#every mutual is welcome to engage with this one! especially those who didn't get a starter last time!
enypneon · 11 months
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FIRST OF ALL, i want to apologise again for not getting to every requested starter 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝. it's been a while and much has happened in between ─ i would love to start with a new starter call!
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roxtron · 1 year
So I gotta be honest and get this off my chest, I know I started this account posting ROTTMNT fanart but honestly? I'm probably gonna be a bit cut off from the fandom. Sorry to those who followed me for my art but I'm probably not gonna make/post art for it anymore. I haven't had the motivation to for a long time anyway.
And I can't really lie, it's not entirely from my own issues. Sure, I kinda lost hyperfixation on the show and haven't watched the source material in a while, I'm getting back into old special interests, makes sense I'm not really feeling like it anymore, but it's a bit more than that honestly. The fandom hasn't felt like a very welcoming space if I'm being honest. The large amount of fanfics or fanworks throwing in SA for no reason really throws me off, sure that's because it's a bit of a trigger but it also just feels kinda bad to throw it in there 'just because.' I don't want to be too harsh on fan content as I do think there's some very talented people in this fandom that have created amazing art, and that's not to say fanwork that includes those topics can't be good just because it includes those topics, but for a fandom that's based off a kids show? It feels very odd to include a topic of that nature. But I didn't write all this just to say ''oh there's been some fanfics with topics that threw me off'' because, eh.. While I get every fandom has its issues, and this is definitely a minority of people, the issues with t-cest or sexualizing the turtles definitely make it a bit frustrating to just enjoy the fandom when you're constantly having to filter through content, especially on other social media platforms where you can't just ban those tags, or some people simply don't tag it with those tags. But honestly the thing that made me worried to post about this? As far as interaction goes the fandom hasn't been super welcoming beyond a couple of people, though I am grateful for those people, it can be a bit frustrating. I noticed I was getting more attention on my posts early on, then when I made a post about trans representation.. it went all downhill from there. and it's frustrating. It's annoying seeing and knowing people actively avoid interaction with someone just because they said something mildly political and left leaning. What's more frustrating is trying to figure out how to convey this without sounding like "oh I'm not getting a ton of likes :(" Like. I don't care about that, I truly don't, I've actually been really happy with the feedback I've gotten on one of my KH redraws even though it didn't get many likes at all. It's difficult trying to convey something that feels invisible. Most people might think it's just coincidence, but it really wasn't, it was a sudden shift and I certainly noticed the people that consistently followed my posts and suddenly stopped after the trans representation post. Like I said it's frustrating to make a post about this, because I do want to talk about it, it's very annoying and makes this fandom feel more like a space where people care about having a 'clean' image rather than a genuine community- But I can't help but feel I'm gonna be recieved poorly for it. I'm trying not to care too much about it. if I don't feel like I can be open, what's the point of even posting? I guess this was largely to get this off my chest, but I did also want to give some sort of explanation for why I'm not really engaged in the fandom anymore. I still see/like some posts, but I don't try to actively engage anymore. And this is why :/ That and also I just don't use tumblr a lot anymore but that's because I forget it exists a lot lol. I still wanna post on this account, I like making analysis posts and I wanna make more KH art, I just haven't had the motivation or time to do so. So it's not like I'm like, giving up this account or anything or disassociating from mutuals because of a fandom, just wanted to explain why I'm not really posting much of my own in this fandom anymore.
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
You made fun of my fancy 'unfortunately' and then wrote fancy words like 'Nor do I posit'? :) Where's the 'Resident Evil' tag? You confidently tag that Aeon post in the tag, didn't you? Why not these? And tags won't show in public unless they're the first 5 you write, so no use writing them at the end. Also, you couldn't write even a single 'help' which doesn't benefit her in the end after all. I'm glad I made my point across :)
I’m not going to populate the resident evil tag with shipping bs that died down a year after the re2 remake came out lol. Nice criticism of my word choice but it holds no weight when you’re the anon hiding in my inbox. And idk how long you’ve been on tumblr, but the first five tags are what people get popups for that follow the tag. The first fifteen are what shows up in the ‘recent’ section of tags. So i’m doing fine, thanks. I don’t take orders from you.
Like I said, I don’t have to explain anything to you. And it would be redundant to list every ‘help’ Ada’s done for Leon when I’m legit making like five gifsets right now that highlight every single one. Just wait a bit nonny. Have some patience. Drink some juice. Relax. 
Why are you so pressed, anyways? Like I said before, this fandom discourse has died down. Re is in a pretty anti deadzone rn tbh. Things are chill. People are finally at a level where they can discuss this kind of stuff rationally. It’s been happening in the tags for days and it’s been awesome. We’ve got some really smart people in this fandom, a lot of whom I disagree with, but that’s beside the point.
Look - again - I don’t owe you anything. I don’t know you. You aren’t my friend. You aren’t my family. Hell, you aren’t even my mutual. You probably don’t even follow me. I owe you nothing.
But I will give you this: @residentsbeingevil and @thoughtsofa-wallflower. These blogs are good blogs for healthy discussions. Drink that juice. Calm down a bit. And go bring your criticisms to a blog that can field them without disrupting people’s peace. You’re acting incredibly immaturely. 
I’m not here to ‘benefit’ Ada. I’m not here to point out what’s right in front you. LITERAL TEXT. in every game/movie Leon and Ada have shown up in. Seriously. I’m not going to change your mind. What does it matter to you? I’m capable of engaging critically with the ships and characters and fandoms I like, but that doesn’t mean I have to share those criticisms with you. Especially when you come into my inbox like this.
For future reference. Anybody who wants to discuss valid criticisms about characters or ships or fandoms is welcome to do so with me. My inbox is, as always, open. But this rabid anti stuff? That’s just pure fandom wank and meant explicity to get the anti anon off on some gross form of tumblr debate? That’s not welcome here.
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