#evrything in this post applies here too!
bhadpodcast · 5 years
So I’m not really sure you should post this because I’m gonna name the title and author of the fic but I’m just a little confused by this fic so here goes:
[redacted by request]
This was like Schrödingers Scott stan for me?
Ok so the first pairing in the tags is Stiles/Derek but then there is the “slow burn Sceo” tag and I’m like Sceo? but ok. It’s a re-write of season 6B, so all other seasons should apply (I’ll come back to that one).
So the fic starts with Siles and Derek already a couple (which has become like a little red flag for me? Now domestic fluff is great, I love that stuff. But lately a lot of not-really-Sterek fics have used that. Tag the fic Sterek, Sterek is already a couple, couple X/Y is the acutal main story) and Stiles is training with Deaton to be Dereks emissary (Derek is an alpha, either again or still). Stiles and Derek don’t really turst Deaton so they bring in an emissary from a different pack to help Stiles. So far standard fare.
This guy comes in and has practically a villain sign flashing over his head. Not only that but in his first interaction with Deaton he basically says “I’m the villain of this fic”.
Then Stiles sees Scott killing his dad and (the fic kinda lets it open ended, at first, if it really was Scott being controlled or something that looked like Scott) goes “I’m gonna use ALL my power to kill Scott” *record scratch* wait what? and Derek goes “whatever you say, honey” *eyebrow raise* ..ok?
So then Scott gas to go on the run from the Hale pack (which includes Lydia, yay, and Malia, ugh) with only the help of Deaton, Liam, Corey (who? lol), Mason and Theo. And I admit, this is the part where I started skipping. I basically only read the Sterek parts of the chapters (or the “not Scott” parts) which became less and less, so my knowledge of the fic gets kinda wonky.
Stiles gets more and more corrupted by evil!emissary (he had some funky name like Moody, Modhi, Moudi? idk, evil!emissary it is) and Derek is an alpha that goes “I don’t know what to do, lets just make my boo happy, I guess”. Evil!emissary and Peter kill Satomi and Derek just grumbles about it.
And this fic could’ve still been something if the author had made them villains. Like a dark!fic where Stiles and Derek hunt down Scott could’ve been interesting! but no.
I don’t remember which came first but Derek meets up with Scott and goes “I know evil!emissary is evil but I’m worried about Stiles, so could you plan something while I keep Stiles save?” and Theo arranges a meeting between Stiles and Scott and Stiles like “I know it seems ooc for you to kill my dad (and ooc for me to not have *any* questions, like at all) and that evil!emissary is evil but I will observe evil!emissary while you make a plan ok?”
I skipped a lot and still wasn’t complety sure if the author was a Scott stan. Stiles and Derek were dumb but not the villains?
Then it gets weird (I know, I *know* now? wait for it). The “ghost” of the Sheriff shows up and Stiles meets with him. The “Sheriff” informs Stiles of a spell that could proove that Scott is guilty and avenge the “Sheriff” (Stiles of course doesn’t question any of it because he knows that’s not how his dad sounds so why question it).
Derek tries to stop Stiles but is too late. Stiles does the spell, sees Scott didn’t kill the Sheriff (wow, what a twist, I’m shocked) but also turns Scott into a beta til the next full moon.
Then evil!emissary reveals that he was evil (dun dun dun!) and in a really surprising twist that the mute apprentince he had was actually a hexed Cora in disguise that he had turned into a alpha and manipulated the pack bonds to make Derek obsolete and him in control of the new Hale alpha (this fic could’ve been good! dammit).
Then he orders Stiles to kill Derek and Lydia and Stiles has no control over his body because he let evil!emissary manipulate him for 15 chapters. Now normally I would go “Dereks not really dead” but with this fic? I really didn’t know but I also was 2 chapters to the end and still not sure if this was a Scott stan, a twisted Sterek or a new!pack fan including Sterek for the hits.
Evil!emissary and Deaton have a showdown (btw before the showdown the fic “earns” it rating by having Liam/Brett and Scott/Theo bone) while Scott inacts his plan (since I skipped, idk if this plan was told or not).
Derek and Lydia are not dead (ha!), Deaton helps Stiles free himself from evil!emissarys control, the “Sheriff” is a vampire called Ennis, Scott and his pack subdue the other wolfes and evil!emissary dies (and meets up with a guy in the afterlife? apparently I skipped a tragic backstory, oops).
Stiles profusely appologizes to Scott and Scott gracefully accepts while remebering the Nogitsune (which brings to my other peeve, the *whole* fic when it comes to Stiles/Scott conflict they only mention the Nogitsune but not *Donovan*! Theo it there and they mention the Dread Doctors so season 5 must’ve happened but no Donovan?!).
The remaining alphas (Deucalion is there, I didn’t mention him because he does as much as he did in the real season 6B, and Brett became an alpha somewhere?) decide to have a peace summit and Scott gets to hold it because he’s the best.
The end
From chapter to chapter I was unsure. Is this a Scott stan? Ok this is pro Scott but is it anti Stiles? Why is there Sterek? Why even use it if not going full dark!pack?
Sorry for giving you this wall of text. Hopefully you found it even parts amusing. I don’t think you’ll read this fic but if you are: this isn’t written badly but here there be epithets, you’ll get a lot (a lot!) of the wolf/the older one/the dark haired one etc.
Thanks for letting me vent *kiss*
SK: Actually, I looooove this!  I could have warned you about EK though.
He pretends to be neutral and basically think sterek are hot and dumb. So he tolerates them, but can’t stand the attention they get over Scott. He’ll swear up and down he’s unbiased, but as you can see in this fic…. lol. 
A Good Guide for recognizing Scott stan nonsense in Sterek fics:
1) Scott is paired with someone who has a bigger following with Stiles (usually Theo, sometimes Liam and Peter). 
2) Established Sterek so they can throw it in the background
3) Stiles is extremely black and white. No middle ground, he wants to kill evrything, he’s recklessly impulsive, he acts like he suddenly hates Scott
4) Maliuggh is in the Hale pack
5)  Deaton is good and never questioned or he is and there’s an undertinge of racism
6) Everything *happens* to Scott, he never is the producer of action towards him
7) All the commenters are from the Teen Wolf Legacy discord
Again, they can have that fic, I’m not against it. I don’t even mind them tagging Sterek. Just as long as they know they’re not fooling anyone. *shrugs*
The main thing that bothers me is that without the pettiness there is a good and interesting story in there. I saw someone ask about the lack of communication and the reasoning EK gave for Stiles not questioning are the same that they try to give to Scott when he messes up. 
In a regular fan, you can hand wave this, but what they’re doing is creating a dynamic where we forgive Stiles for his actions and then when we rag on Scott they can point to it and be like “See? You’re racist! It was ok when Stiles did it, context doesn’t matter!”
That obvious lack of transparency is what makes it so you can’t enjoy a simple fic. Like is it worth their time to write 93k of petty fic? 
Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I have to read it. It’s even harder when it’s a WIP. Once I see the story going south I’m like PAUSE and wait until it’s done. 
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cassius333 · 3 years
i need people to follow and i might not keeo up with that if i cant. i do want to ramble about where i am in life for posterity’s sake. its 5am on halloween and i have no plans for the holiday. i tried to suggest throwing a party with my roommates and they agreed but the one that i intially talked about it with left to stay at his grandmothers. i just applied to the mentorship program with the new york quaker organization. a lady named judy came up to me in a coffee shop near the whitney and invited me to the gallery in her building and i am going to force myself to go. i hope tomorrow but maybe the next day. i have an essay due wednesday that i havent started, its 5 pages and i dont know what it will be on. i am going to try to go to the library tomorrow. the fire alarm just went off in my roommates room and i dont smell smoke and i dont see a fire. i sniffed in the hallway and got nothing. my other roommate didnt wake up so i think we are fine? i dont want to die in a fire at all but it would be great for my obituary to have this post. i recently thought about emotional incest and i think thats the cause of my problems. i dont really have anyone to talk to about it but i am trying to find a therapist. i have been talking to a wizard i found through a spotify playlist of theirs on twitter. i have a budding crush on alec and im weird everytime he talks to me. i want to joing his friend group and i could more than i could join a group any other time of my life but i still dont understand something. my celebrity fascination right now is vinnie hacker. it started over the summer because in nyc i keep coming to close to small celebrities, like people i meet have mutual friends with them, and i wanted someone connectionless. he is also hot and boring conceptually and so famous that its not niche and intentional but also people might not recognize him when i draw him. i have been debating whether to stop fantasizing about him or not. i am much sadder and more receptive to obsessive crushes on real people when i dont have a hard celebrity crush but its also weird (obvi) and i might care too much. i watch a few minutes here and there of his streams. this a weird full confessional. i love thursday classes, i want to connect with my professor dennis more, i could talk to him for hours but i feel guilty for saying anything. i feel like i overshare but i dont know how else to connect. my roommates had people over yesterday and one was the guy who ruined me last semester who i have been avoiding like the plague (funny how we are also avoiding a plauge (why dont we call covid a plague? thats the only way i am refering to it now)) anyways, i am okay when i dont think too hard about it. i have a grand party idea that keeps getting pushed back and then i would have everyone i like but dont know over and then would have small dinners afterwards. i want to know alec’s. group of friends, i want to know penelope bc i realized i am not as terrible as i think and i would look well cast to date her, oscar in hss is cute and i want to see if anything could happen there. i guess thats what i am missing from this story, i am 20 and i have never been kissed. loneliness is killing me but its like that tyler quote, i am still living my best life, evrything is pefect, im just doing it alone. i doubt a soul will read this but thank you if you do.
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