#every time. every fucking time. it's a miracle I can remember how to make revanced work
corvuscorona · 4 months
akuse! on github. honestly i only use it for older anime which i cant source copies of both online and offline. really curious about the sources they use bc i searched extensively for some anime online and couldnt find it for years and they just. HAVE it. they dont have any appimages just a linux guide on how to build it yourself with the terminal. there's not that many steps but i'm so scared of messing up
hi. I went and looked at this github project the second I saw this ask & immediately went "OH I SEE" because oh my god the technical writing skills on display in that readme file are . let's call the overall effect "confusing". let's describe this situation like "the dev could follow the trail of breadcrumbs they left in there & they figured that pretty much was good enough." many such cases unfortunately but I THINK I have decoded it now.
here is what you're gonna do:
1. where it says "code" on the project page, click on that & yoink the zip file. you do not need to learn git today, so don't worry about "cloning" it. just download it.
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(that green fucker on the right.)
2. extract it. put the extracted folder wherever. I have a folder in my "home" directory called "Programz" where I put oddball stuff like this because it makes it easy to find later.
3. MAKE / LOG INTO AN ANILIST ACCOUNT, THEN go to the "developer settings" page they link in the readme file without telling you what it is (which redirects you unhelpfully to the homepage if you're not logged in. jesus christ)
4. I cannot see the form for this because I didn't try it myself, but you want to "create a new anilist API client." find whatever button does that. When you do that, there should be a "redirect URI" field. put "akuse://index,https://anilist.co/api/v2/oauth/pin" in it.
5. in the folder you extracted, go to the "src" subfolder and then the "modules" subfolder. make a new file in there called "clientData.js"
6. the readme explains this part okay. open clientData.js and put this stuff in it.
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7. open your package manager. you are going to search for 3 different things, and if any of them aren't installed, you're going to install them and any dependencies the package manager says you should also install. search for: npm, libcrypt, and rpmbuild.
8. now I am going to tell you to open a terminal window. inside the modules folder*, right-click and there should be a menu item that says "open terminal here". do that. then, in the terminal, type "npm run dist:linux rpm" and hit enter. (*I THINK? if this doesnt work try the top level folder maybe. it won't explode if you do it wrong just try stuff)
Theoretically, this should generate some kind of Something that you can run like you would run akuse on your Windows machine! I didn't get a chance to step through this process, so it's possible I am fucking something up, but I hope these instructions are at least clearer than whatever's going on in that readme file. it's worth a shot!
If you try this and it breaks down along the way somewhere, you are so totally welcome to report back here & tell me about it if you feel like it. maybe I can help! maybe I can't help but having an outlet to go "hey what the fuck" at will be nice for you anyway. either way this is awesome enrichment for me thank u
(& also I would like to thank minecraft modders for being the worst ever at documentation, instructions, and all related topics, because had I not been tried in those fires I would not be able to read shit like this at all.)
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