#even though I headcanon Papa Arc took the Arc name so it'd be his ancestors not arcs
rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Papa Arc: *Breaks Door down* SON! I Found a treasure trove of family history! *Throw box at Jaune* Dig in!
Jaune: ... These are all picture of Faunus woman opening pickle jars with their feet.
Papa Arc: Oop! Wrong box!
Jaune: Look, all I need is one Ancestor that I'm proud of. Do we have any of those?
Papa Arc: our family has been knuckle deep in History's pie for years!
Abraham Lincoln: Mary Todd, why don't we stay Here tonight?
Arc Ancestor 1: *Breaks door down* Hey Abe! I got Free tickets to the Theatre, And they're balcony seats!
~Flashback 2, on the Titanic~
Sailor: Ice berg, Dead Ahead! Let's Go around it!
Arc Ancestor 2: *Breaks door down* Around it? No! We're going through it!
~Flashback 2~
George Lucas: I don't want to be too hands on with these star wars prequels
Arc Ancestor 3: *Breaks door Down* George! You gotta Write and Direct these yourself! And make 'em all about Trade Disputes, Audiences eat that Stuff up!
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