#even in your hometown at a fast food place
totheblood · 7 months
i still hear you. (prologue)
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PAIRING: post tlou2!ellie williams x reader
SUMMARY: ellie stumbles upon your self-run town after her life is destroyed, except there's more to this town then what meets the eye. and it seems like there is more to you too.
WARNINGS: 18+ mentions of death, grief, related subjects; cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x
A/N: i've been working on this one for a while... i hope you enjoy! please send asks, reblog, and reply to this post <;3
"i still hear you laughing, but only for a minute"
Spring couldn’t come fast enough for Ellie. 
The cold still nipped at the exposed skin on her hands, ghosting the phantom limbs of the two fingers she was now missing. Everything was cold. The tip of her nose, her ears, and most importantly her heart. As she wandered aimlessly, unsure of where to go, she knew there was one place she couldn’t go: home. 
Jackson was no longer a place for her. Joel was gone, Tommy thought she was weak, and Dina…Well, Dina wanted nothing to do with her. Dina had a lot she could blame Ellie for before Ellie left, but she never did. She stayed. And now, on top of all of that, Ellie had left one of the few people in her life who cared enough about her to stay. Spring could come tomorrow but it would forever be winter inside her. 
She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew she was going west. She couldn’t handle the harsh winters of the East Coast, and Wyoming stopped feeling like home before she left for Seattle. She thought about staying on the farm and living out whatever short life she was going to have there, but staying in that home painted with memories of “what ifs” would drive her crazy. 
So she packed enough supplies to last her a few months if she hunted her food and headed to the West Coast. The first few days were silent, she only encountered a few infected and found shelter in abandoned buildings. She lived off of expired food she found in vending machines in old universities and occasionally sang herself to sleep. 
On her tenth day, she found a car that lasted her about 2 days. Once it broke down, she just kept walking. Over abandoned highways and thick forests, she just kept walking. On day 17, she reached California and stumbled upon an eerily similar set of walls. It looked just like the gates at Jackson, except these were concrete and better built. They were much higher, and the gates almost looked… automatic. 
Ellie was hesitant. She didn’t know what she was looking for, but she definitely wasn’t looking for another hometown to destroy. She approached the large walls cautiously, with her hands up and slowly. As she walked closer she was screaming, “I come in peace,” over and over again. She was almost 50 feet near the gate when she heard a girl's voice shout, “Don’t come any closer.”
She stopped in her tracks as the automatic gates began to open. Ellie expected an army of people with guns blazing, just how it was when she first arrived at Jackson, but when the gates opened there just stood you, grounded in all your glory, and a gun aimed right at her face. She wanted to laugh, but that just seemed sexist. 
Instead, you pressed forward, unwavering, with your gun aimed right at her. She didn’t step backward, or even breathe, she just stood there until you were close enough to her to make out all the freckles on her face and the slit in her eyebrow. 
“Who are you?” you spat at her.
“Ellie,” she breathed out, her hands faltering a bit. 
With your hand firmly wrapped around the cold metal of the gun, you inched forward again, pulling back the slide, a metallic click echoing in the silence. The gun was loaded, and you were letting Ellie know that you weren’t afraid to shoot. Her hands stiffened again. 
“What are you doing here?” Your tone was tough and the look on your face was enough to send Ellie running for the hills, but it also made her want to crack a smile. Your nose scrunched up as you spoke, and your lips were somehow not chapped in this weather. But Ellie didn’t smile, she was sure if she did you would put one right between her eyes. That much she was sure of.
“I-” Ellie hadn’t thought this far. What was she doing here? “I’m just looking for a place to stay.” 
Your eyebrows creased as you gave her a once over, looking for any sign she was trouble. It was in your nature to search for danger, but she wasn’t raising any red flags. Except the fact that she made it here alone and unscathed, and was missing two fingers. 
“What happened to your hand?” you asked, tipping the gun slightly to her hand. A pained expression crossed her face, it was almost like she forgot that two of her fingers were quite literally bitten off, but that fight was somewhere shoved deep inside her mind. It wasn’t something she wanted to remember.
“Lost them in a fight,” she replied simply, there was no point in telling the full story. It’s not like you had the time. 
“You can’t stay here if you’re going to be trouble,” finally you put the gun down, resting your hands on your hips, giving her a firm look. Ellie would hand it to you, you were absolutely scary. In her mind, she knew she could take you, but she also wasn’t so sure of that.  
“I’m,” she sighed, lowering her hands slowly, “I’m done with that. I won’t be trouble,” and for the first time in Ellie’s life, she meant that. She was ready to start over. She knew the fighter in her would always be there, itching to come out but she had been fighting her whole life. It was time to give up. She had already lost everything. Or so she thought. 
Your face softened slightly before firming up again, your empathy peeking through like it always did. You looked her over again, sighing, as you signaled for someone at the gate to come. A man with short blonde hair trotted over, a leash in his hand. He looked kind as he offered a smile to Ellie.
“Old girl here is just gonna check to make sure you’re not infected,” he smiled, dropping the leash. Ellie’s heart rate picked up again as she watched the German Shepherd approach her slowly, sniffing around her as it circled her. You stood behind the blonde guy with your arms crossed across your chest. The dog found nothing and returned to the man, sitting down next to him, “Looks like you’re all clear!”
“Welcome to Mono City,” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes as you turned back towards the gate, walking in that direction. You were halfway there when you realized Ellie wasn’t moving. Turning on your heel again you stared at her, hand on your hip again. You had an attitude, Ellie thought, cute. “You coming or what?”
The small town sat on a large lake, glistening as the sun's rays bounced off the surface. Buildings were built close together, trees without leaves scattered on the walkway, and about a hundred people out on the street as she trailed behind you, earning dirty looks from half of them. Ellie scowled back. Ellie smiled when you introduced yourself to her, telling her your name and a few key details about yourself. She learned you served as some sort of mayor here, keeping everything in order, and that you were the person that people came to. She would be lying if she said that didn’t intimidate her. But all Ellie did was give you her name again and tell you that she was from Jackson, anything else she said would fall short. 
“How are you with your hands?” you asked, voice flat and simple. Ellie choked on her words, stuttering a response. 
“I’m, well,” she coughed, “I’m just okay with them now, since,” she shrugged gesturing to what she now called her ‘bad hand’, “you know.”
A wave of guilt crossed your face as you composed yourself, somehow already forgetting your previous interaction. You shook your head solemnly, cursing quietly under your breath as you stopped. 
“Shit,” you turned to her, eyes squeezed shut, “sorry, I’m so used to asking the same questions, I didn’t even think.”
“It’s fine don’t worry about it,” she gave a tight-lipped smile. Now, with the illumination of the buildings, she could see your whole face. You were pretty, that she was sure of, but it was a more down-to-earth pretty. A type of pretty that you had to take in. You had scars around your face, and a pretty big scar down the side of your neck. It almost looked like the one Ellie had on her arm. But still, scars and all, you were just nice to look at. 
“Well, just for that reason we probably won’t have you be on guard duty,” you stated, eyes flicking around her face, “do you have any other strengths?”
“Uhm,” Ellie had to think for a minute. She had never really been asked anything like this before. What were her strengths? Did she have any at all? She used to be good at guitar, but now she couldn’t play, and that probably wouldn’t be useful at all to anyone here. She was good at art still, something she couldn’t take for granted anymore. It was all she had. The scratched-out drawings of Dina, JJ, Jesse, and Joel were stuffed deep into her bag.
“I’m good at art,” she shrugged, “and writing, maybe.”
“Okay,” you smiled, showing off your teeth, making her warm a bit, “that we can work with. Maybe you can teach at the school.”
“You have a school here?” Ellie gawked. Jackson had a school but it was small and had maybe two or three teachers. 
“Yeah,” you turned to keep walking, making Ellie stumble behind you to keep up, “we have three. An elementary, middle, and high school.”
“Wow,” Ellie was in awe, “It’s not like a military school or anything?” 
“No,” you answered quickly, your voice tight, “It’s not like any of that shit. We don’t fuck with FEDRA here.”
Ellie would be lying if she said that wasn’t music to her ears.
“It’s just like a normal school except we teach a lot more practical things. Things we can use like, cooking, science, and English. Like reading or writing. Since you’re new you will probably start with the elementary school. We also have little extracurriculars and we’ve wanted to introduce art but haven’t been able to find anyone yet.”
“Oh, cool,” was all Ellie said as you both stumbled on what looked like a residential street. There were rows of houses, all that looked the same. There was a road, with cars parked on them and driveways with gates. Most of the houses looked about two stories tall, some had toys lying in the front yards and a few animals were roaming about, small cats and dogs. The porches had furniture on them, little couches and chairs, and as she walked she noticed some people outside with mugs in their hands as if they were drinking their morning coffee. The town looked like something she saw out of a movie, only something she could dream about. Her eyes were wide in awe as you rambled on about something but Ellie was honestly too entranced in everything. Here, in the middle of nowhere was a whole town of people living their lives, as if nothing had ever happened to them. 
“Ellie?” you stopped in your tracks, crossing your arms over your chest. There was your attitude again, “are you even listening?”
“Y-yeah, I am. It’s just-”
“A lot, I know,” you sighed, “but you gotta listen, there are a lot of rules here. Rules that make this place function and if you don’t follow them, you could easily be kicked out.”
“I’m sorry,” she apologized, genuinely meaning it, “I’m listening, promise.”
“It’s fine,” you gave her a fake smile, turning to push open a gate to a nice house, “This will be your place.”
“Uhm,” Ellie stopped, not entering the front yard, “what do you mean ‘my place’? This is far too big for me.”
“This is the only size our houses come in,” you replied matter-of-factly, “you can just say thank you.”
Ellie blinked as she looked up at the blue house, that looked like it was built yesterday. It had a wrap-around porch and two white columns right by the entrance. The door was a giant white door with a gold handle. This was nicer than any house she’s ever been in, and way too big for one girl.  
“Thank you,” Ellie replied, still awe-struck, “this is just so nice.”
“You’re welcome,” you smiled, fishing around in your bag for something. You pulled out a pair of keys, and handed them to her, “Here’s your house keys. You don’t get a car quite yet, that’s something you have to work your way up to, but there is a bike in the garage. Spring is around the corner so it will get warmer and you should have your car by next winter so don’t worry too much. My house is right across the block, but I’m usually in the City Center if you need me.”
She wrapped her right hand around the keys, tightening them in her palm. She watched as you searched through your bag again and pulled out a little device. 
“This is your walkie,” you took a deep breath, “Try to find me before using it. It’s usually only used for emergencies so just be mindful of that. I’ll be by tomorrow to take you to work, so you have time to get settled in today. Okay?”
“Okay,” Ellie smiled, her voice sounding a little bit breathless.
That night Ellie settled into her new home. Well, she tried to settle into her new home but kept shifting around in every seat and couch, like she couldn’t find something to get comfortable on. She examined every part of the house, picking the smallest room for herself and shoving her backpack in the closet. She took a bath for the first time in months, washing all the dirt and grime off of her. Left in the shower was a bar of soap that looked like it had been handmade and unused. It smelled so good she almost took a bite, but instead chose to use it how it was meant to be used.
As the sun began to set she stepped outside, watching the activity on the block and smiling to herself. Everything just seemed so normal, but with the state of this world this town was certainly abnormal. From her window she could see you in your front yard, feeding a pack of cats that slipped through your white picket fence. She smiled to herself as she watched one rub against your leg, and your gentle hand coming down to pet it. She continued to watch as kids passed your house, waving to you and running back to their homes. 
The next few days were uneventful. Ellie found herself getting used to teaching young kids, always laughing when they asked about her missing fingers. It was out of her comfort zone, but she was around JJ enough to know what kids liked. Her voice always got so high-pitched when she spoke to them, and they liked being chased around the room. On her fifth day of working, a kid ran in screaming, “Miss Ellie! Miss Ellie!” with a chicken scratch drawing of his family. He was so proud that all Ellie could say was “Good job, bud!” and ruffle his hair. He left with the biggest smile on his face.
But now, Ellie found herself at the city’s most popular bar, with the other teachers who wanted to congratulate her on her first week. Della, who invited Ellie out in the first place, made a toast to her, clinking her glass with Ellie’s and taking a long swig of her drink. Ellie took a sip of hers too and fuck, this shit was strong. 
She felt human again, laughing with people her age in a bar and old music playing. She was almost having a good time until a song came on that reminded her of Joel. It was like her whole demeanor changed and everyone could tell. She excused herself from the group finding a small corner to sit on and finish the rest of her drink, hoping maybe it would make her forget everything. But then, the bell at the front door rang making Ellie look up to see who had entered. 
There you were in all your glory, tight shirt on and hair completely loose. It almost looked as if you were wearing makeup. Ellie must’ve been staring too long because she blinked and you were standing in front of her. 
“See you got yourself a drink,” you laughed, voice making Ellie’s cheeks turn pink. She was… really drunk.
“Yeah, I could get you one too,” she slurred a bit, goofy smile spread across her face. She watched as something odd crossed your face and now she was worried she said something wrong, “I just mean, like.. you know… I mean like as a thank you.”
“Right,” you sighed.
“For my mansion, you know,” she shrugged and you giggled. You giggled and it went straight to her head. What was she doing?
“You haven’t been paid yet,” you smiled back at her, now moving to sit down, “and it’s okay, I don’t drink unless it’s a special occasion.”
“What? Meeting me is not special enough,” she teased, knocking her shoulder with yours. Her eyes scanned your face, your smile reaching your eyes as you giggled again. Her stomach sank again. She wasn’t so sure if this was just the alcohol anymore, she felt like she was 12 and crushing on Riley again. 
“No, it’s special,” you reassured, “Maybe, I’ll drink when you decide to stay.”
“Who said I’m not staying?” she questioned sitting up.
“Some people don’t,” you shrugged, smile fading. Ellie’s brain wanted to make it better, make you laugh again, or shit do anything to put the smile back on your face. 
“Well, I’m gonna,” she said gently, so only you could hear her, “I need to get my paycheck.”
You laughed and Ellie breathed a sigh of relief, laughing with you. 
“I’ll get that to you,” you smiled, “and we don’t use paychecks.”
“What’re you gonna pay me with?” she smirked, “I know some other ways you can pay me.” Then the same look from earlier crossed your face and she cursed quietly to herself, muttering an apology. 
“No, no,” you said, like you were about to let her down gently, “I just try not to get… involved with anyone since…” your voice trailed off.
“Since?” Ellie questioned, but as you opened your mouth to speak the group from earlier made their way over, noticing your arrival and screaming your name. She watched as you got up, hugged everyone and started chatting with them, leaving her with her drink and too many questions. 
There was one thing that scared her though. She knew you needed someone who could stay, and the only thing she was good at was leaving.
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lady-ashfade · 10 months
The Snap Of Thread.
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—£ Yan!Aemond Targaryen x Maid!Reader. (Slight Yan!Alicent & others)
—£ Ask!“Hi. Can i ask for yandere aemond with lowborn/maid reader? They have a friendship and one day she tells him that she is pregnant, even trough they never even share a kiss he starts to believe in his mind that the baby is his.”
—£ Warning: Spiders, Yandere behavior, Violence, Killing, Stalking, Being held captive of some sort, Pregnancy, Reader having a baby out of wedlock, Pregnant!Reader, Dead Dove Do Not Eat.
—£Taglist: @watercolorskyy
You had been working in the castle since you were just a child. You and your mother had come to Kingslanding for work and you found it right away. Thankfully the work load was easier on you since you got placed under the Young Princess. You washed her clothes, made sure to prepare her bed and room to the way she likes, even running around the castle with a few extra tasks for others.
Helaena was a delight to work under since she was not cruel or demanding. She just wanted to be alone and lifted to her wonders and insects. Of course, you never really spoke with her since the maids above you had made sure to be near her at every moment. The only time you saw her was when you took trays full of food to her or cleaned them up but most time she was out when you worked.
Much like any other night you had gone to her room to clean, other maids helping around and you had gotten done pretty fast. The sweet princess not being messy at all. When things got done the others left but you stayed to finish up. That’s when you saw a spider with long legs cling to the wall. Your first instinct was to kill it but you remember the princess. This spider was from your hometown and not harmless at all, not even a bite.
So you catch it in your hands and when you did the panic set within you. Where would you put it? You couldn’t throw it out the window, couldn’t kill it, and it was over extreme to walk to the ends of the castle to release it, so you move around the room in panic looking for a place.
The princess came back and wondered what you were doing, seeing you in such a state confused her. When you told her she grew a smile and reached out her hand to take the creature and you gladly gave it over.
“Many people are scared of spiders, they fear what is small to the eye. But you did not kill like others,” she looked at you. “I like that.” You had told her you knew from your hometown of the spider and couldn’t kill it, she was overjoyed. That’s when you two started to hang out more and she called for you. You listened to her when she would talk about all the creatures she had, she liked you.
It was natural for you to met aemond when you hung around his sister so much and he usually was too shy to say anything. So you both only shared a few glances and only talk to heleana. And seeing you so nice and sweet to his dear sister, it mesmerize him to no end. He was taken aback by your kind natured and looked at her like a normal person or as normal as she could be for a princess. And you never look at him like someone weak among his kin but only as a boy.
Aemond started to follow you around when he would see you around the castle and watch you closely. He noticed the wrinkles in your fingertips when you washed clothes for long periods of time. He noticed how you worked like it was a passion and left nothing undone. How you helped the elders when they needed it. And how tired you worked yourself and had to take a breath but look around for anyone before doing so.
It was only a few times you both actually spoke. When he asked for something when helaena wanted cakes or anything, he always joined in even if he didn’t want anything. He wanted your gaze, your focus and pretty eyes on him.
Soon that sweet and shy boy was replaced with a ruthless man who was not shy. He was cold and sat back quietly knowing he could take anyone in the room or fed them to his dragon. He was a warrior now. The boy you had known died and was now a man..
A man who was obsessed with you.
He called for you now, making you clean his rooms or fetch him someone to eat. He’d just sit in his room as you replaced the “Scratchy” bedsheets and claimed only you knew the right ones. But he kept his eye on you the whole time as you would bend over or a stretch yourself over his bed.
At dinners you stood close to Helaena because you had moved up in ranks now you were a young woman and stayed close to her. So he got to see more of you.
Aemond was always hiding in the shadows while you worked. He was much more sinister with his watching now and did it every second of free time. And would get angry when you weren’t where you usually were.
When you looked at him he saw it as you taking him in and being deeply in love with him. You’re just shy, nervous the prince wouldn’t like you make. Oh, boy is he just so delusional about you. Once you laughed at his joke that he made to helaena and he was just stunned. In his mind you were giving him hints. Everything you do is to get his attention.
Through all these years you both spent much more time together so much that you watch him when he trains, he walks with you when you have a pile of clothes in your hands. You considered him a friend.
So when the words. “I’m pregnant, I have not bled in mouths.” He was frozen.
Aemond first reaction was to hunt down the man who had done it to you. Then something snapped within him as his mind was lost, all reality was rewritten. He had done it. That was his child.
He bowed down to the floor and hugged your waist and leaned his ear to the stomach, “Our child.” He whispered and your eyes went wide. His words and actions made no sense and you were slightly afraid to move from his hold.
From there he dressed you in the finest clothes and demanded you were to be kept in his room at all times, or Helaenas. The only time you could go out was with him by your side. And everyone had to agree, he had already killed five people who spoke wrong of you.
Alicent didn’t like the idea but her son made her with his actions saying he loved you so much. Of course she liked how sweet you were to her daughter so she was more than welcome.
Aemond would fall asleep holding your belly, he’d whisper to the child in your womb. He truly believed he was the father. Going as far as to say he took you months ago in a passionate night in the moonlight. And it freaked you out how he knew about all the skin details without seeing you without your clothes.
You become a bird in a golden cage. The life you always wished you had was now given to you but with no escape or freedom.
The child was born and aemond forced his way into the room when he threaten to cut off the maesters fingers. Aemond could never forget when he saw his son for the first time, bloody…
And with white hair.
His held his son and cradled it with a loving smile. Saying the name you had picked out, saying he was going to be such a brave warrior.
But the other prince only smiled at the news when he heard of the white haired son “born” to his brother.
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 1 🍒 “Austin"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 2K
Summary: new to the city, you befriend Sarah, and in a time of need you befriend her dad Joel
WARNINGS: this particular chapter is safe for everyone to read, but future chapters will contain smut; mild cursing, little bit of flirting; age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35); reader is tomboyish but otherwise no race specified and will not be throughout the series; until otherwise specified, this story takes place in the summer of 2003 and is AU with no outbreak, no use of y/n.
Author's Note: this was the first fic I ever wrote, after months of lurking on AO3. It's one of my favorites to write and probably my most popular on AO3, so I'm bringing her to the party. In this particular chapter Joel fixes a sink, and I did minimal investigating into the world of plumbing, so obviously any mistakes are just gonna be there.
Series Masterlist
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Austin is quiet. So much quieter than where you came from: Houston, the city on the bayou, where there's always something fun to do. Not that Austin is without its charm, it just kind of feels like living on the moon after the hustle and bustle of your hometown, the fourth largest city in the US. But the people are friendly, the vibes are mellow, and you soon begin to feel at home.
Soon you'll be starting college at the University of Texas, a school you've had your eye on since fifth grade. Your mom, overprotective but meaning well, allowed you to stay with your older cousin Sofia rather than living on campus. And you're excited about it because even with a roommate, this is your first time on your own, away from home, about to really live your life.
School starts in a couple months, so in the meantime you get a job at a new Starbucks in town, providing you with a little spending money. The first few days are a blur, making drinks, learning the register. But it keeps you busy, A few times a week a younger group of kids come in, ordering the cheapest things on the menu. One of them, a girl 13 or 14 years old, approaches the counter. She studies the overhead menu with an air of seriousness. "What's in a frappuccino?" she asks.
"Um, coffee, espresso, milk, ice, and syrup blended together, basically. Comes with whipped cream on top. I could give you one to try," you offer, as your manager is out that day.
"Sure," the girl answers eagerly.
You make the cold, frothy drink and hand it to her. "I'm still pretty new at this, so if you hate it, I'm sorry," you joke.
She smiles and walks back to her friends, sipping the frapp.
You work until evening and pick up some fast food on the way home, Getting out of the car with your food you lean back against the vehicle, stretching a little, trying to wake yourself up a bit. Then you hear the sound of a truck coming up the driveway next door and the engine shutting off. There are a couple of voices you hear as the people begin to exit the truck.
"Hey, she's the one who gave me the free coffee today," you hear, and though it likely isn't meant for you to hear, you glance over and see the young girl from earlier today, climbing out of the truck. From around the driver's side you see a man, mid-thirties, tall, well-built, a black t-shirt clinging to his torso. Dirtied jeans and work boots complete his attire. It takes a moment before you realize he's looking at you.
Immediately you glance back at the girl, obviously his daughter. "Hey," you smile and give a quick, awkward wave. She waves back politely and he gives a curt nod and quick wave. They make their way up the front porch and you hear his gruff voice: "You had coffee? Great, now you'll be bouncin' off the walls all evenin'," before the door closes behind them.
"Guess I met my neighbors," you mutter, making your way inside as well.
Over the next few days the girl, who you now know as Sarah Miller, comes to Starbucks, ordering the same frapp every time. "Don't tell your dad I'm giving you all this caffeine," you tell her, hiding a smirk.
Sometimes you give her a ride home from the cafe, though she claims to use the bus now and then. You come to see that Sarah is a lot more mature than you were at her age. You hang out from time to time, swim in your backyard pool, go to the mall, and every time you drop her off you catch a glimpse of her dad, always a figure in the background. You exchange a wave or polite smile and move on.
It's your day off, a Sunday. You intend to spend the day lounging, watching TV. Maybe Sarah will stop by. After making a quick breakfast for yourself you do the dishes. When you're finished, you realize the class ring you'd set on the counter is gone, likely washed down the sink. "Damn!" you exclaim, and text Sofia, who has just left for work.
Go next door and ask Mr. Miller if he can take a look and get it out. He's helped around the house before your cousin replies.
You sigh and put the phone down.
You're a little hesitant going to speak to him. His truck is in the driveway so you know he's home. You knock on the door, feeling self-conscious about your first interaction with him, and Mr. Miller opens the door.
"Good morning," you introduce yourself. "I'm Sarah's friend.. from next door."
"Nice to meet ya, I'm Joel Miller." He extends a calloused hand and you shake it. You've always assumed him to be a man who does hard work for a living, but in your first time seeing him up close you admire his tousled, dark brown hair, his deep brown eyes that seem serious. "What can I do for ya?" he asks in his gentle Texan drawl.
You smile. "Well, I was told you're pretty handy around the house, and I lost my ring in the sink just now." You chuckle at your mistake. "Would it be possible for you to come over and take a look?" You feel really shy about asking this of a man you barely know.
He takes a moment to think, clears his throat, raises his brow. "I suppose I could stop by." His tone is gruff but his manner seems warm enough. "I'll give it a shot. I'm no plumber, but I'll see what I can do." He shrugs.
You smile and sigh with relief. "Of course. I mean, even you just checking it out would be a big help.. whenever you can stop by I'll be here." You don't want to make demands on his time.
"All right.. I'm not doin' much right now, so I could swing 'round if you like. Just let me grab my toolbox."
Once inside, with minimal conversation Joel gets on the floor, under the sink, and gets to work. You wait nearby, trying not to hover, but also wanting to be available in case he needs anything. Plus he's good looking. You watch as he works. His shirt rides up, revealing his torso, and a hint of the waistband of his underwear. Your eyes wander lower until you force them away. To distract yourself you start putting things away in the cupboard.
"Sarah tells me you're new to Austin," he says as he works.
"Yeah, I'm actually from Houston. I'm starting UT in the fall, and staying with my cousin in the meantime. I take it you know Sofia?"
"I do. She's nice. I keep an eye on her place when she's away. Even when you're there."
You mean to say something in reply, maybe 'thank you' but you're thinking about him keeping a protective watch over your home while you're inside, unaware.
"So you're starting university? How old are ya?" he asks.
Something about his question makes you feel like a deer in headlights. "I'll be nineteen in September. On the twenty-sixth."
You can almost hear the smile in his voice. "No shit? That's my birthday. Except I'm far from nineteen. Small world, ain't it?"
"Yeah," you say, sneaking another glance at his torso.
"What're you studyin'?"
"English," you answer, excited to talk about it. "More specifically Literature. I want to write, and maybe one day work at a huge publishing house."
You hear Joel give a grunt. "What do you write?"
"Poetry sometimes, short stories, I have a few ideas for novels."
Another grunt. "You don't look like the type.. the writer type.. no offense."
"What type do I look like?" Your heart races as you realize he's categorized you already.
He peeks out from under the sink and his eyes fix on you in a way that makes you shiver. "I don't know yet. But you're young. Maybe you're the rebellious type." He goes back to work.
You sit on the floor, your back against the fridge opposite him. "How am I the rebellious type to you?"
He's quiet, and you see the gleam of his eyes from where he's under the sink. "Haven't quite figured it out yet.."
You can tell he's having fun with this, and there's a vibration in the air, a palpable chord struck, and you wonder if he feels it too.
"Anything I can do? Feeling kinda helpless over here," you chuckle.
"Just stay out of the way," his voice is more gruff than maybe he intends. Frowning, his eyes focus on an item lodged in the P-trap. He reaches in and pulls out your ring. It's covered in gunk and grime but you recognize it immediately.
"Oh shit! Thank you..." It's your class ring. 'Class of 2003' is engraved on the side, with a princess cut sapphire on top. You put it aside to clean it later.
Joel smirks. "No problem."
"I really owe you one."
"I dunno about that. Just don't go throwin' away your valuable stuff next time, okay?" He's teasing, almost playful.
You laugh "Okay.. hey I'm working at the cafe tomorrow. If you come by I could get you a free coffee." You put the offer out there, testing the waters though you aren't sure why.
"Free coffee? Careful, girl, between giving away free stuff to me and Sarah, you're gonna run Starbucks out of business," he grins. "But yeah, I might have to stop by."
You walk him out, even though Joel says it's not necessary, but you can tell he enjoys your company. "I guess I'll be seeing you around Joel.. Mr. Miller."
He stifles a chuckle. There's a touch of amusement in the way he speaks to you, but he hides it behind a warm, open expression. "Call me Joel. No need to be so formal around me."
"If my mom was here she'd say I was being disrespectful, calling you by your first name." You can't help a little blush.
"I won't complain about respect," he smiles again.
"She's pretty protective of me," you describe your living situation, your freedom that is being given in increments.
"Well your mom might've done you a favor there." Joel looks out past your front porch. "That's probably a wise decision, ya know? What about your dad? He ok with you living far from home?"
You shake your head. "He's not.. really in the picture. My parents divorced about five years ago. My dad went up north, Minnesota I think, and I haven't seen him since.." You feel a little vulnerable revealing this.
Joel's brow furrows and his expression darkens. You wonder if he's thinking about Sarah. You don't know much about her mother and haven't felt okay to ask. "I'm sorry to hear that. Are you all right?"
You shrug. "I guess so. I've managed this long without him.." You give a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. "I shouldn't be bothering you with all this.."
"No problem, I don't mind listenin'. Do me a favor," he says suddenly. "Be careful out there, okay?"
Something about this catches you off guard. "Of course I will."
He smiles. "Good. I'll see you at the cafe tomorrow," he phrases it like a hopeful question.
"Bright and early," you say, feeling a few butterflies in your stomach.
He laughs and nods. "Til then."
You watch him leave and though you cringe at how young, foolish, childish you must appear to him, you can't deny that you feel something, even for a brief moment. Maybe it's nothing. But something about him sticks with you, an odd feeling in your chest. But it's just a dumb, knee-jerk reaction. He has a family, he's twice your age. You're focused on school and your future. Joel Miller is the last person you should be thinking about...
next chapter ->
divider by @saradika-graphics 👑
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hoes4hoseok · 4 months
enhypen as the tortured poets department
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pairings :: ot7 x gn!reader (if i accidentally slipped in a gender-related mistake please let me know!) genres :: angst & fluff warnings :: swearing, alcohol, mentions of food, sorta emotional cheating, reader being down bad ™️ word count :: 2.1k author’s note :: thanks to ogs @sunoosill and @fandomgirl489 for helping me hehe love you guys! also i kind of tried something new with this one, they're actual little fics this time so let's see how it's recieved 😭 that being said i lowkey hate this. i started doubting all my choices once i was like 60% done but this took an embarrassingly long time. also this is unedited because i'm sick of this draft. i hope y'all enjoy though!
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ni-ki as my boy only breaks his favorite toys
“i felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens cause he took my out of my box, stole my tortured heart, left all these broken parts, told me i’m better off, but i’m not”
ni-ki swept 👏 you 👏 off 👏 your 👏 feet 👏 when you first met
because he doesn't seem like he'd necessarily approach a relationship the same way as everyone else just because everyone else is doing it
so when he asked you out he was pretty nonchalant about it (even if that wasn’t how he was feeling)
&& it all felt so romantic because you’d do things like get dessert in the middle of the night & then drive into the hills together 
especially because he didn’t treat you the same way as the other people he dated — a fact his friends confirmed.
he was passive about it all before you.
there wouldn’t be any doubt that he loved you because he most certainly did
not to be cliché but he made you see the world differently! & more importantly, he made you see romantic relationships differently
but you could tell that he had a sense of uncertainty around you
not because he was uncertain about his feelings for you
but an uncertainty that told him that he needed to spend each moment like it could be taken away from him in the blink of an eye
he knew he was feeling too much — he knew you were feeling too much
because ultimately, he was unsure about whether he was right for you.
so he left you, promising that you’d be better off without him.
you weren’t.
sunoo as down bad
“for a moment i knew cosmic love, now i’m down bad, crying at the gym”
sunoo would be such a good boyfriend on paper
he'd buy you flowers & give great hugs, of course, but he'd also be supportive & reassure you when you felt insecure and unsure about your place in the world
that being said, sunoo is not one to string people along
so the moment he realized that he wasn’t 100% in, he made a plan to end things & he did.
&&...losing sunoo fucked you up. it would fuck anyone up, to be fair.
finding out that he was leaving you when the relationship was everything to you would catch you off guard, to say the least.
he probably left feeling proud of himself for doing everything right too LMAO 😭 
&& yes, i don't think it's anything he did that made it so bad
it's just that break-ups suck & you really loved him! even if he “did everything right”
no matter how it transpired, you were still in shambles at the end 
you broke down in tears at the sight of anything that made you think of him
from the smell of gardenias in a grocery store
‘he bought me those 🤧! for our first anniversary 🤧!’
to the most upbeat song you’ve ever heard coming on shuffle while you work out
‘he loved that song’ (even if you couldn’t stand it)
&& you really hoped he was feeling a shred of what you were 
but it sure as hell didn’t seem that way.
jungwon as fresh out the slammer
“all those nights, you kept me going, swirled you into all of my poems”
you & jungwon had a lot of your own problems to deal with the first time you dated
likely because he had a lot on his plate at the time as an idol & you were just at different places in your lives
&& even though your brain was telling you not to, you fell in love fast
he’d taken you to a quiet spot in his hometown that he used to go to when he was overwhelmed as a kid
it was an old swingset at the park where, somehow, everything else had been renovated
the two of you sat there for hours with your hands entwined, talking about your futures 
&& the possibility of them ending in the same place.
it felt childish & implausible, but you wanted to believe it
&&, as the break up proved to you, it was, in fact, childish & implausible to believe that your lives could magically become compatible
you tried to move on, you really did. you dated other people for years. 
one boyfriend stuck around for four years. a coworker. your future with him felt written in stone.
he was good to you, but there was a part of your heart that yearned for more
the part that yearned for the type of connection you had on the swingset all those years ago
you didn't spend that time waiting for jungwon — you accepted that you were going to spend your life content with your boyfriend
but you sometimes thought about what it would be like if you met jungwon under different circumstances or another life where his career wasn’t so controlling and demanding of him
you would smile listening to his music (that you subconsciously hoped was about you) 
&& checked how he was doing online periodically
but then you were single. it was something your boyfriend said about not seeing a future here. not seeing a future with you. when you gave him four years of your life. 
you knew you should have felt more, that you should have been torn apart for months
but a week later, you picked up the phone & dialed the number that had been seared into your brain for six years
his voice was almost a whisper.
“do you think you could take me to that park again tonight?”
“i’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“thank you.”
“i missed you.”
heeseung as the alchemy
“where’s the trophy? he just comes running over to me”
when you started dating heeseung, you knew it would be really easy for him to put you low on his priority list being an idol
&& you wouldn’t have blamed him for that 
because your careers are important, especially at this point in your lives (also your exes probably did that with much less demanding jobs)
but he didn’t! he told you it would be tough but that he’d try his best to make sure you had time together even with his insane packed schedule
&& try he did omg 🤭 that man put in the WORK
he would show up towards the end of your workday just to whisk you off on a date 🫶
which you not-so-secretly loved for two reasons:
one: it reminded you that he loved you & valued your career as much as you valued his
two: he’s really hot. so it’s fun to see everyone’s reaction to him showing up heehee
&& after your workday he’d take you wherever you wanted
but you’re indecisive at times, so he’d just guess sometimes.
it was usually your favorite restaurant or a massage parlor, but once he literally took you to the airport for a getaway? who knows what he has planned lmfao
you loved getting surprised by your boyfriend, of course, but the nights when you were at his concert to support him? those meant the world to you.
you swore that you’d never forget the look on his face when he realized you were in the crowd the first time you surprised him
but honestly? his excitement never faltered. he still wears that childish grin every time he sees you showing up for him
&& the post concert kisses are incomparable to all the others 
because he kisses you like you’re the stars in a rom-com. every. damn. time — whether it’s backstage or in front of 20,000 people.
jay as chloe or sam or sophia or marcus
“if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say ‘i loved you the way that you were’”
jay was hurting you
with every instagram post he uploaded with a woman you didn’t recognize,
at every red carpet appearance where he had someone else on his arm,
with every polite smile he greeted you with when you crossed paths.
you broke up with him. years ago, at that. you had no right to feel this way.
his mind seemed scattered in your time together & he was unsure about most everything
at first, it had seemed like you were the exception to that.
until you weren’t.
when you broke it off, you told him you loved him. & that maybe you always would.
he might have loved you.
but if that was the case, he never told you.
on occasion, you thought about how he felt seeing you date around aimlessly.
had he done the mature thing & moved on?
did his jaw clench seeing another man kiss you the same way it did before you dated?
did he care about what you were thinking as much as you did about him? 
there were times that you’d stare at his contact, finger hovering above the ‘call’ button
almost hoping your finger would slip so you’d have the chance, the smallest chance to hear him say
“i loved you the way that you were.”
(i really want to write a oneshot about this actually? maybe?)
jake as so high school
“get my car door, isn’t that sweet, then pull me to the backseat, no one’s ever had me, not like you”
jake was so obsessed with you before y’all started dating HEHE probably from the first time that he had a conversation with you!
he was so enthralled by the way you think & see the world
&& he blushed and stumbled on his words every time he talked to you for months & his friends would tease him RELENTLESSLY
he got so nervous before following you on social media that he had to employ his friends to help.
“guys, just press it for me. i can’t look!”
he probably thought about asking you out on many occasions but chickened out for one reason or another every time
but then he saw you at the local convenience store while he was out getting ramen at 2 a.m. — or rather, you saw him.
"jake?" he'd know that voice anywhere. oh god oh god oh god oh god
he needed a moment to compose himself, but he pulled himself together enough to look up at you & greet you properly <3
his stress slipped away fairly fast after that & you found yourselves shopping for your respective midnight snacks together
"have you tried this one? it's probably my favorite limited edition flavor" you had said, pointing to your favorite candy
which, naturally, he responded to by pulling a handful into his basket 😚
you didn't know whether he wanted to try it because you liked it or he was buying it for you, but either way, you found it endearing
after you both paid, jake took your groceries in his other hand, declaring that he'd carry them to your car for you
which, of course, wasn't possible. you had walked.
😧...😟...😶...🤔...☝️😲 "i could give you a ride! i don't want you walking home alone at this hour. or i could call you an uber if you're not comf—"
"i'd really like that"
&& then his heart would damn near explode at the sight of your smile. because how could it not.
he fumbled with the bags before opening the passenger door for you
&& on the drive there he'd stare at you with heart eyes while you talked at every red light
you'd have to tell him it turned green because he was just so distracted hehe
oh my god not this being my second fic about jake driving you home,, 🫣 IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE I DON'T PLAN THESE I JUST GO WITH WHAT FEELS RIGHT
i'm just hilarious, this does not show anything about what i want irl, absolutely nothing.
sunghoon as i look in people’s windows
"what if your eyes looked up & met mine one more time?"
you & sunghoon had a mutual break up, but it didn't feel that way a month after it happened
especially not when you were walking alone down the street his friend lived on & noticed the light shining through the large window
contrary to what you told yourself (i don’t even care if he’s in there) you approached the warm light warily
you didn’t really know whether you were hoping to see him in there, but you did — he was laughing with a few people, glass of wine in hand
&&…you weren’t expecting a flood of memories to overcome you in the way they did.
memories from when you were invited. memories from when you called them “our” friends & not “his” friends. memories from when you were the one making him laugh.
you didn’t notice your mouth fall agape or the tears welling in your eyes until sunghoon met your gaze with a tilt of his head, his smile falling as he registered your presence
for a moment, your mind rushed to decipher the look on his face — the way his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, the way his mouth fell agape too — the same expressions you used to be able to read so well.
finally tearing your gaze from sunghoon, you noticed his friends turning back to look out for whatever it was that made their friend so unsettled
they never saw you. you ran before they could.
perhaps if you had stayed a moment longer, you would have heard the front door open.
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txt version ☆ midnights version ☆ masterlist
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dovesndecay · 2 years
Hey! I saw your post on diet culture and fast food and wanted to know what you mean about "diet culture would rather us starve than admit fast food is an accessible food resource"? Could you elaborate? (sorry for the paraphrase, I'm on mobile.) Thanks!
So, I'm disabled in a number of ways. I struggle really hard with executive function, appetite, sensory issues, and pain/fatigue/brainfog that makes deciding on food, and then following the process of making that food very difficult on a good day.
I've always had food issues -- I've snuck whole mouthfuls of food I could not physically make myself eat into the bathroom to spit it out in the toilet because I'd been told I had to eat it. I've puked from the texture of food. And I've gone hungry because food that was prepared is food I could not eat, for a number of reasons.
I'm also really fucking poor. I cannot work a regular job anymore. Groceries have actively skyrocketed to the point where our household is spending less than HALF of what we should be for the number of people. The difference between buying a bunch of groceries that we may or may not eat before they expire or our tastes for them die and simply purchasing a meal from a fast food joint is literally just the cost of labor -- saving us from expending spoons on deciding, buying ingredients, preparing, cooking, and then eating that food, which I will again stress that we might not actually eat.
There's only so many times you can have Walmart brand chicken nuggets before you physically cannot choke it down again.
Diet culture has a huge focus on eating the "right" kind of foods as well as this weird "self-sufficiency" fetish for cooking that can be fine but has a bad habit of edging into ableism. If you physically cannot cook on a regular basis, for any reason, and you have a lot of fast food meals, you get judged a lot for it. It's labeled "unhealthy" and "lazy". I am often told that I just "haven't found the right recipes" or "cooking hacks". No, man, I'm just fucking disabled.
Personally, I'd label starving as more unhealthy than eating fast food, but people don't like hearing that you aren't willing to swallow whatever gruel society thinks people in poverty deserve to have.
For me, fast food is predictable, safe, filling, often less expensive, convenient, spoons-saving, and it means I will eat. I also just genuinely think a lot of fast food tastes good. Sure, it's not fresh veggies and fruits, but I'm not getting those anyway. When I buy groceries, it's the cheapest items possible which means a lot of frozen foods, packaged pastas, and cereals.
And this isn't even looking at food deserts where grocery stores are few and far between, but fast food chains are everywhere. Even my Louisiana hometown, boasting a population of 10,659 people as of 2020, has a Burger King, McDonald's, Hardee's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Popeyes, and numerous pizza delivery places. Y'know what closed down though? The Piggly Wiggly, one of the more affordable grocery stores -- my grandmother actually worked there during my childhood -- and I don't think the Winn-Dixie is even open there anymore either. So all they've got is a Walmart.
Fast food is an accessible food resource, and diet culture would rather see us starve than acknowledge that.
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samonroegf · 4 months
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⠀ dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
⠀⠀    texting / late drive
⠀  ⠀    series masterlist
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sam monroe
you looked really cute at the game tonight. i never gave cheer uniforms enough credit.
you didn't know what to do, staring incredulously at the message on your phone. so he was there to see you, but didn't stay to talk to you after. typical boys.
he sent a few more messages, that you looked at but thought better than to respond them. you wanted to ask about it, but you were sure you wouldn't like the answer.
sam monroe
cheer, you there?
sam monroe
come on, pretty girl. talk to me, you know you want to.
you giggled as you read the message, having to set the phone down to gain your composure. he gave you so many mixed emotions, but what's the harm in playing the game with him?
I'm here, you perv.
sam monroe
perv? I'm just enjoying the view. meet me at the park, let's go for a ride. I'll see you there.
you looked at the time on your phone, eleven o'clock, late and you'd get in trouble if you got caught. but there's something so exhilarating about sam, that you couldn't possibly resist.
so you put on your running shoes, half-hazardly clambered out of your bedroom window and made the ten minute jog to the park.
sam’s black car was in the parking lot, and you climbed into the passenger seat. thank god for cheer, you weren't even that out of breath.
“i knew you'd come.” he's giving you a soulful look, hand thoughtlessly rubbing on your thigh before pulling out of the parking lot. you watched as he uses one hand to turn the sterring wheel around, there's something oddly erotic about it.
the hand that was touching you turned on the radio and fell onto the center console. some soft rock song played in the background. you watched sam as he drove. eyes fasted on the road as he pulled onto the highway.
he glances to you a moment, a small smile on his face, “highways are the best place to go on late night drives, there's usually nobody on them and you get to go fast,” he chuckled as he spoke.
“i love going on rides, there's something peaceful about them, like otherworldly when it's just you on the road.” he continued. you hummed in agreeance, not really sure what to say back to it. there was a sense of peacefulness that settled in you when you just let yourself enjoy the ride.
you decided to just take in your surroundings, his car wasn't too dirty. a few fast food takeout bags littered the backseat, it smelt warm like his cologne, a mix of smoky musk, cigarettes and weed. it's the kind of smell you can learn to love.
“what’s your favorite movie?” you hadn't intended to ask him anything, perfectly happy to just sit here in comfortable silence with him. but you needed to know something about him, it was eating at you.
sam had an energy that was offputting yet warm, he was funny and mysterious. saying everything and nothing altogether.
he grinned at you, “scream's pretty good, can't go wrong with a classic.” he pulls off the highway, and starts on a country road. you'd be scared if you were with any other man, but something about sam said he wouldn't do anything dirty if you didn't want him to.
he pulled up to a cliff that looks over the entire town, “c’mon,” he gestures with his head to exit the car. he leans against the hood of the car. you could see the sky perfectly from this height, your hometown bared out in front of you. it was the kind of you view you thought was only in movies.
“it’s so beautiful,” you sighed in wonder, looking from the landscape to sam. you were close enough to feel his body heat, and he was staring down at you.
“can i kiss you?” he leaning towards you, his hand coming to caress your face. holding the soft skin like it was porcelain.
“yeah,” you sigh, his lips coming in contact with yours. they were soft and firm against yours.
you spent a couple hours up there, just cuddling into each other and kissing and talking about everything under the sun. the time passed by so fast, and soon you could see the sun coming up.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐆𝐨𝐝 🔞⚠️
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In which Jungkook isn't sure what he hates most anymore: her, the past, himself, or you.
Tags/Warnings: Non-idol AU, massive warning for implied ED & body dismorphia, hurt and comfort, heavy angst in specific parts, past emotional abuse (implied), strangers to lovers, road to self acceptance?, smut but it's not the main focus
Length: Very long, 7k words
A/N: If you think you've read it before, you're probably right. This fic was posted before on a different account, but it has always been written by me. After much consideration and multiple requests, I've brought it back here to my main blog.
Furthermore, please read the tags carefully before reading. This fic covers heavy themes that could be upsetting to some. You have been warned.
Additional Content: None
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Jungkook liked sweet things, some time ago.
He'd enjoyed ice creams with mild flavors such as vanilla, or other sweet desserts that were similar to it. He snacked often and always got a little excited when experiencing a new flavor for the first time, adventurous and never judgmental when trying out things he's never eaten before.
Jungkook also loved junk foods, like ramyeon or fast foods. He couldn't help but give in from time to time, the convenience of it all being a quick meal convincing enough to walk through the food markets back in his hometown, just to get back home with a plastic bag full of treats.
But that was before he'd met her.
He's always been quite quick to fall in love, not only with people. With a soul as trusting and eager for affection as his own, he's always been someone to love others with a fiery temper and a full heart. But that also made him an easy victim, a target almost painted on his chest it seems; because he also was once someone who trusted easily, and never saw the bad in someone.
Now? He wishes he could go back in time and warn his naïve self of what's to come.
He's punching the black bag over and over again, arms already aching- but that's just a sign that he's pushing his limits again. He knows his body inside and out, takes great care of it- or at least that's what he likes to believe. Never again will someone be able to make him feel shame about himself, never again will he feel like he did years ago.
He knows his worth.
But on his way home, he smells it again; the scent of melting sugar and baked goods, faint but familiar by now ever since the bakery had opened up a few months prior. Whatever is sold there must be good, because he can see the people lining up at the front door every morning before it opens up- and even after the morning rush, the tables inside and outside seem always filled. He wonders what's it all about- maybe just a glance this time.
He won't buy anything, he's just looking.
Someone's humming to a newly released pop-song quietly playing from the radio, inside of the shop warm lit and inviting. It looks almost more like a home than a café- but it's empty now, a much different look than what's going on during the day. "Oh?" your voice finds his ears, and he needs to take two glances left and right to find where you are, broom in hand and standing behind the counter. There's a bit of flour on your apron, and what looks like sprinkles, the frilly blouse you're wearing underneath void of any stains however. Your face shape is absolutely not as sharp and angled as what he's usually surrounded by- be it men or women- and you're visibly not as tall as the average female from what he can see.
Cute, he thinks to himself. What?
No, you're absolutely not cute. You're probably not even aware of all the calories you're selling to costumers daily- and it must be pure irony that you've opened your shop in close proximity to a gym of all places. You probably never went to one in your life, absolutely careless about your weight or health-
A lightbulb starts to flicker aggressively above his head. You laugh sheepishly.
"My boss said he'd get that fixed tomorrow. It's been like that for a few days now." you tell him for no reason. He didn't ask. "it's a little creepy to me, you know, considering I'm working alone when closing. But I can't change it myself, you know." you explain further, putting the broom to the side. Again, he doesn't know why you're telling him this. He doesn't care.
"you're closed?" he asks after a moment of staring at you awkwardly, and you shrug, making him confused.
"depends. I have some iced coffee left?" you say, opening a small fridge behind the counter. Only now does he realize that the shelves are void of any goods.
"don't wanna cause you a hassle. It's fine." he waves off at that, and you nod, smiling. He just nods back dumbly, walking out the door.
"Oh- please be careful! Goodnight!" you call out, and he turns around, hands in his jogging pants' pockets. His brows are raised, irritated.
"I'm a guy." he tells you, and you nod.
"So?" you wonder, and he scoffs a little.
"whatever." he simply mumbles to himself, before closing the door behind him.
Yoongi breathes heavily as he sits down on the carpeted gym floor, close to where his friend and personal trainer stands. "How's the shoulder?" Jungkook asks, mild worry in his words as he sits down close to him as well, crossing his legs.
"Better- but I think I should call it a day." He says, pushing a hand against the front of his shoulder before moving it in a circular motion. "Don't wanna overdo it." Jungkook nods at that, before another voice chimes in.
"I hope you're not overworking yourself already, Yoongi." You say, walking up to both of the men, and Jungkook himself can't help how his face shows his judgement of you. You don't fit into the scene at all, with your overknee socks and frilly skirt. You're wearing a blouse with cat-shaped buttons, entire attire showing that you visibly don't seem to care about your shape, seams of your socks already rolling down on one side from the fact that they sit so snug against your thighs, right where he can spot faint stretch marks lingering. Aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed?
Yoongi pats your head once, laughing at your words simply, before he looks into the white plastic bag you've brought. You're squatting now, Mary-janes making a slight sound as the leather bends to accommodate the way your feet are bending a little, and he tears his gaze away as soon as he notices that he can see almost under your skirt. You really have no shame, it seems. "What's that?" His older friend asks, rummaging around in the bag, while you just smile with excitement, your cheeks all round and a little blushed.
Would they look like that if you were to loose a bit of weight too? He hates how bloated he looks after eating, has kept his body-fat percentage low to make sure his face stays sharp and masculine- always remembering how much she praised his appearance if he did that. It's what's desirable, after all- so he can understand where she came from, back then.
Would she love him again if she saw him now?
"They're filled with a peach filling- but I played around a little so it's not too sweet, since I know you don't like that too much. And, you know, nowadays people are pretty scared to eat something sugary it seems." You joke, making Yoongi shrug while Jungkook feels irritated.
"Some people care about their diets." He speaks without holding back, and Yoongi looks at him a bit scandalized- but he doesn't get to scold him, because you're already talking.
"One single cream puff isn't going to ruin your body if it's once in a while." Jungkook hates how confidently you say that. And how he knows you're right, too. But he doesn't back down either, feeling threatened now.
"You don't look like one to know much about nutrition." He mumbles more or less, and Yoongi looks even more angry now- but you don't seem fazed at all, still smiling.
"Do you eat after working out?" You wonder, and he feels self-conscious now at that question. Oddly put on the spot. He doesn't like it- doesn't like you. You're not pushy, not at all, just asking, but he feels like you're interrogating him in a way he's uncomfortable with.
"No." He mumbles more or less to himself. "I have a tendency to, you know.. binge." He doesn't know why he's admitting that. You just asked a simple yes or no question, why does he feel the need to justify himself?
You're digging around in the plastic bag at that, before offering a small plastic container. "Here-" You say, friendly smile way too sugary for his tastes, like honey staining his teeth. "It's just fruit, nothing added to it. I brought them with me because I like to snack them during work, but you should definitely eat those instead." You tell him, and he looks at you with a questioning gaze.
"What will you eat during work then?" He wonders, and you shrug, an impish glint in your eyes.
"I'll hardly starve from one day without snacks. It's important to eat within the first two hours after working out- and we both know I didn't touch any of these weights here." You say giggling, and his heart stings a bit. While yes, he thinks the same, it's still tough to hear you say this so easily. He doesn't want you to think like that about yourself. He doesn't want you to feel like you need to adjust. "Alright- are you still coming Yoongs?" You wonder, and Yoongi nods, getting up and helping you stand as well. Your hand looks small in Yoongis large palms. Jungkook notices your little struggle. He himself can get up without any help.
"Yeah. We're eating at Jin's, you wanna tag along?" Yoongi asks the younger man, who instantly shakes his head.
"I need to put everything back into place again. Thanks." He simply offers, turning away from you both.
"Alright- maybe another time." You say, and he can only imagine the pitiful look you probably have put on for him. "I really wanna try his new dessert- he said he put some extra aside for me!" You giggle, voice becoming more quiet as you walk away. "Do you think I can watch him cook this time?"
"You know what Jin's like, but maybe-" Yoongi's voice becomes undistinguishable the further he walks off, and Jungkook dares to look around, seeing you smile effortless up to the older man, a little jump in your step, while the usually rather stoic producer looks at ease and genuinely friendly towards you. You both look so comfortable, so warm, and Jungkook suddenly feels like a kid left behind to stay at home alone for the first time- his inner thoughts not his own it seems as he watches you both leave the gym.
I want to come with you, too.
Sex isn't really anything special anymore.
He tends to be the first leaving, just like now- having barely undressed anyways, but he knows how to work around being naked while satisfying someone else. They don't care about him anyways, simply out for pleasure and no strings attached, and he's fine with that too. It makes him feel something at least, even if it's barely anything. It tastes of nothing but stale bread, feeding his desires while his soul leaves starved yet again.
The door closes behind him, and he can hear the lock set in.
Walking home, he passes your bakery- or rather a side-project of Jin's he'd been told by Yoongi last time he'd trained with him. It's closed now, but he still walks towards it, looking at the dark interior inside, barely visibly and only lit from the streetlights outside. Some red dots are blinking, indicating the security system is active inside- though Jungkook doesn't know what one might want to steal from a bakery of all places. The chairs are all upside-down on the tables, neatly placed, floor clean of any crumbs. Tomorrow, the people will wait at the entrance again, standing in line to get their breakfasts and coffees, and you'll probably stand behind the counter again with all those stains on your apron like he's seen you before.
He really doesn't know how to feel about you.
It's clear to him that your body makes him feel uncomfortable- because you're lacking any sense of consciousness about the way you look, but at the same time that can't be true considering you otherwise looked very well put together. Yoongi likes you- so why doesn't he himself feel the same?
Maybe because he's jealous.
He likes to tell himself that you're standing home alone as well, in front of the mirror and judging all those unflattering parts like he does way too often. Maybe you're just good at masking your feelings- your work having stained your very touch to the point that everything you do is just so tooth-rottingly sweet. You probably can't help it. He understands that.
Jungkook liked sweet things too, some time ago.
He walks away from the shop and back home, where nothing but the buzzing lights wait. And a cold bed, because he left the window open.
Maybe in his dreams he could fly outside?
"Oh, Jungkook, isn't it?" You ask, almost bumping into him in the furniture store.
"Yeah." He simply answers, a hand on your back pulling you a bit out of the way when he notices an elderly woman trying to push her shopping cart past you. Your back is warm. You're also way shorter than him. It's odd how he only notices now, it seems.
"Oh, thanks!" You say. "Uh- do you know where that spot is to get furniture you've ordered?" You ask, and he furrows his brows.
"I don't- what do you mean?" He asks, and you look up at him, clearly not uncomfortable standing close to him, because there's barely a step of space between you two. Or at least it feels like it to him. In reality, you're probably standing two steps away. At least. He puts his hands in the front pockets of his sweater- just to pull them out again. The pocket looks award when something's in it. He doesn't want to look odd.
"I ordered a small dresser a week ago, but they didn't have it here yet- so they ordered it and I could take it home later." You explain, and Jungkook nods at that, now realizing what you're talking about.
"That's up front- do you have a cart?" He wonders, and your eyes widen.
"Oh shit." You almost whisper, and a snort escapes him.
Oh god that's weird. He coughs to cover the sound up, but you're already laughing at him. He knew it. He can feel the tips of his ears turn red already-
"I'm so stupid I swear." You laugh- but it's at yourself, he realizes. "Ah, I'll get a cart then, and hunt down some employee so they can lead me there. It's no wonder they made those SCP-Horror stories about Ikeas stores." You giggle, and Jungkook can't suppress his smile this time. He can't force his lips down.
"You know about those?" He asks, he doesn't know why. He doesn't care.
"I'm on reddit and 4chan, I know more than I want to, to be honest." You say, faking a serious expression. "Someone made an experiment with his piss once-" You start, and Jungkook laughs at this, unable to be stoic about the way you so seriously say that. "I'm serious!" You laugh along, and he nods.
"No no, I believe you." He nods, using all his strength to make sure he doesn't grin, because his teeth look like a rabbits, she once told him. He doesn't want you to see it. Or maybe it's just become a habit. "Do you need help with that closet you bought?" He asks, and you giggle again. Did he say something weird?
"It's a dresser- but I guess it can classify as the same thing just smaller?" You think. "Wait when does a closet start and a dresser end- is it even size?" You begin thinking, and Jungkook apologizes instantly.
"You said dresser, I remembered that wrongly, sorry." He says, but you just playfully shake your head.
"No worries, maybe its even a closet and I just misunderstood." You tell him. "But yeah, if you could help me, that would be awesome! Gotta use those muscles for something, heh?" You joke, poking his stomach a little. He feels like you've just shot him. He doesn't know why he's so hyperaware of where you've placed your finger on his stomach, and it doesn't hurt, but in a way, it does. He doesn't know.
You're confusing him.
He trails after you like a lost dog and he's aware of it, but he can't help it. He's offered his help, it would be rude to just leave you be now, and he doesn't want to be rude to you. Even though he's been rude to you before already. Oh yeah- why do you seem so at ease with him?
You walk towards the place where he'd told you to get your furniture, and when the old man starts to place every piece in your cart, Jungkook helps without thinking. It's the same once you're at your car- he lifts it all into your trunk without thinking of the consequences it might have for him, adjusting the seats so everything can fit into the small vehicle properly. It's only when you go to bring back the cart that he realizes in horror what had happened.
The inside of his sweater feeling damp against his skin, body freezing as he can only imagine the darker stain on the back now where he knows he sweats the most. His neck feels just as cold as the wind passes him- even his hairline bothering him now. Why did he help you with that stupid furniture? He knows he sweats easily.
'Jungkook' she'd said, apologetic face when she'd spoken. 'you gotta do something about that. I don't wanna say its gross but.. well, it kinda is. No offense.'
Her voice doesn't let go of him even years after breaking up it seems. It echoes inside his head even as you're walking back towards him- and he falls into panic realizing he's gonna take public transport home. Maybe he should just walk. He didn't even get what he wanted to get anyways. "Thank you so much!" You say, grinning at him with genuine friendliness, and he just feels awkward standing like this in front of you. "Where did you park?" you wonder, and he shakes his head.
"Took the bus." He admits, and you nod.
"Oh- do you want to ride along? The least I can do is give you a lift home." You offer, but he's quick to shut it down.
"No no, it's fine, I'm all sweaty and gross now-" he rants, but much to his surprise, you simply shrug.
"Gross?" You ask, and he nods, ashamed.
"Yeah." He responds.
"Nah. Come on now, if you help be put it up too I'll put some chicken nuggets in the oven!" You giggle, getting in the car.
He doesn't know why he accepts your offer.
His smell is probably already noticeable to you in the small interior of the car. He doesn't rest his back against the seat- the fluffy covers way too clean to be touched by his sweaty back. He hates that he's like that. Maybe he should consult a doctor about this. This has to be an issue only he has. But then- your hand pushes against his front, forcing him to lean back into the seats.
You don't say anything, but you also don't need to. He just stares- because between all the horror of knowing now that you know about his insecurities and inner fights, there's a glint of relieve filling him. Because you're not annoyed. You don't seem bothered. You're still smiling a little, eyes on full alert while you keep your attention on the road in front.
While he right next to you can't help but think, how come he's never noticed how pretty your collarbones look? Not sharply protruding, or aggressively visible- but soft, delicate, and merely there to show that your bones underneath your skin are present. A simple necklace rests over them, pendant hidden in your cleavage, but the silver band alone seems enough to decorate that part of you perfectly. Your neck is a little red where you've scratched it a little earlier, itching the skin for no apparent reason- but it doesn't look out of place. It's like proof that you're alive, because looking at you now, he realizes what you remind him of.
Those old paintings of angels, with their soft bodies and rosy cheeks.
But that spot, and the slight redness on your nose is proof that you're alive. That there's blood running through your veins, that there's a heart beating and organs working inside of you. You're breathing next to him, and that alone makes him feel oddly out of place.
Because you're so at ease with just existing, it seems.
You know that he's staring, but you don't scold him either. You just smile, like always sugary sweet, when you have to stop at a red light- and he feels like he's drowning in honey.
But the strangest thing is that he's fine with that.
Because something sweet once in a while won't hurt your body, right?
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Your apartment is odd.
Its Sunday, and he's currently waiting for you to do something in the kitchen while he takes off his shoes, looking around the area of your small home. It all looks warm, chaotic but inviting- like a genuine home. You don't seem to follow any sort of decoration theme, more or less simply existing, just like always, and it's odd to him how it all still fits together. It looks like you.
"Alright, so-" You start, leading him into what he assumes is your bedroom, considering the bed in the corner. "-I just need help with like, holding some of the heavier boards. I'll screw, and you hold, alright?" You offer, and he nods. That's what he's here for. Why are you saying this stuff as if he's got an option here?
He doesn't even know why he's agreed to it- or even when exactly he did in the first place. All he knows is that you're actually good at following those disgustingly confusing instructions- never seeming to misunderstand where something goes, confident in the way you screw in those metal pieces, as if you've done this multiple times before. And all is fine until you have to stand awkwardly in front of him- and he becomes aware that you can probably look into the wide and short sleeves of his oversized grey shirt. You can probably see that he didn't shave, why didn't he think of that?
But you just smile at him for a second, as if to pacify his thoughts, before you turn back to your task.
He falls into his habit of judging you yet again when you sit on the carpeted floor, reading the instructions with screws in your hand while the other turns the page of the tiny booklet. The board has left a red indent in your thigh where you'd leaned into the wooden piece not too long ago, soft thighs seemingly without muscle while your arms look similar. Your wrists are small, fingers dainty like a doll- while your stomach rolls up in several little folds from the way you sit a bit hunched over, legs crossed now. The thin straps of your top lay carefully over your shoulders, and only now does he realize you're not even wearing a bra- faint outline of your nipples against the inner fabric of the top giving him the clue to come to this conclusion.
There's oddly enough no sexual thought in his mind though. Only the mere question about, how?
How can you just sit there so comfortably, not even realizing how admittedly unflattering you're showing yourself to him right now? You're not wearing makeup, your hair a little messy, and he hates the fact that you still look pretty to him. You look adorable, with the way you lick your lips before biting the upper one a bit deep in thought. Is it a habit? He wants to know, and he doesn't even know why.
"Jungkook?" You ask, waving your hand in front of his face a little. He didn't realize he's sat down on the back of his heels by now, probably staring into nothingness. The carpet has created angry red imprints on his knees. They look awfully boney compared to yours- he can't help but pull down the seams of his sweat shorts, his gaze falling onto the little heart shaped pendant hanging from your necklace. There's a paw print on it, and he wants to know why. Do you like pets? Why don't you have any? Then his eyes fall back onto your cleavage. Your breasts look just as soft as the rest of you. Are you warm? Could you warm him up if he touched you? "You can let go now, you now?" You say, and his heart stops beating for a second, eyes snapping up to meet yours.
"The board. You.. can let it go." You giggle a little, and he swallows hard, and lets go of it. There's a sweaty handprint left. Great- he's being gross again.
"Maybe I should skip dinner today." You say suddenly, and he feels ripped out of whatever thought he might've had just seconds ago.
"What?" He asks, whispers almost.
"You know, to combat all of this?" You say, sitting back and stretching out your legs or a second. "Maybe if I work out hard like you I don't look like the Michelin man when sitting down?" You laugh, but he doesn't see the joke. Where is this coming from? He doesn't like that you talk about yourself like that. "Do you think if I lost weight my face would look like those models in the TV commercials?"
"Stop it.." He says, barely above a whisper, in no way an actual threat. You just rant on.
"But then again, it's probably genetics. Imagine my body being all toned but my face still all round. I'd look hideous- all for nothing, really." You sigh. "But plastic surgery is an option. The easy way. I mean, I saved up to maybe move into a bigger apartment, but imagine how my life could change if I was pretty!" You tell him excitedly, and he hurts. "Like, actually, conventionally pretty!" You tell him. "I'd finally be loved too-"
"Stop.!" He barks out now, having reached his breaking point. He wants to apologize for yelling, but you're still smiling, sitting right in front of you. Only now does he feel your knees touching his- skin warm, warmer than his own it seems. Or maybe he's just imagining it. He can't stop staring at the differences. "Don't say that.."
"It's rough hearing someone else talk about themselves like you talk to yourself, isn't it?" You say suddenly, quietly, softly, and he feels his eyes sting. Now he really wants you to stop. "Truth is, Jungkook, that I don't care." He looks up at you. "I don't care what you look like. I don't care what I look like." You say, and he swallows thickly before attempting to get up. But you don't let him, holding his arms, even though you're no match for him.
He lets you win.
He doesn't know why.
But he lets you.
And he cries into the crook of your neck, all ugly and loud, sobbing now because who cares? He's already crying in front of you, so fuck it. It doesn't matter now, he just wants to exist just for a moment too, without thoughts and expectations and deadlines and time, and instead with your hands so gentle running over his back, your body heavy on his lap, but in no way uncomfortable. He feels as if your weight keeps him from floating away, from breaking apart and being swept away by the waves.
He calms down only after a moment- but refuses to look at you. Embarrassment is already creeping up his throat, making its home in his mind when he realizes the way he'd cried all over your naked shoulder. He's being gross again. "Who hurt you, Jungkook?" You carefully ask, and he shrugs.
"No one." He answers, voice raspy.
"Bullshit." You respond. "This doesn't happen for no reason." You say, and it's quiet for a good moment, giving him the opportunity to break apart from you- but he doesn't want to. You're warm- and he hasn't had something sweet in years.
He just wants a taste. Just once won't hurt, right?
"I was gross back then. I still am, sometimes." He admits. "Like right now."
"You're not." You reassure, but he shakes his head.
"She loved when I worked out. Said I looked like a Greek god when I was at my peak." Jungkook explains, for the first time spilling anything about it. "She wouldn't sleep with me if I slacked with my workout. But when I managed to stay on schedule, she'd love me. And I loved her."
"Jungkook.." You say, but he continues to rant.
"She really loved me then. You know. All the bad things she told me, all the times she yelled at me, I could understand it then. It was to help me, so she could love me at my best." He tries to justify, but you just squeeze his body.
He likes that feeling. He wants you to do it again.
"That's not love, Jungkook." You admit to him. "She didn't love you, Jungkookie. She loved your body, nothing else."
"I don't care." He simply responds.
"But I do." You say, and he feels his eyes sting again. "I care about you."
"You said you didn't." Jungkook fights back, leaning back a little and your hands wipe his tears from his cheek without any sense of disgust.
"I said I don't care what you look like." You remind him, and he can't help but stare. Have your eyes always been this pretty? They're like two rare gemstones polished to perfection, moving so lively and looking so warm and inviting. Even the faint redness and blemishes look more like stars now than anything else. "I care who you are. You're such a handsome being, but it's all messed up because of someone who didn't even notice what she had." You say.
"You're just saying that to boost my confidence." He responds.
"I'm saying this because you deserve to have that confidence." You instead say, and he cant help but stare for a second. "Don't kiss me now." You say, and he blushes, stammering a bit.
"I-wh.. why not?" He wonders. The moment is perfect, so why don't you want to? He's confused. It all sounded so much like you liked him- maybe even loved him.
"Because right now, you're not properly thinking." You say. "Go home. Sleep. Go about your day- don't think about it." You instruct. "For once, just exist. You've got free will Jungkook, no one cares if you work out or not, if you go get a coffee or not, or if you stay at home and laze around all day. Do what you want to, just for once, and not what you think is expected." You say.
"And if I still want to kiss you after?" He asks, and you smile.
"Then I'll be here, waiting."
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It's been weeks since you've seen Jungkook.
Yoongi says he's gone on a trip, camping, something he's not done since he was a kid. You're happy- he deserves to do what he likes, and to exist without any boundaries. "He's looked.. a lot warmer these days." Yoongi says, speaking to you who's sitting on his couch in his studio. "I have a feeling I know who's at fault."
"Hmhm, maybe." You say. "I still can't believe how much damage that bitch has done." You grumble to yourself, loosing a game on your phone, and letting it fall out of your hand onto the carpet on the floor.
"Yeah. I remember how heartbroken he was when they broke it off." He sighs, before clicking some stuff on his computer. "Did he talk to you at all these days?"
You shake your head. "Not a single message. It's fine though- he's probably busy enjoying his newfound freedom." You giggle, and Yoongi turns in his chair, looking at you.
"It's okay to be upset." He tells you, and you nod, well aware. You're not upset though- you're happy for him, genuinely so. Maybe he'll find someone who will finally cherish him for who he is, and not what he looks like. He deserves feeling happy. "Come here, angel." He suddenly says, and only now do you realize the tears falling from the corners of your eyes.
Seconds later dampening Yoongi's sweater, while he holds you close in the quietness of his studio.
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"What do you mean she doesn't work here anymore?" Jungkook wonders, standing in front of Jin who simply shrugs, defeated.
"I think Yoongi said she's now a lyricist under his label. Don't know where she went now though, sorry." He offers, before going back to wiping the counters.
Outside, Jungkook calls his friend with eager taps of his fingers- but he's not picking up. You said you'd be waiting, you told him you'd wait- so why did you leave now? You loved that bakery, you had a passion for your work, so why did you just break apart from that?
Because you've got free will.
You're way more aware of it than he is himself, having only newly discovered it, but it hurts to think that you just left like that. Sure, it's been almost half a year, but is that really too late now?
Your apartment.
He takes the bus line he's taken before, stands in front of the building, tries hard to remember which apartment number was yours, but he can't for the life of him focus anymore. He doesn't remember, he doesn't know- how could he forget a fucking number like that? Maybe you tested him, tested his love and he literally royally fucked up that test like a champ, because he took all your advice, all your efforts and all your comfort and ran off with it instead of staying. He should've stayed. He should've insisted.
He should've fought.
His phone vibrates in his pocket before it falls out, clatters to the ground. The screen is probably broken. He doesn't care.
"I still want to kiss you." He says.
You break out in laughter.
Before pulling him down towards you.
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"That's not how you do it." Jungkook says, furrowing his brows.
"So?" You say. "Not a crime I'm committing here. Modern problems require modern so-lutions!" You struggle with the chopsticks, before the cork of the wine bottle finally plops out. "Hah! You see that? I'm a survival specialist, Bear Grylls has nothing on me!" You triumph, before pouring some in his glass, then your own.
"So you plan to survive a let's say, zombie apocalypse, with wine?" He raises an eyebrow, the warm fire between the two of you crackling away and painting your body in red hues.
"Hey, being drunk makes a lot of situations better." You offer, and he laughs- freely, corners of his eyes crinkling a little, bunny smile on full display. You like him most like that. Free.
"Hm, I disagree." He says.
"Oh?" You challenge.
"Hmhm." He tells you, taking a sip of his wine after you. "For example, my first time with you shouldn't be wasted with alcohol." He cheekily says, and you blush- happy the fire covers that change in color for you. "I wanna remember it." He teases. He's become awfully bold- entire being evolving into something you can only describe as dangerous.
"Ah.." You just respond.
"Too much?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"No- just.." You say, unable to quite put it into words. "It's weird hearing someone say that, you know, to me." You say.
"Why?" He wants to know. Are you a virgin? He highly doubts that- considering you're pretty soul and pretty smile. There's no way he's the first to ever be interested in you like that.
"I don't know, it just.. happens, I guess. I'm good at giving advice left and right, but I'm bad at following that myself. I.." You admit, sighing as you look at the fire. "..tend to let myself be used, I guess."
"Why?" He asks again, but this time its whispered, like he himself can't believe what you're telling him.
"Because it lets me dream a little?" You giggle. "It's why I didn't kiss you, you know, right away. I know where it would've lead."
"And you don't want that with me?" He wonders, but you shake your head no.
"I do." You say. "I did back then too." You confess without shame. "But.. I liked you too much. It would've crushed me to wake up and realize it's been nothing but a short fever dream. I would've hated myself if you woke up and.. I don't know, realized that you don't like me like that after all, and that emotions were just hot and high."
Jungkook nods at that- because he can't say that it wouldn't have happened like that. You looked out for him that night as well, maybe without knowing it- and he's thankful you did. Because it gave him time, freedom, and the chance to really let everything sink in and flow through.
It made him realize that he still loves you, even if you hadn't been the one to wake him up like you did.
"Now I ruined the mood." You laugh, throwing your head back a bit in dramatic agony. "Ugh I'll never get anywhere like this."
Wordlessly, Jungkook puts his glass down on the plastic table, before he walks over to you and takes yours as well, helping you stand up. "Jungkook?" You wonder, and he just kisses you, soft and warm like he always does. It's silent, there's no need for words, especially not when he picks you up and opens the door of the campervan, bringing you inside where he immediately tries to shed your thick jacket and sweater.
"You're so pretty." He chants out, hands running over your warmed up skin like he has to convince himself that you're real. And he does, in a way- because it all feels absolutely surreal to him in every way.
He doesn't think about his own appearance at all. He doesn't care.
He doesn't mind when you pull his own sweater over his head, hood of it catching on his jaw and making you both laugh. Your hands on his skin feel like heaven, he's never realized how he'd burn the world down just to feel your skin against his own. You're holding onto him like he's worth millions, his lips chasing yours, teasing you every now and then by not letting you get as close as you'd like to.
Sex has never been so exciting and comfortable at the same time for him.
Every sound you make, every heavy breath or whine he drinks up like a starving man, hands gripping your flesh like you'll disappear if he doesn't hold onto you strong enough. There's trust in this- trust you'll tell him where to go if he looses his way, trust that you'll accept what he does for what it is, trust that you'll love him just as much as he loves you.
Your thighs are soft, laying over his shoulder as he holds onto them, his mouth busy on your core.
You're both cute and absolutely enchanting, writhing and squirming under his actions, whimpers accompanying his own obscene noises he doesn't care about making. You're divine, you deserve to be treated like it as well.
And you cum so prettily too, toes curled and hands reaching out for his own.
"I love you." He says, and you smile up at him, kissing his lips before you turn his chin towards the side.
"And I love you too, but maybe no kids yet?" You joke, making him laugh and nod as he walks over to fetch a condom out of his bag. He didn't specifically plan anything to happen on the trip with you- but he still prepared in hopes of it. "Jungkookie.." You say, when he's back above you, wrapping the contraceptive over his length.
"Hm?" He wonders, looking at you wide wide eyes, in all his naked glory and inked up skin.
"I love you." You say, and he grins, brightly even though he's barely illuminated by the little campfire outside.
"I love you too." He responds, adjusting your positions to push himself inside. "Everything about you." He adds on, before he moves, slowly, agonizingly slow, frustrating you. But he seems to enjoy that struggle, rather than feel like he needs to adjust anything. "We've got time." He chuckles, and you wrap your legs around his middle at that.
"Please..!" You beg, and he only cocks his head to the side at that, hair falling into his face a little. "Kook, please, come on-"
"Impatient now?" He wonders, and you huff.
"Obviously!" You call out, making him laugh again before he pushes your thighs towards you, adjusting his pace to a more brutal thrusting.
Your head spins.
"You look so fucking pretty like that." He praises, hands on your skin digging into your flesh, probably leaving imprints later on.
"Gotta mark you up all pretty too, right?" He grunts into your neck, kissing first, before he bites, sucks, claims almost. "Gotta make sure they know you're mine." He says breathlessly.
"Yours." You respond out of breath yourself, before you clench around him, orgasm hitting you hard at his ruthless pace. He himself can't help the obscene moan that escapes him as well, coming undone only a short time after you.
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
"Make sure they know you're mine?" You joke, out of breath. "Where did that come from?"
"My heart." He says, making you slap his chest. "Ow!"
"You're so cheesy!"
"You love me for it."
Yes you do.
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
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bouncybongfairy · 5 months
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No Words Needed
Keegan x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: Task force 141 was placed in California for a mission. You grew up here and couldn't resist the erge for some bud. It's Keegan's first time smoking; he goes non verbal and fucks the shit out of you.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Intoxicated Sex, Non-Verbal Keegan, Rough Smut
Not Proof Read
It was weird being in your hometown for the first time since joining the task force. Bringing up a lot of old memories; some good, some bad. For the most part you were maintaining the numbness that came along with being home. After sitting in your shared hotel room for an hour, you decided enough was enough and threw on your shoes. Trying your hardest not to wake Keegan; it didn’t work. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, sitting up on one of his elbows. 
“...Food,” you reply.
“Can I come?” he asks. 
“... Have you ever been to El Gavilan?” you ask.
“No,” he said. 
“Come on then,” you huff.
He got out of bed and pulled himself together as fast as he could. Following you to the elevator and out to the car. He didn’t protest when you got behind the wheel which you liked. Maybe it was because he wasn’t familiar with the area but you’d like to think it was for a more mindful reason. You followed through with your plans and did stop by El Gavilan. Eating in the car for a while before making your way to the dispensary, unbeknownst to Keegan.
“You missed the exit,” he pointed out.
“Don’t worry about it, I have to make another stop,” you said, he was practically 5 inches deep in his food, so he didn’t pry further. 
You left him in the car while going into the dispensary. It wasn’t a legal operating business but your dad swore by this one. It didn’t take long for you to see why. Cheap but good quality, not only the bud but the wax. Even had wraps which you loved because it meant this was the last stop. As you were paying, you could feel your mouth start to water. As you walked towards the car, you could see that Keegan’s brows were furrowed. 
“Why is there an armed security outside the door?” he asked. 
“It’s a dispensary,” you admitted and continued after the loud silence, “are you gonna snitch on me?” you asked. 
“No. Can I smoke too?” he asks, which makes you look over at him. 
“Yeah sure, I didn’t take you for the type,” you laugh pulling into the parking lot. 
Now back in the room, you were rolling. Explaining to Keegan exactly how you grind and gut the wrap. He was fascinated; You were using a toothpick to smear the wax on the inside of the wrap. Watching you lick and slide your fingers along the tobacco. The way you’d cringe when a small nug got caught on your lip or tongue. He wasn’t aware how much weed could permeate a room before it’s burned. You walked over to the microwave and set the blunt inside the microwave and he thought you were fucking with him. 
“No, I don’t know the exact science behind it but it makes it better,” you said, only letting it go for about 10 seconds. 
Sitting back on the bed and lighting it. Closing your eyes as the cherry crackled, enjoying the burning feeling in your lungs. You coughed and laughed, damn near rejoicing after exhaling. Keegan laughed at your reaction, watching as you did another ghost inhale. Drooling and coughing your brains out in the process. Once you composed yourself, you handed the blunt over. Walking him through the process of taking a hit, showing him how to hold it and inhale. He coughed a little but he smoked cigarettes so it wasn’t like he choked out. Immediately his brain became fuzzy, thankful for his mask covering the smirk on his face. His eyes were slowly becoming squinted and red. Normally his gaze was hard and aggressive but now his face was completely relaxed. His eyebrows weren’t furrowed, it was such a dramatic change that you couldn’t help but stare. His entire demeanor was different, going from arms crossed and leaning forward to slouched back; hands in his hoodie pocket and slow blinking. He felt like he was rolling, feeling like he was daydreaming while being wide awake. 
“You high?” he laughed and nodded his head. 
“Yeah?” you asked, taking a drag and blowing it at him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as you did. You couldn’t help but think how hot it was seeing him so vulnerable. 
“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, it’s okay,” you said, in which he nodded. You grabbed the remote and out on a music channel, swaying to the rhythm once you sat back down. Keegan let his head fall back and giggled to himself. 
“You know I don’t think I've ever seen you laugh like that,” you said, tucking a piece of hair back into his mask. He shrugged his shoulders and got up, laying down on the bed. On his back and using his hand to gesture you over. You walked over and laid down on top of him. His head was resting against a pillow, allowing him to look at you. Your chin was resting against your hands that were laid on his chest. 
“Is this okay?” you asked and he nodded. 
You could feel his member slowly harden underneath your body. You let your forehead fall onto your hands to hide your blush. Hearing him laugh and feeling his body bounce only added to your giggling. Looking back up and starting to trace his eyebrows with your finger. Running it along the bridge of his nose then moving down towards the rest of his face. You were tracing his lips from above his mask, his eyes were so expressive; he didn’t even need to talk. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, pulling your hand away not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
He grunted and put your hand back on him, then wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled and continued admiring his face. He continued to shift and squirm from underneath you. It was becoming increasingly harder to ignore. Your face was becoming flushed, especially after feeling his breathing quicken. You slid your body up against his, pressing kisses against his mask. He was leaning into the kisses which made you smile. He flipped you over and made heavy eye contact for a few moments. Breathing so hard you could feel it though his mask, you cautiously go to pull the mask off; he doesn’t pull away. Once your lips connected the vibe completely changed. 
The two of you were no longer gentle with each other. You ripped off his mask and in turn, he pulled your hoodie off. Immediately attacking your chest once it was exposed. Laying his full body weight on you and switching his mouth back and forth between your breasts. Nipping and sucking at your nipples like he couldn’t get enough. Ripping the rest of your clothes off and him following suit. His entire body was enguling you, like a lion was hovering over you. Moving his focus to your neck, sucking dark purple hickies onto your tender skin. Squirming everytime you felt his breath on your neck. 
He started grinding his member against your wet folds. Biting down as he enjoys the friction. As much as you liked the sting on your neck, you raked your nails down his back. He grabs his member and lines himself up with your entrance. Pushing himself in quickly which stung a little, he was trying his best but couldn’t help but jerk his hips. Engulfing himself in your heat fully for a moment before pulling back out. Everything was moving so fast, feeling your blood pump in your ears; your body racing with adrenaline. Continuously digging your nails into his back every time he bottomed out. Enjoying the feeling of your walls stretching around his length. 
He knew you were ready once your hips started bucking up to meet his thrusts. He chuckled a little because he was worried about hurting you. Now that you were rutting your hips up, so desperate for anything he could give you, he was practically feral. Gripping the sheets next to your head and pounding into you at an animalistic pace. Both of you were feeling dazed and whiplashed. As pleasurable as things were, it felt so foreign to be with each other in a non-platonic way. You pushed those thoughts to the side and focused on how euphoric you were feeling.
Feeling your walls cling to his length every time he pulls out. Without even thinking about it, you fall into your climax. Wrapping your legs around his hips tightly; limiting his movement. Feeling you tighten and contact around him sent him over the edge. Letting out loud groans and grunts, pressing himself as deeply as possible. You ran your fingers through his sweaty hair as the two of you rode out your highs together. Eventually collapsing and falling into a deep sleep, too exhausted for after care.
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sportswriters · 4 months
traveling to his hometown - j. swayman
pairing: jeremy swayman x reader | f | established relationship | wc: 943 | warnings: none
welcome post!
you came up with the idea of traveling to anchorage for a few days to take care of your well being. jeremy found it great since it’s break season so he had a free week to enjoy before going back to training. he’s always been connected to nature since he was a kid going to hike with his dad, so it was nice for him as well. jeremy picked you up in the morning to go to his parents house so you could all go to the airport together. his sister would arrive a day later with her husband and the baby.
“hello, beautiful. did you sleep well last night?” he greets you with a kiss, then helps you with the baggage.
“just a few hours. i kept thinking if i was missing to pack something,” you confess. “i probably dreamed about it, i just don’t remember. you?”
“well, me too. can’t wait to rest and enjoy the view with you.”
“i’m so glad we’re going together. so glad you came from such a beautiful place, no wonder you’re the love of my life,” you hug his waist, leaving a quick peck on the side of his neck.
“you’re lucky we can’t be late. i could totally go back up to your place so we could smooch for a few hours.”
you just laugh and let go of him, leaving the teasing for when you’re properly alone.
the trip to his parents house and then to anchorage went by pretty fast. jeremy came from a family full of good people, so it was easy to talk to them comfortably. since it was a long flight, everyone took the opportunity to get some sleep — not even the excitement could control tiredness.
there wasn’t a proper plan to follow during the trip, so you hang out inside just enjoying the coziness of the house, taking every chance to cuddle by the fire or outside on the porch. sometimes you would take a walk around the neighborhood, eating delicious food and buying souvenirs. the other day you went hiking in his favorite place, then when you reached the top, your emotions overflowed when you took in how beautiful the world around you was. jeremy stayed by your side, waiting for you to calm down. he was aware of how hard work has been to you, but the difference was that you couldn’t let out this kind of energy like he did on the ice. he was aware that for now all he could do was being there until you got back.
and you did. within the safety of his arms, you felt lighter while you waited for your breath to normalize and your eyes were still puffy.
“thank you, baby.”
“always, my love.”
you and jeremy have been a couple for almost two years, but after these days being so domestic and behaving like a true dynamic duo in every situation, it made you both realize how great of an idea it would be to finally move in together. neither of you knew you’re thinking of the same thing, so a few hours before going to the airport, jeremy took you to the porch to talk, failing to notice that you said you also wanted to show him something. he was nervous, it’s cute, you would’ve paid more attention if you weren’t as much as a nervous wreck.
it’s not like you’re anxious or anything — neither of you —, it’s the expectation. the realization of how much you love one another. loving someone to the point you wish to spend your whole life with, to wake up beside each other, to wait for them to come home.
“you know you’re my home, right?” he asks.
“i figured i might be one of them, yes” you joke, knowing how important his family is to him. jeremy stares at you for a second with a silly smile hovering his features. he pecks your lips twice.
“okay, smartass. i meant to say you’re someone i’m sure i want to build a home with.”
his straightforwardness catches you out of guard.
“wait, listen. i’ve considered a lot of things, but i know you must have your own conditions…”
“baby, correct me if i’m wrong.” you hold his hands over your lap. “we’re each other’s home, that’s known. now you want us to build a home together? is that right? like living together?”
“yes, if you let me.”
“remember i said i wanted to show you something?” you let go of his hands to open an app on your phone, searching for a picture. jeremy is slightly confused by the subtle change of topic, but quietly waits for you.
you smile when you find it. it’s a picture of a cheesy welcome rug with a bear couple and lots of cute hearts. jeremy smiles right when he sees it, used to the silly stuff you send him everyday, especially the ones with couples that act like you two.
“that’s adorable, for sure… wait.” he tears his eyes off the phone to find you smiling at him with your eyebrows raised. “is this what i think it means?”
“i must add that this is one picture from a quite big pinterest folder. i named it our lil ol’ home, see?” you show him the title.
jeremy looks like he could cry at any second.
“my love…”
you stand from your seat to sit on his lap, hugging him with your whole body.
“we’re in this together. i love you so much, jer.”
“i love you, y/n. can’t wait to start buying couple’s stuff with you as soon as we arrive home.”
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newtthetranswriter · 9 months
Hair dye and Soulmates
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Word count: 1431
Paring: Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader
Summary: Everyone has a soulmate connection, they come in all different styles, yours is you have a section of hair that matches your soulmate’s current color and changes if they dye it. 
Warnings: shit used once, other than that none that I can think of.
A/n: Hello peoples, This fic is dedicated to Chifuyu Matsuno for his birthday. Even if the theme isn’t about his birthday I thought it was cute so HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chifuyu. Also as I'm posting this for his birthday it will be part of my winter fic event even though it isn't wintery. Anyway I hope you enjoy and Remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    Having a soulmate was a relief for many, it gave people hope that one day they would meet the person that will love them unconditionally. Unfortunately the way to find your soulmate is a little less than perfect. It’s different for everyone, some have a timer counting down to the day they will meet, others can hear each other's thoughts, but for me, I’m stuck with a chunk of hair that matches my soulmate’s hair and vice versa. This would be fine if they didn’t have blonde hair. Hair color marks are fairly common but that just makes it difficult to find your soulmate unless one partner dyes their hair a crazy color to help notice each other in a crowd.
   Every morning I would wake up hoping my soulmate had gotten tired of the wait and finally dyed their hair to make it easier, but every morning I’m faced with the same blonde streak at the front of my hair. Around my last year of high school I got tired of waiting, so one Saturday I bought the stuff and dyed my hair bright blue. Sadly when I got to school on monday morning none of the blonde students at my school who had the color connection had a stripe of blue in their hair. Even though I didn’t find them that day, I decided that I would keep dying my hair crazy colors until I finally found them.
   A few years after high school, I got an opportunity to move to Tokyo for work. With no luck on the soulmate front in my hometown, especially after their hair changed from blonde to black, I figured why not, and accepted the offer. Within a month I was moving me and my dog into a small apartment in the heart of Japan. 
   While I was unpacking I remembered I needed to find a pet store nearby to get some food for  my sweet husky. After getting the essentials taken care of in the apartment, I sat down to look up pet stores hoping there would still be one open close by as it was fast approaching evening. To my surprise there was one just down the street called XJ Land, but they would be closing in about thirty minutes. Deciding this was the best option so I wouldn’t be wandering the city as the sun set, I quickly grabbed a coat and my keys before bidding my dog goodbye, and left to hopefully get dog food before this place closes.
   As I entered the shop I was greeted by the worker at the counter. “Welcome in, we will be closing shortly just so you are aware.” He said as he went back to looking at his phone. I smiled looking at him, noticing a large tattoo on his neck, thanking him I went to the wall of pet food.
  Reaching the wall I started looking for a food that would work for my dog. Completely lost in thought, I failed to notice another person in the store. “Hey Kazutora, you can head out, I'll finish everything up here.” A new voice called out from the end of the aisle I was on, making me jump. It seemed the person noticed me as they then spoke to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we had a customer. Is there anything I can help you find?” The person asked as I overcame my shock.
   I took a second before answering, having turned back to the wall of food. “I’m looking for good food for my dog. I just moved here and can’t seem to find the kind I normally get. Do you maybe have any recommendations?” I asked, turning to look at the person next to me.  Before the person could respond we both froze. The young man had jet black hair except for a small chunk in the middle of his bangs that was currently bright purple. It was the exact opposite of my head full of purple hair with a black chunk in my bangs. “Holy shit” I was all I could say realizing what was going on.
   “I’m Chifuyu Matsuno, and I’m guessing you’re my soulmate.” The Green eyed man said, offering his hand for me to shake. I accepted it and quietly introduced myself. “I like the hair all though I do have to say the time it was pink, was not fun.” He said with a smile.
   “Sorry about that.” I said, still in shock from having met my soulmate in a pet store. “I was just trying to make it easier to find you. I thought my soulmate was just covering the piece with their hair and figured that pink would shine through your blonde hair and make it easier.” I explained my choice, receiving a chuckle from him.
   “It’s all good, the gang just liked to poke fun. Anyways about the food for your dog, I personally have a cat but many customers have said this is the best one for dogs.” The man named Chifuyu explained. I nodded before reaching to grab the bag from the shelf, only to be stopped by him grabbing iot for me. “I’ll carry it for you, don’t worry.” I was stunned, I came into this shop fifteen minutes before it closed and now my soulmate is carrying dog food to the counter for me. 
   As we got to the counter, he placed the food down and walked around it to ring me up. “So Y/l/n, what made you move here?” He asked as he pressed a few buttons on the till’s screen. 
   “I was offered a job at a local beauty school, teaching students how to dye hair.” I explained briefly. Before I continued talking he told me the total, though I was shocked to hear it was significantly cheaper than what the price listed on the shelf. “Ok, here’s the money but I thought it was more than that. Won’t you get in trouble for giving me a discount?” I asked hoping I wouldn’t be costing my soulmate his job, after just one meeting.
  He just smirked at me, about to speak before the man with the neck tattoo left the back room and interrupted the conversation. “He can’t get in trouble for giving discounts if it’s his store. Anyway, have a good night Chifuyu and don’t stay up too late or Keisuke will kick your ass if you’re late.” The man I think Chifuyu called Kazutora earlier said walking out. I just looked back at Chifuyu in shock.
   “You own this store.” I said in shock. “I can’t let you lose money just to give me a discount Matsuno.” I continued trying to get him to let me pay full price.
   “One call me Chifuyu. Two, If I want my soulmate to pay less than half price at my own store, my soulmate is not paying anything more than that.” He said finishing the transaction before I could give him any more cash to cover the full price of the bag. “Anyway, do you live too far from here? If you’re fine with waiting for me to close up I can walk you home.” Chifuyu offered, flipping the open sign to closed.
   I paused thinking for a second. “I live just down the road, I can get home on my own. Thank you though. Also if I’m supposed to call you Chifuyu, you can call me Y/n.” I said moving to grab the bag of food from the counter.
   I watched as he hesitated before nodding. “Okay, If you’re sure. At least let me give you my phone number and you can call me if you need anything ok?” He asked and I could hear the slight concern in his voice.
   Nodding I handed him my phone to enter his number, smiling when he handed it back. He saved his contact as ‘Soulmate 😻’. I sent him a quick text so he could save my number, before bidding him goodnight. With that I headed home to feed my dog and sleep.
   I knew moving to Tokyo would give me a better chance of finding my soulmate but I didn’t think it would be the first night. Anyway when I got home I sent Chifuyu a message letting him know I got home safe, and received a ‘great, have good night’ text in response. After feeding my dog, I decided it was time to sleep and I drifted off with the thoughts of how great my life will be now that I’ve finally found my person.
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luvrsux · 1 year
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word count: 5.7k
summary: you’ve been stealing gold, treasure, and food for as long as you can remember until a certain kingdom is opening doors to even more riches to steal from. you bump into one of the son princes and it changes your life forever
contents: fluff, mentions of poverty
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“The Vinsmokes are having a ball tomorrow night, can you believe it?”
“Who cares. It’s only for the elites and the filthy rich. They couldn’t care less about us peasants”
There you were, eavesdropping in a back alley gnawing at baked bread you certainly didn’t pay for. The two conversing were of the same quality as you; rugged, poor, and wishing you could be drowning in riches. There they stood washing their clothes that were covered in filth. You grinned.
“Still, I’d love to be in that ballroom in a dress, dancing with one of the Vinsmoke princes” The ditsy one swooned. The more realistic one, who was giving their body a workout by washing the clothes, just rolled their eyes.
“Keep dreaming, sister. With the way our wealth is looking, that’s nothing but a fantasy” She hissed. The delusional girl just replied with a pout.
Hearing the conversation already had your adrenaline flowing. You were the thief of the town. Who cares if you didn’t have money, you had swift hands and brains to make up for it. If you liked it, you got it.
The royal Vinsmoke Family having a ball party was rare. The royals never so much batted an eye at your hometown, which was poor and pathetic compared to the luxury they slept in. Hearing an open opportunity to sneak your way into the party, which was a one-way ticket to finding riches of all kinds, made your lips carve into a smile. Oh, imagine all the jewels you’ll snatch.
One major setback was the attire. You thought of ways to get your sneaky hands on a ball gown that fit the dress code of the party. You could steal one, you thought, but it’d be hard to steal an entire gown without anyone noticing. Even then, not a single tailor shop sold such glorious dresses.
“I actually have a dress of my own! If only I could get that invite so I could dance the night away with Prince Ichiji!”
The words of the dreaming girl you were eavesdropping made your head perk up. It was like a god heard your worries and gave you an open opportunity. It didn’t matter that the dress would’ve looked significantly dull compared to the guests, as long as it was a dress.
You threw the last bit of baked bread into your mouth with a smile. You gathered enough information for your brain to gather before you trotted away to steal more food.
“Hey, get back here you witch!”
It was a very rare occurrence that you’d get caught, but thanks to some snitch who managed to catch you in the act, you were now running on your feet to escape the angry salesman. You had an adrenaline-filled grin on your face when you sped your fast legs through the crowd of people, who all looked dumbfounded and lost at your scene.
Once you made it back to your small home, you realized you lost the angry man who was ready to apprehend you. You couldn’t grab much, just some fruits and more bread. Typical peasant food.
You swung open the wooden door to see your sister preparing lunch, which was just cabbage soup. You smiled upon seeing her, knowing that you brought a little something more to the table for lunch. You exhaled.
You sang. Your sister wiped her hands on a cloth before smiling at you at the door. She saw the bag in hand that contained foods your swift hands snatched. Her once happy, delighted smile shifted to a frown.
“I’m guessing you didn’t pay a single berry for that” She placed her hands on her hips. All you could do was smile sheepishly and shrug.
“I guess I charmed them with my… Looks?” You tried making an excuse but to no avail. Your sibling snatched the bag out of your hands and peered into it.
“C’mon, you know it’s what I have to do in order to put food on the table. All we do is sell crops and that’s not doing justice” You rebutted but you heard your sister just sigh in annoyance. Although you loved the rush of stealing, your sister hated it. More than anything.
“No, you don’t. We do just enough to at least have a meal or two a day. I’ve said this a million times, (F/N)!” Said your sister with a lecturing finger in your face. You rolled your eyes.
“What would Mom think if she was here seeing you do this?” You’ve heard your sister say that countless times and each time it circled through your brain, it became less and less heart-wrenching.
Years ago, when you and your sister were just teens, your mother passed away from an illness that was too expensive to cure. Then, you started your thieving career by stealing medicines and herbs for your sickly mother. You tried everything you could but it wasn’t enough. Your mother passed in her bed a few months after she was diagnosed. Since then, you haven’t stopped stealing food and jewels from other towns and villages. Your sister hated it, afraid that you’d be locked up away for good if you got caught in the wrong situation.
“Well, mom isn’t here, okay? Look, I promise, soon we’ll have enough money to leave this shit hole and have huge meals every day. You just have to trust me” You lean on the wooden table. You carve a smile on your lips to reassure her skyrocketing nerves.
“I have a shaking feeling that you have something terrible planned, (F/N)…”
“I absolutely do”
She stared at you with worrisome eyes and just sighed in defeat. You had a proud smile plastered on your face as you watched her silently get back to fixing up lunch.
“Check on the crops for me, please?” Is all your sibling could say. You nodded and happily obeyed. At least she wasn’t giving you the silent treatment.
The crops that grew outdoors were mainly corn, potatoes, and carrots. Before your mother passed, everyone loved your vegetation and you’d make a sustainable amount of money off of them. Unfortunately, though, it seemed like her magic vanished once she passed. Now, you barely make enough to make ends meet. You couldn’t quit, though. Besides stealing, it was your only source of income that wasn’t illegal.
You grabbed a woven straw basket to pluck out the readied vegetables. You first checked on the carrots, only picking a few since the rest weren’t ripe yet. You made sure the vines and stems were healthy and not withering away from the blazing sun. While walking to the small cornfield area, you caught a glimpse of that same girl who was delusional about attending the royal ball tomorrow night. You called her over with a wave.
“(F/N)? What do you need?” She innocently tilted her head. You held the basket in between your arm and hip, dirt covering your hands and shorts.
“Y’know, all this work in here sure made me thirsty. Whaddya say and let me share a glass of tea at yours?” You smiled, not really intending to have tea with the oblivious girl. She hummed.
“I’d love to but… You have quite the reputation here, (F/N)”
‘Damnit’ You internally shouted. It was a small town, of course people knew you for your slick acts. You tried to hold your award-winning act.
“I know, I know, but c’mon! Here, I’ll give you these carrots for free as a thank you!” You gestured the basket toward her, knowing good and well that if your sister saw you give your mother's crops to someone for free she’d go on a rampage. The ditsy girl stared at the carrots for a moment.
“Carrot soup does sound nice…” She smiled. She grabbed her hands around the basket as a way of accepting.
“Sure, why not!”
Upon arriving at her small cottage, you realize that it was more cozy than you imagined. She had a flower garden in the front of her house and you began to slowly regret stealing from her. She seemed to be a sweet girl with no ill intentions. You hated that you were beginning to feel bad.
The main room had a window peek through the stove area, where she prepared a warm glass of tea for you two to share. You made yourself welcome by sitting on a wooden chair alone, fiddling with your fingers as the nerves began to creep.
“Which tea would you like?” She asked with a soft smile. You snapped at your sudden waves of regret to look at her sweet eyes, not a single negative thought behind them.
“Um… Any, I’m not picky” You folded your lips at her. As dry as it was, she happily nodded and began assembling a tray of herb tea.
“I heard that… You wanted to go the ball?” Your voice grew nervous. You really didn’t want to shatter this sweet angel's heart by stealing a dress.
“Oh, of course!” She sang, walking her way next to you on the table. She placed her cheek into her palm to daydream her little fantasy.
“I’d be the happiest girl ever to live if I ever got the chance to go!”
You watched with a happy smile. She was so kind and oblivious to the fact you weren’t here to have a nice moment. You were here to raid her closet.
“I have the perfect dress that would look great. Would you like to see it?” She beamed, it’s like she hasn’t had the chance to talk about her fantasy without someone ridiculing her. It’s painful for you to say no but then again, it’d also ruin your entire plan anyway.
“Sure, knock yourself out” You giggle. She practically sprung out of her seat to fly her way to her room where the infamous dress confided. You couldn’t help but giggle.
There you were left in your state of regret. You had this itching feeling that she reminded you of your mother, which seemed to be the main reason why you felt horrible about what you planned on doing. Before you could retreat, she came running in with the dress in hand.
She presented it and you gazed in awe. It was a white basic dress, far from a puffy ball gown, but it was still beautiful. The sleeves hung below the shoulders and they were sheer. The dress would end at your ankles, just barely grazing the floor. You smiled.
“It’s gorgeous, you have amazing taste” You gleam. She seemed delighted in your answer and began to fold it gently in her arms.
“Right? While I visited my brothers far from here, a tailor was selling it for sale!” She explained. Her eyes trailed along the dress.
“I never wore it to go out, though. It’s been collecting dust in my closet” She said in a lower tone, as if she was saddened she couldn’t use the attire to its fullest potential.
“I see…” Is all you could muster up.
She made eye contact with you and folded her lips to form a half smile. Her legs began to walk toward you and your eyes expanded once she began to jerk the dress toward you.
“Take it,” She said, which made you speechless. You just stared at the dress with dumbfounded eyes before you could finally take it off her hands.
“Why?” That’s all you could say.
“Because I know you were going to take something here. Everyone knows you’re a thief” She giggled. Your cheeks flared out of sheer embarrassment.
“I don’t need it. Besides, when was the last time some gifted you something?” Her words shot through your core. The last gift you remember receiving was something your mom gave you when she was still breathing.
“Are you pitying me?” You abruptly ask. Her expression dropped and she flailed her hands apologetically.
“No, no! I just think you deserve it more than I do” She began. Her smile which she effortlessly made with sweetness behind it made her words genuine. “Plus, you’d look beautiful in it, I say”
You couldn’t help but smile at her contagious one. She gave you a rub on your shoulder before the whistling sound of the kettle echoed throughout the house. The tea, which you didn’t even care for, was ready.
“Still want that tea?”
You tugged the dress onto your figure which seemed to fit rather perfectly. You internally thanked the sweet girl, now named Marie after a share of tea, for the pearly white dress. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and were caught in awe, never remembering the last time you wore such an elegant piece of work over your body. Not sure what to do with your hair, you left it hanging loose after combing it.
The anticipated night finally crept and the village began to see several carriages and rides zip through the roads upward to the grand castle. It was about time you made your entrance. Before then, you heard footsteps enter your room and stop at your doorway. Knowing who it was, you didn’t part your eyes away from the mirror.
“So you’re sneaking into that party, hm?” You heard your sibling say from behind. You gulp. You swiftly turn your head toward her with a careless smile.
“Duh! Imagine the treasure and jewels I can get my hands on!” You say excitedly, oblivious to the dangers of your bold act.
“Be careful, (F/N)…” Your sister sighed in defeat, not wanting to try to budge your stubbornness. You gave her a tender hug before your departure.
“I promise I’ll bring so much that we’ll have meals for months!” You cheered. You managed to carve a smile on her lips before you could make your way outdoors.
Your plan was to arrive at the party after everyone else did so fewer people would pay attention to the opened doors. Since they thought everyone invited had already come in, they wouldn’t bat an eye to stragglers, so sneaking in was a piece of cake.
The entrance of the castle was so big you thought it was acres long. The room was glistening with huge chandeliers that reflected the pearled floor. All you could hear was the elegant music of the miniature orchestra and chatter. You gulped, feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. You didn’t even know how to act elegant or fancy. Your eyes scanned the entire room and already found jewels that your hands ached to snatch.
You tried to fit in and pace your body around the rich bodies of the guests and already had your hands on several golden necklaces and watches in the span of an hour. You tucked them in a purse, which was also stolen, and so far no one caught onto you. You sat at a white clothes table sipping pure white wine happily, taking a break from your thieving.
Suddenly, you heard whispers, and the causal chatter began to die down. You thought that something happened and everyone equally began staring in the same direction. It made your back turn behind you to eye the balcony that displayed the five royal kins; Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Sanji. The infamous Vinsmokes.
Four had prideful smiles plastered on their faces while the blonde had an expression that was quite the opposite. It immediately caught you by surprise. By the looks of everyone’s reactions, this was the first time the Vinsmokes made their appearance for the ball.
Each brightly-haired royals made their way to a shared table at the front of the room; a table to which they had the luxury of being on. You thought each of them was increasingly intimidating and made your spine shiver. Each one besides the timid blonde, that seemingly didn’t want to be there in the first place. You let it be for now…
Ever since the five royals made their way to their personal table, you itched to grab their top-of-the-list jewels for hefty cash. Occasionally, they’d get up to use the restroom or feast on the rather delicious food that was catered to them. Sanji, though, frequently left the table. He seemed to not want to be there with his siblings which caused him trouble.
He’d spit flirtatious remarks at the female guests every now and then but mainly kept his distance so he could get a breather. You didn’t care for any of that, though. You wanted that gold bracelet hugging his wrist.
“Oof-! Pardon me!” You giggle after “accidentally” bumping into the blonde. You took a quick chance to try to slip the bracelet off his wrist but he quickly grabbed it.
“I knew you were different” He cooed. You inhaled, feeling your heart drop now that someone finally caught onto you—and it just had to be a Vinsmoke.
His expression didn’t seem menacing or devilish, though. He seemed to be amused more than anything by your attempts. You should’ve known better than to steal from a prince.
In actuality, Sanji had been eyeing you all night. He noticed your rather outcasted attire and caught a glimpse of your thief acts. He admired how bold you were and you clearly weren’t a stuck-up, filthy rich citizen. He was pleased to know that someone with slight moralities stepped foot into his castle.
“What do you mean?” You giggle nervously, trying not to expose yourself just yet but those deep eyes staring into your soul made it increasingly hard. Suddenly, without a word, Sanji pulled you by your waist to his chest and interlocked his hand into yours. He was slow dancing with you.
You flickered your eyes around the newfound positioning, never slow dancing with someone ever in your years of living, and realized Sanji needed to fit into the mass group of waltzing couples to avoid suspicion. You struggled to keep up with Sanji’s pace.
“Your dress is beautiful, mon cheri, but it’s certainly not a ball gown” He chuckled down at you. Blood rushed to your ears out of embarrassment and the flirtatious nickname.
“I-… I decided to stay simple. I had a ball gown-“
“No need to lie”
Sanji seemed to see right through you. He continued to dance with you on the pearled floor and spun you in a circle before pulling you back into the same position.
“Who are you really. Why are you here?” He asked with a smile. There was no point in hiding it now. He had already exposed you bare.
“I just snuck in here” Is all you could say. You heard the blonde chuckle. You peeked at him shifting his head left and right to see if anyone heard.
“To rob this place dry?” He asked. Although, he wasn’t entirely off the mark putting it that way made her cringe.
“I guess you can say that” You gushed.
You realized you were rather close to a guy who was entirely foreign to you, let alone one of the Vinsmoke Princes. You traced your eyes on his pearly white button-up that was draped with a red cape. The cold chain connecting the cloth blinded you and your hands wanted to snatch it.
“Do you trust me?” He bluntly asked. Sanji spun you around once more before holding you tightly into his chest. You could feel the throbbing of his chest.
“I… guess?” Your answer sufficed and before you knew it, the Prince was dragging you away from the populated party.
His golden locks danced in the wind when he paced his footsteps towards an unknown door that looked to be locked and concealed. You struggled to keep your pace to match his own. He sure was eager.
His hands pushed the doors open with slight force and it revealed a dimly lit stairwell. The only thing illuminating the room was a cream, crescent moon that slightly peeked through the glass window. Your brain was entirely confused as to why a prince was escorting you further into the castle instead of booting you straight out.
He temporarily let go of your palm to trot up the cobbled stairs. You watched him walk up, his haste legs skipping through some of the stairs. When the blonde didn’t hear your footsteps follow behind, he halted. You made eye contact with his eyes.
“You coming, mademoiselle?” He asked with a small smile. Thankfully, he couldn’t see the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the darkness of the room.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask timidly, slowly placing your basic, cheap, heels on the stairs. Sanji watched with an admirable smile.
“Somewhere away from here” As soon as you made a sustainable distance between you and him, he grabbed your hand gently to escort you further. Right then and there you got a glimpse of his genuine eyes.
“I promise I won’t hurt you,” He said lowly, that same smile never vanishing from his face. You stared for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled you to finish walking on the steps.
You stayed quiet throughout the entire journey. The inside of the castle was more beautiful than you imagined, but it was absolutely ginormous. The ceiling was meters above your head and the hallways were wide enough to hold a crowd of people. Your eyes were greedy, wanting to grab the expensive decor and paintings off the walls.
Sanji led you to a room. The doors were towering before you. Much like the rest of the castle, it was dark. You heard Sanji jiggle the gold handle before opening the grand doors. He presented a room that was empty if we’re excluding the grand piano and a few chairs.
The floor was pearled and marbled much like the grand foyer where the riches danced the night away. The way the moon reflected onto the floor from the two glass doors in front that led to a huge balcony. The room was beautiful despite it being so empty.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sanji had his hands tucked into his slacks while he watched you pace around the room you were fawning over. Your head whipped toward him with a smile.
“They don’t have rooms like this back at the village” You realized you finally revealed you were just a regular townsfolk, a poor one at that. Your smile dropped, already thinking of an excuse before Sanji could speak.
“So you’ve never been in a castle” Sanji didn’t seem to mind that you were a mere peasant. If anything, he seemed pleased to know that you were.
“Honestly, I wish I had it differently” Sanji sighed, standing in front of the crescent moon that shined on this fateful night through the glass doors. You made yourself welcome to stand beside him.
“How come? You’re a prince, you have it all. I wish I was in your shoes” You had a tad of animosity on your tongue, completely taking Sanji’s words the wrong way.
“Trust me, I know” He chuckled. “But my siblings are so stuck up and my father isn’t much of a pleasure either. Not to mention they treat townsfolk and food terribly….” Sanji explained. Your guard began to settle down once you heard that the Prince had baggage. You were always under the assumption that rich people don’t need to be upset because of the wealth that wedded them.
“All I hear is marrying a princess or other royal duties. But in reality…” Sanji formed a smile. His eyes began to shine in the light when he thought of his life king dream. “I want to be a cook. I want to own a restaurant to feed anyone who’s hungry” He beamed. You watched with awe, completely taken back that a prince had a heart.
“I never expected you to be so kind,” You say, peering your head to admire the moon similarly to him. “Being a peasant is the worst, though”
You cupped your hands and gripped them tightly when you traced back on your past. How the struggle of simply having a meal carried a burden on your shoulders and of course your angel of a mother parting with you at a young age.
“I barely have a meal a day and my poor sister works hard selling crops every day. Doesn’t help that we don’t have a mother either…” You say as if it was nothing. You had already come to terms with your baggage but Sanji's sympathetic eyes, considering he carried the same burden, would be the reason you could prick a few tears. He grabbed your hand.
“Mon cheri,” He begins. The pet name made your legs jelly. He tucks a hair behind your ear and stares into your eyes with empathy.
“I’m so sorry,” He says. You’ve heard those words so many times when you mentioned you were motherless, but they all seemed to be empty and hollow. This time, though, those saddened eyes and his voice made it seem like it was genuine. Why did he care?
“I brought you up here because I knew you were different, you had a heart” Sanji answered the major question that circulated your head ever since he grabbed your hand. “I knew you were stealing for a good reason, I don’t blame you…” There was a shared moment of silence while you collected your thoughts.
“Look, let me show you something even more beautiful” He smiled, trying to lighten the grim mood. With a hand once again connecting yours, Sanji pushed open the glass doors.
You felt a gust of crisp wind hit your face making your locks swarm in the breeze behind you. Sanji led you forward to the balcony which was even more beautiful than the previous room. The balcony towered over a garden the Vinsmokes owned. You’ve never seen so many flowers and decorative ponds in one place. You were completely taken by surprise.
“How could you possibly not enjoy this? It’s beautiful!” You gleam, leaning over the railing. You might as well have tumbled down if it weren’t for a hand to grab your waist as support.
“Careful, love” He chuckled at your amusement. You quickly retracted your position and dusted your dress off. You gushed in embarrassment.
“I haven’t gotten your name yet, Mr. Prince,” You say, standing next to the stone railing. Sanji perked his head up, realizing you spoke about your baggage before even saying your name.
“Sanji. Just Sanji” He greets with a charming smile. He might as well be named Prince Charming instead.
“Princess (F/N)” You did a courtesy playfully to mock his family's formalities. You birthed a blossom of laughter from the prince before you.
“Well, Princess (F/N), care to have this dance?” Sanji played along with your antics and bowed with a hand extending to welcome your hand.
You fanned your face and exhaled dramatically. Your other hand landed gently on Sanji’s open one with a smile. You batted your eyes.
“Oh, It’d be a pleasure to dance with you, Prince Sanji” You spoke in a high-pitched tone before being swept into the same position you two shared previously at the actual party.
There was no music. The music from the ball was muffled out entirely so to fulfill your playful acts, you two hummed a song to fill in the absent music completely out of sync. Besides the artificial music, you two danced together on the balcony happily. Sanji would twirl you which made you giggle. You don’t know what made this dance different than the previous, but you loved it.
Sanji picked you up by your waist to spin you in a circle a few times. You didn’t remember the last time you giggled so much before when your palms rested on his shoulders, staring down at him while he orbited. He had a euphoric smile plastered on his face for every second that passed while holding you.
Sanji placed you on your two feet while you both shared a fit of giggles like two gushing teenagers. As soon as you two collected your composure, you let out a pleased exhale.
“You dance amazingly, Prince Sanji” You acted once more. Sanji chuckled and sashayed his bangs dramatically.
“Well, I am a prince after all” He played along. He bowed down to you which caused you to snicker.
“Well, a prince deserves a stunning princess” You smiled dramatically. You then made eye contact with Sanji’s eyes below you before he toward upward to approach you further. Your faux smile dropped when he inched close to your face.
“This prince certainly deserves someone as stunning as you, mon cherie” Sanji’s words made it hard to believe if he was still playing along or genuinely swooning you over. Either way, you were blushing like crazy.
“I-.. Oh, please” You say, turning your head away from Sanji out of embarrassment once more. You then felt a hand pull your gaze from the floor beside you to the man himself. There laid that infamous, genuine smile once again.
“You are, (F/N). Honestly, I never had this much fun with someone before” Sanji left you entirely speechless, never expecting a royal prince wanting to swoop you off your feet when you weren’t remotely connected to royalty.
“Oh my, I’m sorry” Sanji’s cheeks grew pink and he stepped away from the close contact he held between you. “I shouldn’t have been so straightforward to a lady, pardon me-“
Sanji’s voice was cut off by your chaste kiss planted on the side of his cheek. You, being entirely flustered, looked away while your cheeks grew more and more pigmented by the second. Sanji had a hand on the area where your lips landed and couldn’t help but form a dope smile.
You let Sanji cup your face and pull you forward, into a romantic kiss underneath the moonlight right on your lips. You fluttered your eyes shut to accept the tender, passionate kiss that was shared between you and the blonde. It felt like eons before Sanji finally pulled away.
“From thief to my own princess” He smiles, holding your face in his own tender hands.
You beam, vowing to remember those words until you drop dead. Right then and there, you happily predicted further down the line of your future with the Vinsmoke before you. You felt happy and at ease, the magic the prince dwelled upon you was absolutely miraculous.
And now there you were, sitting at a clothed table that was illuminated by a waxed candle that was accompanied by floral decor. You had a tall glass of ice, which previously had water in it before you chugged it down. You sat comfortably at ease while you were surrounded by music and utensils making contact with the dishes of the restaurant.
“My love,” You heard a voice say behind you. You perk your head up to see the head chef of the restaurant you resided in, Baratie, smile down at you as if he fell in love all over again. He filled your empty cup with water once again by a pitcher.
“How are you feeling?” Sanji has asked the same question over the course of the night numerous times for one sole reason. You giggled.
“I’m feeling fine, amour,” You say with a smile. Ever since Sanji placed his lips on yours for the first time, you’ve picked up on his French dialect. Sanji placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Good, just making sure” He cooed, rubbing your stomach tenderly to give the bundle of love you two created some comfort.
“You’re too good for me”
“As always”
Sanji lingered at your table as his own little break time before he had to use his magnificent talents back in the kitchen. It’s been years since you’ve sealed the deal with the Prince, and he revoked his identity as a Vinsmoke. You two cast away from your village to open a restaurant that’d soon be booming in business because of Sanji’s enchanting cooking. Your sister wasn’t left out, though. Sanji took her under his own wing and she became the sous chef of the establishment. You never knew that infiltrating a castle would completely turn your life around for the better. You gave your sister just what you promised; a better life.
“Your sister is making your meal tonight” Sanji explained, beginning to light a cigarette at his lips. He made sure to keep a safe distance from your nose so the toxic fumes don’t contaminate your growth.
“Just like old times” You giggle, referring to the times your sister would cook poor meals for you in place of your mother.
“She said she’d love to feed you and her nephew” Sanji chuckled, glancing at your bump. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Of course, she’s always had a soft spot for children,” You say. Sanji planted a kiss on your cheek once more before he heard his call back in the kitchen.
“Your food will be out in a moment, ma douce. Babys’ not gonna feed itself” He winked. “I love you, (F/N)” He says with delight.
“I love you more, Sanji”
You hoped to give your kin that was in your pregnant womb a better life than your own and your husbands. You were determined to lead him to a life that would make him, and only him, the happiest child ever. Truly a happily ever after.
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All licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader : Resting Or Baking?
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Every year since you and Jack got together, you would be the ones to host for the holidays. Either back in your hometown, in your first apartment together in Atlanta, back in Miami, to now in your house in Louisville Kentucky.
You would always help out your mother in law, Maggie, with the cooking and setting up, but this year is different. Being as you're pregnant with your second child, your husband requested, no, demanded that you don't do any heavy lifting this year.
He wanted you to be as relaxed as possible, and to sleep in with him since he had just gotten home from doing Jingle-Ball and other media work. But he knows you, and he knows you couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. He knows you wouldn’t leave everything for his mom and your best friend to do.
So it’s no surprise when he walks into the kitchen to find you and your daughter baking up a storm.
“Now what did I say? No cooking this year.” Your husband says standing looking at you with raised eyebrows and his hands on his waist.
You smile, “Technically I’m not cooking.” you dab the batter with your finger to taste “I’m baking.”
He rolls his eyes “Potato, potatoes, same thing to me babe.”
“Mia wanted to bake that cake I made for her birthday, and I found this new recipe that I’m sure will be a hit with everyone.” You tell him.
“Oh so this is your doing Mia?” Jack looks at your daughter and she looks confused. “I thought we had a deal, mommy had to rest today.”
Mia nods “Yes but we wanted cake. Nino Urby loves this cake so we makes it for hims and Nina too.”
You smile and wink at her “Plus we’re almost done, just have to put this in the oven and that’s it.”
He nods “That’s it, no more working tonight ok. We just have to head to moms, eat and open presents, that’s all you’re doing tonight.”
He heads to the refrigerator to get something to drink but he whips his head so fast to look at you “You made 3 of those already?”
You shrug “Those had to be done early, so the cake can absorb all the milks. It had to sit there for four to five hours max.”
Jack groans “I know you love helping and making all these foods and desserts, but baby I wouldn’t be on your ass if the doctor didn’t say you had to have bed rest.”
“Daddy said a naughty word.” Mia chimes in from her spot.
Jacks groans “I’ll pay up in a little Princess, I’m just trying to get my point across to your stubborn momma.”
You nod and smile, “Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t have let me do a thing even if the doctor didn’t say anything. But I promise I’m good. Mia helped a lot.”
“Okay so what’s next? I know that the batch you just put into the oven will have to have some kind of toppings. So tell me and I’ll help.”
“You know me so well. It needs to cool down and then cut them into squares, and place lechera and fruit on top.”
He nods “I’ll do that, meanwhile why don’t you and Mia sit down and try doing that gingerbread house.”
Mia gasps, “Oh my gingerbread house, yes please momma can we makes it?”
“Yes bug, go take it to the table while I tell daddy how to decorate the treats.”
You watch Mia run to the table and start opening the box. You turn to face your husband, “I know you’re worried but I promise I’m fine.”
You grab his hand and place it on your belly, “We’re both fine.”
“I know you are, but I rather you just sit back and relax. You’ve been up and down non stop and I know I’ve been away, and it’s not easy with a toddler, a toddler who’s on her terrible twos.”
“You’ve been working so it’s totally understandable bubs. But I promise after Christmas I’ll try, key word, try to relax.”
He shakes his head, “You have no choice mama, I’m taking some time off and I’ll be here helping with the little princess over there. Plus the little guy is ready to come out, I need to be here and on time whenever he does come.”
You nod and try to reach his lips for a kiss, but because of your belly you can’t. “Come down here.” you tell him pouting.
That has Jack chuckling but does as you ask and gives you a kiss.
“Ughh, this not working guys.”
You both turn around to see your daughter struggling with her gingerbread house.
She goes to stick two pieces together, which stay on “YAAAY, I dids it.” But as soon as she says that, the pieces fall off. “Ughh you dumb butt.”
“Alize Mia Harlow.” Jack warns.
She looks up at him “Huh?”
“You said a naughty word.”
She furrows her eyebrows, “But tio Clay-Clay says it’s not really a naughty word.”
“Well I guess I have to have a quick talk with your uncle. But that is a naughty word, so you know the deal.”
She rolls her eyes, “Fine and I sorry.” She gets up from the table and makes her way to the living room but comes back just as quick and hands Jack a dollar.
“Thank you, no more naughty words young lady.”
Whenever an adult is around her and they say a bad word, they have to put a dollar in her swear jar. But whenever Mia is caught saying one, she needs to pay Jack a dollar from her swear jar.
Granted, she hardly even says bad words but when she does it’s usually when she can’t get her way. She’s stubborn and has no patience, just like her mother.
“Hey.” Jack says to break you out from your thoughts.
“Hmm, yes?”
“I have one of your presents that I need you to open.”
“Bubs, why not until later when we’re with everyone.”
“I can’t hide it, it came at the last minute.”
You nod “Okay.”
He grabs Mia, and he leads you towards the entrance of the house.
“Babe, why are we going outside?”
“You’ll see.”
When you go outside, you’re met with your brother in law and see a huge box in the middle of the driveway.
You turn to look at your husband. “Jackman, am I about to cry?”
He shrugs. “You know how you said you’ve always wanted to be a mom and have lots of kids?”
You nod, “Six kids, three boys and three girls.”
“But you also said you didn’t want to be driving a minivan. Because you claim you won’t look hot, which I questioned because the only person you have to worry about looking hot for is me, and you’re always looking sexy.”
“Just get to the point Jack, I’m hungry.” Clay interrupts him.
“Remind me why I asked you for help and not Urban or mom.?” Jack says glaring at his brother.
“Anyways, go open your gift mamas.”
You smile and go to pull at the big red ribbon, at the pull the entire box starts opening up and there in the middle is your brand new car.
You cry happy tears and go up to your husband to hug him “Thank you mi amor. I love you.” You give him a few pecks.
“Ewww no kissing.” Mia says, pretending to gag.
You, Jack and Clay laugh. “So what did you end up cooking?” Clay asks.
You both turn to look at him in confusion. “What? Mom said there was no way you’d sit down and do nothing. So what did you make?”
You smile “Dessert.”
“Is it ready?”
You nod “Half of it, yeah.”
That has him running to the house.
“Daddy.” Mia says smiling.
“I know, but go make sure your uncle doesn’t eat the cakes you and mama made.”
Mia gasps and runs inside the house “TIO NO TOQUES, DON’T EAT MY CAKES.”
Jack is now staring at you “Why are you crying?”
You shrug “I’m just so happy, I’m blessed to have you in my life. I’m not talking about the gifts, that’s a bonus.” You joke.
“I’m talking about the love we have for each other, our daughter and this little one who’s most likely to get here soon. You make me the happiest woman alive. I love you and our life together.”
He pulls you in, “Y/N, none of this would be possible if it weren’t for you. You’re the glue of our little family. You, not me, you, because when I’m away, you’re here with our daughter giving her the childhood she deserves. You love me and you show it to me every single day. I wouldn’t be the man I am today, or the father that I am, if it weren’t for you. You make this so worth it and I’m forever grateful that you’re my wife and the mother of our children.”
He kisses you, “You’re my greatest gift.”
You two stay outside for a little more just kissing each other and telling each other how much you love one another.
“Mommy, daddy, tio Clay-Clay dropped something.”
You pull back “Let’s go check on your brother and my pastelitos.”
“If he dropped or ate any of them I’m fighting him, I love your desserts.”
“I know there’s a second meaning to that in there. But yes, I’ll let you fight him.”
“Momma hurry, he’s making a mess with my gingerbread house.”
You and Jack laugh and head inside to the kitchen. Luckily none of the cakes were touched or harmed. You couldn’t say the same for Mia’s gingerbread house though.
That’s how you spend your evening, helping your daughter build her gingerbread house until it was time to head to your in-laws house to spend Christmas night.
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carangel · 1 year
G-Give me an antiharem fic:
Where the reader was friends with the skelebro’s until the antagonist girl changed their perception of you.
But instead of lamenting over it you cut your losses and go off on your own, only asking that they call you when they want to talk again.
3 years pass.
The guys are still with that girl, toxic af but love makes you wear rose glasses, even if they’re cracking right about now.
And the rest of the aus are pulled there- I don’t care who’s the line up.
But one of them is really into this one singer.
Who is that singer??
Mother fukkin you
Most of your songs are based on your experiences. The places you’ve been, the people you met, heck- maybe even the food you’ve eaten.
You’ve made a name for yourself and I can’t say that I’m not jealous.
And lookit that you’re having a concert back in your hometown! So ofc that skele really wants to go and see it.
I imagine he either doesn’t say your name or you have a stage name but either way he dragged the rest of the graveyard + toxic antag with him.
Go all out, get good seats, vip tickets, meet and greet passes.
This skele really likes your music-
Insert shock for og Sans and Pap and ig the toxic antag when you walk out stage after the opening song- maybe from mettaton.
Cause you’re just that fukkin big.
And then, at the end of the concert you announce that you’re staying at hometown for some pet/orphan fundraiser that’s for 5 months.
Cause you’re just that good of a person.
Stage set up- dooble shock for when they show up for the meet and greet and while you’re weary around toxic antag you are so SWEET with the rest of them.
One of them- maybe toxic antag offers for you to stay in their house “just like old times”
But you shut her down fast and polite-
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Don't Believe His Lies
Jessica's Tale as told by @nattinatalia
Heaux Tales of Jack Harlow
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I don’t know how it happened, but it did and it was so fast.
I don’t know if it was his blue eyes that pulled me in. His smile probably, or the way he carries himself, But I fell hard and I don’t think I’ll ever feel the same for anybody else.
I met Jack three years ago in San Diego, I was working at a club he was hosting and performing at. I was the bottle girl, yeah how poetic is that? All night long he kept eyeing me and trying to get my attention with little touches here and there whenever I would go up to his section, but I was working so I paid him no mind.
Paying him no attention? That’s an ego killer for a man like him, he’s always confident and so sure of himself. But he loved the chase and so did I. It started with gifts, trips and whispers of sweet words. It went on for about a month until I finally gave in and we’ve been together ever since.
“Babe, I just don’t understand why? We’ve been together for almost two years, why can’t we talk about taking the next step?” You’re straddling his lap, his hands on your waist while he’s looking at his phone.
Jack had arrived in my hometown two hours ago and said he would be staying for the weekend. But I’ve been missing him like crazy, I’ve been moody due to my period and I was just picking fights.
“And what next step is that? We’re together, this apartment is ours, that car in the garage is yours, those gifts I brought with me? All yours, so what next step are you talking about?”
I roll my eyes at his words, “Bro, that’s materialistic things I could care less about. I appreciate the gifts but I’m talking about actually settling down, moving in together. Not what we’re doing now, you come and go every two weeks and it’s not because of your schedule, I see your Instagram stories when you’re back in your hometown with your friends.”
“First of all, don’t call me bro Jessica. Second of all, I told you I’m just not ready to do all of that. What’s the point of moving you to my hometown when I’m about to start my tour and I’ll barely be home. It’s best if you stay here, surrounded by your friends and family.”
I make a face at that so he pulls me in closer “Baby, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that this year I’ll be busy non stop more than ever. I need you to stay here so you don’t feel lonely if I do move you in with me.”
I shrug, “I wouldn’t feel lonely if I met your mom.”
“You’ve met my mom, crazy girl.”
I nod, “You introduced me to her as Urban’s friend, not your girlfriend and it was a five minute conversation.”
“Did I? Well I’m sorry mamas. But stop, come on I’m only here for the weekend and since I walked in you’ve been picking a fight.”
You roll your eyes “And you’ve been on your phone the second you got here. Who are you texting so much?”
“Jessica seriously? It’s work stuff.”
I go to get off his lap but he holds me in place. “I’m just needy, I miss you and I’m in my feelings. I need reassurance about us.”
“Jess, me being here isn’t reassuring enough to you?” He gives me a kiss and squeezes my thighs. “Let’s just enjoy the weekend, let me go to the Mexican restaurant you love so much, two blocks from here and I’ll get food, while you set up here for a movie or shit, I’ll even let you play those two shows you love so much. I have plans for the entire weekend, baby, let’s not ruin it.”
You smile, “You’re willing to watch Sons of Anarchy and Mayans MC with me? Oh that’s love right there.”
He smiles, “I do love your annoying ass.”
“I love you too, now hurry up.” I get off his lap. “Today they close early. Get me an order of tacos de adobada, and a California burrito with a Horchata please.”
He stands up and heads for his keys and wallet “I’ll be quick.” He gives me a quick kiss and walks out the door.
Ten minutes later I’m done setting everything up in the living room when there’s a knock on the door.
I chuckle “Did you lose your keys or what?” I go to open the door thinking it was Jack, but I see no one, I look to both sides and see no one is there, but an envelope on the floor caught my attention.
I go to pick it up and walk back inside and start opening it up.
Nothing could prepare me for what I saw.
Lots of pictures of Jack with different women.
The cherry on top?
This mother fucker is married and with kids.
I don’t know how long I stood there, looking through every picture. Everything was timed and dated so there’s no way these are old, he’s even wearing a chain I got him last year for Christmas in a most recent picture.
Seeing him with all these other women was hard, but what broke me was seeing the pictures of him and his family.
Never in my life did I ever think I’d be or wanted to be a homewrecker, I would never get involved with a married man.
This is how Jack found me, a crying mess in the middle of my living room, pictures scattered all over the coffee table.
“Jessica, what’s wrong mamas?”
I look up at him. “Do you not see what’s on the table?”
He looks confused and goes to pick up a picture “W-what is this shit? Are you spying on me?”
I stand up and glare at him. “That’s what you have to say? Am I spying on you? Jackman you’re married, fucking married and with beautiful children.”
I shake my head “No, no fuck you. How can you do this to me? To them? Two years, two fucking years and not only with me, with numerous of women too. How can you do that and go back to your family like nothing?”
“If you just let me explain-“
“Explain what? There’s no explanation to any of this mess. The proof is all there.” I point at the pictures. “I’m not spying on you by the way, that was left on my doorstep.”
“These are old pictures baby, you have to believe me. I love you and I’m here with you.”
I chuckle “Nice try, those are recent. Do you want me to show you the videos that came into my email? Having to watch a glimpse into what I thought you only do with me?”
“Jess baby, let’s sit down and talk about this.”
I shake my head. “No, get out.”
“You played me, you played them. This is fucked up in so many ways. Y-you lied to me, you broke me. This is not something we sit down and talk about.”
I’m a crying mess, I feel my heart beating so fast, I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack. “Baby, calm down, breathe for me.”
I look at him then push at his chest, “Leave please. If you have any little respect or love for me like you claim you do. Please leave.” I go to sit down on the couch looking down at my hands.
I hear him walking back and forth between the bedroom and living room. Probably getting his stuff
“I’ll check in on you later, I do love you pretty girl. Never forget that.” He comes towards me and I feel him kiss the top of my head and with that he walks out.
I let more tears out, I get up from the couch and grab the pictures and start ripping every single one of them.
I yell.
I cry.
I break things.
I burn the remaining of the pictures.
I threw his clothes out the balcony.
I cry some more.
I’m broken, I’m hurt.
I loved him.
I thought he was the man I would eventually settle down with, get married and have kids.
But I couldn’t do that with a man who was already married and with kids.
One thing is for sure though, I’m going to make sure the rest of the women know who they’re dealing with.
They don’t deserve this.
His wife doesn’t deserve this.
His kids definitely don’t deserve this.
Your mom was right, when she told you, you don’t fall in love at the club.
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mythicamagic · 1 year
Sukuna's Roommate (Sukuna x Reader) Chapter Seven
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Summary: The rent is cheap, that's the only reason you're moving into apartment 167 on such short notice. The rent is cheap, you remind yourself again, staring up at the four-armed monster you would be living with. (Female reader x Sukuna)
Warnings: some dubcon moments and general Sukuna stuff i.e: murder. Will eventually feature smut.
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three and others can be found on Ao3
There was something distinctly depressing about break time on college campus. Groups of people tended to flock together, coffee in hand and chatting merrily away.
I wasn't accustomed to being a loner. The truth was that I'd always been in the thick of it with people, wanting to please, to entertain. 
Now my days were better spent people watching rather than participating. A funny feeling twisted low in my gut as another round of laughter came from the table opposite mine in the cafeteria. I looked down at my sad little sandwich, swallowing with difficulty. It wasn’t as though I’d been excluded by my new classmates, more like I’d taken a deliberate step back on purpose. 
When the laughter came again, I set down my barely touched food. Standing, I quickly strode outside. An unnamed, strange kind of panic beat in my chest, forehead beading with sweat. The air fanned crisp and fresh over my face the instant I stepped out into the open, immediately soothing frayed nerves. I took a few deep breaths, drawing away from the dining hall and continuing to walk until my steps threatened to take me over the campus border. Only then did I feel my panic abate, a hand resting over my chest. 
“Fuck,” I sighed, wetting my dry lips. 
Not to be a downer but friends made me think of loud music, the taste of beer and smell of weed. They reminded me of partying, and partying led me to think of-
"No way…is that-" a voice muttered, far too close for comfort. Ice froze my veins. I stilled, becoming completely rigid and unable to move. No. Nope, nien. This was just a dream, it couldn't be real. Any moment now, Sukuna would walk by naked, as he often did in my fantas- nightmares. Suddenly bright green eyes were peering down at me. A guy with short dark hair automatically smiled out of habit rather than affection, a complicated look passing over his face.
"Virago! Wow…shit, I didn't expect to see you here. They'll let anyone into this place, huh?"
I wish he'd drop that nickname. Not like it applied to me anymore. I felt far too meek these days. Probably because I had some damn perspective now. My hands curled into fists at my side. The small, circular cigarette burns on my upper arms and collarbone thrummed. My mind might’ve been fogged that day but my body remembered. 
"Why are you here?" I asked tightly.
"Not much of a greeting. Aren't you happy to see me? You could use a friendly face right about now."
He'd heard about the DUI of course, but I wasn’t expecting him to know I’d moved away. Not surprising, I guess. Maybe my parents had broadcasted it. Severed the tumor from the family and all that. Word had traveled fast in our small hometown. I was glad to be rid of the constraints of quick gossip. Cities were so much easier to live in if you wanted to achieve anonymity. 
"Not in the mood to greet an ex, Neil. Let alone be happy about it."
My head ached and the sunlight felt too bright. That newly familiar panic was rising up again. 
"Come on, you're still thinking about that?" He dismissed in his usual amiable tone. The kind that downplayed anything you might be feeling. "It was said in the heat of the moment- I forgive you for losing your temper. I broke up with you for the right reasons."
My heart lurched. White hot rage flew up my throat. "I broke up with YOU!" I snapped. “What are you even talking about?!”
Neil winced and glanced around, as if embarrassed I was causing a scene. Several people lounging around on the campus shot us curious looks. Shame heated my cheeks but I soldiered on. He opened his mouth but I cut in, lowering my voice. I’m ashamed to recount that it trembled. "You…y-you spiked my drink."
"Are we back to that old chestnut again?"
"It's the truth!"
"Yeah yeah, and look how well that worked out for you last time,” Neil sighed. “Not like you got drunk on your own and made your own mistakes, nah. It always has to be someone else's fault. Everyone got sick of your shit long before that accident, you know?"
When achieving maximum anger- nay- full throttle rage, it left me unable to speak. I could only tremble violently, fingers dug tight into the meat of my palms. 
"Listen. I didn't come here to fight,” he held up his hands magnanimously, flashing a pretty-boy smile I yearned to break. “I'm just in town for a few days visiting a friend. I'll be out of your hair before long. But…" he trailed off, reaching out. 
My brain short circuited. Those long fingers tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear, brushing the skin of my cheek as they drew away. I recoiled, arms instinctively raising to curl protectively around my body. "I still wanna catch up,” he murmured. “Come grab a bite to eat, for old times sake?"
That anger that had been buoying me along the majority of this conversation felt like it had been well and truly stabbed with a pin- all that hot air leaving me at once. I felt cold and vulnerable in my deflated state. 
"I don't want to. I'm- I'm busy,” I said lamely, softly. Where was my bite? Why did I feel so damn powerless?
Neil remained unconvinced, even appearing slightly mocking. "Uh-huh. What, you gonna make up a pretend boyfriend next?"
"There's no need to fabricate a lie when it's the truth, now is there?"
That deep, sonorous voice wrapped around me before the length of his arm did. I felt rather than saw a sharp grin press against my flushed temple. Sukunas unique scent swallowed my senses. Copper, baked meat, incense and smoke from a kiseru pipe all blended into one. A heady, sweltering cloud. Despite myself, I felt a complicated sense of relief in having him step close, my shoulders relaxing slightly. 
Sukuna sized Neil up, poised and at ease, a kind of laziness in his gait. He didn't draw himself up to stand taller or puff out his chest, one hand remaining slung half heartedly into his pocket. No voices were raised. All that needed to happen was a slight upwards tilt of his chin. To me, the effect felt instantaneous. Sukuna looked down from on high. 
And ultimately what he saw was not impressive enough to engage with. Whatever curiosity Neil inspired for half a second dimmed into a laissez-faire attitude. 
"Who are-"
"...I'm bored, come entertain me," Sukuna turned the full force of his attention on me. "You’re on a break now, right?"
He knows my schedule?
“Y-yeah,” I managed, bobbing my head stiffly. His large hand curled tighter around my shoulder, pressing me harder against the heated slab of stone that was his body. 
Sukuna smiled, sharp teeth flashing. “Good. Hurry up then,” he turned, drawing me along with him like I really was a stray buoy left out at sea, wrapped up in the storm that was Ryomen Sukuna.
"I-I guess I'll see you later, Virago."
I heard the confusion in Neil’s voice but could no longer see his face, too preoccupied with Sukuna all but spiriting me away from campus. My legs worked automatically to keep up with his long strides- and it was too late to throw a snide comment over my shoulder at Neil, the slimy ex long gone.
"I just remembered, you still haven't received sufficient praise for showing loyalty to me the other day."
I blinked, glancing up at Sukuna’s unreadable expression. His silver ear-cuff and chain caught the warm sunlight, making them shine white. 
"There's really no need-"
"Rejecting my goodwill? Heh, bold move."
When faced with Sukuna’s full, toothy smile- the kind that promised kinky violence- I clammed up, too dazed after the encounter with Neil to be appropriately bantery. 
Sukuna sighed, as if sensing my mood. The sound was a surprise. I checked his expression again, but it quickly became shadowed by the heavy shade of a building. The fact that he’d all but dragged me into an alley in the heart of the city should- most definitely- have inspired some terror. Too bad my stress batteries had overloaded.
"Tell me what you'd like,” Sukuna grunted, finally stopping to release me from his grip. “If it's not too annoying, I might be generous enough to entertain your wishes."
I stared.
Where was this coming from?
Sukuna’s bored expression was impossible to dissect. I could only grasp at straws and conclude he was either fucking with me or operated on a bizarre sense of honor. He’d said he’d reward me, so the honor system demanded he follow through?
Too bad I was exhausted enough to let slip a tired giggle and think- fuck it. 
"Honestly I could use a nice spar or something along those lines right about now," I smiled wanly, running a hand through my hair and trying to shake off the echo's of Neil's touch.
He tilted his head. "A spar?"
"Yeah, like a massage, a nice long soak in an onsen or uh…something along those lines,” I nodded, picturing the kind of fancy establishments my mother had used to traipse back from, smelling of soap and hairspray.
"Ah, that kind of spar…" Sukuna tsked, gazing up at the narrow gap between the buildings between us. He gave a chuckle, rolling his shoulders with a gleam in his eye I definitely did not like. "Lucky you- that can be easily arranged! Ever the thoughtful pet to your owner, huh?” his large, weighty palm patted my head. “Hold still,” the words purred out lowly, the red of his eyes gleaming as he made a strange hand-sign.
My stomach dropped- seconds before my feet followed suit- and I plunged into deep, dark nothingness. 
For a long moment, there was ceaseless, endless black. A void. It swallowed me whole, silent and yawning. During this time, I knew I was falling, but no breeze tugged my clothes and hair. No wind kissed my face. It was like being suspended between time and space.
As if having enough of that potential existential crisis- a sudden flash of red rushed up to greet my legs- and I plunged feet first into water a moment later.
I floated, stunned, before regaining my senses and quickly kicking- breaking the surface a moment later.
“Hah- hah,” I panted, blinking. Steam lapped around my face, curling lazily in the air like kiseru smoke. It was enough to obscure my vision, for a moment- but there was no hiding the red liquid I was treading water in for long. The smell of copper soaked the air. I squinted, brain leaping to horror-struck conclusions- but no, the liquid was too clear to be blood. Upon tilting my chin up, I noticed the black nothingness spreading out above my head like the abyss had constructed a dome. Strange, white things on the ground level had been piled high into what I assumed were sloppy towers, but they were too far away to see clearly.  Noticing the black rim of what I assumed to be a pool edge, I swam toward it, gripping the edge soon enough and preparing to pull myself up. 
The moment my eyes peered above the rim-level, a skinless skull met my gaze.
I shrieked, and lost my grip. 
Sputtering to the surface in a tangle of limbs a moment later, I found that the eerie silence of the red hot-springs had been broken by sharp, rumbling laughter. 
“Still flailing around and fretting about every little thing. You’re supposed to be relaxing, pet.”
Gripping the smooth edge of the pool-wall, I turned slowly, losing my voice all over again. 
Words dried up in my mouth. 
There, wading casually into the other side of the hot-springs, stood Sukuna. The four armed menace, the grinning tormenter. And, apparently- the two-dicked monster, very much naked and on display for all to be seen.
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txttletale · 1 year
we do have actual restaraunts and by and large theyre run by immigrants who came here and opened a restraunt. that doesnt matter though i'm here to complain about MILD, MEDIUM, AND HOT SPICE LEVELS. at the indian place in my hometown (excellent restraunt) this is a REASONABLE SCALE. it MEANS SOMETHING. at the taco place where i go to college, and also at aldi's when i buy salsa, it apparently means NOTHING. mild salsa is NOTHING. medium salsa is SPICELESS??? there is allegedly some spice in there or it wouldn't be called medium but i have yet to find it. and hot is i guess your only hope for any spice flavor at all so better hope hot is edible to you! whereas at my beloved indian restraunt mild is a bit spicy (you can taste the spice), medium is quite spicy (this is what my mom and i get), and hot is presumably india-hot but i don't know bc we stick with medium. apparently my beloved indian place is not the norm and this appalls me.
anyway. american restraunts, if they're not fast food chains (and while there are differences it's not meaningful enough to matter; mcdonalds fries are like skinnier or whatever idfc) and they're not an ethnic cuisine which usually only shows up in towns/cities big enough to support them (and therefore less common in areas that are less likely to be interested or trusting of foreign food), and they're not the occasional local american food place (like grill or whatever, but those are also usually chains like texas roadhouse or chilli's - we really don't tend to have american food restraunts. like there's one in my hometown but they're literally famous for Existing and have a cookbook even though theyre not that good) are like. diners. diners are the only non-chain american food place that i feel like consistently can be found in most places. and that's a diner. it serves diner food. and more steaks and hamburgers
shoutout to every single halal cart i've ever eaten at also. bangers forever
nodding thoughtfully. see if americans were diehard burger samurai over their local diners it'd make more sense to me. like that's respectable. i'd also be a burger smaurai if i lived near a cool diner
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