sivatherium · 2 years
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fara-posts · 1 year
Mirosul tău pe pielea mea.
sudoarea ta de pe buzele mele sunt pansamente care îmi calmează suferința,
angoasa mea pentru absența ta...
Totul îmi permite să te iubesc de departe, așa cum știu doar eu
dorm în minte ta
Mă trezesc cu imaginea ta încă în minte
beau o cafea gust din tine și te simt lângă mine
Purtându-te în respirația mea și urmele mele, parte din isprava mea, palpitând în mine, cu mult albastru, multă miere, dragoste născută fără durere fără limite, de trandafiri și melodii care îți potolesc visul dulce, iubirea mea...iubirea este un trandafir
Pentru mine, dragostea este un trandafir care zboară petal cu petală în timp ce se estompează, că cu spini rămâne singur și pur și simplu își lasă amintirea suspinând. cu inima și cu mâinile tale parfumate.
Dragostea este un trandafir care parfumează și lasă... La fel ca orhideea, atât de trufaș și arogant. Sunt florile pe care îndrăgostiții le preferă pentru că ambele se nasc cu mare libertate.
Acel trandafir care zboară din dragoste după ce și-a inhalat aroma primăvara se transformă într-un rămas bun de toamnă lăsând inima și stelele palide și ofilite. Dragostea este un trandafir care zboară petală cu petală până este lăsată în pace. Asta te lasă pur și simplu cu amintirea sa parfumată și cu o inimă frântă în timp ce o evoci....Deodată te-am întâlnit pe tine care îmi iubea zâmbetul, care știa să mă îmbrățișeze în zilele proaste.
Că îmi iubeai privirea chiar și atunci când era plină de suferință, că îmi cunoștea hobby-urile și ti se păreau virtuți, cineva care a învățat să-mi umple trupul și sufletul de săruturi.
Că a înțeles că nu era cineva perfect, ci era o companie bună, casa mea în alte brațe.
Deodată te-am întâlnit pe tine care îmi memorează totul, care știe despre viața mea și crede că este o poveste bună.
Ai apărut și găsești suficient ceea ce ofer eu, căruia îi place să-și împartă viața cu cum sunt eu.
Nu știu despre finalul fericit, dar ești a mea și îmi rostești tot timpul numele meu
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jackass-lovemail · 3 years
hello, can i request tommy hewitt comforting a s/o with loss, specifically like walking in on them on a bad day, just a complete wreck and looking at old photos or items of the lost loved one? and just giving them the biggest, warmest, totally engulfed in this mans chest hug and just straight sobbing. y’all can add other slashers if you want as well and can keep it gender neutral, if others are going through the same. thank you for your time! 😊
hey anon, thank you for the request! I hope youre alright… this request was pretty upsetting, so im wishing you the best. :^( but i decided to do two of the Sinclair brothers for this one. - pierrot !!
(REQUEST) Slashers comforting their S/Os.
Thomas Hewitt
It was during the heat of the day and with the extreme amount of worrying Thomas was doing over your mental health, you had announced that sufficing in a quick break would do you the world of good. You could feel the gleam of stern approval above you from Thomas and you dug your heels into the ground, trudging back to the house. Thomas had pressured you into going back inside for a break more than he usually would have. Knowing that you had recently lost a loved one, he didn’t want you to overwork yourself. Distracting yourself may be one way you handle things, but pushing yourself to just was not a healthy interpretation for it.
Although you pleaded for him not to, Thomas took on your own chores as well as his own ones. He knew you couldn’t manage with the tasks you were undergoing today and he agreed to undertake your own load. Thomas knew he could handle it. He just wasn’t sure if you could. So being the protective boyfriend he is, he demanded you to go get some rest.
After a day that stretched out into forever, Thomas finally finished all of his tasks with the addition of the bundle of your personal chores. Treading home, he mentally prayed you were fast asleep, the long day getting to you and sleep ushering over your unconscious form. When he found you hunched over on the bed with a photo of the loved one you’ve recently lost tightened around your fist, he felt that worrying feeling evociate all over again.
Your eyes feebly ached over towards Thomas’s pitiful glance and you swallowed back the sob in your throat. ‘I’m sorry… I was just…- ‘ The cry in your throat was pushed out and you began to weep. Though Thomas had expected the tears and engulfed you in a warm hug, hushing your face into the crook of his neck. He wrapped himself around you, feeding you all the attention you deserved. Thomas understood how you felt exactly and was going to wait for you, even if it meant forever.
Vincent Sinclair
When Vincent had finally found you, he was surprised to see you in the basement out of all places. He knew you were going through something and he was going to be supportive in the ways you required that support. Though… he knew how uncomfortable the basement made you. Vincent lightly frowned, confused about your decision making until his brain had reminded him about your situation. He glanced down at your smaller form and decided that the best place to indulge in comfort was not here, but in his arms.
‘O-Oh, Vincent.’ You stuttered, alarmed by his sudden vague appearance. You could feel his glint of worry smother you like rocks and your head inched down to your arms, fleeing towards the feeling of comfort within your own skin. You held your sulking and tried to muster the determination to look at your boyfriend. It felt as if he was studying you, pondering when he should make his move and embrace you. Your teeth clamped and your jaw tensed, the sudden feeling of stupidity flushing over your face. Vincent noticed the tears threatening to spill from your eyes and he pounced, like a wild animal at his prey. He lifted you with no worries, your weight being nothing unordinary or unknown. Your face flushed and your hands gripped around his mass, embarrassed at the sudden action.
The smooth motion of the up-and-down feeling and the clamour from his footsteps with the repetitive noise of the thump, thump, thump made your eyelids feel heavy. All day, your focus was on the past and your certain loss. It was incredibly draining, and you felt unhappy. But, to spend time like this with Vincent helped improve that grief. Vincent’s eyes did not leave the top of your head. He felt your face snuggle into the warmth of his clothes and he caressed the top of your hair, soothing your unhappiness.
Bo Sinclair
‘(Name)! Cmere, (Name).’ Bo shouted, feeling astray from your presence. He knew about your situation and how much it had affected you. Bo had been through losses, not from people he could necessarily say he missed, but he understood the definitions of it all. Though, while he was away at work, his mind dwelled on your disappearance. Usually, you’d arrive during lunch to afternoon tea times, in your capacity some food he could chow down upon and you two would engage in some conversation. Though, today you had missed both times. Bo paced around the town, beginning to feel unsure about your withdrawal. He pulled at his fingers, racing around shop to shop to hopefully see you again. But, there was no success. Feeling the sudden idea of perhaps you had up and left him, the answer shot through his head like a bullet.
Jumping up almost instantly, he scrambled down to the chapel. As he arrived closer and closer to his destination, he started to moderate his movements. Creaking open the chapel’s door, his eyes met with the back of you, hunched over in the corner of the room. You were still focused on your own thoughts to even notice the noise. Bo had to restrict himself from startling you on purpose, and quickly slammed the chapel door to announce his presence. With a startled jump, you flung around, unsure of who made that bang.
‘Oh… it's just you.’ You sighed, glaring at your boyfriend. ‘Just me…? Wow, and I thought I was harsh…’ He joked, trying to be comedic. You didn't respond. Bo bit his lip, just realizing how hurt you actually were. He inched his way over towards you, shuffling his way through the rows of wax people. Finally, he flopped next to you, plastering himself next to your own. You stayed silent, mentally too tired to interrupt anything happening around you. Bo frowned and pulled an arm over your shoulder, trying to give you some support.
And slowly, you began to unravel yourself in front of him. Your eyes slipped tears and leaned into his chest, angry and upset teardrops staining his shirt. He didn’t mind. Bo was no good at affectionate words, but, to have you make yourself this vulnerable in front of him made him feel proud of his protective behavior. He cradled your back, rocking your figure up and down. ‘There, there sweetheart. Ain’t nobody gonna hear ya. Just me.’ He whispered, cuddling your mass even more.
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ufuckingpastry · 4 years
I'm rereading my god au and wow. Some of this? Not my best writing. Other bits of this? There is a lot of fucking. All of it? Super gay. Just all of it super gay.
Evocis, this mortal who had been forced once to come had come again of his own free will and he had come willingly. He had come more than willingly; he had come eagerly. He had come all bright eyes and ready to worship them. 
You are all that I could ever want. His words rang through their head and they felt their entire body just... melt. 
This? Right here? Super gay. Very gay.
Also very. Graphic. When it gets to the bloody stuff.
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sapphic-sith · 7 years
I am all of a sudden very tempted to make an evoci bounty hunter....
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iosiphonetools-blog · 6 years
Set up and manage your instagram,pinterest,linkedin,twiter business page by Evocial
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Set up and manage your instagram,pinterest,linkedin,twiter business page by Evocial
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Who’s your favorite season? Mine is autumn 🍂
Set up and manage your instagram,pinterest,linkedin,twiter business page by Evocial
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kimskullhong · 4 years
Cum să alungi noaptea fără a fi discursiv?
cu un cuvânt întâmplător deschizi ușa precum cu cotul.
Cum să evoci dimineața fără emfază?
cu o mișcare ușoară dai drumul în cameră astrului
cu o amintire de nimic îl reții o clipă-două
(orice s-ar zice cu astrele nu se glumește).
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