lips later. Jaemin wins just by getting the last punch in.
Being the bestfriends that they’re, Jaemin helps Jeno up and wipes the blood off of his nose with his towel. They both hold the trophy and the crowd goes wild. You cheer from the distance and jump in victory even though you would’ve been happy with either one winning.
“Ok fun is over, get in the car with Jisung to go home. We have work to do” Haechan pushes you back into the room and Jisung is at the door already holding it open for you.
“Yeah right. Whatever it’s not like we are dating” you scoff at him but Haechan’s cocky expression slowly drops down to very very hurt one.
You realize what you said hurt him but it only set another boundary down. You get out of the room and Jisung runs after you.
“Y/N why would you say that to him” Jisung looks all stressed trying to catch up to your speed walk.
“Well it’s true isn’t it?” you follow the security guards and Jisung.
Once you guys get to the house, jisung unlocks the door and lets you in. “Don’t try to leave the house, I’m going out” Jisung closes the door before you even get to process what he said.
You walk in and just go to your room. You’re undressing yourself and decide to take a morning a shower instead so you change into a tank top and fresh underwear.
Your sleepiness goes away as soon as you lay down on your bed. Haechan basically grounded you by taking your phone and electronic so you lay humming a random song.
Your thoughts wander away from the song and to the feeling of Haechan’s hands feeling all around you. His sweet but demanding voice driving you crazy every time he gets possessive. You should be mad at him but accepting defeat over some dumb contract.
Jeno’s puppy dog eyes basically crying over your presence…and Jaemin
His lips
deep voice
how sweet and protective he is
imagining him telling you sweet things as he filling you up so good- your hand moves past your waist band finding the sweet spot.
You still have his scent in your nose, the way he looked at you today has you thrusting into your own fingers as you’re having flashbacks to the grunts and panting Jaemin was doing while boxing.
Reaching over for your toys he specifically brought for you. You imagine the pink silicone toy is his tongue. His soft black hair tickling your thighs.
“Y/N i’m back i brought-“ Jisung’s eyes fall in between your your legs “us food” you throw what you have in your hand and cover yourself.
“I thought you were going out” you yell.
“I umm was, I didn’t say all night” Jisung avoids eye contact. “I’ll actually leave your portion in the kitchen. I’ll be in my room” Jisung was trying to be nice and get out of his shell to become your friend. He knew he was going to be in charge of you tonight so he got food for the two of you.
Jisung leaves and you leap for the tiny robot moving around the carpet. You wash your hands and put pants on. You thought he would be gone but he’s still getting his plate.
“Im sorry, I didn’t mean to make that whole thing happen and I umm don’t have a lock. I was too stuck in my thoughts think I would be alert but you took like what 15 minutes which is stupid because we could’ve gone to pick it up before we got home-“ Jisung cuts off your rambling
“I wanted to surprise you with your favorite take out” Jisung pushes the bag towards you.
“Omg you didn’t have to! wait how do you know” you let go of the bag.
“Haechan” Jisung says.
“Oh” you say.
“I am going to my room” Jisung speed walks to his room with his food. Slamming the door and getting upset that his plan failed.
He finishes his food and brings the plate back to the kitchen. You see him sit next to you the bar stools.
“What were you thinking of earlier” Jisung’s question catches you off guard.
“Nothing” you stab your broccoli in circles.
“Would you ever think of me that way” his dark eyes are so innocent but so dangerous looking.
You don’t say anything but look at him. “I knew it” Jisung sighs.
“I didn’t answer yet” you say holding his hand. “I have” you regret saying it but he has been more intriguing than everyone else beside Jaemin and Haechan.
You don’t regret saying it because he’ll expect you to do something, you’re scared because you have to worry about another person catching you. “Can it be our little secret” you hold his other hand and you can feel Jisung’s hand shake underneath. He hasn’t done anything to you- Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin have
“yee-ss it umm…can be” Jisung didn’t think he’ll get this far due to his friends getting more attention while he stands in the back trying not to take up too much space.
“How big is this secret” your hand goes down to his thigh and inching closer to his imprint. “y/n” Jisung says looking down to your hand, his hair is covering his facial expressions.
“hmm” you run your thumb on top of it. “I’m scared” he grabs your arm.
“Scared of me?” you start to feel guilty.
“No-“ he gets up from his chair “Haechan, Jeno, Jaemin, and what would the rest think of me. Or they might think you’re for everyone. I can’t-“ you corner Jisung against the wall.
“Jisung they aren’t here right now and you know there’s no cameras here since you’re always in that security room. Like I said it can be our little secret” you are on your tippy toes keeping his wrist against the wall.
Your grip release his wrist and you lift up his shirt. His nipples are at your eye level. Your lips hover around his left bud and you suck on it as you’re flicking the right one with your fingers.
Jisung let’s out a moan and his deep voice sends goosebumps all around your skin. You pull him to the couch to sit on his lap.
He takes off his shirt completely, he leans back onto the couch. “Can I kiss you” Jisung asks.
“Not on the lips” you start kissing his neck and down his torso. You get off of him and kneel on the floor, between his legs.
He’s already hard “Can I” your fingers already touching his waistband.
“I’ve never done anything” Jisung whispers.
“I’ll go slow, if anything just yell stop” you pull them down slowly releasing his very long hard veiny cock. Your mouth waters because you’ve never seen it this big, I guess height has to do with it.
Jisung covers his face but you take his arm off “I want to see you” his cheeks turn pink then red as you lick from the base to his tip. Your tongue swirls around tasting the pre cum coming out, the more you hover your mouth- the more he whimpers.
His soft whimpers makes you want to tease him more but seeing how desperate and hard he is- you just don’t have the heart to do it. You begin to pump with your hands and suck on his tip.
Jisung moans out your name in a whisper. “Haechan is going to kill me” he begins to tug on his hair but you take him all in, making him forget about what will happen if we get caught “but it feels so good” his head is tilt back on the couch.
You bob your head faster, making you drool all over. It doesn’t take too long for him to reach his high. Jisung’s large hands find their way to your hair and you get a pulling sensation causing you to moan on his cock.
“y/n” he whimpers “i’m about to” he pulls your hair to get you off of his dick but you grab it and stick out your tongue to swallow the thick warm liquid.
“That was” Jisung tries not to grin ear to ear.
“You’re the biggest one i’ve seen” you wipe your chin and look up at him as he dresses himself again.
“Oh” Jisung is in shock not knowing what to say. You sit next to him and your eyes are focused on his face “You’re so pretty” his apple shaped lips curl up to a smile.
“You don’t have to say that” Jisung tries to contain his happiness over that compliment. He normally isn’t receiving compliments.
“It’s true though” you lay down on the couch and his face shows up hovering over you.
“You’re more” he smiles at you. Now the both of you are giggling at eachother.
Jisung’s phone rings and his smile drops “It’s Haechan. y/n i think he knows” he panics.
“Jisung just answer we are both dressed and in the living room. It’s fine” you answer the facetime call from the phone you snatched from him.
“What do you want” you answer still mad at him.
“Just checking how things are and make sure you aren’t acting up” Haechan says from what it seems to be his office.
“Anything else” you answer back in a monotone voice.
“Why didn’t Jisung answer the phone” Haechan knitts his eyebrows together.
“Don’t you want to see me” you tilt the camera towards your body and he smirks at your comment but then turns serious.
“Don’t be doing that. Hand the phone to him- NOW” you can sense the anger through the phone.
“Jisung we are moving houses. Secret services have been observing our current one. Just pack two suitcases each and the rest the guards will bring with them once they’re done packing for us. Jaemin is on his way back without security so just stay alert on the way to our new location” Haechan does not sound like he is playing.
“Can I wait til Renjun comes back. I am too scared to go without him if there isn’t any guards” Jisung says.
“Motherfucker you can’t be serious dude. What is Renjun going to do” Haechan says.
“I am and he has the most weapons. Plus I can’t do much to help Jaemin. He’s better off taking care of y/n without me. Plus I want to pack my own stuff” Jisung sounds very concerned.
“Fine but renjun will probably be the last person back since he is packing all of the files and taking them with so start packing” Haechan sighs “Pass the phone back to y/n”
“You heard everything i’m assuming?” you nod yes at the phone “Behave, Jaemin is the most trained and alert out of all of them so you’ll be fine. Do not distract him- I know how you can get. Start packing you don’t have much so you’ll be able to fit everything. Tell Jisung to give you some suitcases”
“I will” you’re now worried than you were before.
Jisung gets out all the suitcases from the attic and you manage to fit everything into two suitcases and a duffel bag.
“We won’t go far from here will we?” you still have hope for seeing your best friend Chanhee again.
“No we still have to be close to headquarters” Jisung says.
The door open and Jaemin is back. “Hi baby” Jaemin kisses your forehead “how are you feeling” and then goes to Jisung and does the same.
“Eww” Jisung says and wipes his forehead and you laugh.
“We’ll talk later, I’ll be back with my stuff” Jaemin takes the suitcases in the middle of the living room.
You and Jisung sit down on the couch “I am sorry I didn’t return favor” Jisung says talking about earlier.
“Don’t worry, but if you want to- the offer is there” you smile at him.
“Noted” he laughs awkwardly. “I’m going to go pack if that’s ok?”
“Yeah go ahead” and Jisung leaves.
Jaemin comes out shortly after. “Ready” he extends his arm for you to grab and stand up.
“I guess so” you say.
“Before Haechan gets here” he rolls his eyes. You giggle at his expression.
“He’s not that bad” you follow Jaemin out.
“Did you forget about earlier” Jaemin shuts the door behind him “Get in the car quick, i’ll put the luggage in the trunk” he says opening your door and taking your suitcases.
“You sure? i don’t mind helping” you say.
“I want to plus we don’t have any guards right now since we are on the down low so get in” He whispers to you, and you get in the car.
Once he was done he gets into the driver seat and locks the door. “Don’t be scared but im loading my guns, lift up your blanket and put it over the glove compartment so no one can see” Jaemin takes out a gun from his waist band and one from his leg.
You lift up your pink fluffy blanket up like Jaemin said, as he is loading the guns over your lap. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I should’ve done this before you came in” he rubs your bare thigh.
“It’s ok” you say shifting in your seat after his sudden touch.
His head pops out of your blanket, “they probably think we are doing something else which is perfect” he goes back down and shuffles things around.
“mhmh” is what you managed to get out. The thought of Jaemin doing what he implied and half of his body basically over your lap makes your mind go through millions of thoughts.
Maybe wearing a skirt wasn’t the best option but it is the most casual outfit you have since haechan bought all your clothes which explains why it’s all skirts and dresses.
“I have a small pink gun in here for you, hide it under your skirt” Jaemin sets the cold heavy metal object on you and you slide it under your skirt.
“You match your panties with your outfit. How precious” your eyes pop out after realizing what you did- he saw your laced blue panties that matches your blue skirt.
“I should’ve waited im sorry” you flatten your skirt down.
“Don’t worry darling” Jaemin pops out of the blanket with messy hair onto his face. While he is putting his guns back, you move his hair out of his face.
He grabs your hand and kisses it “Let’s hit the road” then intertwines his hand with yours. “You’ll be ok with me, I promise” his expression is so sincere and caring.
He uses his other hand to back out of the parking lot while his other hand is still holding yours. The butterflies in your stomach are flying around graciously.
ahhhh i know it’s been so long i’m so sorry! i am still a bit scared releasing this but hopefully you guys enjoy this.
i’ve just been reading like crazy trying to see if it’ll improve my writing. Thank you everyone for being patient with me <3 I finally included the J line in this which was my goal from the start :)
Next part might be the last of this series!!
@t3kandson @kazscara @enaile23 @danwix
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haespoir · 1 year
italicized means coming soon!
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⨯ your mom jokes ⨯ jealous 7dream ⨯ random texts ⨯ song suggestions ⨯ shirts that go hard ⨯ wishing you happy birthday
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⨯ situation-ship texts
part one part two part three
⨯ boyfriend!mark
part one part two
⨯ ex!mark
part one part two, serious ed.
⨯ plug!mark
part one part two
⨯ suggestive texts ⨯ baby daddy!mark ⨯ sleepy texts ⨯ comforting stressed mark
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no solo content yet !
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⨯ bf!jeno
part one, idol ed. part two
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⨯ situation-ship w/ gamer!hyuck
part one part two part three
⨯ gamer! hyuck
part one part two part three
⨯ boyfriend!hyuck
part one part two
⨯ fwb2lvrs!haechan
part one
⨯ suggestive texts ⨯ random fluff ⨯ breaking up ⨯ enemies to lovers ⨯ comforting stressed haechan ⨯ academic rivals to lovers ⨯ baby daddy!haechan ⨯ random haech texts ⨯ ex!haechan
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⨯ bf!jaemin
part one
⨯ fwb2lvrs!jaemin
part one part two
⨯ jealous jaemin ⨯ random fluff ⨯ breaking up ⨯ revealing his cat ⨯ baby daddy jaemin ⨯ the dreamies set you up 
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⨯ friends to lovers
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⨯ bf!jisung
part one
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philly-interlude · 1 year
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[11:21 PM]
it has been 5 years, you're 21 now. the nostalgic past of your first touch, first dance, first love. you remembered every little coincidence from the color of the clothes, the lights, the night, the music that got your soul eating you alive.
thus, your eyes were trained to him somehow. brief glances, that's what you two were experiencing right that moment. in chenle's eyes, you only see desperation—desperate to speak to you but he holds himself back—scared.
he was wearing the maroon suit he wore on your prom when you were seniors, back when he hurt you the most. back when he did the unspeakable. back when you unmasked the lies. back when he became your first heartbreak.
a girl stuck by his waist, his hands were too. intimacy of their faces, sparkling gazes, your heart was shattered, head in haywire, skin felt cold and your insides were jagged. you remembered leaving the prom with your tears staining your dirty-white full-skirt gown without nobody running after you.
you took a sip on the fresh orange juice you served yourself earlier before taking a bite on the matcha macaroon your colleague baked. "you like matcha?" speaking of the devil, he voiced out behind you only staring anywhere but you.
the world seemed to stop. a lump formed on your throat. yet you continued eating. knowing that behavior, chenle walked out, thought he was leaving you but he came back with another stool chair placing it beside you.
"chenle..." his name seems foreign to your tongue now, he hummed, not avoiding eye contact- more like burning love holes to your side. he cracked out, "funny you still remember me-" but you didn't mean cutting him off, you weren't one to do that.
you took a soft exhale, "it's delicious and just right for me that's why, i'd eat all of it if it was mine or me rather who baked it" you implied(?). somehow, in your words, he remembered 5 years ago between you and him.
he could have been the right guy if he was actually yours. yet he wasn't, he cheated on his girlfriend with you knowing you liked him before. but to be honest, it was the best summer of your life.
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fleurlia · 8 months
tropes and tulips: a romantic rollercoaster
ʀɪɪᴢᴇ as ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴛʀᴏᴘᴇꜱ
pairing. riize x reader genre. fluff, angst author's note. hi guys! i’ve been so excited about this riize series and makes me soo happy to share with u guys, it’s been a while since a posted some of my work. i promise to keep this interactive as i can, i love to hear what u guys think!!! so i guess the resquest are open (riize and nct dream, in the future i hope to write for enhypen too).
RELEASE DATE. february to march. TAGLIST. send an ask/dm/reply to be added.
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caught in the choreography of fate: a dance with osaki shotaro | grumpy x sunshine | college student!shotaro x college student!reader
when your best friend's jerk ex-boyfriend abruptly dumped her, all you and your friends could think about was how to get revenge on that shitty dancer. despite weeks of planning your little evil scheme, everything goes wrong, and you are the only one caught in the middle. in that moment, everything passing by you was how your life was going downhill, and your perfect record as the brilliant student you were was ruined. but for some kinda miracle the academy decided they could use you and as a retribution, you ended up as the dance partner with shotaro, the star of the company.
testing the family bond: siblings edition | brother's best friend | college student!eunseok x sungchan younger sister!reader
the most precious thing in the world to you is your family. your older brother, sungchan, has been your best friend since forever, and due to the small age gap, you also share the same interests, friends, and even attend the same college. you would never hide anything from him, and he wouldn't from you. for years, you've upheld your role as a sister and best friend, following the agreement to not get romantically involved with any of his six closest friends, until the day you found yourself entangled in a foolish game with eunseok.
faking it with the heartbreaker | fake dating | college student!sungchan x college student!reader
you always had a thing for jerks; that was clear to you after many letdowns in your love life. trying to escape a never-ending situationship, you feel stuck and tired of heartbreaks until jung sungchan looked into your eyes and suggested playing the part of your fake boyfriend. of course, he was totally benefiting in the process. all you could think is how this could get really wrong really fast, but well, what disappointment could you have when it was all just pretend?
frozen hearts, warming love: the park wonbin effect | the heartthrob + doesn't believe in love (first love) | college student!wonbin x college student! reader
wonbin is popular, even though he's shy and, to those who know him, a bit awkward. hundreds of girls have confessed their feelings to him, only to be politely rejected. rumors and gossip circulate through the hallways, but no one has ever managed to melt the heart of the icy prince, park wonbin. until you come into the picture. famed for being a flirt cupid, you decide to bet that even the icy prince has his ideal match, and come what may, you're determined to find it.
stormy relations; frenemies under one roof | enemies to lovers + the boy next door | student!seunghan x student!reader
you've known seunghan longer than you'd wanted to. since moving to a different neighborhood three years ago, you've had the worst view in town: seunghan's room, your declared enemy for three years or more now. neither of you can even remembers why you dislike each other, but now your rivalry is known even in the school corridors, and everything turns into a competition even if one is not interested. everything changes for you when a storm and a fallen tree force you to start living under the same roof, and for a few fleeting moments, seunghan doesn't seem so bad in your eyes.
love in the lab: 36 quetions, one answer | friends to lovers + classmate to lovers | college student!sohee x college student!reader
after being subjects of a close friend's psychology study, which involved an experiment with "36 questions to fall in love," sohee can't stop thinking about you. you're fun and kind, surrounded by friends and numerous contenders trying to win your heart — how could sohee not fall for you? while this might be the most embarrassing thing to happen to some, for sohee, it was like waking up from a deep sleep. now, he needed to wake up to another reality: the fierce competition to win your heart.
life, love and anton | childhood friends to lovers | anton x reader
you've known anton before even knowing yourself. you grow up together, attended preschool, graduated side by side, you were there for all of his competition and he made sure to never miss one of your presentations – you even shared your first kiss. for both of you and your families, your relationship is more than friendship; you're each other's family. things take a turn when, on your 18th birthday, a rather awkward confession occurs, and then anton realizes: there never has been and never will be any girl after you. you've always been his soulmate.
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ghostofhyuck · 5 months
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NCT Dream when they realized that they're in love with you, their fake girlfriend.
Mark Lee
It started with jealousy. Really. Mark should've known but to stay within the boundaries you two established. You two are fake dating because you're tired of explaining to your parents that you don't need a boyfriend at the moment, so Mark came into the rescue. Mark knew that you don't want any commitments at the moment but oh, when you started to have crush on this classmate of yours, it left a sour impression on him. He was having a push-and-pull moment with his feelings bec first of all, you two aren't in a real relationship, and second, he doesn't have the right to be jealous. But why is he jealous? It probably took Mark days to realized that he's in love with you and his jealousy was the result of it. 
Huang Renjun
You and Renjun are platonic soulmates. That's what you two are and despite the whole fake dating scenario, nothing changes between the two of you. BUT that's what Renjun thought. It started with the way he noticed that you prefer wearing makeup on your stressful days, and leaves your face bare during normal days. Then he remembers your drink order at a local coffee shop near your university, or how your hair smells like candy mixed with roses. Renjun unknowingly remembers all these small detail of yours, and he couldn't help but to notice you more. Day by day, slowly it became an epiphany to him, that italicized, "oh." he's in love with you. 
Lee Jeno
It was an intimate moment between the two of you. On a late-night convenience store run, you two strucked a conversation that you two never had ever since you two entered a fake relationship. It ranged from senseless topics to serious ones, like your future, your dream, and what you want to do after graduating college. Jeno hums quietly as he listen to your thoughts, he couldn't help but to stare at you, fond because your face was full of expression. So the moment you slipped out that you're uncertain about relationships in your future, Jeno was strucked. That's when he realized that he couldn't imagine his future without you, and a part of him was convinced, that maybe you two should make this relationship be real. 
Lee Donghyuck
it's rare for you to go on radio silence. It's not that Haechan's worried or anything, but as his fake gf, you're the type to give him update or what-nots in case there's an emergency where you two need to act like a couple. So when you're not responding to his messages, Haechan found himself going to your apartment, knocking on the door twice. It took him a few minutes to wait until you opened the door --- both of you are surprised to see each other. Haechan found himself staring at your crying face, (you're in the middle of a breakdown.) "what happened!?" he asked with an angry tone, thinking that someone hurt you. Okay, maybe Haechan is worried about you, and he felt himself hurting because you're in that situation. 
Na Jaemin
Despite being in a fake relationship, you and Jaemin agreed that you two can still meet other people. I mean, the fake relationship is just so your ex would stop bothering you. It worked but you two maintain it because nothing changed between the two of you. You know that Jaemin keeps on seeing other girls, and you're not worry about it, since you don't have plans of having a boyfriend at the moment. (And what you have with Jaemin is very platonic.) But what you don't know is that Jaemin had that weird feeling whenever he's around with another girl. That he feels like he's cheating on you, and no matter how many girls he tried to meet, he always finds himself looking for you instead. 
Zhong Chenle
It started with a fight. A huge misunderstanding that was followed by a miscommunication. It's been a week since you two fought and your anger to Chenle never perished. He was being unreasonable for someone who's a fake bf! He thinks that he's right and wanted to stand on his opinion even though you explained to him calmly your side. But it seems like he doesn't want to believe you, so you walked out first. It's been a week and the guilt is eating Chenle up. Having received an intervention from his friends not only about the fight but also about your fake relationship with him, Chenle probably had an epiphany moment when one of them blurted out, "do you love her?" and then he realized, "oh shit, i do love her." 
Park Jisung
When you and Jisung entered a fake relationship, there were rules and boundaries that shouldn't be crossed --- one of them are physical touches like hugs and kisses. BUT it was a party. Everyone was drunk, and you two became the center of the dares. It was just a kiss, they say. You two are dating, so a kiss would be harmless right? And as much as Jisung tried to avoid it, you ended up only giving him a nod, a permission to him to do it. It was probably one of the best five seconds of his life. After the kiss, Jisung would be so dumbstruck about it, even though he apologized to you after and you brushed it off, he couldn't help but to still think about it. He was sleepless!! he wanted to kiss you again, but this time, he wanted it to be real and genuine. 
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nanaooyoo · 2 months
nct dream ot7 scenario
request for: anon. They asked for a scenario where the dreamies have a kid say “you’re not my real mom” to their step mom. I tried to write a bunch of different family dynamics where a new woman comes into their life, some are happy some are a bit angsty. Hope you like it! Anyways enjoy ✨
warnings/headsup: fem reader • gender neutral for all the kids • jeno, haechan, jaemin, and chenle have fluffy endings • mark, renjun, and jisung have angsty endings • aged up nct dream or not you decide • mentions of pregnancy • allusions to bad parenting • dream are all good dads • 4.6k words total • 660 word average • open endings • light proofread
blended families: members x reader pt.I/I
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❥ Mark
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Mark was shocked by what he had heard. In his mind, you and his stepchild got along well. Sure the relationship wasn’t perfect and there was definitely a long adjustment period, but that didn’t justify such harsh words over something so trivial. Ever since the divorce his oldest had become uncharacteristically snippy, moody, defiant even… He chocked it up to teenage hormones and the fact that his two youngest had spent much less time with their biological mother and were much more attached to you.
It was the weekend and he was double checking that all their bags were packed, furiously looking at his watch and his phone interchangeably, and anticipating his ex-wife’s arrival any minute. It was her designated time with them and his ex was probably already on her way to take them for the weekend, but you were struggling to get the two littlest ones dressed while also having a distracting back and forth with an already frustrated adolescent.
“I’m sorry but I just really don’t feel comfortable letting that happen” you said as they begged, pleaded, and attempted to negotiate throwing a party at Mark’s the following weekend while you two would be away. You weren’t one to raise your voice but you still had to be firm. Mark had already said no many times and all three kids knew that even if Mark could easily be swayed, when it came to things that could put someone in trouble; it was a no-go. You however, were always a little bit more understanding of the kids wanting to do fun things even if parents and step parents weren’t present. That still didn’t mean you would allow a teen to throw a party with a bunch of other high schoolers without any adult supervision. Mark climbed the stairs as he could hear the muffled grumbling of you two arguing while the other kids giggled and fidgeted and darted around the room.
“Seriously? You’re not even my real mom! Where do you get off telling me what I can and can’t do?” They yelled. You turned slowly to look at them a bit of hurt in your eyes, but mostly just shock. Even the hyperactive elementary schoolers stopped in their tracks. Instead of getting angry you just felt a bit sad, you just shook your head and went back to dressing the much calmer little ones. They looked as if they wanted to say something but didn’t have the vocabulary to.
Mark waltzed in at just the worst moment “___” Lee how could you say something like that? He asked in earnest.
They just mumbled some excuse about it being true, sinking into themselves seemingly surprised by their own words. Before their father could give them a stern talking to, the doorbell rang. You turned away a bit to wipe your slightly watery eyes without anyone noticing and stood up with a smile. “Alright everyone it’s time to go!” You said cheerily patting all three of their heads and ushering the kids down the stairs.
You and Mark exchanged a few pleasantries with Mark’s ex-wife and her boyfriend before loading all the belongings in the car and waving goodbye.
You rubbed Marks shoulder reassuringly. “It’s okay” you said “They regretted it once they said it… I could tell”. You really hoped that was true. Mark planted a quick kiss on your forehead before you reentered the house…
❥ Renjun
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Renjun did everything he could to get his kid on board with him dating again. It had been years since their mother passed away and he wanted to remember her but still move on in his own way. For him that was finding someone new. So far though, there had been no luck. Any time he had a date, mentioned a date, even insinuated that he liked someone that wasn’t them or their mother it did not go well with his only child. Dating with kids was hard enough but not even being able to introduce your kid to anyone was a whole different beast. The one time Renjun did try and introduce someone to them the relationship ended that night. Needless to say, he was nervous when he met you. He felt himself falling for you immediately. You were charming and kind, and your background in child psychology made you all the more appealing. You were so patient and understanding every time he had to reschedule plans due to his chaotic life especially when it came to his kid. Renjun had only felt this way once before, but now that she was gone he really imagined what it would be like to start over with you.
Tonight was maybe your fifth or sixth date and Renjun had proposed the idea of slowly working up to courage to introduce you to his child. You agreed and reassured him that he could take his time and that you were in no rush.
What you didn’t tell him was that you wanted to wait as long as possible for the kid to adjust before you were inserted into their life. He had called one day while he was at home to check in on you while you were sick in bed, and you overheard some snide remark being made in the background. Renjun had brushed it off just really hoping you didn’t hear anything but unfortunately you did.
“She’s an adult why are you even worried?” You heard “Mom would’ve never taken this much of your time-” “I’ll never call her mom you know… you can’t just expect me to be okay with you replacing-“ At the sound of that Renjun cut the call short telling you to feel better before hanging up.
The next day he arrived at your apartment with some lovingly homemade soup and some flowers he knew wouldn’t upset your allergies. He tried his best to apologize for the words that were said but you told him you didn’t hold it against him or them.
It took months of convincing before they finally agreed to meet you and a few years into your eventual marriage before they started to actually let their guard down around you a little bit. The first meeting went about as well as you’d expect there was some animosity, resistance and later on they denied that you had successfully made them laugh when Renjun brought it up. It was still taking some time and maybe they would never call you mom but you and Renjun didn’t want to force anything. It was an uphill battle you both were committed to take on together…
❥ Jeno
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“She’s not my mom though… She’s a step mom” they said. Jeno’s eyes went wide!
“No! She’s your mom, I mean mommy is also your mom but she’s never really been like- she’s still technically your mother but, I mean it’s complicated… It’s like- It’s like, um”… Jeno rambled nervously before he trailed off trying to explain to his toddler that the woman they had spent pretty much their entire existence with was in fact more of a mother than their “real” mother was. You covered your mouth and sucked in your lips as Jeno scrambled and the kid just kept on playing with their toys. “I’m really sorry, I don’t know why they just said that!”
All he had said to them was that him and “mom” (meaning you) were planning on what to order for dinner.
Jeno looked at you with frantic worry in his eyes and scooted a little closer to where you sat on the ground beside him and your child. “Are you okay why aren’t you saying anything?” He asked resting his hand on yours gently.
He noticed how your eyes welled up but he wasn’t expecting that they were actually welling up from laughter. You croaked and snorted in amusement and surprise before you could even fully process what had just happened. You laughed at the child’s blunt delivery and just silently went over to play with them some more. Jeno always looked so cute when he was stressed that you didn’t even have time to feel any negativity. In your eyes no matter what, no matter how old, your kid was always going to be your kid, and you really did consider them yours. The way they shot you an unassuming smile and raved to you about the palm sized toy car you had bought them for just some pocket change the other day melted away any worries. You ruffled their hair a bit and cleared your throat. “Well step mom wants to know what you want for dinner.”
Jeno watched in awe as you two chatted back and forth laughing and talking about various food options as if nothing had happened. “They’re not wrong…” you whispered to your husband with a small chuckle reminding him that it wasn’t an emotionally charged statement it was just the sort of matter of fact tone that was all too common in children (especially yours). “They must have inherited the sarcasm from you”. You spoke with glee reminding Jeno of his similarly blunt tone when delivering news or making quippy remarks. Your sense of humor made it near impossible to push your buttons so occasional sass and dry humor were nothing new to you. It’s something you found cute. You liked that your child had picked up Jeno’s realistic worldview but your silly laugh.
You were finally able to divert the conversation from which miniature race cars would qualify for the Grand Prix and back onto dinner.
You understood inherently that this was a conversation that would probably have to be had many more times again in the future and with many more people. You knew that you would eventually have to start adjusting and evolving the way you explained your familial situation to your child and the not so pretty parts about their upbringing before you arrived, but there was one thing you knew for certain, and that was that they would always be aware that no matter what they had two parents who loved them. You and Jeno would always be there, for the good, the bad, the ugly, and the awkward…
❥ Haechan
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Haechan always knew that combining two families would be difficult but he was determined to do it anyways. Two sets of parents, two sets of kids, and a whole lot of big personalities coming together was bound to create some drama, but Haechan was ready for it. Or so he thought!
“Are you sure a vacation is the best way to go about this right now Haechan?” You asked.
“It’s not a vacation! It’s a… it’s a well planned family trip!” Haechan replied, rifling through his closet for something to wear. “Besides, even if it was a vacation… which it’s not, it would still be a good bonding exercise.” We can just hang out at the beach and chill, the older ones can do their own thing and the little ones already have so much fun playing together. It’ll go great I promise. Haechan walked over to the edge of the bed where you were sitting and gave you a reassuring kiss on the forehead before going back to scanning all his clothes.
“I just don’t know about having them share a room, no matter how big it is, all three of them stuck together like that just feels like a disaster waiting to happen.” You sighed and laid back on the bed.
You and Haechan had been putting off planning a well deserved break for only god knows how long at this point! You had been dating for years and the idea of remarriage for both of you felt so far off in the moment. You had three kids in your previous marriage: two teenagers and one middle schooler. Haechan had two kids: one teenager and one in elementary school. For the most part, all of you got along well. You all got along well enough in fact that moving in under one roof didn’t seem so scary anymore. Still, you had searched high and low for your dream five bedroom home, saving up all you could working second jobs, and extra shifts like crazy. luckily Heachan was good with money and that dream finally became a reality. You were able to move into a space with a beautiful master bedroom for you and your partner, and four extra bedrooms for each kid. No one felt left out and everyone was happy!
Haechan thought you were crazy for insisting that the fact that the older kids had gotten along so well lately was because they had separate bedrooms. Each teenager had their own space and privacy and that to you made all the difference. Less grumpy attitudes at breakfast, less fights over what to watch on tv, no roasts thrown at each other that another couldn’t handle… it was great! They were even voluntarily hanging out with each other! You worried that if they were forced to spend time together that the magic might die a little and they would stop getting along. Haechan insisted that they were all mature enough to not start any petty drama on a family trip.
“Don’t worry sweetheart! It’ll all go fine!”
A couple weeks later you were all sidled up next to each other in the airport waiting for your boarding time. All three of your oldest were on their phones with their own headphones in, but every once in a while you could see them giggle at their screens and all lean over show each other things.
It gave you relief. Aside from the occasional “Y/N your kid keeps elbowing me”, and “Donghyuck your kid is kicking my feet”. It was alright.
Of course when you landed they all had the classic argument of “she’s not my mom she’s your mom, and he’s not my dad he’s your dad.” When it came to unpacking or doing chores but the spaciousness of the vacation house and the fact that the teens had their own bathroom felt amazing. The two youngest had been angels of course the whole way over, finally expending all their energy and climbing on Haechan like a jungle gym while he scoped out the fridge.
Sure it was annoying to deal with all the young people yelling, but so far it wasn’t so bad…
❥ Jaemin
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There was almost nothing Jaemin wasn’t willing to do for his kids. He was occasionally stern with them, a disciplinarian, but he was also just about the most fun father anyone could ever ask for, and he was even more fun once his children had aged into young adults!
He was the kind of dad that called in sick for his kids when they had forgotten to study for a test that day. He was the kind of dad that let them have ice cream for dinner just because he wanted ice cream for dinner. He was the kind of dad that waited until his kids were in their mid twenties (and absolutely begging him to spend time with people his own age) to ask out his workplace crush.
Watching his two kids navigate their way through the beginnings of adulthood unencumbered by the same sort of baggage that weighed on him, back when he was their age filled Jaemin with a complicated mix of emotions.
On one hand he was happy! When he was barely out of high school he had to beg a store clerk to let him get his deposit back on a rented prom tux and a corsage so he could scrounge up enough cash to support his newly pregnant girlfriend. At that age he was thinking about whether or not his parents would ground him for making them grandparents before he graduated college. Back then he was wondering if baby formula and diapers were really as expensive as everyone made them out to be. Thank god the most pressing financial matter on his oldest one’s mind at the moment was how many paychecks would equal a new gaming setup.
On the other hand however, Jaemin was quite a bit jealous… Every time his kids brought home a new partner of theirs, blew their allowance on something stupid, or just generally goofed off, he was reminded of just how much he felt like he missed out on. Jaemin had only ever been in one relationship and all that left him with was two kids and a world’s worth of baggage. Of course he loved his children, but he couldn’t lie. Watching them date around so easily while he had to settle down with the first girl he ever “slipped up” with didn’t always feel good. He wondered how their mother managed to co-parent and still move on with her life so smoothly for all these years. She had little to no trouble finding anyone, so why did he?
Well maybe the problem wasn’t simply finding somebody, but what to do after he had found them.
Jaemin still remembered the first day he had met you like it was yesterday. It was physics class third year of university and the very first day of the semester. You sat towards the back of the lecture hall, just a few seats in front of him and his group of friends. He sure as hell didn’t remember a single thing on the board in front of him but he did remember you. He remembered the guilt he felt for falling for you so soon after the mother of his children had broken up with him. He remembered the way you would nervously twirl your pencil in your hand, and chew the eraser to bits every time there was a pop quiz. He remembered the sheepish yet polite way you would ask him for notes. He remembered the smile you had on your face and the adorable way your eyes twinkled and the corners creased as you pointed to the picture glued to his phone of the two infants who shared his same face. You had raved about how cute they were, and Jaemin could still remember how he was tempted to lie and say they were his nieces/nephews but told the truth instead. Most importantly, he remembered the way your lips curled up and the gentle and warm tone of your voice as the words “makes sense, you seem like a good dad” escaped your lips. Oh the way his heart melted that very instant at hearing you say those words. They were the exact kind of validation he needed at that time and coming from a pretty girl like you made it all the more validating.
Now here he was, years and years later, checking you out from his cubicle as you worked at your desk. You were much more organized now than you were in school. Now Jaemin was the one continuously asking you for help and advice. The day his boss had introduced you two made his heart skip a beat and he could tell that you had immediately recognized him too! You even asked about his kids… could you be any more perfect?
If it wasn’t for one of his kids catching him stalking your social media he probably would have just let his crush on you fester without ever making a move.
“She seems cool, you two would probably get along.” They said nudging their dad’s shoulder and pointing to your profile up on his phone.
Jaemin just scoffed and cleared his throat, attempting to hide his embarrassment. “The only woman I get along with is your mom” he said looking away; guilt still bubbling inside him for some reason “well her and your grandma” he said…
“I don’t need a new mom, I already have one, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need anyone. Look dad I like hanging out with you but it can’t just be the four of us forever”. His child said solemnly but still giving Jaemin an empathetic smile…
❥ Chenle
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Your whole body ached and you had never felt more tired, but you also felt a whole lot of relief. Chenle was perfectly on time, the delivery process had gone smoothly, and most importantly you had welcomed a beautiful baby into the world.
It was only Chenle’s child second but it was your very first, so you both had a lot to learn and many chances to grow with this new adorable addition to your family.
You could tell Chenle’s kid had mixed feelings about the pregnancy when you had told them. Of course you considered them your child too, but you both were still on a first name basis. Hearing a young person who lived in such close proximity to you call you “Y/N” was strange but you had… sort of, almost, kind of gotten used to it.
Chenle’s first kid had always wanted a sibling, but when it didn’t work out with his ex wife the idea seemed to become more of a thing of the distant past. That was the case, until he met you! Chenle almost instantly fell head over heels for you. It kind of scared you at first. You wondered why a guy like him, would be so into you but you gave him a chance and that might have become the best decision you ever made. He was kind, intelligent, full of energy and life, but laid back at the same time, and not to mention genuine. Almost to a fault Chenle was willing to tell you and anyone who would listen, how he was feeling and what he was thinking. What you had thought to be an act at first was really just the real him, unbothered by the little things in life and so happy to be surrounded by the people he cared about.
You always took the gentler approach when communicating with Chenle’s kid. Not only because it was just a part of your personality, but also because you purposefully walked on eggshells around them in certain situations to avoid imposing yourself. Chenle’s kid saw you more like a fun older friend who spent a lot of time with their dad than a mother, and eventually that stopped feeling so weird. Strangely enough, it made them more relaxed around you. Both you, and Chenle’s first were aware of the sometimes tepid nature of your relationship so it was important to keep things lighthearted when telling them about their brand new sibling. Their emotions were mixed but they still politely gave you a hug and they even warmed up to the idea a bit more (after you bribed them with some ice cream).
They were more than happy to help you pick swatches for the nursery and were over the moon when you convinced Chenle to let them have one of the bigger rooms in the house all to themself and move the baby into their old room. “A baby doesn’t need all this space anyway and ___ is getting older!” You said.
The day your water broke you practically thanked the heavens it happened so conveniently. It was the weekend and you were sitting at home freshly washed up and eating lunch at the kitchen island scrolling through your phone when it happened. You called Chenle who was already on his way home and his kid rushed down the stairs just in time to sit with you and make sure you were okay. You could see the excitement on their face as they tried to remain calm and not overwhelm you.
After being scooped up in the car, admitted to the maternity ward, and taking a few cute photos, you told Chenle to go invite his kid into the room. You felt so proud handing off the baby to them and even in your drowsy state you could tell they were emotional.
“I know it’s weird that I can’t bring myself to call you mom but I am definitely calling them my sibling” Chenle’s child said gently tickling the infants nose with the tip of their finger. It was awkward, but nothing you didn’t already know. Now you were aware for a fact that no matter what, this new baby had three people in their lives ready to love them unconditionally!
❥ Jisung
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“First of all, she’s not my mom let’s get one thing straight—”
Jisung’s kid had a temper like no other! He had no idea where they had gotten it from. It obviously wasn’t from him, it definitely wasn’t from his baby mama, and it certainly wasn’t from you!
Most of the time Jisung’s calm and quiet approach to parenting was really effective but when his child got worked up he never knew what to do. You and Jisung were both particularly mild mannered so it wasn’t in your nature to raise voices, or engage in an immature back and forth, but to an angsty teenager that just meant a free pass to throw fits. Whenever they got in one of their moods it seemed like they couldn’t help but just hurl insults at people, especially those closest to them. And their favorite insult of all? At least when it came to you; calling you anything but their mother.
No matter how long you had been around, how much time you had spent together, how much of a family you all thought you were. When it came down to the wire they knew the thing to say that would upset you the most. You hated that it worked, you hated that it was somehow both true and untrue, and you hated how it made Jisung feel. Even if he wasn’t in the room it would be hard to hear, but watching him in real time as his face dropped, the exasperated sigh he let out, the way he just held your hand and led you out of the room without a word, it was all just miserable.
Your fiancée sat on the living room couch with his head in his hand, the other tentatively caressing your knuckle with his thumb. He rubbed his temples and huffed out not knowing what to say. You watched as Jisung looked to the various venue pamphlets and florist business card strewn across the coffee table and then to the ring in his finger. He let out a strenuous breath through his nose and blinked a few times as the watery-ness in his eyes started to dissipate.
You spoke carefully squeezing Jisung’s hand and giving him a compassionate look. “Maybe we should just push the wedding ba—“
“No!” He responded before you could even finish your thought.
“I just mean, if things are to stressful right now it might not be a good idea, especially since it feels like things could potentially get worse…” you tried to choose your words carefully “maybe now’s just not the time”.
“Y/N how could you say that?”
“I’m not trying to hurt you I’m just thinking about what’s best for us, what’s best for everyone!”
“You’re what’s best for me right now!” He said without skipping a beat “I really can’t do any of this without you and I don’t want to push this back any further” he said “I just love you too much…”
You knew that Jisung’s words were true, and that he really truly felt them. You knew he was being genuine when he said that he loved you and that all these years together had made you a family but you also knew that to his kid, to your kid, that was only true when they were happy, and getting married, having a wedding? That could only make things ten times worse.
You two just looked at each other a little bit forlorn, completely forgetting what had sent the adolescent on a tirade in the first place. Jisung’s tired, pained, but still enamored expression when looking at you helped in the moment. Even if it really just was for that moment, things could always get better. Right?
Your fiancée planted a gentle string of kisses along your cheek and neck eventually landing on the corner of your lips and whispering a feeble “it’s going to be okay” in your ear…
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jenosbliss · 9 months
hii there!! can i req different tropes with the dreamies please?
🩶⌇ nct dream ! as different love tropes
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pairing. gn!reader x nctdream | genre. fluff | wc. 1.5k | warnings. none
a/n. happy new year guys!! went a little personal on Jaemin's one, also if you want a bigger fic for any of the members with these tropes pls let me know 💖
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MARK. childhood friends to lovers
Mark was the constant in your life just as you were in his. He was the one to pull you in when you experienced your first heartbreak or needed a shoulder to weep on, to rely on, to seek warmth and comfort in. He was the one to cheer you on for exams, to celebrate your achievements and your first relationship. He had been there all along. Hence, when he unexpectedly blurted out, "Do you think we would make a good couple?" while snuggling inside the cover with you one quiet night. You weren't too shocked by it because, in all honesty, you both knew—hell, everyone knew—that you loved one another more than simply as friends. In fact, your friends called you both ‘goners.’ “Is this your subtle way of asking me out?” he giggled trying to hide his oh not so obvious blush. “I mean like you know what I mean c’mon dude… will you be my girlfriend?” "Have I ever said no to you?" you drew nearer to him beneath the cover. “Sure.”
RENJUN. secret admirer
It started recently when small notes began to appear inside your locker and on your desk. At first you ignored them thinking it was some sort of a sick prank because who in their right mind will secretly admire you? Well, Renjun does, and ever since the day he saw you having your own little concert in the classroom after everyone had left, he has never been as certain about someone as he was about you. At first he left notes on a weekly basis afraid you might not like them but when he saw you smiling and saving all his notes he started leaving a dozen of them on a daily basis. He was going crazy because he had so much he wanted to tell you, but there was not enough room on a piece of paper. However, you were driving yourself crazy trying to identify this admirer of yours. This madness continued for a month until one day Renjun himself stood in front of your locker holding a piece of paper, "Here's your note, love.”
JENO. fake dating
You didn’t consider Jeno a total stranger, you have run into him quite a handful of times in the campus cafe and have your fair share of shy glances, very small talks and fleeting smiles. One day your ex followed you to the cafe, at first, he was begging for forgiveness but soon turned hostile, demanding a reason why you don’t want to be with him. Fearing he might do something bad; your eyes fell upon Jeno who just entered the cafe, a sweet smile playing on his lips when he noticed you. Could you have come up with a better response? Maybe but at that moment you couldn’t think of anything else. You approached him begging “Hi, I’m really sorry to put you in this mess but can you please, please pretend to be my boyfriend? My ex there-” at an instant Jeno stood up, grabbing your hand softly in his “Where is that jerk? Did he hurt you?” And with this incident you both started fake dating which soon turned real without either of you realizing.
HAECHAN. sunshine x grumpy
Everyone around you referred to you and Haechan as the opposite attracts couple, well to be very honest you didn’t consider yourself grumpy or mean, you just didn’t prefer the human race and any interaction with them of course except him. He was the literal definition of sunshine for you, the one who lightened you up, the one with whom you can leave your so-called grumpy side aside and be a little ray of his sunshine. Haechan found you in the darkest phase of your life when everyone you knew or had trusted turned their back on you, leaving you to cry alone in a dark corner. It was then when he pulled you into his embrace, radiating a warmth that felt safe and something like home, he became that last ray of hope and light that brightened you up once again. “How can you be this happy this early in the morning?” you grumbled seeing him dance while cooking in the kitchen. Ignoring your comment, he walked around the counter and extended his hand “Will you dance with me? Please, sunshine please!” rolling your eyes at his silly actions you still took his hand as he pulled you in for a little silly dance.
JAEMIN. first love
Love was a scary word for you, the reason you never experienced it before was because you wanted it to be perfect. You wanted to remember your first love with a smile on your face and not an experience which you would want to forget. You have had crushes and a few situationships and an experience of a boy you thought was definitely the one to not reciprocate your feelings when you confessed to him before. But that was it, after the last incident years ago you gave up on the idea of love, thinking it was for the pinterest girlies, those perfect ones who deserved a perfect love. But the day Jaemin came to you on that bus ride asking if can take the empty seat next to yours, the perception of love you had changed. He became your first and perfect love, he showed you everyone is worthy of love, he accepted all your flaws, he cared for you like no one has ever done –babying you included– he never shied away from confessing his love and gratitude for you, he cherished you with every breath he took. You could cry to him, with him, you could laugh with him until your stomach hurts, you could gossip with him, and you could cherish the quietness with him. He was perfect and he was yours, your first love. “OMG y/n I saw this flower growing out of the sidewalk, it reminded me of you princess.”
CHENLE. academic rivals
Chenle didn’t give a shit about studies or grades, if you ask his parents or friends, they haven’t seen so many ‘A+’ on his tests till now. It’s not like he was poor in his studies, it's just that he didn't have a reason to study. Why study if he could just get a scholarship through basketball? It was useless according to him until he met you in high school, the top student in the class if not the school. Was it love at first sight? Nah it was love at first fight for him when he accidentally hit you with the basketball during gym class and you poured a bottle of water on him as revenge (it was freezing cold that day). After that, the more he tried to approach you the more you avoided him. It was the first time when he wanted something, but he couldn't have it right away, and this ignited a fire in him. So, the only way to reach you now was through academics, and boy, he loved pushing your buttons, so he decided to compete with you… fiercely and that’s how after a few months of this rivalry you found yourself pinned against the bookshelf by him in a corner of the library. “Everything is just a competition for you… isn’t it?” you felt his breath on your face “Isn’t it for you, too?” you spat back, not breaking eye contact. “No, I did this because I am in fucking love with you.”
JISUNG. brother's best friend
You met Jisung when you were five and he was seven, he brought Sungchan back home after he sprained his ankle during the game of soccer. You remember watching him from afar, while he was talking to your mother about Sungchan’s injury when he looked at you and passed a smile. Since then, not a day passes by when you don’t think of him. At seven you had childishly asked him to marry you which he laughed at first but agreed later, promising to do so when you grow older. At fifteen he scared off a boy who kissed you on the cheek in school, saying things like you are too young for dating and you can’t date just any boy. That day, instead of crying that your first relationship ended before it could even start, you were happy, it was the day you started liking Jisung. At seventeen you confessed your feelings to him when he said the words that broke your small, fragile heart in pieces, he said you were like a little sister to him. At twenty-two he saw you going out with a man when he arrived at your apartment to celebrate your birthday. He felt something he shouldn’t have, he felt jealous, a burning rage and it was that moment that he knew he had fallen head over heels for you. “Don’t date him.” you scoffed hearing his authoritative tone. “And who are you to say that? I’m not fifteen anymore. It’s my life I can date whoever I want… you’re not my real brother.” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him “Yes I’m not your brother… so date me instead.”
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masterlist. nct dream | nct 127 | wayv
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