#even got told by them that I'm their only connection to the DHMIS fandom lmao - as I should be! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
goleb ยท 11 months
I wake up surrounded by imagery of Roy. I go to uni, I have to explain to people what DHMIS is in regards to my thesis. I need a classmate to send me an email and she reacts to my Roy-themed address with a "why am I not surprised". On the tram home another classmate asks me why Roy is on my phone's background (cause he's my husband, duh) so I show him an episode muted on my phone while we discuss it. I watch a Drawfee stream vod and they mention DHMIS in the first half-an-hour. I refresh my dashboard and there's DHMIS on the radar.
Is this just how life is?
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