#eventually we could get to domesticity if you'd like lol but it seems you keep getting my dark Seph
not-really-a-writer · 2 years
Future Letters to the Love of my Life: 2/?
Summary: just mushy stuff I'd say to my s/o if I had one rn and so I write these things about whatever's going on rn to him bc I will meet him in the future. I started this a looong while back but just now finishing lol ;)
Hey Babe,
I've been feeling kind of down and lonely lately. I don't know why. I actually have big plans with friends and family this week, so I don't know what's got me down. Maybe it's because I am just missing you.
I don't have someone to split my avocado with. I don't have anyone to practice my dance steps with. I don't have someone to help me hold the level while I'm trying to hang a shelf, or help me line things up when I'm trying to hang up some of my artwork.
I know that concept seems weird. We haven't met yet and yet here I am. I feel like I'm missing you, or someone at least, to chat with on the regular. Day in, day out kind of stuff. Dumb domestic life stuff that goes on every day. The stuff that's too boring to talk about with my normal friends. Something that I'd just ramble on about with my partner. My special person. That's what I feel is missing.
Well, the thing I wanted to tell you today was that I tried on a dress. It is a long dress and I bought it because it was on sale and I thought maybe I'd have somewhere to wear it eventually. It didn't fit a few months ago. I have been working hard taking care of myself physically and I think you'd be happy to know that today - it finally fit!
I was so happy because I hadn't really felt like I could see any results for a long time. And this dress is proof that I've been making progress. I walked around my room, in front of mirrors in my house, just to get a look at it. It looked great and I felt so pretty in it.
I tried to dance around in it a bit. Ha ha! It would be so hard to dance in. But that doesn't really matter anyway because I don't have anywhere to wear it in reality. It was just a fun thing to do and have a fantasy about. And well, if something ever came up, I'd at least have something to wear. So I wouldn't call it a waste. I'll keep it around for that reason.
Anyway, it's getting late now and I need to get to bed for work in the morning. Hope you have a good night wherever you are. And maybe I'll get to wear this dress with you somewhere. Or if anything, just to dance around with you in my kitchen, to practice some dance steps.
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Continue from here - X
There was a chuckle tickling and tingling through Cloud mind, before the response met his angry words. Really, Cloud... I thought you’d come to accept this was our reality... No need to be so bitter, on such a wonderful day.
Of course, knowing how it was making Cloud feel, the edge, the discomfort, every feeling firing off bound to his emotions relating to Sephiroth, and the specter of the super human male drank it all in, humming thoughtfully within Cloud’s mind. He considered what fun he would have with Cloud, if he continued with his attitude.
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Is this your pitiful, forced hate of me at play...? Or is this a discomfort in your own day? I FELT how you reacted to even your dear friends and allies wishing you the best for this day.... So what is it about this day that discomforts you?
As per usual, any visit in any compacity from Sephiroth involved him seeking to pick apart new parts of Cloud until there was nothing left.
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