dare-g · 3 months
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The Lollipop Generation (2008)
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eurovision-revisited · 4 months
Eurovision 2004 - Number 14 - Ewert Sundja - "Dance"
The Estonian Eurovision legends keep on coming, and yes he looks so young! Here's Ewert who has yet to find either of his dragons. This is his first appearance at Eurolaul. At this juncture in his musical journey he's found himself bandless. Since 1998 he'd been The Provokers and then Precious. They both split in 2002, so at a loose end, why not go for Eurovision?
Dance is by Vaiko Eplik, writer of Eighties Coming Back and lead singer of Ruffus/Claire's Birthday from last year's Estonian entry. It represents the first collaboration between Ewert and the former members of that band before they finally assembled into the final form. The songs sees Ewert channel some classic pop into a performance that looks like a Robert Palmer video. The white suit, the vivid green tie and buttonhole, the red hair. It's a look. Even though he's just standing there at the microphone, you can easily spend three minutes examining his costuming in detail.
It starts off haunted by synths before breaking out the guitar riffs and evolving into chorus full of las. It seems upbeat, yet even at its peak it's still bruised by a sadness that Ewert is reluctant to let go of. He's clinging to his failure even if he's blaming someone else for missing out on love. Or maybe he's addressing himself in the second person? The combination of the styling and the lyrics begin to feel creepy if you think about it for too long.
This performance did occur before Ewert's musical career really took off, which might account for a result at the lower end of the scoreboard. He finished seventh of the ten songs this year, receiving less than a tenth of the televote of the winner. He'd be back.
Directly after this, Ewert formed the band Thief and spent five years gigging and recording with them to no great acclaim. On their demise in 2009, Ewert and the Two Dragons rose from the ashes and conquered the Baltic nations with a brand of indie-rock that's not a million miles away from Dance. They've toured Europe, won award and sold many records. Ewert and the band came back to Eurovision contention in 2024. Ewert entered twice, once with the band and once as guest vocalist with Cartoon. He's also written for other Eurolaul and Eesti Laul entrants.
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pigs-in-art · 8 months
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Art by Natalie Ewert
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transratsactivist · 1 year
bin jetzt wikipedia editor geworden, um aus dem artikel eines trans mann die formulierung "als biologische frau geboren" raus zu schmeißen und meine änderung wurde vom ursprünglichen editor schon nach einem tag wieder rückgängig gemacht. der mensch begründet das damit, dass die formulierung aus der zitierten quelle stammt 🙄 ja sorry, thomas, aber die formulierung war in der quelle schon scheiße...
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salvia-plathitudes · 6 months
I love when a children’s illustrated book author has… so much love for their creation
bonus Amazon commentary
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Trans. Frau. Sein. by Felicia Ewert
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Das Buch beschreibt bestehende Diskriminierungsmechanismen, die sich gegen transgeschlechtliche Menschen richten. Die Kritik der Autorin bietet auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene Einblicke in rechtliche Aspekte des ���Transsexuellengesetzes“, in medizinischpsychologische Bereiche wie z. B. die Gutachtenpraktiken und auch in ausschließende Mechanismen cisnormativer Feminismen. Trans. Frau. Sein. ist eine Kombination wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, überspitzter satirischer Darstellung, Dekonstruktion von Cissexismus und autobiographischer Elemente aus dem persönlichen (Er)-Leben der Autorin.
Mod Opinion: I've read this book and it is an interesting look into trans studies and german trans experience.
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robotfightingisgay · 1 year
Hi! my name is Scottie and i (currently) use he/she/they pronouns. if you want to use another name for me that you think fits my vibe, you are welcome to.
My favourite team is Monsoon (im a brit) but i also like these teams:
Black Dragon
Death Roll
End Game
Free Shipping
any whyachi bot
(and more…)
i also have autism btw…
[this maybe updated as my opinions change]
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hypershocked · 2 years
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the rare,
the elusive,
the smiling Reese Ewert
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diversityinkidsbooks · 9 months
10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert
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Every night, Bailey dreams about magical dresses: dresses made of crystals and rainbows, dresses made of flowers, dresses made of windows…. Unfortunately, when Bailey's awake, no one wants to hear about these beautiful dreams. Quite the contrary, "You're a BOY!" Mother and Father tell Bailey. "You shouldn't be thinking about dresses at all." Then Bailey meets Laurel, an older girl who is touched and inspired by Bailey's imagination and courage. In friendship, the two of them begin making dresses together. And Bailey's dreams come true! This gorgeous picture book - a modern fairy tale about becoming the person you feel you are inside - will delight people of all ages.
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carygrantsbeard · 2 years
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L’appartement des filles (1963)
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movie-titlecards · 3 months
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The Red Circle (1960)
My rating: 5/10
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saleszulu76 · 7 months
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bi010gic · 10 months
Biologic Scholar Winston Ewert Coauthors New Edition of The Design Inference
The second edition of The Design Inference was recently released. Winston Ewert from the Biologic Institute coauthored the book with William Dembski who wrote the first edition. The original book presented a general methodology for detecting design, which was the most sophisticated framework to date. The second edition represents the culmination of two decades of responding to critics and refining his model. Princeton University mathematician Sergiu Klainerman welcomed the book as follows:
Well argued and eminently readable… I don’t see how any open-minded scientist can ignore this important book.
The first edition of The Design Inference explained how design detection involves identifying patterns that are both highly improbable and specified. A common question raised by readers was the precise definitions for the terms specified and specification. In other words, what exactly makes a pattern specified or special? In many contexts, the answer is simple. For instance, being dealt four poker hands that were all royal flushes would be a very rare and special pattern pointing to someone cheating. Design detection in this example is easy because the category royal flush was already defined (aka prespecified) by the rules of the game. The situation is more challenging when categories of outcomes are not so clearly defined. 
In the new edition, Dembski and Ewert greatly refined the concept of specifications. They defined a specification as a description that requires few words. The description must also only apply to a small proportion of possible outcomes, so the probability of any outcome falling within the specification must be sufficiently small. Patterns that are both identifiable by a short description and highly improbable are almost always designed.  
Returning to the poker example, the four hands I mentioned could be described or specified by the three words four royal flushes, and the probability of four random hands falling within this specification is less than 1 chance in 100 billion trillion. The short description and very low probability indicate design. 
In contrast, four typical hands of five cards would require a very long description, such as the following:
two of diamonds, pair of threes, pair of jacks; three fours, nine of hearts, ten of clubs; four of diamonds, pair of eights, nine of clubs, queen of clubs; three kings, pair of aces
The probability of four hands falling within this description is low, but the description length is very long. Many sets of four poker hands would fall within a description of that length. The low probability is offset by the large number of sets of four hands with descriptions that are that long. The probability of being dealt four hands with such a long description is not sufficiently low to conclude design. 
Conversely, one could label four generic hands with the description random cards. The description is now short, but the probability is very high of four hands falling within this description. The short description is offset by the high probability. Similarly, the famous face on Mars can be described by the two words fuzzy face. Here again, the description length is short, but the probability of a photograph of the surface of a celestial body resembling a face at least as well as the Mars photo is sufficiently high to occur by chance. 
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The face on Mars (NASA/JPL)
The underlying logic of Dembski and Ewert’s methodology is profound. Identifying design requires a pattern being assigned by a mind a special significance. A short description meets this criterion since societies assign words or short phrases to that which they designate as special. 
To illustrate, in the movie The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader declares to Luke Skywalker one of the most iconic lines in movie history: "I am your father."
Darth Vader could specify himself by the single word father. The relationship between a father and son is designated by all societies as a very special relationship. Relatively few other people could be specified by such a short description. Consequently, the audience knew Luke’s meeting Vader was not an accident but by design. 
In stark contrast, Dark Helmet in the movie Spaceballs tells Lonestar a far longer statement: "I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate."
The fact that Dark Helmet had to employ such a lengthy description to specify himself reflects that their relationship carried no significant meaning. Such a generic relationship could have occurred by chance. Dembski and Ewert detail how their methodology could be applied in many other contexts with equally reliable results.  
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neothebean · 2 years
I want Fusion to work because I want this fjght to be GOOD
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robotfightingisgay · 2 years
jake ewert is so… captivating
love that funky man
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