#even if I'm rooting for Quackity
Tubbo, finally thinking he might have a shot at 'Best Minecraft Streamer' because Quackity doesn't have enough hours to get nominated vs. Quackity H.Q. with, like, seven alts that he streamed on throughout 2023 and an extremely dedicated fanbase
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
So Who WERE The Mods Backing (and a glimpse of how many people it takes to run something like this)
Alright, we have had a lot of people in the ask box asking who the mods wanted to win, so I went around the group chat and asked everybody who their most favoured blorbos were. This was the result.
I'm Second @theminecraftbee! obviously, Joe Hills. also, ZombieCleo, Technoblade, Scar, Quackity, MumboJumbo, Cubfan, jojosolos, and somehow VikingPilot despite the fact I don't watch Dominion (I have been given a playlist I will watch soon).
Medusa @antimony-medusa. My guys were Martyn, Ren, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Oli Orionsound, Philza, Ethoslab, ZombieCleo, Bekyamon, Sneegsnag. I took a lot of Ls. I was also won over for propoganda for Quackity, ClownPierce, Wilbur, VikingPilot, Joe Hills, Cubfan, and RTGame. I’ve seen so much good art.
hi i'm roxy @thanotaphobia and i backed technoblade, quackity, joe hills, and #saintsweep !!!!!!!!! my blorbos did so well
Katy, @blueeyedjoy Techno, Quackity, RTGame, VikingPilot despite not having watched him before (am planning on watching through his videos soon), Schlatt (gone too soon), and Joe Hills
Sorrel @magicalmanhattanproject Obviously, Joe Hills. Also, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Quackity, VikingPilot (despite not watching DominionSMP yet), Eddie the Rabbit, HBomb94, RTGame, Cubfan135, Martyn Inthelittlewood, GeminiTay
Jewels, @juliana677 Technoblade, Scar, Joe, Cleo, Philza, Mumbo, Scott
Sabira @floweroflaurelin: Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs—
Emmy @astronomeridian was going for whoever I thought was less likely to win up until the final round or two, which meant voting mostly for dsmp names even though I’m a hermit main, but I always voted for Joe and Cleo and wanted Charlie Slimecicle to go all the way. also Grumbot just cause I spent the time finding screenshots and making them look pretty.
Foxx, @missvulpix212 Voted for Technoblade, Puffy, Phil, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Pearl, Etho, and Joe at the end.
Peachy, @peachytaiga on tumblr. I backed Techno, Philza, Quackity, Daddy Pix, RTGame, Wilbur and Joe. Very much was hoping Techno would beat Scar somehow 
Luna, @moonlitedelight on tumblr Here's the list of folks I voted for at least twice in total, in no particular order (bc I love too many ccs ): Zedaph, Beef, Technoblade, Sneeg, Finnster, TFC, RTGame, Eddie the Rabbit , Lizzie, Scar, Jimmy, Mumbo, Pixelriffs, Joe Hills, Tango, Niki, Quackity, Doc, Smajor, Oli, and Cleo
No Tumblr/Don’t want to be Perceived
H - Captain Puffy, Techno, and Quackity
C - Uhhhhhh RT Wilbur slimecicle quackity Techno Joe
TD - my guys were: Sapnap (bodied by a rabbit), Dream, Puffy, Technoblade, Scar, Joe Hills, ZombieCleo, Wilbur Soot, QUACKITY, and Etho because of the alliance
O - backed joe, RTGame, QUACKITY, charlie slimecicle (I committed so much fraud for quackity) M - god this list is all over the place. anyway, i was rooting for techno, f1nn5ster, mumbo, connoreatspants, wilbur, and finally joined the joe hills team at the end. :YesYes:
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cdroloisms · 11 months
my personal interpretation of c!wilbur is someone who read a lot of left over (functionally) historical propaganda over the revolutionary war and became radicalized, not fully grasping how his position in the world changes what his own desire for revolution really means. hes like a white knight lib to me (simplification but i hope it gets across)
ehhh i see where you're coming from but i don't really agree
to be clear i'm not super c!wilbur brained he's a fascinating character but i haven't watched enough c!wilbur content recently (especially early c!wilbur content) to really consider myself particularly uh able to give like, a nuanced read of the guy. but c!wilbur is honestly a lot more self-aware than a lot of people give him credit for. he crafts these narratives not because he inherently 100% believes them, you know?
there's a lot about mmm the lmanburg revolution and all that's quite openly ig like, underhanded even in the way that he plays it early on. the whole "words, not weapons" moment where he reveals that that's actually a ploy to stab people who believe them in the back comes to mind. the content creator himself has always asserted that a significant part of the creation of lmanburg is meant to assert and keep power, and this is something we see reflected again in the elections, which--uh, pretty obvious power thing, imo.
this isn't to say that like, being a good person and all isn't important to c!wilbur. it is. it's very important to him, and part of what shatters him so much in pogtopia is looking at what he's done and realizing that it doesn't really make him the best guy. but i don't think c!wilbur buys what he's selling like, at all in early lmanburg era. mans knows that he can speak things into reality and he uses that. a lot. part of why c!quackity unsettles him so much even as early back as the elections is because c!quackity was someone he couldn't get a clear read of and someone that therefore left him on the back foot. but in terms of the revolution, delivering them from oppression, etc etc--the fact that he owns this whole "we aren't like the brutish, tyrannical americans and their barbarity" while himself being american as established in boundless sands reeeeeally hammers in the whole irony of his lmanburg sales pitch.
as far as i can tell, i usually operate on the assumptions that like. 1) c!wilbur wants to make an impact, be remembered, legacy is a whole thing yadayada my unfinished symphony yadayada ozymandius yadayada literally all of the hamilton references. self explanatory. 2) c!wilbur is a character that often navigates the world + relationships to power in terms of "either you're the one with power or you're the one having power used against you"--a lot of his interactions reflect a need to have control over a situation, his interactions with people that he perceives as having power or threatening his power/control tend to involve challenging them and their authority, stick it to the man, the whole thing of putting a block under himself while talking to people. this could've been put better but yeagh. 3) c!wilbur wants to be respected + wants to be, like, a good leader? and he can get wrapped up in a lot of that while you know not having the most accurate perception of his Actual strengths 4) c!wilbur is self-aware and intelligent and charismatic, and he's quite confident of all of these qualities. he's a hell of a manipulator and uses manipulation quite often to get the upper hand in social situations 5) a lot of the power/control issues have roots in very real fear--he's a guy that's quite ill and obviously as we get into elections and pogtopia especially (schlatt scares the bejeezus out of him) we see a lot of that. realizing that his actions makes him a bad person affects him greatly and he ends up struggling with this idea for Quite a long time--he tries to get control over this by trying to Own the whole "i'm evil" thing <- also not put the best but ehhhhh ehh. again, not a c!wilburian and 6) c!wilbur, in the role of the "lmanburg narrative", takes the role as its writer. he's the one that comes up with the story in order to validate his creation and make it into a Thing, and this succeeds--but the mythos also quickly snowballs beyond him. he creates the story as it exists but it becomes something More, yknow? i don't think he ever truly believed in it i don't think that c!wilbur actually buys any of his stuff about revolutions and oppression and all of that, i dont really think lmanburg was any more legitimate of a cause when he began it as the drug van breaking bad rp that he made the day before. but it's a story that took hold and grew to have very real, tangible power that affected the whole server and affected him as well. which obviously goes into the whole exiting the narrative thing.
anyway that's all a bit of a rant and i'm not exactly the person to ask for c!wilbur thoughts but yeahhhh 🤷. i tend to no-nuance him a little bit bc he's a complicated character and im a hater 😂
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enderwoah · 2 years
quackity stares at the communicator in his hands, eyes burning with tears from the freezing not-desert wind blowing cigarette smoke directly into his eyes, picking up sand that stings his skin with it. the glowing green bar reflects on his pale face as he desperately tries to discern any difference in length. the vote was 50/50. how was the vote 50/50? he thought everyone knew his story—he didn't even know joe hills had a story. he didn't even know who joe hills was.
he feels a short tap on his shoulder and the wind abruptly stops. he whirls around to meet the gaze of his opponent, eyes shaded by obnoxious green glasses that quackity thinks he would genuinely rather die than willingly put on his face. his expression curls into a sneer. "you here to rub it in, huh? don't you think this is humiliating enough?"
his attention is very suddenly drawn to the ring of eyes floating around joe's head, all different colours of the rainbow before they all switch to a medium yellow, matching joe's actual eyes as a look of confusion flits upon his face. joe holds out his hand with a bemused chuckle. "no? i wanted to congratulate you on a race well run. you sure put up a hell of a fight!"
quackity stares at him. he doesn't move to receive the handshake. "uh-huh."
joe blinks, and all the eyes blink in tandem and reopen to an even brighter yellow. "is somethin'...wrong?"
quackity snorts humourlessly. "are you kidding me? did you really just ask that?"
half of the eyes turn red, creating an alternating red-yellow-red-yellow-red-yellow pattern that picks up speed in spinning around joe's head, making him feel dizzy. joe holds up both of his hands as if to ask, 'what did i do?' quackity could punch him. "i'm—i'm sorry? i don't—"
"you seriously expect me to believe that you just came over to congratulate me on losing?" quackity snaps, taking a step back as something primal within his chest curls in fear of the swirling colours around the man's head. he feels like the red and yellow are the bright markings that warn another animal that what they are hunting is poison and dangerous. his wings involuntarily fluff up, but he holds his position where he is. "i'm not a moron, hills. if you came to make fun, get it over with so we can both move on."
the eyes all suddenly stop and flash red—something in him screams and begs to run away, but he's stubborn and angry and he refuses to run away from anything ever again, so he roots his feet into the sand and doesn't move. he can't stop himself from flinching away, though, and that's when joe seems to notice the lightshow around his head. he makes a startled noise and waves them away, the eyes dodging around his hand and settling back into place like they're magnetically attracted to a halo around joe's head before settling back into their respective colours. quackity notices that his eyes, behind the glasses, are a deep blue.
"sorry about that," he says with a laugh. "they have a mind of their own. or, i guess, a mind of my mind." he shrugs half-heartedly, and the eyes seem to shrug along with him. quackity has the strangled urge to laugh. "but i promise i didnt come to rub it in or make you feel bad, friend. genuinely. i know my watchers are rather...eccentric. and enthusiastic. and i love them to absolute death for it, but they can be a little overpowering sometimes." he beams, and the eyes flash like shutters to a bright, lime green that matches his hair before settling back in their normal colours. "i'm proud to have fought you and won, but you did very well nonetheless."
quackity stares at him. he thought he had gotten good at reading faces after spending so much time around people that betrayed him, but he must be just as shitty as ever because he can't detect an ounce of maliciousness in the man's face. he can feel the maliciousness radiating off of joe in his bones, some ancient, sickening power that makes him want to shake and scream and dig himself into the sand and not come out until the sun has exploded or joe has died (which very well may happen in the same instance), but it's smothered by something else—a gaudy cheerfulness, the same kind that wears itself in joe's expression, like painting over a doomsday timer with sunshine and fluffy clouds.
he might throw up. "are you...serious?"
there it is again—that deep, melancholy blue, so vast and dark that quackity feels like he could lean forward and fall into. "well, of course i am, quackity. why wouldn't i be?"
quackity isn't one to overshare, but there's something so sad etched upon joes face, something that's dug into every pore and every line, that makes quackity feel like the man already knows the answer without having said a word. he digs the toe of his show into the sand, one hand firmly in his pocket and the other still clutching the comm to his side. "i don't know, i just...i'm not used to...this. losing kindly. i feel as if as soon as this is all over and we all get to go home, something horrible is going to happen because i lost."
joe's eyes are yellow again. "something horrible? quackity, you do realise that this is a tumblr sexyman poll, right—?"
"it doesn't matter what the poll is—!" quackity hisses quickly, the tips of his ears burning with embarrassment. fuck this. fuck all of this. he turns on his heel and starts to walk away. "i—nevermind. forget i said anything."
"hey, hold on!"
joe lays a hand on his shoulder (and if quackity's heart doesn't lurch, if his brain doesn't collapse in on itself from the pure, unadultured fear it experiences in that singular moment before disappearing in its entirety) and quackity stops. "i'm sorry. that was insensitive of me."
quackity's face only burns further. "whatever."
"i'm serious," joe insists, stepping into quackity's line of sight. "and i'm sorry that whatever experiences you may have had made you feel like losing a silly game we've all come together to play would result in something...happening to you. at the very least, i'm not going to be the one to hurt you, if anything."
quackity looks joe up and down. something intrinsic in him knows that he isn't lying, because it knows joe and feels all of him in his entirety and the vastness of his presence hurts, but he still stays silent, clenching his fists and refusing to meet joe's many eyes. he's on guard, and he doesn't know whether it's because he knows from his experience how this always goes (they act nice, they tell you they love you, and maybe they do love you for a little while, but you still lost to them and you're still beneth them so they hurt you) or whether it's from the fact that it's joe, and he didn't know before and knows now—it probably isn't possible to stand so close to joe hills and not be on guard.
"and in any case, at least it was this poll that you lost," joe continues. "i mean, is the winner of this really a winner? do most people even know what they're fighting for, here?"
quackity frowns, instinctively looking up at joe. his normal eyes are now a distinct orange, a mirthful smile making his expressions scrunch together. "it's a poll for the title of being a sexy man, isn't it?"
"the sexyman," joe corrects. "but do you really know what a tumblr sexyman is?"
quackity's frown only deepens as he tilts his head to the side, thinks, then slowly says, "...i guess i just assumed based on the name? why would a 'tumblr sexyman' be any different from a regular 'sexy man?'"
joe's eyes—the ones around his head and the ones actually on his face—all flash a bright orange as he pulls out his own communicator, muttering a quick, "wait one second," before beginning to type into the device faster than quackity's eyes can follow.
joe turns the communicator around to him and quackity is presented with the criteria for being a 'tumblr sexyman.'
it only takes a few moments for him to start laughing.
"you—'needs to have a certain air of patheticness about them?' 'cannot be conventionally attractive unless another criteria is fully filled out'—holy hell, i can't believe wilbur got so far in this! he's gonna be so mad when he finds out, oh my gods—"
"you did get further than him, quackity," joe reminds in jest. quackity's cheeks go red again.
"shut the hell up, he just went against you earlier than i did. you look like you fit all this garbage perfectly. you'd better win, or i'll kill you."
joe smiles, mildly confused as to whether it was an insult or a compliment but accepting it all the same. the eyes around his head alternate between yellow and green as he slowly says, "thank...you...? i'll...try my best?"
quackity huffs, a smile still lingering on his face as he hands the comm back to joe. "you'd better. i refuse to lose against you for you to kick it in the next round."
joe suddenly sags forward, his eyes drastically switching colour to alternate between orange and blue. "but i'm going up against cleo, she'll—and excuse my language—she'll kick my ass."
"is she cool?"
joe nods, dejected. "the coolest."
quackity claps a hand onto joe's upper arm, ignoring how his skin screams upon making willing contact with him. it. whatever they might be. "then you have a pretty good chance."
joe's eyes flicker a few times, from blue to yellow to blue to pink to green again, right as he breaks into an excited smile. "you know what—that's a great point, friend! she might just be too cool to be a sexyman—that's genius!"
quackity smiles, tired but genuine, before kicking the sand again and turning away. "no problem, hills. good luck next round—not that you'll need it, if you were able to beat wilbur and i."
all he hears is a snicker and a faint goodbye, and then a gust of wind almost knocks him off his feet and blows up the sand around him.
when quackity turns around, joe hills is gone.
the only thing left behind is one singular green eye. it winks, blinks, and vanishes.
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cat-mentality · 1 year
I'm literally shaking about the fact that Wilbur will be coming back right the day of the Federation event because either it's a fucked up coincidence or this man is involved with the Federation and I don't know how to handle that.
Like, I can understand Kameto, as even if he arrived as an innocent in the Island it makes sense for him to work for the Federation as he never actually got to bond with the others (and I'm so curious about how that happened tbh), but Wilbur? Wilbur has roots.
And if he is truly a part of the Federation can it last long? Man will come back to discover his daughter is gone and the Feds are running like headless chickens not really helping, that Philza and Quackity, two people he cares very much about, have been completely fucked up by the Feds to the point where one doesn't even remember himself and the other doesn't know what is and isn't real.
Like is his loyalty/duty/whatever for the Federation strong enough to withstand that storm?
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kisuminight · 5 months
Pandora's Vault does exist in this AU, but the reason for its existence is a bit different.
For one, it's hard to keep a Blade captive, and it's not really feasible. Blades basically have the equivalent of strength/speed/regen potions going at all times, they have a Soul Weapon that cannot be taken from them that is the equivalent of Netherite and does massive damage, and also they've got magic on top of that. Frankly, unless the Blade has information that will be lost if they revert to core crystal, it's easier to just kill the Blade and stick their core crystal in a display case. Or hand them out to someone else to be the new Driver.
Like, if c!Dream made it known that he could use the arte Resurrection in this AU, and Quackity wanted access to it, he would just kill c!Dream and become his Driver.
Even if the Blade does have information that you need them alive for, usually the Driver knows it too? And if the Driver doesn't know it, then it is still easier to contain and threaten the Driver (Players are much squishier than Blades) to get the Blade to obey.
This is one of the reasons why the Skeppy case is even more stupid in this AU. Skeppy is a Blade. Dream knows Skeppy is a Blade. If he was theoretically being serious, it is more cost-effective to blackmail Bad if he wants to really contain Skeppy.
I mentioned this a bit when I talked about the Revival Book, but Dream actually commissioned Pandora's Vault to contain the Egg. Not that Dream knows he's trying to deal with the Egg. Bad actually showed it to him once, earlier, and he kind of brushed it off as non-important because it was still mostly asleep and the Revival Book does not have a description of what it looks like.
The Revival Book just says that there is a threat, somewhere on this server (and the fact that the server still exists means that no one has found it and got an Aegis to deal with it yet). It also lists it's characteristics. Dream formats his initial build around those, and has Sam help him turn it into reality:
It's a plant. A plant that is habituated to the Nether, given that it has a lot of netherack and lava in its area, but that doesn't mean it is immune to lava. Surrounding it with lava will make it so that it can't send out roots to the rest of the server.
Obsidian suppresses it. Obsidian also doesn't burn in lava, so they can do an obsidian box surrounded by lava for maximum effectiveness
Iron is also effective. Sure. Lets do iron bars or something. With the way people are on this server, there needs to be extra incentive so someone like Tommy doesn't just pour water over the thing and break it open just Because.
(Wait Sam, why did you do a netherite barrier? Well you wanted iron for this prison or whatever, but netherite is stronger. It'll be more effective against breakouts. ...Sure. I'm sure it'll be fine.)
Lets just make it harder to access in general. The more obsidian the better. Really build it out.
Potatoes only for the main cell (Dream really doesn't want to feed something that normally takes blood any type of meat product, cooked or not. Maybe they can starve it to death?)
Apparently it does mind control? Which can be broken, by weaning people off it and holy water? Well, we're already doing a prison. Lets do some actual, humane cells. Plus a courtyard and maybe an infirmary? Those are normal things for a prison to have? And they get normal food, because they're not eldritch blood-plants.
We do not want mind-controlled minions breaking out of their rehab to free the eldritch blood-plant. No. Lets make it complicated redstone locks with minimal keycard access all the way.
Pandora's Vault truly started as a vault. It is meant to store ONE (1) thing, and that is the Egg. The rest of the cells that turn it into a prison get sort of added on as an afterthought, when Dream thinks about how he'd want to try and un-mindcontrol his friends if the thing turned up in his lifetime on the server.
I should mention that Dream really was planning to die in this version of the Staged Finale. But if they decided to throw him in Pandora's Vault without killing him, he did have plans to provoke a death by revealing or "being found out" as a Blade pre-entry and then letting himself be killed (probably by Punz, if things got that de-railed).
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dream-critical · 1 year
Idk just think it’s weird that Q hasn’t spoken out 🤷🏾‍♀️. People getting doxxed and mess (from what I’ve seen/ heard mainly Q’s “fandom” (sorry don’t know the right word to use)) for simply just for being excited for the USMP. Like he can’t just tweet “I don’t condone this” or whatever?
Even about the messaging thing. Haven’t MULTIPLE people tried and contact him with no response (besides Karl)? It is weird that a lot of people tried reaching out and not one response back just saying “I’m ok, just don’t wanna talk” or something.
But me personally (who hasn’t had the time to really look into this) I didn’t see it as “drama” I saw it as “hey this is what has been going on, and I’ve seen what has happened to the people in both communities”
Ok so I'm taking this at face value so if I'm interpreting anything you've said wrongly do feel free to correct me. And I'm sorry if my response seems all over the place I just wanted to reply as soon as possible.
I think in general it is unfair to expect quackity to reply. Is it the most emotionally mature thing to do? No absolutely not. And I'm sure he's aware of it as well. Do I think the whole situation is ridiculous? Yeah. Do I think it was the best move on Q's part? Probably not. Do I get why he did that? Also yes.
Anyway, I think that in a situation like this, where dream has said some pretty passive aggressive things about quackity, both on Twitter and on stream even when they were supposedly still friends, looked down on the things quackity has achieved, like with the streamer awards etc, Q actually does not owe dream a response. Replying to the other people who reached out would mean having to actually acknowledge what is going on and it would end with having to talk with dream as now others will have become deeply involved in this mess. And I genuinely do not think that dream is the kind of person that would actually listen to Q if they actually did sit down and talk but that's another conversation.
Dream also is known for ghosting people (like the way ccs on the dsmp couldn't do lore streams bc dream never replied to them etc) so the way he's reacting to this is just hypocritical to me and the way he has handled it is also very childish. He's basically forcing quackity to reply to him through peer pressure and by relying on his fans bothering Q about it it enough that he'll give up on keeping distance. Which also is not an emotionally mature reaction imo.
You're right the whole situation is a mess, I have even seen some people who claimed to be doxxed being proven false, and while I do feel very bad in case there are people that did actually get doxxed and hope they'll be able to move on from it soon, saying that the majority of the doxxers are Quackity stans is untrue as far as I know. Bc I've also seen lots of dream stans spreading misinfo, claiming everyone is suddenly from lktwt, claiming every person critisizing dream is racist.
Arguments about the usmp/qsmp are mainly rooted in the fact that some people get really vile about it and yes I'll admit some people who dislike dream do go a bit far. But at this point the majority of mcyt twt dislikes dream so it isn't just quackity stans.
I have seen people being straight up racist towards quackity bc of it. And perhaps you could argue I'm biased as someone who deeply dislikes dream but I think there's a lot more hostility coming from the usmp side of the argument.
Either way doxxing obviously isn't ok and I don't condone it and I hope everyone that got doxxers is safe and ok.
However I'd also like to add that the only reason this whole usmp Vs qsmp debate has been going on is bc dream couldn't stop mentioning quackity and the qsmp all the time so I'd say dream also has blame in this and I feel he should tweet something denouncing his stans harassing others instead of putting all the blame on someone else since he's so keen on putting pressure on Q.
Also would like to add that no matter what quackity does at this point, things will not change for the better as the situation has been escalated by dream like a lot.
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nefkyo · 2 years
My daily routine!!!
1. I wake up
2. I think about c!tntduo and how they could've swallowed their pride and become friends, maybe even lovers by September, having both their lore finales knowing there was someone who still had their back, or at least someone to comfort them if either just said the word.
3. I think about c!Wilbur and how he wanted to start over, but at the first sign of rejection he made it his life goal to prove c!Quackity wrong by every means possible. When really c!Quackity didn't mean to make an enemy, but to show his old friend that his actions have consequences. That did not mean they had no chance at reconciliation, they just needed time.
4. Breakfast
5. I think about c!Quackity and his swallowing loneliness. Sat on a throne with no court, no kingdom. Only servants, mindless servants who can never replace what is missing, no matter how hard he tries. I think about his guilt swallowed in to make space for more projects, more ambitions. I think of how much someone caring for him once, just once, could do.
6. I think about c!Wilbur giving up on being any better than he was now. Once a threat, always a threat. Those who gave him a second chance were disappointed along the way. Those who didn't let him in got exactly what they expected. It's a history of dissatisfaction and he tries to not care, to smile and shrug and let it happen. Because if he doesn't, he'll break down and will have to start all over, and he's scared of that.
7. I forget to do my homework
8. I imagine them dancing to the music I'm listening to. I see them free of care, united just as much as they were before. Back when they were both pursing something they could be proud of, but still pulling on their roots for safety.
9. I think of Quackity's broken heart mended slowly and gently and never quite fully, but in a good way. I see c!Wilbur realizing change is always possible although it takes so much more time than he could possibly imagine, and relapse is expected, and having someone to rely on is the best feeling.
10. I go to bed after scrolling on social media and burning my retinas for 5 hours
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desnayy · 1 year
1, 2, 5, 6, and 9 maybe?
You can choose to answer one or two of these if you'd like but I am curious. And also the question about what languages you speak, I don't remember the number.
One or two? What if I answer them all? (trick question, I am going to)
ask meme here
1. favorite theory Honestly, I am a big fan of the theory that the Code is a failed egg experiment (eggperiment). I sort of had that thought for a while, that it was just lashing out because of jealousy, and Phil also having that theory made me happy.
2. least favorite theory The one that the new people are only being added to kill the eggs. I hated it from the very moment someone came up with it, because the announcement of new people coming happened due to Jaiden's quest, which was to protect the eggs. And no, killing them all isn't a valid way to keep them safe, which is an idea I saw someone say once.
5. favorite headcanon Catboy Cellbit (even though that is pretty much canon lmao) and werewolf/dogboy Forever. Also, even though it's kind of an au, I really like the Bluebird thing where Jaiden (and occasionally Foolish plus the Quackitys) are Federation experiments.
6. favorite duo, trio, ship, etc. Tazercraft even though I can't watch much due to my schedule, Phil and Fit cause old men flirting is funny, Bad/Max/Forever as just a trio is hilarious but I'm not too fond of them as ship. I adore the ship potential that Pac has and I am 100% rooting for him to just have a harem/poly with most of the Island lmao.
9. your favorite egg & why? I suppose it would be Chayanne. I am mostly a Philza watcher which is part of it, but also an older brother who is a warrior for the sake of protecting his siblings is peak character. Also I really like how he has started to calm down in recent times, finding an enjoyment for cooking and developing a liking for the simple life that Phil enjoys.
36. how many languages do you speak? which ones? I only fluently speak English (though that could be debatable lmao), but I know basic Spanish by which I mean mostly swears lmao, some Japanese is still rattling around in my head from learning during school so I can say some things and can read a little bit though I have an easier time with hiragana, and I recently (as in on Thursday) started doing Portuguese on Duolingo.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Then there’s the Ichor or the neutralised version. Both really. And it’s fun because we’ve already seen the gold liquid before with the trees and the reaper, Wilbur even dodges it while running. But this is a very food and natural opportunity to explain what it is. Gotta love Wilbur freaking out and being scared to show how dangerous it is. Oh and this causes the apocalypse and kills people? That’s so cool. Terrifying. The tree have turned against us and that sounds like a very painful way to die, but very cool. Also very obvious if you are infected.
And it makes sense that they tried experimenting with it, because they have a littler a kids who are infected but alive. They know it can be ‘harmless’ so they are probably trying to figure out how. Or maybe they are trying to reverse the effects on the kids. Or some of them still for infected by the trees when going out. Either way, it’s not a cure even if Phil survived and there’s a clear mention of trying to use it after, so someone definitely died.
Also, more Tallulah-shadowing with Wilbur’s hope at it being a cure. Like he can be hopeful in general, but finding people with a cure when you have an infected kid would be a godsent. Sadly, they have no such thing. What they do have is basically the equivalent of a healing potion, which again, very cool. Also, as much as this is a protective!Wilbur fic. This scene again has some protective!Tallulah. She does not want her dad to get hurt. Being ditched by her entire group probably left her with severe abandonment issues and she does not want to loose the dad who willing picked her up despite knowing about the thing she was left behind of.
The found family in this entire thing is great with all the kids being mention as not revealing their parents, which means all of them are adopted and this a very clear chosen family and it takes a village mentality. I’ll get to it with the meeting, but all of these people chose to pick up these kids (or keep them, if they got infected after coming into their care) so even if Tallulah wasn’t infected, they would at least have been able to respect picking her up and caring for her.
Anyway, Tallulah's very obvious non-verbal ness tips Phil of (I think) which is why he brings up his own kid. Also, I’m not sure if he tells him about the school to further comfort him, or if it’s to cover for the fact that they are probably hiding the children at this point. (I mean, they have been gathered and hidden upstairs).
the ichor itself originally spread through root systems of trees, which in turn created monsters like the reaper whose blood is entirely made of the stuff. there are also other ways it spreads, like through pipe systems in cities and stuff. I was trying very hard to balance the introduction of info about the ichor without making it feel like an infodump and I'm pretty happy with how that convo with phil turned out :)
oh yeah 100% the kids are the reason the community started experimenting with the stuff. they saw that there was a way to 'neutralize' it in kids bodies, so they wanted to see if they could do it on their own as well. it didn't work quite the same, but it still has some benefits even if it can't cure an infection.
lol yeah tallulah doesn't do a ton of things in this fic but she's very protective of her papi. he took her in when she'd been abandoned, and he's been protecting her for a year now despite how much danger it puts him in. she'll do anything to keep him safe, so when phil pulls out the neutralized ichor she's on high alert.
like quackity, phil isn't completely sure about tallulah, but the fact that she doesn't talk + keeps hiding her face is a pretty strong hint to what's going on. that's part of why phil brings up chayanne, but also he just wanted wilbur to know in general that they care about kids there. also the school thing wasn't a cover. they do have a school that the kids go to during the day, but usually they'll go outside for some classes or they don't spend the entire day in one room. they just had to do that bc wilbur was there and the kids will always hide if there's a stranger in the camp until it can be determined if they're trustworthy or not.
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froggyrights · 2 years
some lore ig
I barely remember stuff since it's been a while so correct me if I'm wrong, but when Bad talked about the ride with u song someone asked Skeppy for his version of it and he answered tongue-tied by grouplove. Although he later said he didn't know it was a romance song and thought it was about best friends.
Also also, on a stream Quackity asked bad about being a bonnie and clyde duo. But Bad said he already had a bonnie, alluding to the song and Skeppy.
I dont even know what to do with this info anymore like damn guess I'm rooting for a skephalo dating announcement now
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at0micc0la · 2 years
it's going to take more than my school for me to completely disappeared!! it isss, well till you figure out how much of assignments you get in one month (we we're both tricked noo(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠). that's good, i mean nobody says you have to be motivated all the time. well even though you're going slow with your ideas I'm sure they'll be great, daydreaming is so cool tho, I'm in club "daydreaming is my life" not only does it bring your thoughts on something else but also help with your imagination and creativity!! my month was so full of work, i was home because of surgery so i also had a break but I'm workaholic so i never stop.
aw that's great! the most important task you can ever do is take care of yourself and I'm glad you've been trying your best ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ
i was it was the only other activity i was able to do!! aww that's great! thankfully it was late so i was up to watch every day, glad you still have few days to enjoy and relax(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ oh it really did give so much drama, i was rooting for my boy spreen, and like right before the day 4 i was having bad feeling that today quackity or spreen will die.. not except the bloodbath that actually happened :( i was very happy with the finals since i love shadoune and sapnap so either way it was a win. i agree that it's so hypocrite. like in some way i get the reaction but.. like if you didn't wanted someone from English creators to win, why inviting them in the first place or joining the event.
it's been a while since i talked to someone so I'm sorry for my long answer>.< -🐈
I'm answering late!!! Today I had my first class and it was kinda boring.
How are you doing after surgery?? The closest to a surgery I've had it was my wisdom tooth removal and gods it's awfull, like you feel everything and how the try to pull it out >︿<
Don't worry about answering "a lot" I love listening/ reading other people, and I'm like really socially awkard o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ and I never know what to answer, I love when you come to my asks, you are really kind.
Also I went to eat fries w my friends to celebrate the new year, and there was a baby crying so loud, and the mom wan't able to calm them down, and as young adults w no kids we were all like 😐🧍‍♂️, and it got me thinking about how hard is to understand babies (kinda weird but I needed to get it out of my system
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feyscape · 10 months
30 and 3 for the fic ask game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - codes
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I'm proud of all my work tbh but maybe I should give myself the most credit for my very first fic of the year. It was for an exchange, and I wrote a c!Skeppy-centric fic for a friend who really enjoy his content and DSMP character. I really stretched my writing muscles for it and it's all in 2nd person, so yeah that one is my proudest hidden gem.
Summary: The thing they don’t tell you is how it takes root in your heart. Consumes you until there’s a nice hollow shell to settle inside, snug like a hermit crab.
The thing they don’t tell you is, well, everything. Because there’s noone who can tell you about what only you have experienced.
When the Air Stretches Thin / DSMP / 2nd person POV / Skeppy
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That I could write 4.6 k in 48 hours. I'm usually a very slow writer, but for this year's MCYT extremely timed challenge, I wrote 4633 words, and I'm really pleased with all of them. Still can't believe I went that wild lmfao
Summary: Wilbur wakes up in his to-be marital bed, crumpled shirt hitched partially up his torso after hours of restless sleep. This is true: in five days, he'll be at the altar, bright and early in the morning and eyes red from a wealth of things. This is also true: Sally is one of the only people in this castle whose presence he can tolerate, hell, even appreciate.
Wilbur Soot is to marry Sally to help his country, but meets Quackity in a whirlwind of circumstances. They fall in love a little.
I see my shadow fly / DSMP / Royalty AU / Quackity/Wilbur Soot
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quackinquack · 3 years
"you don't know much about business, he has to donate only 10% to the trevor project so he can pay his workers"
why does it have to be merch? why doesn't he just Not Make The Merch??
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megablade · 2 years
a lot of people have been rooting for the karlnapity wedding but i'm actually kind of grateful for this conflict/misunderstanding/pseudo breakup(?) they're going through for several reasons because
c!quackity got ENGAGED with them one (1) day after c!schlatt died, and while their thing had been over for a few weeks, it's painfully clear that c!quackity wasn't over how he'd been treated during c!schlatt's presidency (evidenced in his meeting with glatt)
and so entering into a romantic relationship a day after his ex died was. a little too fast
also throughout doomsday and the days leading up to it, he's repeatedly said that he didn't trust anyone but himself (including his fiances)
even though he obviously loved both c!karl and c!sapnap to degrees in which he'd make entire nations for them (and they loved him back just as intensely)... they've never really TALKED about any of their issues or their past
i believe that their engagement period was sweet and genuine but also ultimately on some pretty shaky foundation. they can't healthily be together romantically until they grow as people... but with c!quackity's arc in healing in tandem with slime's death and that first attempt at reuniting on c!sapnap's part, i can see it happening: karlnapity actually learning how communicate with each other... if this gets pulled off correctly i genuinely believe they could be one of the most solid romantic relationships i've seen fold out long term
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wasflypaw · 2 years
Dream doesnt seem to like his character losing, which makes me wonder Why he did the Exile arc and whether he thought of the Long Term Effects of it
This has Always been a theme, back during season 1 he won the L'Manberg war And had arranged it so Tommy would have to give him a Disc back if he lost which would Continue the Disc War because he Didnt like that Tommy won against him the last time (just Barely, Tommy managed to get the discs in the Enderchest SECONDS before Dream shot him). He didnt lose Anything in the Pogtopia arc by betraying Pogtopia, because he came out on Top with the Revive Book and didnt Actually care about his allies.
Season 2 wouldve gone Fine, I wouldve had No Issues with it, had he not made the Disc War Finale staged. It was set up so this antagonist character who we have never seen lose before, FINALLY got his ass kicked and locked away after so long. And it turns out..... it wasnt a win at all for his victims? Because he staged it? And we never got to find out WHY he staged it?
He loses his friends, yes, but that was also Because he Willingly Chose that path. He decided to give up his "attachments" on his own, nobody made him, nobody pushed him to that, it was all his decision.
In Season 3, even though he's in Prison, he doesnt Lose anything worthwhile on screen. He, while Locked Away, still has FULL access to a whole ass Revive Book, he torments the Prison Warden with info about what he did to Tommy, he manages to send c!Ranboo into Enderwalk mode using Sapnap, he manages to Kill someone And revive them, he manages to kill Another Guy and Revive Him...?
Then we get the Torture Arc. Finally, something that has c!Dream actually Lose something And.... we Dont see it. We see 2 very short clips on screen (one of c!Quackity first entering the cell, another of c!Dream cowering and going "Yes Sir") but That's. It
Literally the Lowest point c!Dream was in throughout the entire series and we Barely saw it, leaving me struggling to feel sympathy for what happened. I watched something last night that tackled a similar topic and I felt Bad for the person in question cause their "punishment" (Psychological Torture it was in the show) happened On Screen. It doesnt work as well when a characters lowest moment is Mostly Off Screen.
This would be similar to if the entirety of Exile Arc was off screen and we just had a clip of c!Tommy going "Sorry Dream" or something along those lines. Last time I said this I had weird anons going "You want to see torture on screen?" and I'm like. They're playing this in Minecraft, theres Limits to what they can Show. This is how the Exile Arc managed to show an abusive dynamic while also sparing the Bloody Details (which we know were there by scenes of Tommy shouting in pain)
And After the Torture arc, c!Dream's behaviour did not change. At All. He stayed the exact same dude he was before it. He didnt get Worse (he literally murdered his abuse victim Before the torture arc).
After escaping the prison he didnt need time to recover or wander around without armor or food needing to start over again, he conveniently had an ally outside and was able to get into full netherite armor within ONE stream and was Back to tormenting people, specifically c!Tommy.
Dream likes playing a character that Always comes out on Top regardless of what happens to him, (and when he loses something it's either off screen or he CHOSE to lose that thing) and it Worries me because making that character abusive doesnt Work with that, as viewers will be rooting for the Abuse Victim to Win and Upset when he Loses Yet Again to him.
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