#even tho i never finished the magicians
luffyvace · 7 months
helooo can i request saiki x reader bf texts please? thank you so much !! anything is fine honestly as long as its saiki content i miss him 😭😭😭😭
ooooou I haven’t got a request like this yet and it seems very fun!! No problem hun <3
IKR after you finish the anime it feels like such limited content is left for the saiki k fandom!! 😭😭
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💓💗 Saiki and his boyfriend~ 💗💓
“Wanna go get some coffee jelly”
“This is oddly specific but can you tell the magician outside to leave please?”
”can you keep aiura and torisuka distracted so I can leave school?”
”thanks I’ll pay you back in (favorite thing)”
”let’s meet at the arcade”
”I’m annoyed my mom is forcing me to go outside but I know I’m gonna run into kaido”
”please come with me to make this more bearable”
”don’t forget to study for that test”
convos :3
”how do I make friends with that average guy from the other class without seeming weird”
”Kusuo idk just go up to him and talk to him 😭”
”yeah but if I don’t have something to talk about it’ll be awkward and my likeability meter will go down”
”can you figure out his interests for me so I can talk to him?”
”what? YOU do it 🤦”
”no i can’t the nuisances will find me”
convo 2 ;P
“Do you wanna come shopping with me?”
”your not gonna invite the nuisances too are you?”
”no kusuo 😭”
”oh okay well no”
“I'm NOT!”
“I know but nuisance number 4 just showed up”
”at your house?”
”no at the mall”
”ohh well fine 🤦”
convo 3
”can I borrow your bike nendo broke mine”
”idk he sat on it”
”I need it so I don’t have to go shopping with my dad”
”why is that so bad?? 😭”
”because he starts begging for things at the store”
“Isn’t he a grown man?”
”yeah I know that’s why I need to borrow your bike”
”sure babe..😭🤦”
convo 4
”my mom wants you to come over for dinner”
”oh alright!”
”say your sick”
”kuu why? 😭😭”
”can’t I come over??”
”no my parents are embarrassing”
”but I’ve come over plenty of times before tho”
”I know but, please just don’t come over”
”what’s happening??”
”fine. My dad wants to play a prank on someone because when he try to scare me it didn’t work. So I need you to come over and pretend to be scared so my mom doesn’t kill me”
”what?? So now I’m supposed to come over?”
”let’s just get it over with”
”you go through so much I swear 😭💗”
convo 5
”when you come over and my mom asks if you wanna meet my brother say no”
”whaaat but I kinda wanna meet him”
”say no”
”for both of our sakes”
”if you don’t go I won’t have to either”
”fine 😒”
convo 6
”goodnight kuu”
”goodnight m/n”
convo 7
“I hear nuisance number 4 isn’t showing up to school today”
”no she isn’t”
”rejoice. God is real.”
”KUSUO 😭😭”
convo 8
“your driving home today right? Can I hitch a ride? Nuisance number 1 is here”
”wait which nuisance is that again?”
”how can you forget? It’s the second most terrible one. Nuisance 1 is nendo”
”hurry he’s coming”
convo 9
”come with me to nuisance number 2’s house so I don’t have to go alone”
”kaido right? he’s not so bad right? I can’t I have homework”
”no he’s just really weird and cringe and awkward”
“I’ll wait”
”okay 😭”
convo 10
“can I come over and we can watch that show you recommended me?”
”yeah sure any time kuu”
”you really don’t have to ask, I could get you a spare key if you want”
”yes an emergency escape route in case of nuisance surprises”
”and you ig”
convo 11
”that was sweet. what you did for them”
“Yeah I guess they’re not so bad for now”
”for now Kusuo?”
”you sound like my mom”
”actually, that’s not an insult I love your mom”
”I know”
”WYM 😭”
”you hug her more than I do”
”well that proves smth 🤨🤨”
”eh. I’ll get her a gift”
”good cuz she’s awesome 😙”
convo 12
“let’s finish playing that game you have”
”you have never even played it he’s so annoying”
”you wouldn’t even think it’s funny if I hadn’t have told you”
”come on at least least me see the chapter you said you hated”
”you just wanna see me suffer”
”If I did I wouldn’t have distracted hairo for you earlier”
”LOL YIPPIE I’m coming over as soon as I’m done with my homework 🙂”
convo 13
“How do I transfer to class 2”
”you just wanna be with satou don’t you”
”you don’t know how?”
”no kuu, I don’t 🤦”
convo 14
“I have to go visit my grandparents and my granddad is really awkward come with me”
”why do you love my family so much?”
”they’re strange”
”I love YOU 😒”
”are you calling me weird”
”in what way are you normal mister magic powers with weird friends and family who also has to stop a volcano from erupting yearly”
”those are just ordinary daily tasks”
”now your coming right?”
”I should leave you”
”you wish you were normal so bad”
”when are we going”
”on second thought you can stay here”
convo 15
”let’s reschedule the coffee jelly date for Sunday”
”it’s too chaotic”
”it’s Friday”
”I know I’m dreading the weekend”
”my poor kuu 😭”
”you sound like my mom again”
*read* 1:39pm
LOL I LOVE CONVO 10-15 😊😈 (it got more chaotic as it went on- 😭)
muahahahahhaha hope you enjoyed! these were quite fun :3
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boulette-of-paper · 2 months
YU-GI-OH “Historical” Headcannon
Hello, it's been quite some time. But finally, I took time to finish this draft!
Small necessary disclaimers :
⚠️ Excuse my english, I'm not native.
⚠️ It's hard to find the balance between historical and fun to write. So somethings I might have said in my previous post won't technically matter here.
Fandom : Yu-Gi-Oh (manga + anime)
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His mother died during childbirth. That would explain the absence of brother and sister.
He had a nurse, potentially Maana's mother since it was said they knew each other since childhood.
Aside from that he had a pretty lonely childhood, he is the future pharaoh, a god among the humans. So every relationship starts with a massive imbalance.
He lacked connection with people basically. (Except Mahad and Maana)
Pharoh used to be disconnected from their people, they were symbols before humans
He had and still has an issue with eye contact. Either he doesn't look at people at all or just fixes someone intensely. No in-between.
Young Atem couldn’t stay put unless someone was brushing his hair.
Even older he has a very soft spot and liking when he gets pampered. He loves long baths or when someone does his make-up or again brushing his hair.
Atem has no issues with nudity, again the clothes were very reviling,
Atem might be anxious when completely alone. He’s so used to being with all his servants, advisers etc. ect that when the silence finally arrives and his alone in his bed he tends to feel weird.
He adores cats. But, he used to be a bit too enthusiastic and a cat scratched him and since then he let them come to him but never engaged with them.
Atem would pass hours at the temple, and his surroundings would think of him as a very pious man, but it was for the cats AND for Priest Seto.
Priest Seto
Priest Seto has the longest and lushiest (?) hair known to exist.
He loves cats and cats love him back.
Priest Seto knows his eyeliner, he does it in the first stroke and it’s always perfect
Child Seto because of his blue eyes was looked at a lot, not in a bad way but more like he was unusual looking.
Seto’s eyes allowed him to be noticed by priests as a “Child of the Gods” since some shades of blue seem to be linked to the sky and the divine in ancient Egypt.
Seto loves to read, and temples were known to be filled with a lot of scriptures.
Seto is more in touch with the people than Atem, since priests were also magicians and doctors
Priest Seto is so loyal to the Pharaoh not only because Atem is the heir of the gods he worships but also because younger they both used to pet the temple’s cat.
Priest Seto is good at what Atem doesn’t like to deal with. That’s why even tho he’s young his one of Atem’s favourite ministers.
Seto likes to walk alone at night under the stars.
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Relationship Headcannons (I know you were looking for it)
But how do we end up in a relationship with those two cuties, and still be accurate historically ?? Well, my friend here is what I could think of.
Atem :
To be 1st wife material, sadly you’ll have to from the family OR a very very influential heir/heiress of a nobleman.
If you’re not 1st wife material > You’ll have to be part of his harem as either: a skilled person or maybe an heiress of an enemy tribe who has been vanquished or is in alliance.
Wait let me explain, Harem in ancient Egypt isn’t what we commonly think. The pharaoh’s harem was, surely to entertain the Pharaoh but also to showcase skill and the Egyptian culture in a way.
So we can imagine here so very skilled shadow game players or very beautiful dancers etc.
Seto :
Find no source to say that priest took a celibacy oath so you can imagine anything you want.
(Personally, I have my small fantasy of forbidden love between him and an OC priestess because I love drama)
Here you have it. It’s not much but hope it at least entertains one or two people. I might have one or two more ideas but who knows. Have a lovely day
If you have any questions please to ask me and if you need sources again ask 😽
Bisous Bye <3
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itsonly1983 · 16 days
WIP Wednesday!
A long time ago, I was tagged by @katsigian (on my main blog "sorryiliketoscreenshot"), and I finally got some time on a Wednesday to do it so let's go!
Part 1 - Screenshotting & Editing!
So, I am no "wip wednesday" professional, I may have done it just once or twice, and I'm working on many things right now so let's go by parts!
Since DBH is rotating on my head like a microwave plate, it is in fact what I've been mostly on these past weeks so uh... my folder number kinda looks like this
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And since I can't play with lights on DBH as I used to do on my Cyberpunk shots, I'm trying to edit the shots on gimp (I know, I know, not the best option, but it's free so I guess it's a start?), which is a challenge for me XD
The next shots to be edited are these ones:
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I won't be posting them all, but I am still unsure which ones should be The Chosen Ones™ 
I am also trying to figure out what I want to edit on those, I've done a couple of tries of removing all the colors besides blue, like this one:
Part 2 - Writing
But I am not so sure yet! I am still new to editing photography, so if anyone reading this has any tips, please let me know!
There you go:
Yeah! I'm writing again! And this time I even *finished a chapter* 😎 I knoooow!! Impressive right?! I've never finished a fic chapter before 😂😂
So now I'm currently working on the second chapter, and I wrote the first paragraphs!
It's a DBH fanfic, an idiots-to-lovers with ReaderXConnor as pairing, and it is in second person POV, which is a big challenge for a non-native speaker like me XP
Your phone alarm rings again, and you groan in response. It was past 10 am, but if you get up now you may reach the precinct before noon. You sit on the side of your bed and face yourself in the huge mirror on your wardrobe door. "Damn, I'm wasted," you thought when you noticed how bad your face was, the usual pair of dark circles around your eyes were now decorated with a black eye right under the untidy bandage on your eyebrow. You sigh heavily.
The day after wasn't easy on you. You woke up with a dry mouth and pain from head to toe. Androids are tough to fight, and their fists may hit harder on your soft skin, so you end up finding bruises you didn't even remember, and the hangover made everything feel worse. You stretch your arm to reach the painkillers and water bottle you used to have on your nightstand. After taking the pills you roll over to your pillow, regretting every drop of alcohol you drank last night. The sun high in the sky was lighting up your whole room since you forgot to close the curtains.
As you rise from the bed to get closer to the mirror you realize you've slept wearing just Connor's t-shirt and panties, you catch your own face acquiring a reddish tone. "I should put it on the washing machine now so it's ready when I return home" you said to yourself, brushing away any other rushing thought.
You leave the washing machine working and go for a hot shower. As the warmth of the water eases your muscles and relaxes the hurting skin, your mind starts to drift away, bringing back bits from the past night. You recall the way his arms pulled you in, the way his hand gently held you against his body, the way his lips crashed yours without hesitation. A shiver ran down your spine as you recall the sensation of his tongue, the unique shock waves were a pleasant surprise. "Wait, what are you doing?" you swept the emerging thoughts "He's your friend, no, worse, he's your coworker! Nothing will ever happen between you two! That kiss meant nothing" you scold yourself.
You hop out of the shower not much later and quickly get ready for work, stopping in front of the mirror one last time to check if a bandage for your eyebrow is needed. "Nah, it will heal. But the nasty eye tho…" You grab your makeup purse and try to hide the black eye the best you can, but you're no magician and after a couple of tries it's still visible somehow, you give up and just grab sunglasses on your way out.
This is the *first* draft, so I'll probably tweak it a lot yet. This also is the first time I'm posting something that isn't a finished piece, and if you're reading this know you're the first person ever! I haven't shown this to anyone yet, and it probably will take some time for people to see it anyway.
The weather was warmer than yesterday, with a couple of clouds in the sky and a bright sun shining through, the traces of snow were now just puddles on the streets. You didn't live far from the Police Station but you decided to take the car anyway, you were already late and it will save you a couple of minutes.
I would also do a "Part 3 - Drawing & Memes", but I'm not comfortable with the results yet! Perhaps in a couple of weeks!
But just know that I have a *nice* DBH meme to finish! It is a redraw, and I am no artist, but I'm doing it for the laugh anyway xP You will see it someday! I promise!
No pressure Taggings!
Thank you @katsigian for tagging me on this, and I am tagging you back! Whenever you have a WIP to share!
Also tagging my mutuals from this blog! @pythoness-at-delphi, @drunkchasind, @faepunkprince, @jos45555, @advictoriams, @fearlessjones
And some mutuals from my main blog! @scribeofred, @caer-oswin @glitchinginthegarden, @dreamskug, @ugh-my-back, @nananarc
And YOU! YOU reading this right now! YOU are tagged!!
But there is no pressure at all! Share your WIPs if you feel like it! And do it whenever you feel like it! This tag doesn't expire!💙
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valeffelees · 1 year
HI HELLOO 📓 !!!!
okkk, lemme think... OH, ok. i've got one, and i think i'm just going to have to accept the reality that i have no true "unwritten" AUs 'cause i do have a couple thousand (yes, thousand) words of this fic in a docu somewhere, but i can't even remember what the working title for it is at this point.
i think it might be "There's a Werewolve in London" or something? but really, who knows. LOL and so, yeah, the plot is about werewolves.
i'm gonna hide the rest of this under a cut tho bc turns out i don't know how to be normal about my fic ideas??? and this is just, so fucking long. like, i-would-not-blame-you-if-you-didn't-read-it fucking long.
but hey, at least i had fun! 😂
i dunno if i've already talked about this fic before? i'm nervous i have just on account of how OLD this idea is, it's one of my early early early snowbaz fic ideas bc i went through a phase where i was just, desperate for werewolf!Simon content??? but n e way, the tune of the plot goes: at the beginning of seventh year, Simon goes out on a mission and disappears without a trace, so of course the WoM has to assume the worst bc there's just no way for a magician with that much magic to blink off the map unless he's... well, yeah.
but life goes on. the Insidious Humdrum stops attacking Watford, the holes in the magickal atmosphere stop spreading, so really, what else is there to do?
Baz plays football. he studies in the library. he turns nineteen. he finishes at the top of his graduating class, wins a half-dozen academic awards, and skips the Leaver's Ball. he moves to London by himself and adopts a cat. what he doesn't do is think about Simon Snow, because he's twenty-three, and in university, and life goes on.
and then one day Baz is on his way to class and he sees a familiar mop of bronze curls and okay, fuck, sure life goes on, yadda-yadda, whatever, he knows those curls. he knows those shoulders, those freckles. he knows—
Simon Snow. older and healthier and standing there in the middle of the library, browsing fucking books. after a moment, Simon's nose flares and his head snaps up. "... Baz?"
and Baz thinks that, really, it's a bit cruel of the universe for him to still be in love with Simon Snow, even after all these years. (he thought, at least for a while, that he wasn't anymore, bc it didn't ache so deep when he thought about him) (but that was when Baz thought he was dead and Simon wasn't in front of him with his eyes and his mouth and that little pinch between his eyebrows, alive alive alive.)
Simon asks how Baz found him, and Baz says, "found implies i've been looking for you," and Simon replies, "right," and is clearly just, so fucking uncomfortable, like this boy wants to get the fuck out of there, but Baz knows that if Simon leaves now he'll never see him again, he's so fucking sure of it, so as Simon is bumbling his way through something to the tune of, "haha well funny catching up, see you around, mate—" Baz blurts out, "do you want to get coffee?"
and Simon stops, and stares at him for a minute, and looks down at the takeaway coffee cup Baz is clearly already holding, and then shoves his hands in the pouch of his hoodie and is like, "yeah, okay."
so they go for coffee, right, and Simon of course eats his body weight in pastries (but he's funny about it) (Baz doesn't comment, but he won't touch things with chocolate, with raisins, with nuts or seeds, and he doesn't actually order a coffee, or even a tea) while Baz sits across from him trying to figure out what to say, but Simon has always been the brave one and starts up with some small talk, polite things, like they're old friends or something, asking what Baz is studying, if he still plays the violin, and then strangely, "do you have a cat?" and Baz is like, "... i do. Olivia. she's orange." and Simon just nods, and keeps eating, and Baz realises Simon isn't going to be the one to bring it up so he finally asks, "Snow, where the fuck have you been?"
but Simon like, dodges the fuck out of that question, he doesn't even acknowledge it, he replies with something like, "i like these," about whatever baked good he's shoving in his face.
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "i love pumpkin, i make a thing sometimes, like a butter. pumpkin, brown sugar, maple syrup. s' good."
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "this has been nice," and then he's pushing back his chair and brushing the crumps off his lap and shrugging into his coat and he drops two ten-pound notes on the table and then he's turning to leave, he's leaving, so Baz lurches forward and grabs his sleeve and says, "Simon," and Simon stops, and takes a breath, and mumbles, "please don't ask me again. i can't say no to you, Baz. so please, don't. because i'll tell you. and i can't."
and Baz doesn't ask again. but he tells him, "the whole World of Mages thinks you're dead," and Simon replies, "i know," and looks back at him over his shoulder, "do me a favour and keep it that way."
Baz: "then let me see you again. i don't want this to be the last time."
so Simon agrees and they start meeting there, at that coffee shop, every day, the hour between Baz's morning and afternoon classes, and he doesn't ask about it again bc Simon is here, showing up, and that's fine, that's enough, he doesn't need to know, and if Simon is a little different, well, that's fine, too. and they carry on like that for a whole month, or just about, and one day they're wrapping things up and like usual Baz says, "tomorrow?" and Simon's face falls a bit as he replies, "i—can't, tomorrow. or the day after, i'm, well, i have a thing but, Tuesday?" and Baz wants to ask, but he doesn't.
"Tuesday, then."
and so—holy shit, am i still talking? i'm gonna have to add a cut to this at the top, i'm sorry. but n e way, it is by the pure chance power known as 'this is a fanfiction' that that night Baz goes out hunting later than usual. had a friend-date with a girl in one of his classes and had to stay up later than he thought to catch up on studying, so he goes out and instead of going poking through catwalks for rats and shit, he decides to take a drive so he can get his hands on something more substantial and maybe go on a bit of a walk, so now Baz is in an ambiguous Forest location and it is the middle of the night, and the weather fine, and the moon is full, and... it's very quiet.
nature is never this quiet, even around him. and that's when Baz hears it. a low, thick growl that makes every hair on his body stand, and before he can think better of it, fight or flight has him sprinting, and something is giving chase, something fast enough to keep up with a vampire, snapping at his heels, and Baz isn't stupid, but Crowley, that's just his luck, isn't it? the one time he decides to hunt in the forest at night on a full moon, there's a fucking werewolf in London. teeth catch the ankle of his jeans and Baz goes down, and instantly rolls himself onto his back and hikes his legs up to catch the wolf on the chest and hold it back from his throat, his back drags and drags and drags into the ground until he slams into a tree, and there are teeth snapping for his face, and through the dark, its eyes are sharp and bright as moonlight and narrowed to a point and blue blue blue—
and he knows that blue, like he knows the toffee-brown of its fur, the dappled pattern of spots in its coat—
and it, he, stops. Simon is panting, and staring at him, and still baring those huge (fucking huge) teeth at him, and so Baz says his name again, and he blinks. and blinks again, his eyes blowing in the dark, softening, recognising him, just for a moment. and then he's gone, disappearing into the trees, the sound of his paws pounding the ground echoing in Baz's head long after he's stopped hearing them. or maybe that's his heartbeat.
Baz gets the fuck out of there as fast as he can, but he doesn't sleep that night. he stays awake until dawn, and then he's back in his car, back out at the forest, waiting. the sun comes up, and Baz almost thinks he has it wrong, but then the trees shift and Simon Snow comes stumbling out looking like he's been run over by a fucking train, he's in joggers and a zip-up hoodie, his chest is bare and so are his feet, and he doesn't notice Baz at first but when he does, he stops walking and glances behind him like he's thinking about running back into the trees (LOL), so Baz is like, "come on, Snow, i don't have all morning," and Simon does the world's most awkward monster-walk-of-shame in history, toddles the fuck up to Baz's car and gets into the passenger's seat without a word.
in the car Baz asks Simon if he remembers what happened. Simon says, "a little. m' sorry for, um—" and Baz tells him it's okay, and they don't speak again until they're pulling up outside Simon's flat where Simon opens the door, and gets out, and then stands there for a second before ducking his head back in and asking if Baz wants to come up for breakfast. "i won't be awake very long," Simon says, "but we can eat. and you can stay, if you want."
Baz, of course, does, so he follows Simon up, and this is kind of where the idea starts to fall apart and the details turn to mush, but i know Simon makes breakfast and Baz sits on the kitchen counter and lets him talk about things at his own pace, and that Simon has a roommate, an older werewolf from his pack named Drew who comes in while Simon is in the shower and tries to tear Baz in half, and prolly would've succeeded if Baz wasn't a magician, and the gist of the story from there is mostly about Simon and his pack, who've come to England from Wales to help a local pack whose youngest wolves have been going missing during the full moon, and Simon and Baz running into each other and doing their whole... thing, has really just been a chance encounter in the middle of something much bigger, and of course, now that Baz knows about it, he's hell-bent on helping.
there's also a neat scene (and actually, this is the scene that inspired the entire idea of this fic) where Simon and Baz go to the Bunces at some point and Penny is going on and on about how, "this doesn't make sense, there haven't been werewolf packs in England since the 1750s," and Simon laughs and opens her kitchen window and leans way out and cups his mouth and howls... and a minute later, a dozen voices howl back, and then he rests his elbows on the windowsill and grins over his shoulder at her and Baz and says, "turns out magicians don't know everything."
and yeah, i think i should stop talking now, but that is my werewolf!Simon fic. 😄
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veggiehomosapien · 8 months
hiiiiii thanks @littlegnoblin for tagging me :)
Star Sign(s): scorpio gang rise up
Favorite Holidays: halloween and christmas
Last Meal: vegetable and egg fried rice
Current Favorite Musician: god that's tough... muna probably?
Last Music Listened To: lately been obsessed with 'into your room' - holly humberstone and muna !!
Last Movie Watched: barbie 💖
Last TV Show Watched: probably our flag means death? i can't remember - i rewatch things all the time so it's all a blur
Last Book/Fic Finished: last book: they never learn by layne fargo (what a wild and disappointing ride that was lmao), and last fic: cowboy like me by macfrog (good lord was it phenomenal. tears were shed)
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: iron widow by xiran jay zhao -- i'm buddy reading it with a friend and we lost momentum (shez we gotta get back on this, we just need to finish it lol)
Currently Reading: oh boy okay: all of us villains by amanda foody and c.l. herman, a gathering of shadows by v.e. schwab, and i am rereading bloodmarked by tracy deonn for the thousandth time even tho the next book isn't scheduled to come out until next year. i guess i hate myself lmao
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: i frequent the mando'a dictionary site often. listen, i need to understand everything din says in fics okay? ...especially the terms of endearment. for no reason at all.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: i will be stealing your answer sarah bc it is true: meeting, bonding, and growing with some of my closest friends on here. truly thankful for that 🥰
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: i would say merlin but they do it all on their own lmaoooo. otherwise...so like i absolutely despise the show for a multitude of reasons, but the fandom for the magicians (specifically in the 2018-2020 era) was something else. we got through a lot together (even tho i was mostly a lurker lol) and i guess i miss that sense of community? i hope everyone is doing well ❤
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: sarah you're so right - in the flesh!!!! god that show really was before its time, such a brilliant story.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i have so many partially-made edits and edit ideas brewing around but literally have no time or energy to sit down and make them :((( i crave it
i tag @inadvisablyappliedmagic and @satisfiedeyes if ya fancy it :)
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madrabit · 5 months
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
If I'm being honest, I can't remember a lot of the easter eggs I put in. I know I do spent a lot of time researching a bunch of stuff, for example Jan's favorite cookies that Bojan is buying for him in the fourth chapter of Intertwined have send me down a spiral of scrolling through the sweets section of a Slovenian Supermarket, as well as its location in relation to where Bojan could be running around when he's meeting Nace. I also looked at so many different cafés and bakeries around Ljubljana and the proximity of certain parks close to the campus.
And ohh, the only real easter egg I can remember right now is in one of the kiss prompts I wrote. It's the "calculate your pets age" poster in the Bo(Jan)² vet fic (tumblr | ao3), cause by god, he really needs that when he doesn't know how old his own cat is 😂 (it's okay tho, sometimes ppl can't know)
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP!
Have a little sneak peak from the next chapter of Intertwined, which I plan to finish this week:
Lost in thought, he went through the motions, turning on the kettle and deciding on a blend he really liked. And in less than a few minutes he had his steaming cup in hand, warming his still slightly cold fingers and carefully, he took the few steps from the kitchen back through the hallway and into the living room. His eyes immediately caught on the black and white furball rolled up on the sofa.
"There you are, I was looking for you", he chuckled, setting the cup on the small coffee table and plopped down on the sofa. He reached over, one hand sneaking between Igor's front paws as the cat rolled onto his back to let his human scratch his chest. The loud purring Jan was used to set in almost instantly, making a small, genuine smile spread over his face as he felt the soft fur under his fingertips.
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
Ohh, I do have a lot of ideas, but there is one with Hellhound!Bojan and Dark Magician!Jan that has been spooking around in my mind for a while now, but I'm not really sure when or if I'll get along to writing it. It would basically be Jan wanting to summon a hellhound to have him get rid of someone for him and instead of having it being a scary, ginormous creature it's just... a tiny guy who doesn't even look like he would want to beat someone up 😂
I also don't know yet what the story would be exactly, just that the vibe should be moody and dark. But yeah, we'll see if I'll ever do sth with it 🤷🏽‍♀️
Send me a question about my fics :3
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vikugnavikugna · 11 months
Tagge by @that-one-empty-skull
coke or pepsi? Nearly exclusively water, but I'll go Pepsi if there's a gun to my head
disney or dreamworks? Dreamworks
coffee or tea? The black sludge is a necessity, tea I drink for pleasure
books or movies? Books!!!
windows or mac? If the question was Windows or Linux I at least would have to consider it; as is, the choice is clear
dc or marvel? I LOVE BOTH!!!!!! My shelf has more DC omnis and tps by volume tho and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Superman, so ig DC
x-box or playstation? Steam Deck
dragon age or mass effect? Neither, thank you
night owl or early riser? I wake up at 6 am on a weekend
cards or chess? Cards, ig
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
vans or converse? I don't wear shoes like these
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? What.
fluff or angst? Both, angst-leaning
beach or forest? Beach
dogs or cats? I dream of cats, but wake up to a tiny ass annoyingly loud chorkie at the foot of my bed
clear skies or rain? Clear skies if I'm outside, rain when I'm inside, thank you
cooking or eating out? Eating out
spicy food or mild food? Spicy!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Dziady! (Halloween)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold. I would just wear sweaters all the time
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting to deal with my trans-ness would be nice, electricity manipulation if I wanted to minmax life tho
animation or live action? Animation
paragon or renegade? What.
baths or showers? Shower!
team cap or team ironman? I hate those fucking movies, but I love Cap in general. On a very basic level he's *basically* Marvel's Superman, after all (fundamentally a good person representing the simplistic idealism of a bygone era forced to operate a much more morally complex world - also, punches people)
fantasy or sci-fi? I was once a fantasy head but I read near exclusively hard sci-fi for like a year now so who even knows tbh
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? “Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange./Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never could.” Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell “This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth.” Rhyth of War “Every concert pianist knows that the surest way to ruin a performance is to be aware of what the fingers are doing. Every dancer and acrobat knows enough to let the mind go, let the body run itself. Every driver of a manual vehicle arrives at destinations with no recollection of the stops and turns and roads traveled in getting there. You are all sleepwalkers, whether climbing creative peaks or slogging through some mundane routine for the thousandth time. You are all sleepwalkers.” Blindsight (READ BLINDSIGHT) I guess. It's all I could think of at the moment rather than all time concrete faves tho
youtube or netflix? Youtube
[REDACTED] What- What does that mean
when do you feel accomplished? Raking leaves :)
star wars or star trek? Dislike the former, didn't watch the latter
paperback books or hardcover books? I read epubs on my Pocketbook so when I buy books it's just to look good on my shelf - hardback
to live in a world without literature or without music? I could eventually get used to no music, but I cannot realistically go on without books
who was the last person to make you laugh? "Fist my bump". I just finished Project Hail May a few minutes ago, as of writing this. The author is an unfunny techbro but he has his moments
city or countryside? I live in a small ass village and I would love to move to a city
favorite chips? Lay's Oven Baked green thank you
pants or dresses? I WISH I could pull off a dress
libraries or museums? Museum!
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven!
bookmarks or folding pages? Bookmarks!
Dream job? I cannot imagine a satisfying life under the capitalist system. I could be satisfied raking leaves and picking up trash for 8 hours a day, but we don't pay those people well! Make me do that but for a livable wage!
What gives you comfort? Blanket and no light and I'm set
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? "Lately I've taken to vacantly making repetitive movements/Mistakenly seen as improvements/Nearing perfection but wisely electing/To shun my reflection preferring instead shoe inspection/Cheese and chalk do not talk/But their eyes synchronize with a secret rhythm/Which is a way one could say that I love you for psychological reasons"
favorite ice cream flavor ever? Mint! Mint! Mint!
first fandom? Hard question! Akame ga Kill was the first thing I was super into but Yu Yu Hakusho was probably the first time I made fanart and interacted with ppl on the internet abt it. Worm is the first time I made digital art for smth and posted memes on the sub!
Your desert island band?
I'm scared of tagging people. Sorry if you hate this. Add new questions at the end if you follow up. @larky-lark @n0brainjustvibes @clarissa39 @heyitschartic
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thatfreshi · 2 years
10 2 word prompt ideas for you to do whatever you wish with 🧚‍♀️ you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to just wanted to spark inspiration
hot tub
mutual comfort
bed rest
hidden feelings
travel destination
sensual chemistry
carnival date
left flustered
long distance
good intentions
So I only did one of these, but everyone feel free to request the other ones if they like them! I really liked this one <3. Thanks for still interacting with my stuff even tho I'm so busy. Hopefully I get some more time to write consistently now. Anyways, I went with carnival date for this one, and I hope you all enjoy :3
It’s the week of your anniversary. In fact, it’s coming in a couple days, and this Sunday, you woke up sad that there were no plans. There’s not a whole lot to do in LA when you’ve lived there for what feels like forever. Sure, tourists get excited, but you’ve seen it all a million times. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you turned to look for Mark, who was not in bed, which was a normal occurrence. He’s probably somewhere in the house writing or working on a video or whatever other million things he has to do. You don’t resent him for it, it just sucks that everything is so adult all the time. You work, you pay bills, you email people, blah blah blah. 
In preparation to begin yet another week of those boring adult things, you make your way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, considering Mark will probably be ready to finally eat by the time it’s done. However, when you turn the corner, Mark is already there with coffee made and some Postmated breakfast.
“Good morning my love.”
He smiles and pours you a cup of coffee, pushing one of the ordered bags your way.
“What’s all this?”
You ask before leaving a kiss on his neck.
“Well, I wanted to surprise you. I know things have been kind of stagnant so I thought for our anniversary this year, we could try something different.”
“But our anniversary is Wednesday, you’re three days early.”
“Well, my plans for today can only happen today.”
You sit down on the counter and open your bag of fast food breakfast. The two of you usually only order out like this when you’re busy.
“So, what are these plans?”
He goes to lean against the counter next to you.
“A magician never reveals his secrets. Although, we do have to get in the car in like 20 minutes, so you may wanna save that breakfast for the road.”
In a whirlwind of brushing hair and teeth, finding clothes for some sort of occasion, you get ready in about 15, giving you time to finish your coffee before leaving.
“Wow, my surprise is sweatpant material? Really?”
“Listen, you said out of the ordinary, so I went out of the ordinary. Which for me is comfortable.”
He laughs at you as the two of you walk to the car, which he would usually insist on driving, but this time he doesn’t really have a choice in the matter considering you have no idea where you’re going. 
Sometimes on long car rides, the two of you like to play improv games in the car. Although thinking back on it, he probably only played Change as much as he did to distract you from where he was driving. It led to a lot of funny moments though, and you haven’t laughed that much in a long time. After about an hour of humorous quips and tear-inducing laughs, you make it to a rather large parking lot, that seems to lead to nothing.
“Aw, you’re so sweet, you brought me nowhere!”
He furrows his brow at you.
“Very funny. We just have to walk a little longer.”
You oblige, walking down a couple of suburban streets and making jokes about how Mark has to match the number of cracks he steps on while on the sidewalk. He pouts about how it’s not his fault, and you start matching his steps as a sign of ironic unity. Many steps later, Mark stops in his tracks and asks you to close your eyes. After you close them, the two of you walk a little further, and he tries to keep you from wobbling all over the place.
“Alright, you can open em.”
When the light hits your eyes, you’re met with a very strange sight for the area. A full-blown carnival is right here, in the middle of nowhere.
“What, where did you even-”
“I have been trying for so long, to find something fun to do this year, and like no one knows about this. They barely advertise, and so I figured no one would recognize us here, and we can just have fun.”
He smiles at you, squeezing your hand a little, almost in child-like excitement. You pause, not knowing what to say for a moment over just how perfect it is.
“Do, do you like it?”
You realize that he needs a response here, obviously.
“Yes! I just, I’m shocked. Like this must’ve taken so much research and-”
“It’s no big deal, I just wanted us to do something for us.”
Barely anything else is said between appreciative looks and the entrance into the carnival, which is pretty small and sparse, just the way you two like your activities. You spend the whole afternoon enjoying rickety attractions, gorging on hot dogs and funnel cake, and eventually made your way to the ferris wheel.
“You know, I’m happy this is going so well. The last time I brought a girl to something like this, she threw up, everywhere.”
You laugh as the operator closes the cart door, and you and Mark cuddle in the comically small seat.
“You know, I needed this. Like I really, really needed this.”
You almost tear up at it. Perhaps it’s the emotion of the anniversary or the stress of life, but something just gets to you as the sun starts setting and the ferris wheel cart rises to the sky.
“Well, then I’m happy I picked right.”
Mark moves to kiss you right as the sun hits your eye through the window, the light turning to dark orange through your eyelids as you share a once-in-a-lifetime moment, where time freezes, and the air feels better than ever before. As your bodies part ways and the ride begins to end, the sun starts setting and the air gets crisper, like Homecoming time in high school when Autumn rolls around. The two of you walk off the ride, practically wrapped around each other, leaving to see whatever the rest of the night leaves with you. After all, with a sense of childlike whimsy, love can get up to some wild adventures.
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guardianofthestarz · 7 months
this year my goal was to read at least 25 books (which now seems too easy) and i decided to start with rick's books cuz i loved pjo
(i then realized i had actually never finished the pjo series - i didnt finish the LAST book... thats crazy)
i went on yt and found a vid that showed the RIGHT way to read all his books so my journey started.
anyway blah blah blah, i wanted to talk about the kane chronicles
obv spoilers if you havent read those and if you care
hell nah. that series was so bad 😭😭 (imo ofc and ill explain why i think so)
i should mention that i read the first and third book, but i only read half of the second book cuz it got very looooooong and boring to me (i just read the wikipedia summary for it)
also the only reason i read these books was cuz i knew there would be a collab between the magicians and demigods and that sounded rly interesting to me!
im usually not that picky when it comes to books/fics/anything so i was surprised i didnt like these books. first of all theyre so long, and for what.. the world ends in 3, 4, 5 days yet each book is 90k words at best and 120k-ish words at worst. it just dragged ooooooon and onnnnn and onnnnnnnnnn. i thought maybe its just the length that im not used to (even tho ive read way longer fics but i thought maybe its not the same..) then i started reading the heroes of olympus series which was a similar length and i sped thru those. which prob means that the kane chronicles were just boring. i was gonna say that it just felt like there were attacks and fights just cuz, but then again, thats kinda similar to percy jackson books. i cant put my finger on why some fights felt kinda useless and filler.. unlike in pj books. also when they beat apophis it felt too easy. there was so much build up to that final battle, and in the end he got destroyed in like half a page or smt.. not satisfying! and since we know the kane siblings are still alive (cuz of the recording being sent etc), it didnt feel like there was anything at stake.
the egyptian mythology was actually pretty interesting, i did like learning about it. however, at times there was just a LOT of info being dumped- so many gods/stories etc that i had a hard time remembering everything. i think w the percy jackson/greek mythology books there was just more time for rick to set the scene and build the world so it didnt feel that overwhelming (even tho it was still a lot, im ngl).
and now my biggest complaint... i thought rick could write powerful female characters butttttttttt maybe that was just annabeth LOL. SADIE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!!!! she was SO unlikeable but i think we werent supposed to dislike her??? yeah shes young but so was percy and annabeth and every demigod from the pjo series and they were much more enjoyable to read about. all she cared about was guys. more specifically, sadie, a 12yo, was head over heels for ANUBIS, a THOUSAND YEAR OLD god, who oh yeah,,, looked like a 16yo guy but idk if its just me, thats still a WEIRD/uncomfy AGE DIFFERENCE 😭shes so lucky that she ended up w basically both guys she had a crush on, but she still made it such a big deal when that happened.
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like anubis had stabbed her in the back or smt lmfao. also should mention that in the pjo books for ex., percabeth didnt just happen when they were 12/13... a long time passed so that relationship could feel unrushed and natural.
dont get me wrong, liking a guy etc is all normal and very teenage-y (even tho sadie wasnt even a teenager when all this happened). but making that MOST of her personality, or smt she constantly thought about and prioritized during the END OF THE WORLD. she just seemed very irresponsible and immature (which makes sense cuz shes a child.... maybe i shouldnt be reading these books as an almost 20yo) (but i can still tell when some1 has annoying qualities objectively) (even if its still a kids book)
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idk thats just annoying. carter was tryna save the day/world and sadie had other things in her mind. or when she wanted to go hang out w her friends for her bday even tho the world was ending VERY soon and they had to get going. yeah she wants to be a normal kid but rn theres more important things you gotta think about bbg (and yes i do understand that the dance or her bday hang out would help w morale but at least be on the look out for stuff and dont think that youre not still on the job and most likely putting every1 in danger..). save the world first, then enjoy your life. maybe take a cake to go while youre traveling. maybe call your besties and talk to them on the phone for an hour or whatever
carter wasnt perfect, but even his obsession w zia wasnt THAT bad. it felt more normal and smt the reader (or i) could get behind and not dislike him too much for.
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(when carter said that i thought he was in my head cuz i was literally thinking that sadie always leaves him to deal w important stuff)
i feel like theres more i had to say but theres too much negativity in this post already LOL im sorry 😭 this trilogy wasnt a 0 or 1 star, it was closer to 2 or maybe even 3. i didnt mind ignoring most of these. the only thing i couldnt ignore was sadie's attitude sometimes and ofc the weird relationship between her and anubis, but when walt showed up etc i had hope and it did get slightly better!
ofc im not a writer and i couldnt prob never write anything half as good as any of rick's books, but this is just my experience as the reader. as i mightve mentioned , rn im reading the heroes of olympus books for the first time and im enjoying them quite a lot!
lmk if you agree or disagree w anything, i usually change my mind somewhat easily so id love to see this series from some1 else's pov
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villabella12 · 1 year
@arcvmonth Day 28: Hey, Who Hired This One?
I've finally made perfect (except Raya's) refs for them after 2 years and due to a long ass art block. These two are apart of an ARC-V AU that I don't have time to even explain on the Day 18 prompt
Raya Sylvester
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Full Name: Raya Iryna Rian O'Sylvester
Age: 14-15
Sexuality: Bisexual (is dating Vivien, an OC)
Overview: A fiesty girl with a huge burst of energy, Raya isn't a kid who will not go down without a duel. With expertise knowledge of Ritual Summoning, she was able to perserve her family's legacy ever since she stepped into dueling, ready to share such information to other's who's willing to learn. Despite her absolute knowledge and strength, a part of her wants, or something that's drawing her, to unravel family secrets, mysteries, etc. All the while facing a familial foe.
She's a witch, like, literally a witch that casts spells and all but she's a specific type of witch called an "Arcane". Weak in magical battles, powerful in non-magical battles, usually illusion-based
Was named AFTER a friend of her mother, Ray
Due to the Original Dimension splitting, Zarc, and Ray being split into four, not reviving until later, Raya never got to meet them in person, only hearing them from her mother who used to be a part of said dimension alongside her father, whom was at the hospital due to an accident
Was closest with her father. Basically the reason why she started dueling in the first place
Is an only child, considers Yuzu as her "sister"
Besties with Gong, close friends with Maria and Shingo (a bit unsure abt him), childhood friend of Yuya's tho not as close as before
Unknown where she goes to school. Many (in-universe) speculates she's being homeschooled? Who knows
Is dating a student named Vivien, met her at the local park she always skates at, who's secretly a mermaid fish person
Excellent hockey player. Nearly broke a window at You Show's
Has a familiar named "Ramzi", which is a wolf
Student of the Fortune Prep Duel School but regularly visits You Show
Bad influence towards the You Show kids, just keep her away she'll teach them how to commit arson/j
Strong AF. She's not playing around until she carries a boulder
Has a deep connection to cryptids and cryptozoology as a whole (Been interested in them since 4 y/o)
Somehow has a book that documents all classic Duel Monsters like Blue and Red Eyes, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, Elemental Heroes, etc.
Wears a green and orange tinted glasses during duels since she hates flashing lights (dont question whys that)
Is a HEAVY sleeper
Skater girl. Likes to skate in anyway shape or form, can be a bit of a risk-taker
Absolutely DESPISE vanilla. Thinks its too plain or bland
Her family blood, and the lineage, ISNT technically originated in the world she lived in (or in any dimensions). Instead, one of her ancestors accidentally stumbled upon her world and just popped her family lineage out of nowhere
Which also means that she and Seth are basically cousins, albeit just connected to each other
(Also there's an AU where she's adopted by the Arclights)
Sometimes uses the "Danger!" Deck since she has a deep interest in cryptids and cryptozoology as a whole. Also adds in Ritual Cards in the process
Maria Rosario
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Full Name: Marigold Jaylen Villasca Rosariò
Age: 16-17
Sexuality: Pansexual (is dating Michael Arclight)
Overview: With the harmonies in her heart, Maria never fails to impress the audience with her musicianal talent as she riffs her Duel Guitar out in the Action Field. Student st the Leo Duel School, it was her goal to finish off the XYZ course and by the next summer, will eventually drop out and move to another duel school that fits her interest in music. With the help and aid of her ace monster, Ibong Adarna, there's always a chance once she's cornered in a duel.
She has a twin brother (Mariano) and younger twin siblings (Olive and Oliver)
She's as tall as Shun, Kaito, and Reiji but right around 2 inch shorter than them
Maskina, the city she lives in currently, isn't her hometown, it's somewhere else roughly around 6-8 hours to travel there
She works as an intern nurse at the Maskina District Hospital, for family purposes
Her mother left her and her family to work on a boat delivering goods from other countries when she was 10
She's alot more closer to her dad than she is with her mother for 6 years
Huge fan of guitars, owns like 5 of them and half are like gifted to her in her birthdays (didnt use them as much as her Duel Guitar)
Also has a collection of guitar picks
Her Duel Guitar was mabe by someone who knew her family for years, have met her, saw what her energy is, then BOOM Duel Guitar! Still is unsure who made it
Sometimes uses a duel disk
(Yes the whole Duel Guitar thing is inspired by Romin I just wanted to see it in a different style in other YGO mainly Zexal and ARC-V)
Listens to music while studying but gete too much into it and starts to dance in her room
HUGE fan of Dear Nevada (A famous Indie Band)
Part of a upcoming Indie Band called "Here in L.A." (she came up with the name)
Wants to try out new things, mainly food, but is push back because of how she WANTS it to taste like
Has hemophilia (blood doesn't clot properly) and asthma + colorblind (can see the world as black and white)
Has a great singing voice, but sometimes her voice cracks whilst singing high notes
Doesn't sleep as much due to work, her eyebags are covered in make-up
Like Raya, she's also a childhood friend of Yuya's, still defending him to this day from anyone who dares to hurt him
Like Yuya, she can also see and hear her monster's voices and spirits, making them her secondary friends besides humans
And can see and hear the dead as well ( like ghosts and all. Freaks out abt the revelation abt this hidden ability of hers)
Has plant powers and can manipulate and grow plants from the ground. Reason why you shouldn't fuck around and find out around her
Her family's magical and doesn't get along with each other so their powers nearly kill them
Had atleast 2 dogs, all loud af at night, love and hated them at the same time
Has different talents that she barely even do anymore: like carving, playing sports (volleyball trauma), and dancing
Not really close to her aunts (despises them) and uncles (has neutral feelings towards them) but is incredibly close to her many-MANY cousins
Dresses up adrogynously during formal events, sometimes in special occasions
Also Maria has a playlist of her music taste:
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mahdithemagician · 1 year
The Heart of Magic
I stumbled across this recollection from a magician and thought a lot about it over the years.
I only saw him twice, both times occurred in the same day, but how different each time was. It happened during a combined IBM-SAM convention in New York City. I believe the year was 1964. New York City also hosted a World's Fair during that year. I had never been to NYC, never been to a World's Fair, never ridden on a subway train, and had never seen most of the famous names in magic. So there was something to see and do no matter which direction I turned. At that point in my life magic ruled, and though I did see the many attractions, seeing the magic came first. If that were not enough I was also on one of the evening shows as well as working the close up show. So I kept busy.
I'm rambling. I started to tell of seeing a certain magician only twice. The convention was loaded with famous magicians, and I naturally tried to see them all. I can't begin to say who impressed me most, for there were too many to remember. However, there was one who left his mark in my memory that will never be erased.
I had heard lots about him, we all had. Anyone having Stars of Magic knew of him. He was one of the Ten Card Stars. Those in the know frequently alluded to him as being the one magician more ready for the TV industry than any other back when TV was in its infancy. Had his life gone in a different direction it may have happened. It was said that both his performing style and material were the most baffling and entertaining of any magician. Alas, a career in TV was never to be.
At the time he was living in Greenwich Village, and most insiders at the convention didn't feel he'd make an appearance. He wasn't booked for any of the shows or lectures. His life style was such that a magic convention was low priority. The insiders were wrong. He showed up.
It was rather early in the day, probably mid morning. There was not much going on in the way of organized activities. Most attendees were mingling between the dealer's room and the lobby, or still lingering over a final cup of coffee. Times like this become extremely social at conventions and it's a time to renew friendships. Magicians were everywhere, with no one doing much of anything. There wasn't much of anything to do. You have been to conventions and know the scene.
Then it started. A circle of eager magicians simply appeared in one section of the hotel lobby. Something big was about to happen. It was electrifying. Someone of importance was about to do some magic. Everyone wanted to see, and the crowd grew bigger. The circle became larger as the eager rank and file squeezed in for a better viewing position. There he was, in the center of the crowd, in the spotlight so to speak, wanting to perform, and willing to perform. He had a deck of cards and a few coins. We were in for a treat. We live for moments like this, or so it seems.
It didn't happen. Things weren't right. The magic didn't occur. No matter how he tried he couldn't pull it off. He was a small man, in need of grooming, and rumpled. His hands shook and he complained of not being able to see well. He asked others for the loan of their eyeglasses in order that he might better see the magic he wanted to perform. He tried a few pair of glasses, none solved the problem, and he became frustrated. He mumbled, making little sense. He was a man on the edge, and not the good edge. He accomplished no magic, but instead stormed out of the hotel, a man having lost all dignity and pride. He was a man beaten down by his own hand. He was, in fact, exactly what some described him to be. We had heard about his life.
We didn't see the magic that morning, but we did hear the stories. We were assured that he was indeed one of the greatest. We assumed that was history. But wait, I'm not finished.
About ten hours later, during the evening, the little man returned. Again, the large circle formed in the lobby. Though he was small in stature he was big in style. He was not rumpled and unkept. His hands didn't shake, and he was wearing his own eyeglasses. This was a man in total control, he knew it, and he was ready to perform some magic. He was the same man we saw earlier in the day, but then not the same man. Using borrowed quarters he did coin magic beyond what you can imagine. His methods were not complex, nor were the effects new. His presentations were direct, entertaining, and he fooled many. Even telling us in advance what he was going to do he fooled hell out of everyone with the strongest presentation of the Han Ping Chien Coin trick ever observed. The magic just happened. You never saw any hand flexing, any hand positioning, or any other visible motion to suggest sleight of hand. This man was on. It was his night. He treated all of us to an experience of truly real magic. It was a delight and he was everything we wanted him to be. On this night he was not a beaten man; he was instead a man who had beaten the odds, at least for the evening. Sadly, not forever.
I will never forget having seen this little man and the wonders he offered. His name was Francis Xavier Finneran. In magic he was known as Francis Carlyle.
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As a magician I often hear stories about magicians from other magicians in my travels around the world. One person who almost no one talks about is Francis Carlyle, which is very unfortunate. From what I understand, Francis Carlyle was one of the greatest close-up magicians who has ever lived and by far the greatest of his generation. Very little of his magic was properly documented. Probably the most in-depth explanations of his work is published in Stars of Magic. Much of his work appears scattered through different publications throughout the years but it is almost always poorly described and missing crucial details. Even his tricks in Dai Vernon’s Secrets of Card Magic Series leave a lot to be desired.
Francis Carlyle also had some personal issues, as you can tell from the story above, which contributed to him not getting the recognition he deserved. He could be on top of the world and at the bottom of a deep ocean of despair, all in a few hours. The best magicians in the world at the time knew how great he was because they had seen him at his best but most magicians had only heard stories about him secondhand or thirdhand and never got to see him be great.
To me, Francis Carlyle represented the beating heart of close-up magic. This is a man who really was destroyed at different points of his life and lived in that state but despite all this he was so great at what he did and he loved his art so much that every once in a while he could pick himself up and create pure enchantment. The spell didn’t last for long but I don’t think that that matters. I think what matters is he was still able to do it through everything.
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beanswrites · 3 years
"Of Cupcakes And Kisses" Muriel x MC, from "The Arcana"
Cute fluffy one-shot where Muriel and MC from the visual novel/video game "The Arcana" go on a picnic date. Requested by anon!
Since it wasn't specified in the request whether MC is masc, fem or gn, I decided to make it gender neutral so everybody can enjoy!
Word count: about 1200 words
Trope: General fluff
Picture from Pinterest!
Also available on AO3!!!
Requests for both fanfics (character x character/ships, and you x character) and headcanons are open! I take all ideas, for many different fandoms (anime, movies, shows, books)!
Wow, I can't believe it! When I published my first fanfic a couple of days ago I had 8 followers, and now I have 22! Thanks everybody, I love all of you!
Hope you enjoy! ♡︎
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"What did you bring?"
They turned around and bent down to take their baked goods out of the basket.
"Oh, I made you something!"
He raised an eyebrow curiously. Suddenly, a large smile appeared on his face as they took a tray of cupcakes and put it onto the sheet, next to the rest of the food.
"Are those.. Cupcakes?"
They smiled gently, giving him one.
"Yeah! And they are chocolate with berry frosting, your favorite! I even used those berries we picked three days ago, here in the woods!"
He bit into it, a satisfied hum rumbling from his chest.
"..They are good. Really good."
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It was a lovely day in Vesuvia. No clouds in the sky with the warm breeze, perfect for the end of May.
MC was in the kitchen of their and Asra's house, baking a surprise for a certain man they will be seeing later. It wasn't everyday somebody as introverted as him asked somebody to a picnic!
It's not that he was shy, Muriel just disliked people. In general. After all the horrible experiences he had with all kinds of people, it wasn't a surprise. There was one person and one person only, in this entire universe, that he felt completely comfortable with, and it just happened to be MC.
As they whisked the icing, the newly baked cupcakes were cooling down. They were made out of rich, dark chocolate, Muriel's favorite. MC knew that it was his first picnic date, so they wanted to make it super special. Even tho he wasn't really specific on what kind of surprise he had in mind (he doesn't talk much), MC still blushed at the thought that he cared enough to prepare something special just for them.
Muriel and them haven't been dating for a very long time (only a couple of months), however, both of them knew that this was it. Neither of them is going to want anybody else ever again. Why would they? Muriel and MC, even though they were very different, fit like a puzzle. He was an introverted guy who has never been shown real love, and they were an extroverted, talkative person who was willing to give all of their love to him. The perfect match!
That's exactly why this picnic was important. MC wanted to yet again show Muriel just and exactly how much they loved him. Surprisingly, this time he took the initiative and he was the one that planed the whole thing. They tried to help, asking if they needed to bring anything like the blanket, maybe some food... But his only reply was:
"Don't worry, I got it."
The excitement rose in their chest as they carefully packed the freshly made cupcakes in a basket. Yeah, sure, Muriel said that he's got everything covered, but that doesn't mean that MC can't spoil him with some homemade sweets!
When they were finished with packing everything they need, they got dressed in a light tunic and some summery pants, an outfit perfect for this occasion. As they walked out of the door, the basket in their hand, Asra stopped them right as they were to step out of the doorway.
"Hey MC, where are you heading to?"
Pinkish blush rose in their cheeks. Asra is Muriel's best friend and they are very close, which means the magician has always shipped you two. In his defence, you really were the cutest couple around. Asra would always tease you about Muriel, asking smug things like:
"When's the wedding?"
"You two kids be careful, no messing around before marriage!"
And so on. To avoid his teasing, MC ran thru the door quickly saying:
"Muriel and I have a picnic planed, gotta go!"
They ran as fast as they could through the crowd, eager to finally see their boyfriend. Just the thought of being able to call Muriel their boyfriend brought a huge smile on their face.
The place where they were having their picnic was in the forest, near Muriel's hut, since he doesn't like going far away from his home. They didn't mind, though. As far as they could have a nice picnic with him, they didn't care where it was.
As MC approached closer to their meeting spot, they got more and more amazed. On the ground was a white sheet, and not a fur like MC would have guessed Muriel would bring, and it was decorated with lilies and daises. What really shocked them was the food. They expected Muriel to make some soup, maybe even some roast, but this was definitely not what they were expecting.
On the sheet, all sorts of colourful and diverse dishes were spread out. From all kinds of fruits to sandwiches, it was certainly the most beautiful picnic they have ever seen.
While they were still frozen in place from the awe over the nice layout, a certain huge figure quietly approached them.
"Hey, MC. Do you.. Do you like it?"
His voice scared them, since they didn't see him coming. When they finally reached their senses, they jumped up in his arms, instantly wrapping theirs around his neck.
"I love it! Wow, Muriel, this is amazing! I didn't know you could be so romantic!"
They kissed his cheek, his arms still wrapped tightly around their waist, holding them up.
"Thanks. I.. I tried."
He gently let them down, back on their feet. However, they still haven't removed their arms from the back of his neck, gently stroking the hair where his neck meets his head. They stayed like that, in each other's arms, for a couple of moments more, before Muriel noticed the basket his partner brought.
"What did you bring?"
They turned around and bent down to take their baked goods out of the basket.
"Oh, I made you something!"
He raised an eyebrow curiously. Suddenly, a large smile appeared on his face as they took a tray of cupcakes and put it onto the sheet, next to the rest of the food.
"Are those.. Cupcakes?"
They smiled gently, giving him one.
"Yeah! And they are chocolate with berry frosting, your favorite! I even used those berries we picked three days ago, here in the woods!"
He bit into it, a satisfied hum rumbling from his chest.
"..They are good. Really good."
That made MC smile. They were glad that the larger man, who usually didn't enjoy much of the finer food, liked their baking. On one side, they knew he would, it was his favorite after all. The dark, bitter chocolate reminded them of his looks, of the way he always shut everyone out and survived by himself out in the darker sides of the forest. However, the berries were a complete contrast; it reminded them of how soft he was with them, how, no matter of his larger silhouette, he was still always so gentle with them.
On the other hand, it still felt nice to know that it made him smile.
He pulled MC to his chest, their much smaller hands on his pecs. Muriel nudged his head into the crook of their neck, kissing their cheek. MC chuckled, peppering kisses along his jawline and and his chin. Finally, their lips met, instantly leaning into each other.
When they had to pull away for air, Muriel caressed their cheek with his thumb.
"You taste like chocolate" They sighted, still breathless from the kiss.
"You taste like berries" He replied, grinning widely.
Both of them cuddled on the empty space of the white sheet in silence for a couple of moments, before MC sat up.
"Was this your plan all along? For this picnic to be made of cupcakes and kisses?"
Muriel only chuckled.
"I didn't expect the cupcakes", he murmured, kissing them again.
When they pulled away this time, MC pulled him by his hand.
"Come on now, let's eat! Better not let these sandwiches go to waste!"
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twst-kumi · 3 years
Children of secrets Chapter 1
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In the great library, Crowley searched for the group's country but couldn’t find anything. They even showed him their ID, student card and currency, so it wasn’t a lie. The problem was, he couldn’t find anything in his book and maps about a country named Japan. It didn’t exist. At least not in this world or planet. 
_There is nothing, Japan doesn’t exist here. Then how did the black carriage took you? (Crowley)
_If we knew how we would have left long ago. (Sano)
_Then could you come from another dimension or planet? (Crowley)
‘There that option, yes’ The group looked at each other before looking at the poor director. Truthfully they already knew they were not in their world. But in a world where they didn’t know if they were hostile to Yokai or not, it was better to act clueless and like they were human. Deep in thought, Crowley looked at them, two boys and six girls. He could shelter the two boys but what about the girls? It’s an all-boy school, he can’t let girls stay here. But… he also couldn’t leave them without a place to go. 
_This is quite problematic, while the two boys could stay without a problem, you young ladies can’t stay in a school full of males. That's dangerous. (Crowley)
_Ah, I understand. After all, boys are more dangerous than being homeless without anyone to protect or help you. (Aoi)
_What? No, I will make sure you stay somewhere and are taken care of. (Crowley)
_I see, thank you. I suppose putting us in a stranger’s care while separating us is the best option. (Asano)
_Ah… I’m sorry but I rather live on the street than be separated from our group. (Yuuken)
‘Wait! It sounds like I’m heartless and irresponsible.’ Crowley thought while sweating at the situation. Maybe they are more dangerous than the boys in this school. If word of that incident were to get out, that would be bad for the school. And their reputation would be stained forever. 
_ Of course, you will stay, until I find a way to send you back! (Crowley)
He hurriedly blurted the word out before seeing the small smile on their face. Ah, so he got tricked. They knew what they were doing when they played with his word. And he couldn’t come back on his word. 
_Well since I am a kind teacher, I will provide you with your needs and shelter. Of course, you will have to work to earn your bread. (Crowley)
Turned toward the door and left with them. He continued talking about what they would be doing from now on and a bit about the school. They followed him listening carefully. As their new home came into view, their eyes grew a little bigger. This dorm was practically run down. 
_Thankfully we didn’t demolish this old dorm, this is Ramshackle dorm. Students tend to avoid it so you will be safe here. (Crowley)
_Does that mean we can do whatever we want with it? (Asano)
_I… well, yes. I was planning to destroy it so I suppose you can. Although… What are you planning to do with it? (Crowley)
Yuuken laughed when he saw the man growing worried. He patted on his shoulder before reassuring him. 
_Don’t worry, we were just planning to renovate it a bit. (Yuuken)
After a quick tour of the dorm and a “warm” welcome from the ghost, the group settled their thing and started to examine every still usable element in the dorm. They still have electricity, clean water and a stove working. Finding a broom and a bucket, they started to divide the chores among them. Yuuken and Kaiba would do the heavy lifting and important repairs like the stair, Sano and Haru would take care of the small repairs and mending the furniture, Asano and Aoi the bedrooms, Alice and Yume the cleaning. Everyone was laughing as they started and soon the place was more livable. They still had more repairs to do but it was far more than enough for a start. After they would finish, if they could completely modify the dorm it would be even better. Thankfully, they had the acknowledge to renovate the dorm themself. This was the perk of being a century-old (or more) yokai, from the most rudimental house to a traditional Japanese house to a slightly more modern house. They had the time to learn and use those skills and their power helped a lot. Putting some buckets out as they heard the rain pouring outside, they were starting to make a list about what was left to repair or change. They could hear the rain leaking from the roof.
They were still chatting when Crowley came back with their meals. First, he was surprised to see the dorm almost fully repaired. Even with his magic, he couldn't be that fast. Hard to believe it was a run-down building. He could also feel something strange. Something was strange here, almost as if something unbeknownst to him was there. He could feel but he couldn't point it out.
_How incredible, you repaired that place fastly. If I leave this place to you then maybe we could open this dorm again. (Crowley)
_ Or not, we prefer keeping your Territory untouched by strangers. (Sano)
_I’m sorry? (Crowley)
_Sano is right, we don’t know if we will be able to return to our world. So we may as well claim this place as our own until we find better or you take care of your mistake. (Yuuken)
Those kids were talking fearlessly or carelessly in their case. This confidence made him question them a bit. They were talking out of habit like they are used to it,he could see that. They weren’t even scared about the situation, rather… they enjoyed it? They were hiding something from him, it was carefully hidden but still there, hiding beneath their smile. Like small predators ready to bare their fangs if provoked. 
_Well, you sure know how to work together. Maybe it was destiny that you got here… (Crowley)
_To clean your school? (Asano) 
_How humorous! It seems like we have funny students this year!! (Crowley)
Muttering to herself a small “I wasn’t joking tho”, Asano crossed her arm and huffed a bit. She could definitely feel that chore coming their way. 
_But yes, I want you to work as a janitor and in exchange, we will provide you with your meal. (Crowley)
_Ugh! No way I rather go to class than clean. (Aoi)
_Unfortunately, only a magician can go. A magicless kid like you can’t. (Crowley)
Before she could even do anything, she was stopped by Sano. But as foolish as the director looked, he was still a powerful magician. And fastly caught on to what was happening. Now he was sure, they were hiding something. Dropping quickly the kind act, he looked at them seriously. 
_You! What are you and what are you hiding ?? (Crowley)
Looking at each other, they sighed and let the ginger head wrap things up with her skill as they acted guilty. Aoi’s species were known for their skill to deceive the living, she was after all a Kitsune. One of the most famous Yokai species alongside Sano and Kaiba as an Oni and Yuuken who are a Tengu. 
_Ah…. I’m sorry, the truth is with actually have magic. (Aoi)
_Nonsense! The mirror said you didn’t have any! (Crowley)
Showing him a part of their actual power and revealing her fox ears, she shed tears crying pitifully. She could see the man calming down before trying to soothe her. 
_We hid it because we didn’t know if you guys would be hostile to us or not. You see, the world we come from is quite hostile toward magic and mystical creatures. If found, we could get killed at any moment. I remember that witch who used her power to help someone, and she was burned alive! I’m sorry if it seems like we were deceiving you director (Aoi)
That begin said the witch was burned 200 years ago, but he didn’t need to know that detail. After all, the best lie is when you tell a bit of truth in it. 
Not finding any lie, Crowley calmed himself and even felt a bit sorry for them. Because this world wasn’t hostile to magic it didn't mean that was the same for them. 
_I see, I’m sorry for forcing you to reveal such a traumatic matter but as your kind educator, I must know what happened. (Crowley)
Crowley smiled at them trying to be as reassuring as possible. 
_But if it’s that hostile, why do you wish to return? (Crowley)
_Huh? But we never said we wanted to return, you’re the one who said that we must return. (Yume)
_That true (Alice)
Thinking carefully about it, Crowley felt like he couldn’t let them simply go. They had magic so they could technically enrol in the school. The problem was most of them were girls, and with the incident that happen today, he didn’t know how he was supposed to cover it. They didn’t want to part and that was understandable in an unknown world. Resigned to this fate, the masked director decided to do an exception and let them all enrol in the school. 
_Tomorrow come to my office after you guys cleaned the main street. (Crowley)
_Huh? We are still cleaning? (Aoi)
_Of course! I may let you guys be as students but you will still be this school janitor. And until I prepare everything you need plus work you all can along with your studies. (Crowley)
Aoi truly wanted to burn this man to crisp. She didn’t want to do those kinds of works. She hated that to be real but at least they had a place to sleep so she couldn’t complain. 
The next as promised, they gathered at the main street with the cleaning tool. They laughed while chatting about what they wanted in their new dormitory and made some jokes. Reaching the alley, they looked surprised and a bit amazed bit the statues. No matter how they looked at it, this was a Disney villain’s alley, right? They started the cleaning not daring to bring the matter out. At some point, it was Yuuken who brought it up. 
_I wonder who they are… I mean, they look like Disney characters but that it, right? (Yuuken)
_What you don’t know about the queen of hearts? (Ace)
‘Like in Alice in wonderland?’ Yuuken looked at the redheaded boy behind him. He was soon joined by Haru who wasn’t far from him. 
_Queen of hearts? It’s my first time hearing about it. (Haru)
_In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze. She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the card soldiers to the colour of rose bushes. It was a land of madness where all submit to her rule. (Ace)
_Wow, she was really strict. (Haru)
_Even me, I’m not that strict in the kendo club. (Yuuken)
Ace laughed putting his hand behind his head. He couldn’t help but throw small glances at the petite girl’s skirt. She was truly a girl in an all-boys school.
_Yeah, no one can compare to her in that. Why do you ask? Because it was off with your head! (Ace)
_Who’s the other then? (Haru)
_No you should ask about who he is first, don’t you think? (Yuuken)
Haru pouted as she felt like she begin to be scolded by him. 
_Ah… It’s alright! I’m Ace. A fresh-faced first year. Nice to meetcha. (Ace)
_I’m Yuuken, and this is Haru. The other are Kaiba, Yume, Sano, Aoi, Alice and Asano. (Yuuken)
_You….What? (Ace)
_Just call me Yuu. (Yuuken)
_Hey Ace, what about that lion? (Haru)
Haru grabbed his sleeve as her eyes shone with curiosity. The young male blushed, she was so cute. He could die from it. She was almost like a kid, Yuuken noticed Ace's reaction and couldn’t help but laugh silently. The poor first year was a blushing mess.
_S… Sure! This is the king of the beast who rules the savannah. However, he was not born to be king, but he took the throne through effort and elaborate planning. After becoming king, he even allowed the loathed hyenas to live in his kingdom without discrimination. (Ace)
_Well You can’- (Haru)
_Haru! (Yuuken)
_What about the octopus woman? (Haru)
Swallowing her sarcasm, Haru changed the subject by pointing to the next statue. 
_That’s the sea witch who lives in a cavern in the deep. Her purpose was to help all unfortunate merfolk. As long as you could pay the price she could transform you, help you find love, anything. If it was within her power there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do. They say her prices were pretty high though.
Ready for another sarcasm, Haru opened her mouth and looked at Yuuken who shook his head to say “no”. She pouted before turning her attention to the fresh year.
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SoC is such a good book tho!!! I could NEVER make my family read it so kudos to you!! The relationships in between the characters are elite imo and the complexity of them made me really happy when I read it!
have you watched Shadow and Bone on Netflix?? if so what did you think of the mashup in between SoC and S&B??
if you don't mind me rambling, rn I'm reading The Atlas Six which if you don't know is about six of the best magicians (called medeians in the book) of the world and how they are selected to pass a bunch of trials for two years, the prize being working in the archives of the Alexandria's Society! But the catch is that only five of them will be admitted and the sixth one simply has to die for not being selected
I have only read a couple more of a hundred pages but so far I'm loving it! It's packed with action and you have povs of the six of them which always makes a book better imo
- @/ink-fireplace-coffee
Carmen, Carmen, Carmen!!! <3333
The Atlas Six is literally the very next book in my TBR, ajdkasjdak. I'm excited about it!! I've heard good stuff about it, and your endorsement makes me even more eager to read it!! I just have to finish A Darker Shade of Magic first.
Also, about SoC. I made my entire family read it, ajsdkakjdsa. My mom read it, then for some absurd reason waited like 4 months to read CK, even though I was basically following her around with a copy begging her to. That pissed me off.
My sister didn't read it, but that's because she's convinced that if she takes a break and reads ONE book in English, she will die and forget everything she's ever learned in 13 years of taking Spanish... 🙄 I'll make her read it one day.
Stuff about S&B Netflix under the cut, because I have Too Much To Say.
As for S&B, the TV Show, I'm not really a fan. Controversial, but I am a stickler for things being accurate to the books as possible. Honestly, I haven't even finished the show. I'm only about halfway through. Part of the problem is that I've never cared one bit about Alina or Mal. The only character I cared about in the original trilogy was Nikolai, lmao. Also, this is really stupid, but I think a lot of people fell in love with the Darkling, partly because he's played by a conventionally attractive man, ajdkjas.
I could go on for hours about how you're supposed to follow Alina's path: which is confusion > idolization > attraction > HATRED, but people get stuck on the idolizing him and thinking he's hot (I mean, yes, he's described as attractive, and Ben Barnes is good-looking enough). But he's so very, very manipulative and clearly abusive and it terrifies me how many people genuinely ship him with Alina. I know that wasn't Ms. Bardugo's point at all, but people will do what they want, I guess.
P.S. - I do know that also the Darkling is supposed to be human, not an evil monolith. He's supposed to be scary partly because you can sympathize with him and feel things about him. But that doesn't erase his toxic and abusive nature. (or at least it shouldn't if your braincells are working.)
Basically, I wish they hadn't tried to smash two stories into one. I know that the ending of season one sets up well for the actual canon SoC plot, but they've already used so many of the SoC plot points (Kaz selling his crow club shares, etc.) that it would just feel repetitive to do them again. So, I'm a little conflicted.
Okay, sorry, you stumbled into something I have very strong feelings about, ajasjdks. I apologize.
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bobzora · 2 years
GUESS WHO BEAT PEE3 TODAY (fes, the journey at least)
(lengthy) final thoughts:
ryoji is kind of. um. "that was my name for a while. i didnt mind it." hes kind of trans. is the thing. also bro 100% drew the shortest stick in this game lmao
obviously ryo/mina isnt quite the same as some of the other insane peesona gay people (2,5. 4 is gay but not rlly insane) bc like. in that form at least we only know him for like...two months?or so? but. u know what. they r t4t and both (kind of) dead. good for them.?
jumpscared by "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed." ive been seeing that shit in like. youtube comments since the day i was born. insane
nyx was like. pathetically easy. to the point where i felt kinda bad about it lol. at least its funny. this is what happens when u have level 99 protag + black viper lucifer (+ messiah for salvation for ailment healing. i could just use me patra gems but its more stylish this way). nobody ever got below half health and most phases (minus last bc of the halved non-almighty damage + gown) were a 1/2/3 hit kill. guys who overlevel because they just love the velvet room so so much (and im prolly not gonna do ng+, especially with portable port on its way (femc!). so trying to experience most that i can)
i did cheese the reaper a while back. used thunder reign strat. was actually harder bc new moon rebalance nerfed the shock rate so its not 100% lol. but took advantage of its ai to get it stuck in a break skill loop (akihiko dekunda sweep) the money was nice, and i spent soooo much time in monad levelling personas. wont be able to do liz fight bc not doing ng+. (slightly related: ive played pee5 so many times and ive never actually tried the twins/lvnza/jose fights. vanilla 1 time, royal 1 time, royal again for a friends playthrough but its not ng+, ng+ for 100% royal but only up to exams...royal for another friend's playthru. lol)
yuka/mitsu is real. to me. theyre even the colors of the lesbian flag
i maxed most social links besides magician (bc hes annoying. surt wouldve been nice tho), mitsuru (got up to like 8 then ran out of time), fuuka (trapped at rank 1. dont like her enough, not enough time. sorry. i played with english voices u know how it is), yuko (accidentally reversed her), justice (i know. who would have thought. started her wayyy too late.), keisuke (hes soooo cute like. i wanna look like that tbh. but fortune isnt useful enough and i ran out of time)
speaking of social links i literally hate how they work in this game so so so so much. i dont want to date all these girls! let me hang out with other girls please... this is the biggest example of romance making all these games so much worse. like. what the hell. (aigis is like. the only good female social link (that i finished) (maybe bc she isnt very much a girl))
another mechanic i hate: NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK INHERITED SKILLS. is every ps2 era megaten game like this? i love love love 'sona/demon fusion but it is so much harder to make stupid crazy builds when u have to reroll over and over again. literally just a timewaster. what could have been...i cant believe my lucifer is still weak to ice. WHO USES PEESONAS WITH WEAKNESSES. IN THIS DAY AND AGE????
the extremely strange continuity with 1&2 is fucked up to like. nickelodean sitcom cinematic universe levels. u know.
im still fixated on 5.i make that very obvious. and i do like 5's overall story better (royal being a very big portion of that). but GOD i love love love the theming of this game.
those strega guys r definitely fucking. i literally do not care about them but thats kind of just a fact.
the concept of artificial personas (that kill you) (that u have to take meds for which eventually kill you) REALLYYYY fucks me up what a BANGER CONCEPT. JESUS! JESUS. gg kirijo group.
akinari... (very wretched)
i dont think i have a favorite. tbh. like i like mitsuru because i like women and shes hot but character wise shes not actually super my type. i like ken because hes the most fucked up ten year old in the world (justice bias). aigis is crazycrazy theres stuff to be said abt her (characters who give metatron bias). yukari is a mean girl and i like that about her (lovers bias). ryoji doesnt have that much screentime for obv reasons but thematically hes cool (guys who beg u to kill them bias). i like the protag a lot (protag bias). yeah
OBVIOUSLY i knew we were gonna die. and when. and where. and how. but :( head in aigis's lap, brushing away her robo-tears... didnt cry but wow this game.
joshua peefee christ figure moment
kimi no kioku is the best 'sona song. period. nyx (avatar)&nyx (nyx) songs go hard too. but man!!!! kimi no kioku!! LOVE how its kind of a motif in so many other parts of the soundtrack, especially near the end...a unifying melody, an overarching theme.
forever from now ill prolly watch the movies just so i can make an amv. this game needs an amv. and unlike pee5 the animovies should cover most of what id want to say in one!
after the answer, ill finally be able to finish eternalpun. im so sorry ive neglected you guys, my friends...my pee2s....
kimi wo i will never leave you <3
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seventhrounder · 3 years
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I went thru my folder with old hockey magazines I had saved from around 2011 to 2015 and came across this one and thought it could be a fun to make a post about now in hindsight.
This is Jääkiekko magazine from May 2012, they always have a section of "99 questions with ..." and in this issue they interviewed Teräväinen.
I’ve translated the questions I found interesting under the cut! It ended up being about half of the interview. (*) are my additions.
On the cover "seuraava superjokeri" means the next super joker, he played for Helsingin Jokerit so it's a word play from that. Under, on the blue print it says: "The 17-year-old forward will become a first round draft pick in the summer. The natural goal scorer can dominate in SM-Liiga as soon as next season."
In the 2nd photo the headline and lead paragraph goes:
"A post with dents* - A year ago Teuvo Teräväinen was known only within a small number of hockey insiders. Few passers-by recognize him now either but after a flashy rookie season the Jokerit sensation is on the radar of every NHL team and is a strong contender to become a first round draft pick. Next season with Jokerit the talented second line center will be one of the main talking points in the SM-Liiga."
(*references the net Teräväinen had in his backyard and into which he practiced his shooting)
3. You've been described as a magician, top scorer, wunderkind and a prodigy. What do you think of these descriptions?
TT: Heh, those are some descriptions yeah. What can I really say? Don't really wanna comment on them much.
4. How nervous are you about the Draft?
TT: I try not to be nervous as best as I can. In a way I don't have anything to be nervous about since I don't care which team picks me or at what number I go.
6. Which is stressing you more, English interviews or physical tests?
TT: Maybe both. Bench press (laughs) and English interviews can be tough.
12. How far along have you planned your career with, for example, your parents or your agent?
TT: Haven't really planned things with others but I've thought about them myself. I try to go step by step and not jump too far ahead.
14. How does it feel to be so young with all the star players in Jokerit?
TT: How to say it? I haven't felt like I was young but a part of the team instead. The team's been very good with me and they haven't been looking down at me like: "oh he's young". It's been fun to play in an experienced team.
15. Is there a generational gap between players?
TT: You can see the age difference, older players look older but we're all childish, at least with our topics.
17. What does a 17-year-old do in the sauna nights of the team?
TT: I actually haven't been in any yet. I've always been at national team's camps or something.
19. Did you get the number you wanted?
TT: I did, yeah. I could've taken #18 but Semir (Ben-Amor) has it. But i'm happy with #86, it's good.
23. What are your strengths as a player?
TT: Offensive play and with that playing with the puck, passing, IQ, power play and skill, just the usual skill - skill with hands.
24. And weaknesses?
TT: They are to do with defensive play, strength and physicality. Battles and such but I think I took a step forward last season. That's a good thing.
25. Have you ever been "pressed into a mold" or has your playing style gotten to develop naturally?
TT: As a kid the play was mostly offensive/attacking, I didn't have to think about playing defence. Up until 15 years old, I got to attack pretty freely. Playing defence became more important when I started to play in A-juniors a couple seasons ago.
26. On a scale from 1 to 10 how determined are you?
TT: Maybe 8, feels like an 8.
32. What kind of role are you planning to take with Jokerit next season?
TT: I think a pretty big one. I try to be a top player and not just take others' example but give others example myself too. So that someone in the team can take something out of the way I do things on the ice and off the ice.
35. If you could pick anyone, who would be your car driver?
TT: Nico Manelius for sure. He's been my driver this season. I've had others too, like Riku Hahl but he's not nearly at the same level. Nico’s clearly the best.
36. What are the most important qualifications to be a good driver?
TT: The car is obviously important. Hahl's car is totally awful, he takes a lot of heat for it from the guys too. I wouldn't dare driving with him. Manelius is a steady performer, never lets you down.
38. What sports did you play as a 10-year-old?
TT: Hockey and floorball, probably football (soccer) during the summers at the time too.
42. When did you decide to focus only on hockey?
TT: So when I stopped playing other sports? Three years ago, before that floorball was kind of a side thing, I played a couple of games in the regular season and playoffs.
45. Do you follow floorball or other sports? Go to games?
TT: I don't go to games but I like to watch floorball on TV, it's an interesting sport. Sometimes I watch football too but I don't follow it much. Feels like they never score there.
47. Have you ever played with a wooden stick?
TT: As a kid I did play with a wooden stick.
49. You won the hockey players' golf tournament last summer even though there were more experienced players too. Are you good with all stick games?
TT: Well, I've been pretty good in all of them. I've played golf for a long time and still play it.
50. How is your swing?
TT: Pretty bold, kind of a hockey swing. I don't really care where the ball goes - as long as it goes far.
52. What do you think of off-ice training?
TT: Let's just say it's more stupid than being on the ice but you still gotta do it to be better on the ice.
56. Which word describes your professional relationship (with his coach, Tomek Valtonen), tranquil or colorful?
TT: Colorful of course. At times we're joking around, other times it's more serious but the relationship is really good.
57. Coaching you has been described in many words: good, bad, worse. What are they?
TT: Heh, well... I won't tell them here. He (Tomek) keeps the discipline during practices but sometimes when things haven't gone to a plan I've had to jump on an exercise bike in the middle of a practice.
58. What have been the reasons?
TT: I'll quote Tomek: "when I haven't been present".
59. Have you ever tried to turn the resistance of the bike to zero?
TT: (Laughs) Of course I have and sometimes I've even succeeded.
60. Describe your diet in three words?
TT: Greasy, healthy and good!
64. Your first name is not common for people your age. How did your parents come up with it?
TT: I actually don't even know. Maybe they didn't want a usual Ville*....
(*very common name for men of all ages in Finland)
66. Which of these is the most important: skill, unexpectedness or courage?
TT: Skill!
68. Your longest video game stint?
TT: Six hours, at least. I've played a lot of War of Duty lately.
72. The dumbest thing that has made you upset in hockey?
TT: Probably if I didn't get an assist on a goal even though I should have. Or even worse is if I score and they mark it down for someone else.
79. Have you had any concussions?
TT: I haven't had any, I've managed to always dodge them.*
(*ouch, tho it's good the recent one is his only as far as i remember)
84. In 2011 Team Finland finished in the 5th place at the U-18 tournament. Why only as 5th?
TT: Because we lost to Team Russia in the quarter final, just as well we could have won that game too.
89. You didn't get to be on the ice to accept the SM-Liiga bronze medal (because of the U-18's). When and where did you get it?
TT: I actually still haven't received it, I don't know where it is.
93. What is the population of Helsinki?
TT: There's like 5 million people in Finland so maybe around 500k in Helsinki? (to be exact 596k) Did i really get it right...?
94. Who's the mayor of Helsinki?
TT: I don't know, I barely know the president.
95. Do you think the municipalities in the capital city area should merge?
TT: Luckily I don't have to decide but they probably shouldn't.
96. What do you check first in the news paper?
TT: The sports section.
97. Your favorite tv show?
TT: Putous* was pretty good, I liked a lot of the characters. The grandma was pretty good.
(*Finnish live improvisation comedy/sketch show (there are still new seasons, the latest just finished). Every actor comes up with a humor character with a catchy phrase and one of them wins. "The grandma" is Marja Tyrni and I just got such flashbacks from typing this sentence.)
98. Last book you read?
TT: I don't read many books. The last book was a study book, a Finnish book. I wrote an essay on Tiki (Esa) Tikkanen's biography. An eventful book, great career and a lot of chirps.
99. Who should we ask the 99 questions next?
TT: Riku Hahl could have good stories, he's also seen a lot of the world.
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