#every time I pulled it up to reference the outfit I cried a little bc how am I supposed to ever be that good
luvtessascott · 5 years
Rock the Rink Write-Ups (Kitchener & Sauga)
Hey Everyone!! This is going to be a combined write-up on both my shows in one. I’ll make reference to specific shows as I go but it’ll be my overall impression 🙂I went to Kitchener with @makeitcountmeggy​ & @canadianvirtues​ & @danelledo​ (who was working). And I went to Mississauga with another friend and Danielle. In Kitchener, we had ice side seats in the absolute center which was AMAZING. Luckily we ended up having the aisle seat which meant Danielle could come shoot right next to us and Trennt ended up sitting with us as well. In Sauga, I was near the tunnel on the corner, not the best seats but also not terrible.
I thought that the show overall went by SO FREAKING fast, which typically isn’t something that strikes me with shows. The Birds of Bellwoods were great live, their songs sound identical to their recordings which is nice to see. I was defs jamming in my seat to all of them. Stevie must chug an energy drink before he goes on with all the running he does, it’s hilarious. Just like back and forth and circles around the stage.
I love how they do the countdown before they come out, it makes it feel big and exciting. Throughout the whole show, I love how the skaters GIVE it to the max- especially Scott and Tessa. Looking at Scott’s face he is just LIVING his best life out there. I thought the choreo was stunning. I noticed the second time I saw it how there’s so much going on that it’s easy to miss little moments because of how seamlessly it’s all knitted together. Seeing the Sympathy of the Devil intro again still gives me goosebumps. It’s such a powerful program and they really cover the ice so quickly in it. Makes me miss competition days. Seeing Carolina, Tati and Max, and Jeremy for the first time was really something special. Carolina has such magic and artistry it’s phenomenal. She really draws you in and captivates her audience. She also has great choice in costumes! Jeremy’s jumps are super high and he goes into them without much lead up. Tati and Max are also so amazing, the high and distance of their throws are unparalleled and it really makes you gasp - it’s the quality of elements that really set the Russian teams apart. I also have to say the fact that Tati had a baby and still has that much flexibility is crazy. Tati also just sits back in her landing position so nicely like it’s no big deal she just landed that throw. Sitting beside Trennt at the Kitch show-- he was totally fangirling over Tati and Max. He was in awe and even gave them a standing ovation. Chiddy’s program was really fun! I liked that it was fast and he could really let go in it. I thought it was a little messy when I saw it in Kitchener but it was much better in Sauga. Kaetlyn’s program is super cute, fits her very well and she seems super comfortable in it. The Sauga show for her solo was a messy one she fell on most of the jumps so I’m glad I got to see it in Kitchener.
Wish You Were Here...I have to start off by saying how full circle this is that they always said how it was music they’ll come back to one day for Scott’s grandfather and Tessa’s grandmother and it’s just so sentimental. In this program, I still get heart palp moments when they skate – it’s like magic. It just blends together and really transcends time. Like did the program just start? Is it over already? And they just look at each other that way like they feel everything the other person is feeling and we’re just lucky to watch. Also, it’s so easy to see the balletic elements shine through in this program. I love how many moments they have with gorgeous lines and they hit those poses that are just beautiful and communicate the feelings and emotions. Scott wearing the poppy on his chest in the black outfit was really touching, he’s always been very supportive of veterans and it was nice to see that touch.
Having Special Olympians part of the show is SO SO SO special. What a lovely stage to showcase these dedicated athletes. At both of my shows they got standing ovations and they got to celebrate a well skated program. I love Tessa and Scott for choosing to include.
Speakeasy was really well done! The acting is just so over the top and perfect I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT. Every little detail is choreographed so well with the faces, little flicks of the wrist and well timed smiles. The longing looks and winks. IT’S LIKE A MOVIE. Sway... oh man sway... sway makes me LIVE. Every turn and hold and lift. It throws me into the era so hard I don’t want to get out. VM are just stunning and will forever be. The way their bodies mirror each other and how they can just react to every hip sway and hold of each other. It’s the freedom they bring when they skate with each other that they can let go it give themselves to the choreo bc of the trust they have with each other. One is never over the top because the other is just a perfect match. Can I also have Tessa’s costume in my size please because I want to wear it every day?
Let you go was so beautiful. Nothing beats live music, and I love the interweaving choreo. Also, those black body suits are stunning. Did I mention Carolina is stunning she’s just so flowy and elegant? It’s a nice simple moment that’s visually appealing.
Motown is another number that makes me want to get up and dance with the crew! No word of a lie I want to learn the choreo hahaha. Everyone commits to characters in this number just as much as the last one. I love the little embedded story lines like Patrick and Kaetlyn. It’s such a fun medley of music that is just a party on the ice. I noticed during this number some extra details like when Tessa is being lifted in the split Scott is doing a fun little thing with Carolina and Kaetlyn on the other side. It’s cool to watch from different angles so you can notice things like that. Gotta love VM slow dancing, will never get old. I’ll be like 50 and come watch these videos and be like YEP THAT’S GOOD STUFF.
Fix you— I prepared myself to be like a mess and I wasn’t. The video of course is emotional to watch but I cried the first time I saw it online not in person. The skate itself is gorgeous I love the choreo how they get pulled away and then they find that moment in the middle at the crescendo of the music and it’s just perfect and we get a little latch and a little umbrellas. A perfect little ending, if anything I wish it was longer so we could live in it just a bit more. I couldn’t help think of all the moments that have led up to this as I watched them skate for the last time-- all the moments that we as fans have been privy to which certainly is only a fraction of the ones they have to look back on. What a blessing for them to go out on their own terms rather than by injury or circumstance or anything like that. They’re going out because they’re content with what they have accomplished and what they want to represent as skaters-- an era of pure excellence. How wonderful that we got to witness that?
Kudos to Charlie White for an INCREDIBLY well choreographed show! I do have to add that thanks for Danielle-- me, madi, and Meg got to meet Charlie and Andrew Poje after the show. We were just on ice waiting for Danielle and then they walked by and we were totally dumbfounded and then Danielle introduced herself and we got to sneak in a quick moment and grab a picture which was awesome cause I really wanted to meet Charlie.
Shout out to everyone in this wonderful crazy mess of a fandom that I’ve got to share any part of the VM journey with. I’m so incredibly blessed to have met some of my favorite people, best friends, and people that understand what it’s like to be in this fandom. I’m so grateful to have witness so much of their skating in person and I can wait to continue to support them as people.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Rating my tkc f/os as my helpers to teach the younger kids at the Brooklyn house
A/n: fluff ensues.
♡Only moots ok to rb.
Tumblr media
-Very kind and understanding with the kids.
-Warm and friendly, Will answer any questions the kids have about the first nome.(for better or worse)
- he is called dad multiple times and ends up crying happy tears after the classes are done
- gives the kids a lot of hugs, hes a cuddle bug.
-has the patience of a saint.
-his cheeks get dark whenever the kids ask him about our relationshipp saying how cute it is. The first time this happends hes taken off guard but is very smooth about it
-But with every questions his cheeks get Darker and darker.
-Overall (10/10)
- matches the kids energy 100%
-he is just as scatter brained as the kids.
-somewhat ends up grabbing the attention of the kids and makes the class easier.
-tells (watered down) stories of myths and helps kids to choose a path to follow
-kids love painting with him bcs he has a very fun energy to him.
-the kids try to mimic their eyes when painting. Results are varied
-when kids say they wanna follow the path of Thoth he tears up
-ends up getting a lot of hugs too
-the first time the kids ask about our relationshipp he has a small crisis, blushes like a madman and gladly answers the kids question. Will die inside whenever they sing "Ms jeri and Mr. Thoth in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g".
-dies a little when the kids tell me he refers to me as "sugar" "my honey|honey bunny" when gushing about me.
-overall (9/10) (since he is scatterbrained but we cant blame him for it)
-first time he comes in kids start shouting and trying to hit him. They just shout "DIE RED EVIL MAN!"
-he finds this hilarious. And slowly but surely explains kids hes ...good...now.
-think of it as..."my love for Ms. Jeri makes me a good man"
-since hes intimidating he helps to maintain the kids on track when the classes start.
- when asked about our relationshipp he gets very shy and wont answer any questions.
- as they warm up to him and vice versa he starts answering some questions.
-eventually gushes about me freely.
-the first time one of the kids gave him a hug after class he melted and cried once they were gone.
-when one of the kids said they wanted to follow his path he almost passes out and happily encourages them. The rests of the kids are concerned.
-eventyally helps the kids get away with minor mischief around the house. And its chaos.
-overall (8/10) bcs he helps them cause trouble.
-is very dense like the kids. Sometimes the classes are more for him than the children.
-kids love to ask all sorts of questions about his battles. After some glances from my part he says "maybe when you are all older"
-hes a very strict but caring teacher. "Discipline is a warriors best tool ". He says.
-When asked about our relationshipp his hair Will ruffle like feathers and blush.
-doesnt mind talking about our relationshipp and pours his heart into it.
-When kids say they wanna follow his path he gets very happy "you are all mighty warriors!" He says." Im honored!"
- teaches the kids how to make bird noises. Screeching ensues.
-he comes in thinking the kids Will love him. Realizes how messy kids are and panics.
-his first class with me is...a mess.
-his suit gets ruined, kids pull at his hair. He suffers.
-theres defenetly a learning curbe for him.
-eventually comes in his "cool teacher" outfit. Hair in a bun to avoid any pulling.
-gets very whiny sometimes. "Im starving" "khonsu baby you Ate an hour ago" "teaching is hard! I wanna be on my phone" "khonsu you came here to help not sit still and look pretty"
-eventually warms up the kids and gets them treats when they do well on class
-he gets super shy when asked about our relationshipp and he gets very corny. The kids love it.
-when someone says they wanna follow his path he is surprised, his old self would get arrogant about it, his current self smiles and thanks the kid for such honor.
-when the kids hug him for the first time he hugs back super strong, and once we are alone he starts crying
-overall (8/10)
-always tired
-kids already love her so she makes the classes easier.
-she keeps the kids attention very well, shes like a mother to them
-the kids slowly learn how to blackmail her with treats, chaos ensues.
-when asked about our relationshipp her hair puffs up and looks away, answering surface level questions. Eventually answers very corny questions and gets even cornier.
-when a kid says they wanna follow her path he gets very emotionall and starts crying happy tears. Cue me explaining those tears Are good to a sea of confused near-crying children.
-gets more hugs than anyone else for being well half cat!.
-overall (9/10)
0 notes
savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
I like how you headcanon that all these cuties are virgins cuz I do too lol. Of it isn't a problem, could I request some Lance relationship headcanons? You decide on what they can be (I don't know what I want and I'm embarrassed about it lol). Have a nice day!
Oh don’t you worry, I have a lot about Lancey Lance (but here’s only a few bc I’m lazy and cooking while writing this) And i’m just throwing this out there but Hunk totes got laid in high school and at the Garrison. Lance was pretty jealous
Doesn’t believe you at first when you agree to go out with him
“Yeah, haha, that was a joke! I know you wouldn’t really go out with me, we’re great just being friends and we shouldn’t jeopardi–wait what?”
“I said ‘Yes’? As in, Yes Lance, I will go out with you?”
“Oh….I didn’t–what?”
He’s processing. He was so ready for you to turn him down. He might have prepared a few scenarios
Might have a Hershey’s kiss in his pocket. Just for if he got the nerves to ask you out by asking you if you wanted to kiss. And when you said ‘ew, no’ he could whip out the candy. bam. a Kiss!
Practiced the Yawn and Shoulder Wrap™ for during a movie. He wanted to be subtle.
“So, Allura said we were cute together and I was like ‘Whaaaaaaaat?? Gurl, you crazy!’ haha Isn’t that crazy???? Unless….”
But finally it clicks that you’re blushing and fidgeting with your fingers because you actually like him too!
 “Holy quiznack…you’re my boy/girlfriend…I DID IT!!!”
totally grabs your hands and pulls them into the air while he screams that last part
He’s so excited
“Prepare to be wooed”
“Lance, I’m already wooed. That’s why I…you know what. Yes. I am prepared to be wooed. Whoo away.”
You may never hear your name during standard conversation again
he lays it on thick with the nicknames
Boo, Bae, Darling, Babe, Baby, Sweetheart…you name it. he uses it
after love confessions he throws Love an mi amor
Sweetheart is his favorite though, Cutie is the close second
He usually only says your name during sexy times or when referring to you when talking to someone else (but he can also not, it depends on what he’s feeling)
Constantly in awe. Catch this nerd just gazing at you randomly with this lovesick look on his face
“What are you looking at????”
“Just you… I’m so lucky.” He’s so sincere.
His flirting is now solely reserved for you. Be prepared for pick up lines.
“Lance! Why are you–? We’re already dating??”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t use pick up lines, babe.”
“Ok but, seriously? ‘Come here often?’ We live in the castle.”
Also, cuts people off if they try to flirt with him
“Uhm, Okay one second. I appreciate this and all…but I have the best girl/boyfriend right now? So, thanks but no thanks. Hope this doesn’t ruin your chances of joining The Coalition!”
Weekly spa dates where Lance makes a face mask specifically for your skin, hair masks (thank god he found what he thinks is coconut oil), he’ll paint your nails for you, massages for you both!
aaannd of course he’s on his best behavior when he’s giving you a massage (but he’s weak)
but no one wants to bang when the other is wearing a green face mask. (Shiro voice: No, just. No.)
He loves swimming so you’ll probably be roped into it
and if you don’t know how to swim he’ll teach you!
or if you hate water he’ll be happy enough with your company, but he might try every once in a while to get you in
*puppy face* But y/n!!! Don’t you love me???
Gets you a gift from every new planet he lands on
So. Many. Flowers.
And pretty rocks he thought were neat.
If there’s a community then he’ll get you things like jewelry, weapons, books, whatever you like, he get
blushes super red everytime he gives you a gift 
He’s a touchy feely kinda guy
so many hugs
he honestly just always has a hand on you somewhere, even when just lounging. He needs to touch.
The biggest nose kisser! GIVE HIM THE NOSE
When you walk by he’ll reach out to grab you around the waist and tug you into his lap, just cause he wants to hold you
If he’s passing by he’ll give you a passing massage or shoulder squeeze
he can’t walk past you without touching
and if you happen to be bent over looking for something while he walks by? Yeah, he’s grabbing that ass. 
If you do the same to him he turns beet red and starts stammering
definitely can’t take what he gives.
will put on a song and just serenade you in the worst possible way
and once he’s got you laughing he’ll pull you into his bad dance moves
ironically though, he can sing and dance. it’s more fun to do it bad
Does serenade properly when he decides he needs to tell you he loves you for the first time
which he wants to tell you about one month in, but he knows that’s way too early
waits until about month 4 and he cries
A bit insecure about your relationship. Talks himself down a lot
sees Keith make you laugh once and he’s like ‘Oh no, this is it. It’s all going down hill. Because who doesn’t want to date mullet? He’s super cool and edgy and good looking and–”
You gotta stop him.
He firmly believes you are too good for him.
My poor nugget.
“You sure you still love me? Because–”
“Yes Lancelot. I love you very, very much. Don’t listen to those nasty voices. You. Are. My love.”
“Sounds fake, but okay.”
“Don’t meme me when I’m being serious, Lance.”
You’re biggest supporter and roaster
You walk in the room wearing mismatched lion slippers. Lance: “What’re thoooooose!!?”
You get put in some god-awful ceremonial outfit. Lance: “You are so lucky I love you.”
“Don’t kiss me in the morning. You have dragon breath.”
“Kick his ass baby, I’ll hold your flower!” “LancE! ENOUGH WITH THE MEMES. ”
Lance whenever you do a mundane taskl: “YASSS BABY! SLAY!!!!”
Also Lance: “No, nope, gimme that. I’ve watched you choke on water.”
Overshares late at night when he’s crawled into your bed after a nightmare
Yells “Honey! I’m ho~ome!” everytime he comes back from a mission and makes a beeline towards you for a kiss.
If you get caught in a battle you best believe Lance is 100X more badass than usual
he’s making shots he didn’t even know he could make
and he’s hitting every. single. one.
Ain’t nobody touching his baby
even jumps in for a little close combat, working seamlessly with you to take enemies down
pulls you in for a desperate kiss after they’re all dead
You can’t be sad when dating Lance, he notices immediately and makes it his mission to brighten your day
if you do something super cute Lance will practically squeal, scoop you up, and twirl you around  before putting you back in your spot with a kiss
He’s a good boy who just wants to spend time with his babe and spoil them
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sweetcron · 4 years
i probably went too hard on all these but....one of my summer classes just finished and i was like yeahahhHhhahah
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
totally depends where i am and how much time i have, but typically ill have yogurt & something small but sweet so i dont go insane
12. name of your favorite playlist?
god right now my favorite is handle without care, which is just stupid songs im into right now
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard, except i always get it caught on shit so typically i just throw my keys in my bag anyway
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
oooo hard one, my initial thought was sour gummy worms, but probably... either that or sour skittles. oh but fuck lemon & black licorice jelly beans together......im excited to have 0 followers & 0 friends tomorrow
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
percy jackson was dope. im trying to come up with another that i even read and frankly cannot
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
honestly i just sit like a fool all the time, but i like to be very reclined and almost horizontal, if im forced to sit more upright i like crosslegged or with my leg(s) pulled up to my chest
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
depends on the season or length of time, recently it’s been my black high top vans, usually it’s my docs. for a long time it was black converse.
18. ideal weather?
i like when it’s a little sunny, kind of overcast, but a little cold, like enough to wear layers but not suffer
19. sleeping position?
on my side, curled up, ideally holding pam(ela indestructable underworld), my adorable stuffed sloth
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
depends on what it is, but I have a planner sort of thing i really like for planning, a sketchbook/painting sort of notebook for more emotional shit and then my twitter that nobody follows and is private for really emotional shit
21. obsession from childhood?
i loved making like..dirt, water, and grass mixtures in an empty gatorade bottle. apparently this is not a common experience.
22. role model?
everyone to an extent, but also nobody. but to pin down a specific person, probably my therapist lol
23. strange habits?
i keep listening to shiny from moana? also i keep wanting to change my hair.
24. favorite crystal?
oh god, i love opal, but i dont know. most are pretty but some are awful. it depends, and id have to look at a million pictures for any resemblance of a legitimate answer
25. first song you remember hearing?
that’s so hard um. i dont remember very early but i do remember hearing crush, crush, crush by paramore and thinking ew crushes are gross even though i had a crush on a dumbass at the time, and welcome to the black parade and crying
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
warm, probably a concert but past that, walking around, going to thrift stores or record shops. 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
a concert, again but past that going home, or getting a warm drink
28. five songs to describe you?
oh LORD!!!!! this is hard, but i did my best
1. caught in the middle - paramore
2. grow - muna
3. cool for cats - squeeze
4. cut my lip - twenty one pilots
5. tubthumping - chumbawumba
29. best way to bond with you?
share music with me, be vulnerable and share what is going on with you
30. places that you find sacred?
being in trees and being alone listening to music that means a lot to me loudly
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
i have a mustardy yellow shirt that’s got vertical lines that are raised from the shirt, and then a flared leg jumpsuit sort of thing that’s like plaid, with black and white and grey. then docs, and yeah i love that outfit. adore it. even better with a jean jacket with fleece lining.
32. top five favorite vines?
also so hard but after doing this i think im gonna throw up from laughing so hard
1. dancing puppet
2. get outta your mind
3. cat
5. krispy kreme
33. most used phrase in your phone?
that’s a great question, probably me asking people what to do with my hair
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
none currently, but always “meat, it’s what’s for dinner”
35. average time you fall asleep?
depends, but usually 10ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
probably some rage meme like brian or whatever
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
depends on what im doing, but usually duffel.
38. lemonade or tea?
arnold palmer babie!! but it depends, usually i’d say tea, i really like lemon ginger (especially pukka but its expensive)
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
i dont know if i’ve had lemon meringue pie, but lemon cake sounds better i think
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
i remembered this and it is entertaining, in middle school (i was...prolly 14? 13?) someone said “someone likes uuuu” to me and i was like. “......k” and they were like..... “it’s a giiiiiiirl” and i again, was like “.......k” and so literally, i fucking spent the rest of the class being like, hm! apparently i dont care. and thats how i realized that idc about gender when it comes to liking someone lol
41. last person you texted?
max, @laetan​. follow him if u dont i love him
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
women’s pant pockets are cursed. jacket pockets enlighten me, especially when there’s one normal and then one like, on top of that pocket but the entrance is horizontal. that’s my favorite.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
all? but let’s rank them 
1. jean jacket, my absolute fav, i have like 5 jean jackets and it’s bad. i always want more
2. hoodie, with a jean jacket is even better, but COMFY!!!!
3. leather jacket, look like a badass with one piece of clothing!!
4. bomber jacket, dont have a lot but always make me feel cool
5. cardigan, makes me feel like an old lady, but also really comfy idk. even the worst is amazing
44. favorite scent for soap?
i love lemon, but any fruit is good. or like, vanilla
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi usually....fantasy is usually too much and superhero is usually annoying. unless it’s spiderman. i adore spiderman
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
oversized soft t shirt and like, soft shorts/boxer things
47. favorite type of cheese?
GOAT CHEESE!!! also sharp cheddar and pepperjack
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
pear. i feel like i’m not talked about a lot but people like me and nobody despises me??
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
i really like “you can start over each day” and “only skeleton bones remain” (FUCKING CLIKKIE)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i feel like ive cried laughing so hard, or almost thrown up, but i dont know why, and that’s almost better
51. current stresses?
just general body things, appointments, school in the fall, graduating, etc
52. favorite font?
it depends on what im doing, but i love my own handwriting, i like times new roman, hate arial with a PASSION!!!!! brawler is nice but doesn’t bold well. handwriting fonts are cool too
53. what is the current state of your hands?
left hand’s nails is in silver glitter and right hand’s nails are blue/purple glitter. perpetual hangnails. still a hint of a scar from cutting my hand on a razor, and remnants of blisters from rowing
54. what did you learn from your first job?
that you can be kind and see change without changing the entire world, and that men are creepy as shit
55. favorite fairy tale?
i dont think i have one? max probably has a good one that i’d love. new ask game send me ur favorite fairy tales and ill read them and review them
56. favorite tradition?
my mom makes me a half birthday cake every year, it’s really cute and idk why it warms my heart
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
fuck dude, umm this is hard and also a lot
1. my extreme self hatred!!
2. my extreme concern for other people’s thoughts, just honestly like dressing and listening to whatever and not really caring, ill always care, just not as bad as i did
3. letting go of things and trying to grow because of pain rather than viewing it as a waste of time
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
uhhhhhghaghhaghdshaghdhsaghadshg i dont know this is hard
1. finding dope ass socks at thrift stores
2. thinking creatively and trying to make something stranger than others like it
3. i can draw p well???? i guess? i designed my tattoo does that count
4. winning contests. i won like, 10 last year? like wtf
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
recently it would be life’s a sham and then ur wow, in reference to life’s a bitch and then you die and also shamwow. so that. or just constantly referring to things as bad boys, like. dishes.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
there’s different kinds? but ummmm i dont know, i dont want to google anime types. can i say like a miyazaki movie and be done with it
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
i dont know, can i do a song? bc i really like I’m alive in spite of me recently, also like this graffiti that i say that said 33 might mason men couldn’t put me back together again
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh boy, i asked my gf for help on some
1. nick miller from new girl
2. peter b. parker from into the spiderverse
3. dean mccoppin from iron giant for some reason
4. emile from ratatouille 
5. a mix of ben and leslie from parks and rec
6. a weird mix of chris and ron from parks and rec
7. rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid
63. five songs that would play in your club?
1. come down by anderson paak
2. send me on my way by rusted root
3. doses and mimosas by cherub
4. replay by iyaz
5. rap snitch knishes by mf doom
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
yeaaa got a lot, most prominent are on my legs, partially just stretch marks, and then the one on my forehead from when i got stitches
66. favorite flower(s)?
i love carnations, marigolds, roses, but really anything, fuck
67. good luck charms?
i don’t have any, i used to wear a bracelet my gf gave me but it broke. *insert gif of me trying to remember when it broke and if that’s when everything went to shit*
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
centipede jelly bean. worst thing ive ever had. it wouldn’t go away for a day even with eating other things and drinking water and chewing strong gum. horrible
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
i have no idea. truly
70. left or right handed?
i am right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
houndstooth, i really don’t like it for some reason
72. worst subject?
i am oh so bad at writing, it’s really hard for me. but honestly recently every subject is horrible.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
this was mentioned before, but black licorice and lemon. i’ve only had it with jelly beans, so maybe it’s not as good in other formats
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
depends on what it is, if i think a migraine is coming then i take it pretty low, maybe a 4, otherwise i can deal with it up to like a 6 or 7, unless i’m needing to focus
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont know when, but i do remember where. i was at a drive through bank in a rental car with my parents and brother in oregon, and i put the tooth in the lid of a plastic water bottle.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
jalepeno potato chips are soooo good but, honestly, tots are the best. mashed potatoes are good too
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
depends on the direction it’s facing and climate, but i’m growing some ivy right now and it’s so pretty and cool. also a christmas cactus that my great great great grandma or something like that started and has been passed down!!!! and a ..... leafy boy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
absolutely coffee from a gas station, i dont trust sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
my school id because i’m smiling. i look stoned or dead in my id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
i didn’t entirely know what this meant, so i googled both and went oooooooo to jewel tones so. jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
i say both, i don’t know which i say more frequently because i live where there aren’t ....... lightning bugs. ore fireflies. whichever. lol
82. pc or console?
i dont game much, but i like my psp a lot, or like a joystick sort of sitchhhh
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
podcasts, i don’t listen to much of either
84. barbie or polly pocket?
can i throw in a third variable of bratz?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
either, but probably mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes?
depends on the kind, but i love frosting and cupcakes are fun, so cupcakes.
87. your greatest fear?
that i will lose everyone i love or push them away? eeeee
88. your greatest wish?
to be content and hopefully other people are content alongside me
89. who would you put before everyone else?
honestly my gf, max, and steph. and my mom. yeyeeeee
90. luckiest mistake?
oh god we could go deep or not. probably not. so like, buying pamela, my stuffed sloth
91. boxes or bags?
depends on the situation, but bags are fun, can put patches on them, plastic bags are boring and boxes are useful, help organize or carry lots of things
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
sunlight absolutely, i love it. i then would say lamps are better than fairy lights which are better than overhead lights. fuck overhead lights
93. nicknames?
for me? okay lets GO. delly, delly boi, dell, d, glen, glenjamin, glenny, yenaled. there’s a lot of weird/gross ones that i dont want to share.
94. favorite season?
fall in theory, summer in stability.
95. favorite app on your phone?
wasn’t this already asked? CAUGHTCHA
96. desktop background?
switches between 3 pictures around colorado that my gf took
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
good question, i honestly don’t know. can i say the 80s or 90s? if not like, before racism existed. yeah
0 notes