#ess rants
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essence-stealer · 2 years ago
I really have issues with how Star Trek portrays it when a Q loses their powers...
Okay so a mini Sunday Morning Ess Rant incoming, but it really annoys me how the shows portray a Q losing and then getting back their powers. They're meant to be non-corporal beings (I know I personally headcanon Q looking like nebulas, as do many people I know) and they simply chose to wear a human (or other) body when interacting with mortals…so if they've been made mortal and literally had everything they are changed and shoved into a shell of flesh, you'd think they'd notice the second their true form was returned to them?
Same with being able to use telepathy/powers/being connected to the Continuum again…I was showing my partner the end clip from Q2 (Juniors' episode) because he didn't know JdLs actual son was playing Junior, and the bit where Q tells him he already has his powers back…it just makes no sense to me that he wouldn't already know?! Or when Q gets his powers back in Daja Q, there's no relief or reaction really from Q, other than grinning and snapping back into a uniform…he's just been saved from death and given back powers he thought he'd lost for good, not to mention his true form, you'd think there'd be more of a reaction to that - although of course it's Q, so you could argue he's hiding it to not show weakness.
I just wish more thought had been put into little details like that, as it always throws me a bit that entities that are omnipotent and near-omniscient wouldn't react more to losing and regaining their powers…
(And that's before we even get started with how that process is portrayed on screen: he's just lost everything he's ever known, and forced into a form that isn't his own, he must be scared and traumatised and struggling to adjust, yet it's just played off casually and almost for laughs in the show!)
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wiggly-round-worm · 2 years ago
I’ll be honest i HATE the way the QSMP fanbase is treating Gegg and Tallulah. Like Gegg literally just appears, bro hasn’t done a single thing and people start talking about how they want him to die 😭 ?? And Tallulah starts feeling insecure trough no fault of Gegg and the Gegg tag just EXPLODES with hate. I’m a big petty baby and i don’t like seeing /neg in the tags bro. It just kinda feels like tallulahs the golden child who can do no wrong and Geggs the scapegoat who’s blamed for everything, and i feel like people are already taking it too far
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fourtyfourkg · 3 months ago
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jaywritesrps · 1 month ago
Sobre Nostalgia, Chegadas e Partidas...
Por Jay Ferreira
Esses são dois tópicos que tão pilulando na minha cabeça tem um tempo, mas que só agora veio inspiração pra botar no papel. Podem ignorar se quiser. Se vc discorda, discorde ai da sua casa mesmo. Não precisa me mandar ask mal educada não.
Sobre Nostalgia
Dia desses eu tava de bobeira enquanto ajeitava a central nova do TBT e decidi olhar as tags de rpg. Reparei que tanto na tag BR quanto na gringa havia uma reclamação constante sobre como rpg era melhor, com tempos mais simples, onde ninguém tretava por besteira... Mas será que eram mesmo tempos mais simples ou é a boa e velha vovó nostalgia colocando os óculos cor de rosa em você?
Relato de alguém que estava aqui entre 2014 e 2017 (podem olhar na tag jay fala português porra ou Jay rants), esse passado simples, onde ninguém brigava e tudo era belo e mágico nunca existiu. Em 2016 eu tava recebendo chuva de hate por coisa que outra pessoa fazia, já existia famosa prática q muita gente ainda faz hoje em dia de se mandar hate pra hitar, já existia gente mudando de nick como quem troca de roupa, já existia gente criando central do cu pra ir na onda de algum rp q tava sendo sucesso... enfim, vcs entendem.
Esse é o problema com a nostalgia, ela te cega ao ponto de você ignorar que esses "tempos mais simples" nunca existiram. É mais fácil ver assim pq esse período de tempo já passou e o ser humano tem a tendência a ignorar os aspectos negativos do passado ou ampliá-los pra engrandece a si próprio. Nessa brincadeira, faz 10 anos que a tag Br existe como conhecemos hoje, o que mudou nesse espaço de tempo é que alguns de nós estamos percebendo que somos velhos demais pra essas tretinhas bestas da tag, que reclamar não adianta, se você não se propõe a fazer algo pra mudar aquilo e que tem gente nesse meio que não gosta de rpg, gosta é do hype de caçar encrenca.
Essa foi umas questões que quis tratar na primeira temporada do TBT, porque a nostalgia é perigosa, no sentido em que ela faz as pessoas ignorarem as red flags, em busca de um passado que só habita o mundo da imaginação. Todo dia estamos propensos a mudança, mas infelizmente, tem gente prefere ficar ancorade no passado, achando que o problema são sempre os outros, correndo atrás um lugar onde tudo era melhor e que nunca existiu. Como diria Belchior, "Você que ama o passado não vê que o novo sempre vem".
Sobre Chegadas e Partidas...
Tem um programa no GNT que gosto muito, ele se chama "Chegadas e Partidas". É basicamente a Astrid Fontenele num aeroporto, conversando com gente que indo ou vindo de algum lugar. É interessante pq gente comum geralmente tem histórias melhores pra contar do que gente famosa. Acho q é por isso nunca gostei muito de fazer personagens fidalgos (termo que vem da expressão "Filho de Algo" q era mt utilizada no Brasil colônia pra indicar gente importante, não necessariamente membros da nobreza), é mt fácil cair em clichês ou na trope do Ace (vem da expressão Ace of Spades, significa personagem fodão que é bom tudo e que geralmente é feito pra morrer e inspirar o protagonista) e assim, quando seu personagem é onisciente, onipresente e onipotente, qual a graça? Qual a graça de jogar com um personagem que tem toda vida que sempre quis sem destruir? Histórias tem que ter conflitos, pontos de confronto e mudança. Ou o protagonista muda ou elu muda o mundo a sua volta ou os dois.
Mas estou divagando, o meu ponto aqui é q no ep q estava assistindo, um dos enceramentos foi: a gente precisa aprender a hora de chegar e partir, não apenas de lugares, mas a também das vidas das pessoas. Foi ai q eu compreendi uma coisa que um dos players do TBT disse quando pediu unfollow há muito tempo atrás. Não dá pra gente ficar em lugares que não nos cabem, e ainda complemento esse pensamento com um nem tudo é feito pra você e por mais que você tente se adaptar, às vezes você só não tem mais energia pra ficar se esforçando pra caber.
Essa epifania foi o q faltava pra deixar de mão um rpg onde eu estava com meus amigos e focar no meu mesmo. Não que o grupo em questão fosse um lugar ruim, até tentei plotar e conversar de boas, só que assim... eu tenho 38 anos, trabalho num lugar rígido, que um peido fora do tom pode causar demissão, a última coisa q quero é no meu momento de liberdade, ter que ficar me adaptando pra caber no molde alheio, tentando agradar um grupo de desconhecido da internet. Eu cansei disso, sabe. Cansei de ser o "cancelado" como o blogueiro ao lado me chamou ontem, pq na boa, cancelado por quem, pode me dizer? Por um bando de gente que também tá aqui tentando esquecer a própria dor, ao ponto que fica tão cego por isso, que se acha no direito de ficar espalhando caos e destruição na vida dos outros? Se são essa pessoas que querem me cancelar, que seja sabe. Pra mim, é aquela parte do Pai Nosso: "Livrai-nos do mal, Amém.". Não tenho saco pra ficar lidando com adultos com sindrome de regina george que querem ser prefeitos da coitadolândia a todo custo sem mandar tomar no olho do cu, pq senão vão achar que eu sou agressivo. Cansei de ser o cara que sempre pede desculpa, pra evitar discussão, quando eu deveria mandar era mesmo se fuder. Pq sempre acaba com gente dizendo q sou falso, isso ou aquilo, mas esquece das carazadas que faz com os outros por ai, porque o que importa é ser o Zé Tadinho de Mim da Silva.
Enfim, acho que o momento de partida da minha paciência chegou. Se vocês querem que eu seja o vilão, ok eu vou ser o vilão, usem as narrativas que vcs quiserem usar ai. Só tenham em mente que o karma demora, mas ele chega em alguma hora. A gente pode nunca saber, mas ele vai vir sim e como um soco bem forte e pra valer do The Rock.
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Ps: O outro cara já saiu do pr��dio. Ele não anda mais por aqui, então, tratem de procurá-lo em outra freguesia.
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chiisana-lion · 5 months ago
discovered upon trying to make a mangadex account i, had in fact already registered with the email i attempted to with, and with that was hit with the realization that i did in fact already have an account from when i was 11 that was somehow simply erased from my mind completely for over half a decade
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lem0nademouth · 11 months ago
we as a society have to get more comfortable with the word “rape” in the way we are comfortable with the word “murder” by which i mean we all know those things are bad and wrong on principle and you shouldn’t do them but one of those words is just A Word and the other will make grown fucking adults act like you have invoked Satan just by saying it
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fitzrove · 1 year ago
"omg ewww only crusty misogynist men think about the roman empire/ww2/military history/insert other theme, and they think about it CONSTANTLY haha" some people need to listen to themselves and pay attention to what they're saying 😭
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fletcherdi3d · 7 months ago
in love with my best friend </3 will they love me back if im skinny? will they ever say i love you in a way that isn't friendly? will they ever kiss me again without alcohol on their lips?
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gwensy · 7 months ago
status of the now. i have not slept its 5am
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essence-stealer · 1 year ago
How is it that every other millennial I know spent their teenage years learning how to code and pirate shit, and I manage to break my entire website just by trying to change a theme 🤦🏻‍♀️ I really am rubbish with tech and it's not even funny at this point!
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starduststomach · 10 months ago
why.... did i get called.... fat.... today....
(im trying so hard not to breakdown rn.)
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alullinchaos · 1 year ago
i'll say it. the reason the kids are using "pos" to mean "positive" and not piece of shit is because piece of shit is not a phrase that should have an acronym, actually. every single time I've tried to write it as p.o.s I delete it because that's a phrase that is supposed to pack some Punch don't tuck your cuss words away if you're going to say them fuckin' SAY them yknow.
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jaywritesrps · 10 months ago
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ess-presso · 2 years ago
Just to add on to the american fic writers discussion,,, how would these people even know if the writer was american? Like ofc if you know them on other social media then you might know, but if you're literally just reading a fic on ao3 and assuming the writer is american bc they write 'favorite' instead of 'favourite' then. buddy. i've got news for you. For a lot of people in fandom, english is a second language. And *most* esl people, unless making a conscious effort to learn British English, will pick up and use mostly American English, bc that's just more widespread. We grow up on american movies, watch american youtubers, read books that come from america for the most part. american hegemony babyyyyy
So these people should keep in mind that when they're 'accusing' someone of not writing in proper british english, they might literally be asking someone to write in a specific dialect of their second or even third language. And then they should think about how many foreign languages they know, and if they can switch between dialects in them :))
(And all this is not even considering the fact that it's ridiculous to be mad about this at literally anyone, including american writers lmao. like. it's not that serious.)
no literally , everything you said. every single word.
how would YOU know they're American ? maybe they're from another country , where American English is used alongside the national language. kind of presumptuous to assume there is only two groups of people in this fandom ( Americans and brits)
for me personally , english is like my fifth language. and I know British English because I live in England. but if not for that , I'd probably be using American English too , and I would go nuts if people were getting on me because of that. like let's see your arse try to balance several languages at once and also being asked to learn a specific dialect of one. say I was American , not British. you'd be asking me to write a specific dialect of my fifth language. do you even know how smart I am in all my mother tongues ? I'd use all of them to cuss those bastards out.
also when people get on things like 'semester' or the one I see all the time 'high School' because British people don't say 'high School'. news flash you dirty fuckers - some secondaries literally have 'high school' in their names. the one I went to did. and as a brit , I'd refer to 'high school' in my writing. and if anyone tried to correct me , I'd go absolute ape shit and start threatening to fuck some mums. like the NERVE. the absolute nerve to ask someone to do that. like gentle corrections in dms or ask boxes is one thing but the shit I've seen on twitter and the self-entitlement MY LORD. and the thing is that whoever started the whole tirade wasn't even British. so I'd like to see them write a marauders fic , and then I'LL be the judge of how good it is.
(that person was yapping on about how no one ever talks about class systems in England or anything. like girlie is this like Charles dickens or something what the fuck ?? no one HAS TO do anything ???)
anyways sorry I went on a rant these people are arseholes to the max and any American/ non brit fic writers keep trucking on and ignore the arsholes x
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 1 year ago
... so normal™ about Loкi doing time jumps
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softcarebears · 2 years ago
me tmrw at school😭i can't believe its the 2nd term already wtf the igcses are looking a lil bit too close...i havent even started revising the things we did in 10th grade umm imma kms hold up😭���
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